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A Few Good Men

It takes a lot to be a good Catholic priest. We need men like Saint John Vianney the
holy C!re o" Ars not #!st men looking "or a career. $he Catholic priesthood like Catholicism is
a way o" li"e. And so there are %!alities that Catholic priests need to ha&e.
All In
We can hold nothing back "rom Almighty God. We m!st consecrate o!r li"e totally to
'is holy ser&ice. We ha&e already made commitments in (aptism and Con"irmation to ser&e
(aptismal )romises
In (aptism we pro"ess the Catholic Faith and promise to reno!nce Satan and all o" his
works and s!ggestions. )riests need to be e&en more "irm in keeping these holy promises than
the laity are.
*n page ++ o" $he Sermons o" the C!re o" Ars we read abo!t three kinds o" people, -In
consists o" three classes, the "irst is composed o" those who are entirely "or the world. the second
are those who are entirely "or God. and the last consists o" those people who wo!ld like to
belong to the world witho!t ceasing to belong to God./ We m!st ask o!r sel" which class are
we in0 *b&io!sly those in the "irst class are not e&en good Catholics. $he last class are also not
e&en good Catholics "or they want to be as woldly as they can and a&oid mortal sin. Walking
this tightrope with the world is dangero!s to say the least. $he C!re o" Ars says later, -1o my
"riend. yo! either belong wholly to God or wholly to the world./
All Catholics m!st belong
completely to Almighty God so all o" the clergy are bo!nd to belong completely to God.
In Con"irmation we become soldiers o" Christ and are committed to Catholic Action.
Catholic Action is the cooperation o" the laity in the work o" the hierarchy o" the Ch!rch. $he
d!ty to teach all nations "alls not #!st to the Apostles and their s!ccessors b!t also to all o" the
Ch!rch. $he Ch!rch is called !pon to help the s!ccessors o" the Apostles to teach all nations.
2et !s go to What Is 2iberalism0, -Abo&e all good e3ample good e3ample always.
What yo! preach 4 do. 5o! will soon see how easily yo! "orce people to respect yo!. when yo!
ha&e gained their admiration their sympathy will soon "ollow. )roselytes will be "orthcoming.
I" Catholics only !nderstood what a brilliant sec!lar apostolate they co!ld e3ercise by being
open straight"orward !ncompromising practical Catholics in word and deed 2iberalism and
heresy wo!ld die a %!ick death./ $he necessity o" gi&ing a good e3ample cannot be o&er
emphasi6ed. We m!st become li&ing saints in word and especially in deed. )eople will "ollow
Sermons o" the C!re o" Ars page +7
o!r e3ample more than o!r words. I" o!r e3ample does not match o!r teaching they will say,
-What yo! are speaks so lo!dly I cannot hear what yo! are saying./
A Good Christian
$he C!re o" Ars describes a good Christian, -A good Christian is not satis"ied to simply
belie&e in the tr!ths o" o!r holy religion. 'e lo&es them he ponders o&er them he tries in e&ery
possible way to ac%!ire a knowledge o" them. he lo&es to hear the word o" God and the more he
hears it the more he longs "or it. 'e belie&es not only that God see him in all his actions and
#!dges them all at the ho!r o" death b!t he trembles at the tho!ght that he will ha&e to render an
acco!nt o" his whole li"e to God. 'e not only thinks o" this and trembles o&er it b!t he stri&es
earnestly to impro&e himsel" daily. 'e ne&er ceases in his endea&ors to "ind new ways in which
to do penance./

$he Spirit o" Martyrdom
$he 9nemy has said, -2et !s make no martyrs b!t make &ice pop!lar among the
$he best people today still want to ha&e one "oot in the world and one "oot in the
Ch!rch. We want to be good eno!gh to sneak in the back door o" )!rgatory yet en#oy as many
worldly pleas!res as possible. Is this the attit!de o" a Catholic0
A book written in the last cent!ry reports, -'ence e&en among Catholics the strange
phenomenon o" a do!ble conscience o"ten repeats itsel";one conscience "or pri&ate li"e another
"or p!blic li"e. religio!s at home and in ch!rch !nreligio!s <i" not anti;religio!s= in p!blic
o""ices and political and social li"e. $he chie" ca!se o" this melancholy phenomenon was
certainly liberal doctrine which t!rned religion into a pri&ate a""air creating a do!ble morality
and again political and economic amoralism./
Abo&e we ha&e seen the three kinds o" people and we m!st be o" those who are
completely de&oted to Almighty God. And this is "or the a&erage layman who wants to make
'erbert $h!rston S.J. writes, -It was reali6ed that a martyrdom which was li"elong and
sel";imposed might be e&en more worthy o" admiration than that which was terminated by a
single blow o" the e3ec!tioner>s sword./
M!ch can be said on the spirit o" martyrdom.
Christians today need to make a st!dy o" this holy spirit and li&e it in their li&es.
Saint (ernard says, -$he martyrdom o" blood appears more cr!el b!t is less pain"!l in
d!ration than the martyrdom o" chastity./ And Saint Jerome says, -9&en amid peace we may
with the sword o" p!rity obtain the palm o" martyrdom./ 'ow many o" !s are p!re in o!r heart
and so!l0 We can e3ercise an e3ternal p!rity b!t does it penetrate into o!r inner being0 $oday
we li&e in a world where the prophecy o" the (lessed Virgin Mary at @!ito 9c!ador has been
&eri"ied, -$he third meaning o" the lamps going o!t is that those times the air will be "illed with
the spirit o" imp!rity which like a del!ge o" "ilth will "lood the streets s%!ares and p!blic places.
$he licentio!sness will be s!ch there will be no more &irgin so!ls in the world./
Sermons o" the C!re o" Ars pages +8A
)age ++B $he Ce&il
A Man!al o" Catholic Action pages 8D;B
$he 2i&es o" the Saints 2ondon +A:E Vol!me +8 Appendi3 8 page :7?
A Good )riest Is All In For God
$his is o!r concl!sion a good priest withholds nothing "rom Almighty God. In "act a
good Catholic sho!ld withhold nothing "rom Almighty God. Saint Alphons!s says, -It is tr!e
that i" to obtain sal&ation it were necessary to retire into a desert or to sh!t one>s sel" !p in a
cloister we o!ght to do so. (!t these e3traordinary means are not necessary. ordinary means are
s!""icient s!ch as the "re%!entation o" the sacraments the a&oidance o" dangero!s occasions
and the "re%!ent recommending o" o!rsel&es by prayer to God. F 2et !s ne&er think we can do
too m!ch to obtain eternal sal&ation./
Semper Fidelis
A good Catholic is always "aith"!l and a good priest m!st be a good Catholic "irst o" all.
$he clergy are bo!nd in holy obedience to be "aith"!l to their s!periors. )astors m!st be "aith"!l
to their (ishop and the (ishops m!st be "aith"!l to the )ope. )ope 2eo GIII warns, -(!t the
9piscopal order is rightly #!dged to be in comm!nion with )eter as Christ commanded i" it be
s!b#ect to and obeys )eter. otherwise it necessarily becomes a lawless and disorderly crowd./

Clergy cannot be disorderly in this or any other manner. $he (ishop o" the diocese m!st be able
to co!nt on his clergy to help him with his s!blime d!ties and the )ope m!st be able to co!nt on
all Catholics to s!pport him in the discharge o" his sacred obligations.
In these days o" the Great Apostasy the &irt!e o" perse&erance is most important. We
m!st stand "irm e&en i" we become like Saint Athanasi!s o" whom it was said, -Athanasi!s
contra m!nd!m./

Jes!s said, -And yo! shall be hated by all men "or my nameH s sake, b!t he that shall
perse&ere !nto the end he shall be sa&ed./
And there is a warning in there. I" we do not
perse&ere we shall condemn o!r sel" to hell. And let !s remember this well i" a person goes to
hell it is beca!se they willed to do to hell.
Saint Alphons!s says, -St. Jerome says that many begin well b!t "ew perse&ere. Sa!l
J!das $ert!llian began well b!t ended badly beca!se they did not perse&ere in grace. $he
2ord says St. Jerome re%!ires not only the beginning o" a good li"e b!t also the end, it is the
end that will be rewarded. St. (ona&ent!re says that the crown is gi&en only to perse&erance.
'ence St. 2a!rence J!stinian calls perse&erance the -gate o" hea&en./ 1o one can enter paradise
!nless he "inds the gate o" hea&en. My brother at present yo! ha&e reno!nced sin and #!stly
hope that yo! ha&e been pardoned. 5o! are then the "riend o" God, b!t remember that yo! are
not yet sa&ed. And when will yo! be sa&ed0 When yo! will ha&e perse&ered to the end./
*!r #ob is not "inished !ntil they throw dirt in o!r "ace a"ter o!r death. We m!st be
"aith"!l to the end o" o!r li"e. And this re%!ires that we ha&e the spirit o" martyrdom. And we
can s!mmari6e this spirit as being ready to gi&e !p o!r li"e in de"ense o" &irt!e as Saint $homas
A%!inas de"ines martyrdom. And i" we are ready to gi&e !p o!r li"e in de"ense o" &irt!e we
m!st li&e a li"e o" &irt!e and always be "aith"!l to Almighty God and 'is holy Ch!rch.
Satis Cognit!m o" )ope 2eo GIII. )aragraph +?
Athanasi!s against the world
Matthew +I,88
Fides Intrepida
We m!st ha&e intrepid "aith.
Act of Faith: * my GodJ I "irmly belie&e that $ho! art one God in three Ci&ine
)ersons Father Son and 'oly Ghost, I belie&e that $hy Ci&ine Son became Man and
died "or o!r sins and that 'e will come to #!dge the li&ing and the dead. I belie&e these
and all the tr!ths which the 'oly Catholic Ch!rch teaches beca!se $ho! hast re&ealed
them Who can neither decei&e nor be decei&ed. Amen.
We m!st belie&e all Jes!s teaches !s thro!gh 'is holy Ch!rch witho!t reser&e and
witho!t %!estion. And as clergy we m!st ha&e a thoro!gh knowledge o" the tr!ths o" the Faith in
order to pass them along to others. All Catholics sho!ld e&ent!ally learn the "aith to the le&el o"
the Koman Catechism "or it was written "or pastors to !se in instr!cting their "locks. We sho!ld
ha&e the catechism in o!r hands at least once a week i" not more o"ten. We sho!ld immerse
o!rsel&es in the tr!ths o" the Faith so that they become an integral part o" !s. With daily spirit!al
reading and reg!lar st!dy o" the Faith we will learn how to think as Catholics sho!ld think.
We ha&e seen many lose hope beca!se the restoration is taking "ar longer than anyone
e3pected. I" we lose hope we lose o!r so!l.
Act of Hope: I hope "rom $hee * most gracio!s God thro!gh the merits o"
Christ my Kedeemer and by my cooperation all things good the "orgi&eness o" my
sins $hy grace and eternal li"e beca!se $ho! * almighty in"initely gracio!s and
"aith"!l God hast promised this. In this hope may I li&e and die.
We know that there will some day be a Lni&ersal Con&ersion "or the Fathers o" the
Ch!rch ha&e !nanimo!sly declared this will happen a"ter the death o" Antichrist. I" we deny
this then we deny the Faith "or the Ch!rch teaches that when the Fathers o" the Ch!rch are in
!nanimo!s agreement their opinion is in"allible.
Charity is an essential component o" the Catholic way o" li"e. Keread the +:
Chapter o"
the First 9pistle to the Corinthians. $his m!st be o!r way o" li"e especially as clergy.
Act of Charity: I lo&e $hee * most amiable God with my whole heart abo&e
all created things not only beca!se $ho! hast lo&ed me and heaped inn!merable "a&ors
!pon me b!t especially beca!se $ho! art in"initely worthy o" all lo&e "or $hy own
sake and beca!se $ho! art in"initely good. I lo&e my neighbors my "riends and my
enemies as mysel" "or lo&e o" $hee and $hee in them. In this lo&e I will li&e and die.
So m!ch co!ld be said on charity. (ooks co!ld be written on this holy s!b#ect. 2et !s
st!dy this well and learn how to make charity o!r way o" li"e. 2et !s remember that God is lo&eJ
We will "all short o" what we sho!ld be so let !s ask God "or 'is "orgi&eness which 'e
will readily gi&e i" we are tr!ly contrite,
Act of Contrition: I grie&e "rom the bottom o" my heart * my God "or all the
sins o" my whole li"e beca!se by them I ha&e o""ended $hee my greatest (ene"actor
and strict J!dge and ha&e deser&ed to be p!nished by $hee. I am sorry "or all the sins
o" my whole li"e abo&e all beca!se by them I ha&e o""ended God the highest and only
per"ect Good whom I ha&e lost by my sins I hope "or "orgi&eness thro!gh the merits o"
Jes!s my Sa&io!r and wo!ld rather die than again o""end 'im.
$r!e contrition re%!ires !s to ha&e a "irm p!rpose to go now and sin no more. We may
"all b!t as soon as we "all we m!st pick o!rsel&es !p again and get back to work. Script!re says
that the #!st man "alls se&en times a day. It doesnHt say the rest that he also gets !p se&en times a
day. We m!st always get !p a"ter a "all br!sh o!rsel&es o"" repent and get back to work "or the
lo&e o" God.
Jes!s said, -$hen Jes!s said to his disciples, I" any man will come a"ter me let him deny
himsel" and take !p his cross and "ollow me./
And -Jes!s saith to him, I" tho! wilt be per"ect
go sell what tho! hast and gi&e to the poor and tho! shalt ha&e treas!re in hea&en, and come
"ollow me./
We li&e in the Ch!rch o" the poor. We ha&e little means in these days and
!n"ort!nately the priesthood is not a paying #ob so we may ha&e to make tents as Saint )a!l did.
2et !s take an e3ample o" sel";sacri"ice and perse&erance. When )ope Innocent II was
opposed by Antipope Anaclet!s II Saint (ernard le"t the com"ort o" his monastery to come to
the de"ense o" the )ope and this e3ile lasted "or years. And yet he perse&ered !ntil )ope
Innocent II was sa"ely home in Kome and the s!ccessor o" Anaclet!s II had s!bmitted to the tr!e
$he Few the '!mble the $r!e Catholics
$he Few
$here are many sermons written on how "ew will to sa&e their so!ls. -Jes!s saith to him,
I" tho! wilt be per"ect go sell what tho! hast and gi&e to the poor and tho! shalt ha&e treas!re
in hea&en, and come "ollow me./ $o how many is this a hard saying0 In the ne3t &erse we read,
-And when the yo!ng man had heard this word he went away sad, "or he had great possessions./
$he li"e o" a priest is not an easy li"e b!t it is "!ll o" so many blessings.
2et !s consider the retirement program. Lnlike worldly retirement which begins in later
li"e o!r retirement program begins at the end o" the world. And the end o" the world "or !s is
that day on which we die and make o!r acco!nting to Almighty God. I" we ha&e been "aith"!l
we will be recei&ed into eternal happiness in hea&en. We will recei&e a large reward beca!se
we ha&e been "aith"!l and bro!ght many to the lo&e o" God. 2et !s remember o!r "locks will be
there to speak to God abo!t !s. What testimony will they gi&e0
Matthew +D,87
Matthew +A,8+
'!mility is an essential part o" the Catholic way o" li"e. -)ride goeth be"ore destr!ction,
and the spirit is li"ted !p be"ore a "all./
We ha&e seen many destroy themsel&es thro!gh their
!ncon%!ered pride. Again m!ch co!ld be written on pride and on the necessity o" h!mility.
Saint James says,
-For i" a man be a hearer o" the word and not a doer he shall be compared
to a man beholding his own co!ntenance in a glass. For he beheld himsel" and went his way
and presently "orgot what manner o" man he was./ We m!st be doers o" the word and we m!st
look in the mirror and remember #!st what manner o" man we tr!ly are. We are sinners and we
cannot let this tho!ght get &ery "ar "rom !s.
$r!e Catholics
While considering what manner o" men God is calling to the priesthood and what manner
o" men we m!st be we ha&e also been considering o!r d!ties as Catholics. We m!st be tr!e to
the Faith and obser&e the $en Commandments. We m!st be "aith"!l and h!mble. We m!st li&e
di""erently than people do in the world. $his is why we spend so m!ch time in spirit!al reading.
We ha&e grown !p in a neo;pagan world and it is impossible "or worldliness not to r!b o"" on !s.
*!r minds ha&e become poll!ted with worldly thinking and we m!st p!rge this "rom o!r minds.
As m!ch as the enemy attempts to brain wash !s we m!st p!ri"y o!r minds and o!r hearts o" all
o" his insidio!s tho!ghts. We &owed to do this at (aptism and we m!st li&e o!r (aptismal
Some Forgotten )rincipals
$here are some principals that are so basic to li&ing that they ha&e "ormed a part o" the
li"e not only o" Catholics b!t e&en o" pagans thro!gho!t the cent!ries. And yet today all has
been cast aside by many people. As Catholics we cannot throw these principles aside. 5o! will
"ind these core &al!es addressed thro!gho!t this instr!ction.
Meep 5o!r Word
In the oil b!siness in the early days many deals were made on a handshake and the
paperwork dealt with later. I" a man did not keep his word in a transaction he soon "o!nd he
co!ld no longer do b!siness. We need to be "aith"!l to o!r word whether gi&en in writing or
orally. I" we make a commitment we m!st keep it. It is good to keep o!r commitments e&en i"
circ!mstances change and it becomes di""ic!lt to keep them. In "act we sho!ld keep to o!r
word e&en i" we wo!ld dispense another "rom a commitment they made to !s !nder similar
circ!mstances. *nly tr!e impossibility sho!ld e3c!se !s. Kemember we are here to gi&e an
e3ample and so we m!st be "ar better than a&erage. 2et !s remember -$he common opinion is
that the greater part o" ad!lts is lost./
And so we concl!de that the a&erage Catholic is o"ten
lost and we cannot lose o!r so!ls.
M!t!al Charity
)ro&erbs +D,+E
James +,8:;7
Saint Alphons!s
-(ear ye one anotherHs b!rdens. and so yo! shall "!l"ill the law o" Christ./
We need to
be helping each other and all o" the household of the Faith. 2et !s remember that charity begins
at home. 2et !s also remember that all people are o!r neighbors. $here are many opport!nities
"or !s to li&e charitably and be help"!l.
Saying o" Mother Ga&ier "o!ndress o" the Sisters o" Charity o" 2ea&enworth, -1e&er say
Ncan>t>. $ry be"ore !sing the word Ncan>t>. *nce yo! begin a thing see it thro!gh to the end.
F!rthermore i" yo! see anything that needs to be done do itJ Con>t wait to be asked or told.
$his is yo!r home. take care o" it. Lse yo!r common sense and keep o!r home as well as it can
be kept. thereby we honor God./ We need to keep o!r eyes open and i" we see a #ob that needs
doing we need to get in there and get it done. 2et !s not wait "or o!r s!periors to point o!t
work. $here is plenty to be done and maybe the s!perior is too b!sy to see it and address it. It
is time we tighten !p and get serio!s.
In the 9nd My Immac!late 'eart Will $ri!mph
Ce&otion to the (lessed Virgin Mary is an essential part o" the Catholic way o" li"e.
MaryHs statement at Fatima sho!ld be a com"ort to !s. Mary will &an%!ish all o" the heresies o"
today and will bring abo!t the Lni&ersal Con&ersion thro!gh her Immac!late 'eart.
Saint Cominic said, -*ne day (rother Angel!s to yo!r *rder o" Carmel the Most
(lessed Virgin Mary will gi&e a de&otion to be known as the (rown Scap!lar and to my *rder
o" )reachers she will gi&e a de&otion to be known as the Kosary. And one day thro!gh the
rosary and the scap!lar she will sa&e the world./
$he Kosary
$he Kosary is more than the mere receitation o" "i"ty three 'ail Marys with Si3 *!r
Fathers sprinkled in. )art o" the message o" Fatima is the First Sat!rday de&otion. And part o"
the First Sat!rday de&otion is spending "i"teen min!tes in meditating on the mysteries o" the
Kosary in addition to saying a third part o" the Kosary. While saying the Kosary we are
s!pposed to be meditating on the mysteries o" the Kosary.
$he Scap!lar
$he scap!lar is not merely a piece o" clothing it is a !ni"orm. 2et !s consider the (l!e
Army )ledge, -Cearest @!een;Mother who didst appear at Fatima and promise on three
conditions to con&ert K!ssia and bring peace to all mankind I hereby solemnly pledge to $hy
Immac!late 'eart than in reparation "or the sins $ho! didst sorrow"!lly lament I shall o""er !p
each day the sacri"ices necessary "or the "!l"illment o" daily d!ty, I shall say a part o" the Kosary
each day while pondering the mysteries, I shall wear the Scap!lar as pro"ession o" this pledge
and as an act o" consecration to $hee. I also promise to renew this pledge especially in the
moment o" temptation./
We wear the scap!lar as o!r !ni"orm. As men in !ni"orm <the cassock= we m!st ne&er
dishonor that sacred !ni"orm. Instead we m!st li&e the li"e that is con"ormable to that !ni"orm.
We m!st li&e as a Saint John Vianney or a Saint John 9!des did. (ishops sho!ld imitates Saints
Galatians D,8
Alphons!s and Francis de Sales. And )opes sho!ld look to the many saintly )opes that ha&e
gone be"ore them.
Catholics m!st also li&e the Catholic way o" li"e "or this is an essential part o" the
Scap!lar way o" li"e. $hey sho!ld obser&e the re%!irements "or the Sabbatine )ri&ilege s!ch as
obser&ing chastity in accord with their state o" li"e. Saint Alphons!s s!mmari6es the Sabbatine
)ri&ilege, -$o obtain the Sabbatine ind!lgence chastity m!st be obser&ed according to each
oneHs state <o" li"e= and the little o""ice o" the blessed Virgin or the canonical o""ice recited. $he
o""ice may be s!pplied by the "asts o" the ch!rch and abstinence on Wednesday and Sat!rday. or
i" these "asts and abstinences are not possible by some works e%!ally pain"!l and meritorio!s as
prescribed by the priest a!thori6ed to recei&e members./
Catholic Action
Some may consider the priesthood and "ind they are not called to the priesthood. $his is
no crime b!t act!ally a bene"it. A man sho!ld lea&e the seminary li"e to ret!rn to the world a
better Christian than when he entered. 'e is now prepared to be a leader in his parish. 'e is
ready to help his pastor more than be"ore he le"t "or the seminary.
Saint John Chrysostom says, -'e who is content with sa&ing himsel" and neglects the
sal&ation o" others cannot sec!re his own sal&ation./
All are obliged to bring people to a
knowledge o" the tr!e Faith and enco!rage them to sa&e their so!l as well. Saint James at the end
o" his 9pistle tells !s why we sho!ld bring others to the Faith, -My brethren i" any o" yo! err
"rom the tr!th and one con&ert him, 'e m!st know that he who ca!seth a sinner to be con&erted
"rom the error o" his way shall sa&e his so!l "rom death and shall co&er a m!ltit!de o" sins./

)astors are e3 o""icio bo!nd to bring their whole parish to the Faith. $his d!ty is not #!st to the
Catholics in their parish b!t all people li&ing within the borders o" their parish. Ciocesan
(ishops ha&e a similar obligation to their diocese and o" co!rse the )ope to the whole world.
'oly 'o!r
-Co!ld yo! not watch one ho!r with me0 Watch ye, and pray that ye enter not into
temptation./ <Matthew 8D,7I;7+= We wo!ld like each and e&ery Catholic to make a 'oly 'o!r
every Lords Day. *!r main intention "or this is the needs o" the Ch!rch especially the
con&ersion o" sinners. $his is a time when m!ch prayer is needed o&er and abo&e o!r reg!lar
prayers. 9&ery 2ord>s Cay we ha&e +77I min!tes and we sho!ld be able to gi&e God another
DI min!tes in addition to the :I min!tes most o" !s spend now in S!nday de&otions. I" we think
we cannot we sho!ld write down what we do e&ery min!te "or one S!nday and think again.
S!rely God is more important than something on that list and i" 'e isn>t more important to !s
will 'e welcome !s into hea&en or rather will 'e say, -to hell with yo! yo! didn>t make time
"or Me so I ha&e not prepared a place "or yo!./
)riests are to be men o" prayer and We strongly recommend all o" the clergy spend an
ho!r a day in prayer pre"erably in the morning.
A )riority
Saint John Chrysostom Chapter +E o" Matthew Sermon DI.
James ?,+A;8I
Joseph Cardinal Sarto prior to his election as )ope, -(eca!se moreo&er this Ch!rch is not
b!ilt in the air b!t does 'er work in this o!r s!bl!nar world ha&ing a S!preme 'ead (ishops
and priests Catholic Action is directed toward the de"ense o" and re&indication o" the rights o"
the Koman )onti"" who is the Ch!rch o" Jes!s Christ what the head is to the body what the
"o!ndation is to the b!ilding "or where the )ope is there is the Ch!rch./

In $he 'oly Sacri"ice o" the Mass Worthily Celebrated we read,
-I" we are an3io!s "or
the tran%!ility and good go&ernment o" the Ch!rch we will not "ail to solicit "or its &isible head
an ab!ndant e"!sion o" hea&enly gi"ts. We there"ore pray nominally "or the So&ereign )onti"".
'e is the center o" Catholic !nity. $o him was gi&en the charge o" leading the sheep <bishops= as
well as the lambs <"aith"!l= to the past!res o" the 2ord. 'ow power"!l is his in"l!ence o&er the
body o" the "aith"!lJ We pray nominally also "or the prelate who by the grace o" God an the
appointment o" the 'oly See presides o&er the diocese within which we celebrate Het pro antiste
$his book contin!es, -We recommend to God all orthodo3 belie&ers and pro"essors o"
the Catholic Apostolic "aith. .../ (e"ore this we ha&e declared that the )ope and the (ishop o"
the diocese are orthodo3 belie&ers and pro"essors o" the Catholic Faith "or one who is not cannot
be (ishop or )ope. 'eretics lose all a!thority in the Catholic Ch!rch "or they depart "rom it.
2et !s ret!rn to Cardinal Sarto, -In other times it was the )ope and (ishops who
inter&ened in the de"ense o" their children threatened by the sa&age in&asions o" the barbarians.
today it m!st be the children who will rise !p in de"ense o" their Father the laity in de"ense o"
the 'ierarchy...Catholic Action will not please certain timid so!ls./ 'e then says, -$he more
open the war against the )ope is the more acti&e the more resol!te sho!ld Catholic Action be in
de"ending and maintaining the in&iolable rights o" the So&ereign )onti""./
And then when Sarto became )ope )i!s G he said, -'ow m!st one lo&e the )ope0 1ot
only with words b!t with actions as well and with sincerity . . . When one lo&es the )ope one
m!st not disc!ss on what 'e ad&ises or demands as to "ind o!t which are the d!ties o"
obedience and to limit there oneHs obligations. When one lo&es the )ope one does not ob#ect
that 'e has not spoken clearly eno!gh as i" 'e was to tell each and e&eryone 'is will clearly
e3pressed many times not only in speech b!t in 'is letters and p!blic doc!ments. one may not
do!bt 'is orders !nder the prete3t that they do no emanate "rom 'im directly b!t "rom 'is
ento!rage. one may not limit where 'e may and m!st e3ercise 'is will. one may not oppose the
a!thority o" the )ope against that o" others no matter how well ed!cated who di""er "rom the
)opeHs mind. (esides whate&er their knowledge sanctity is lacking in them "or there co!ld not
be sanctity where there is disagreement with the )ope./

Feed My 2ambs Feed My Sheep
Jes!s commanded )eter and his s!ccessors to lead 'is holy Ch!rch. $oday the war
against the )ope has red!ced the )ope to dire straits. We as )ope need men to work with Ls
and to help Ls in spreading the Faith. 1o one can ha&e their own agenda. $here are simply too
"ew o" !s "or !s to r!n aro!nd in se&eral directions at once. Saint )eter had +8I people on
)entecost to help him and yet he did not send anyone "rom Jer!salem right away. Instead he
Joseph Sarto became )ope Saint )i!s G
)age +E8
Cisco!rse to the priests o" the Apostolic Lnion 8 Cec +A+8
instr!cted his Apostles "or Jes!s ga&e them into his charge. 'e organi6ed things and then the
plan was "orm!lated to mo&e "orward and o!t o" Jer!salem.
It is *!r hope to "ind a place where all the clergy can gather together to pray and prepare
"or the Lni&ersal Con&ersion. -And they were perse&ering in the doctrine o" the apostles and in
the comm!nication o" the breaking o" bread and in prayers./
$his is how the apostles and
disciples were preparing "or the "irst )entecost while making the "irst 1o&ena to the 'oly Ghost
"or 'is coming. $he 'oly Ghost has yet to come down !pon !s in a new Pentecost so we too
sho!ld perse&ere in doctrine the celebration o" the 'oly Mass and in prayers. We wish to "o!nd
a 'o!se o" )rayer where we can pray and work together to prepare "or the Lni&ersal Con&ersion.
Prayer to Obtain a Conversion: 2ord all hearts are in $hy hands, $ho! canst bend as
$ho! wilt the most st!bborn and so"ten the most obd!rate. Co that honor this day to the
)recio!s (lood the merits the sacred wo!nds the 'oly 1ame and lo&ing 'eart o" $hy belo&ed
Son o" granting the con&ersion o" all mankind.
Jes!s Christ Wants 5o!J
What answer will yo! gi&e to Jes!s0
Michael by the grace o" God )ope
J!ly +D 8I+7 being the 87
Anni&ersary o" *!r election as )ope
Acts 8,78

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