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Describe with the aid of a sketch, the main engine ancillary equipment for a
utomatic monitoring and regulation of fuel viscosity.
Explain the operation of equipment described in Q. (a)
Discuss the single fuel concept.
2) With regards to the safety valve fitted to a boiler
State why an easing gear is fitted
Discuss the conditions under which easing gear may be used
State the precaution that may have to be taken during the use of easing gear
State why an open drain from the valve is considered necessary
Outline the protection the valve has against being tampered.
4) With reference to oil/water separators:
Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the working of such a separator;
Explain the consequences if the interface detector position is incorrect.
Enumerate the various possibilities by which oil/water interface can be disturbe
. During a loaded sea passage an unusual noise followed by excessive vibrations
were experienced in the engine room of your vessel while she was underway. Vesse
l is fitted with a four bladed propeller directly coupled to a 2 stroke Diesel e
ngine. Engine room is located aft. After preliminary investigation and from the
engine parameters, you have come to the conclusion that propeller has sustained
damage. Write a letter to your company reporting this incidence and justificatio
n for your conclusion suggesting future course of action.
Q2. During routine soundings it is found that leakage into a cofferdam is occurr
ing from an adjacent deep cargo oil tank. As Second Engineer state the procedure
for directing safe entry by the engine room staff to ascertain the cause of the
If the leakage persists discuss EACH of the following options as a possible reme
i) Leave the cofferdam to flood with oil (ii) Flood the cofferdam with sea water
(iii) Seal the Cofferdam and pressurize with air (iv) Pump the leakage to bunke
r tanks.
Q3. Discuss, with reference to the super heater outlet temperature of a main boi
ler operating at a constant load, the following statements:
A. An increase in excess air will tend to cause a decrease in super heater outle
t temperature due to the cooling effect of more air being introduced.
B. A decrease in economizer inlet temperature will tend to cause a decrease in s
uper heater outlet temperature due to the cooling effect of more water being int
C. Badly fouled generating tube banks will cause an increase in the super heater
outlet temperature.
D. Excessive amounts of total dissolved solids in the boiler water will cause va
riations in the super heater outlet temperature.
Q4: With reference to hydraulic system for deck machinery identify:
A. The types of contamination likely to be found in hydraulic systems for deck m
achinery; B. The sources of such impurities; C. Means used to prevent problems w
ith contamination; D. Possible effects of the oil contamination on the system.
Q5. Sketch a high lift safety valve and seat detailing their special features
Describe how such a valve is overhauled and any clearance that should be measure
d and noted.
B. State what corrections are made to the readings obtained by the methods descr
ibed in (A) in order to gauge the mass contents,
C. Explain how bunkering requirements may be estimated when no records of main e
ngine fuel consumption are available on board.
Q7. A. Describe with the aid of sketches where necessary a vane type steering ge
ar showing how to weight of the rudder and stock are carried and the arrangement
that allow for wear down.
B. State how the vanes described in (A) are secured and the method of sealing th
e edges:
C. State how, if necessary, the steering gear is locked for rudder maintenance.
Q1. With respect to energy efficient running of ships, comment on optimization o
f propeller-hull interface, flow devices and improvement of propulsion efficienc
Q3. With reference to the carriage and pumping of liquefied gas cargo: Sketch a
suitable pumping system labeling the component parts; State; Why submerged hydra
ulically driven pumps are not used; How overheating of pump drive shaft bearings
is avoided; State, how the risk of fire and explosion in cargo tanks is obviate
d both in the loaded and discharged condition.
Q4. With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears: A. Explain in terms of c
ontrol parlance, the function of the Hunting gear; B. Explain the consequences if
the standby pumping unit is motored; C. State TWO methods employed to prevent th
e standby hydraulic pump being motored by the operating unit.
Q5. With reference to oily water separators:-
A. Describe with the aid of a sketch, the working of such a separator; B. Explai
n the consequence if the interface detector position is incorrect; C. Enumerate
the various possibilities by which oil / water interface can be disturbed.
Q5. A. Describe the procedure to be adopted for the inspection of a safety valve
fitted to an exhaust gas boiler stating, with reasons, which parts should recei
ve particularly close attention; B. Describe the procedure for the setting of sa
fety valves of exhaust gas operated auxiliary boilers; C. Explain the action a C
hief Engineer should take after the setting of safety valves as in (B.
Q9. A. Define the cause and effect of thermal stressing in cylinder heads, liner
s and pistons
B. Explain why thermal stressing is aggravated with increase in cylinder bore; C
. Explain how stress concentration and its effect is relieved by maintenance and
operational practices
Q2. Discuss the causes of corrosion and means by which corrosion of the followin
g may be limited by manufacturers and ships personnel respectively - A. Internal a
nd External surfaces of auxiliary steam lines; B. External surfaces of auxiliary
boilers; C. Water boxes of sea water coolers and condensers; D. Main sea water
inlet pipes.
Q6. A. State the advantages of using steam turbine propulsion power for vessels
carrying LNG cargo.
B. With regard to the use of L.N.G. cargo as boiler fuel explain:
(i)The safety precautions relating to the gas pipeline supplying the boiler and
burning the gas in the boiler,
(ii) The means of getting rid of excess gases during loading or discharge.
Q7. With reference to reciprocating air compressors explain why;
A. Clearance volume is critical to efficiency; B. Spring-loaded plate valves are
invariably used;
C. Compression is accomplished in apparently unequal stages; D. Inter cooling is
used between stages.
Q8: A new vessel exhibits severe aft end vibration
A. As a Second Engineer Officer, outline a procedure to investigate and identify
the source of vibration
B. Suggest possible remedies to obviate / reduce aft end vibration.
Q9: With reference to sleeved keyless propeller assemblies:
A. (i) State, with reasons, the metals used in the manufacture of the sleeve and
tail end shaft; (ii) State the type and thickness of material used to bond the
sleeve to the propeller boss.
Q1. During routine soundings it is found that leakage into a cofferdam is occurr
ing from an adjacent deep cargo oil tank. As Second Engineer state the procedure
for directing safe entry by the engine room staff to ascertain the cause of the
leakage. If the leakage persists discuss EACH of the following options as a pos
sible remedy: i) Leave the cofferdam to flood with oil (ii) Flood the cofferdam
with sea water (iii) Seal the Cofferdam and pressurize with air (iv) Pump the le
akage to bunker tanks.
Q3: With reference to deck machinery identify:
A. The types of contamination likely to be found in hydraulic systems for deck m
achinery; B. The sources of such impurities; C. Means used to prevent problems w
ith contamination; D. Possible effects of the oil contamination on the system.
Q6. A. Sketch a watertight door and frame showing the manner of attachment to th
e bulkhead and the additional reinforcement carried by the bulkhead to compensat
e for the aperture; B. Explain how water tightness of the door and frame mating
surfaces is ensured with hydrostatic pressure tending to force the faces apart;
C. (i) Describe the means of closing the door; (ii) State the number of closing
stations and the position of each.
Q1. With respect to refrigeration gases used onboard vessels, answer the followi
A. Explain ozone depleting potential of conventional refrigerant gases; B. Name
the alternate refrigerant gases available and being used onboard.; C. Explain th
e steps you will take to ensure that release of refrigerant gases from the plant
is minimized during normal operation and during maintenance activities.
Q2. With respect to the steering gear, answer the following:
A. Explain with a diagram, a "fail safe steering gear" suitable for use on a tan
ker of more than 100000 T dwt; B. Explain the sequence of events that take place
when an oil leak takes place in one of the hydraulic pipe lines.
Q4. With reference to feed regulation:
A. Describe, with the aid of sketches, the operation of a boiler feed water regu
lator controlled by atleast two other parameters besides water level in the drum
; B. Give reasons for the inclusion of the other elements besides water level in
controlling feed flow;
C. Deduce the possible effects on the system w3hen the drain valve in the consta
nt leg in the level transmitter starts to leak.
Q8. A Rating has been seriously injured by a "blow back" from the oil fired auxi
liary boiler. As Second engineer, make a full report to Head office explaining t
he circumstances of the incident and the precautionary measures now taken to red
uce the possibility of a similar occurrence in the future.
Q9. Sketch, and describe, a valve suitable for reducing air pressure and maintai
ning the reduced pressure within close limits. Describe the processes through wh
ich air from the starting air receivers should be treated before it is used in a
pneumatic control system.
Q1. A. Explain the term Variable Injection Timing (VIT) when applied to fuel pum
ps and state why a change in timing of fuel injection may be required.; B. Descr
ibe, with the aid of sketches a VIT fuel pump and explain how the change in trim
ming is achieved whilst the pump is in operation; C. Explain how it may be deter
mined that individual fuel pumps are injecting the correct quantity of fuel with
the correct timing at a particular pump setting.
Q2. A report on the analysis of the main crosshead engine crankcase lubricating
oil indicates the following contaminants or property changes. In EACH of the fol
lowing cases give reasons for the possible causes of the contamination or proper
ty change, explaining how the actual cause would be detected; .
The presence of fresh water;
White metal fragments;
Reduced alkalinity reserve;
Reduced anti oxidation reserve.
Q3. Discuss the effect on main engine operation of the use of low grade fuel and
in particular refer to causes and prevent of liner wear. Crankshaft corrosion o
f exhaust space; Corrosion of exhaust space.
Q4. With respect to medium speed auxiliary power generating 4 stroke medium spee
d diesel engines:
Explain how the cylinder liners are effectively lubricated.
Explain how the standby engine is maintained in a condition ready to be started
Describe how the engine is changed from HFO operation to DO operation when runni
Q6. During a routine crankcase inspection, a main engine top end bearing is foun
d to be wiped and subsequent inspection shows that the pin is badly scored.
Q9. With reference to UMS engine remote control and monitoring systemA. In the eve
nt of complete failure of such monitoring and; control systems state, with reaso
ns, how you; as Second Engineer, would organize the engine room Staff to ensure
safe operation of the engine during - Normal deep sea conditions, Manoeuvring; S
tate, with reasons, SIX important engine parameters which should be manually; mo
nitored following failure of the UMS system; Explain how the cause of failure of
the UMS system may be traced
Q1 A. Discuss the principal forces a large diesel engine crankshaft must withsta
nd while in service and how the stresses resulting from these forces are kept wi
thin acceptable limits by good design and operation criteria; B. Discuss the man
ner in which the crankshaft may be overstressed and the consequences arising the
re from.
Q2. Sketch and describe a common rail fuel system as fitted to a diesel engine.
How is delivery of the fuel controlled?
Q3. A. Draw an out of phase diagram for a large 2-stroke slow speed cycle engine.
Describe in detail the part of the cycle showing 011 tiles diagram. Using the di
agram explains the effects of burning liable and low grade fuels (when fuel inje
ction timing is not altered). Explain how good ignition and combustion can be ob
tained when using low grade fuel.
Q4. A. Sketch and describe a flywheel that would be fitted to a large marine die
sel engine; B. Show in the sketches how it is fitted and secured. ; C. What is t
he purpose of the flywheel? Recently some engine makers have considerably reduce
d the size of the flywheel. Explain how this can be done.
Q6. Discuss critically the following alternative types of main propelling machin
ery for installation in a proposed new ship - A. 2 stroke single acting cross he
ad type slow speed engine; B. 4 stroke single acting with reverses / reduction g
Q9. Describe how large slow speed two cycle engines are structured to withstand
the following:
A. Forces due to combustion loads; B. Guide forces; C. Inertia forces
Q1. Describe with the aid of sketches an arrangement for operating the fuel valv
e of a heavy oil engine. Explain how the timing is affected and the supply of fu
el regulated to suit varying load.
Q3. A. Compare the advantages of forged and built-up crankshafts with special re
ference to the magnitude of the stresses in the cranks; B. How would you check t
he deflections by means of a dial gauge through one revolution of the shaft? C.
How are the readings obtained interpreted? D. How wear is down measured?
Q4. A. How is the cylinder lubricators fitted in a large marine diesel engine th
at has a water jacket? B. Where is the location of the lubricator outlet in rela
tion to the piston rings on the piston? C. Why is this position necessary?
Q5. A. What limits the power in a cylinder of a given size? B. State the results
if an attempt to raise the power by injecting more fuel into the cylinder is ma
Q8. A. Define the essential conditions, which must be satisfied by the air suppl
y for a pneumatic control system; B. Sketch a control air supply arrangement and
give a reasoned explanation for positioning of dryers and filters.
Q9. Give a list of the properties or tests by which distillate and blended fuels
may be specified or decisions be made on their fitness for use. Name the proper
ties or constituents that may be found in a blended fuel having a high viscosity
and high carbon content. Explain how they may cause problems in engine operatio
Q3. Discuss critically the following alternative types of main propelling machin
ery for installation in a proposed new ship - A. 2 stroke single acting cross he
ad type slow speed engine; B. 4 stroke single acting with reverses / reduction g
Q4. A. Sketch a Main Engine air starting system and describe how it operates.
B. List the safety devices and interlocks incorporated in such a system and stat
e the purpose of each.
Q5. Describe the cause and effect of thermal stressing in cylinder Heads, liners
and pistons. Explain why thermal stressing is aggravated with increased cylinde
r bore. Explain how stress concentration and its effects are relieved by mainten
ance and operational practices
Q7. Misalignment of the main shafting between engine and propeller causes bearin
g overloads and shaft stress.
A. State the difficulties associated with checking shaft alignment and the reaso
ns why results are unreliable due to external factors.
B. Explain with a simple sketch how a bearing load is assessed.
C. Explain how uneven loading could be rectified.
Q9. A. A number of main engine cylinder covers have been subjected to cracking d
uring the preceding four months - i. Explain possible reasons for this cracking;
ii. State with reasons the action you, as Second Engineer, would take in order
to reduce the possibility of future cylinder cover cracking.
B. Cylinder liner wear has increased appreciably during the past six months. Wri
te a brief report to the engineering superintendent concerning this matter expla
ining the possible causes the immediate action taken to deal with the problem an
d the action you, as Second Engineer, intend to take in order to reduce the risk
of future incidents.
Q3. A. Describe with the aid of sketches where necessary a vane type steering ge
ar showing how to weight of the rudder and stock are carried and the arrangement
that allow for wear down; B. State how the vanes described in (A) are secured a
nd the method of sealing the edges; C. State how, if necessary, the steering gea
r is locked for rudder maintenance.
Q4: A. The UMS monitoring and control system of your ship has recently started t
o give false alarms and incorrect data printouts. State, with reasons, possible
causes if the false alarms and reading are:
i. Localized to a particular area of engine operation; ii. General to the engine
B. State, with reasons, the action you, as Second Engineer, would take to ensure
continued safe operation of the vessel if the defects were general to the engin
e room.
C. Explain the procedure you, as Second Engineer, would adopt in order to locate
and rectify a general fault in the UMS system.
Q5. Sketch suitable welded joints indicating the approximate plate thickness and
dimensions of preparation for the following purposes:
A. End plate connection to the shell of an unfired pressure vessel
B. Longitudinal seam of an unfired pressure vessel
C. Prefabricated combustion chamber for an auxiliary boiler
B. State the percentage analysis by volume of the inert gas generated by the sys
tem in Q.8 (A).
Q7. The pipe work of the sea water circulation system for a passenger ship has t
o be completely renewed. The company contracted for the work has no previous exp
erience of marine installation. You as the Second engineer have been requested t
o write the specification for manufacture and installation of the steel pipe; ou
tline your proposal for manufacture of the pipe; State the necessary requirement
s for approval
Q9. With reference to the carriage and pumping of liquefied gas cargo: Sketch a
suitable pumping system labeling the component parts; State; Why submerged hydra
ulically driven pumps are not used; How overheating of pump drive shaft bearings
is avoided; State, how the risk of fire and explosion in cargo tanks is obviate
d both in the loaded and discharged condition.

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