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Woikshop to be helu 2S-24 0ctobei, 2u14
Centei foi Inteiuisciplinaiy Reseaich (ZIF), Bielefelu 0niveisity, ueimany
Aaion ulasseiman (Piinceton 0niveisityZiF)
The !""# touay encompasses a constellation of social, political, anu goveinmental
oiganizations that both unite anu uiffeientiate Nuslims along national, sectaiian, philosophical,
anu juiispiuuential lines. Some of these oiganizations aie means of state management of
ieligiona goveinment may establish a ministiy of ieligious affaiis to manage oi manipulate
ieligious piactice, piopagation, anu euucation. 0theis aie inteinational oiganizations that aim to
stiengthen tiansnational Nuslim soliuaiity anu compete with goveinments anu local authoiities
to uefine anu piomote a paiticulai conception of 'tiue' Islam. Still otheis fall in the miuule of this
spectium anu must negotiate a semiofficial position in which they must both eain goveinment
suppoit anu cultivate populai legitimacy as a genuinely Islamic (anu not meiely auministiative)
institution. These stiuctuies have aiisen thioughout the Nuslim woilu, both in Nuslim-majoiity
anu Nuslim-minoiity states, anu both in states that aie hostile oi fiienuly vis--vis Islam anu
ieligion in geneial.
Bespite this vaiieu lanuscape, these stiuctuies aie all manifestations of the buieauciatization of
Islam, a majoi tienu in the Nuslim woilu anu the subject of this woikshop. The woikshop will
pioceeu with a bioau unueistanuing of buieauciatization of Islam, which we uefine as the
piocess by which goveinments, oiganizations, oi any of the othei entities uesciibeu above
monitoi, systematize, oi contiol Islamic euucation, appointment of Islamic ieligious peisonnel
(e.g. imams, qauis), publication of Islamic texts, anu inteipietation of Islamic law anu sciiptuie.
Buieauciatization of Islam may occui as pait of a laigei piocess of expanuing state contiol, but it
may also occui in iesponse to oi even against such expansion. Even though 'buieauciatization' is
conventionally unueistoou as a state-uiiven piocess, this woikshop will also take it to iefei to
the iange of tiansfoimations ieligious communities anu institutions unueigo in the face of
expanuing goveinment buieauciacy anu contiol. Tuikey's Piesiuency of Religious Affaiis,
Egypt's Ninistiy of Religious Enuowments, the Euiopean Council foi Fatwa anu Reseaich, the
Inteinational 0nion foi Nuslim Scholais, the Nuslim Spiiitual Biiectoiate of Kazakhstan, anu the
China Islamic Association aie thus all manifestations of buieauciatization of Islam.
We paiticulaily invite papeis that auuiess the following questions:
! To what enus uo goveinments anu othei oiganizations buieauciatize Islam. To what
extent aie those enus achieveu.
! Bow uoes buieauciatization of Islam change local ieligious lanuscapes. Bo new
buieauciacies piivilege ceitain gioups ovei otheis. If so, uoes such piivileging
piomote unifoimity oi shaipen uivisions in the local Nuslim population.
! To what extent can we speak of a uiffusion of buieauciatization of Islam. Boes
buieauciatization in one countiy piompt, shape, oi uiscouiage buieauciatization in
anothei one. Bo these buieauciacies communicate with one anothei. If so, what aie
the consequences, both foi local ieligious life anu inteinational ieligious netwoiks.

We welcome papeis that exploie these questions fiom compaiative oi theoietical peispectives.
Confeience paiticipants aie inviteu to auuiess these questions in the context of any ielevant
countiy, iegion, oi oiganization(s)anu fiom uisciplinaiy appioaches spanning political science,
law, histoiy, sociology, anthiopology, ieligious stuuies, anu Islamic Stuuies.

This woikshop is oiganizeu as pait of the piogiam of the ZiF ieseaich gioup "Balancing
Religious Accommouation anu Buman Rights in Constitutional Fiamewoiks." Please visit oui
website foi moie infoimation about the gioup's ieseaich, membeis, anu events.

Submission of Abstiacts

Those inteiesteu in exploiing these questions aie inviteu to submit abstiacts of aiounu Suu-Suu
woius (auuiessing also the souice mateiial anu methouology useu), anu biogiaphical
infoimation of ~1Su woius to Aaion ulasseiman (aaion.glasseiman| no latei than
1u August 2u14. Applicants shoulu incluue theii name as a heauei on the page(s) submitteu.
Acceptance notifications will be sent by 2u August 2u14. Tiavel subsiuies anu accommouation
will be pioviueu foi papei piesenteis.

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