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April 15, 2004 – SpeechPower (Cubao)
English Conversation Fluency (ECF 3)
6:00-8:00 PM

How You Are As A Conversationalist?

Evaluate Yourself and Learn

SO: I want to be a good conversationalist!

I Am A Good Conversationalist
When I converse, I give others the chance to be heard and not only I
do the talking. I find interest to others’ stories, likes and backgrounds.
I focus the spotlight on others and don’t self-praise.

I listen to what others have to say and patiently wait for my turn.
I practice self-control and don’t compare myself to others
as if I am better than them.

As I converse, I reveal who I am, truthfully and honestly.

I don’t put on masks. I always remember that conversation
is a relationship between me and the people I talk to and like in
any other relationships, give-and-take should be practiced.

Furthermore, I respect others’ feelings and don’t bore them with

rumblings of my own affairs.

I am a good conversationalist and I am all of these, and so it is!

LA1: Introduce Yourself by Starting a Conversation

Exercise 1: Pick-your-Situation Activity

In a bowl, pick a slip of paper bearing the situation that you should act out with a
partner. Use these situations in introducing yourself by starting a conversation.

Exercise 2: Needs Analysis

Form groups and discuss with your group why you enrolled in this course and
what you expect to get out of it. You are given two minutes each to discuss your

reasons and expectations. While a member of the group is talking, others please
listen attentively. After the group has shared with each other, each group will
share to the class their conversation/sharing.

LA 2: A Good Conversationalist

Exercise1: Introduce the “Five Tips to Good Conversation” by the affirmation

I Am A Good Conversationalist (use OHP)

Read Aloud (individual, as class)

Exercise 2: Five Tips to Good Conversation

• Talk in the other person’s background

• Speak with your ears
• Be Yourself
• Be Alert
• Be Courteous

Ask the students the meaning of “good” (since good is a subjective word –
relative) to them in the context of conversing and relate it to their experiences in
making conversations. Experiences wherein they had difficulties conversing. Ask
them if they are more into starting conversations first or rather be in the corner,
waiting to be introduced.

LA 3: Topics for Conversations (Small Talks)

Exercise 1: Focus on the three levels of conversation:

• Conversation that has to do with people

• Conversation that has to do with things
• Conversation about ideas

Pick-your-level. Pick in the bowl topics for conversation, first level – people,
second level – things. This should be done with a partner, act out the conversation
using the topics you picked.

For the third level, form two groups and choose a same topic. The debate-like
activity will include little conversations among members. Within the group,
members may agree or disagree. The first group will take a stand on the issue, the
other group is meant to disagree with the stand but avoiding friction. You can disa
gree without sounding disagreeable. Thus each group should come up with
unanimous statements and the other group to react.

LA 4: Evaluate – how good a conversationalist are you?


Exercise 1: After relating your difficulties in conversing, you can now point both your
weaknesses and strengths. Make a list of both your strengths and
weaknesses. Be ready to share to the class your list. Highlight your strong
points with pleasant experiences in conversing.

LA 5: Building your Confidence

Exercise 1: Rules for Building Exercise

• Focus on your potentials instead of your limitations.

• Distinguish between who you are and what you do.
• Find something you like to do and do it well.
• Replace self-criticism with regular, positive self-talk
• Replace fear of failure with clear pictures of yourself functioning
successfully and happily.
• Cultivate people who help you grow.
• Accept challenges as motivation for you to harness your talents.

In a conversing mode, discuss the following rules by focusing on how to

cultivate/enhance such attitudes. Get your partner.

LA 6: Pronunciation Drills - /i/ and /I/

Exercise 1: Read the following words, phrases and sentences carefully. Contrast the /i/
from the /I/.

Front Vowels
(Refer to Vowel Classification – part of tongue used in the production,
height of the jaw, tension of the muscles and shape of the lips)
/i/ - is a high front, tense, unrounded vowel
/I/ - lower high front, lax, unrounded vowel

(Re-type, use OHP)

/i/ /I/
police sit
preach city
receive build
zero minute
deep ladies
thief women
people Monday
quay village
amoeba scolded
Caesar curtain

(Re-type, give copies)

feet beat sick dean live fit teen seat flee speech

achieve building machine busy receipt drilling

intrigue knee mist seek cheese inch ease ship

tea ink beat each feed believe been money

believe dream Jesus shriek hymn this guilt spin

six nymph image language captain certain

savage estimate leap piece wreath creature

secrets thieves seventeen queen respite preface

bargain cabbage

Make the students identify the /i/ and /I/


police the field clean machine seize the thief
weak creature sweet trees steel arena
each seat stream of dream series of shrieks
sleek fleet believe and achieve receive the thief

language skill shrill shrimp spin the chip
six privates savage lift appropriate preface
average estimate

give a receipt drink a cup of tea list each yield

beat the heat eat the cheese reach the sick
fit your big feet seek the green inn feel the ease
yield the fist

1. Please don’t sit on the high seat.

2. The sick have to seek a medical treatment.
3. Marlon is at ease with his speech.
4. The cheat gave the chit to the porter.

5. The people will give their receipts.

6. The rich dean will reach the beach.
7. The sheep on the ship will yield rich profits.
8. On my knees, I will agree to please the dean.
9. She needed a pin for the ring of the queen.
10. Do you feel ill when you see an eel?


A certain young fellow named Beebee wished to marry a lady named Phoebe.
“But”, he said, “I must see what’s the clerical fee before Phoebe becomes
Phoebe Beebee.

He was a three-toad tree-toad, but a two-toad toad was she. The three-toad
tree-toad tried to climb the two-toad tree toad’s tree.

Bill had a billboard. Bill also had board bill. The board bill bored Bill, so he
sold the billboard to pay his board bill. Now the board bill no longer bored

Little Lilian, living by the lilypond, lets lazy lizards lie along the lilypads.

LA 7: Getting to Know More

Exercise 1: Form yourselves on groups of three’s. You will be given a 15-to-20

minute conversation break. Discover enough of each other.

Face the class and introduce your new-found friend. Tell everything you
have discovered about him/her.

LA 8: Oral Reading Exercise

(Re-type and use OHP)

Exercise 1: Read aloud, “DESIDERATA” (individual). But first underline or highlight
words you are in doubt of in terms of pronunciation.
Exercise 2: In one sentence, state the essence – meaning of DESIDERATA by using a
line that strikes you most and relate it to an experience or personal outlook
in life.

CAS: Read again and with conviction: I Am A Good Conversationalist


I Am A Good Conversationalist

When I converse, I give others the chance to be heard

and not only I do the talking.
I find interest to others’ stories, likes and backgrounds.
I focus the spotlight on others and don’t self-praise.

I listen to what others have to say and patiently wait for my turn.
I practice self-control and don’t compare myself to others
as if I am better than them.

As I converse, I reveal who I am, truthfully and honestly.

I don’t put on masks. I always remember that conversation
is a relationship between me and the people I talk to and like in
any other relationships, give-and-take should be practiced.

Furthermore, I respect others’ feelings and don’t bore them with

rumblings of my own affairs.

I am a good conversationalist and I am all of these, and so it is!



• Focus on your potentials instead of your limitations.

• Distinguish between who you are and what you do.

• Find something you like to do and do it well.

• Replace self-criticism with regular, positive self-talk.

• Replace fear of failure with clear pictures of yourself

functioning successfully and happily.

• Cultivate people who help you grow.

• Accept challenges as motivation for you to harness your



/i/ /I/
police sit
preach city
receive build
zero minute
deep ladies
thief women
people Monday
quay village
amoeba scolded
Caesar curtain

Identify the words /i/ and /I/ sounds

feet beat sick dean live fit teen seat flee speech

achieve building machine busy receipt drilling

intrigue knee mist seek cheese inch ease ship

tea ink beat each feed believe been money

believe dream Jesus shriek hymn this guilt spin

six nymph image language captain certain

savage estimate leap piece wreath creature

secrets thieves seventeen queen respite preface

bargain cabbage


police the field clean machine seize the thief

weak creature sweet trees steel arena

each seat stream of dream series of shrieks
sleek fleet believe and achieve receive the thief

language skill shrill shrimp spin the chip
six privates savage lift appropriate preface
average estimate

give a receipt drink a cup of tea list each yield

beat the heat eat the cheese reach the sick
fit your big feet seek the green inn feel the ease
yield the fist

1. Please don’t sit on the high seat.

2. The sick have to seek a medical treatment.
3. Marlon is at ease with his speech.
4. The cheat gave the chit to the porter.
5. The people will give their receipts.
6. The rich dean will reach the beach.
7. The sheep on the ship will yield rich profits.
8. On my knees, I will agree to please the dean.
9. She needed a pin for the ring of the queen.
10.Do you feel ill when you see an eel?


A certain young fellow named Beebee wished to marry a lady
named Phoebe.
“But”, he said, “I must see what’s the clerical fee before Phoebe
Phoebe Beebee.

He was a three-toad tree-toad, but a two-toad toad was she. The

three-toad tree-toad tried to climb the two-toad tree toad’s tree.

Bill had a billboard. Bill also had board bill. The board bill bored
Bill, so he sold the billboard to pay his board bill. Now the board
bill no longer bored Bill.

Little Lilian, living by the lilypond, lets lazy lizards lie along the

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what there may
be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms
with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to
others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid
loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you
compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for
always there will be greater and lesser persons that yourself. Enjoy
your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your
own career, however humble, it is a real possession in the changing
fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the
world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue
there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is
full heroism. Be YOURSELF. Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and
disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel
of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture
strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not
distress yourself with imaginings. Many FEARS are born of fatigue
and LONELINESS. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with
yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and
the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear
to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be
at peace with GOD; whatever you conceive HIM to be, and
whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace with your soul. With all its charm, drudgery and broken
dreams, it is still a BEAUTIFUL WORLD. Be careful. STRIVE TO

(Found in Old St. Paul’s Church, Baltimore; dated 1692)


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