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New route Suggestion :

The route taken by 500k buses to ITPL is as shown in the map below(black route). Including the
Uturn in !ront o! I"#$% the route is about &'km. (rom my e)perience% it takes about *0 minutes
during usual tra!!ic% and upto &.+5 hours during peak hours. The tra,el time has increased in the
recent past% due to multiple !lyo,er constructions on this route as well.
-n alternate route could be as shown in the map in red. This route is longer (appro) +*km). .ut%
tra!!ic is usually much lesser% and a,erage commute time would be /0 minutes.
-s o! now% .0T1 operates .ig&02/ till 3ommasandra% and 400% /+5 etc !rom 3ommasandra
to ITPL. "o% this route should be !easible !or operating .0T1 buses.
Introducing this route will help to take some pressure o! the $uter #ing #oad.
It will gi,e time bene!it to people tra,elling longer distances !rom silkboard side% as well.
Challenges :
&. There is one railway crossing near the 1armalarem railway station. (re6uency o! trains
on this line is 6uite low as o! now. .ut this is one thing to be taken into consideration%
while making a decision about the route.
+. 7uge humps on either side o! the railway crossing% which might make it di!!icult !or the
low !loor buses
/. - short narrow stretch near 8arthur 0arket.
Local Loop around ITPL:
9hen I tra,el in 500c:k% I ha,e noticed that most o! the time% when the bus starts !rom ITPL% the
bus would still ha,e seats remaining. .y the time it reaches "-P labs% the bus is almost !ull% and
many a times% the bus cannot take any more people in. This is to say that% although the bus goes
with a ITPL board% the catchment area is a good / km along the ITPL area. The suggested route
has the shortcoming that it does not co,er this region. This can be sol,ed to a good e)tend by
running a local loop around the area. The route that can be !ollowed is shown in the map below.
Local loop applied to other routes:
7a,ing worked in ITPL !or * years% I ha,e seen that the ITPL company buses towards
Indiranagar% silkboard and old airport road where always e6ually crowded. That being the case% I
ha,e always wondered as to why the /&;1 8ol,o along old madras road to Indiranagar didn<t
become as popular as the 500k series. $ne o! the reasons was the low !re6uency% and awareness
le,el. -nd I personally think that absence o! this last loop around the ITPL area would ha,e
contributed e6ually well.
The route !ollowed by this bus is shown in the !ollowing map in black.
The map below shows an alternate route% in red% which would gi,e almost the same co,erage.
The stretch !rom =#puram to 0arathahalli is co,ered by 5003- as well. "o% I guess the loss o!
co,erage to this area by the modi!ication in this route is maneagable. -lso this a,oids a lot o!
tra!!ic !or the users o! this route.

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