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Diagon Alley
Harry woke early the next morning. Although he
could tell it wa daylight! he ke"t hi eye hut tight.
#It wa a dream!$ he told himel% &rmly. #I dreamed
a giant called Hagrid came to tell me I wa going to a
chool %or wi'ard. (hen I o"en my eye I$ll )e at
home in my cu")oard.$
There wa uddenly a loud ta""ing noie.
#And there$ Aunt Petunia knocking on the door!$
Harry thought! hi heart inking. *ut he till didn$t
o"en hi eye. It had )een uch a good dream.
Ta". Ta". Ta".
#All right!$ Harry mum)led! #I$m getting u".$
He at u" and Hagrid$ hea+y coat %ell o, him. The
hut wa %ull o% unlight! the torm wa o+er! Hagrid
himel% wa alee" on the colla"ed o%a and there
wa an owl ra""ing it claw on the window! a
new"a"er held in it )eak.
Harry cram)led to hi %eet! o ha""y he %elt a
though a large )alloon wa welling inide him. He
went traight to the window and -erked it o"en. The
owl woo"ed in and dro""ed the new"a"er on to" o%
Hagrid! who didn$t wake u". The owl then .uttered
on to the .oor and )egan to attack Hagrid$ coat.
#/on$t do that.$
Harry tried to wa+e the owl out o% the way! )ut it
na""ed it )eak &ercely at him and carried on
a+aging the coat.
#Hagrid0$ aid Harry loudly. #There$ an owl 1$
#Pay him!$ Hagrid grunted into the o%a.
#He want "ayin$ %er deli+erin$ the "a"er. 3ook in
the "ocket.$
Hagrid$ coat eemed to )e made o% nothing but
"ocket 1 )unche o% key! lug "ellet! )all o%
tring! mint hum)ug! tea4)ag 5 &nally! Harry
"ulled out a hand%ul o% trange4looking coin.
#6i+e him &+e 7nut!$ aid Hagrid lee"ily.
#The little )ron'e one.$
Harry counted out &+e little )ron'e coin and the
owl held out it leg o he could "ut the money into a
mall leather "ouch tied to it. Then it .ew o, through
the o"en window.
Hagrid yawned loudly! at u" and tretched.
#*et )e o,! Harry! lot ter do today! gotta get u"
ter 3ondon an$ )uy all yer tu, %er chool.$
Harry wa turning o+er the wi'ard coin and
looking at them. He had -ut thought o% omething
which made him %eel a though the ha""y )alloon
inide him had got a "uncture.
#8m 1 Hagrid2$
#9m2$ aid Hagrid! who wa "ulling on hi huge
#I ha+en$t got any money 1 and you heard 8ncle
Vernon lat night 1 he won$t "ay %or me to go and
learn magic. #
#/on$t worry a)out that!$ aid Hagrid! tanding u"
and cratching hi head. #/$yeh think yer "arent
didn$t lea+e yeh anything2$
#*ut i% their houe wa detroyed 1$
#They didn$ kee" their gold in the houe! )oy0 :ah!
&rt to" %er u i 6ringott. (i'ard$ )ank. Ha+e a
auage! they$re not )ad cold 1 an$ I wouldn$ ay no
teh a )it o$ yer )irthday cake! neither.$
#(i'ard ha+e banks?$
#;ut the one. 6ringott. Run )y go)lin.$
Harry dro""ed the )it o% auage he wa holding.
#<eah 1 o yeh$d )e mad ter try an$ ro) it! I$ll tell
yeh that. :e+er me with go)lin! Harry. 6ringott i
the a%et "lace in the world %er anything yeh want
ter kee" a%e 1 $ce"t may)e Hogwart. A a matter o$
%act! I gotta +iit 6ringott anyway. Fer /um)ledore.
Hogwart )uine.$ Hagrid drew himel% u" "roudly.
#He uually get me ter do im"ortant tu, %er him.
Fetchin$ you 1 gettin$ thing %rom 6ringott 1 know
he can trut me! ee.
#6ot e+erythin$2 Come on! then.$
Harry %ollowed Hagrid out on to the rock. The ky
wa =uite clear now and the ea gleamed in the
unlight. The )oat 8ncle Vernon had hired wa till
there! with a lot o% water in the )ottom a%ter the
#How did you get here2$ Harry aked! looking
around %or another )oat.
#Flew!$ aid Hagrid.
#<eah 1 )ut we$ll go )ack in thi. :ot $""oed ter
ue magic now I$+e got yeh.$
They ettled down in the )oat! Harry till taring at
Hagrid! trying to imagine him .ying.
#>eem a hame ter row! though!$ aid Hagrid!
gi+ing Harry another o% hi ideway look. #I% I wa
ter 1 er 1 "eed thing u" a )it! would yeh mind not
mentionin$ it at Hogwart2$
#?% coure not!$ aid Harry! eager to ee more
magic. Hagrid "ulled out the "ink um)rella again!
ta""ed it twice on the ide o% the )oat and they "ed
o, toward land.
#(hy would you )e mad to try and ro) 6ringott2$
Harry aked.
#>"ell 1 enchantment!$ aid Hagrid! un%olding hi
new"a"er a he "oke. #They ay there$ dragon
guardin$ the high4ecurity +ault. And then yeh gotta
&nd yer way 1 6ringott i hundred o% mile under
3ondon! ee. /ee" under the 8nderground. <eh$d die
o% hunger tryin$ ter get out! e+en i% yeh did manage
ter get yer hand on ummat.$
Harry at and thought a)out thi while Hagrid read
hi new"a"er! the Daily Prophet. Harry had learnt
%rom 8ncle Vernon that "eo"le liked to )e le%t alone
while they did thi! )ut it wa +ery di@cult! he$d
ne+er had o many =uetion in hi li%e.
#9initry o$ 9agic mein$ thing u" a uual!$
Hagrid muttered! turning the "age.
#There$ a 9initry o% 9agic2$ Harry aked! )e%ore
he could to" himel%.
#$Coure!$ aid Hagrid. #They wanted /um)ledore
%er 9initer! o$ coure! )ut he$d ne+er lea+e
Hogwart! o old Corneliu Fudge got the -o). *ungler
i% e+er there wa one. >o he "elt /um)ledore with
owl e+ery morning! akin$ %er ad+ice.$
#*ut what doe a 9initry o% 9agic do?$
#(ell! their main -o) i to kee" it %rom the 9uggle
that there$ till witche an$ wi'ard u" an$ down the
Why? *limey! Harry! e+eryone$d )e wantin$ magic
olution to their "ro)lem. :ah! we$re )et le%t
At thi moment the )oat )um"ed gently into the
har)our wall. Hagrid %olded u" hi new"a"er and
they clam)ered u" the tone te" on to the treet.
Paer4)y tared a lot at Hagrid a they walked
through the little town to the tation. Harry couldn$t
)lame them. :ot only wa Hagrid twice a tall a
anyone ele! he ke"t "ointing at "er%ectly ordinary
thing like "arking meter and aying loudly! #>ee
that! Harry2 Thing thee 9uggle dream u"! eh2$
#Hagrid!$ aid Harry! "anting a )it a he ran to kee"
u"! #did you ay there are dragons at 6ringott2$
#(ell! o they ay!$ aid Hagrid. #Crikey! I$d like a
#<ou$d like one2$
#(anted one e+er ince I wa a kid 1 here we go.$
They had reached the tation. There wa a train to
3ondon in &+e minute$ time. Hagrid! who didn$t
undertand #9uggle money$! a he called it! ga+e the
note to Harry o he could )uy their ticket.
Peo"le tared more than e+er on the train. Hagrid
took u" two eat and at knitting what looked like a
canary4yellow circu tent.
#>till got yer letter! Harry2$ he aked a he counted
Harry took the "archment en+elo"e out o% hi
#6ood!$ aid Hagrid. #There$ a lit there o%
e+erything yeh need.$
Harry un%olded a econd "iece o% "a"er he hadn$t
noticed the night )e%ore and readA


First(year students will re)uire*
+, hree sets o- plain work robes .bla/k0
1, One plain pointed hat .bla/k0 -or day wear
2, One pair o- prote/ti3e glo3es .dragon hide or
5, One winter /loak .bla/k6 sil3er -astenings0
Please note that all pupils /lothes should /arry na4e

>et *ook
All students should ha3e a /opy o- ea/h o- the
The >tandard *ook o% >"ell B6rade CD )y 7iranda
A Hitory o% 9agic )y 8athilda 8agshot
9agical Theory )y Adalbert Wa9ing
A *eginner$ 6uide to Tran&guration )y :4eri/
?ne Thouand 9agical Her) and Fungi )y Phyllida
9agical /ra%t and Potion )y Arsenius ;igger
Fantatic *eat and (here to Find Them )y %ewt
The /ark ForceA A 6uide to >el%4Protection )y
<uentin ri4ble

?ther E=ui"ment
+ wand
+ /auldron .pewter6 standard si=e 10
+ set glass or /rystal phials
+ teles/ope
+ set brass s/ales

!tudents 4ay also bring an owl OR a /at OR a toad

PAR:%! AR: R:7$%D:D HA F$R!(':AR! AR: %O
A##OW:D H:$R OW% 8ROO7!$">!

#Can we )uy all thi in 3ondon2$ Harry wondered
#I% yeh know where to go!$ aid Hagrid.
Harry had ne+er )een to 3ondon )e%ore. Although
Hagrid eemed to know where he wa going! he wa
o)+iouly not ued to getting there in an ordinary
way. He got tuck in the ticket )arrier on the
8nderground and com"lained loudly that the eat
were too mall and the train too low.
#I don$t know how the 9uggle manage without
magic!$ he aid! a they clim)ed a )roken4down
ecalator which led u" to a )utling road lined with
Hagrid wa o huge that he "arted the crowd
eailyF all Harry had to do wa kee" cloe )ehind
him. They "aed )ook ho" and muic tore!
ham)urger )ar and cinema! )ut nowhere that
looked a i% it could ell you a magic wand. Thi wa
-ut an ordinary treet %ull o% ordinary "eo"le. Could
there really )e "ile o% wi'ard gold )uried mile
)eneath them2 (ere there really ho" that old
"ell )ook and )roomtick2 9ight thi not all )e
ome huge -oke that the /urley had cooked u"2 I%
Harry hadn$t known that the /urley had no ene
o% humour! he might ha+e thought oF yet omehow!
e+en though e+erything Hagrid had told him o %ar
wa un)elie+a)le! Harry couldn$t hel" truting him.
#Thi i it!$ aid Hagrid! coming to a halt! #the 3eaky
Cauldron. It$ a %amou "lace.$
It wa a tiny! gru))y4looking "u). I% Hagrid hadn$t
"ointed it out! Harry wouldn$t ha+e noticed it wa
there. The "eo"le hurrying )y didn$t glance at it.
Their eye lid %rom the )ig )ook ho" on one ide to
the record ho" on the other a i% they couldn$t ee
the 3eaky Cauldron at all. In %act! Harry had the mot
"eculiar %eeling that only he and Hagrid could ee it.
*e%ore he could mention thi! Hagrid had teered him
For a %amou "lace! it wa +ery dark and ha))y. A
%ew old women were itting in a corner! drinking tiny
glae o% herry. ?ne o% them wa moking a long
"i"e. A little man in a to" hat wa talking to the old
)arman! who wa =uite )ald and looked like a
gummy walnut. The low )u'' o% chatter to""ed
when they walked in. E+eryone eemed to know
HagridF they wa+ed and miled at him! and the
)arman reached %or a gla! aying! #The uual!
#Can$t! Tom! I$m on Hogwart )uine!$ aid
Hagrid! cla""ing hi great hand on Harry$ houlder
and making Harry$ knee )uckle.
#6ood 3ord!$ aid the )arman! "eering at Harry! #i
thi 1 can thi )e 12$
The 3eaky Cauldron had uddenly gone com"letely
till and ilent.
#*le my oul!$ whi"ered the old )arman. #Harry
Potter 5 what an honour.$
He hurried out %rom )ehind the )ar! ruhed toward
Harry and ei'ed hi hand! tear in hi eye.
#(elcome )ack! 9r Potter! welcome )ack.$
Harry didn$t know what to ay. E+eryone wa
looking at him. The old woman with the "i"e wa
"u@ng on it without realiing it had gone out. Hagrid
wa )eaming.
Then there wa a great cra"ing o% chair and! next
moment! Harry %ound himel% haking hand with
e+eryone in the 3eaky Cauldron.
#/ori Crock%ord! 9r Potter! can$t )elie+e I$m
meeting you at lat.$
#>o "roud! 9r Potter! I$m -ut o "roud.$
#Alway wanted to hake your hand 1 I$m all o% a
#/elighted! 9r Potter! -ut can$t tell you. /iggle$
the name! /edalu /iggle.$
#I$+e een you )e%ore0$ aid Harry! a /edalu
/iggle$ to" hat %ell o, in hi excitement. #<ou )owed
to me once in a ho".$
#He remem)er0$ cried /edalu /iggle! looking
around at e+eryone. #/id you hear that2 He
remem)er me0$
Harry hook hand again and again 1 /ori
Crock%ord ke"t coming )ack %or more.
A "ale young man made hi way %orward! +ery
ner+ouly. ?ne o% hi eye wa twitching.
#Pro%eor Guirrell0$ aid Hagrid. #Harry! Pro%eor
Guirrell will )e one o% your teacher at Hogwart.$
#P4P4Potter!$ tammered Pro%eor Guirrell! gra"ing
Harry$ hand! #c4can$t t4tell you how "4"leaed I am
to meet you.$
#(hat ort o% magic do you teach! Pro%eor
#/4/e%ence Againt the /4/4/ark Art!$ muttered
Pro%eor Guirrell! a though he$d rather not think
a)out it. #:4not that you n4need it! eh! P4P4Potter2$ He
laughed ner+ouly. #<ou$ll )e g4getting all your
e=ui"ment! I u""oe2 I$+e g4got to "4"ick u" a new
)4)ook on +am"ire! m4myel%.$ He looked terri&ed at
the +ery thought.
*ut the other wouldn$t let Pro%eor Guirrell kee"
Harry to himel%. It took almot ten minute to get
away %rom them all. At lat! Hagrid managed to make
himel% heard o+er the )a))le.
#9ut get on 1 lot ter )uy. Come on! Harry.$
/ori Crock%ord hook Harry$ hand one lat time
and Hagrid led them through the )ar and out into a
mall! walled courtyard! where there wa nothing )ut
a dut)in and a %ew weed.
Hagrid grinned at Harry.
#Told yeh! didn$t I2 Told yeh you wa %amou. E+en
Pro%eor Guirrell wa trem)lin$ ter meet yeh 1 mind
you! he$ uually trem)lin$.$
#I he alway that ner+ou2$
#?h! yeah. Poor )loke. *rilliant mind. He wa &ne
while he wa tudyin$ outta )ook )ut then he took a
year o, ter get ome &rt4hand ex"erience 5 They
ay he met +am"ire in the *lack Foret and there
wa a naty )it o$ trou)le with a hag 1 ne+er )een
the ame ince. >cared o% the tudent! cared o% hi
own u)-ect 1 now! where$ me um)rella2$
Vam"ire2 Hag2 Harry$ head wa wimming.
Hagrid! meanwhile! wa counting )rick in the wall
a)o+e the dut)in.
#Three u" 5 two acro 5$ he muttered. #Right!
tand )ack! Harry.$
He ta""ed the wall three time with the "oint o% hi
The )rick he had touched =ui+ered 1 it wriggled 1 in
the middle! a mall hole a""eared 1 it grew wider and
wider 1 a econd later they were %acing an archway
large enough e+en %or Hagrid! an archway on to a
co))led treet which twited and turned out o% ight.
#(elcome!$ aid Hagrid! #to /iagon Alley.$
He grinned at Harry$ ama'ement. They te""ed
through the archway. Harry looked =uickly o+er hi
houlder and aw the archway hrink intantly )ack
into olid wall.
The un hone )rightly on a tack o% cauldron
outide the nearet ho". "auldrons ? All !i=es ?
"opper6 8rass6 Pewter6 !il3er ? !el-(!tirring ?
"ollapsible aid a ign hanging o+er them.
#<eah! you$ll )e needin$ one!$ aid Hagrid! #)ut we
gotta get yer money &rt.$
Harry wihed he had a)out eight more eye. He
turned hi head in e+ery direction a they walked u"
the treet! trying to look at e+erything at onceA the
ho"! the thing outide them! the "eo"le doing
their ho""ing. A "lum" woman outide an
a"othecary$ wa haking her head a they "aed!
aying! #/ragon li+er! ixteen >ickle an ounce!
they$re mad 5$
A low! o%t hooting came %rom a dark ho" with a
ign aying :eylops Owl :4poriu4 ? awny6 !/ree/h6
8arn6 8rown and !nowy, >e+eral )oy o% a)out
Harry$ age had their noe "reed againt a
window with )roomtick in it. #3ook!$ Harry heard
one o% them ay! #the new :im)u Two Thouand 1
%atet e+er 1$ There were ho" elling ro)e! ho"
elling teleco"e and trange il+er intrument
Harry had ne+er een )e%ore! window tacked with
)arrel o% )at "leen and eel$ eye! tottering "ile
o% "ell )ook! =uill and roll o% "archment! "otion
)ottle! glo)e o% the moon 5
#6ringott!$ aid Hagrid.
They had reached a nowy4white )uilding which
towered o+er the other little ho". >tanding )eide
it )urnihed )ron'e door! wearing a uni%orm o%
carlet and gold! wa 1
#<eah! that$ a go)lin!$ aid Hagrid =uietly a they
walked u" the white tone te" toward him. The
go)lin wa a)out a head horter than Harry. He had a
warthy! cle+er %ace! a "ointed )eard and! Harry
noticed! +ery long &nger and %eet. He )owed a they
walked inide. :ow they were %acing a econd "air o%
door! il+er thi time! with word engra+ed u"on

:nter6 stranger6 but take heed
O- what awaits the sin o- greed6
For those who take6 but do not earn6
7ust pay 4ost dearly in their turn6
!o i- you seek beneath our @oors
A treasure that was ne3er yours6
hie-6 you ha3e been warned6 beware
O- Anding 4ore than treasure there,

#3ike I aid! yeh$d )e mad ter try an$ ro) it!$ aid
A "air o% go)lin )owed them through the il+er
door and they were in a +at mar)le hall. A)out a
hundred more go)lin were itting on high tool
)ehind a long counter! cri))ling in large ledger!
weighing coin on )ra cale! examining "reciou
tone through eyeglae. There were too many
door to count leading o, the hall! and yet more
go)lin were howing "eo"le in and out o% thee.
Hagrid and Harry made %or the counter.
#9orning!$ aid Hagrid to a %ree go)lin. #(e$+e
come ter take ome money outta 9r Harry Potter$
#<ou ha+e hi key! ir2$
#6ot it here omewhere!$ aid Hagrid and he
tarted em"tying hi "ocket on to the counter!
cattering a hand%ul o% mouldy dog4)icuit o+er the
go)lin$ )ook o% num)er. The go)lin wrinkled hi
noe. Harry watched the go)lin on their right
weighing a "ile o% ru)ie a )ig a glowing coal.
#6ot it!$ aid Hagrid at lat! holding u" a tiny golden
The go)lin looked at it cloely.
#That eem to )e in order.$
#An$ I$+e alo got a letter here %rom Pro%eor
/um)ledore!$ aid Hagrid im"ortantly! throwing out
hi chet. #It$ a)out the <ou47now4(hat in +ault
e+en hundred and thirteen.$
The go)lin read the letter care%ully.
#Very well!$ he aid! handing it )ack to Hagrid! #I will
ha+e omeone take you down to )oth +ault.
6ri"hook wa yet another go)lin. ?nce Hagrid had
crammed all the dog4)icuit )ack inide hi "ocket!
he and Harry %ollowed 6ri"hook toward one o% the
door leading o, the hall.
#(hat$ the <ou47now4(hat in +ault e+en hundred
and thirteen2$ Harry aked.
#Can$t tell yeh that!$ aid Hagrid myteriouly. #Very
ecret. Hogwart )uine. /um)ledore$ truted me.
9ore$n my -o)$ worth ter tell yeh that.$
6ri"hook held the door o"en %or them. Harry! who
had ex"ected more mar)le! wa ur"ried. They were
in a narrow tone "aageway lit with .aming
torche. It lo"ed tee"ly downward and there were
little railway track on the .oor. 6ri"hook whitled
and a mall cart came hurtling u" the track toward
them. They clim)ed in 1 Hagrid with ome di@culty 1
and were o,.
At &rt they -ut hurtled through a ma'e o% twiting
"aage. Harry tried to remem)er! le%t! right! right!
le%t! middle %ork! right! le%t! )ut it wa im"oi)le. The
rattling cart eemed to know it own way! )ecaue
6ri"hook wan$t teering.
Harry$ eye tung a the cold air ruhed "at
them! )ut he ke"t them wide o"en. ?nce! he thought
he aw a )urt o% &re at the end o% a "aage and
twited around to ee i% it wa a dragon! )ut too late
1 they "lunged e+en dee"er! "aing an underground
lake where huge talactite and talagmite grew
%rom the ceiling and .oor.
#I ne+er know!$ Harry called to Hagrid o+er the
noie o% the cart! #what$ the di,erence )etween a
talagmite and a talactite2$
#>talagmite$ got an HmI in it!$ aid Hagrid. #An$
don$ ak me =uetion -ut now! I think I$m gonna )e
He did look +ery green and when the cart to""ed
at lat )eide a mall door in the "aage wall!
Hagrid got out and had to lean againt the wall to
to" hi knee trem)ling.
6ri"hook unlocked the door. A lot o% green moke
came )illowing out! and a it cleared! Harry ga"ed.
Inide were mound o% gold coin. Column o% il+er.
Hea" o% little )ron'e 7nut.
#All your!$ miled Hagrid.
All Harry$ 1 it wa incredi)le. The /urley couldn$t
ha+e known a)out thi or they$d ha+e had it %rom
him %ater than )linking. How o%ten had they
com"lained how much Harry cot them to kee"2 And
all the time there had )een a mall %ortune )elonging
to him! )uried dee" under 3ondon.
Hagrid hel"ed Harry "ile ome o% it into a )ag.
#The gold one are 6alleon!$ he ex"lained.
#>e+enteen il+er >ickle to a 6alleon and twenty4
nine 7nut to a >ickle! it$ eay enough. Right! that
hould )e enough %er a cou"le o$ term! we$ll kee"
the ret a%e %or yeh.$ He turned to 6ri"hook. #Vault
e+en hundred and thirteen now! "leae! and can we
go more lowly2$
#?ne "eed only!$ aid 6ri"hook.
They were going e+en dee"er now and gathering
"eed. The air )ecame colder and colder a they
hurtled round tight corner. They went rattling o+er
an underground ra+ine and Harry leant o+er the ide
to try and ee what wa down at the dark )ottom )ut
Hagrid groaned and "ulled him )ack )y the cru, o%
hi neck.
Vault e+en hundred and thirteen had no keyhole.
#>tand )ack!$ aid 6ri"hook im"ortantly. He troked
the door gently with one o% hi long &nger and it
im"ly melted away.
#I% anyone )ut a 6ringott go)lin tried that! they$d
)e ucked through the door and tra""ed in there!$
aid 6ri"hook.
#How o%ten do you check to ee i% anyone$ inide2$
Harry aked.
#A)out once e+ery ten year!$ aid 6ri"hook! with a
rather naty grin.
>omething really extraordinary had to )e inide
thi to"4ecurity +ault! Harry wa ure! and he leant
%orward eagerly! ex"ecting to ee %a)ulou -ewel at
the +ery leat 1 )ut at &rt he thought it wa em"ty.
Then he noticed a gru))y little "ackage wra""ed u"
in )rown "a"er lying on the .oor. Hagrid "icked it u"
and tucked it dee" inide hi coat. Harry longed to
know what it wa! )ut knew )etter than to ak.
#Come on! )ack in thi in%ernal cart! and don$t talk
to me on the way )ack! it$ )et i% I kee" me mouth
hut!$ aid Hagrid.
?ne wild cart4ride later they tood )linking in the
unlight outide 6ringott. Harry didn$t know where
to run &rt now that he had a )ag %ull o% money. He
didn$t ha+e to know how many 6alleon there were
to a "ound to know that he wa holding more money
than he$d had in hi whole li%e 1 more money than
e+en /udley had e+er had.
#9ight a well get yer uni%orm!$ aid Hagrid!
nodding toward 7ada4 7alkins Robes -or All
O//asions, #3iten! Harry! would yeh mind i% I li""ed
o, %er a "ick4me4u" in the 3eaky Cauldron2 I hate
them 6ringott cart.$ He did till look a )it ick! o
Harry entered 9adam 9alkin$ ho" alone! %eeling
9adam 9alkin wa a =uat! miling witch dreed
all in mau+e.
#Hogwart! dear2$ he aid! when Harry tarted to
"eak. #6ot the lot here 1 two other tudent )eing
&tted u" -ut now! in %act.$
In the )ack o% the ho"! a )oy with a "ale! "ointed
%ace and a girl with tringy )londe hair were tanding
on %oottool while two more witche "inned u" their
long )lack ro)e. 9adam 9alkin tood Harry on a
tool next to the )oy! li""ed a long ro)e o+er hi
head and )egan to "in it to the right length.
The girl! who wa watching her hem )eing "inned!
didnJt eem to notice that omone had -oined them.
The )oy howe+er! looked o+er at Harry.
#Hullo!$ he aid! #Hogwart too2$
#<e!$ aid Harry.
#9y %ather$ next door )uying my )ook and
mother$ u" the treet looking at wand!$ aid the
)oy. He had a )ored! drawling +oice. #Then I$m going
to drag them o, to look at racing )room. I don$t ee
why &rt4year can$t ha+e their own. I think I$ll )ully
%ather into getting me one and I$ll muggle it in
Harry wa trongly reminded o% /udley.
#Ha+e you got your own )room2$ the )oy went on.
#:o!$ aid Harry.
#Play Guidditch at all2$
#:o!$ Harry aid again! wondering what on earth
Guidditch could )e.
$ do 1 Father ay it$ a crime i% I$m not "icked to
"lay %or my houe! and I mut ay! I agree. 7now
what houe you$ll )e in yet2$
#:o!$ aid Harry! %eeling more tu"id )y the minute.
#(ell! no one really know until they get there! do
they! )ut I know I$ll )e in >lytherin! all our %amily
ha+e )een 1 imagine )eing in HuKe"u,! I think I$d
lea+e! wouldn$t you2$
#9mm!$ aid Harry! wihing he could ay omething
a )it more intereting.
#I ay! look at that man0$ aid the )oy uddenly!
nodding toward the %ront window. Hagrid wa
tanding there! grinning at Harry and "ointing at two
large ice4cream to how he couldn$t come in.
#That$ Hagrid!$ aid Harry! "leaed to know
omething the )oy didn$t. #He work at Hogwart.$
#?h!$ aid the )oy! #I$+e heard o% him. He$ a ort o%
er+ant! in$t he2$
#He$ the gamekee"er!$ aid Harry. He wa liking
the )oy le and le e+ery econd.
#<e! exactly. I heard he$ a ort o% sa3age 1 li+e in
a hut in the chool ground and e+ery now and then
he get drunk! trie to do magic and end u" etting
&re to hi )ed.$
#I think he$ )rilliant!$ aid Harry coldly.
Do you2$ aid the )oy! with a light neer. #(hy i
he with you2 (here are your "arent2$
#They$re dead!$ aid Harry hortly. He didn$t %eel
much like going into the matter with thi )oy.
The girl looked u" %rom her ro)e! ga'ing at Harry
with ym"athetic interet.
The )oy looked neither ym"athetic nor intereted.
#?h! orry!$ he aid! not ounding orry at all. #*ut
they were our kind! weren$t they2$
#They were a witch and wi'ard! i% that$ what you
#I really don$t think they hould let the other ort in!
do you2$ He turned hi head and looked "ointedly at
the girl. >he =uickly lowered her ga'e again. Through
her curtain o% hair! Harry could ee her )luhing.
#They$re -ut not the ame! they$+e ne+er )een
)rought u" to know our way. >ome o% them ha+e
ne+er e+en heard o% Hogwart until they get the
letter! imagine. I think they hould kee" it in the old
wi'arding %amilie.$ He turned )ack to Harry. #(hat$
your urname! anyway2$
*ut )e%ore Harry could anwer! The witch &tting
the )oy aid! #<ouJre all done! 9r 9al%oy!$ and the )oy
ho""ed down %rom the %oottool.
#(ell! I$ll ee you at Hogwart! I u""oe!$ aid the
drawling )oy a he le%t.
Harry wa not orry to ee the )oy lea+e. He blah
blah blah insecure.
He looked o+er the girl! who wa till taring el%4
conciouly at the .oor. He u"ected the )oy had
been mean to her or something.
#I wa raied )y muggle!$ aid Harry.
The girl looked u" at him! tartled.
#9y aunt and uncle raied me!$ aid Harry! #theyJre
muggle. >o I ne+er had any idea that any o% thi
The girl looked thoroughly reli+ed at hi word. >he
ga+e him a mall mile.
#It$ all a )it o+erwhelming! in$t it2$ aid Harry!
miling )ack.
#<eah!$ he aid. #There$ a lot to take in all at
#I$m Harry.$
They hook hand. Harry liked her she was
#>o! your "arent are muggle a well2$
#Er5 not really!$ aid Re)eca! looking heitant. #I
mean! my %oter "arent are muggle.$
#Foter "arent2$
#<eah!$ he aid! a+oiding hi eye. #The 9ac6illunJ.
They were the one that raied me. For the mot
#?h.$ Harry looked more cloely at Re)eca. >he wa
mall and +ery kinny! -ut like Harry. blah blah
#IJm orry!$ he aid.
#/on$t )e.$
#Are they here2$
#?h. :o!$ aid Re)eca! looking uncom%orta)le.
#They$re5 They$re not too keen on all thi! to tell you
the truth.$
#:either are the /urley! 1 9y aunt and uncle! I
mean! 1 They tried to kee" me %rom &nding out that I
wa a wi'ard. I had no idea a)out who I wa until
Hagrid )rought me my letter.$
#I he with you2$ aked Re)eca! ga'ing at Hagrid
through the window.
#<eah. /onJt you ha+e any one with you2$
#?h. Er5 :o. >omeone o,ered! )ut5 well! I like to
do thing on my own.$
#(ow. <ou$re a lot )ra+er than I am. I couldn$t
imagine doing all thi )y myel%.$
#It$ not that )ad. I$m kind o% ued to it.$
#<eah! I kind o% know what you mean. I$+e ne+er
really had +ery many %riend.$
#9e neither.$
#(ell! ho"e%ully! at Hogwart! thing will )e
#Ho"e%ully! at Hogwart! not e+eryone$ a "oncy
a that other kid.$
9adam 9alkin and the other witch &nihed with
their ro)e and Harry and Re)eca "aid %or them.
Harry noticed that Re)ecaJ normal clothe! like hi
own! were much too )ig. ?utide the ho"! they
hook hand again.
#I$ll ee you at Hogwart!$ aid Harry.
#<eah! may)e then we can &gure out what that )oy
wa on a)out!$ aid Re)eca.
Harry laughed )ut he wa rather =uiet a he ate
the ice4cream Hagrid had )ought him Bchocolate and
ra")erry with cho""ed nutD.
#(hat$ u"2$ aid Hagrid.
#:othing!$ Harry lied. They to""ed to )uy
"archment and =uill. Harry cheered u" a )it when
he %ound a )ottle o% ink that changed colour a you
wrote. (hen they had le%t the ho"! he aid! #Hagrid!
what$ Guidditch2$
#*limey! Harry! I kee" %orgettin$ how little yeh know
1 not knowin$ a)out Guidditch0$
#/on$t make me %eel wore!$ aid Harry. He told
Hagrid a)out the "ale )oy in 9adam 9alkin$.
#1 and he aid "eo"le %rom 9uggle %amilie
houldn$t e+en )e allowed in 1$
#<er not -ro4 a 9uggle %amily. I% he$d known who
yeh were 1 he$ grown u" knowin$ yer name i% hi
"arent are wi'ardin$ %olk 1 you aw $em in the 3eaky
Cauldron. Anyway! what doe he know a)out it! ome
o$ the )et I e+er aw were the only one with magic
in $em in a long line o$ 9uggle 1 look at yer mum0
3ook what he had %er a iter0$
#>o what is Guidditch2$
#It$ our "ort. (i'ard "ort. It$ like 1 like %oot)all in
the 9uggle world 1 e+eryone %ollow Guidditch 1
"layed u" in the air on )roomtick and there$ %our
)all 1 orta hard ter ex"lain the rule.$
#And what are >lytherin and HuKe"u,2$
#>chool houe. There$ %our. E+eryone ay
HuKe"u, are a lot o$ du,er! )ut 1$
#I )et I$m in HuKe"u,!$ aid Harry gloomily.
#*etter HuKe"u, than >lytherin!$ aid Hagrid
darkly. #There$ not a ingle witch or wi'ard who went
)ad who wan$t in >lytherin. <ou47now4(ho wa one.$
#Vol1 orry 1 <ou47now4(ho wa at Hogwart2$
#<ear an$ year ago!$ aid Hagrid.
They )ought Harry$ chool )ook in a ho" called
Flourih and *lott where the hel+e were tacked
to the ceiling with )ook a large a "a+ing tone
)ound in leatherF )ook the i'e o% "otage tam" in
co+er o% ilkF )ook %ull o% "eculiar ym)ol and a
%ew )ook with nothing in them at all. E+en /udley!
who ne+er read anything! would ha+e )een wild to
get hi hand on ome o% thee. Hagrid almot had to
drag Harry away %rom "urses and "ounter("urses
.8ewit/h your Friends and 8e-uddle your :ne4ies
with the #atest Re3enges* Hair #oss6 ;elly(#egs6
ongue(ying and 4u/h6 4u/h 4ore0 )y Pro%eor
Vindictu Viridian.
#I wa trying to &nd out how to cure /udley.$
#I$m not ayin$ that$ not a good idea! )ut yer not
ter ue magic in the 9uggle world exce"t in +ery
"ecial circumtance!$ aid Hagrid. #An$ anyway! yeh
couldn$ work any o% them cure yet! yeh$ll need a lot
more tudy )e%ore yeh get ter that le+el.$
Hagrid wouldn$t let Harry )uy a olid gold cauldron!
either B#It ay "ewter on yer lit$D! )ut they got a
nice et o% cale %or weighing "otion ingredient and
a colla"i)le )ra teleco"e. Then they +iited the
a"othecary$! which wa %acinating enough to make
u" %or it horri)le mell! a mixture o% )ad egg and
rotted ca))age. *arrel o% limy tu, tood on the
.oor! -ar o% her)! dried root and )right "owder
lined the wall! )undle o% %eather! tring o% %ang
and narled claw hung %rom the ceiling. (hile
Hagrid aked the man )ehind the counter %or a
u""ly o% ome )aic "otion ingredient %or Harry!
Harry himel% examined il+er unicorn horn at
twenty4one 6alleon each and minucule! glittery
)lack )eetle eye B&+e 7nut a coo"D.
?utide the a"othecary$! Hagrid checked Harry$
lit again.
#;ut yer wand le%t 1 oh yeah! an$ I till ha+en$t got
yeh a )irthday "reent.$
Harry %elt himel% go red.
#<ou don$t ha+e to 1$
#I know I don$t ha+e to. Tell yeh what! I$ll get yer
animal. :ot a toad! toad went outta %ahion year
ago! yeh$d )e laughed at 1 an$ I don$ like cat! they
make me nee'e. I$ll get yer an owl. All the kid want
owl! they$re dead ue%ul! carry yer "ot an$
Twenty minute later! they le%t Eeylo" ?wl
Em"orium! which had )een dark and %ull o% rutling
and .ickering! -ewel4)right eye. Harry now carried a
large cage which held a )eauti%ul nowy owl! %at
alee" with her head under her wing. He couldn$t
to" tammering hi thank! ounding -ut like
Pro%eor Guirrell.
#/on$ mention it!$ aid Hagrid gruKy. #/on$ ex"ect
you$+e had a lotta "reent %rom them /urley. ;ut
?lli+ander le%t now 1 only "lace %er wand!
?lli+ander! and yeh gotta ha+e the )et wand.$
A magic wand 5 thi wa what Harry had )een
really looking %orward to.
The lat ho" wa narrow and ha))y. Peeling gold
letter o+er the door read Olli3anders* 7akers o- Fine
Wands sin/e 2B1 8", A ingle wand lay on a %aded
"ur"le cuhion in the duty window.
A tinkling )ell rang omewhere in the de"th o% the
ho" a they te""ed inide. It wa a tiny "lace!
em"ty exce"t %or a ingle "indly chair which Hagrid
at on to wait. Harry %elt trangely a though he had
entered a +ery trict li)raryF he wallowed a lot o%
new =uetion which had -ut occurred to him and
looked intead at the thouand o% narrow )oxe
"iled neatly right u" to the ceiling. For ome reaon!
the )ack o% hi neck "rickled. The +ery dut and
ilence in here eemed to tingle with ome ecret
#6ood a%ternoon!$ aid a o%t +oice. Harry -um"ed.
Hagrid mut ha+e -um"ed! too! )ecaue there wa a
loud crunching noie and he got =uickly o, the
"indly chair.
An old man wa tanding )e%ore them! hi wide!
"ale eye hining like moon through the gloom o%
the ho".
#Hello!$ aid Harry awkwardly.
#Ah ye!$ aid the man. #<e! ye. I thought I$d )e
eeing you oon. Harry Potter.$ It wan$t a =uetion.
#<ou ha+e your mother$ eye. It eem only
yeterday he wa in here herel%! )uying her &rt
wand. Ten and a =uarter inche long! wihy! made o%
willow. :ice wand %or charm work.$
9r ?lli+ander mo+ed cloer to Harry. Harry wihed
he would )link. Thoe il+ery eye were a )it cree"y.
#<our %ather! on the other hand! %a+oured a
mahogany wand. Ele+en inche. Plia)le. A little more
"ower and excellent %or tran&guration. (ell! I ay
your %ather %a+oured it 1 it$ really the wand that
chooe the wi'ard! o% coure.$
9r ?lli+ander had come o cloe that he and Harry
were almot noe to noe. Harry could ee himel%
re.ected in thoe mity eye.
#And that$ where 5$
9r ?lli+ander touched the lightning car on Harry$
%orehead with a long! white &nger.
#I$m orry to ay I old the wand that did it!$ he aid
o%tly. #Thirteen and a hal% inche. <ew. Power%ul
wand! +ery "ower%ul! and in the wrong hand 5 (ell!
i% I$d known what that wand wa going out into the
world to do 5$
He hook hi head and then! to Harry$ relie%!
"otted Hagrid.
#Ru)eu0 Ru)eu Hagrid0 How nice to ee you again
5 ?ak! ixteen inche! rather )endy! wan$t it2$
#It wa! ir! ye!$ aid Hagrid.
#6ood wand! that one. *ut I u""oe they na""ed
it in hal% when you got ex"elled2$ aid 9r ?lli+ander!
uddenly tern.
#Er 1 ye! they did! ye!$ aid Hagrid! huKing hi
%eet. #I$+e till got the "iece! though!$ he added
#*ut you don$t use them2$ aid 9r ?lli+ander
#?h! no! ir!$ aid Hagrid =uickly. Harry noticed he
gri""ed hi "ink um)rella +ery tightly a he "oke.
#Hmmm!$ aid 9r ?lli+ander! gi+ing Hagrid a
"iercing look. #(ell! now 1 9r Potter. 3et me ee.$ He
"ulled a long ta"e meaure with il+er marking out
o% hi "ocket. #(hich i your wand arm2$
#Er 1 well! I$m right4handed!$ aid Harry.
#Hold out your arm. That$ it.$ He meaured Harry
%rom houlder to &nger! then writ to el)ow! houlder
to .oor! knee to arm"it and round hi head. A he
meaured! he aid! #E+ery ?lli+ander wand ha a core
o% a "ower%ul magical u)tance! 9r Potter. (e ue
unicorn hair! "hoenix tail %eather and the
hearttring o% dragon. :o two ?lli+ander wand are
the ame! -ut a no two unicorn! dragon or
"hoenixe are =uite the ame. And o% coure! you will
ne+er get uch good reult with another wi'ard$
Harry uddenly realied that the ta"e meaure!
which wa meauring )etween hi notril! wa doing
thi on it own. 9r ?lli+ander wa .itting around the
hel+e! taking down )oxe.
#That will do!$ he aid! and the ta"e meaure
crum"led into a hea" on the .oor. #Right then! 9r
Potter. Try thi one. *eechwood and dragon
hearttring. :ine inche. :ice and .exi)le. ;ut take it
and gi+e it a wa+e.$
Harry took the wand and B%eeling %oolihD wa+ed it
around a )it! )ut 9r ?lli+ander natched it out o% hi
hand almot at once.
#9a"le and "hoenix %eather. >e+en inche. Guite
whi""y. Try 1$
Harry tried 1 )ut he had hardly raied the wand
when it! too! wa natched )ack )y 9r ?lli+ander.
#:o! no 1 here! e)ony and unicorn hair! eight and a
hal% inche! "ringy. 6o on! go on! try it out.$
Harry tried. And tried. He had no idea what 9r
?lli+ander wa waiting %or. The "ile o% tried wand
wa mounting higher and higher on the "indly chair!
)ut the more wand 9r ?lli+ander "ulled %rom the
hel+e! the ha""ier he eemed to )ecome.
#Tricky cutomer! eh2 :ot to worry! we$ll &nd the
"er%ect match here omewhere 1 I wonder! now 1
ye! why not 1 unuual com)ination 1 holly and
"hoenix %eather! ele+en inche! nice and u""le.$
Harry took the wand. He %elt a udden warmth in
hi &nger. He raied the wand a)o+e hi head!
)rought it wihing down through the duty air and a
tream o% red and gold "ark hot %rom the end like
a &rework! throwing dancing "ot o% light on to the
wall. Hagrid whoo"ed and cla""ed and 9r
?lli+ander cried! #?h! )ra+o0 <e! indeed! oh! +ery
good. (ell! well! well 5 how curiou 5 how +ery
curiou 5$
He "ut Harry$ wand )ack into it )ox and wra""ed
it in )rown "a"er! till muttering! #Curiou 5 curiou
#>orry!$ aid Harry! #)ut whats curiou2$
9r ?lli+ander &xed Harry with hi "ale tare.
#I remem)er e+ery wand I$+e e+er old! 9r Potter.
E+ery ingle wand. It o ha""en that the "hoenix
whoe tail %eather i in your wand! ga+e another
%eather 1 -ut one other. It i +ery curiou indeed that
you hould )e detined %or thi wand when it
)rother 1 why! it )rother ga+e you that car.$
Harry wallowed.
#<e! thirteen and a hal% inche. <ew. Curiou
indeed how thee thing ha""en. The wand chooe
the wi'ard! remem)er 5 I think we mut ex"ect
great thing %rom you! 9r Potter 5 A%ter all! He (ho
9ut :ot *e :amed did great thing 1 terri)le! ye!
)ut great.$
Harry hi+ered. He wan$t ure he liked 9r
?lli+ander too much. He "aid e+en gold 6alleon %or
hi wand and 9r ?lli+ander )owed them %rom hi
The late4a%ternoon un hung low in the ky a Harry
and Hagrid made their way )ack down /iagon Alley!
)ack through the wall! )ack through the 3eaky
Cauldron! now em"ty. Harry didn$t "eak at all a
they walked down the roadF he didn$t e+en notice
how much "eo"le were gaw"ing at them on the
8nderground! laden a they were with all their %unny4
ha"ed "ackage! with the lee"ing nowy owl on
Harry$ la". 8" another ecalator! out into
Paddington tationF Harry only realied where they
were when Hagrid ta""ed him on the houlder.
#6ot time %er a )ite to eat )e%ore yer train lea+e!$
he aid.
He )ought Harry a ham)urger and they at down
on "latic eat to eat them. Harry ke"t looking
around. E+erything looked o trange! omehow.
#<ou all right! Harry2 <er +ery =uiet!$ aid Hagrid.
Harry wan$t ure he could ex"lain. He$d -ut had
the )et )irthday o% hi li%e 1 and yet 1 he chewed hi
ham)urger! trying to &nd the word.
#E+eryone think I$m "ecial!$ he aid at lat. #All
thoe "eo"le in the 3eaky Cauldron! Pro%eor
Guirrell! 9r ?lli+ander 5 )ut I don$t know anything
a)out magic at all. How can they ex"ect great
thing2 I$m %amou and I can$t e+en remem)er what
I$m %amou %or. I don$t know what ha""ened when
Vol1 orry 1 I mean! the night my "arent died.$
Hagrid leant acro the ta)le. *ehind the wild
)eard and eye)row he wore a +ery kind mile.
#/on$ you worry! Harry. <ou$ll learn %at enough.
E+eryone tart at the )eginning at Hogwart! you$ll
)e -ut &ne. ;ut )e yerel%. I know it$ hard. <eh$+e
)een ingled out! an$ that$ alway hard. *ut yeh$ll
ha+e a great time at Hogwart 1 I did 1 till do!
$matter o% %act.$
Hagrid hel"ed Harry on to the train that would take
him )ack to the /urley! then handed him an
#<er ticket %er Hogwart!$ he aid. #Firt o$
>e"tem)er 1 7ing$ Cro 1 it$ all on yer ticket. Any
"ro)lem with the /urley! end me a letter with yer
owl! he$ll know where to &nd me 5 >ee yeh oon!
The train "ulled out o% the tation. Harry wanted to
watch Hagrid until he wa out o% ightF he roe in hi
eat and "reed hi noe againt the window! )ut he
)linked and Hagrid had gone.


he ;ourney -ro4
Plat-or4 %ine and
Harry$ lat month with the /urley wan$t %un. True!
/udley wa now o cared o% Harry he wouldn$t tay
in the ame room! while Aunt Petunia and 8ncle
Vernon didn$t hut Harry in hi cu")oard! %orce him to
do anything or hout at him 1 in %act! they didn$t
"eak to him at all. Hal%4terri&ed! hal%4%uriou! they
acted a though any chair with Harry in it wa em"ty.
Although thi wa an im"ro+ement in many way! it
did )ecome a )it de"reing a%ter a while.
Harry ke"t to hi room! with hi new owl %or
com"any. He had decided to call her Hedwig! a name
he had %ound in A History o- 7agi/, Hi chool )ook
were +ery intereting. He lay on hi )ed reading late
into the night! Hedwig woo"ing in and out o% the
o"en window a he "leaed. It wa lucky that Aunt
Petunia didn$t come in to hoo+er any more! )ecaue
Hedwig ke"t )ringing )ack dead mice. E+ery night
)e%ore he went to lee"! Harry ticked o, another day
on the "iece o% "a"er he had "inned to the wall!
counting down to >e"tem)er the &rt.
?n the lat day o% Augut he thought he$d )etter
"eak to hi aunt and uncle a)out getting to 7ing$
Cro tation next day! o he went down to the li+ing4
room! where they were watching a =ui' how on
tele+iion. He cleared hi throat to let them know he
wa there! and /udley creamed and ran %rom the
#Er 1 8ncle Vernon2$
8ncle Vernon grunted to how he wa litening.
#Er 1 I need to )e at 7ing$ Cro tomorrow to 1 to
go to Hogwart.$
8ncle Vernon grunted again.
#(ould it )e all right i% you ga+e me a li%t2$
6runt. Harry u""oed that meant ye.
#Thank you.$
He wa a)out to go )ack u"tair when 8ncle
Vernon actually "oke.
#Funny way to get to a wi'ard$ chool! the train.
9agic car"et all got "uncture! ha+e they2$
Harry didn$t ay anything.
#(here i thi chool! anyway2$
#I don$t know!$ aid Harry! realiing thi %or the &rt
time. He "ulled the ticket Hagrid had gi+en him out
o% hi "ocket.
#I -ut take the train %rom "lat%orm nine and three4
=uarter at ele+en o$clock!$ he read.
Hi aunt and uncle tared.
#Plat%orm what2$
#:ine and three4=uarter.$
#/on$t talk ru))ih!$ aid 8ncle Vernon! #there i no
"lat%orm nine and three4=uarter.$
#It$ on my ticket.$
#*arking!$ aid 8ncle Vernon! #howling mad! the lot
o% them. <ou$ll ee. <ou -ut wait. All right! we$ll take
you to 7ing$ Cro. (e$re going u" to 3ondon
tomorrow anyway! or I wouldn$t )other.$
#(hy are you going to 3ondon2$ Harry aked! trying
to kee" thing %riendly.
#Taking /udley to ho"ital!$ growled 8ncle Vernon.
#6ot to ha+e that ruddy tail remo+ed )e%ore he goe
to >melting.$
Harry woke at &+e o$clock the next morning and wa
too excited and ner+ou to go )ack to lee". He got
u" and "ulled on hi -ean )ecaue he didn$t want to
walk into the tation in hi wi'ard$ ro)e 1 he$d
change on the train. He checked hi Hogwart lit yet
again to make ure he had e+erything he needed!
aw that Hedwig wa hut a%ely in her cage and
then "aced the room! waiting %or the /urley to get
u". Two hour later! Harry$ huge! hea+y trunk had
)een loaded into the /urley$ car! Aunt Petunia had
talked /udley into itting next to Harry and they had
et o,.
They reached 7ing$ Cro at hal% "at ten. 8ncle
Vernon dum"ed Harry$ trunk on to a trolley and
wheeled it into the tation %or him. Harry thought thi
wa trangely kind until 8ncle Vernon to""ed dead!
%acing the "lat%orm with a naty grin on hi %ace.
#(ell! there you are! )oy. Plat%orm nine 1 "lat%orm
ten. <our "lat%orm hould )e omewhere in the
middle! )ut they don$t eem to ha+e )uilt it yet! do
He wa =uite right! o% coure. There wa a )ig
"latic num)er nine o+er one "lat%orm and a )ig
"latic num)er ten o+er the one next to it! and in the
middle! nothing at all.
#Ha+e a good term!$ aid 8ncle Vernon with an
e+en natier mile. He le%t without another word.
Harry turned and aw the /urley dri+e away. All
three o% them were laughing. Harry$ mouth went
rather dry. (hat on earth wa he going to do2 He
wa tarting to attract a lot o% %unny look! )ecaue
o% Hedwig. He$d ha+e to ak omeone.
He to""ed a "aing guard! )ut didn$t dare
mention "lat%orm nine and three4=uarter. The guard
had ne+er heard o% Hogwart and when Harry
couldn$t e+en tell him what "art o% the country it wa
in! he tarted to get annoyed! a though Harry wa
)eing tu"id on "ur"oe. 6etting de"erate! Harry
aked %or the train that le%t at ele+en o$clock! )ut the
guard aid there wan$t one. In the end the guard
trode away! muttering a)out time4water. Harry
wa now trying hard not to "anic. According to the
large clock o+er the arri+al )oard! he had ten
minute le%t to get on the train to Hogwart and he
had no idea how to do itF he wa tranded in the
middle o% a tation with a trunk he could hardly li%t! a
"ocket %ull o% wi'ard money and a large owl.
Hagrid mut ha+e %orgotten to tell him omething
you had to do! like ta""ing the third )rick on the le%t
to get into /iagon Alley. He wondered i% he hould
get out hi wand and tart ta""ing the ticket )ox
)etween "lat%orm nine and ten.
At that moment a grou" o% "eo"le "aed -ut
)ehind him and he caught a %ew word o% what they
were aying.
#1 "acked with 9uggle! o% coure 1$
Harry wung round. The "eaker wa a "lum"
woman who wa talking to %our )oy! all with .aming
red hair. Each o% them wa "uhing a trunk like
Harry$ in %ront o% him 1 and they had an owl,
Heart hammering! Harry "uhed hi trolley a%ter
them. They to""ed and o did he! -ut near enough
to hear what they were aying.
#:ow! what$ the "lat%orm num)er2$ aid the )oy$
#:ine and three4=uarter0$ "i"ed a mall girl! alo
red4headed! who wa holding her hand. #9um! can$t I
go 5$
#<ou$re not old enough! 6inny! now )e =uiet. All
right! Percy! you go &rt.$
(hat looked like the oldet )oy marched toward
"lat%orm nine and ten. Harry watched! care%ul not to
)link in cae he mied it 1 )ut -ut a the )oy
reached the di+ide )etween the two "lat%orm! a
large crowd o% tourit came warming in %ront o%
him! and )y the time the lat ruckack had cleared
away! the )oy had +anihed.
#Fred! you next!$ the "lum" woman aid.
#I$m not Fred! I$m 6eorge!$ aid the )oy. #Honetly!
woman! call yourel% our mother2 Can$t you tell I$m
#>orry! 6eorge! dear.$
#?nly -oking! I am Fred!$ aid the )oy! and o, he
went. Hi twin called a%ter him to hurry u"! and he
mut ha+e done! )ecaue a econd later! he had
gone 1 )ut how had he done it2
:ow the third )rother wa walking )rikly toward
the ticket )arrier 1 he wa almot there 1 and then!
=uite uddenly! he wan$t anywhere.
There wa nothing ele %or it.
#Excue me!$ Harry aid to the "lum" woman.
#Hullo! dear!$ he aid. #Firt time at Hogwart2
Ron$ new! too.$
>he "ointed at the lat and younget o% her on.
He wa tall! thin and gangling! with %reckle! )ig
hand and %eet and a long noe.
#<e!$ aid Harry. #The thing i 1 the thing i! I don$t
know how to 1$
#How to get on to the "lat%orm2$ he aid kindly!
and Harry nodded.
#:ot to worry!$ he aid. #All you ha+e to do i walk
traight at the )arrier )etween "lat%orm nine and
ten. /on$t to" and don$t )e cared you$ll crah into
it! that$ +ery im"ortant. *et do it at a )it o% a run i%
you$re ner+ou. 6o on! go now )e%ore Ron.$
#Er 1 ?7!$ aid Harry.
He "uhed hi trolley round and tared at the
)arrier. It looked +ery olid.
He tarted to walk toward it. Peo"le -otled him on
their way to "lat%orm nine and ten. Harry walked
more =uickly. He wa going to mah right into that
ticket )ox and then he$d )e in trou)le 1 leaning
%orward on hi trolley he )roke into a hea+y run 1 the
)arrier wa coming nearer and nearer 1 he wouldn$t
)e a)le to to" 1 the trolley wa out o% control 1 he
wa a %oot away 1 he cloed hi eye ready %or the
crah 1
It didn$t come 5 he ke"t on running 5 he o"ened
hi eye.
A carlet team engine wa waiting next to a
"lat%orm "acked with "eo"le. A ign o+erhead aid
Hogwarts :Cpress6 ++ o/lo/k, Harry looked )ehind
him and aw a wrought4iron archway where the ticket
)ox had )een! with the word Plat-or4 %ine and
hree(<uarters on it. He had done it.
>moke %rom the engine dri%ted o+er the head o%
the chattering crowd! while cat o% e+ery colour
wound here and there )etween their leg. ?wl
hooted to each other in a digruntled ort o% way
o+er the )a))le and the cra"ing o% hea+y trunk.
The &rt %ew carriage were already "acked with
tudent! ome hanging out o% the window to talk to
their %amilie! ome &ghting o+er eat. Harry "uhed
hi trolley o, down the "lat%orm in earch o% an
em"ty eat. He "aed a round4%aced )oy who wa
aying! #6ran! I$+e lot my toad again.$
#?h! %e3ille6$ he heard the old woman igh.
A )oy with dreadlock wa urrounded )y a mall
#6i+e u a look! 3ee! go on.$
The )oy li%ted the lid o% a )ox in hi arm and the
"eo"le around him hrieked and yelled a omething
inide "oked out a long! hairy leg.
Harry turned around. Re)eca wa making her way
toward him! "uhing a )attered old trunk and
wearing )aggy ill &tting clothe! )ut miling.
#Hi0$ he aid.
#How wa your ummer2$
#Pretty une+ent%ul!$ aid Harry. #How wa your2$
#A)out the ame.$
#/o you want to &nd a com"artment2$
Harry and Re)eca "reed on through the crowd
until they %ound an em"ty com"artment near the end
o% the train. Harry "ut Hedwig inide &rt and then he
and Re)eca managed to get her trunk into the train
and onto the luggage rack. Harry$ trunk! howe+er!
wa much hea+ier. The two o% them managed to
ho+e and hea+e hi trunk toward the train door.
They tried to li%t it u" the te" )ut could hardly raie
one end )etween them and twice Harry dro""ed it
"ain%ully on hi %oot.
#(ant a hand2$ It wa one o% the red4haired twin
Harry had %ollowed through the ticket )ox.
#<e! "leae!$ Harry "anted.
#?y! Fred0 C$mere and hel"0$
(ith the twin$ hel"! Harry$ trunk wa at lat
tucked away in a corner o% the com"artment.
#Thank a lot!$ aid Re)eca.
#<eah! thank!$ aid Harry! "uhing hi weaty hair
out o% hi eye.
#(hat$ that2$ aid one o% the twin uddenly!
"ointing at Harry$ lightning car.
#*limey!$ aid the other twin. #Are you 12$
#He is6$ aid the &rt twin. #Aren$t you2$ he added to
#(hat2$ aid Harry.
Harry Potter6 chorued the twin.
#?h! him!$ aid Harry. #I mean! ye! I am.$
The two )oy gaw"ed at him and Harry %elt himel%
going red. Re)eca wa looking at the twin and Harry
in con%uion. >he didnJt know that he wa %amou.
Then! to hi relie%! a +oice came .oating in through
the train$ o"en door.
#Fred2 6eorge2 Are you there2$
#Coming! 9um.$
(ith a lat look at Harry! the twin ho""ed o, the
#(hat wa that a)out2$ aked Re)eca.
#?h! er! nothing!$ lied Harry. He didnJt %eel like
going into it with Re)eca. :ot -ut yet anyway.
Harry at down next to the window. Re)eca at
down o""oite him! till ga'ing at him with curioity!
)ut ilent. Harry wa grate%ul %or thi )ecaue where
he wa itting! hal%4hidden! he could watch the red4
haired %amily on the "lat%orm and hear what they
were aying. Their mother had -ut taken out her
#Ron! you$+e got omething on your noe.$
The younget )oy tried to -erk out o% the way! )ut
he gra))ed him and )egan ru))ing the end o% hi
7u4 1 gero,.$ He wriggled %ree.
#Aaah! ha ickle Ronnie got ome&nk on hi noie2$
aid one o% the twin.
#>hut u"!$ aid Ron.
#(here$ Percy2$ aid their mother.
#He$ coming now.$
The oldet )oy came triding into ight. He had
already changed into hi )illowing )lack Hogwart
ro)e and Harry noticed a hiny red and gold )adge
on hi chet with the letter P on it.
#Can$t tay long! 9other!$ he aid. #I$m u" %ront! the
Pre%ect ha+e got two com"artment to themel+e
#?h! are you a Pre-e/t! Percy2$ aid one o% the
twin! with an air o% great ur"rie. #<ou hould ha+e
aid omething! we had no idea.$
#Hang on! I think I remem)er him aying omething
a)out it!$ aid the other twin. #?nce 1$
#?r twice 1$
#A minute 1$
#All ummer 1$
#?h! hut u"!$ aid Percy the Pre%ect.
#How come Percy get new ro)e! anyway2$ aid
one o% the twin.
#*ecaue he$ a Pre-e/t!$ aid their mother %ondly.
#All right! dear! well! ha+e a good term 1 end me an
owl when you get there.$
>he kied Percy on the cheek and he le%t. Then
he turned to the twin.
#:ow! you two 1 thi year! you )eha+e yourel+e.
I% I get one more owl telling me you$+e 1 you$+e
)lown u" a toilet or 1$
#*lown u" a toilet2 (e$+e ne+er )lown u" a toilet.$
#6reat idea though! thank! 9um.$
#It$ not -unny. And look a%ter Ron.$
#/on$t worry! ickle Ronniekin i a%e with u.$
#>hut u"!$ aid Ron again. He wa almot a tall a
the twin already and hi noe wa till "ink where
hi mother had ru))ed it.
#Hey! 9um! gue what2 6ue who we -ut met on
the train2$
Harry leant )ack =uickly o they couldn$t ee him
#<ou know that )lack4haired )oy who wa near u in
the tation2 7now who he i2$
Harry PotterD
Harry heard the little girl$ +oice.
#?h! 9um! can I go on the train and ee him! 9um!
oh "leae 5$
#<ou$+e already een him! 6inny! and the "oor )oy
in$t omething you goggle at in a 'oo. I he really!
Fred2 How do you know2$
#Aked him. >aw hi car. It$ really there 1 like
#Poor dear 1 no wonder he wa alone. I wondered.
He wa e+er o "olite when he aked how to get on
to the "lat%orm.$
#:e+er mind that! do you think he remem)er what
<ou47now4(ho look like2$
Their mother uddenly )ecame +ery tern.
#I %or)id you to ak him! Fred. :o! don$t you dare.
A though he need reminding o% that on hi &rt day
at chool.$
#All right! kee" your hair on.$
A whitle ounded.
#Hurry u"0$ their mother aid! and the three )oy
clam)ered on to the train. They leant out o% the
window %or her to ki them good)ye and their
younger iter )egan to cry.
#/on$t! 6inny! we$ll end you load o% owl.$
#(e$ll end you a Hogwart toilet eat.$
#?nly -oking! 9um.$
The train )egan to mo+e. Harry aw the )oy$
mother wa+ing and their iter! hal% laughing! hal%
crying! running to kee" u" with the train until it
gathered too much "eedF then he %ell )ack and
Harry watched the girl and her mother dia""ear
a the train rounded the corner. Houe .ahed "at
the window. Harry %elt a great lea" o% excitement. He
didn$t know what he wa going to 1 )ut it had to )e
)etter than what he wa lea+ing )ehind.
#Here we go!$ aid Re)eca under her )reath.
#Are you excited2$ Harry aked her.
Re)eca nodded. #I$m a little ner+ou too.$
#<eah!$ aid Harry #I know what you mean. *ut what
e+er ha""en! it$ gotta )e )etter than what I$m
lea+ing )ehind.$
Re)eca miled. #Exactly.$
#/id you look at any o% your chool )ook yet2$
#?nce or twice!$ aid Re)eca. #I ho"e it$ not too
hard. The leon and tu,.$
#<eah!$ aid Harry. #I wa thinking a)out that too. /o
you think many other kid come %rom non4magical
#/unno!$ aid Re)eca.#(hat do you$
The door o% the com"artment lid o"en and the
younget redheaded )oy came in.
#Anyone itting there2$ he aked! "ointing at the
eat next to Re)eca. #E+erywhere ele i %ull.$
Harry and Re)eca hook their head and the )oy
at down. He glanced at Harry and then looked
=uickly out o% the window! "retending he hadn$t
looked. Harry aw he till had a )lack mark on hi
#Hey! Ron.$
The twin were )ack.
#3iten! we$re going down the middle o% the train 1
3ee ;ordan$ got a giant tarantula down there.$
#Right!$ mum)led Ron.
#Harry!$ aid the other twin! #did we introduce
ourel+e2 Fred and 6eorge (ealey. And thi i Ron!
our )rother. >ee you later! then.$
#*ye!$ aid Harry and Ron. The twin lid the
com"artment door hut )ehind them.
#I$m Re)eca! )y the way.$
#Ron!$ aid Ron. He turned a)ru"tly to Harry. #Are
you really Harry Potter2$ he )lurted out.
Harry nodded.
#?h 1 well! I thought it might )e one o% Fred and
6eorge$ -oke!$ aid Ron. #And ha+e you really got 1
you know 5$
He "ointed at Harry$ %orehead.
Conciou o% the %act that Re)eca wa alo
watching intently! Harry "ulled )ack hi %ringe to
how the lightning car. Ron tared.
#>o that$ where <ou47now4(ho 12$
#<e!$ aid Harry! #)ut I can$t remem)er it.$
#:othing2$ aid Ron eagerly.
#(ell 1 I remem)er a lot o% green light! )ut nothing
#(ow!$ aid Ron. He at and tared at Harry %or a
%ew moment! then! a though he had uddenly
realied what he wa doing! he looked =uickly out o%
the window again.
#Are all your %amily wi'ard2$ Re)eca aked Ron.
#Er 1 ye! I think o!$ aid Ron. #I think 9um$ got a
econd couin who$ an accountant! )ut we ne+er
talk a)out him.$
#>o you mut know load o% magic already!$ aid
Harry! who %ound Ron -ut a intereting a Ron %ound
The (ealey were clearly one o% thoe old
wi'arding %amilie the "ale )oy in /iagon Alley had
talked a)out.
#I heard you went to li+e with 9uggle!$ aid Ron.
#(hat are they like2$
#Horri)le 1 well! not all o% them. 9y aunt and uncle
and couin are! though. (ih I$d had three wi'ard
#Fi+e!$ aid Ron. For ome reaon! he wa looking
gloomy. #I$m the ixth in our %amily to go to Hogwart.
<ou could ay I$+e got a lot to li+e u" to. *ill and
Charlie ha+e already le%t 1 *ill wa Head *oy and
Charlie wa ca"tain o% Guidditch. :ow Percy$ a
Pre%ect. Fred and 6eorge me around a lot! )ut they
till get really good mark and e+eryone think
they$re really %unny. E+eryone ex"ect me to do a
well a the other! )ut i% I do! it$ no )ig deal!
)ecaue they did it &rt. <ou ne+er get anything new!
either! with &+e )rother. I$+e got *ill$ old ro)e!
Charlie$ old wand and Percy$ old rat.$
Ron reached inide hi -acket and "ulled out a %at
grey rat! which wa alee".
#Hi name$ >ca))er and he$ uele! he hardly
e+er wake u". Percy got an owl %rom my dad %or
)eing made a Pre%ect! )ut they couldn$t a,1 I mean! I
got >ca))er intead.$
Ron$ ear went "ink. He eemed to think he$d aid
too much! )ecaue he went )ack to taring out o% the
Harry didn$t think there wa anything wrong with
not )eing a)le to a,ord an owl. A%ter all! he$d ne+er
had any money in hi li%e until a month ago! and he
told Ron o! all a)out ha+ing to wear /udley$ old
clothe and ne+er getting "ro"er )irthday "reent.
Re)eca -oined in! telling Ron a)out li+ing in Foter
care and how he had needed to )orrow money %rom
the chool o he could a,ord her chool u""lie.
Thi eemed to cheer Ron u".
#5 and until Hagrid told me!$ aid Harry! #I didn$t
know anything a)out )eing a wi'ard or a)out my
"arent or Voldemort 1$
Ron ga"ed.
#(hat2$ aid Harry and Re)eca.
'ou said 'ou(>now(Whos na4eD aid Ron!
ounding )oth hocked and im"reed. #I$d ha+e
thought you! o% all "eo"le 1$
#I$m not trying to )e bra3e or anything! aying the
name!$ aid Harry. #I -ut ne+er knew you houldn$t.
>ee what I mean2 I$+e got load to learn$
#<ouJre not the only one!$ aid Re)eca.
#I )et!$ Harry added! +oicing %or the &rt time
omething that had )een worrying him a lot lately! #I
)et I$m the wort in the cla.$
#<ou won$t )e.$ aid Ron. #It$ like Re)eca aid!
there$ load o% "eo"le who come %rom 9uggle
%amilie and they learn =uick enough.$
(hile they had )een talking! the train had carried
them out o% 3ondon. :ow they were "eeding "at
&eld %ull o% cow and hee". They were =uiet %or a
time! watching the &eld and lane .ick "at.
Around hal% "at twel+e there wa a great
clattering outide in the corridor and a miling!
dim"led woman lid )ack their door and aid!
#Anything o, the trolley! dear2$
Harry! who hadn$t had any )reak%at! lea"t to hi
%eet! )ut Re)eca hook her head reignedly and
Ron$ ear went "ink again and he muttered that
he$d )rought andwiche. Harry went out into the
He had ne+er had any money %or weet with the
/urley and now that he had "ocket rattling with
gold and il+er he wa ready to )uy a many 9ar
*ar a he could carry 1 )ut the woman didn$t ha+e
9ar *ar. (hat he did ha+e were *ertie *ott$
E+ery4Fla+our *ean! /roo)le$ *et *lowing 6um!
Chocolate Frog! Pum"kin Patie! Cauldron Cake!
3i=uorice (and and a num)er o% other trange
thing Harry had ne+er een in hi li%e. :ot wanting
to mi anything! he got ome o% e+erything and "aid
the woman ele+en il+er >ickle and e+en )ron'e
Re)eca and Ron tared a Harry )rought it all )ack
into the com"artment and ti""ed it on to an em"ty
#Hungry! are you2$
#>tar+ing!$ aid Harry! taking a large )ite out o% a
"um"kin "aty.
Ron had taken out a lum"y "ackage and
unwra""ed it. There were %our andwiche in there.
He "ulled one o% them a"art and aid! #>he alway
%orget I don$t like corned )ee%.$
#>wa" you %or one o% thee!$ aid Harry! holding u"
a "aty. #6o on 1$
#<ou don$t want thi! it$ all dry!$ aid Ron. #>he
han$t got much time!$ he added =uickly! #you know!
with &+e o% u.$
#6o on! ha+e a "aty!$ aid Harry! who had ne+er
had anything to hare )e%ore or! indeed! anyone to
hare it with. It wa a nice %eeling! itting there with
Re)eca and Ron! eating their way through all Harry$
"atie and cake Bthe andwiche lay %orgottenD.
#(hat are thee2$ Harry aked Ron! holding u" a
"ack o% Chocolate Frog. #They$re not really %rog! are
they2$ He wa tarting to %eel that nothing would
ur"rie him.
#:o!$ aid Ron. #*ut ee what the card i! I$m
miing Agri""a.$
#?h! o% coure! you wouldn$t know 1 Chocolate
Frog ha+e card inide them! you know! to collect 1
Famou (itche and (i'ard. I$+e got a)out &+e
hundred! )ut I ha+en$t got Agri""a or Ptolemy.$
Harry unwra""ed hi Chocolate Frog and "icked u"
the card. It howed a man$ %ace. He wore hal%4moon
glae! had a long crooked noe and .owing il+er
hair! )eard and moutache. 8nderneath the "icture
wa the name Al)u /um)ledore.
#>o thi i /um)ledore0$ aid Harry.
#/on$t tell me you$d ne+er heard o% /um)ledore0$
aid Ron. #Can I ha+e a %rog2 I might get Agri""a 1
thank 1$
Harry turned o+er hi card and readA

Albus Du4bledore6 /urrently Head4aster o-
Hogwarts, "onsidered by 4any the greatest wi=ard
o- 4odern ti4es6 Pro-essor Du4bledore is
parti/ularly -a4ous -or his de-eat o- the dark wi=ard
Grindelwald in +E5F6 -or the dis/o3ery o- the twel3e
uses o- dragons blood and his work on al/he4y with
his partner6 %i/olas Fla4el, Pro-essor Du4bledore
enGoys /ha4ber 4usi/ and tenpin bowling,

Harry turned the card )ack o+er and aw! to hi
atonihment! that /um)ledore$ %ace had
#He$ gone0$
#(hat2$ aid Re)eca.
#(ell! you can$t ex"ect him to hang around all day!$
aid Ron. #He$ll )e )ack. :o! I$+e got 9organa again
and I$+e got a)out ix o% her 5 do you want it2 <ou
can tart collecting.$
Ron$ eye trayed to the "ile o% Chocolate Frog
waiting to )e unwra""ed.
#Hel" yourel%!$ aid Harry.
#*ut in! you know! the 9uggle world! "eo"le -ut
tay "ut in "hoto!$ aid Re)eca.
#/o they2 (hat! they don$t mo+e at all2$ Ron
ounded ama'ed. WeirdD$
Harry tared a /um)ledore idled )ack into the
"icture on hi card and ga+e him a mall mile. Ron
wa more intereted in eating the %rog than looking
at the Famou (itche and (i'ard card! )ut Harry
couldn$t kee" hi eye o, them. >oon he had not
only /um)ledore and 9organa! )ut Hengit o%
(oodcro%t! Al)eric 6runnion! Circe! Paracelu and
9erlin. He &nally tore hi eye away %rom the
druide Cliodna! who wa cratching her noe! to
o"en a )ag o% *ertie *ott$ E+ery4Fla+our *ean.
#<ou want to )e care%ul with thoe!$ Ron warned
Harry. #(hen they ay e+ery .a+our! they 4ean
e+ery .a+our 1 you know! you get all the ordinary
one like chocolate and "e""ermint and marmalade!
)ut then you can get "inach and li+er and tri"e.
6eorge reckon he had a )ogey4.a+oured one once.$
Ron "icked u" a green )ean! looked at it care%ully
and )it into a corner.
#*leaaargh 1 ee2 >"rout.$
They had a good time eating the E+ery4Fla+our
*ean. Harry got toat! coconut! )aked )ean!
traw)erry! curry! gra! co,ee! ardine and wa
e+en )ra+e enough to ni))le the end o, a %unny grey
one Re)eca and Ron wouldn$t touch! which turned
out to )e "e""er.
The countryide now .ying "at the window wa
)ecoming wilder. The neat &eld had gone. :ow
there were wood! twiting ri+er and dark green
There wa a knock on the door o% their
com"artment and the round4%aced )oy Harry had
"aed on "lat%orm nine and three4=uarter came in.
He looked tear%ul.
#>orry!$ he aid! #)ut ha+e you een a toad at all2$
(hen they hook their head! he wailed! #I$+e lot
him0 He kee" getting away %rom me0$
#He$ll turn u"!$ aid Harry.
#<e!$ aid the )oy miera)ly. #(ell! i% you ee him
He le%t.
#/on$t know why he$ o )othered!$ aid Ron. #I% I$d
)rought a toad I$d loe it a =uick a I could. 9ind
you! I )rought >ca))er! o I can$t talk.$
The rat wa till noo'ing on Ron$ la".
#He might ha+e died and you wouldn$t know the
di,erence!$ aid Ron in digut. #I tried to turn him
yellow yeterday to make him more intereting! )ut
the "ell didn$t work. I$ll how you! look 5$
He rummaged around in hi trunk and "ulled out a
+ery )attered4looking wand. It wa chi""ed in "lace
and omething white wa glinting at the end.
#8nicorn hair$ nearly "oking out. Anyway 1$
He had -ut raied hi wand when the com"artment
door lid o"en again. The toadle )oy wa )ack! )ut
thi time he had a girl with him. >he wa already
wearing her new Hogwart ro)e.
#Ha anyone een a toad2 :e+ille$ lot one!$ he
aid. >he had a )oy ort o% +oice! lot o% )uhy
)rown hair and rather large %ront teeth.
#(e$+e already told him we ha+en$t een it!$ aid
Ron! )ut the girl wan$t litening! he wa looking at
the wand in hi hand.
#?h! are you doing magic2 3et$ ee it! then.$
>he at down. Ron looked taken a)ack.
#Er 1 all right.$
He cleared hi throat.
#>unhine! daiie! )utter mellow!
Turn thi tu"id! %at rat yellow.$
He wa+ed hi wand! )ut nothing ha""ened.
>ca))er tayed grey and %at alee".
#Are you ure that$ a real "ell2$ aid the girl.
#(ell! it$ not +ery good! i it2 I$+e tried a %ew im"le
"ell -ut %or "ractice and it$ all worked %or me.
:o)ody in my %amily$ magic at all! it wa e+er uch
a ur"rie when I got my letter! )ut I wa e+er o
"leaed! o% coure! I mean! it$ the +ery )et chool
o% witchcra%t there i! I$+e heard 1 I$+e learnt all our
et )ook o, )y heart! o% coure! I -ut ho"e it will )e
enough 1 I$m Hermione 6ranger! )y the way! who are
>he aid all thi +ery %at.
Harry looked at Re)eca and Ron and wa relie+ed
to ee )y their tunned %ace that they hadn$t learnt
all the et )ook o, )y heart either.
#I$m Re)eca *arlow!$ aid Re)eca!
#I$m Ron (ealey!$ Ron muttered.
#Harry Potter!$ aid Harry.
#Are you really2$ aid Hermione. #I know all a)out
you! o% coure 1 I got a %ew extra )ook %or
)ackground reading! and you$re in 7odern 7agi/al
History and he Rise and Fall o- the Dark Arts and
Great Wi=arding :3ents o- the wentieth "entury,
#Am I2$ aid Harry! %eeling da'ed.
#6oodne! didn$t you know! I$d ha+e %ound out
e+erything I could i% it wa me!$ aid Hermione. #/o
any o% you know what houe you$ll )e in2 I$+e )een
aking around and I ho"e I$m in 6ry@ndor! it ound
)y %ar the )et! I hear /um)ledore himel% wa one!
)ut I u""oe Ra+enclaw wouldn$t )e too )ad 5
Anyway! we$d )etter go and look %or :e+ille$ toad.
<ou three had )etter change! you know! I ex"ect we$ll
)e there oon.$
And he le%t! taking the toadle )oy with her.
#(hate+er houe I$m in! I ho"e he$ not in it!$ aid
Ron. He threw hi wand )ack into hi trunk. #>tu"id
"ell 1 6eorge ga+e it to me! )et he knew it wa a
#(hat houe are your )rother in2$ aked Re)eca.
#6ry@ndor!$ aid Ron. 6loom eemed to )e ettling
on him again. #9um and /ad were in it! too. I don$t
know what they$ll ay i% I$m not. I don$t u""oe
Ra+enclaw would )e too )ad! )ut imagine i% they "ut
me in >lytherin.$
#That$ the houe Vol1 I mean! <ou47now4(ho wa
in2$ aid Harry.
#<eah!$ aid Ron. He .o""ed )ack into hi eat!
looking de"reed.
#<ou know! I think the end o% >ca))er$ whiker
are a )it lighter!$ aid Harry! trying to take Ron$
mind o, houe. #>o what do your oldet )rother do
now they$+e le%t! anyway2$
Harry wa wondering what a wi'ard did once he$d
&nihed chool.
#Charlie$ in Romania tudying dragon and *ill$ in
A%rica doing omething %or 6ringott!$ aid Ron. #/id
you two hear a)out 6ringott2 It$ )een all o+er the
Daily Prophet! )ut I don$t u""oe you get that with
the 9uggle 1 omeone tried to ro) a high4ecurity
Harry tared.
#Really2 (hat ha""ened to them2$
#:othing! that$ why it$ uch )ig new. They
ha+en$t )een caught. 9y dad ay it mut$+e )een a
"ower%ul /ark wi'ard to get round 6ringott! )ut they
don$t think they took anything! that$ what$ odd.
$Coure! e+eryone get cared when omething like
thi ha""en in cae <ou47now4(ho$ )ehind it.$
Harry turned thi new o+er in hi mind. He wa
tarting to get a "rickle o% %ear e+ery time <ou47now4
(ho wa mentioned. He u""oed thi wa all "art o%
entering the magical world! )ut it had )een a lot
more com%orta)le aying #Voldemort$ without
#(hat$ your Guidditch team2$ Ron aked.
#Er 1 I don$t know any!$ Harry con%eed.
#(hat$ Guidditch2$ aked Re)eca.
#(hat0$ Ron looked dum)%ounded. #?h! you wait!
it$ the )et game in the world 1$ And he wa o,!
ex"laining all a)out the %our )all and the "oition
o% the e+en "layer! decri)ing %amou game he$d
)een to with hi )rother and the )roomtick he$d
like to get i% he had the money. He wa -ut taking
Harry and Re)eca through the &ner "oint o% the
game when the com"artment door lid o"en yet
again! )ut it wan$t :e+ille the toadle )oy or
Hermione 6ranger thi time.
Three )oy entered and Harry recognied the
middle one at onceA it wa the "ale )oy %rom 9adam
9alkin$ ro)e ho". He wa looking at Harry with a lot
more interet than he$d hown )ack in /iagon Alley.
#I it true2$ he aid. #They$re aying all down the
train that Harry Potter$ in thi com"artment. >o it$
you! i it2$
#<e!$ aid Harry. He wa looking at the other )oy.
*oth o% them were thicket and looked extremely
mean. >tanding either ide o% the "ale )oy they
looked like )odyguard.
#?h! thi i Cra))e and thi i 6oyle!$ aid the "ale
)oy carelely! noticing where Harry wa looking.
#And my name$ 9al%oy! /raco 9al%oy.$
Ron ga+e a light cough! which might ha+e )een
hiding a nigger. /raco 9al%oy looked at him.
#Think my name$ %unny! do you2 :o need to ak
who you are. 9y %ather told me all the (ealey ha+e
red hair! %reckle and more children than they can
He turned )ack to Harry.
#<ou$ll oon &nd out ome wi'arding %amilie are
much )etter than other! Potter. <ou don$t want to go
making %riend with the wrong ort. I can hel" you
He held out hi hand to hake Harry$! )ut Harry
didn$t take it.
#I think I can tell who the wrong ort are %or myel%!
thank!$ he aid coolly.
/raco 9al%oy didn$t go red! )ut a "ink tinge
a""eared in hi "ale cheek.
#I$d )e care%ul i% I were you! Potter!$ he aid lowly.
#8nle you$re a )it "oliter you$ll go the ame way a
your "arent. They didn$t know what wa good %or
them! either. <ou hang around with ri,4ra, like the
(ealey and that Hagrid and muggle4)orn like that
one and it$ll ru) o, on you.$
*oth Harry and Ron tood u". Ron$ %ace wa a red
a hi hair.
#>ay that again!$ he aid.
#?h! you$re going to &ght u! are you2$ 9al%oy
#8nle you get out now!$ aid Harry! more )ra+ely
than he %elt! )ecaue Cra))e and 6oyle were a lot
)igger than him or Ron.
#*ut we don$t %eel like lea+ing! do we! )oy2 (e$+e
eaten all our %ood and you till eem to ha+e ome.$
6oyle reached toward the Chocolate Frog next to
Re)eca 1 Ron lea"t %orward! )ut )e%ore he$d o much
a touched 6oyle! 6oyle let out a horri)le yell.
>ca))er the rat wa hanging o, hi &nger! har"
little teeth unk dee" into 6oyle$ knuckle 1 Cra))e
and 9al%oy )acked away a 6oyle wung >ca))er
round and round! howling! and when >ca))er &nally
.ew o, and hit the window! all three o% them
dia""eared at once. Perha" they thought there
were more rat lurking among the weet! or "erha"
they$d heard %ootte"! )ecaue a econd later!
Hermione 6ranger had come in.
#(hat has )een going on2$ he aid! looking at the
weet all o+er the .oor and Ron "icking u" >ca))er
)y hi tail.
#I think he$ )een knocked out!$ Ron aid to Harry
and Re)eca. He looked cloer at >ca))er. #:o 1 I
don$t )elie+e it 1 he$ gone )ack to lee".$
And o he had.
#<ou$+e met 9al%oy )e%ore2$
Harry ex"lained a)out their meeting in /iagon
#I$+e heard o% hi %amily!$ aid Ron darkly. #They
were ome o% the &rt to come )ack to our ide a%ter
<ou47now4(ho dia""eared. >aid they$d )een
)ewitched. 9y dad doen$t )elie+e it. He ay
9al%oy$ %ather didn$t need an excue to go o+er to
the /ark >ide.$
Re)eca turned to Hermione. #Can we hel" you with
#<ou$d )etter hurry u" and "ut your ro)e on! I$+e
-ut )een u" the %ront to ak the dri+er and he ay
we$re nearly there. <ou ha+en$t )een &ghting! ha+e
you2 <ou$ll )e in trou)le )e%ore we e+en get there0$
#>ca))er ha )een &ghting! not u!$ aid Ron!
cowling at her. #(ould you mind lea+ing while we
#All right 1 I only came in here )ecaue "eo"le
outide are )eha+ing +ery childihly! racing u" and
down the corridor!$ aid Hermione in a ni,y +oice.
#And you$+e got dirt on your noe! )y the way! did
you know2$
Ron glared at her a he le%t. Harry "eered out o%
the window. It wa getting dark. He could ee
mountain and %oret under a dee"4"ur"le ky. The
train did eem to )e lowing down.
He! Re)eca and Ron took o, their -acket and
"ulled on their long )lack ro)e. Ron$ were a )it
hort %or him! you could ee hi trainer underneath
A +oice echoed through the trainA #(e will )e
reaching Hogwart in &+e minute$ time. Pleae lea+e
your luggage on the train! it will )e taken to the
chool e"arately.$
Harry$ tomach lurched with ner+e! Re)eca wa
taking dee"! teadying )reath and Ron! Harry aw!
looked "ale under hi %reckle. They crammed their
"ocket with the lat o% the weet and -oined the
crowd thronging the corridor.
The train lowed right down and &nally to""ed.
Peo"le "uhed their way toward the door and out on
to a tiny! dark "lat%orm. Harry hi+ered in the cold
night air. Then a lam" came )o))ing o+er the head
o% the tudent and Harry heard a %amiliar +oiceA
#Fir$4year0 Fir$4year o+er here0 All right there!
Hagrid$ )ig hairy %ace )eamed o+er the ea o%
#C$mon! %ollow me 1 any more &r$4year2 9ind yer
te"! now0 Fir$4year %ollow me0$
>li""ing and tum)ling! they %ollowed Hagrid down
what eemed to )e a tee"! narrow "ath. It wa o
dark either ide o% them that Harry thought there
mut )e thick tree there. :o)ody "oke much.
:e+ille! the )oy who ke"t loing hi toad! ni,ed
once or twice.
#<eh$ll get yer &r$ ight o$ Hogwart in a ec!$
Hagrid called o+er hi houlder! #-u$ round thi )end
There wa a loud #?ooooh0$.
The narrow "ath had o"ened uddenly on to the
edge o% a great )lack lake. Perched ato" a high
mountain on the other ide! it window "arkling in
the tarry ky! wa a +at catle with many turret
and tower.
#:o more$n &+e to a )oat0$ Hagrid called! "ointing
to a .eet o% little )oat itting in the water )y the
hore. Harry! Re)eca and Ron were %ollowed into
their )oat )y :e+ille and Hermione.
#E+eryone in2$ houted Hagrid! who had a )oat to
himel%! #Right then 1 F?R(AR/0$
And the .eet o% little )oat mo+ed o, all at once!
gliding acro the lake! which wa a mooth a
gla. E+eryone wa ilent! taring u" at the great
catle o+erhead. It towered o+er them a they ailed
nearer and nearer to the cli, on which it tood.
#Head down0$ yelled Hagrid a the &rt )oat
reached the cli,F they all )ent their head and the
little )oat carried them through a curtain o% i+y
which hid a wide o"ening in the cli, %ace. They were
carried along a dark tunnel! which eemed to )e
taking them right underneath the catle! until they
reached a kind o% underground har)our! where they
clam)ered out on to rock and "e))le.
#Er 1 Hey. I thi yourJ2$ aid Re)eca! who wa
gingerly "icking u" a toad %rom the )oat.
#Tre+or0$ cried :e+ille )li%ully! holding out hi
hand. Then they clam)ered u" a "aageway in the
rock a%ter Hagrid$ lam"! coming out at lat on to
mooth! dam" gra right in the hadow o% the
They walked u" a .ight o% tone te" and crowded
around the huge! oak %ront door.
#E+eryone here2 <ou there! till got yer toad2$
Hagrid raied a gigantic &t and knocked three
time on the catle door.


he !orting Hat
The door wung o"en at once. A tall! )lack4haired
witch in emerald4green ro)e tood there. >he had a
+ery tern %ace and Harry$ &rt thought wa that thi
wa not omeone to cro.
#The &r$4year! Pro%eor 9c6onagall!$ aid Hagrid.
#Thank you! Hagrid. I will take them %rom here.$
>he "ulled the door wide. The Entrance Hall wa o
)ig you could ha+e &tted the whole o% the /urley$
houe in it. The tone wall were lit with .aming
torche like the one at 6ringott! the ceiling wa too
high to make out! and a magni&cent mar)le taircae
%acing them led to the u""er .oor.
They %ollowed Pro%eor 9c6onagall acro the
.agged tone .oor. Harry could hear the drone o%
hundred o% +oice %rom a doorway to the right 1 the
ret o% the chool mut already )e here 1 )ut
Pro%eor 9c6onagall howed the &rt4year into a
mall em"ty cham)er o, the hall. They crowded in!
tanding rather cloer together than they would
uually ha+e done! "eering a)out ner+ouly.
#(elcome to Hogwart!$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall.
#The tart4o%4term )an=uet will )egin hortly! )ut
)e%ore you take your eat in the 6reat Hall! you will
)e orted into your houe. The >orting i a +ery
im"ortant ceremony )ecaue! while you are here!
your houe will )e omething like your %amily within
Hogwart. <ou will ha+e clae with the ret o% your
houe! lee" in your houe dormitory and "end %ree
time in your houe common room.
#The %our houe are called 6ry@ndor! HuKe"u,!
Ra+enclaw and >lytherin. Each houe ha it own
no)le hitory and each ha "roduced outtanding
witche and wi'ard. (hile you are at Hogwart! your
trium"h will earn your houe "oint! while any rule4
)reaking will loe houe "oint. At the end o% the
year! the houe with the mot "oint i awarded the
Houe Cu"! a great honour. I ho"e each o% you will )e
a credit to whiche+er houe )ecome your.
#The >orting Ceremony will take "lace in a %ew
minute in %ront o% the ret o% the chool. I ugget
you all marten yourel+e u" a much a you can
while you are waiting.$
Her eye lingered %or a moment on :e+ille$ cloak!
which wa %atened under hi le%t ear! and on Ron$
mudged noe. Harry ner+ouly tried to .atten hi
#I hall return when we are ready %or you!$ aid
Pro%eor 9c6onagall. #Pleae wait =uietly.$
>he le%t the cham)er. Harry wallowed.
#How exactly do they ort u into houe2$ Re)eca
aked Ron.
#>ome ort o% tet! I think. Fred aid it hurt a lot!
)ut I think he wa -oking.$
Harry$ heart ga+e a horri)le -olt. A tet2 In %ront o%
the whole chool2 *ut he didn$t know any magic yet 1
what on earth would he ha+e to do2 He hadn$t
ex"ected omething like thi the moment they
arri+ed. He looked around anxiouly and aw that
e+eryone ele looked terri&ed too. :o one wa
talking much exce"t Hermione 6ranger! who wa
whi"ering +ery %at a)out all the "ell he$d learnt
and wondering which one he$d need. Harry tried
hard not to liten to her. He$d ne+er )een more
ner+ou! ne+er! not e+en when he$d had to take a
chool re"ort home to the /urley aying that he$d
omehow turned hi teacher$ wig )lue. He ke"t hi
eye &xed on the door. Any econd now! Pro%eor
9c6onagall would come )ack and lead him to hi
Then omething ha""ened which made him -um"
a)out a %oot in the air 1 e+eral "eo"le )ehind him
#(hat the 12$
He ga"ed. >o did the "eo"le around him. A)out
twenty ghot had -ut treamed through the )ack
wall. Pearly4white and lightly tran"arent! they
glided acro the room talking to each other and
hardly glancing at the &rt4year. They eemed to )e
arguing. (hat looked like a %at little monk wa
aying! #Forgi+e and %orget! I ay! we ought to gi+e
him a econd chance 1$
#9y dear Friar! ha+en$t we gi+en Pee+e all the
chance he deer+e2 He gi+e u all a )ad name
and you know! he$ not really e+en a ghot 1 I ay!
what are you all doing here2$
A ghot wearing a ru, and tight had uddenly
noticed the &rt4year.
:o)ody anwered.
#:ew tudent0$ aid the Fat Friar! miling around at
them. #A)out to )e orted! I u""oe2$
A %ew "eo"le nodded mutely.
#Ho"e to ee you in HuKe"u,0$ aid the Friar. #9y
old houe! you know.$
#9o+e along now!$ aid a har" +oice. #The >orting
Ceremony$ a)out to tart.$
Pro%eor 9c6onagall had returned. ?ne )y one!
the ghot .oated away through the o""oite wall.
#:ow! %orm a line!$ Pro%eor 9c6onagall told the
&rt4year! #and %ollow me.$
Feeling oddly a though hi leg had turned to lead!
Harry got into line )ehind a )oy with andy hair! with
Re)eca and Ron )ehind him! and they walked out o%
the cham)er! )ack acro the hall and through a "air
o% dou)le door into the 6reat Hall.
Harry had ne+er e+en imagined uch a trange and
"lendid "lace. It wa lit )y thouand and thouand
o% candle which were .oating in mid4air o+er %our
long ta)le! where the ret o% the tudent were
itting. Thee ta)le were laid with glittering golden
"late and go)let. At the to" o% the Hall wa another
long ta)le where the teacher were itting. Pro%eor
9c6onagall led the &rt4year u" here! o that they
came to a halt in a line %acing the other tudent!
with the teacher )ehind them. The hundred o%
%ace taring at them looked like "ale lantern in the
.ickering candlelight. /otted here and there among
the tudent! the ghot hone mity il+er. 9ainly to
a+oid all the taring eye! Harry looked u"ward and
aw a +el+ety )lack ceiling dotted with tar. He
heard Hermione whi"er! #It$ )ewitched to look like
the ky outide! I read a)out it in Hogwarts* A
It wa hard to )elie+e there wa a ceiling there at
all! and that the 6reat Hall didn$t im"ly o"en on to
the hea+en.
Harry =uickly looked down again a Pro%eor
9c6onagall ilently "laced a %our4legged tool in
%ront o% the &rt4year. ?n to" o% the tool he "ut a
"ointed wi'ard$ hat. Thi hat wa "atched and
%rayed and extremely dirty. Aunt Petunia wouldn$t
ha+e let it in the houe.
9ay)e they had to try and get a ra))it out o% it!
Harry thought wildly! that eemed the ort o% thing 1
noticing that e+eryone in the Hall wa now taring at
the hat! he tared at it too. For a %ew econd! there
wa com"lete ilence. Then the hat twitched. A ri"
near the )rim o"ened wide like a mouth 1 and the
hat )egan to ingA

Oh6 you 4ay not think $4 pretty6
8ut dont Gudge on what you see6
$ll eat 4ysel- i- you /an And
A s4arter hat than 4e,
'ou /an keep your bowlers bla/k6
'our top hats sleek and tall6
For $4 the Hogwarts !orting Hat
And $ /an /ap the4 all,
heres nothing hidden in your head
he !orting Hat /ant see6
!o try 4e on and $ will tell you
Where you ought to be,
'ou 4ight belong in GryHndor6
Where dwell the bra3e at heart6
heir daring6 ner3e and /hi3alry
!et GryHndors apartI
'ou 4ight belong in Hu9epuJ6
Where they are Gust and loyal6
hose patient Hu9epuJs are true
And una-raid o- toilI
Or yet in wise old Ra3en/law6
$- you3e a ready 4ind6
Where those o- wit and learning6
Will always And their kindI
Or perhaps in !lytherin
'oull 4ake your real -riends6
hose /unning -olk use any 4eans
o a/hie3e their ends,
!o put 4e onD Dont be a-raidD
And dont get in a @apD
'oure in sa-e hands .though $ ha3e none0
For $4 a hinking "apD

The whole Hall )urt into a""laue a the hat
&nihed it ong. It )owed to each o% the %our ta)le
and then )ecame =uite till again.
#>o we$+e -ut got to try on the hat0$ Ron whi"ered
to Harry. #I$ll kill Fred! he wa going on a)out
wretling a troll.$
Harry miled weakly. <e! trying on the hat wa a
lot )etter than ha+ing to do a "ell! )ut he did wih
they could ha+e tried it on without e+eryone
watching. The hat eemed to )e aking rather a lotF
Harry didn$t %eel )ra+e or =uick4witted or any o% it at
the moment. I% only the hat had mentioned a houe
%or "eo"le who %elt a )it =ueay! that would ha+e
)een the one %or him.
Pro%eor 9c6onagall now te""ed %orward holding
a long roll o% "archment.
#(hen I call your name! you will "ut on the hat and
it on the tool to )e orted!$ he aid. #A))ott!
A "ink4%aced girl with )londe "igtail tum)led out
o% line! "ut on the hat! which %ell right down o+er her
eye! and at down. A moment$ "aue 1
#H8FF3EP8FF0$ houted the hat.
The ta)le on the right cheered and cla""ed a
Hannah went to it down at the HuKe"u, ta)le.
Harry aw the ghot o% the Fat Friar wa+ing merrily at
#*arlow! Re)eca0$
Re)eca )lanched. >he looked o+er at Harry! who
ga+e her an encouraging mile. >he walked o+er to
the tool at down an "laced the hat on her head.
There wa another "aue! much longer than Hannah
A))ottJ had )een. ThenA
#6R<FFI:/?R0$ houted the hat.
The ta)le on the %ar le%t ex"loded with cheerF
Harry could ee Ron$ twin )rother catcalling a
Re)eca made her way o+er to -oin the 6ry@ndor.
#*one! >uan0$
#H8FF3EP8FF0$ houted the hat again! and >uan
cuttled o, to it next to Hannah.
#*oot! Terry0$
The ta)le econd %rom the le%t cla""ed thi timeF
e+eral Ra+enclaw tood u" to hake hand with
Terry a he -oined them.
#*rocklehurt! 9andy$ went to Ra+enclaw too! and
#*rown! 3a+ender$ )ecame the econd new
#*ultrode! 9illicent$ then )ecame a >lytherin.
Perha" it wa Harry$ imagination! a%ter all he$d
heard a)out >lytherin! )ut he thought they looked an
un"leaant lot.
He wa tarting to %eel de&nitely ick now. He
remem)ered )eing "icked %or team during "ort
leon at hi old chool. He had alway )een lat to
)e choen! not )ecaue he wa no good! )ut )ecaue
no one wanted /udley to think they liked him.
#Finch4Fletchley! ;utin0$
>ometime! Harry noticed! the hat houted out the
houe at once! )ut at other it took a little while to
decide. #Finnigan! >eamu$! the andy4haired )oy
next to Harry in the line! at on the tool %or almot a
whole minute )e%ore the hat declared him a
#6ranger! Hermione0$
Hermione almot ran to the tool and -ammed the
hat eagerly on her head.
#6R<FFI:/?R0$ houted the hat. Ron groaned.
A horri)le thought truck Harry! a horri)le
thought alway do when you$re +ery ner+ou. (hat
i% he wan$t choen at all2 (hat i% he -ut at there
with the hat o+er hi eye %or age! until Pro%eor
9c6onagall -erked it o, hi head and aid there had
o)+iouly )een a mitake and he$d )etter get )ack
on the train2
(hen :e+ille 3ong)ottom! the )oy who ke"t loing
hi toad! wa called! he %ell o+er on hi way to the
tool. The hat took a long time to decide with :e+ille.
(hen it &nally houted #6R<FFI:/?R$! :e+ille ran o,
till wearing it! and had to -og )ack amid gale o%
laughter to gi+e it to #9ac/ougal! 9orag$.
9al%oy waggered %orward when hi name wa
called and got hi wih at onceA the hat had )arely
touched hi head when it creamed! #>3<THERI:0$
9al%oy went to -oin hi %riend Cra))e and 6oyle!
looking "leaed with himel%.
There weren$t many "eo"le le%t now.
#9oon$ 5 #:ott$ 5 #Parkinon$ 5 then a "air o% twin
girl! #Patil$ and #Patil$ 5 then #Perk! >ally4Anne$ 5
and then! at lat 1
#Potter! Harry0$
A Harry te""ed %orward! whi"er uddenly )roke
out like little hiing &re all o+er the hall.
Potter! did he ay2$
he Harry Potter2$
The lat thing Harry aw )e%ore the hat dro""ed
o+er hi eye wa the Hall %ull o% "eo"le craning to
get a good look at him. :ext econd he wa looking
at the )lack inide o% the hat. He waited.
#Hmm!$ aid a mall +oice in hi ear. #/i@cult. Very
di@cult. Plenty o% courage! I ee. :ot a )ad mind!
either. There$ talent! oh my goodne! ye 1 and a
nice thirt to "ro+e yourel%! now that$ intereting 5
>o where hall I "ut you2$
Harry gri""ed the edge o% the tool and thought!
#:ot >lytherin! not >lytherin.$
#:ot >lytherin! eh2$ aid the mall +oice. #Are you
ure2 <ou could )e great! you know! it$ all here in
your head! and >lytherin will hel" you on the way to
greatne! no dou)t a)out that 1 no2 (ell! i% you$re
ure 1 )etter )e 6R<FFI:/?R0$
Harry heard the hat hout the lat word to the
whole Hall. He took o, the hat and walked hakily
toward the 6ry@ndor ta)le. He wa o relie+ed to
ha+e )een choen and not "ut in >lytherin! he hardly
noticed that he wa getting the loudet cheer yet.
Percy the Pre%ect got u" and hook hi hand
+igorouly! while the (ealey twin yelled! #(e got
Potter0 (e got Potter0$ Harry at down next to the
miling Re)eca who wa o""oite the ghot in the
ru, he$d een earlier. The ghot "atted HarryJ arm!
gi+ing him the udden! horri)le %eeling he$d -ut
"lunged it into a )ucket o% ice4cold water.
He could ee the High Ta)le "ro"erly now. At the
end nearet him at Hagrid! who caught hi eye and
ga+e him the thum)4u". Harry grinned )ack. And
there! in the centre o% the High Ta)le! in a large gold
chair! at Al)u /um)ledore. Harry recognied him at
once %rom the card he$d got out o% the Chocolate Frog
on the train. /um)ledore$ il+er hair wa the only
thing in the whole Hall that hone a )rightly a the
ghot. Harry "otted Pro%eor Guirrell! too! the
ner+ou young man %rom the 3eaky Cauldron. He wa
looking +ery "eculiar in a large "ur"le tur)an.
And now there were only three "eo"le le%t to )e
orted. #Tur"in! 3ia$ )ecame a Ra+enclaw and then it
wa Ron$ turn. He wa "ale green )y now. Harry
croed hi &nger under the ta)le and a econd
later the hat had houted! #6R<FFI:/?R0$
Harry and Re)eca cla""ed loudly with the ret a
Ron colla"ed into the chair next to them.
#(ell done! Ron! excellent!$ aid Percy (ealey
"om"ouly acro Harry a #Ma)ini! *laie$ wa made
a >lytherin. Pro%eor 9c6onagall rolled u" her croll
and took the >orting Hat away.
Harry looked down at hi em"ty gold "late. He had
only -ut realied how hungry he wa. The "um"kin
"atie eemed age ago.
Al)u /um)ledore had got to hi %eet. He wa
)eaming at the tudent! hi arm o"ened wide! a i%
nothing could ha+e "leaed him more than to ee
them all there.
#(elcome0$ he aid. #(elcome to a new year at
Hogwart0 *e%ore we )egin our )an=uet! I would like
to ay a %ew word. And here they areA :itwit0
*lu))er0 ?ddment0 Tweak0
#Thank you0$
He at )ack down. E+ery)ody cla""ed and
cheered. Harry didn$t know whether to laugh or not.
#I he 1 a )it mad2$ he aked Percy uncertainly.
#9ad2$ aid Percy airily. #He$ a geniu0 *et wi'ard
in the world0 *ut he i a )it mad! ye. Potatoe!
Harry$ mouth %ell o"en. The dihe in %ront o% him
were now "iled with %ood. He had ne+er een o
many thing he liked to eat on one ta)leA roat )ee%!
roat chicken! "ork cho" and lam) cho"! auage!
)acon and teak! )oiled "otatoe! roat "otatoe!
chi"! <orkhire "udding! "ea! carrot! gra+y!
ketchu" and! %or ome trange reaon! mint
The /urley had ne+er exactly tar+ed Harry! )ut
he$d ne+er )een allowed to eat a much a he liked.
/udley had alway taken anything that Harry really
wanted! e+en i% it made him ick. Harry "iled hi
"late with a )it o% e+erything exce"t the hum)ug
and )egan to eat. It wa all deliciou.
#That doe look good!$ aid the ghot in the ru,
adly! watching Harry cut u" hi teak.
#Can$t you 12$
#I ha+en$t eaten %or nearly &+e hundred year!$ aid
the ghot. #I don$t need to! o% coure! )ut one doe
mi it. I don$t think I$+e introduced myel%2 >ir
:ichola de 9imy4Por"ington at your er+ice.
Reident ghot o% 6ry@ndor Tower.$
#I know who you are0$ aid Ron uddenly. #9y
)rother told me a)out you 1 you$re :early Headle
#I would pre-er you to call me >ir :ichola de 9imy
1$ the ghot )egan tiKy! )ut andy4haired >eamu
Finnigan interru"ted.
%early Headle2 How can you )e nearly
>ir :ichola looked extremely mi,ed! a i% their
little chat wan$t going at all the way he wanted.
#3ike this!$ he aid irrita)ly. He ei'ed hi le%t ear
and "ulled. Hi whole head wung o, hi neck and
%ell on to hi houlder a i% it wa on a hinge.
>omeone had o)+iouly tried to )ehead him! )ut not
done it "ro"erly. 3ooking "leaed at the tunned
look on their %ace! :early Headle :ick .i""ed hi
head )ack on to hi neck! coughed and aid! #>o 1
new 6ry@ndor0 I ho"e you$re going to hel" u win
the Houe Cham"ionhi" thi year2 6ry@ndor ha+e
ne+er gone o long without winning. >lytherin ha+e
got the cu" ix year in a row0 The *loody *aron$
)ecoming almot un)eara)le 1 he$ the >lytherin
Harry looked o+er at the >lytherin ta)le and aw a
horri)le ghot itting there! with )lank taring eye! a
gaunt %ace and ro)e tained with il+er )lood. He
wa right next to 9al%oy who! Harry wa "leaed to
ee! didn$t look too "leaed with the eating
#How did he get co+ered in )lood2$ aked >eamu
with great interet.
#I$+e ne+er aked!$ aid :early Headle :ick
(hen e+eryone had eaten a much a they could!
the remain o% the %ood %aded %rom the "late!
lea+ing them "arkling clean a )e%ore. A moment
later the "udding a""eared. *lock o% ice4cream in
e+ery .a+our you could think o%! a""le "ie! treacle
tart! chocolate Nclair and -am doughnut! tri.e!
traw)errie! -elly! rice "udding 5
A Harry hel"ed himel% to a treacle tart! the talk
turned to their %amilie.
#I$m hal% and hal%!$ aid >eamu. #9e dad$ a
9uggle. 9am didn$t tell him he wa a witch $til a%ter
they were married. *it o% a naty hock %or him.$
The other laughed.
#(hat a)out you! :e+ille2$ aid Ron.
#(ell! my gran )rought me u" and he$ a witch!$
aid :e+ille! #)ut the %amily thought I wa all 9uggle
%or age. 9y great4uncle Algie ke"t trying to catch
me o, my guard and %orce ome magic out o% me 1
he "uhed me o, the end o% *lack"ool "ier once! I
nearly drowned 1 )ut nothing ha""ened until I wa
eight. 6reat4uncle Algie came round %or tea and he
wa hanging me out o% an u"tair window )y the
ankle when my great4auntie Enid o,ered him a
meringue and he accidentally let go. *ut I )ounced 1
all the way down the garden and into the road. They
were all really "leaed. 6ran wa crying! he wa o
ha""y. And you hould ha+e een their %ace when I
got in here 1 they thought I might not )e magic
enough to come! you ee. 6reat4uncle Algie wa o
"leaed he )ought me my toad.$
?n Harry$ other ide! Percy (ealey and Hermione
were talking a)out leon B#I do ho"e they tart
traight away! there$ o much to learn! I$m
"articularly intereted in Tran&guration! you know!
turning omething into omething ele! o% coure! it$
u""oed to )e +ery di@cult 1$F #<ou$ll )e tarting
mall! -ut matche into needle and that ort o%
thing 1$D.
Harry! who wa tarting to %eel warm and lee"y!
looked u" at the High Ta)le again. Hagrid wa
drinking dee"ly %rom hi go)let. Pro%eor
9c6onagall wa talking to Pro%eor /um)ledore.
Pro%eor Guirrell! in hi a)urd tur)an! wa talking to
a teacher with greay )lack hair! a hooked noe and
allow kin.
It ha""ened +ery uddenly. The hook4noed
teacher looked "at Guirrell$ tur)an traight into
Harry$ eye 1 and a har"! hot "ain hot acro the
car on Harry$ %orehead.
#?uch0$ Harry cla""ed a hand to hi head.
#(hat i it2$ aked Re)eca.
The "ain had gone a =uickly a it had come.
Harder to hake o, wa the %eeling Harry had got
%rom the teacher$ look 1 a %eeling that he didn$t like
Harry at all.
#(ho$ that teacher talking to Pro%eor Guirrell2$
he aked Percy.
#?h! you know Guirrell already! do you2 :o wonder
he$ looking o ner+ou! that$ Pro%eor >na"e. He
teache Potion! )ut he doen$t want to 1 e+eryone
know he$ a%ter Guirrell$ -o). 7now an aw%ul lot
a)out the /ark Art! >na"e.$
Harry watched >na"e %or a while )ut >na"e didn$t
look at him again.
At lat! the "udding too dia""eared and Pro%eor
/um)ledore got to hi %eet again. The Hall %ell ilent.
#Ahem 1 -ut a %ew more word now we are all %ed
and watered. I ha+e a %ew tart4o%4term notice to
gi+e you.
#Firt4year hould note that the %oret in the
ground i %or)idden to all "u"il. And a %ew o% our
older tudent would do well to remem)er that a
/um)ledore$ twinkling eye .ahed in the
direction o% the (ealey twin.
#I ha+e alo )een aked )y 9r Filch! the caretaker!
to remind you all that no magic hould )e ued
)etween clae in the corridor.
#Guidditch trial will )e held in the econd week o%
term. Anyone intereted in "laying %or their houe
team hould contact 9adam Hooch.
#And &nally! I mut tell you that thi year! the third4
.oor corridor on the right4hand ide i out o% )ound
to e+eryone who doe not wih to die a +ery "ain%ul
Harry laughed! )ut he wa one o% the %ew who did.
#He$ not eriou2$ he muttered to Percy.
#9ut )e!$ aid Percy! %rowning at /um)ledore. #It$
odd! )ecaue he uually gi+e u a reaon why we$re
not allowed to go omewhere 1 the %oret$ %ull o%
dangerou )eat! e+eryone know that. I do think he
might ha+e told u Pre%ect! at leat.$
#And now! )e%ore we go to )ed! let u ing the
chool ong0$ cried /um)ledore. Harry noticed that
the other teacher$ mile had )ecome rather &xed.
/um)ledore ga+e hi wand a little .ick a i% he wa
trying to get a .y o, the end and a long golden
ri))on .ew out o% it! which roe high a)o+e the
ta)le and twited itel% nake4like into word.
#E+eryone "ick their %a+ourite tune!$ aid
/um)ledore! #and o, we go0$
And the chool )ellowedA

Hogwarts6 Hogwarts6 Hoggy Warty Hogwarts6
ea/h us so4ething please6
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with s/abby knees6
Our heads /ould do with Alling
With so4e interesting stuJ6
For now theyre bare and -ull o- air6
Dead @ies and bits o- @uJ6
!o tea/h us things worth knowing6
8ring ba/k what we3e -orgot6
;ust do your best6 well do the rest6
And learn until our brains all rot,

E+ery)ody &nihed the ong at di,erent time. At
lat! only the (ealey twin were le%t inging along to
a +ery low %uneral march. /um)ledore conducted
their lat %ew line with hi wand! and when they had
&nihed! he wa one o% thoe who cla""ed loudet.
#Ah! muic!$ he aid! wi"ing hi eye. #A magic
)eyond all we do here0 And now! )edtime. ?, you
The 6ry@ndor &rt4year %ollowed Percy through
the chattering crowd! out o% the 6reat Hall and u"
the mar)le taircae. Harry$ leg were like lead
again! )ut only )ecaue he wa o tired and %ull o%
%ood. He wa too lee"y e+en to )e ur"ried that the
"eo"le in the "ortrait along the corridor whi"ered
and "ointed a they "aed! or that twice Percy led
them through doorway hidden )ehind liding "anel
and hanging ta"etrie. They clim)ed more
taircae! yawning and dragging their %eet! and
Harry wa -ut wondering how much %urther they had
to go when they came to a udden halt.
A )undle o% walking tick wa .oating in mid4air
ahead o% them and a Percy took a te" toward
them they tarted throwing themel+e at him.
#Pee+e!$ Percy whi"ered to the &rt4year. #A
"oltergeit.$ He raied hi +oice! #Pee+e 1 how
A loud! rude ound! like the air )eing let out o% a
)alloon! anwered.
#/o you want me to go to the *loody *aron2$
There wa a pop and a little man with wicked dark
eye and a wide mouth a""eared! .oating cro4
legged in the air! clutching the walking tick.
#?ooooooh0$ he aid! with an e+il cackle. #Ickle
&rtie0 (hat %un0$
He woo"ed uddenly at them. They all ducked.
#6o away! Pee+e! or the *aron$ll hear a)out thi! I
mean it0$ )arked Percy.
Pee+e tuck out hi tongue and +anihed!
dro""ing the walking tick on :e+ille$ head. They
heard him 'ooming away! rattling coat o% armour a
he "aed.
#<ou want to watch out %or Pee+e!$ aid Percy! a
they et o, again. #The *loody *aron$ the only one
who can control him! he won$t e+en liten to u
Pre%ect. Here we are.$
At the +ery end o% the corridor hung a "ortrait o% a
+ery %at woman in a "ink ilk dre.
#Paword2$ he aid.
"aput Dra/onis6 aid Percy! and the "ortrait
wung %orward to re+eal a round hole in the wall.
They all cram)led through it 1 :e+ille needed a leg
u" 1 and %ound themel+e in the 6ry@ndor common
room! a coy! round room %ull o% =uahy armchair.
Harry and Ron aid goodnight to Re)eca a Percy
directed the girl through one door to their dormitory
and the )oy through another. At the to" o% a "iral
taircae 1 they were o)+iouly in one o% the tower 1
they %ound their )ed at latA &+e %our4"oter hung
with dee"4red +el+et curtain. Their trunk had
already )een )rought u". Too tired to talk much! they
"ulled on their "y-ama and %ell into )ed.
#6reat %ood! in$t it2$ Ron muttered to Harry
through the hanging. #6et oJ6 >ca))er0 He$
chewing my heet.$
Harry wa going to ak Ron i% he$d had any o% the
treacle tart! )ut he %ell alee" almot at once.
Perha" Harry had eaten a )it too much! )ecaue
he had a +ery trange dream. He wa wearing
Pro%eor Guirrell$ tur)an! which ke"t talking to him!
telling him he mut tran%er to >lytherin at once!
)ecaue it wa hi detiny. Harry told the tur)an he
didn$t want to )e in >lytherinF it got hea+ier and
hea+ierF he tried to "ull it o, )ut it tightened
"ain%ully 1 and there wa 9al%oy! laughing at him a
he truggled with it 1 then 9al%oy turned into the
hook4noed teacher! >na"e! whoe laugh )ecame
high and cold 1 there wa a )urt o% green light and
Harry woke! weating and haking.
He rolled o+er and %ell alee" again! and when he
woke next day! he didn$t remem)er the dream at all.


he Potions 7aster
#There! look.$
#:ext to the tall kid with the red hair.$
#(earing the glae2$
#/id you ee hi %ace2$
#/id you ee hi car2$
(hi"er %ollowed Harry %rom the moment he le%t
hi dormitory next day. Peo"le =ueuing outide
claroom tood on ti"toe to get a look at him! or
dou)led )ack to "a him in the corridor again!
taring. Harry wihed they wouldn$t! )ecaue he wa
trying to concentrate on &nding hi way to clae.
There were a hundred and %orty4two taircae at
HogwartA wide! wee"ing oneF narrow! rickety
oneF ome that led omewhere di,erent on a FridayF
ome with a +anihing te" hal%way u" that you had
to remem)er to -um". Then there were door that
wouldn$t o"en unle you aked "olitely! or tickled
them in exactly the right "lace! and door that
weren$t really door at all! )ut olid wall -ut
"retending. It wa alo +ery hard to remem)er where
anything wa! )ecaue it all eemed to mo+e around
a lot. The "eo"le in the "ortrait ke"t going to +iit
each other and Harry wa ure the coat o% armour
could walk.
The ghot didn$t hel"! either. It wa alway a
naty hock when one o% them glided uddenly
through a door you were trying to o"en. :early
Headle :ick wa alway ha""y to "oint new
6ry@ndor in the right direction! )ut Pee+e the
"oltergeit wa worth two locked door and a trick
taircae i% you met him when you were late %or
cla. He would dro" wate4"a"er )aket on your
head! "ull rug %rom under your %eet! "elt you with
)it o% chalk or neak u" )ehind you! in+ii)le! gra)
your noe and creech! #6?T <?8R C?:70$
E+en wore than Pee+e! i% that wa "oi)le! wa
the caretaker! Argu Filch. Harry, Rebeca and Ron
managed to get on the wrong side of him on
their very frst morning. Filch found them
trying to force their way through a door which
unluckily turned out to be the entrance to the
out-of-bounds corridor on the third foor. He
wouldnt believe they were lost, was sure they
were trying to break into it on urose and
was threatening to lock them in the dungeons
when they were rescued by !rofessor "uirrell,
who was assing.
Filch owned a cat called 9r :orri! a crawny!
dut4coloured creature with )ulging! lam"4like eye
-ut like Filch$. >he "atrolled the corridor alone.
*reak a rule in %ront o% her! "ut -ut one toe out o%
line! and he$d whik o, %or Filch! who$d a""ear!
whee'ing! two econd later. Filch knew the ecret
"aageway o% the chool )etter than anyone
Bexce"t "erha" the (ealey twinD and could "o" u"
a uddenly a any o% the ghot. The tudent all
hated him and it wa the dearet am)ition o% many
to gi+e 9r :orri a good kick.
And then! once you had managed to &nd them!
there were the leon themel+e. There wa a lot
more to magic! a Harry =uickly %ound out! than
wa+ing your wand and aying a %ew %unny word.
They had to tudy the night kie through their
teleco"e e+ery (edneday at midnight and learn
the name o% di,erent tar and the mo+ement o%
the "lanet. #hree times a week they went out
to the greenhouses behind the castle to study
Herbology, with a dumy little witch called
!rofessor $rout, where they learnt how to
take care of all the strange lants and fungi
and found out what they were used for. Rebeca
had a articularly di%cult time with this
sub&ect, and was always emerging from the
lessons with various cuts and scraes.
Eaily the mot )oring leon wa Hitory o% 9agic!
which wa the only cla taught )y a ghot. Pro%eor
*inn had )een +ery old indeed when he had %allen
alee" in %ront o% the ta,4room &re and got u" next
morning to teach! lea+ing hi )ody )ehind him. *inn
droned on and on while they cri))led down name
and date and got Emeric the E+il and 8ric the
?dd)all mixed u".
Pro%eor Flitwick! the Charm teacher! wa a tiny
little wi'ard who had to tand on a "ile o% )ook to
ee o+er hi dek. At the tart o% their &rt leon he
took the regiter! and when he reached Harry$ name
he ga+e an excited =ueak and to""led out o% ight.
Pro%eor 9c6onagall wa again di,erent. Harry
had )een =uite right to think he wan$t a teacher to
cro. >trict and cle+er! he ga+e them a talking4to
the moment they had at down in her &rt cla.
#Tran&guration i ome o% the mot com"lex and
dangerou magic you will learn at Hogwart!$ he
aid. #Anyone meing around in my cla will lea+e
and not come )ack. <ou ha+e )een warned.$
Then he changed her dek into a "ig and )ack
again. They were all +ery im"reed and couldn$t
wait to get tarted! )ut oon realied they weren$t
going to )e changing the %urniture into animal %or a
long time. A%ter making a lot o% com"licated note!
they were each gi+en a match and tarted trying to
turn it into a needle. *y the end o% the leon! only
Hermione 6ranger had made any di,erence to her
matchF Pro%eor 9c6onagall howed the cla how it
had gone all il+er and "ointy and ga+e Hermione a
rare mile.
The cla e+eryone had really )een looking %orward
to wa /e%ence Againt the /ark Art! )ut Guirrell$
leon turned out to )e a )it o% a -oke. His
classroom smelled strongly of garlic, which
everyone said was to ward o' a vamire hed
met in Romania and was afraid would be
coming back to get him one of these days. His
turban, he told them, had been given to him by
an (frican rince as a thank-you for getting rid
of a troublesome )ombie, but they werent
sure they believed this story. For one thing,
when $eamus Finnigan asked eagerly to hear
how "uirrell had fought o' the )ombie, "uirrell
went ink and started talking about the
weatherF %or another! they had noticed that a %unny
mell hung around the tur)an! and the *easley
twins insisted that it was stu'ed full of garlic
as well, so that "uirrell was rotected
wherever he went.
Harry wa +ery relie+ed to &nd out that he wan$t
mile )ehind e+eryone ele. 3ot o% "eo"le had come
%rom 9uggle %amilie and! like him! hadn$t had any
idea that they were witche and wi'ard. There wa
o much to learn that e+en "eo"le like Ron didn$t
ha+e much o% a head tart.
Friday wa an im"ortant day %or Harry! Re)eca and
Ron. They &nally managed to &nd their way down to
the 6reat Hall %or )reak%at without getting lot once.
#(hat ha+e we got today2$ Harry aked Re)eca and
Ron a he "oured ugar on hi "orridge.
#/ou)le Potion with the >lytherin!$ aid Ron.
#>na"e$ Head o% >lytherin houe. They ay he
alway %a+our them 1 we$ll )e a)le to ee i% it$
#(ih 9c6onagall %a+oured u!$ aid Harry.
Pro%eor 9c6onagall wa Head o% 6ry@ndor houe!
)ut it hadn$t to""ed her gi+ing them a huge "ile o%
homework the day )e%ore.
;ut then! the "ot arri+ed. Harry had got ued to
thi )y now! )ut it had gi+en him a )it o% a hock on
the &rt morning! when a)out a hundred owl had
uddenly treamed into the 6reat Hall during
)reak%at! circling the ta)le until they aw their
owner and dro""ing letter and "ackage on to their
Hedwig hadn$t )rought Harry anything o %ar. >he
ometime .ew in to ni))le hi ear and ha+e a )it o%
toat )e%ore going o, to lee" in the owlery with the
other chool owl. Thi morning! howe+er! he
.uttered down )etween the marmalade and the
ugar )owl and dro""ed a note on to Harry$ "late.
Harry tore it o"en at once.

Dear Harry6 Bit aid! in a +ery untidy crawlD
$ know you get Friday a-ternoons oJ6 so would you
like to /o4e and ha3e a /up o- tea with 4e around
three? $ want to hear all about your Arst week, !end
us an answer ba/k with Hedwig,

Harry )orrowed Re)eca$ =uill! cri))led 'es6 please6
see you later on the )ack o% the note and ent
Hedwig o, again.
It wa lucky that Harry had tea with Hagrid to look
%orward to! )ecaue the Potion leon turned out to
)e the wort thing that had ha""ened to him o %ar.
At the tart4o%4term )an=uet! Harry had got the
idea that Pro%eor >na"e diliked him. *y the end o%
the &rt Potion leon! he knew he$d )een wrong.
>na"e didn$t dilike Harry 1 he hated him.
Potion leon took "lace down in one o% the
dungeon. It wa colder here than u" in the main
catle and would ha+e )een =uite cree"y enough
without the "ickled animal .oating in gla -ar all
around the wall.
>na"e! like Flitwick! tarted the cla )y taking the
regiter! and like Flitwick! he "aued at Harry$
#Ah! ye!$ he aid o%tly! #Harry Potter. ?ur new 1
/raco 9al%oy and hi %riend Cra))e and 6oyle
niggered )ehind their hand. >na"e &nihed calling
the name and looked u" at the cla. Hi eye were
)lack like Hagrid$! )ut they had none o% Hagrid$
warmth. They were cold and em"ty and made you
think o% dark tunnel.
#<ou are here to learn the u)tle cience and exact
art o% "otion4making!$ he )egan. He "oke in )arely
more than a whi"er! )ut they caught e+ery word 1
like Pro%eor 9c6onagall! >na"e had the gi%t o%
kee"ing a cla ilent without e,ort. #A there i little
%oolih wand4wa+ing here! many o% you will hardly
)elie+e thi i magic. I don$t ex"ect you will really
undertand the )eauty o% the o%tly immering
cauldron with it himmering %ume! the delicate
"ower o% li=uid that cree" through human +ein!
)ewitching the mind! ennaring the ene 5 I can
teach you how to )ottle %ame! )rew glory! e+en
to""er death 1 i% you aren$t a )ig a )unch o%
dunderhead a I uually ha+e to teach.$
9ore ilence %ollowed thi little "eech. Harry!
Re)eca and Ron exchanged look with raied
eye)row. Hermione 6ranger wa on the edge o% her
eat and looked de"erate to tart "ro+ing that he
wan$t a dunderhead.
#Potter0$ aid >na"e uddenly. #(hat would I get i% I
added "owdered root o% a"hodel to an in%uion o%
Powdered root o- what to an in-usion o- what?
Harry glanced at Re)eca and Ron! who looked a
tum"ed a he waF Hermione$ hand had hot into
the air.
#I don$t know! ir!$ aid Harry.
>na"e$ li" curled into a neer.
#Tut! tut 1 %ame clearly in$t e+erything.$
He ignored Hermione$ hand.
#3et$ try again. Potter! where would you look i% I
told you to &nd me a )e'oar2$
Hermione tretched her hand a high into the air a
it would go without her lea+ing her eat! )ut Harry
didn$t ha+e the %aintet idea what a )e'oar wa. He
tried not to look at 9al%oy! Cra))e and 6oyle! who
were haking with laughter.
#I don$t know! ir.$
#Thought you wouldn$t o"en a )ook )e%ore coming!
eh! Potter2$
Harry %orced himel% to kee" looking traight into
thoe cold eye. He had looked through hi )ook at
the /urley$! )ut did >na"e ex"ect him to remem)er
e+erything in One housand 7agi/al Herbs and
>na"e wa till ignoring Hermione$ =ui+ering
#(hat i the di,erence! Potter! )etween
monkhood and wol%)ane2$
At thi! Hermione tood u"! her hand tretching
toward the dungeon ceiling.
#I don$t know!$ aid Harry =uietly. #I think Hermione
doe! though! why don$t you try her2$
A %ew "eo"le laughedF Harry caught >eamu$ eye
and >eamu winked. >na"e! howe+er! wa not
#>it down!$ he na""ed at Hermione. #For your
in%ormation! Potter! a"hodel and wormwood make a
lee"ing "otion o "ower%ul it i known a the
/raught o% 3i+ing /eath. A )e'oar i a tone taken
%rom the tomach o% a goat and it will a+e you %rom
mot "oion. A %or monkhood and wol%)ane! they
are the ame "lant! which alo goe )y the name o%
aconite. (ell2 (hy aren$t you all co"ying that down2$
There wa a udden rummaging %or =uill and
"archment. ?+er the noie! >na"e aid! #And a "oint
will )e taken %rom 6ry@ndor houe %or your cheek!
Thing didn$t im"ro+e %or the 6ry@ndor a the
Potion leon continued. >na"e "ut them all into
"air and et them to mixing u" a im"le "otion to
cure )oil. He we"t around in hi long )lack cloak!
watching them weigh dried nettle and cruh nake
%ang! criticiing almot e+eryone exce"t 9al%oy!
whom he eemed to like. He wa -ut telling
e+eryone to look at the "er%ect way 9al%oy had
tewed hi horned lug when cloud o% acid green
moke and a loud hiing &lled the dungeon. :e+ille
had omehow managed to melt Re)eca$ cauldron
into a twited )lo) and their "otion wa ee"ing
acro the tone .oor! )urning hole in "eo"le$
hoe. (ithin econd! the whole cla were tanding
on their tool while :e+ille! who had )een drenched
in the "otion when the cauldron colla"ed! moaned in
"ain a angry red )oil "rang u" all o+er hi arm
and leg.
#Idiot )oy0$ narled >na"e! clearing the "illed
"otion away with one wa+e o% hi wand. #I u""oe
you added the "orcu"ine =uill )e%ore taking the
cauldron o, the &re2$
:e+ille whim"ered a )oil tarted to "o" u" all
o+er hi noe.
#Take him u" to the ho"ital wing!$ >na"e "at at
Re)eca. Then he rounded on Harry and Ron! who had
)een working next to :e+ille.
#<ou 1 Potter 1 why didn$t you tell him not to add
the =uill2 Thought he$d make you look good i% he got
it wrong! did you2 That$ another "oint you$+e lot %or
Thi wa o un%air that Harry o"ened hi mouth to
argue! )ut Ron kicked him )ehind their cauldron.
#/on$t "uh it!$ he muttered. #I$+e heard >na"e can
turn +ery naty.$
A they clim)ed the te" out o% the dungeon an
hour later! Harry$ mind wa racing and hi "irit
were low. He$d lot two "oint %or 6ry@ndor in hi
+ery &rt week 1 why did >na"e hate him o much2
#Cheer u"!$ aid Ron. #>na"e$ alway taking "oint
o, Fred and 6eorge.$
#Can we come and meet Hagrid with you2$ aked
At &+e to three they le%t the catle and made their
way acro the ground. Hagrid li+ed in a mall
wooden houe on the edge o% the For)idden Foret. A
cro)ow and a "air o% galohe were outide the
%ront door.
(hen Harry knocked they heard a %rantic
cra))ling %rom inide and e+eral )ooming )ark.
Then Hagrid$ +oice rang out! aying! 8a/k! Fang 1
Hagrid$ )ig hairy %ace a""eared in the crack a he
"ulled the door o"en.
#Hang on!$ he aid. 8a/k! Fang.$
He let them in! truggling to kee" a hold on the
collar o% an enormou )lack )oarhound.
There wa only one room inide. Ham and
"heaant were hanging %rom the ceiling! a co""er
kettle wa )oiling on the o"en &re and in a corner
tood a mai+e )ed with a "atchwork =uilt o+er it.
#9ake yerel+e at home!$ aid Hagrid! letting go o%
Fang! who )ounded traight at Ron and tarted
licking hi ear. 3ike Hagrid! Fang wa clearly not a
&erce a he looked.
#Thi i Re)eca and Ron!$ Harry told Hagrid! who
wa "ouring )oiling water into a large tea"ot and
"utting rock cake on to a "late.
#Another (ealey! eh2$ aid Hagrid! glancing at
Ron$ %reckle. #I "ent hal% me li%e chain$ yer twin
)rother away %rom the Foret.$
The rock cake almot )roke their teeth! )ut Harry!
Re)eca and Ron "retended to )e en-oying them a
they told Hagrid all a)out their &rt leon. Fang
reted hi head on Harry$ knee and drooled all o+er
hi ro)e.
Harry! Re)eca and Ron were delighted to hear
Hagrid call Filch #that old git$.
#An$ a %er that cat! 9r :orri! I$d like ter introduce
her to Fang ome time. /$yeh know! e+ery time I go
u" ter the chool! he %ollow me e+erywhere2 Can$t
get rid o% her 1 Filch "ut her u" to it.$
Harry told Hagrid a)out >na"e$ leon. Hagrid! like
Ron! told Harry not to worry a)out it! that >na"e liked
hardly any o% the tudent.
#*ut he eemed to really hate me.$
#Ru))ih0$ aid Hagrid. #(hy hould he2$
<et Harry couldn$t hel" thinking that Hagrid didn$t
=uite meet hi eye when he aid that.
#How$ yer )rother Charlie2$ Hagrid aked Ron. #I
liked him a lot 1 great with animal.$
Harry wondered i% Hagrid had changed the u)-ect
on "ur"oe. *hile Ron told Hagrid all about
+harlies work with dragons! Harry "icked u" a
"iece o% "a"er that wa lying on the ta)le under the
tea coy. It wa a cutting %rom the Daily Prophet*

GR$%GO! 8R:A>($% #A:!
$n3estigations /ontinue into the break(in at Gringotts
on 2+ ;uly6 widely belie3ed to be the work o- dark
wi=ards or wit/hes unknown,
Gringotts goblins today insisted that nothing had
been taken, he 3ault that was sear/hed had in -a/t
been e4ptied the sa4e day,
8ut were not telling you what was in there6 so
keep your noses out i- you know whats good -or
you6 said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this a-ternoon,

Harry remem)ered Ron telling him on the train that
omeone had tried to ro) 6ringott! )ut Ron hadn$t
mentioned the date.
#Hagrid0$ aid Harry. #That 6ringott )reak4in
ha""ened on my )irthday0 It might$+e )een
ha""ening while we were there0$
There wa no dou)t a)out it! Hagrid de&nitely
didn$t meet Harry$ eye thi time. He grunted and
o,ered him another rock cake. Harry read the tory
again. he 3ault that was sear/hed had in -a/t been
e4ptied earlier that sa4e day, Hagrid had em"tied
+ault e+en hundred and thirteen! i% you could call it
em"tying! taking out that gru))y little "ackage. Had
that )een what the thie+e were looking %or2
A Harry! Re)eca and Ron walked )ack to the
catle %or dinner! their "ocket weighed down with
rock cake they$d )een too "olite to re%ue! Harry
thought that none o% the leon he$d had o %ar had
gi+en him a much to think a)out a tea with Hagrid.
Had Hagrid collected that "ackage -ut in time2
(here wa it now2 And did Hagrid know omething
a)out >na"e that he didn$t want to tell Harry2


he 7idnight Duel
Harry had ne+er )elie+ed he would meet a )oy he
hated more than /udley! )ut that wa )e%ore he met
/raco 9al%oy. >till! &rt4year 6ry@ndor only had
Potion with the >lytherin! o they didn$t ha+e to "ut
u" with 9al%oy much. ?r at leat! they didn$t until
they "otted a notice "inned u" in the 6ry@ndor
common room which made them all groan. Flying
leon would )e tarting on Thurday 1 and
6ry@ndor and >lytherin would )e learning together.
#Ty"ical!$ aid Harry darkly. #;ut what I alway
wanted. To make a %ool o% myel% on a )roomtick in
%ront o% 9al%oy.$
He had )een looking %orward to learning to .y more
than anything ele.
#<ou don$t know you$ll make a %ool o% yourel%!$ aid
Re)eca reaona)ly.
#Anyway!$ aid Ron! #I know 9al%oy$ alway going
on a)out how good he i at Guidditch! )ut I )et that$
all talk.$
9al%oy certainly did talk a)out .ying a lot. He
com"lained loudly a)out &rt4year ne+er getting in
the houe Guidditch team and told long! )oat%ul
torie which alway eemed to end with him
narrowly eca"ing 9uggle in helico"ter. He wan$t
the only one! thoughA the way >eamu Finnigan told
it! he$d "ent mot o% hi childhood 'ooming around
the countryide on hi )roomtick. E+en Ron would
tell anyone who$d liten a)out the time he$d almot
hit a hang4glider on Charlie$ old )room. E+eryone
%rom wi'arding %amilie talked a)out Guidditch
contantly. Ron had already had a )ig argument with
/ean Thoma! who hared their dormitory! a)out
%oot)all. Ron couldn$t ee what wa exciting a)out a
game with only one )all where no one wa allowed to
.y. Harry had caught Ron "rodding /ean$ "oter o%
(et Ham %oot)all team! trying to make the "layer
:e+ille had ne+er )een on a )roomtick in hi li%e!
)ecaue hi grandmother had ne+er let him near
one. Pri+ately! Harry %elt he$d had good reaon!
)ecaue :e+ille managed to ha+e an extraordinary
num)er o% accident e+en with )oth %eet on the
Hermione 6ranger wa almot a ner+ou a)out
.ying a :e+ille wa. Thi wa omething you
couldn$t learn )y heart out o% a )ook 1 not that he
hadn$t tried. At )reak%at on Thurday he )ored
them all tu"id with .ying ti" he$d got out o% a
li)rary )ook called <uiddit/h through the Ages,
:e+ille wa hanging on to her e+ery word! de"erate
%or anything that might hel" him hang on to hi
)roomtick later! )ut e+ery)ody ele wa +ery
"leaed when Hermione$ lecture wa interru"ted )y
the arri+al o% the "ot.
Harry hadn$t had a ingle letter ince Hagrid$
note! omething that 9al%oy had )een =uick to
notice! o% coure. 9al%oy$ eagle owl wa alway
)ringing him "ackage o% weet %rom home! which
he o"ened gloatingly at the >lytherin ta)le.
A )arn owl )rought :e+ille a mall "ackage %rom
hi grandmother. He o"ened it excitedly and howed
them a gla )all the i'e o% a large mar)le! which
eemed to )e %ull o% white moke.
#It$ a Remem)rall0$ he ex"lained. #6ran know I
%orget thing 1 thi tell you i% there$ omething
you$+e %orgotten to do. 3ook! you hold it tight like thi
and i% it turn red 1 oh 5$ Hi %ace %ell! )ecaue the
Remem)rall had uddenly glowed carlet! #5 you$+e
%orgotten omething 5$
:e+ille wa trying to remem)er what he$d
%orgotten when /raco 9al%oy! who wa "aing the
6ry@ndor ta)le! natched the Remem)rall out o% hi
Harry and Ron -um"ed to their %eet. They were hal%
ho"ing %or a reaon to &ght 9al%oy! )ut Pro%eor
9c6onagall! who could "ot trou)le =uicker than any
teacher in the chool! wa there in a .ah.
#(hat$ going on2$
#9al%oy$ got my Remem)rall! Pro%eor.$
>cowling! 9al%oy =uickly dro""ed the Remem)rall
)ack on the ta)le.
#;ut looking!$ he aid! and he lo"ed away with
Cra))e and 6oyle )ehind him.
At three4thirty that a%ternoon! Harry! Re)eca! Ron
and the other 6ry@ndor hurried down the %ront
te" into the ground %or their &rt .ying leon. It
wa a clear! )ree'y day and the gra ri""led under
their %eet a they marched down the lo"ing lawn
toward a mooth lawn on the o""oite ide o% the
ground to the For)idden Foret! whoe tree were
waying darkly in the ditance.
The >lytherin were already there! and o were
twenty )roomtick lying in neat line on the ground.
Harry had heard Fred and ,eorge *easley
comlain about the school brooms, saying that
some of them started to vibrate if you few too
high, or always few slightly to the left.
Their teacher! 9adam Hooch! arri+ed. >he had
hort! grey hair and yellow eye like a hawk.
#(ell! what are you all waiting %or2$ he )arked.
#E+eryone tand )y a )roomtick. Come on! hurry
Harry glanced down at hi )room. It wa old and
ome o% the twig tuck out at odd angle.
#>tick out your right hand o+er your )room!$ called
9adam Hooch at the %ront! #and ay! H8"0I$
#8P0$ e+eryone houted.
Harry$ )room -um"ed into hi hand at once! )ut it
wa one o% the %ew that did. Hermione 6ranger$ had
im"ly rolled o+er on the ground and :e+ille$ hadn$t
mo+ed at all. Perha" )room! like hore! could tell
when you were a%raid! thought HarryF there wa a
=ua+er in :e+ille$ +oice that aid only too clearly
that he wanted to kee" hi %eet on the ground.
9adam Hooch then howed them how to mount
their )room without liding o, the end! and walked
u" and down the row! correcting their gri". Harry!
Re)eca and Ron were delighted when he told 9al%oy
he$d )een doing it wrong %or year.
#:ow! when I )low my whitle! you kick o, %rom the
ground! hard!$ aid 9adam Hooch. #7ee" your )room
teady! rie a %ew %eet and then come traight )ack
down )y leaning %orward lightly. ?n my whitle 1
three 1 two 1$
*ut :e+ille! ner+ou and -um"y and %rightened o%
)eing le%t on the ground! "uhed o, hard )e%ore the
whitle had touched 9adam Hooch$ li".
#Come )ack! )oy0$ he houted! )ut :e+ille wa
riing traight u" like a cork hot out o% a )ottle 1
twel+e %eet 1 twenty %eet. Harry aw hi cared white
%ace look down at the ground %alling away! aw him
ga"! li" ideway o, the )room and 1
(HA9 1 a thud and a naty crack and :e+ille lay!
%ace down! on the gra in a hea". Hi )roomtick
wa till riing higher and higher and tarted to dri%t
la'ily toward the For)idden Foret and out o% ight.
9adam Hooch wa )ending o+er :e+ille! her %ace
a white a hi.
#*roken writ!$ Harry heard her mutter. #Come on!
)oy 1 it$ all right! u" you get.$
>he turned to the ret o% the cla.
#:one o% you i to mo+e while I take thi )oy to the
ho"ital wing0 <ou lea+e thoe )room where they
are or you$ll )e out o% Hogwart )e%ore you can ay
HGuidditchI. Come on! dear.$
:e+ille! hi %ace tear4treaked! clutching hi writ!
ho))led o, with 9adam Hooch! who had her arm
around him.
:o ooner were they out o% earhot than 9al%oy
)urt into laughter.
#/id you ee hi %ace! the great lum"2$
The other >lytherin -oined in.
#>hut u"! 9al%oy!$ na""ed Par+ati Patil.
#?oh! ticking u" %or 3ong)ottom2$ aid Pany
Parkinon! a hard4%aced >lytherin girl. #:e+er thought
youd like %at little cry )a)ie! Par+ati.$
#3ook0$ aid 9al%oy! darting %orward and natching
omething out o% the gra. #It$ that tu"id thing
3ong)ottom$ gran ent him.$
The Remem)rall glittered in the un a he held it
#6i+e that here! 9al%oy!$ aid Harry =uietly.
E+eryone to""ed talking to watch.
9al%oy miled natily.
#I think I$ll lea+e it omewhere %or 3ong)ottom to
collect 1 how a)out 1 u" a tree2$
#6i+e it hereD$ Harry yelled! )ut 9al%oy had lea"t on
to hi )roomtick and taken o,. He hadn$t )een lying!
he /ould .y well 1 ho+ering le+el with the to"mot
)ranche o% an oak he called! #Come and get it!
Harry gra))ed hi )room.
%oD houted Hermione 6ranger. #9adam Hooch
told u not to mo+e 1 you$ll get u all into trou)le.$
Harry ignored her. *lood wa "ounding in hi ear.
He mounted the )room and kicked hard againt the
ground and u"! u" he oared! air ruhed through hi
hair and hi ro)e whi""ed out )ehind him 1 and in a
ruh o% &erce -oy he realied he$d %ound omething
he could do without )eing taught 1 thi wa eay! thi
wa wonder-ul, He "ulled hi )roomtick u" a little to
take it e+en higher and heard cream and ga" o%
girl )ack on the ground and an admiring whoo"
%rom Ron.
He turned hi )roomtick har"ly to %ace 9al%oy in
mid4air. 9al%oy looked tunned.
#6i+e it here!$ Harry called! #or I$ll knock you o, that
#?h! yeah2$ aid 9al%oy! trying to neer! )ut looking
Harry knew! omehow! what to do. He leant
%orward and gra"ed the )room tightly in )oth hand
and it hot toward 9al%oy like a -a+elin. 9al%oy only
-ut got out o% the way in timeF Harry made a har"
a)out turn and held the )room teady. A %ew "eo"le
)elow were cla""ing.
#:o Cra))e and 6oyle u" here to a+e your neck!
9al%oy!$ Harry called.
The ame thought eemed to ha+e truck 9al%oy.
#Catch it i% you can! then0$ he houted! and he
threw the gla )all high into the air and treaked
)ack toward the ground.
Harry aw! a though in low motion! the )all rie
u" in the air and then tart to %all. He leant %orward
and "ointed hi )room handle down 1 next econd he
wa gathering "eed in a tee" di+e! racing the )all 1
wind whitled in hi ear! mingled with the cream
o% "eo"le watching 1 he tretched out hi hand 1 a
%oot %rom the ground he caught it! -ut in time to "ull
hi )room traight! and he to""led gently on to the
gra with the Remem)rall clutched a%ely in hi &t.
Hi heart ank %ater than he$d -ut di+ed. Pro%eor
9c6onagall wa running toward them. He got to hi
%eet! trem)ling.
%e3er 1 in all my time at Hogwart 1$
Pro%eor 9c6onagall wa almot "eechle with
hock! and her glae .ahed %uriouly! #1 how dare
you 1 might ha+e )roken your neck 1$
#It wan$t hi %ault! Pro%eor 1$
#*e =uiet! 9i *arlow 1$
#*ut 9al%oy 1$
#That$ enough6 9r (ealey. Potter! %ollow me!
Harry caught ight o% 9al%oy! Cra))e and 6oyle$
trium"hant %ace a he le%t! walking num)ly in
Pro%eor 9c6onagall$ wake a he trode toward
the catle. He wa going to )e ex"elled! he -ut knew
it. He wanted to ay omething to de%end himel%!
)ut there eemed to )e omething wrong with hi
+oice. Pro%eor 9c6onagall wa wee"ing along
without e+en looking at himF he had to -og to kee"
u". :ow he$d done it. He hadn$t e+en lated two
week. He$d )e "acking hi )ag in ten minute.
(hat would the /urley ay when he turned u" on
the doorte"2
8" the %ront te"! u" the mar)le taircae inide!
and till Pro%eor 9c6onagall didn$t ay a word to
him. >he wrenched o"en door and marched along
corridor with Harry trotting miera)ly )ehind her.
9ay)e he wa taking him to /um)ledore. He
thought o% Hagrid! ex"elled )ut allowed to tay on a
gamekee"er. Perha" he could )e Hagrid$ aitant.
Hi tomach twited a he imagined it! watching
Re)eca! Ron and the other )ecoming wi'ard while
he tum"ed around the ground! carrying Hagrid$
Pro%eor 9c6onagall to""ed outide a claroom.
>he o"ened the door and "oked her head inide.
#Excue me! Pro%eor Flitwick! could I )orrow (ood
%or a moment2$
(ood2 thought Harry! )ewilderedF wa (ood a
cane he wa going to ue on him2
*ut (ood turned out to )e a "eron! a )urly &%th4
year )oy who came out o% Flitwick$ cla looking
#Follow me! you two!$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall!
and they marched on u" the corridor! (ood looking
curiouly at Harry.
#In here.$
Pro%eor 9c6onagall "ointed them into a
claroom which wa em"ty exce"t %or Pee+e! who
wa )uy writing rude word on the )lack)oard.
#?ut! Pee+e0$ he )arked. Pee+e threw the chalk
into a )in! which clanged loudly! and he woo"ed out
curing. Pro%eor 9c6onagall lammed the door
)ehind him and turned to %ace the two )oy.
#Potter! thi i ?li+er (ood. (ood 1 I$+e %ound you a
(ood$ ex"reion changed %rom "u''lement to
#Are you eriou! Pro%eor2$
#A)olutely!$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall cri"ly. #The
)oy$ a natural. I$+e ne+er een anything like it. (a
that your &rt time on a )roomtick! Potter2$
Harry nodded ilently. He didn$t ha+e a clue what
wa going on! )ut he didn$t eem to )e )eing
ex"elled! and ome o% the %eeling tarted coming
)ack to hi leg.
#He caught that thing in hi hand a%ter a &%ty4%oot
di+e!$ Pro%eor 9c6onagall told (ood. #/idn$t e+en
cratch himel%. Charlie (ealey couldn$t ha+e done
(ood wa now looking a though all hi dream
had come true at once.
#E+er een a game o% Guidditch! Potter2$ he aked
#(ood$ ca"tain o% the 6ry@ndor team!$ Pro%eor
9c6onagall ex"lained.
#He$ -ut the )uild %or a >eeker! too!$ aid (ood!
now walking around Harry and taring at him. #3ight 1
"eedy 1 we$ll ha+e to get him a decent )room!
Pro%eor 1 a :im)u Two Thouand or a Cleanwee"
>e+en! I$d ay.$
#I hall "eak to Pro%eor /um)ledore and ee i%
we can$t )end the &rt4year rule. Hea+en know! we
need a )etter team than lat year. Flattened in that
lat match )y >lytherin! I couldn$t look >e+eru
>na"e in the %ace %or week 5$
Pro%eor 9c6onagall "eered ternly o+er her
glae at Harry.
#I want to hear you$re training hard! Potter! or I may
change my mind a)out "unihing you.$
Then he uddenly miled.
#<our %ather would ha+e )een "roud!$ he aid. #He
wa an excellent Guidditch "layer himel%.$
#<ou$re Goking,$
It wa dinner time. Harry had -ut &nihed telling
Re)eca and Ron what had ha""ened when he$d le%t
the ground with Pro%eor 9c6onagall. They were
)oth thundertruck. Ron had a "iece o% teak4and4
kidney "ie hal%way to hi mouth! )ut he$d %orgotten
all a)out it.
!eeker? he aid. #*ut &rt4year ne3er 1 you mut
)e the younget houe "layer in a)out 1$
#1 a century!$ aid Harry! ho+elling "ie into hi
mouth. He %elt "articularly hungry a%ter the
excitement o% the a%ternoon. #(ood told me.$
Ron and Re)eca were o ama'ed! o im"reed!
they -ut at and ga"ed at Harry.
#I tart training next week!$ aid Harry. #?nly don$t
tell anyone! (ood want to kee" it a ecret.$
Fred and 6eorge (ealey now came into the hall!
"otted Harry and hurried o+er.
#(ell done!$ aid 6eorge in a low +oice. #(ood told
u. (e$re on the team too 1 *eater.$
#I tell you! we$re going to win that Guidditch Cu" %or
ure thi year!$ aid Fred. #(e ha+en$t won ince
Charlie le%t! )ut thi year$ team i going to )e
)rilliant. <ou mut )e good! Harry! (ood wa almot
ki""ing when he told u.$
#Anyway! we$+e got to go! 3ee ;ordan reckon he$
%ound a new ecret "aageway out o% the chool.$
#*et it$ that one )ehind the tatue o% 6regory the
>marmy that we %ound in our &rt week. >ee you.$
Fred and 6eorge had hardly dia""eared when
omeone %ar le welcome turned u"A 9al%oy! .anked
)y Cra))e and 6oyle.
#Ha+ing a lat meal! Potter2 (hen are you getting
the train )ack to the 9uggle2$
#<ou$re a lot )ra+er now you$re )ack on the ground
and you$+e got your little %riend with you!$ aid
Harry coolly. There wa o% coure nothing at all little
a)out Cra))e and 6oyle! )ut a the High Ta)le wa
%ull o% teacher! neither o% them could do more than
crack their knuckle and cowl.
#I$d take you on any time on my own!$ aid 9al%oy.
#Tonight! i% you want. (i'ard$ duel. (and only 1 no
contact. (hat$ the matter2 :e+er heard o% a
wi'ard$ duel )e%ore! I u""oe2$
#?% coure he ha!$ aid Ron! wheeling round. #I$m
hi econd! who$ your2$
9al%oy looked at Cra))e and 6oyle! i'ing them u".
#Cra))e!$ he aid. #9idnight all right2 (e$ll meet
you in the tro"hy room! that$ alway unlocked.$
(hen 9al%oy had gone! Ron! Harry and Re)eca
looked at each other.
#(hat is a wi'ard$ duel2$ aid Harry.
#And what do you mean! you$re hi econd2$ aked
Re)eca! #(hat$ he need a econd %or2$
#(ell! a econd$ there to take o+er i% he die!$ aid
Ron caually! getting tarted at lat on hi cold "ie.
Catching the look on Harry and Re)eca$ %ace! he
added =uickly! #)ut "eo"le only die in "ro"er duel!
you know! with real wi'ard. The mot you and
9al%oy$ll )e a)le to do i end "ark at each other.
:either o% you know enough magic to do any real
damage. I )et he ex"ected you to re%ue! anyway.$
#And what i% I wa+e my wand and nothing
#Chuck it! and "unch him on the noe!$ Re)eca
#Excue me.$
They looked u". It wa Hermione 6ranger.
#Can$t a "eron eat in "eace in thi "lace2$ aid
Hermione ignored him and "oke to Harry.
#I couldn$t hel" o+erhearing what you and 9al%oy
were aying 1$
#*et you could!$ Re)eca muttered.
#1 and you 4ustnt go wandering around the chool
at night! think o% the "oint you$ll loe 6ry@ndor i%
you$re caught! and you$re )ound to )e. It$ really
+ery el&h o% you.$
#And it$ really none o% your )uine!$ aid Harry.
#6ood)ye!$ aid Re)eca.
All the ame! it wan$t what you$d call the "er%ect
end to the day! Harry thought! a he lay awake much
later litening to /ean and >eamu %alling alee"
B:e+ille wan$t )ack %rom the ho"ital wingD. Ron had
"ent all e+ening gi+ing him ad+ice uch a #I% he
trie to cure you! you$d )etter dodge it! )ecaue I
can$t remem)er how to )lock them$. There wa a
+ery good chance they were going to get caught )y
Filch or 9r :orri! and Harry %elt he wa "uhing hi
luck! )reaking another chool rule today. ?n the
other hand! 9al%oy$ neering %ace ke"t looming u"
out o% the darkne 1 thi wa hi )ig chance to )eat
9al%oy! %ace to %ace. He couldn$t mi it.
#Hal% "at ele+en!$ Ron muttered at lat. #(e$d
)etter go meet Re)eca.$
They "ulled on their dreing4gown! "icked u"
their wand and cre"t acro the tower room! down
the "iral taircae and into the 6ry@ndor common
room where Re)eca wa waiting %or them. A %ew
em)er were till glowing in the &re"lace! turning all
the armchair into hunched )lack hadow. They had
almot reached the "ortrait hole when a +oice "oke
%rom the girl tairA #I can$t )elie+e you$re going to
do thi! Harry.$
A lam" .ickered on. It wa Hermione 6ranger!
wearing a "ink dreing4gown and a %rown.
#/id you %ollow me2$ hied Re)eca.
#6o )ack to )ed0$ aid Ron %uriouly.
#I almot told your )rother!$ Hermione na""ed.
#Percy 1 he$ a Pre%ect! he$d "ut a to" to thi.$
Harry couldn$t )elie+e anyone could )e o
#Come on!$ he aid to Re)eca and Ron. He "uhed
o"en the "ortrait o% the Fat 3ady and clim)ed
through the hole.
Hermione wan$t going to gi+e u" that eaily. >he
%ollowed Ron through the "ortrait hole! hiing at
them like an angry gooe.
#/on$t you /are a)out 6ry@ndor! do you only care
a)out yourel+e! I don$t want >lytherin to win the
Houe Cu" and you$ll loe all the "oint I got %rom
Pro%eor 9c6onagall %or knowing a)out >witching
#6o away.$
#All right! )ut I warned you! you -ut remem)er
what I aid when you$re on the train home tomorrow!
you$re o 1$
*ut what they were! they didn$t &nd out. Hermione
had turned to the "ortrait o% the Fat 3ady to get )ack
inide and %ound herel% %acing an em"ty "ainting.
The Fat 3ady had gone on a night4time +iit and
Hermione wa locked out o% 6ry@ndor Tower.
#:ow what am I going to do2$ he aked hrilly.
#That$ your "ro)lem!$ aid Ron. #(e$+e got to go!
we$re going to )e late.$
They hadn$t e+en reached the end o% the corridor
when Hermione caught u" with them.
#I$m coming with you!$ he aid.
#<ou are not.$
#/$you think I$m going to tand out here and wait
%or Filch to catch me2 I% he &nd all %our o% u I$ll tell
him the truth! that I wa trying to to" you and you
can )ack me u".$
#<ou$+e got ome ner+e 1$ aid Ron loudly.
#>hut u"! )oth o% you0$ aid Harry har"ly. #I heard
It wa a ort o% nuKing.
#9r :orri2$ )reathed Re)eca! =uinting through
the dark.
It wan$t 9r :orri. It wa :e+ille. He wa curled
u" on the .oor! %at alee"! )ut -erked uddenly
awake a they cre"t nearer.
#Thank goodne you %ound me0 I$+e )een out here
%or hour. I couldn$t remem)er the new "aword to
get in to )ed.$
#7ee" your +oice down0$ aid Re)eca.
#The "aword$ HPig noutI!$ aid Ron! #)ut it won$t
hel" you now! :e+ille! the Fat 3ady$ gone o,
#How$ your arm2$ aid Harry.
#Fine!$ aid :e+ille! howing them. #9adam Pom%rey
mended it in a)out a minute.$
#6ood 1 well! look! :e+ille! we$+e got to )e
omewhere! we$ll ee you later 1$
#/on$t lea+e me0$ aid :e+ille! cram)ling to hi
%eet. #I don$t want to tay here alone! the *loody
*aron$ )een "at twice already.$
Ron looked at hi watch and then glared %uriouly
at Hermione and :e+ille.
#I% either o% you get u caught! I$ll ne+er ret until
I$+e learnt that Cure o% the *ogie Guirrell told u
a)out and ued it on you.$
Hermione o"ened her mouth! "erha" to tell Ron
exactly how to ue the Cure o% the *ogie! )ut Harry
hied at her to )e =uiet and )eckoned them all
They .itted along corridor tri"ed with )ar o%
moonlight %rom the high window. At e+ery turn
Harry ex"ected to run into Filch or 9r :orri! )ut
they were lucky. They "ed u" a taircae to the third
.oor and ti"toed toward the tro"hy room.
9al%oy and Cra))e weren$t there yet. The crytal
tro"hy cae glimmered where the moonlight caught
them. Cu"! hield! "late and tatue winked il+er
and gold in the darkne. They edged along the
wall! kee"ing their eye on the door at either end
o% the room. Harry took out hi wand in cae 9al%oy
lea"t in and tarted at once. The minute cre"t )y.
#He$ late! may)e he$ chickened out!$ Ron
Then a noie in the next room made them -um".
Harry had only -ut raied hi wand when they heard
omeone "eak 1 and it wan$t 9al%oy.
#>ni, around! my weet! they might )e lurking in a
It wa Filch "eaking to 9r :orri. Horror4truck!
Harry wa+ed madly at the other %our to %ollow him a
=uickly a "oi)leF they curried ilently toward the
door away %rom Filch$ +oice. :e+ille$ ro)e had
)arely whi""ed round the corner when they heard
Filch enter the tro"hy room.
#They$re in here omewhere!$ they heard him
mutter! #"ro)a)ly hiding.$
#Thi way0$ Harry mouthed to the other and!
"etri&ed! they )egan to cree" down a long gallery %ull
o% uit o% armour. They could hear Filch getting
nearer. :e+ille uddenly let out a %rightened =ueak
and )roke into a run 1 he tri""ed! gra))ed Re)eca
around the wait and the "air o% them to""led right
into a uit o% armour.
The clanging and crahing were enough to wake
the whole catle.
#R8:0$ Harry yelled and the &+e o% them "rinted
down the gallery! not looking )ack to ee whether
Filch wa %ollowing 1 they wung around the door"ot
and gallo"ed down one corridor then another! Harry
in the lead without any idea where they were or
where they were going. They ri""ed through a
ta"etry and %ound themel+e in a hidden
"aageway! hurtled along it and came out near their
Charm claroom! which they knew wa mile %rom
the tro"hy room.
#I think we$+e lot him!$ Harry "anted! leaning
againt the cold wall and wi"ing hi %orehead. :e+ille
wa )ent dou)le! whee'ing and "luttering.
#I 1 told 1 you!$ Hermione ga"ed! clutching at the
titch in her chet. #I 1 told 1 you.$
#(e$+e got to get )ack to 6ry@ndor Tower!$ aid
Re)eca! #=uickly a "oi)le.$
#9al%oy tricked you!$ Hermione aid to Harry. #<ou
realie that! don$t you2 He wa ne+er going to meet
you 1 Filch knew omeone wa going to )e in the
tro"hy room! 9al%oy mut ha+e ti""ed him o,.$
Harry thought he wa "ro)a)ly right! )ut he
wan$t going to tell her that.
#3et$ go.$
It wan$t going to )e that im"le. They hadn$t gone
more than a do'en "ace when a doorkno) rattled
and omething came hooting out o% a claroom in
%ront o% them.
It wa Pee+e. He caught ight o% them and ga+e a
=ueal o% delight.
#>hut u"! Pee+e 1 "leae 1 you$ll get u thrown
Pee+e cackled.
#(andering around at midnight! ickle &rtie2 Tut!
tut! tut. :aughty! naughty! you$ll get caughty.$
#:ot i% you don$t gi+e u away! Pee+e! "leae.$
#>hould tell Filch! I hould!$ aid Pee+e in a aintly
+oice! )ut hi eye glittered wickedly. #It$ %or your
own good! you know.$
#6et out o% the way!$ na""ed Ron! taking a wi"e
at Pee+e 1 thi wa a )ig mitake.
#>T8/E:T> ?8T ?F *E/0$ Pee+e )ellowed.
#>T8/E:T> ?8T ?F *E/ /?(: THE CHAR9>
/ucking under Pee+e they ran %or their li+e! right
to the end o% the corridor! where they lammed into a
door 1 and it wa locked.
#Thi i it0$ Ron moaned! a they "uhed hel"lely
at the door. #(e$re done %or0 Thi i the end0$
They could hear %ootte"! Filch running a %at a
he could toward Pee+e$ hout.
#?h! mo+e o+er!$ Hermione narled. >he gra))ed
Harry$ wand! ta""ed the lock and whi"ered!
The lock clicked and the door wung o"en 1 they
"iled through it! hut it =uickly and "reed their ear
againt it! litening.
#(hich way did they go! Pee+e2$ Filch wa aying.
#Guick tell me.$
#>ay H"leaeI.$
#/on$t me me a)out! Pee+e! now where did they
#>han$t ay nothing i% you don$t ay "leae!$ aid
Pee+e in hi annoying ing4ong +oice.
#All right 1 please,$
#:?THI:60 Ha haaa0 Told you I wouldn$t ay
nothing i% you didn$t ay "leae0 Ha ha0 Haaaaaa0$
And they heard the ound o% Pee+e whoohing away
and Filch curing in rage.
#He think thi door i locked!$ Harry whi"ered. #I
think we$ll )e ?7 1 get oJ6 :e+ille0$ For :e+ille had
)een tugging on the lee+e o% Harry$ dreing4gown
%or the lat minute. What?$
Harry turned around 1 and aw! =uite clearly! what.
For a moment! he wa ure he$d walked into a
nightmare 1 thi wa too much! on to" o% e+erything
that had ha""ened o %ar.
They weren$t in a room! a he had u""oed. They
were in a corridor. The %or)idden corridor on the third
.oor. And now they knew why it wa %or)idden.
They were looking traight into the eye o% a
montrou dog! a dog which &lled the whole "ace
)etween ceiling and .oor. It had three head. Three
"air o% rolling! mad eyeF three noe! twitching and
=ui+ering in their directionF three drooling mouth!
ali+a hanging in li""ery ro"e %rom yellowih %ang.
It wa tanding =uite till! all ix eye taring at
them! and Harry knew that the only reaon they
weren$t already dead wa that their udden
a""earance had taken it )y ur"rie! )ut it wa
=uickly getting o+er that! there wa no mitaking
what thoe thunderou growl meant.
Harry gro"ed %or the doorkno) 1 )etween Filch and
death! he$d take Filch.
They %ell )ackward 1 Harry lammed the door
hut! and they ran! they almot .ew! )ack down the
corridor. Filch mut ha+e hurried o, to look %or them
omewhere ele )ecaue they didn$t ee him
anywhere! )ut they hardly cared 1 all they wanted to
do wa "ut a much "ace a "oi)le )etween them
and that monter. They didn$t to" running until they
reached the "ortrait o% the Fat 3ady on the e+enth
#(here on earth ha+e you all )een2$ he aked!
looking at their dreing4gown hanging o, their
houlder and their .uhed! weaty %ace.
#:e+er mind that 1 "ig nout! "ig nout!$ "anted
Harry! and the "ortrait wung %orward. They
cram)led into the common room and colla"ed!
trem)ling into armchair.
It wa a while )e%ore any o% them aid anything.
:e+ille! indeed! looked a i% he$d ne+er "eak again.
#(hat do they think they$re doing! kee"ing a thing
like that locked u" in a chool2$ aid Ron &nally. #I%
any dog need exercie! that one doe.$
Hermione had got )oth her )reath and her )ad
tem"er )ack again.
#<ou don$t ue your eye! any o% you! do you2$ he
na""ed. #/idn$t you ee what it wa tanding on2$
#The .oor2$ Re)eca uggeted.
#I wan$t looking at it %eet!$ aid Harry! #I wa too
)uy with it head.$
#:o! not the .oor. It wa tanding on a tra"door. It$
o)+iouly guarding omething.$
>he tood u"! glaring at them.
#I ho"e you$re "leaed with yourel+e. (e could all
ha+e )een killed 1 or wore! ex"elled. :ow! i% you
don$t mind! I$m going to )ed.$
Ron tared a%ter her! hi mouth o"en.
#:o! we don$t mind!$ he aid. #<ou$d think we
dragged her along! wouldn$t you2$
*ut Hermione had gi+en Harry omething ele to
think a)out a he clim)ed )ack into )ed. The dog
wa guarding omething 5 (hat had Hagrid aid2
6ringott wa the a%et "lace in the world %or
omething you wanted to hide 1 exce"t "erha"
It looked a though Harry had %ound out where the
gru))y little "ackage %rom +ault e+en hundred and
thirteen wa.


9al%oy couldn$t )elie+e hi eye when he aw that
Harry! Re)eca and Ron were till at Hogwart next
day! looking tired )ut "er%ectly cheer%ul. Indeed! )y
next morning Harry! Re)eca and Ron thought that
meeting the three4headed dog had )een an excellent
ad+enture and they were =uite keen to ha+e another
one. In the meantime! Harry &lled Re)eca and Ron in
a)out the "ackage that eemed to ha+e )een mo+ed
%rom 6ringott to Hogwart! and they "ent a lot o%
time wondering what could "oi)ly need uch hea+y
#It$ "ro)a)ly really +alua)le!$ aid Ron.
#?r really dangerou!$ aid Re)eca.
#?r )oth!$ aid Harry.
*ut a all they knew %or ure a)out the myteriou
o)-ect wa that it wa a)out two inche long! they
didn$t ha+e much chance o% gueing what it wa
without %urther clue.
:either :e+ille or Hermione howed the lightet
interet in what lay underneath the dog and the
tra"door. All :e+ille cared a)out wa ne+er going
near the dog again.
Hermione wa now re%uing to "eak to Harry!
Re)eca and Ron! )ut he wa uch a )oy know4it4
all that they aw thi a an added )onu. All they
really wanted now wa a way o% getting )ack at
9al%oy! and to their great delight! -ut uch a thing
arri+ed with the "ot a)out a week later.
A the owl .ooded into the 6reat Hall a uual!
e+eryone$ attention wa caught at once )y a long
thin "ackage carried )y ix large creech owl. Harry
wa -ut a intereted a e+eryone ele to ee what
wa in thi large "arcel and wa ama'ed when the
owl oared down and dro""ed it right in %ront o%
him! knocking hi )acon to the .oor. They had hardly
.uttered out o% the way when another owl dro""ed a
letter on to" o% the "arcel.
Harry ri""ed o"en the letter &rt! which wa lucky!
)ecaue it aidA

DO %O OP:% H: PAR":# A H: A8#:,
$t /ontains your new %i4bus wo housand6 but $
dont want e3erybody knowing you3e got a
broo4sti/k or theyll all want one, Oli3er Wood will
4eet you tonight on the <uiddit/h pit/h at se3en
o/lo/k -or your Arst training session,
Pro-essor 7, 7/Gonagall

Harry had di@culty hiding hi glee a he handed the
note to Re)eca and Ron to read.
#A :im)u Two Thouand0$ Ron moaned en+iouly.
#I$+e ne+er e+en tou/hed one.$
They le%t the Hall =uickly! wanting to unwra" the
)roomtick in "ri+ate )e%ore their &rt leon! )ut
hal%way acro the Entrance Hall they %ound the way
u"tair )arred )y Cra))e and 6oyle. 9al%oy ei'ed
the "ackage %rom Harry and %elt it.
#That$ a )roomtick!$ he aid! throwing it )ack to
Harry with a mixture o% -ealouy and "ite on hi
%ace. #<ou$ll )e %or it thi time! Potter! &rt4year
aren$t allowed them.$
Ron couldn$t reit it.
#It$ not any old )roomtick!$ he aid! #it$ a :im)u
Two Thouand. (hat did you ay you$+e got at home!
9al%oy! a Comet Two >ixty2$ Ron grinned at Harry.
#Comet look .ahy! )ut they$re not in the ame
league a the :im)u.$
#(hat would you know a)out it! (ealey! you
couldn$t a,ord hal% the handle!$ 9al%oy na""ed
)ack. #I u""oe you and your )rother ha+e to a+e
u"! twig )y twig.$
*e%ore Ron could anwer! Pro%eor Flitwick
a""eared at 9al%oy$ el)ow.
#:ot arguing! I ho"e! )oy2$ he =ueaked.
#Potter$ )een ent a )roomtick! Pro%eor!$ aid
9al%oy =uickly.
#<e! ye! that$ right!$ aid Pro%eor Flitwick!
)eaming at Harry. #Pro%eor 9c6onagall told me all
a)out the "ecial circumtance! Potter. And what
model i it2$
#A :im)u Two Thouand! ir!$ aid Harry! &ghting
not to laugh at the look o% horror on 9al%oy$ %ace.
#And it$ really thank to 9al%oy here that I$+e got it!$
he added.
Harry! Re)eca and Ron headed u"tair!
mothering their laughter at 9al%oy$ o)+iou rage
and con%uion.
#(ell! it$ true!$ Harry chortled a they reached the
to" o% the mar)le taircae. #I% he hadn$t tolen
:e+ille$ Remem)rall I wouldn$t )e in the team 5$
#>o I u""oe you think that$ a reward %or )reaking
rule2$ came an angry +oice %rom -ut )ehind them.
Hermione wa tom"ing u" the tair looking
dia""ro+ingly at the "ackage in Harry$ hand.
#I thought you weren$t "eaking to u2$ aid
#<e! don$t to" now!$ aid Ron! #it$ doing u o
much good.$
Hermione marched away with her noe in the air.
Harry had a lot o% trou)le kee"ing hi mind on hi
leon that day. It ke"t wandering u" to the
dormitory! where hi new )roomtick wa lying under
hi )ed! or traying o, to the Guidditch "itch where
he$d )e learning to "lay that night. He )olted hi
dinner that e+ening without noticing what he wa
eating and then ruhed u"tair with Re)eca and Ron
to unwra" the :im)u Two Thouand at lat.
#(ow!$ Ron ighed! a the )roomtick rolled on to
Harry$ )ed"read.
E+en Harry! who knew nothing a)out the di,erent
)room! thought it looked wonder%ul. >leek and
hiny! with a mahogany handle! it had a long tail o%
neat! traight twig and %i4bus wo housand
written in gold near the to".
A e+en o$clock drew nearer! Harry le%t the catle
and et o, toward the Guidditch "itch in the duk.
He$d ne+er )een inide the tadium )e%ore. Hundred
o% eat were raied in tand around the "itch o
that the "ectator were high enough to ee what
wa going on. At either end o% the "itch were three
golden "ole with hoo" on the end. They reminded
Harry o% the little "latic tick 9uggle children )lew
)u))le through! exce"t that they were &%ty %eet
Too eager to .y again to wait %or (ood! Harry
mounted hi )roomtick and kicked o, %rom the
ground. (hat a %eeling 1 he woo"ed in and out o%
the goal"ot and then "ed u" and down the "itch.
The :im)u Two Thouand turned where+er he
wanted at hi lightet touch.
#Hey! Potter! come down0$
?li+er (ood had arri+ed. He wa carrying a large
wooden crate under hi arm. Harry landed next to
#Very nice!$ aid (ood! hi eye glinting. #I ee what
9c6onagall meant 5 you really are a natural. I$m
-ut going to teach you the rule thi e+ening! then
you$ll )e -oining team "ractice three time a week.$
He o"ened the crate. Inide were %our di,erent4
i'ed )all.
#Right!$ aid (ood. #:ow! Guidditch i eay enough
to undertand! e+en i% it$ not too eay to "lay. There
are e+en "layer on each ide. Three o% them are
called Chaer.$
#Three Chaer!$ Harry re"eated! a (ood took out
a )right red )all a)out the i'e o% a %oot)all.
#Thi )all$ called the GuaKe!$ aid (ood. #The
Chaer throw the GuaKe to each other and try and
get it through one o% the hoo" to core a goal. Ten
"oint e+ery time the GuaKe goe through one o%
the hoo". Follow me2$
#The Chaer throw the GuaKe and "ut it through
the hoo" to core!$ Harry recited. #>o 1 that$ ort o%
like )aket)all on )roomtick with ix hoo"! in$t
#(hat$ )aket)all2$ aid (ood curiouly.
#:e+er mind!$ aid Harry =uickly.
#:ow! there$ another "layer on each ide who$
called the 7ee"er 1 I$m 7ee"er %or 6ry@ndor. I ha+e
to .y around our hoo" and to" the other team %rom
#Three Chaer! one 7ee"er!$ aid Harry! who wa
determined to remem)er it all. #And they "lay with
the GuaKe. ?7! got that. >o what are they %or2$ He
"ointed at the three )all le%t inide the )ox.
#I$ll how you now!$ aid (ood. #Take thi.$
He handed Harry a mall clu)! a )it like a rounder
#I$m going to how you what the *ludger do!$
(ood aid. #Thee two are the *ludger.$
He howed Harry two identical )all! -et )lack and
lightly maller than the red GuaKe. Harry noticed
that they eemed to )e training to eca"e the
tra" holding them inide the )ox.
#>tand )ack!$ (ood warned Harry. He )ent down
and %reed one o% the *ludger.
At once! the )lack )all roe high in the air and then
"elted traight at Harry$ %ace. Harry wung at it with
the )at to to" it )reaking hi noe and ent it 'ig4
'agging away into the air 1 it 'oomed around their
head and then hot at (ood! who di+ed on to" o% it
and managed to "in it to the ground.
#>ee2$ (ood "anted! %orcing the truggling *ludger
)ack into the crate and tra""ing it down a%ely. #The
*ludger rocket around trying to knock "layer o,
their )room. That$ why you ha+e two *eater on
each team. The (ealey twin are our 1 it$ their -o)
to "rotect their ide %rom the *ludger and try and
knock them toward the other team. >o 1 think
you$+e got all that2$
#Three Chaer try and core with the GuaKeF the
7ee"er guard the goal"otF the *eater kee" the
*ludger away %rom their team!$ Harry reeled o,.
#Very good!$ aid (ood.
#Er 1 ha+e the *ludger e+er killed anyone2$ Harry
aked! ho"ing he ounded o,hand.
#:e+er at Hogwart. (e$+e had a cou"le o% )roken
-aw )ut nothing wore than that. :ow! the lat
mem)er o% the team i the >eeker. That$ you. And
you don$t ha+e to worry a)out the GuaKe or the
*ludger 1$
#1 unle they crack my head o"en.$
#/on$t worry! the (ealey are more than a match
%or the *ludger 1 I mean! they$re like a "air o%
human *ludger themel+e.$
(ood reached into the crate and took out the
%ourth and lat )all. Com"ared with the GuaKe and
the *ludger! it wa tiny! a)out the i'e o% a large
walnut. It wa )right gold and had little .uttering
il+er wing.
his6 aid (ood! #i the 6olden >nitch! and it$ the
mot im"ortant )all o% the lot. It$ +ery hard to catch
)ecaue it$ o %at and di@cult to ee. It$ the
>eeker$ -o) to catch it. <ou$+e got to wea+e in and
out o% the Chaer! *eater! *ludger and GuaKe to
get it )e%ore the other team$ >eeker! )ecaue
whiche+er >eeker catche the >nitch win hi team
an extra hundred and &%ty "oint! o they nearly
alway win. That$ why >eeker get %ouled o much.
A game o% Guidditch only end when the >nitch i
caught! o it can go on %or age 1 I think the record i
three month! they had to kee" )ringing on
u)titute o the "layer could get ome lee".
#(ell! that$ it 1 any =uetion2$
Harry hook hi head. He undertood what he had
to do all right! it wa doing it that wa going to )e the
#(e won$t "ractie with the >nitch yet!$ aid (ood!
care%ully hutting it )ack inide the crate. #It$ too
dark! we might loe it. 3et$ try you out with a %ew o%
He "ulled a )ag o% ordinary gol% )all out o% hi
"ocket! and a %ew minute later! he and Harry were
u" in the air! (ood throwing the gol% )all a hard a
he could in e+ery direction %or Harry to catch.
Harry didn$t mi a ingle one! and (ood wa
delighted. A%ter hal% an hour! night had really %allen
and they couldn$t carry on.
#That Guidditch Cu"$ll ha+e our name on it thi
year!$ aid (ood ha""ily a they trudged )ack u" to
the catle. #I wouldn$t )e ur"ried i% you turn out
)etter than Charlie (ealey! and he could ha+e
"layed %or England i% he hadn$t gone o, chaing
Perha" it wa )ecaue he wa now o )uy! what
with Guidditch "ractice three e+ening a week on to"
o% all hi homework! )ut Harry could hardly )elie+e it
when he realied that he$d already )een at Hogwart
two month. The catle %elt more like home than
Pri+et /ri+e had e+er done. Hi leon! too! were
)ecoming more and more intereting now that they
had matered the )aic.
?n Hallowe$en morning they woke to the deliciou
mell o% )aking "um"kin wa%ting through the
corridor. E+en )etter! Pro%eor Flitwick announced
in Charm that he thought they were ready to tart
making o)-ect .y! omething they had all )een
dying to try ince they$d een him make :e+ille$
toad 'oom around the claroom. Pro%eor Flitwick
"ut the cla into "air to "ractie. Harry$ "artner
wa >eamu Finnigan Bwhich wa a relie%! )ecaue
:e+ille had )een trying to catch hi eyeD. Ron!
howe+er! wa to )e working with Hermione 6ranger.
It wa hard to tell whether Ron or Hermione wa
angrier a)out thi. >he hadn$t "oken to either o%
them ince the day Harry$ )roomtick had arri+ed.
#:ow! don$t %orget that nice writ mo+ement we$+e
)een "ractiing0$ =ueaked Pro%eor Flitwick!
"erched on to" o% hi "ile o% )ook a uual. #>wih
and .ick! remem)er! wih and .ick. And aying the
magic word "ro"erly i +ery im"ortant! too 1 ne+er
%orget (i'ard *aru@o! who aid #$ intead o% #%$ and
%ound himel% on the .oor with a )u,alo on hi
It wa +ery di@cult. Harry and >eamu wihed and
.icked! )ut the %eather they were u""oed to )e
ending kyward -ut lay on the dekto". >eamu
got o im"atient that he "rodded it with hi wand and
et &re to it 1 Harry had to "ut it out with hi hat.
Ron! at the next ta)le! wan$t ha+ing much more
Wingardiu4 #e3iosaD he houted! wa+ing hi long
arm like a windmill.
#<ou$re aying it wrong!$ Harry heard Hermione
na". #It$ (ing4gar4dium 3e+i4o4a! make the HgarI
nice and long.$
#<ou do it! then! i% you$re o cle+er!$ Ron narled.
Hermione rolled u" the lee+e o% her gown! .icked
her wand and aid! Wingardiu4 #e3iosaD$
Their %eather roe o, the dek and ho+ered a)out
%our %eet a)o+e their head.
#?h! well done0$ cried Pro%eor Flitwick! cla""ing.
#E+eryone ee here! 9i 6ranger$ done it0$
Ron wa in a +ery )ad tem"er )y the end o% the
#It$ no wonder no one can tand her!$ he aid to
Harry and Re)eca a they "uhed their way into the
crowded corridor. #>he$ a nightmare! honetly.$
>omeone knocked into Harry a they hurried "at
him. It wa Hermione. Harry caught a glim"e o% her
%ace 1 and wa tartled to ee that he wa in tear.
#I think he heard you!$ aid Re)eca.
#>o2$ aid Ron! )ut he looked a )it uncom%orta)le.
#>he mut$+e noticed he$ got no %riend.$
Hermione didn$t turn u" %or the next cla and
wan$t een all a%ternoon. ?n their way down to the
6reat Hall %or the Hallowe$en %eat! Par+ati Patil and
her %riend 3a+ender told Re)eca that Hermione wa
crying in the girl$ toilet and wanted to )e le%t alone.
Ron looked till more awkward at thi! )ut a moment
later they had entered the 6reat Hall! where the
Hallowe$en decoration "ut Hermione out o% their
A thouand li+e )at .uttered %rom the wall and
ceiling while a thouand more woo"ed o+er the
ta)le in low )lack cloud! making the candle in the
"um"kin tutter. The %eat a""eared uddenly on
the golden "late! a it had at the tart4o%4term
Harry wa -ut hel"ing himel% to a -acket "otato
when Pro%eor Guirrell came "rinting into the Hall!
hi tur)an akew and terror on hi %ace. E+eryone
tared a he reached Pro%eor /um)ledore$ chair!
lum"ed againt the ta)le and ga"ed! #Troll 1 in the
dungeon 1 thought you ought to know.$
He then ank to the .oor in a dead %aint.
There wa u"roar. It took e+eral "ur"le
&recracker ex"loding %rom the end o% Pro%eor
/um)ledore$ wand to )ring ilence.
#Pre%ect!$ he rum)led! #lead your houe )ack to
the dormitorie immediately0$
Percy wa in hi element.
#Follow me0 >tick together! &rt4year0 :o need to
%ear the troll i% you %ollow my order0 >tay cloe
)ehind me! now. 9ake way! &rt4year coming
through0 Excue me! I$m a Pre%ect0$
#How could a troll get in2$ Harry aked a they
clim)ed the tair.
#/on$t ak me! they$re u""oed to )e really
tu"id!$ aid Ron. #9ay)e Pee+e let it in %or a
Hallowe$en -oke.$
They "aed di,erent grou" o% "eo"le hurrying in
di,erent direction. A they -otled their way through
a crowd o% con%ued HuKe"u,! Re)eca uddenly
gra))ed Harry and Ron$ arm.
#I$+e -ut thought 1 Hermione.$
#(hat a)out her2$
#>he doen$t know a)out the troll.$
Ron )it hi li".
#?h! all right!$ he na""ed. #*ut Percy$d )etter not
ee u.$
/ucking down! they -oined the HuKe"u, going
the other way! li""ed down a deerted ide corridor
and hurried o, toward the girl$ toilet. They had
-ut turned the corner when they heard =uick
%ootte" )ehind them.
#Percy0$ hied Ron! "ulling Harry and Re)eca
)ehind a large tone gri@n.
Peering around it! howe+er! they aw not Percy )ut
>na"e. He croed the corridor and dia""eared %rom
#(hat$ he doing2$ Harry whi"ered. #(hy in$t he
down in the dungeon with the ret o% the teacher2$
#>earch me.$
Guietly a "oi)le! they cre"t along the next
corridor a%ter >na"e$ %ading %ootte".
#He$ heading %or the third .oor!$ Harry aid! )ut
Re)eca held u" her hand.
#Can you mell omething2$
Harry ni,ed and a %oul tench reached hi notril!
a mixture o% old ock and the kind o% "u)lic toilet no
one eem to clean.
And then they heard it 1 a low grunting and the
huKing %oot%all o% gigantic %eet. Ron "ointedA at the
end o% a "aage to the le%t! omething huge wa
mo+ing toward them. They hrank into the hadow
and watched a it emerged into a "atch o% moonlight.
It wa a horri)le ight. Twel+e %eet tall! it kin wa
a dull! granite grey! it great lum"y )ody like a
)oulder with it mall )ald head "erched on to" like a
coconut. It had hort leg thick a tree trunk with
.at! horny %eet. The mell coming %rom it wa
incredi)le. It wa holding a huge wooden clu)! which
dragged along the .oor )ecaue it arm were o
The troll to""ed next to a doorway and "eered
inide. It waggled it long ear! making u" it tiny
mind! then louched lowly into the room.
#The key$ in the lock!$ Harry muttered. #(e could
lock it in.$
#6ood idea!$ aid Ron ner+ouly.
They edged toward the o"en door! mouth dry!
"raying the troll wan$t a)out to come out o% it. (ith
one great lea"! Harry managed to gra) the key! lam
the door and lock it.
Fluhed with their +ictory they tarted to run )ack
u" the "aage! )ut a they reached the corner they
heard omething that made their heart to" 1 a
high! "etri&ed cream 1 and it wa coming %rom the
cham)er they$d -ut locked u".
#?h! no!$ aid Ron! "ale a the *loody *aron.
#It$ the girl$ toilet0$ Harry ga"ed.
Her4ioneD Re)eca aid.
It wa the lat thing they wanted to do! )ut what
choice did they ha+e2 (heeling around they "rinted
)ack to the door and turned the key! %um)ling in
their "anic 1 Harry "ulled the door o"en 1 they ran
Hermione 6ranger wa hrinking againt the wall
o""oite! looking a i% he wa a)out to %aint. The
troll wa ad+ancing on her! knocking the ink o, the
wall a it went.
#Con%ue it0$ Harry aid de"erately to Re)eca and
Ron! and ei'ing a ta" he threw it a hard a he could
againt the wall.
The troll to""ed a %ew %eet %rom Hermione. It
lum)ered around! )linking tu"idly! to ee what had
made the noie. It mean little eye aw Harry. It
heitated! then made %or him intead! li%ting it clu)
a it went.
Re)eca gra))ed a "iece o% )roken "orcelain and
hurled it into one o% the mirror! hattering it. The
troll to""ed againF It$ arm till raied.
#?y! "ea4)rain0$ yelled Ron %rom the other ide o%
the cham)er! and he threw a metal "i"e at it. The
troll didn$t e+en eem to notice the "i"e hitting it
houlder! )ut it heard the yell and turned it ugly
nout toward Ron intead! gi+ing Re)eca time to run
around it.
#Come on! run! runD$ Re)eca yelled at Hermione!
trying to "ull her toward the door! )ut he couldn$t
mo+e! he wa till .at againt the wall! her mouth
o"en with terror.
The houting and the echoe eemed to )e dri+ing
the troll )ererk. It roared again and tarted toward
Ron! who wa nearet and had no way to eca"e.
Harry then did omething that wa )oth +ery )ra+e
and +ery tu"idA he took a great running -um" and
managed to %aten hi arm around the troll$ neck
%rom )ehind. The troll couldn$t %eel Harry hanging
there! )ut e+en a troll will notice i% you tick a long
)it o% wood u" it noe! and Harry$ wand had till
)een in hi hand when he$d -um"ed 1 it had gone
traight u" one o% the troll$ notril.
Howling with "ain! the troll twited and .ailed it
clu)! with Harry clinging on %or dear li%eF any econd!
the troll wa going to ri" him o, or catch him a
terri)le )low with the clu).
Re)eca reached into her ro)e and "ulled out a
"ocket kni%e. >he ran at the troll and "lunged the
kni%e a dee" a he could into the troll$ leg. The
troll let out a howl o% "ain and crahed to hi knee!
cauing Harry to .y o% and crah into one o% the
The troll turned on Re)eca! who wa truly cornered
now. He raied hi clu)! Ready to trike.
Harry wa till truggling to hi %eetF Hermione had
unk to the .oor in %rightF Ron "ulled out hi own
wand 1 not knowing what he wa going to do he
heard himel% cry the &rt "ell that came into hi
headA Wingardiu4 #e3iosaD$
The clu) .ew uddenly out o% the troll$ hand! roe
high! high u" into the air! turned lowly o+er 1 and
dro""ed! with a ickening crack! on to it owner$
head. The troll wayed on the "ot and then %ell .at
on it %ace! with a thud that made the whole room
Harry got to hi %eet. He wa haking and out o%
)reath. Re)eca! "ale and trem)ling! eemed to )e
%ro'en to the wall. Ron wa tanding there with hi
wand till raied! taring at what he had done.
It wa Hermione who "oke &rt.
#I it 1 dead2$
#I don$t think o!$ aid Harry. #I think it$ -ut )een
knocked out.$
He )ent down and "ulled hi wand out o% the troll$
noe. It wa co+ered in what looked like lum"y grey
#8rgh 1 troll )ogie.$
He wi"ed it on the troll$ trouer.
A udden lamming and loud %ootte" made the
three o% them look u". They hadn$t realied what a
racket they had )een making! )ut o% coure!
omeone downtair mut ha+e heard the crahe
and the troll$ roar. A moment later! Pro%eor
9c6onagall had come )urting into the room! cloely
%ollowed )y >na"e! with Guirrell )ringing u" the rear.
Guirrell took one look at the troll! let out a %aint
whim"er and at =uickly down on a toilet! clutching
hi heart.
>na"e )ent o+er the troll. Pro%eor 9c6onagall
wa looking at Ron! Re)eca and Harry. Harry had
ne+er een her look o angry. Her li" were white.
Ho"e o% winning &%ty "oint %or 6ry@ndor %aded
=uickly %rom Harry$ mind.
#(hat on earth were you thinking o%2$ aid
Pro%eor 9c6onagall! with cold %ury in her +oice.
Harry looked at Re)eca! who had hatily ho+ed her
kni%e )ack into her "ocket! and at Ron! who wa till
tanding with hi wand in the air. #<ou$re lucky you
weren$t killed. (hy aren$t you in your dormitory2$
>na"e ga+e Harry a wi%t! "iercing look. Harry
looked at the .oor. He wihed Ron would "ut hi
wand down.
Then a mall +oice came out o% the hadow.
#Pleae! Pro%eor 9c6onagall 1 they were looking
%or me.$
#9i 6ranger0$
Hermione had managed to get to her %eet at lat.
#I went looking %or the troll )ecaue I 1 I thought I
could deal with it on my own 1 you know! )ecaue
I$+e read all a)out them.$
Ron dro""ed hi wand. Hermione 6ranger! telling a
downright lie to a teacher2
#I% they hadn$t %ound me! I$d )e dead now. Harry
tuck hi wand u" it noe and Re)eca managed to
inca"acitate it and Ron knocked it out with it own
clu). They didn$t ha+e time to come and %etch
anyone. It wa a)out to &nih me o, when they
Harry Re)eca and Ron tried to look a though thi
tory wan$t new to them.
#(ell 1 in that cae 5$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall!
taring at the three o% them. #9i 6ranger! you
%oolih girl! how could you think o% tackling a
mountain troll on your own2$
Hermione hung her head. Harry wa "eechle.
Hermione wa the lat "eron to do anything againt
the rule! and here he wa! "retending he had! to
get them out o% trou)le. It wa a i% >na"e had
tarted handing out weet.
#9i 6ranger! &+e "oint will )e taken %rom
6ry@ndor %or thi!$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall. #I$m
+ery dia""ointed in you. I% you$re not hurt at all!
you$d )etter get o, to 6ry@ndor Tower. >tudent are
&nihing the %eat in their houe.$
Hermione le%t.
Pro%eor 9c6onagall turned to Harry! Re)eca and
#(ell! I till ay you were lucky! )ut not many &rt4
year could ha+e taken on a %ull4grown mountain
troll. <ou each win 6ry@ndor &+e "oint. Pro%eor
/um)ledore will )e in%ormed o% thi. <ou may go.$
They hurried out o% the cham)er and didn$t "eak
at all until they had clim)ed two .oor u". It wa a
relie% to )e away %rom the mell o% the troll! =uite
a"art %rom anything ele.
#(e hould ha+e got more than &%teen "oint!$ Ron
#Ten! you mean! once he$ taken o, Hermione$.$
#6ood o% her to get u out o% trou)le like that!$ Ron
admitted. #9ind you! we did a+e her.$
#>he might not ha+e needed a+ing i% we hadn$t
locked the thing in with her!$ Harry reminded him.
They had reached the "ortrait o% the Fat 3ady.
#Pig nout!$ they aid and entered.
The common room wa "acked and noiy. E+eryone
wa eating the %ood that had )een ent u".
Hermione! howe+er! tood alone )y the door! waiting
%or them. There wa a +ery em)arraed "aue.
Then! none o% them looking at each other! they all
aid #Thank$! and hurried o, to get "late.
*ut %rom that moment on! Hermione 6ranger
)ecame their %riend. There are ome thing you can$t
hare without ending u" liking each other! and
knocking out a twel+e4%oot mountain troll i one o%


A they entered :o+em)er! the weather turned +ery
cold. The mountain around the chool )ecame icy
grey and the lake like chilled teel. E+ery morning
the ground wa co+ered in %rot. Hagrid could )e
een %rom the u"tair window! de%roting
)roomtick on the Guidditch "itch! )undled u" in a
long molekin o+ercoat! ra))it4%ur glo+e and
enormou )ea+erkin )oot.
The Guidditch eaon had )egun. ?n >aturday!
Harry would )e "laying in hi &rt match a%ter week
o% trainingA 6ry@ndor +eru >lytherin. I% 6ry@ndor
won! they would mo+e u" into econd "lace in the
Houe Cham"ionhi".
Hardly anyone had een Harry "lay )ecaue (ood
had decided that! a their ecret wea"on! Harry
hould )e ke"t! well! ecret. *ut the new that he
wa "laying >eeker had leaked out omehow! and
Harry didn$t know which wa wore 1 "eo"le telling
him he$d )e )rilliant or "eo"le telling him they$d )e
running around underneath him! holding a mattre.
It wa really lucky that Harry now had Hermione a
a %riend. He didn$t know how he$d ha+e got through
all hi homework without her! what with all the lat4
minute Guidditch "ractice (ood wa making them
do. >he had alo lent him <uiddit/h through the
Ages! which turned out to )e a +ery intereting read.
Harry learnt that there were e+en hundred way o%
committing a Guidditch %oul and that all o% them had
ha""ened during a (orld Cu" match in COPQF that
>eeker were uually the mallet and %atet "layer
and that mot eriou Guidditch accident eemed to
ha""en to themF that although "eo"le rarely died
"laying Guidditch! re%eree had )een known to
+anih and turn u" month later in the >ahara
Hermione had )ecome a )it more relaxed a)out
)reaking rule ince Harry! Re)eca and Ron had
a+ed her %rom the mountain troll and he wa much
nicer %or it. The day )e%ore Harry$ &rt Guidditch
match the %our o% them were out in the %ree'ing
courtyard during )reak! and he had con-ured them
u" a )right )lue &re which could )e carried around in
a -am -ar. They were tanding with their )ack to it!
getting warm! when >na"e croed the yard. Harry
noticed at once that >na"e wa lim"ing. Harry!
Re)eca! Ron and Hermione mo+ed cloer together to
)lock the &re %rom +iewF they were ure it wouldn$t
)e allowed. 8n%ortunately! omething a)out their
guilty %ace caught >na"e$ eye. He lim"ed o+er. He
hadn$t een the &re! )ut he eemed to )e looking %or
a reaon to tell them o, anyway.
#(hat$ that you$+e got there! Potter2$
It wa <uiddit/h through the Ages, Harry howed
#3i)rary )ook are not to )e taken outide the
chool!$ aid >na"e. #6i+e it to me. Fi+e "oint %rom
#He$ -ut made that rule u"!$ Harry muttered
angrily a >na"e lim"ed away. #(onder what$ wrong
with hi leg2$
#/unno! )ut I ho"e it$ really hurting him!$ aid Ron
The 6ry@ndor common room wa +ery noiy that
e+ening. Harry! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione at
together next to a window. Hermione wa checking
Harry! Re)eca and Ron$ Charm homework %or them.
>he would ne+er let them co"y B#How will you
learn2$D! )ut )y aking her to read it through! they
got the right anwer anyway.
Harry %elt retle. He wanted <uiddit/h through
the Ages )ack! to take hi mind o, hi ner+e a)out
tomorrow. (hy hould he )e a%raid o% >na"e2 6etting
u"! he told Re)eca! Ron and Hermione he wa going
to ak >na"e i% he could ha+e it.
#Rather you than me!$ they aid together! )ut Harry
had an idea that >na"e wouldn$t re%ue i% there were
other teacher litening.
He made hi way down to the ta, room and
knocked. There wa no anwer. He knocked again.
Perha" >na"e had le%t the )ook in there2 It wa
worth a try. He "uhed the door a-ar and "eered
inide 1 and a horri)le cene met hi eye.
>na"e and Filch were inide! alone. >na"e wa
holding hi ro)e a)o+e hi knee. ?ne o% hi leg
wa )loody and mangled. Filch wa handing >na"e
#*lated thing!$ >na"e wa aying. #How are you
u""oed to kee" your eye on all three head at
Harry tried to hut the door =uietly! )ut 1
>na"e$ %ace wa twited with %ury a he dro""ed
hi ro)e =uickly to hide hi leg. Harry gul"ed.
#I -ut wondered i% I could ha+e my )ook )ack.$
#6ET ?8T0 OKD$
Harry le%t! )e%ore >na"e could take any more "oint
%rom 6ry@ndor. He "rinted )ack u"tair.
#/id you get it2$ Ron aked a Harry -oined them.
#(hat$ the matter2$ aked Re)eca.
In a low whi"er! Harry told them what he$d een.
#<ou know what thi mean2$ he &nihed
)reathlely. #He tried to get "at that three4headed
dog at Hallowe$en0 That$ where he wa going when
we aw him 1 he$ a%ter whate+er it$ guarding0 And
I$d )et my )roomtick he let that troll in! to create a
Hermione$ eye were wide.
#:o 1 he wouldn$t!$ he aid. #I know he$ not +ery
nice! )ut he wouldn$t try and teal omething
/um)ledore wa kee"ing a%e.$
#Honetly! Hermione! you think all teacher are
aint or omething!$ na""ed Ron. #I$m with Harry. I
wouldn$t "ut anything "at >na"e.$
#*ut what$ he a%ter2$ aked Re)eca. #(hat$ that
dog guarding2$
Harry went to )ed with hi head )u''ing with the
ame =uetion. :e+ille wa noring loudly! )ut Harry
couldn$t lee". He tried to em"ty hi mind 1 he
needed to lee"! he had to! he had hi &rt Guidditch
match in a %ew hour 1 )ut the ex"reion on >na"e$
%ace when Harry had een hi leg wan$t eay to
The next morning dawned +ery )right and cold. The
6reat Hall wa %ull o% the deliciou mell o% %ried
auage and the cheer%ul chatter o% e+eryone
looking %orward to a good Guidditch match.
#<ou$+e got to eat ome )reak%at.$
#I don$t want anything.$
#;ut a )it o% toat!$ wheedled Hermione.
#I$m not hungry.$
Harry %elt terri)le. In an hour$ time he$d )e
walking on to the "itch.
#Harry! you need your trength!$ aid >eamu
Finnigan. #>eeker are alway the one who get
no))led )y the other team.$
#Thank! >eamu!$ aid Harry! watching >eamu
"ile ketchu" on hi auage.
*y ele+en o$clock the whole chool eemed to )e
out in the tand around the Guidditch "itch. 9any
tudent had )inocular. The eat might )e raied
high in the air )ut it wa till di@cult to ee what wa
going on ometime.
Re)eca! Ron and Hermione -oined :e+ille! >eamu
and /ean the (et Ham %an u" in the to" row. A a
ur"rie %or Harry! they had "ainted a large )anner
on one o% the heet >ca))er had ruined. It aid
Potter -or President and /ean! who wa good at
drawing! had done a large 6ry@ndor lion
underneath. Then Hermione had "er%ormed a tricky
little charm o that the "aint .ahed di,erent
9eanwhile! in the changing room! Harry and the
ret o% the team were changing into their carlet
Guidditch ro)e B>lytherin would )e "laying in
(ood cleared hi throat %or ilence.
#?7! men!$ he aid.
#And women!$ aid Chaer Angelina ;ohnon.
#And women!$ (ood agreed. #Thi i it.$
#The )ig one!$ aid Fred (ealey.
#The one we$+e all )een waiting %or!$ aid 6eorge.
#(e know ?li+er$ "eech )y heart!$ Fred told Harry.
#(e were in the team lat year.$
#>hut u"! you two!$ aid (ood. #Thi i the )et
team 6ry@ndor$ had in year. (e$re going to win. I
know it.$
He glared at them all a i% to ay! #?r ele.$
#Right. It$ time. 6ood luck! all o% you.$
Harry %ollowed Fred and 6eorge out o% the
changing room and! ho"ing hi knee weren$t going
to gi+e way! walked on to the "itch to loud cheer.
9adam Hooch wa re%ereeing. >he tood in the
middle o% the "itch! waiting %or the two team! her
)room in her hand.
#:ow! I want a nice %air game! all o% you!$ he aid!
once they were all gathered around her. Harry
noticed that he eemed to )e "eaking "articularly
to the >lytherin ca"tain! 9arcu Flint! a &%th4year.
Harry thought Flint looked a i% he had ome troll
)lood in him. ?ut o% the corner o% hi eye he aw the
.uttering )anner high a)o+e! .ahing Potter -or
President o+er the crowd. Hi heart ki""ed. He %elt
#9ount your )room! "leae.$
Harry clam)ered on to hi :im)u Two Thouand.
9adam Hooch ga+e a loud )lat on her il+er
Fi%teen )room roe u"! high! high into the air. They
were o,.
#And the GuaKe i taken immediately )y Angelina
;ohnon o% 6ry@ndor 1 what an excellent Chaer that
girl i! and rather attracti+e! too 1$
#>orry! Pro%eor.$
The (ealey twin$ %riend! 3ee ;ordan! wa doing
the commentary %or the match! cloely watched )y
Pro%eor 9c6onagall.
#And he$ really )elting along u" there! a neat
"a to Alicia >"innet! a good &nd o% ?li+er (ood$!
lat year only a reer+e 1 )ack to ;ohnon and 1 no!
>lytherin ha+e taken the GuaKe! >lytherin ca"tain
9arcu Flint gain the GuaKe and o, he goe 1 Flint
.ying like an eagle u" there 1 he$ going to c 1 no!
to""ed )y an excellent mo+e )y 6ry@ndor 7ee"er
(ood and 6ry@ndor take the GuaKe 1 that$ Chaer
7atie *ell o% 6ry@ndor there! nice di+e around Flint!
o, u" the &eld and 1 ?8CH 1 that mut ha+e hurt! hit
in the )ack o% the head )y a *ludger 1 GuaKe taken
)y >lytherin 1 that$ Adrian Pucey "eeding o,
toward the goal"ot! )ut he$ )locked )y a econd
*ludger 1 ent hi way )y Fred or 6eorge (ealey!
can$t tell which 1 nice "lay )y the 6ry@ndor *eater!
anyway! and ;ohnon )ack in "oeion o% the
GuaKe! a clear &eld ahead and o, he goe 1 he$
really .ying 1 dodge a "eeding *ludger 1 the
goal"ot are ahead 1 come on! now! Angelina 1
7ee"er *letchley di+e 1 mie 1 6R<FFI:/?R
6ry@ndor cheer &lled the cold air! with howl and
moan %rom the >lytherin.
#*udge u" there! mo+e along.$
Re)eca! Ron and Hermione =uee'ed together to
gi+e Hagrid enough "ace to -oin them.
#*in watchin$ %rom me hut!$ aid Hagrid! "atting a
large "air o% )inocular round hi neck! #*ut it in$t
the ame a )ein$ in the crowd. :o ign o% the >nitch
yet! eh2$
#:o"e!$ aid Ron. #Harry han$t had much to do
#7e"t outta trou)le! though! that$ omethin$!$ aid
Hagrid! raiing hi )inocular and "eering kyward
at the "eck that wa Harry.
(ay u" a)o+e them! Harry wa gliding o+er the
game! =uinting a)out %or ome ign o% the >nitch.
Thi wa "art o% hi and (ood$ game "lan.
#7ee" out o% the way until you catch ight o% the
>nitch!$ (ood had aid. #(e don$t want you attacked
)e%ore you ha+e to )e.$
(hen Angelina had cored! Harry had done a
cou"le o% loo"4the4loo" to let out hi %eeling. :ow
he wa )ack to taring around %or the >nitch. ?nce
he caught ight o% a .ah o% gold )ut it wa -ut a
re.ection %rom one o% the (ealey$ writwatche!
and once a *ludger decided to come "elting hi way!
more like a cannon )all than anything! )ut Harry
dodged it and Fred (ealey came chaing a%ter it.
#All right there! Harry2$ he had time to yell! a he
)eat the *ludger %uriouly toward 9arcu Flint.
#>lytherin in "oeion!$ 3ee ;ordan wa aying.
#Chaer Pucey duck two *ludger! two (ealey and
Chaer *ell and "eed toward the 1 wait a moment
1 wa that the >nitch2$
A murmur ran through the crowd a Adrian Pucey
dro""ed the GuaKe! too )uy looking o+er hi
houlder at the .ah o% gold that had "aed hi le%t
Harry aw it. In a great ruh o% excitement he di+ed
downward a%ter the treak o% gold. >lytherin >eeker
Terence Higg had een it! too. :eck and neck they
hurtled toward the >nitch 1 all the Chaer eemed
to ha+e %orgotten what they were u""oed to )e
doing a they hung in mid4air to watch.
Harry wa %ater than Higg 1 he could ee the little
round )all! wing .uttering! darting u" ahead 1 he
"ut on an extra "urt o% "eed 1
(HA90 A roar o% rage echoed %rom the 6ry@ndor
)elow 1 9arcu Flint had )locked Harry on "ur"oe
and Harry$ )room "an o, coure! Harry holding on
%or dear li%e.
#Foul0$ creamed the 6ry@ndor.
9adam Hooch "oke angrily to Flint and then
ordered a %ree hot at the goal"ot %or 6ry@ndor.
*ut in all the con%uion! o% coure! the 6olden >nitch
had dia""eared %rom ight again.
/own in the tand! /ean Thoma wa yelling!
#>end him o,! re%0 Red card0$
#Thi in$t %oot)all! /ean!$ Re)eca reminded him.
#They don$t end "eo"le o, in Guidditch$
#(hat$ a red card2$ aked Ron.
*ut Hagrid wa on /ean$ ide.
#They oughta change the rule! Flint coulda
knocked Harry outta the air.$
3ee ;ordan wa &nding it di@cult not to take ide.
#>o 1 a%ter that o)+iou and diguting )it o%
cheating 1$
#;ordan0$ growled Pro%eor 9c6onagall.
#I mean! a%ter that o"en and re+olting %oul 1$
;ordan6 $4 warning you 1$
#All right! all right. Flint nearly kill the 6ry@ndor
>eeker! which could ha""en to anyone! I$m ure! o a
"enalty to 6ry@ndor! taken )y >"innet! who "ut it
away! no trou)le! and we continue "lay! 6ry@ndor
till in "oeion.$
It wa a Harry dodged another *ludger which
went "inning dangerouly "at hi head that it
ha""ened. Hi )room ga+e a udden! %rightening
lurch. For a "lit econd! he thought he wa going to
%all. He gri""ed the )room tightly with )oth hi hand
and knee. He$d ne+er %elt anything like that.
It ha""ened again. It wa a though the )room wa
trying to )uck him o,. *ut :im)u Two Thouand
did not uddenly decide to )uck their rider o,. Harry
tried to turn )ack toward the 6ry@ndor goal"otF
he had hal% a mind to ak (ood to call time out 1 and
then he realied that hi )room wa com"letely out
o% hi control. He couldn$t turn it. He couldn$t direct it
at all. It wa 'ig4'agging through the air and e+ery
now and then making +iolent wihing mo+ement
which almot uneated him.
3ee wa till commentating.
#>lytherin in "oeion 1 Flint with the GuaKe 1
"ae >"innet 1 "ae *ell 1 hit hard in the %ace )y
a *ludger! ho"e it )roke hi noe 1 only -oking!
Pro%eor 1 >lytherin core 1 oh no 5$
The >lytherin were cheering. :o one eemed to
ha+e noticed that Harry$ )room wa )eha+ing
trangely. It wa carrying him lowly higher! away
%rom the game! -erking and twitching a it went.
#/unno what Harry think he$ doing!$ Hagrid
mum)led. He tared through hi )inocular. #I% I didn$
know )etter! I$d ay he$d lot control o% hi )room 5
)ut he can$t ha+e 5$
>uddenly! "eo"le were "ointing u" at Harry all o+er
the tand. Hi )room had tarted to roll o+er and
o+er! with him only -ut managing to hold on. Then
the whole crowd ga"ed. Harry$ )room had gi+en a
wild -erk and Harry wung o, it. He wa now dangling
%rom it! holding on with only one hand.
#/id omething ha""en to it when Flint )locked
him2$ Re)eca whi"ered.
#Can$t ha+e!$ Hagrid aid! hi +oice haking. #Can$t
nothing inter%ere with a )roomtick exce"t "ower%ul
/ark 9agic 1 no kid could do that to a :im)u Two
At thee word! Hermione ei'ed Hagrid$
)inocular! )ut intead o% looking u" at Harry! he
tarted looking %rantically at the crowd.
#(hat are you doing2$ moaned Ron! grey4%aced.
#I knew it!$ Hermione ga"ed. #>na"e 1 look.$
Ron gra))ed the )inocular. >na"e wa in the
middle o% the tand o""oite them. He had hi eye
&xed on Harry and wa muttering non4to" under hi
#He$ doing omething 1 -inxing the )room!$ aid
#(hat hould we do2$ aked Re)eca.
#3ea+e it to me.$
*e%ore Re)eca or Ron could ay another word!
Hermione had dia""eared. Re)eca gra))ed the
)inocular and turned them )ack on Harry. Hi )room
wa +i)rating o hard! it wa almot im"oi)le %or
him to hang on much longer. The whole crowd were
on their %eet! watching! terri&ed! a the (ealey
.ew u" to try and "ull Harry a%ely on to one o% their
)room! )ut it wa no good 1 e+ery time they got
near him! the )room would -um" higher till. They
dro""ed lower and circled )eneath him! o)+iouly
ho"ing to catch him i% he %ell. 9arcu Flint ei'ed the
GuaKe and cored &+e time without anyone
#Come on! Hermione!$ Ron muttered de"erately.
Hermione had %ought her way acro to the tand
where >na"e tood and wa now racing along the
row )ehind himF he didn$t e+en to" to ay orry a
he knocked Pro%eor Guirrell head&rt into the row
in %ront. Reaching >na"e! he crouched down! "ulled
out her wand and whi"ered a %ew! well choen
word. *right )lue .ame hot %rom her wand on to
the hem o% >na"e$ ro)e.
It took "erha" thirty econd %or >na"e to realie
that he wa on &re. A udden yel" told her he had
done her -o). >coo"ing the &re o, him into a little -ar
in her "ocket he cram)led )ack along the row 1
>na"e would ne+er know what had ha""ened.
It wa enough. 8" in the air! Harry wa uddenly
a)le to clam)er )ack on to hi )room.
#:e+ille! you can look0$ Ron aid. :e+ille had )een
o))ing into Hagrid$ -acket %or the lat &+e minute.
Harry wa "eeding toward the ground when the
crowd aw him cla" hi hand to hi mouth a though
he wa a)out to )e ick 1 he hit the "itch on all %our
1 coughed 1 and omething gold %ell into hi hand.
#I$+e got the >nitch0$ he houted! wa+ing it a)o+e
hi head! and the game ended in com"lete
#He didn$t /at/h it! he nearly swallowed it!$ Flint
wa till howling twenty minute later! )ut it made no
di,erence 1 Harry hadn$t )roken any rule and 3ee
;ordan wa till ha""ily houting the reult 1
6ry@ndor had won )y one hundred and e+enty
"oint to ixty. Harry heard none o% thi! though. He
wa )eing made a cu" o% trong tea )ack in Hagrid$
hut! with Re)eca! Ron and Hermione.
#It wa >na"e!$ Ron wa ex"laining. #Re)eca!
Hermione and I aw him. He wa curing your
)roomtick! muttering! he wouldn$t take hi eye o,
#Ru))ih!$ aid Hagrid! who hadn$t heard a word o%
what had gone on next to him in the tand. #(hy
would >na"e do omethin$ like that2$
Harry! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione looked at each
other! wondering what to tell him. Harry decided on
the truth.
#I %ound out omething a)out him!$ he told Hagrid.
#He tried to get "at that three4headed dog at
Hallowe$en. It )it him. (e think he wa trying to teal
whate+er it$ guarding.$
Hagrid dro""ed the tea"ot.
#How do you know a)out Flu,y2$ he aid.
#<eah 1 he$ mine 1 )ought him o, a 6reek cha""ie
I met in the "u) la$ year 1 I lent him to /um)ledore
to guard the 1$
#<e2$ aid Harry eagerly.
#:ow! don$t ak me any more!$ aid Hagrid gruKy.
#That$ to" ecret! that i.$
#*ut >na"e$ trying to steal it.$
#Ru))ih!$ aid Hagrid again. #>na"e$ a Hogwart
teacher! he$d do nothin$ o% the ort.$
#>o why did he -ut try and kill Harry2$ cried
The a%ternoon$ e+ent certainly eemed to ha+e
changed her mind a)out >na"e.
#I know a -inx when I ee one! Hagrid! I$+e read all
a)out them0 <ou$+e got to kee" eye contact! and
>na"e wan$t )linking at all! I aw him0$
#I$m tellin$ yeh! yer wrong0$ aid Hagrid hotly. #I don$
know why Harry$ )room acted like that! )ut >na"e
wouldn$ try an$ kill a tudent0 :ow! liten to me! all
%our o% yeh 1 yer meddlin$ in thing that don$ concern
yeh. It$ dangerou. <ou %orget that dog! an$ you
%orget what it$ guardin$! that$ )etween Pro%eor
/um)ledore an$ :icola Flamel 1$
#Aha0$ aid Harry. #>o there$ omeone called
:icola Flamel in+ol+ed! i there2$
Hagrid looked %uriou with himel%.


he 7irror o- :rised
Chritma wa coming. ?ne morning in mid4
/ecem)er! Hogwart woke to &nd itel% co+ered in
e+eral %eet o% now. The lake %ro'e olid and the
(ealey twin were "unihed %or )ewitching e+eral
now)all o that they %ollowed Guirrell around!
)ouncing o, the )ack o% hi tur)an. The %ew owl
that managed to )attle their way through the tormy
ky to deli+er "ot had to )e nured )ack to health
)y Hagrid )e%ore they could .y o, again.
:o one could wait %or the holiday to tart. (hile
the 6ry@ndor common room and the 6reat Hall had
roaring &re! the draughty corridor had )ecome icy
and a )itter wind rattled the window in the
claroom. (ort o% all were Pro%eor >na"e$
clae down in the dungeon! where their )reath
roe in a mit )e%ore them and they ke"t a cloe a
"oi)le to their hot cauldron.
#I do %eel o orry!$ aid /raco 9al%oy! one Potion
cla! #%or all thoe "eo"le who ha+e to tay at
Hogwart %or Chritma )ecaue they$re not wanted
at home.$
He wa looking o+er at Harry a he "oke. Cra))e
and 6oyle chuckled. Harry! who wa meauring out
"owdered "ine o% lion&h! ignored them. 9al%oy had
)een e+en more un"leaant than uual ince the
Guidditch match. /iguted that >lytherin had lot!
he had tried to get e+eryone laughing at how a wide4
mouthed tree %rog would )e re"lacing Harry a
>eeker next. Then he$d realied that no)ody %ound
thi %unny! )ecaue they were all o im"reed at the
way Harry had managed to tay on hi )ucking
)roomtick. >o 9al%oy! -ealou and angry! had gone
)ack to taunting Harry a)out ha+ing no "ro"er %amily.
It wa true that Harry wan$t going )ack to Pri+et
/ri+e %or Chritma. Pro%eor 9c6onagall had come
round the week )e%ore! making a lit o% tudent who
would )e taying %or the holiday! and Harry had
igned u" at once. He didn$t %eel orry %or himel% at
allF thi would "ro)a)ly )e the )et Chritma he$d
e+er had. Re)eca! who inited that her %oter
"arent would not mi her! would )e taying too. >o
were Ron and hi )rother! )ecaue 9r and 9r
(ealey were going to Romania to +iit Charlie.
(hen they le%t the dungeon at the end o% Potion!
they %ound a large &r tree )locking the corridor
ahead. Two enormou %eet ticking out at the )ottom
and a loud "u@ng ound told them that Hagrid wa
)ehind it.
#Hi! Hagrid! want any hel"2$ Ron aked! ticking hi
head through the )ranche.
#:ah! I$m all right! thank! Ron.$
#(ould you mind mo+ing out o% the way2$ came
9al%oy$ cold drawl %rom )ehind them. #Are you trying
to earn ome extra money! (ealey2 Ho"ing to )e
gamekee"er yourel% when you lea+e Hogwart! I
u""oe 1 that hut o% Hagrid$ mut eem like a
"alace com"ared to what your %amily$ ued to.$
Ron di+ed at 9al%oy -ut a >na"e came u" the
Ron let go o% the %ront o% 9al%oy$ ro)e.
#He wa "ro+oked! Pro%eor >na"e!$ aid Hagrid!
ticking hi huge hairy %ace out %rom )ehind the tree.
#9al%oy wa inultin$ hi %amily.$
#*e that a it may! &ghting i againt Hogwart
rule! Hagrid!$ aid >na"e ilkily. #Fi+e "oint %rom
6ry@ndor! (ealey! and )e grate%ul it in$t more.
9o+e along! all o% you.$
9al%oy! Cra))e and 6oyle "uhed roughly "at the
tree! cattering needle e+erywhere and mirking.
#I$ll get him!$ aid Ron! grinding hi teeth at
9al%oy$ )ack! #one o% thee day! I$ll get him 1$
#I hate them )oth!$ aid Harry! #9al%oy and >na"e.$
#Come on! cheer u"! it$ nearly Chritma!$ aid
Hagrid. #Tell yeh what! come with me an$ ee the
6reat Hall! look a treat.$
>o Harry! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione %ollowed
Hagrid and hi tree o, to the 6reat Hall! where
Pro%eor 9c6onagall and Pro%eor Flitwick were
)uy with the Chritma decoration.
#Ah! Hagrid! the lat tree 1 "ut it in the %ar corner!
would you2$
The Hall looked "ectacular. Fetoon o% holly and
mitletoe hung all around the wall and no %ewer
than twel+e towering Chritma tree tood around
the room! ome "arkling with tiny icicle! ome
glittering with hundred o% candle.
#How many day you got le%t until yer holiday2$
Hagrid aked.
#;ut one!$ aid Hermione. #And that remind me 1
Harry! Re)eca! Ron! we$+e got hal% an hour )e%ore
lunch! we hould )e in the li)rary.$
#?h yeah! you$re right!$ aid Ron! tearing hi eye
away %rom Pro%eor Flitwick! who had golden
)u))le )looming out o% hi wand and wa trailing
them o+er the )ranche o% the new tree.
#The li)rary2$ aid Hagrid! %ollowing them out o% the
Hall. #;ut )e%ore the holiday2 *it keen! aren$t yeh2$
#?h! we$re not working!$ Harry told him )rightly.
#E+er ince you mentioned :icola Flamel we$+e
)een trying to &nd out who he i.$
#<ou what?$ Hagrid looked hocked. #3iten here 1
I$+e told yeh 1 dro" it. It$ nothin$ to you what that
dog$ guardin$.$
#(e -ut want to know who :icola Flamel i! that$
all!$ aid Hermione.
#8nle you$d like to tell u and a+e u the
trou)le2$ Re)eca added. #(e mut$+e )een through
hundred o% )ook already and we can$t &nd him
#;ut gi+e u a hint!$ aid Harry. #I know I$+e read hi
name omewhere.$
#I$m ayin$ nothin$!$ aid Hagrid .atly.
#;ut ha+e to &nd out %or ourel+e! then!$ aid Ron!
and they le%t Hagrid looking digruntled and hurried
o, to the li)rary.
They had indeed )een earching )ook %or Flamel$
name e+er ince Hagrid had let it li"! )ecaue how
ele were they going to &nd out what >na"e wa
trying to teal2 The trou)le wa! it wa +ery hard to
know where to )egin! not knowing what Flamel might
ha+e done to get himel% into a )ook. He wan$t in
Great Wi=ards o- the wentieth "entury! or %otable
7agi/al %a4es o- Our i4eI he wa miing! too!
%rom $4portant 7odern 7agi/al Dis/o3eries6 and A
!tudy o- Re/ent De3elop4ents in Wi=ardry, And then!
o% coure! there wa the heer i'e o% the li)raryF
ten o% thouand o% )ookF thouand o% hel+eF
hundred o% narrow row.
Hermione took out a lit o% u)-ect and title he
had decided to earch while Re)eca and Ron trode
o, down a row o% )ook and tarted "ulling them o,
the hel+e at random. Harry wandered o+er to the
Retricted >ection. He had )een wondering %or a
while i% Flamel wan$t omewhere in there.
8n%ortunately! you needed a "ecially igned note
%rom one o% the teacher to look in any o% the
retricted )ook and he knew he$d ne+er get one.
Thee were the )ook containing "ower%ul /ark
9agic ne+er taught at Hogwart and only read )y
older tudent tudying ad+anced /e%ence Againt
the /ark Art.
#(hat are you looking %or! )oy2$
#:othing!$ aid Harry.
9adam Pince the li)rarian )randihed a %eather
duter at him.
#<ou$d )etter get out! then. 6o on 1 out0$
(ihing he$d )een a )it =uicker at thinking u"
ome tory! Harry le%t the li)rary. He! Re)eca! Ron
and Hermione had already agreed they$d )etter not
ak 9adam Pince where they could &nd Flamel. They
were ure he$d )e a)le to tell them! )ut they
couldn$t rik >na"e hearing what they were u" to.
Harry waited outide in the corridor to ee i% the
other three had %ound anything! )ut he wan$t +ery
ho"e%ul. They had )een looking %or a %ortnight! a%ter
all! )ut a they only had odd moment )etween
leon it wan$t ur"riing they$d %ound nothing.
(hat they really needed wa a nice long earch
without 9adam Pince )reathing down their neck.
Fi+e minute later! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione
-oined him! haking their head. They went o, to
#<ou will kee" looking while I$m away! won$t you2$
aid Hermione. #And end me an owl i% you &nd
#And you could ak your "arent i% they know who
Flamel i!$ aid Ron. #It$d )e a%e to ak them.$
#Very a%e! a they$re )oth dentit!$ aid
?nce the holiday had tarted! Ron! Re)eca and
Harry were ha+ing too good a time to think much
a)out Flamel. Ron and Harry had the dormitory to
themel+e and the common room wa %ar em"tier
than uual! o they all were a)le to get the good
armchair )y the &re. They at )y the hour eating
anything they could "ear on a toating %ork 1 )read!
crum"et! marhmallow 1 and "lotting way o%
getting 9al%oy ex"elled! which were %un to talk a)out
e+en i% they wouldn$t work.
Ron alo tarted teaching Harry and Re)eca wi'ard
che. Thi wa exactly like 9uggle che exce"t that
the &gure were ali+e! which made it a lot like
directing troo" in )attle. Ron$ et wa +ery old and
)attered. 3ike e+erything ele he owned! it had once
)elonged to omeone ele in hi %amily 1 in thi cae!
hi grand%ather. Howe+er! old chemen weren$t a
draw)ack at all. Ron knew them o well he ne+er had
trou)le getting them to do what he wanted.
Harry and Re)eca "layed with chemen >eamu
Finnigan had lent them and they didn$t trut them at
all. They weren$t +ery good "layer yet and the
"iece ke"t houting di,erent )it o% ad+ice at them!
which wa con%uingA #/on$t end me there! can$t you
ee hi knight2 >end hi46 we can a,ord to loe hi4,$
?n Chritma E+e! Harry went to )ed looking
%orward to the next day %or the %ood and the %un! )ut
not ex"ecting any "reent at all. (hen he woke
early next morning! howe+er! the &rt thing he aw
wa a mall "ile o% "ackage at the %oot o% hi )ed.
#Ha""y Chritma!$ aid Ron lee"ily a Harry
cram)led out o% )ed and "ulled on hi dreing4
#<ou too!$ aid Harry. #(ill you look at thi2 I$+e got
ome "reent0$
#(hat did you ex"ect! turni"2$ aid Ron! turning to
hi own "ile! which wa a lot )igger than Harry$.
Harry "icked u" the to" "arcel. It wa wra""ed in
thick )rown "a"er and crawled acro it wa o
Harry6 -ro4 Hagrid, Inide wa a roughly cut wooden
.ute. Hagrid had o)+iouly whittled it himel%. Harry
)lew it 1 it ounded a )it like an owl.
A econd! +ery mall "arcel contained a note.
We re/ei3ed your 4essage and en/lose your
"hrist4as present, Fro4 Kn/le Lernon and Aunt
Petunia, >ellota"ed to the note wa a &%ty4"ence
#That$ %riendly!$ aid Harry.
Ron wa %acinated )y the &%ty "ence.
WeirdD he aid. #(hat a ha"e0 Thi i 4oney?$
#<ou can kee" it!$ aid Harry! laughing at how
"leaed Ron wa. #Hagrid and my aunt and uncle 1 o
who ent thee2$
#I think I know who that one$ %rom!$ aid Ron!
going a )it "ink and "ointing to a +ery lum"y "arcel.
#9y mum. I told her you didn$t ex"ect any "reent
and 1 oh! no!$ he groaned! #he$ made you a
(ealey -um"er.$
Harry had torn o"en the "arcel to &nd a thick!
hand4knitted weater in emerald green and a large
)ox o% home4made %udge.
#E+ery year he make u a -um"er!$ aid Ron!
unwra""ing hi own! #and mine$ always maroon.$
#That$ really nice o% her!$ aid Harry! trying the
%udge! which wa +ery taty.
Hi next two "reent alo contained weet 1 a tin
o% ugar cookie %rom Re)ecaF and a large )ox o%
Chocolate Frog %rom Hermione.
Thi le%t only one "arcel. Harry "icked it u" and %elt
it. It wa +ery light. He unwra""ed it.
>omething .uid and il+ery grey went lithering to
the .oor! where it lay in gleaming %old. Ron ga"ed.
#I$+e heard o% thoe!$ he aid in a huhed +oice!
dro""ing the )ox o% E+ery4Fla+our *ean he$d got
%rom Hermione. #I% that$ what I think it i 1 they$re
really rare! and really +alua)le.$
#(hat i it2$
Harry "icked the hining! il+ery cloth o, the .oor.
It wa trange to the touch! like water wo+en into
#It$ an In+ii)ility Cloak!$ aid Ron! a look o% awe on
hi %ace. #I$m ure it i 1 try it on.$
Harry threw the Cloak around hi houlder and
Ron ga+e a yell.
#It isD 3ook down0$
Harry looked down at hi %eet! )ut they had gone.
He dahed to the mirror. >ure enough! hi re.ection
looked )ack at him! -ut hi head u"ended in mid4
air! hi )ody com"letely in+ii)le. He "ulled the Cloak
o+er hi head and hi re.ection +anihed com"letely.
#There$ a note0$ aid Ron uddenly. #A note %ell out
o% it0$
Harry "ulled o, the Cloak and ei'ed the letter.
(ritten in narrow! loo"y writing he had ne+er een
)e%ore were the %ollowing wordA

'our -ather le-t this in 4y possession be-ore he died,
$t is ti4e it was returned to you,
Kse it well,
A Lery 7erry "hrist4as to you,

There wa no ignature. Harry tared at the note. Ron
wa admiring the Cloak.
#I$d gi+e anything %or one o% thee!$ he aid.
Anything, (hat$ the matter2$
#:othing!$ aid Harry. He %elt +ery trange. (ho had
ent the Cloak2 Had it really once )elonged to hi
*e%ore he could ay or think anything ele! the
dormitory door wa .ung o"en and Fred and 6eorge
(ealey )ounded in. Harry tu,ed the Cloak =uickly
out o% ight. He didn$t %eel like haring it with anyone
ele yet.
#9erry Chritma0$
#Hey! look 1 Harry$ got a (ealey -um"er! too0$
Fred and 6eorge were wearing )lue -um"er! one
with a large yellow F on it! the other with a large
yellow 6.
#Harry$ i )etter than our! though!$ aid Fred!
holding u" Harry$ -um"er. #>he o)+iouly make
more o% an e,ort i% you$re not %amily.$
#(hy aren$t you wearing your! Ron2$ 6eorge
demanded. #Come on! get it on! they$re lo+ely and
#I hate maroon!$ Ron moaned hal%4heartedly a he
"ulled it o+er hi head.
#<ou ha+en$t got a letter on your!$ 6eorge
o)er+ed. #I u""oe he think you don$t %orget your
name. *ut we$re not tu"id 1 we know we$re called
6red and Forge.$
#(hat$ all thi noie2$
Percy (ealey tuck hi head through the door!
looking dia""ro+ing. He had clearly come hal%way
through unwra""ing hi "reent a he! too! carried a
lum"y -um"er o+er hi arm! which Fred ei'ed.
#P %or "re%ect0 6et it on! Percy! come on! we$re all
wearing our! e+en Harry got one.$
#I 1 don$t 1 want 1$ aid Percy thickly! a the twin
%orced the -um"er o+er hi head! knocking hi glae
#And you$re not itting with the Pre%ect today!
either!$ aid 6eorge. #Chritma i a time %or %amily.$
They %rog4marched Percy %rom the room! hi arm
"inned to hi ide )y hi -um"er.
Harry had ne+er in all hi li%e had uch a Chritma
dinner. A hundred %at! roat turkey! mountain o%
roat and )oiled "otatoe! "latter o% %at chi"olata!
tureen o% )uttered "ea! il+er )oat o% thick! rich
gra+y and cran)erry auce 1 and tack o% wi'ard
cracker e+ery %ew %eet along the ta)le. Thee
%antatic cracker were nothing like the %ee)le
9uggle one the /urley uually )ought! with their
little "latic toy and their .imy "a"er hat. Harry
"ulled a wi'ard cracker with Re)eca and it didn$t -ut
)ang! it went o, with a )lat like a cannon and
engul%ed them all in a cloud o% )lue moke! while
%rom the inide ex"loded a rear4admiral$ hat and
e+eral li+e! white mice. 8" on the High Ta)le!
/um)ledore had wa""ed hi "ointed wi'ard$ hat
%or a .owered )onnet and wa chuckling merrily at a
-oke Pro%eor Flitwick had -ut read him.
Flaming Chritma "udding %ollowed the turkey.
Percy nearly )roke hi teeth on a il+er >ickle
em)edded in hi lice. Harry watched Hagrid getting
redder and redder in the %ace a he called %or more
wine! &nally kiing Pro%eor 9c6onagall on the
cheek! who! to Harry$ ama'ement! giggled and
)luhed! her to" hat lo"4ided.
(hen Harry &nally le%t the ta)le! he wa laden
down with a tack o% thing out o% the cracker!
including a "ack o% non4ex"loda)le! luminou
)alloon! a grow4your4own4wart kit and hi own new
wi'ard che et. The white mice had dia""eared
and Harry had a naty %eeling they were going to end
u" a 9r :orri$ Chritma dinner.
Harry! Re)eca and the (ealey "ent a ha""y
a%ternoon ha+ing a %uriou now)all &ght in the
ground. Then! cold! wet and ga"ing %or )reath! they
returned to the &re in the 6ry@ndor common room!
where Harry )roke in hi new che et )y loing
"ectacularly to Ron. He u"ected he wouldn$t ha+e
lot o )adly i% Percy hadn$t tried to hel" him o
A%ter a tea o% turkey andwiche! crum"et! tri.e!
and Chritma cake! e+eryone %elt too %ull and lee"y
to do much )e%ore )ed exce"t it and watch Percy
chae Fred and 6eorge all o+er 6ry@ndor Tower
)ecaue they$d tolen hi "re%ect )adge.
It had )een Harry$ )et Chritma day e+er. <et
omething had )een nagging at the )ack o% hi mind
all day. :ot until he clim)ed into )ed wa he %ree to
think a)out itA the In+ii)ility Cloak and whoe+er had
ent it.
Ron! %ull o% turkey and cake and with nothing
myteriou to )other him! %ell alee" almot a oon
a he$d drawn the curtain o% hi %our4"oter. Harry
leant o+er the ide o% hi own )ed and "ulled the
Cloak out %rom under it.
Hi %ather$ 5 thi had )een hi %ather$. He let the
material .ow o+er hi hand! moother than ilk!
light a air. Kse it well6 the note had aid.
He had to try it! now. He li""ed out o% )ed and
wra""ed the Cloak around himel%. 3ooking down at
hi leg! he aw only moonlight and hadow. It wa
a +ery %unny %eeling.
Kse it well,
>uddenly! Harry %elt wide awake. The whole o%
Hogwart wa o"en to him in thi Cloak. Excitement
.ooded through him a he tood there in the dark
and ilence. He could go anywhere in thi! anywhere!
and Filch would ne+er know.
Ron grunted in hi lee". >hould Harry wake him2
>omething held him )ack 1 hi %ather$ Cloak 1 he %elt
that thi time 1 the &rt time 1 he wanted to ue it
He cre"t out o% the dormitory! down the tair!
acro the common room and clim)ed through the
"ortrait hole.
#(ho$ there2$ =uawked the Fat 3ady. Harry aid
nothing. He walked =uickly down the corridor.
(here hould he go2 He to""ed! hi heart racing!
and thought. And then it came to him. The Retricted
>ection in the li)rary. He$d )e a)le to read a long a
he liked! a long a it took to &nd out who Flamel
wa. He et o,! drawing the In+ii)ility Cloak tight
around him a he walked.
The li)rary wa "itch )lack and +ery eerie. Harry lit
a lam" to ee hi way along the row o% )ook. The
lam" looked a i% it wa .oating along in mid4air! and
e+en though Harry could %eel hi arm u""orting it!
the ight ga+e him the cree".
The Retricted >ection wa right at the )ack o% the
li)rary. >te""ing care%ully o+er the ro"e which
e"arated thee )ook %rom the ret o% the li)rary! he
held u" hi lam" to read the title.
They didn$t tell him much. Their "eeling! %aded
gold letter "elled word in language Harry
couldn$t undertand. >ome had no title at all. ?ne
)ook had a dark tain on it that looked horri)ly like
)lood. The hair on the )ack o% Harry$ neck "rickled.
9ay)e he wa imagining it! may)e not! )ut he
thought a %aint whi"ering wa coming %rom the
)ook! a though they knew omeone wa there who
houldn$t )e.
He had to tart omewhere. >etting the lam" down
care%ully on the .oor! he looked along the )ottom
hel% %or an intereting4looking )ook. A large )lack
and il+er +olume caught hi eye. He "ulled it out
with di@culty! )ecaue it wa +ery hea+y! and!
)alancing it on hi knee! let it %all o"en.
A "iercing! )lood4curdling hriek "lit the ilence 1
the )ook wa creaming0 Harry na""ed it hut! )ut
the hriek went on and on! one high! un)roken! ear4
"litting note. He tum)led )ackward and knocked
o+er hi lam"! which went out at once. Panicking! he
heard %ootte" coming down the corridor outide 1
tu@ng the hrieking )ook )ack on the hel%! he ran
%or it. He "aed Filch almot in the doorwayF Filch$
"ale! wild eye looked traight through him and Harry
li""ed under Filch$ outtretched arm and treaked
o, u" the corridor! the )ook$ hriek till ringing in
hi ear.
He came to a udden halt in %ront o% a tall uit o%
armour. He had )een o )uy getting away %rom the
li)rary! he hadn$t "aid attention to where he wa
going. Perha" )ecaue it wa dark! he didn$t
recognie where he wa at all. There wa a uit o%
armour near the kitchen! he knew! )ut he mut )e
&+e .oor a)o+e there.
#<ou aked me to come directly to you! Pro%eor! i%
anyone wa wandering around at night! and
ome)ody$ )een in the li)rary 1 Retricted >ection.$
Harry %elt the )lood drain out o% hi %ace. (here+er
he wa! Filch mut know a hort cut! )ecaue hi o%t!
greay +oice wa getting nearer! and to hi horror! it
wa >na"e who re"lied.
#The Retricted >ection2 (ell! they can$t )e %ar!
we$ll catch them.$
Harry tood rooted to the "ot a Filch and >na"e
came around the corner ahead. They couldn$t ee
him! o% coure! )ut it wa a narrow corridor and i%
they came much nearer they$d knock right into him 1
the Cloak didn$t to" him )eing olid.
He )acked away a =uietly a he could. A door
tood a-ar to hi le%t. It wa hi only ho"e. He
=uee'ed through it! holding hi )reath! trying not to
mo+e it! and to hi relie% he managed to get inide
the room without their noticing anything. They
walked traight "at and Harry leant againt the wall!
)reathing dee"ly! litening to their %ootte" dying
away. That had )een cloe! +ery cloe. It wa a %ew
econd )e%ore he noticed anything a)out the room
he had hidden in.
It looked like a diued claroom. The dark ha"e
o% dek and chair were "iled againt the wall and
there wa an u"turned wate4"a"er )aket 1 )ut
"ro""ed againt the wall %acing him wa omething
that didn$t look a i% it )elonged there! omething
that looked a i% omeone had -ut "ut it there to
kee" it out o% the way.
It wa a magni&cent mirror! a high a the ceiling!
with an ornate gold %rame! tanding on two clawed
%eet. There wa an incri"tion car+ed around the to"A
:rised stra ehru oyt ube /a-ru oyt on wohsi,
Hi "anic %ading now that there wa no ound o%
Filch and >na"e! Harry mo+ed nearer to the mirror!
wanting to look at himel% )ut ee no re.ection
again. He te""ed in %ront o% it.
He had to cla" hi hand to hi mouth to to"
himel% creaming. He whirled around. Hi heart wa
"ounding %ar more %uriouly than when the )ook had
creamed 1 %or he had een not only himel% in the
mirror! )ut a whole crowd o% "eo"le tanding right
)ehind him.
*ut the room wa em"ty. *reathing +ery %at! he
turned lowly )ack to the mirror.
There he wa! re.ected in it! white and cared4
looking! and there! re.ected )ehind him! were at
leat ten other. Harry looked o+er hi houlder 1 )ut!
till! no one wa there. ?r were they all in+ii)le! too2
(a he in %act in a room %ull o% in+ii)le "eo"le and
thi mirror$ trick wa that it re.ected them! in+ii)le
or not2
He looked in the mirror again. A woman tanding
right )ehind hi re.ection wa miling at him and
wa+ing. He reached out a hand and %elt the air
)ehind him. I% he wa really there! he$d touch her!
their re.ection were o cloe together! )ut he %elt
only air 1 he and the other exited only in the
>he wa a +ery "retty woman. >he had dark red
hair and her eye 1 her eye are -ut like mine! Harry
thought! edging a little cloer to the gla. *right
green 1 exactly the ame ha"e! )ut then he noticed
that he wa cryingF miling! )ut crying at the ame
time. The tall! thin! )lack4haired man tanding next
to her "ut hi arm around her. He wore glae! and
hi hair wa +ery untidy. It tuck u" at the )ack! -ut
like Harry$ did.
Harry wa o cloe to the mirror now that hi noe
wa nearly touching that o% hi re.ection.
#9um2$ he whi"ered. #/ad2$
They -ut looked at him! miling. And lowly! Harry
looked into the %ace o% the other "eo"le in the mirror
and aw other "air o% green eye like hi! other
noe like hi! e+en a little old man who looked a
though he had Harry$ kno))ly knee 1 Harry wa
looking at hi %amily! %or the &rt time in hi li%e.
The Potter miled and wa+ed at Harry and he
tared hungrily )ack at them! hi hand "reed .at
againt the gla a though he wa ho"ing to %all
right through it and reach them. He had a "ower%ul
kind o% ache inide him! hal% -oy! hal% terri)le
How long he tood there! he didn$t know. The
re.ection did not %ade and he looked and looked
until a ditant noie )rought him )ack to hi ene.
He couldn$t tay here! he had to &nd hi way )ack to
)ed. He tore hi eye away %rom hi mother$ %ace!
whi"ered! #I$ll come )ack!$ and hurried %rom the
#<ou could ha+e woken me u"!$ aid Ron! croly.
#<ou can come tonight! you too Re)eca! I$m going
)ack! I want to how you the mirror.$
#I$d like to ee your mum and dad!$ Ron aid
#And I want to ee all your %amilie. <our %amily!
Re)eca! and Ron! you$ll )e a)le to how me your
other )rother and e+eryone.$
#<ou can ee them any old time!$ aid Ron. #;ut
come round my houe thi ummer. Anyway! may)e
it only how dead "eo"le.$
#>hame a)out not &nding Flamel! though.$ aid
Re)eca. #Ha+e ome )acon or omething! why aren$t
you eating anything2$
Harry couldn$t eat. He had een hi "arent and
would )e eeing them again tonight. He had almot
%orgotten a)out Flamel. It didn$t eem +ery im"ortant
any more. (ho cared what the three4headed dog
wa guarding2 (hat did it matter i% >na"e tole it!
#Are you all right2$ aid Ron. #<ou look odd.$
(hat Harry %eared mot wa that he might not )e
a)le to &nd the mirror room again. (ith Re)eca and
Ron co+ered in the Cloak too! they had to walk much
more lowly next night. They tried retracing Harry$
route %rom the li)rary! wandering around the dark
"aageway %or nearly an hour.
#I$m %ree'ing!$ aid Ron.
#C$mon! Harry!$ aid Re)eca. #3et$ %orget it and go
#%oD$ Harry hied. #I know it$ here omewhere.$
They "aed the ghot o% a tall witch gliding in the
o""oite direction! )ut aw no one ele. ;ut a Ron
tarted moaning that hi %eet were dead with cold!
Harry "otted the uit o% armour.
#It$ here 1 -ut here 1 ye0$
They "uhed the door o"en. Harry dro""ed the
Cloak %rom round hi houlder and ran to the mirror.
There they were. Hi mother and %ather )eamed at
the ight o% him.
#>ee2$ Harry whi"ered.
#I can$t ee anything.$ aid Re)eca.
#3ook0 3ook at them all 5 there are load o% them
#I can only ee you.$ aid Ron
#3ook in it "ro"erly! go on! tand where I am.$
Harry te""ed aide! )ut with Ron in %ront o% the
mirror! he couldn$t ee hi %amily any more! -ut Ron
in hi "ailey "y-ama.
Ron! though! wa taring tran&xed at hi image.
#3ook at me0$ he aid.
#Can you ee all your %amily tanding around you2$
aid Harry.
#:o 1 I$m alone 1 )ut I$m di,erent 1 I look older 1
and I$m Head *oy0$
#(hat2$ aid Re)eca.
#I am 1 I$m wearing the )adge like *ill ued to 1 and
I$m holding the Houe Cu" and the Guidditch Cu" 1
I$m Guidditch ca"tain! too0$
Ron tore hi eye away %rom thi "lendid ight to
look excitedly at Harry.
#/o you think thi mirror how the %uture2$
#How can it2 All my %amily are dead 1 let me ha+e
another look 1$
#<ou had it to yourel% all lat night! gi+e me a )it
more time.$
#<ou$re only holding the Guidditch Cu"! what$
intereting a)out that2 I want to ee my "arent.$
#/on$t "uh me 1$
A udden noie outide in the corridor "ut an end
to their dicuion. They hadn$t realied how loudly
they had )een talking.
#Guick0$ hied Re)eca.
>he threw the Cloak )ack o+er them a the
luminou eye o% 9r :orri came round the door.
Ron! Re)eca and Harry tood =uite till! all three
thinking the ame thing 1 did the Cloak work on cat2
A%ter what eemed an age! he turned and le%t.
#Thi in$t a%e!$ whi"ered Re)eca. #>he might
ha+e gone %or Filch! I )et he heard u. Come on.$
And Re)eca and Ron "ulled Harry out o% the room.
The now till hadn$t melted next morning.
#(ant to "lay che! Harry2$ aid Ron.
#(hy don$t we go down and +iit Hagrid2$ aid
#:o 5 you two go 5$
#I know what you$re thinking a)out!$ aid Re)eca!
#That mirror. /on$t go )ack tonight.$
#(hy not2$
#I dunno! I$+e -ut got a )ad %eeling a)out it$
#And anyway!$ ad Ron! #you$+e had too many cloe
ha+e already. Filch! >na"e and 9r :orri are
wandering around. >o what i% they can$t ee you2
(hat i% they walk into you2 (hat i% you knock
omething o+er2$
#<ou ound like Hermione.$
#I$m eriou! Harry! don$t go.$
*ut Harry only had one thought in hi head! which
wa to get )ack in %ront o% the mirror! and Re)eca
and Ron weren$t going to to" him.
That third night he %ound hi way more =uickly than
)e%ore. He wa walking o %at he knew he wa
making more noie than wa wie! )ut he didn$t meet
And there were hi mother and %ather miling at
him again! and one o% hi grand%ather nodding
ha""ily. Harry ank down to it on the .oor in %ront o%
the mirror. There wa nothing to to" him taying
here all night with hi %amily. :othing at all.
Exce"t 1
#>o 1 )ack again! Harry2$
Harry %elt a though hi inide had turned to ice.
He looked )ehind him. >itting on one o% the dek )y
the wall wa none other than Al)u /um)ledore.
Harry mut ha+e walked traight "at him! o
de"erate to get to the mirror he hadn$t noticed him.
#I 1 I didn$t ee you! ir.$
#>trange how hort4ighted )eing in+ii)le can
make you!$ aid /um)ledore! and Harry wa relie+ed
to ee that he wa miling.
#>o!$ aid /um)ledore! li""ing o, the dek to it
on the .oor with Harry! #you! like hundred )e%ore
you! ha+e dico+ered the delight o% the 9irror o%
#I didn$t know it wa called that! ir.$
#*ut I ex"ect you$+e realied )y now what it doe2$
#It 1 well 1 it how me my %amily 1$
#And it howed your %riend Ron himel% a Head
#How did you know 12$
#I don$t need a cloak to )ecome in+ii)le!$ aid
/um)ledore gently. #:ow! can you think what the
9irror o% Eried how u all2$
Harry hook hi head.
#3et me ex"lain. The ha""iet man on earth would
)e a)le to ue the 9irror o% Eried like a normal
mirror! that i! he would look into it and ee himel%
exactly a he i. /oe that hel"2$
Harry thought. Then he aid lowly! #It how u
what we want 5 whate+er we want 5$
#<e and no!$ aid /um)ledore =uietly. #It how u
nothing more or le than the dee"et! mot
de"erate deire o% our heart. <ou! who ha+e ne+er
known your %amily! ee them tanding around you.
Ronald (ealey! who ha alway )een o+erhadowed
)y hi )rother! ee himel% tanding alone! the )et
o% all o% them. Howe+er! thi mirror will gi+e u
neither knowledge or truth. 9en ha+e wated away
)e%ore it! entranced )y what they ha+e een! or )een
dri+en mad! not knowing i% what it how i real or
e+en "oi)le.
#The 9irror will )e mo+ed to a new home tomorrow!
Harry! and I ak you not to go looking %or it again. I%
you e+er do run acro it! you will now )e "re"ared.
It doe not do to dwell on dream and %orget to li+e!
remem)er that. :ow! why don$t you "ut that
admira)le Cloak )ack on and get o, to )ed2$
Harry tood u".
#>ir 1 Pro%eor /um)ledore2 Can I ak you
#?)+iouly! you$+e -ut done o!$ /um)ledore
miled. #<ou may ak me one more thing! howe+er.$
#(hat do you ee when you look in the 9irror2$
#I2 I ee myel% holding a "air o% thick! woollen
Harry tared.
#?ne can ne+er ha+e enough ock!$ aid
/um)ledore. #Another Chritma ha come and gone
and I didn$t get a ingle "air. Peo"le will init on
gi+ing me )ook.$
It wa only when he wa )ack in )ed that it truck
Harry that /um)ledore might not ha+e )een =uite
truth%ul. *ut then! he thought! a he ho+ed >ca))er
o, hi "illow! it had )een =uite a "eronal =uetion.


%i/olas Fla4el
/um)ledore had con+inced Harry not to go looking
%or the 9irror o% Eried again and %or the ret o% the
Chritma holiday the In+ii)ility Cloak tayed
%olded at the )ottom o% hi trunk. Harry wihed he
could %orget what he$d een in the 9irror a eaily!
)ut he couldn$t. He tarted ha+ing nightmare. ?+er
and o+er again he dreamed a)out hi "arent
dia""earing in a .ah o% green light while a high
+oice cackled with laughter.
#<ou ee! /um)ledore wa right! that mirror could
dri+e you mad!$ aid Ron! when Harry told him and
Re)eca a)out thee dream.
Hermione! who came )ack the day )e%ore term
tarted! took a di,erent +iew o% thing. >he wa torn
)etween horror at the idea o% Harry )eing out o% )ed!
roaming the chool three night in a row B#I% Filch had
caught you0$D and dia""ointment that he hadn$t at
leat %ound out who :icola Flamel wa.
They had almot gi+en u" ho"e o% e+er &nding
Flamel in a li)rary )ook! e+en though Harry wa till
ure he$d read the name omewhere. ?nce term had
tarted! they were )ack to kimming through )ook
%or ten minute during their )reak. Harry had e+en
le time than the other three! )ecaue Guidditch
"ractice had tarted again.
(ood wa working the team harder than e+er. E+en
the endle rain that had re"laced the now couldn$t
dam"en hi "irit. The (ealey com"lained that
(ood wa )ecoming a %anatic! )ut Harry wa on
(ood$ ide. I% they won their next match! againt
HuKe"u,! they would o+ertake >lytherin in the
Houe Cham"ionhi" %or the &rt time in e+en
year. Guite a"art %rom wanting to win! Harry %ound
that he had %ewer nightmare when he wa tired out
a%ter training.
Then! during one "articularly wet and muddy
"ractice eion! (ood ga+e the team a )it o% )ad
new. He$d -ut got +ery angry with the (ealey!
who ke"t di+e4)om)ing each other and "retending to
%all o, their )room.
#(ill you to" meing around0$ he yelled. #That$
exactly the ort o% thing that$ll loe u the match0
>na"e$ re%ereeing thi time! and he$ll )e looking %or
any excue to knock "oint o, 6ry@ndor0$
6eorge (ealey really did %all o, hi )room at
thee word.
!napes re%ereeing2$ he "luttered through a
mouth%ul o% mud. #(hen$ he e+er re%ereed a
Guidditch match2 He$ not going to )e %air i% we
might o+ertake >lytherin.$
The ret o% the team landed next to 6eorge to
com"lain! too.
#It$ not 4y %ault!$ aid (ood. #(e$+e -ut got to
make ure we "lay a clean game! o >na"e han$t
got an excue to "ick on u.$
(hich wa all +ery well! thought Harry! )ut he had
another reaon %or not wanting >na"e near him while
he wa "laying Guidditch 5
The ret o% the team hung )ack to talk to each
other a uual at the end o% "ractice! )ut Harry
headed traight )ack to the 6ry@ndor common
room! where he %ound Re)eca! Ron and Hermione
"laying che. Che wa the only thing Hermione
e+er lot at! omething Harry! Re)eca and Ron
thought wa +ery good %or her.
#/on$t talk to me %or a moment!$ aid Ron when
Harry at down next to him. #I need to concentrate.$
Re)eca caught ight o% Harry$ %ace. #(hat$ the
matter with you2 <ou look terri)le.$
>"eaking =uietly o that no one ele would hear!
Harry told the other three a)out >na"e$ udden!
initer deire to )e a Guidditch re%eree.
#/on$t "lay!$ aid Re)eca at once.
#>ay you$re ill!$ aid Ron.
#Pretend to )reak your leg!$ Hermione uggeted.
Really )reak your leg!$ aid Ron.
#I can$t!$ aid Harry. #There in$t a reer+e >eeker. I%
I )ack out! 6ry@ndor can$t "lay at all.$
At that moment :e+ille to""led into the common
room. How he had managed to clim) through the
"ortrait hole wa anyone$ gue! )ecaue hi leg
had )een tuck together with what they recognied
at once a the 3eg43ocker Cure. He mut ha+e had
to )unny ho" all the way u" to 6ry@ndor Tower.
E+eryone %ell a)out laughing exce"t Hermione! who
lea"t u" and "er%ormed the counter4cure. :e+ille$
leg "rang a"art and he got to hi %eet! trem)ling.
#(hat ha""ened2$ Hermione aked him! leading
him o+er to it with Harry! Re)eca and Ron.
#9al%oy!$ aid :e+ille hakily. #I met him outide the
li)rary. He aid he$d )een looking %or omeone to
"ractie that on.$
#6o to Pro%eor 9c6onagall0$ Hermione urged
:e+ille. #Re"ort him0$
:e+ille hook hi head.
#I don$t want more trou)le!$ he mum)led.
#<ou$+e got to tand u" to him! :e+ille0$ aid Ron.
#He$ ued to walking all o+er "eo"le! )ut that$ no
reaon to lie down in %ront o% him and make it eaier.$
#There$ no need to tell me I$m not )ra+e enough to
)e in 6ry@ndor! 9al%oy$ already done that!$ :e+ille
Harry %elt in the "ocket o% hi ro)e and "ulled out
a Chocolate Frog! the +ery lat one %rom the )ox
Hermione had gi+en him %or Chritma. He ga+e it to
:e+ille! who looked a though he might cry.
#<ou$re worth twel+e o% 9al%oy!$ Harry aid. #The
>orting Hat choe you %or 6ry@ndor! didn$t it2 And
where$ 9al%oy2 In tinking >lytherin.$
:e+ille$ li" twitched in a weak mile a he
unwra""ed the Frog.
#Thank! Harry 5 I think I$ll go to )ed 5 /$you want
the card! you collect them! don$t you2$
A :e+ille walked away Harry looked at the Famou
(i'ard card.
#/um)ledore again!$ he aid. #He wa the &rt one I
e+er 1$
He ga"ed. He tared at the )ack o% the card. Then
he looked u" at Re)eca! Ron and Hermione.
$3e -ound hi4D he whi"ered. #I$+e %ound Flamel0 I
told you I$d read the name omewhere )e%ore! I read
it on the train coming here 1 liten to thiA HPro%eor
/um)ledore i "articularly %amou %or hi de%eat o%
the dark wi'ard 6rindelwald in CROS! %or the
dico+ery o% the twel+e ue o% dragon$ )lood and
his work on al/he4y with his partner6 %i/olas
Hermione -um"ed to her %eet. >he hadn$t looked o
excited ince they$d got )ack the mark %or their +ery
&rt "iece o% homework.
#>tay there0$ he aid! and he "rinted u" the
tair to the girl$ dormitorie. Harry! Re)eca and Ron
)arely had time to exchange myti&ed look )e%ore
he wa dahing )ack! an enormou old )ook in her
#I ne+er thought to look in here0$ he whi"ered
excitedly. #I got thi out o% the li)rary week ago %or a
)it o% light reading.$
#ight? aid Ron! )ut Hermione told him to )e =uiet
until he$d looked omething u"! and tarted .icking
%rantically through the "age! muttering to herel%.
At lat he %ound what he wa looking %or.
#I knew it0 I knew it0$
#Are we allowed to "eak yet2$ aid Ron grum"ily.
Hermione ignored him.
#:icola Flamel!$ he whi"ered dramatically! #i the
only known 4aker o- the Philosophers !toneD$
Thi didn$t ha+e =uite the e,ect he$d ex"ected.
#The what2$ aid Harry! Re)eca and Ron.
#?h! honestly6 don$t you three read2 3ook 1 read
that! there.$
>he "uhed the )ook toward them! and Harry!
Re)eca and Ron readA

he an/ient study o- al/he4y is /on/erned with
4aking the Philosophers !tone6 a legendary
substan/e with astonishing powers, he !tone will
trans-or4 any 4etal into pure gold, $t also produ/es
the :liCir o- #i-e6 whi/h will 4ake the drinker
here ha3e been 4any reports o- the Philosophers
!tone o3er the /enturies6 but the only !tone
/urrently in eCisten/e belongs to 7r %i/olas Fla4el6
the noted al/he4ist and opera(lo3er, 7r Fla4el6 who
/elebrated his siC hundred and siCty(A-th birthday
last year6 enGoys a )uiet li-e in De3on with his wi-e6
Perenelle .siC hundred and A-ty(eight0,

#>ee2$ aid Hermione! when Harry! Re)eca and Ron
had &nihed. #The dog mut )e guarding Flamel$
Philoo"her$ >tone0 I )et he aked /um)ledore to
kee" it a%e %or him! )ecaue they$re %riend and he
knew omeone wa a%ter it. That$ why he wanted
the >tone mo+ed out o% 6ringott0$
#A tone that make gold and to" you e+er
dying0$ aid Re)eca. #:o wonder >na"e$ a%ter it0
Anyone would want it.$
#And no wonder we couldn$t &nd Flamel in that
!tudy o- Re/ent De3elop4ents in Wi=ardry6$ aid
Ron. #He$ not exactly recent i% he$ ix hundred and
ixty4&+e! i he2$
:ext morning in /e%ence Againt the /ark Art! while
co"ying down di,erent way o% treating werewol%
)ite! Harry and Ron were till dicuing what they$d
do with a Philoo"her$ >tone i% they had one. It
wan$t until Ron aid he$d )uy hi own Guidditch
team that Harry remem)ered a)out >na"e and the
coming match.
#I$m going to "lay!$ he told Re)eca! Ron and
Hermione. #I% I don$t! all the >lytherin will think I$m
-ut too cared to %ace >na"e. I$ll how them 5 it$ll
really wi"e the mile o, their %ace i% we win.$
#;ut a long a we$re not wi"ing you o, the "itch!$
aid Re)eca.
A the match drew nearer! howe+er! Harry )ecame
more and more ner+ou! whate+er he told Re)eca!
Ron and Hermione. The ret o% the team weren$t too
calm! either. The idea o% o+ertaking >lytherin in the
Houe Cham"ionhi" wa wonder%ul! no one had
done it %or nearly e+en year! )ut would they )e
allowed to! with uch a )iaed re%eree2
Harry didn$t know whether he wa imagining it or
not! )ut he eemed to kee" running into >na"e
where+er he went. At time! he e+en wondered
whether >na"e wa %ollowing him! trying to catch
him on hi own. Potion leon were turning into a
ort o% weekly torture! >na"e wa o horri)le to
Harry. Could >na"e "oi)ly know they$d %ound out
a)out the Philoo"her$ >tone2 Harry didn$t ee how
he could 1 yet he ometime had the horri)le %eeling
that >na"e could read mind.
Harry knew! when they wihed him good luck outide
the changing room next a%ternoon! that Re)eca! Ron
and Hermione were wondering whether they$d e+er
ee him ali+e again. Thi wan$t what you$d call
com%orting. Harry hardly heard a word o% (ood$ "e"
talk a he "ulled on hi Guidditch ro)e and "icked
u" hi :im)u Two Thouand.
Re)eca! Ron and Hermione! meanwhile! had %ound
a "lace in the tand next to :e+ille! who couldn$t
undertand why they looked o grim and worried! or
why they had )rought their wand to the match.
3ittle did Harry know that Re)eca! Ron and Hermione
had )een ecretly "ractiing the 3eg43ocker Cure.
They$d got the idea %rom 9al%oy uing it on :e+ille!
and were ready to ue it on >na"e i% he howed any
ign o% wanting to hurt Harry.
#:ow! don$t %orget! it$ #o/o4otor 7ortis6$
Hermione muttered a Ron li""ed hi wand u" hi
#I know6 $Ron na""ed. #/on$t nag.$
*ack in the changing room! (ood had taken Harry
#/on$t want to "reure you! Potter! )ut i% we e+er
need an early ca"ture o% the >nitch it$ now. Finih
the game )e%ore >na"e can %a+our HuKe"u, too
#The whole chool$ out there0$ aid Fred (ealey!
"eering out o% the door. #E+en 1 )limey 1
/um)ledore$ come to watch0$
Harry$ heart did a omerault.
Du4bledore? he aid! dahing to the door to
make ure. Fred wa right. There wa no mitaking
that il+er )eard.
Harry could ha+e laughed out loud with relie%. He
wa a%e. There wa im"ly no way that >na"e would
dare to try and hurt him i% /um)ledore wa watching.
Perha" that wa why >na"e wa looking o angry
a the team marched on to the "itch! omething
that Ron noticed! too.
#I$+e ne+er een >na"e look o mean!$ he told
Hermione. #3ook 1 they$re o,. ?uch0$
>omeone had "oked Ron in the )ack o% the head. It
wa 9al%oy.
#?h! orry! (ealey! didn$t ee you there.$
9al%oy grinned )roadly at Cra))e and 6oyle.
#(onder how long Potter$ going to tay on hi
)room thi time2 Anyone want a )et2 (hat a)out
you! (ealey2$
Ron didn$t anwerF >na"e had -ut awarded
HuKe"u, a "enalty )ecaue 6eorge (ealey had hit
a *ludger at him. Hermione had all her &nger
croed in her la"! and Re)eca wa =uinting &xedly
at Harry! who wa circling the game like a hawk!
looking %or the >nitch.
#<ou know how I think they chooe "eo"le %or the
6ry@ndor team2$ aid 9al%oy loudly a %ew minute
later! a >na"e awarded HuKe"u, another "enalty
%or no reaon at all. #It$ "eo"le they %eel orry %or.
>ee! there$ Potter! who$ got no "arent! then
there$ the (ealey! who$+e got no money 1 you
hould )e on the team! 3ong)ottom! you$+e got no
:e+ille went )right red )ut turned in hi eat to
%ace 9al%oy.
#I$m worth twel+e o% you! 9al%oy!$ he tammered.
9al%oy! Cra))e and 6oyle howled with laughter!
)ut Ron! till not daring to take hi eye %rom the
game! aid! #<ou tell him! :e+ille.$
#3ong)ottom! i% )rain were gold you$d )e "oorer
than (ealey! and that$ aying omething.$
Ron$ ner+e were already tretched to )reaking
"oint with anxiety a)out Harry.
#I$m warning you! 9al%oy 1 one more word 1$
#Ron0$ aid Re)eca uddenly. #Harry 10$
#(hat2 (here2$
Harry had uddenly gone into a "ectacular di+e!
which drew ga" and cheer %rom the crowd.
Hermione tood u"! her croed &nger in her mouth!
a Harry treaked toward the ground like a )ullet.
#<ou$re in luck! (ealey! Potter$ o)+iouly "otted
ome money on the ground0$ aid 9al%oy.
Ron na""ed. *e%ore 9al%oy knew what wa
ha""ening! Ron wa on to" o% him! wretling him to
the ground. :e+ille heitated! then clam)ered o+er
the )ack o% hi eat to hel".
#Come on! Harry0$ Hermione creamed! lea"ing on
to her eat to watch a Harry "ed traight at >na"e
1 he didn$t e+en notice 9al%oy and Ron rolling
around under her eat! or the cuKe and yel"
coming %rom the whirl o% &t that wa :e+ille!
Cra))e and 6oyle.
8" in the air! >na"e turned on hi )roomtick -ut
in time to ee omething carlet hoot "at him!
miing him )y inche 1 next econd! Harry had
"ulled out o% the di+e! hi arm raied in trium"h! the
>nitch cla"ed in hi hand.
The tand eru"tedF it had to )e a record! no one
could e+er remem)er the >nitch )eing caught o
#Ron0 Ron0 (here are you2 The game$ o+er0
Harry$ won0 (e$+e won0 6ry@ndor are in the lead0$
hrieked Hermione! dancing u" and down on her eat
and hugging Par+ati Patil in the row in %ront.
Harry -um"ed o, hi )room! a %oot %rom the
ground. He couldn$t )elie+e it. He$d done it 1 the
game wa o+erF it had )arely lated &+e minute. A
6ry@ndor came "illing on to the "itch! he aw
>na"e land near)y! white4%aced and tight4li""ed 1
then Harry %elt a hand on hi houlder and looked u"
into /um)ledore$ miling %ace.
#(ell done!$ aid /um)ledore =uietly! o that only
Harry could hear. #:ice to ee you ha+en$t )een
)rooding a)out that mirror 5 )een kee"ing )uy 5
excellent 5$
>na"e "at )itterly on the ground.
Harry le%t the changing room alone ome time later!
to take hi :im)u Two Thouand )ack to the
)roomhed. He couldn$t e+er remem)er %eeling
ha""ier. He$d really done omething to )e "roud o%
now 1 no one could ay he wa -ut a %amou name
any more. The e+ening air had ne+er melled o
weet. He walked o+er the dam" gra! reli+ing the
lat hour in hi head! which wa a ha""y )lurA
6ry@ndor running to li%t him on to their houlderF
Re)eca! Ron and Hermione in the ditance! -um"ing
u" and down! Ron cheering through a hea+y
Harry had reached the hed. He leant againt the
wooden door and looked u" at Hogwart! with it
window glowing red in the etting un. 6ry@ndor in
the lead. He$d done it! he$d hown >na"e 5
And "eaking o% >na"e 5
A hooded &gure came wi%tly down the %ront te"
o% the catle. Clearly not wanting to )e een! it
walked a %at a "oi)le toward the For)idden
Foret. Harry$ +ictory %aded %rom hi mind a he
watched. He recognied the &gure$ "rowling walk.
>na"e! neaking into the Foret while e+eryone ele
wa at dinner 1 what wa going on2
Harry -um"ed )ack on hi :im)u Two Thouand
and took o,. 6liding ilently o+er the catle he aw
>na"e enter the Foret at a run. He %ollowed.
The tree were o thick he couldn$t ee where
>na"e had gone. He .ew in circle! lower and lower!
)ruhing the to" )ranche o% tree until he heard
+oice. He glided toward them and landed
noielely in a towering )eech tree.
He clim)ed care%ully along one o% the )ranche!
holding tight to hi )roomtick! trying to ee through
the lea+e.
*elow! in a hadowy clearing! tood >na"e! )ut he
wan$t alone. Guirrell wa there! too. Harry couldn$t
make out the look on hi %ace! )ut he wa tuttering
wore than e+er. Harry trained to catch what they
were aying.
#5 d4don$t know why you wanted t4t4to meet here
o% all "4"lace! >e+eru 5$
#?h! I thought we$d kee" thi "ri+ate!$ aid >na"e!
hi +oice icy. #>tudent aren$t u""oed to know
a)out the Philoo"her$ >tone! a%ter all.$
Harry leant %orward. Guirrell wa mum)ling
omething. >na"e interru"ted him.
#Ha+e you %ound out how to get "at that )eat o%
Hagrid$ yet2$
#*4)4)ut >e+eru! I 1$
#<ou don$t want me a your enemy! Guirrell!$ aid
>na"e! taking a te" toward him.
#I4I don4t know what you 1$
#<ou know "er%ectly well what I mean.$
An owl hooted loudly and Harry nearly %ell out o%
the tree. He teadied himel% in time to hear >na"e
ay! #1 your little )it o% hocu "ocu. I$m waiting.$
#*4)ut I d4d4don$t 1$
#Very well!$ >na"e cut in. #(e$ll ha+e another little
chat oon! when you$+e had time to think thing o+er
and decided where your loyaltie lie.$
He threw hi cloak o+er hi head and trode out o%
the clearing. It wa almot dark now! )ut Harry could
ee Guirrell! tanding =uite till a though he wa
#Harry! where ha+e you been?$ Hermione =ueaked.
#(e won0 <ou won0 (e won0$ houted Ron!
thum"ing Harry on the )ack. #And I ga+e 9al%oy a
)lack eye and :e+ille tried to take on Cra))e and
6oyle ingle4handed0 He$ till out cold )ut 9adam
Pom%rey ay he$ll )e all right 1 talk a)out howing
>lytherin0 E+eryone$ waiting %or you in the common
room! we$re ha+ing a "arty! Fred and 6eorge tole
ome cake and tu, %rom the kitchen.$
#:e+er mind that now!$ aid Harry )reathlely.
#3et$ &nd an em"ty room! you wait $til you hear thi
He made ure Pee+e wan$t inide )e%ore hutting
the door )ehind them! then he told them what he$d
een and heard.
#>o we were right! it i the Philoo"her$ >tone! and
>na"e$ trying to %orce Guirrell to hel" him get it. He
aked i% he knew how to get "at Flu,y 1 and he aid
omething a)out Guirrell$ Hhocu4"ocuI 1 I reckon
there are other thing guarding the tone a"art %rom
Flu,y! load o% enchantment! "ro)a)ly! and Guirrell
would ha+e done ome anti4/ark Art "ell which
>na"e need to )reak through 1$
#>o you mean the >tone$ only a%e a long a
Guirrell tand u" to >na"e2$ aid Hermione in alarm.
#It$ll )e gone )y next Tueday!$ aid Ron.


%orbert the
%orwegian Ridgeba/k
Guirrell! howe+er! mut ha+e )een )ra+er than
they$d thought. In the week that %ollowed he did
eem to )e getting "aler and thinner! )ut it didn$t
look a though he$d cracked yet.
E+ery time they "aed the third4.oor corridor!
Harry! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione would "re their
ear to the door to check that Flu,y wa till growling
inide. >na"e wa wee"ing a)out in hi uual )ad
tem"er! which urely meant that the >tone wa till
a%e. (hene+er Harry "aed Guirrell thee day he
ga+e him an encouraging ort o% mile! Re)eca would
TInert %unny thing hereU! and Ron had tarted telling
"eo"le o, %or laughing at Guirrell$ tutter.
Hermione! howe+er! had more on her mind than
the Philoo"her$ >tone. >he had tarted drawing u"
re+iion timeta)le and colour4coding all her note.
Harry! Re)eca and Ron wouldn$t ha+e minded! )ut
he ke"t nagging them to do the ame.
#Hermione! the exam are age away.$
#Ten week!$ Hermione na""ed. #That$ not age!
that$ like a econd to :icola Flamel.$
#*ut we$re not ix hundred year old!$ Ron
reminded her. #Anyway! what are you re+iing %or!
you already know it all.$
#(hat am I re+iing %or2 Are you mad2 <ou realie
we need to "a thee exam to get into the econd
year2 They$re +ery im"ortant! I hould ha+e tarted
tudying a month ago! I don$t know what$ got into
me 5$
8n%ortunately! the teacher eemed to )e thinking
along the ame line a Hermione. They "iled o
much homework on them that the Eater holiday
weren$t nearly a much %un a the Chritma one. It
wa hard to relax with Hermione next to you reciting
the twel+e ue o% dragon$ )lood or "ractiing wand
mo+ement. 9oaning and yawning! Harry! Re)eca
and Ron "ent mot o% their %ree time in the li)rary
with her! trying to get through all their extra work.
#I$ll ne+er remem)er thi!$ Ron )urt out one
a%ternoon! throwing down hi =uill and looking
longingly out o% the li)rary window. It wa the &rt
really &ne day they$d had in month. The ky wa a
clear! %orget4me4not )lue and there wa a %eeling in
the air o% ummer coming.
Harry! who wa looking u" #/ittany$ in One
housand 7agi/al Herbs and Fungi6 didn$t look u"
until he heard Ron ay! #Hagrid0 (hat are you doing
in the li)rary2$
Hagrid huKed into +iew! hiding omething )ehind
hi )ack. He looked +ery out o% "lace in hi molekin
#;u$ lookin$!$ he aid! in a hi%ty +oice that got their
interet at once. #An$ what$re you lot u" ter2$ He
looked uddenly u"iciou. #<er not till lookin$ %er
:icola Flamel! are yeh2$
#?h! we %ound out who he i age ago!$ aid Ron
im"rei+ely. #And we know what that dog$
guarding! it$ a Philoo"her$ >t1$$
!hhhhD Hagrid looked around =uickly to ee i%
anyone wa litening. #/on$ go houtin$ a)out it!
what$ the matter with yeh2$
#There are a %ew thing we wanted to ak you! a a
matter o% %act!$ aid Harry! #a)out what$ guarding
the >tone a"art %rom Flu,y 1$
#>HHHH0$ aid Hagrid again. #3iten 1 come an$ ee
me later! I$m not "romiin$ I$ll tell yeh anythin$! mind!
)ut don$ go ra))itin$ a)out it in here! tudent aren$
$""oed ter know. They$ll think I$+e told yeh 1$
#>ee you later! then!$ aid Harry.
Hagrid huKed o,.
#(hat wa he hiding )ehind hi )ack2$ aid Re)eca.
#/o you think it had anything to do with the >tone2$
#I$m going to ee what ection he wa in!$ aid Ron!
who$d had enough o% working. He came )ack a
minute later with a "ile o% )ook in hi arm and
lammed them down on the ta)le.
DragonsD he whi"ered. #Hagrid wa looking u"
tu, a)out dragon0 3ook at theeA Dragon !pe/ies
o- Great 8ritain and $relandI Fro4 :gg to $n-erno6 A
Dragon >eepers Guide,$
#Hagrid$ alway wanted a dragon! he told me o
the &rt time I e+er met him!$ aid Harry.
#*ut it$ againt our law!$ aid Ron. #/ragon4
)reeding wa outlawed )y the (arlock$ Con+ention
o% CPVR! e+eryone know that. It$ hard to to"
9uggle noticing u i% we$re kee"ing dragon in the
)ack garden 1 anyway! you can$t tame dragon! it$
dangerou. <ou hould ee the )urn Charlie$ got o,
wild one in Romania.$
#*ut there aren$t wild dragon in 8ritain?$ aid
#?% coure there are!$ aid Ron. #Common (elh
6reen and He)ridean *lack. The 9initry o% 9agic
ha a -o) huhing them u"! I can tell you. ?ur lot
ha+e to kee" "utting "ell on 9uggle who$+e
"otted them! to make them %orget.$
#>o what on earth$ Hagrid u" to2$ aid Hermione.
(hen they knocked on the door o% the gamekee"er$
hut an hour later! they were ur"ried to ee that all
the curtain were cloed. Hagrid called! #(ho i it2$
)e%ore he let them in and then hut the door =uickly
)ehind them.
It wa ti.ingly hot inide. E+en though it wa uch
a warm day! there wa a )la'ing &re in the grate.
Hagrid made them tea and o,ered them toat
andwiche! which they re%ued.
#>o 1 yeh wanted to ak me omethin$2$
#<e!$ aid Harry. There wa no "oint )eating a)out
the )uh. #(e were wondering i% you could tell u
what$ guarding the Philoo"her$ >tone a"art %rom
Hagrid %rowned at him.
#?$ coure I can$t!$ he aid. #:um)er one! I don$
know meel%. :um)er two! yeh know too much
already! o I wouldn$ tell yeh i% I could. That >tone$
here %er a good reaon. It wa almot tolen outta
6ringott 1 I $""oe yeh$+e worked that out an$ all2
*eat me how yeh e+en know a)ou$ Flu,y.$
#?h! come on! Hagrid! you might not want to tell
u! )ut you do know! you know e+erything that goe
on round here!$ aid Hermione in a warm! .attering
+oice. Hagrid$ )eard twitched and they could tell he
wa miling. #(e only wondered who had done the
guarding! really.$ Hermione went on. #(e wondered
who /um)ledore had truted enough to hel" him!
a"art %rom you.$
Hagrid$ chet welled at thee lat word. Harry!
Re)eca and Ron )eamed at Hermione.
#(ell! I don$ $"oe it could hurt ter tell yeh that 5
let$ ee 5 he )orrowed Flu,y %rom me 5 then ome
o$ the teacher did enchantment 5 Pro%eor >"rout
1 Pro%eor Flitwick 1 Pro%eor 9c6onagall 1$ he
ticked them o, on hi &nger! #Pro%eor Guirrell 1 an$
/um)ledore himel% did omethin$! o$ coure. Hang
on! I$+e %orgotten omeone. ?h yeah! Pro%eor
#<eah 1 yer not till on a)ou$ that! are yeh2 3ook!
>na"e hel"ed prote/t the >tone! he$ not a)out ter
teal it.$
Harry knew Re)eca! Ron and Hermione were
thinking the ame a he wa. I% >na"e had )een in on
"rotecting the >tone! it mut ha+e )een eay to &nd
out how the other teacher had guarded it. He
"ro)a)ly knew e+erything 1 exce"t! it eemed!
Guirrell$ "ell and how to get "at Flu,y.
#<ou$re the only one who know how to get "at
Flu,y! aren$t you! Hagrid2$ aid Harry anxiouly. #And
you wouldn$t tell anyone! would you2 :ot e+en one o%
the teacher2$
#:ot a oul know exce"t me an$ /um)ledore!$ aid
Hagrid "roudly.
#(ell! that$ omething!$ Harry muttered to the
other. #Hagrid! can we ha+e a window o"en2 I$m
#Can$t! Harry! orry!$ aid Hagrid. Harry noticed him
glance at the &re. Harry looked at it! too.
#Hagrid 1 what$ that?$
*ut he already knew what it wa. In the +ery heart
o% the &re! underneath the kettle! wa a huge! )lack
#Ah!$ aid Hagrid! &ddling ner+ouly with hi )eard.
#That$ 1 er 5$
#(here did you get it! Hagrid2$ aid Ron! crouching
o+er the &re to get a cloer look at the egg. #It
mut$+e cot you a %ortune.$
#(on it!$ aid Hagrid. #3a$ night. I wa down in the
+illage ha+in$ a %ew drink an$ got into a game o$
card with a tranger. Think he wa =uite glad ter get
rid o% it! ter )e honet.$
#*ut what are you going to do with it when it$
hatched2$ aid Hermione.
#(ell! I$+e )in doin$ ome readin$!$ aid Hagrid!
"ulling a large )ook %rom under hi "illow. #6ot thi
outta the li)rary 1 Dragon(8reeding -or Pleasure and
ProAt 1 it$ a )it outta date! o$ coure! )ut it$ all in
here. 7ee" the egg in the &re! $caue their mother
)reathe on $em! ee! an$ when it hatche! %eed it on a
)ucket o$ )randy mixed with chicken )lood e+ery hal%
hour. An$ ee here 1 how ter recognie di,$rent egg
1 what I got there$ a :orwegian Ridge)ack. They$re
rare! them.$
He looked +ery "leaed with himel%! )ut Hermione
#Hagrid! you li+e in a wooden house6$ he aid.
*ut Hagrid wan$t litening. He wa humming
merrily a he toked the &re.
>o now they had omething ele to worry a)outA
what might ha""en to Hagrid i% anyone %ound out he
wa hiding an illegal dragon in hi hut.
#(onder what it$ like to ha+e a "eace%ul li%e!$ Ron
ighed! a e+ening a%ter e+ening they truggled
through all the extra homework they were getting.
Hermione had now tarted making re+iion
timeta)le %or Harry! Re)eca and Ron! too. It wa
dri+ing them mad.
Then! one )reak%at time! Hedwig )rought Harry
another note %rom Hagrid. He had written only two
wordA $ts hat/hing,
Re)eca and Ron wanted to ki" Her)ology and go
traight down to the hut. Hermione wouldn$t hear o%
#Hermione! how many time in our li+e are we
going to ee a dragon hatching2$ aid Ron
#(e$+e got leon! we$ll get into trou)le! and
that$ nothing to what Hagrid$ going to )e in when
omeone &nd out what he$ doing 1$
#>hut u"0$ Harry whi"ered.
9al%oy wa only a %ew %eet away and he had
to""ed dead to liten. How much had he heard2
Harry didn$t like the look on 9al%oy$ %ace at all.
Ron and Hermione argued all the way to
Her)ology! and in the end! Hermione agreed to run
down to Hagrid$ with the other two during morning
)reak. (hen the )ell ounded %rom the catle at the
end o% their leon! the %our o% them dro""ed their
trowel at once and hurried through the ground to
the edge o% the Foret. Hagrid greeted them looking
.uhed and excited.
#It$ nearly out.$ He uhered them inide.
The egg wa lying on the ta)le. There were dee"
crack in it. >omething wa mo+ing inideF a %unny
clicking noie wa coming %rom it.
They all drew their chair u" to the ta)le and
watched with )ated )reath.
All at once there wa a cra"ing noie and the egg
"lit o"en. The )a)y dragon .o""ed on to the ta)le.
It wan$t exactly "rettyF Harry thought it looked like a
crum"led! )lack um)rella. It "iny wing were huge
com"ared to it kinny -et )ody and it had a long
nout with wide notril! tu) o% horn and )ulging!
orange eye.
It nee'ed. A cou"le o% "ark .ew out o% it nout.
#In$t he beauti-ul?$ Hagrid murmured. He reached
out a hand to troke the dragon$ head. It na""ed at
hi &nger! howing "ointed %ang.
#*le him! look! he know hi mummy0$ aid
#Hagrid!$ aid Hermione! #how %at do :orwegian
Ridge)ack grow! exactly2$
Hagrid wa a)out to anwer when the colour
uddenly drained %rom hi %ace 1 he lea"t to hi %eet
and ran to the window.
#(hat$ the matter2$
#>omeone wa lookin$ through the ga" in the
curtain 1 it$ a kid 1 he$ runnin$ )ack u" ter the
Harry )olted to the door and looked out. E+en at a
ditance there wa no mitaking him.
9al%oy had een the dragon.
>omething a)out the mile lurking on 9al%oy$ %ace
during the next week made Harry! Re)eca! Ron and
Hermione +ery ner+ou. They "ent mot o% their %ree
time in Hagrid$ darkened hut! trying to reaon with
#;ut let him go!$ Harry urged. #>et him %ree.$
#I can$t!$ aid Hagrid. #He$ too little. He$d die.$
They looked at the dragon. It had grown three
time in length in -ut a week. >moke ke"t %urling out
o% it notril. Hagrid hadn$t )een doing hi
gamekee"ing dutie )ecaue the dragon wa
kee"ing him o )uy. There were em"ty )randy
)ottle and chicken %eather all o+er the .oor.
#I$+e decided to call him :or)ert!$ aid Hagrid!
looking at the dragon with mity eye. #He really
know me now! watch. :or)ert0 :or)ert0 (here$
#He$ lot hi mar)le!$ Ron muttered in Harry$ ear.
#Hagrid!$ aid Harry loudly! #gi+e it a %ortnight and
:or)ert$ going to )e a long a your houe. 9al%oy
could go to /um)ledore at any moment.$
Hagrid )it hi li".
#I 1 I know I can$t kee" him %or e+er! )ut I can$t -u$
dum" him! I can$t.$
Re)eca uddenly turned to Ron.
#Charlie!$ he aid.
#<ou$re loing it! too!$ aid Ron. #I$m Ron!
#:o 1 Charlie 1 your )rother Charlie. In$t he
tudying dragon in Romania2 (hy donJt we end
:or)ert to him2 Charlie can take care o% him and
then "ut him )ack in the wild0$
#*rilliant0$ aid Ron. #How a)out it! Hagrid2$
And in the end! Hagrid agreed that they could end
an owl to Charlie to ak him.
The %ollowing week dragged )y. (edneday night
%ound Hermione! Re)eca and Harry itting alone in
the common room! long a%ter e+eryone ele had
gone to )ed. The clock on the wall had -ut chimed
midnight when the "ortrait hole )urt o"en. Ron
a""eared out o% nowhere a he "ulled o, Harry$
In+ii)ility Cloak. He had )een down at Hagrid$ hut!
hel"ing him %eed :or)ert! who wa now eating dead
rat )y the crate.
#It )it me0$ he aid! howing them hi hand! which
wa wra""ed in a )loody handkerchie%. #I$m not going
to )e a)le to hold a =uill %or a week. I tell you! that
dragon$ the mot horri)le animal I$+e e+er met! )ut
the way Hagrid goe on a)out it! you$d think it wa a
.u,y little )unny ra))it. (hen it )it me he told me
o, %or %rightening it. And when I le%t! he wa inging
it a lulla)y.$
There wa a ta" on the dark window.
#It$ Hedwig0$ aid Harry! hurrying to let her in.
#>he$ll ha+e Charlie$ anwer0$
The %our o% them "ut their head together to read
the note.

Dear Ron6
How are you? hanks -or the letter ? $d be glad to
take the %orwegian Ridgeba/k6 but it wont be easy
getting hi4 here, $ think the best thing will be to
send hi4 o3er with so4e -riends o- 4ine who are
/o4ing to 3isit 4e neCt week, rouble is6 they
4ustnt be seen /arrying an illegal dragon,
"ould you get the Ridgeba/k up the tallest tower
at 4idnight on !aturday? hey /an 4eet you there
and take hi4 away while its still dark,
!end 4e an answer as soon as possible,

They looked at each other.
#(e$+e got the In+ii)ility Cloak!$ aid Harry. #It
houldn$t )e too di@cult 1 I think the Cloak$ )ig
enough to co+er two o% u and :or)ert.$
It wa a mark o% how )ad the lat week had )een
that the other three agreed with him. Anything to get
rid o% :or)ert 1 and 9al%oy.
There wa a hitch. *y next morning! Ron$ )itten
hand had wollen to twice it uual i'e. He didn$t
know whether it wa a%e to go to 9adam Pom%rey 1
would he recognie a dragon )ite2 *y the a%ternoon!
though! he had no choice. The cut had turned a naty
hade o% green. It looked a i% :or)ert$ %ang were
Harry! Re)eca and Hermione ruhed u" to the
ho"ital wing at the end o% the day to &nd Ron in a
terri)le tate in )ed.
#It$ not -ut my hand!$ he whi"ered! #although
that %eel like it$ a)out to %all o,. 9al%oy told 9adam
Pom%rey he wanted to )orrow one o% my )ook o he
could come and ha+e a good laugh at me. He ke"t
threatening to tell her what really )it me 1 I$+e told
her it wa a dog )ut I don$t think he )elie+e me 1 I
houldn$t ha+e hit him at the Guidditch match! that$
why he$ doing thi.$
Harry! Re)eca and Hermione tried to calm Ron
#It$ll all )e o+er at midnight on >aturday!$ aid
Hermione! )ut thi didn$t oothe Ron at all. ?n the
contrary! he at )olt u"right and )roke into a weat.
#9idnight on >aturday0$ he aid in a hoare +oice.
#?h no 1 oh no 1 I$+e -ut remem)ered 1 Charlie$
letter wa in that )ook 9al%oy took! he$ going to
know we$re getting rid o% :or)ert.$
Harry! Re)eca and Hermione didn$t get a chance to
anwer. 9adam Pom%rey came o+er at that moment
and made them lea+e! aying Ron needed lee".
#It$ too late to change the "lan now!$ Harry told
Re)eca and Hermione. #(e ha+en$t got time to end
Charlie another owl and thi could )e our only
chance to get rid o% :or)ert. (e$ll ha+e to rik it. And
we ha3e got the In+ii)ility Cloak! 9al%oy doen$t
know a)out that.$
They %ound Fang the )oarhound itting outide with
a )andaged tail when they went to tell Hagrid! who
o"ened a window to talk to them.
#I won$t let you in!$ he "u,ed. #:or)ert$ at a tricky
tage 1 nothin$ I can$t handle.$
(hen they told him a)out Charlie$ letter! hi eye
&lled with tear! although that might ha+e )een
)ecaue :or)ert had -ut )itten him on the leg.
#Aargh0 It$ all right! he only got my )oot 1 -u$
"layin$ 1 he$ only a )a)y! a%ter all.$
The )a)y )anged it tail on the wall! making the
window rattle. Harry! Re)eca and Hermione walked
)ack to the catle! %eeling >aturday couldn$t come
=uickly enough.
They would ha+e %elt orry %or Hagrid when the time
came %or him to ay good)ye to :or)ert i% they
hadn$t )een o worried a)out what they had to do. It
wa a +ery dark! cloudy night and Harry and
Hermione were a )it late arri+ing at Hagrid$ hut
)ecaue they$d had to wait %or Pee+e to get out o%
their way in the Entrance Hall! where he$d )een
"laying tenni againt the wall.
Hagrid had :or)ert "acked and ready in a large
#He$ got lot o$ rat an$ ome )randy %er the
-ourney!$ aid Hagrid in a muKed +oice. #An$ I$+e
"acked hi teddy )ear in cae he get lonely.$
From inide the crate came ri""ing noie that
ounded to Harry a though teddy wa ha+ing hi
head torn o,.
#*ye4)ye! :or)ert0$ Hagrid o))ed! a Harry and
Hermione co+ered the crate with the In+ii)ility Cloak
and te""ed underneath it themel+e. #9ummy will
ne+er %orget you0$
How they managed to get the crate )ack u" to the
catle! they ne+er knew. 9idnight ticked nearer a
they hea+ed :or)ert u" the mar)le taircae in the
Entrance Hall and along the dark corridor. 8"
another taircae! then another 1 e+en one o% Harry$
hort cut didn$t make the work much eaier.
#:early there0$ Harry "anted a they reached the
corridor )eneath the tallet tower.
Then a udden mo+ement ahead o% them made
them almot dro" the crate. Forgetting that they
were already in+ii)le! they hrank into the hadow!
taring at the dark outline o% two "eo"le gra""ling
with each other ten %eet away. A lam" .ared.
Pro%eor 9c6onagall! in a tartan dreing4gown
and a hairnet! had 9al%oy )y the ear.
#/etention0$ he houted. #And twenty "oint %rom
>lytherin0 (andering around in the middle o% the
night! how dare you 1$
#<ou don$t undertand! Pro%eor! Harry Potter$
coming 1 he$ got a dragon0$
#(hat utter ru))ih0 How dare you tell uch lie0
Come on 1 I hall ee Pro%eor >na"e a)out you!
The tee" "iral taircae u" to the to" o% the
tower eemed the eaiet thing in the world a%ter
that. :ot until they$d te""ed out into the cold night
air did they throw o, the Cloak! glad to )e a)le to
)reathe "ro"erly again. Hermione did a ort o% -ig.
#9al%oy$ got detention0 I could ing0$
#/on$t!$ Harry ad+ied her.
Chuckling a)out 9al%oy! they waited! :or)ert
thrahing a)out in hi crate. A)out ten minute later!
%our )roomtick came woo"ing down out o% the
Charlie$ %riend were a cheery lot. They howed
Harry and Hermione the harne they$d rigged u"! o
they could u"end :or)ert )etween them. They all
hel"ed )uckle :or)ert a%ely into it and then Harry
and Hermione hook hand with the other and
thanked them +ery much.
At lat! :or)ert wa going 5 going 5 gone,
They li""ed )ack down the "iral taircae! their
heart a light a their hand! now that :or)ert wa
o, them. :o more dragon 1 9al%oy in detention 1
what could "oil their ha""ine2
The anwer to that wa waiting at the %oot o% the
tair. A they te""ed into the corridor! Filch$ %ace
loomed uddenly out o% the darkne.
#(ell! well! well!$ he whi"ered! #we are in trou)le.$
They$d le%t the In+ii)ility Cloak on to" o% the tower.


he Forbidden Forest
Thing couldn$t ha+e )een wore.
Filch took them down to Pro%eor 9c6onagall$
tudy on the &rt .oor! where they at and waited
without aying a word to each other. Hermione wa
trem)ling. Excue! ali)i and wild co+er4u" torie
chaed each other around Harry$ )rain! each more
%ee)le than the lat. He couldn$t ee how they were
going to get out o% trou)le thi time. They were
cornered. How could they ha+e )een o tu"id a to
%orget the Cloak2 There wa no reaon on earth that
Pro%eor 9c6onagall would acce"t %or their )eing
out o% )ed and cree"ing around the chool in the
dead o% night! let alone )eing u" the tallet
atronomy tower! which wa out4o%4)ound exce"t %or
clae. Add :or)ert and the In+ii)ility Cloak and
they might a well )e "acking their )ag already.
Had Harry thought that thing couldn$t ha+e )een
wore2 He wa wrong. (hen Pro%eor 9c6onagall
a""eared! he wa leading :e+ille.
#Harry0$ :e+ille )urt out! the moment he aw the
other two. #I wa trying to &nd you to warn you! I
heard 9al%oy aying he wa going to catch you! he
aid you had a drag1$
Harry hook hi head +iolently to hut :e+ille u"!
)ut Pro%eor 9c6onagall had een. >he looked more
likely to )reathe &re than :or)ert a he towered
o+er the three o% them.
#I would ne+er ha+e )elie+ed it o% any o% you. 9r
Filch ay you were u" the atronomy tower. It$ one
o$clock in the morning. :Cplain yoursel3es,$
It wa the &rt time Hermione had e+er %ailed to
anwer a teacher$ =uetion. >he wa taring at her
li""er! a till a a tatue.
#I think I$+e got a good idea o% what$ )een going
on!$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall. #It doen$t take a
geniu to work it out. <ou %ed /raco 9al%oy ome
cock4and4)ull tory a)out a dragon! trying to get him
out o% )ed and into trou)le. I$+e already caught him. I
u""oe you think it$ %unny that 3ong)ottom here
heard the tory and )elie+ed it! too2$
Harry caught :e+ille$ eye and tried to tell him
without word that thi wan$t true! )ecaue :e+ille
wa looking tunned and hurt. Poor! )lundering
:e+ille 1 Harry knew what it mut ha+e cot him to
try and &nd them in the dark! to warn them.
#I$m diguted!$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall. #Four
tudent out o% )ed in one night0 I$+e ne+er heard o%
uch a thing )e%ore0 <ou! 9i 6ranger! I thought you
had more ene. A %or you! 9r Potter! I thought
6ry@ndor meant more to you than thi. All three o%
you will recei+e detention 1 ye! you too! 9r
3ong)ottom! nothing gi+e you the right to walk
around chool at night! e"ecially thee day! it$
+ery dangerou 1 and &%ty "oint will )e taken %rom
Fi-ty? Harry ga"ed 1 they would loe the lead!
the lead he$d won in the lat Guidditch match.
#Fi%ty "oint ea/h!$ aid Pro%eor 9c6onagall!
)reathing hea+ily through her long "ointed noe.
#Pro%eor 1 "leae 1$
#<ou /ant 1$
#/on$t tell me what I can and can$t do! Potter. :ow
get )ack to )ed! all o% you. I$+e ne+er )een more
ahamed o% 6ry@ndor tudent.$
A hundred and &%ty "oint lot. That "ut 6ry@ndor
in lat "lace. In one night! they$d ruined any chance
6ry@ndor had had %or the Houe Cu". Harry %elt a
though the )ottom had dro""ed out o% hi tomach.
How could they e+er make u" %or thi2
Harry didn$t lee" all night. He could hear :e+ille
o))ing into hi "illow %or what eemed like hour.
Harry couldn$t think o% anything to ay to com%ort
him. He knew :e+ille! like himel%! wa dreading the
dawn. (hat would ha""en when the ret o%
6ry@ndor %ound out what they$d done2
At &rt! 6ry@ndor "aing the giant hour4glae
that recorded the houe "oint next day thought
there$d )een a mitake. How could they uddenly
ha+e a hundred and &%ty "oint %ewer than
yeterday2 And then the tory tarted to "readA
Harry Potter! the %amou Harry Potter! their hero o%
two Guidditch matche! had lot them all thoe
"oint! him and a cou"le o% other tu"id &rt4year.
From )eing one o% the mot "o"ular and admired
"eo"le at the chool! Harry wa uddenly the mot
hated. E+en Ra+enclaw and HuKe"u, turned on
him! )ecaue e+eryone had )een longing to ee
>lytherin loe the Houe Cu". E+erywhere Harry
went! "eo"le "ointed and didn$t trou)le to lower their
+oice a they inulted him. >lytherin! on the other
hand! cla""ed a he walked "at them! whitling and
cheering! #Thank Potter! we owe you one0$
?nly Re)eca and Ron tood )y him.
#They$ll all %orget thi in a %ew week.$
#<eah! Fred and 6eorge ha+e lot load o% "oint in
all the time they$+e )een here! and "eo"le till like
#They$+e ne+er lot a hundred and &%ty "oint in
one go! though! ha+e they2$ aid Harry miera)ly.
#(ell 1 no!$ Ron admitted.
It wa a )it late to re"air the damage! )ut Harry
wore to himel% not to meddle in thing that weren$t
hi )uine %rom now on. He$d had it with neaking
around and "ying. He %elt o ahamed o% himel%
that he went to (ood and o,ered to reign %rom the
Guidditch team.
Resign? (ood thundered. #(hat good$ll that do2
How are we going to get any "oint )ack i% we can$t
win at Guidditch2$
*ut e+en Guidditch had lot it %un. The ret o% the
team wouldn$t "eak to Harry during "ractice! and i%
they had to "eak a)out him! they called him #the
Hermione and :e+ille were u,ering! too. They
didn$t ha+e a )ad a time a Harry! )ecaue they
weren$t a well known! )ut no)ody would "eak to
them either. Hermione had to""ed drawing
attention to herel% in cla! kee"ing her head down
and working in ilence.
Harry wa almot glad that the exam weren$t %ar
away. All the re+iion he had to do ke"t hi mind o,
hi miery. He! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione ke"t to
themel+e! working late into the night! trying to
remem)er the ingredient in com"licated "otion!
learn charm and "ell o, )y heart! memorie the
date o% magical dico+erie and go)lin re)ellion 5
Then! a)out a week )e%ore the exam were due to
tart! Harry$ new reolution not to inter%ere in
anything that didn$t concern him wa "ut to an
unex"ected tet. (alking )ack %rom the li)rary on hi
own one a%ternoon! he heard ome)ody whim"ering
%rom a claroom u" ahead. A he drew cloer! he
heard Guirrell$ +oice.
#:o 1 no 1 not again! "leae 1$
It ounded a though omeone wa threatening
him. Harry mo+ed cloer.
#All right 1 all right 1$ he heard Guirrell o).
:ext econd! Guirrell came hurrying out o% the
claroom! traightening hi tur)an. He wa "ale and
looked a though he wa a)out to cry. He trode out
o% ightF Harry didn$t think Guirrell had e+en noticed
him. He waited until Guirrell$ %ootte" had
dia""eared! then "eered into the claroom. It wa
em"ty! )ut a door tood a-ar at the other end. Harry
wa hal%way toward it )e%ore he remem)ered what
he$d "romied himel% a)out not meddling.
All the ame! he$d ha+e gam)led twel+e
Philoo"her$ >tone that >na"e had -ut le%t the
room! and %rom what Harry had -ut heard! >na"e
would )e walking with a new "ring in hi te" 1
Guirrell eemed to ha+e gi+en in at lat.
Harry went )ack to the li)rary! where Re)eca wa
teting Ron and Hermione on Atronomy. Harry told
them what he$d heard.
#>na"e$ done it! then0$ aid Ron. #I% Guirrell$ told
him how to )reak hi Anti4/ark Force "ell 1$
#There$ till Flu,y! though!$ aid Hermione.
#9ay)e >na"e$ %ound out how to get "at him
without aking Hagrid!$ aid Ron! looking u" at the
thouand o% )ook urrounding them. #I )et there$ a
)ook omewhere in here! telling you how to get "at
a giant three4headed dog.$
#>o what do we do! Harry2$
The light o% ad+enture wa kindling again in Re)eca
and Ron$ eye! )ut Hermione anwered )e%ore Harry
#6o to /um)ledore. That$ what we hould ha+e
done age ago. I% we try anything ourel+e we$ll )e
thrown out %or ure.$
#*ut we$+e got no proo-D$ aid Harry. #Guirrell$ too
cared to )ack u u". >na"e$ only got to ay he
doen$t know how the troll got in at Hallowe$en and
that he wa nowhere near the third .oor 1 who do
you think they$ll )elie+e! him or u2 It$ not exactly a
ecret we hate him! /um)ledore$ll think we made it
u" to get him acked. Filch wouldn$t hel" u i% hi li%e
de"ended on it! he$ too %riendly with >na"e! and the
more tudent get thrown out! the )etter! he$ll think.
And don$t %orget! we$re not u""oed to know a)out
the >tone or Flu,y. That$ll take a lot o% ex"laining.$
Hermione looked con+inced! )ut Re)eca and Ron
#He might )elie+e u 1$
#9ay)e i% we -ut do a )it o% "oking around 1$
#:o!$ aid Harry .atly! #we$+e done enough "oking
He "ulled a ma" o% ;u"iter toward him and tarted
to learn the name o% it moon.
The %ollowing morning! note were deli+ered to Harry!
Hermione and :e+ille at the )reak%at ta)le. They
were all the ameA

'our detention will take pla/e at ele3en o/lo/k
tonight, 7eet 7r Fil/h in the :ntran/e Hall,
Pro-, 7, 7/Gonagall

Harry had %orgotten they till had detention to do in
the %urore o+er the "oint they$d lot. He hal%
ex"ected Hermione to com"lain that thi wa a whole
night o% re+iion lot! )ut he didn$t ay a word. 3ike
Harry! he %elt they deer+ed what they$d got.
At ele+en o$clock that night they aid good)ye to
Re)eca and Ron in the common room and went down
to the entrance hall with :e+ille. Filch wa already
there 1 and o wa 9al%oy. Harry had alo %orgotten
that 9al%oy had got a detention! too.
#Follow me!$ aid Filch! lighting a lam" and leading
them outide. #I )et you$ll think twice a)out )reaking
a chool rule again! won$t you! eh2$ he continued!
leering at them. #?h ye 5 hard work and "ain are
the )et teacher i% you ak me 5 It$ -ut a "ity they
let the old "unihment die out 5 hang you )y your
writ %rom the ceiling %or a %ew day! I$+e got the
chain till in my o@ce! kee" $em well oiled in cae
they$re e+er needed 5 Right! o, we go! and don$t
think o% running o,! now! it$ll )e wore %or you i% you
They marched o, acro the dark ground. :e+ille
ke"t ni@ng. Harry wondered what their "unihment
wa going to )e. It mut )e omething really horri)le!
or Filch wouldn$t )e ounding o delighted.
The moon wa )right! )ut cloud cudding acro it
ke"t throwing them into darkne. Ahead! Harry
could ee the lighted window o% Hagrid$ hut. Then
they heard a ditant hout.
#I that you! Filch2 Hurry u"! I want ter get tarted.$
Harry$ heart roeF i% they were going to )e working
with Hagrid it wouldn$t )e o )ad. Hi relie% mut
ha+e howed in hi %ace! )ecaue Filch aid! #I
u""oe you think you$ll )e en-oying yourel% with
that oa%2 (ell! think again! )oy 1 it$ into the Foret
you$re going and I$m much mitaken i% you$ll all come
out in one "iece.$
At thi! :e+ille let out a little moan and 9al%oy
to""ed dead in hi track.
#The Foret2$ he re"eated! and he didn$t ound
=uite a cool a uual. #(e can$t go in there at night 1
there$ all ort o% thing in there 1 werewol+e! I
:e+ille clutched the lee+e o% Harry$ ro)e and
made a choking noie.
#That$ your lookout! in$t it2$ aid Filch! hi +oice
cracking with glee. #>hould$+e thought o% them
werewol+e )e%ore you got in trou)le! houldn$t you2$
Hagrid came triding toward them out o% the dark!
Fang at hi heel. He wa carrying hi large cro)ow!
and a =ui+er o% arrow hung o+er hi houlder.
#A)ou$ time!$ he aid. #I )in waitin$ %er hal% an hour
already. All right! Harry! Hermione2$
#I houldn$t )e too %riendly to them! Hagrid!$ aid
Filch coldly! #they$re here to )e "unihed! a%ter all.$
#That$ why yer late! i it2$ aid Hagrid! %rowning at
Filch. #*in lecturin$ them! eh2 $>not your "lace ter do
that. <eh$+e done yer )it! I$ll take o+er %rom here.$
#I$ll )e )ack at dawn!$ aid Filch! #%or what$ le%t o%
them!$ he added natily! and he turned and tarted
)ack toward the catle! hi lam" )o))ing away in
the darkne.
9al%oy now turned to Hagrid.
#I$m not going in that Foret!$ he aid! and Harry
wa "leaed to hear the note o% "anic in hi +oice.
#<eh are i% yeh want ter tay at Hogwart!$ aid
Hagrid &ercely. #<eh$+e done wrong an$ now yeh$+e
got ter "ay %er it.$
#*ut thi i er+ant tu,! it$ not %or tudent to do.
I thought we$d )e writing line or omething. I% my
%ather knew I wa doing thi! he$d 1$
#1 tell yer that$ how it i at Hogwart!$ Hagrid
growled. #(ritin$ line0 (hat good$ that ter anyone2
<eh$ll do ummat ue%ul or yeh$ll get out. I% yeh think
yer %ather$d rather you were ex"elled! then get )ack
o, ter the catle an$ "ack. 6o on0$
9al%oy didn$t mo+e. He looked at Hagrid %uriouly
)ut then dro""ed hi ga'e.
#Right then!$ aid Hagrid! #now! liten care%ully!
$caue it$ dangerou what we$re gonna do tonight
an$ I don$ want no one takin$ rik. Follow me o+er
here a moment.$
He led them to the +ery edge o% the Foret. Holding
hi lam" u" high he "ointed down a narrow! winding
earth track that dia""eared into the thick )lack
tree. A light )ree'e li%ted their hair a they looked
into the Foret.
#3ook there!$ aid Hagrid! #ee that tu, hinin$ on
the ground2 >il+ery tu,2 That$ unicorn )lood.
There$ a unicorn in there )in hurt )adly )y ummat.
Thi i the econd time in a week. I %ound one dead
lat (edneday. (e$re gonna try an$ &nd the "oor
thing. (e might ha+e ter "ut it out o% it miery.$
#And what i% whate+er hurt the unicorn &nd u
&rt2$ aid 9al%oy! una)le to kee" the %ear out o% hi
#There$ nothin$ that li+e in the Foret that$ll hurt
yeh i% yer with me or Fang!$ aid Hagrid. #An$ kee" ter
the "ath. Right! now! we$re gonna "lit inter two
"artie an$ %ollow the trail in di,$rent direction.
There$ )lood all o+er the "lace! it mut$+e )in
taggerin$ around ince lat night at leat.$
#I want Fang!$ aid 9al%oy =uickly! looking at Fang$
long teeth.
#All right! )ut I warn yeh! he$ a coward!$ aid
Hagrid. #>o me! Harry an$ Hermione$ll go one way an$
/raco! :e+ille an$ Fang$ll go the other. :ow! i% any o%
u &nd the unicorn! we$ll end u" green "ark!
right2 6et yer wand out an$ "ractie now 1 that$ it 1
an$ i% anyone get in trou)le! end u" red "ark! an$
we$ll all come an$ &nd yeh 1 o! )e care%ul 1 let$ go.$
The Foret wa )lack and ilent. A little way into it
they reached a %ork in the earth "ath and Harry!
Hermione and Hagrid took the le%t "ath while 9al%oy!
:e+ille and Fang took the right.
They walked in ilence! their eye on the ground.
E+ery now and then a ray o% moonlight through the
)ranche a)o+e lit a "ot o% il+er )lue )lood on the
%allen lea+e.
Harry aw that Hagrid looked +ery worried.
#"ould a werewol% )e killing the unicorn2$ Harry
#:ot %at enough!$ aid Hagrid. #It$ not eay ter
catch a unicorn! they$re "ower%ul magic creature. I
ne+er knew one ter )e hurt )e%ore.$
They walked "at a moy tree4tum". Harry could
hear running waterF there mut )e a tream
omewhere cloe )y. There were till "ot o% unicorn
)lood here and there along the winding "ath.
#<ou all right! Hermione2$ Hagrid whi"ered. #/on$
worry! it can$t$+e gone %ar i% it$ thi )adly hurt an$
then we$ll )e a)le ter 1 6ET *EHI:/ THAT TREE0$
Hagrid ei'ed Harry and Hermione and hoited
them o, the "ath )ehind a towering oak. He "ulled
out an arrow and &tted it into hi cro)ow! raiing it!
ready to &re. The three o% them litened. >omething
wa lithering o+er dead lea+e near)yA it ounded
like a cloak trailing along the ground. Hagrid wa
=uinting u" the dark "ath! )ut a%ter a %ew econd!
the ound %aded away.
#I knew it!$ he murmured. #There$ ummat in here
that houldn$ )e.$
#A werewol%2$ Harry uggeted.
#That wan$ no werewol% an$ it wan$ no unicorn!
neither!$ aid Hagrid grimly. #Right! %ollow me! )ut
care%ul! now.$
They walked more lowly! ear training %or the
%aintet ound. >uddenly! in a clearing ahead!
omething de&nitely mo+ed.
#(ho$ there2$ Hagrid called. #>how yerel% 1 I$m
And into the clearing came 1 wa it a man! or a
hore2 To the wait! a man! with red hair and )eard!
)ut )elow that wa a hore$ gleaming chetnut )ody
with a long! reddih tail. Harry and Hermione$ -aw
#?h! it$ you! Ronan!$ aid Hagrid in relie%. #How are
He walked %orward and hook the centaur$ hand.
#6ood e+ening to you! Hagrid!$ aid Ronan. He had
a dee"! orrow%ul +oice. #(ere you going to hoot
#Can$t )e too care%ul! Ronan!$ aid Hagrid! "atting
hi cro)ow. #There$ ummat )ad looe in thi
Foret. Thi i Harry Potter an$ Hermione 6ranger! )y
the way. >tudent u" at the chool. An$ thi i Ronan!
you two. He$ a centaur.$
#(e$d noticed!$ aid Hermione %aintly.
#6ood e+ening!$ aid Ronan. #>tudent! are you2
And do you learn much! u" at the chool2$
#Erm 1$
#A )it!$ aid Hermione timidly.
#A )it. (ell! that$ omething.$ Ronan ighed. He
.ung )ack hi head and tared at the ky. #9ar i
)right tonight.$
#<eah!$ aid Hagrid! glancing u" too. #3iten! I$m
glad we$+e run inter yeh! Ronan! $caue there$ a
unicorn )in hurt 1 you een anythin$2$
Ronan didn$t anwer immediately. He tared
un)linkingly u"ward! then ighed again.
#Alway the innocent are the &rt +ictim!$ he aid.
#>o it ha )een %or age "at! o it i now.$
#<eah!$ aid Hagrid! #)ut ha+e yeh een anythin$!
Ronan2 Anythin$ unuual2$
#9ar i )right tonight!$ Ronan re"eated while
Hagrid watched him im"atiently. #8nuually )right.$
#<eah! )ut I wa meanin$ anythin$ unuual a )it
nearer home!$ aid Hagrid. #>o yeh ha+en$t noticed
anythin$ trange2$
<et again! Ronan took a while to anwer. At lat! he
aid! #The Foret hide many ecret.$
A mo+ement in the tree )ehind Ronan made
Hagrid raie hi )ow again! )ut it wa only a econd
centaur! )lack4haired and 4)odied and wilder4looking
than Ronan.
#Hullo! *ane!$ aid Hagrid. #All right2$
#6ood e+ening! Hagrid! I ho"e you are well2$
#(ell enough. 3ook! I$+e -u$ )in akin$ Ronan! you
een anythin$ odd in here lately2 ?nly there$ a
unicorn )in in-ured 1 would yeh know anythin$ a)out
*ane walked o+er to tand next to Ronan. He
looked kyward.
#9ar i )right tonight!$ he aid im"ly.
#(e$+e heard!$ aid Hagrid grum"ily. #(ell! i% either
o% you do ee anythin$! let me know! won$t yeh2 (e$ll
)e o,! then.$
Harry and Hermione %ollowed him out o% the
clearing! taring o+er their houlder at Ronan and
*ane until the tree )locked their +iew.
#:e+er!$ aid Hagrid irrita)ly! #try an$ get a traight
anwer out o% a centaur. Ruddy tar4ga'er. :ot
intereted in anythin$ cloer$n the moon.$
#Are there many o% the4 in here2$ aked Hermione.
#?h! a %air %ew 5 7ee" themel+e to themel+e
motly! )ut they$re good enough a)out turnin$ u" i%
e+er I want a word. They$re dee"! mind! centaur 5
they know thing 5 -u$ don$ let on much.$
#/$you think that wa a centaur we heard earlier2$
aid Harry.
#/id that ound like hoo+e to you2 :ah! i% yeh ak
me! that wa what$ )in killin$ the unicorn 1 ne+er
heard anythin$ like it )e%ore.$
They walked on through the dene! dark tree.
Harry ke"t looking ner+ouly o+er hi houlder. He
had the naty %eeling they were )eing watched. He
wa +ery glad they had Hagrid and hi cro)ow with
them. They had -ut "aed a )end in the "ath when
Hermione gra))ed Hagrid$ arm.
#Hagrid0 3ook0 Red "ark! the other are in
#<ou two wait here0$ Hagrid houted. #>tay on the
"ath! I$ll come )ack %or yeh0$
They heard him crahing away through the
undergrowth and tood looking at each other! +ery
cared! until they couldn$t hear anything )ut the
rutling o% lea+e around them.
#<ou don$t think they$+e )een hurt! do you2$
whi"ered Hermione.
#I don$t care i% 9al%oy ha! )ut i% omething$ got
:e+ille 5 It$ our %ault he$ here in the &rt "lace.$
The minute dragged )y. Their ear eemed
har"er than uual. Harry$ eemed to )e "icking u"
e+ery igh o% the wind! e+ery cracking twig. (hat
wa going on2 (here were the other2
At lat! a great crunching noie announced
Hagrid$ return. 9al%oy! :e+ille and Fang were with
him. Hagrid wa %uming. 9al%oy! it eemed! had
neaked u" )ehind :e+ille and gra))ed him %or a
-oke. :e+ille had "anicked and ent u" the "ark.
#(e$ll )e lucky ter catch anythin$ now! with the
racket you two were makin$. Right! we$re changin$
grou" 1 :e+ille! you tay with me an$ Hermione!
Harry! you go with Fang an$ thi idiot. I$m orry!$
Hagrid added in a whi"er to Harry! #)ut he$ll ha+e a
harder time %rightenin$ you! an$ we$+e gotta get thi
>o Harry et o, into the heart o% the Foret with
9al%oy and Fang. They walked %or nearly hal% an hour!
dee"er and dee"er into the Foret! until the "ath
)ecame almot im"oi)le to %ollow )ecaue the
tree were o thick. Harry thought the )lood eemed
to )e getting thicker. There were "lahe on the
root o% a tree! a though the "oor creature had )een
thrahing around in "ain cloe )y. Harry could ee a
clearing ahead! through the tangled )ranche o% an
ancient oak.
#3ook 1$ he murmured! holding out hi arm to to"
>omething )right white wa gleaming on the
ground. They inched cloer.
It wa the unicorn all right! and it wa dead. Harry
had ne+er een anything o )eauti%ul and ad. It
long lender leg were tuck out at odd angle where
it had %allen and it mane wa "read "early white on
the dark lea+e.
Harry had taken one te" toward it when a
lithering ound made him %ree'e where he tood. A
)uh on the edge o% the clearing =ui+ered 5 Then!
out o% the hadow! a hooded &gure came crawling
acro the ground like ome talking )eat. Harry!
9al%oy and Fang tood tran&xed. The cloaked &gure
reached the unicorn! it lowered it head o+er the
wound in the animal$ ide! and )egan to drink it
9al%oy let out a terri)le cream and )olted 1 o did
Fang. The hooded &gure raied it head and looked
right at Harry 1 unicorn )lood wa dri))ling down it
%ront. It got to it %eet and came wi%tly toward him 1
he couldn$t mo+e %or %ear.
Then a "ain "ierced hi head like he$d ne+er %elt
)e%ore! it wa a though hi car wa on &re 1 hal%4
)linded! he taggered )ackward. He heard hoo+e
)ehind him! gallo"ing! and omething -um"ed clean
o+er him! charging at the &gure.
The "ain in Harry$ head wa o )ad he %ell to hi
knee. It took a minute or two to "a. (hen he
looked u"! the &gure had gone. A centaur wa
tanding o+er him! not Ronan or *aneF thi one
looked youngerF he had white4)lond hair and a
"alomino )ody.
#Are you all right2$ aid the centaur! "ulling Harry
to hi %eet.
#<e 1 thank you 1 what was that2$
The centaur didn$t anwer. He had atonihingly
)lue eye! like "ale a""hire. He looked care%ully at
Harry! hi eye lingering on the car which tood out!
li+id! on Harry$ %orehead.
#<ou are the Potter )oy!$ he aid. #<ou had )etter
get )ack to Hagrid. The Foret i not a%e at thi time
1 e"ecially %or you. Can you ride2 It will )e =uicker
thi way.
#9y name i Firen'e!$ he added! a he lowered
himel% on to hi %ront leg o that Harry could
clam)er on to hi )ack.
There wa uddenly a ound o% more gallo"ing
%rom the other ide o% the clearing. Ronan and *ane
came )urting through the tree! their .ank hea+ing
and weaty.
#Firen'e0$ *ane thundered. #(hat are you doing2
<ou ha+e a human on your )ack0 Ha+e you no
hame2 Are you a common mule2$
#/o you realie who thi i2$ aid Firen'e. #Thi i
the Potter )oy. The =uicker he lea+e thi Foret! the
#(hat ha+e you )een telling him2$ growled *ane.
#Remem)er! Firen'e! we are worn not to et
ourel+e againt the hea+en. Ha+e we not read
what i to come in the mo+ement o% the "lanet2$
Ronan "awed the ground ner+ouly.
#I$m ure Firen'e thought he wa acting %or the
)et!$ he aid! in hi gloomy +oice.
*ane kicked hi )ack leg in anger.
#For the )et0 (hat i that to do with u2 Centaur
are concerned with what ha )een %oretold0 It i not
our )uine to run around like donkey a%ter tray
human in our Foret0$
Firen'e uddenly reared on to hi hind leg in
anger! o that Harry had to gra) hi houlder to tay
#/o you not ee that unicorn2$ Firen'e )ellowed at
*ane. #/o you not undertand why it wa killed2 ?r
ha+e the "lanet not let you in on that ecret2 I et
myel% againt what i lurking in thi Foret! *ane!
ye! with human alongide me i% I mut.$
And Firen'e whiked aroundF with Harry clutching
on a )et he could! they "lunged o, into the tree!
lea+ing Ronan and *ane )ehind them.
Harry didn$t ha+e a clue what wa going on.
#(hy$ *ane o angry2$ he aked. #(hat wa that
thing you a+ed me %rom! anyway2$
Firen'e lowed to a walk! warned Harry to kee" hi
head )owed in cae o% low4hanging )ranche )ut did
not anwer Harry$ =uetion. They made their way
through the tree in ilence %or o long that Harry
thought Firen'e didn$t want to talk to him any more.
They were "aing through a "articularly dene
"atch o% tree! howe+er! when Firen'e uddenly
#Harry Potter! do you know what unicorn )lood i
ued %or2$
#:o!$ aid Harry! tartled )y the odd =uetion.
#(e$+e only ued the horn and tail4hair in Potion.$
#That i )ecaue it i a montrou thing! to lay a
unicorn!$ aid Firen'e. #?nly one who ha nothing to
loe! and e+erything to gain! would commit uch a
crime. The )lood o% a unicorn will kee" you ali+e!
e+en i% you are an inch %rom death! )ut at a terri)le
"rice. <ou ha+e lain omething "ure and de%encele
to a+e yourel% and you will ha+e )ut a hal% li%e! a
cured li%e! %rom the moment the )lood touche your
Harry tared at the )ack o% Firen'e$ head! which
wa da""led il+er in the moonlight.
#*ut who$d )e that de"erate2$ he wondered aloud.
#I% you$re going to )e cured %or e+er! death$ )etter!
in$t it2$
#It i!$ Firen'e agreed! #unle all you need i to tay
ali+e long enough to drink omething ele 1
omething that will )ring you )ack to %ull trength
and "ower 1 omething that will mean you can ne+er
die. 9r Potter! do you know what i hidden in the
chool at thi +ery moment2$
#The Philoo"her$ >tone0 ?% coure 1 the Elixir o%
3i%e0 *ut I don$t undertand who 1$
#Can you think o% no)ody who ha waited many
year to return to "ower! who ha clung to li%e!
awaiting their chance2$
It wa a though an iron &t had clenched uddenly
around Harry$ heart. ?+er the rutling o% the tree!
he eemed to hear once more what Hagrid had told
him on the night they had metA #>ome ay he died.
Codwallo"! in my o"inion. /unno i% he had enough
human le%t in him to die.$
#/o you mean!$ Harry croaked! #that wa Lol1$
#Harry0 Harry! are you all right2$
Hermione wa running toward them down the
"ath! Hagrid "u@ng along )ehind her.
#I$m &ne!$ aid Harry! hardly knowing what he wa
aying. #The unicorn$ dead! Hagrid! it$ in that
clearing )ack there.$
#Thi i where I lea+e you!$ Firen'e murmured a
Hagrid hurried o, to examine the unicorn. #<ou are
a%e now.$
Harry lid o, hi )ack.
#6ood luck! Harry Potter!$ aid Firen'e. #The "lanet
ha+e )een read wrongly )e%ore now! e+en )y
centaur. I ho"e thi i one o% thoe time.$
He turned and cantered )ack into the de"th o% the
Foret! lea+ing Harry hi+ering )ehind him.
Re)eca and Ron had %allen alee" in the dark
common room! waiting %or them to return. Ron
houted omething a)out Guidditch %oul when Harry
roughly hook him awake. In a matter o% econd!
though! he and Re)eca were wide4eyed a Harry
)egan to tell them and Hermione what had ha""ened
in the Foret.
Harry couldn$t it down. He "aced u" and down in
%ront o% the &re. He wa till haking.
#>na"e want the tone %or Voldemort 5 and
Voldemort$ waiting in the Foret 5 and all thi time
we thought >na"e -ut wanted to get rich 5$
#>to" aying the name0$ aid Ron in a terri&ed
whi"er! a i% he thought Voldemort could hear them.
Harry wan$t litening.
#Firen'e a+ed me! )ut he houldn$t ha+e done 5
*ane wa %uriou 5 he wa talking a)out inter%ering
with what the "lanet ay i going to ha""en 5 They
mut how that Voldemort$ coming )ack 5 *ane
think Firen'e hould ha+e let Voldemort kill me 5 I
u""oe that$ written in the tar a well.$
Will you stop saying the na4eD Ron hied.
#>o all I$+e got to wait %or now i >na"e to teal the
>tone!$ Harry went on %e+erihly! #then Voldemort will
)e a)le to come and &nih me o, 5 (ell! I u""oe
*ane$ll )e ha""y.$
Hermione looked +ery %rightened! )ut he had a
word o% com%ort.
#Harry! e+eryone ay /um)ledore$ the only one
<ou47now4(ho wa e+er a%raid o%. (ith /um)ledore
around! <ou47now4(ho won$t touch you. Anyway!
who ay the centaur are right2 It ound like
%ortune4telling to me! and Pro%eor 9c6onagall ay
that$ a +ery im"recie )ranch o% magic.$
The ky had turned light )e%ore they to""ed
talking. They went to )ed exhauted! their throat
ore. *ut the night$ ur"rie weren$t o+er.
(hen Harry "ulled )ack hi heet! he %ound hi
In+ii)ility Cloak %olded neatly underneath them.
There wa a note "inned to itA

;ust in /ase,


hrough the rapdoor
In year to come! Harry would ne+er =uite remem)er
how he had managed to get through hi exam when
he hal% ex"ected Voldemort to come )urting through
the door at any moment. <et the day cre"t )y and
there could )e no dou)t that Flu,y wa till ali+e and
well )ehind the locked door.
It wa welteringly hot! e"ecially in the large
claroom where they did their written "a"er. They
had )een gi+en "ecial! new =uill %or the exam!
which had )een )ewitched with an Anti4Cheating
They had "ractical exam a well. Pro%eor Flitwick
called them one )y one into hi cla to ee i% they
could make a "inea""le ta"4dance acro a dek.
Pro%eor 9c6onagall watched them turn a moue
into a nu,4)ox 1 "oint were gi+en %or how "retty
the nu,4)ox wa! )ut taken away i% it had whiker.
>na"e made them all ner+ou! )reathing down their
neck while they tried to remem)er how to make a
Forget%ulne Potion.
Harry did the )et he could! trying to ignore the
ta))ing "ain in hi %orehead which had )een
)othering him e+er ince hi tri" into the Foret.
:e+ille thought Harry had a )ad cae o% exam ner+e
)ecaue Harry couldn$t lee"! )ut the truth wa that
Harry ke"t )eing woken )y hi old nightmare! exce"t
that it wa now wore than e+er )ecaue there wa a
hooded &gure dri""ing )lood in it.
9ay)e it wa )ecaue they hadn$t een what Harry
had een in the Foret! or )ecaue they didn$t ha+e
car )urning on their %orehead! )ut Re)eca! Ron
and Hermione didn$t eem a worried a)out the
>tone a Harry. The idea o% Voldemort certainly
cared them! )ut he didn$t kee" +iiting them in
dream! and they were o )uy with their re+iion
they didn$t ha+e much time to %ret a)out what >na"e
or anyone ele might )e u" to.
Their +ery lat exam wa Hitory o% 9agic. ?ne
hour o% anwering =uetion a)out )atty old wi'ard
who$d in+ented el%4tirring cauldron and they$d )e
%ree! %ree %or a whole wonder%ul week until their exam
reult came out. (hen the ghot o% Pro%eor *inn
told them to "ut down their =uill and roll u" their
"archment! Harry couldn$t hel" cheering with the
#That wa %ar eaier than I thought it would )e!$
aid Hermione! a they -oined the crowd .ocking out
into the unny ground. #I needn$t ha+e learnt a)out
the CWQP (erewol% Code o% Conduct or the u"riing o%
El%ric the Eager.$
Hermione alway liked to go through their exam
"a"er a%terward! )ut Ron aid thi made him %eel
ill! o they wandered down to the lake and .o""ed
under a tree. The (ealey twin and 3ee ;ordan were
tickling the tentacle o% a giant =uid! which wa
)aking in the warm hallow.
#:o more re+iion!$ Ron ighed ha""ily! tretching
out on the gra. #<ou could look more cheer%ul!
Harry! we$+e got a week )e%ore we &nd out how
)adly we$+e done! there$ no need to worry yet.$
Harry wa ru))ing hi %orehead.
#I wih I knew what thi 4eansD$ he )urt out
angrily. #9y car kee" hurting 1 it$ ha""ened
)e%ore! )ut ne+er a o%ten a thi.$
#6o to 9adam Pom%rey!$ Re)eca uggeted.
#I$m not ill!$ aid Harry. #I think it$ a warning 5 it
mean danger$ coming 5$
Ron couldn$t get worked u"! it wa too hot.
#Harry! relax! Hermione$ right! the >tone$ a%e a
long a /um)ledore$ around. Anyway! we$+e ne+er
had any "roo% >na"e %ound out how to get "at Flu,y.
He nearly had hi leg ri""ed o, once! he$ not going
to try it again in a hurry. And :e+ille will "lay
Guidditch %or England )e%ore Hagrid let /um)ledore
Harry nodded! )ut he couldn$t hake o, a lurking
%eeling that there wa omething he$d %orgotten to
do! omething im"ortant. (hen he tried to ex"lain
thi! Hermione aid! #That$ -ut the exam. I woke u"
lat night and wa hal%way through my
Tran&guration note )e%ore I remem)ered we$d
done that one.$
Harry wa =uite ure the unettled %eeling didn$t
ha+e anything to do with work! though. He watched
an owl .utter toward the chool acro the )right
)lue ky! a note clam"ed in it mouth. Hagrid wa
the only one who e+er ent him letter. Hagrid would
ne+er )etray /um)ledore. Hagrid would ne+er tell
anyone how to get "at Flu,y 5 ne+er 5 )ut 1
Harry uddenly -um"ed to hi %eet.
#(here$re you going2$ aid Ron lee"ily.
#I$+e -ut thought o% omething!$ aid Harry. He had
gone white. #(e$+e got to go and ee Hagrid! now.$
#(hy2$ "anted Hermione! hurrying to kee" u".
#/on$t you think it$ a )it odd!$ aid Harry!
cram)ling u" the gray lo"e! #that what Hagrid
want more than anything ele i a dragon! and a
tranger turn u" who -ut ha""en to ha+e an egg in
hi "ocket2 How many "eo"le wander around with
dragon egg i% it$ againt wi'ard law2 3ucky they
%ound Hagrid! don$t you think2 (hy didn$t I ee it
#(hat are you on a)out2$ aid Re)eca! )ut Harry!
"rinting acro the ground toward the Foret!
didn$t anwer.
Hagrid wa itting in an armchair outide hi
houeF hi trouer and lee+e were rolled u" and
he wa helling "ea into a large )owl.
#Hullo!$ he aid! miling. #Finihed yer exam2 6ot
time %er a drink2$
#<e! "leae!$ aid Ron! )ut Harry cut acro him.
#:o! we$re in a hurry. Hagrid! I$+e got to ak you
omething. <ou know that night you won :or)ert2
(hat did the tranger you were "laying card with
look like2$
#/unno!$ aid Hagrid caually! #he wouldn$ take hi
cloak o,.$
He aw the %our o% them look tunned and raied
hi eye)row.
#It$ not that unuual! yeh get a lot o$ %unny %olk in
the Hog$ Head 1 that$ one o% the "u) down in the
+illage. 9ighta )in a dragon dealer! mightn$ he2 I
ne+er aw hi %ace! he ke"t hi hood u".$
Harry ank down next to the )owl o% "ea.
#(hat did you talk to him a)out! Hagrid2 /id you
mention Hogwart at all2$
#9ighta come u"!$ aid Hagrid! %rowning a he tried
to remem)er. #<eah 5 he aked what I did! an$ I told
him I wa gamekee"er here 5 He aked a )it a)out
the orta creature I look a%ter 5 o I told him 5 an$ I
aid what I$d alway really wanted wa a dragon 5
an$ then 5 I can$ remem)er too well! $caue he ke"t
)uyin$ me drink 5 3et$ ee 5 yeah! then he aid he
had the dragon egg an$ we could "lay card %er it i% I
wanted 5 )ut he had ter )e ure I could handle it! he
didn$ want it ter go ter any old home 5 >o I told him!
a%ter Flu,y! a dragon would )e eay 5$
#And did he 1 did he eem intereted in Flu,y2$
Harry aked! trying to kee" hi +oice calm.
#(ell 1 yeah 1 how many three4headed dog d$yeh
meet! e+en around Hogwart2 >o I told him! Flu,y$ a
"iece o$ cake i% yeh know how to calm him down! -u$
"lay him a )it o$ muic an$ he$ll go traight o, ter
lee" 1$
Hagrid uddenly looked horri&ed.
#I houldn$ta told yeh that0$ he )lurted out. #Forget I
aid it0 Hey 1 where$re yeh goin$2$
Harry! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione didn$t "eak to
each other at all until they came to a halt in the
Entrance Hall! which eemed +ery cold and gloomy
a%ter the ground.
#(e$+e got to go to /um)ledore!$ aid Harry.
#Hagrid told that tranger how to get "at Flu,y and
it wa either >na"e or Voldemort under that cloak 1 it
mut$+e )een eay! once he$d got Hagrid drunk. I -ut
ho"e /um)ledore )elie+e u. Firen'e might )ack u
u" i% *ane doen$t to" him. (here$ /um)ledore$
They looked around! a i% ho"ing to ee a ign
"ointing them in the right direction. They had ne+er
)een told where /um)ledore li+ed! nor did they know
anyone who had )een ent to ee him.
#(e$ll -ut ha+e to 1$ Harry )egan! )ut a +oice
uddenly rang acro the hall.
#(hat are you %our doing inide2$
It wa Pro%eor 9c6onagall! carrying a large "ile o%
#(e want to ee Pro%eor /um)ledore!$ aid
Hermione! rather )ra+ely! Harry! Re)eca and Ron
#>ee Pro%eor /um)ledore2$ Pro%eor 9c6onagall
re"eated! a though thi wa a +ery &hy thing to
want to do. #(hy2$
Harry wallowed 1 now what2
#It$ ort o% ecret!$ he aid! )ut he wihed at once
he hadn$t! )ecaue Pro%eor 9c6onagall$ notril
#Pro%eor /um)ledore le%t ten minute ago!$ he
aid coldly. #He recei+ed an urgent owl %rom the
9initry o% 9agic and .ew o, %or 3ondon at once.$
#He$ gone?$ aid Harry %rantically. %ow?$
#Pro%eor /um)ledore i a +ery great wi'ard!
Potter! he ha many demand on hi time 1$
#*ut thi i im"ortant.$
#>omething you ha+e to ay i more im"ortant than
the 9initry o% 9agic! Potter2$
#3ook!$ aid Harry! throwing caution to the wind!
#Pro%eor 1 it$ a)out the Philoo"her$ >tone 1$
(hate+er Pro%eor 9c6onagall had ex"ected! it
wan$t that. The )ook he wa carrying tum)led out
o% her arm )ut he didn$t "ick them u".
#How do you know 12$ he "luttered.
#Pro%eor! I think 1 I know 1 that >n1 that
omeone$ going to try and teal the >tone. I$+e got
to talk to Pro%eor /um)ledore.$
>he eyed him with a mixture o% hock and
#Pro%eor /um)ledore will )e )ack tomorrow!$ he
aid &nally. #I don$t know how you %ound out a)out
the >tone! )ut ret aured! no one can "oi)ly teal
it! it$ too well "rotected.$
#*ut Pro%eor 1$
#Potter! I know what I$m talking a)out!$ he aid
hortly. >he )ent down and gathered u" the %allen
)ook. #I ugget you all go )ack outide and en-oy
the unhine.$
*ut they didn$t.
#It$ tonight!$ aid Harry! once he wa ure
Pro%eor 9c6onagall wa out o% earhot. #>na"e$
going through the tra"door tonight. He$ %ound out
e+erything he need and now he$ got /um)ledore
out o% the way. He ent that note! I )et the 9initry o%
9agic will get a real hock when /um)ledore turn
#*ut what can we 1$
Hermione ga"ed. Harry! Re)eca and Ron wheeled
>na"e wa tanding there.
#6ood a%ternoon!$ he aid moothly.
They tared at him.
#<ou houldn$t )e inide on a day like thi!$ he aid!
with an odd! twited mile.
#(e were 1$ Harry )egan! without any idea what he
wa going to ay.
#<ou want to )e more care%ul!$ aid >na"e. #Hanging
around like thi! "eo"le will think you$re u" to
omething. And 6ry@ndor really can$t a,ord to loe
any more "oint! can they2$
Harry .uhed. They turned to go )ack outide! )ut
>na"e called them )ack.
#*e warned! Potter 1 any more night4time
wandering and I will "eronally make ure you are
ex"elled. 6ood day to you.$
He trode o, in the direction o% the ta, room.
?ut on the tone te"! Harry turned to the other.
#Right! here$ what we$+e got to do!$ he whi"ered
urgently. #?ne o% u ha got to kee" an eye on >na"e
1 wait outide the ta, room and %ollow him i% he
lea+e it. Hermione! you$d )etter do that.$
#(hy me2$
#It$ o)+iou!$ aid Ron. #<ou can "retend to )e
waiting %or Pro%eor Flitwick! you know.$ He "ut on a
high +oice! #?h Pro%eor Flitwick! I$m o worried! I
think I got =uetion %ourteen ) wrong 5$
#?h! hut u"!$ aid Hermione! )ut he agreed to go
and watch out %or >na"e.
#And we$d )etter tay outide the third4.oor
corridor!$ Harry told Re)eca and Ron. #Come on.$
*ut that "art o% the "lan didn$t work. :o ooner
had they reached the door e"arating Flu,y %rom the
ret o% the chool than Pro%eor 9c6onagall turned
u" again! and thi time! he lot her tem"er.
#I u""oe you think you$re harder to get "at than
a "ack o% enchantment0$ he tormed. #Enough o%
thi nonene0 I% I hear you$+e come anywhere near
here again! I$ll take another &%ty "oint %rom
6ry@ndor0 <e! (ealey! %rom my own houe0$
Harry! Re)eca and Ron went )ack to the common
room. Harry had -ut aid! #At leat Hermione$ on
>na"e$ tail!$ when the "ortrait o% the Fat 3ady wung
o"en and Hermione came in.
#I$m orry! Harry0$ he wailed. #>na"e came out and
aked me what I wa doing! o I aid I wa waiting %or
Flitwick! and >na"e went to get him! and I$+e only
-ut got away. I don$t know where >na"e went.$
#(ell! that$ it then! in$t it2$ Harry aid.
The other three tared at him. He wa "ale and hi
eye were glittering.
#I$m going out o% here tonight and I$m going to try
and get to the >tone &rt.$
#CJmon! Harry!$ aid Re)eca.
#<ou$re mad0$ aid Ron.
#<ou can$t0$ aid Hermione. #A%ter what 9c6onagall
and >na"e ha+e aid2 <ou$ll )e ex"elled0$
#>? (HAT2$ Harry houted. #/on$t you undertand2
I% >na"e get hold o% the >tone! Voldemort$ coming
)ack0 Ha+en$t you heard what it wa like when he
wa trying to take o+er2 There won$t )e any
Hogwart to get ex"elled %rom0 He$ll .atten it! or turn
it into a chool %or the /ark Art0 3oing "oint
doen$t matter any more! can$t you ee2 /$you think
he$ll lea+e you and your %amilie alone i% 6ry@ndor
win the Houe Cu"2 I% I get caught )e%ore I can get to
the >tone! well! I$ll ha+e to go )ack to the /urley
and wait %or Voldemort to &nd me there. It$ only
dying a )it later than I would ha+e done! )ecaue I$m
ne+er going o+er to the /ark >ide0 I$m going through
that tra"door tonight and nothing you two ay i
going to to" me0 Voldemort killed my "arent!
He glared at them.
#<ou$re right! Harry!$ aid Hermione in a mall
#I$ll ue the In+ii)ility Cloak!$ aid Harry. #It$ -ut
lucky I got it )ack.$
#*ut will it co+er all %our o% u2$ aid Ron.
#All 1 all %our o% u2$
#?h! come o, it!$ aid Re)eca! #you don$t think we$d
let you go alone2$
#?% coure not!$ aid Hermione )rikly. #How do you
think you$d get to the >tone without u2 I$d )etter go
and look through my )ook! there might )e
omething ue%ul 5$
#*ut i% we get caught! you three will )e ex"elled!
#:ot i% I can hel" it!$ aid Hermione grimly. #Flitwick
told me in ecret that I got a hundred and twel+e "er
cent on hi exam. They$re not throwing me out a%ter
A%ter dinner the %our o% them at ner+ouly a"art in
the common room. :o)ody )othered themF none o%
the 6ry@ndor had anything to ay to Harry any
more! a%ter all. Thi wa the &rt night he hadn$t
)een u"et )y it. Hermione wa kimming through all
her note! ho"ing to come acro one o% the
enchantment they were a)out to try and )reak.
Harry! Re)eca and Ron didn$t talk much. Each o%
them wa thinking a)out what they were a)out to do.
>lowly! the room em"tied a "eo"le dri%ted o, to
#*etter get the Cloak!$ Ron muttered! a 3ee ;ordan
&nally le%t! tretching and yawning. Harry ran
u"tair to their dark dormitory. He "ulled out the
Cloak and then hi eye %ell on the .ute Hagrid had
gi+en him %or Chritma. He "ocketed it to ue on
Flu,y 1 he didn$t %eel much like inging.
He ran )ack down to the common room.
#(e$d )etter "ut the Cloak on here! and make ure
it co+er all %our o% u 1 i% Filch "ot one o% our %eet
wandering along on it own 1$
#(hat are you doing2$ aid a +oice %rom the corner
o% the room. :e+ille a""eared %rom )ehind an
armchair! clutching Tre+or the toad! who looked a
though he$d )een making another )id %or %reedom.
#:othing! :e+ille! nothing!$ aid Harry! hurriedly
"utting the Cloak )ehind hi )ack.
:e+ille tared at their guilty %ace.
#<ou$re going out again!$ he aid.
#:o! no! no!$ aid Hermione. #:o! we$re not.$
#;ut go )ack to )ed! :e+ille!$ aid Re)eca.
Harry looked at the grand%ather clock )y the door.
They couldn$t a,ord to wate any more time! >na"e
might e+en now )e "laying Flu,y to lee".
#<ou can$t go out!$ aid :e+ille! #you$ll )e caught
again. 6ry@ndor will )e in e+en more trou)le.$
#<ou don$t undertand!$ aid Harry! #thi i
*ut :e+ille wa clearly teeling himel% to do
omething de"erate.
#I won$t let you do it!$ he aid! hurrying to tand in
%ront o% the "ortrait hole. #I$ll 1 I$ll &ght you0$
%e3ille6 Ron ex"loded! #get away %rom that hole
and don$t )e an idiot 1$
#/on$t you call me an idiot0$ aid :e+ille. #I don$t
think you hould )e )reaking any more rule0 And
you were the one who told me to tand u" to
#<e! )ut not to us6$ aid Ron in exa"eration.
#:e+ille! you don$t know what you$re doing.$
He took a te" %orward and :e+ille dro""ed Tre+or
the toad! who lea"t out o% ight.
#6o on then! try and hit me0$ aid :e+ille! raiing
hi &t. #I$m ready0$
Harry turned to Hermione.
Do so4ething6 he aid de"erately.
Hermione te""ed %orward.
#:e+ille!$ he aid! #I$m really! really orry a)out
>he raied her wand.
PetriA/us otalusD he cried! "ointing it at :e+ille.
:e+ille$ arm na""ed to hi ide. Hi leg "rang
together. Hi whole )ody rigid! he wayed where he
tood and then %ell .at on hi %ace! ti, a a )oard.
Hermione ran to turn him o+er. :e+ille$ -aw were
-ammed together o he couldn$t "eak. ?nly hi eye
were mo+ing! looking at them in horror.
#(hat$+e you done to him2$ Harry whi"ered.
#It$ the %ull *ody4*ind!$ aid Hermione miera)ly.
#?h! :e+ille! I$m o orry.$
#:othing "eronal! :e+ille!$ aid Re)eca.
#(e had to! :e+ille! no time to ex"lain!$ aid Harry.
#<ou$ll undertand later! :e+ille!$ aid Ron! a they
te""ed o+er him and "ulled on the In+ii)ility Cloak.
*ut lea+ing :e+ille lying motionle on the .oor
didn$t %eel like a +ery good omen. In their ner+ou
tate! e+ery tatue$ hadow looked like Filch! e+ery
ditant )reath o% wind ounded like Pee+e woo"ing
down on them.
At the %oot o% the &rt et o% tair! they "otted
9r :orri kulking near the to".
#?h! let$ kick her! -ut thi once!$ Ron whi"ered in
Harry$ ear! )ut Harry hook hi head. A they
clim)ed care%ully around her! 9r :orri turned her
lam"4like eye on them! )ut didn$t do anything.
They didn$t meet anyone ele until they reached
the taircae u" to the third .oor. Pee+e wa
)o))ing hal%way u"! looening the car"et o that
"eo"le would tri".
#(ho$ there2$ he aid uddenly a they clim)ed
toward him. He narrowed hi wicked )lack eye.
#7now you$re there! e+en i% I can$t ee you. Are you
ghoulie or ghotie or wee tudent )eatie2$
He roe u" in the air and .oated there! =uinting at
#>hould call Filch! I hould! i% omething$ a4
cree"ing around uneen.$
Harry had a udden idea.
#Pee+e!$ he aid! in a hoare whi"er! #the *loody
*aron ha hi own reaon %or )eing in+ii)le.$
Pee+e almot %ell out o% the air in hock. He
caught himel% in time and ho+ered a)out a %oot o,
the tair.
#>o orry! your )loodine! 9r *aron! ir!$ he aid
greaily. #9y mitake! my mitake 1 I didn$t ee you 1
o% coure I didn$t! you$re in+ii)le 1 %orgi+e old
Pee+ie hi little -oke! ir.$
#I ha+e )uine here! Pee+e!$ croaked Harry. #>tay
away %rom thi "lace tonight.$
#I will! ir! I mot certainly will!$ aid Pee+e! riing
u" in the air again. #Ho"e your )uine goe well!
*aron! I$ll not )other you.$
And he cooted o,.
8rilliant6 Harry0$ whi"ered Ron.
A %ew econd later! they were there! outide the
third4.oor corridor 1 and the door wa already a-ar.
#(ell! there you are!$ Harry aid =uietly. #>na"e$
already got "at Flu,y.$
>eeing the o"en door omehow eemed to im"re
u"on all three o% them what wa %acing them.
8nderneath the Cloak! Harry turned to the other two.
#I% you want to go )ack! I won$t )lame you!$ he aid.
#<ou can take the Cloak! I won$t need it now.$
#/on$t )e tu"id!$ aid Ron.
#(e$re coming!$ aid Hermione.
#CJmon!$ aid Re)eca.
Harry "uhed the door o"en.
A the door creaked! low! rum)ling growl met their
ear. All three o% the dog$ noe ni,ed madly in
their direction! e+en though it couldn$t ee them.
#(hat$ that at it %eet2$ Hermione whi"ered.
#3ook like a har"!$ aid Ron. #>na"e mut ha+e le%t
it there.$
#It mut wake u" the moment you to" "laying!$
aid Harry. #(ell! here goe 5$
He "ut Hagrid$ .ute to hi li" and )lew. It wan$t
really a tune! )ut %rom the &rt note the )eat$ eye
)egan to droo". Harry hardly drew )reath. >lowly!
the dog$ growl ceaed 1 it tottered on it "aw and
%ell to it knee! then it lum"ed to the ground! %at
#7ee" "laying!$ Re)eca warned Harry a they
li""ed out o% the Cloak and cre"t toward the
tra"door. They could %eel the dog$ hot! melly )reath
a they a""roached the giant head.
#I think we$ll )e a)le to "ull the door o"en!$ aid
Ron! "eering o+er the dog$ )ack. #(ant to go &rt!
#:o! I don$t0$
#I$ll do it.$ Re)eca te""ed care%ully o+er the dog$
leg. >he )ent and "ulled the ring o% the tra"door!
which wung u" and o"en.
#(hat can you ee2$ Hermione aid anxiouly.
#:othing 1 -ut )lack 1 there$ no way o% clim)ing
down! we$ll -ut ha+e to dro".$
Harry! who wa till "laying the .ute! wa+ed at
Re)eca to get her attention and "ointed at himel%.
#<ou want to go &rt2$
#Are you ure2$ aid Ron! who had clim)ed o+er the
dogJ "aw and wa looking down through the
tra"door. #I don$t know how dee" thi thing goe.
6i+e the .ute to Hermione o he can kee" him
Harry handed the .ute o+er. In the %ew econd$
ilence! the dog growled and twitched! )ut the
moment Hermione )egan to "lay! it %ell )ack into it
dee" lee".
Harry clim)ed o+er it and looked down through the
tra"door. There wa no ign o% the )ottom.
He lowered himel% through the hole until he wa
hanging on )y hi &ngerti". Then he looked u" at
Re)eca and Ron and aid! #I% anything ha""en to
me! don$t %ollow. 6o traight to the owlery and end
Hedwig to /um)ledore! right2$
#Right!$ aid Ron.
#>ee you in a minute! I ho"e 5$
And Harry let go. Cold! dam" air ruhed "at him
a he %ell down! down! down and 1
F389P. (ith a %unny! muKed ort o% thum" he
landed on omething o%t. He at u" and %elt around!
hi eye not ued to the gloom. It %elt a though he
wa itting on ome ort o% "lant.
#It$ ?70$ he called u" to the light the i'e o% a
"otage tam" which wa the o"en tra"door. #It$ a
o%t landing! you can -um"0$
Ron %ollowed traight away. He landed "rawled
next to Harry.
#(hat$ thi tu,2$ were hi &rt word.
#/unno! ort o% "lant thing. I u""oe it$ here to
)reak the %all. Come on! you two0$
The ditant muic to""ed. There wa a loud )ark
%rom the dog! )ut Re)eca and Hermione had already
-um"ed. They landed on Harry$ other ide.
#(e mut )e mile under the chool!$ Re)eca aid.
#3ucky thi "lant thing$ here! really!$ aid Ron.
#u/kyD hrieked Hermione. #3ook at you )oth0$
>he and Re)eca lea"t u" and truggled toward a
dam" wall. They had to truggle )ecaue the
moment they had landed! the "lant had tarted to
twit nake4like tendril around their ankle. A %or
Harry and Ron! their leg had already )een )ound
tightly in long cree"er without their noticing.
Re)eca and Hermione had managed to %ree
themel+e )e%ore the "lant got a &rm gri" on them.
:ow they watched in horror a the two )oy %ought
to "ull the "lant o, them! )ut the more they trained
againt it! the tighter and %ater the "lant wound
around them.
#>to" mo+ing0$ Re)eca ordered them. #I know what
thi i 1 it$ /e+il$ >nare0$
#?h! I$m o glad we know what it$ called! that$ a
great hel"!$ narled Ron! leaning )ack! trying to to"
the "lant curling around hi neck.
#>hut u"! I$m trying to remem)er how to kill it0$
aid Re)eca.
#(ell! hurry u"! I can$t )reathe0$ Harry ga"ed!
wretling with it a it curled around hi chet.
#/e+il$ >nare! /e+il$ >nare 5 (hat did Pro%eor
>"rout ay2 It like the dark and the dam" 1$
#>o light a &re0$ Harry choked.
#<e 1 o% coure0$
#*ut there$ no wood0$ Hermione cried! wringing
her hand.
#HAVE <?8 6?:E 9A/2$ Ron )ellowed. #ARE <?8 A
(ITCH ?R :?T2$
#?h! right0$ aid Hermione! and he whi""ed out
her wand! wa+ed it! muttered omething and ent a
-et o% the ame )lue)ell .ame he had ued on
>na"e at the "lant. In a matter o% econd! the two
)oy %elt it looening it gri" a it cringed away %rom
the light and warmth. (riggling and .ailing! it
unra+elled itel% %rom their )odie and they were a)le
to "ull %ree.
#3ucky you "ay attention in Her)ology! Re)eca!$
aid Harry a he -oined her and Hermione )y the
wall! wi"ing weat o, hi %ace.
#<eah!$ aid Ron! #and lucky Harry doen$t loe hi
head in a crii 1 Hthere$ no woodI! honestly,$
#Thi way!$ aid Harry! "ointing down a tone
"aageway which wa the only way on.
All they could hear a"art %rom their %ootte" wa
the gentle dri" o% water trickling down the wall. The
"aageway lo"ed downward and Harry wa
reminded o% 6ringott. (ith an un"leaant -olt o% the
heart! he remem)ered the dragon aid to )e
guarding +ault in the wi'ard$ )ank. I% they met a
dragon! a %ully grown dragon 1 :or)ert had )een )ad
enough 5
#Can you hear omething2$ Ron whi"ered.
Harry litened. A o%t rutling and clinking eemed
to )e coming %rom u" ahead.
#/o you think it$ a ghot2$
#I don$t know 5 ound like wing to me.$
#There$ light ahead 1 I can ee omething mo+ing.$
They reached the end o% the "aageway and aw
)e%ore them a )rilliantly lit cham)er! it ceiling
arching high a)o+e them. It wa %ull o% mall! -ewel4
)right )ird! .uttering and tum)ling all around the
room. ?n the o""oite ide o% the cham)er wa a
hea+y! wooden door.
#/o you think they$ll attack u i% we cro the
room2$ aid Ron.
#Pro)a)ly!$ aid Harry. #They don$t look +ery +iciou!
)ut I u""oe i% they all woo"ed down at once 5
(ell! there$ nothing %or it 5 I$ll run.$
He took a dee" )reath! co+ered hi %ace with hi
arm and "rinted acro the room. He ex"ected to
%eel har" )eak and claw tearing at him any
econd! )ut nothing ha""ened. He reached the door
untouched. He "ulled the handle! )ut it wa locked.
The other three %ollowed him. They tugged and
hea+ed at the door! )ut it wouldn$t )udge! not e+en
when Hermione tried her Alohomora Charm.
#:ow what2$ aid Ron.
#Thee )ird 5 they can$t )e here -ut %or
decoration!$ aid Hermione.
They watched the )ird oaring o+erhead! glittering
1 glittering?
#They$re not )ird0$ Harry aid uddenly! #they$re
keysD (inged key 1 look care%ully. >o that mut
mean 5$ he looked around the cham)er while the
other two =uinted u" at the .ock o% key. #5 <e 1
look0 *roomtick0 (e$+e got to catch the key to the
#*ut there are hundreds o% them0$
Re)eca examined the lock on the door.
#(e$re looking %or a )ig! old4%ahioned one 1
"ro)a)ly il+er! like the handle.$
They ei'ed a )roomtick each and kicked o, into
the air! oaring into the midt o% the cloud o% key.
They gra))ed and natched )ut the )ewitched key
darted and di+ed o =uickly it wa almot im"oi)le
to catch one.
:ot %or nothing! though! wa Harry the younget
>eeker in a century. He had a knack %or "otting
thing other "eo"le didn$t. A%ter a minute$ wea+ing
a)out through the whirl o% rain)ow %eather! he
noticed a large il+er key that had a )ent wing! a i%
it had already )een caught and tu,ed roughly into
the keyhole.
#That one0$ he called to the other. #That )ig one 1
there 1 no! there 1 with )right )lue wing 1 the
%eather are all crum"led on one ide.$
Ron went "eeding in the direction that Harry wa
"ointing! crahed into the ceiling and nearly %ell o,
hi )room.
#(e$+e got to cloe in on it0$ Harry called! not
taking hi eye o, the key with the damaged wing.
#Ron! you come at it %rom a)o+e 1 Re)eca! Hermione!
tay )elow and to" it going down 1 and I$ll try and
catch it. Right! :?(0$
Ron di+ed! Re)eca and Hermione rocketed
u"ward! the key dodged all three o% them and Harry
treaked a%ter itF it "ed toward the wall! Harry leant
%orward and with a naty crunching noie! "inned it
againt the tone with one hand. Re)eca! Ron and
Hermione$ cheer echoed around the high cham)er.
They landed =uickly and Harry ran to the door! the
key truggling in hi hand. He rammed it into the lock
and turned 1 it worked. The moment the lock had
clicked o"en! the key took .ight again! looking +ery
)attered now that it had )een caught twice.
#Ready2$ Harry aked the other three! hi hand on
the door handle. They nodded. He "ulled the door
The next cham)er wa o dark they couldn$t ee
anything at all. *ut a they te""ed into it! light
uddenly .ooded the room to re+eal an atonihing
They were tanding on the edge o% a huge
che)oard! )ehind the )lack chemen! which were
all taller than they were and car+ed %rom what looked
like )lack tone. Facing them! way acro the
cham)er! were the white "iece. Harry! Re)eca! Ron
and Hermione hi+ered lightly 1 the towering white
chemen had no %ace.
#:ow what do we do2$ Harry whi"ered.
#It$ o)+iou! in$t it2$ aid Ron. #(e$+e got to "lay
our way acro the room.$
*ehind the white "iece they could ee another
#How2$ aid Hermione ner+ouly.
#I think!$ aid Ron! #we$re going to ha+e to )e
He walked u" to a )lack knight and "ut hi hand
out to touch the knight$ hore. At once! the tone
"rang to li%e. The hore "awed the ground and the
knight turned hi helmeted head to look down at
#/o we 1 er 1 ha+e to -oin you to get acro2$
The )lack knight nodded. Ron turned to the other
#Thi want thinking a)out 5$ he aid. #I u""oe
we$+e got to take the "lace o% %our o% the )lack
"iece 5$
Harry! Re)eca and Hermione tayed =uiet!
watching Ron think. Finally he aid! #:ow! don$t )e
o,ended or anything! )ut none o% you are that good
at che 1$
#(e$re not o,ended!$ aid Harry =uickly. #;ut tell u
what to do.$
#(ell! Harry! you take the "lace o% that )iho"!
Hermione! you go there intead o% that catle! and
Re)eca! you )e that "awn in %ront o% them.$
#(hat a)out you2$ aked Re)eca.
#I$m going to )e a knight!$ aid Ron.
The chemen eemed to ha+e )een litening!
)ecaue at thee word a knight! a )iho"! a catle
and a "awn turned their )ack on the white "iece
and walked o, the )oard lea+ing %our em"ty =uare
which Harry! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione took.
#(hite alway "lay &rt in che!$ aid Ron!
"eering acro the )oard. #<e 5 look 5$
A white "awn had mo+ed %orward two =uare.
Ron tarted to direct the )lack "iece. They mo+ed
ilently where+er he ent them. Harry$ knee were
trem)ling. (hat i% they lot2
#Harry 1 mo+e diagonally %our =uare to the right.$
Their &rt real hock came when their other knight
wa taken. The white =ueen mahed him to the .oor
and dragged him o, the )oard! where he lay =uite
till! %ace down.
#Had to let that ha""en!$ aid Ron! looking haken.
#3ea+e you %ree to take that )iho"! Hermione! go
E+ery time one o% their men wa lot! the white
"iece howed no mercy. >oon there wa a huddle o%
lim" )lack "layer lum"ed along the wall. Twice! Ron
only -ut noticed in time that Harry! Re)eca and
Hermione were in danger. He himel% darted around
the )oard taking almot a many white "iece a
they had lot )lack one.
#(e$re nearly there!$ he muttered uddenly. #3et me
think 1 let me think 5$
The white =ueen turned her )lank %ace toward
#<e 5$ aid Ron o%tly! #it$ the only way 5 I$+e got
to )e taken.$
#:?0$ Harry! Re)eca and Hermione houted.
#That$ che0$ na""ed Ron. #<ou$+e got to make
ome acri&ce0 I$ll make my mo+e and he$ll take
me 1 that lea+e you %ree to checkmate the king!
#*ut 1$
#/o you want to to" >na"e or not2$
#Ron 1$
#3ook! i% you don$t hurry u"! he$ll already ha+e the
There wa nothing ele %or it.
#Ready2$ Ron called! hi %ace "ale )ut determined.
#Here I go 1 now! don$t hang around once you$+e
He te""ed %orward and the white =ueen "ounced.
>he truck Ron hard around the head with her tone
arm and he crahed to the .oor 1 Hermione
creamed )ut tayed on her =uare 1 the white
=ueen dragged Ron to one ide. He looked a i% he$d
)een knocked out.
>haking! Harry mo+ed three "ace to the le%t.
The white king took o, hi crown and threw it at
Harry$ %eet. They had won. The chemen "arted
and )owed! lea+ing the door ahead clear. (ith one
lat de"erate look )ack at Ron! Harry! Re)eca and
Hermione charged through the door and u" the next
#(hat i% he$ 12$
#He$ll )e all right!$ aid Harry! trying to con+ince
himel%. #(hat do you reckon$ next2$
#(e$+e had >"rout$! that wa the /e+il$ >nare 1
Flitwick mut$+e "ut charm on the key 1
9c6onagall tran&gured the chemen to make them
ali+e 1 that lea+e Guirrell$ "ell! and >na"e$ 5$
They had reached another door.
#All right2$ Harry whi"ered.
#6o on!$ aid Re)eca
Harry "uhed it o"en.
A diguting mell &lled their notril! making the
three o% them "ull their ro)e u" o+er their noe.
Eye watering! they aw! .at on the .oor in %ront o%
them! a troll e+en larger than the one they had
tackled! out cold with a )loody lum" on it head.
#I$m glad we didn$t ha+e to &ght that one!$ Harry
whi"ered! a they te""ed care%ully o+er one o% it
mai+e leg. #Come on! I can$t )reathe.$
He "ulled o"en the next door! each o% them hardly
daring to look at what came next 1 )ut there wa
nothing +ery %rightening in here! -ut a ta)le with
e+en di,erently ha"ed )ottle tanding on it in a
#>na"e$!$ aid Harry. #(hat do we ha+e to do2$
They te""ed o+er the threhold and immediately
a &re "rang u" )ehind them in the doorway. It
wan$t ordinary &re eitherF it wa "ur"le. At the ame
intant! )lack .ame hot u" in the doorway leading
onward. They were tra""ed.
#3ook0$ Hermione ei'ed a roll o% "a"er lying next to
the )ottle. Harry looked o+er her houlder to read itA

Danger lies be-ore you6 while sa-ety lies behind6
wo o- us will help you6 whi/he3er you would And6
One a4ong us se3en will let you 4o3e ahead6
Another will transport the drinker ba/k instead6
wo a4ong our nu4ber hold only nettle wine6
hree o- us are killers6 waiting hidden in line,
"hoose6 unless you wish to stay here -or e3er4ore6
o help you in your /hoi/e6 we gi3e you these /lues
First6 howe3er slyly the poison tries to hide
'ou will always And so4e on nettle wines le-t sideI
!e/ond6 diJerent are those who stand at either end6
8ut i- you would 4o3e onwards6 neither is your
hird6 as you see /learly6 all are diJerent si=e6
%either dwar- nor giant holds death in their insidesI
Fourth6 the se/ond le-t and the se/ond on the right
Are twins on/e you taste the46 though diJerent at
Arst sight,

Hermione let out a great igh and Harry! ama'ed!
aw that he wa miling! the +ery lat thing he %elt
like doing.
8rilliant6 aid Hermione. #Thi in$t magic 1 it$
logic 1 a "u''le. A lot o% the greatet wi'ard ha+en$t
got an ounce o% logic! they$d )e tuck in here %or
#*ut o will we! won$t we2$ aid Harry.
#?% coure not!$ aid Hermione. #E+erything we
need i here on thi "a"er. >e+en )ottleA three are
"oionF two are wineF one will get u a%ely through
the )lack &re and one will get u )ack through the
#*ut how do we know which to drink2$ aid Re)eca.
#6i+e me a minute.$
Hermione read the "a"er e+eral time. Then he
walked u" and down the line o% )ottle! muttering to
herel% and "ointing at them. At lat! he cla""ed her
#6ot it!$ he aid. #The mallet )ottle will get u
through the )lack &re 1 toward the >tone.$
Harry looked at the tiny )ottle.
#There$ only enough there %or one o% u!$ he aid.
#That$ hardly one wallow.$
Harry! Re)eca and Hermione looked at each other.
#(hich one will get you )ack through the "ur"le
.ame2$ aked Harry.
Hermione "ointed at a rounded )ottle at the right
end o% the line.
#<ou two drink that!$ aid Harry. #:o! liten 1 get
)ack and get Ron 1 gra) )room %rom the .ying4key
room! they$ll get you out o% the tra"door and "at
Flu,y 1 go traight to the owlery and end Hedwig to
/um)ledore! we need him. I might )e a)le to hold
>na"e o, %or a while! )ut I$m no match %or him
#*ut Harry 1 what i% Voldemort$ with him2$ aked
#(ell 1 I wa lucky once! wan$t I2$ aid Harry!
"ointing at hi car. #I might get lucky again.$
Hermione$ li" trem)led and he uddenly dahed
at Harry and threw her arm around him.
#Harry 1 you$re a great wi'ard! you know.$
#I$m not a good a you!$ aid Harry! +ery
em)arraed! a he let go o% him.
#9e0$ aid Hermione. #*ook0 And cle+erne0 There
are more im"ortant thing 1 %riendhi" and )ra+ery
and 1 oh Harry 1 )e /are-ulD$
#<ou two drink &rt!$ aid Harry. #<ou are ure which
i which! aren$t you2$
#Poiti+e!$ aid Hermione. >he took a long drink
%rom the round )ottle at the end and huddered.
#It$ not "oion2$ aid Harry anxiouly.
#:o 1 )ut it$ like ice.$
#Guick! go! )e%ore it wear o,.$
#6ood luck 1 take care 1$
Hermione turned and walked traight through the
"ur"le &re.
#:ow you! Re)eca! =uick0$ He handed the )ottle to
her )ut he didnJt take it. >he wa taring de&antly at
#Harry 1$
#?nly one "eron can get through! thereJ no other
#I wouldnJt ay that.$
#Re)eca! "leae! weJre wating time0 IJ+e got to do
Re)eca tared at him %or a long moment! then he
wordlely took the )ottle and wallowed a mouth%ul
o% "otion. It wa igni&cantly maller amount than
what Hermione had drunk.
#I that enough2$
#ItJ &ne!$ he aid. >he held u" the )ottle! lohing
the remaining "otion inide. #:ow thereJ enough %or
you to get )ack.$
A lum" o% emotion eemed to rie in HarryJ throat.
Re)eca "ut down the )ottle and ga+e Harry one lat
#>ee you in a )it!$ he aid. And then he wa gone.
Harry took a dee" )reath and "icked u" the
mallet )ottle. He turned to %ace the )lack .ame.
#Here I come!$ he aid and he drained the little
)ottle in one gul".
It wa indeed a though ice wa .ooding hi )ody.
He "ut the )ottle down and walked %orwardF he
)raced himel%! aw the )lack .ame licking hi )ody
)ut couldn$t %eel them 1 %or a moment he could ee
nothing )ut dark &re 1 then he wa on the other ide!
in the lat cham)er.
There wa already omeone there 1 )ut it wan$t
>na"e. It wan$t e+en Voldemort.


he 7an with wo
It wa Guirrell.
'ouD ga"ed Harry.
Guirrell miled. Hi %ace wan$t twitching at all.
#9e!$ he aid calmly. #I wondered whether I$d )e
meeting you here! Potter.$
#*ut I thought 1 >na"e 1$
#>e+eru2$ Guirrell laughed and it wan$t hi uual
=ui+ering tre)le! either! )ut cold and har". #<e!
>e+eru doe eem the ty"e! doen$t he2 >o ue%ul to
ha+e him woo"ing around like an o+ergrown )at.
:ext to him! who would u"ect "4"4"oor t4
tuttering P4Pro%eor Guirrell2$
Harry couldn$t take it in. Thi couldn$t )e true! it
#*ut >na"e tried to kill me0$
#:o! no! no. I tried to kill you. <our %riend 9i
6ranger accidentally knocked me o+er a he ruhed
to et &re to >na"e at that Guidditch match. >he
)roke my eye contact with you. Another %ew econd
and I$d ha+e got you o, that )room. I$d ha+e
managed it )e%ore then i% >na"e hadn$t )een
muttering a counter4cure! trying to a+e you.$
#>na"e wa trying to sa3e me2$
#?% coure!$ aid Guirrell coolly. #(hy do you think
he wanted to re%eree your next match2 He wa trying
to make ure I didn$t do it again. Funny! really 5 he
needn$t ha+e )othered. I couldn$t do anything with
/um)ledore watching. All the other teacher thought
>na"e wa trying to to" 6ry@ndor winning! he did
make himel% un"o"ular 5 and what a wate o% time!
when a%ter all that! I$m going to kill you tonight.$
Guirrell na""ed hi &nger. Ro"e "rang out o%
thin air and wra""ed themel+e tightly around
#<ou$re too noy to li+e! Potter. >currying around
the chool at Hallowe$en like that! %or all I knew you$d
een me coming to look at what wa guarding the
'ou let the troll in2$
#Certainly. I ha+e a "ecial gi%t with troll 1 you
mut ha+e een what I did to the one in the cham)er
)ack there2 8n%ortunately! while e+eryone ele wa
running around looking %or it! >na"e! who already
u"ected me! went traight to the third .oor to head
me o, 1 and not only did my troll %ail to )eat you to
death! that three4headed dog didn$t e+en manage to
)ite >na"e$ leg o, "ro"erly.
#:ow! wait =uietly! Potter. I need to examine thi
intereting mirror.$
It wa only then that Harry realied what wa
tanding )ehind Guirrell. It wa the 9irror o% Eried.
#Thi mirror i the key to &nding the >tone!$ Guirrell
murmured! ta""ing hi way around the %rame. #Trut
/um)ledore to come u" with omething like thi 5
)ut he$ in 3ondon 5 I$ll )e %ar away )y the time he
get )ack 5$
All Harry could think o% doing wa to kee" Guirrell
talking and to" him concentrating on the 9irror.
#I aw you and >na"e in the Foret 1$ he )lurted
#<e!$ aid Guirrell idly! walking around the 9irror to
look at the )ack. #He wa on to me )y that time!
trying to &nd out how %ar I$d got. He u"ected me all
along. Tried to %righten me 1 a though he could!
when I had 3ord Voldemort on my ide 5$
Guirrell came )ack out %rom )ehind the 9irror and
tared hungrily into it.
#I ee the >tone 5 I$m "reenting it to my mater
5 )ut where i it2$
Harry truggled againt the ro"e )inding him! )ut
they didn$t gi+e. He had to kee" Guirrell %rom gi+ing
hi whole attention to the 9irror.
#*ut >na"e alway eemed to hate me o much.$
#?h! he doe!$ aid Guirrell caually! #hea+en! ye.
He wa at Hogwart with your %ather! didn$t you
know2 They loathed each other. *ut he ne+er wanted
you dead,$
#*ut I heard you a %ew day ago! o))ing 1 I
thought >na"e wa threatening you 5$
For the &rt time! a "am o% %ear .itted acro
Guirrell$ %ace.
#>ometime!$ he aid! #I &nd it hard to %ollow my
mater$ intruction 1 he i a great wi'ard and I am
weak 1$
#<ou mean he wa there in the claroom with
you2$ Harry ga"ed.
#He i with me where+er I go!$ aid Guirrell =uietly.
#I met him when I tra+elled around the world. A
%oolih young man I wa then! %ull o% ridiculou idea
a)out good and e+il. 3ord Voldemort howed me how
wrong I wa. There i no good and e+il! there i only
"ower! and thoe too weak to eek it 5 >ince then! I
ha+e er+ed him %aith%ully! although I ha+e let him
down many time. He ha had to )e +ery hard on
me.$ Guirrell hi+ered uddenly. #He doe not %orgi+e
mitake eaily. (hen I %ailed to teal the >tone %rom
6ringott! he wa mot di"leaed. He "unihed me
5 decided he would ha+e to kee" a cloer watch on
me 5$
Guirrell$ +oice tailed away. Harry wa
remem)ering hi tri" to /iagon Alley 1 how could he
ha+e )een o tu"id2 He$d seen Guirrell there that
+ery day! haken hand with him in the 3eaky
Guirrell cured under hi )reath.
#I don$t undertand 5 i the >tone inside the
9irror2 >hould I )reak it2$
Harry$ mind wa racing.
(hat I want more than anything ele in the world
at the moment! he thought! i to &nd the >tone
)e%ore Guirrell doe. >o i% I look in the 9irror! I hould
ee myel% &nding it 1 which mean I$ll ee where it$
hidden0 *ut how can I look without Guirrell realiing
what I$m u" to2
He tried to edge to the le%t! to get in %ront o% the
gla without Guirrell noticing! )ut the ro"e around
hi ankle were too tightA he tri""ed and %ell o+er.
Guirrell ignored him. He wa till talking to himel%.
#(hat doe thi mirror do2 How doe it work2 Hel"
me! 9ater0$
And to Harry$ horror! a +oice anwered! and the
+oice eemed to come %rom Guirrell himel%.
#8e the )oy 5 8e the )oy 5$
Guirrell rounded on Harry.
#<e 1 Potter 1 come here.$
He cla""ed hi hand once and the ro"e )inding
Harry %ell o,. Harry got lowly to hi %eet.
#Come here!$ Guirrell re"eated. #3ook in the 9irror
and tell me what you ee.$
Harry walked toward him.
#I mut lie!$ he thought de"erately. #I mut look
and lie a)out what I ee! that$ all.$
Guirrell mo+ed cloe )ehind him. Harry )reathed in
the %unny mell that eemed to come %rom Guirrell$
tur)an. He cloed hi eye! te""ed in %ront o% the
9irror and o"ened them again.
He aw hi re.ection! "ale and cared4looking at
&rt. *ut a moment later! the re.ection miled at
him. It "ut it hand into it "ocket and "ulled out a
)lood4red tone. It winked and "ut the >tone )ack in
it "ocket 1 and a it did o! Harry %elt omething
hea+y dro" into hi real "ocket. >omehow 1
incredi)ly 1 hed got the !tone,
#(ell2$ aid Guirrell im"atiently. #(hat do you ee2$
Harry crewed u" hi courage.
#I ee myel% haking hand with /um)ledore!$ he
in+ented. #I 1 I$+e won the Houe Cu" %or 6ry@ndor.$
Guirrell cured again.
#6et out o% the way!$ he aid. A Harry mo+ed aide
he %elt the Philoo"her$ >tone againt hi leg. /are
he make a )reak %or it2
*ut he hadn$t walked &+e "ace )e%ore a high +oice
"oke! though Guirrell wan$t mo+ing hi li".
#He lie 5 He lie 5$
#Potter! come )ack here0$ Guirrell houted. #Tell me
the truth0 (hat did you -ut ee2$
The high +oice "oke again.
#3et me "eak to him 5 %ace to %ace 5$
#9ater! you are not trong enough0$
#I ha+e trength enough 5 %or thi 5$
Harry %elt a i% /e+il$ >nare wa rooting him to the
"ot. He couldn$t mo+e a mucle. Petri&ed! he
watched a Guirrell reached u" and )egan to unwra"
hi tur)an. (hat wa going on2 The tur)an %ell away.
Guirrell$ head looked trangely mall without it.
Then he turned lowly on the "ot.
Harry would ha+e creamed! )ut he couldn$t make
a ound. (here there hould ha+e )een a )ack to
Guirrell$ head! there wa a %ace! the mot terri)le
%ace Harry had e+er een. It wa chalk white with
glaring red eye and lit %or notril! like a nake.
#Harry Potter 5$ it whi"ered.
Harry tried to take a te" )ackward )ut hi leg
wouldn$t mo+e.
#>ee what I ha+e )ecome2$ the %ace aid. #9ere
hadow and +a"our 5 I ha+e %orm only when I can
hare another$ )ody 5 )ut there ha+e alway )een
thoe willing to let me into their heart and mind 5
8nicorn )lood ha trengthened me! thee "at
week 5 you aw %aith%ul Guirrell drinking it %or me in
the Foret 5 and once I ha+e the Elixir o% 3i%e! I will
)e a)le to create a )ody o% my own 5 :ow 5 why
don$t you gi+e me that >tone in your "ocket2$
>o he knew. The %eeling uddenly urged )ack into
Harry$ leg. He tum)led )ackward.
#/on$t )e a %ool!$ narled the %ace. #*etter a+e
your own li%e and -oin me 5 or you$ll meet the ame
end a your "arent 5 They died )egging me %or
mercy 5$
#3IAR0$ Harry houted uddenly.
Guirrell wa walking )ackward at him! o that
Voldemort could till ee him. The e+il %ace wa now
#How touching 5$ it hied. #I alway +alue )ra+ery
5 <e! )oy! your "arent were )ra+e 5 I killed your
%ather &rt and he "ut u" a courageou &ght 5 )ut
your mother needn$t ha+e died 5 he wa trying to
"rotect you 5 :ow gi+e me the >tone! unle you
want her to ha+e died in +ain.$
Harry "rang toward the .ame door! )ut
Voldemort creamed! #>EIME HI90$ and! next econd!
Harry %elt Guirrell$ hand cloe on hi writ. At once! a
needle4har" "ain eared acro Harry$ carF hi
head %elt a though it wa a)out to "lit in twoF he
yelled! truggling with all hi might! and to hi
ur"rie! Guirrell let go o% him. The "ain in hi head
leened 1 he looked around wildly to ee where
Guirrell had gone and aw him hunched in "ain!
looking at hi &nger 1 they were )litering )e%ore hi
#>ei'e him0 >EIME HI90$ hrieked Voldemort again
and Guirrell lunged! knocking Harry clean o, hi %eet!
landing on to" o% him! )oth hand around Harry$
neck 1 Harry$ car wa almot )linding him with
"ain! yet he could ee Guirrell howling in agony.
#9ater! I cannot hold him 1 my hand 1 my hand0$
And Guirrell! though "inning Harry to the ground
with hi knee! let go o% hi neck and tared!
)ewildered! at hi own "alm 1 Harry could ee they
looked )urnt! raw! red and hiny.
#Then kill him! %ool! and )e done0$ creeched
Guirrell raied hi hand to "er%orm a deadly cure!
)ut Harry! )y intinct! reached u" and gra))ed
Guirrell$ %ace 1
Guirrell rolled o, him! hi %ace )litering too! and
then Harry knewA Guirrell couldn$t touch hi )are
kin! not without u,ering terri)le "ain 1 hi only
chance wa to kee" hold o% Guirrell! kee" him in
enough "ain to to" him doing a cure.
Harry -um"ed to hi %eet! caught Guirrell )y the
arm and hung on a tight a he could. Guirrell
creamed and tried to throw Harry o, 1 the "ain in
Harry$ head wa )uilding 1 he couldn$t ee 1 he
could only hear Guirrell$ terri)le hriek and
Voldemort$ yell o% #7I33 HI90 7I33 HI90$ and other
+oice! may)e in Harry$ own head! crying! #Harry0
He %elt Guirrell$ arm wrenched %rom hi gra"!
knew all wa lot! and %ell into )lackne! down 5
down 5 down 5
>omething gold wa glinting -ut a)o+e him. The
>nitch0 He tried to catch it! )ut hi arm were too
He )linked. It wan$t the >nitch at all. It wa a "air
o% glae. How trange.
He )linked again. The miling %ace o% Al)u
/um)ledore wam into +iew a)o+e him.
#6ood a%ternoon! Harry!$ aid /um)ledore.
Harry tared at him. Then he remem)ered. #>ir0
The >tone0 It wa Guirrell0 He$ got the >tone0 >ir!
=uick 1$
#Calm yourel%! dear )oy! you are a little )ehind the
time!$ aid /um)ledore. #Guirrell doe not ha+e the
#Then who doe2 >ir! I 1$
#Harry! "leae relax! or 9adam Pom%rey will ha+e
me thrown out.$
Harry wallowed and looked around him. He
realied he mut )e in the ho"ital wing. He wa
lying in a )ed with white linen heet and next to him
wa a ta)le "iled high with what looked like hal% the
#Token %rom your %riend and admirer!$ aid
/um)ledore! )eaming. #(hat ha""ened down in the
dungeon )etween you and Pro%eor Guirrell i a
com"lete ecret! o! naturally! the whole chool
know. I )elie+e your %riend 9iter Fred and 6eorge
(ealey were re"oni)le %or trying to end you a
la+atory eat. :o dou)t they thought it would amue
you. 9adam Pom%rey! howe+er! %elt it might not )e
+ery hygienic! and con&cated it.$
#How long ha+e I )een in here2$
#Three day. 9i *arlow! 9r Ronald (ealey and
9i 6ranger will )e mot relie+ed you ha+e come
round! they ha+e )een extremely worried.$
#*ut ir! the >tone 1$
#I ee you are not to )e ditracted. Very well! the
>tone. Pro%eor Guirrell did not manage to take it
%rom you. I arri+ed in time to "re+ent that! although
you were doing +ery well on your own! I mut ay.$
#<ou got there2 <ou got Hermione$ owl2$
#(e mut ha+e croed in mid4air. :o ooner had I
reached 3ondon than it )ecame clear to me that the
"lace I hould )e wa the one I had -ut le%t. I arri+ed
-ut in time to "ull Guirrell o, you 1$
#It wa you,$
#I %eared I might )e too late.$
#<ou nearly were! I couldn$t ha+e ke"t him o, the
>tone much longer 1$
#:ot the >tone! )oy! you 1 the e,ort in+ol+ed
nearly killed you. For one terri)le moment there! I
wa a%raid it had. A %or the >tone! it ha )een
#/etroyed2$ aid Harry )lankly. #*ut your %riend 1
:icola Flamel 1$
#?h! you know a)out :icola2$ aid /um)ledore!
ounding =uite delighted. #<ou did do the thing
"ro"erly! didn$t you2 (ell! :icola and I ha+e had a
little chat and agreed it$ all %or the )et.$
#*ut that mean he and hi wi%e will die! won$t
#They ha+e enough Elixir tored to et their a,air
in order and then! ye! they will die.$
/um)ledore miled at the look o% ama'ement on
Harry$ %ace.
#To one a young a you! I$m ure it eem
incredi)le! )ut to :icola and Perenelle! it really i
like going to )ed a%ter a +ery! 3ery long day. A%ter all!
to the well4organied mind! death i )ut the next
great ad+enture. <ou know! the >tone wa really not
uch a wonder%ul thing. A much money and li%e a
you could want0 The two thing mot human )eing
would chooe a)o+e all 1 the trou)le i! human do
ha+e a knack o% chooing "reciely thoe thing
which are wort %or them.$
Harry lay there! lot %or word. /um)ledore
hummed a little and miled at the ceiling.
#>ir2$ aid Harry. #I$+e )een thinking 5 >ir 1 e+en i%
the >tone$ gone! Vol1 5 I mean! <ou47now4(ho 1$
#Call him Voldemort! Harry. Alway ue the "ro"er
name %or thing. Fear o% a name increae %ear o% the
thing itel%.$
#<e! ir. (ell! Voldemort$ going to try other way
o% coming )ack! in$t he2 I mean! he han$t gone! ha
#:o! Harry! he ha not. He i till out there
omewhere! "erha" looking %or another )ody to
hare 5 not )eing truly ali+e! he cannot )e killed. He
le%t Guirrell to dieF he how -ut a little mercy to hi
%ollower a hi enemie. :e+erthele! Harry! while
you may only ha+e delayed hi return to "ower! it will
merely take omeone ele who i "re"ared to &ght
what eem a loing )attle next time 1 and i% he i
delayed again! and again! why! he may ne+er return
to "ower.$
Harry nodded! )ut to""ed =uickly! )ecaue it
made hi head hurt. Then he aid! #>ir! there are
ome other thing I$d like to know! i% you can tell me
5 thing I want to know the truth a)out 5$
#The truth.$ /um)ledore ighed. #It i a )eauti%ul
and terri)le thing! and hould there%ore )e treated
with great caution. Howe+er! I hall anwer your
=uetion unle I ha+e a +ery good reaon not to! in
which cae I )eg you$ll %orgi+e me. I hall not! o%
coure! lie.$
#(ell 5 Voldemort aid that he only killed my
mother )ecaue he tried to to" him killing me. *ut
why would he want to kill me in the &rt "lace2$
/um)ledore ighed +ery dee"ly thi time.
#Ala! the &rt thing you ak me! I cannot tell you.
:ot today. :ot now. <ou will know! one day 5 "ut it
%rom your mind %or now! Harry. (hen you are older 5
I know you hate to hear thi 5 when you are ready!
you will know.$
And Harry knew it would )e no good to argue.
#*ut why couldn$t Guirrell touch me2$
#<our mother died to a+e you. I% there i one thing
Voldemort cannot undertand! it i lo+e. He didn$t
realie that lo+e a "ower%ul a your mother$ %or you
lea+e it own mark. :ot a car! no +ii)le ign 5 to
ha+e )een lo+ed o dee"ly! e+en though the "eron
who lo+ed u i gone! will gi+e u ome "rotection %or
e+er. It i in your +ery kin. Guirrell! %ull o% hatred!
greed and am)ition! haring hi oul with Voldemort!
could not touch you %or thi reaon. It wa agony to
touch a "eron marked )y omething o good.$
/um)ledore now )ecame +ery intereted in a )ird
out on the window4ill! which ga+e Harry time to dry
hi eye on the heet. (hen he had %ound hi +oice
again! Harry aid! #And the In+ii)ility Cloak 1 do you
know who ent it to me2$
#Ah 1 your %ather ha""ened to lea+e it in my
"oeion and I thought you might like it.$
/um)ledore$ eye twinkled. #8e%ul thing 5 your
%ather ued it mainly %or neaking o, to the kitchen
to teal %ood when he wa here.$
#And there$ omething ele 5$
#Fire away.$
#Guirrell aid >na"e 1$
Pro-essor >na"e! Harry.$
#<e! him 1 Guirrell aid he hate me )ecaue he
hated my %ather. I that true2$
#(ell! they did rather detet each other. :ot unlike
yourel% and 9r 9al%oy. And then! your %ather did
omething >na"e could ne+er %orgi+e.$
#He a+ed hi li%e.$
#<e 5$ aid /um)ledore dreamily. #Funny! the way
"eo"le$ mind work! in$t it2 Pro%eor >na"e
couldn$t )ear )eing in your %ather$ de)t 5 I do
)elie+e he worked o hard to "rotect you thi year
)ecaue he %elt that would make him and your %ather
=uit. Then he could go )ack to hating your %ather$
memory in "eace 5$
Harry tried to undertand thi )ut it made hi head
"ound! o he to""ed.
#And ir! there$ one more thing 5$
#;ut the one2$
#How did I get the >tone out o% the 9irror2$
#Ah! now! I$m glad you aked me that. It wa one o%
my more )rilliant idea! and )etween you and me!
that$ aying omething. <ou ee! only one who
wanted to And the >tone 1 &nd it! )ut not ue it 1
would )e a)le to get it! otherwie they$d -ut ee
themel+e making gold or drinking Elixir o% 3i%e. 9y
)rain ur"rie e+en me ometime 5 :ow! enough
=uetion. I ugget you make a tart on thee
weet. Ah0 *ertie *ott$ E+ery4Fla+our *ean0 I wa
un%ortunate enough in my youth to come acro a
+omit4.a+oured one! and ince then I$m a%raid I$+e
rather lot my liking %or them 1 )ut I think I$ll )e a%e
with a nice to,ee! don$t you2$
He miled and "o""ed the golden4)rown )ean into
hi mouth. Then he choked and aid! #Ala0 Earwax0$
9adam Pom%rey! the matron! wa a nice woman! )ut
+ery trict.
#;ut &+e minute!$ Harry "leaded.
#A)olutely not.$
#<ou let Pro%eor /um)ledore in 5$
#(ell! o% coure! that wa the Headmater! =uite
di,erent. <ou need rest.$
#I am reting! look! lying down and e+erything. ?h!
go on! 9adam Pom%rey 5$
#?h! +ery well!$ he aid. #*ut &+e minute only,$
And he let Re)eca! Ron and Hermione in.
Hermione looked ready to .ing her arm around
him again! )ut Harry wa glad he held herel% in a
hi head wa till +ery ore.
#?h! Harry! we were ure you were going to 1
/um)ledore wa o worried 1$
#The whole chool$ talking a)out it!$ aid Ron.
#(hat really ha""ened2$
It wa one o% thoe rare occaion when the true
tory i e+en more trange and exciting than the wild
rumour. Harry told them e+erythingA GuirrellF the
9irrorF the >tone and Voldemort. Re)eca! Ron and
Hermione were a +ery good audienceF they ga"ed in
all the right "lace and! when Harry told them what
wa under Guirrell$ tur)an! Hermione creamed out
#>o the >tone$ gone2$ aid Re)eca &nally. #Flamel$
-ut going to die?$
#That$ what I aid! )ut /um)ledore think that 1
what wa it2 1 Hto the well4organied mind! death i
)ut the next great ad+entureI.$
#I alway aid he wa o, hi rocker!$ aid Ron!
looking =uite im"reed at how mad hi hero wa.
#>o what ha""ened to you three2$ aid Harry.
#(ell! Re)eca and I got )ack all right!$ aid
Hermione. #(e )rought Ron round 1 that took a while
1 and we were dahing u" to the owlery to contact
/um)ledore when we met him in the Entrance Hall.
He already knew 1 he -ut aid! HHarry$ gone a%ter
him! han$t he2I and hurtled o, to the third .oor.$
#/$you think he meant you to do it2$ aid Ron.
#>ending you your %ather$ Cloak and e+erything2$
Well6 Hermione ex"loded! #i% he did 1 I mean to
ay 1 that$ terri)le 1 you could ha+e )een killed.$
#:o! it in$t!$ aid Harry thought%ully. #He$ a %unny
man! /um)ledore. I think he ort o% wanted to gi+e
me a chance. I think he know more or le
e+erything that goe on here! you know. I reckon he
had a "retty good idea we were going to try! and
intead o% to""ing u! he -ut taught u enough to
hel". I don$t think it wa an accident he let me &nd
out how the 9irror worked. It$ almot like he thought
I had the right to %ace Voldemort i% I could 5$
#<eah! /um)ledore$ )arking! all right!$ aid Ron
"roudly. #3iten! you$+e got to )e u" %or the end4o%4
year %eat tomorrow. The "oint are all in and
>lytherin won! o% coure 1 you mied the lat
Guidditch match! we were teamrollered )y
Ra+enclaw without you 1 )ut the %ood$ll )e good.$
At that moment! 9adam Pom%rey )utled o+er.
#<ou$+e had nearly &%teen minute! now ?8T!$ he
aid &rmly.
A%ter a good night$ lee"! Harry %elt nearly )ack to
#I want to go to the %eat!$ he told 9adam Pom%rey
a he traightened hi many weet4)oxe. #I can!
can$t I2$
#Pro%eor /um)ledore ay you are to )e allowed
to go!$ he aid ni@ly! a though in her o"inion
Pro%eor /um)ledore didn$t realie how riky %eat
could )e. #And you ha+e another +iitor.$
#?h good!$ aid Harry. #(ho i it2$
Hagrid idled through the door a he "oke. A
uual when he wa indoor! Hagrid looked too )ig to
)e allowed. He at down next to Harry! took one look
at him and )urt into tear.
#It$ 1 all 1 my 1 ruddy 1 %ault0$ he o))ed! hi %ace
in hi hand. #I told the e+il git how ter get "at
Flu,y0 I told him0 It wa the only thing he didn$t know
an$ I told him0 <eh could$+e died0 All %er a dragon
egg0 I$ll ne+er drink again0 I hould )e chucked out
an$ made ter li+e a a 9uggle0$
#Hagrid0$ aid Harry! hocked to ee Hagrid haking
with grie% and remore! great tear leaking down into
hi )eard. #Hagrid! he$d ha+e %ound out omehow!
thi i Voldemort we$re talking a)out! he$d ha+e
%ound out e+en i% you hadn$t told him.$
#<eh could$+e died0$ o))ed Hagrid. #An$ don$ ay
the name0$
#V?3/E9?RT0$ Harry )ellowed! and Hagrid wa o
hocked! he to""ed crying. #I$+e met him and I$m
calling him )y hi name. Pleae cheer u"! Hagrid! we
a+ed the >tone! it$ gone! he can$t ue it. Ha+e a
Chocolate Frog! I$+e got load 5$
Hagrid wi"ed hi noe on the )ack o% hi hand and
aid! #That remind me. I$+e got yeh a "reent.$
#It$ not a toat andwich! i it2$ aid Harry
anxiouly and at lat Hagrid ga+e a weak chuckle.
#:ah. /um)ledore ga+e me the day o, yeterday
ter &x it. $Coure! he houlda acked me intead 1
anyway! got yeh thi 5$
It eemed to )e a handome! leather4co+ered )ook.
Harry o"ened it curiouly. It wa %ull o% wi'ard
"hotogra"h. >miling and wa+ing at him %rom e+ery
"age were hi mother and %ather.
#>ent owl o, ter all yer "arent$ old chool %riend!
akin$ %er "hoto 5 7new yeh didn$ ha+e any 5
/$yeh like it2$
Harry couldn$t "eak! )ut Hagrid undertood.
Harry made hi way down to the end4o%4year %eat
alone that night. He had )een held u" )y 9adam
Pom%rey$ %uing4a)out! initing on gi+ing him one
lat check4u"! o the 6reat Hall wa already %ull. It
wa decked out in the >lytherin colour o% green and
il+er to cele)rate >lytherin$ winning the Houe Cu"
%or the e+enth year in a row. A huge )anner howing
the >lytherin er"ent co+ered the wall )ehind the
High Ta)le.
(hen Harry walked in there wa a udden huh
and then e+ery)ody tarted talking loudly at once.
He li""ed into a eat )eide Re)eca! Ron and
Hermione at the 6ry@ndor ta)le and tried to ignore
the %act that "eo"le were tanding u" to look at him.
Fortunately! /um)ledore arri+ed moment later.
The )a))le died away.
#Another year gone0$ /um)ledore aid cheer%ully.
#And I mut trou)le you with an old man$ whee'ing
waKe )e%ore we ink our teeth into our deliciou
%eat. (hat a year it ha )een0 Ho"e%ully your head
are all a little %uller than they were 5 you ha+e the
whole ummer ahead to get them nice and em"ty
)e%ore next year tart 5
#:ow! a I undertand it! the Houe Cu" here need
awarding and the "oint tand thuA in %ourth "lace!
6ry@ndor! with two hundred and &%ty4two "ointF in
third! HuKe"u,! with three hundred and &%ty4twoF
Ra+enclaw ha+e %our hundred and twenty4ix and
>lytherin! %our hundred and e+enty4two.$
A torm o% cheering and tam"ing )roke out %rom
the >lytherin ta)le. Harry could ee /raco 9al%oy
)anging hi go)let on the ta)le. It wa a ickening
#<e! ye! well done! >lytherin!$ aid /um)ledore.
#Howe+er! recent e+ent mut )e taken into account.$
The room went +ery till. The >lytherin$ mile
%aded a little.
#Ahem!$ aid /um)ledore. #I ha+e a %ew lat4minute
"oint to dih out. 3et me ee. <e 5
#Firt 1 to 9 Re)eca *arlow 5$
#>econd 1 to 9r Ronald (ealey 5$
Ron went "ur"le in the %aceF he looked like a radih
with )ad un)urn.
#5 %or the )et4"layed game o% che Hogwart ha
een in many year! I award 6ry@ndor houe &%ty
6ry@ndor cheer nearly raied the )ewitched
ceilingF the tar o+erhead eemed to =ui+er. Percy
could )e heard telling the other Pre%ect! #9y )rother!
you know0 9y younget )rother0 6ot "at
9c6onagall$ giant che et0$
At lat there wa ilence again.
#Third 1 to 9i Hermione 6ranger 5 %or the ue o%
cool logic in the %ace o% &re! I award 6ry@ndor houe
&%ty "oint.$
Hermione )uried her %ace in her armF Harry
trongly u"ected he had )urt into tear.
6ry@ndor u" and down the ta)le were )eide
themel+e 1 they were a hundred and &%ty "oint
#Fourth 1 to 9r Harry Potter 5$ aid /um)ledore.
The room went deadly =uiet. #5 %or "ure ner+e and
outtanding courage! I award 6ry@ndor houe ixty
The din wa dea%ening. Thoe who could add u"
while yelling themel+e hoare knew that 6ry@ndor
now had %our hundred and e+enty4two "oint 1
exactly the ame a >lytherin. They had drawn %or
the Houe Cu" 1 i% only /um)ledore had gi+en Harry
-ut one more "oint.
/um)ledore raied hi hand. The room gradually
%ell ilent.
#There are all kind o% courage!$ aid /um)ledore!
miling. #It take a great deal o% )ra+ery to tand u"
to our enemie! )ut -ut a much to tand u" to our
%riend. I there%ore award ten "oint to 9r :e+ille
>omeone tanding outide the 6reat Hall might
well ha+e thought ome ort o% ex"loion had taken
"lace! o loud wa the noie that eru"ted %rom the
6ry@ndor ta)le. Harry! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione
tood u" to yell and cheer a :e+ille! white with
hock! dia""eared under a "ile o% "eo"le hugging
him. He had ne+er won o much a a "oint %or
6ry@ndor )e%ore. Harry! till cheering! nudged Ron in
the ri) and "ointed at 9al%oy! who couldn$t ha+e
looked more tunned and horri&ed i% he$d -ut had
the *ody4*ind cure "ut on him.
#(hich mean!$ /um)ledore called o+er the torm
o% a""laue! %or e+en Ra+enclaw and HuKe"u, were
cele)rating the down%all o% >lytherin! #we need a little
change o% decoration.$
He cla""ed hi hand. In an intant! the green
hanging )ecame carlet and the il+er )ecame goldF
the huge >lytherin er"ent +anihed and a towering
6ry@ndor lion took it "lace. >na"e wa haking
Pro%eor 9c6onagall$ hand! with a horri)le %orced
mile. He caught Harry$ eye and Harry knew at once
that >na"e$ %eeling toward him hadn$t changed
one -ot. Thi didn$t worry Harry. It eemed a though
li%e would )e )ack to normal next year! or a normal
a it e+er wa at Hogwart.
It wa the )et e+ening o% Harry$ li%e! )etter than
winning at Guidditch or Chritma or knocking out
mountain troll 5 he would ne+er! e+er %orget
Harry had almot %orgotten that the exam reult
were till to come! )ut come they did. To their great
ur"rie! he and Re)eca and Ron "aed with good
markF Hermione! o% coure! came to" o% the year.
E+en :e+ille cra"ed through! hi good Her)ology
mark making u" %or hi a)ymal Potion one. They
had ho"ed that 6oyle! who wa almot a tu"id a
he wa mean! might )e thrown out! )ut he had
"aed! too. It wa a hame! )ut a Ron aid! you
couldn$t ha+e e+erything in li%e.
And uddenly! their wardro)e were em"ty! their
trunk were "acked! :e+ille$ toad wa %ound lurking
in a corner o% the toiletF note were handed out to
all tudent! warning them not to ue magic o+er the
holiday B#I alway ho"e they$ll %orget to gi+e u
thee!$ aid Fred (ealey adlyDF Hagrid wa there to
take them down to the .eet o% )oat that ailed
acro the lakeF they were )oarding the Hogwart
Ex"reF talking and laughing a the country4 ide
)ecame greener and tidierF eating *ertie *ott$
E+ery4Fla+our *ean a they "ed "at 9uggle
townF "ulling o, their wi'ard ro)e and "utting on
-acket and coatF "ulling into "lat%orm nine and
three4=uarter at 7ing$ Cro >tation.
It took =uite a while %or them all to get o, the
"lat%orm. A wi'ened old guard wa u" )y the ticket
)arrier! letting them go through the gate in two and
three o they didn$t attract attention )y all )urting
out o% a olid wall at once and alarming the 9uggle.
#<ou mut come and tay thi ummer!$ aid Ron!
#all o% you 1 I$ll end you an owl.$
#Thank!$ aid Harry. #I$ll need omething to look
%orward to.$
Peo"le -otled them a they mo+ed %orward
toward the gateway )ack to the 9uggle world.
>ome o% them calledA
#*ye! Harry0$
#>ee you! Potter0$
#>till %amou!$ aid Ron! grinning at him.
#:ot where I$m going! I "romie you!$ aid Harry.
He! Re)eca! Ron and Hermione "aed through the
gateway together.
#There he i! 9um! there he i! look0$
It wa 6inny (ealey! Ron$ younger iter! )ut he
wan$t "ointing at Ron.
#Harry Potter0$ he =uealed. #3ook! 9um0 I can ee
#*e =uiet! 6inny! and it$ rude to "oint.$
9r (ealey miled down at them.
#*uy year2$ he aid.
#Very!$ aid Harry. #Thank %or the %udge and the
-um"er! 9r (ealey.$
#?h! it wa nothing! dear.$
#Ready! are you2$
It wa 8ncle Vernon! till "ur"le4%aced! till
moutached! till looking %uriou at the ner+e o%
Harry! carrying an owl in a cage in a tation %ull o%
ordinary "eo"le. *ehind him tood Aunt Petunia and
/udley! looking terri&ed at the +ery ight o% Harry.
#<ou mut )e Harry$ %amily0$ aid 9r (ealey.
#In a manner o% "eaking!$ aid 8ncle Vernon.
#Hurry u"! )oy! we ha+en$t got all day.$ He walked
Harry hung )ack %or a lat word with Re)eca! Ron
and Hermione.
#>ee you o+er the ummer! then.$
#Ho"e you ha+e 1 er 1 a good holiday!$ aid
Hermione! looking uncertainly a%ter 8ncle Vernon!
hocked that anyone could )e o un"leaant.
#?h! I will!$ aid Harry! and they were ur"ried at
the grin that wa "reading o+er hi %ace. #They don$t
know we$re not allowed to ue magic at home. I$m
going to ha+e a lot o% %un with /udley thi ummer

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