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Quick Start Lessons

Bentley HAMMER is a very efficient and powerful tool for simulating hydraulic transients in pipelines and networks. The quickstart lessons give you handson e!perience with many of
Bentley HAMMER"s features and capa#ilities. These detailed lessons will help you to e!plore and understand the following topics$
%. &ipeline &rotection using Bentley HAMMER'#y assem#ling a pipeline using the graphical editor and performing two hydraulic transient analyses( without protection and with
). *etwork Risk Reduction using Bentley HAMMER'#y opening a water distri#ution network model created in Bentley +ater,EM- and performing a hydraulic transient analysis
using advanced surge protection and presentation methods.
Another way to #ecome acquainted with Bentley HAMMER is to run and e!periment with the sample files. located in the /Bentley/HAMMER0/-amples folder. Remem#er. you can
press the 1% key to access the conte!tsensitive help at any time.
Lesson 1: Pipeline Protection
2n this lesson. you will use Bentley HAMMER to perform a numerical simulation of hydraulic transients in a water transmission main and. #ased on the results of your analysis.
recommend suita#le surgeprotection equipment to protect this system from damage. 3ou can do this in three steps$
%. 3ou need to analy4e the system as it was designed 5without any surgeprotection equipment6 to determine its vulnera#ility to transient events.
). 3ou can select and model different surgeprotection equipment to control transient pressures and predict the time required for friction to attenuate the transient energy.
7. 3ou can present your results graphically to e!plain your surgecontrol strategy and recommendations for detailed design.
Part 1Creating or Importing a Steady-State Model
3ou can create an initial steadystate model of your system within Bentley HAMMER directly. using the advanced Bentley HAMMER Modeler interface. or import one from an e!isting
steadystate model created using other software. 2n this lesson. you will assem#le a hydraulic transient model using #oth methods to learn their respective advantages and note the
similarities #etween them.
Creating a Model
Bentley HAMMER is an e!tremely efficient tool for laying out a watertransmission pipeline or even an entire distri#ution network. 2t is easy to prepare a schematic model and let
Bentley HAMMER take care of the linknode connectivity and element la#els. which are assigned automatically. 1or a schematic model only pipe lengths must #e entered manually to
complete the layout. 3ou may need to input additional data for some hydraulic elements prior to a run.
The water system is descri#ed as follows$ a waterpumping station draws water from a near#y reservoir 5707 m normal water level6 and conveys 890 :;s along a dedicated
transmission pipeline to a reservoir 58<9 m normal water level6 for a total static lift of 8<9 = 707 > ?7 m. The elevation of the constantspeed pump is 797 m and its speed is %?9@ rpm.
Transmission main data are given in ta#les Nodes and Eleations and Link !Pipe" Properties and Steady State #$L. Ather data will #e discussed #elow. as you add or modify
each hydraulic element in this system.
To create a hydraulic model using the Bentley HAMMER Modeler interface$
%. Blick 1ile C *ew to start a new proDect. This starts Bentley HAMMER"s graphical element editor. so you can draw the system #y inserting hydraulic elements.
). Blick the Tools menu and select Aptions. ,o to the Erawing ta# and change the Erawing Mode to -chematic.
7. ,o to the Fnits ta#. click the Reset Eefaults #utton and change the Eefault unit system for this proDect to -ystem 2nternational.
Note: %ou s&ould copy t&e lesson 'iles contained in t&e (entley)#*MME+,)Lessons directory to a -orking 'older .e'ore -orking -it& or modi'ying
t&em/ 0&is -ill presere t&e integrity o' t&e original 'iles and circument potential pro.lems -it& administratie -rite permissions in t&e
product directories/
Copyrig&t and 0rademark In'ormation
Copyrig&t and 0rademark In'ormation
Copyrig&t and 0rademark In'ormation
Note: +egardless o' t&e screen coordinates entered or displayed in t&e element editor1 i' t&e 2#as 3ser 4e'ined Lengt&52 property is set to 0rue1
(entley #*MME+ analy6es t&e system using t&e pipe lengt&s entered/
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Click OK.
4. Add a Reservoir element.
a. Click the Reservoir button on the Layout toolbar.
b. Move the cursor over the drawing pane and click to place the reservoir. entley !AMM"R automatically names this element R#$.
c. %ouble#click the reservoir to open the &roperties editor. Rename the reservoir by entering Res$ in the Label 'ield o' the &roperties editor dialog. Change the "levation
value to ()(.**m and the "levation +,nlet-Outlet ,nvert. value to ()*.**m.
/. Add a 0unction element to the right o' Res$ and rename it &0$. Change the "levation to (1(.**m.
1. Add a &ump element to the right o' &0$ and rename it &M&$. Change the "levation to (1(.**m.
2. Add 2 more 0unction elements in a line to the right o' &M&$. Rename them and set their elevations according to the data in the table below3
). Add a Reservoir element to the right o' 01. Rename it Res4 and change the "levation to 4/1.**m and the "levation +,nlet-Outlet ,nvert. to 4/(.**m.
5. Add pipes connecting each o' the node elements. Click the &ipe button on the Layout toolbar.
a. Click Res$.
b. Click &0$.
c. Click &M&$.
d. Continue clicking each node in turn 'rom le't to right.
e. A'ter you6ve clicked Res47 right#click and select %one to 'inish laying out the pipe.
$*. 8hen editing data 'or a large number o' elements7 it can be more convenient to do so using 9le:;ables. Click the <iew menu and select the 9le:;ables command. ,n the
9le:;ables Manager7 double#click &ipe ;able.
Nodes and Elevations
Default Label Rename to Elevation (m)
0#4 &04 (1(.**
0#( 0$ 4*).**
0#4 04 (5/.**
0#/ 0( (5/.**
0#1 04 ()1.**
0#2 0/ ()*.**
0#) 01 44*.**
Note: Transient Tip: Elevations are extremely important in hydraulic transient modeling This is because slopes determine ho! fast !ater
columns !ill slo! do!n (or speed up) as their momentum changes during a transient event Therefore" defining the profile of a pipeline
is a #ey re$uirement prior to underta#ing any hydraulic transient analysis using %entley &'((ER
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11. In the FlexTable, you can edit white fields only; yellow fields are read-only. When all of the elements in the table should have the same value for an attribute, you can globally
edit them to set them all at once. ight-clic! the "iameter column and select #lobal $dit. %eave the &'eration at (et and enter )**.** as the value. +lic! &,.
1-. ight-clic! the .as /ser "efined %ength0 column and select #lobal $dit. %eave the &'eration at (et and 'lace a chec! in the 1alue box, then clic! &,.
12. $nter data for each of the 'i'es using the data in the table below. 3ou can use the #lobal $dit function to enter the Wave ('eed.
14. 5fter you have finished editing the data, close the FlexTable. The final 'iece of element data we need to define is the 'um' definition. +lic! the +om'onents menu and select
6um' "efinitions.
17. +lic! the 8ew button to create a new 'um' definition. /nder 6um' "efinition Ty'e select "esign 6oint 91 6oint:. $nter a value of 4); %<s for the "esign Flow and ;1.2*m for
Link (Pipe) Properties and Steady State HGL
Default Label Rename To Length (User Defined) (m) Diameter (mm) Wave Speed (m/s)
6-1 6(1 7* )** 1-**.**
6-- 6=61( 4* )** 1-**.**
6-2 6=61" 1* )** 1-**.**
6-4 61 -* )** 1-**.**
6-7 6- 2;* )** 1-**.**
6-) 62 2** )** 1-**.**
6-> 64 -7* )** 1-**.**
6-; 67 4** )** 1-**.**
6-? 6) -7* )** 1-**.**
6-1* 6> 1>7 )** 1-**.**
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the Design Head. Click the Close button.
16. Highlight pump PMP1. In the Properties Editor click the Pump Definition field and select Pump Definition - 1 from the list.
1. In the dra!ing "ie!# some of the elements and element labels ma$ o"erlap# obscuring one another. %ou can reposition element labels. &oom in on an element label and click on
it. If done correctl$# onl$ the label !ill be highlighted' if the element and label are highlighted# tr$ clicking again. (hen the element label is highlighted# a dot !ill appear near the
highlighted label' this is called the label)s grip.
1*. Click on the grip# hold do!n the mouse button# and mo"e it to the desired location# then let go of the mouse button. +eposition the labels so that all of them are "isible. (hen
$ou are finished the model should look like this,
1-. (e can no! calculate the stead$-state initial conditions of the model. Click the Compute Initial Conditions button.
./. Close the Calculation 0ummar$ !indo! and the 1ser 2otifications !indo!.
.1. Click 3ile 4 0a"e 5s to select a director$ and sa"e $our file !ith a name such as 6esson1.!tg.
Part 2Selecting the Transient Events to Model
5n$ change in flo! or pressure# at an$ point in the s$stem# can trigger h$draulic transients. If the change is gradual# the resulting transient pressures ma$ not be se"ere. Ho!e"er# if
the change of flo! is rapid or sudden# the resulting transient pressure can cause surges or !ater hammer. 0ince each s$stem has a different characteristic time# the 7ualitati"e
ad8ecti"es gradual and rapid correspond to different 7uantitati"e time inter"als for each s$stem.
9here are man$ possible causes for rapid or sudden changes in a pipe s$stem# including po!er failures# pipe breaks# or a rapid "al"e opening or closure. 9hese can result from natural
causes# e7uipment malfunction# or e"en operator error. It is therefore important to consider the se"eral !a$s in !hich h$draulic transients can occur in a s$stem and to model them
using :entle$ H5MME+.
In this lesson# $ou !ill simulate the impact of a po!er failure lasting se"eral minutes. It is assumed that po!er !as interrupted suddenl$ and !ithout !arning ;i.e.# $ou did not ha"e time
to start an$ diesel generators or pumps# if an$# prior to the po!er failure<. 9he purpose of this t$pe of transient anal$sis is to ensure the s$stem and its components can !ithstand the
resulting transient pressures and determine ho! long $ou must !ait for the transient energ$ to dissipate.
3or man$ s$stems# starting backup pumps before the transient energ$ has deca$ed sufficientl$ can cause !orse surge pressures than those caused b$ the initial po!er failure.
Con"ersel$# rel$ing on rapid backup s$stems to pre"ent transient pressures ma$ not be realistic gi"en that most transient e"ents occur !ithin seconds of the po!er failure !hile
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Note: Transient Tip: If identifying modeling and protecting against several possi!le hydra"lic transient events seems to take a lot of time and
reso"rces remem!er that it is far safer and less e#pensive to learn a!o"t yo"r system$s v"lnera!ilities !y %!reaking pipes% in a comp"ter
modeland far easier to clean "pthan from e#pensive service interr"ptions and field repairs&
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isolating the electrical load# bringing the generator on-line# and re-starting pumps ;if the$ ha"e not timed out< can take se"eral minutes. ;0ee Part =>Configuring the :entle$ H5MME+
Part 3Configuring the Bentley HAMMER Project
:efore running the :entle$ H5MME+ model $ou ha"e created in Part 1# $ou need to set certain run-time parameters such as the fluid properties# piping s$stem properties# run
duration# and output re7uirements.
1. Click the 5nal$sis menu and select Calculation ?ptions.
.. In the Calculation ?ptions manager# double-click :ase Calculation ?ptions under 9ransient 0ol"er.
=. 9he Properties editor !ill no! displa$ the Calculation ?ptions attributes for the highlighted calculation options profile. Change the +eport Points attribute "alue to 0elected
@. Click the ellipsis button ;...< in the +eport Points Collection field.
A. In the +eport Points Collection dialog# double-click P1 B C1# P. B C1# PMP10BPMP1# and PMP1DBPMP1 in the 5"ailable Items list to add them to the 0elected Items list. Click ?D.
9his !ill output the transient histor$ ;or temporal "ariation of flo!# head# and air or "apor "olumes< at the pump and nearb$ nodes ;$ou can also add other points of interest#
such as P B +es.<.
6. Change the +un Duration 9$pe to 9ime.
. Enter a +un Duration ;9ime< "alue of 1@/ seconds.
*. Change the Pressure (a"e 0peed to 1.A/ mBs.
-. 6ea"e the Eapor Pressure "alue at the default "alue of --.- kPa.
1/. Change the Fenerate 5nimation Data field to 9rue.
11. Close the Calculation ?ptions manager.
1.. +eport Paths are created through the Profile Manager. Click the Eie! menu and select Profiles.
1=. In the Profiles manager# click the 2e! button.
1@. In the Profile 0etup dialog click the 0elect 3rom Dra!ing button.
1A. %ou !ill be returned to the dra!ing "ie!' click PMP1 and then +es. - all the intermediate points should be selected automaticall$. 9hen right-click and select Done ;or click the
checkmark button in the 0elect toolbar<.
16. In the Profile 0etup dialog# click the ?pen Profile button.
1. In the Profile 0eries ?ptions dialog that appears# click ?D to accept the default profile settings.
Copyright and Trademark nformation
!ote" Tran#ient Tip" $a%e #peed i# a key parameter in tran#ient analy#i#& A##igning pre##ure 'a%e #peed# to indi%idual pipe# 'ill o%erride the
'a%e #peed #et a# a glo(al parameter in the )y#tem ta(& $hen the pipe*# 'a%e #peed i# (lank +or ,&,-. then the glo(al 'a%e #peed i#
u#ed for that pipe&
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18. Check that the profile looks like the one below, then close the Profile.
19. In the Profiles manager, highlight the newly created profile Profile - 1 and click the Rename btton. !nter the name "ain Path. #he hammer symbol in the pper right of the
profile icon indicates that this profile is a #ransient Report Path, meaning that dring a transient analysis reslts will be sa$ed for this profile.
%&. Close the Profiles manager.
%1. 'a$e the file with the same name ()esson1.wtg* sing +ile , 'a$e. -o are now ready to rn a transient analysis. ('ee Part ./Performing a #ransient 0nalysis.*
Part 4Performing a Transient Analysis
In this section, yo will first simlate transient pressres in the system de to an emergency power failre withot any protecti$e e1ipment in ser$ice. 0fter a carefl e2amination of
yor reslts, yo will select protecti$e e1ipment and simlate the system again sing 3entley 40""!R to assess the effecti$eness of the de$ices yo selected to control transient
pressres. 'ee 0nalysis with 'rge-Protection !1ipment.
Analysis Without Surge Protection Equipment
#o perform a hydralic transient analysis of the system after a sdden power failre withot srge protection (other than the pmp5s check $al$e*6
1. 7oble-click P"P1. In the Properties editor change the Pmp #ype (#ransient* $ale to 'ht 7own 0fter #ime 7elay.
%. 'et the other pmp parameters6
a. 7iameter (Pmp 8al$e*6 'et the inside diameter of the pmp5s discharge flange to 9&& mm.
b. #ime (7elay :ntil 'htdown*6 'et this to ; seconds. +or con$enience, it is assmed that the power failre occrs after ; seconds, so that point histories will show the
initial steady state dring this period.
c. Pmp 8al$e #ype6 set to defalt (Check 8al$e*. #he power failre is assmed to be instantaneos and the check $al$e is allowed to close withot any delay (<ero* to
protect the pmp from damage.
=. Click the Pmp 7efinition field and select !dit Pmp 7efinitions.
.. In the Pmp 7efinitions dialog, click the !fficiency tab. Change the Pmp !fficiency type to Constant !fficiency, and the Pmp !fficiency $ale to 8; >.
;. Click the #ransient tab. 'et the following parameters6
a. Inertia (Pmp and motor*6 #his is the combined pmp, shaft, and motor inertia6 set it to 1?.% kg - m
. #his $ale can be obtained from the manfactrer or estimated from
its power rating
b. 'peed (+ll*6 'et this to 1?9& rpm.
c. 'pecific 'peed6 'elect 'I@%;, :'@1%8&.
d. Re$erse 'pin 0llowedA6 :ncheck this bo2. Bot allowing re$erse spin assmes there is a check $al$e on the discharge side of the pmp or that the pmp has a
nonre$erse ratchet mechanism.
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6. Close the Pump Definitions dialog.
7. Click the Compute button to start the transient analysis..
8. When the run is completed, the Transient Calculation ummary opens automatically, displaying calculation options used during the run, initial conditions, and e!treme pressure
and head "alues.
#. Click the Close button in the Transient Calculation ummary.
$%. Close the &ser 'otifications (indo(.
Reviewing your Results
)y default, )entley *+,,-. does not generate output for e"ery location or e"ery time step, since this (ould result in "ery large file si/es 0tens or hundreds of megabytes1. 2or the
specific report points or paths 0e.g., profiles1 you specified prior to the run, you can generate se"eral types of graphs or animations to "isuali/e the results3
$. HGL Profile3 )entley *+,,-. can plot the steady4state hydraulic grade line 0*561 as (ell as the ma!imum and minimum transient head en"elopes along the ,ain path.
7. Time History3 )entley *+,,-. can plot the time4dependent changes in transient flo(, and head and display the "olume of "apor or air at any point of interest.
8. Animations3 9ou can animate to "isuali/e ho( system "ariables change o"er time after the po(er failure. -"ery path and history on the screen is synchroni/ed and animated
simultaneously. 'ote ho( transient pressures stabili/e after a (hile.
:t is important to take the time to carefully re"ie( the results of each )entley *+,,-. run to check for errors and, if none are found, learn something about the dynamic nature of the
(ater system.
Click the +nalysis menu and open the Transient .esults ;ie(er . :f prompted for the "ersion of the "ie(er to use you can select either "ersion.
Profile the ,ain Path and plot the "arious time history graphs. Depending on your "ie(er "ersion, animate the results by pressing the Play button.
The graph for the ,ain path sho(s that a significant "apor ca"ity forms at the local high point at the knee of the pipeline 0i.e., the location (here the steep pipe section lea"ing
the pumps turns about #% degrees to the hori/ontal in the pump station1.
;ie(ing the animation a fe( times sho(s that a "apor pocket gro(s at node <$ 0as the (ater column separates1 and subse=uently collapses due to return flo( from the
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receiving reservoir Res2. The resulting transient pressures are very sudden and they propagate away from this impact zone, sending a shock wave throughout the pipeline.
The time history at the pump shows that the check valve closes before these pressure waves reach the pump (zero flow), effectively isolating it from the system and protecting it
against damage.
Analysis with Surge-Protection Equipment
ertain protective e!uipment such as a hydropneumatic tank (also known as a gas vessel or air chamber), combination air valve or "# (also known as a vacuum$breaker and air$
release valve), or a one$way surge tank can be installed at local high points to control hydraulic transients.
%t is clear that high pressures are caused by the sudden collapse of a vapor pocket at node &'. (ou could install a )ydropneumatic Tank at *unction &' to supply flow into the pipeline
upon the power failure, keeping the upstream water column moving and minimizing the size of the vapor pocket at the high point (or even preventing it from forming). (ou can test this
theory by simulating the system again using +entley )",,-R and comparing the results with those of the unprotected run.
'. lick the )ydropneumatic Tank button on the /ayout toolbar.
2. lick on &'. " prompt will appear, asking if you0d like to morph &' into a )ydropneumatic Tank element. lick (es.
1. 2et the )ydropneumatic Tank element properties in the 3roperties editor.
a. ,ake sure the -levation (+ase) and the -levation are set to 456.555 m.
b. 2et the 7perating Range Type to -levation.
c. 2et the )8/ (%nitial) to 49: m.
d. 2et the /i!uid #olume (%nitial) to '4255 /.
e. 2et the ,inor /oss oefficient (7utflow) to '.5.
f. 2et the Tank alculation ,odel to 8as /aw ,odel.
g. 2et the #olume (Tank) to 25555 /.
h. 2et the Treat as &unction; field to True. This means that the hydropneumatic tank is not included in the calculations of initial conditions. %nstead the )8/ in the
hydropneumatic tank is assumed to be the same as if there was a *unction at the tank location.
i. 2et the <iameter (Tank %nlet 7rifice) to 4:5 mm.
*. 2et the Ratio of /osses to 2.:.
k. 2et the 8as /aw -=ponent to '.2.
l. 2et the )as +ladder; field to True.
m. 2et the 3ressure (8as$3reset) to 5.5.
4. >ow we must update our report points and report path to reflect the replacement of &' with )T$'. lick "nalysis ? alculation 7ptions and double$click the +ase alculation
7ptions under the Transient 2olver.
:. lick the ellipsis button in the Report 3oints ollection field.
9. "dd 3' @ )T$' and 32 @ )T$' to the 2elected %tems list. lick 7A.
B. lick #iew ? 3rofiles and -dit the ,ain 3ath 3rofile. lick (es when prompted to auto$repair the profile. The profile will open and will now include the hydropneumatic tank.
lose the 3rofile and the 3rofiles manager.
6. 2elect Cile ? 2ave "s and save the file with a new name. /esson'D3rotection.wtg.
E. lick the ompute %nitial onditions button. lose the alculation 2ummary and the Fser >otifications dialog.
'5. lick the ompute button. lose the Transient alculation 2ummary and the Fser >otifications dialog.
''. lick the "nalysis menu and select Transient Results #iewer.
'2. lick the 3rofile button on the 3rofiles tab.
"s you can see, installing a )ydropneumatic Tank at node &' has significantly reduced transient pressures in the entire pipeline system. <ue to this protection e!uipment, no
significant vapor pocket forms at the local high point. )owever, it is possible that a smaller tank could provide similar protection.
%t is also possible that other protection e!uipment could control transient heads and perhaps be more cost$effective as well. +efore undertaking additional +entley )",,-R
simulations, it is worthwhile to compare and contrast the results with or without the )ydropneumatic Tank.
2ee 3art :G"nimating Transient Results at 3oints and along 3rofiles.
Part 5Animating Transient Results at Points and along Profiles
+entley )",,-R provides many ways to visualize the simulated results using a variety of graphs and animation layouts. (ou must specify which points and paths (profiles) are of
interest, as well as the fre!uency to output prior to a run, or +entley )",,-R will not generate this output to avoid creating e=cessively large output files. Cor small systems, you can
specify each point and every time step, but this is not advisable for large water networks.
Cor the same reason, +entley )",,-R only generates the "nimation <ata (for on$screen animations) if you select this option in the transient calculation options.
Hhile you are still evaluating many different types or sizes of surge$protection e!uipment, you can often compare their effectiveness *ust by plotting the ma=imum transient head
envelopes for most of your +entley )",,-R runs. "t any time, or once you feel you are close to a definitive surge$control solution, you can use +entley )",,-R to generate the
animation data files by setting 8enerate "nimation <ata to True in the Transient alculation 7ptions. "fter the run, you can open the Transient Results #iewer from the "nalysis menu.
Copyright and Trademar !nformation
"ote# Adding surge-control equipment or modifying the operating procedures may significantly change the dynamic $eha%ior of the water system&
possi$ly e%en its characteristic time' Selecting appropriate protection equipment requires a good understanding of its effect& for which
(entley )A**ER is a great tool& as well as the good +udgment and e,perience you supply'
"ote# Rather than editing the original model and sa%ing it as a new file& a $etter way is to create a new scenario in the original model for the
transient protection simulation' -e will in%estigate scenarios in .esson /'
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"ote# To achie%e shorter run times and conser%e dis space& try to a%oid generating %oluminous output& such as Animation 0ata or 1utput
0ata$ases& at an early stage of your hydraulic transient analysis' 2ast turnaround maes your e%aluation of different alternati%es more
interacti%e and challenges you to apply good +udgement as you compare your mental model of the system with (entley )A**ER3s resultsa
good ha$it which is lie estimating an answer in your head when using a calculator'
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'. %n the Transient Results #iewer, on the 3rofiles tab, select.
3rofile. ,ain
8raph Type. )ydraulic 8rade and "ir@#apor #olume
2. lick the "nimate button. This loads the animation data and "nimation ontrol.
1. 7n the "nimation ontroller, click the play button to start the animation.
Part 6Viewing Time History Graphs in Bentley HAMMER
Fsing the +entley )",,-R Transient Results #iewer, you can plot a transient history at any point in the system to display the temporal variation of selected parameters (such as
pressures and flow).
'. lick the "nalysis menu and select Transient Results #iewer.
2. %n the Time )istories tab, select.
Time )istory. 3'.)T$'
8raph Type. )ydraulic 8rade, Clow, and "ir@#apor #olume
1. lick 3lot to display this transient history.
4. To view numerical data for the time history, click the <ata tab. Crom here, you can sort the data by right$clicking on the column header and choosing 2ort. (ou can also change
the units and precision for the results by right$clicking on the column header and choosing Fnits and Cormatting.
Note: One yo! ha"e generate# the animation #ata $iles% yo! will &e a&le to #isplay animations witho!t r!nning the HAMMER V'i sim!lation again(
This sa"es a lot o$ time when omparing the res!lts o$ se"eral s!rge)ontrol alternati"es(
*opyright an# Tra#emar+ ,n$ormation
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Click OK to save these settings and leave the FlexUnits Manager. From now on, Head will be displayed in t. and Flow will be displayed in l!s.
Lesson 2: Network Risk Reduction
"n #esson $, yo% learned how to create and r%n a simple pipeline model and explored its dierent characteristics %sing &entley H'MM(). "n this lesson, yo% will import a simple water*
distrib%tion network connected to the same pipeline introd%ced in #esson $. +o% will then perorm a more advanced hydra%lic transient analysis, again in three steps,
$. "mport the steady*state -aterC'. model into &entley H'MM() and veriy it.
/. 0elect a transient event to analy1e and r%n the &entley H'MM() model.
2. 'nnotate and color*code the res%lting map, proiles, and time histories %sing &entley H'MM()3s power%l, b%ilt*in vis%ali1ation capabilities.
Part 1Importing and Verifying the Initial teady!tates
Follow these steps to open the &entley H'MM() model,
$. Click File 4 Open. &rowse to the C,56rogram Files 7x89:5&entley5H'MM()85#essons older and open the ile #esson/;-ater<(M0.wtg. H'MM() %ses the same ile ormat as
-aterC'. and -ater<(M0, so it is possible to open a -aterC'. or -ater<(M0 ile directly in H'MM().
/. Click the Comp%te "nitial Conditions b%tton. Close the User =otiications window.
"nspecting the steady*state model res%lts %sing &entley H'MM() reveals that the water transmission main now carries only /$> #!s o water rom the p%mping station to
reservoir )es/ at elevation ?@9 m. ' local main takes water rom the transmission main at a tee located abo%t ?>> m rom the p%mping station, distrib%ting /9@ #!s to a nearby
s%bdivision. Ahe part o the s%bdivision close to the p%mping station has lower gro%nd 7and thereore water main: elevations, while the ar end has higher gro%nd elevations.
+o%r goal is to identiy transient iss%es or this system and recommend s%rge protection alternatives.
2. 6rior to r%nning the transient analysis o this system, yo% need to select some proiles and points o interest.
?. Click 'nalysis 4 Calc%lation Options. .o%ble*click on &ase Calc%lation Options %nder Aransient 0olver. Click the ellipsis b%tton in the )eport 6oints Collection ield. 'dd nodes
6M6$.,6M6$, 6$,B$, 6/,B$, 6/,B/, 68,B/, 6/C,B$D, 6/8,B$D, 6?C,B2?, and 6@>,B2C to the 0elected "tems list 7yo% learned how to do this in #esson $:.
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Click OK.
5. Change the Run Duration value to 160 seconds.
6. Set the Specify nitial Conditions field to !alse. "his #eans that the initial conditions for the transient si#ulation $flo%s& head& etc.' %ill (e co#puted (y the soft%are& not entered
#anually (y the user. Close the Calculation Options %indo%.
). Click the *ie% #enu and select +rofiles.
,. Create three ne% profiles as follo%s-
Create a profile na#ed +ath1 and add pipes +.+1D& +1& +/& +0& +1& +5& +6& and +) to it.
Create a profile na#ed +ath/ and add pipes +.+1D& +1& +/& +,& *2*13& *2*1D& +4& +10& +11& +1,& +14& and +50 to it.
Create a profile na#ed +ath0 and add pipes +.+1D& +1& +/& +,& *2*13& *2*1D& +4& +15& +//& +/1& +/,& +00& +16& and +1) to it.
4. Close the +rofiles #anager.
10. Click the Co#pute nitial Conditions (utton. Close the Calculation Su##ary.
11. Click the Co#pute (utton. Close the "ransient Calculation Su##ary.
1/. Click the 5nalysis #enu and select "ransient Results *ie%er. "o vie% a plot of the #a6i#u# and #ini#u# head envelopes along +ath1& +ath/& and +ath 0& choose the profile
fro# the pulldo%n and select +rofile. "he envelopes along +ath1 should look like the follo%ing figure.
Note: Bentley HAMMER plots time histories at a pipe's end points, defined as the point on a pipe closest to a node and labeled
Pipe_End_Point:Node. o obtain a complete pict!re of "hat is occ!rrin# at any #i$en node, yo! m!st inspect e$ery end point connected
to that node %e.#., in this e&ample, plot histories at end points P':(' and P):(' for node ('*.
Note: +o! can set HAMMER to al"ays comp!te the initial conditions prior to comp!tin# a transient sim!lation. o do this clic, the Analysis
men! and then clic, Al"ays -omp!te .nitial -onditions.
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13. To generate a plot of the hydraulic transient history at the pumping station, select the Time History tab in the Transient Results Viewer. To see hydraulic grade and flow results,
choose Time History: PP1!:PP1 and "raph Type: Hydraulic "rade, #low and $ir%Vapor Volume. There should be no significant change in the steady&state conditions with
Results from the 'entley H$(R run you ha)e *ust completed do not show any change in the steady&state heads and flows throughout the water networ+ as time passes. This
indicates the calculated initial conditions can be considered as )alid. ,ou are now ready to proceed with the hydraulic transient analysis for this networ+.
-f the solution tolerance of a steady&state model is too coarse, 'entley H$(R.s highly accurate model engine may report transients at time /ero in the Transient $nalysis 0utput
1og file 2found under Report 3 Transient $nalysis Reports4. This can usually be handled by running the steady&state model again with a smaller error tolerance 2set under $nalysis 3
5alculation 0ptions 3 6teady 6tate % (P6 6ol)er 3 'ase 5alculation 0ptions 3 $ccuracy4.
Part 2Selecting the Key Transient Events to Model
-n 1esson 1, you simulated the transient pressures resulting from a sudden power failure. -n this lesson you will learn how to simulate transient pressures in a water distribution
networ+ triggered by an emergency pump shutdown and restart. $lthough a power failure often results in the worst&case conditions, restarting before friction has dissipated the
transient energy can cause higher e7treme pressures than the initial power failure.
Part 3Performing a Transient Analysis
-n order to generate transient e)ents for a rapid but controlled emergency pump shutdown and restart, you need to set appropriate pump characteristics to control the speed at which
this pump can shut down and restart. 0ne of the ways to do this is to use a )ariable&fre8uency dri)e 2V#!4, also +nown as a )ariable&speed pump.
Analysis without Surge Protection
1. !ouble&clic+ PP1. -n the Properties (ditor, under Transient 20perational4 properties, change the Pump Type 2Transient4 )alue to Variable 6peed%Tor8ue.
9. ,ou can use either 6peed or Tor8ue to control the V#! pump ramp times. -n this lesson, you will learn how to control the pump using 6peed 2i.e., 5ontrol Variable set to
3. :nder Transient 20perational4 properties, clic+ the 0perating Rule drop&down list and select ;(dit...3. The Patterns manager opens.
<. Highlight the 0perational 2Transient, Pump4 folder and clic+ the =ew button. -n the Pattern tab on the right side of the dialog, clic+ the =ew button to add a new row to the
pattern table. (nter a )alue of 1 for ultiplier at >.? seconds Time from 6tart. #ill in the rest of the table as indicated. This pattern will slow the pump linearly from full speed at >
seconds into the simulation to /ero speed at 1? seconds into the simulation. Then at 9> seconds into the simulation the pump will start to speed up linearly from /ero to reach
full speed at 3? seconds. 5lose to lea)e the Patterns manager.
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>. -n the Pump Properties, under Transient 20perational4, clic+ the 0perating Rule drop&down list and select 0perational 2Transient, Pump4 & Pattern 1.
@. 5lic+ $nalysis 3 5alculation 0ptions. !ouble&clic+ 'ase 5alculation 0ptions under Transient 6ol)er. 5hange the "enerate $nimation !ata field )alue to True. ,ou will need the
animation data later to animate the results on screen. 5lose the 5alculation 0ptions manager.
A. 5lic+ the 5ompute button. 5lose the Transient 5alculation 6ummary and :ser =otifications windows.
B. 5lic+ the $nalysis menu and select Transient Results Viewer.
C. Plot the Time History for Hydraulic "rade, #low, and $ir%Vapor Volume at end point PP1!:PP1 2i.e., the discharge side of the pump4. -t should loo+ li+e the following figure
and ha)e these characteristics:
$fter the emergency pump shutdown, pressure and flow drop rapidly, followed by a large upsurge pressure 2at about 1> s4 after flow returning to the pumping station
collapses the )apor poc+ets at the high points. The chec+ )al)e on the discharge side of the pump +eeps the flow at /ero during the initial and subse8uent pressure
oscillations 2until the pump restarts4.
The ma7imum transient head resulting from the pump restart does not e7ceed the ma7imum head reached about ten seconds after the initial power failure. This is
because flow supplied by the pump pre)ents )apor poc+ets from reforming and collapsing again.
The system approaches a new steady state after >? seconds and it has essentially stabili/ed to a new steady state by C? seconds.
$s e7pected, the final steady state is similar to the initial steady state.
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10. Plot the Hydaulic Grade and Air/Vapor Volume to see the maximum and minimum transient head envelopes along Path1, Path2, and Path. !he Path envelopes should loo"
li"e the #ollo$ing #igure%
&n these #igures,
'u(atmospheric transient pressures occur in almost hal# o# the pipeline. )ull vacuum pressure *+10 m, occurs at the "nee o# the pipeline *near the pump station, and at
the local high point in the distri(ution net$or".
-aximum transient pressure heads are o# the order o# 100. a(ove steady/state pressures along the ma0ority o# Path. !his is li"ely very signi#icant compared to the
pipes1 surge/tolerance limit, especially i# the net$or" contains older pipes. &t $ould (e use#ul to sho$ the pipe1s $or"ing pressure and surge/tolerance limit on the paths to
assess $hether it can $ithstand these high pressures.
11. 2xperiment to learn the sensitivity o# this system to an automatic, emergency shutdo$n and restart%
'et di##erent shutdo$n and restart ramp times #or the pump. )or example, try 10 s ramp times #or the pump. Ho$ #ast does the #lo$ decrease to 3ero4 5hy4
'elect di##erent time delays (et$een the pump shutdo$n and restart. 5hat happens i# you try to restart the pump $hen pressure is rising, or at its lo$est, or highest
12. &denti#y the #astest ramp times and shortest time delay $hich do not result in unaccepta(le transient pressures any$here in the system. 'ince the maximum transient envelopes
depend on these t$o varia(les, several valid solutions are possi(le. 6ou can document your solution in the operations manuals #or the pumping station and veri#y its accuracy
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upon commissioning.
13. The results indicate that significant pressures occur in the system. After viewing the animations, it becomes even more clear that:
High pressures result from the collapse of significant vapor pockets at local high points. nspection of the transient histories at end!points "#:$1 and "#%:$1& confirms
that vapor pockets collapse at around these times.
The pump restarts at #' s or #( s after the start of the emergency pump shutdown, )ust as the high!pressure pulse from the collapse of a vapor pocket at node $1 is
reaching the pump station. This pulse closes the check valve against the pump for a while, until it reaches its full speed and power at around 3( s.
Transient pressure waves travel throughout the system, reflecting at reservoirs, dead!ends, and tanks. This results in comple* but essentially periodic disturbances to the
pump as it attempts to re!establish a steady state.
As e*pected, the final steady!state head and flow are similar to the initial steady state.
Analysis with Surge-Protection Equipment
+ou can select from an array of protective e,uipment to control high and low transient pressures in the pipeline -"ath1. and distribution network -"ath# and "ath3.. /sing 0entley
HA1123, you can assess the efficiency of alternative protection e,uipment, noting how protection for the pipeline affects conditions in the network and vice versa. n this e*ample you
will try to protect this entire system with two surge!control devices:
A Hydropneumatic Tank at node $1 similar to the protection used in 4esson 1.
A simple flow!through surge tank or standpipe at the node $1&. A combination air valve could also be considered for this location if free5ing or land!ac,uisition costs are a
The model has already been set up to use the new protection e,uipment using the Active Topology Alternative. n the drawing, you6ll notice grey pipes and nodes ad)acent to the $1
and $1& areas.
Active Topology is a way to model multiple network layouts in the same model. +ou can mark elements as nactive for certain scenarios, but Active in others.
7e will create a new Active Topology Alternative in which the new Hydropneumatic Tank and 8urge Tank -and their ad)oining pipes. are Active and the elements they are replacing
-$1 and $1& and their ad)oining pipes. are nactive.
1. 9lick the Analysis menu and select Alternatives.
#. n the Alternatives manager, e*pand the Active Topology node, right!click the 0ase Active Topology alternative and select :ew ; 9hild Alternative. 3ename the new alternative
Note: The volume of vapor or air reported at a node is the sum of the volumes at every end point of all connected nodes. Since a pipe may
have volumes elsewhere than at its end point node and pipe volumes may not match. !f more than two pipes connect to a node the
volume reported on a path "or profile# plot may not match the volume reported for that node$s history or in the %rawing Pane &ecause a
path can only include two of the pipes connecting to that node.
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With Protection.
3. Close the Alternatives manager. Click the Analysis menu and select Scenarios. Click the New button and select Child Scenario. Name the new scenario With Protection.
4. Doubleclick the new scenario to o!en the Pro!erties editor and change the Active "o!ology Alternative to With Protection. #n the Scenarios manager$ make sure the With
Protection scenario is highlighted$ and then click the %ake Current button.
With the new scenario active$ any edits made to the active to!ology will only a&&ect the new With Protection scenario 'and by e(tension the With !rotection Active "o!ology
*. Click the "ools menu and select Active "o!ology Selection. "he Active "o!ology Selection toolbar a!!ears.
+. "he Add button makes elements #nactive.
,. "he -emove button makes elements Active.
.. With the Add button toggled on$ click on the &ollowing elements to make them #nactive in the drawing !ane/ 01 and 012.
2. Click the -emove button and click on the &ollowing elements to make them Active in the drawing !ane/ P11$ 3"1$ P41$ S"1$ P4*1$ P441$ P4+1$ P4,1$ and P4.1.
15. "he network should now look like this/
11. Click the Done button in the Active "o!ology Selection toolbar.
14. Since we are using di&&erent elements we need to u!date our re!ort !oints and re!ort !aths '!ro&iles).
a. #n the "ransient Solver 6ase Calculation 7!tions$ under the -e!ort Points Collection$ add P11/3"1 and P41/3"1. P1/01 and P4/01 are now inactive so there will be
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no results to show for those node, however you can leave them on the list in case you recomputed the Base scenario again.
b. The existing profiles now contain inactive elements, so no results will be shown for them under the With Protection scenario. Therefore create three new profiles as
Create a profile named Path ! Protection and add pipes P"P#, P!, P$!, P%, P&, P', P(, and P) to it.
Create a profile named Path $ ! Protection and add pipes P"P#, P!, P$!, P*, +,+-, +,+#, P., P/, P&, P&*, P&., and P'/ to it.
Create a profile named Path % ! Protection and add pipes P"P#, P!, P$!, P*, +,+-, +,+#, P., P', P$$, P$&!, P$*!, P%/, P&(, and P&) to it.
c. Close the Profiles manager.
%. Clic0 the Compute 1nitial Conditions button. Close the Calculation 2ummary.
&. Clic0 the Compute button. Close the Transient Calculation 2ummary and -ser 3otifications windows.
'. 4nce the run completes clic0 the 5nalysis menu and select Transient 6esults +iewer. -se the Profile button to generate graphs of the transient head envelopes for Path !
Protection, Path $ ! Protection, and Path % ! Protection. The envelope along Path % ! Protection should loo0 li0e the following figure:
3o subatmospheric pressures occur anywhere in the distribution networ0 7along Path % ! Protection8.
9igh transient pressures are comparable to the steady!state pressures for the downstream half of Path % ! Protection. :eeping transient water pressures within a narrow
band reduces complaints and it could be important for certain industries.
(. Compare the transient head envelopes and transient histories for Bentley 95"";6 runs with different parameters, without and with protection:
<ou may be able to reduce the si=e 7and cost8 of the 9ydropneumatic Tan0 and 2urge Tan0 by changing their parameters until surge pressures are unacceptable 7for
example, try a 9ydropneumatic Tan0 with a volume of '/// ,8.
1nstead of the 9ydropneumatic Tan0 and 2urge Tan0, you can also try installing a two!way or >combination> 5ir +alve at nodes ? and ?..
). Before recommending a surge!protection strategy for this system, you need to perform a transient analysis of an emergency power failure and other possible transient events.
Part 4Color-Coding Maps, Profiles, and Point Histories
1n the design of a surge!control strategy for a water distribution networ0, the extreme states are usually of the greatest interest. Bentley 95"";6 has built!in capabilities to visuali=e
maximum and minimum simulated flows, heads, pressures, and volumes 7vapor or air8 throughout the pipe system. <ou can color!code nodes and pipes according to these different
1n this part of the lesson, you will learn how to use Bentley 95"";6@s color!coding features to ma0e your presentation more intuitive and compelling to your audiences.
. 1n Bentley 95"";6, clic0 Aile B 4pen and open the file ,esson$CWaterD;"2CAinished.wtg.
$. Clic0 the Compute 1nitial Conditions button. Close the Calculation 2ummary.
%. Clic0 the Compute button. Close the Transient Calculation 2ummary and -ser 3otifications windows.
&. Clic0 the 5nalysis menu and select Transient Thematic +iewer. By default, Bentley 95"";6 uses "aximum 9ead results for both the pipes and nodes for color!coding.
'. 4n the Pipes tab clic0 the Calculate 6ange button and select Aull 6ange. This automatically populates the "inimum and "aximum values for the currently selected Aield 3ame.
(. 1n the right side of the window clic0 the 1nitiali=e button. 1nitiali=e automatically brea0s the range between the maximum and minimum values into the number of specified steps
and assigns a color to each.
). Clic0 the 6amp button. 6amp chooses colors to ma0e a gradient between the first and last colors used. Clic0 the third color box and select yellow. Clic0 the &th color box and
select orange.
*. Clic0 the -se Dradient chec0box in the lower left. When this option is selected, 95"";6 will color code segments within pipes individually, rather than using a single color for
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each pipe. Your Pipe tab should now look like this.
9. Click the Apply button and minimize the Transient Thematic Viewer. Your network should now look like this:
1. !n the Transient Thematic Viewer click the "odes tab. Chan#e the $ield "ame to Pressure %&a'imum Transient(.
Click )*.
11. Click the Calculate +an#e button and select $ull +an#e.
1,. Click the !nitialize button. Click the color bo' in the -irst row and select a li#ht blue color. Click the color bo' in the last row and select a dark blue. Click the +amp button. The
dialo# should now look like this:
1.. Click the Apply button. You can minimize the Transient Thematic Viewer/ but don0t close it1 it must remain open -or as lon# as you want the network elements to be color coded.
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Your model should now look like this:
14. Try different variables at pipes and nodes to try to make your presentation more descriptive. For example, you could try the followin:
You can chane the values that are used in each rane. !akin the first two steps encompass a larer portion of the value rane will cause more of the pipes to be
colored reen, indicatin normal to hih heads in this system.
For pipes, set the percentae correspondin to the dark blue color so that subatmospheric pressures are displayed in this color, alertin you to potential pathoen
intrusion and heavy pipe or "oint pressure cyclin.
For nodes, experiment with the percentaes correspondin to yellow and orane until they correspond to the pipe#s workin pressure or sure$tolerance limit.
%olor$codin a map for selected variables provides an overview of extreme conditions in the entire system. This map can be compared with profiles and histories &or their
correspondin animations'.
(ome parts in the subdivision also experience hih pressures. For example, the color$coded map and the )esults section of the *lement *ditor indicate that the point with the hihest
elevation in the subdivision, node +,4, experiences the lowest minimum transient pressure, while the lowest point in the network, node +,-, experiences the larest maximum transient
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