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Continuous Learning


I have no special gift, I am only passionately curious.

Albert Einstein

We humans are the most curious creatures, a lot more than cats or monkeys or other animals. The spark
of curiosity and wonder is so precious. If this spark is not extinguished, learning simply happens -- and
happens continually. As we nourish the spark, we become keepers of the flame. This is a flame that will
lighten up our lives, and enlighten our world.

But if this flame goes down and the spark dies out, our world plunges into darkness.


Let's begin by considering a simple question. "Where do children find joy?" We can say on the
playgrounds, in visits to the zoo, museums and places of natural beauty, in singing, dancing, doing things
with their hands, in fun and jokes, in the laps of their loving parents and elder siblings, in eating
chocolates and ice cream, in watching movies, in reading colorful books, in drawing pictures and
cartoons, doing creative things and so on. Now most of these activities and experiences are connected
with learning.


First, playgrounds. Playing is so much fun, but fun really happens only when you are good at playing a
game or a sport. To enjoy playing cricket, for example, you need to be good at cricket. You need to learn
the tricks of the game well, you need to practice, exercise, and keep trying to improve yourself in many
ways. You need to be curious curiosity here means interest, and being eager to learn and improve, to
look forward to developments. Playing cricket would be much more fun then, when you are interested
in learning and improving.


Children like to go to new places and see things. Learning is happening again. Children like singing,
dancing and such activities, again all these things are much more enjoyable if one gains some kind of
proficiency in them. The better you are at doing something, the more enjoyable it becomes. Hence
continual learning and improving are involved in all kinds of activities.


Even in telling jokes, learning is involved. If you know only a few jokes, it will get boring after some time,
but if you know many jokes, it will be much more fun. Even in eating chocolates and ice cream, learning
is involved. Children need to learn things like when to eat, to brush teeth after eating, not to exceed
limits, the risks to health and so on. If things are not done properly, then fun can turn into suffering.
Chocolates and ice cream open up the vast subjects of nutrition and health, about which we have to
keep learning over the years.


In our relationships and interactions with our family and friends, we are constantly learning about
ourselves and human nature. In all of lifes experiences, we are continually learning things. Whether we
really learn from what we have learnt is a different matter, sometimes we do, sometimes we dont.
Children are primed to learn the differences between right and wrong, good and bad the point here
being that doing good and right things leads to happiness and joy. Learning is a pleasure in itself, and it
also leads to greater joy and fulfillment in all the things we do.


Watching TV channels like Cartoon Network is especially pleasurable for children. And they keep
learning and absorbing so many things from watching TV. It stimulates their imagination. Of particular
interest is the pleasure children derive from reading story books, colorful encyclopedias and such. Good
stories delight us and evoke our sense of wonder, while a good book of science and knowledge opens up
a whole world of wonder.


Children are passionately curious. They are curious minds, they are hungry minds. And they have so
much appetite. They are so eager and interested in knowing about the world around them in
constantly learning and exploring. This capacity to learn is what makes us human. When learning is
happening, our life is happening. Learning makes our life fun and exciting.


We were all children once. And even now, we remain children at heart, at the core of our being. But
something very bad happened. Many of us have lost this passion for learning.

Why? How did it happen?


Over the years we have become disinterested in learning because of wrong methods of education and
schooling. Learning becomes a task imposed on us. It becomes more like work and duty, rather than play
and fun. The joy of learning gets lost quite early on in our childhood itself, as we are forced to do loads
of homework and compelled to prepare for exams under great pressure. This is a tragedy.

Our natural sense of curiosity gets suppressed. Our immense appetite for learning and knowing
becomes soured.


Even as children become more intelligent, more knowledgeable, and capable as they grow up, the
natural impulses and inclinations of their minds are ignored and nearly crushed. Knowledge is force fed
into their growing minds, and proper digestion doesnt take place. Knowledge is gained but is not
assimilated. Thats why it becomes a burden on our minds, and many children develop an aversion to
learning as such. The spontaneous love for learning is replaced by fear of not doing well in the exams.


Fear replaces love as our chief motivating factor in learning. This is not just a tragedy but a disaster.
Because when the natural enthusiasm of our mind is heavily restrained, the mind starts losing its vitality.
Even as we become more knowledgeable, efficient and capable as we move from grade to grade, and
from elementary school to high school to college, something keeps dying deep within our minds, at the
very core its natural energy and intelligence, the passion to learn and know, the desire to explore, the
boundless sense of curiosity.


But the power of love is great. Love is such a fundamental attribute of our being that it can be
suppressed but not wiped out. Once we give it a little scope, it will bounce back with full force. The
irrepressible passion for learning and exploring, for growing and evolving, is even now alive and well
within us. Our mind too has a survival instinct, it wants to live and thrive, become strong and vibrant
again. You are your mind. You are a mind an intelligent mind, a passionate mind, a seeking and
searching, an exploring and adventuresome mind. Once you realize who you are, it will not be difficult to
become who you are, to become whole again, full of life, love and joy.


The spark of curiosity can be rekindled. The passion for exploring can be recaptured. The joy of learning
can be rediscovered.


What do we humans seek? We seek many things, but one of our deepest instincts is to crave for
pleasure and happiness, to move towards joy in whichever direction we can find it. Therefore when we
understand what a source of joy learning can be, how essential it is to our wellbeing, both in itself and in
the things it leads to, we become passionate learners, we become continual learners.


Continual learning is not only a pleasure and a joy, it is also crucial for our continued existence, for our
very survival on this planet, both as individuals and as a species.


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