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S e - Voice For Justice - e-news weekly

Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.09..Issue.32........09/08/2014
JUDGEs or Brokers of Justice ?

SCRAP Jaitapur & Koodankulam uclear Po!er
- An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India

#n #ndia corruption is rampant $ %&ene'er (i)
pro"ects are undertaken * t&e po!ers t&at (e !&o
&a'e earl+ inside information a(out oncomin)
pro"ect at a particular site (u+ t&e land from
locals at dirt c&eap price $ %&en t&e pro"ect is
pu(licl+ noti,ed * t&ese po!er (rokers sell t&ose
lands for premium to t&e aut&orities$ -&ese Po!er
(rokers are !orkin) as a po!erful lo((+ * to )et
t&e pro"ect )oin) so t&at t&e+ can make a pro,t
or else t&e+ !ill loss$

#n india * !e don/t &a'e ad'anced tec&nolo)+ to
&andle nuclear accidents "ust like fukus&ima or
medical competence * &ealt& care infrastructure
to pro'ide medical care to a.ected &uman (ein)s
of fukus&ima like tra)ed+$ 0#1E E2A3P0E
SU44ERR#G -#00 DA-E %A#-G 45R JUS-#CE *
PR5PER C53PESA-#5 * 6EA0-6 CARE $ E1E
-6A- CASE * -5P 3##S-ERS 6E0PED -6E CR#3#A0
-5 ESCAPE #D#A 0A% $ E'en t&e )o'ernment of
india is not trust!ort&+ $ E'en t&e )o'ernment of
india nor state )o'ernments &a'e !&ere !it&al to
pa+ compensations to a.ected people $ #n case if
suc& an accident like fukus&ima took place in india
* a.ected people are let do!n (+ t&e )o'ernment *
e'en for incompetent &ealt& care of t&e
)o'ernment & mea)er compensation (+
)o'ernment * a.ected people must s&ell out
(ri(e * !ait for +ears some times )o for liti)ation
to )et a mea)er sum$

Bi) 3Cs !&ile )ettin) orders in t&ird !orld
countries (ri(e t&ose in po!er * in turn t&e po!ers
t&at (e in t&e )o'ernment act as a po!erful lo((+
to )et t&e pro"ect cleared & )oin) at all cost $
-&e+ don/t e'en care a(out a.ected people * t&eir
&uman ri)&ts * t&e+ forci(l+ e'ict people usin)
(rute police force * (+ ,8in) local people in false
cases & send t&em to "ails$

-&e 3Cs in t&e race !&o "ust missed out )ettin)
t&e said order 9 pro"ect in t&ird !orld countries *
fund dis)runtled elements in t&e )o'ernment *
3edia & G5s to oppose t&e said pro"ect * to
stop t&e pro"ect$ -&is is anot&er lo((+$

o(od+ * reall+ cares a(out t&e a.ected people$
-&e 4undamental Principle of Democrac+ is
!orkin) of )o'ernment as per t&e !is&es *
aspirations of people$ %&o t&e 6ell are t&ese
lo((ies * 3Ps * 3inisters * G5s & Go'ernments
to forci(l+ impose a man eater nuclear pro"ect
o'er local people$ -&e role of )o'ernment * media
& G5s is to create a!areness a(out (ot&
positi'e & ne)ati'e impacts of t&e proposed
pro"ect on t&e local people & t&eir culture *
lifest+le$ -&eir role ends t&ere$ After t&is
a!areness is created * #f t&e local people !ants a
pro"ect it can )o a&ead * if t&e local people
re"ects t&e pro"ect * it must (e stopped$ -&at is
true democrac+$ o! * t&e )o'ernment of #ndia *
State Go'ernments of 3a&ars&tra & -amilnadu are
'iolatin) t&e (asic democratic ri)&ts of local
people (+ imposin) t&e JA#-APUR &
6ere(+ * !e ur)e t&e supreme court of india to
sta+ t&e (ot& pro"ects immediatel+$

Yours truly,

A!!ident " #udan$ulam Nu!lear %o&er %lant

:uestions of safet+ resurface after accident in
Kudankulam nuclear plant

Spillage of 'ot &ater at t'e #udan$ulam Nu!lear %o&er
%lant 'as injured at least si/ &or$ers 0 t'ree department
personnel and t'ree !ontra!tual &or$ers, raising
1uestions of safety again.
2'e a!!ident !omes just under a &ee$ after t'e Supreme
Court denied a petition !'allenging t'e safety measures
ta$en at t'e plant.
s. Sundar, #udan$ulam Station 3ire!tor, !on4rmed t'e
in!ident, adding t'at t'e injured &or$ers &ere gi5en 4rst
aid, s'ifted to a 'ospital and &ere out of danger.
Ho&e5er, a!ti5ists alleged t'at t'e !ompany &as trying
to do&nplay t'e safety !on!erns.
6If t'ere is 'ot &ater spillage it raises !ertain 1uestions
about t'e 1uality of e1uipment used and safety measures
in pla!e,7 said en5ironmental a!ti5ist Nityanand 8ayaram,
adding t'at t'e ape/ !ourt a!!epted t'e statements by
Nu!lear %o&er Corporation of India 9td :N%CI9; on fa!e
<n =ednesday, t'e injured &or$ers &ere 4rst gi5en 4rst-
aid treatment at t'e plant before being mo5ed to a
'ospital >, $m a&ay in Nager!oil. 8ayaram said t'is also
raised 1uestions on t'e preparedness of t'e plant in
dealing &it' a bigger a!!ident.
A!!ording to disaster management guidelines, a fully-
e1uipped multi-spe!ialty 'ospital s'ould be lo!ated &it'in
+ $m of t'e plant. Ho&e5er, t'e plant, &'i!' started
operations in <!tober last year, still doesnt !omply &it'
t'is rule.
Sundar said a multi-spe!ialty 'ospital 'ad been
!onstru!ted at t'e !ost of *, !rore, but isnt operational
yet. 2'e ?o5ernment is in t'e pro!ess of pro!uring
medi!al e1uipment, 'e said.
? Sundararajan, a C'ennai-based a!ti5ist and petitioner
in t'e !ases lodged against t'e #udan$ulam plant, said,
6=e stand 5indi!ated. =e urge t'e 2amil Nadu
?o5ernment to set up an independent !ommittee to loo$
into t'e safety measures at t'e plant.7 He said t'is
a!!ident opens up a !ase for 4ling a re5ie& petition &it'
t'e Supreme Court.
He said some s!rutiny &as also re1uired into t'e 1uality
of e1uipment used at t'e plant. @uestions 'ad earlier
been raised about sub-standard e1uipment being
imported by N%CI9 from a ussian !ompany Ai<-%odols$,
&'i!' is alleged to 'a5e supplied sub-standard
e1uipment to se5eral !ountries, in!luding India, Bulgaria,
Iran and C'ina, Sundararajan said.
A!ti5ists also raised 1uestions on t'e la!$ of response
from t'e !ompany itself.
62'is a!!ident doesnt !ome as a surprise, espe!ially
sin!e bot', ACB and N%CI9, seem to be in a 'urry to
!ommer!ialise a te!'nology t'at is in'erently
dangerous. 2'e plant and t'e state aut'orities refused to
s'are somet'ing e5en as basi! as t'e Cmergen!y %lan,
!iting se!urity !onsiderations. 2'ey seem to be more
interested in 'iding be'ind supposed se!urity reasons
t'an t'e safety of its employees,7 said HoDefa Mer!'ant,
anti-nu!lear energy !ampaigner, ?reenpea!e India.

Six injured in Kudankulam Nuclear-plant accident in Tamil Nadu

Si/ &or$ers &ere injured at 2amil NaduEs #udan$ulam
Nu!lear %o&er %roje!t :#N%%; =ednesday &'en 'ot &ater
spilled on t'em &'ile t'ey &ere !arrying out maintenan!e
&or$, said a senior oF!ial.GSi/ &or$ers &ere on some
maintenan!e job &'en 'ot &ater spilled on t'em &'ile
&or$ing on a pipeline. 2'ey 'a5e been admitted to
'ospital. 2'ere is not'ing to &orry about t'eir safety,G
.S. Sundar, #N%% site dire!tor, told IANS o5er p'one.
He denied reports about any boiler 'a5ing burst in t'e
4rst unit of t'e #N%% and added t'at t'e rea!tor &as
fun!tioning properly and t'ere &as no &orry on t'at
!ount.2'e injured &or$ers &ere admitted to t'e Nu!lear
%o&er Corporation of India 9td :N%CI9; 'ospital in
#udan$ulam to&n, Sundar said.
M. %us'parayan, an a!ti5ist of t'e %eopleEs Mo5ement
Against Nu!lear Cnergy :%MANC;, told IANS o5er p'one
from 2uti!orin( G=e are not sure &'ere t'e injured
&or$ers 'a5e been admitted. %eople 'a5e seen si/
ambulan!es going beyond t'e to&ns'ip.G? Sundarrajan,
&'o 'ad mo5ed t'e Supreme Court against t'e
!ommissioning of t'e plant, said( G2odayEs a!!ident at t'e
#N%% is an indi!ation of t'e status of t'e proje!t. 2'e
parts are t'ird-rate and it is a &arning message for t'e
people of 2amil Nadu.G
2'e N%CI9 is setting up t&o *,,,, M= atomi! po&er
plants &it' ussian te!'nology in #udan$ulam in
2irunel5eli distri!t around -+, $m from 'ere.

Are the lives o I!"i#!s Che#$er th#! Ele%tri%it& $ro"'%e"
(& !'%le#r $o)er -- Gover!*e!t +#%,i!- or Cri*i!#l
Re%e!tl& . (oth ho'ses o $#rli#*e!t h#s $#sse" the (ill
/N'%le#r A%%i"e!t Li#(ilit& +ill0 . )here (& o'r le#r!e" MPs
h#ve sol" the lives o I!"i#!s Dirt Che#$1 The C#$ o 2344
%rore r'$ees s$re#" over %rores o I!"i#!s livi!- !e#r the
!'%le#r #%ilities %o!si"eri!- the $o$'l#tio! "e!sit& )or,s
o't to 5'st e) tho's#!"s1 Eve! the -over!*e!t
$#&s *o!e& #(ove 2344 %rore %#$ . it is the t#6 $#&er7s
*o!e& . o'r o)! *o!e&1 The Proit is *#"e . e!5o&e" .
si$ho!e" o (& MNC to it7s overse#s oi%e . )hile or their
)ro!- "oi!- . )e h#ve to s'er & $#& *o!e& ro* o'r o)!
$o%,et or o'rselves1 It is ri"i%'lo's1
+eore e!#%ti!- the l#) o! /N'%le#r A%%i"e!t Li#(ilit&
+ill0 . Gover!*e!t o I!"i# sho'l" %o!si"er the
ollo)i!- iss'es
21 The ter* N'%le#r A%%i"e!t *'st i!%l'"e the "#*#-es
%#'se" "'e to r#"i#tio! le#, #e%ti!- the e*$lo&ees i! the
!'%le#r #%ilit& . the $eo$le livi!- !e#r the #%ilit& & $eo$le
#e%te" (& the el'e!ts . s%r#$s -e!er#te" (& the !'%le#r
<1 The -over!*e!t o I!"i# "oes !ot h#ve #!& ri-ht to i6
# $ri%e t#- or the lives o I!"i#!s . th#t too %he#$er th#! US
=1 The N'%le#r $o)er -e!er#ti!- %o*$#!ies
*'st i!%or$or#te s#et& i!r#str'%t're & $ro%e"'res #s the&
"o i! US *#r,et . !ot #!& o(solete te%h!olo-&1
>1 I! USA & other "evelo$i!- %o'!tries . the& h#ve ver&
h'-e . ei%ie!t so%i#l se%'rit& !et)or, . v#st $ool o
reso'r%es $'t i! (& !'%le#r $o)er -e!er#ti!- %o*$#!ies
the*selves . to t#,e %#re o the #e%te" i! %#se o # !'%le#r
#%%i"e!t 1 I! I!"i# )e "o!7t h#ve th#t t&$e o so%i#l se%'rit&
!et)or, !or *#t%hi!- reso'r%es . thereore i"e#ll& I!"i#
*'st i6 # !'%le#r li#(ilit& %#$ *'%h hi-her th#! US *#r,et
i! "oll#r ter*s1
31 Also the %o*$#!& *'st (e *#"e li#(le or the
%o*$lete %le#! '$ o the #%ilit& & s'rro'!"i!- to)!s .
vill#-es . he#lth %#re to #ll the #e%te" vi%ti*s o! $#r )ith
US *#r,et . i! %#se # !'%le#r #%%i"e!t h#$$e!s1
?1 The N'%le#r E@'i$*e!t S'$$liers . N'%le#r Pl#!t
O$er#tors to-ether )ith their res$e%tive -over!*e!ts li,e
USA . U; *'st st#!" #s -'#r#!tors 1
A1 The Lie I!s'r#!%e Co*$#!ies i! I!"i# M'st $#&
i!s're" #*o'!t to !o*i!ees o i!s're" i! %#se o !'%le#r
#%%i"e!ts B r#"i#tio! #e%ts i! #""itio! to %o*$e!s#tio! (&
the !'%le#r $o)er %o*$#!ies 1 #s o !o) *#!& lie
i!s'r#!%e %o*$#!ies #re !ot %overi!- !'%le#r #%%i"e!ts B
r#"i#tio! #e%ts1
Neither o'r MPs . C#(i!et *i!isters !or IAS (#('s h#ve the
ri-ht to "e%i"e the #te o %o**o! $eo$le & i6 # r#te or
lives o I!"i#!s1 The& #re !ot e6$erts i! this iel" . the&
sho'l" !ot %o!%l'"e #!& "e#ls . "e%isio!s i! # h'sh h'sh
*#!!er 1 M#!& s%#*s h#ve %o*e o't o h'sh h'sh "e#ls 1
No(o"& . !o MP . !o *i!ister . !o IAS oi%er h#s $#i" ro*
his $erso!#l $o%,et to the vi%ti*s o i!"'stri#l "is#sters .
et%1 Ater #ll MPs . Mi!isters . IAS (#('s #re $'(li%
serv#!ts . the& *'st 5'st re$rese!t the voi%es o $eo$le .
)e $eo$le "o!7t )#!t their $erso!#l e6$ertise & o$i!io!s1
O'r Poli%& *#,ers *'st hee" to the $'(li% #"vi%e o
se!ior s%ie!tists . e6$erts i! the iel" o !'%le#r $o)er
-e!er#tio! 1
O%o'rse . #s # res'lt '!it $ri%e o ele%tri%it& )ill -et ro!t
lo#"e" . )e *#& !ot -et %he#$ ele%tri%it& 1 ('t the lives o
I!"i#!s #re *'%h v#l'#(le th#! Ele%tri%t&1 The $erso! )ho
(e!eits ro* %he#$ ele%tri%it& C I!"'stri#lists "oes !ot $#&
ro* his $o%,et to the vi%ti*s o "is#sters 1
Develo$*e!t !ot #t the %ost o s#et& & lives1 This *'st
"#)! o! o'r ill i!or*e" $oli%& *#,ers #t the e#rliest 1 :#i
Hi!" 1 D#!"e M#t#r#* 1
8o'r7s Si!%erel& .

Set Up Enquiry Into Koodankulam Scam
By Admiral (retd) L. Ramdas

ear !rime "inister#
$t is %ith deep anguish that $ %rite to &ou# once again# to dra%
&our attention to matters that affect the safet& of our people in
light of the latest revelations regarding the Koodankulam Nuclear
!o%er !lant in Tamil Nadu. 'rankl& $ hesitated to %rite# since m&
recent letters to did not seem to merit a serious response from
&our office.
"& decision to go ahead and share m& concerns %as finall&
influenced b& the fact that $ have kno%n &ou for almost three
decades no% ( in all &our )avatars* as professor# secretar& in the
'inance "inistr&# and 'inance "inister# %hen $ %as the Naval
+hief. $ am addressing this letter to the good doctor %ho took
office as !rime "inister bringing %ith him impeccable credentials
as a man of integrit& and genuine commitment to the people of
$ am hoping that &ou %ill live up to m& expectations in the matter
of taking immediate note of serious developments at the KKN!!
$t is no secret that $ have been against nuclear energ& in $ndia.
,o%ever# toda& $ seek to highlight the mounting evidence
available -see annexures. regarding the fears expressed in
countless forums# about safet& and in particular# allegations of
corruption associated %ith the shodd& manufacture and suppl& of
sub standard materials b& the /ussian suppliers to the KKN!!
over a period of time publicl& articulated in a ne%spaper article b&
r 0K 1opalakrishnan# a former head of the 02/3. This is
shocking to sa& the least. 2ven %orse ho%ever# is the studied
silence from the highest office in the land ( namel& the !"4.
This# together %ith the recent press release from 02/3 -placed at
0nnexure. %hich is a masterpiece of pious platitudes # totall&
minimises the seriousness of the situation# and sadl& discredits
the professionalism of both our political and scientific
5ou are %ell a%are that unlike an& other project being executed in
the countr& toda&# nuclear po%er plants in particular must be
treated %ith utmost caution and must include multiple safeguards
before commissioning. 0n accident at Koodankulam# or an& other
nuclear plant site could be catastrophic. The %orld is still counting
the cost ( human and ecological ( of the devastation caused b&
the nuclear accidents in +hernob&l and 'ukushima. The gro%ing
allegations# from /ussian and international sources# of graft and
%idespread involvement in the suppl& of sub standard materials#
b& /ussian +ompan& 6i4-!odolsk in Koodankulam# does not
augur %ell for building an& kind of confidence among the people
%ho are likel& to suffer most. The !eoples "ovement against
Nuclear 2nerg& -!"0N2. has consistentl& stressed this in
countless submissions# documents and depositions.
$ assume that the 02 and the N!+$7 have alread& brought these
facts to &our notice and alerted the authorities in this regard.
"an& respected and responsible voices across the countr& have
been raising the alarm over several &ears no% %ith regard to our
seemingl& insatiable appetite to implement nuclear po%er projects
at an& cost. 0las all of these seem to be falling on deaf ears. $n
m& vie%# &ou can no longer afford to ignore the %arning signals
and need to act no% %ith speed and determination .
$n vie% of all the foregoing $ %ould like to therefore recommend :
8. $mmediate suspension of all activities to%ards commissioning
of /eactors 8 and 9 at Koodankulam.
9. The 1overnment should set up a special team comprising
independent experts %ith impeccable credentials# -ie other than
those in the 02 and N!+$7. to do a thorough and
comprehensive investigation of the actual state of the materials#
the structures and the likel& areas %hich have been
compromised. This must be carried out 32'4/2 the reactor is
commissioned# as has been clearl& articulated b& r
$ look for%ard to an 2xecutive 4rder from m& !rime "inister (
ordering all activities at KKN!! to be put on hold pending the
outcome of this investigation. This %ill be a true reflection of a
courageous leader for %hom the concerns for the %ell being and
safet& of his people %ill remain uppermost . 0t this point of time#
the /ussian nuclear industr&# or for that matter an& other foreign
nuclear supplier# need us more than %e need them ( and there is
no reason for us to either protect them or safeguard their poor
performance %hich could endanger our people.
$ am placing a number of enclosures at the 0nnexure %hich
elaborate the points $ have made.
Toda& the nation is angered and saddened b& the terrible and
%anton violence %rought on a &oung five &ear old girl in elhi. 0
nuclear disaster has the potential to snatch a%a& thousands of
&oung ones and this is certainl& not something that an&
government %ould like to see happen.
$ sincerel& hope that &our sagacit& %ill prevail over political
:ith highest regards#
7. /amdas

Letter To !R" #n uclear Lia$ility %or IAEA&s Treaty
By 'opal Kris(na
*ustice S(ri K.'. Balakris(nan
T(e "(airperson
ational !uman Ri+(ts "ommission (!R")
%aridkot !ouse) "opernicus ,ar+) e- .el(i
Su$/ !uman ri+(ts 0iolations 1rom nuclear dama+e 2 its
impact on (uman li1e and en0iro2occupational (ealt(
T(is !on3$le "ommission (as $een seriously pursuin+ t(e
pro$lem o1 4en0iro2occupational (ealt(5) and (as $een
takin+ 4pre0enti0e5 as -ell as 4remedial5 measures. It is
(um$ly $rou+(t to your notice t(at t(ere is anot(er equally
serious en0iro2occupational (a6ard -(ic( is e7posure 1rom
radioacti0e radiations and -astes. T(e issue o1 lia$ility 1or
nuclear dama+e is directly linked to it. T(e +ra0e pro$lem o1
diseases caused to present and 1uture +enerations $y
radiation e7posures is required to $e addressed as it a11ects
en0ironment and (uman (ealt( and 0iolates Article 89 o1 t(e
"onstitution) .irecti0e :rinciples as -ell as 4(uman ri+(ts5
as de1ined under t(e U.!R) I"":R and I"ES"R.
8. T(at at t(e outset) t(e Applicant -is(es to re1er to t(e
pro$lem o1 e7posure 1rom radioacti0e radiations. T(e
Supreme "ourt (as looked at t(e entire issue) keepin+ in
0ie- t(e .irecti0e :rinciples as -ell as Article 89 o1 t(e
"onstitution) and (eld t(at 4li1e5 includes ri+(t to (ealt( and
medical care etc. T(ere is no data$ase on t(e records o1 t(e
'o0ernment to s(o-) to t(e $est o1 Applicant3s kno-led+e)
as to -(at actions t(e 'o0ernment (as taken) namely) (o-
many persons (a0e $een reported to $e su11erin+ 1rom
e7posure to radioacti0e radiation; !o- many (a0e died; .id
t(ey recei0e any compensation; !o- many persons
su11erin+ 1rom it are recei0in+ treatment;
<. T(at t(e Applicant is an en0ironmental (ealt( researc(er
-(o -as in0ited to make su$missions $e1ore t(e
:arliamentary Standin+ "ommittee on Science = Tec(nolo+y)
En0ironment = %orests 1ollo-in+ a -ritten su$mission on
"i0il Lia$ility 1or uclear .ama+e Bill) 8>9> -(ic( is meant to
pa0e t(e -ay 1or India to si+n International Atomic Ener+y
A+ency (IAEA)3s "on0ention on Supplementary
"ompensation ("S") 1or uclear .ama+e) 9??@.
A. T(at in its 8B pa+e report on "i0il Lia$ility 1or uclear
.ama+e Bill) 8>9>) :arliamentary Standin+ "ommittee on
Science = Tec(nolo+y) En0ironment = %orests -(ic( -as
ta$led in t(e RaCya Sa$(a and Lok Sa$(a on 9Dt( Au+ust)
8>9>.o$ser0es) 4E(en t(e "ommittee inquired 1rom t(e
Secretaries o1 ,inistriesF.epartments o1 'o0ernment o1 India
-(o appeared $e1ore t(e "ommittee as to -(et(er t(e dra1t
nuclear lia$ility Bill -as re1erred to t(em 1or t(eir
0ie-sFcomments) some o1 t(em 0i6. ,inistries o1 !ealt( =
%amily Eel1are) A+riculture) La$our = Employment) %ood =
:u$lic .istri$ution) etc. replied in t(e ne+ati0e. T(e
"ommittee is o1 t(e opinion t(at 'o0ernment must (a0e
sou+(t t(e opinion o1 ,inistries -(ic( are e0en distantly
related to any pro0ision o1 t(e le+islation. T(e "ommittee)
t(ere1ore) recommends t(at in 1uture 'o0ernment s(ould
consult all suc( ,inistriesF .epartments -(ic( are e0en
remotely concerned -it( t(e pro0isions o1 a proposed
le+islation.5 T(is !on3$le "ommission may take co+ni6ance
o1 t(e su$missions o1 t(ese Secretaries and direct t(e
concerned aut(orities to internali6e t(eir su++estions in t(e
te7t o1 t(e Bill to protect t(e (uman ri+(ts o1 Indian citi6ens
and sa1e+uard inter+enerational equity.
B. T(at) in 0ie- o1 t(e 1acts mentioned a$o0e) t(e applicant
(um$ly su$mits t(at t(e !on3$le "ommission may kindly
initiate appropriate proceedin+s and issue directions to all
t(e concerned Secretaries o1 t(e "entral 'o0ernment and
rele0ant StatesFUTs -it( re+ard to t(e 1ollo-in+ /
!o- -ould t(ey respond in t(e e0ent o1 a nuclear disaster;
.o t(ey kno- as to (o- many industriesF1actories e7ist in
t(e StatesFUTs -(ere radioacti0e material is used; Is t(ere
an in0entory o1 products -(erein t(e said material is used;
E(at is t(e total num$er o1 -orkers employed in t(e nuclear
po-er industries and ot(er nuclear installations;
E(et(er t(ere is re+ular medical c(eck2up and -(et(er
medical 1acilities e7ist 1or -orkers and communities in t(e
0icinity o1 nuclear installations;
E(et(er t(ere is any record o1 persons -(o died $ecause o1
radioacti0e radiation;
!o- many persons su11er 1rom radioacti0e radiation and
-(et(er t(ey are recei0in+ re+ular treatment 1or t(e said
E(at steps StatesFUTs (a0e taken to c(eckFpre0ent
occurrence o1 radioacti0e radiations and (o- many (ospitals
dealin+ -it( t(e en0iro2occupational diseases e7ist in t(e
!o- many institutions in t(e country (a0e t(e competence to
decontaminate and (o- many medical) occupational (ealt(
and scienti1ic institutions can dia+nose radiation e7posure;
E(at action (as $een taken $y t(e central +o0ernment and
t(e State 'o0ernmentsFUTs (a0e taken to protect e7posure
1rom radiation in t(e 1uture;
G. T(at it is su$mitted t(at t(is !on3$le "ommission 1or t(e
purpose o1 collectin+ t(e a$o0e in1ormation) may also take
t(e $ene1it o1 its e7perience in t(e case o1 en0iro2
occupational diseases -(ic( are pre0enta$le $ut incura$le.
By +i0in+ medicines) impact o1 radioacti0e radiation can $e
reduced and li1e span can $e prolon+ed $ut ultimately 1ate o1
t(e a11ected person is pain1ul deat(. A $rie1 note on t(e issue
o1 lia$ility 1rom nuclear dama+e and t(e su$missions o1 t(e
concerned Secretaries o1 t(e central +o0ernment is enclosed
as Anne7ure A
@. T(at t(e applicant -is(es to $rin+ to t(is !on3$le
"ommission3s notice t(at India (as rati1ied Radiation
:rotection "on0ention) 9?G> o1 t(e International La$our
#r+anisation (IL#) $ut its pro0isions (a0e not $een complied
-it(. India is yet to rati1y IL#3s #ccupational "ancer
"on0ention) 9?@A -(ic( is concernin+ :re0ention and
"ontrol o1 #ccupational !a6ards caused $y "arcino+enic
Su$stances and A+ents took co+ni6ance o1 t(e Radiation
:rotection "on0ention and Radiation :rotection
Recommendation. It re1ers to t(e -ork done $y International
A+ency 1or Researc( on "ancer and T(e International
"ommission on Radiolo+ical :rotection (I"R:) t(at pro0ides
+uidance on all aspects o1 protection a+ainst ionisin+
radiation. Article G o1 t(e IL#&s Radiation :rotection
"on0ention -it( re+ard to 4,a7imum permissi$le doses o1
ionisin+ radiations -(ic( may $e recei0ed 1rom sources
e7ternal to or internal to t(e $ody and ma7imum permissi$le
amounts o1 radioacti0e su$stances -(ic( can $e taken into
t(e $ody5 (as $een i+nored. Article @ o1 t(e "on0ention calls
1or 4Appropriate le0els5 $e 1i7ed in accordance -it( Article G
1or -orkers -(o are directly en+a+ed in radiation -ork and
are (a) a+ed 9D and o0erH ($) under t(e a+e o1 9D) o -orker
under t(e a+e o1 9G to $e en+a+ed in -ork in0ol0in+ ionisin+
radiations and Article D t(at seeks 4Appropriate le0els (to $e)
1i7ed in accordance -it( Article G 1or -orkers -(o are not
directly en+a+ed in radiation -ork) $ut -(o remain or pass
-(ere t(ey may $e e7posed to ionisin+ radiations or
radioacti0e su$stances.5 .ra1ters o1 t(e uclear Lia$ility Bill
appear to (a0e i+nored t(eir recommendations.
D. It is (um$ly prayed t(at t(is !on3$le "ommission may
enquire Fin0esti+ate into t(e pro$lem o1 radioacti0e radiation
and issue necessary directionsFrecommendation 1or its
pre0ention and appropriate remedial steps to t(e "entral
'o0ernmentFState 'o0ernments and UTs.
Iours %ait(1ully
'opal Kris(na

,r. :rime ,inister) !ere Is Iet Anot(er Scam Ri+(t Under
Iour ose.
And It !as %ar ,ore .an+erous Implications
By .r. E A S Sarma

Department of Atomic Energy in India comes right under the
Prime Minister. The revelation of a mega-scam in Russia
involving supply of sub-standard euipment in !oodan"ulam#s
Russian supplier has met $ith denials from the DAE and the
%P&I' (e are reproducing )ormer Po$er *ecretary Dr. EA*
*arma#s letter to the PM on the issue. This is the latest among
the several letters sent to the Prime Minister by Dr. *arma +old
letters can be accessed here, here, here, here and here-

ear r. "anmohan Singh#
$ have enclosed copies of m& three letters 8st cited and a cop& of
02/3*s press release 9nd cited.
02# N!+$7 and 02/3 seem to be determined to function in a
highl& opa;ue manner. 7ack of transparenc& %ill lead to
misinformation and doubts. There have been rumours about a
series of mishaps at Kudankulam. $ have just heard about injuries
and loss of life among the %orkers as a result of shocks from
defective cables. $ am not sure %hether these rumours represent
the factual situation at Kudankulam. ,ad 02/ 02/3 insisted on
N!+$7 functioning in a transparent manner# it %ould have set to
rest some of the unsubstantiated rumours and correctl& informed
the public of the reasons for the actual failures# if an&.
The fears expressed b& some of us on the deplo&ment of sub-
standard e;uipment in Kudankulam stand full& corroborated b&
the latest admission made b& 02/3 in its press release 9nd cited.
The cr&ptic %ording used b& 02/3 has raised more
apprehensions than provide an& clarit& on the issues raised b&
me in m& letters.
The fact that 02/3 is subordinate to 02 and# therefore# cannot
be vie%ed as a credible# independent regulator# as corroborated
b& +<01 in its recent report# further compounds the
apprehensions expressed b& me.
$t should be noted in this connection that# apart from m& letters
addressed to &ou# there have been several reports in both
domestic and external ne%s media on rampant corruption
prevailing among the /ussian companies %ho seem to have
supplied sub-standard nuclear e;uipment to several countries
including $ndia. $t is under intense pressure from the civil societ&
that 02/3 has finall& condescended to make a statement# that
too apparentl& half-hearted# on the detection of =four defective
valves> in the Kudankulam reactors?
3oth 02 and 02/3 have been silent on instances of corruption
reported from /ussia# their possible adverse impact on the ;ualit&
of the e;uipment used at Kudankulan and the potential dangers
associated in 02 going ahead %ith the commissioning of the
po%er project.
'or example# in addition to defective valves# it is possible that the
strength of the material used in the other e;uipment is not as per
the safet& specifications stipulated for the same. @nless 02/
N!+$7# in consultation %ith 02/3# investigate the magnitude of
the scam in /ussia and traces its impact on each component of
the Kudankulam plant# it %ill not be possible for 02/3 to
understand the inherent risks associated %ith its operation. 3&
restricting itself to looking at a fe% isolated components# 02/3
ma& have missed out on the larger picture of Kudankulam. Some
of the components made from sub-standard material ma& seem to
%ork satisfactoril& during the limited trial operations but give %a&
once the plant is full& commissioned. Kudankulam is not just one
more industrial project. $t is a project that is based on nuclear
technolog& in %hich there are glaring gaps in the scientific
kno%ledge. @nlike in the case of the other industrial projects# a
nuclear accident can have mind boggling conse;uences# both
extensive and inter-generational.
"& letters on the reported instance of corruption among the
/ussian supplier companies have not elicited an& response either
from 02/ N!+$7 or 02/3. ,as 02 chosen to keep its e&es
closed to the implications emanating from the /ussian scamA 0re
the officials of 02 and N!+$7 involved in it in one %a& or the
$ am afraid that the %a& 02 has been handling this %hole matter
raises serious apprehensions in m& mind. uring the meeting %ith
the /ussian !resident at the recent 3/$+S meeting in urban#
&ou have personall& assured the latter that Kudankulam %ould be
commissioned in 0pril. 0pril has gone b& and it is doubtful
%hether the plant can be started even in "a& or even Bune. 3ut#
02 seems to be under intense pressure from /ussia to start the
plant at an& cost# %ithout an& sensitivit& to%ards the safet& of the
people residing around the project. Should %e not care for the
%elfare of our o%n peopleA Should $ndia cave in to such an
unreasonable external pressureA $s there a =foreign hand>
operating on $ndia and its rulersA
There are thousands of individual components in a nuclear po%er
plant. The failure of one of these can result in a major accident
that can sno%ball into a 'ukushima. Should 02 be allo%ed to
endanger the lives of the people for the sake of shielding its o%n
failures and the failures on the part of the external suppliersA
Till date# N!+$7 has not cared to ensure that the local authorities
and the people residing around Kudankulam are prepared for a
major disaster# though the ,on*ble "adras ,igh +ourt had given
a clear direction on it. 4n the other hand# the same N!+$7 is
tr&ing to shield the suppliers %ho have apparentl& supplied sub-
standard e;uipment. This does not augur %ell for the project. $f at
all a 'ukushima-like accident %ere to take place at Kudankulam#
the responsibilit& %ould then s;uarel& rest on those in 02#
N!+$7 and 02/3 %ho seem to have connived %ith the suppliers.
$f &ou reall& care for the safet& of the public# "r. !rime "inister#
&ou should initiall& order a one-&ear moratorium of the
commissioning of Kudankulam# pending a thorough investigation
into the suppl& of sub-standard e;uipment and its safet&
implications. $f there is an iota of doubt about the safet&# a prudent
option %ould be to close do%n the project# as the lives of the
people are more valuable than the cost of closure.
5ours sincerel&#
'ormer Secretar& to 1overnment of $ndia

Koodankulam/ A "ourt In T(e Supreme "ontempt #1 Its
By : K Sundaram
CD "a&# 9C8E
The *upreme &ourt#s verdict on !oodan"ulam rests on three
hugely contested premises. the /udges# belief in the necessity of
the nuclear energy for India#s progress, their faith in the country#s
nuclear establishment to perform its role, and the /udges# notion
of the larger public interest and the apprehensions of small
sections $hich should ma"e $ay for the country#s progress. %ot
only have the /udges given /udicial sanctity to these contestable
propositions, but have also completely overloo"ed the
!oodan"ulam-specific bra0en violations of the government#s o$n
norms, raised by the petitioners.
The Supreme +ourt*s judgement on Koodankulam %ould go in
$ndia*s histor& in line %ith the Narmada am verdict and other
judicial pronouncement reflecting the inabilit& of our post-
independence democratic institutions to overcome the narro%l&
defined confines of Flarger public interest*# Fdevelopment/gro%th*
and Fnational conscience*.
E(ose interests are lar+er;
:hile the petition filed b& the +hennai-based environmentalist
group !oovulagin Nanbargal presented specific concerns of
safet& haGards and violations of the government*s o%n norms in
implementing the project# $ndia*s gro%th and the assumed
indispensabilit& of nuclear energ& for it is a recurring rationale in
the Supreme +ourt*s final verdict. The judges have gone be&ond
the scope of the pra&er and have extolled nuclear energ& as
essential for $ndia*s gro%th# terming the Ffears* of people as
misplaced. The judgement goes on to prescribe that Fminor
inconveniences* must be tolerated in the larger interest of the
:eople&s ,o0ement is Emotional 1ear) uclear Esta$lis(ment
(as t(e E7pertise
The second paragraph of the judgement itself calls the people*s
massive agitation in Koodankulam an =emotional reaction> to the
setting up of the reactor. $t almost mocks the people*s concern
sa&ing the =fears and unrest> might not have been thought of b&
2nrico 'ermi %ho set up the first nuclear po%er plant. Since then#
the judgement sa&s# people have reacted emotionall& %hen ever&
ne% reactor is commissioned. The judgement goes on to add that
the people*s concern %as mooted even the constituent assembl&
%hen the +onstitution %as being drafted. oes this impl& that
nuclear energ& in $ndia should be regarded a fait accompliA
The judgement accepts the establishment*s narrative on nuclear
energ& in $ndia un;uestioningl&.
HH The judgement extols the 0tomic 2nerg& +ommission I02+J
as the repositor& of final authorit& on ever&thing nuclear and the
0tomic 2nerg& /egulator& 3oard I02/3J as a competent
regulator# glossing over its dependence on the 02+ for funds and
human resources and its being obliged to report to the 02+
%hose activities it is essentiall& mandated to regulate.
HH The verdict also reposes complete faith in the national polic&
on nuclear energ& and the existing frame%ork to control and
regulate all radioactivit&-related activities in $ndia.
HH @nder the title FNational !olic&* Ipage KJ the judges narrate the
evolution of $ndia*s 9C nuclear po%er stations built over last four
decades producing LMDC ":s toda& %ith a rare clinical coldness#
%ithout ;uestioning the nuclear establishment*s claims and its
performances in the same period# %hile under the same title on
page 8C# it mentions that rene%able sources provide =small share>
of our total electricit& ( 8NO# %hich is actuall& P times more than
the share of nuclear energ&.
HH $n its overvie% of the global status of nuclear energ&# the rapid
do%n%ard trend of the industr& post-'ukushima doesn*t find a
mention ( 'rance produces ML.PO# @S has 8CL reactors# %orld
had LEK reactors in 9CCM producing 8E-8LO of total energ&. The
realit& is# nuclear po%er produced just 88O in $n 9C88 and
the do-n-ard trend is e7pected to continue due to larger
number of reactors ageing and lesser numbers being built toda&.
HH $t doesn*t even ;uestion the N!+$7*s claims of producing
9C#CCC ": b& the &ear 9C9C and PE#CCC ": b& 9CEC.
HH Transgressing the scope of the petition# the judges have
mentioned that =one of the reasons for preferring nuclear energ&
as an alternative source of energ& is that it is a clean# safe#
reliable and competitive energ& source %hich can replace a
significance of the fossil fuel like coal# oil# gas etc.> The judges
have not bothered to see that each of these adjectives have been
;uestioned and have led to revie% of national policies# including in
'rance %here a national energ& transformation la% is under%a&.
0s the ;uestions raised in the petition involved technical problems
plaguing the Koodankulam project# the +ourt consulted the
government*s experts ( officials from the Nuclear !o%er
+orporation of $ndia 7imited IN!+$7J and the 0tomic 2nerg&
/egulator& 3oard I02/3J. @nfortunatel&# no independent
institutionalised expertise on nuclear issues exists in $ndia outside
the confines of the epartment of 0tomic 2nerg&. This led to a
situation in %hich the Budges have no option than to believe the
same official experts against %hose refusal to ackno%ledge the
risks %as the petition filed. :hile this made the entire proceeding
lop-sided in the first place# there %as still scope for the judges to
look into the glaring violations and specific risks in Koodakulam
%hich do not fall strictl& under nuclear expert issues.
The crucial issues of suppl& of sub-standard e;uipments b& 6i4-
!odolsk# violation of +oastal /egulator& 6one stipulations and
2nvironmental $mpact 0ssessment norms# lack of clarit& on the
crucial issue of spent fuel storage# non-compliance %ith proper
mock evacuation drill re;uired b& the 02/3 norms# much larger
population in the vicinit& than stipulated etc. have either been
glossed over or have been legaliGed post-facto.
"ourt 0alidatin+ a political deal;
The judgement mentions $ndia*s civil nuclear agreement %ith the
@S in 9CCN and then %ith 'rance and @K in 9CCD and 9C8C# and
explains them as the govt*s effort give effect to the =National
!olic& for development> for %hich =$ndia has entered into various
bilateral treaties and arrangements %ith countries %hich have
considerable expertise and experience>. $t is a %ell kno%n fact
that the nuclear deal came from the @S side and the energ&
justification %as a later concoction to justif& it. The integrated
energ& polic& of 9CCP came one &ear after the $ndo-@S nuclear
deal. $n fact# it %as the nuclear establishment in $ndia %hich %as
the first one to get surprised %ith the ne%s of $ndo-@S nuclear
deal in 9CCN. The deal %as essentiall& about the @S manoeuvring
internationals institutions norms of the NS1 and the $020 to
legitimise $ndia*s nuclear %eapons and ensure its entr& into global
international commerce. $ndia*s compulsor& purchase of the
'rench# 0merican and /ussian reactors %as a price it paid to
achieve this. 'ormer 02+ +hairman 0nil kakodkar himself has
admitted in the past that importing foreign reactors# %ith an
embarrassingl& lo% liabilit& cap# had to do %ith accommodating
these countries* interests.
uclear Ener+y and ational :olicy
0fter enthusiasticall& elaborating $ndia*s national polic& on nuclear
energ&# the judges sa&# =it is not for +ourts to determine %hether a
particular polic& or a particular decision taken in fulfilment of a
polic&# is fair> Ipage 8EJ. !recisel&. The petition before the court
no%here sought to discuss the rationale or desirabilit& of the
nuclear polic&# if at all $ndia has one. The petition raised concrete
;uestions about safet& norms and their violations. Then %h& the
judges have %ent on to declare nuclear energ& is green# clean
and essential for $ndia*s developmentA The judges ;uote an old
case in 7odon to undermine that its =onl& dut& is to expand the
language of the 0ct in accordance %ith the settled rules of
construction># and hence =%e cannot sit in judgment over the
decisionQfor setting up of KKN!! in Kudankulam in vie% of the
$ndo-/ussia agreement>. 'ine# but %hat about ensuring that the
inter-governmental agreement bet%een $ndia and /ussia is made
public and the liabilit& provisions %ithin it be made compliant to
the la% of the landA
0fter the aforementioned introductor& part# the S+ verdict has t%o
parts ( the first deals %ith safet& and securit& of N!!#
$nternational +4nventiions and Treaties# KKN!! !roject# NS'
and its management and transportation# 1/# +ivil 7iabilities#
"0# +S0 and other related issues. !art $$ deals %ith
environmental issues# +/6# desalination plant# impact of radiation
on eco-s&stem# expert opinions# etc.
$n part $# the verdict seeks to find out %hether the project has
ade;uate safet& measures. $n doing so# it starts %ith elaborating
the Safet& +odes of the 02/3 Iin 89 full pagesJ# %ithout
;uestioning its institutional autonom& or making mention of the
+01*s report on the 02/3 in %hich it strips do%n the m&th of
02/3*s independence and its efficac&. etails of $ndia*s
international obligations and its adherence %ith $020 safet&
norms# based on the 02/3*s submission# take several pages
$020*s 9CCD report emphasiGing tripling of electricit& suppl& b&
9CNC is highlighted b& the judges. The $020*s contested claim of
nuclear energ& being a lo%-carbon electricit& is adopted
The verdict reposes its complete faith in =the safet& and securit&
code of practices laid do%n b& the 02/3# the $020 and its
supports so as to alla& the fears expressed from various ;uarters
on the safet& and securit& of KKN!!>
The judges mention !@+7 vs @nion of $ndia and others case of
9CCL# %here the court upheld that the 02+ deals %ith a sensitive
subject. The veil of secrec& remains intact in 9C8E even if the
civilian and militar& nuclear facilities are separated as per the
$ndo-@S nuclear deal.
Sa1ety Issues/
/eading the Supreme +ourt verdict*s sections on Koodankulam*s
safet& is not much different than reading 02/3*s or N!+$7*s
stated policies on nuclear safet&. 2laborate claims of safet&
standards and practices# but ver& little about %hether these
guidelines sufficientl& address the specific ;uestions raised b& the
protests# even less on ho% efficient and democratic these
procedures are.
$n the section under part-$$ titled =KKN!! !roject> the judges have
looked into site selection procedures and site-specific
vulnerabilities of Koodankulam. The judges come out convinced
that Koodankulam is totall& safe for the reactor project ( having
absolutel& no potential of earth;uake# Tsunami or other geological
disturbances. The evidences presented b& the petitioners about
the area being geologicall& unstable and having a histor& of
earth;uakes# volcanism and karst have gone completel& unheard.
"uch attention has been given to the ;uestions of safel& storing
Spent Nuclear 'uel ISN'J and finding a eep 1eological
/epositor& I1/J for KKN!!. These are generic issues plaguing
nuclear reactors ever&%here and globall& the nuclear industr& has
been struggling to find the ans%ers for several decades. Not
surprisingl&# there are read&-made and extremel& tentative
solutions: the N!+$7 has agreed to find a repositor& to store
nuclear %aste and has given details of its long-term pursuits in
this direction# and it has assured the court to safel& stor& the SN'.
The 02/3*s code of ="anagement of /adioactive :aste> has
been discussed at length# to be found sufficient to address the
problem. T&picall&# $ndian nuclear establishment does not
ackno%ledge nuclear %aste as %aste# because it claims it %ill
reprocess most of it for the second phase of its E-phase nuclear
programme# to %hich even the judges have sho%n admiration.
7ost of course is the fact that reprocessing leads to more harmful
and long-term %astes and $ndia*s phased nuclear program has
been too far from becoming a realit&. The judges note : =the
experts feel that setting up of a 1/ is not much of a
technological challengeQbut more of a socio-political issue>. The
massive disapproval of proposed %aste repositories in the @S
and else%here %as based on independent expert opinion is lost
again. The verdict mentions a proposed 1/ in the abandoned
Kolar mines of Karnataka. 4f course on this and other several
important issues# the N!+$7 retracting publicl& from its position
taken in affidavits filed in the S+ had its o%n trail over last P
The judges have noted that the Koodankulam reactor has its
Spent 'uel !ool inside the primar& containment# %ith a capacit& to
store fuel e;uivalent to M &ears of full po%er operation of the
reactor. That the presence of S'! close to the reactor core
complicated the accident in 'ukushima and is a concern even
toda& in Bapan finds no mention# of course.
%ukus(ima ne0er (appened J
:hile the judges mention the post-'ukushima safet& revie%
ordered b& the !rime "inister# the& have failed to take into
account the criti;ues of the %hole process and the serious risks of
rel&ing on such an internal safet& revie% %ithout an& independent
supervision or assessment. 4n the 8M Koodankulam-specific
recommendations# the court is assured b& the 02/3 that the
N!+$7 %ill implement them satisfactoril&. $n the subse;uent
paragraphs# the verdict rh&mes the nuclear establishment*s
lullab& on radiation: :e are exposed to radiation in our dail& lives#
cosmic radiation# radiation from earth*s crust# air travel# RCra&#
+T-Scan# angiograph&# angioplast& etc etc.
$n the section titled F/esponse to !eople*s /esistance*# the
Supreme +ourt gives a sanitiGed# government version of the
dialogue %ith people. $t makes no mention of the fact that the 8N-
member expert committee appointed b& the government did not
even bother to meet the protesting people in $dinthakarai#
declined from sharing essential safet&-related documents %ith
people and completel& failed to address the ;uestions raised b&
the movement. :hile this sham of a dialogue %as on# the state
government kept on piling false police charges# the local congress
goons kept beating the protesters# the local media kept provoking
against the movement leaders and none other than the !"
indulged in maligning the people*s genuine struggle. The
judgement ;uotes the government experts group*s conclusion at
length and feels satisfied. $t also takes no notice that the fact that
the 2x-02+ +hief*s appointment as the head of expert committee
constituted b& the Tamil Nadu State 1overnment subse;uentl&
reflected a seriosu conflict of interests.
@nder the heading F+ivil 7iabilit& for Nuclear amage*# the judges
in principle agree to the importance of strict liabilit& in nuclear
sector# but fail to address the Koodankulam-specific problem of
opacit& on liabilit& issue. The /ussian officials have been claiming
the& have an exemption from liabilit& under the $nter-
1overnmental 0greement I$10J
iscussion on isaster "anagement !lan I"!J# the S+ verdict
elaborates about the guidelines of the National isaster
"anagement 0uthorit& IN"0J on radiological emergencies and
has pressed for better coordination bet%een the N"0# the 02#
and the state administration to ensure s%ift evacuation and
management in case of a disaster. "uch emphasis has been
given on the need to spread a%areness among the people about
nuclear accidents# ho%ever# the braGen violation and bluffing b&
the N!+$7 on disaster management receives no attention.
0lthough the Supreme +ourt ;uotes 02/3*s norms on population
near a reactor sites and specificall& mentions that no public
habitation should be there %ithin 8.N km radius of the reactor# it
has failed to take into account the Tsunami +olon& in
Koodankulam %here more than 9NCC people reside at a distance
of just MCC- metres from the reactor. 0lso# the judges have held
that the emergenc& preparedness plan I2!!J for KKN!! is
ade;uate for around 9LCCC people in the N km radius called
Fsterilised Gone* %hile the norms stipulate not more than 9CCCC
people. The catch here is# the even the 9LCCC figure used b& the
S+ is taken from 9CC8 census# not the 9C88 census?
The judges admit the importance of the mock-drills and off-site
emergenc& exercises# but strangel& caution that Fsuch mock-drills
are conducted to educate the public not to scare them a%a&# but
make them understand that the project is part of the national
polic&# participator& in nature# and hence %e cannot remain as a
nuclear-isolated nation*. This %ould onl& ensure that the nuclear
establishment remains insulated from public scrutin&. The judges*
faith in the affidavit filed b& the district administration on off-site
emergenc& exercises flies in the face of realit&.
$n the last paragraphs of part-$# the Supreme +ourt judges have
iterated their faith in N!+$7*s promise to fulfill its corporate social
responsibilit& I+S/J ( millions of rupees allotted for building
schools# hospitals# roads and so on. 'rom Tarapur to /a%atbhata
to nearb& Kalpakkam# local people have seen the realities of such
The second part of the verdict# focused on environmental impacts#
again starts %ith the need to look at environmental issues in the
perspective of indispensabilit& of nuclear po%er in the Fnational
polic&* ( nuclear energ& has a uni;ue position in the emerging
economics in $ndia# it is a viable source of energ& and it is
necessar& to increase countr&*s economic gro%th ?
The judgement in this part d%ells elaboratel& upon the arguments
presented b& the both sides# but onl& to concur %ith the
government that Koodankulam project does not violate
environmental impact assessment guidelines as the project %as
notified in 8KDD# prior to enactment of 2$0 re;uirements in 8KKL?
The flims& affidavits filed b& the N!+$7 and the "o2' have found
better audience %ith the Supreme +ourt judges. The court has
elaborated upon the rather general and ver& lenient attempt of
taking of environmental impacts in Koodankulam as per a letter
%ritten b& the then !rime "inister# ;uotes the 8KDK memorandum
of the "o2'# the 8KDK stipulations b& the 02/3 for clearance#
and finall& %ith the "o2'*s letter dated P September 9CC8 in
%hich it legalised the violations in the %ake of EMM.EC crores
alread& spent on the project# feels confident that the
environmental impacts have been taken care of and no violation
of 2$0 stipulations have happened. $n case of +oastal /egulator&
Gone I+/6J clearance# it again validates the 8KKL exemption
given to the Koodankulam project.
The 2$0 reports for the proposed L other reactors in Koodankulam
have used the 2$0 studies for Koodankulam 8 and 9 as base-line#
%hich %ere prepared %ithout a public hearing. Supreme +ourts
doesn*t find it %orth& of objection.
"odif&ing the initial plan to take %ater from t%o nearb& dams#
construction of a desalination plant %as started in 9CCP in
Koodankuiam. The petitioners had pointed out that the
desalination unit %ould have its o%n haGardous environmental
impacts and %ill also add to the overall pollution and hence had
demanded a fresh 2$0 clearance. The court has said that
desalination units are not listed under the 8KKL 2$0 stipulations#
so absence of such an 2$0 in Koodankulam is not a violation. 4f
course# the cumulative impacts also do not need an& re-
assessment then?
Similarl&# the Supreme +ourt has brushed aside significant
objections on +/6 clearance and post-factto legaliGation b&
TN!+3 of the increased temperature of affluent %ater in
Koodankulam. @nder the heading FSustainable evelopment and
$mpact on the 2co-S&stem*# the verdict ;uotes elaboratel& from
the /ola& +ommission on 2nvironment !ollution I@K# 8KM8J#
Stockholm +onference I8KM9J# @N10*s :orld +harter for Nature
I8KD9J# /io Summit I8KK9J# the @N "$llenium eclaration of 9CCC#
@N +onference on Sustainable evelopment IBune 9C89J and so
on# but onl& to conclude that =%e have alread& found on facts that
the KKN!! has been set up and is made functional on the
touchstone of sustainable development and its impact on ecolog&
has been taken care of follo%ing all national and international
environmental principles> ?
Lar+er :u$lic Interests
Then the judges take it upon themselves to decide %hether the
claims of =smaller violations> of nearb& population*s right to life
under 0rticle 98 of the +onstitution should take precedence over
production of energ&# %hich is =of extreme importance for the
economic gro%th of our countr& alleviate povert&# generate
emplo&ment etc.> The judgement looks into various earlier cases
of objections to Fdevelopment* projects on environmental and right
to life grounds# and concludes that a balance bet%een =economic
scientific benefits> and =minor radiological detriments> has to be
found. The pre-conceived notions of Fdevelopment* take over the
judicial rigour and objectivit& and in their hurr&# the judges have
done a grammatical faux pas: =7arger public interest of the
communit& should give %a& to individual apprehension of violation
of human rights and right to life guaranteed under 0rticle 98S? :e
can over look the grammatical blunder of our judges# but %hat
about terming the massive protests b& thousands of people in
Koodankulam# run for over 9N &ears in a thoroughl& peaceful
manner# as Findividual apprehension*A :ho is the Flarger
communit&*A o the interests of the farmers# fishermen and poor
people of $ndia do not form the Flarger public interest*A
The judges have gone ahead to claim that apprehensions of far
reaching conse;uences of radioactive effects has =no basis>? The
sa&: =Nobod& on the earth can predict %hat %ould happen in
future and to a larger extent %e have to leave it to the
destin&Q.0pprehension is something %e anticipate %ith anxiet&
or fear# a fearful anticipation# %hich ma& var& from person to
person.> The +ourt goes b& the =expert opinions> of "o2'# 20+#
TN!+3# /eport of $4"# /eport of 2ngineers $ndia 7imited#
N22/$*s 2$0 etc and concludes that all expert bodies are
unanimous that in their opinion KKN!! has full& satisfied all
safet& norms.
Bustice ipak "isra in his prologue emphasiGes the need to
=march ahead %ith life alla&ing all apprehensions %ith a scientific
mindset accepting the nature*s unpredictabilit& to survive on the
planet earth on the bedrock of the doctrine ( survival of the
fittest>. ,e again goes on to describe ho% elaborate the 02*s
guidelines on nuclear safet& are# and concludes that Fall possible
measures have been taken to avoid an& kind of calamit&*. ,e
goes on to ;uote extensivel& from the $020*s 8KKL +onvention on
Nuclear Safet& and the Boint +onvention on the Safet& of Spent
'@el "anagement and on the Safet& of /adioactive :aste
"anagement 8KKM# to %hich $ndia is not even a signator&# to
appreciate the =%orld %ide concern for public safet&>. ,e again
;uotes in extenso from the 02/3*s post-'ukushima Safet&
/evie% of KKN!!. ,o%ever# an un;uestioned faith in the nuclear
establishment about ade;uac& of these recommendations and the
establishment*s sincerit& to implement leads to plain judicial
Bustice "isra looks into proportionalit& of safet& vis-a-vis the
necessit& of nuclear energ& development. :hile accepting the
need for ensuring safet& for present and future generations# he
holds that Fgeneration of nuclear energ& is a necessit& in a
progressive modern state* and Fpromotion of development and
protection of the environment have to be harmoniGed*. 3esides
other cases# Bustice "isra cites the Narmada case and ;uotes
that =$n a democrac&# %elfare of the people at large# and not
merel& of a small section of the societ&# has tobe the concern of a
responsible 1overnment.>
$n the final judicial directions# the judges have asked the N!+$7 to
file a report before the Supreme +ourt before the final
commissioning# certif&ing that each and ever& aspect of safet&
including environmental impacts# have been taken care of. 'or the
periodical safet& maintenance and revie%s# safet& of the spent
nuclear fuel during transport# radioactive discharge to the
atmosphere# compliance %ith the 8M post-'ukushima
recommendations# and adherence to the N"0 guidelines# the
court has directed the N!+$7# 02/3# "o2'# TN!+3 and other
concerned bodies ensure strict compliance# but has essentiall&
reposed faith in their efficac& and sincerit&. The Supreme +ourt
has ordered that a eep 1eological /epositor& should be set up
at the earliest so that SN' can be transported from the nuclear
plant to the 1/.
Eit(dra- "riminal "ases A+ainst :rotesters/ The Supreme
+ourt has directed to %ithdra% al criminal cases filed against the
agitators in Koodankulam and to restore normalc& and peace.
The Supreme +ourt*s verdict rests on three major premises: the
judges* belief in the necessit& of the nuclear energ& for $ndia*s
progress# their faith in the countr&*s nuclear establishment to
perform this role# and the judges* notion of the larger public
interest and the apprehensions of small sections %hich should
make %a& for the countr&*s progress. 0ll three of these are
immensel& contested propositions. 3ut not onl& have the judges
given judicial sanctit& to these contestable claims# but have also
completel& overlooked the Koodankulam-specific braGen
violations of the government*s o%n norms# raised b& the
$n retrospect# the struggling people of $ndia %ould find
approaching to the Supreme +ourt in such matters pointless# and
counter-productive# as the courts themselves are part of the
s&stem %hich has failed to address the %idening gap bet%een the
aspirations and lives of the deprived masses and the mainstream
notions of Flarger public interest*. !ra&ers before the judiciar& on
such matters ends up legitimising the same Fexperts* and
disastrous notions of progress that the people have been fighting
:.K Sundaram is 2ditor of .iauke.or+# a %ebsite on ialogues
and /esources on Nuclear# Nature and Societ&
TEKT o1 t(e Supreme "ourt3s *ud+ement on Koodankulam
Koodankulam Scam/ TEKT o1 t(e :etition %iled in t(e
Supreme "ourt $y Ad0. :ras(ant B(us(an
Special Lea0e :etition on Koodankulam 1iled in Supreme
Erit :etition on uclear Lia$ility 1or Koodankulam %iled in
t(e Supreme "ourt o1 India

A "lear And :resent .an+er At Koodankulam/
S(oddy :arts) S(a$$y Leaders) And S(aky Indian Li0esJ
By :,AE
CE "a&# 9C8E
The !eople*s "ovement 0gainst Nuclear 2nerg& I!"0N2J
accuses that the corrupt +ongress !art& and government in $ndia#
the $ndian nuclear establishment and the /ussian nuclear
establishment consider $ndian lives base and valueless and
prepare to put our lives in danger for their o%n profits#
commissions# po%er and prominence.
The Koodankulam reactors present a clear and present danger to
the safet& and %ell-being of $ndian citiGens %ith man&
substandard e;uipment and parts supplied b& discredited /ussian
companies such as 6i4-!odolsk# $nformtekh and $Ghorski&e
6avod&. The N!+$7 has just confirmed officiall& Iin its letter No.
N!+$7/TS3/+!$4/9NML/KKN!!/9C8E/MEM dated 0pril 9K# 9C8EJ
that the controversial and corruption-ridden "/S 6i4 !odolsk has
supplied the follo%ing e;uipment and parts to the KKN!!: =Steam
1enerators# +ation and anion filters# "echanical 'ilter# "oisture
Separator and /eheater# 3oric solution storage tanks#
/egenerative blo% do%n heat exchanger# !ipelines and fittings of
different s&stems# $nsulation materials# !,/S ,eat exchanger.> $n
other %ords# the Koodankulam project in its entiret& is unsafe and
$n 'ebruar& 9C89# the procurement director# "r. Sergei Shutov of
6io-!odolsk %as arrested for bu&ing lo% ;ualit& and cheap ra%
material# passing it off as more expensive grade and pocketing
the difference. 0nother /ussian court has convicted one "r.
0lexander "urach# irector of another notorious /ussian
compan&# $nformtekh# for fraud and sentenced him to three &ears
in prison for selling counterfeit measuring e;uipment for the
/ussian nuclear po%er plantsU turbines.
This technological horror is compounded b& the moronic and
imbecilic attitude and announcements of people from the $ndian
nuclear establishment and the +ongress government in elhi.
The $ndian nuclear industr&*s gruesome 1oebbels and "inister of
State at the !"4# "r. T. Nara&anasam&# leads this pack %ith little
understanding of ho% dangerous the Koodankulam project is and
%hat is at stake for all $ndians. The basic premise underneath all
this recklessness is the little value the& all attach to $ndian lives.
4ur friends have just filed an affidavit/application in the $ndian
Supreme +ourt about corruption and substandard reactor and
e;uipment in KKN!! in connection %ith a pending case. 3ut "r.
Nara&anasam& has told the /aj&a Sabha that the 2xternal 0ffairs
"inister "r. Salman Khurshid has conve&ed to the /ussian side
that the first unit of the Kudankulam po%er project is at sub-critical
stage and is expected to be commissioned Van& da&V in "a&.
o these +ongress "inisters in Ne% elhi kno% that reputed car
companies# pet food manufacturers# tooth paste producers and
to& makers have recalled their products just to respect human
safet& and %ell-beingA
$n 4ctober 9C89 To&ota compan& recalled M.L million cars after
discovering fault& %indo% s%itches in 89 of its %orld-famous
models. $t %as the biggest single recall since 'ord had taken D
million vehicles off the road in 8KKP for a fault& ignition module. $n
November 9C89 To&ota called back 9.D million cars to fix fault&
steering columns and %ater pumps.
4n "arch 8P# 9CCM# popular brands of pet food %ere %ithdra%n
across the @nited States because of the presence of Fmelamine#*
an industrial chemical found in plastics and resins. $n Bul& 9CCM#
the 2uropean @nion*s /0!2R Irapid alert s&stemJ had alerted the
member statesU governments to pull t%o brands of +hinese-made
toothpaste# Spearmint and Trileaf Spearmint# from the 2uropean
shelves because the& contained Fdieth&lene gl&col#* a constituent
of anti-freeGe. $n 0ugust 9CCM# the %orldUs biggest to& compan&#
"attel# recalled millions of to&s modeled on Sesame Street*s 3ig
3ird and 2lmo# and Nickelodeon*s ora the 2xplorer because of
high lead levels in the paint used.
"r. Nara&anasam& and his ilk should understand that bad luck
and harsh justice befall those %ho put innocent people*s lives on
harm*s %a&. 4n 0ugust 88# 9CCM# 6hang Shuhong# co-o%ner of
the 7ee er To& +ompan&# that %as a major supplier to "attel#
committed suicide at one of his factories. 4n Bul& 8C# 9CCM# +hina
executed the former head of its food and drug administration#
6heng Riao&u# for dereliction of dut& and taking P.N million 5uan
Iabout @S W DNC#CCCJ in bribes from the manufacturers of
substandard medicines that had been blamed for several deaths.
The blabbering mouths should learn a fe% things from these
The !"0N2 demands a comprehensive# complete# independent
in;uir& into the financial and technical scams of the Koodankulam
project# and the closure of the KKN!! in the larger interests of the
people of $ndia.
The Struggle +ommittee# !"0N2

Bri$es 1or uclear .eal
"orrupt means taint t(e nuclear deal
The ne$ bribery revelations, a rigged process to import reactors
and safety-related concerns must lead to the long-bloc"ed
scrutiny of the nuclear deal by Parliament.
3& 3rahma +hellane&

The %orld*s %orst nuclear accident since +hernob&l raises
troubling ;uestions about $ndia*s plans for a huge expansion of its
nuclear po%er programme through reactor imports. 1iven its lo%
per-capita energ& consumption# $ndia must generate far more
electricit& to economicall& advance. So it needs more nuclear-
generated po%er. The real issue thus is safe and cost-competitive
nuclear po%er.
:hat is disconcerting about $ndia*s plans for massive imports is
that the& are not part of a %ell-thought-out strateg& but a ;uid pro
;uo to the @nited States# 'rance and /ussia for bringing the $ndo-
@.S. civil nuclear deal to fruition# including through a Nuclear
Suppliers 1roup %aiver. 'or example# %hile keeping !arliament in
the dark# the government faxed a letter to @.S. @ndersecretar& of
State :illiam 3urns on September 8C# 9CCD X just hours before
the :hite ,ouse sent the deal to the @.S. +ongress for ratification
X committing $ndia to import a minimum of 8C#CCC": of nuclear-
generating capacit& from the @nited States. Ne% nuclear plans
had to be prepared to accommodate the political commitments
alread& made.
0s the :iki7eaks* revelations published b& The
1indu underscore# the @.S. has a big stake in the nuclear deal
and %ent to unusual lengths to drum up support in $ndia and
ensure the outcome it desired. 0nd although the deal is loaded
%ith largel& one-sided and irrevocable conditions for $ndia# !rime
"inister "anmohan Singh staked his premiership on getting the
deal through.
The :ikileaks* disclosures over the cash-for-votes scandal during
the consummation process onl& confirm the role muck& mone&
pla&ed in lubricating the deal. No% big mone& is influencing the
opa;ue contract making.
Those %ho pushed the deal through %ithout building national
consensus or permitting parliamentar& scrutin& no% seem too
invested in this deal to objectivel& gauge long-term safet& or the
cost competitiveness of reactor imports. 4ne indication of this is
the unabashed manner in %hich a nuclear park has been
exclusivel& reserved X %ithout an& competitive-bidding process
X for each of the four preferred foreign vendors. 5et after
'ukushima# several major safet& concerns stand out:
Y$ndia is committed to importing reactor models that are &et to be
operated in an& countr&# including state-o%ned 0reva*s 8PEC":
2uropean !ressuriGed /eactor I2!/J and the 1eneral 2lectric-
,itachi*s 8N9C": 2conomic Simplified 3oiling :ater /eactor
I2S3:/J# %hich is still to receive the final @.S. design
There is no justification for importing untried reactor models. $n
the 8KPCs# 12 sold $ndia the first t%o protot&pes of its 3oiling
:ater /eactor I3:/J# %hose designs it later supplied for all six
reactors at the no%-crippled 'ukushima aiichi plant. $ndia had
little option then because nuclear po%er %as relativel& ne%. The
12-built Tarapur plant faced important operating and safet&
issues# in part because the 0mericans cut off suppl& of even
safet&-related replacement parts in response to the !okharan $
test. Toda& the rush to bu& untried foreign-reactor technolog& is
simpl& indefensible.
$t is onl& after the 'ukushima nuclear crisis unfolded that $ndia*s
nuclear chief belatedl& ackno%ledged the need for an earth;uake-
and tsunami-related safet& evaluation of 0reva*s 2!/ design.
:h& %asn*t this done before committing $ndia to bu& the 2!/
YThe drive to build energ& =securit&> b& importing foreign fuel-
dependent reactors X that too %ithout transparenc&# open bidding
and public accountabilit& X is nothing but a mone&-spending
boondoggle# %ith the potential to generate hundreds of millions of
dollars in kickbacks for the corrupt.
$n an openl& manipulated process# price negotiations are taking
place onl& after each of the four chosen foreign vendors has been
gifted an exclusive seaside nuclear park to build reactors. :hat
bargaining po%er are the authorities left %ith %hen the& have
alread& reserved each park for a particular firmA
Y:ith the rise of the corporate nuclear lobb&# the line bet%een the
seller and the bu&er has blurred. The nuclear deal %as pushed
through b& the !rime "inister*s 4ffice %ith the aid of some
serving and retired nuclear officials# private-sector companies
attracted to nuclear business# and interested foreign governments
and vendors. The ver& entities and consultants that are set to
reap major commercial gains helped build the dubious case for
massive reactor imports b& $ndia.
No% an incestuous and unethical relationship exists bet%een the
bu&er and seller# underscored b& the moves to place initial import
contracts %orth more than W8C billion %ithout an& competitive
bidding. $t ma& re;uire the Supreme +ourt*s intervention to stop
this braGen cron&ism# or else a 91-st&le scam %ould likel& unfold#
but %ith long-term safet& ramifications.
YTo compound matters# the line bet%een the regulator and the
operator has also blurred. 0nd the secrec& enveloping the nuclear
militar& programme has un%arrantabl& been extended to a purel&
commercial sector X nuclear po%er.
Structurall&# the national regulator# the 0tomic 2nerg& /egulator&
3oard# is in no position to act independentl& because# like the
operator# it is under the epartment of 0tomic 2nerg&. "ore
%orr&ing# ho%ever# is the manner in %hich the 3oard has become
the handmaiden of the political agenda set in Ne% elhi.
3efore embarking on a major expansion of its program# shouldn*t
$ndia first create a strong# trul& independent nuclear regulatorA
Y:orse still# the planned import of four different t&pes of ne%
7ight :ater /eactor I7:/J technolog& %ill make $ndia*s nuclear-
po%er complex the most diverse in the %orld. Technological
diversit& ma& be good to obviate reliance on one supplier. 3ut the
%ide-ranging diversit& $ndia is getting into %ill make its safet&
responsibilities extremel& arduous and complex# given the
multiplicit& of reactor designs it alread& has in place.
$t takes a long time to create teams of experienced safet&
engineers for an& reactor model. 3ut %hen a particular reactor
model is still not in operation an&%here# training of engineers
cannot even begin. 3& contrast# $ndia has immense experience in
building# operating and safeguarding indigenous +0N@-st&le
YThe chain of incidents engulfing all six 'ukushima aiichi
reactors %as triggered b& their close proximit& to each other. :ith
a flareup at one reactor affecting s&stems at another# Bapan
ended up %ith serial blasts# fires# spent-fuel exposures# and other
radiation leaks.
This seriousl& calls into ;uestion $ndia*s decision to approve the
construction of six and more large reactors at each ne% nuclear
park. The plans to build clusters of reactors must no% be
Y0t 'ukushima# the spent-fuel rods X holding most of the highl&
radioactive uranium at the site X have proved a bigger radiation
problem than the reactor cores. This shines a spotlight on the
spent-fuel challenges at the sister but older plant in Tarapur#
%here the discharged fuel has been accumulating for over four
decades because the @.S. has refused to either take it or allo%
$ndia to reprocess it.
The mounting Tarapur spent-fuel stockpile poses greater safet&
and environmental haGards than probabl& at an& other plant in the
%orld. The spent-fuel rods X unlike the reactors X have no
containment structure# and the& endanger public safet& in $ndia*s
densel&-populated commercial heartland.
The spent-fuel bundles are kept under %ater in ba&s at a special
facilit& at Tarapur. 3ut such temporar& pools have proven
'ukushima*s 0chilles heel.
The cost to move the spent-fuel rods in secure dr& casks to a
fara%a& desert area %ill be prohibitive. $ndia alread& has borne
high storage costs at Tarapur. Those costs should not onl& be
billed to :ashington# but $ndia must exert pressure on 0merica to
agree to the immediate spent-fuel reprocessing under
international safeguards X the onl& viable option to contain the
Y$ndia*s nuclear accident-liabilit& legislation has seriousl&
burdened the $ndian taxpa&er b& capping the liabilit& of foreign
suppliers at a modest level. :ith the foreign vendors also freed
from the task of producing electricit& at marketable rates# the
taxpa&er is to subsidiGe the high-priced electricit& generated. 'or
the foreign vendors# there is no do%nside riskZ onl& profits to reap.
5et 12 and :estinghouse are unhapp& %ith the state operator*s
right of recourse.
The legislation %as passed after the 3B! X a part& too
compromised to be able to %ithstand pressures X cut a deal %ith
the government. 3ut after 'ukushima# it is important to tighten
some provisions of the legislation# %hich goes be&ond @.S. la% to
channel both economic liabilit& and legal liabilit& to the state and
abridge victims* legal rights.
"ore broadl&# before signing multibillion-dollar contracts# $ndia
must first formulate a coherent nuclear-po%er polic& that also
addresses safet& issues. 0fter all# r. Singh is seeking to take
$ndia from a largel& indigenous capacit& to a predominantl&
import-based programme b& implicitl& jettisoning r. ,omi
3habha*s vision and strateg&. Not onl& is the goal of a self-reliant
thorium fuel c&cle no% pie in the sk&# but $ndia is also set to
become dependent on foreign suppliers even for critical safet&-
related replacement parts.
0ctuall&# the corrupt means emplo&ed in engineering the nuclear
deal must no% lead to its long-blocked scrutin& b& !arliament. 0
larger ;uestion haunting the countr& is %hether it has
institutionall& become too corrupt to be able to effectivel& uphold
nuclear safet& in the long run X a concern reinforced b& the
troubled state of internal securit&# high incidence of terrorism and
politiciGation of the nuclear establishment.

The ,induUs 3ias 4n Koodankulam: 0n 4pen 7etter
By S(ankar s(arma
8M September# 9C89
The 2ditor
The ,indu# +hennai
/ahul Siddharthan
.ear Sir)
This has reference to an article %ith the title > T(e real questions
1rom Kudankulam5 b& /ahul Siddharthan on 8Lth Sept . $ %ould
like to sa& that a holistic perspective of all-round %elfare of our
communities %ould thro% up a lot of ;uestions on the arguments
made in the article.
:hereas it is clear that nuclear po%er technolog&# as an& other
complex technolog&# cannot be associated %ith Gero probabilit& of
catastrophic failure# the societ& has to make a transparent
assessment of its costs and benefits to our densel& populated
communities. +an %e sa& that the true costs to the communities
of three major failures in the histor& at T"$# +hernob&l and
'ukushima %ere negligible or much less than the true benefits of
those nuclear po%er plantsA
$n an article =+hernob&l 9N &ears later: "an& lessons learned>
"ikhail 1orbachev# former president of @SS/ has this to sa& :
Toda& %e kno% that about MM#CCC s;uare miles of territor& in
2urope and the former Soviet @nion has been contaminated %ith
radioactive fallout# leaving long-term challenges for flora# fauna#
%ater# the environment# and human health. Tens of billions of
dollars have alread& been spent in tr&ing to contain and remediate
the disaster# %ith a ne% containment shell no% being constructed
over the 8KDP sarcophagus and %hat*s left of the reactor. The
material damage inflicted b& +hernob&l# although enormous#
pales in significance %hen compared to the ongoing human costs.
The true scope of the traged& still remains be&ond
comprehension and is a shocking reminder of the realit& of the
nuclear threat. $t is also a striking s&mbol of modern technological
risk. The closed nature and secrec& of the nuclear po%er industr&#
%hich had alread& experienced some 8NC significant radiation
leaks at nuclear po%er stations throughout the %orld before the
+hernob&l fire# greatl& contributed to the accident and response
difficulties. 0s the global population continues to expand# and the
demand for energ& production gro%s# %e must invest in
alternative and more sustainable sources of energ&X%ind# solar#
geothermal# h&droXand %idespread conservation and energ&
efficienc& initiatives as safer# more efficient# and more affordable
avenues for meeting both energ& demands and conserving our
fragile planet.
'ormer Bapanese !rime "inister Naoto Kan# nearl& a &ear after
he oversa% his government*s %idel& criticiGed handling of the
'ukushima aiichi accident# in an intervie% %ith The :all Street
Bournal has said: $ %ould like to tell the %orld that %e should aim
for a societ& that can function %ithout nuclear energ&.
0s per r. ,elen +aldicott# founder of !h&sicians for Social
/esponsibilit& =Nuclear po%er is neither clean# nor sustainable#
nor an alternative to fossil fuelsX in fact# does it add substantiall&
to global %arming.>
+an %e sa& that these and other societal leaders such as Bustice
T / Krishna $&er# r. 0 1opalakrishan Iformerl& of 02/3J# r#
3alaram Iirector of $$ScJ# %ho have all expressed grave
concerns on nuclear po%er# are Feducated purve&ors of motivated
misinformation* as ;uoted in the articleA
The seriousness of the opposition to the countr&*s nuclear plans
can be seen as exemplified b& a %rit petition filed in $ndia*s
Supreme +ourt on 4ct. 8L# 9C88 b& some of $ndia*s eminent
citiGens. The petition calls on the court to order a hold on nuclear
construction until safet& revie%s and cost-benefit anal&ses are
carried out for all proposed or existing facilities. The petitioners
include 2.0.S. Sarma# former po%er secretar&Z T.S./.
Subramanian# former cabinet secretar&Z N. 1opalas%ami# former
chief election commissionerZ K./. Tenugopal# former secretar& in
the prime minister*s office# !.". 3hargava# former member of the
National Kno%ledge +ommission and founder of the +enter for
+ellular and "olecular 3iolog&Z and 0dmiral 7axminara&an
/amdas# former chief of Naval Staff. +an %e sa& that these
societal leaders are not ade;uatel& informedA
Subse;uent to 'ukushima disaster Bapans* iet constituted a 8C-
member Nuclear 0ccident $ndependent $nvestigation +ommission
headed b& r. Ki&oshi Kuroka%a# %hich has said in its report: ='or
all the extensive detail it provides# %hat this report cannot full&
conve& ( especiall& to a global audience ( is the mindset that
supported the negligence behind this disaster. :hat must be
admitted ( ver& painfull& ( is that this %as a disaster ="ade in
:h& have 1erman& and Bapan# %hich had plans to increase the
nuclear po%er production capacit& to about LCO of the total in
next fe% decades# have consciousl& taken a decision to move
a%a& from nuclear po%erA ,ave 0ustralia and Ne% 6ealand#
%hich have shunned nuclear po%er from the beginning have poor
;ualit& of po%er suppl&A ,o% man& nuclear reactors have been
commissioned in other countries after +hernob&l disaster.
'e% da&s ago a Bapanese +abinet panel has called for phasing
out of nuclear po%er over the next three decades as part of an
overhaul of the countr&*s energ& polic& follo%ing the 'ukushima
$f nuclear po%er is safe and economical# %h& are there no
commercial insurance of those plants. :h& are the suppliers of
nuclear reactors I@S# /ussia# 'ranceJ insisting on exemption from
liabilit& from damages of nuclear accidentA
$f such resource rich# kno%ledgeable and ;ualit&/safet& conscious
countries could not avert nuclear emergencies# can our densel&
populated and ill-prepared societ& ever hope to avert the possible
human catastrophe from a nuclear mishapA +an our densel&
populated countr& afford even a minor accident# %hich ma&
displace millions of peopleA 0re such societal costs acceptableA
$s nuclear po%er inevitable in our contextA
$n this background of unacceptable level of risk associated %ith
nuclear po%er I%here =/isk> [ =probabilit& of a nuclear accident>
R =the conse;uences of such a failure>J as experienced at
+hernob&l and 'ukushima# there is an urgent need to consider
rationall& ho% essential is nuclear po%er for our communities.
2ven after heav& investment since independence the nuclear
po%er capacit& in the countr& is onl& about 9.EO of the total
installed po%er capacit& as at the end of Bul& 9C89. $f nuclear
po%er %ere to become a substantial portion of the total installed
po%er capacit&# a large number of nuclear reactors have to be
added. 0s per epartment of 0tomic 2nerg& document of 9CCD =0
Strateg& for the 1ro%th of 2lectricit& in $ndia> nuclear po%er
capacit& is projected to increase to 9MN#CCC ": b& 9CNC.
Keeping in vie% %hat has been added during the last N decades#
this projection looks highl& unrealisticZ to sa& the least. 0ssuming
an average siGe of NCC ": reactor such a total capacit& %ould
re;uire about NNC reactors. Keeping in vie% the need for huge
;uantit& of %ater for each reactor# it is reasonable to assume that
most of the ne% reactors have to come up on the coast. 0ssuming
that 9 or L reactors are placed in a straight line perpendicular to
the coast: the distance bet%een t%o nuclear po%er plants can
onl& bet%een 99 to LL k" along the P#CCC k" of our coast line.
0ssuming a circular safe Gone %ith a radius of 9 km around each
reactor a total land area of approximatel& P#KCC S;. k" %ould be
needed. $s this scenario acceptable to our resource constrained
communities A
$n this context it is unlikel& that the nuclear po%er %ill be able to
contribute substantiall& to the countr&*s po%er sector. Keeping in
proper perspective the tin& or negligible contribution of nuclear
po%er to the overall energ& scenario# should our societ& take the
avoidable risk of a nuclear accidentA $f the countr& %ere to go for
a nuclear capacit& of 9MN#CCC ": the probabilit& of a nuclear
accident %ill increase exponentiall&.
The article sa&s F$ndia# and Tamil Nadu in particular# faces a
severe shortfall of energ&.* $f the author can onl& spend some time
to understand the realit& of the po%er scenario in the countr&# he
%ill understand that there is huge inefficienc&# incompetenc& and
irresponsibilit& at all levels of the po%er sector. :ithout
addressing these issues# %hich have been kno%n for decades# it
%ill be akin to tr&ing to fill a leaking bucket. There are man&
benign# much cheaper and sustainable alternatives to meet the
legitimate demand for electricit& in the countr& than through the
risk& nuclear po%er.
3ut such an appreciation of the ground realities in po%er sector
%ould re;uire a holistic approach to the true %elfare of our

Koodankulam: !rof 0tul +hokshi*s /esponse To The ,indu
By :ro1. Atul "(oks(i
8M September# 9C89
A response to /The re#l @'estio!s ro* ;'"#!,'l#*0 by
Rahul *iddharthan published in T1E 1I%D2 by Prof. Atul
&ho"shi of the Indian Institute of *ciences, 3angalore.
.ear Ra(ul)
$ %as pleased that &ou have %ritten the op-ed in ,indu# and hope
that this initiates a debate on various critical aspects of nuclear
energ&. :hile most people %ill agree that there is a need to
increase energ& generation in $ndia# the choice of energ& sources
%ill var& depending on perceptions of danger. ,o%ever# %e need
to ensure that %e do not get locked into %rong choices that
burden future generations to come.
@nlike 1eorge "onbiot# $ turned the opposite %a& after
'ukushima# so that $ am no% a nuclear energ& skeptic# especiall&
for $ndia. This is largel& to do %ith our cultural casual attitude to
safet& on man& fronts# and the related trust deficienc& %ith the
nuclear industr& I%orld%ideJ and our 1ovt. 0s &ou have rightl&
pointed out# the lack of an independent regulator is one of the ke&
problems. ,o%ever# even %ith an independent regulator# the
implementation of the regulator& orders %ill remain perhaps a
bigger challenge.
:hile nuclear energ& ma& be relativel& clean during regular
operation# there are several factors such as mining# getting the
ore to the necessar& concentration for use# and other factors
%hich add to the environmental burden so that nuclear po%er is
not as benign as it is advertised. $t is substantiall& better than
coal# but then so are man& other rene%able possibilities. 5ou ma&
be surprised to kno%# as $ %as# that because of the small
concentrations in ores the current nuclear plants need almost as
much mining as coal for a similar energ& ( a comparison is
misleading %hen it is coal vs @9EN Iusuall& sho%n as 8 kg of
@9EN \ million kgs of coalJ.
Nuclear po%er plants have a long gestation period# even %ithout
local protests. espite the large-scale planned increase in the
number of nuclear plants in $ndia# the influence of this on carbon
emission in $ndia %ill be marginal at least over the next t%o
decades# as current plans involve substantial increase in coal
po%er until 9CNC. 'urthermore# %ith the ongoing global %arming
and erratic %eather# several nuclear plants have had to reduce
po%er Iand possibl& shut do%n temporaril&J during summer time
because of reduced %ater and higher temperatures in rivers.
$ %as shocked to learn that there have not &et been an& large
scale emergenc& evacuation exercises in $ndia. 2ven after
'ukushima# there %as a ne%s report of a successful offsite
emergenc& exercise conducted near Tarapur# but %hen one goes
be&ond the headlines one discovers that the exercise involved
moving 8CC I&es ( the number of Geroes is correct?J people from a
village ( just read about this &esterda&. :e onl& have to read
about the recent Sivakasi fire to get a sense of Ia lack ofJ
response to an emergenc& from the local district managers.
The fantastic scale of proposed nuclear expansion in $ndia adds
substantiall& to the dangers of dealing %ith %hat is alread& a
potentiall& dangerous technolog&. To add even more to this
burden# the 1ovt is planning to import several designs from
/ussia# 'rance and @S0. There are likel& to be important
variations in means to handle safet& issues# and this %ill increase
the scale of complexit& that N!+$7 %ill need to deal %ith.
:hile there is an urgent need for an independent regulator# it
appears that the 1ovt and 02 are still keen on exercising control
so that the proposed NS/0 bill ma& be %orse than %hat %e
currentl& have# as noted b& 1opalakrishnan. $ strongl& feel that
there is a need to pause# and have a larger discussion on $ndia*s
energ& needs and the nuclear energ& option.
:ithout such a move# $ am afraid that %e are hurtling into a Gone
that ma& be a recipe for a major disaster. 4ne al%a&s hope that
%e %ill not experience problems# but as $ kno% from m& personal
experience %e cannot predict %hen accidents ma& happen# and
%e should not take undue chances especiall& %hen there are
relativel& benign options available.
'inall&# $ have not touched upon social costs of the choices %e
make# and to ;uestion at %hat level is a democrac& a democrac&
( as it is too eas& to use the =greater public good> to ram do%n
options on the un%illing. $n this context# $ did feel that &ou last
paragraph %as some%hat harsh and condescending. ,aving
seen and heard about some of the people involved# $ kno% that
there is a great understanding of the issues involved and people
are ver& committed to the cause the& are protesting against and
for the choices the& %ant to make ( such language %orks against
fruitful discussion and deliberation. 5ou ma& be interested to kno%
that several months ago the $$Sc Student +ouncil attempted to
organiGe a formal debate on nuclear energ& ( the& gave up after
a couple of months as the& could not find an&one to speak for
nuclear energ& although the& found some %ho %ould speak
Sorr& for the longish mail# but hope that %e can collect a critical
mass to engage in critical discussion on this important topic.
3est %ishes#

An atom o1 dou$t at t(e Kudankulam nuclear po-er plant

4pponents of the Kudankulam Nuclear !o%er !lant# under
construction in Tamil Nadu# are raising fresh ;uestions about the
plant*s safet& because of $ndian government documents that the&
sa& reveal a problem in the design of one of the t%o reactors.
The reactor*s design differs from the plan that /ussia and $ndia
came up %ith %hen the& agreed to build the reactor in 8KDD#
according to the documents published b& $ndia*s 0tomic 2nerg&
/egulator& 3oard.
The design of the reactor pressure vessel# %hich contains the
reactor coolant and core# %as not supposed to have %elds in its
core region# the bulletin said. The vessel has t%o %elds there# it
!eople %ho live near the Kudankulam plant and the !eople*s
"ovement 0gainst Nuclear 2nerg& called this deviation a =serious
breach of contract> that exposes the plant to high failure risk and
a higher possibilit& of offsite radiological contamination.
=This is a breach of contract b& the supplier in /ussia. N!+$7
INuclear !o%er +orporation of $ndiaJ officers %ho kne% -about.
this breach are guilt& of causing future financial loss b& choosing
lo%er ;ualit& e;uipment#> said Nit&anand Ba&araman#
environmental researcher and member of the +hennai Solidarit&
1roup for Kudankulam Struggle.
/S Sundar# the plant*s site director# denied that it %as a =breach
of contract>. =The original discussion bet%een $ndian and /ussian
governments on procuring reactor vessels %ithout %elds %as
based on futuristic thinking#> he told me. =3ut that %as not
possible technologicall& at the time of procurement.>
0ddressing safet&# Sundar said# =all the LCC-plus light %ater
reactors in operation across the globe -have. %elds in the core
$ndia*s nuclear program in its earl& &ears %as an epitome of
national pride as most of the technolog& %as domesticall&
developed# %ith $ndia not being a member of the Nuclear Non-
!roliferation Treat&. 3ut %ith the lifting of a ban b& the Nuclear
Suppliers 1roup and after the 'ukushima disaster in Bapan# the
feeling of pride has been replaced b& safet& concerns among the
general public# especiall& those living around the project areas.
There are 9C nuclear po%er plants in $ndia spread across six
states producing a total of LMDC mega%atts of electricit&. Three
ne% projects including Kudankulam are near completion.
The controvers& over the reactor %elds is one of man& problems
that have kept the anti-nuclear protests alive in Kudankulam.
0nother is over the source of fresh %ater for the plant*s cooling
The 2nvironmental $mpact 0ssessment conducted in 9CCE
assumes that the !echiparai /eservoir %ill be the source of fresh
%ater# %ith a reserve of PC#CCC cubic metres. 'armers have
protested the use of reservoir %ater# ho%ever# and no% there are
four plants for desalinating ocean %ater. The environmental
impact of using this %ater has not been assessed.
The on-campus %ater reserve %as also reduced to 89#CCC cubic
metres# 9C percent of %hat %as proposed. 2nvironmentalists sa&
that this is a =serious breach of safet&> b& the government*s
nuclear authorities# especiall& after the 'ukushima nuclear
accident in Bapan.
:hile the limited information available to the public has mobilised
some people against the project# the nuclear po%er corporation
authorities are keeping other reports private.
The Safet& 0nal&sis /eport is one of the ke& documents that
protesters have demanded that the N!+$7 release. espite
efforts to get that information# the nuclear po%er corporation has
been reluctant to share it claiming it %as a third part& document.
/ussian atomic supplier# 0tomstro&export# is not bound b& the
civil nuclear liabilit& la% because the la%# %hich holds the operator
liable for nuclear damages# %as drafted after the 8KDD agreement
to design the plant.
This reticence has turned people %ho have a neutral or even
positive opinion on nuclear po%er against the project. :hat might
people think about nuclear po%er in $ndia if the government chose
to be more forthcoming about its facilitiesA Surel&# it %ould be a
more positive vie% than it seems to be no%.

Thousands of people including the elderl&# %omen and children
are protesting against the commissioning of the Koodankulam
nuclear po%er plant in south $ndia. The& are sleeping outside the
%alls in extreme conditions against the anti-people and opa;ue
practices follo%ed b& the Nuclear !o%er +orporation of $ndia
7imited# the Tamil Nadu state and $ndian central governments.
The& have been met %ith police intimidation# state violence# false
charges and imprisonment for peacefull& airing their vie%s and
demanding their democratic rights. No% police have lathi charged
them into the sea and fired tear gas and %ater cannons at them.
The& have been protesting peacefull& for man& months no% after
the first series of protest began in 8KDD. The& have had several
hunger strikes including a rela& one since 0ugust 9C88. Their
health fast deteriorated in the extreme summer heat and some of
them have been admitted to hospital. 0bout 9E#CCC people have
surrendered their voter cards in protest. Their families %ere later
denied use of their ration cards %ith access to essential
provisions such as food. espite official promises# their demands
about the legalit& and safet& of the Koodankulam Nuclear !o%er
!lant IKKN!!J have not been met.
The $ndian government has announced that the first reactor at
Koodankulam %ill go critical in September. "ore than NN#CCC
people have been falsel& charged including for sedition and U%ar
against the stateU. This makes a travest& of democrac&.
:lease si+n t(e petition and e7press your support 1or t(ose
-(o are -ron+1ully c(ar+ed 1or 0oicin+ an opinion a+ainst
nuclear reactors and 1or t(ose 1orced to li0e ne7t to nuclear
reactors in a tsunami) 0olcanic and eart(quake 6one -(ere
t(ere is a -ater s(orta+e.
4rganise# protest# contact media# human and environmental
rights organisations# social net%orks# politicians# locall& and
globall& including !rime "inister "anmohan Singh
pmindia] manmohan] and +hief
"inister Ba&alalithaa I+hief Secretar& cs] 0dditional
+hief Secretar& cmcell] J
T(is appeal is not 1rom any mo0ement under a N1orei+n (and3
$ut 1rom people (oldin+ (ands in solidarity across t(e -orld.
Ee support t(e de0elopment o1 India $ut only -(en it is on
sa1e) equita$le and sustaina$le +rounds. As "(erno$yl and
%ukus(ima (a0e s(o-n) nuclear dan+ers are a +lo$al and
(uman concern) not simply a national one.
:ind po%er is alread& providing double the amount of electricit&
than from nuclear reactors and at a fraction of the cost to the tax
pa&er# the environment and health %ithout producing an&
dangerous %aste. :ind po%er even supplies electricit& to the
Koodankulam nuclear to%nship.
T(is petition demands a commitment and de1inite time21rame
as to t(e 1ollo-in+/
-8. The ongoing %ork at the Koodankulam Nuclear !o%er !lant
IKKN!!J must be halted and the follo%ing steps must be taken
-9. 0s the +entral $nformation +ommission I+$+J has instructed
the epartment of 0tomic 2nerg& I02J and the Nuclear !o%er
+orporation of $ndia 7td. IN!+$7J# the accurate and full versions
of the Safet& 0nal&sis /eport and the Site 2valuation /eport must
be released to the public immediatel&. 0nd the full and final post-
'ukushima safet& audit report must also be released to the press
and the public.
-E. 0 ne% and comprehensive 2nvironmental $mpact 0ssessment
I2$0J report must be commissioned as the one that the 02 has
released after 9E &ears of struggle is incomplete# erroneous and
outdated. The Tamil and "ala&alam translations of the ne% 2$0
must be shared %ith the local people and the !ress in Tamil Nadu
and Kerala.
-L. The opinions and preferences of the project-affected people
must be heard b& a competent authorit& in an open# transparent
and democratic manner.
-N. 0n independent national committee must be constituted to
stud& the issues of geolog&# h&drolog&# oceanograph& and
seismolog& involved in the Koodankulam nuclear po%er plant.
-P. isaster management training and evacuation exercises must
be conducted in the EC-km radius of the Koodankulam plants and
be&ond in the %ake of the recent earth;uake all over Tamil Nadu
and $ndia.
-M. 0 Tamil Nadu State 0ssembl& /esolution must be passed that
the !echipparai dam %ater from Kan&akumari istrict and the
Tamirabharani river %ater from Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi
istricts %ill not be taken for the KKN!! reactors.
-D. 0 cop& of the $nter-1overnmental 0greement I$10J on liabilit&
secretl& signed bet%een the governments of $ndia and /ussia
must be made available to the project-affected public.
-K. +omplete and truthful information must be given to the local
people and the citiGens of $ndia about nuclear %aste that %ould be
produced at the Koodankulam plants and its management.
-8C. 0ll the false cases against the members of the struggle
committee and the common people must be %ithdra%n
immediatel& and unconditionall&. !eople that peacefull& protested
against the nuclear plant are still languishing in prison and must
be released immediatel&.
-88. The local peopleUs right to protest peacefull& and nonviolentl&
against the KKN!! and other related issues must be respected
and honored. 0nd no more false cases and other intimidator&
exercises should be used against the struggling people.

4'reen si+nal 1or Koodankulam is a red si+nal 1or our li0es5

People#s Movement against %uclear Energy activists
continue indefinite hunger stri"e even as police arrest 454
Tamil Nadu government started =operation Koodankulam
=on "onda& 8K "arch# arresting 9CE protesters and
blocking all entr& points to the coastal villages surrounding
the nuclear po%er plant. !olice arrested 8DN men including
parish priest 'ather Suseelan at Kottupuli village %here
the& %ere protesting against the deplo&ment of police
forces. The& %ere taken to Tirunelveli 0rmed /eserve
+amp. 7ater police arrested 8D men from Koodankulam on
charges of staging protests and violating Section 8LL of the
$ndian !enal +ode.
!olice started the crackdo%n on anti-nuclear plant
protesters earl& on "onda& arresting nine people including
!eople*s "ovement against Nuclear 2nerg& I!"0N2J legal
advisor Sivasubramanian and /ajalingam. The& are being
charged %ith sedition including Sections 898# 8980 and
8NE0. The& %ere taken to Tirunelveli. 0round LCCC state
police and LCC central police officials have been deplo&ed
in the area. !olice have set up seven more police pickets
around Koodankulam nuclear plant and blocked entr&
0ccording to r S! @da&kumar# convener# !eople*s
"ovement against Nuclear 2nerg&# %ho is on a indefinite
hunger strike along %ith !uspara&an# his associate at
$dinthakarai# around NCCC people assembled at the St
7ourdes +hurch ground since "onda&. =:e# eight men and
seven %omen# are on an indefinite hunger strike. The green
signal for Koodankulam is a red signal for our lives. :e %ill
continue our protest till %e die#> said @da&akumar.
To beat the police blockade# protesters %ere seen using
fishing boats to ferr& people to the protest grounds. =:e
%ere able to bring our people to $dinthakarai 4n "onda&.
3ut this morning ITuesda&J on%ards# the +oast 1uard and
Nav& used helicopters for surveillance in the area#> said
!olice have also intensified patrolling in the area and are
%aiting for orders from Tamil Nadu +hief "inister
Ba&alalitha to enter $dinthakarai. 0dditional irector 1eneral
of !olice S 1eorge is camping in the area and overseeing
the Koodankulam operation.
0ccording to a senior police official# the state government
%anted a Fsilent clearance operation* in Koodankulam. =:e
have re;uested media to vacate the premises and sealed
all entr& points. :e %ill use force onl& as a last resort#> said
the police official %ho %ished to remain anon&mous.
0ccording to sources# the police have cut po%er suppl& to
$dinthakarai and are planning to delink the %ater suppl& to
the village.

=:e are protesting peacefull&. :e %ill continue our protests
till our demands are met#> said !ushpara&an. 0ccording to
him# the protesters %ant an immediate release of people
arrested and the %ithdra%al of Tamil Nadu cabinet
resolution. =:e have been ditched b& the Tamil Nadu
government# the& %ill pa& for the betra&al and treacher&#>
@da&akumar told T2,27K0.
@da&akumar asked %h& the state government %as not
read& to conduct the safet& drill around the EC kilometer
radius of the po%er plant %hich is mandator& before
commissioning a nuclear plant. =The government is
violating basic safet& re;uirements before commissioning
the plant. $n such a situation %e have no other option#> said
@da&akumar. ,e %arned of public health problems and food
shortage at $dinthakarai and appealed to the people of
Tamil Nadu to be a%are of =this assault on the Tamil
=The& -government. are preparing to load uranium fuel rods
into the reactor %ithout conducting safet& or evacuation
drills. This kind of 'ascist development is taking our countr&
to another round of Ne% 2ast $ndia +ompanies and Neo-
colonialism#> said @da&akumar. r T Suresh# National
Secretar&# !@+7# Tamil Nadu-!uducherr& condemned the
police action b& the Tamil Nadu State 1overnment against
peaceful demonstrators.
=The police action against $dinthakarai villagers resembles
the Balian%alabagh incident and raises concerns about the
state government*s intention. This action comes
immediatel& after the Sankarankovil b&-elections.> said r
Suresh. The !@+7 has demanded an immediate and
unconditional release of all arrested villagers and
%ithdra%al of police force from the area.
6eemon 6acob is 3ureau &hief, *outh $ith Tehel"a.

Wh#t i # !'%le#r #%%i"e!t h#$$e!s
A!s)ers to @'estio!s o! the !'%le#r "#*#-e (ill the Ce!tre
)ith"re) ro* the Lo, S#(h# o! Mo!"#&
Wh#t is the (ill7s $'r$oseE
The Civil Li#(ilit& or N'%le#r D#*#-e +ill see,s to set "o)!
*e%h#!is*s #!" r'les or li#(ilit& %l#i*s #!" $#&*e!ts th#t
*i-ht #rise (e%#'se o # !'%le#r i!%i"e!t #!" to $#ve the
)#& or I!"i# to 5oi! #! i!ter!#tio!#l li#(ilit& re-i*e1
Wh#t ,i!" o !'%le#r li#(ilit& re-i*e "oes I!"i# h#ve #t
All o I!"i#7s !'%le#r $o)er re#%tors #!" !'%le#r #%ilities #re
o)!e" (& the %e!tr#l -over!*e!t. or (& the N'%le#r Po)er
Cor$or#tio! #!" +h#r#ti&# N#(hi,i&# Di"&'t Ni-#* F+h#vi!iG
H (oth $'(li% se%tor e!ter$rises1 A!& li#(ilit& iss'es th#t
e*er-e ro* i!%i"e!ts (e%o*e the res$o!si(ilit& o the
%e!tr#l -over!*e!t1 The i!ter--over!*e!t #-ree*e!ts
(et)ee! I!"i# #!" R'ssi# '!"er )hi%h R'ssi# h#s s'$$lie"
t)o !'%le#r re#%tors #t ;'"#!,'l#* i! T#*il N#"' "o !ot
%l#ri& li#(ilit& iss'es1 This h#s *e#!t '!%ert#i!t& over tr#!s-
(o'!"#r& li#(ilit& iss'es1
Wh& h#s the (ill (e%o*e !e%ess#r& !o)E
The I!"o-US %ivili#! !'%le#r #-ree*e!t #llo)s US s'$$liers
to sell !'%le#r $o)er re#%tors to I!"i#1 +'t the %o*$#!ies
h#ve (ee! %o!%er!e" #(o't the #(se!%e o # )ell-"ei!e"
!'%le#r li#(ilit& re-i*e i! I!"i#1 E!viro!*e!t#l -ro'$s
(elieve orei-! %o*$#!ies )ill (e rel'%t#!t to i!vest )itho't
# li#(ilit& re-i*e i! $l#%e (e%#'se the& "o !ot )#!t to r'!
the ris, o h#vi!- to %o*$e!s#te )itho't # %#$ or # !'%le#r
i!%i"e!t1 Witho't the (ill. '!"er the e6isti!- le-#l re-i*e. #
%o*$#!& *#& h#ve to e!%o'!ter #(sol'te. '!li*ite" #!"
!o!-"ele-#(le li#(ilit&1
Wh#t "oes the (ill $ro$oseE
A le#,e" versio! o the $ro$ose" (ill %ir%'l#te" (&
e!viro!*e!t#l -ro'$s i!"i%#tes th#t the -over!*e!t $l#!s to
%#$ the *#6i*'* li#(ilit& or e#%h !'%le#r i!%i"e!t to =44
*illio! S$e%i#l Dr#)i!- Ri-hts FI>?4 *illio! or Rs <.244
%roreG1 This is lo)er th#! the I>A4 *illio! settle*e!t i! the
+ho$#l -#s "is#ster1
I the %l#i*s or %o*$e!s#tio! or !'%le#r "#*#-e e6%ee"
SDR =44 *illio!. #! #""itio!#l =44 *illio! SDR *#& (e
#v#il#(le thro'-h #! i!ter!#tio!#l %o!ve!tio!1
The li#(ilit& o # !'%le#r $o)er o$er#tor Fso #r o!l& the NPC
#!" +h#vi!iG or e#%h !'%le#r i!%i"e!t )ill (e Rs 344 %rore1
The li*it )ill #lso #$$l& to $riv#te %o*$#!ies i the& #re
#llo)e" e!tr& i!to the se%tor1
The %e!tr#l -over!*e!t )ill (e li#(le or !'%le#r "#*#-e i
the li#(ilit& e6%ee"s the o$er#tor7s li*it1
Wh& h#s this -e!er#te" %o!trovers&E
The (ill h#s -e!er#te" the )i"es$re#" $er%e$tio! th#t it )ill
#llo) US %o*$#!ies to -o s%ot-ree i! the eve!t o # !'%le#r
#%%i"e!t #!" s#""le the I!"i#! -over!*e!t )ith the li#(ilit&
H i! other )or"s. I!"i#! t#6$#&ers )ill h#ve to $#& or
"#*#-es1 So*e e!viro!*e!t#l #%tivists #re %o!tr#sti!- the
$ro$ose" I!"i#! %#$ o I>?4 *illio! )ith the *'%h l#r-er I24
(illio! $ool o '!"s #v#il#(le i! the US to %over li#(ilit& #!"
$rovi"e %o*$e!s#tio! to the $'(li% i! the eve!t o # !'%le#r
#%%i"e!t1 So*e le-#l e6$erts #re #r-'i!- th#t there is !o
$l#%e or # %#$ o! li#(ilit& '!"er I!"i#! l#)1 A!& s'%h
le-isl#tio! )o'l" (e v'l!er#(le #!" o$e! to %h#lle!-e #!"
%o'l" (e e#sil& str'%, "o)! #s # viol#tio! o the
e!viro!*e!t#l 5'ris$r'"e!%e est#(lishe" (& I!"i#7s S'$re*e
Will the (ill re#ll& #llo) orei-! %o*$#!ies to -o s%ot-reeE
A %l#'se i! the (ill #$$e#rs to #llo) the !'%le#r o$er#tor to
h#ve /# ri-ht to re%o'rse0 H)hi%h )o'l" *e#! the o$er#tor
%o'l" see, #ssist#!%e H )he! the !'%le#r i!%i"e!t h#s
res'lte" ro* !e-li-e!%e o! the $#rt o # orei-! s'$$lier o
# *#teri#l. e@'i$*e!t or servi%e1 Ho)ever. this )o'l" h#ve
to (e rele%te" i! )ritte! %o!tr#%ts (et)ee! the I!"i#!
o$er#tor Fthe NPC. or !o)G #!" the orei-! s'$$liers1
E!viro!*e!t#l -ro'$s #re s%e$ti%#l. #!" e#r th#t this )ill
!ot e*er-e i! #%t'#l %o!tr#%ts1
Ho) is the (ill li!,e" to the i!ter!#tio!#l !'%le#r li#(ilit&
The Co!ve!tio! o! S'$$le*e!t#r& Co*$e!s#tio! '!"er the
I!ter!#tio!#l Ato*i% E!er-& A-e!%& $rovi"es or #!
i!ter!#tio!#l '!" to %o*$e!s#te or !'%le#r "#*#-e i! the
eve!t o #! #%%i"e!t1 The %o!ve!tio! e!vis#-es # t)o-tier
s&ste* H the st#te )ill e!s're #v#il#(ilit& o #t le#st =44
*illio! SDR. #!" #! i!ter!#tio!#l '!" or )hi%h #ll
$#rti%i$#ti!- !#tio!s #re o(li-e" to %o!tri('te1 A!& %o'!tr&
th#t $l#!s to 5oi! )ill h#ve to e!s're its !#tio!#l le-isl#tio! is
%o!siste!t )ith the %o!ve!tio!7s $rovisio!s1 +& e!#%ti!-
"o*esti% le-isl#tio!. I!"i# %o'l" 5oi! the %o!ve!tio! #!" H
sho'l" the eve!t #rise H #lso see, *o!e& ro* the *'%h
l#r-er i!ter!#tio!#l '!". )hi%h %o'l" hel$ I!"i# #%%ess #!
#""itio!#l =44 *illio! SDR1
Ho) is !'%le#r li#(ilit& %overe" i! the USE
The Pri%e-A!"erso! A%t e!#%te" i! 2J3A e!s'res the
#v#il#(ilit& o # l#r-e $ool o '!"s H #(o't I24 (illio! H to
$rovi"e %o*$e!s#tio! to $eo$le )ho i!%'r "#*#-es ro* #
!'%le#r #%%i"e!t H !o *#tter )ho is li#(le1
H#ve !'%le#r li#(ilit& %l#i*s (ee! $#i" i! the USE
The A*eri%#! N'%le#r So%iet& esti*#tes th#t the !'%le#r
i!s'r#!%e $ools h#ve $#i" # tot#l o I232 *illio! i! the $#st
>= &e#rs1 The US e!er-& "e$#rt*e!t h#s $#i" I?3 *illio!1
Wh#t ,i!" o li#(ilit& re-i*es "o other %o'!tries h#veE
The& v#r& ro* %o'!tr& to %o'!tr&1 +el-i'* h#s set # li#(ilit&
#*o'!t o =44 *illio! E'ros. #!" the Fr#!%e J213 *illio!
E'ros. #!" the U; K>4 *illio!1 Ger*#!& h#s set '!li*ite"
li#(ilit& tho'-h # i!#!%i#l se%'rit& li*it is set #t #(o't <.344
*illio! E'ros1 :#$#! #lso h#s '!li*ite" li#(ilit&. ('t #
*#6i*'* i!#!%i#l se%'rit& li*it o ?4 (illio! &e!1
I!"i#Ls Sh#* N'%le#r Li#(ilit& +ill
+& To6i% W#t%h
Ne) DelhiM +ritish Petrole'* F+PG is #%i!- # (ill o '$ to I=>
(illio! ro* the G'l o Me6i%o oil s$ill "is#ster1 Ater US
se!#tors "e*#!"e". the oil %o*$#!& "e$osite" I<4 (illio!
F#(o't Rs J<444 %roresG i!to # ri!--e!%e" #%%o'!t to *eet
es%#l#ti!- %o*$e!s#tio! %osts ('t the )#& I!"i#! le-isl#tors
#re #-reei!- to # Rs 2344 %rore %#$ o! !'%le#r "is#ster ro*
l#r-e !'%le#r $o)er $l#!ts. Rs =44 %rore %#$ or i!stit'tio!s
i!volve" i! re$ro%essi!- 'el #!" Rs 244 %rore %#$ or s*#ll
rese#r%h re#%tors is '!#%%e$t#(le #!" %o!"e*!#(le1
Sri,'*#r +#!er5ee. Ch#ir*#!. Ato*i% E!er-& Co**issio!
#!" e6-oi%io Se%ret#r&. De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-&. o!e
o the "r#ters o the +ill is -'ilt& o i-!ori!- the
%o!se@'e!%es o $ossi(le !'%le#r "is#ster (e%#'se his te6t
h#s $riv#tiNe" $roits #!" *#"e li#(ilities $'(li%1 M#*oh#!
Si!-h )ho is i!-%h#r-e o De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-&
#$$e#rs to (e -'ilt& o "ereli%tio! o "'t& #s )ell1 The Re$ort
o the P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!- Co**ittee o! S%ie!%e &
Te%h!olo-&. E!viro!*e!t & Forests %h#ire" (& T S'((ir#*i
Re""& reve#ls their %'l$#(ilit& @'ite %#te-ori%#ll&1 This
re$ort )#s t#(le" i! the R#5&# S#(h# #!" Lo, S#(h# o! 2Oth
A'-'st. <4241 Re$ort #tt#%he" Wh#t else %#! e6$l#i! their
i!"iere!%e to)#r"s other %o!%er!e" *i!istries li,e he#lth.
#-ri%'lt're. l#(o'r. )#ter reso'r%es et%1 Are!7t the& relev#!tE
Wh#t %#! e6$l#i! the l#%, o %o!se!s's #*o!- the
%o**ittee *e*(ers eve! i! *#tters o !#tio!#l i!terestE
I!"i#7s Civil Li#(ilit& or N'%le#r D#*#-e +ill. <424 is *e#!t
to $#ve the )#& or I!"i# to si-! I!ter!#tio!#l Ato*i% E!er-&
A-e!%& FIAEAG7s Co!ve!tio! o! S'$$le*e!t#r&
Co*$e!s#tio! FCSCG or N'%le#r D#*#-e. 2JJA1 The
@'estio! th#t st#res %itiNe!s i! the #%e isM )hether or !ot the
$ro$ose" li#(ilit& +ill #!" the $re-e6isti!- IAEA7s
%o*$e!s#tio! tre#t& i! the s'$re*e i!terest o $rese!t #!"
't're -e!er#tio! o I!"i#!sE I I!"i# "e%i"es to 5oi! the CSC.
it )ill (e #! e6er%ise i! s'rre!"eri!- its soverei-!t& to #
%o!li%t o i!terest ri""e! re-i*e li,e IAEA )hi%h is (oth the
$ro*oter #!" re-'l#tor o !'%le#r %o**er%e1 Li,e IAEA.
I!"i#! the Ato*i% E!er-& Re-'l#tor& +o#r" FAER+G is
"e$e!"e!t o! the De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-& FDAEG )hose
*#!"#te is %h#r-e" )ith $ro*oti!- !'%le#r $o)er i! I!"i#1
The P#rli#*e!t#r& Co**ittee e!@'ire" ro* Nir'$#*# R#o .
the Forei-! Se%ret#r& th#t /)hether there #re other
%o!si"er#tio!s #$#rt ro* the le-#l re@'ire*e!ts th#t
!e%essit#te" the +ill10 She i!or*e" th#t /si!%e the
Gover!*e!t is o$er#ti!- )ithi! the #*(it o i!ter!#tio!#l
#-ree*e!ts #!" o! the (#sis o %ert#i! $ri!%i$les the !#tio!
sho'l" h#ve $rovisio!s o the !'%le#r li#(ilit& +ill10
This is 'rther %orro(or#te" (& t)o *e*(ers o the
P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!- Co**ittee !#*el&. S#*#! P#th#,
#!" +#r'! M',her5i1 +oth h#ve o(serve" %#te-ori%#ll& th#t
the $rovisio!s o the +ill )ill '!"'l& #vo'r the orei-!
s'$$liers o !'%le#r e@'i$*e!t #!" it is (ei!- "o!e to *#,e
the $rovisio!s %o*$#ti(le )ith the Co!ve!tio! o!
S'$$le*e!t#r& Co*$e!s#tio! FCSCG1 Li,e #ll I!"i#!s (oth
these *e*(ers #re !ot %o!vi!%e" )ith the r#tio!#le o I!"i#
5oi!i!- the CSC (e%#'se this le-isl#tio! o! %ivil !'%le#r
li#(ilit& "oes !ot /,ee$ the i!terests o the I!"i#! $eo$le.
)ho *#& (e #e%te" i! # !'%le#r #%%i"e!t. #s its %ore
I! its <3 $#-e re$ort o! Civil Li#(ilit& or N'%le#r D#*#-e
+ill. <424. P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!- Co**ittee o! S%ie!%e &
Te%h!olo-&. E!viro!*e!t & Forests o(serves. /Whe! the
Co**ittee i!@'ire" ro* the Se%ret#ries o
Mi!istriesBDe$#rt*e!ts o Gover!*e!t o I!"i# )ho
#$$e#re" (eore the Co**ittee #s to )hether the "r#t
!'%le#r li#(ilit& +ill )#s reerre" to the* or their
vie)sB%o**e!ts. so*e o the* viN1 Mi!istries o He#lth &
F#*il& Wel#re. A-ri%'lt're. L#(o'r & E*$lo&*e!t. Foo" &
P'(li% Distri('tio!. et%1 re$lie" i! the !e-#tive1 The
Co**ittee is o the o$i!io! th#t Gover!*e!t *'st h#ve
so'-ht the o$i!io! o Mi!istries )hi%h #re eve! "ist#!tl&
rel#te" to #!& $rovisio! o the le-isl#tio!1 The Co**ittee.
thereore. re%o**e!"s th#t i! 't're Gover!*e!t sho'l"
%o!s'lt #ll s'%h Mi!istriesB De$#rt*e!ts )hi%h #re eve!
re*otel& %o!%er!e" )ith the $rovisio!s o # $ro$ose"
It is !ote)orth& th#t the <3-*e*(er )or,i!- -ro'$ o! %ivil
!'%le#r e!er-&-<44J %o!stit'te" (& the Fe"er#tio! o I!"i#!
Ch#*(ers o Co**er%e #!" I!"'str& FFICCIG '!"er the
%h#ir*#!shi$ o Dr S ; :#i!. %h#ir*#! #!" *#!#-i!-
"ire%tor. N'%le#r Po)er Cor$or#tio! o I!"i# Li*ite" %#*e
o't )ith # 3A-$#-e re$ort )ith the or*#t o the $ro$ose"
Civil Li#(ilit& or N'%le#r D#*#-e +ill1 Dr :#i! )#s $rese!t
"'ri!- the testi*o!& o the e6$erts #!" %itiNe!s to the
P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!- Co**ittee o! S%ie!%e &
Te%h!olo-&. E!viro!*e!t & Forests1 The -over!*e!t o
I!"i# h#s #! #*(itio's t#r-et Pto i!%re#se o'r i!st#lle"
%#$#%it& *ore th#! seve! ol" to =3.444 MWe (& the &e#r
<4<<. #!" to ?4.444 MWe (& <4=<1P Est#(lishe" i! $re-
i!"e$e!"e!t I!"i# i! 2J<A. FICCI is the l#r-est #!" ol"est
#$e6 ('si!ess or-#!iN#tio! o the %o'!tr&1 It %l#i*s to (e #
/!o!--over!*e!t. !ot-or-$roit or-#!is#tio!01 FICCI h#s
"ire%t *e*(ershi$ ro* the $riv#te #s )ell #s $'(li% se%tors.
i!%l'"i!- SMEs #!" MNCs. #!" #! i!"ire%t *e*(ershi$ o
over O=.444 %o*$#!ies ro* re-io!#l %h#*(ers o
%o**er%e1 As $#rt o its %or$or#te lo((&i!-. /FICCI )or,s
%losel& )ith the -over!*e!t o! $oli%& iss'es. e!h#!%i!-
ei%ie!%&. %o*$etitive!ess #!" e6$#!"i!- ('si!ess
o$$ort'!ities or i!"'str& thro'-h # r#!-e o s$e%i#lise"
servi%es #!" -lo(#l li!,#-es1 It #lso $rovi"es # $l#tor* or
se%tor s$e%ii% %o!se!s's ('il"i!- #!" !et)or,i!-10 I! s'%h
%o!li%t o i!terest ri""e! %ir%'*st#!%es. Dr :#i! %l#i*e"
th#t the he#lth h#N#r"s ro* Cher!o(&l !'%le#r "is#ster is
!o *ore visi(le1 Thereore. he i*$lie" th#t the @'estio!s o
i!ter-e!er#tio!#l #"verse ee%ts "o !ot #rise1 Are his %l#i*s
#%t'#l #!" tr'st)orth&E
U!"er the i!l'e!%e o FICCI #!" US !'%le#r i!"'str&. Dr1T1
S'((#r#*i Re""&. Dr M#**oh#! Si!-h #!" Dr Sri,'*#r
+#!er5ee h#ve %hose! !ot le#r! ro* the *ist#,es o US
ir*s )ho e*(#r,e" o! # !'%le#r $o)er str#te-& '!"er the
#ss'*$tio! th#t the r#"io#%tive )#ste *#!#-e*e!t $ro(le*
)#s !ot "ii%'lt #!" )o'l" (e solve" rel#tivel& @'i%,l&1
S'(se@'e!t eve!ts h#ve $rove" other)ise (e%#'se
r#"io#%tive )#ste *#!#-e*e!t eorts #re @'ite "iere!t
ro* i!"'stri#l #!" *'!i%i$#l )#ste *#!#-e*e!t1
O(serv#tio!s o G ; Pill#i. Se%ret#r&. Mi!istr& o Ho*e
A#irs ill'str#te ho) +#!er5ee h#s !ot (ee! ri-oro's i! the
"r#ti!- o the +ill1 While %o**e!ti!- o! the %o!"itio!s i!
)hi%h the o$er#tor o # !'%le#r $o)er $l#!t. )ho %o'l" (e
*#"e li#(le or !'%le#r "#*#-e. Pill#i st#te" th#t the +ill
%o!t#i!s s'%h ter*s #s #r*e" %o!li%t. hostilities. %ivil )#r.
i!s'rre%tio! or #! #%t o terroris* th#t h#ve )i"e *e#!i!-s
('t h#ve !ot (ee! "ei!e" i! the $rese!t +ill1 Thereore there
is # !ee" or i!serti!- *e#!i!-s o these ter*s ro* other
l#)s. i! Se%tio! < o this +ill1 S'%h v#-'e!ess i!
%o!!ot#tio!s %#! *#,e the o$er#tors !e-li-e!t i! o(servi!-
se%'rit& $ro%e"'res #!" %#! %re#te sit'#tio!s o "is$'tes
(et)ee! the o$er#tor #!" the %e!tr#l -over!*e!t1
It is ri-hte!i!- to ,!o) th#t #!& !'%le#r i!%i"e!t *#& i!"'%e
r#"io#%tive %o!t#*i!#tio!s i! s'r#%e. -ro'!" )#ter (o"ies.
#!" other )#ter reso'r%es1 U N P#!5i#r. the Se%ret#r&. W#ter
reso'r%es )#s o the o$i!io! th#t the Mi!istr& "oes !ot h#ve
#!& #%ilit& or testi!- )#ter @'#lit&. ro* $oi!t o vie) o
!'%le#r %o!t#*i!#tio! (e%#'se this )or, h#s (ee! "o!e (&
the De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-&1 The ei%ie!%& o
De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-& -ets ro'ti!el& reve#le" i!
iss'es r#!-i!- ro* r#"io#%tive steel. shi$ (re#,i!-
i!"'str&. M#&#$'ri s%r#$ *#r,et. ;#i-# i!%i"e!t et%1 Di"!7t
AER+ reve#l its i!%o*$ete!%e )he! it "e%l#re" M#&#$'ri
s%r#$ *#r,et r#"i#tio! ree )he! it )#s $rove! l#ter th#t the
r#"i#tio! still e6iste" i! the #re#E Di"!7t it "o the s#*e #ter
i!s$e%ti!- the o(solete shi$ +l'e L#"&E
While Se%ret#r&. De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-& res$o!"e" (&
s#&i!- th#t Mi!istr& o W#ter Reso'r%es h#s !ot (ee!
i!volve" i! %he%,i!- #!" *o!itori!- the @'#lit& o )#ter
(e%#'se this 5o( is "o!e (& the E!viro!*e!t#l S'rve&
L#(or#tories o the De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-&. the #%t
re*#i!s the +ill sho'l" h#ve (ee! se!t to the W#ter
Reso'r%es Mi!istr& #s )ell (e%#'se De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i%
E!er-& "e#ls )ith $oi!t so'r%e o r#"io#%tive $oll'tio! #!"
!ot )ith !o!-$oi!t so'r%e o $oll'tio!1 It is s#""e!i!- th#t
Mi!istr& o W#ter Reso'r%es %o!%e"e" th#t si!%e e6$ertise
is #v#il#(le i! DAE #lo!e. the Mi!istr& !ee" !ot (e %o!s'lte"1
P#!5i#r ri-htl& stresse" '$o! the !ee" to st'"& the i*$#%t o
!'%le#r %o!t#*i!#te" )#ter o! h'*#! (ei!-s. #!i*#ls.
$l#!ts #!" %ro$s1 The +ill "oes !ot *#,e #!& $rovisio! or
s'%h eorts1 I! s'%h # %o!te6t it is -er*#!e to re%olle%t th#t
*ore th#! 32 &e#rs #-o. o! <O M#& 2J3J. the Worl" He#lth
Or-#!is#tio! FWHOGLs #sse*(l& vote" i!to or%e #!
#-ree*e!t )ith the IAEA. # UN #-e!%& th#t $reve!te" the
WHO ro* i!vesti-#ti!-. )#r!i!- #!" reve#li!- the "#!-ers
o !'%le#r r#"i#tio! o! he#lth1 The #-ree*e!t is #tt#%he"1
Coi!%i"e!t#ll&. ; S'5#t# R#o. Se%ret#r&. Mi!istr& o He#lth
#!" F#*il& Wel#re )hile "e$osi!- (eore the P#rli#*e!t#r&
St#!"i!- Co**ittee o! S%ie!%e & Te%h!olo-&. E!viro!*e!t
& Forests *e!tio!e" th#t /)hile "r#ti!- the +ill the De$t1 o
Ato*i% E!er-& "i" !ot %o!s'lt the*1 Si!%e the res$o!se
s&ste* to "e#l )ith #!& ,i!" o e*er-e!%& o s'%h t&$e. the
hos$it#ls #re !ot )ell-e@'i$$e". it is !#t'r#l th#t *ort#lit&
#!" *or(i"it& "'e to *'lti$le ('r!. (l#sts. r#"i#tio! i!5'ries
#!" $s&%ho-so%i#l i*$#%t %o'l" (e o! ver& hi-h s%#le #!"
*e"i%#l t#%,li!- o s'%h # l#r-e e*er-e!%& %o'l" h#ve
e!o'-h re$er%'ssio!s i! the !e#r(& #re#s o r#"io#%tive
#llo't1 She #lso *e!tio!e" th#t i! the e!tire +ill. there is !ot
# si!-le %l#'se )hi%h s$e#,s #(o't t#,i!- he#lth %#re "'ri!-
r#"iolo-i%#l e*er-e!%ies1 It rele%ts o!l& #(o't $#&*e!t o
%o*$e!s#tio! "'e to he#lth i*$#%ts o s'%h r#"i#tio!1 She
s'--este" )hile setti!- '$ !'%le#r $l#!ts %o!si"er#tio! *#&
#lso (e -ive! to the #%t th#t there sho'l" (e hos$it#l h#vi!-
tr#i!e" "o%tors !e#r s'%h est#(lish*e!ts #!" #rr#!-e*e!ts
sho'l" #lso (e *#"e or ree tre#t*e!t o $eo$le )ho #re
#e%te" (& serio's !'%le#r #llo't10 She %o!esse" th#t her
Mi!istr& is !o)here to *eet #! eve!t'#lit& th#t *#& #rise o't
o !'%le#r #!" r#"iolo-i%#l e*er-e!%ies1 Prese!t #!" 't're
-e!er#tio! o I!"i# )o'l" sl#'te S'5#th# R#o or her
e6e*$l#r& %o!"'%t to s#e-'#r" her %o*$#triots1
Cle#rl&. o(5e%tives o He#lth Mi!istr& #!" De$#rt*e!t o
Ato*i% E!er-& #re #t lo--erhe#"s i! the s#*e )#& #s
o(5e%tives o WHO #!" IAEA #re1 The or*er is "e"i%#te" to
$ro*oti!- he#lth #!" the l#tter e6ists to $ro*ote !'%le#r
%o**er%e1 U!"er the #-ree*e!t (et)ee! WHO #!" IAEA.
the t)o #-e!%ies *'st P,ee$ e#%h other 'll& i!or*e"
%o!%er!i!- #ll $ro5e%te" #%tivities #!" #ll $ro-r#*s o )or,
)hi%h *#& (e o i!terest to (oth $#rtiesP1 Not#(l&. $ro(e i!to
the he#lth i*$#%ts o the Cher!o(&l !'%le#r #%%i"e!t i!
U,r#i!e o! <? A$ril 2JO? )#s t#,e! over (& IAEA #!"
"isse!ti!- voi%es )ere s'$$resse"1 The he#lth ee%ts o the
!'%le#r #%%i"e!t )ere the s'(5e%t o t)o *#5or %o!ere!%es.
i! Ge!ev# i! 2JJ3. #!" i! ;iev. U,r#i! i! <4421 The 'll
$ro%ee"i!-s o those %o!ere!%es re*#i! '!$'(lishe"1 The
$ro-r#**e #!" %o!%l'sio!s o the ;iev Co!ere!%e is
#tt#%he"1 The ;iev %o!ere!%e )#s or-#!ise" (& WHO
Asso%i#tio! o PPh&si%i#!s o Cher!o(&lP i! %o-o$er#tio!
)ith UN #-e!%ies1 There is !o evi"e!%e to s'--est th#t o'r
De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-& or the P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!-
Co**ittee h#" #%%esse" the "o%'*e!ts o these
%o!ere!%es #!" "re) lesso!s ro* it1
IAEA7s I!ter!#tio!#l Co!ere!%e o! Cher!o(&l - Loo,i!-
+#%, to Go For)#r"s To)#r"s # U!ite" N#tio!s Co!se!s's
o! the Ee%ts o the A%%i"e!t #!" the F't're. Die!!#.
Se$te*(er. <443 )#s # $'(li% rel#tio!s e6er%ise (& the
!'%le#r i!"'str& th#t $ro*ote" s'%h ris, *o"els or !'%le#r
r#"i#tio! th#t '!"erst#te" the tr'e h#N#r"s1 Chris +'s(&. the
s%ie!tii% se%ret#r& o E'ro$e#! Co**ittee o! R#"i#tio!
Ris, FECRRG #!" visiti!- $roessor #t the U!iversit& o
UlsterLs s%hool o (io*e"i%#l s%ie!%es o(serves. PThe
s'(or"i!#tio! o the WHO to IAEA is # ,e& $#rt o the
s&ste*#ti% #lsii%#tio! o !'%le#r ris, )hi%h h#s (ee! '!"er
)#& ever si!%e Hiroshi*#. the #-ree*e!t %re#tes #!
'!#%%e$t#(le %o!li%t o i!terest i! )hi%h the UN
or-#!is#tio! %o!%er!e" )ith $ro*oti!- o'r he#lth h#s (ee!
*#"e s'(servie!t to those )hose *#i! i!terest is the
e6$#!sio! o !'%le#r $o)er1 Dissolvi!- the WHO-IAEA
#-ree*e!t is # !e%ess#r& irst ste$ to restori!- the WHOLs
i!"e$e!"e!%e to rese#r%h the tr'e he#lth i*$#%ts o io!isi!-
r#"i#tio! #!" $'(lish its i!"i!-s1P
Disre-#r"i!- lesso!s ro* <? &e#rs o +ho$#l "is#ster. eve!
i! the <>th #!!ivers#r& &e#r o the Cher!o(&l "is#ster the
WHO-IAEA A-ree*e!t is &et to (e #(#!"o!e"1 ECRR h#s
%#lle" or its #(#!"o!*e!t1 I!"i# too sho'l" %#ll or reei!-
WHO ro* hi"i!- #%ts #(o't he#lth ee%t ro* !'%le#r
h#N#r"s "'e to the #-ree*e!t1
A*i"st $'(li% rel#tio!s (litN,rie- o !'%le#r %o*$#!ies. it is
!ot s'r$risi!- th#t +#!er5ee. Se%ret#r&. De$#rt*e!t o
Ato*i% E!er-& e6$resse" his to'%hi!- #ith i! the !'%le#r
$o)er %o*$#!ies o #ll il, #!" i!or*e" the P#rli#*e!t#r&
Co**ittee th#t the /Re#%tor #t Cher!o(&l "i" !ot h#ve #
%o!t#i!*e!t. )hile ol" re#%tors i! I!"i# h#ve %o!t#i!*e!ts
#!". thereore. Cher!o(&l t&$e i!%i"e!t %#! !ever t#,e $l#%e
i! I!"i#10 Is it (e%#'se o s'%h "ivi!e (elie i! the !'%le#r
te%h!olo-& th#t he )#s st#r,l& !e-li-e!t i! %hoosi!- !ot to
%o!s'lt reve!#!t *i!istries )hile "r#ti!- the +illE Is it or
this ver& re#so! th#t "o%tri!e o /#(sol'te li#(ilit&0 or the
o$er#tor. s'$$lier. ('il"er #!" o)!er h#s (ee! s'(verte"E
+'si!ess e!ter$rises #re /stri%tl& #!" #(sol'tel& li#(le to
%o*$e!s#te #ll those )ho #re #e%te" (& the #%%i"e!t #!"
s'%h li#(ilit& is !ot s'(5e%t to #!& o the e6%e$tio!s )hi%h
o$er#te vis-Q-vis the tort'o's $ri!%i$le o stri%t li#(ilit&.0 #s
$er S'$re*e Co'rt7s or"er1 The li#(ilit& o the o$er#tor
sho'l" (e *#"e /#(sol'te0 to e!s're th#t there #re !o
The +ill i-!ores the #%t th#t U!io! C#r(i"e Cor$or#tio! )#s
#lso i! the ('si!ess o !'%le#r $o)er #!" its %'rre!t o)!er
The Do) Che*i%#ls Co*$#!& Fsi!%e Fe(r'#r& ?. <442G too
oers # r#!-e o !'%le#r -r#"e resi!s th#t #re "esi-!e" #!"
*#!'#%t're" to *eet the re@'ire*e!ts o the !'%le#r $o)er
i!"'str&1 As $#rt o its R$oli%& $ers$e%tives7 or RA%%eler#te
Develo$*e!t o Alter!#tives #!" Re!e)#(le E!er-&7. Do)
%#lls or /A! i!%re#se" reli#!%e o! s#e !'%le#r $o)er #!"
te%h!olo-ies or ee%tivel& *#!#-i!- !'%le#r )#ste01
R#"io#%tive )#ste is !ot # si!-le Pthi!-P th#t %#! (e isol#te"
#!" "e#lt )ith1
Re""&. Si!-h #!" +#!er5ee sho'l" h#ve re%o**e!"e" *ore
o$e!!ess. i!%re#se" $'(li% #%%ess to i!or*#tio! so th#t !o
#-e!%& hi"es $ro(le*s to (e solve" (& the 't're
-e!er#tio!s1 C'rre!t "r#t o the +ill is le#vi!- the !'%le#r
)#ste $ro(le*s or 't're -e!er#tio!s1
This is ill'str#te" (& )h#t Al,# Sirohi. Se%ret#r&. De$#rt*e!t
o Foo" & P'(li% Distri('tio! i!or*e" the P#rli#*e!t#r&
St#!"i!- Co**ittee . )hile e6$l#i!i!- the '!%tio!i!- o her
Mi!istr&. she e*$h#siNe" the ill-ee%ts o !'%le#r r#"i#tio!
o! oo" ite*s #!" its s'(se@'e!t re$er%'ssio!s o! h'*#!
he#lth #!" s#e-'#r"s to (e t#,e! to $reve!t !'%le#r
%o!t#*i!#tio! o oo" "'ri!- r#"iolo-i%#l #%%i"e!ts1 She
'rther *e!tio!e" #ltho'-h r#"iolo-i%#l "#*#-e to oo"
ite*s *#& #ll )ithi! the -e!eri% "ei!itio! o the $ro$ert& #s
*e!tio!e" i! Cl#'se < FiiG o the +ill. it )o'l" (e (etter i the
s#i" Cl#'se %o'l" $rovi"e # se$#r#te "ei!itio! oo" -r#i!s
#lo!- )ith o stor#-e o oo"-r#i!s1 A""itio!#ll& she #lso
*e!tio!e" th#t s#et& !or*s. "ist#!%e. lo%#tio! #!"
o$er#ti!- $ro%e"'re. )hi%h sho'l" (e "ei!e" i! the +ill
"'ri!- the %o!str'%tio! o the )#reho'ses or oo"-r#i!s
stor#-e to (e ollo)e". !e#r # !'%le#r #%ilit&1 She #lso
*e!tio!e" #(o't the est#(lish*e!t o l#(or#tories or the
st#!"#r" testi!- o oo" #rti%les to #s%ert#i! r#"i#tio! levels1
Sirohi *erits #$$re%i#tio! or her %o!si"ere" s'(*issio!
(eore the P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!- Co**ittee1
The +ill re*#i!s sile!t o! the -r#ve iss'es r#ise" (& Pr#(eer
;'*#r +#s'. Se%ret#r&. A-ri%'lt're )ho *e!tio!e" (eore
the Co**ittee th#t the "is#ster *#!#-e*e!t str'%t're i! the
%o'!tr& is orie!te" i! s'%h # *#!!er th#t e*er-e!%ies
#risi!- o't o loo"s. e#rth@'#,es #!" "ro'-hts %o'l" (e
*#!#-e" i! #! ei%ie!t *#!!er1 Ho)ever. o! the other h#!".
'!ort'!#tel& the "is#ster *#!#-e*e!t str'%t're i! the
%o'!tr&. #s $er his o$i!io!. is !ot )ell t#ilore" i! *eeti!-
r#"iolo-i%#l #ll o't #!" *ore '!ort'!#te to *e!tio! th#t
eve! e"'%#te" se%tio! o the $eo$le is !ot )ell #)#re #(o't
the i*$li%#tio!s o # serio's !'%le#r "is#ster1 He thereore.
elt th#t *ore $'(li% #)#re!ess !ee"s to (e ('ilt i! res$e%t
o !'%le#r "is#ster #!" its h#ir-r#isi!- i*$#%t o! (iolo-i%#l
$o$'l#tio!1 He 'rther $oi!te" o't th#t #s # %o!se@'e!%e o
# !'%le#r "is#ster o the Cher!o(&l t&$e. it is @'ite $ossi(le
th#t #-ri%'lt'r#l %ro$s #ro'!" =4 to 244 ,*s1 ro* the site o
the i!%i"e!t %o'l" (e )i$e" o't tot#l1 This *#& #e%t
serio'sl& the (io"iversit& o the %ro$s i! the r#"i#tio! #re#
#!" the #r*er *#& loose their tr#"itio!#l v#riet& o %ro$s1 I!
this %o!!e%tio! he *e!tio!e" th#t the N#tio!#l +'re#' o
Pl#!t Ge!eti% Reso'r%es #!" Ge!e +#!, i! the %o'!tr& )ho
#re ,ee$i!- # s#*$le o e#%h v#riet& o %ro$s %#! $reserve
these v#rieties )hi%h %o'l" (e $l#!te" or 'rther $ro"'%tio!
i # v#riet& o %ro$s is e!tirel& lost "'e to r#"iolo-i%#l
e*er-e!%&1 He ho)ever. *e!tio!e" th#t there sho'l" (e
s'it#(le r'les. re-'l#tio!s #!" -'i"eli!es #!" %o*$e!s#tio!
*o"el or #-ri%'lt'r#l "#*#-e th#t %o'l" (e i!serte" #t #!
#$$ro$ri#te $l#%e i! the le-isl#tio! )hi%h *#& )or, #ter #
r#"iolo-i%#l eve!t'#lit& t#,es $l#%e1
F'rther reve#li!- the %ri*i!#l !e-li-e!%e o the "r#ters o
the +ill. Pr#(h#t C Ch#tirve"i. Se%ret#r&. Mi!istr& o L#(o'r
#!" E*$lo&*e!t )hile reerri!- to Cl#'se 3 F2GFiG )hi%h
$rovi"es or !o!-li#(ilit& o o$er#tor or #!& !'%le#r "#*#-e
#risi!- o't o # -r#ve !#t'r#l "is#ster o #! e6%e$tio!#l
%h#r#%ter $oi!te" o't th#t -r#ve !#t'r#l "is#ster sho'l" !ot
i!%l'"e e#rth@'#,es or loo"s1 He #"vise" the Co**ittee
th#t i !'%le#r $l#!t is $l#%e" i! # seis*i% No!e. it sho'l" (e
$ro$erl& "esi-!e" to )ithst#!" e#rth@'#,e o severe
%h#r#%ter1 The )or" !#t'r#l "is#ster is too -e!er#l1 He
'rther *e!tio!e" th#t %o!%e$t o #(sol'te li#(ilit& o the
o$er#tor i! %#se o # !'%le#r "#*#-e )hether it is o! )or,er
or so*eo!e else sho'l" (e i!vo,e" i! the +ill1 The Se%ret#r&.
)hile reerri!- to Cl#'se =J F2G o the +ill. "re) the #tte!tio!
o the Co**ittee th#t !o s$e%ii% *o!et#r& @'#!t'* h#s
(ee! *e!tio!e" i! re-#r" to the i!e to (e i*$ose" '!"er
the %h#$ter o! oe!ses #!" $e!#lties1 He thereore.
s'--este" th#t s$e%ii% @'#!t'* o i!e i! *o!et#r& ter*s
sho'l" (e "ei!e" i! the +ill1 Ch#t'rve"i *erits $l#'"its or
his %o!si"ere" s'(*issio! (eore the %o**ittee1
I! %o*$li#!%e o the s'--estio! o Ch#ir$erso!.
P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!- Co**ittee S%ie!%e & Te%h!olo-&.
E!viro!*e!t & Forests "'ri!- *& testi*o!& o! =r" A'-'st.
<424 #!" $'rs'#!t to *& )ritte! s'(*issio! "#te" Ath :'l&.
<424. To6i%s)#t%h Alli#!%e FTWAG h#" s$e%ii%#ll& "r#)! the
#tte!tio! o the P#rli#*e!t#r& St#!"i!- Co**ittee )ith
re-#r" to the !#rro) "ei!itio! o the )or" /i!st#ll#tio!0 #!"
%o!li%t o i!terest ri""e! e6iste!%e o Ato*i% E!er-&
Re-'l#tor& +o#r" FAER+G1 I! # letter to the P#rli#*e!t#r&
St#!"i!- Co**ittee "#te" A'-'st 2<. <424. TWA h#s
hi-hli-hte" the (#%,"ro$ o the "eli(er#tio!s o! Civil
Li#(ilit& or N'%le#r D#*#-e +ill1 Meer# Sh#!,#r. I!"i#!
A*(#ss#"or to the US. #!" Willi#* +'r!s . the U!"er
Se%ret#r& o St#te or Politi%#l A#irs o the U!ite" St#tes
si-!e" the A-ree*e!t o! Arr#!-e*e!ts #!" Pro%e"'res or
Re$ro%essi!- o! :'l& =4. <424 i! $'rs'#!%e to Arti%le ?FiiiG
o the A-ree*e!t or Coo$er#tio! %o!%er!i!- Pe#%e'l Uses
o N'%le#r E!er-& (et)ee! I!"i# #!" the US1 TWA h#s
@'estio!e" the *erit o %e!tr#lise" $o)er st#tio!s li,e
!'%le#r -ive! =3->4 $er%e!t tr#!s*issio! #!" "istri('tio!
loss ro* $o)er -ri"s1
R1Go$#l#!. Se%ret#r&. Fi!#!%i#l Servi%es s'(*itte" (eore
the P#rli#*e!t#r& Co**ittee th#t /#!& i!%re#se i! $re*i'*
o i!s'r#!%e )ill le#" to i!%re#se i! the %ost o $ro"'%tio! o
ele%tri%it& or !'%le#r $o)er1 It is #r-'e" th#t hi-her the
li#(ilit& li*it hi-her )ill (e the i!s'r#!%e $re*i'* #!"
s'(se@'e!tl& hi-her )ill (e the %ost o ele%tri%it&
$ro"'%tio!10 U!*i!"'l o s'%h %o!%er!s its ('si!ess #s
's'#l or the US !'%le#r %o*$#!ies #!" FICCI1 A $ress
rele#se ro* the I!"i#! E*(#ss& i! W#shi!-to!. DC !ote".
PThe histori% (il#ter#l %oo$er#tio! #-ree*e!t or $e#%e'l
'ses o !'%le#r e!er-&. the 2<= A-ree*e!t th#t )e si-!e"
t)o &e#rs (#%, $rovi"e" or re$ro%essi!- o US o(li-#te"
!'%le#r *#teri#l i! #! I!"i#! !#tio!#l #%ilit& '!"er IAEA
It o(serves. PThe -over!*e!t o I!"i# h#s #lre#"&
"esi-!#te" t)o sites or !'%le#r $o)er $l#!ts to (e
est#(lishe" i! %oo$er#tio! )ith the US #!" the %o*$#!ies o
the t)o %o'!tries #re !o) e!-#-e" i! "is%'ssio!sP #s #
ollo) '$ o the l#st *o!thLs Str#te-i% Di#lo-'e #!" the
*eeti!- o the CEOLs For'* $rior to the visit o Presi"e!t
+#r#%, O(#*# to I!"i# i! Nove*(er <4241
Re""&. Dr Si!-h #!" +#!er5ee h#ve #ile" to "is%o'r#-e
!'%le#r $o)er %o*$#!ies to lo%#te Psi!,sP li,e "ee$ )#ters
o o%e#!. se#. rivers. #ir #!" l#!"ills et% i! )hi%h it %o'l"
"'*$. l'sh. or ve!t r#"io#%tive )#ste $ro"'%ts1 The& h#ve
s,irte" the iss'e o I!"i#7s r#"io#%tive )#ste *#!#-e*e!t
#!" it sho'l" "esist ro* NIM+8-is*1 NIM+8 st#!"s or PNot
I! M& +#%, 8#r"P1 The US st#te o Nev#"# is i-hti!- #
%l#ssi% NIM+8 (#ttle #-#i!st the 8'%%# Mo'!t#i! #%ilit&1 I!
I!"i# too %o**'!ities sho'l" (e e*$o)ere" #!" !ot
h#r#sse" or #sserti!- their ri-ht to s#e e!viro!*e!t #!"
the ri-hts o 't're -e!er#tio!s1 It )#s o!%e #r-'e" th#t
re$ro%essi!- s$e!t !'%le#r 'el )#s #!other i*$ort#!t
)#ste *#!#-e*e!t str#te-& #ltho'-h the #%t o
re$ro%essi!- still -e!er#te" vol#tile )#ste $ro"'%ts )hi%h
e6#%er(#te" the )#ste *#!#-e*e!t $ro(le* eve! #s it
re"'%e" the over#ll vol'*e o r#"io#%tive )#ste *#teri#l ('t
it o!l& *#"e r#"io#%tive )#ste $ro(le* # lo!--ter* "is$os#l
o$tio!1 Not#(l&. US itsel h#s sto$$e" re$ro%essi!- !'%le#r
'el "'ri!- the l#te 2JA4s (& or"er o Presi"e!t :i**&
Re""&. Si!-h #!" +#!er5ee "o !ot re#liNe th#t the "ii%'lties
)ith r#"io#%tive )#ste %#!!ot (e "e#lt )ith (& i*$osi!- #
le-isl#tive i6 o! # $ro(le* th#t h#s !ot (ee! %le#rl& "ei!e"
or 'll& '!"erstoo"1 S'%h le-isl#tive i6es #re h#r"l& #
sol'tio! #s (e%#*e evi"e!t ro* US N'%le#r W#ste
Re$ositor& A%t o 2JO< #!" # 2JOA Co!-ressio!#l
#*e!"*e!t to the A%t )hi%h *#!"#te" %o!si"er#tio! o o!l&
o!e lo%#tio!. Nev#"#Ls 8'%%# Mo'!t#i! #s # $er*#!e!t
re$ositor& le#"i!- to *#5or liti-#tio! #s )ell #s si-!ii%#!t
o$$ositio! ro* $eo$le i! the US st#te o Nev#"#1 N'%le#r
$o)er %#!!ot #!" sho'l" !ot e6$#!" i! I!"i# #s is the %#se
)ith the US '!til the $ro(le* o )here to "is$ose o
r#"io#%tive )#ste is solve"1
P U*#sh#!,#r. Se%ret#r&. Mi!istr& o Po)er #$$rise" the
Co**ittee #(o't the Cl#'se = o the +ill. )herei! the
!otii%#tio! re-#r"i!- the o%%'rre!%e o # !'%le#r i!%i"e!t is
to (e iss'e" )ithi! 23 "#&s (& the AER+1 A%%or"i!- to hi*.
/the !'%le#r $o)er st#tio! i!%h#r-eB "ire%tor )ill
i**e"i#tel& "e%l#re !'%le#r e*er-e!%&. #!" orth)ith the
"is#ster *#!#-e*e!t $l#! )ill st#rt. )itho't )#iti!- or the
$'(li%#tio! o the !otii%#tio! #!" the 23 "#&s ti*e-$erio"
#lso !ee"s to (e re"'%e"1 / This is @'ite se!si(le ('t it
#$$e#rs th#t De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-& "i" !ot %o!s'lt
eve! the Po)er Mi!istr&1
Testi*o!& #ter testi*o!& (eore the Co**ittee h#" #s,e"
or "eletio! o the )or" terroris* ro* the +ill ('t the s#*e
is !ot rele%te" i! the Co**ittee7 s re$ort "es$ite the #%t
th#t Pr#"ee$ ;'*#r. the Dee!%e Se%ret#r&. )ho #lso
#$$e#re" (eore the Co**ittee %#te-ori%#ll& st#te". /'!"er
"iere!t l#&ers o $rote%tio!. !'%le#r #ssets i!%l'"i!-
!'%le#r i!st#ll#tio!s #re (ei!- $rote%te" thro'-h Dee!%e1
Ho)ever he #"*itte" th#t #(sol'te #!" ool $roo $rote%tio!
%#!!ot (e -'#r#!tee" or #!& !'%le#r or other #ssets i! the
%o'!tr& "'ri!- $e#%e or )#r10 E6%e$tio!s or #%ts o
terroris* %#! e#sil& (e 'se" (& the s'$$lier #!" the o$er#tor
to )#sh their h#!"s o #!& !'%le#r "is#ster1
I! vie) o the #(ove o(serv#tio!s. there is # ver& 'r-e!t
!ee" or # :oi!t P#rli#*e!t#r& Co**ittee Fs#!s %o!li%t o
i!terestG to $ro(e #!" e6#*i!e the %'rre!t li#(ilit& re-i*e i!
-e!er#l #!" !'%le#r li#(ilit& re-i*e i! $#rti%'l#r i! the
"evelo$e" %o'!tries (esi"es # Hi-h Po)ere" Tr#!s-
"is%i$li!#r& I!"e$e!"e!t E6$erts Co**ittee to st'"& the
st#t's o #"verse e!viro-o%%'$#tio!#l h#N#r"s )orl" over1
H'*#! %ost o i!"'stri#l "is#sters h#ve %re#te" #
%o*$elli!- lo-i% to "o #)#& )ith the i"e# o li*ite" li#(ilit&
to %o*$#!ies. the $ro$ose" Co*$#!ies +ill sho'l" *#,e #
(e-i!!i!- i! or"er to *#,e these le-#l-#rtii%i#l $erso!s
#%%o'!t#(le to o'r le-isl#t're1
Sh#*eS I!"i# sol" its "e#" %he#$
Sho(h#! S#6e!#.
Aro'!" <<.444 "e#"1 More th#! 2.<4.444 i!5're"1 Rs 2 l#,h
or e#%h
(o"&1 Rs <3.444 or ever& $oiso!e" l'!- #!" "#*#-e" he#rt
#!" (li!"e"
e&es1 <? &e#rs o lo!- )#it1 A!" 5'st < &e#rs i! 5#il or the
*e! )ho
%o**itte" the )orst %ri*e #-#i!st the $eo$le o this
%o'!tr&1 A!" this
*o%,er& o 5'sti%e #ter s'%h # lo!- )#it1 T)e!t& si6 &e#rs
#ter >4
to!!es o leth#l -#s see$e" i!to the l'!-s o +ho$#l. #*ilies
o so*e
2A.444 *e!. )o*e! #!" %hil"re! #re still )#iti!- or the so-
%o*$e!s#tio!1 Tho's#!"s *ore #re still )#iti!- to (e
#%%e$te" #s
vi%ti*s1 Peo$le o +ho$#l #re still "ri!,i!- to6i% )#ter
$oiso!e" (&
U!io! C#r(i"e i! De%e*(er 2JO>1 A!" the *#i! %'l$rit is
livi!- lie
,i!-siNe i! # *#!sio! i! Ne) 8or,1
No %o'!tr& sells its $eo$le so %he#$1
No %o'!tr& sells its $oor so %he#$1
No %o'!tr& sells its "e#" so %he#$1
To"#& C o! the "#& o +ho$#l "is#ster 5'"-*e!t -- i there is
# #ile"
st#te i! the )orl". it7s I!"i#1 It7s !ot Ir#@1 It7s !ot So*#li#1 It7s
!ot S'"#!1 It7s I!"i#1
I!"i# C its -over!*e!t. 5'"i%i#r& #!" %or$or#tes C #%%e$te"
ri"i%'lo's #*o'!t o I>34 *illio! "oll#rs or the $eo$le
,ille" #!"
*#i*e" (& *eth&l iso%&#!#te le#,e" ro* the U!io! C#r(i"e
#%tor& i!
the he#rt o +ho$#l three "e%#"es #-o1 I! #ll these &e#rs. the
vi%ti*s h#ve "o!e ever&thi!- the& %o'l" to -et 5'sti%e #!"
%o*$e!s#tio!1 The& h#ve %rie" #!" "ie" o! streets. s#t
h'!-r& #!"
#%e" $oli%e l#this o! ro#"s #!" ile" %o'rt %#ses i! the ho$e
o!e "#& the& )ill -et 5'sti%e1
To"#&. the& )ere "e!ie" 5'sti%e1 To"#&. the& )ere tol" th#t
sho'l" (e h#$$& )ith the $e#!'ts thro)! #t the* (& U!io!
To"#&. I!"i# $rove" o!%e #-#i! th#t it "oes!7t %#re or its
To"#&. it )#s $rove" #ll over #-#i! th#t those )ho "o $oliti%s
i! the
!#*e o $oor i! this %o'!tr&. #l)#&s r'le or the ri%h1
Wh#t 5'stii%#tio! "oes C+I h#ve or !ot (ei!- #(le to
$ro"'%e W#rre!
A!"erso! i! %o'rt1 The %h#ir*#! o UC #t the ti*e o the -#s
Fit )#s !ot #! #%%i"e!t. the -#s le#, )#s %#'se" (e%#'se o
%'tti!- ste$s t#,e! (& hi*G o! the $eo$le o +ho$#l.
A!"erso! )#s
#rreste" #!" l#ter rele#se" o! (#il1 He r#! o to US i! 2JO?
#!" )e
h#ve !ot (ee! #(le to i!" hi* or #s, the US to e6tr#"ite
A!"erso! to
I!"i#1 Wh&E The -over!*e!t s#&s it "oes!7t ,!o) )here
A!"erso! is1
Wh#t # lie1 Wh#t # sh#*e1
L#st &e#r. o! # (#l*& :'l& "#&. # ('!%h o vi%ti*s "#!%e" o!
streets #ter he#ri!- !e)s th#t the Chie :'"i%i#l M#-istr#te
+ho$#l h#" or"ere" the C+I to #rrest A!"erso! #!" $ro"'%e
hi* (eore
the %o'rt )itho't "el#&1 The %o'rt #lso #s,e" the C+I to
e6$l#i! )h#t
ste$s it h#" t#,e! si!%e <44< to e!or%e the )#rr#!t #!"
o A!"erso!. )ho )#s "e%l#re" #! #(s%o!"er i! 2JJ<1
Tho'-h the C+I #!"
US -over!*e!t #ile" to tr#%, A!"erso!. s'$$orters o
+ho$#l vi%ti*s
tr#%e" hi* to the elite Ne) 8or, !ei-h(o'rhoo" o the
H#*$to!s1 I!
<44=. Gree!$e#%e #%tivists $#i" A!"erso! # visit #t his ho*e
h#!"e" hi* #! #rrest )#rr#!t1
To"#&7s ri"i%'lo's 5'"-*e!t i! +ho$#l "i"!7t s#& #!&thi!-
o! A!"erso!
#s he is # /$ro%l#i*e" oe!"er01 This st#t's s'its hi* i!e
he "oes!7t h#ve to (other #(o't %o*i!- to I!"i# #!" #!s)er
so*e ver&
%r'%i#l @'estio!sM
TWh& "i" U!io! C#r(i"e !ot #$$l& the s#*e s#et&
st#!"#r"s #t its
$l#!t i! I!"i# #s it o$er#te" #t # sister $l#!t i! West Dir-i!i#.
TO! the !i-ht o the "is#ster. )h& "i" the si6 s#et&
"esi-!e" to $reve!t # -#s le#, #il to '!%tio!E
TWh& )#s the s#et& sire!. i!te!"e" to #lert the $eo$le livi!-
to the #%tor&. t'r!e" oE
The vi%ti*s h#ve #l)#&s #lle-e" th#t +ho$#l h#$$e!e"
(e%#'se o
!e-li-e!%e (& the U!io! C#r(i"e #!" th#t )#s %#'se" (&
*e#s'res t#,e! (& A!"erso!1 Is it (e%#'se o this re#so!
th#t A!"erso!
h#s (ee! Lhi"i!-L i! the USE
A %ri*i!#l h#s # re#so! to hi"e. ('t )h#t re#so! "oes o'r
h#ve to let # *#ss *'r"erer li,e A!"erso! -o s%ot-ree1 Is it
he is #! A*eri%#!E C#! #! A*eri%#! %o*e to I!"i# ,ill
$eo$le i! this
%o'!tr& #!" r'! #)#& )ith !o %o!se@'e!%esE Th#t see*s to
(e the %#se1
We #re still str'--li!- to -et # %h#!%e to @'estio! D#vi"
Cole*#!. #! A*eri%#! %itiNe! res$o!si(le or the )orst
terror #tt#%,
o! #! I!"i#! %it& i! <44O1 Will )e s'%%ee" i! -etti!- He#"le&
e6tr#"ite" to I!"i#E No )#&1 Never1
To"#&. I!"i# $rove" th#t it "oes!7t re#ll& %#re or its $eo$le.
$#rti%'l#rl& i the& h#ve (ee! sl#'-htere" (& $o)er'l $eo$le
ro* the
*ost $o)er'l !#tio! i! the )orl"1 I!ste#" o t#,i!- o!
A*eri%# #!"
i-hti!- or 5'sti%e or its $oor. I!"i# is *ore th#! h#$$& to
its "e#" %he#$1
Rs 2 l#,h or ever& (o"&1 Rs <3.444 or ever& (li!"e" e&e1
This is the
%ost o $oor lie i! # #ile" st#te1
Severe #%%i"e!t ris, #t I!"i#7s #st (ree"er !'%le#r re#%tor
The s#et& i!#"e@'#%ies o I!"i#7s #st (ree"er re#%tor
Arti%le Hi-hli-hts
I!"i#7s De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-& $l#!s to ('il" # l#r-e
leet o #st (ree"er !'%le#r re#%tors i! the %o*i!- &e#rs1
Ho)ever. *#!& other %o'!tries th#t h#ve e6$eri*e!te" )ith
#st re#%tors h#ve sh't "o)! their $ro-r#*s "'e to te%h!i%#l
#!" s#et& "ii%'lties1
The I!"i#! $rotot&$e is si*il#rl& l#)e". i!#"e@'#tel&
$rote%te" #-#i!st the $ossi(ilit& o # severe #%%i"e!t1
I!"i#7s De$#rt*e!t o Ato*i% E!er-& FDAEG is $l#!!i!- #
l#r-e e6$#!sio! o !'%le#r $o)er. i! )hi%h #st (ree"er
re#%tors $l#& #! i*$ort#!t role1 F#st (ree"er re#%tors #re
#ttr#%tive to the DAE (e%#'se the& $ro"'%e For P(ree"PG
*ore issile *#teri#l th#! the& 'se1 The (ree"er re#%tor is
es$e%i#ll& #ttr#%tive i! I!"i#. )hi%h ho$es to "evelo$ # l#r-e
"o*esti% !'%le#r e!er-& $ro-r#* eve! tho'-h it h#s
$ri*#ril& $oor @'#lit& 'r#!i'* ore th#t is e6$e!sive to *i!e1
C'rre!tl&. o!l& o!e #st re#%tor o$er#tes i! the %o'!tr&H#
s*#ll test re#%tor i! ;#l$#,,#*. # s*#ll to)!shi$ #(o't O4
,ilo*eters F#l*ost 34 *ilesG so'th o Che!!#i1 The
%o!str'%tio! o # l#r-er $rotot&$e #st (ree"er re#%tor
FPF+RG is '!"er)#& #t the s#*e lo%#tio!1 This re#%tor is
e6$e%te" to (e %o*$lete" i! <424 #!" )ill 'se *i6e"
$l'to!i'*-'r#!i'* o6i"e #s 'el i! its %ore. )ith # (l#!,et o
"e$lete" 'r#!i'* o6i"e th#t )ill #(sor( !e'tro!s #!"
tr#!s*'te i!to $l'to!i'* <=J1 Li@'i" so"i'* )ill (e 'se" to
%ool the %ore. )hi%h )ill $ro"'%e 2.<44 *e-#)#tts o ther*#l
$o)er #!" 344 *e-#)#tts o ele%tri%it&1 The re#%tor is to (e
the irst o h'!"re"s th#t the DAE e!visio!s %o!str'%ti!-
thro'-ho't I!"i# (& *i"-%e!t'r&1
Ho)ever. s'%h #! e6$#!sio! o #st re#%tors. eve! i *ore
*o"est th#! DAE $ro5e%tio!s. %o'l" #"versel& #e%t $'(li%
he#lth #!" s#et&1 While #ll !'%le#r re#%tors #re s's%e$ti(le
to %#t#stro$hi% #%%i"e!ts. #st re#%tors $ose # '!i@'e ris,1 I!
#st re#%tors. the %ore is!7t i! its *ost re#%tiveHor e!er-&
$ro"'%i!-H %o!i-'r#tio! )he! o$er#ti!- !or*#ll&1
Thereore. #! #%%i"e!t th#t re#rr#!-es the 'el i! the %ore
%o'l" le#" to #! i!%re#se i! re#%tio! r#te #!" #! i!%re#se i!
e!er-& $ro"'%tio!1 I this )ere to o%%'r @'i%,l&. it %o'l" le#"
to # l#r-e. e6$losive e!er-& rele#se th#t *i-ht r'$t're the
re#%tor vessel #!" "is$erse r#"io#%tive *#teri#l i!to the
M#!& o these re#%tors #lso h#ve )h#t is %#lle" # P$ositive
%ool#!t voi" %oei%ie!t.P )hi%h *e#!s th#t i the %ool#!t i!
the %e!tr#l $#rt o the %ore )ere to he#t '$ #!" or* ('((les
o so"i'* v#$or. the re#%tivit&H# *e#s're o the !e'tro!
(#l#!%e )ithi! the %ore. )hi%h "eter*i!es the re#%tor7s
te!"e!%& to %h#!-e its $o)er level Fi it is $ositive. the $o)er
level risesGH)o'l" i!%re#seU thereore %ore *elti!- %o'l"
#%%eler#te "'ri!- #! #%%i"e!t1 FA $ositive %ool#!t voi"
%oei%ie!t. tho'-h !ot i!volvi!- so"i'*. %o!tri('te" to the
r'!#)#& re#%tio! i!%re#se "'ri!- the A$ril 2JO? Cher!o(&l
re#%tor #%%i"e!t1G I! %o!tr#st. %o!ve!tio!#l li-ht )#ter
re#%tors t&$i%#ll& h#ve # P!e-#tive %ool#!t voi" %oei%ie!tP
so th#t # loss o %ool#!t re"'%es the %ore7s re#%tivit&1 The
e6isti!- I!"i#! #st (ree"er test re#%tor. )ith its *'%h
s*#ller %ore. "oes!7t h#ve # $ositive %ool#!t voi"
%oei%ie!t1 Th's. the DAE "oes!7t h#ve re#l-)orl"
e6$erie!%e i! h#!"li!- the s#et& %h#lle!-es th#t # l#r-e
$rotot&$e re#%tor )ill $ose1
More l#r-el&. i!ter!#tio!#l e6$erie!%e sho)s th#t #st
(ree"er re#%tors #re!7t re#"& or %o**er%i#l 'se1
S'$er$hV!i6. the l#-shi$ o the Fre!%h (ree"er $ro-r#*.
re*#i!e" i!o$er#tive or the *#5orit& o its 22-&e#r lieti*e
'!til it )#s i!#ll& sh'ttere" i! 2JJ?1 Co!%er!s #(o't the
#"e@'#%& o the "esi-! o the Ger*#! #st (ree"er re#%tor
le" to it (ei!- %o!teste" (& e!viro!*e!t#l -ro'$s #!" the
lo%#l st#te -over!*e!t i! the 2JO4s #!" 'lti*#tel& to its
%#!%ell#tio! i! 2JJ21 A!" the :#$#!ese #st re#%tor Mo!5'
sh't "o)! i! 2JJ3 #ter # so"i'* %ool#!t le#, %#'se" # ire
#!" h#s &et to rest#rt1 O!l& Chi!# #!" R'ssi# #re still
"evelo$i!- #st (ree"ers1 Chi!#. ho)ever. h#s &et to o$er#te
o!e. #!" the R'ssi#! +N-?44 #st re#%tor h#s s'ere"
re$e#te" so"i'* le#,s #!" ires1
Whe! it %o*es to I!"i#7s $rotot&$e #st (ree"er re#%tor. t)o
"isti!%t @'estio!s *'st (e #s,e"M F2G Is there %o!i"e!%e
#(o't ho) #! #%%i"e!t )o'l" $ro$#-#te i!si"e the %ore #!"
ho) *'%h e!er-& it *i-ht rele#seEU #!" F<G h#ve PF+R
"esi-! eorts (ee! #s stri%t #s !e%ess#r&. -ive! the
$ossi(ilit& th#t #! #%%i"e!t )o'l" (e "ii%'lt to %o!t#i! #!"
$ote!ti#ll& h#r*'l to the s'rro'!"i!- $o$'l#tio!E
The si*$le #!s)er to (oth is !o1
The DAE. li,e other #st-re#%tor "evelo$ers. h#s trie" to
st'"& ho) severe # %ore-"isr'$tive #%%i"e!t )o'l" (e #!"
ho) *'%h e!er-& it )o'l" rele#se1 I! the %#se o the PF+R.
the DAE h#s #r-'e" th#t the )orst-%#se %ore "isr'$tive
#%%i"e!t )o'l" rele#se #! e6$losive e!er-& o 244
*e-#5o'les1 This is @'estio!#(le1
The DAE7s esti*#te is *'%h s*#ller )he! %o*$#re" )ith
other #st re#%tors. es$e%i#ll& )he! the *'%h l#r-er $o)er
%#$#%it& o the PF+RH#!" th's. the l#r-er #*o'!t o issile
*#teri#l 'se" i! the re#%torHis t#,e! i!to #%%o'!t1 For
e6#*$le. it )#s esti*#te" th#t the s*#ller Ger*#! re#%tor
F"esi-!e" to $ro"'%e A?4 *e-#)#tts o ther*#l e!er-&G
)o'l" $ro"'%e =A4 *e-#5o'les i! the eve!t o # %ore-
"isr'$tive #%%i"e!tH*'%h hi-her th#! the PF+R esti*#te1
Other #st re#%tors #ro'!" the )orl" h#ve si*il#rl& hi-her
esti*#tes or ho) *'%h e!er-& )o'l" (e $ro"'%e" i! s'%h
The DAE7s esti*#te is (#se" o! t)o *#i! #ss'*$tio!sM F2G
th#t o!l& $#rt o the %ore )ill *elt "o)! #!" %o!tri('te to the
#%%i"e!tU #!" F<G th#t o!l& #(o't 2 $er%e!t o the ther*#l
e!er-& rele#se" "'ri!- the #%%i"e!t )o'l" (e %o!verte" i!to
*e%h#!i%#l e!er-& th#t %#! "#*#-e the %o!t#i!*e!t
('il"i!- #!" %#'se e5e%tio! o r#"io#%tive *#teri#ls i!to the
Neither o these #ss'*$tio!s is 5'stii#(le1 +rit#i!7s Ato*i%
E!er-& A'thorit& h#s "o!e e6$eri*e!ts th#t s'--est '$ to >
$er%e!t o the ther*#l e!er-& %o'l" (e %o!verte" i!to
*e%h#!i%#l e!er-&1 A!" the $he!o*e!# th#t *i-ht o%%'r
i!si"e the re#%tor %ore "'ri!- # severe #%%i"e!t #re ver&
%o*$le6. so there7s !o )#& to st#-e # 'll-s%#le e6$eri*e!t
to %o*$#re )ith the theoreti%#l #%%i"e!t *o"els th#t the
re#%tor7s "esi-!ers 'se" i! their esti*#tes1 I! #""itio!.
i*$ort#!t o*issio!s i! the DAE7s o)! s#et& st'"ies *#,e
their #!#l&sis i!#"e@'#tel& %o!serv#tive1 FO'r i!"e$e!"e!t
esti*#tes o the e!er-& $ro"'%e" i! # h&$otheti%#l PF+R
%ore "isr'$tive #%%i"e!t #re $rese!te" i! the S%ie!%e #!"
Glo(#l Se%'rit& #rti%le. PCo*$ro*isi!- S#et&M Desi-!
Choi%es #!" Severe A%%i"e!t Possi(ilities i! I!"i#7s
Protot&$e F#st +ree"er Re#%torP #!" these #re *'%h hi-her
th#! the DAE7s esti*#tes1G
T'r!i!- to the se%o!" @'estio!M I! ter*s o the stri!-e!%& o
the DAE7s "esi-! eort. the re%or" reve#ls i!#"e@'#te s#et&
$re%#'tio!s1 O!e -o#l o #!& P"ee!se-i!-"e$thP "esi-! is to
e!-i!eer (#rriers to )ithst#!" the *ost severe #%%i"e!t
th#t7s %o!si"ere" $l#'si(le1 I*$ort#!t #*o!- these (#rriers
is the re#%tor7s %o!t#i!*e!t ('il"i!-. the *ost visi(le
str'%t're ro* the o'tsi"e o #!& !'%le#r $l#!t1 Co*$#re" to
*ost other (ree"er re#%tors. #!" li-ht )#ter re#%tors or th#t
*#tter. the "esi-! o the PF+R7s %o!t#i!*e!t is rel#tivel&
)e#, #!" )o!7t (e #(le to %o!t#i! #! #%%i"e!t th#t rele#ses
# l#r-e #*o'!t o e!er-&1 The DAE ,!o)s ho) to ('il"
stro!-er %o!t#i!*e!tsHits !e)est he#v& )#ter re#%tor
"esi-! h#s # %o!t#i!*e!t ('il"i!- th#t is *e#!t to )ithst#!"
si6 ti*es *ore $ress're th#! the PF+R7s %o!t#i!*e!tH('t
h#s %hose! !ot to "o so or the PF+R1
The other '!s#e "esi-! %hoi%e is th#t o the re#%tor %ore1 As
*e!tio!e" e#rlier. the "est#(iliNi!- $ositive %ool#!t voi"
%oei%ie!t i! #st re#%tors is # $ro(le* (e%#'se it i!%re#ses
the $ossi(ilit& th#t re#%tivit& )ill es%#l#te i!si"e the %ore
"'ri!- #! #%%i"e!t1 It7s $ossi(le to "e%re#se this ee%t (&
"esi-!i!- the re#%tor %ore so th#t 'el s'(#sse*(lies #re
i!ters$erse" )ithi! the "e$lete" 'r#!i'* (l#!,et. i! )h#t is
ter*e" # hetero-e!eo's %ore1 The U1S1 Cli!%h River +ree"er
Re#%tor. )hi%h )#s eve!t'#ll& %#!%elle". )#s "esi-!e" )ith
# hetero-e!eo's %ore. #!" R'ssi# h#s %o!si"ere" #
hetero-e!eo's %ore or its $l#!!e" +N-2?44 re#%tor1 The
DAE h#s!7t *#"e s'%h #! eort. #!" the $erso! )ho
"ire%te" I!"i#7s #st (ree"er $ro-r#* "'ri!- $#rt o the
"esi-! $h#se o!%e #r-'e" th#t the e*$h#sis o! the %ool#!t
voi" %oei%ie!t )#s *ist#,e! (e%#'se # !e-#tive voi"
%oei%ie!t %o'l" le#" to "#!-ero's sit'#tio!s i! #! #%%i"e!t
#s )ell1 Th#t *i-ht (e tr'e. ('t it *isses the o(vio's $oi!t
th#t the s#*e $ote!ti#ll& "#!-ero's sit'#tio!s )o'l" (e
eve! *ore "#!-ero's i the voi" %oei%ie!t )ithi! the %ore is
+oth o these "esi-! %hoi%esH# )e#, %o!t#i!*e!t ('il"i!-
#!" # re#%tor %ore )ith # l#r-e #!" $ositive voi" %oei%ie!tH
#re re#"il& e6$l#i!#(leM The& lo)ere" %osts1 Re"'%i!- the
so"i'* %ool#!t voi" %oei%ie!t )o'l" h#ve i!%re#se" the
issile *#teri#l re@'ire*e!t o the re#%tor (& =4-34 $er%e!tH
#! e6$e!sive %o*$o!e!t o the i!iti#l %osts1 Li,e)ise. #
stro!-er %o!t#i!*e!t ('il"i!- )o'l" h#ve %ost *ore1 All o
this is *otiv#te" (& the DAE7s #ssess*e!t th#t Pthe %#$it#l
%ost o W#st (ree"er re#%torsX )ill re*#i! the *ost i*$ort#!t
h'r"leP to their r#$i" "e$lo&*e!t1
Lo)ere" ele%tri%it& %osts )o'l" !or*#ll& (e *ost )el%o*e.
('t !ot )ith the i!%re#se" ris, o %#t#stro$hi% #%%i"e!ts
%#'se" (& $oorl& "esi-!e" #st (ree"er re#%tors1
F','shi*# N'%le#r A%%i"e!tM So(eri!- Rele%tio!s
+& S1G1Do*(#t,ere

2= M#r%h. <422

The ts'!#*i-tri--ere" #%%i"e!t i! F','shi*# F:#$#!G D#ii%hi
$l#!tLs U!it 2 Fo$er#te" (& the To,&o Ele%tri% Po)er
Co*$#!&. TEPCOG (ri!-s s#et& iss'es i!to @'estio!
re-#r"i!- the o$er#tio! o !'%le#r $o)er $l#!ts FNPPsG1 I!
the D#ii%hi NPP. the #'to*#ti% sh'tti!- "o)! o the re#%tor
(& sto$$i!- the %o!trolle" !'%le#r issio! $ro%ess. "i" o%%'r
#s "esi-!e"1 Ho)ever. the re#%tor "i" !ot %ool "o)! #s #st
#s it )#s e6$e%te" #!" re@'ire" to "o. #!" %#lle" or
#%tiv#ti!- the e*er-e!%& %ool#!t $'*$s #%%or"i!- to
"esi-!1 +'t there )#s !o -ri" $o)er "'e to # %o*(i!#tio! o
e#rth@'#,e #!" s'(se@'e!t ts'!#*i to o$er#te the $'*$s1
Also. (e%#'se o loo"i!- "'e to the ts'!#*i. the "e"i%#te"
st#!"(& -e!er#tors %o'l" !ot $rovi"e $o)er1 The st#!"(&
(#tter& $o)er Fst#!"(& to the st#!"(& -e!er#torG )#s
i!s'i%ie!t to o$er#te the $'*$s #t s'i%ie!t r#te #!"
"'r#tio!. #!" so the Fr#"io#%tiveG ste#* -e!er#te" "'e to
overhe#ti!- h#" to (e ve!te" to relieve the i!%re#si!-
$ress're1 This h#s $'t #! '!*e#s're" @'#!t'* o
r#"io#%tive ele*e!ts Fr#"io!'%lei"esG i!to the #t*os$here1
+'t th#t too "i" !ot %ool "o)! the re#%tor s'i%ie!tl&1 It )#s
the! re$orte" th#t se# )#ter )#s (ei!- let i!to the re#%tor to
%ool it to $reve!t # *elt"o)!1 +& this # 'rther '!*e#s're"
#*o'!t o r#"io#%tive *#teri#l )o'l" (e "is%h#r-e" i!to the
e!viro!*e!t1 The TEPCO )e(site %l#i*s th#t /*o!itori!-
-oes o! #ro'!" the %lo%, &e#r ro'!"0 ('t #t the (otto* it
this "et#il is $rovi"e" to sho) three thi!-sM O!e. th#t
#%%i"e!ts i! NPPs %#! #!" "o o%%'r or o!e or *ore o
sever#l re#so!sU T)o. *o!itori!- %#! #il. #!" eve! )he! it
o$er#tes. the $'(li% is e6$e%te" to '!@'estio!i!-l& #%%e$t
the "#t# $rovi"e" (& the NPP #'thorities #s %orre%t. "'e to
oi%i#l se%re%& %o!"itio!s1 Th's. ho) *'%h o !'%le#r
r#"i#tio! h#s #lre#"& (ee! "is%h#r-e" i!to the #t*os$here
#!" se# )#ter ro* the D#ii%hi NPP #!" ho) *'%h *ore )ill
es%#$e i! the ho'rs #!" "#&s to %o*e )ill !ever (e ,!o)!1
Also. ho) *'%h is (ei!- "is%h#r-e" ro* the other o'r
#e%te" NPPs is #!&(o"&Ls -'essU Three. U!li,e h&"el or
ther*#l $o)er $l#!ts )hi%h %#! (e sh't "o)! $r#%ti%#ll&
i!st#!t#!eo'sl&. the !'%le#r 'el i! NPPs re@'ires %ooli!- to
$reve!t overhe#ti!- eve! i! !or*#l %o!"itio!s1 Th's. NPPs
#l)#&s !ee" i!"e$e!"e!t $o)er s'$$l& Fro* the -ri" or
their o)! st#!"(& -e!er#torsG i! #! e*er-e!%&1 Th#t is.
NPPs #re !ot #'to!o*o's i! res$e%t o s#et&1
The :#$#!ese !'%le#r e!-i!eers #re *#,i!- heroi% eorts #t
i**e!se $erso!#l ris, to $reve!t # ste#* e6$losio! F!ot #
!'%le#r e6$losio!G i! the NPP1 This is the $oi!t #t )hi%h the
"esi-! #!" %o!str'%tio! st#!"#r"s o the %o!%rete "o'(le
%o!t#i!*e!t str'%t're o the !'%le#r re#%tor )ill h#ve to
)ithst#!" the e6$losio!1 This %o'l" tri--er # $#rti#l or tot#l
*elt"o)! o the re#%tor %ore. si*il#r to )h#t h#$$e!e" i!
USA i! 2JA2 i! the Three Mile Isl#!" NPP1 FThis $'t the US
!'%le#r $o)er i!"'str& i!to the "ol"r'*s '!til USA revive" it
(& !e-oti#ti!- the !'%le#r "e#l )ith I!"i# i! <44JG1 :#$#! h#s
# re$'t#tio! or -oo" "esi-! #!" s#et& st#!"#r"s #!" -oo"
@'#lit& %o!trol #!" @'#lit& #ss'r#!%e i! e6e%'tio!1 It )o'l"
(e the erve!t )ish o ever& thi!,i!- $erso! o! the $l#!et
th#t the "o'(le %o!t#i!*e!t )ill !ot #il #!" th#t the
e!-i!eers )ill %o!trol the "es$er#tel& "eli%#te sit'#tio! i!
the D#ii%hi NPP1 No(o"& is #s &et eve! thi!,i!- o the %osts
o %o!t#i!i!- the #%%i"e!t #!" the s'(se@'e!t !'%le#r %le#!-
+'t let 's !o) %'t to the !'%le#r sit'#tio! i! I!"i#1 The iss'e
o I!"i#! "esi-! #!" %o!str'%tio! @'#lit& st#!"#r"s st#!"s
!#,e" )he! )e !ote th#t the %o!%rete %o!t#i!*e!t "o*e o
the ;#i-# F;#r!#t#,#G NPP %oll#$se" )he! '!"er
%o!str'%tio!. #!" h#" to (e re('ilt1 It h#s !ot (ee! reve#le"
)hether it )#s # #il're o "esi-! or e6e%'tio! @'#lit&1 It is
!ot $ossi(le to o(t#i! reli#(le i!or*#tio! re-#r"i!- the
o$er#tio!. s#et& st#!"#r"s #!" $eror*#!%e or other %ost.
%o!str'%tio!#l or o$er#tio!#l #s$e%ts o #!& NPP (e%#'se o
the ollo)i!- re#so!sM O!e. Se%tio! 2O FRestri%tio! o!
"is%los're o i!or*#tio!G #!" Se%tio! <> FOe!%es #!"
$e!#ltiesG o the "r#%o!i#! I!"i#! Ato*i% E!er-& A%t 2J?<.
"o !ot $er*it #!&(o"& to eve! #s, @'estio!s #(o't NPPs.
T)o. !o(o"& e6%e$t the !'%le#r i!"'str& is $er*itte" to
%o!"'%t tests or r#"io#%tivit& eve! o'tsi"e the $eri*eter o
#!& NPP. Three. the E!viro!*e!t Prote%tio! A%t 2JO?. "oes
!ot #$$l& to NPPs. Fo'r. the s#et& #!" *o!itori!- #-e!%&
FAER+G is !ot #! i!"e$e!"e!t #-e!%& #!" the $'(li% h#s to
#%%e$t )h#tever he#lth #!" s#et& i!or*#tio! is rele#se" (&
the NPP or the AER+. Five. the ('"-et o the DAE is !ot
$l#%e" eve! (eore P#rli#*e!t #!" the $o)er -e!er#tio! #!"
ei%ie!%& i-'res #re !ot #v#il#(le eve! to the Ce!tr#l
Ele%tri%it& A'thorit& FCEAG1 I! short. the I!"i#! !'%le#r
i!"'str& is # %lose" "oor to the rest o I!"i#. #!" this %#! (e
#t the %ost o $'(li% s#et& #!" he#lth1
F'rther. i! the eve!t o # !'%le#r #%%i"e!t. Gover!*e!t o
I!"i# FGoIG h#s so'-ht to %#$ or li*it the li#(ilit& o o$er#tors
or s'$$liers o !'%le#r h#r")#re #!" te%h!olo-& to #ss're
$roits to the US !'%le#r i!"'str&1 I! si*$ler l#!-'#-e. this
*e#!s th#t the re#l i!#!%i#l %ost o $ost-#%%i"e!t !'%le#r
%le#!-'$ #!" re$#ir )o'l" (e (or!e (& I!"i#. #s the li#(ilit&
o the s'$$liers )o'l" (e li*ite" to the %#$ #*o'!t. )hile
the re#l %osts o he#lth #!" livelihoo" )o'l" (e (or!e (& the
I! vie) o the se%re%& #!" the $oor st#!"#r"s o
%o!str'%tio! eve! i! the !'%le#r i!"'str&. the %o!li%ti!-
$#r#*eters o s#et&. o$er#tio!#l %ost #!" r#"io#%tive
e*issio!s o #!& NPP le#ve the $'(li% to -'ess )he! o!e o
I!"i#Ls NPPs *#& s'er # serio's #%%i"e!t. #!" )hether )e
)ill (e #(le to h#!"le the "is#ster ee%tivel& #!" ei%ie!tl&1
I!"i#! !'%le#r e!-i!eers #re se%o!" to !o!e. th's the iss'e
o s#et& i! I!"i#Ls !'%le#r est#(lish*e!t is i!stit'tio!#l1 The
se%re%&. i!tr#!s$#re!%&. '!#%%o'!t#(ilit& #!" sel-
%ertii%#tio! o the !'%le#r i!"'str& *#,es o!e "o'(t
)hether )e )ill (e #(le to $reve!t serio's e*er-e!%& or
h#!"le it ee%tivel& sho'l" it h#$$e!1
This #lso r#ises @'estio!s #(o't the #"vis#(ilit& o -oi!- or
*e-# NPPs s'%h #s $l#!!e" i! :#it#$'r. M#h#r#shtr#1 This is
@'ite #$#rt ro* the #%t o e!or*o's resist#!%e to its
%o!str'%tio! ro* lo%#l $eo$le o! the -ro'!"s o livelihoo"
#!" e!viro!*e!t1 Let 's ho$e th#t the I!"i#! !'%le#r
est#(lish*e!t )o'l" !ever !ee" to h#!"le # serio's
#%%i"e!t o the t&$e o Three Mile Isl#!" or Cher!o(&l or
S1G1Do*(#t,ere hol"s # PhD i! %ivil str'%t'r#l "&!#*i%s
ro* I1I1T. M#"r#s. #!" h#s e6te!sive str'%t'r#l "esi-! #!"
$ro5e%t e6e%'tio! e6$erie!%e1
E-*#ilM s-J,ereYlive1%o*

"(ildren crippled $y India&s uranium -aste
T(e 'uardian 2 Asia :aci1ic 2 8<Au+

An #$ser0er in0esti+ation (as disco0ered a link $et-een
Indian electricity stations and p(ysical and mental
!undreds o1 c(ildren in t(e :unCa$ (a0e $een contaminated
-it( uranium in a pollution scandal -it( implications t(at
could e7tend 1ar $eyond t(e $orders o1 India.
Scientists and (ealt( -orkers (a0e sounded t(e alarm a1ter
$ein+ con1ronted -it( a dramatic rise in $irt( de1ects)
p(ysical and mental a$normalities) and cancers in t(e Indian
state. A su$sequent #$ser0er in0esti+ation (as unco0ered
e0idence linkin+ t(e contamination to as( 1rom t(e re+ion&s
coal21ired po-er stations. Tests on c(ildren $orn in areas
around t(e po-er stations (a0e re0ealed t(at many (a0e
(i+( le0els o1 uranium in t(eir $odies.
T(e metal is concentrated in t(e 1ly as( produced -(en coal
is $urned. Tests on +round -ater around t(e plants s(o-
le0els o1 uranium up to 9B times t(e Eorld !ealt(
#r+anisation&s ma7imum sa1e limits.
T(e re0elations coincide -it( t(e pu$lication o1 a report $y
t(e Russian Academy o1 Sciences& T(ermal En+ineerin+
Cournal t(at -arns o1 an increased radiation (a6ard to people
li0in+ near coal21ired t(ermal po-er stations.
Sta11 at t-o clinics around t(e :unCa$i city o1 Bat(inda OPQ
-(ere t(ere are t-o coal21ired t(ermal plants OPQ (a0e
reported alarmin+ num$ers o1 admissions o1 se0erely
(andicapped c(ildren. "(ildren -ere $orn -it( enlar+ed or
small (eads) s(ort arms and le+s) cere$ral palsy) .o-n&s
syndrome and ot(er complications. A 'erman la$oratory t(at
tested samples taken 1rom t(e c(ildren 1ound massi0e le0els
o1 uranium in t(eir $odies OPQ in one case more t(an G>
times t(e ma7imum sa1e limit.
Studies o1 +round -ater su++est t(at -(ile t(e uranium
contamination is (ea0iest around t(e po-er plants) it
e7tends across lar+e parts o1 t(e state) -(ic( is (ome to 8A
million people. T(e Indian +o0ernment is committed to an
e7pansion o1 t(ermal plants in :unCa$ and ot(er states.
Around t(e -orld) many ot(er countries are plannin+ to $uild
ne- coal21ired po-er plants) includin+ "(ina) Russia) India)
'ermany and t(e United States. In t(e UK) t(ere are plans 1or
a coal21ired station at t(e Kin+snort( 1acility in Kent.
T(e c(ildren are $ein+ treated at t(e Ba$a %arid centres 1or
special c(ildren in Bat(inda and near$y %aridkot. .r :ritpal
Sin+() -(o is in c(ar+e o1 t(e %aridkot clinic) said t(e
num$er o1 c(ildren a11ected (ad risen dramatically in t(e
past si7 or se0en years and claimed t(e aut(orities -ere
determined to $ury t(e scandal. QT(ey can&t Cust deto7i1y
t(ese kids) t(ey (a0e to deto7i1y t(e -(ole :unCa$. T(at is
t(e reason 1or t(eir reluctance)Q (e said.
QT(ey t(reatened us and said i1 -e didn&t stop commentin+
on -(at&s (appenin+ t(ey -ould close our clinic. But I
decided t(at i1 I kept silent it -ould +o on 1or years and no
one -ould do anyt(in+ a$out it. I1 I keep silent t(en t(e ne7t
day it -ill $e my c(ild. T(e c(ildren are dyin+ in 1ront o1 me.Q
.r "arin Smit) a Sout( A1rican clinical metal to7icolo+ist -(o
arran+ed 1or t(e tests to $e carried out) said t(e situation
could not $e i+nored. QT(ere is e0idence o1 (arm 1or t(ese
c(ildren in my care and OPR it is an imperati0e t(at t(eir
$odies $e cleaned up and t(eir meta$olism $e supported to
deal -it( suc( a de0astatin+ presence o1 radioacti0e
material)Q s(e said.
QI1 t(e contamination is as -idespread as it -ould appear to
$e OPQ as 1ar -est as ,uktsar on :akistan&s $order) and as
1ar east as spreadin+ into t(e 1oot(ills o1 !imac(al :rades(
OPQ t(en millions are at (i+( risk and e0ery ne- $a$y $orn to
a contaminated mot(er is at risk.Q
A team o1 scientists 1rom India&s .epartment o1 Atomic
Ener+y 0isited t(e area and reported t(at -(ile t(e
concentration o1 uranium in drinkin+ -ater -as Qsli+(tly
(i+(Q) t(ere -as Qnot(in+ to -orry a$outQ) alt(ou+( some o1
t(eir tests recorded le0els o1 uranium as (i+( as
88Amicro+rams per litre (mc+Fl) OPQ 9B times (i+(er t(an t(e
sa1e le0el o1 9Bmc+Fl recommended $y t(e Eorld !ealt(
#r+anisation. T(e US En0ironmental :rotection A+ency sets
a ma7imum sa1e le0el o1 8>mc+Fl. Scientists in :unCa$ -(o
(a0e studied t(e presence o1 uranium in t(e state (a0e
dismissed t(e +o0ernment&s denials as a -(ite-as(.
.r "(ander :arkas( and .r Surinder Sin+() $ot( 1rom
Amritsar&s 'uru anak .e0 Uni0ersity) said it -as clear t(at
uranium -as present in lar+e quantities in t(e +round -ater
and s(ould $e in0esti+ated 1urt(er.
In t(e %aridkot centre last -eek) 9B2year2old !arman$ir
Kaur&s test results came $ack and s(o-ed s(e (ad 9> times
t(e sa1e limit in (er $ody. !er $rot(er) auni(al Sin+() si7)
(ad dou$le t(e sa1e le0els.
!arman$ir -as $orn in ,uktsar) A>km 1rom %aridkot. !er
mot(er) Kul$ir Kaur) <@) (as -atc(ed (er c(ild slo-ly
de+enerate 1rom a (ealt(y $a$y into t(e 0ery ill +irl s(e is
today OPQ dri$$lin+ constantly) una$le to 1eed (ersel1 and
lost in a -orld o1 (er o-n.
Q'od kno-s -(at sin I (a0e committed. E(en -e +o to our
0illa+e people say t(ere is a curse o1 'od on you) $ut I don&t
$elie0e so)Q s(e said. QE0ery part o1 t(is area is a11ected. Ee
ne0er ima+ined t(at t(ere -ould $e uranium in our kids.Q
A 1e- miles do-n t(e road in Bat(inda) Suk(minder Sin+() a
AD2year2old 1armer) -atc(ed (is son Kul-inder) 9<) starin+
into space -(ile curlin+ (is (ands under (is c(in. T(e tests
s(o-ed t(at Kul-inder (ad 9? times t(e ma7imum sa1e le0el
o1 uranium in (is $ody. !e (as cere$ral palsy and (as
already (ad se0en operations to un$end (is arms and le+s.
!e is 1urious t(at t(e +o0ernment (as i+nored t(e e0idence
o1 a serious (ealt( risk to c(ildren in t(e :unCa$.
QT(e +o0ernment s(ould in0esti+ate it $ecause i1 our c(ild is
a11ected it -ill also a11ect 1uture +enerations)Q (e said. QE(at
are t(ey -aitin+ 1or; !o- many c(ildren do t(ey -ant to $e
a11ected; Anot(er +eneration;Q
.oni "(oud(ary) a+ed 9B mont(s) is -aitin+ to $e tested)
alt(ou+( sta11 say (e s(o-s similar symptoms to c(ildren
-(ose results (a0e re0ealed dan+erous le0els o1 uranium)
and (e is already $ein+ treated 1or suspected uranium
poisonin+. !is mot(er) eelum) 88) 1rom t(e state capital)
"(andi+ar() says (e -as $orn -it( (ydrocep(aly OPQ -ater
on t(e $rain. !is le+s are useless.
Q!e is dependent on ot(ers. A1ter me) -(o can care 1or (im;Q
eelum says. Q!e tries to speak $ut (e can&t e7press (imsel1
and my (eart cries. E(en -ill (e understand t(at (is le+s
don&t -ork; E(at -ill (e 1eel;Q
Some scientists (a0e also proposed t(at +round -ater may
(a0e $een contaminated $y contact -it( +ranite lyin+ deep
$elo- t(e t(ick allu0ial deposits t(at 1orm t(e :unCa$ plains)
alt(ou+( t(e parents o1 most o1 t(e c(ildren a11ected say
t(ey take t(eir -ater 1rom t(e mains supply) -(ic( comes
1rom ot(er sources.
,ean-(ile) smoke continues to pour 1rom %aridkot&s po-er
station c(imneys and lorries s(uttle $ack-ards and
1or-ards) takin+ a-ay t(e 1ly as( to $e mi7ed into cement at
t(e Am$uCa 1actory ne7t to t(e Bat(inda po-er plant.
Inside t(e plant last -eek) t(ere -as as( e0ery-(ere)
1ormin+ dri1ts) clin+in+ to t(e skin) +ettin+ into t(e t(roat. In
t(e main (all) t(e LE. display s(o-ed t(e 1our +enerators
are c(urnin+ out 9>@ me+a-atts o1 electricity.
Ra0indra Sin+() t(e plant&s security o11icer) said t(at most o1
t(e as( -ent to t(e cement -orks) -(ile t(e rest -as
dumped in as( ponds. T(e 1irst coal21ired po-er station in
:unCa$ -as commissioned in Bat(inda in 9?@A. It -as
1ollo-ed $y anot(er in near$y Le(ra ,o(a$$at in 9??D. T(ere
is a t(ird to t(e east) at Ropar.
Tests on +round -ater in 0illa+es in Bat(inda district 1ound
t(e (i+(est a0era+e concentration o1 uranium OPQ B@mc+Fl)
t(ree times t(e E:A&s sa1e limit OPQ in t(e to-n o1 B(uc(o
,andi) a s(ort distance 1rom t(e Le(ra ,o(a$$at as( pond.
T(is le0el o1 uranium means t(e li1etime cancer risk in t(e
0illa+e is more t(an 9B> times t(at o1 t(e normal population


A Tata Institute o1 Social Sciences (TISS) report (as criticised
t(e location o1 t(e *aitapur nuclear po-er plant in t(e
Ratna+iri district o1 ,a(aras(tra as sittin+ on an eart(quake
6one e0en as t(e state +o0ernment plans to (old a pu$lic
discussion to clear t(e air 1or t(e proposed reactor. "(ie1
,inister :rit(0iraC "(a0an plans to rope in atomic ener+y
e7perts and representati0es o1 t(e uclear :o-er
"orporation o1 India Limited (:"IL)) -(ic( -ill set up t(e
proCect in colla$oration -it( Are0a) a %renc( company) to
dispel t(e 4misin1ormation5 created $y acti0ists at a pu$lic
discussion in *anuary. T(e proCect -ill (a0e si7 9GB> ,E
reactors to $e commissioned in a p(ased manner 1rom 8>9D.

An impact assessment report $y t(e Tata Institute o1 Social
Sciences (TISS) (as stron+ly criticised t(e nuclear po-er
plant $ein+ proposed at *aitapur in t(e Konkan re+ion.
T(e report (as indicated t(at t(e proCect 2 -(ic( requires
a$out ?GD (ectares o1 land pannin+ 1i0e 0illa+es 2 -ill (a0e a
(u+e ne+ati0e impact on t(e social as -ell as en0ironmental
de0elopment o1 not Cust t(ese 0illa+es and t(e surroundin+
areas) $ut also on t(e Konkan re+ion in +eneral.
T(e 1indin+s su++est t(at t(e +o0ernment su$0erted 1acts
and called 1ertile a+ricultural land $arren. It also says t(at t(e
*aitapur proCect is sittin+ on a (i+( to moderate se0erity
eart(quake 6one.
T(e *aitapur nuclear po-er comple7 is located in t(e
ecolo+ically sensiti0e coastal ,a(aras(tra re+ion -(ic(
includes Rai+ad) Sind(udur+ and Ratna+iri districts. uclear
:o-er "orporation o1 India is $uildin+ t(e ??>> me+a-att
po-er plant 2 said to $e t(e -orld&s lar+est 2 in colla$oration
-it( %renc( nuclear desi+nin+ 1irm Are0a. Last mont() t(e
Union En0ironment ,inistry +a0e a conditional +o2a(ead to
t(e plant. !o-e0er) it is 1acin+ staunc( opposition 1rom t(e
locals -(o 1ear en0ironmental de+radation in t(e 1ra+ile
Konkan area.
,a(aras(tra "on+ress team (eads to *aitapur
As 1armers& protests $oil o0er in Ratna+iri t(reatenin+ to
delay t(e *aitapur nuclear po-er plant) a concerned
,a(aras(tra +o0ernment dispatc(ed a "on+ress team to
re0ie- t(e situation.
QA "on+ress committee is +oin+ to *aitapur. T(e committee
-ill talk to locals and 1is(ermen t(ere. Ee -ill listen to t(eir
0ie-s and pro$lems)Q ,a(aras(tra "on+ress c(ie1 ,anikrao
T(akre said.
.espite t(e En0ironment ,inistry&s conditional +o2a(ead to
t(e plant) protests re1use to die do-n.
Q:eople -(o (a0e 1aced t(e e11ects o1 a nuclear po-er
proCect in t(eir 0icinity told us t(at t(is is a de0astatin+
proCect. T(ey said t(at our ne7t +eneration -ill (a0e not(in+
to li0e and sur0i0e on. Ee -ill lose our paddy 1ields) our
plantations and orc(ards and -e -ill die o1 (un+er)Q said
Umakant Kam$li) a resident o1 ,ad$an 0illa+e) Ratna+iri.
QEe -ill die $ut -on&t let t(is proCect come up)Q said ,anda
La7man Eadekar) 1ormer Sarpanc(.
T(ere is a sense o1 mistrust a+ainst t(e +o0ernment. :eople
(ere say t(ey -ere not taken into con1idence re+ardin+ t(e
proCect) t(eir lands -ere 1orce1ully taken a-ay) and t(eir
democratic protests -ere ille+ally t(-arted.
E7perts (a0e already said t(at $uildin+) sa1e+uardin+ and
pro0idin+ imported 1uel to t(e reactor -ill $e so costly t(at
po-er 1rom *aitapur -ill $e una11orda$le.
o- 0illa+ers alle+e t(e proCect (as neit(er planned stora+e
and disposal o1 its nuclear -aste) nor dra1ted any plan to
ecolo+ically protect Ratna+iri 2 a re+ion o1 ric( a+riculture)
(orticulture) 1is(eries and $iodi0ersity.
Eit(out t(ese plans in place) t(ey say) lettin+ t(e proCect
come up -ill $e suicidal.


"iti6ens are demandin+ ans-ers to questions re+ardin+
appro0al) re(a$ilitation and land acquisition) costs)
radioacti0e $yproducts) reprocessin+ o1 spent 1uel and
disposal o1 radioacti0e -astes and ci0il nuclear lia$ility limits
o1 t(e *aitapur nuclear plant t(at remains unaddressed. It
must $e ans-ered $y t(e Indian +o0ernment) says acti0ist
'opal Kris(na.
,ad$an) a small 0illa+e in Ratna+iri) ,a(aras(tra S Ima+es T
is opposed to t(e nuclear plant in *aitapur proposed $y t(e
.epartment o1 Atomic Ener+y) 'o0ernment o1 India
S Ima+es T. T(e proCect +ot en0ironmental clearance on
o0em$er 8D (urriedly to please %renc( :resident
icolas Sarko6y) -(o 0isted India 1rom .ecem$er A2@. T(e
nuclear reactors -ould $e desi+ned and de0eloped $y
AREMA) a %renc( company.
:rior to t(is on #cto$er 8?) more t(an <)>>> 0illa+ers courted
arrest a1ter an a+itation. T(e 0illa+ers (a0e re1used
compensation. %ormer (i+( court Cud+e B ' Kolse2:atil) -(o
-as ser0ed orders pre0entin+ (im 1rom enterin+ Ratna+iri
district) 1louted t(e $an and attended t(e 0illa+ers rally.
%ormer Indian a0y c(ie1 Admiral L Ramdas (retired) and
1ormer Supreme "ourt *ud+e : B Samant too supported t(e
0illa+ers $ut -ere stopped $y t(e police 1rom Coinin+ t(e
T(e proposed nuclear po-er park at ,ad$an is situated near
t(e port o1 *aitapur in t(e sout(ern part o1 Ratna+iri district.
It -ould $e t(e lar+est sin+le location nuclear po-er proCect
in t(e -orld. It is $ased on t(e import o1 si7 nuclear po-er
plants 1rom AREMA. In t(e 1irst p(ase) t-o plants are to $e
$uilt $et-een 8>98 and 8>9@.
It (as come to li+(t t(at in t(e matter o1 t(e *aitapur uclear
:o-er :roCect a ri+orous and scienti1ic en0ironment impact
assessment and cost $ene1it analysis (as not $een
Union ,inister o1 En0ironment and %orests *airam Rames(
S Ima+es T) in t(e presence o1 t(e c(ie1 minister and deputy
c(ie1 minister o1 ,a(aras(tra o11icially announced
&conditional& en0ironmental clearance to t(e *::. T(e
citi6ens o1 ,a(aras(tra and India are demandin+ ans-ers to
questions re+ardin+ appro0al) re(a$ilitation and land
acquisition) costs) radioacti0e $yproducts) reprocessin+ o1
spent 1uel and disposal o1 radioacti0e -astes and ci0il
nuclear lia$ility limits t(at remains unaddressed. It must $e
ans-ered $y t(e Indian +o0ernment. It is -idely 1elt t(at it is
a Medanta and :osco kind o1 clearance +i0en in (aste to $e
repented in leisure.
It appears t(at t(e preparations 1or Sarko6y occupied t(e
Union "a$inet so muc( t(at it 1ailed to consult t(e
secretaries o1 ministriesFdepartments o1 t(e +o0ernment o1
India on t(e rami1ications in terms o1 lia$ility 1rom t(e
proposed nuclear plant.
Se0eral or+anisations and a lar+e num$er o1 indi0iduals are
campai+nin+ a+ainst t(e plant. T(e Konkan Bac(ao Samiti
and t(e *an(it Se0a Samiti (a0e $een spear(eadin+ a
campai+n a+ainst t(is nuclear po-er proCect. T(ere is
relia$le in1ormation t(at t(e European re+ulatory aut(orities
1rom t(ree countries) %inland) %rance S Ima+es T and UK (a0e
Cointly -ritten to AREMA) raisin+ certain serious o$Cections to
t(e current desi+n o1 control and instrumentation 1or 0ital
sa1ety aspects o1 E0olutionary :ressuri6ed Reactors plant. It
(as also $een learnt t(at t(e US re+ulator (as -ritten to
AREMA e7pressin+ similar concerns.
Local residents are opposed to t(e *:: and (a0e re1used to
accept any compensation) nor (a0e t(ey demanded a raise in
compensation. T(e proCect -ill attract Rs 8B)>>> crore to Rs
<B)>>> crore in0estment in t(e 1irst t-o p(ases. T(e
+o0ernment is o11erin+ Rs <B> crore as compensation to t(e
0illa+ers. It is claimed t(at t(ere are 8)><< 1amilies -(o -ould
$e directly a11ected $y t(e proCect on ?GD (ectares o1 land.
T(e nuclear proCect promises po-er +eneration o1 ?)?>> ,E
in p(ases.
In a $ackdrop t(at presented a 1ait accompli) t(e $iodi0ersity
report prepared $y t(e Bom$ay atural !istory Society
1ormed t(e $asis 1or t(e <B en0ironmental conditions set $y
t(e en0ironment ministry -(ile +i0in+ t(e +reen si+nal 1or
t(e nuclear plant. T(e report recorded t(e presence o1 plant
and animal li1e on land and marine $ot( at and around t(e
plant site. T(e B!S (as also mapped A>@ (ectares o1
man+ro0e 0e+etation around a 9> km radius o1 t(e nuclear
plant as -ell as in some o1 t(e a11ected 0illa+es.
T(e B!S report contradicted t(e o11icial 9)8>> pa+e
en0ironment impact assessment report prepared $y t(e
ational En0ironmental En+ineerin+ Researc( Institute and
made pu$lic in April) 8>9>.
T(e EERI report (ad descri$ed t(e land surroundin+ t(e
nuclear plant as Qrocky and $arren land -it( no (a$itation
and 0e+etationQ and (ence ruled out any ad0erse ecolo+ical
impact in t(e area. T(e same area -as sur0eyed durin+ t(e
monsoon $y B!S) -(ic( 1ound 9<A species o1 plants on t(e
In *uly) 8>9> t(e B!S conducted a rapid impact assessment
o1 t(e $iodi0ersity o1 t(e re+ion and 1ound t(e ,ad$an
plateau to $e ric( in plant and animal di0ersity -it( 0ery
+ood marine di0ersity in adCacent sites o1 Am$ol+ad and
T(e B!S 1ound 9)>>> plant species) EERI couldn&t 1ind
e0en B>> species. Indeed i1 t(e proCect proponents are
assi+ned to conduct EIA) t(e report cannot $e o$Cecti0e.
T(ere1ore) once a+ain t(e EERI report is 1la-ed. T(e
uclear :o-er "orporation o1 India Limited) t(e proCect
proponent) is an undertakin+ o1 t(e .epartment o1 Atomic
Ener+y (.AE (ad commissioned EERI to prepare t(e EIA
report 1or t(e *aitapur plant in 8>>B).
Earlier) in a letter to t(e :resident o1 India dated Septem$er 9)
To7icsEatc( Alliance pointed out t(at Qt(e cost o1 a sin+le
nuclear reactor can $e as (i+( as Rs <>)>>> crore as in t(e
case o1 t(e reactor planned at *aitapur $y AREMA) a %renc(
pu$lic multinational industrial con+lomerate (eadquartered
in Tour Are0a near :aris. "onsequently) t(e cost o1 a reactor
can $e 8> times t(e ma7imum amount o1 lia$ility. It means
t(at it mi+(t $e c(eaper 1or t(e operator to take t(e risk o1
payin+ t(e ma7imum lia$ility t(an to spend) say) 9> per cent
e7tra in addin+ sa1ety 1eatures to t(e plant.Q
It (as $een 1ound t(at EERI&s EIA report is unscienti1ic. T(is
EIA report -as made a0aila$le only a mont( prior to t(e
pu$lic (earin+ on ,ay 9G. It (as $een alle+ed on 1actual
+rounds t(at t(e EIA report reads as i1 it -as aut(ored $y t(e
pu$lic relations department o1 :"IL or Are0a.
It may $e noted) QT(e accident at "(erno$yl released into t(e
atmosp(ere an amount o1 radioacti0ity equi0alent to A>>
$om$s o1 t(e !iros(ima 0ariety. T(e nuclear proCect at
*aitapur is a$out 9> times t(e si6e o1 t(e "(erno$yl :o-er
:lant. T(e (u+e radioacti0e accumulations at t(e plant site
are t(e principal causes o1 concern -(ic( must $e
EERI did not (a0e t(e competence to assess t(e proCect. It
entails issues o1 radioacti0e radiation. EERI contends t(at
t(e proCect meets Atomic Ener+y Re+ulatory Board norms
and standards -it(out conductin+ any independent
assessment) relyin+ completely on t(e AERB. But AERB
reports are not part o1 t(e EIA.
Unmind1ul o1 its admitted incompetence to assess
radioacti0e risk) EERI certi1ies t(e sa1ety o1 t(e plant
sayin+) QT(rou+( indi0idual e0ent sequence analysis 1or
di11erent initiatin+ e0ents) it is estimated t(at t(e plant is
pro0ided adequate sa1ety 1eatures and measures to miti+ate
or minimise any unsa1e consequencesQ.
T(e same EIA report re0eals t(e 1ollo-in+) QAll t(e a$o0e
scenarios e7plained) namely .esi+n Basis Accidents and
Beyond .esi+n Basis Accidents are t(orou+(ly studied and
detailed reports are +enerated as :reliminary Sa1ety Analysis
Reports and t(ese reports -ill $e su$mitted to Atomic
Ener+y Re+ulatory Board 1or re0ie- and appro0al 1or
construction o1 nuclear po-er proCect at *aitapur.Q "learly
implyin+ t(at t(e sa1ety appro0al $y t(e AERB is yet to $e
o$tained and despite t(is it certi1ied t(e adequacy o1 t(e
sa1ety o1 t(e plant a+ainst Qany unsa1e consequencesQ.
T(e t(reat o1 a terrorist attack on nuclear plants in India is
also considered credi$le is clear 1rom t(e speci1ic e7clusion
in clause B (ii) in t(e "i0il Lia$ility 1or uclear .ama+e Bill
(8>9>) -(ic( (as $een passed $y t(e Indian :arliament and
a-aits t(e :resident&s assent. It reads/ QAn operator s(all not
$e lia$le 1or any nuclear dama+e -(ere suc( dama+e is
caused $y a nuclear incident directly due to 22 an act o1
armed con1lict) (ostility) ci0il -ar) insurrection or terrorismQ.
A1ter t(e ?F99 terrorist attack in t(e US) t(e possi$ility o1
terrorist attacks on nuclear po-er plants is considered
quite credi$le and su$stantial $y US aut(orities. T(e .AE
(as i+nored t(e complete te7t o1 a 8>>? report presented to
t(e US "on+ress/ on Quclear :o-er :lant Security and
Mulnera$ilitiesQ. "onsequently) amendments -ere made in
US la- to require nuclear plant desi+n to address t(is risk
$ut t(e Indian le+islation on nuclear lia$ility does t(e
In (is testimony to t(e parliamentary committee) Union
.e1ence Secretary :radeep Kumar cate+orically (ad stated)
Qunder di11erent layers o1 protection) nuclear assets
includin+ nuclear installations are $ein+ protected t(rou+(
de1ence.Q !o-e0er) (e admitted t(at Qa$solute and 1oolproo1
protection cannot $e +uaranteed 1or any nuclear or ot(er
assets in t(e country durin+ peace or -ar.Q
E7ceptions 1or acts o1 terrorism can easily $e used $y t(e
supplier and t(e operator to -as( t(eir (ands o11 any nuclear
disaster. Testimony a1ter testimony $e1ore t(e parliamentary
committee (ad asked 1or deletion o1 t(e -ord terrorism 1rom
t(e nuclear lia$ility $ill $ut t(e same is not re1lected in t(e
$ill -(ic( -as passed $y :arliament.
,isplaced e7pression o1 satis1action $y EERI -it( :"IL&s
claim o1 sa1e stora+e 1or 9>> years is s(ockin+. T(is
constitutes less t(an one per cent o1 t(e let(ality li1etime o1
t(e spent 1uel. T(ere is no e7planation as -(at -ill (appen to
t(e radioacti0e -aste a1ter 9>> years. It is a kno-n 1act t(at
India does not (a0e a +eolo+ical repository 1or nuclear -aste
and t(ere are no sites in India suita$le 1or $uildin+ one.
T(e EIA report is 1la-ed $ecause o1 t(e a$sence o1 a speci1ic
plan 1or decommissionin+ as -ell. o ne- nuclear plant can
$e $uilt in Europe or t(e US -it(out suc( a plan. T(e EIA
report is untena$le.
T(e cost o1 electricity +enerated 1rom *:: -ould $e in
e7cess o1 Rs ? per unit. T(is does not include t(e costs o1
mana+in+ radioacti0e -aste and decommissionin+. T(e
current cost o1 electricity is a$out Rs A per unit. It (as $een
noted in t(e RaCya Sa$(a t(at as 1ar as t(e cost di11erence
$et-een (ydro) t(ermal and all t(e a0aila$le options 0is2U20is
nuclear electricity is concerned) t(e cost di11erence is 9/<.
I1 t(e o0erall o$Cecti0e o1 -antin+ to +enerate A>)>>> ,E o1
nuclear po-er in t(e ne7t t-o decades is considered) t(e
cost di11erence $et-een con0entional and nuclear electricity
-ould $e more t(an Rs <>>)>>> crore. T(is amount can $uild
8>)>>> (undred2$edded modern (ospitals all o0er t(e
country and 8.B lak(s o1 a0odaya Midyalayas -it( $oardin+
1acilities 1or 9>> students all o0er t(e country.
T(e total installed +eneratin+ capacity in India as on *une <>
-as 9G8)<G@ ,E) comprisin+ GA percent 1rom 1ossil 1uel) 8<
percent 1rom (ydro) < percent 1rom nuclear and $alance 9>
percent 1rom rene-a$le ener+y sources. E0idently) s(are o1
nuclear po-er is quite lo-. It is possi$le to +enerate similar
po-er 1rom alternate sources o1 ener+y.
In its last report in 8>9>) t(e :arliamentary Standin+
"ommittee on Science) Tec(nolo+y) En0ironment = %orests)
(ad recommended t(at Qt(e +o0ernment s(ould consult all
suc( ministriesFdepartments -(ic( are e0en remotely
concerned -it( t(e pro0isions o1 a proposed le+islationQ) t(e
same (as not $een done. T(is recommendation (as $een
i+nored in t(e case o1 *aitapur nuclear plant as -ell.
T(e standin+ committee re1erred to (o- secretaries o1
ministries o1 (ealt( = 1amily -el1are) a+riculture) la$our =
employment) 1ood = pu$lic distri$ution -ere i+nored in t(e
dra1tin+ o1 t(e uclear Lia$ility Bill -as a 0ery serious lapse
o1 t(e Union "a$inet.
It may $e noted t(at secretary) Union ministry o1 (ealt( said)
QSince t(e response system to deal -it( any kind o1
emer+ency o1 suc( type) t(e (ospitals are not -ell2equipped)
it is natural t(at mortality and mor$idity due to multiple $urn)
$lasts) radiation inCuries and psyc(o2social impact could $e
on 0ery (i+( scale and medical tacklin+ o1 suc( a lar+e
emer+ency could (a0e enou+( repercussions in t(e near$y
areas o1 radioacti0e 1allout.Q
S(e also mentioned t(at in t(e entire $ill) t(ere is not a sin+le
clause -(ic( speaks a$out takin+ (ealt(care durin+
radiolo+ical emer+encies. It re1lects only a$out payment o1
compensation due to (ealt( impacts o1 suc( radiation. S(e
su++ested -(ile settin+ up nuclear plants) consideration
may also $e +i0en to t(e 1act t(at t(ere s(ould $e a (ospital
(a0in+ trained doctors near suc( esta$lis(ments and
arran+ements s(ould also $e made 1or 1ree treatment o1
people -(o are a11ected $y serious nuclear 1allout.
S(e con1essed t(at Q(er ministry is no-(ere to meet an
e0entuality t(at may arise out o1 nuclear and radiolo+ical
emer+encies.Q Similar testimonies 1rom secretaries o1 ot(er
ministries pro0ide a c(illin+ and prop(etic 1ore-arnin+.
In compliance o1 t(e su++estion o1 c(airperson o1 t(e
parliamentary committee durin+ my testimony on Au+ust <
and pursuant to a -ritten su$mission dated *uly @) TEA (ad
speci1ically dra-n t(e attention o1 t(e committee -it( re+ard
to t(e narro- de1inition o1 t(e -ord &installation& and con1lict
o1 interest ridden e7istence o1 t(e AERB. In a letter to t(e
committee dated Au+ust 98) TEA (as questioned t(e merit o1
centralised po-er stations +i0en <B2A> percent transmission
and distri$ution loss 1rom po-er +rids.
T(e secretary) 1inancial ser0ices) ministry o1 1inance)
su$mitted $e1ore t(e committee t(at Qany increase in
premium o1 insurance -ill lead to increase in t(e cost o1
production o1 electricity 1or nuclear po-er. It is ar+ued t(at
(i+(er t(e lia$ility limit (i+(er -ill $e t(e insurance premium
and su$sequently (i+(er -ill $e t(e cost o1 electricity
Keepin+ t(ese concerns in mind) opposition a+ainst t(e
nuclear plants are emer+in+ in a (u+e -ay.
Eill t(e sane 0oice o1 ,ad$an 0illa+e $e a$le to compel t(e
mi+(t o1 a determined state to $ulldo6e its nuclear proCect at
any cost) to ret(ink; T(e issue -(at is supreme AREMA&s
interest or t(e interest o1 0illa+ers. #nce a+ain t(e insincerity
and dis(onesty o1 payin+ lip2ser0ice to ,a(atma 'and(i&s
S Ima+es T 0illa+e repu$lic and autocratically re1usin+ to
accord a so0erei+n status to t(e 0illa+e at t(e same time
stands e7posed.

Uranium "orporation o1 India Limited in *(ark(and
U"IL3s under+round mines in *adu+oda) B(atin) Turamd(i()
ar-apa(ar) and its open cast mine at Bandu(uran+ e7tract
9)>>> tons per day (T:.) o1 uranium ore. T-o under+round
mines in t(e pipeline at Ba+(Cata and ,a(uldi( -ill $oost
t(at amount. T(e ore is processed at t(e *adu+oda and
Turamdi( mills -it( a com$ined capacity o1 B)>>> T.:. T(e
company earned VGA million in 8>>@2>D) and made a V<
million pro1it.
T(e 8>2year lease 1or U"IL&s mines -as up in 8>>@) and a ne-
application is $ein+ processed. Under it) t(e company -ants
to add G.<@ (ectares to tailin+ dam capacity and e7pand
production) accordin+ to U"IL "(airman and ,ana+in+
.irector Ramendra 'upta. T(is mo0e requires an
En0ironmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and En0ironmental
,ana+ement :lan (E,:) dra-n up $y t(e "entral Institute o1
,inin+ = %uel Researc( ("I,%R)) alon+ -it( a pu$lic (earin+.
Addressin+ t(e a11ected community at t(e ,ay pu$lic
(earin+ in *adu+oda) t(e company represented t(e local
plans as 4a mar+inal e7pansion.5 But t(e U"IL -e$site
promises 4a quantum leap in U"IL3s acti0ities5 t(at includes
plans to Qdeepen t(e e7istin+ mines) e7pand its processin+
1acilities)5 and 4not only openin+ ne- mines) $ut also t(e
de0elopment o1 t(e community around its operations.5
E(ile t(e company (as created local sc(ools and pro0ides
Co$s and social ser0ices) 0illa+ers -(o attended t(e (earin+
ar+ued t(at t(ese pro0isions do not compensate 1or t(e
(ealt( e11ects and destruction o1 t(eir -ay o1 li1e.
4E(y are -e $ein+ made to pay suc( a (ea0y price) 1or so
many decades5; Asks !ira !ansda) speakin+ o1 (er t(ree
miscarria+es and $irt( to 1i0e in1ants t(at quickly died. !er
(us$and Sonaram -orked at t(e tailin+ dam as a casual
employee $et-een 9?DA2D@) and like many 0illa+ers) (e links
t(e deterioration in local (ealt( conditions to t(e arri0al o1
t(e uranium mines. T(e last t(ree sur0eys conducted in t(e
area 1ound increased radiation le0els.
!ea0y Security at U"IL3s :u$lic !earin+ Keeps Milla+ers #ut
T(e pu$lic (earin+ on U"IL&s ne- application took place at
t(e (ea0ily 1orti1ied camp o1 t(e "entral India Security %orce
("IS%) -it(in t(e U"IL colony at *adu+oda. "onducted $y t(e
*(ark(and State :ollution "ontrol Board) t(e proceedin+s
-ere marked $y restrictions on personal li$erties under
sections o1 a la- applyin+ to situations -it( t(e potential to
cause ci0il unrest.
Lea0in+ little room 1or t(e pu$lic or protesters) t(e (all -as
packed -it( (undreds o1 U"IL -orkers and ot(er company
$ene1iciaries -(o (eld placards readin+/ 4E(en compared to
(un+er) pollution is a small issue)Q and QSa0e U"IL.5
T(ose -(o (ad lost t(eir lands and (ealt( to t(e mines -ere
p(ysically $arred 1rom t(e tent. #utside t(e proceedin+s)
protesters s(outed/ 4.o not destroy our land)Q 4o uranium)
no uranium -aste) no -eapons) care 1or t(e 1uture.Q ,any
indi+enous 0illa+ers -a0ed t(e $anner o1 t(e *(ark(andi
#r+ani6ation A+ainst Radiation (*#AR)) -inner o1 t(e
'ermany2$ased uclear %ree %uture A-ard 1or its lon+
crusade a+ainst t(e (a6ards o1 uranium minin+ in *adu+oda.
T(e protesters denounced t(e (earin+ as Qa 1arceQ and
demanded t(at it $e immediately stopped.
Milla+er and *#AR president) '(anas(yam Biruli) issued t(e
demands/ no ne- uranium mines) $rin+ t(e e7istin+ mine
under international sa1ety +uidelines) return unused tri$al
land) pro0ide li0eli(ood and re(a$ilitation to displaced
people) clean up t(e contamination) commission an
independent study o1 en0ironmental contamination and
(ealt( e11ects) and monitor -ater $odies to ensure t(at t(e
radionuclides do not seep into t(e aqui1er t(at is t(e li1eline
o1 more t(an 9>>)>>> people. T(e acti0ists also ar+ued t(at
since t(e country can $uy uranium on t(e international
market) t(ere is no compellin+ need to e7pand U"IL&s
T(e real compellin+ need) t(ey asserted) -as protectin+
(ealt( and t(e en0ironment. T(e 8>>D (ealt( sur0ey $y t(e
Indian c(apter o1 International :(ysicians 1or :re0ention o1
uclear Ear (I::E) pro0ided clear e0idence) 1indin+ t(at/
W "ouples li0in+ near t(e mines -ere Q9.BD times more
0ulnera$le to primary sterilityQ -it( ?.G percent o1 couples in
study 0illa+es una$le to concei0e a1ter t(ree years o1
marria+e) compared -it( G.8@ percent in a re1erence (control)
W Birt( de1ects 1ollo-ed a similar pattern -it( 9.DA times
(i+(er incidence/ 4SBTa$ies 1rom mot(ers) -(o li0ed near
uranium minin+ operation area) su11ered a si+ni1icant
increase in con+enital de1ormities)5 accordin+ to t(e report.
E(ile A.A? percent o1 mot(ers li0in+ in t(e study 0illa+es
reported $earin+ c(ildren -it( con+enital de1ormities) only
8.A? percent o1 mot(ers in re1erence 0illa+es 1ell under t(is
cate+ory.Q T(e national rate 1or people -it( disa$ilities
(includin+ con+enital de1ormities) is < percent) accordin+ to
o11icial +o0ernment statistics.
W .e1ormed $a$ies near t(e minin+ operations are almost G
times more likely to die) -it( ?.8B percent mot(ers in t(e
study 0illa+es reportin+ con+enital de1ormities as t(e cause
o1 deat( o1 t(eir c(ildren. In t(e re1erence 0illa+e) mot(ers
reported 9.@> percent o1 $a$ies died o1 de1ormities.
W "ancer deat(s -ere also (i+(er/ 8.D@ percent o1
(ouse(olds in study 0illa+es attri$uted t(e cause o1 deat( to
$e cancer) compared to 9.D? percent in t(e re1erence 0illa+e.
T(ese 1actors contri$uted to a lo-ered li1e e7pectancy. In t(e
study 0illa+es GD.<< percent o1 t(e population died $e1ore
reac(in+ t(e state&s a0era+e li1e e7pectancy/ G8 years old.
U"IL .enies "ontamination
.espite suc( alarmin+ reports) radiation data are not made
pu$lic $ecause t(ey 1all under t(e pur0ie- o1 t(e Atomic
Ener+y Act o1 9?G8. U"IL F .AE (.epartment o1 Atomic
Ener+y) also cites security concerns 1or re1usin+ to release
data on (ealt( o1 t(e -orkers. But Budd(a Eeeps in
*adu+oda) a 9??? a-ard2-innin+ 1ilm $y S(ri :rakas(
documented t(at) despite a la- mandatin+ re+ular
monitorin+) in t(e last 1i0e2 to ten2year period 1e- -orkers
under-ent $lood and urine tests to assess t(e impact o1
Independent scientists (a0e con1irmed t(e dan+er. :ro1essor
!iroaki Koide) 1rom t(e Researc( Reactor Institute) Kyoto
Uni0ersity) *apan) sampled soil and air in t(e surroundin+
0illa+es and documented t(at 4T(e circum1erence o1 tailin+
ponds is impacted -it( uranium radiation. T(e stren+t( o1
t(e radiation is o1 9> to 9>> times (i+( in comparison to
places -it(out contamination. ...T(ere are places -(ere
uranium concentration is (i+( in t(e road or t(e ri0erside)
and it is t(ou+(t t(at tailin+s are used 1or construction
material)5 includin+ on 0illa+ers& (ouses.Q Tailin+s are
production -aste material t(at) accordin+ to critics are
unsa1ely stored) dumped) and used 1or land1ills) roads and
U"IL Tec(nical .irector . Ac(arya denied t(at t(e company
-as responsi$le 1or radiolo+ical contamination. 4U"IL3s
sa1ety and pollution control measures are at par -it( t(e
international standards) compara$le at any point o1 time)5 (e
said. T(e company is dealin+ -it( naturally occurrin+
materials) (e noted) t(e 0ery lo- +rade ore e7tracted is a
minimal en0ironmental (a6ard) and t(e company is not
enric(in+ t(e ore in *adu+oda.
But tacitly ackno-led+in+ t(e risks) U"IL (ead) 'upta) noted
in t(e 8>>D Annual Report t(at QE7ternal +amma radiation)
Radon concentration) suspended particulate matters)
air$orne lon+ li0ed Alp(a acti0ity and concentration o1 radio
nuclides2 uranium and Radium in sur1ace and +round -ater)
in soil and 1ood items etc are monitored re+ularly.Q
Alt(ou+( (e presented no e0idence) U"IL Tec(nical .irector
Ac(arya said t(at alle+ations o1 (ealt( pro$lems are canards
spread $y anti2uranium lo$$ies) and t(at t(e p(ysical 1itness
o1 t(e employees can $e +au+ed t(e U"IL 1oot$all team&s
success in -innin+ t(e .AE tournaments 1or t(e past 1i0e
4%rom time to time -e (a0e also conducted structured (ealt(
sur0eys and e7aminations) $y independent sources)Q said
Ac(arya. Q#ne -as done $y t(e erst-(ile Bi(ar Assem$ly)
a$out ten years a+o) $ut t(e 1indin+s are a$solutely normal.5
(T(e area -as part o1 Bi(ar at t(e time.) QT(e e11ects o1
radiation are $ein+ constantly monitored $y independent
-atc(do+s) and t(ere are (ealt( p(ysics e7perts -(o are
al-ays -it( us) 1or round2t(e clock20i+il o1 t(e situation.
!ence) t(ere is really no cause o1 concern)5 (e added.
T(at is not t(e e7perience o1 many 0illa+ers) -(o link serious
(ealt( pro$lems to t(e mines. Like many o1 t(e -omen in t(e
surroundin+ areas) !ansda&s pre+nancies -ere a time o1
terror. 4It 1ills -it(in us 1ear and appre(ensions o1 t(e
possi$le ordeal t(at may $e in store. E(o kno-s -(at -ould
$e t(e 1ate o1 t(e $a$y)5 s(e said.

,"s .IRT "!EA:

Be1ore enactin+ t(e la- on 4uclear Accident Lia$ility Bill5 )
'o0ernment o1 India s(ould consider t(e 1ollo-in+ issues
9. T(e term uclear Accident must include t(e dama+es
caused due to radiation leak a11ectin+ t(e employees in t(e
nuclear 1acility ) t(e people li0in+ near t(e 1acility = people
a11ected $y t(e e11luents ) scraps +enerated $y t(e nuclear
8. T(e +o0ernment o1 India does not (a0e any ri+(t to 1i7
a price ta+ 1or t(e li0es o1 Indians ) t(at too c(eaper t(an US
<. T(e uclear po-er +eneratin+ companies must
incorporate sa1ety in1rastructure = procedures as t(ey do in
US market ) not any o$solete tec(nolo+y.
A. In USA = ot(er de0elopin+ countries ) t(ey (a0e 0ery
(u+e ) e11icient social security net-ork ) 0ast pool o1
resources put in $y nuclear po-er +eneratin+ companies
t(emsel0es ) to take care o1 t(e a11ected in case o1 a nuclear
accident . In India -e don3t (a0e t(at type o1 social security
net-ork nor matc(in+ resources ) t(ere1ore ideally India
must 1i7 a nuclear lia$ility cap muc( (i+(er t(an US market
in dollar terms.
B. Also t(e company must $e made lia$le 1or t(e
complete clean up o1 t(e 1acility = surroundin+ to-ns )
0illa+es ) (ealt( care to all t(e a11ected 0ictims on par -it(
US market ) in case a nuclear accident (appens.
G. T(e uclear Equipment Suppliers ) uclear :lant
#perators to+et(er -it( t(eir respecti0e +o0ernments like
USA ) UK must stand as +uarantors .
@. T(e Li1e Insurance "ompanies in India ,ust pay
insured amount to nominees o1 insured in case o1 nuclear
accidents F radiation a11ects in addition to compensation $y
t(e nuclear po-er companies . as o1 no- many li1e
insurance companies are not co0erin+ nuclear accidents F
radiation a11ects.
eit(er our ,:s ) "a$inet ministers nor IAS $a$us (a0e t(e
ri+(t to decide t(e 1ate o1 common people = 1i7 a rate 1or
li0es o1 Indians. T(ey are not e7perts in t(is 1ield ) t(ey
s(ould not conclude any deals ) decisions in a (us( (us(
manner . ,any scams (a0e come out o1 (us( (us( deals .
o$ody ) no ,: ) no minister ) no IAS o11icer (as paid 1rom
(is personal pocket to t(e 0ictims o1 industrial disasters )
etc. A1ter all ,:s ) ,inisters ) IAS $a$us are pu$lic ser0ants
) t(ey must Cust represent t(e 0oices o1 people ) -e people
don3t -ant t(eir personal e7pertise = opinions. #ur :olicy
makers must (eed to t(e pu$lic ad0ice o1 senior scientists )
e7perts in t(e 1ield o1 nuclear po-er +eneration .
#1course ) as a result unit price o1 electricity -ill +et 1ront
loaded ) -e may not +et c(eap electricity . $ut t(e li0es o1
Indians are muc( 0alua$le t(an Electricty. T(e person -(o
$ene1its 1rom c(eap electricity X Industrialists does not pay
1rom (is pocket to t(e 0ictims o1 disasters . .e0elopment
not at t(e cost o1 sa1ety = li0es o1 common people. T(is must
da-n on our ill in1ormed policy makers at t(e earliest .


E0en in de0eloped countries like USA = UK mal 2 (andlin+ o1
materials takes place no- = t(en) -(ic( in itsel1
constitute nuclear
on small scale. Re1er t(e .eccan !erald ( 98F9>F>< to
9DF9>F><) 1or
details. 1e-
years $ack) t(ere -ere media reports a$out certain
containers -it(
radio acti0e
materials dumped in t(e open in ,ysore city Rail-ay Station.
In Kai+a
po-er proCect a doom collapsed. In India (o- many cases o1
mal2(andlin+ o1 radio
acti0e materials (a0e taken place ; o pu$lic kno-led+e . In
t(e $ack
drop o1
corrupt )ne+li+ent (us(2(us() $uck passin+ -ork culture in
most o1 t(e
+o0ernment ser0ice) I do -ant to kno- 1rom t(e union !ealt(
,inister =
Karnataka State !ealt( ,inister) (o- sa1e are -e 1rom t(e
processin+ =
o1 radio acti0e materials at ,Fs RE,:) ,ysore ,Fs RE,:
Kerala) = ,Fs
*ada+uda *(ark(and ; !o- t(e spent 1uel is disposed o11
in nuclear
po-er plants
in India ; 1e- mont(s $ack t(ere -ere media reports a$out ill
radiation on t(e employees = peoples o1 adCacent 0illa+es
near t(e
site o1 ,Fs Uranium "orporation o1 India Ltd. *ada+uda
*(ark(and =
ear t(e
#perations site o1 ,Fs RE,: in Kerala.
In tsunami -a0es onslau+(t o1 decem$er 8>>A ) t(e 0ital
1acilities o1
nuclear reserc( station in tamilnadu -ere dama+ed . Cust last
tremors o1
eart( quake -ere 1elt in kai+a nuclear po-er plant in kai+a )
karnataka . i1
anyt(in+ unto-ard (appens as a result o1 natural calamities
or (uman
1ailure )
etc ) -(at sort o1 conti+ency plans t(e +o0ernment (as +ot
ready 1or
t(e sa1ety
o1 pu$lic ;
E0en some o1 t(e insurance companies like ,Fs ,et
Li1e India Insurance
"o. don&t
co0er t(e risk o1 p(ysical F mental disa$ilities or deat(
caused due
to nuclear
(a6ards . In suc( an e0ent -(o -ill $ear t(e cost o1
compensation ;
!o- t(e
quantum o1 compensation is calculated ; -ill you take into
consideration t(e
insurance policies $rou+(t $y indi0iduals ; 'i0e me
in1ormation a$out
t(e sa1ety
measures taken $y ,Fs RE,:) ,Fs U"IL = ot(er related
a+encies at all
operation sites F nuclear sites.

Uranium "orporation o1 India Limited/ Eastin+ A-ay Tri$al
$y ,ous(umi Basu) Special to "orpEatc(
#cto$er @t() 8>>?

4I (a0e (ad t(ree miscarria+es and lost 1i0e c(ildren -it(in a
-eek o1
t(eir $irt(s)5 says !ira !ansda) a miner3s -i1e. 4E0en a1ter 8>
o1 marria+e -e (a0e no c(ildren today.5 o- in (er late
1orties) s(e
sits outside (er mud (ut in *adu+oda To-ns(ip) site o1 one
o1 t(e
oldest uranium mines in India.
T(e Uranium "orporation o1 India Limited (U"IL) operates
t(at mine)
part o1 a cluster o1 1our under+round and one open cast
mines and t-o
processin+ plants) in East Sin+$(um district in t(e Eastern
state o1 *(ark(and. T(e deepest plun+es almost one
kilometer into t(e
Incorporated as a pu$lic sector enterprise under t(e
.epartment o1
Atomic Ener+y (.AE) in 9?G@) U"IL (as sole responsi$ility
1or minin+
and processin+ all o1 India&s uranium. And since t(e stren+t(
o1 t(e
*adu+oda re+ion&s uraninite ore is e7tremely lo-) it takes
many tons
o1 eart( as -ell as comple7 metallur+ical processes to yield
e0en a
small amount o1 usea$le uranium oreYalon+ -it( tons o1
-aste) disposed o1 in unlined tailin+ dams.
U"IL processes t(e ore into yello-cake and sends it to t(e
%uel "omple7 in !ydera$ad) -(ere it is o11icially desi+nated
1or use
in nuclear reactors. But it is an open secret t(at some o1 t(e
material $ecomes t(e key in+redient in India&s nuclear
arsenal. (India
is one o1 only t(ree statesYalon+ -it( Israel and :akistanY
t(at are
not si+natories to t(e Treaty on t(e on2:roli1eration o1
Eeapons. ort( Korea -it(dre- 1rom t(e Treaty in 8>><.)
Un(ealt(y Milla+es
Radiation and (ealt( e7perts across t(e -orld c(ar+e t(at
materials and radioacti0ity released $y t(e minin+ and
operations are causin+ -idespread in1ertility) $irt( de1ects
cancers. A 8>>D (ealt( sur0ey $y t(e Indian c(apter o1
:(ysicians 1or :re0ention o1 uclear Ear (I::E)) 1ound t(at
sterility -as 1ound to $e more common in t(e people residin+
uranium minin+ operations area.5
*adu+oda residents Kaderam Tudu and (is -i1e) ,unia)
t(emsel0es 1ortunate -(en t(eir in1ant -as $orn ali0e) until)
4I 1ound
t(at my $a$y son did not (a0e (is ri+(t ear and instead in its
-as a $lo$ o1 1les()5 says Tudu) a day -orker in (is late
T(eir son) S(yam Tudu) no- ei+(t) (as a se0ere (earin+
E0en c(ildren -(o appear (ealt(y are impacted. QT(e yout(s
1rom our
0illa+es (a0e $ecome 0ictims o1 social ostracism)Q says
,anC(i) and cannot 1ind spouses. QAnd a num$er o1 our +irls
(a0e $een
a$andoned $y t(eir (us$ands) -(en t(ey 1ailed to +i0e
$irt()5 o-
middle2a+ed) :ar0ati and (er (us$and) .(u-a ,anC(i) -(o
used to -ork
1or U"IL) are c(ildless.
!arro-in+ tales 1ill t(e re+ion around t(e mines) and add
irony to t(e
area&s name) *(ark(and) -(ic( in t(e local tri$al lan+ua+e
41orest endo-ed -it( nature3s $ounties.5 I1 t(e lus( land -as
indi+enous population&s $oon 1or centuries) its ric( mineral
(a0e $ecome t(eir $ane. Si7 decades o1 industriali6ation (as
t(e 1orest co0er) de+raded t(e en0ironment) displaced tri$al
-(o alon+ -it( .alit (Quntouc(a$lesQ) 1orm an oppressed
de0astated a -ay o1 li1e deeply inter-o0en -it( nature.
.espite India&s economic $oom and pro7imity to one o1 t(e
ric(est mineral reser0es) t(e 0illa+es in *(ark(and are no-
amon+ t(e
poorest in t(e country) accordin+ to t(e "enter %or Science =
En0ironment3s (e- .el(i) 8>>D report 4Ric( Lands :oor

Uranium "orporation o1 India Limited in *(ark(and

U"IL3s under+round mines in *adu+oda) B(atin) Turamd(i()
and its open cast mine at Bandu(uran+ e7tract 9)>>> tons
per day (T:.)
o1 uranium ore. T-o under+round mines in t(e pipeline at
Ba+(Cata and
,a(uldi( -ill $oost t(at amount. T(e ore is processed at t(e
and Turamdi( mills -it( a com$ined capacity o1 B)>>> T.:.
T(e company
earned VGA million in 8>>@2>D) and made a V< million pro1it.
T(e 8>2year lease 1or U"IL&s mines -as up in 8>>@) and a ne-
application is $ein+ processed. Under it) t(e company -ants
to add
G.<@ (ectares to tailin+ dam capacity and e7pand production)
to U"IL "(airman and ,ana+in+ .irector Ramendra 'upta.
T(is mo0e
requires an En0ironmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
,ana+ement :lan (E,:) dra-n up $y t(e "entral Institute o1
,inin+ =
%uel Researc( ("I,%R)) alon+ -it( a pu$lic (earin+.
Addressin+ t(e a11ected community at t(e ,ay pu$lic
(earin+ in
*adu+oda) t(e company represented t(e local plans as 4a
e7pansion.5 But t(e U"IL -e$site promises 4a quantum leap
in U"IL3s
acti0ities5 t(at includes plans to Qdeepen t(e e7istin+ mines)
its processin+ 1acilities)5 and 4not only openin+ ne- mines)
$ut also
t(e de0elopment o1 t(e community around its operations.5
E(ile t(e company (as created local sc(ools and pro0ides
Co$s and
social ser0ices) 0illa+ers -(o attended t(e (earin+ ar+ued
t(at t(ese
pro0isions do not compensate 1or t(e (ealt( e11ects and
destruction o1
t(eir -ay o1 li1e.
4E(y are -e $ein+ made to pay suc( a (ea0y price) 1or so
decades5; Asks !ira !ansda) speakin+ o1 (er t(ree
miscarria+es and
$irt( to 1i0e in1ants t(at quickly died. !er (us$and Sonaram
-orked at
t(e tailin+ dam as a casual employee $et-een 9?DA2D@) and
like many
0illa+ers) (e links t(e deterioration in local (ealt( conditions
t(e arri0al o1 t(e uranium mines. T(e last t(ree sur0eys
conducted in
t(e area 1ound increased radiation le0els.
!ea0y Security at U"IL3s :u$lic !earin+ Keeps Milla+ers #ut
T(e pu$lic (earin+ on U"IL&s ne- application took place at
t(e (ea0ily
1orti1ied camp o1 t(e "entral India Security %orce ("IS%)
-it(in t(e
U"IL colony at *adu+oda. "onducted $y t(e *(ark(and State
"ontrol Board) t(e proceedin+s -ere marked $y restrictions
on personal
li$erties under sections o1 a la- applyin+ to situations -it(
potential to cause ci0il unrest.
Lea0in+ little room 1or t(e pu$lic or protesters) t(e (all -as
-it( (undreds o1 U"IL -orkers and ot(er company
$ene1iciaries -(o (eld
placards readin+/ 4E(en compared to (un+er) pollution is a
issue)Q and QSa0e U"IL.5
T(ose -(o (ad lost t(eir lands and (ealt( to t(e mines -ere
$arred 1rom t(e tent. #utside t(e proceedin+s) protesters
s(outed/ 4.o
not destroy our land)Q 4o uranium) no uranium -aste) no
-eapons) care
1or t(e 1uture.Q ,any indi+enous 0illa+ers -a0ed t(e $anner
o1 t(e
*(ark(andi #r+ani6ation A+ainst Radiation (*#AR)) -inner o1
'ermany2$ased uclear %ree %uture A-ard 1or its lon+
crusade a+ainst
t(e (a6ards o1 uranium minin+ in *adu+oda. T(e protesters
t(e (earin+ as Qa 1arceQ and demanded t(at it $e immediately
Milla+er and *#AR president) '(anas(yam Biruli) issued t(e
no ne- uranium mines) $rin+ t(e e7istin+ mine under
sa1ety +uidelines) return unused tri$al land) pro0ide
li0eli(ood and
re(a$ilitation to displaced people) clean up t(e
commission an independent study o1 en0ironmental
contamination and
(ealt( e11ects) and monitor -ater $odies to ensure t(at t(e
radionuclides do not seep into t(e aqui1er t(at is t(e li1eline
more t(an 9>>)>>> people. T(e acti0ists also ar+ued t(at
since t(e
country can $uy uranium on t(e international market) t(ere is
compellin+ need to e7pand U"IL&s capacity.
T(e real compellin+ need) t(ey asserted) -as protectin+
(ealt( and t(e
en0ironment. T(e 8>>D (ealt( sur0ey $y t(e Indian c(apter o1
International :(ysicians 1or :re0ention o1 uclear Ear
pro0ided clear e0idence) 1indin+ t(at/
W "ouples li0in+ near t(e mines -ere Q9.BD times more
0ulnera$le to
primary sterilityQ -it( ?.G percent o1 couples in study 0illa+es
una$le to concei0e a1ter t(ree years o1 marria+e) compared
-it( G.8@
percent in a re1erence (control) +roup.
W Birt( de1ects 1ollo-ed a similar pattern -it( 9.DA times
incidence/ 4SBTa$ies 1rom mot(ers) -(o li0ed near uranium
operation area) su11ered a si+ni1icant increase in con+enital
de1ormities)5 accordin+ to t(e report. E(ile A.A? percent o1
li0in+ in t(e study 0illa+es reported $earin+ c(ildren -it(
de1ormities) only 8.A? percent o1 mot(ers in re1erence
0illa+es 1ell
under t(is cate+ory.Q T(e national rate 1or people -it(
(includin+ con+enital de1ormities) is < percent) accordin+ to
+o0ernment statistics.
W .e1ormed $a$ies near t(e minin+ operations are almost G
times more
likely to die) -it( ?.8B percent mot(ers in t(e study 0illa+es
reportin+ con+enital de1ormities as t(e cause o1 deat( o1
c(ildren. In t(e re1erence 0illa+e) mot(ers reported 9.@>
percent o1
$a$ies died o1 de1ormities.
W "ancer deat(s -ere also (i+(er/ 8.D@ percent o1
(ouse(olds in study
0illa+es attri$uted t(e cause o1 deat( to $e cancer) compared
to 9.D?
percent in t(e re1erence 0illa+e.
T(ese 1actors contri$uted to a lo-ered li1e e7pectancy. In t(e
0illa+es GD.<< percent o1 t(e population died $e1ore reac(in+
state&s a0era+e li1e e7pectancy/ G8 years old.
U"IL .enies "ontamination
.espite suc( alarmin+ reports) radiation data are not made
$ecause t(ey 1all under t(e pur0ie- o1 t(e Atomic Ener+y Act
o1 9?G8.
U"IL F .AE (.epartment o1 Atomic Ener+y) also cites security
1or re1usin+ to release data on (ealt( o1 t(e -orkers. But
Eeeps in *adu+oda) a 9??? a-ard2-innin+ 1ilm $y S(ri
documented t(at) despite a la- mandatin+ re+ular
monitorin+) in t(e
last 1i0e2 to ten2year period 1e- -orkers under-ent $lood and
tests to assess t(e impact o1 radiation.
Independent scientists (a0e con1irmed t(e dan+er. :ro1essor
Koide) 1rom t(e Researc( Reactor Institute) Kyoto Uni0ersity)
sampled soil and air in t(e surroundin+ 0illa+es and
documented t(at
4T(e circum1erence o1 tailin+ ponds is impacted -it(
radiation. T(e stren+t( o1 t(e radiation is o1 9> to 9>> times
(i+( in
comparison to places -it(out contamination. ...T(ere are
places -(ere
uranium concentration is (i+( in t(e road or t(e ri0erside)
and it is
t(ou+(t t(at tailin+s are used 1or construction material)5
on 0illa+ers& (ouses.Q Tailin+s are production -aste material
accordin+ to critics are unsa1ely stored) dumped) and used
land1ills) roads and construction.
U"IL Tec(nical .irector . Ac(arya denied t(at t(e company
responsi$le 1or radiolo+ical contamination. 4U"IL3s sa1ety
pollution control measures are at par -it( t(e international
standards) compara$le at any point o1 time)5 (e said. T(e
company is
dealin+ -it( naturally occurrin+ materials) (e noted) t(e 0ery
+rade ore e7tracted is a minimal en0ironmental (a6ard) and
t(e company
is not enric(in+ t(e ore in *adu+oda.
But tacitly ackno-led+in+ t(e risks) U"IL (ead) 'upta) noted
in t(e
8>>D Annual Report t(at QE7ternal +amma radiation) Radon
concentration) suspended particulate matters) air$orne lon+
Alp(a acti0ity and concentration o1 radio nuclides2 uranium
and Radium
in sur1ace and +round -ater) in soil and 1ood items etc are
Alt(ou+( (e presented no e0idence) U"IL Tec(nical .irector
said t(at alle+ations o1 (ealt( pro$lems are canards spread
$y anti2
uranium lo$$ies) and t(at t(e p(ysical 1itness o1 t(e
employees can $e
+au+ed t(e U"IL 1oot$all team&s success in -innin+ t(e .AE
1or t(e past 1i0e years.
4%rom time to time -e (a0e also conducted structured (ealt(
and e7aminations) $y independent sources)Q said Ac(arya.
Q#ne -as done
$y t(e erst-(ile Bi(ar Assem$ly) a$out ten years a+o) $ut t(e
are a$solutely normal.5 (T(e area -as part o1 Bi(ar at t(e
time.) QT(e
e11ects o1 radiation are $ein+ constantly monitored $y
-atc(do+s) and t(ere are (ealt( p(ysics e7perts -(o are
al-ays -it(
us) 1or round2t(e clock20i+il o1 t(e situation. !ence) t(ere is
no cause o1 concern)5 (e added.
T(at is not t(e e7perience o1 many 0illa+ers) -(o link serious
pro$lems to t(e mines. Like many o1 t(e -omen in t(e
areas) !ansda&s pre+nancies -ere a time o1 terror. 4It 1ills
-it(in us
1ear and appre(ensions o1 t(e possi$le ordeal t(at may $e in
E(o kno-s -(at -ould $e t(e 1ate o1 t(e $a$y)5 s(e said.

T(e Tra+edy #1 %ukus(ima Is A Tra+edy %or All ,ankind
By :eter "(am$erlin
8E "arch# 9C88
The Traged& of 'ukushima is not &et full& kno%n# at least not in
terms of the long-term effects of the radiation released toda& and
tomorro%# perhaps for mankind*s entire =half-lifetime.> :e don*t
kno% Imeaning our best scientists don*t kno%J %hat %ill gro% out
of the hole %hich has been blasted in our collective consciences
toda&. 4ur kno%ledge of atomic science# just like our
understanding of all earth science# is in its infanc&# &et %e have
chosen to build nuclear reactors in geologicall& risk& locations.
3e&ond the risk& siting problems# lie the earth forces of %ind and
%ater# %hich %e onl& no% beginning to see.
4ur best minds could figure-out ho% to take the nuclear fire out of
the oven and bring it into our neighborhoods# but the& could not
guarantee a fail-safe %a& to go about thisX&et# the&
enthusiasticall& urged our leaders to dot the countr&side %ith
these nuclear pipe-bombs# euphemisticall& dubbed =reactors.> 0
=/20+T4/> is an abomination# classified as =science.> ,ere is an
untechnical description of a reactor operation:
$nside a closed metal and concrete container# a piece of uranium
is ignited# like a piece of coal that is partiall& smothered# enough
to prevent the glo%ing coal from bursting into open flames. The
glo%ing uranium rod is prevented from open ignition b&
smothering in special high-temperature coolant. The heat
released b& this partiall& burning rod of uranium evaporates %ater
into steam# %hich flo%s through pipes like a modern e;uivalent of
a steam engine. The nuclear-po%ered steam engine turns an
electrical generator# %hich sends electricit& flo%ing through the
$f the uranium rod is allo%ed to burn too hot# it creates more heat
than the coolant can transfer and the /20+T4/ begins to melt#
before the fuel rods melt.
$f the %ater s&stem shuts-do%n for an extended time# the steam
being created can*t flo%# the pressure builds until the /20+T4/
explodes# leaving the burning fuel rods full& exposed. The rods
melt# burning through the floor of the /20+T4/.
$f all goes %ell# none of this ever happens# but like all things made
b& the hands of man# ever& mechanical s&stem eventuall& breaks-
do%n. 4ur best minds kne% all these risks before the first reactor
%as ever built# &et the& recommended that reactors should be
built in ever& countr& on the face of the earth. 4ur scientists didn*t
care to consider that the da& might come %hen the earth %ould
bite back.
The traged& of 'ukushima is a traged& for all mankind. :e do not
&et see it# but this event %ill be remembered as a turning point in
the development of humanit&. 'rom this point for%ard# if nothing
else# 'ukushima %ill give pause to ever& politician# or technocrat
in the future %ho holds up the torch of =nuclear po%er> as the
great hope for our energ&-starved planet. 3ut the greater
ramifications of the environmental impact from this event %ill echo
do%n through the corridors of human time# in both subtle and
more obvious %a&s. The first concrete %a& that this %ill impact
future lives %ill be in the horrible mutations suffered b& those
exposed to burning-t&pe of radiation# near the site of the
explosion. +hildren of the %orkers and neighbors of this plant#
and their children# %ill suffer much higher rates of extreme
deformation of their future fetuses# produced after this event.
The more subtle %idespread genetic damage is produced b& the
release of enormous amounts of highl&-radioactive dust into the
atmosphere# as it is carried around the planet# is something %hich
%e can onl& guess at from our perspective. Toda&# %e cannot
foresee the end of this tragic catastrophic event. The onl& thing
%e kno% for certain# is that it is all ending ver& badl&.
4ur scientists all thought that something like this %ould never
happen# or so the& said. The truth is# the& pla&ed the odds and
lost# or rather the Bapanese people lost. Nuclear po%er has
al%a&s been a cosmic roll of the dice# %ith the fate of ever& living
being on planet earth riding on the outcome of the roll. 4ur great
leaders full& understood that bad things might happen# &et the&
confidantl& invested &our tax dollars# in order to gamble &our lives
that one da& the radioactive %olf %ould not come knocking at &our
door. :ell the %olf is outside and he is starting to ho%l.
Scientists are so caught-up in their o%n self-%orship that the&
convince themselves that the& kno% %hat is best for all of us#
especiall& if it means profit or po%er for them. The self-proclaimed
=geniuses> %ho have unleashed the nuclear genie for our
advancement# have made decisions for us %hich 1od ,imself#
chose to leave alone. ,uman evolution comes about %hen the
species reaches a dead-end# re;uiring the species to gro%
IevolveJ in some %a&# in order to go for%ard. ,uman technolog&
follo%s the same pattern of gro%th(for%ard momentum reaches a
point of impasse# until the impeding %all is breached# allo%ing
for%ard momentum to resume.
Nuclear po%er has al%a&s been thought-of in these terms(the
technolog& %hich %as built upon the discover& of the
thermonuclear reaction# thinking that =nuclear po%er> %as a great
leap for%ardQ.$T :0S N4T. 0s $ have explained in m& steam
engine analog&# nuclear po%er is pseudo-science. $t is the
adapting of Nineteenth +entur& technolog& over the discover& of
the thermonuclear reaction and calling it a =/20+T4/#> claiming
that it %as a great leap for%ard for all mankind# alleviating us from
our addictions to coal and oil-fired electricit&. :e have our need
for electricit&(vs(unlimited energ& from enriched uranium. :e
have not bridged the gap bet%een them %ith so-called =nuclear
po%er> Ireall& steam po%erJ.
:hen %e have full& understood nuclear science %e %ill have
naturall& progressed to the kno%ledge of converting atomic
energ& into electricit&. @ntil then# %e are just burning-up a ver&
limited resource# %hile endangering all of our lives. $n our effort to
understand the true science involved in the thermonuclear
reaction %e %ill come to understand the real science of nuclear
fusion. @ntil %e learn to harness the astronomical amounts of
energ& being released in the fusion reaction# %e %ill just be
spinning our tires# stuck in the same old mud# %ith our heads still
firml& in our asses.
$t ma& be# that %hen %e finall& reall& understand exactl& %hat %e
have gotten our hands on# %e %ill figure-out that someho%# our
evolution as an intelligent species has re;uired a radioactive
environment# in order to cause specific species* mutations that %e
have not even dreamed of. :ho kno%sA "a&be 1od had this on
,is mind all along. Since ,e is the hidden hand behind our
evolution# ,e must have had reasons for allo%ing man to open
the nuclear nutshell. The discover& of atomic energ& %as a
natural outcome of our primitive scientific ;uest# just as the
discover& of converting fusion energ& into electrical energ& must
be the next step in our ;uest to improve the species.
!erhaps ,e %ho sees all things before the& happen put =nuclear
po%er> before us to become the great %all to human progress
%hich together %e muct breach. !erhaps %e %ill see this phase in
our technological development for %hat it is# a failed experiment#
so that %e ma& absorb the lessons learned from the traged& at
'ukushima and go on. This is m& great hope.
$t is time to leave nuclear po%er behind.

Edited, prited , pu!lis"ed o#ed !$ N%&%R%'%.M.R. ( ) *I&+
2 No ,-1,./012 3IR45 45%&E ,
7%5ER 72R84 , *%9MI8%N5%N%&%R , .E::%*
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