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AP Euro/Lambert

Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages

Essential Questions:
1. In what ways does crisis breed opportunity?
2. In what ways does the calamitous 14
century parallel our own times?
Learning Goals
Explain why the Black Death occurred, and how it spread throuhout
Europe, and what impact it had.
Explain the causes and impact o! the "undred #ears$ %ar on &orthern
Explain the reasons !or the decline o! the 'atholic 'hurch$s prestie
and the impact on the li(es o! the people.
Describe the challenes o! li!e !or the common people in the 14

Explain the role o! speci)c authors in the transition !rom *atin to
(ernacular literature.
e! "o#abular!
,ortality rates
'lery, litury
*aymen, laity
+sceticism, piety
"eretic, heresy
-heoloian, prelates
'ra!t uilds
$. Prelude to %isaster: &The Great 'amine( )1*1+,1*22-
+. 'auses
1. -he 0*ittle 11111 +e2 poor 11111111111111111111 .reat
B. Impact
1. Economic3social
a. Disease lower 11111111111111 hiher
b. 4oreclosures 5aabonds 6
c. ,arriaes?
d. International economic slump
7. .o($t response 8 success or !ailure?
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
a. *eislation
b. Blame the rich and the 1111111119 :x1;
c. /rice controls
d. Bouht rain, but was stolen by 1111111111111111 and
$$. The .la#/ %eath
+. <riins 8 bean 174=
1. Disputin theories
2. .enoese merchants> ?icily 8 how !ast does it spread?
B. /atholoy and 'are
1. Bioloical explanations
a. Pasteurella pestis
b. @ats9
c. Bubonic (s. pneumonic
2. Arban conditions and personal hyiene
7. -he course o! the disease
a. Buba
b. Brutal death
4. Explanations :at the time;
a. Bad air
b. Blame the 111111119 :x2;> scapeoatin
B. Boccaccio> The Decameron
C. ,ortality rates 8 how hih?
=. -he end o! the plaue
a. *ast appearance 8
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
b. 5accinesDe(entually
'. 'onseEuences
1. ?ocial3reliious
a. -he role o! priests3clerymen
2. Economic 8 not as bad as oriinally thouht
a. %hat happened to Europe$s 0surplus2 population?
b. .uild membership?
c. InFation 6 risin 1111111111111111 and waes
nglish !tatute of Laborers :17B1;
d. /roducti(ity3?tandard o! li(in G !or the sur(i(ors?
7. /sycholoical
a. /essimism3obsession with 11111111111111111111
b. &auhtiness
c. "lagellants
d. Huarantines
4. Educational
a. &ew collees and uni(ersities !ounded 8 where? "ow did
this relate
to the /laue?
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
B. *iterature and art 8 -he Dance o! 1111111111111. :0Danse
*ook this up online and )nd a picture o! it. 'reepy.
$$$. The 0undred 1ears2 3ar )1**4,15+*- 6 England 7. 'ran#e
+. 'auses :con!usinDdon$t worry99;
1. Beins with murder, intriue, and a dynastic strule
2. !alic La%
7. Dispute o(er +Euitaine and who is to be kin o!
11111111111111111 leads to a
war o! 11111111111111111111111111111.
4. Edward III (s. /hilip 5I
B. Became a 4rench ci(il war> how?
C. 4landers sided with 11111111111111 bc o! their common
111111111111111 trade
=. + war about land, I, and power :shocker;
B. -he /opular @esponse
1. ,anipulation o! public opinion
2. ?ensationalism
7. <pportunities !or wealth and ad(ancement 8 !or whom?
'. -he Decline o! ,edie(al 'hi(alry
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
1. %hat is chi(alry? -o whom did it apply?
2. %ar as 0ennoblin2 :?hakespeare; (s. modern concepts o!
7. 'hi(alry is )nished when 11111111111111 et killed by
D. -he 'ourse o! the %ar to 141J
1. ,ost o! the war !ouht in 1111111111111111
2. &ew weapons
a. *onG111111111
b. 1111111111111111
7. 4amous Battles
a. 'recy 8 174C
b. +incourt 8 141B> 0enr! " :later immortaliKed by
c. %ho won most o! the early battles?
E. Loan o! +rc and the 4rench 5ictory
1. Bioraphy 8 hears (oices9
2. ?candalous appearance
7. Impact at <rlMans> turnin point
4. 'apture by Burundians> ecclesiastical trial> execution at
a. %hat do you do with witches? 11111111 them9
B. ,artyrdom3*eacy
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
4. 'osts and 'onseEuences o! the "#%
1. Economic
a. *oss o! land, I, men
b. %ar booty
2. /olitical
a. 8ise of the English Parliament
i. Nin$s need !or 111 led to !reEuent meetins o! the
ii. &o 111111111111111111 w3o consent o! /arliament
iii. /arl control o! 0111111111111 strins2 !orced kin to
)x wrons
b. 4rance 8 a diOerent story
i. &o national assembly
ii. 4ears?
iii. *ocal3reional identity (s. national
c. &ationalism on both sides
$". The %e#line of the Chur#h2s Prestige
+. -he Babylonian 'apti(ity :17PJG17=C;
1. +(inon
2. Impact onQ
i. /apal prestie
ii. /apal ?tates3@ome
7. -he @eturn to @ome :17==;
a. Arban 5I :17=RGRJ;
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
b. Breakdown 8 why?
c. /opes (s. +ntiGpopes9
B. -he .reat ?chism :17=RG141=;
1. De)ned
2. Impact :esp. on common people;
'. -he 'onciliar ,o(ement 8 a response to the crisis
1. %hat did they want? "ow was this a radical idea?
,aSor playersQ
2. ,arsilio o! /adua
Defensor Pacis
7. Lohn %ycli!
i. %hat did he ad(ocate?
ii. /recursors o! the @e!ormation
iii. *ollards
4. Lan "us :read bio on p. 7J= or thereabouts; 8 what did he call
B. ?olutionsQ
a. -he 'ouncil o! /isa :14PJ; 8 epic !ail. &ow there are
1111111111 popes9
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
b. The Coun#il of Constan#e :1414G141R;
i. 7 obSecti(es 8
ii. Decisions3@esults
GBurned 11111111111
GElected a new 1111111111111
GEnded the 111111111111111 mo(ement
GExposed the need !or !urther
D. ?ummariKe the de(elopments in the 'hurch in two sentences or
$". The Life of the Peo9le
+. ,arriae 8 ?NI/ -"I? ?E'-I<&
B. *i!e in the /arish
1. %hat is a parish?
2. Craft guilds dominate
a. <raniKations o! workers in speci)c trades
b. %hat does a uild do? *ook up i! necessary.
c. 'harity work3ci(ic duties 8
d. %omen in uilds?
7. @ecreation
a. 5iolence9
b. +lcohol9
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
'. 4urG'ollar 'rime
1. %hat was it?
2. Nnihtly 0ans2
7. *eend o! @obin "ood
D. /easant @e(olts
1. @easonsQ
2. &ac'uerie :17BR; 8 4rance
7. @e(olt in Enland :17R1;> larest o! the entire ,iddle +es
a. @easons 8 mainly economic
b. Lohn Ball
c. -he end o! manorialism3ser!dom in Enland
4. <ther rebellions
a. 4lorence> ciompi
b. +ttacks on the 11111111111119 :x7;
E. @ace and Ethnicity on the 4rontiers G ?NI/
4. 5ernacular *iterature
1. -he (ernacular de)nedQ
2. Dante> The Di(ine Comed) :Italian;
7. 'haucer> The Canterbur) Tales :Enlish;
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages
4. 5illon> *rand Testament :4rench;
B. 'hristine de /isan
C. Impact on literacy and education? %ho are 0laypeople?2
Ch. 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages

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