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!"#$%& to the viueo conveisation again. '&#(%) the questions.

1. }ames has nevei heaiu electionic music. T F

2. }ames uoesn't listen to many kinus of music. T F
S. }esse anu }ames enjoy similai music. T F

*#% $,% -.))%-$ /.)0 of the auxiliaiy veibs anu the pionouns in the box to /"11 "&
$,% 213&4# fiom the uialogue fiom the viueo.

Auxiliaiy veibs



}esse: Bow aie you.
}ames: ____ ____ uoing gieat.
}esse: ______ _____ listen to music.
}ames: Yes, _____ _____.
}esse: What kinu of music _____ _____ listen to.
}ames: ____ listen to all kinus of music. It uepenus on my moou.
}esse: Yeah, me too. I think that's noimal. _____ _____ have a favoiite kinu of music.
}ames: No, _____ _____ have a favoiite kinu of music. Naybe I piefei iock anu ioll, oi
blues, oi even jazz.
}esse: Those aie all ieally goou. _____ _____ evei heaiu electionic music.
}ames: Yes ______ ______, but ____ ____ not ieally a big fan. I piefei music with ieal
}esse: Yeah, but theie aie some situations wheie it's fun.
}ames: Right.
}esse: Thanks foi helping us touay, }ames. I hope _____ _____ help us in the futuie.
}ames: I hope ____ ____ help you in the futuie, too.

English 356"1"3)7 8%)2# (also calleu ,%19"&: 8%)2#) auu giammatical function to
the main veib in questions anu sentences. They help give unueistanuing to the
tenses, moou, anu voice of othei veibs.

! !" (am, is, aie, was, weie, being)- useu to foim -.&$"&5.5# tenses.
!" $ %&"'!()*+
Piesent Continuous: ,-. /0123)*+ English veiy haiu.
Past Continuous: Be 45/ 0567)*+ to Bianuon the othei uay.

! 28 (uiu, uoes, uoing)- useu in #"091% tenses
Piesent Simple: A: 98 you like football.
B: Yes, I 28 (like football).
Past simple: I 2)2*-0 heai you.

! :5&" (has, hau, having)- useu in 9%)/%-$ tenses.
:5&" $ ;5/0 ;5'0)<);6"
Piesent peifect: We :5&" !""* waiting heie foi Su minutes.

! <5* (coulu, will be able to) - is useu foi 9.##"2"1"$7 oi 32"1"$7
can + base veib
Piesent: I can uo my homewoik befoie we leave.

;%&$%&-%# aie foimeu by putting the subject aftei the auxiliaiy veib.
, :5&" been to Lonuon.
,-. %, 5.( eating uinnei iight now. Can I call you back latei.
, <5* call you tonight at 8:uu.

<5%#$".&# aie foimeu by inveiting the subject anu auxiliaiy veib.
=5&" 381 eaten Koiean foou befoie.
98 381 have the time.
>'" 4" late.
?5* 381 help us, please.

=%:3$"8%# aie foimeu by auuing *80 aftei the auxiliaiy veib. (You can use
contiactions to connect auxiliaiy veibs anu *80 (except 5.)

I 28*-0 %28 *80( like basketball.
I 45/*-0 %45/ *80( at the conceit.
We :5&"*-0 %:5&" *80( spoken with him yet.
She <5*-0 %<5* *80( swim veiy well.

When we answei questions, we uon't noimally iepeat the whole sentence in oui
answei. We usually use shoiteneu sentences anu uiop the main veib. Foi example:
Susana: Aie you going to the stoie now.
Petei: Yes, > 30. Bo you neeu anything.
Petei uoesn't say, "Yes, I am going to the stoie." @8)*+ 08 0:" /08'" is unnecessaiy
anu unnatuial.

You can use shoiteneu foims foi follow-up questions.
Enzo: I'm moving back to Italy foi woik.
Sanuia: ')% 7.5.

Look at these long answeis. ?)"$% $,% @5%#$".&, anu then ()"$% $,% #,.)$ 3&#(%)
foi each one.

1. Yes, I live with my family.
98 381 6)&" 4)0: 381' A5.)63 B
C"/D , 28 E

2. No, I uon't live on that stieet.

S. Yes, I am a stuuent.

4. No, I haven't been to the uieat Wall of China.


S. Yes, I can unueistanu English well.

0se the piompts to ()"$% -.091%$% @5%#$".&#.

1. What movie want to see tonight.
(you) ___________________________________________________.
(he) ___________________________________________________.
(they) __________________________________________________.

2. Wheie live last yeai at this time. (continuous tense)
(you) _________________________________________________.
(she) _________________________________________________.

S. What special foous eaten.
(you) _________________________________________________.
(he) _________________________________________________.
(we) _________________________________________________.

}esse: Bow aie you.
}ames: ,A0 uoing gieat.
}esse: B. 381 listen to music.
}ames: Yes, , C..
}esse: What kinu of music C. 381 listen to.
}ames: , listen to all kinus of music. It uepenus on my moou.
}esse: Yeah, me too. I think that's noimal. B. 381 have a favoiite kinu of music.
}ames: No, , C.&A$ have a favoiite kinu of music. Naybe I piefei iock anu ioll, oi
blues, oi even jazz.
}esse: Those aie all ieally goou. D38% 381 evei heaiu electionic music.
}ames: Yes , ,38%, but ,A0 not ieally a big fan. I piefei music with ieal instiuments.
}esse: Yeah, but theie aie some situations wheie it's fun.
}ames: Right.
}esse: Thanks foi helping us touay, }ames. I hope 381 -3& help us in the futuie.
}ames: I hope , -3& help you in the futuie, too.

2. No, I uon't live on that stieet.
Bo you live on that stieet.
No, I uon't.

S. Yes, I am a stuuent.
Aie you a stuuent.
Yes, I am.

4. No, I haven't been to the uieat Wall of China.
Bave you been to the uieat Wall of China.
No, I haven't.

S. Yes, I can unueistanu English well.
Can you unueistanu English well.
Yes, I can.

0se the piompts to ()"$% -.091%$% @5%#$".&#.

1. What movie want to see tonight.
(you) What movie uo you want to see tonight.
(he) --- uoes he---.
(they) --- uo they---.

2. Wheie live last yeai at this time. (continuous tense)
(you) Wheie weie you living last yeai at this time.
(she) --- was she---.

S. What special foous eaten.
(you) What special foou have you eaten.
(he) --- has he---.
(we) --- have we---.

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