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Dark Jedi: Lecture #4
Your Emotions Betray You
Now the time has come to interact with the manifold owers of the force. !e will "e#in
with the $readin# of emotions$. %ead the followin# slowly and thorou#hly. &ry to reali'e
the meanin# of each ste. %eread the te(t if you are unsure as to the rocedure.
&o control man) means to understand his desires. !hile lo#ic and o"ser*ation shows you
"asic "eha*ior atterns of an indi*idual) they lack erfection) for they are assumtions in
the end. !hile a mindful assumtion can suffice to control a weaker *ictim) there are
those enemies that are too owerful or wise to "e simly maniulated "y a transfer of
ersonal e(erience.
&he ath of intri#ue and maniulation is a ath most hi#hly underestimated "y the li#ht
side. Yet many of those who see themsel*es as ure in heart) ha*e only come to hide their
darker sides. +erhas they ha*e "uried them in a #ra*e of rincile) yet if they are there)
then they can "e found and e(loited. ,nd e*en if you should meet with an enemy truly
ure in heart and mind with no desires to e(loit) such indi*iduals are often surrounded
"y lo*ed ones that lack this comlete control o*er their darker sides.
- ha*e fou#ht some "attles in the ast. .ome of them were a#ainst foes suerior in their
stren#th towards the force. But a owerful "ody is nothin# when it lacks the mind to
understand the infinite com"inations of mo*ement. -ntri#ue and atience can allow the
stron#est #uardian of li#ht to sink on his knees) if his "eliefs of the #ood in all men "linds
his caa"ilities to rotect them. /or while he may "e a"le to rotect them from you) he
can not rotect them from themsel*es.
!e "e#in with the meditation techni0ue as descri"ed in lesson three.
1ur sta#e will "e a cafe or "ar) a lace where many eole are) where you can sit down
and ha*e the ossi"ility of studyin# others around you. -n the "e#innin# it is "est to see
the eyes of your *ictim. Later) when you ha*e #ained some mastery o*er this ower) it
will no lon#er "e necessary.
-nitiatin# the meditation techni0ue in a u"lic surroundin# re0uires a ractised hand. &his
is why one should ractice the meditation e*ery day) as that this new $muscle$ can "e
alied at your command.
, will ha*e to aly a *ictim e(amle. !e will in*ent two #irls) around 23425 years of
a#e) .herry and 6elissa. !ill will state them to "oth ha*e an acceta"le) hysical
aearance. /rom what we can see in a #lance is that 6elissa is ram"lin# on) seakin# of
some e(erience or idea) while .herry silently stirs her coffee) without lookin# u. !e
further state that you ha*e a #ood *iew from a different ta"le) se*eral feet away. -t is a
0uiet day) so there are not many eole walkin# throu#h your *iew) yet enou#h as to "e
inconsicuous while watchin# them.
Now we commence.
!e close our eyes) erhas with a hand on our forehead) to allow the assumtion that we
ha*e a head ache. 1r we #a'e towards a wall) yet not really seein# it.
!e allow our an#er to rise) our hate. Be it of it$s own nature or "e it while we deeen our
an#er to a certain fact) somethin# that has made us an#ry in the ast to hel us "uild u
our an#er. &he an#er #rows and leads to hate of a certain erson or thin#. &he hate
stren#thens) further and further) erhas with ictures of what you would do to that thin#
or erson if it was now ne(t to you. Deeer) and deeer) we induld#e into our hate.
.lowly we #enerali'e our hate. Not only that certain erson is desica"le) "ut all who
share his oinion. !e think of another fraction we hate for similar reasons) the hate
#rowin# in stren#th "ut also in #enerali'ation) loosenin# its #ri towards a certain tar#et
and leadin# us into a ure state of e(istence.
Now) we slowly allow e*il to cree into our "odies. /rom down "elow) the #round) or the
second heart it rises) stron#er and stron#er) ure and eternal) does it slowly rise throu#h
our "ody. 1ur sentient resence mo*es "eyond the limits of our hysical "odies. &he fo#
or smoke en#ulfin# our "odies. &he e*il rises slowly throu#h our stomach to our chests.
&he sur#e of dark winds mo*in# around our "ody. &here are no "arriers) the flesh can not
limit your e(istence. E*il rises on the "ack of the dark winds containin# your ower) your
hatred) the truth to your e(istence) the key to your soul. -t rises ast the chest e(andin#
to the sides and the a"o*e. &he fo# #rows denser. -t surasses the head u to a"out two
feet a"o*e your "ody. You no lon#er feel your surroundin#s. You are the fo#. &he fo# is
you. &he constant mo*ement of the fo# states your emotions) your desire to destroy) the
demandin# of limitless e*il. ,nd then you look at .herry) stirrin# her coffee. You hate
her. You desise her with your *ery e(istence. You desise her "ecause of her *ery
e(istence. You assi*ely note the resence of others around you) "ut you are no lon#er
art of them. You are not of the same e(istence and you see them as insects "ehind #lass.
You allow your emotions to flow towards .herry) demandin# to mo*e throu#h her. You
allow the fo#) as art of your sentience to mo*e towards her and en#ulf her from all sides.
You stren#then your hatred and let #o of your consciousness) "ein# a sentience without
an own "ody. &he fo# co*ers her entire "ody) e*ery inch. ,t this time you mi#ht "e#in to
feel e*ery small mo*ement she makes as if it were your own) yet stran#ely distant. &he
fo# mo*es into her "ody) enterin# it throu#h her eyes) mouth and nose. 7oncentrate on
her head. ,nd then the fo# frictions from all sides) mo*in# a"out half an inch into her
"ody) as if you were ti#htenin# your clas around her until there is no more room other
than to mo*e a "it into her. !e hold this osition) feelin# her mo*ement assi*ely and we
stren#then the e*il within us. , second risin# of e*il from "elow) to stren#then the first
flow is su##ested. ,nd then we let #o) still) a "it further) and with a mo*ement of eternal
atience we feel for our second heart. ,t first we feel a mo*ement) a attern unlike the
hatred and e*il of the rest of your sentience. !e feel e*ery mo*ement she makes when
she makes it. !e feel the slow current of her emotions leadin# to her e*ery mo*ement.
!e stren#then our hatred further) always feelin# for the second heart. !e demand that her
secret "e shown to us. ,nd then we feel an emotion. ,t first) we feel se*eral emotions.
Different currents with different $tastes$ to them) mo*in# in different directions with
different seeds. .ome of them are stron#er than others) yet to#ether they de*ise a
attern. !e di*e ast the surface and into the deth of her feelin#s) searchin# for the key
emotion. &he emotion stron#er than all others. !e search and feel and we find...a
, sadness) we try to lace this emotion and feel it mi#ht "e sadness in the sense of a loss.
Yet) it seems not to "e a comlete loss that is irre*oca"le. -t is a sadness connected with
fear. ,n uneasy feelin# of a loss to come. .herry #lances around and looks at you) "ut
you must not hesitate at this moment. -#nore it and you see that she looks away a#ain.
Not ha*in# o"*iously noticed that you are lookin# at her. .he si#hs and frowns sli#htly.
!e feel that her sadness deeens. !e feel it is a sadness com"ined with fear and...ain.
!e feel the loss) the o"8ect of her sadness comin# closer to the surface. -t is lo*e.
Ne#lected lo*e. Yet not in the tone of futility. .he must artially ha*e the su"8ect of her
lo*e. , man) a man she has met) that she knows. , man that she has fallen in lo*e with. ,
man that seemed to lo*e her until...somethin#. .omethin# is not the way it should "e with
this man. 9e has ne#lected her. 1ffended her. 9e has #i*en her dou"t to their
relationshi. !e search further. .he has not lost him) yet she is unsure if she still $has$
him. , dou"t. ,nother women: &he ossi"ility of another women. &he ossi"ility that his
feelin#s ha*e chan#ed. 9er fear of losin# him. 9er ain of losin# her lo*e. !e see as her
emotions mo*e around. !e feel how she considers her osition. 9er ossi"ilities. But we
feel that she is essimistic. .he feels herself incaa"le of chan#in# the e*ents to come.
!e feel no hatred. !e understand that .herry does not know her female cometition. !e
feel her ain. 9ow *ery dee that ain is. .he thinks of him. !e feel the emotions
aearin#) understandin# what she lo*es in him and what not. !e understand what she
seeks in him. !hat she erhas seeks in a man in #eneral. !e understand what tye of
man he mi#ht "e. !e can assume throu#h our armor how this tye of man ro"a"ly
thinks and feels. !e understand the cate#ory he "elon#s to and ha*e additional details.
!e understand .herry. !e understand what she seeks in a man. !e understand what she
would do for the man she lo*es. !e understand how much control the man she lo*es has
o*er her. !e understand one of the keys to controllin# her.
!e allow the fo# to ass towards 6elissa) still ram"lin# on a"out somethin# not heard "y
.herry. !e di*e into 6elissa as descri"ed a"o*e. !e see her interest in what she is tellin#
.herry. !e feel that she knows that .herry does not hear her) "ut 6elissa does not mind.
!e feel symathy and sorrow from 6elissa towards .herry$s situation. !e feel the same
fear in 6elissa) that the man is lost. &he fear is not as #reat as in .herry) "ut it has the
same su"8ect. !e understand that .herry is not feelin# sorry for herself and that the
situation with this man seems to "e serious. !e feel how 6elissa feels helless to hel
.herry. !e understand what 6elissa would do for a friend. !e understand how stron#
6elissa symathi'es with the ones that are dear to her. !e understand one of 6elissa$s
weaknesses. !e understand the man to soon "e lost and we know what tye of man he
ro"a"ly is. !e would ha*e to see the man and read his emotions to "e sure) "ut we ha*e
a first idea. &he winds howl *ictorious. &heir e(istence) so athetic and tri*ial. &heir
desires unrotected towards our #ras. , sur#e of e*il touches your redatory soul. You
feel the ower you ha*e o*er the shee. ,nd thus) we release the two. !e stand u and
mo*e towards them....
+erhas we walk o*er to them and say)
;You shouldn$t allow him to "rin# such sorrow to your soul. &he loss is #reat. Yet you
will see the lack of his worth. /or if he truly understands your heart) and would "e worth
that which you are reared to #i*e him) could he ne*er imale your affection with such
,nd then we lea*e...
&o meet her a#ain.
&o reair her relationshi and allow her to owe you a fa*or.
&o allow her to "e your "est friend.
&o allow her to fall in lo*e with you.
&o take the man for yourself.
&o "e *isited "y her or 6elissa. !onderin# and wishin# to know how you knew...
/eelin# the emotions of others will allow you to erfectioni'e your armor. &o use a"stract
constructs when e*aluatin# "eha*ior with a hi#her de#ree of detail. -t will allow you to
e(loit those around you and "ind those of your choice to seek your rotection or
&his is the scalel of car*in# your closer en*ironment.
&his is the key to ac0uirin# the women or man of your choice.
&his is the key of understandin# hidden desires) when scannin# an indi*idual on se*eral
,nd that) will lead you to the key of corrutin# their souls.
+ractice this techni0ue once a day.
You will soon "e a"le to induct it 0uite fluently in all ossi"le situations.
Be mindful)
Darth 6oor

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