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The ministry of angels is a very
valid ministry today. I believe we will
see it increase as we approach the new
millennium. As you read Hebrews
chapter one and into the second chapter,
you will notice that the subject matter
does not change. He continues on about
Jesus and angels and admonishes us not
to let this information slip away from
But to which of the angels
said he at any tie! Sit on y
"ight hand# until I a$e thine
eneies thy footstool% A"e they
not all iniste"ing s&i"its# sent
fo"th to iniste" fo" the who
shall 'e hei"s of sal(ation%
)*e'"ews 1+1,-1./
The"efo"e we ought to gi(e
the o"e ea"nest heed to the
things which we ha(e hea"d# lest
at any tie we should let them
sli&! )*e'"ews 0+1/
AngelsMinistering Spirits
hat have we just heard by reading
verse !"# That the angels are all
ministering spirits sent forth on the
$arth to minister for us who are the
heirs of salvation. e should give more
earnest heed to the fact that Jesus is
greater than angels and that angels were
created to minister for us.
1o" if the wo"d s&o$en 'y
angels was stedfast# and e(e"y
t"ansg"ession and diso'edience
"ecei(ed a 2ust "eco&ense of
"ewa"d3 *ow shall we esca&e# if
we neglect so g"eat sal(ation3
which at the fi"st 'egan to 'e
s&o$en 'y the Lo"d# and was
confi"ed unto us 'y the that
hea"d him% )*e'"ews 0+0-,/
%otice the &uestion in verse 3'
4*ow shall we esca&e# if we neglect so
g"eat sal(ation%5 e have always
interpreted this (cripture to say' )How
are you going to escape hell if you
neglect the salvation made available to
us through the blood of Jesus#* +ut this
verse seems to be saying more than that,
it is not specifically referring to being
born again in the conte,t.
The word )salvation* here means
AngelsMinistering Spirits
)preservation, healing, soundness, and
deliverance from temporal evils.* This
verse at least by double reference,
seems to be referring to the deliverance
from temporal evils that comes by the
ministry of angels. How are you going
to escape on this $arth if you neglect
the great deliverance that is available by
angelic beings# The ministry of angels
is available to us today. -od provided
this deliverance for us. +ut it.s li/e any
other provision -od has made' 0nless
you believe it and act on it, you will
may never receive the full benefit of
what was provided. If you don.t believe
in the ministry of angels, you may not
receive the benefit of this ministry even
though they are here to minister for you.
1salm 2! is a message of
deliverance from temporal evils and
destruction. The following verse gives
us (criptural insight into angelic
deliverance, and it is still available
today. e should confess the (criptures
daily for 1salm !33'43 tells us that
angels do His commandments and
har/en to the voice of -od.s ord.
5our job is to give voice to His ord
with y our mouth. I believe angels listen
AngelsMinistering Spirits
to our words to see if they agree with
-od.s ord before they get involved in
the affairs of our lives.
(everal years ago, while teaching on
the subject of angels, the spirit of
prophecy came on me. I started saying
some things prophetically about that
church. I /new that angels had been
involved in ac&uiring the church
building. I heard myself say' )The
angels are not through, they were going
to become more involved because the
people have released them.* Then I
pointed to the pastor and said, )Angels
will appear to you, and they will tal/
with you.*
hen the anointing lifted, my head
gave me trouble over that statement, and
I thought, why did I say that? (everal
months later the pastor told me that they
were wor/ing on matters pertaining to
the church, and they were having some
severe problems. He was in another city
holding a meeting and was in a motel
room praying in the (pirit, getting ready
for the service. He turned around, and
there stood two angels dressed in armor
and holding swords. The armor had
mar/s on it li/e they had been doing
AngelsMinistering Spirits
battle. hen he as/ed what they were
doing there, they said, )e have come
to help you with your church8s financial
matters if you tell us to.* ell, it didn8t
ta/e him long to say, )-o, do it, in
Jesus8 name.* As soon as he said that,
they disappeared.
The ne,t day he received a phone
call from his church office and learned
that the problem which had been giving
them so much trouble was all settled.
%ot long after that, a man called, gave
him 233 acres of land. They had a note
due on their building and had to come
up with the money &uic/ly, or they
would lose everything. They needed
9333,333 more than they had in their
account, and it was due on :onday.
(unday morning a man wal/ed into his
office and laid down two chec/s which
added up to e,actly the amount that they
(omebody as/s, )hy doesn.t that
ever happen to me#* Have you /ept
-od.s ord in your mouth# Have you
ever said, ):inistering spirits, go and
cause -od.s ord to be performed in
my behalf#* The reason we don.t see
more angelic assistance is because
AngelsMinistering Spirits let these things slip from us.
:6N;T <6ME NEAR 967
<avid, in 1salm 2!, wrote what I
believe is a prophetic message to this
end=time generation'
I will say of the L6R8# He is
y "efuge and y fo"t"ess+ y
God3 in hi will I t"ust! Su"ely
he shall deli(e" thee f"o the
sna"e of the fowle"# and f"o the
noisoe &estilence! *e shall
co(e" thee with his feathe"s# and
unde" his wings shalt thou t"ust+
his t"uth shall be thy shield and
'uc$le"! Thou shalt not 'e af"aid
fo" the te""o" 'y night3 nor fo"
the a""ow that flieth 'y day3 No"
fo" the &estilence that wal$eth in
da"$ness3 nor fo" the dest"uction
that wasteth at noonday! A
thousand shall fall at thy side#
and ten thousand at thy "ight
hand3 but it shall not coe nigh
thee! )Psals =1+0->/
(ometimes people will say, )I /now
what the +ible said, but +rother (o=and=
so believed that way, and he got run
over by a freight train.* I.m sorry about
AngelsMinistering Spirits
+rother (o=and=so, but maybe he didn.t
appropriate the promise. A person can
/now about it and still not appropriate
There are some who will say, )I
/now the (cripture, but you see (o=and=
so tried it that way, and he failed.* +ut
1salm 2!'; says, 4A thousand shall fall
at thy side# and ten thousand at thy
"ight hand3 but it shall not coe nigh
If someone gave you the names and
addresses of 2,222 who failed the same
way, your answer should be )... but it
still won.t come nigh me? @or -od has
given His angels charge over me, and
they /eep me in all my ways?* Just say
what -od said about it. <on.t base your
faith on the e,perience of others. 5ou
can.t always tell what they believed or
where they missed it. +ut you can be
sure that -od.s ord didn.t fail.
6nly with thine eyes shalt
thou 'ehold and see the "ewa"d
of the wic$ed! Because thou hast
ade the L6R8# which is y
"efuge# even the ost *igh# thy
ha'itation3 The"e shall no e(il
'efall thee# neithe" shall any
AngelsMinistering Spirits
&lague coe nigh thy dwelling!
1o" he shall gi(e his angels
cha"ge o(e" thee# to $ee& thee in
all thy ways! They shall 'ea" thee
u& in their hands# lest thou dash
thy foot against a stone! Because
he hath set his lo(e u&on e#
the"efo"e will I deli(e" hi+ I will
set hi on high# 'ecause he hath
$nown y nae! )Psals =1+?-
10# 1./
There are so many Ahristians who
don.t /now -od.s %ame. They don.t
/now Him as $l (haddai, the all=
sufficient one, the -od ho is more
than enough. He is Jehovah=Bapha, the
Cord that healeth thee, but so many
don.t /now /now Him as Jehovah=
*e shall call u&on e# and I
will answe" hi+ I will be with
hi in t"ou'le3 I will deli(e" hi#
and honou" hi! :ith long life
will I satisfy hi# and shew hi
y sal(ation! )Psals =1+1@-1A/
The word )salvation* in Bomans
!3'2 and Hebrews 4'3 means
)preservation, healing, soundness, and
especially deliverance from temporal
evils.* How shall we escape if we
AngelsMinistering Spirits
neglect the deliverance that comes by
the ministry of angels# The ministry of
angels is part of the deliverance that
-od has provided for you. It.s foolish to
parta/e in one part of it and not parta/e
in the other part. There are Ahristians
all over the world who parta/e of the
new birth, but don.t believe in healing.
There are others who believe in healing
and the new birth, but don.t believe in
prosperity. (econd 1eter !'3 says, 4*e
has gi(en unto us !!! all things that
pertain unto life and godliness!!!5
He has already given it? +ut you
must believe it and ma/e a demand on
the provision.
1art of that salvation DdeliveranceE
that -od has provided comes by the
ministry of angels. He said, 4:ith long
life will I satisfy hi# and shew hi
y sal(ation!5 D1salms 2!'!7E
Angels want very much to get
involved in your physical affairsFin
your home, in your business, in every
aspect of your life. They are ministering
spirits of -od here on $arth to minister
for you or assist you in life.
AngelsMinistering Spirits
As I was praying one day, the (pirit
of -od began to spea/ to my spirit. Here
are some of the things He said to me
about angels and how they operate in
our behalf.
)5ou have been wanting to /now
about confession and why it wor/s. 5ou
have been spea/ing the ord and
putting it into motion. 5ou have been
saying what :y ord said, now I am
going to share with you why it wor/s.*
)Gne reason the words you spea/
are so important is because the angels
are listening to what you say. :ost
people thin/ I tell the angels everything
they are to doH but most of the time they
are the ones who give them their
assignment. I designed them as
ministering spirits. They stand beside
you daily, listening to the words that
come out of your mouth. If your words
are in line with :y ord, then the
angels have an assignment and they go
to wor/ in your behalf.*
)+ut if you spea/ things that are
contrary to :y ord, you won.t get an
audience with angels. They won.t
AngelsMinistering Spirits
operate on those words.* D1salms
!33'43H Cu/e !4'>=2E
)ords spo/en contrary to :y
ord will hinder the angels from
wor/ing in your behalf. They will bac/
off and fold their hands. They are
designed as ministering spirits to
minister for you. They listen to your
words to see if your words agree with
my ord. :y ord is :y will for man.
5ou should always spea/ in line with
:y ord in order for :y will to come
to pass in your life. :an was designed
to spea/ truth, and :y ord is Truth.*
Then I remembered the words of
Jesus in :atthew 6'3;, 4But let you"
counication 'e# 9ea# yea3 Nay#
nay+ fo" whatsoe(e" is o"e than
these coeth of e(il!5 Jesus taught that
man should spea/ his will and not bring
foolish words into the conversation.
:atthew !4'3"=3;'
6 gene"ation of (i&e"s# how
can ye# 'eing e(il# s&ea$ good
things% fo" out of the a'undance
of the hea"t the outh s&ea$eth!
A good an out of the good
t"easu"e of the hea"t '"ingeth
fo"th good things+ and an e(il
AngelsMinistering Spirits
an out of the e(il t"easu"e
'"ingeth fo"th e(il things! But I
say unto you# That e(e"y idle
wo"d that en shall s&ea$# they
shall gi(e account the"eof in the
day of 2udgent! 1o" 'y thy
wo"ds thou shalt 'e 2ustified# and
'y thy wo"ds thou shalt 'e
There are many instances in the
+ible of people who received
supernatural deliverance by the ministry
of angels. Their assistance is still
available today. (o ma/e a decision to
not let this truth slip from you. There
are an hundred billion angels available
to minister for us who are heirs of
salvation. DBevelation 6'!!H Hebrews

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