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American English File 2B

Instructor: Mara Elena Durango E-mail:

Phone: 3017751158 blog URL: http://ae!"."
1. Course overview
$h%s course %s des%gned to de&elop eect%&e read%ng' (r%t%ng' spea)%ng and l%sten%ng s)%lls and %t
%s %ntended or students (%th d%erent learn%ng needs' rom academ%c and personal' to (or) and tra&el.

*y understand%ng grammar' de&elop%ng your &oca"ulary and pract%c%ng pronunc%at%on you (%ll ga%n
the con%dence you need to spea) Engl%sh naturally.
Start: +ugust 1,

Finish: -cto"er ,

2. Required time:
Classes: .! hours /8 hours per (ee)0
Blogging hours: 1. hours /! hours per (ee)0
Preparation hours: 3! /1 per day0

3. Goals of the course
1. $o de&elop students1 a"%l%ty to comprehend and respond appropr%ately to %ntermed%ate2le&el
spo)en Engl%sh.
!. $o %mpro&e students1 a"%l%ty to use spo)en Engl%sh %n academ%c and soc%al s%tuat%ons (%th
%ntell%g%"le pronunc%at%on' stress and %ntonat%on patterns.
3. $o de&elop students1 a"%l%ty to comprehend and analy3e %ntermed%ate te4ts %n Engl%sh.
5. $o de&elop students1 a"%l%ty to organ%3e and (r%te a paragraph and a short essay6 and to
%ncrease students1 a"%l%ty to produce and de&elop luent (r%tten language %n a &ar%ety o
rhetor%cal patterns.
5. $o %mpro&e students1 a"%l%ty to comprehend and use grammat%cal structures o (r%tten and
spo)en Engl%sh %n academ%c and soc%al conte4ts.
.. $o "roaden students7 &oca"ulary range "y atta%n%ng strateg%es that a%d determ%ne (ord
mean%ng rom conte4t.
4. Required material
+mer%can Engl%sh 8%le 9 !*. -4ord. :tudent *oo)
+mer%can Engl%sh 8%le 9 !*. -4ord. ;or)"oo) *oo)
*%l%ngual d%ct%onary
<ound the (orld %n 80 days "y =ul%us >erne
Suggested readings
?ondon "y >%c)y :h%pton
@ersuas%on "y =ane +usten
. Course requirements
1. !ttendance and class "re"aration. :tudents are e4pected to attend class regularly' complete
da%ly ass%gnment before each class' and "e ully prepared or class d%scuss%on /(%th Auest%ons and
contr%"ut%ons0. 9 Must you m%ss a class' please report "eore hand to the teacher.
!. #ui$$es. :e&eral Au%33es (%ll "e perormed dur%ng the (ee)s /depend%ng on the contents0
$hey (%ll co&er the ma%n concepts and appl%cat%ons o the lessons. $he%r purpose %s to assess your
understand%ng at that t%me o "as%c not%ons to "e e4panded on %n class.

3. %&ams. $here (%ll "e five e&ams. Each one assess%ng the contents o each un%t.
B you m%ss an e4am' /10 not%y me (%th a &al%d e4cuse before e4am t%me' and /!0 you ma)e up the
m%ssed e4am as soon as poss%"le.
4. 'omewor( and class assignments. $he &%tal parts o your %mpro&ement or th%s course are the
ass%gned act%&%t%es rom the te4t"oo)s' e4tra mater%al and reAuent re&%e(s o recent mater%al.
Dur%ng class' your proessor (%ll "u%ld on (hat you ha&e already study' and help you apply %t. $h%s
presupposes that you (%ll ha&e already read the mater%al. Bn add%t%on' there (%ll "e home(or) and
class ass%gnments rom the te4t"oo)s and e4tra mater%al' some to prepare or class d%scuss%on and
others to "e graded. +ss%gnments to "e graded (%ll "e collected at the "eg%nn%ng o class. $hese
ass%gnments (%ll help you de&elop the analyt%cal s)%lls needed to perorm at your ma4%mum le&el.
). Grading. Cour course grade (%ll "e calculated as ollo(s:
#ui$$es: 10D
'omewor( and class activities *tas(s+: 30D
%&ams: 30D
,ral "resentations: !0D
Reading: 10D
:cale: ,39100E+' ,09,! E +2' 8898,E*F' 83987E*' 8098!E*2' 7897,EGF' 73977EG' 7097!EG2'
.89.,EDF' .39.7ED' .09.!ED2' H.0E8.
Irade de%n%t%ons: A=exceptionall high achie!ement" A-# B$# B = superior" B-# C$# C = satisfactor"
C-# %# %$ = passing but unsatisfactor" & = failure" I = incomplete
Course ,utline
-ee( .evelo"ment
Bntro 9 Jn%ts 5+ K 5*
Jn%ts 5G K 5D 9 E4am
Jn%ts .+' .* K .G
Jn%ts .D' 7+ K 7* 9 E4am
Jn%ts 7G K 7D 9 E4am
Jn%ts 8+ K 8*
Jn%ts 8G K 8D 9 E4am
Jn%ts ,+ K ,* 9 E4am
$he ollo(%ng are the cr%ter%a your proessor (%ll "e us%ng or grad%ng home(or)/class ass%gnments.
Rating /e&cellent0 4/ver1 good0 3/average0 2/fair0 1/"oor
%valuation criteria: 'omewor( assignments and class activities
+ll the act%&%t%es/e4erc%ses are complete' (%th only one or t(o m%nor
m%sta)es' % any6 D%splays mastery o the concepts6 e4cept%onally h%gh
ach%e&ement /+0
4 +ll the act%&%t%es/e4erc%ses are complete' (%th only a small num"er o m%nor
errors6 :ho(s understand%ng and concerted eort6 super%or /+2' *F' *0
3 +ll or most o the act%&%t%es/e4erc%ses are complete (%th e( errors6 :ho(s
some understand%ng and some eort6 sat%sactory /*2' GF' G0
2 $he act%&%t%es/e4erc%ses are not complete and/or there are s%gn%%cant errors6
<elects m%n%mal (or) and/or no understand%ng6 pass%ng "ut unsat%sactory
/G2' DF' D0
2 Lo (or) turned %n6 a%lure /D2' 80
%valuation criteria: ,ral "resentation
Content 3 (nowledge
2 :tudent pro&%des rele&ant and accurate %normat%on6 demonstrates
)no(ledge o the top%c.
2 :tudent e4pla%ns )ey concepts' theor%es' methods and/or
techn%Aues6 and %llustrates (%th selected e4amples.
2 :tudent ma)es connect%ons "et(een pre&%ous mater%al and current
5 5 3 ! 1
,rgani$ation 3 structure
2 @resentat%on %s (ell organ%3ed: %ntroduct%on' d%scuss%on' and
conclus%on are presented %n a log%cal seAuence.
2 @lann%ng and rehears%ng are o"&%ous: presentat%on %s a planned
con&ersat%on (%th smooth trans%t%ons.
5 5 3 ! 1
.eliver1 3 s"ea(ing s(ills
2 Glar%ty o commun%cat%on: aud%"le &o%ce' adeAuate eye contact'
appropr%ate phys%cal gestures and e4press%ons6 proper pace.
2 Jse o "r%e notes rather than read%ng rom a scr%pt6 ma%nly
2 Enthus%asm and %nterest %n the su"Mect matter.
5 5 3 ! 1
4se of communication aids /transparenc%es' sl%des' handout'
"oard' etc.0
2 Eect%&e use o mater%als and &%suals.
2 Deta%ls are m%n%mal' and ma%n po%nts are emphas%3ed.
5 5 3 ! 1
5ength of "resentation
2 Gomplet%on o presentat%on %n the allotted t%me. 5 5 3 ! 1
%valuation criteria: 6oo( re"ort
:ummary %s e4cellent' %t encompasses all aspects o the "oo) and there %s
enough deta%l to let the reader understand (hat the "oo) (as a"out. 5 5 3 ! 1
$he deta%l con&eys the essence o the "oo). $here are good e4amples rom
the "oo) and the reader has an e4cellent apprec%at%on or the contents o
the "oo).
$he %normat%on con&eyed %s accurate to a &ery h%gh degree (hen chec)ed
aga%nst the "oo) %tsel.
$he author e4presses the%r op%n%on %n a clear' conc%se manor. $hey use
e4cellent e4amples and deta%ls to support the op%n%on.
>ery (ell (r%tten' %nterest%ng to read' h%gh degree o %nterest %s generated
or the "oo) "y th%s report.

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