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Table of Content for Technical Tracks_C#.

Net (AMS)
Service Line AMS
Track Name C#.Net
Category Graduate Hire
Target Audience Graduate Hire
Delivery Mode Classroom
Duration 24 days
JRSS Application Developer-C#.NET


Day 1-5: C# (40 hours)

Day 1 :-

Section 1 :- Getting Started with C#

1.a Introduction to .Net Framework
1.b NET Components
1.c .NET Framework Architecture
1.e Introduction to C# Language Lab1 - Introduction
1.f C# Language Features
1.g Control Structures in C#
1.h Arrays and their types
1.i Lab 2 Develop C# classes using control flow (If - else, while, for loop, switch) & Develop Basic VB
.Net classes

Day 2 :-
Section 2 :- Object Oriented Programming using C#

2.a Define class, method, properties
2.b Constructors and Destructors
2.c Garbage Collection
2.d Inheritance and Polymorphism
2.e Abstract and Virtual Methods
2.f Delegates and Events
2.gLab 3 Write 2 programs using above to show the difference of Interface based ineritance and
Implemenattion based inheritance

Day 3 :-
Section 3 :-
3.a Collections and Reflections 1 Hour Theory
3.b Strings and Regular Expressions 1 Hour Theory
3.c Exceptions and Error Handling 2 Hours Theory
3.d Introduction to Exceptions
3.e Dealing with Exceptions
3.f Try, Catch Blocks
3.g Finally Block
3.h Throw statement
3.i Common Exceptions
3.j User defined Exceptions
3.k Extension Methods and Lambda Expressions
3.l Debugging using Visual Studio IDE
3.m Lab 4 Develop C# programs which includes Exception handling

Day 4 :-
Section 4 :-
4.a Assemblies,Deployment 1 Hour
4.b What are assemblies ?
4.c Assembly Structure
4.d Cross Language Support
4.e Global Assembly Cache
4.f Shared Assemblies
4.gNet Security 1 Hour
4.h Code Access Security
4.i Support for security in framework
4.j Managed Security Policies
4.k RoleBased Security
4.l Threading 2 Hours
4.m Lab 5 - 1 Hour with threading example

Day 5 :-
Section 5 :-
5.a VisualStudio Tool 1 Hour
5.b Remoting 1 Hour
5.c File I/O 1 Hour
5.d LAB 6 -File I/O and Remoting using Visual Studio tool

Day 6: SQL /PLSQL (Using SQL Server) (8 hours)

Day 1 :-

Section 1 :- Introduction to RDBMS
1.aOverview of Database Management and Architecture:
1.b Introducing Relational Databases
1.c Entity-Relationship Model
1.d Normalization

Section 2:- Transaction Management
2.a Recovery
2.b Transactions
2.c Log Files
2.d Deadlocks
2.e About SQL Server 2000
2.f Features of SQL Server 2000
2.g Physical Storage
2.h Databases
2.i Lab exercises

Day 7-12: Web application Development Using Asp.Net (48 hours)

Day 1 :-

Section 1 :- Web Server, IIS, ASP and ASP.Net Introduction

1.a Difference Between Client and Server Side applications
1.b Old Scripting Technologies
1.c Introduction in comparison with older asp versions
1.d Advantages and new features

Day 2 :-
Section 2 :- Asp.Net Controls

2.a Web forms
2.b Page Life Cycle
2.c Web controls
2.d User Controls
2.e Custom Controls
2.f Web Application
2.g Different Caching Techniques
2.h Security
2.i Web.Config and Machine.Config
2.j Global.asax

Day 3 :-
Section 3 :- Data access using ADO.Net
3.a Databound.Net Controls
3.b Data Grids
3.c Connection,Command Objects
3.d Dataset,reader ,datatable
3.e Use ADO.NET to access data in an application

Day 4 :-
Section 4 :- Working with Stored Procedures
4.a Overview of Stored Procedures
4.b Calling Stored Procedures
4.c New Controls in .NET
4.d Masterpages
4.e Themes
4.f Navigation
4.g Windows Services
4.h Creating an Installer

Day 5 :-
Section 5 :- Additional features in ASP.NET
5.a Using XML in .NET
5.b Document Object Model
5.c Xpath Navigator
5.d Sequential Reading
5.e Sequential writing
5.f Handling Errors

Day 6 :-
Section 6 :-Introduction to WCF
6.a What is WCF
6.b ABCs of WCF
6.c Types of Binding
Section 7 :- Introduction to WPF
7.a What is WPF?
7.b Features of WPF
Section 8 :- Introduction to LINQ
8.a What is LINQ?
8.b Features of WPF

Day 13-15: Microsoft Windows Form Development (24 hours)

Day 1 :-

Section 1 :- Introducing Windows Forms
1.a Creating a Form and add Controls to it
1.b Inheriting a New Form from an Existing Windows Form
1.c Creating MDI Applications
1.d Organize controls on a form.

Section 2:- Working with controls
2.aAdd programming logic to the event procedures of a control
2.b Use the windows forms intrinsic controls and data validation
2.c Implementation of dialogs, menus, toolbars and status bars
2.d Implement data-bound controls
2.e Events and Event Hanlders

Day 2 :-

Section 3 :- Building controls

3.a Composite Controls
3.b Custom Controls
3.c Extend the functionality of an existing Windows control

Section 4 :- Painting and drawing
4.a Painting froms and controls
4.b Drawing text,filling and drawing shapes

Day 3 :-

Section 5 :- Implement printing
5.a Printing and Reporting
5.b Create Reports
5.c creating reports in a Windows Forms application

Section 6 :- Advanced Topics
6.a Implementing Drag-and-Drop Functionality
6.b Implementing Globalization and Localization for a Windows Forms Application

Day 16-23: Case Study

Day 24: Case Study + Final Assessment

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