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Somerset Academy Losee

Science 6 Course Expectations

J. Kissling Room 201


This one-year course for sixth-grade students focuses on understanding the living
systems on Earth. Students will use scientific processes, protocols, and tools,
including inquiry, to build understandings of living things and the interactions
between living and non-living things. Critical thinking, collaboration, accuracy,
and communication skills will be used as students develop a foundation for
scientific literacy in life, earth, and physical science content. Science, technology,
engineering, history, math, nature of science and career information will be
integral components of this course. Science 6 is a required course for all sixth-
grade students.

Course Scope and Goals:

1. To build content knowledge of living systems.

2. To develop abilities and understanding necessary to safely engage in
structured scientific inquiry.

3. To explore the nature of scientific endeavors.
4. To describe characteristics and needs of living things.
5. To describe the hierarchal structure and function of living systems.
6. To describe scientific evidence for changes in organisms and environmental
conditions over time.

7. To classify living things by their similarities and functions.

8. To understand how energy is used by living organisms.

9. To describe how energy is transformed and flows through systems.

10. To explore how matter and energy interact in living systems.

11. To describe how living organisms adjust to changes in their environments.
12. To describe predictable events and their impacts on living systems on Earth.

13. To develop awareness of scientific careers and related educational

Science 6 Classroom Supplies:
Please bring the following supplies and materials by Friday, August 29th :

Composition Notebook (not a spiral notebook) (These will be kept in the classroom)
2 glue sticks (These will be kept in the science classroom)
Small bottle of white glue (These will be kept in the science classroom)
Closed pencil sharpener
Calculator (This can be on your electronic device.)
Tablet, laptop or smart phone
$9.25 Subscription for Science World
Please check out this wonderful resource at the link above. This price includes print and online
editions for ten issues. (Cash or money order only made payable to Somerset Academy at Losee)
Old, used tennis balls (Bring any amount if you have them .I need 150 total)

If your last name starts with:

A-B Please bring: 1 box of Kleenex
C 1 box of plastic spoons
D-E..1 pack of small paper cups
F-G. 1 roll of paper towels
H-J.. pack of napkins
K-Q 2 packs of medium sticky note pads 3x3
R-S. 1 roll of paper towels
T hand soap
U-V pack of colored index cards
W-Zfancy duct tape or masking tape

All students need one 3 ring binder with dividers labeled. This will
be used for all core classes. Students should also have their agendas
each day, paper and pen or pencil daily.


A variety of media will be used for science instruction. Various traditional
textbooks are available for class use only. The Nevada State Department of
Education has adopted new standards (NGSS) that go into effect next
school year 2015/2016. Because of this we are not purchasing new
textbooks. At this time there are no traditional textbooks that are adapted
to the new standards. Digital materials are readily available and that is why
we will be using older textbooks, Science World, the internet, and hands-on
activities and experiences.

Edmodo: (On Line/Hybrid Instruction)

It is our responsibility to teach students how to use technology as a tool in
the classroom and the real world. Students will need a device for logging in
to the Internet in class, a tablet, electronic notebook, laptop, phone, I Pad,
IPod etc. I will let the students know when they need to bring it so they do
not have to bring it every day. Students might be researching in class and
typing their essays at home then turning it in on Edmodo. Students should
already have basic keyboard skills and know the basics of presentation
programs like PowerPoint. Many assignments will be assigned and turned
in digitally using Edmodo.

I will be giving very firm instructions on how to use electronic devices in
the classroom. There is also a school contract the parent and student must
sign regarding the use of electronic devices on campus. My Edmodo
groups are strictly for science related conversations and comments, not
socializing or talking about other people. All comments and questions will
be written with proper conventions, grammar and spelling. NO TEXTING

Example of inappropriate conversation Whats up?
Example of appropriate conversation Does anyone know the website Ms.
Kissling showed us at school?

Students have the opportunity to communicate with me and other students
in the same class using Edmodo. All conversations are subject to
monitoring and censorship.


Homework will be assigned as needed. At the beginning of the year when
there is homework the students will write the assignment in their agendas.
Eventually they can take a photo and text their homework assignment to
their parents.


Adequate time in class will be provided to complete class work. In the
event a student does not finish, the student may finish at home. Unless
there are extenuating circumstances the students will lose points for each
day late. In the event of an absence it is the students responsibility to
check with me before or after school to get missed work. I cannot stop
class instruction to find and explain a missed assignment.


Students are encouraged to redo failed tests and assignments. This can be
done after school. The final grade will be no higher than a C-.


Assessments are weighted 70% of grades. Class work is weighted 30%.


Students are to be seated in their assigned seats when the bell rings, not
walking in through the door. If you need extra time in the restroom, let me
know before the bell rings. Excessive tardies will be investigated.


Students are responsible for seeing the teacher before or after school
regarding missing work. They can also communicate with me using
Edmodo. Students will receive an incomplete F grade for any missed work.

A = 90% - 100% Exceeds Standards
B = 80% - 89% Meets Standards
C = 70% - 79% Approaching Standards
D = 60% - 69% Emergent
F = 50% - 59% Unable to Assess


O = Outstanding
S = Satisfactory
N = Needs Improvement
U = Unsatisfactory

Everyone has an O on the first day of school. Lets keep it that way.


Each class will develop their own social contract on how to get along with
others. At that time we as a class will determine consequences.


Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings. As students
enter the room they will immediately take a seat, open their agendas and
write down the days lesson objective and homework assignment if any.
Restroom breaks are during passing only. Before the bell has rung the
students may use the restroom which is right outside the classroom.

We do everything we can to make learning fun and interesting. In the event
a student chooses to interfere with the learning process in class, detention
may be assigned and a parent contacted for ideas on what we can do.

Progressive Discipline plan

1. Redirect-Verbal warning/Nonverbal warning
2. Reflect- written reflection/timeout/teacher conference
3. Parent contact/detention
4. Deans Referral

Somerset Academy Losee

Science 6 Course Expectations
J. Kissling Room 201

Return this form signed by Friday, August 29, 2014

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:

We are looking forward to a great and successful school year. Please sign
this paper as an indication that you have READ and UNDERSTOOD the
COURSE EXPECTATIONS for my class. Please contact me if you have any

Joan Kissling

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Date: _______________________

Parents: Please fill in the contact information below. This will enable me to contact
you immediately if the need arises.

Parent/Guardian Names: ________________________________________

Home Phone: _________________________________
Cellular Phone: _______________________________
Work Phone: _________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________

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