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APA Citation Examples

Based on APA Publication Manual, 6th

Edition (2009) and Stle !uide to
Elect"onic #e$e"ences (20%2)
o Academic Journals
o Magazines
o Newspapers
o Encyclopedia Articles
o Book, Film, and Product Reviews
"e! #ites
$nline %lassroom Materials
&ec'nical and Researc' Reports
(issertations and &'eses
)nterviews, Email Messages, and $t'er Personal %ommunications
Need More Help?
&'e Pu!lication Manual o* t'e American Psyc'ological Association is t'e APA+s o,cial citation guide and provides
a more detailed e-planation o* 'ow to use APA style. &'e manual is un*ortunately not availa!le online, !ut
re*erence copies are availa!le in all /0 1niversity o* Maryland li!raries.
&'e APA #tyle 2uide to Electronic Re*erences 345/46 *ocuses solely on t'e citing o* electronic resources and
includes a wide variety o* citation e-amples.
7ou can also ask a li!rarian *or 'elp wit' a citationrelated 8uestion.
Some !ene"al #ules
)n,*ext Citations (Publication Manual, pp-
What You Are Citing In-Text Citation
The entire work 3#mit', 45596
A specifc page 3#mit', 4559, p. :;6
If the author's name is included in the text of the
sentence where the citation takes place
#mit' 34559, p. :;6 claims t'at...
1se only t'e date or date and page
An online article with no page numbers 3Myers, 4555, para. <6
3Beutler, 4555, %onclusion section,
para. /6
1se a!!reviation =para.= *ollowed !y
t'e paragrap' num!er you are
citing. "'en possi!le, speci*y a
section o* t'e article.
Citing multiple authors #ee Aut'ors, !elow.
Autho"s (Publication Manual, pp- %0%,%01)
!ne author
$eference %ist Citation
In-Text Citation
%ourtois, %. A. 345596.
3%ourtois, 45596
Two authors
$eference %ist Citation
In-Text Citation
>elley, P. %., ? %'ang, P. @.
3>elley ? %'ang,
Three to f&e authors
$eference %ist Citation
In-Text Citation
Bug'es, J. %., Brestan, E. C.,
? Calle, @. A. 345596.
'irst citation#
3Bug'es, Brestan, ? Calle, 45596
3Bug'es et al., 45596
"'en a work 'as
more t'an 4
su!se8uent inte-t
citations consist o*
t'e Drst aut'or+s
name *ollowed !y
=et al.= 3@atin *or
=and ot'ers=6 and
t'e date.
(ix or se&en authors
$eference %ist Citation
In-Text Citation
P'elps, B. R., @ima, M.,
2omez, J., MacArt'ur, R.
&., 2ansu, @., ? Ne'ru, M.
'irst citation#
3P'elps et al., 45596
3P'elps et al., 45596
"'en a work 'as
0A aut'ors, inte-t
citations consist o*
t'e Drst aut'or+s
name *ollowed !y
=et al.= 3@atin *or
=and ot'ers=6 and
t'e date.
"ight or more authors
$eference %ist Citation
In-Text Citation
%arter, A., (oug'erty, #.,
Addington, M., #tanley, R.,
#tanley, %., #c'uEer,
2., . . . #myrna, B. F.
"'en t'ere are eig't or
more aut'ors, include t'e
Drst 0 aut'ors+ names
*ollowed !y an ellipsis 3. . .6
and t'e Dnal aut'or+s name.
'irst citation#
3%arter et al., 45596
3%arter et al., 45596
"'en a work 'as F
or more aut'ors,
inte-t citations
consist o* t'e Drst
aut'or+s name
*ollowed !y =et al.=
3@atin *or =and
ot'ers=6 and t'e
*roup author
$eference %ist Citation
In-Text Citation
American (ietetic
Association. 3/;;;6.
'irst citation#
3American (ietetic Association
GA(AH, /;;;6
3A(A, /;;;6
+o authors listed
$eference %ist Citation
In-Text Citation
None to claim t'eir !onesI
Relics o* an old Brooklyn
graveyard. 3/FFF, April
/46. New York Times, pp.
:9. Retrieved *rom
@ist t'e source !y title in
your re*erence list.
3=None to %laim
&'eir Bones,=
)n cases w'ere t'e
title contains a
colon, use only t'e
te-t !e*ore t'e
colon in your in
te-t citation.
Alp'a!etize re*erence list
entries !eginning wit' a title
using t'e primary word o*
t'e title 3e-cluding a, an,
and the6.
*itles (Publication Manual, pp- %02,%0.)
Capitali,ation# For all sources ot'er t'an periodicals 3t'at is, newspapers, magazines, and sc'olarly
Kournals6, capitalize t'e Drst word o* t'e title and su!title and proper nouns only. (o not capitalize t'e rest
3see e-ample !elow6.
All maKor words in periodical titles s'ould !e capitalized 3*or e-ample, Psychology Today, Journal of Health
Care for the Poor and Underserved.6
Italics# &itles are italicized *or t'e *ollowing itemsI
Web sites
Reports/technical papers
Works of art
(ource "xample
-ournal article title Freud+s Cienna revisited.
.ook title Student cheating and lagiarism in the !nternet era" #
wake$u call.
3olume 4 )ssue 'umbe"s (Publication
Manual, p- %06)
APA does not use =Colume=, =Col.=, =v.=, =)ssue= or related terms. 1se italics *or t'e volume num!er.
(ource "xample
/aga,ine and 0ournal &olume
and issue number formatting
/4 is t'e volume num!er 3in italics6 and 9 is t'e issue
)* eac' issue o* a Kournal !egins on page /, give t'e
issue num!er in parent'eses immediately a*ter t'e
volume num!er, as a!ove.
Pa5e 'umbe"s (Publication Manual, pp-
%.0, 200)
Issue What To 1o
When to use 2p2 and 2pp2 1se =p.= and =pp.= to indicate page num!ers w'en
citing newspaper articles and !ook c'apters. $mit
t'em w'en citing Kournal and magazine articles. Follow
t'e e-amples in t'is guide.
!nline periodical where page
numbers are not gi&en
National 'eograhic( )**346.
:55 is t'e volume num!er. Follow t'e issue num!er o*
t'e magazine or Kournal wit' a period.
6ndated Sou"ces (Publication Manual, p-
1se =3n.d.6= 3*or =no date=6 in your citation.
$eference %ist Citation In-Text Citation
>nowles, A. 3n.d.6. House of dust G%ollageH. Retrieved
*rom $-*ord Art $nline data!ase.
3>nowles, n.d.6
Citin5 a Sou"ce 7ithin a Sou"ce
(Publication Manual, p- %.0)
(cenario# 7ou read a 455A article !y @in'ares and Brum t'at cites an earlier article, !y Frederick. 7ou want
to cite Frederick+s article, !ut you 'ave not read Frederick+s article itsel*.
$eference %ist Citation In-Text Citation
@in'ares, A., ? Brum, P. 3455A6. 1nderstanding our
understanding o* strategic scenariosI "'at role do
c'unks playL Cognitive Science, )%306, ;F;/55A.
7our Re*erence list will contain t'e article you read, !y
@in'ares and Brum. 7our Re*erence list will N$& contain
a citation *or Frederick+s article.
Frederick+s study 3as cited in
@in'ares ? Brum, 455A6 *ound t'at...
7our inte-t citation gives credit to
Frederick and s'ows t'e source in
w'ic' you *ound Frederick+s ideas.
Academic 8ou"nals (Publication Manual,
pp- %90,%999 Stle !uide, p- %2)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
with 1!I
#agarin, B. J., ? @awler#agarin, >. A. 3455<6. %ritically evaluating
competing t'eoriesI An e-ercise !ased on t'e >itty 2enovese
murder. Teaching of Psychology( )&3:6, /0AM/0;.
What is a 1!I4
#ome li!rary data!ases, suc' as PsycAR&)%@E# and Psyc)NF$, list a
(igital $!Kect )dentiDer 3($)6 *or individual articles. A ($) is a uni8ue
identi*ying num!er *or an article. )n t'e data!ase record *or an article,
you will see an element t'at looks like t'is, w'ic' you s'ould include
at t'e end o* your APA re*erence, preceded !y ='ttpIJJd-.doi.orgJ=I
&'is link will allow a reader to link to *or more in*ormation
a!out t'e article.
Bowever, t'e #P# Style 'uide to +lectronic ,eferences 345/4, p. <6
notes t'at it is still accepta!le to use t'e older style o* ($) *ormat in a
citation, *or e-ampleI
Amidzic, $., Rie'le, B. J., ? El!ert, &. 345506. &oward a
psyc'op'ysiology o* e-pertiseI Focal magnetic gamma !ursts as a
signature o* memory c'unks and t'e aptitude o* c'ess
players.Journal of Psychohysiology( &*396, 4<:4<F.
%ibrar3 database
without 1!I
Reitzes, (. %., ? Mutran, E. J. 345596. &'e transition to retirementI
#tages and *actors t'at inOuence retirement
adKustment.!nternational Journal of #ging and Human
-eveloment( ./3/6, 0:F9. Retrieved *rom
+o 1!I4 'ind the 0ournal's homepage
(o a "e! searc' to Dnd t'e address o* t'e 'omepage o* t'e Kournal
t'at pu!lis'ed t'e article and include it in your citation 3e-ample6.
Please !e aware, 'owever, t'at t'e *ull te-t o* articles may not
actually !e availa!le at t'e Kournal 'omepage.
Cannot fnd the 0ournal's homepage4
)n t'is case, do a "e! searc' *or t'e name o* t'e data!ase you are
using 3*or e-ample, =J#&$R= or =Business #ource %omplete=6 and use
t'e address o* its 'omepage.
'ree Web
2iancola, P. R. 345596. E-ecutive *unctioning and alco'olrelated
aggression. #merican Psychologist( ./346, <A. Retrieved *rom
In print
Bug'es, J. %., Brestan, E. C., ? Calle, @. A. 345596. Pro!lemsolving
interactions !etween mot'ers and c'ildren. Child and 0amily
1ehavior Theray( &23/6, //0.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
,<ail o" =ee>l Ma5a:ines (Publication
Manual, p- 2009 Stle !uide, pp- %1,%/)

(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
with 1!I
Jackson, P. 345//, Marc' /6. Navy 7ard Bill and t'e *ounding o*
"as'ington %ity. Caitol Hill Historian, &, <;.
What is a 1!I4
#ome li!rary data!ases, suc' as Academic #earc' %omplete and
Psyc)NF$, list a (igital $!Kect )dentiDer 3($)6 *or individual articles. A
($) is a uni8ue identi*ying num!er *or an article. )n t'e data!ase
record *or an article, you will see an element t'at looks like t'is, w'ic'
you s'ould include at t'e end o* your APA re*erence, preceded !y
&'is link will allow a reader to link to *or more in*ormation
a!out t'e article.
Bowever, t'e #P# Style 'uide to +lectronic ,eferences 345/4, p. <6
notes t'at it is still accepta!le to use t'e older style o* ($) *ormat in a
citation, *or e-ampleI
Janney, >. 34550, May6. %row rookeries and ur!an toponyms in t'e
1nited #tates. Corvid( %*3/6, 40. doiI//.////J5449F;55.4/.9.405
%ibrar3 database
without 1!I
Borowitz, A. 34559, Novem!er /<6. Pavlov+s !rot'er. New Yorker(
3*3:<6, 0:00. Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.newyorker.comJ
+o 1!I4 'ind the maga,ine's homepage
(o a "e! searc' 3using a searc' engine suc' as 2oogle or 7a'ooQ6 to
Dnd t'e address o* t'e 'omepage o* t'e Kournal t'at pu!lis'ed t'e
article and include it in your citation 3e-ample6. Please !e aware,
'owever, t'at t'e *ull te-t o* articles may not actually !e availa!le at
t'e Kournal 'omepage.
Cannot fnd the maga,ine's homepage4
)n t'is case, do a "e! searc' 3using a searc' engine suc' as 2oogle
or 7a'ooQ6 *or t'e name o* t'e data!ase you are using 3*or e-ample,
=J#&$R= or =Business #ource %omplete=6 and use t'e address o* its
'ree Web
#pringen, >. 3455<, January /A6. Art*ul aging. Newsweek( %4.3:6, 4<
4A. Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.newsweek.comJ
In print
Borowitz, A. 34559, Novem!er /<6. Pavlov+s !rot'er. New Yorker(
3*3:<6, 0:00.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.

,Monthl Ma5a:ines (Publication Manual,
p- 2009 Stle !uide, pp- %1,%/)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
with 1!I
Niu, J. 345/4, Marc'April6. An overview o* we! arc'iving. -$5i6, %33:
96. 'ttpIJJd-.doi.orgJ/5./59<Jmarc'45/4niu/
What is a 1!I4
#ome li!rary data!ases, suc' as Academic #earc' %omplete and
Psyc)NF$, list a (igital $!Kect )dentiDer 3($)6 *or individual articles. A
($) is a uni8ue identi*ying num!er *or an article. )n t'e data!ase
record *or an article, you will see an element t'at looks like t'is, w'ic'
you s'ould include at t'e end o* your APA re*erence, preceded !y
&'is link will allow a reader to link to *or more in*ormation
a!out t'e article.
Bowever, t'e #P# Style 'uide to +lectronic ,eferences 345/4, p. <6
notes t'at it is still accepta!le to use t'e older style o* ($) *ormat in a
citation, *or e-ampleI
Rostok, M. 345//, August /6. Android malware on t'e rise. e7eek(
&306, //. doiI//.:40AJ4<<:JF;//.:49.405
%ibrar3 database
without 1!I
Norman, A. (. 3/;FF, Marc'6. )n*uriating !y design. Psychology Today(
&&3:6, <4<0. Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.psyc'ologytoday.comJ
+o 1!I4 'ind the maga,ine's homepage
(o a "e! searc' 3using a searc' engine suc' as 2oogle or 7a'ooQ6 to
Dnd t'e address o* t'e 'omepage o* t'e Kournal t'at pu!lis'ed t'e
article and include it in your citation 3e-ample6. Please !e aware,
'owever, t'at t'e *ull te-t o* articles may not actually !e availa!le at
t'e Kournal 'omepage.
Cannot fnd the maga,ine's homepage4
)n t'is case, do a "e! searc' 3using a searc' engine suc' as 2oogle
or 7a'ooQ6 *or t'e name o* t'e data!ase you are using 3*or e-ample,
=J#&$R= or =Business #ource %omplete=6 and use t'e address o* its
'ree Web
2el!, N. 3455:, May6. "inter o* discontent. Smithsonian( )4346, <5<<.
Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.smit'sonianmagazine.comJ
In print
)ves, F., ? @ydon, J. 3455<, January6. Freud+s Cienna revisited.-iscover(
&2346, /0/A.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
When an issue of a magazine coers seeral months, the name of the first and last month in the
range should be gien in the citation, separated b! a dash, for e"ample# $3/;;:, JuneJuly6$.
'e7spape"s (Publication Manual, pp- 200,
20%9 Stle !uide, p- %/)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
Brown, P. @. 3/;;;, #eptem!er <6. &iRany glass and ot'er tales *rom
t'e crypt. The New York Times, pp. /, <. Retrieved *rom
(o a "e! searc' 3using a searc' engine suc' as 2oogle or 7a'ooQ6
*or t'e newspaper 'omepage and use t'e 'omepage 1R@ a*ter t'e
words =Retrieved *rom=.
'ree Web
Foreman, J. 3455:, August /46. Allston got'ic. The 1oston 'lo6e.
Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.!oston.comJ
In print
Brown, P. @. 3/;;;, #eptem!er <6. &iRany glass and ot'er tales *rom
t'e crypt. The New York Times, pp. /, <.
&'e page num!er o* a newspaper article is preceded !y 2p2 in a
re*erence list citation. "'en an article appears on multiple pages, t'e
page range is preceded !y 2pp2 3*or e-ample, =pp. 90=6. "'en an
article appears on discontinuous pages, separate t'e page num!ers
wit' a comma 3e-. =pp. 9, F=6. "'en a newspaper uses section letters
in its page num!ers, t'ese s'ould !e included in your citation 3e-. =p.
A/=, =pp. B/, B0=6.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
Encclopedia A"ticles (Publication Manual,
p- 2029 Stle !uide, p- %0)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
with 1!I
Miura, A. 345/46. Buman !e'avior wit' !logs. )n 7 S'eng
3Ed.6,+ncycloedia of cy6er 6ehavior.
What is a 1!I4
#ome li!rary data!ases, suc' as Academic #earc' %omplete and
Psyc)NF$, list a (igital $!Kect )dentiDer 3($)6 *or individual e!ooks. A
($) is a uni8ue identi*ying num!er *or an e!ook. )n t'e data!ase
record *or an e!ook, you will see an element t'at looks like t'is,
w'ic' you s'ould include at t'e end o* your APA re*erence, preceded
!y ='ttpIJJd-.doi.orgJ=I
&'is link will allow a reader to link to *or more in*ormation
a!out t'e e!ook.
Bowever, t'e #P# Style 'uide to +lectronic ,eferences 345/4, p. <6
notes t'at it is still accepta!le to use t'e older style o* ($) *ormat in a
citation, *or e-ampleI
Rostok, M. 345//6. Android malware. )n >. >. Frank 3Ed.6( +ncycloedia
of mo6ile security. doiI/5.:4/FJAF<:JF;44.000.40/
%ibrar3 database
without 1!I
#mit', A. J. 3455/6. %'ild development. )n B. #trickland 3Ed.6, The 'ale
encycloedia of sychology. Retrieved *rom
+o 1!I4 'ind the publisher's homepage
(o a "e! searc' 3using a searc' engine suc' as 2oogle or 7a'ooQ6 to
Dnd t'e address o* t'e 'omepage o* t'e Kournal t'at pu!lis'ed t'e
article and include it in your citation. Please !e aware, 'owever, t'at
t'e *ull te-t o* encyclopedia may not actually !e availa!le at t'e
Kpu!lis'er+s 'omepage.
Cannot fnd the publisher's homepage4
)n t'is case, do a "e! searc' 3using a searc' engine suc' as 2oogle
or 7a'ooQ6 *or t'e name o* t'e data!ase you are using 3*or e-ample,
=J#&$R= or =Business #ource %omplete=6 and use t'e address o* its
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
Boo>, &ilm and P"oduct #e?ie7s
(Publication Manual, pp- 200,209)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
2rimes, ". 34550, (ecem!er /:6. Beyond Mandalay, t'e road to
isolation and -enop'o!ia GReview o* t'e !ook The river of lost
footstes" Histories of 1urma( !y &. Myint1H. New York Times, pp.
EF, E/5. Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.nytimes.comJ
An untitled book5 flm5 or product re&iew 6for example5 a
re&iew co&ering multiple works7#
2u'a, M. 345506. GReview o* t'e !ooks 0leeting leasures" # history
of into8icants( !y M. @ondon and -irty" # search for answers
inside #merica9s teenage drug eidemic, !y M. MaranH. Journal of
:ental Health( %., A/:A/0. Retrieved *rom
Follow t'e correct *ormatting *or t'e type o* pu!lication 3e.g. a
newspaper, a sc'olarly Kournal6 t'e review is taken *rom, including
t'e ($) i* one is availa!le.
'ree Web
%o'en, P. 3455A, May ;6. @ove, 'onor, c'eris', and !uy GReview o* t'e
!ook ;ne erfect day" The selling of the #merican wedding( !y R.
MeadH. New York Times. Retrieved *rom
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
Boo>s (Publication Manual, pp-
(ource $eference %ist Citation
.asic book
Jans, N. 3/;;:6. The last light 6reaking" 5ife among #laska9s !nuiat
+skimos. Anc'orage, A>I Alaska Nort'west Books.
"dited book
Miller, J., ? #mit', &. 3Eds.6. 3/;;06. Cae Cod stories" Tales from
Cae Cod( Nantucket( and :artha9s <ineyard. #an Francisco, %AI
%'ronicle Books.
For a single editor, use =3Ed.6=.
.ooks where the
author and
publisher are the
American Psyc'ological Association. 3455;6. Pu6lication manual of
the #merican Psychological #ssociation 30t' ed.6. "as'ington, (%I
+umbered edition
other than the frst
Arking, R. 345506. The 6iology of aging" ;6servations and
rinciles 3:rd ed.6. New 7ork, N7I $-*ord 1niversity Press.
$e&ised edition
%ulliney, J. @. 345506. !slands in a far sea" The fate of nature in
Hawai9i3Rev. ed.6. Bonolulu, B)I 1niversity o* Bawai+i Press.
/ulti-&olume set
2reen, %. M. 3/;04/;0:6. 7ashington 3Cols. /46. Princeton, NJI
Princeton 1niversity Press.
)* volumes in a work or set are pu!lis'ed in diRerent years, give t'e
range o* years separated !y a das' as a!ove.
Chapter or article in
an antholog3
Eliot, &. #. 3455/6. &radition and t'e individual talent. )n C. B. @eitc'
3Ed.6, The Norton anthology of theory and criticism 3pp. /5;4
/5;A6. New 7ork, N7I ". ". Norton. 3$riginal work pu!lis'ed /;456
Note t'at t'e page num!ers o* an article or c'apter are preceded !y
=pp.= w'en citing it 3*or e-ample, =pp. 4<<5=6. )n cases w'ere an
articleJc'apter occupies a single page, t'e page is preceded !y =p.=
3e-. =p. 9=6.
)* an article 'as !een reprinted *rom a source pu!lis'ed earlier, give
t'e original date o* pu!lication in t'e =original work= element o* t'e
citation as s'own a!ove 3w'en using t'is element, the =nal eriod in
a citation is omitted6.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
Cities, States and Countries: %or &.'. cities, add the standard postal abbreiations for state (for
e"ample, $%'at'am, MA$). %oreign cities should be follo*ed b! the name of their countr! (e".
$Bris!ane, Australia$).
Place of publication: 'eparate place of publication from publisher *ith a colon (for e"ample $New
7ork, N7I Sone Books$). +f more than one cit! is gien, list onl! the first.
Publisher names: $,o.$, $+nc.$ and related abbreiations should not be included in citations (for
e"ample, $+an R. Dee, +nc.$ should be gien as $)van R. (ee$.)
E,Boo>s (Stle !uide, pp- %2,%0)

(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
with 1!I
%'aRe#tengel, P., ? #tengel, (. 345/46. 7orking with samle data"
+8loration and
What is a 1!I4
#ome li!rary data!ases, suc' as Academic #earc' %omplete and
Psyc)NF$, list a (igital $!Kect )dentiDer 3($)6 *or individual e!ooks. A
($) is a uni8ue identi*ying num!er *or an e!ook. )n t'e data!ase
record *or an e!ook, you will see an element t'at looks like t'is,
w'ic' you s'ould include at t'e end o* your APA re*erence, preceded
!y ='ttpIJJd-.doi.orgJ=I
&'is link will allow a reader to link to *or more in*ormation
a!out t'e e!ook. Bowever, t'e #P# Style 'uide to +lectronic
,eferences notes t'at it is still accepta!le to use t'e older style o* ($)
*ormat in a citation 3see page <6, *or e-ampleI
%onoloR, A. 345/46. Salvaging the
%ibrar3 e-book
database without
Miller, @. 3455F6. Careers for nature lovers > other outdoor
tyes.Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.e!sco'
+o 1!I4 8se the 8$% for the database
"'en a !ook 'as no ($), write URetrieved *romV *ollowed !y t'e 1R@
o* t'e data!ase. 1se t'ese 1R@s *or li!rary e!ook data!asesI
EB',- eBooks ,ollection#
Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.e!sco'
'afari Books -nline#
Retrieved *rom '*ari!
Books ./"0#
Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJli!rary.!
.ook read on an e-
book reader
2ladwell, M. 3455F6. ;utliers" The story of success G>indle (W
versionH. Retrieved *rom '
A*ter t'e !ook title, put in !rackets t'e name o* t'e e!ook reader,
wit' t'e word Uversion.V Follow t'at wit' t'e ($). )* t'e !ook 'as no
($), write URetrieved *romV *ollowed !y t'e 1R@ o* t'e site *rom w'ic'
you downloaded t'e e!ook.
'ree Web
#eton, E. &. 3/;//6. The #rctic rairies" # canoe$?ourney of &(*** miles
in search of the cari6ou. Retrieved *rom
.ook chapter from
a librar3 database
6suggested format7
Xuina, >., ? >anarian, M. A. 3/;FF6. %ontinuing education. )n P.
Bronstein ? >. Xuina 3Eds.6, Teaching a sychology of eole"
,esources for gender and sociocultural awareness 3pp. 45545F6.
Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.e!sco'ost.comJacademicJpsycin*o
"'en using Kust a c'apter *rom a !ook t'e same rules apply regarding
($) or no ($) as listed a!ove, depending on w'ere t'e !ook was
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
=eb Sites (Stle !uide, pp- 1%,1/)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
A specifc page
within a Web site
#ea &urtle Restoration ProKect. 345506. &'reats to sea turtles.
Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJseaturtles.orgJsection.p'pLidP/59
In-text Citation#
3#ea &urtle Restoration ProKect, 45506
"ntire Web site )* you re*er to an entire "e! site, you do not need to include an entry
*or it in your re*erence list, !ut must identi*y t'e source clearly in t'e
te-t o* your paper. For e-ampleI
&'e #ea &urtle Restoration ProKect 'omepage presents a wealt' o*
compelling, wellresearc'ed in*ormation on t'e struggle to save t'e
world+s sea turtles *rom e-tinction 3'ttpIJJwww.seaturtles.org6.
/ore info If you think that the content of a Web site ill chan!e
o"er time, you can include the date that you "ieed the
cited information in your #retrie"ed from# line$
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
@nline Class"oom Mate"ials
(ource $eference %ist Citation
A document in a
8/8C online
"'it*ord, (. 345506. Cross$curricular initiatives in NSC!%@*. (ocument
posted in 1niversity o* Maryland 1niversity %ollege N#%) /A5 0;F/
online classroom, arc'ived atI '
No o,cial APA *ormat *or citing online classroom materials e-ists
t'is is merely a recommended *ormat to use in citing suc'
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
*echnical and #esea"ch #epo"ts
(Publication Manual, pp- 202,2069
Stle !uide, pp- %9,2%)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
'ree Web
1.#. 2overnment Accounta!ility $,ce. 345/5, Marc'6. !nformation
security" Concerted eAort needed to consolidate and secure
!nternet connections at federal agencies 3Pu!lication No. 2A$/5
4:A6. Retrieved *rom 'ttpIJJwww.gao.govJassetsJ:/5J:5/FA0.pd*
In print
1.#. 2overnment Accounta!ility $,ce. 345/5, Marc'6. !nformation
security" Concerted eAort needed to consolidate and secure
!nternet connections at federal agencies 3Pu!lication No. 2A$/5
4:A6. "as'ington, (%I Aut'or.
"'en t'e aut'or is also t'e pu!lis'er, t'e pu!lis'er+s name s'ould
!e listed as Aut'or.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
1he element of the citation giing the publication or report number can be omitted if this
information is not aailable for the source !ou2re citing.
<isse"tations and *heses
(Publication Manual, pp- 20.,2009
Stle !uide, pp- 22,21)
(ource $eference %ist Citation
1issertations and
Theses database
Pecore, J. &. 345596. Sounding the sirit of Cam6odia" The living
tradition of Bhmer music and dance$drama in a 7ashington( -C
community 3(octoral dissertation6. Retrieved *rom (issertations
and &'eses data!ase. 31M) No. ://9A456
Note t'at a URetrieved *romV statement is used, giving t'e data!ase
name *ollowed !y t'e word Udata!ase.V Also, APA calls *or t'e
citation to end wit' a uni8ue identi*ying num!er *or t'e dissertation,
la!eling it U1M) No.V &'at num!er can !e *ound in (issertations and
&'eses data!ase, listed in t'e item record as UPu!lication Num!er.V
'ree Web
%aprette, %. @. 3455<6. ConCuering the cold shudder" The origin and
evolution of snake eyes 3(octoral dissertation6. Retrieved *rom
In print
%aprette, %. @. 3455<6. ConCuering the cold shudder" The origin and
evolution of snake eyes 3(octoral dissertation6. $'io #tate
1niversity, %olum!us, $B.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
Maste"As *heses
(ource $eference %ist Citation
1issertations and
Theses database
Barz!ecker, J. J. 3/;;;6. 5ife and death in 7ashington -C" #n analysis
of the :ortality Census data of %3.* 3Master+s t'esis6. Retrieved
*rom (issertations and &'eses data!ase. 31M) No. /:;<</:6
Note t'at a URetrieved *romV statement is used, giving t'e data!ase
name *ollowed !y t'e word Udata!ase.V Also, APA calls *or t'e
citation to end wit' a uni8ue identi*ying num!er *or t'e dissertation,
la!eling it U1M) No.V &'at num!er can !e *ound in (issertations and
&'eses data!ase, listed in t'e item record as UPu!lication Num!er.V
'ree Web
Angelova, A. N. 345596. -ata runing 3Master+s t'esis6. Retrieved
*rom 'ttpIJJresolver.caltec'.eduJ%altec'E&(Ietd5<4F4559555;9:
In print
Angelova, A. N. 345596. -ata runing 3Master+s t'esis6. %ali*ornia
)nstitute o* &ec'nology, Pasadena, %A.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
)ma5es (Stle !uide, p- 2.)
*itled )ma5e
(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
Rousseau, B. 3/F;06. The shi in the storm GPaintingH. Retrieved *rom
$-*ord Art $nline data!ase.
'ree Web
Rousseau, B. 3/F;06. The shi in the storm GPaintingH. Retrieved *rom
Image reproduced
in a printed source
Rousseau, B. 3/F;06. The shi in the storm GPaintingH. Henri
,ousseau" Jungles in Paris. By %laire Fresc'es et al. "as'ington,
(%I National 2allery o* Art. 4:4.
&'e plateJimage num!er 3or, i* t'is num!er is not availa!le, t'e page
num!er on w'ic' t'e image is printed6 s'ould *ollow t'e name o* t'e
pu!lis'er as s'own.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
6ntitled )ma5e
%reate a !rie* title *or it and place it in !rackets, unitalicized.
(ource $eference %ist Citation
%ibrar3 database
Muy!ridge, E. GP'otograp' o* a 'orse runningH. 3/FFA6. Retrieved
*rom Academic #earc' %omplete data!ase.
Image reproduced
in a printed source
Muy!ridge, E. GP'otograp' o* a 'orse runningH. 3/FFA6. ,iver of
shadows" +adweard :uy6ridge and the technological wild 7est.
By Re!ecca #olnit. New 7ork, N7I Ciking. <4.
&'e plateJimage num!er 3or, i* t'is num!er is not availa!le, t'e page
num!er on w'ic' t'e image is printed6 s'ould *ollow t'e name o* t'e
pu!lis'er as s'own.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.
Medium: +f kno*n, the medium of the image should be placed in brackets as sho*n aboe, and the
collection *hich o*ns the image included in !our citation along *ith its location.
Institution locations: %or &.'. cities, add the standard postal abbreiations for state (for e"ample,
$%'at'am, MA$). %oreign cities should be follo*ed b! the name of their countr! (e". $Bris!ane,
)nte"?ie7s, E,mail Messa5es, and
@the" Pe"sonal Communications
(Publication Manual, p- %.9)
(ource "xample
A9A does not re)uire that 3ou cite personal communications
6inter&iews 3ou'&e conducted5 e-mail messages5 etc7 in 3our
reference list )nstead, give an inte-t citation only using t'e
*ollowing modelI!n
Joe #mit' 3personal communication, Novem!er /F, 45506 in*ormed
me t'at t'e server 'ad cras'ed several 'ours ago.
/ore info In-text citation examples
*eneral $ules has more information about citing multiple
authors, undated sources, etc.

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