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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________

Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Week 1: Monday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. A strong distaste or loathing ________________________
2. A child or animal in relation to its parents ______________________
3. Disgusting, nauseating, or repulsive ______________________________
4. Deep love or worship ____________________________
5. In addition to; at or to a greater distance; OR to a greater extent __________________
Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!
1. What you would call the many children of two parents _______________________
2. The car up the road from you _________________________
3. Something gross enough to turn your stomach ______________________________
4. The look on the small girls face when she meets her favorite author ________________
5. A dog pooping in your yard _________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Pamona thought the idea of cheese in a meat-filled patty was ____________________.
2. Artists often treasure their works as their immortal _______________________.
3. The most _____________________ smell was coming from the drains.
4. Id really rather not discuss it any ____________________!
disgusting further adoration revolting offspring
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

5. Phillip was filled with _____________________ for the girl who sat in front of him in

Week 1: Tuesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Stomach or middle torso ________________________
2. Trivial, silly or nonsense talk/ writing______________________
3. To investigate thoroughly; to dig______________________________
4. A round container that is wider than it is deep, used mostly to hold water or other liquid-
especially for washing____________________________
5. Something likely to cause burn; something very harsh- a screamer __________________
Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. When your brother goes on and on about the movie Cars_______________________
2. A very hot day_________________________
3. Where your intestines and other organs are located ______________________________
4. What you must do with research books for your report__________________
5. Always clean your toothpaste out_________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Gill was not in the habit of washing himself in the ____________________, but as there
was no tub, it was better than nothing.
basin twaddle scorcher abdomen delve
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

2. He was all bent over, complaining of pains in his ___________________________.
3. She was intensely eager to __________________ into the mystery of Mr. Joplin and his
4. Hillary sat through a long meeting where her co-workers discussed useless
_________________ that had nothing to do with the problem at hand.
5. Tomorrow is going to be a __________________, so dont forget the sunscreen and carry
lots of water if youre going out.

Week 1: Wednesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. In detail, very much, specifically, specially ________________________
2. Chill, frigid, freezing, unfriendly, hostile, forbidding______________________
3. Overly fond or showing excessive love; OR weak-minded, especially in old


4. Completely, without exception; positively, certainly _______________________
5. Full of poison or venom; capable of harming or killing __________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. The first kind of parents described in Matilda _______________________
2. The odds of rolling a number less than 7 on a regular die _________________________
3. Unusually or specifically______________________________
4. Dart frogs, oleander bushes, rattlesnakes, camel spiders______________________
5. The stare you give your parent after spankings_________________________
poisonous particularly glacial absolutely doting
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. The _________________ old man appeared to be wearing his socks over his shoes.

2. The arrows were tips with venom, making them deadly and _______________________.
3. The houses of the seventeenth century are made out of dust that drifted over the London
region in a ________________ era 25,000 years before.
4. The morning wind was blowing a mist over the ___________________________ barren
5. She doesnt like vegetables of any kind, ____________________________ the green
Week 1: Thursday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Beyond the usual, remarkable, rare, noteworthy ________________________
2. More desirable, something you want more (compared to something else)
3. A craving or restless longing, need, or thirst; a yearning _________________________

4. Huge; OR outrageous, stupendous _______________________
5. Taught, educated, or informed; to have intellectual or spiritual light shed upon
Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. After you complete a course at school _______________________
2. Rolling six sixes in a row with a regular die_________________________
3. A sharp knife over a dull one ______________________________
enormously preferable extraordinary hankering enlightened
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

4. Wanting to eat peanut-butter and pickle sandwiches for weeks______________________
5. How much you are attached to your thumb_________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Make a candle to get light; read a book to get _____________________________.

2. Miss Trunchbull considers all girls to be ________________________ worse than boys.

3. Man is still the most ______________________________ computer of all.
4. As soon as she could read, naturally, she had a __________________________ after
5. The ball was ________________________ to the doll for all of the boys.

Week 2: Monday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. To move with short, unsteady steps, as a young child _______________________
2. To go along with, escort, ________________________
3. A natural talent; something a person or animal is born able to do ___________________
4. Amazed, shocked; OR someone unconscious for a moment _____________________
5. Anything that is kept secret, unknown, or is unexplained; OR a novel, story, play or film
involves a crime or other event that remains unsolved until the very end

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!
accompany toddle mystery stunned instinct
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

1. A book starring Nate the Great _________________________
2. A man shot with a taser gun ____________________________
3. You cannot learn it ___________________________
4. Your brother comes with you to the pool _________________________
5. A description of someone smalls gait ________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Her clever wit ________________________ the audience.
2. Many animals fear fire by ____________________________.
3. He had been chosen to _________________________ Scott on account of his physical
4. The masked guest was a complete _______________________ to everyone at the party.
5. It was cute to watch the tiny girl _________________________ across the room to her

Week 2: Tuesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. One of the series of printings of the same book, newspaper, etc., each issued at a different
time and differing from one another by changes; OR a particular tv or radio program
broadcast ______________________
2. Required or needed; OR not free, involuntary _________________________
3. To inspire with confidence or spirit; OR to help, support ________________________
4. Causing fear or dread; OR intimidating _________________________
5. To meddle, or cause opposition in order to inhibit or hinder ______________________

necessary encourage interfere edition formidable
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. Soap and water to wash hands _________________________
2. A particularly difficult math problem ____________________________
3. The tv with your homework _________________________
4. Mondays evening news _________________________
5. The point of cheerleaders for a team ________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Please dont __________________________ with me when Im trying to make dinner.
2. The motor was _______________________ in order for the car to run.
3. Poverty will often ______________________________ crime.
4. The mountain loomed a ______________________ presence in front of the novice
5. Dana bought the unabridged _________________________ of Great Expectations.

Week 2: Wednesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Something accomplished with special effort or ability; OR successful completion of
something _____________________
2. Equipment, outfit, tackle; OR parts in a car that work together to create different speeds
or direction _____________________
achievement occasionally pleasant transported gear
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

3. Pleasing, agreeable or enjoyable _________________________
4. Taken or carried to another location; OR carried away by strong emotion _____________
5. From time to time or now and then ________________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. Obtaining an Eagle Badge __________________________
2. Your shoe becomes untied ____________________________
3. The smell of the ocean breeze __________________________
4. Moved by the beautiful music __________________________
5. Fishing pole, bait, and tackle box __________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. ___________________________, I like to sit and do Sudoku.
2. It was a very ______________________ summer day, so we went to the beach.
3. Grant wasnt sure how the crayons had been _______________________ to the desk
4. Fiona considered her graduation from high school to be her crowning
____________________ in life so far.
5. Put it in __________________! he shouted to Stanley as the engine revved without
Week 2: Thursday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. To meddle or interfere, especially in order to damage or change_____________________
moustache speedometer tamper fascinated obviously
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

2. Easily seen, recognized or understood; OR without subtlety ______________________
3. Hair growth along the upper lip ________________________
4. Enthralled or mesmerized __________________________
5. A mechanical display in a vehicle that shows the vehicles speed
Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. What you should be concerned about if you see a police car in your mirror
2. Elephants are bigger than mice ________________________________
3. Very famous on Hitler ___________________________
4. Boys and The Crocodile Hunter __________________________
5. The tv and Wii are out of sync and the remotes are missing ________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. It was considered very stylish in the 80s for men to wear a ________________________.
2. The children were ________________________ by the firefighter and his truck.
3. Well, _______________________ you havent done your homework, the teacher
admonished the boy.
4. The ____________________ in dads old Mustang went all the way to 180MPH.
5. If you leave your markers out, your little sister will surely ___________________ with

Week 3: Monday
disconnect tremendous separate bulging resented
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. To sever, detach, or interrupt connection to; to withdraw into ones private world
2. Felt or showed unhappiness or insult, because of something someone did or said
3. To keep apart or divide; to put, bring, or force apart __________________________
4. Extraordinary in size or excellence, huge; OR awful, frightening ___________________
5. Swelling or bending outward- sticking out; filling to the limits _____________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. Divorce ________________________
2. A blue whale ____________________________
3. Size 10 feet wearing a size 8 ___________________________
4. You didnt pay your phone bill ___________________________
5. Vera got to wear her mothers pearl necklace and Alice did not _____________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. When social pressures become too much, she will simply ________________________.
2. Marsha could clearly see where he had hidden the camera, since his pocket was
_______________________from a lumpy object hidden within.
3. There was a ____________________________ shudder in the house as a loud clap of
thunder cracked outside.
4. William ______________________ being called fat; it wasnt his fault he was big for his
5. The recess monitor had to ____________________________ two fighting boys.
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Week 3: Tuesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. The act of making up your mind; a judgment given by court; the final score in a sport or
contest ___________________________
2. An artistic or dramatic production; OR a tiresome procedure; OR how a machine works;
OR the act, process, or art of performing ___________________________
3. Puffed up or enlarged, bloated; OR strong waves in the sea ________________________
4. Smart, jaunty or dashing; OR description of a boat suggesting speed _________________
5. The upper edge of something hollow; OR an edge that sticks out ___________________
Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. A play at San Diego Theatre ___________________________
2. An extra-full cup of tea __________________
3. 5 to 4 in favor of the home team ________________________
4. A horrible storms affect on the sea _____________________________
5. The SeaDoo cut between the two ships and blasted away _______________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Mr. Wormwood wore his hat at a _________________________ angle.
2. It was a difficult ____________________, but Harold chose to shave his head.
decision rakish performance swollen brim
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

3. I couldnt make out the mans face, for it was shaded by the ___________________ of
his hat.
4. Sure enough, there was a _________________________ pustule where the spider had
5. What did you mean by that disgusting _____________________________ at the
restaurant?! the woman demanded of her date as they left.
Week 3: Wednesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. To move sneakily, usually with evil intent _________________________
2. Something that lasts forever; OR a wave or curl that is set into the hair by chemical
process that lasts for a few months; OR stable, constant, and unchanging
3. To talk fast and a little confusingly; OR a sputtering sound; OR to spray someone or
something ____________________________
4. Suitable, passable, meeting all the demands or requirements _______________________
5. Silly, laughable, absurd, preposterous ___________________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. An engine that isnt working properly __________________________
2. A grade of B- on your test ______________________________
3. A tiger stalking its prey __________________________
4. Planting a pizza in hopes that a pizza plant will grow ____________________________
5. A tattoo done with needles and ink __________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
spluttered ridiculous skulking permanent satisfactory
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

1. We got ice cweam wid gwanma! the small boy __________________________
2. Dont be ________________________, Henry, she shouted. The car didnt drive
itself away!
3. Shirley came to school the next day with a ________________________; her long,
straight locks were now curled tightly into spirals down her back.

4. Freddie came up with a _____________________ solution for his bosss problem.
5. No one saw the thief _____________________________ in the shadows.

Week 3: Thursday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Made stronger or sharper _____________________
2. To consider or describe something as similar; OR to examine in order to find similarities
or differences ____________________________
3. Made furious or enraged; angry beyond reason _______________________
4. Making a sudden effort to grab something; OR kidnapping ________________________
5. Foolish, silly, or stupid _______________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. The leather couch or the upholstered one? _________________________
2. Refusing to wear a coat when it is snowing out ________________________
3. A thief and an old ladys purse _______________________
4. The lens on a camera _______________________
5. Permanent red ink spilled on mothers brand new white rug _______________________
comparative infuriated intensified asinine snatching
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Frank lives in a shack while Debbie lives in __________________________ luxury.
2. It _______________________ the girl to be accused of something she had not done.
3. It is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such __________________
4. There was a segment on the news about a baby- ______________________ that had
occurred sometime in the early morning hours.
5. The black pavement only _____________________ the heat of the day.

Week 4: Monday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Having, using, or showing good sense or judgment; OR significant in amount or size
2. Offensive or disgusting dirt or trash; OR foul condition; or moral corruption or obscenity
3. Fitting, becoming, appropriate, correct _______________________
4. Barely noticeable; OR delicate in meaning or intent- difficult to understand; OR tricky,
sly, slick ________________________
5. An overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking,
terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear ________________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. Wearing sunblock at the beach _________________________
2. Pornography _______________________
filth horror subtle sensible suitable
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

3. The growth of a flower __________________________
4. A movie about a murderer on a killing spree _______________________
5. A math book to learn math _______________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. All manner of ________________________ covered the dumpster.
2. Shes a ____________________ young girl for you, Grant, his mother said.
3. There was a ______________________ reduction in price on the computers for the
Christmas season.
4. The police officer shrank back from the mutilated corpse in _______________________.
5. A _________________________ but enticing smell wafted from the kitchen; I knew
dinner would be ready soon.

Week 4: Tuesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Someone who breaks into a house with intent to steal ___________________
2. To ease or make better; OR to lighten or lessen; OR to urinate or defecate; OR to acted as
a replacement pitcher in baseball __________________
3. Walked, moved, or stood unsteadily; OR faltered or begin to give way; OR caused to
doubt, hesitated ______________________________
4. Highly excitable; unnaturally uneasy or apprehensive, fearful _____________________
5. Excellent, amazing, wonderful, strange ___________________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

staggered marvelous burglar nervous relieved
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

1. A firework display ________________________
2. A yippy little poodle that piddles when you pet it _________________________
3. After your trip to the restroom ________________________
4. A drunk mans walk ______________________________
5. A housebreaker _________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. The news _______________________________ her belief in the justice system.
2. A ___________________ broke into Dans house and stole all of his electronic
3. We had a _____________________________ weekend at the beach!
4. He _________________________ in 52 games for the Pirates last season.
5. George was ________________________ about the social studies test on Friday because
he was having trouble memorizing the historical dates from the chapter.

Week 4: Wednesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Positively- without question ________________________
2. High rank or dignity; worthy of high respect ________________________
3. Gripping or holding tightly; OR seizing with hands or claws ______________________
4. Horrifying, dismaying ___________________________
5. A structure containing a passage or flue by which smoke and gases of a fire or furnace
are carried off _____________________________
clutching chimney honorable definitely appalling
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. A bird and its prey _______________________
2. The odds of rolling a number less than 7 on a regular die ______________________
3. A grade of 42% on your grammar quiz __________________________
4. The President of the United States ________________________
5. A flue ______________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Jim received an ___________________________ discharge from the military.
2. The _______________________ belched a plume of smoke when the sweeper cleaned it.
3. You will ______________________________ do better on a test if you study for it!
4. She is _________________________ the childs hand as they crossed the street.
5. The damage caused by the fire is __________________________.

Week 4: Thursday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. Harsh, unnecessarily extreme; OR serious or stern; OR grave or critical
2. A chemical used to bleach or disinfect ____________________
3. Willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority _______________________
obediently goggling exhausted severe peroxide
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

4. Tired, worn out, used up completely; OR treated or studied thoroughly
5. Rolling, bulging or staring of the eyes ______________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. An empty gas tank ___________________________
2. T-Cell Cancer _________________________
3. Stupidly staring __________________________
4. H
or Na
5. A dog fetching a ball _________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. The child __________________________ got down from the table and went to his room.
2. Maria, her eyes _________________________ vacantly, fell to the floor.
3. Mrs. Wormwood uses __________________________ to color her hair a platinum
4. Because of the _____________________ winds from the hurricane, many homes were
5. After the 11 hour day of tilling the garden, Rachael was _________________________.

Week 5: Monday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
mixture cupboard devouring incapable straight
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

1. A combination or blend of different elements, kinds, or qualities ____________________
2. Without bend, angle or curve; OR to live a law-abiding life; OR to do something without
jokes or tricks; OR without delay; OR slang reference to being heterosexual
3. A closet with shelves for dishes, food, clothes or other things _____________________
4. Not having the necessary ability, qualification, or strength to perform a specified act or
function; OR without standard ability _______________________
5. Swallowing or eating hungrily or rapidly; OR consuming destructively or recklessly (as
in a fire) _________________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. A cat eating a bird __________________________
2. Immediately _________________________
3. Cabinet _________________________
4. Pancake batter ________________________
5. Incompetent ________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. The old woman was ________________________ of carrying her groceries up to her
second story apartment.
2. The new school year brought a __________________________ of feelings for Greg.
3. Listen, Marge, the mechanic said, Ill give it to you ____________________:
your car aint going to drive no more, less you replace that burnt up engine.
4. Harry Potter slept in the _____________________ under the stairs when he
wasnt at school.
5. The swollen ocean is ___________________________ the small beach town because of
the tsunami.
splendid shrieked chemical disinfect anxious
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Week 5: Tuesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. A substance made or used in a chemical process; OR slang- narcotic or mind-altering
drugs or substances _______________________
2. Full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune, very
worried; OR very eager _________________________
3. A loud, sharp, shrill cry or sound; OR a loud, high sound of laughter
4. Magnificent, gorgeous, remarkable ____________________________
5. To cleanse of germs or disease __________________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. Winner of a beauty pageant __________________________
2. Nicotine, morphine, and opium __________________________
3. A father waiting for his late daughter to arrive home from a date ____________________
4. A fire alarm ___________________________
5. Using Ajax in the bathtub ___________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Use 409 to _______________________ the kitchen counters before you wipe them.
2. Well, Ill tell you! We had the most ________________________ time at the party!
3. Be careful when you are using bleach and ammonia; the ________________________
reaction if you mix the two will produce dangerous fumes.
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

4. The librarian _________________________ when a mouse scurried out of the
book trolley.
5. We are _______________________ concerning the safety of our dear sons in battle.

Week 5: Wednesday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. A strong, glass-like, clear, ceramic material- biscuit fired at a low temperature and then
glazed and fired at a very high temperature _______________________
2. Making or forming by combining things, parts, or elements; OR being made up of
3. Rather large or great in size, distance, or extent; OR worthy of respect or attention
4. Without hope, depressing, or dreary; OR bare, desolate, often windswept; OR cold and
piercing, raw ____________________
5. Shaking with slight but rapid motion ______________________
Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. The difference between your grandmothers taste in music and yours
2. The Sahara Desert _______________________
3. Writing an essay _________________________
4. Likely, your toilet _________________________
5. Trembling __________________________
Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
bleak porcelain considerable quivery composing
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

1. After her fathers death, Molly began to have a _______________________ outlook on
2. The pastor took a __________________________ length of time to decide his sermons
3. Jills legs were ___________________________ as she stepped up to the microphone to
spell the word equanimous.
4. The waitress stumbled over the rug and the _________________________ dishes
shattered on the floor.
5. ___________________________ of many different ingredients, Sasha finally mastered
the recipe creation for orange chicken.
Week 5: Thursday
Definitions: Numbers 1-5 show definitions of the list of words. Select the
correct word that matches the definition from the two words at the end of
each definition. Write it in the blank space provided.
1. A person dedicated to sensual enjoyment; OR a person who takes pride in especially fine
things, such as food or wine _________________________
2. A kind of humorous verse of five lines, in which the 1
, 2
, and 5
lines rhyme with
each other, and the 3
and 4
lines, which are shorter, form a rhymed pair
3. Shining brightly, sparkling, or glittering; OR having or showing great intelligence, talent,
or quality _______________________
4. Pausing while speaking; OR being unwilling, having doubts; OR holding back or being
slow to act ________________________
5. Astonished greatly, shocked with wonder or surprise ________________________

Definition Clues: Carefully read the phrase or riddle below. Choose the
word you think goes best with the phrase or riddle and write it in the blank
space provided. Be careful! These can be tricky!

1. Matildas poem Jenny __________________________
2. Hopefully, before you tell a lie __________________________
3. Surprised _________________________
4. A wine connoisseur _________________________
5. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart __________________________
hesitation epicure limerick brilliant astounded
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Matilda: Vocabulary Building Worksheet

Fill-In-The-Blank: Each sentence below is missing a word. Read the
sentence carefully and choose the vocabulary word that best goes in the
blank space provided.
1. Peters __________________________ cost him the championship.
2. The _________________________ lights of the city could be seen miles before we
3. Alice became quite the _________________________, having rose petals scent her bath
water, sweet champagne for after her bath, and silken sheets to sleep in.
4. The Drill Instructor was _________________________ when he discovered
that none of his recruits completed the PFT within military standards.
5. I assure you, children, smiled Miss Honey, it is quite difficult to write a
_____________________ of your own.

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