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T h e Of f i c i a l Pu b l i c a t i o n o f I CENHS- Sa n t i a g o An n ex June 2013- Mar ch 2014

By: Jelma l. Pinote
By: Donna Gulay
Last November 2013, ICEHS-
Santiago had reached another
milestone for it passed the Level
II SBM-PASBE accreditation
conducted by the regional offce. All
the toils and sacrifces of the teachers
and most especially the focal persons
who were Kareen Rose J. Daang,
Elizabeth T. Galit, Ryan Salomson,
Aileen C. Bolocon, and Ruel
Togonon and the school head, Dr.
Reynilda C. Alferez had fnally paid
off big time. Of all the small schools
being evaluated, it was only ICEHS-
Santiago among the few who had
passed the said evaluation. Getting
into that level was no easy task-it was
a herculean one. It took us six months
to prepare for the big day. Being a
small school with a small budget,
funding the SBM preparation was no
joke. And yet the school had managed
to get by and emerged victorious.
What is SBM? In the education
department, this seems to be the
cause of stress and frustrations among
teachers and administrators alike.
Why would it not be when this has
become the reason why teachers are
not able to go home early from school,
A year ago, ICEHS-Santiago
Annex received an accolade for
winning the Best Implementer of
Brigada Eskwela . This did not
come without us exerting great
effort on our part. In this new school
year ;however, we did not do much.
We just went with the motion and
did not expect anything. Despite
of these all, we still ranked second
place in the whole Iligan City
Division in the search for the Best
Brigada Eskwela Implementer.
This only goes to show that we
have already internalized the said
program that even without any
rewards in our minds, we were able
to do the best practices of Brigada
Eskwela, Congratulations to all
who had labored and toiled for the
success of this endeavor. Let us not
also forget to thank the stakeholders
who have supported us all the way.
Special mention goes to Macalintal
Tintil, the GPTA president, Marilyn
Paz Semborio, the GPTA treasurer
and to all the prime movers of
Brigada Eskwela. 2013.
and get a goodnight sleep because
they have to burn the midnight candle
in order for them to comply with all
the gargantuan requirements such
as reports, lesson plans, classroom
structuring, evaluations and etc.
However tiring these things maybe;
the outcome of these will bring great
benefts not only to the teachers but
to the students as well. Once a certain
school has complied the requirements
for the SBM accreditation, it means
to see that it is providing quality
education to the students it cater.
Theoretically speaking, School-
based management (SBM) is a
strategy to improve education by
transferring signifcant decision-
making authority from state and
district offces to individual schools.
SBM provides principals, teachers,
students, and parents greater control
over the education process by giving
them responsibility for decisions
about the budget, personnel, and the
curriculum. Through the involvement
of teachers, parents, and other
community members in these key
decisions, SBM can create more
effective learning environments for
So for those teachers who abhor
SBM, I hope that through this article
you now see it in a different light. It
is you who are in the real scenario
have the knowledge of what our
school truly need. We can not rely
forever for the central offce to do
the improvement for us. Each of us
must take part in changing the face
of our school for the better may
you be a student, teacher, principal
or parent. All these years, we have
been only observantsstaying
outside looking in the shaping of an
individual into a better person through
education. We only stood waiting to
be fed with everything and whats
worst was that we already did nothing
and yet we were quick in complaining
once things went wrong. Since, we
are given the opportunity to take part
now, grab it because chance like this
only happens once in a lifetime.
By: Kristel V. Gomisong
The administration and faculty
of ICEHS-Santiago along with
its students know no ending to its
endeavors. Just last week, March
18, 2014, we had another round
of quarterly classroom evaluation.
Queer, Isnt it? All of us are used
to having classroom evaluation at
the start of the school year or in the
middle but not during graduation
time. We are not making pauso
here. We just want to prove that we
are this dedicated to our vocations
and we dont tolerate procrastination.
If we started the year with well-
structured classrooms, we would
also like to close the school year the
way we had opened it up. Despite of
us having our hands full with all the
paper works, we had still managed to
structure and beautify our classrooms
and assigned areas.
For the said event, we had two
sets of evaluators-the frst set was
composed of stakeholders who were
the GPTA Offcers and the some
members of the Barangay Council
of Santiago. The second set was
composed of our Division Supervisors
in the persons of Mrs. Magbitang
and Mrs. Virginia Nadayag. The
event became more stressful and
exciting when our Schools Division
Superintendent, Randolph B. Tortola
dropped by our school along with
Dalipuga National High School
principal, Mr. Ronilo Apas and
Abuno High School principal, Mrs.
Vicky Postrano to personally inspect
and witness the fruits of our labors.
The big boss came to evaluate our
school! My! We al most ate our hearts
out. Our tensions lessened only when
he fnally gave us his thumbs up. We
were overjoyed because the other
visitors commended our hard work as
Of all the improvements in
our school, what elicited so much
appreciation from the visitors was
the newly-constructed butterfy park.
The park is situated in front of the
classroom of Grade 8-Magalang. The
idea of creating this one came out
right after our bench marking from
the different schools here in Iligan
City last year. Since our school has
only small space for an oval, our
brilliant school head, Dr. Reynilda C.
Alferez decided to make a park in it
like what Tomas Cabili National High
School has.
We were skeptics at frst because
we thought about the budget and
labor. But after it was over and done,
gone also all of our skepticism.
Lo and behold! with Mr. Palisbo
and Mr. Luzons golden touch, and
most especially with the hands-on
horticultural ingenuity of the school
head and Mr. Ryan Salomsoms
day to day management of needs, a
magnifcent butterfy park now stands
in the middle of or school.
The park is only the icing of
the cake. The best improvement we
have is in the Principals Offce and
in the different classrooms. So, why
not spend some of your time and visit
ICEHS-Santiago now and see for
yourself. SDS TORTOLA and party during the quarterly evaluation
Te regional SBM validating team and the SBM focal persons of ICEHS-Santiago Annex
ICEHS-Santiago Annex Natures Park
By: Jelma L. Pinote
Typhoons are getting more
frequent and more ferocious as the
years go by. Behind this is climate
change-the insidious killer that
has altered weather patterns
across the globe. No longer can
we turn a blind eye nor deny this
festering problem.
As we know too well, one of
the most painful consequences
of global warming is that
tropical storms have become
more unpredictable, more
frequent, and more violent. The
Philippines bears the brunt of
weather disturbances due to
a lethal combination of being
near the equator and being fully
exposed to Philippine Sea and the
Pacifc Ocean. Our geographic
position has made us the third
most vulnerable nation to climate
change, according to ADB.
Typhoon Haiyan-Yolanda,
which hit the Philippines in
November 2013 was considered
to be the strongest and most
destructive typhoon to ever land
on our countrys history. As the
full devastation of Typhoon Haian
came to light, it seemed that we
were not fully prepared despite
all the warnings and safety
measures that the citizens, and
the government took beforehand.
Residents had been warned of the
wind, but the shocking 19-foot
storm surge swept thousands out
to the sea. Thousands of people
had simply disappeared. Weather
experts from all over the world
have concluded that this super
typhoon leaves no question that
no amount of preparation could
have prevented the kind of
massive destruction inficted on
Tacloban, Guian, Ormoc, coastal
communities in Panay and other
NDRRMC said the total
damage to infrastructure and
agriculture amount to around
P30.8 billion. Damage to
infrastructure reached P15.7
billion while damage to
agriculture at P15.1 billion. The
affected families in Visayas
region rose from2,335.031
to 2,376,217 or around 11.2
million individuals . Around
3,887,997 persons or 851,665
families were staying at 1,070
evacuation centers. The number
of damaged house also went up
to 1,168,958 from 1,168,909.
Power outages are still being
experienced in some provinces
and municipalities in Mimaropa,
Bicol region, Western,Central
and Eastern Visayas.. The disaster
council Council reported the
death toll at 5,632 and up until
now, authorities are still eyeing
for the number to climb.
It seems these days that
whenever Mother Nature wants
to send an urgent message
tohumankind, it sends it via the
Philippines. That it was
The climate change that was
creating super typhoons that were
taking weird directions was a
message that Nature was sending
not just to Filipinos but to the
whole world.
No doubt Yolanda left us
with a lot of painful lessons that
we must all learn from. Nature
has shown us its wrath. These
calamities were due to our
careless and irresponsible actions.
It is now time for us to wake up
and change our ways.
Last September 2013,
teachers and students alike joined
hand in hand in conducting the
coastal clean-up in line with the
celebration of the International
Earth Day. Groups of students
being supervised by teachers were
being dispatched in the coastal
areas of Barangay Santiago to
do the clean-up drive. Upon
arriving in the area, we were
dismayed with the amount of
garbage that was disposed in the
sea. Everywhere you look, you
will see different kinds of trash
like cellophanes, styrofoams,
cans, leaves, dead animals and
much to our chagrin-human
wastes. Disgusted with what we
had seen, we cleaned the area
thoroughly because we all knew
that most of the seafood that we
ate were all taken from the sea
in this area. We also thought of
educating the people living in the
area about the hazards brought
about by dumping garbage in the
sea and in the river. It was high
time that the people will learn
to be responsible in disposing
their waste. We didnt want the
tragedy brought by Typhoon
Sendong to happen again.
After we were done
cleaning the shoreline, we went
ahead in cleaning the streets.
Just like in the coastal area,
there were also several garbage
piles in the streets. Some of
them were thrown carelessly
while some of them were piled
along the highway waiting
for the garbage truck to pick
them up. There was a defnite
schedule for the garbage truck
to arrive but some people didnt
follow the schedule. They just
left their garbage along the
highway even if the garbage
truck was not still scheduled to
arrive soon. Some of the people
also just didnt care of cleaning
their surroundings. This was one
of the problems of the people of
Barangay Santiago. It seemed
that they didnt have a proper
garbage disposal program. If
the garbage truck were late in
picking up the garbage, the trash
will be left smelling in the whole
place. So to make them become
aware about the importance of
cleanliness, we spearheaded the
cleaning of the area for them to
follow suit. Being abashed of
what they saw, the people indeed
followed suit. They began to
pick up their brooms and bolos
and cleaned the area.
By: The Vagabond
Storm surge swept thousands out to the sea. Tousands of people had simply disappeared. Weather
experts from all over the world have concluded that this super typhoon leaves no question that no
amount of preparation could have prevented the kind of massive destruction .
by: Jelma L. Pinote
Education is what will liberate
us from the bondage of poverty.
Many of us keep on complaining
about the hardships in life. We
are given a chance to improve
our lifes situation through
education and yet we dont give
it much value. Here in ICEHS-
Santiago, most of the students are
government scholars. Some are
supported by NGOs. Most of the
students needs are being backed
up by these benefactors. Students
are supposed to concentrate in
their study with all the benefts
they are enjoying because they
have nothing to think about
anymore when it comes to tuition
fees and projects . But irony of all
ironies, these students were the
ones who usually neglected their
studies. They didnt attend classes
regularly. If ever they attended,
they cut classes or didnt come
back anymore for the afternoon
session. When examination time
came, they also didnt study and
submitted requirements very late.
However, this was not always the
case. There were also instances
that they didnt submit
they didnt submit project at
all. With no attendance, quizzes,
For several years now,
the Spratlys Group of Islands
has been contested upon by
several countries like Malaysia,
Brunei, China, Cambodia and the
Philippines. Of all these countries
who claim Spratlys Group of
Islands to be part of their territory,
it is the Philippines and China
who press on the matter strongly.
As days go by, things are heating
up between the two countries over
the disputed islands. Each country
claims that it has historical
and legal basis in claiming the
islands as part of their territories.
The Philippines bases of claim
in the Spratly Group of Islands
are that it is within its 200 miles
Exclusive Economic Zone based
on the UNCLOS, it is also very
close to the Philippines compare
to Vietnam and China, and the
historical rights as the ancestral
domain of the Sultanate of
Sulu which date backs from
the Mahjapahit and Shrivijaya
empires, which extended from
Sabah(North Borneo), the Sulu
archipelago, Palawan, parts of
Mndanao, the islands now known
as the Spratlys, Palawan, and up
to the Visayas and Manila. The
China on the other hand, anchored
its claim on the following bases:
its right to the area comes from
2,000 years of history where
the Paracel and Spratly island
chains were regarded as integral
parts of the Chinese nation.
Legally, China claims sovereignty
over the disputed islands and
adjacent waters in the Sea and
sovereign rights over relevant
waters as well as the seabed and
projects and exam, teachers surely
had a hard time fguring out
whether to pass them or not.
If only the teachers are given
the liberty to adapt their own
grading system, these erring
students would not proliferate.
K-12 Curriculum mandates that
those students whole fail in a
certain subject should attend a
summer class to be handled by
teacher who fail them without any
beneft on the teachers side. He
will be doing it pro bono with only
a service credit to remunerate their
Teachers fnd this arrangement
so unfair so for fear of having
to hold summer classes, they
grudgingly pass these erring
students. Moreover, the number of
failing students in a class will also
affect the rate of the teachers in
their CB Past so a win-win solution
is always made by the teachers at
the expense of attaining quality
education. The aforementioned
measures implemented by the
Department of Education to
upgrade the educational system,
on my part, seems to worsen rather
than improve the situation. The
students dont fear of failing in
subsoil thereof a claim in
accordance with Law of the Seas
(LOS) norms. But operationally,
Chinas oceanic law enforcement
agencies have unilaterally, and at
times forcefully, enforced their
writ across the more expansive
political perimeter bounded by the
nine-dashed line.
With Chinas aggressive
move of declaring its sovereignty
over the islands by sending
its military troops to build
infrastructure and conduct
research on its mineral-rich
seabed, the Philippines issued
concern. It tried to have a dialogue
with China over the resolution of
the issue to no avail. China like
the Philippines would not back
out with its claim and continue to
send military to patrol around the
area who is fully-armed with high-
powered weapons and more than
ready to fre at anyone who tries
to come to the islands that they
occupy. The Philippines, too has
its own troops stationed on one
of the disputed islands. However,
its troops are no match to their
Chinese counterparts. In fact, it
took 6 months for the last troops
to be replaced because the Chinese
would not allow the Philippines
military ship passage in the area.
The Philippine troops were only
replaced when it brought with
them some journalists and by
outsmarting them with some
navigation maneuvers. Observers
both local and international call this
act of China intimidating. Some
also call China as bully because
of its tendency of intimidating
smaller countries. Just recently, its
class anymore because they know
that this is not going to happen
because the teacher always fnd a
way to pass them. This is good if
the teachers will do their part as
an educator but sad to say some
of them will treat these students
as mere excess baggage only.We
cant blame them because their
hands are already full with all
their tasks here in school and they
have their own families to attend
to. So, if we truly value education
and if we really want to unchain
ourselves from the bondage of
poverty, let us also do our parts as
students. Time changes now. Gone
are those days that we were being
spoon-fed fed with everything we
need. This is already the computer
age. One must not rely too much
on any individual to help him. One
must learn to fend for himself.
Because in the end, it is you,
yourself who will bear the brunt
of not having been able to attain
quality education.
Young as we are, we still have
plenty of time to rectify our errors.
The future stares at us on the face.
We must do something to make
it brighter. As for those erring
students, my message is this: If
military troops fred water cannon
on the Vietnamese vessel which
disrupted their drilling activity on
the Paracel Island. Paracel Island
is an island which is both claim by
the Chinese and the Vietnamese.
Despite of the fact that
the issue of who rightfully own
the Spratly Groups of Islands is
not resolved yet, China continues
to build infrastructure and
conduct exploration on the area.
To avoid things to escalate into
war, Philippines is now inviting
China to let the United Nations
Convention to resolve the issue
but the latter would not concede
to the idea and chooses to resolve
the matter on a bicameral means
by having closed meeting with the
former. With this development, it
seems that the Philippines is on
its losing battle. Nothing is left
to do now but wait for the proper
authority to resolve the issue and
ask the help of its allied countries
like the United States to back
it up with its fght with a much
bigger and powerful country if
ever this will escalate into a war.
However, its much trusted ally
it seems is not taking side on the
issue so the Philippines is left
to decide the matter on her own
hands. The question now is that
whether the Philippines is a match
to China when its military alone is
equivalent to the entire population
of the US. Having colonized by
three powerful countries before
and having fought for its freedom,
the Philippines is not daunted. As
President Pnoy said, We shall
fght until the last man standing to
defend our territory.
Every time you watch or
you listen to the news here in
the Philippines, what you will
hear is the endless fghts among
our senators and congressmen.
Each one of them is aiming
for nothing but his comrades
falling apart. Instead of
drafting laws or thinking of a
good project that will alleviate
poverty in our country, our
lawmakers wasted our time and
money in washing each others
dirty linens in public. It seems
to me that they dont get tired of
attacking their opponents. The
most august halls of the senate
and congress have now turned
into a circus being witness to
the shameless exchange of foul
words between our dignifed???
lawmakers. Remember the
heated argument between
Miriam Defensor-Santiago and
Juan Ponce-Enrile? Who would
forget their dialogues which had
served as fodders for the nosy
journalists for several days.
Where on earth could you hear a
highly-esteemed senator calling
his co-senator tanda in the heat
of their argument? Only here in
the Philippines, eh! However
comical all those debates in
senates and congress had turned
out to be, it had still yielded
good results. After former
presidents, Joseph Estrada and
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, other
big -time politicians were sent
into prison. They were Senators
Ramon Revilla, Jr., Jinggoy
Estrada, and Juan Ponce-Enrile.
All three were found guilty of
plunder cases in connection to
you will end up miserable in the
future, you have no one to blame
but yourselves.
You maybe proud for always
having taken the easy way out for
now but the price of that is beyond
more than you can pay. Please do
change while there is still time.
We should strike hard while the
iron is still hot. Later in your life
, you will realize that I have not
been wrong in my plea for you to
turn over into a new leaf. Please
dont waste the money and effort
invested on you by your parents,
teachers and benefactors.
PDAF scam with Janet Napoles
as the mastermind. The latter
had long been sent into prison
and was trying to extricate her
way out with her request of
acting as state witness. In order
to lower her sentence, Napoles
had let out the cat in the bag by
divulging the names that were
in her magic list. These were the
politicians who took part in the
PDAF scam by placing funds in
a ghost NGO project with her
maneuvering the process. Many
were surprised and aghast to
see the list for it also bears the
names of those politicians that
they have been looking up to all
these years and whom they had
believed were the answers to the
long standing problems of the
Philippines. If you thought that
the imprisonment of Estrada
and Revilla signaled the end of
all the chaos in our government,
you are all wrong. Just recently
a group of congressmen
fled an impeachment case
against President Aquino
for malversation of public
funds through Disbursement
Acceleration Program (DAP).
They said that the said program
was just a front on the Presidents
part for him to be given an access
on the governments wealth.
The President on the other hand
maintained that he needed the
funds for funding government
projects. Indeed, there is no end
to all these hullabaloos. When
one problem was resolved,
another one surfaced. I wish
you then good luck my dear
By: The Vagabond
By: The Vagabond
By: Jelma L. Pinote
by: Kristel Mae Piscos
The Math and Science Month
Celebration culminated with a
bang. With the theme, Science,
Technology and Innovation; the
road to a better Phillipines, the
students performed several activities
in line with it but what highlighted
the celebration was the Futuristic
at attire Competition. Everybody
was amazed with the skills and
imaginations shown by the students.
One could not believe that there
was still a room for imaginations
in the minds of the students of
ICEHS-Santiago after having been
subjected to several calamities.
This could be seen in each
unique and elaborate entry they
presented in the competition. Armed
only with indigenous materials,
each group was able to create a
futuristic attire mimicking some
of the modern day robots. There
were also some who had come out
with their own creation much to
amazement of the spectators.
Instead of having only a one-
week-celebration for the Education
Week, we made it one month. This
was because we wanted to stress the
importance of the English Language.
Tests taken by students may it be
national or local nowadays show
a very alarming scores in English.
Next to Science and Mathematics, it
is one of those subjects that students
seem to have low performance. The
said fact alarm not only the school
but the community as well. English
is the global language so one must be
good in it in order for him to compete
globally. Based on the exam results,
something must be done to improve
the performance level of the students
in English.
So, for us to be able to gauge the
performance level of the students,
the teachers together with the
offcers of the English Club decided
to hold a literary contest. For the frst
week of the celebration, we had the
poster and slogan making contest.
The second week was scheduled for
the essay writing and quiz bee. A
extemporaneous speech competition
then followed in the third week.
We capped the celebration on the
Everybody had a grand day
admiring and taking pictures and
having their pictures taken with
the student who was wearing the
futuristic attire.
Meanwhile, the skills of the
students in making Investigatory
Research were also put into test.
Their Science teachers did not only
let them made a written report but
had them put showcased it in public.
They were like having their oral
defense with not only their advisers
present and some panelists but the
entire school.
I could hardly forget the tension
in the air that day. Just imagine the
fact that all the people were there
to witness the success or failure of
their reports. Tension packed and
exciting as it was, the day still ended
with smiles painted on everybodys
face. The celebration did not only
serve as a break from the routine of
the sleepy school world but it gave
them additional knowledge as well.
next week with a short program
wherein all the winners of the
different competition category were
announced and were given prizes.
The Education Week culmination
program was highlighted with the
presentation of the Nativity Story
by some select Grade 8 students.
The Nativity Story may already be a
clich for most of us since it has been
told to us over and over again but
still it doesnt fail to touch a chord
in our hearts. For us Christians, The
Nativity Story is the reminder of
Gods great love for us human beings.
Aside from some presentations,
the declamation contest was also
held during that day where Jessa
Mae Jamorols performance stood
out so she was able to bag the frst
prize. Hon. Evangelista Moleno,
a retired teacher of Cabili Village
Elementary School and now a
Barangay Kagawad of Barangay
Santiago was the guest speaker. She
gave a very moving speech about the
true meaning of Christmas that made
us ponder about it until now. The
program ended early to make way
for the students Christmas party in
the afternoon.
by: Jelma L. Pinote
Despite all the challenges
that the students have had these
past two years, those dont stop
them from being the best of what
they can be. In the recent Inter-
public schools athletic meet, the
volleyball and basketball team of
ICEHS-Santiago had brought honor
to their Alma Mater by bagging the
second and frst runner up prizes
respectively during the fnals. The
volleyball team was composed
of Korina Rico, Apple Jimenez,
Gomez, Princess Nicole Layno and
Kate Lasula while the basketball
team was headed by Ariel Librado.
All of these winnings will not
be possible without the help of
their coaches , Ms. Aileen Bolocon
and Cris Michael Padla. Both
teams were grateful for having
them as coaches because of the
kind of trainings they made them
underwent just to bring home the
Compared to the players from
the other school, they were a way
much smaller but having mastered
the skills and tricks of the said
games through constant practice,
they were able to match their
playing prowess. Kudos to all of
by: Donna Gulay
By Donna Gulay
We celebrated Buwan ng Wika
last year on the month of August
with the theme Ang Buwan ng
Wika sa Daang Matuwid. The
faculty and staff of ICEHS-
Santiago prepared many activities
to participate on. One of the most
awaited activities of the month was
the Coronation of Ms. Lakambini
and Mr. Lakandula for the school
year 2013-2014. It became the
most trending topic throughout the
four corners of the school campus.
Slogan Making Contest,
Poster Making Contest, Tagisan ng
Talino, Vocal Solo, Declamation
and Interpretative Dance were the
other activities of the said event.
Students were very cooperative
during the contests. It was an
evidence that they enjoyed the
Buwan ng Wika Celebration.
On the Culmination Day at the
same time, The Coronation of Mr.
Lakandula and Ms. Lakambini,
there was a total blackout in the
area ,however; the students still
waited for the electricity to come
It was already three in the
afternoon when the electric power
resumed. As the candidates ramped
on the stage, the audience were
shouting. Some were clapping their
hands as support to their bets. One
of the most beautiful exposures
One of the best exposures that
candidates had was the wearing
of the Filipiniana Attire. Each
candidate was stunningly beautiful
but sad to say only one of the
candidates was crowned as the Ms.
Lakambini and Mr. Lakandula.
In the end, the pair of
III-Matatag Contestants was
crowned as Mr. Lakandula and
Ms. Lakambini 2013. They
not only competed with their
physical appearance but with their
intelligence as well. After the
culmination, most of the students
congratulated the winners as they
went downstage. The Buwan ng
Wika celebration became one of
the successful event of the year.
Teachers and students alike are
looking for a more fun-flled
celebration next year. And each
was also hoping that he will be the
one to win this time.year. Not just
the candidates were crowned but
also the honor of celebrating the
event was a victory.
To prepare the students in time
of calamity, ICEHS-SANTIAGO
conducted a seminar on Prevention
and Disaster Risk Preparedness at
the school campus last March 12,
2014. Among the speakers who were
invited to grace the events were
representative from the Bureau of
Fire Protection and other NGOs.
Each speaker discussed about the
things to be done in times of disaster
in order to be safe. They stressed on
the importance of having knowledge
on the safety measures to be taken to
lessen the risk in times of typhoons,
earthquake, fre, and etc.
Prior to the seminar, an
earthquake drill was conducted by the
students through the leadership of the
Disaster Risk Reduction Management
(DRRM) Coordinator, Ms. Aileen
C. Bolocon. The drill started with
the blasting of the ceremonial siren
which signals the exit of the students
from the classroom on a duck cover
position with their hands covering
their heads. This position is what they
should emulate in time of earthquake
in order to protect themselves from
falling debris. They were then
gathered in the school ground to
listen to the discussion about the
safety measures to practice in times
of calamity. The conduct of the
activity was only done for an hour so
as not to expose the students from the
scorching heat of the sun. To deepen
the students awareness about the
things that need to be observed during
disaster, the teachers integrated
disaster risk reduction management
in that days lesson.
ICEHS-Santiago Volleyball Team and Basketball Team
Te Grade 8-Matatag As Tey Portrayed Te Nativity Story.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.Both the government and the non-government organizations work
hand-in -hand towards the achievement of this goal.
by: Jelma L. Pinote
By Kristel V. Gomisong
By Donna Gulay
Last November 21-22, 2013,
ICEHS-Santiago Annex held a joint
BSP/GSP camp. It was participated
by all registered BSP and GSP from
all year levels. The said camporal
was spearheaded by Manuel Palisbo
and Henrylen McMichael, the BSP
and GSP Coordinators.
Despite the rain, the camping
went on smoothly. The frst
night was considered as the most
memorable of all the campers
because of the ceremonial campfre.
Watching the gigantic bonfre as
it glowed through the night was a
once in a lifetime experience for the
campers. Those who were not able
to join in the camping had missed
half of their adolescence lives.
Activities such as this only happens
during our youth. Once you grow
old, you dont have time anymore
to enjoy the simple things of like
Deneice Quidlat, a senior
student of this school qualifed for the
regional competition for webpage
design. It was truly an achievement
for Quidlat who was the only girl
contestant during the web page
design division level competition
held at Iligan City National High
School last September 3, 2013.
She was accompanied by her class
adviser, Ms. Aileen C. Bolocon
. At frst, she was apprehensive of
winning in the competition because
she was intimidated with his male
co- contestants. For her and for most
The students of ICEHS-Santiago
Annex has another thing to thank for
the school year 2014-2015 because
they will be receiving 50 computer
sets from the Deped Computerization
Program. For the longest time, the
students ratio to the computer has
been 20 is to 1. This has been the
perennial cause of headaches for
the computer teachers. Every time
there is a computer class, 20 or more
students have to crowd in a single
computer set because the school at
present has only 10 computer sets.
It was real hard for each student to
have a computer hands-on which is
a must for them to learn. Learning
is impossible in scenario like this.
because by that time your family
name will be always busy.
The said camping will not
be complete without the students
learning about the basics of scouting
such as knot tying, making fre
without the aid of a lighter or a
match, putting up tents, giving frst
aids and familiarization of the BSP/
GSP laws. One would not be worthy
of the name scout if you he/she
knows nothing about survival and
helping people during emergencies.
Of course, he/she must be also
familiar with the scouts laws, oath,
motto and outdoor behavior.
To add more fun to the camping,
a competition for Mr. and Ms. BSP
was being held. One of the criteria
for judging was the correct way of
donning the BSP/GSP uniform. It
was sad to note that nowadays, the
green uniform is fast disappearing
people, most of the computer-savvies
belong to the male population.
But she was able to surpass them
all. At the end of the day, she was
proclaimed champion much to the
astonishment of all spectators.
ICEHS-Santiago Annex was
very proud of the said achievement.
Thanks to the computer- wizard
teacher, in the person of Mr. Patrick
Jhon Doplon who exhausted all the
possibilities in making all students
understand how the computer works
and know all its parts like the palm
of their own hands. Not only that,
Thanks to the Deped Computerization
Program because they promise to
give us 50 computer sets which are
due to arrive soon.
As of present the school is
busy prepping up the computer room
to receive the said 50 computer sets.
50 computer tables are also being
made to accommodate the incoming
computer sets. The problem we have
now is enough room to accommodate
all of those. However crowded the
computer room, we are still happy
as it is because we will no longer be
crowding in a single computer set.
Now, we can say that we are ready
to conquer the world with the Deped
computerization program.
most especially in high schools. The
ones who still wear it every Friday
are those from the elementary
schools. So, I was very thankful that
the camping organizers decided to
include it in the criteria for judging.
Although the camping lasted
only for two days, the campers
brought home with them enough
memories to last a lifetime. We
had not only made friends from the
other year levels but learned a lot
about the importance of scouting
as well. Now, we can already say
that we will be able to survive even
if we will be left in the wilderness
because scouting had taught us a
thing or two about survival. Those
may only be basics but it is very
imperative in times of emergency.
Lastly, we had also learned about
the value of extending assistance to
those who are in need .
he also made sure that his students
know how to use the computers to
her own advantage like what he
had done to Deneice Quidlat. He
was the one responsible in training
her to master the craft of webpage
Although luck was not at
Deneices side during the Regional
Competition, ICEHS-Santiago was
proud of her just the same. Having
represented the Iligan City Division
was already honor enough for us.
More power to you, Ms.
Deneice Quidlat!
by: Darlene Tagoylo
Last July, our school celebrated
the Nutrition Month with the theme
Gutom at Malnutrisyon, Sama-
Samang Wakasan. The said
celebration was highlighted by
different activities such as Mr. and
Ms. A1, food bazaar, cooking and
poster/ slogan making contest.
The title Mr. and Ms. A1 were
won by a junior and a senior student
namely Fernando A and Claudine
Castillo. Many were stunned with the
result because they had different bets
but in a beauty contest, beauty is not
the only ticket you need to win. You
must also have poise, confdence and
wit. No matter how striking is your
beauty but if you dont have the skill
to answer wittily, your chance of
winning will be slim.
As for the other competition
such as the cooking contest, the
presentation of the food was not the
only sole basis of the judgment. More
points were given to palatability and
nutritious content. The entry of the
III-Ma qualifed for all of these so
they bagged the frst prize for this
The food bazaar on the other
hand, also went out successfully.
The somber environment of the
school was enlivened with the
colorful display of tables laden with
various fruits and vegetables. But the
competition was not only all about
whose table had the most abundant
display of fruits and vegetables but
in the creativity and presentation as
As for the slogan and poster
making contest, the students had
the time of their lives showcasing
their talents in drawing and coining
thoughts that were in line with
celebrations theme. The celebration
ended with satisfaction painted on
everybodys face.
Proposed set-up of the computer room.
Palakasan is the most
awaited event of many students.
For this school year, the
students of ICEHS-Santiago
Annex didnt wait for so long
because Palakasan which was
usually done every September
was moved to July in order to
prepare the students for the
division athletic meet. The two-
day event was spearheaded by
the small but terrible, MAPEH
teacher, Ms. Aileen C. Bolocon.
As usual, Palakasan
kicked off with a parade
participated by the students,
teachers and stakeholders. Right
after the parade, the ceremonial
lighting of the torch to signal
the start of Palakasan was done
by Bheen Malolot, a senior
student. Then, representatives
from each year level raced up in
raising their banners in a pole.
Just like in the other Palakasan
that we had, the seniors proved
themselves undefeatable in this
feld. However, when it was time
for the yells competition, the
Freshmen stupefed everyone.
Small as they were but their
thunderous yells brought their
older competitors down. Time
for the sophomores, the juniors
and the seniors to get the
message across that their size
should not be underestimated
The faculty and students
of ICEHS-Santiago are very
proud of their school head,
Dr. Reynilda C. Alferez. She
has proven to the whole Iligan
City division once more that
she can be jill-in-all-trades by
testing the waters. Just recently,
she has made her journalistic
writing debut in The Phillippine
Post by publishing timely
articles about NAT readiness
and Child Abuse. The said
because as the proverbial saying
says, Might be little in your
sight, can be a mote in the eye.
The next hours were
spent in playing major games
such as basketball, volleyball,
and badminton. But the said
event was not only meant for
major games. Laro ng Lahi were
also given a chance to shine
once more. Students were very
much delighted in playing sepak
takraw, Chinese garter, and
maria went to town. The said
games may have already seen
better days but they never fail
to give fun and happiness to the
players. And most of all, they
never fail to foster camaraderie
among the players.
Palakasan 2013 was
highlighted with the coronation
of Mr. and Ms. Palakasan.
The prestigious title was won
by John Michael Palantang
and Angelica Gementiza. The
two-day event ended up with
the awarding of the winner in
each sports category. The over-
all champion for this yearss
palakasan was the juniors.
Everyone went home happy and
contented on that day. However,
there were some who were not
satisfed with the outcome of the
game and vowed vengeance on
the next years Palakasan.
The Philippine National Red
cross held a Literary Contest
dubbed as Sanrugo at Mindanao
Sanitarium and Hospital Colleges
last November 09, 2013. It was
participated by the different
public and private schools here in
Iligan City. The different contest
categories for the event were chain-
story telling, oratorical, and essay
Winning was not in the
thought of Kristel Gomisong who
was intimidated with the presence
of the students from private schools.
For her, her chance of winning was
slim for she thought that she was
no match with those students who
came from the prestigious school.
So, she just did what she needed to
To foster awareness among
the students regarding bullying,
ICEHS-Santiago Annex
conducted a symposium on
violence which was spearheaded
by Mr. Roel Togonon last
February 12, 2014. Among the
speakers on the said event were
the school guidance counselor-
Icehs-Santiago Annex held its
Juniors and Seniors Promenade last
February 28, 2014 at Elena Tower
Inn. A total of approximately 200
students attended the program. It
was organized by the juniors with the
main objective of giving send-off and
subsequent tribute to the seniors who
graduated in March as Batch 2013-
The event started with a mini-
program highlighting the turn-over
of responsibilities from the seniors to
the juniors. It was then followed by a
cotillion, which offcially opened the
JS prom ball.
Intermissions were featured
between the Prom, mostly with song
and dance numbers from the students.
Awards were also given during that
night. The Eye catcher of the night
award went to an odd couple in the
persons of Mike Anthony Torrico
and Junalyn Quiamzom . Among
the other lookers in the Prom who
By Donna Gulay
By Darlie Alona Tagoylo
By Kristel Gomisong
By: Kristel Mae Piscos
brought home the lady and man of
the night awards were Honielene
Laguindab and John Clark Cabasag.
Jimmy Cabiara and April Joyce
Alvarez were the recipients of the
prince and princess of the night
awards But the most coveted title Mr.
and Ms. JS Prom went to Mr. and Ms.
Jelma Pinote. The giving of awards
did not end there. Gorgeous faculty
members were also given awards and
the lucky ones who were recipients
of it were Chris Michael Padla and
Kareen Rose Daang.
Response to the Promenade
was generally favorable. I loved
the Prom, stated Jelma Pinote, the
reigning Prom Queen. I wished
everyday is a Prom day , she
continued. Meanwhile, Jefferson
Yanez, a Junior student said:
Generally it was good. He added:
Several students were late though
even some teachers.
The Promenade wrapped up
with a disco for all. At the struck of
11:00 oclock, everybody went home
happy and contented.
do-----poured everything what was
in heart in what she was writing.
After the contest, she went home
without any expectation for the
announcement of the winners
would be done a week after during
the culmination of their month-
long celebration. So, she was really
designate, Mrs. Elizabeth T. Galit
and Values Education teacher, Mr.
Nardito Tumampil,Jr.
Mrs. Galit talked about
bullying and its effects on the
students who experienced it. She
also discussed on the policies
involving bullying and stressed
on the punishments that will
surprised when Sir Roel Togonon,
the PRC Coordinator in our school
told her that she won the third place
in the essay-writing contest. Seeing
the potentials of the students,
the teachers planned to train
more students the likes of Kristel
Gomisong for future contests.
be imposed for those students
that will be caught in the act of
bullying. Punishments for bullies
range from reprimanding by
school authorities up to expulsion
from school or being reported to
Mr. Tumampil in the
meanwhile, stressed on the
importance of values to maintain
peace and order inside the campus.
According to him, no student will
be harmed either physically or
emotionally if he/she has value.
He traced all the violence that was
taking place in the whole world
to the lack of value among the
people. He further stressed that all
the violence we were witnessing
would all be gone if only we let
love to reside in our heart.
Mr. Togonon on the other
hand closed the symposium by
educating us with our rights as
a student s and on how are we
going to maintain a violence-free
articles have not only proven
her writing mettle but it has
also received some positive
feed backs from the readers.
Because of this, we are looking
forward to more articles written
by her in the future. And we are
also hoping that more school
heads and teachers will follow
suit. In this way, we will be
able to revive the dying local
newspaper industry in Iligan
City. Thumbs up for Dr. Alferez!
Te seniors and the juniors as they danced the traditional cotillion.
Kristel Gomisong and Jelma Pinote during the Sanrugo Literary Contest.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Tis is what the speakers stressed to the students in order for them
to avoid violence during the symposium. ( From lef to right: Mr. Roel Togonon, Mr. Nardito
Tumampil,Jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Galit, Jelma Pinote, Celeste Mendoza, Mary Apple Jaudian, Jessa
Mae Jamorol, Rico Campana, and Pableo Gerolaga).
By: Jelma Pinote
Are you too busy and has no time to relax? Hectic life is getting too much and stress
is fnally taking its toll on you? Experts say relaxation techniques can bring you back into
balance -- some in fve minutes or less.
While experts say that some stress is good for you (it can sharpen your senses and your
mind) too much stress is bad for your mental and physical health. At the same time, relaxation
can do wonders to restore balance in your life and may even reduce some of the health risks
associated with stress. What follows are 10 on-the-spot techniques you can use (any time and
almost anywhere) to reduce tension in your life.
Meditate, Picture yourself relaxed, Breathe deeply, Look around, Drink tea, Show some
love, Try self-massage, Take a break, Try a musical detour and Take an attitude break
Meditation is not just about bending your body in random uncomfortable positions and
uttering sounds.
Dr Herbert Benson, author of The Relaxation Response, says any repetitive action can be
a source of meditation. Benson, who is also director emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute
for Mind Body Medicine in the US, says meditation includes walking, swimming, painting,
knitting - any activity that helps keep your attention calmly in the present moment.
If your mind wanders to things that will frustrate you, experts say to simply let the thought
escape, and bring your mind back to the repetition of the activity. Try it for just fve to 10
minutes a day and watch stress levels drop. Is your mind too messy, and full of things that
you cant meditate? Try creating a peaceful visualisation, or dreamscape. To start, simply
visualise anything that keeps your thoughts away from current tensions. It may be a beach
where you can just happily sun bathe and sip fresh coconut juice, a cherished memory where
you could smile just by recalling it. The idea is to take your mind off your stress, and replace
it with an image that evokes a sense of calm. The more realistic your daydream (in terms of
colours, sights, sounds, even touch and feel) the more relaxation youll experience.
Feeling stressed evokes tense, shallow breathing, while calm is associated with relaxed
breathing, says Michael Lee, author of Turn Stress into Bliss. So to turn tension into relaxation,
he says, change the way you breathe. Try this: let out a big sigh, dropping your chest and
exhaling through gently pursed lips, says Joan Borysenko, director of Harvard Universitys
Mind-Body Clinical Programmes. Now imagine your low tummy, or centre, as a deep powerful
place. Feel your breath coming and going as your mind stays focused there. Inhale, feeling
your entire tummy, sides and lower back expand. Exhale, sighing again as you drop your chest,
and feeling your tummy, back and sides contract. Repeat 10 times, relaxing more fully each
Mindfulness is the here-and-now approach to living that makes daily life richer and more
meaningful, says Dr Claire Michaels Wheeler, author of 10 Simple Solutions to Stress. Its
approaching life like a child, without passing judgement on what occurs. Mindfulness is doing
things one at a time, so stop multitasking! Focusing in the present can help promote relaxation
and provide a barrier against anxiety and depression.
Practise it by focusing on your immediate surroundings. If youre outdoors, enjoy the
shape and colours of fowers, hear a birds call or consider a tree. In the shopping centre look at
the details of a dress in the window, examine a piece of jewellery and focus on how its made,
or window-shop for furniture, checking out every detail of pattern and style. As long as you
Have you ever met a person who has the capacity of inspiring people by just looking at
him. Hes no other than Mr. Ryan Salomsom, our new Filipino teacher. Are you wondering
why he serves as an inspiration to us students? Heres the reason why?
Sir Ryan was born in Tubod, Lanao del Norte on___________. He is now 28 years
old. He has a polio since he was just three years old. Sir Ryan was a former teacher of Sacred
Heart High School for three years before he transferred here tom ICEHS-Santiago Annex.
Now, he is handling Filipino 8 and Filipino IV. Like him, I was also new in the school so
the teachers were not known to me yet but among all of them, it was Sir Ryans name Ive
memorized frst. I couldnt forget his name for he was such a funny teacher. He always told
us some jokes every time he entered our classroom. He is the kind of teacher every student
want in school a funny teacher. We students dont just like plain teaching, we want learning
to be a fun-flled experience. Thats what we love about Sir Ryan. Sincerity is also there when
he teaches us. Sir used to say, Okay, lets stop, let us all be serious now. Then everybody
would be silent and listened to his discussion. Everyone of us really understand what Sir
Ryan had discussed. I cant forget when he told us that he will be good to us now because he
is a new teacher, and that later on he will become a strict teacher. I didnt believe him because
there is a saying that frst impression lasts. Ive known Sir Ryan as good and funny teacher
,not strict. I couldnt really see the possibility of him becoming a strict teacher in the future.
As Ive said earlier, Sir Ryan has a polio in his right hand. His right hand is short. There
are many advantages in this situation. Sir cant hold things properly. Putting on his own
clothing on his body is already a struggle for him. Thing like this is a very simple task for
us. We can do it even with our eyes closed. But not for Sir Ryan. Everyday in his life, he
has to rely on other people for some of his needs. But this didnt stop him from pursuing
his dream. Instead, he used this physical defect of his to challenge himself to become a
successful person. Look where he is now. Sir Ryan is already a teacher-not only an ordinary
teacher but a good and a famous one too. This is all because he has determination to do things
and with his faith to our loving God. He also dont mind the bullies who always make fun of
him by saying small hands, small hands. Ha ha ha! He just proudly say to himself,
Yes, I have small hand, but look, Im a teacher. For him, to be a teacher is to prove
himself that he can also compete and join in the world of the normal people. And that
touches the students hearts. I hope that this will serve an inspiration not just for me, but
also for you that there is always a reward in all the hard works. That even if you have
that kind of physical defect, dont lose hope, never give up and continue life, because life
is beautiful when you begin to appreciate its beauty. And for our dear teacher, Sir Ryan,
we salute you sir!
can keep your mind focused on something in the present, stress will take a back seat.
If youre a coffee guzzler, consider going green. Coffee raises levels of the notorious
stress hormone, cortisol, while green tea offers health and beauty, says Dr Nicholas Perricone.
Perricone is the author of 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity.
Chamomile tea is a traditional favourite for calming the mind and reducing stress. Black
tea may be a stress fghter, too, researchers from University College London report. Participants
who drank regular black tea displayed lower levels of cortisol, and reported feeling calmer
during six weeks of stressful situations than those who drank a placebo with the same amount
of caffeine.
Now lets show some love. Instigate the relaxation response by cuddling your pet, giving
an unexpected hug to a friend or family member, snuggling with your spouse or talking to a
friend about the good things in your lives, says psychologist Deborah Rozman, co-author of
Transforming Stress. When you do youll be reducing your stress levels.
Why? Experts say social interaction helps your brain think better, encouraging you to see
new solutions to situations that once seemed impossible, she says. Studies have also shown that
physical contact (such as stroking your dog or cat) may actually help lower blood pressure and
decrease stress hormones.
Massage is another way to relax. When your muscles are tense and youve no time to visit
a professional, try this simple self-massage technique from Darrin Zeer, author of Lovers
Massage and Offce Yoga. Relax, and travel straight to zen-land.
Place both hands on your shoulders and neck.
Squeeze with your fngers and palms.
Rub vigorously, keeping shoulders relaxed.
Wrap one hand around the other forearm.
Squeeze the muscles with thumb and fngers.
Move up and down from your elbow to fngertips and back again.
Repeat with other arm. Adults need breaks too. So when you sense your temper is about to
erupt, Dr Jeff Brantley, author of Five Good Minutes In the Evening, suggests fnding a quiet
place to sit or lie down and put the stressful situation on hold. Take a few deep breaths and
concentrate on releasing tension and calming your heartbeat. Quiet your mind and remember:
time is always on your side, so relax. The stress can wait.
Music can calm the heartbeat and soothe the soul, the experts say. So, when things get
tough, take a musical stress detour by aligning your heartbeat with the slow tempo of a relaxing
song. Plus, you might think about listening to a classical tune. Research shows that listening to
30 minutes of classical music may produce calming effects equivalent to taking 10 milligrams
of diazepam - a tranquilizing muscle-relaxant drug used chiefy to relieve anxiety.
Thirty seconds is enough time to shift your hearts rhythm from stressed to relaxed,
Rozman says. The way to do that: engage your heart and your mind in positive thinking. Start
by envisioning anything that triggers a positive feeling - a vision of your child or spouse, the
image of your pet, that great piece of jewellery youre saving up to buy, a memento from a
holiday - whatever it is, conjuring up the thought will help slow breathing, relax tense muscles
and put a smile on your face. Rozman says that creating a positive emotional attitude can also
calm and steady your heart rhythm, contributing to feelings of relaxation and peace.
By: Franchesca Claire L. Vega
Our pet dog Patrick, a male poodle died today or last night. I did not know the exact
time he died because I was too lazy to look for him. He had gone missing but I did not bother
to make a search because it was one of my lazy days again. The moment I woke up, I knew
that there was something wrong. Patrick was not able to go home that night which he never
did in the past. No matter where he wandered, he always came home in the morning. But not
this time. There will be no more that well see him lying sprawled on the foor. And never
again he will come knocking on my door begging me to take him inside because it is cold
outside. Oh God! How could you take someone so dear to me again. But, I should not blame
you for this. It was really my fault! Had I not been so lazy, I could have saved his dear life.
My heart really bled for my dog. Mama messaged me that they found Patrick on a
brook. He drowned probable because of the heavy rain. The of our dog struggling on the
water fghting for his life pained me. It felt like a heavy rock had settled on my chest. It hurt
so bad that I wanted to shout and cry. Poor dog! If not for the presence of my students, I
would have probably broke down.
Patrick had brought so much joy in our lives when my sister brought him to our house
last December 2011. Like her,he was a survivor of Sendong. Aside from my sisters
Macbook, and Ipad, Patrick was one of the only valuable things that she had managed to
save on her bag while she clung on a water tank together with my other sister praying for the
raging foodwater to subside. After the food, Patrick had become a regular resident in our
house. He had been our baby when our nephew, Ibn Anjho was not yet born. But Patrick
hadnt ceased to be our baby even when Ibn was born. Even when my nephew was already
around, we still lavished him with our care and attention. We had two dogs at home; he and
sponge bob but the lion share of food always went to Patrick. My mother even went out of
her way of personally deboning a large fsh or meat before feeding it to him for fear that he
might not able to digest those and damage his intestines. We also confned him in an animal
clinic everytime he got sick. Not only that, there were also many times that I had to get up
in the middle of the night and surveyed the surroundings whenever I noticed hat Patrick was
not at home yet. Despite of fear of nightly creature, bad people included, I still braved the
darkness to look for him. That was why I really wondered why I didnt look for him on that
fateful night when I knew for the very fact that he wasnt inside the house and it was raining
cats and dogs outside. My family was blaming me over his death. It maybe painful but it was
the truth. Patrick died because of my laziness. No one is to blame for what happened but me.
I have already have several dogs now but Patricks memory will be forever etched in my
mind and heart. And I vow that from now on I will be a responsible pet owner. I will not let
something or someone I love to be gone again because of my laziness.
By: The Vagabond
Plastic bags are mostly made of polyethylene which is known to be carcinogenic. Experts
fnd this as one of the leading cause of cancer in the whole world that is why they are the
discouraging the public from using it.
Plastic is also a non-renewable material. It does not decompose easily. Fact has it that it
will take 1,000 years for a single plastic to decompose. Just imagine the kind of scenario we
will have if the whole world will continue to produce plastic every day. It will be worst than a
nightmare. Such as the case of the plastic being non renewable material, you can see not only
the streets littered with it but bodies of water as well. Thousands of marine animals die every
day from swallowing plastics that are being thrown in their habitat. But the saddest thing is
that, they only dont die from swallowing plastics but from having no place to live in as well.
We just dont know but those plastics even just the piece of candy wrappers that we carelessly
toss in the ocean or in the river destroy the habitat of these marine and aquatic animals big
Plastic production also requires lots of fuel to produce. According to Wall Street Journal,
US produces 100 billion of plastic bags annually which require 12 million barrels of oil to
make Therefore, it is very costly. Wonder if youll think of using it again after hearing this.
In order to save the environment from total destruction, an option is given to shoppers
in some supermarkets whether they are going to use plastic or paper bag for their shopping.
More shoppers have preferred to use the latter believing that paper are more safer to use and
environment-friendly compared to plastic bags. However according to some environmentalists,
paper bags, which many people consider safer than plastics bags, are more harmful than the
latter not to mention the number of trees that need to be cut down for its production. It is more
harmful than plastic bags because when it is in the act of decomposition, it produces more
greenhouse gasses that are harmful not only to the environment but to human beings as well.
The whole world now is dealing with the adverse effect of climate change which is
also known as global warming. Abnormal change of weather pattern is experienced everywhere
and environmental scientists are pointing their fngers to chemicals from paper and plastic
as one of the culprits. Government now are taking measures on how to stop the weather
disturbance by passing several laws that will contain the production of chemicals that destroy
the environment. One of these measures is the campaign to use reusable shopping bag. This
shopping bag is not only safe but environment-friendly as well. It is usually made from plant
fbers so it is 100% natural. No need to worry about polluting the environment anymore. Aside
from it being eco-friendly, it is also made to carry several grocery items at the same time. It
is sturdier compared to plastic and paper bags. Plastic and paper bags failure will now just be
a thing of the past. With the reusable shopping bag, shopping will be fun. You will not have a
hard time anymore because your new shopping bag has enough room to carry several grocery
items all at once thus, saving you time and energy from going to and fro to your car to load
the things you buy. Another reason why this kind of shopping bag has gained the attention of
the public is that it comes in different style. It is so fashionable that people use it not only to
shop but in other activities as well. Shoppers are also delighted with the fact that they can use
the said bags over and over again, thus they have not only saved money but have minimized
clutter at their homes as well. Not only that, every time you buy this shopping bag, you also
help those organization who are pioneering environmental cause.
Now what, shoppers? Take your pick. Plastic/ paper shopping bag or reusable
shopping bag?
With the approval of our government of the Bangsamoro Framework of Agreement, there is much speculation among our people. Some are in favor of these agreement
especially our Muslims brothers and sisters because at long last their century-old-fght for the right to self-determination was fnally heard. However, non-muslims strongly
opposed this agreement because according to them, the FAB was the MILFs way of creating a Mindanao Republic. In order to shed light to this issue, this publication would
like to clarify to the public what is really the truth behind the Bangsamoro Framework of Agreement by answering some facts about it.
By: Franchesca Claire L. Vega
Myths Facts
Te Framework Agreement discriminates
against those who are not Bangsamoro
in identity.
Te FAB recognizes that there are diferent peoples
and identities in Mindanao and in the Bangsamoro.
Te FAB also recognizes rights already recognized
in laws and other legal documents, including the
following rights:
Right to freedom and expression of religions
and beliefs
Right to freedom of speech
Right to express political opinion and pursue
democratically political aspiration
Right of women to meaningful political
participation, and protection from all forms of
Right to equal opportunity and non-
discrimination in social and economic activity
and the public service, regardless of class,
creed, disability, gender and ethnicity
Right to establish cultural and religious
Right to freedom from religious, ethnic and
sectarian harassment
Based on the FAB, the political
entity that will be established will
no longer be part of the Philippines,
and thus, there is a need for the
drafing of the entitys constitution,
i.e., the Bangsamoro Basic Law
Te Bangsamoro will remain to be a part of the
Philippines, but it will be an autonomous region. Tis
means that it will enjoy a diferent set of governmental
powers, compared to the local government units.
Te Bangsamoro Basic Law will be enacted by
Congress and such shall lay down the structure of the
Bangsamoro Government, in accordance with the
provisions of the comprehensive peace agreement.
Because they are the ones who
negotiated with the GPH, the MILF
will run the ARMM up to 2016.
According to the Framework Agreement, both
parties agreed that the status quo is not acceptable.
Part of the status quo are the structure and the
processes in the ARMM, and its relationship
with the Central Government. Tus, even if the
ARMM has been repeatedly ofered to the MILF,
the latter has not accepted the leadership of the
ARMM. Te MILFs interest is a change in the
relationship between the Central Government
and the Bangsamoro, and not the leadership of
the ARMM.
In fact, there will be elections in the ARMM
(and the rest of the Philippines) this Mayo 2013.
Whoever wins in the elections in the ARMM in
May 2013 will lead the region for the coming
Myths Facts
Te Organization of the Islamic
Cooperation (OIC) is tasked to monitor
the implementation of the FAB
Te mechanism for the monitoring of compliance of
the parties of their obligations under the agreement
is the Tird Party Monitoring Team (TPMT).
Tis will be composed of 2 local non-government
organization (NGOs) and 2 international non-
government organizations (INGOs), and to be led
by an eminent person.
In the FAB, local government
units will be dissolved once the
Bangsamoro is established.
Te Bangsamoro will remain to be a part of the
Philippines, but it will be an autonomous region. Tis
means that it will enjoy a diferent set of governmental
powers, compared to the local government units.
Te Bangsamoro Basic Law will be enacted by
Congress and such shall lay down the structure of the
Bangsamoro Government, in accordance with the
provisions of the comprehensive peace agreement.
According to the FAB, only men
are allowed to run as leaders
of the communities and of the
Te FAB does not say this. In fact, what the
FAB says is that the women will have the right
to meaningful participation in the Bangsamoro.
Furthermore, the FAB also provides that
everyone is entitled to equal opportunity in
social and economic activity and the public
service, regardless of class, creed, disability,
gender and ethnicity
Te FAB will negate the 1996 Final
Peace Agreement
Te 1996 Final Peace Agreement is one of the
bases of the negotiations between the GPH
and the MILF. It is not negated but even used
as a baseline in the current negotiations.
Source: SALIGAN Sentro ng Alternatibong Lingap Panligal website
Icehs-Santiago is now in a buzz because of the fast approaching graduation. whew!
I cant believe that the school year is about to end when I am not very much prepared
for it. I still thought that it is only June. wanna know why? it is all because, I still dont
get used to the students unruly behavior-I am still in the process of letting the reality
sinks in me that the youth of today differ in a lot of ways from the youth of yesterday.
Why it was only yesterday that a student suddenly shouted in the middle of my class for
no reason at all . Was I really shocked? No! What I felt during that time was more than
that. I felt hot all over as my blood rushed to my head. I was ready to wring my students
neck if not for the little sanity that was left in me that made me held back. Incident like
this didnt only happen once. I cant count in my fngers anymore the number of times
that they had tested me to the limits. I am a quite person. I want peace and silence as
much as possible and I dont have patience. I am used to being left to myself and the last
thing in this world that I want is to be surrounded with a bunch of noisy young people.
It is really ironic for me to have chosen teaching as my profession because along
with it comes incorrigible young people as a sort of package. Just my luck! But what
else could I do? I am already here and turning back is out of the question. I have read
somewhere that its not still too late for a career switch but that leaves me no options
at all. Though I
Though I hate teaching, I have to do it because it has been my bread and butter
and despite of everything I still feel fulflled every time I have shared something
insightful to my students. Since I become a teacher, my life has been a vicious cycle.
Same things happen to me everyday. I wake up in the morning, eat and go to school.
And when evening comes, I eat, make lesson plans and go to bed. The next day I do
the same things and days thereafter. I hate monotony. I want to try and experience
new things such as travelling and beach hopping which are impossible for me to do
because teaching ties me up into the four-walled classroom. This is the part that I
dreaded the most. I want to see the world but teaching holds me back from doing it.
I am trapped forever in a dull place with my books and naughty students. However,
every time, I have made a difference to the life of my students, I feel high and my
zest for living is renewed. Although, teaching has given me lots of headaches-naughty
students, deadlines, projects and not to mention bitchy bosses but at the end of the
day, nothing is more fulflling than the feeling that you have not wasted a day of your
life because you have done something in the lives of other people.
Yes, I may not ft in this mold but I have to carve my niche because fate chose me
to be here. Indeed, God has his own plan for each of us and that He is the only one
who knows about it. I may come from a family of teachers but way back younger,
I didnt possess the tell-tale signs of a teacher wanna be. Talking before a crowd or
even in a small group was not my thing. I always chose to keep quiet in every class I
had. If my teacher would make me report before the class, I would be absent the very
next day. Such is the type of personality I have. Id rather read an entire book than
be made to talk. Because of this, I was often mistaken as stupid. This was okay with
me so long as they did not make me talk. Never in my wildest dream that i would
become a teacher. My taking of an education course was not my idea at all but my
mothers. I just went with their plans since at that time, i was still so unsure of what
course to pursue. In short, I just went with the motion with no concrete plan of what i
would like to be in the future. My favorite mantra during that time was que sera,sera.
However, God had His eyes fxed on me to become a teacher. In 2009, I had packed
my bag for good to try my luck abroad but fate held me back. I received a call and
everything was history. So, here I am now doing everything I can to make better
persons out of you, young people. I may not possess the gift of gab and my being a
teacher didnt come naturally but I choose to stick with this because God wants me to.
To God Be The Glory!
Whats the frst thing you do when you wake up in the morning? When I conducted
a highly informal survey based on this question, the most common answer I received
My alarm is on my phone. Once I have my phone in my hand, I check texts,
email, and Facebook.
The smartphone. I cant imagine that any other gadget in history has changed how
we function, spend time, and relate to ourselves and others more than this device.
But this isnt a diatribe against the smartphone; I love/hate my iPhone just as much
as everyone else. Its an invitation to ask yourself how, if you do begin your day by
reaching for your phone (or television, computer, radio), that action may affect your
levels of equanimity or anxiety.
When we frst wake up in the morning, were in a highly vulnerable state. Fresh
from the world of dreams and the unconscious, it always takes a few minutes for our
psyche to plant fully back into our bodies. Some traditions teach that the soul travels
between worlds when we sleep, and that the frst words to break the silence each each
morning should be, Thank you for restoring my soul to me. This speaks to the fact
that morning is a time when the portal between conscious and unconscious is thin,
the veil lifted.
So what happens when we fll this soft, vulnerable time with the loud sounds of
the electronic world? And Im not talking only about literal sound. Im referring to the
soundless chatter that emanates from scrolling through Facebook and absorbing the
images and words of other peoples lives; the silent cry of news stories that scream
the latest tragic headlines onto your screen; the boiling up of feeling that churns from
reading a friends response to the email you sent last night; the rise and fall of self-
esteem as you learn about news from work.
What Ive observed with my clients is that the way you begin your morning sets
the tone for the rest of the day. If you start your day by externalizing your experience
as inevitably happens when you reach for a deviceyoure already sending yourself
the message that the world outside of you is more important than the world inside.
Its as if you had a young child who wanted to snuggle and share her dreams in
the morning but you were constantly pushing her aside so that you could read your
phone. Would the child feel loved and appreciated or rejected and cast aside? Thats
what we do on the inner level: When we fail to give ourselves attention by spending
a few quiet minutes attending to our inner world upon awakening, we send ourselves
the message that everything else and everyone else is more important.
As an experiment, I invite you to begin your day in one of the following ways for
the next week. (If your alarm is on your phone, turn it off, set it aside and resist the
impulse to check.) The work is to create a gap between the tender being realm of
sleep and the fast-paced doing realm that defnes most peoples days.
1. Practice mindfulness.
Even fve minutes of mindfulness practice can set a calmer tone for your day.
Mindfulness helps you come into the present moment and ground yourself to the here
and now (here I am in space; right now in time). Cultivating that pause each morning
will help you anchor back into it if the busyness reaches a crescendo as your day
2. Write down your dreams.
While dream-tending is an art and a science that usually requires the guidance
of a skilled therapist, even taking a few minutes to jot down last nights dream can
help you honor the vulnerable space of morning and fll yourself with soulful energy
instead of technology energy. You may not understand what your dreams are trying to
communicate, but if you carry one dream image with you throughout the day and roll
it around inside your mind, youll be able to maintain a tether to Self that will serve
you well.
3. Journal.
Whens the last time you journaled? Journaling is one of the most effective ways
to know yourself and fll your inner well with self-love and self-knowledge. If you
fnd that journaling makes you feel more fooded with negative feelings, youre not
journaling effectively. An effective journaling technique should leave you feeling
more clear and grounded than when you started. Its a great way to start the day. Even
just writing down a few simple sentences of what you appreciate can set a positive
4. Practice simple yoga exercises.
Yoga is a mind/body practice that is meant to be done at home. The world has
climbed aboard the yoga train with a frenzy, which is mostly positive, but we also
transmit the message that you have to take a yoga class in a studio in order to learn and
practice yoga legitimately. There are many excellent yoga videos that can safely teach
you the basics,including one from MindBodyGreen! Once you learn basic poses, you
can practice without a video if that feels more natural for you.
5. Open the window or step outside and let the light rush in.
Theres nothing like fresh air and sunshine to reconnect to you to your essential
nature, which is good, loving, and worthy exactly as you are.
Into the open vessel of our morning-selves we can pour technology or we can
choose actions that will fll the inner well with positive energy. Which do you choose?
By: The Vagabond
By: Jelma Pinote
By: Jelma Pinote
By: Jelma Pinote
I dreamt of flying in the night sky
Gliding through waters that shimmer
Under the moonlight
I touched the clouds and watched the city lights
I flew between high mountains and long rivers to silent streams
Soaring high up in the beautiful horizon
With birds and so many flying creatures
With my heart
Like rapid somersaults
The icy wind against my skin
Dew drops in my wings
Truly the most enchanting moment of my life
I finally felt that I belonged, there-in the
Night At last I was contented
To my soul the wondrous feeling resonated
Do Right
From the very start, you have purpose in your
Heart To do whats right and never question why???
Never count the cost though everything seems Lost
Since the day you left me
Ive never been the same
Tears fell from my eyes
Bt I know Im to blame
The words you said sweetly
Still a ponder in my mind;
The question of Ill get over yo
Haunts me all the time
Now that Im living without you
This life can get much worse
But my heart still hurts
For youll be gone forever
Im slowly getting better,
Though you already found your destiny;
For I know its over
Youve gone on with your life
I guess now I must see
That though its good while it lasted
We just werent meant to be
From the very start
Have purpose in your heart
To do whats right and never questions why
Never count the cost though everything seems lost
The price of doing right is sometimes high
Do right till stars fall
Do right till the last call
Do right when theres no one else to stand by you.
Do right when youre all alone
Do right though its never known
Do right because you love the Lord
Right is always right
And wrong is always wrong
And we must learn to separate the two
If you love the right,
The Lord will give you light
So choose right in everything you do
Do Right
Such a deceitful man you are
Different unlike any other, you are rare
Possessing a silver tongue and a devilish charm
I knew we were meant to be in each others arms
Youre deceiving and I am cunning
Wed trick each other, until one of us surrenders
Our souls sync together, they both shiver
Youd lie to me and shower me with sweet words
Id listen to you and take it all, like fencing knives and swords
Ill give you thorns and youll offer me rose
We are poison to the other but we have each other as cure
How different yet similar we are
Our threads of fate have been intertwined
Such beautiful nightmare it is that we share
But what we have is forbidden they have said
For I am dark and despite everything
your heart contains light
We are creatures of different worlds,
and this is what must be done
This feeling will be both our doom thus it shall be gone,
Our bond cannot be condoned
As a symbol Ill set free a pure dove
This is farewell my love
But we both know the truth
Our fervor will forever burn forth.
Strange But True Facts & Trivia
By Donna Gulay
A Daily Dose of Meranao Words and Phrases
Meranao English
Koman tano! Let us eat!
Antona-a i ngaran ka? What is your name?
Anda ka mababaling? Where do you live?
Pira ini? How much is this?
So osto a? Is that so?
Aydaw! Ouch!
Ngkainoto? Why is that?
They say that knowledge is power. Youre never suppose to be through acquiring or learning new things just because youre out of school. Learning
should be a lifelong process. Learning something new everyday can assist in making you wiser and helps keep your mind intact by acquiring and absorbing
more information. Just like exercise is good for your body, learning something new is basically exercise for your brain. It keeps your mind sharp. Studies have
shown it may also be a good way to help delay or fght against dementia.
Some of the facts youll fnd here may already be familiar to you. Some you may even have doubts about. All of the information contained here was derived
from multiple sources both on as well as offine. Who knows It may even prompt you to seek more information if your curiosity gets the best of you!
1 Did You Know? .. Mosquito repellents dont really repel. All they actually do is hide or camoufage you.
The spray blocks the mosquitos sensors so they dont know you are there!
2. Did You Know? .. The frst CD pressed in the United States was Bruce Springsteens Born in the USA.
3. Did You Know? .. Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept a minimum of 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles that
result from the
toilet being fushed.
4. Did You Know? .. If you chew gum while peeling onions, you wont tear up or cry.
5. Did You Know? .. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
6. Did You Know? .. Honey is the only food that doesnt spoil.
7. Did You Know? .. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
8. Did You Know? .. In a deck of cards, the king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.
9. Did You Know? .. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
10. Did You Know? .. Apples are more effcient at waking you up in the morning than . caffeine.
11. Did You Know? .. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.
12. Did You Know? .. The more intelligent you are, the more zinc and copper you have in your hair.
13. Did You Know? .. Pearls melt in vinegar.
14. Did You Know? .. Thirty-fve percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
15. Did You Know? .. Turtles can breathe through their butts.
16. Did You Know? .. Butterfies taste with their feet.
17. Did You Know? .. A rat can last longer without water than a camel.
18. Did You Know? .. In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the worlds nuclear weapons combined.
19. Did You Know? .. Your stomach must produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself.
20. Did You Know? .. Elephants are the only animals that cant jump.
21. Did You Know? .. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
22. Did You Know? .. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
23. Did You Know? .. Its physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
24. Did You Know? .. Our eyes always remain the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
25. Did You Know? .. By raising your legs slowly while lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
26. Did You Know? .. An ostrichs eye is bigger than its brain.
27. Did You Know? .. There are no words in the American dictionary that rhyme with orange, purple and silver.
28. Did You Know? .. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made in the English language using the letters from only one row of the keyboard.
29. Did You Know? .. Because metal was scarce during World War II, all Oscars given out during the Academy Awards were made of wood.
30. Did You Know? .. The frst couple to be shown in the same bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
31. Did You Know? .. Go, is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
32. Did You Know? .. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
33. Did You Know? .. If you place a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
34. Did You Know? .. The average number of people airborne over the United States at any given hour is approximately 61,000.
35. Did You Know? .. The Guinness Book of World Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries.
Strange But True Facts & Trivia

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