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GERMAIN LIETAER is a full professor at the Catholic University of Leuven and teaches client-
centered/eperiential psychotherapy and process research in psychotherapy!
"e is also a staff #e#$er of a %-year part-ti#e post&raduate trainin& pro&ra# in client-centered/eperiential
psychotherapy at the sa#e university!
This $i$lio&raphical survey of $oo's (only) contains three parts!
*art +, Client-centered/eperiential psychotherapy- +.%.-+./.! In this part- only $oo's in their ori&inal
lan&ua&e are #entioned! 0oo's fro# this period that have $een revised after +./. are #entioned only under
*art 1! There are separate su$sections for the follo2in& lan&ua&es, En&lish- Ger#an- 3rench- and- 4utch!
*art 1, Client-centered/eperiential psychotherapy- +..5-1555!
*art %, Related approaches- +..5-1555! The #ain approaches covered are eistential- interpersonal- Gestalt-
narrative-constructivistic- fe#inist- and inte&rative/eclectic 2ith #a6or client-centered input!
1.1. English
A"#$%#& '.& ( A"#$%#& K. (+./7)!Being intimate. A guide to successful relationships. Ne2 8or', Ar'ana!
A)*+& D. (+.91)! Toward a technology for humanizing education. Cha#pai&n- IL, Research *ress Co#pany!
A,-./%& V. (+.:9)! Play therapy. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
A,-./%& V. (+.7;)! Dibs, in search of self. Personality development in play therapy. 0oston, "ou&hton
B#01+$.)& C.C.F.2. (+./;)! Support for parents and infants A manual for parent organizations and
professionals. 0oston, Routled&e < =e&an!
B#+& A. 3.& ( P.4.%& G. '. (+.7/)! The counselor in the schools A reconceptualization. 0oston, "ou&hton
B05-%4& '. 6.& R.7%& L. N.& ( 89:)59;;& A. K. (+.7%)! !uantitative naturalistic research. En&le2ood Cliffs-
N8, *rentice "all!
C941<0;;& R. R. (+.79)! Beyond counseling and therapy. Ne2 8or', "olt- Rinehart < >inston!
C941<0;;& R. R. (+.7.)! "elping and human relations. A primer for lay and professional helpers. #ol. $
Selection and training. Ne2 8or', Rinehart < >inston!
C941<0;;& R. R. (+.9+)! The development of human resources %ducation, psychology and social change.
Ne2 8or', "olt- Rinehart < >inston!
C941<0;;& R. R.& (A/5<#/+& 8. A. (+.9.)! The s&ills of helping An introduction to counseling. A#herst-
MA, "u#an Resource 4evelop#ent *ress!
C#"=)& A. 8. (+./1)! A personal approach to teaching Beliefs that ma&e a difference. 0oston, Allyn <
C#"=)& A.8. '()*)+.A theory of therapy. ,uidelines for counseling practice. London, ?a&e!
C#"=)& A. 8.& ( A3.-9& D. L. (+./;)! "elpin& relationships, 0asic concepts for the helpin& professions!
0oston, Allyn <0acon!
C#"=)& A. 8.& ( A3.-9& D. L. (+./;)! Perspectives on helping relationships and the helping profession
Past, present and future. 0oston, Allyn < 0acon!
C#0-)#/& 8.& L9/$& /& ( 6%9$#4& B. (+.99)! The -a .olla e/periment %ight personal views. La @olla- CA,
Center for ?tudies of the *erson!
C#0-)#/& 8. R. (+.91)! ,roups, gimmic&s and instant gurus. Ne2 8or', "arper < Ro2!
C#0-)#/& 8. R. (+.9%)! A sense of community. Colu#$us- A", Merrill!
C#0-)#/& 8. R.& ( R#:%4)& C. R. (Eds!)! (+.7/)! 0an and the science of man. Colu#$us- A", Merrill!
C0449/& C. A. (+.;1)! 1ounseling in 1atholic life and education. Ne2 8or', Mac#illan!
D9/.)<& S. '.& ( H90%4& A. E. (+.9%)! "elping s&ills A basic training program. Ne2 8or', 0ehavioral
D%3#/)<.4%& C. 6.& ( K4%"%4& '. 8. (+./5)! Toward a person2centered resolution of intercultural
conflicts. 4ort#und- Ger#any, *ada&o&ische Ar$eitsstelle!
D.--#/& '. T. (+.9+)! Personal teaching. Colu#$us- A", Merrill!
E:9/& G. (+.9%)! 3ace to face. *acific Grove- CA, 0roo's/Cole!
E:9/& G. (+.9;)! The s&illed helper A model for systematic helping and interpersonal relating. 0el#ont-
CA, >ads2orth!
E:%/$#4;& A. (+./7)! "ealing from the war. Trauma and transformation after #ietnam. 0oston, ?ha#$ala-
Rando# "ouse!
E39/)& R. I. (Ed!)! (+.9;)! 1arl 4ogers The man and his ideas. Ne2 8or', E! *! 4utton!
F94)#/& R. (+.9:)! Birthrights. Ne2 8or', Mac#illan!
F4.%$"9/& 6. (+./;)! The healing dialogue in psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', Aronson!
F4.%$"9/& N. (+./1)! %/periential therapy and focusing. Ne2 8or', "alf Court *ress!
G%/$-./& E. T. (+.71)! %/periencing and the creation of meaning. Ne2 8or', 3ree *ress of Glencoe!
G%/$-./& E. T. (+./+)! 3ocusing (Rev! ed!)! Ne2 8or', 0anta# 0oo's!
G%/$-./& E. T. (+./7)! -et your body interpret your dreams. >il#ette- IL, Chiron!
G./#55& H. (+.7+)! ,roup psychotherapy with children. Ne2 8or', McGra2-"ill!
G##$"9/& G. (+.91)! 1ompanionship therapy Studies in structured intimacy. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
G##$"9/& G.& ( E)5%4-+& E. (+.//)! The tal& boo&. The intimate science of communicating in close
relationships. Ne2 8or', 0allantine!
G#4$#/& T. (+.;;)! ,roup2centered leadership. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
G#4$#/& T. (+.95)! Parent effectiveness training The no2lose program for raising responsible children.
Ne2 8or', >yden!
G#4$#/& T. (+.99)! -eader effectiveness training. -.%. T. Ne2 8or', >yden! (Repu$lished in 0anta#
0oo's-+./5)! !
G#4$#/& T. (+./.)! Teaching children self2discipline. Ne2 8or', Ti#es 0oo's!
G#4$#/& T.& ( B047<& N. (+.9:)! T.%. T. Teacher effectiveness training. Ne2 8or', >yden!
G#4-#>& L.& H#7<& E. L.& ( T%-)7<#>& E.F. (+.;1)! The nature of non2directive group psychotherapy. Ne2
8or', 0ureau of *u$lications- Colu#$ia University- Teachers Colle&e!
G4%%/=%4:& L. S.& ( '#</)#/& S. (+./.)! %motionally2focused therapy for couples. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
G4%%/=%4:& L. S.& ( S9;49/& '. D. (+./9)! %motion in psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
G0%4/%+& B. G. (+.7.)! Psychotherapeutic agents 5ew roles for non2professionals, parents and teachers.
Ne2 8or', "olt- Rinehart and >inston!
G0%4/%+& B. G. (+.99)! 4elationship enhancement S&ill2training programs for therapy, problem
prevention, and enrichment. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
G0%4/%+& B. G. (+./9)! 4elationship enhancement 0arital6family therapists manual. ?tate Colle&e- *A,
G0%4/%+& B. G. (+.//)! 4elationship enhancement manual. ?tate Colle&e- *A, I4EAL?!
G0%4/%+& L. (+.9/)! Parenting A s&ills training manual. ?tate Colle&e- *A, I4EAL?!
H945& '. T.& ( T#"-./)#/& T. 6. (Eds!)! (+.95)! 5ew directions in client2centered therapy. 0oston,
"ou&hton Mifflin!
'#</)#/& E. R (+.9+)! %/istential man. The challenge of psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', *er&a#on!
K.%)-%4& D. '. (+.//)! Therapeutic metacommunication. *alo Alto- CA, Consultin&
*sycholo&ist *ress!
K./:%5& G. 6. (+.9;)! 7n becoming human A syste#atic vie2! Ne2 8or', "arcourt 0race!
K.4)7<%/=90"& H. (+.9.)! 7n becoming 1arl 4ogers. Ne2 8or', 4elacorte!
K.4)7<%/=90"& H.& ( H%/$%4)#/& V. (Eds!)! (+./.)! 1arl 4ogers Dialogues. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
K.4)7<%/=90"& H.& ( H%/$%4)#/& V. (Eds!)! (+./.)! The 1arl 4ogers reader. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
L%39/5& R F.& ( S<-.%/& '. 6. (Eds!)! (+./:)! 1lient2centered therapy and the person2centered approach
5ew directions in theory, research and practice. Ne2 8or', *rae&er!
L.%59%4& G. (+.//)! The client2centered6e/periential6person2centered approach ()892()*: Bibliographical
survey. Leuven- 0el&iu#, Counselin& Centru#- =!U! Leuven!
L+#/& H. C.& '4. (+.9+)! -earning to feel 2 3eeling to learn. Colu#$us- A", Merrill!
L+#/& H. C.& ( R#:%4)& C. R. (+./+)! 7n becoming a teacher. Colu#$us- A", Merrill!
69<4%4& A R (+./7)! Therapeutic e/periencing. The process of change. Ne2 8or', Norton!
6945./& D. G. (+.91)! -earning2based client2centered therapy. Monterey- CA, 0roo's/Cole!
6945./& D. G. (+./%)! 1ounseling and therapy s&ills. 0el#ont- CA, 0roo's/Cole!
67G0.4%& K. N. (+./+)! Building supportive community 0utual self2help through peer counseling.
6#0)5919)& C. E. (+.;%)! 1hildren in play therapy. Ne2 8or', McGra2-"ill!
6#0)5919)& C. E. (+.;.)! Psychotherapy with children. Ne2 8or', "arper < Ro2!
6#0)5919)& C. E. (Ed!)! (+.77)! %/istential child therapy. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
6#0)5919)& C. E. (+.7/)! $ndividuality and encounter. A brief ;ourney into loneliness and sensitivity
groups. Ca#$rid&e- MA, 4oyle!
6#0)5919)& C. E. (+.9%)! The child<s discovery of himself Ne2 8or', @ason Aronson!
P955%4)#/& C. H. (+./;)! The therapeutic relationship 3oundations for an eclectic psychotherapy.
Monterey- CA, 0roo's/Cole!
P%/5#/+& P. (+./+)! 0odels of influence in psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', 3ree *ress Mac#illan!
P#45%4& E. H. (+.;5)! An introduction to therapeutic counselling. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
R.7%& L. N.& ( G4%%/=%4:& L. S. (Eds!)! (+./:)! Patterns of change. $ntensive analysis of psychotherapy
process. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.%.)! The clinical treatment of the problem child. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.:1)! 1ounseling and psychotherapy. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.:;)! 1ounseling with returned servicemen. >ashin&ton- 4C, United ?ervices
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.;+)! 1lient2centered therapy. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.;.)! A theory of therapy- personality and interpersonal relationships as developed in the
client-centered fra#e2or'! In ?! =och (Ed!)- Psychology A study of science. #ol. $$$. 3ormulations of the
person and the social conte/t (pp!+/:-1;7)! Ne2 8or', McGra2-"ill!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.7+)! 7n becoming a person. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.79)! Auto$io&raphy! In E! G! 0orin& < G! LindBey (Eds!)- A history of psychology in
autobiography (Col! ;)! Ne2 8or', Appleton-Century-Crofts!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.7.)! 3reedom to learn. Colu#$us- A", Merrill!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.95)! 1arl 4ogers on encounter groups. Ne2 8or', "arper < Ro2!
R#:%4)& C. R (+.91)! Becoming partners. 0arriage and its alternatives. Ne2 8or', 4elacorte!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+.99)! 1arl 4ogers on personal power. $nner strength and its revolutionary impact. Ne2
8or', 4elacorte!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+./5)! A way of being. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
R#:%4)& C. R. (+./%)! 3reedom to learn for the *9<s (Rev! ed!)! Colu#$us- A", Merrill!
R#:%4)& C. R& ( D+"#/$& R F. (+.;:)! Psychotherapy and personality change. Chica&o, University of
Chica&o *ress!
R#:%4)& C. R.& G%/$-./& E. T.& K.%)-%4& D.'.& ( T409,& C. B! (+.79)! The therapeutic relationship and its
impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics. Madison, University of >isconsin *ress!
R#:%4)& C. R.& R9)1./& N. '.& %5 9-. (+.:.)! A coordinated research in psychotherapy! .ournal of 1onsulting
Psychology, +%(%)- +:.-11:!
R#:%4)& C. R.& ( S5%3%/)& B. (+.79)! Person to person The problem of being human. Lafayette- CA, Real
*eople *ress!
R#:%4)& N. (+./5)! %merging woman A decade of mid2life transitions. *oint Reyes- CA, *ersonal *ress!
R#)%& A& ( A0>& A (+.9:)! ,rowing up human. Ne2 8or', "arper < Ro2!
S%%"9/& '. (+./%)! Personality integration Studies and reflections. Ne2 8or', "u#an ?ciences *ress!
S%:4%49& A. S. (Ed!)! (+./:)! Proceedings of the 3irst $nternational 3orum on the Person21entered
Approach (Aatepec- Meico- +./1)! Meico City- Meico, Universidad I$eroa#ericana!
S<%4"9/& E. (+./:)! =or&ing with older persons. 0oston, =lu2er-Ni6hoff
S/+$%4&8. U. (+.:9)! 1aseboo& of non2directive counseling. 0oston, "ou&hton Mifflin!
S/+::& D.& ( C#"=)& A 8 (+.:.)! $ndividual psychology A new frame of reference for psychology. Ne2
8or', "arper! (Revised edition pu$lished $y "arper- +.;.)!
S#-#"#/& L. N.& ( B%4?#/& B. (Eds!)! (+.91)! 5ew perspectives on encounter groups. ?an 3rancisco,
T<#4/%& B. '.& N%>)#"%&A& ( 8+-$& K. (+./+)! Student counselling in practice (%rd ed!)! London,
University of London *ress!
T409,& C. B.& ( C941<0;;& R. R. (+.79)! Toward effective counseling and psychotherapy
Training and practice. Chica&o, AIdine!
V9/ B%--%& H. (+./5)! Basic intent and therapeutic approach of 1. 4ogers. 0urna$y- Canada, Acade#y
8%,-%4& D. A.& ( R.7%& L. N. (+.9:)! $nnovations in client2centered therapy. Ne2 8or', >iley!
8<.5-#71& G. K. (+./:)! Person2centered learning 1onfluent learning processes. London, University *ress
of A#erica!
8##$& '. T. (+.9:)! "ow do you feel> A guide to your emotions. En&le2ood Cliffs- N@, *rentice "all!
84.:<5& L.& E3%4%55& F.& ( R#.)"9/& L. (+./7)! %/periential psychotherapy with children. 0alti#ore, @ohns
"op'ins University *ress!
Y9-#"& I. D. (+./5)! %/istential psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
Y9-#"& I. D. (+./.)! -ove<s e/ecutioner and other tales of psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
1.2. German
A-5%4<#;;& G. (+./%)! ,rundlagen &lientenzentrierter Beratung. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
Ar$eits&e#einschaft *ersonenBentrierte GesprDchsfEhrun&! (+./:)! Personlich&eitsentwic&lung durch
Begegnung. Das personenzentrierte ?onzept in Psychotherapie, %rziehung und =issenschaft. >ien,
Aesterreichischer 0undesverla&! Auc'enthaler- A! (+./%)! ?lientenzentrierte Psychotherapie mit Paaren.
?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
B90":945%-& F. (+.97)! Theorie und Pra/is der ?inderpsychotherapie. MEnchen, *feiffer!
B90)& 6.& ( S9/$.:& B. (+./;)! ,espr@chspsychotherapie und weibliches Selbst&onzept. "ildeshei#,
Geor& Al#s Cerla&!
B%-?%4& G. (+.9.)! 3amilientherapie und ?lientenzentrierte ,espr@chsfuhrung in der Sozialarbeit.
MEnchen, =osel Cerla&!
B%/%71%/& '. (Ed!)! (+./1)! ?inderspieltherapie 3allstudien. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
B%/)%& A. (+.99)! %rleben in der ,espr@chspsychotherapie. Die %/periencingtheorie in der
&lientenzentrierten ,espr@chspsychotherapie. >einhei# 0asel, 0elB!
B%/)%& A. (+./;)! Das Symptom der "andlung. Mtinchen, *rofil!
B%05%-& H.& ( T90)7<& D. (+./.)! Sterben. %ine Aeit des -ebens. ?tutt&art, Fuell-Cerla&!
B./$%4& U.& ( B./$%4& H. '. (+.9.)! ?lientenzentrierte Psychotherapie bei schweren psychischen
StBrungen. 3ran'furt a# Main, 3ach$uchhandlun& fEr *sycholo&ie!
B#""%45& H. (+./1)! ,rundlagen der ,espr@chspsychotherapie (Theorie- *rais- 3orschun&)! ?tutt&art,
B#""%45& H.& ( D9<-<#;;& H. D. (Eds!)! (+.9/)! Das Selbsterleben 'e/periencing+ in der Psychotherapie.
MEnchen, Ur$an U! ?ch2arBen$er&!
B#""%45& H.& ( P-%))%/& U. (+.9/)! Psychologische %rziehungsberatung. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
B490/& U. (+./%)! Selbsta&tualisierung versus #erhaltens&ontrolleC Aufarbeitung der ?ontroverse 4ogers2
S&innerzur ?larung theoretischer ,rundlagen der ,espr@chspsychotherapie. 3ran'furt a# Main, *eter
E71%45& '.& ( B.%4"9//-R95@%/& K-6. (+./;)! Stationare ,ruppenpsychotherapie Prozesse, %ffe&te,
#ergleiche. 0erlin, ?prin&er!
E))%4& P. (+./%)! %rlebnisorientierte Psychotherapie. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
E))%4& U. (+.//)! 4ogers und Adler. "eidel$er&, Asan&er!
E))%4& U.& ( S9/$%4& K. (Eds!)! (+.//)! Personenzentrierte ,ruppenpsychotherapie. "eidel$er&, Asan&er
F.%5190& H. '. (+./5)! Die %instellung in der Psychotherapie. Theoretische ,rundlegung und empirische
Befunde am Beispiel der ,espr@chstherapie. ?alB$ur&, Muller!
F49/1%& A. (+.9/)! ?lientenzentrierte ,ruppenpsychotherapie. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
F4#<=04:& I. (+./%)! 3orschung und Pra/is in der ,espr@chspsychotherapie. 0erlin, Gesellschaft fEr
F4#<=04:& I.& D. P#-& G.& T<#"9)& B.& ( 8%.)%& K. (Eds!)! (+./7)! 3orschung und Pra/is in der
,ruppengespr@chspsychotherapie. 0erlin, Gesellschaft fEr *sycholo&ie! Gesellschaft fEr 2issenschaftliche
GesprDchspsychotherapie! (Ed!)! (+.9;)! Die &lientenzentrierte ,espr@chspsychotherapie. MEnchen,
=indler! Gesellschaft fEr 2issenschaftliche GesprDchspsychotherapie! (Ed!)! '()**+. 7rientierung an der
Person (Cols! +-1)! =Gln, G2G!
G#%5?%& H. (+./+)! Personenzentrierte Spieltherapie. GGttin&en , "o&refe!
G#%5?%& H.& ( '9%$%& 8 (+.9:)! Die nicht2dire&tive Spieltherapie. %ine wir&same 0ethode zur Behandlung
&indlicher #erhaltungs2storungen. MEnchen, =indler!
G#**/%4& H. '. (+./:)! "ilfe durch ?ommuni&ation in %rziehung, Therapie und Beratung. Aiele und
"andlungs&riterien. 0ad "eil$runn, Cerla& @ulius =lin'hardt!
G49>%& K. (+.97)! Differentielle Psychotherapie $. 0ern, "u$er!
G4#))-H94$5& 6. (+./%)! %rlebensa&tivierung in der ,espriichspsychotherapie. 3ran'furt a! M!,
3ach$uchhandlun& fEr *sycholo&ie!
G40/>9-$& 8. (+.97)! Psychotherapie und e/perimentelle ?onfli&tforschung. %ntwurf einer
?onfli&ttheoretischen 3undierung der ,espr@chspsychotherapie. MEnchen-0asel, Ernst Reinhart!
G40/$>9-$& 8 (Ed!)! (+.9.)! ?ritische Stichworter ,espr@chspsychotherapie. MEnchen, >ilhel# 3in'
H9;-./:%4& T. (+./7)! Die grundlegenden Bedingungen erfolgreicher %inzelbeziehungen des
Sozialpadagogen nach C! 4. 4ogers, bezogen auf %rfahrungen in einem .ugendwohnheim. 0ad "eil$runn,
Cerla& @ulius =lin'hardt!
H%-"& '. (+./5)! ,espr@chspsychotherapie. 4ar#stadt, ?tierhaupt!
H#;;./9/& H.& (G%4=.)& K. K (+./+)! ,espr@chsfilhrung in psychologischer Therapie und Beratung.
?alB$ur&, Muller!
H#>%& '. (+./5)! Prozessgeschehen in der ,espr@chspsychotheraple. #ersuch einer ?larung. 3ran'furt,
H#>%& '. (Ed!)! (+./1)! $ntegratives "andeln in der ,espr@chstherapie. >einhei#/0asel, 0eltB!
"utter- A! (+.//)! Au den 4ahmenbedingungen von &lientenzentrierter psychotherapie und Beratung im
,esundheidswesen. =Gln, G2GCerla&!
'9/1#>)1.& P& T)7<%0-./& D.& F.%5190& H. '.& ( 69//& F. (Eds!)! (+.97)! ?lientenzentrierte Psychotherapie
heute. GGttin&en , "o&refe
K#$%-& R.& ( F4#=04:& I. (+.//)! ,rundbegriffe der ,ruppen,esprtichspsychotherapie. 0erlin,
Gesellschafi fur *sycholo&ie!
K4%05%4-S?9=#& S. (+.//)! Der Selbstbegriff in der humanistischen Psychologie von A. 0aslow und C!
4ogers. 3ran'furt, Lan&!
K4#*;& D. (+.9/)! ,rundprobleme der ,esprtichspsychotherapie. Gottin&en, "o&refe!
=2iat'o2s'i- E! (+./5)! Psychotherapie als sub;e&tiver Prozess. 3ilr eine sozialwissenschaftliche
?onzeption der ,esprtichspsychotherapieforschung. >einhei# und 0asel, 0eltB!
6%-?%4& G. (+.9.)! 3amilientherapie und &lientenzentrierte ,esprtichsfilhrung in der socialarbeit.
Munchen, =osel!
6%/5%& A.& ( S*.55-%4& H. D. (+./5)! %rlebnisorientierte ,ruppenpsychotherapie (Cols! +-1)! *ader$orn,
6./)%-& 8. R! (+.9:)! Pra/is der ,esprtichstherapie. >ien, 0ohlaus!
P93%-& F. G. (+.9/)! Die &lientenzentrierte Psychotherapie. Munchen, *feiffer!
P%5%4"9//& F.& N#%1%4& 6.& ( B#$%& U. (+./9)! Psychologie chronischer ?ran&heiten im ?indes2 und
.ugendalter. Munchen, *sycholo&ie Cerla&s Union!
P;%.;;%4& 8. 6. (+./7)! Psychologie des &ran&en 0enschen. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
P-#:& U. (+.97)! Differentielle Psychotherapie $$ Der Ausammenhang von -ebensbedingungen und
spezifischen Therapieeffe&ten im #ergleich von ,esprtichspsychotherapie und #erhaltenstherapie. 0ern,
R%7<5.%/& 8. 'l)**+.Beratung imAlttag. *ader$orn, @unfer#ann-Cerla&!
S97<)%& R.& ( H#>%& '. (+./.)! Aur Au&unft der &lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. "eidel$er&, Asan&er!
S9/$%4& K.& ( E))%4& U. (Eds!)! (+.//)! Personenzentrierte ,ruppenarbeit. 3orderung und %ntwic&lung der
Person in der ,ruppe in Ausbildung und Beratung. "eidel$er&, Asan&er!
S7<"%-./:-K-0$9)& C. (+.//)! Die Arzt2Patient Beziehung im Stationsalltag. >einhei#, CC" Edition
S7<".$& P. (+./.)! Personale Begegnung. >urB$ur&, Echter!
S7<".55& G. 6. (+./%)! Die psychologische Betreuung des &rebs&ran&en ?indes. Gottin&en, Candenhoec'
< Ruprecht!
S7#=%-& 8. A! (+./%)! ?an Sprechen helfen>%inpsychologisch philosophisher Beitrag zur Bedeutung der
Sprache in der &lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie.
>einhei#, 0eltB!
S7#=%-& 8. A! (+.//)! =as ist Supervision> Gottin&en, Candenhoec' < Ruprecht!
S.%")& 6. (+./7)! Dein ?orper weisst die Antwort. 3ocusing als 0ethode der Selbsterfahrung. %ine
pra&tische %inleitung. Rein$e', Ro2olt Taschen$uch Cerla&!
S*%.%4%4& G. 8. (+.97)! Dimensionen des %rlebens in Selbsterfahrungsgruppen. Gottin&en, Candenhoec' <
S*%.%4%4& G. 8. (+./;)! Das patientenorientierte ,esprtich. Baustein einer personenzentrierten 0edizin.
Munchen, Causa-Cerla&!
S5.*).5)& F.& ( H055%4%4& R. (Eds!)! (+.//)! Person werden. Theoretische und gesellschaftliche Aspe&te.des
personenzentrierten Ansatzes. 3ran'furt a# Main, "aa& < "erchen!
T90)7<& A! (+./+)! ,espr@che gegen die Angst. ?ran&heit ein =eg zum -eben. Rein$e', Rho2olt!
T90)7<& A.& ( T90)7<& R. (+./;)! Sanftes Sterben. =as der Tod filr das -eben bedeutet. Rein$e' $ei
"a#$ur&, Rho2olt!
T90)7<& R.& ( T90)7<& A. (+.;7)! ?inderpsychotherapie in nicht2directiven #erfahren. Gottin&en, "o&refe!
T90)7<& R.& ( T90)7<& A. (+.99)! %rziehungspsychologie. Begegnung von Person zu Person. Gottin&en,
T)7<%0-./& D. (Ed!)! (+./%)! Beziehung und Techni& in der &lientenzentrierten Therapie. >einhei#/0asel,
8.%-9/$& N. (+.//)! Die "andlungsregulation von ,espr@chspsychotherapeuten. =oln, *ahl-Ru&enstein!
8.-$-6.))#/:& A! (+./%)! 5euer =eg zum Dnbewussten. 3ocusing als 0ethode &lientenzentrierter
Psychoanalyse. ?alB$ur&, Atto Muller!
8.-$-6.))#/:& A& ( T%0>)%/& E. (Eds!)! (+.99)! Psychotherapeutische Schulen im ,esprach miteinander.
?als$ur&, Atto Muuller Cerla&!
8.**.7<& '. (+./7)! Begegnung. =onstanB, Rossler!
8.5549<"& A. (+.//)! 7rientierung zur ganzheitlichen Altenpflege. 0onn, 4u##ler!
8##$& '. K. (+.//)! 0enschliches Dasein als 0iteinandersein. ,ruppenarbeit nach personenzentrierten
Ansatzen. =oln, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
2.%-1%& 6. (+.9.)! $ndi&ation zur ,esprtichspsychotherapie. ?tutt&art, =ohlha##er!
1.2. French
A0:%4& L. (+.91)! 1ommunication et epanouissement personnel. -a relation d<aide. Montreal- Canada, Ed!
de lH"o##e!
B40/%--%& L. (+.97)! !u<est2ce Eue la non2directiviti> *aris, 4ela&rave!
H9"%-./%& D.& ( D94$%-./& 6. '. '()::+. -a libertF d<apprendre. Situation $$. 4etrospective sur un
enseignement non2directif. *aris, Ed! Auvrieres!
H9//#0/& H. (+.91)! -Gattitude non2directive de 1arl 4ogers. *aris, E?3!
K./:%5& G. 6.& ( R#:%4)& C. R. (+.77)! PsychothFrapie et relations humaines. ThForie et pratiEue de la
thFrapie non2directive (1 vols!)! *aris/Louvain, Nau2elaerts!
L9 P0%/5%& 6. $%. (+.95)! 1arl 4ogers de la psychotherapie a l<enseignement. *aris, E*I!
L%4#+& C., ( L<#5%--.%4& A. '():H+. -a relation de conseil. Toulouse, *rivat!
L<#5%--.%4& A. (+.9:)! 3ormationI !uelle formation> *aris, *ayot!
L#=4#5& 6. (+.9%)! Pour ou contre l<autorite> *aris, Gauthier Cillars-
L#=4#5& 6. (+.9:)! -Ganimation non2directive des groupes. *aris, *ayot!
604+& G. (+.9%)! -Gentretien non2directif Toulouse, *rivat!
P9:A)& 6. (+./7)I -Gorientation non2directive en psychotFrapie et en psychologie sociale (%e#e edit!)!
*aris, 4unod!
P9:A)& 6. (+..5)! -a vie affective des groupes. %sEuisse d<une thForie de la relation humaine. *aris, 4unod!
P%4%55.& A $%. (+.79)! -ibertF et relations humaines ou l<inspiration non2directive. *aris, E*I!
P%4%55.& A. $%. (+.9:)! PensFe et vFritF de 1arl 4ogers. Toulouse, *rivat! ColI! Nouvelle Recherche!
P#%+$#"%/:%& 6.-L (+./:)! -GFducation selon 1arl 4ogers. -es en;eu/ de la non2directivitF. *aris, 4unod!
R#0))%-& F. (+.91)! -e moniteur d<orientation rogFrienne. MontrJal- Canada, *resse de lHUniver! de
S9./5-A4/90$& Y. (+.7.)! -a consultation pastorale d<orientation rogFrienne. 0ruelles- 0el&iu#, 4esclJe
4e 0rou2er- 0i$liotheKue dHetudes psycho-reli&ieuses!
S9./5-A4/90$& Y. (+.9J+.-a personne humaine. $ntroduction a l<Ftude de la personne et des relations
interpersonelles. Montreal- Canada, Ed! 4e lH"o##e!
S/+$%4)& G. (+.9;)! 7u vont les pFdagogies non2directives> AutoritF du maitre et libertF des FlLves (%L#e
Jdit!)! *aris, *U3!
V%4=%1%& N. (+./.)! -e ballon orange l<histoire d<Annou&. Dne relation d<aide selon 1arl 4ogers.
0ruelles- 0el&iu#, Cie Auvriere!
1.4. Dutch
D.@1<0.)& '. '. (+.7:)! De procestheorie van C! 4. 4ogers. "ilversu#-Ant2erpen, *aul 0rand!
D.@1)549& C. (+./:)! De &ursus zelf&ennis. A#sterda#, ?2ets en Meitlin&er!
D.@1)549& C. (+./.)! 4ogeriaanse therapie. The#a en variaties! A#sterda#, ?2ets en Meitlin&er!
E.@"9%-& '. (+./9)! ,edragstherapie en client2centered therapie vergele&en. A#ersfoort/Leuven, Acco!
F#04/.%4& E. P.& ( K9-.)39945& 6. 8 (Eds!)! (+./%)! 4et &ind in het middelpunt. 3undamentele problemen
van de &inderpsychotherapie. Muider$er&, Couthinho!
G%494$)& F. 6.& %5. 9-. (+.9.)! %fKe&tief ouderschap. Pra&ti;&boe& voor het omgaan met &inderen.
Averveen, Nelissen!
H%--%/$##4/& '. (Ed!)! (+./;)! Therapie, &ind en spel. Bi;dragen tot de beeldcommunicatie. 4eventer, Can
Lo&hu# ?laterus!
'9)*%4)& L. (+./;)! Aie&en en zorgen. Psychosociale begeleiding van patienten en hun familie. Leuven,
L.%59%4& G.& 39/ P499:& P<. H.& ( S>.-$%/)& '.C.AG. (Eds!)! (+./:)! 1lientcentered
psychotherapie in beweging. Leuven, Acco!
N%05%=##"& P.6.C. (+.77)! 7pleiding in gespre&svoering Beschri;ving en efKectonderzoe&. 4elft,
P%5%4)& H. (+./:)! 1lient2centered therapie en gedragstherapie een aanzet tot integratie. Lisse, ?2ets <
R#:%4)& C. R& ( K./:%5& G. 6. (+.;.)! Psychotherapie en menseli;&e verhoudingen. Ant2erpen-Utrecht,
V9/ B9-%/&R& L%.@))%/& 6.& ( L.%59%4& G. '()*L+.Droom en wer&eli;&heid in client2centered
psychotherapie. Leuven/A#ersfoort, Acco!
V#))%/& A. '. (+.91)! Aichzelf worden in menseli;&e relatie. "aarle#, 4e Toorts!
>i6n&aarden- "! R (+./;)! -uisteren naar dromen. Meppel, 0oo#!
A-%"9/+& C. (Ed!)! (+..9)! *sicoterapia e/periencial y focusing. -a Aportacion de %. T. ,endlin. 0il$ao-
?pain, 4esclJe 4e 0rou2er!
A"950??.& 6.6.& E7<%3%44.9& D. F.& B4.)#-9& E.B.V.& ( G.#3%--.& L. N. (+..7)! Psicologia da
comunidade Dma e/periencia. Ca#pinas ?ao *aulo 0rasil, Alinea!
A"#$%#& '. (+...)! 1recer en intimidad. 0il$ao- ?pain, 4esclJe ! (Translation)
A/$%4)#/& R. ( C.))/9& K. N! (+..9)! The 0artin Buber 1arl 4ogers dialogue. A new transcript with
commentary. Ithaca, ?tate University of Ne2 8or' *ress!
A4590$& '. (+..+)! -GFcoute. Attitudes et techniEues. -GFcoute dans les relations humaines parents,
enseignants, formateurs, couples, educateurs, therapeutes, etc. Lyon- 3rance, ChroniKue ?ociale!
A45.-%)& 6. F. (+..;)! Articulos y conferencias. 0uenos Aires- Capital 3ederal- Ar&entina, Centro de
Estudios *sicolo&icos de Arientacion Ro&eriana (edicion privada)!
A45.-%)& 6. F. (+..7)! -a sonrisa de %ros %l amor y la pare;a. 0uenos Aires Capital 3ederal- Ar&entina,
A071%/5<9-%4& A. (+..;)! Supervision psychotherapeutischer Pra/is 7rganisation2Standards2=ir&lich&eit.
?tutt&art- Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
A0>& A. (+..+)! ,entle roads to survival. Lo2er La'e- CA, AsIan!
B944%55-L%//94$& G. T. (+../)! 1arl 4ogers< helping system. .ourney and substance. London, ?a&e!
B90"9//& U.& R%05%4& 6.& (T%0=%4& S. (+..9)! Seelsorgliche ,espr@chsfuhrung. %m -ernprogramm.
4usseldorf- Ger#any, *atroos!
B90"%4& R& ( P-955.:& 6. (+../)! Aufmer&sam&eit ist das natilrliche ,ebet der Seele. ,eistliche
Begleitung in der Aeit der =ustenvater und der personzentrierte Ansatz nach 1arl 4. 4ogers2eine
Seelenverwandtschaft> >urB$ur&- Ger#any, Echter!
B%71& H. (+..+)! Buber und 4ogers. Das Dialogische und das ,espr@ch "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
B%71%4& K. ( S97<)%& R. (+...)! Therapeutisches #erstehen. %ffe&tive Strateglen der
$nformationsverarbeitung bei Therapeuten. Gattin&en- Ger#any, "o&refe!
B%<4& 6.& ( E))%4& U. (+..+)! 0acht Therapie gluc&lich> 5eue =ege des %rlebens in &lientenzentrierter
Psychotherapie. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
B%<4& 6.& E))%4& U.& P%5%4"9//& F.& %5 9-. (Eds!)! (+./.-+..:)! .ahrbuch fMr personenzentrierte
Psychologle und Psychotherapie (0and + N+./.O- 0and 1 N+..5O- 0and % N+..1O- 0and : N+..:O)! =Gln-
Ger#any, G2G!
B%<4& 6.& ( 89-5%4)7<%.$-K49"%4& '. (+..;)! %infuhlendes %rzieherverhalten. >einhei#- Ger#any, 0elB!
B%/$%4& B.& F-%.)7<%4& T.& ( 6%4)"9//& B. (Eds!)! (+...)! Person und Beziehung in Schule und
Dnterricht. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
B%4:%4"9//& 8 (+..;)! 3ocusing. Selbsthilfe durch ?orpererfahrung. MEnchen- Ger#any, "u#$olt!
B.%4"9//-R95@%/&E.-6.& E71%45& '.& ( S7<>945?& H.-'. (+..;)! ,espr@chspsychotherapie.
#erandern durch #erstehen (9th rev! ed!)! ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
B./$%4& U. (+..:)! %mpathieentwic&lun.g und Pathogenese in &lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie.
Dberlegungen zu einem systemimmanenten ?onzept. Esch$orn- Ger#any, 4iet#ar =lotB!
B./$%4& U.& ( B./$%4& '. (+..+)! NSchMtzend #erantwortung Mbernehmen.N Studien zu einer
stBrungsspezifischen &lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Eschen$orn $ei 3ran'furt a!M!- Ger#any, 4iet#ar
B#9./9./& E.& '4. (+...)! Tornar2se transpessoal Trascendencia e espiritualidade na obra de 1arl 4ogers.
?ao *aulo- 0rasil, ?u##us!
B#$%/<%."%4& A. R. (+..1)! #erstehen heisst antworten. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, Recla#!
B#%71-S./:%-"9//& C.& E<-%4)& B.& H%/)%-& T.& K%"*%4& F.& ( 6#/$%/-E/:%-<%4$5& C. '())L+.
Personzentrierte Psychotherapie mit ?indern und .ugendlichen. Band $! ,rundlagen und ?onzepte.
GGttin&en - Ger#any, "o&refe!
B#%71-S./:%-"9//& C.& E<-%4)& B.& H%/)%-& T.& K%"*%4& F.& ( 6#/$%/-E/:%-<%4$5& C. '()):+.
Personzentrierte Psychotherapie mit ?indern und .ugendlichen. Band $$. Anwendungen und Pra/is.
GGttin&en - Ger#any, "o&refe!
B#<945& A. C.& ( G4%%/=%4:& L. S. (Eds!)! (+..9)! %mpathy reconsidered. 5ew directions in psychotherapy.
>ashin&ton- 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!
B#<945& A. C.& ( T9--"9/& K. (+...)! "ow clients ma&e therapy wor&. >ashin&ton- 4C, A#erican
*sycholo&ical Association!
B#+& A. V.& ( P./%& G. '. (+..;)! 1hild2centered counseling and psychotherapy. ?prin&field- IL, Charles C
B#+& A. V.& ( P./%& G. '. '()))+. A person2centered foundation for counseling and psychotherapy (1nd ed!)!
?prin&field- IL, Charles C Tho#as!
B#?945<& '. D. (+../)! Person2centred therapy A revolutionary paradigm. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC?
0oo's! !
B4995%/& L. '. (+..:)! Person2centered group psychotherapy Theoretical and empirical contributions.
0lindern- Nor2ay, *u$li'as6oner fra *sy'olo&is' Institutt!
B49?.%4& D. (Ed!)! (+..%)! Beyond 1arl 4ogers Towards a psychotherapy for the twenty2first century.
London, Consta$le!
B49?.%4& D. (Ed!)! '()):+.0as alla de 1arl 4ogers. 0il$ao- ?pain, 4esclJe 4e 0rou2er! (Translation)
B07<9/9/& L.& ( H0:<%)& R. (1555)! %/periences of person2centred counseling training. Ross-on->ye-
U=, *CC? 0oo's!
C9./& D.& ( S%%"9/& '. (1551)! "umanistic psychotherapies "andboo& of research and practice.
>ashin&ton- 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!
C9"*=%--& P. A.& ( 6769<#/& E. 6. (+..1)! Biospirituali@t. ,laube beginnt im ?Brper. %in pra&tische
%infMhrung zur Selbsterfahrung mit 3ocusing. MEnchen- Ger#any, Claudius! (Translation)
C9"*=%--& P. A.& ( 6769<#/& E. 6. (+..9)! Biospirituality 3ocusing as a way to grow (Rev! ed!)!
Chica&o, Loyola!
C9"*.7<%& C.& H.**#-+5%& '. C.& ( H.*#-.5#& '. (+..1)! A comunidade como centro. Lis$oa- Estre#adura-
*ortu&al, 3undaPao Calouste Gul$en'ian (?erviPo de EducaPQo)!
C939-.%4%& R. (+..:)! Scrivere il diaro. Per conoscere se stessi. Ro#a Italy, Citta Nuova Editrice!
C939-.%4%& R. (+..7)! -a vita e tua. Prendila in mano. Ro#a- Italy, Citta Nuova Editrice!
C#<%/& D. (+..9)! 1arl 4ogers A critical biography. London, Consta$le!
C#"=)& A. 8. (+...)! Being and becoming. Ne2 8or', ?prin&er!
$9 F#/)%79& A.H.L. (+..9/+../)! Trabalhando o legado de 4ogers Sobre os fundamentos fenomenologico
e/istenciais. Maceio- Ala&oas- 0rasil, 0o# Conselho and *edan&, Centro de Estudos de *sicolo&ia e
*sicoterapia 3eno#enolo&ico Eistencial!
D9<"%4& H.& ( D9<"%4& '. (+..%)! ,espr@chsfilhrung. %ine pra&tische Anleitung (%rd ed!)! ?tutt&art-
Ger#any, Thie#e!
D% P%4%55.& A. (+..9)! PrFsence de 1arl 4ogers. Ra#onville ?ainte-A&ne- 3rance, Eres!
D% P%4%55.& A.& ( P9:A)& 6. (+../)! Penser l<heterogOne. *aris, 4esclJe 4e 0rou2er!
D%5%4& D.& S9/$%4& K& ( T%4@0/:& B. (Eds!)! (+..9)! Die ?raft des Personzentrierten Ansatzes. Pra/is und
Anwendungsgebiete. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
D%5%4& D.& ( S5490"9//& U! (+..5)! Personenzentriert uerstehen gesellschaftsbezogen den&en,
verantwortlich handeln. Theorie 0ethodi& und Dmsetzung in der psychosozialen Pra/is. =Gln- Ger#any,
D0 T#.5& D.& G4#=-%4& H.& ( S7<%/71& R. (Eds!)! (+..9)! Person2centred communication. Theory and
practice. "alf2ay "ouse- ?outh Africa, International Tho#son *u$lishin&!
E71%45& '. (Ed!)! (+..;)! 3orschung zur ?lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. A&tuelle Ansiitze und
%rgebnisse. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
E71%45& '.& H#:%4& D.& ( L./)5%4& H. (Eds!)! (+..%)! Die %ntwic&lung der Person und ihre Storung. Band +!
%ntwurf einer iitiologisch orientierten ?ran&heitslehre im 4ahmen des &lientenzentrierten ?onzepts. =Gln-
Ger#any, G2G!
E71%45& '.& H#:%4&D.& ( L./)5%4& H. 8. (Eds!)! (+..9)! Pra/is der ,espr@chspsychotherapie.
Storungsbezogene 3alldarstellungen. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
E))%4& U.& P9=)5& H.& ( S*%.%4%4& G.-8. (Eds!)! (+..7)! The power of the person2centered approach. 5ew
challenges, perspectives, answers. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
E))%4& U.& S9/$%4& K& ( T%4@0/:& B. (Eds!)! (+..7)! Die ?raft des Personz2entrierten Ansatzes
NErle$nisa'tivierende MethodenO! =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
F9.4<04)5& '. (Ed!)! (+...)! =omen writing in the person2centered approach. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC?
F94=%4& B. A.& B4./1& D. C.& ( R9)1./& P. 6. (Eds!)! (+..7)! The psychotherapy of 1arl 4ogers. 1ases and
commentary. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
F%0%4)5%./& H. '.& H%44./:%4& H. '.& ( G4#97<& S. (1555)! Traum;ournal. %in =eg in ihr Traumleben NC4-
Ro#O! Ger#any, 3M=-Cerla&!
F%0%4)5%./& H. '.& 60--%4& D.& ( 8%.)%4& A. (Eds!)! (1555)! 3ocusing im Prozess. %in -esebuch. =Gln-
Ger#any, G2G!
F./1%& '. (+..:)! %mpathie und $ntera&tion. 0ethodi& und Pra/is der ,espr@chspsychotherapie. ?tutt&art-
Ger#any, Thie#e!
F./1%& '. (+...)! Beziehung und $ntervention. $ntera&tionsmuster, Behandlungs&onzepte und
,espr@chstechni& in der Psychotherapie. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, Thie#e!
F./1%& '.& ( T%0)7<& L. (Eds!)! (+..+)! ,espr@chspsychotherapie bei 5eurosen und psychosomatischen
%r&ran&ungen. "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
F-9"%4& A. (+..9)! %infuhrung in die ,espr@chspsychologie. 0ern- ?2itBerland,
F-9/9:9/& K. (+../)! 3ocusing on your emotional intelligence. Ne2 8or', 3ocusin& Institute!
3ocusin& Institute! (Ed!)! (+...)! 3ocusin& and #edicine! 3olio. A .ournal for 3ocusing and %/periential
Therapy, (*'(+.
F4%/?%-& P. (+..+)! Selbsterfahrung als Selbsterfindung. Personzentrierte Psychotherapie nach 1arl C!
4ogers im -ichte von ?onstru&tivismus und Postmoderne. Re&ens$ur&- Ger#any, ?! Roderer!
F4%/?%-& P.& K%.-& 8. 8& S7<".$& P. F.& ( S5#-?-& N. (Eds!)! (155+)! ?lienten2 $ Personzentrierte
Psychotherapie. ?onte/te, ?onzepte, ?on&retisierungen. >ien, >UC/3acultas!
F4%/?%-& P.& S7<".$& P. F.& ( 8./1-%4& 6. (Eds!)! (+..1)! "andbuch der Personzentrierten Psychotherapie.
=Gln- Ger#any, Ed! "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
F4.%$"9/& N. (+..;)! 7n focusing "ow to access your own and other people<s direct e/perience. Availa$le
fro# Massachusetts Avenue- Arlin&ton- MA51+9:!
F4.%-./:)$#4;-A**%-5& C.& P9=)5& H.& ( S*%.%4%4& G.-8 (Eds!)! (+..7)!
,espr@chspsychotherapie Theorie, ?ran&enbehandlung, 3orschung. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
F0)%1& L. (Ed!)! (+..+)! 5ew directions in client2centered therapy Practice with difficult client
populations. Chica&o, Chica&o Counselin& Center!
G9--%& E. (+..9)! De spiegel doorbre&en. 0enswording als stapsteen voor spiritualiteit. Leuven- 0el&iu#,
G%/$-./& E. T. (+..+)! 3ocussen en;e dromen. -aat;e lichaam;e dromen interpreteren. "aarle#- the
Netherlands, 4e Toorts! (Translation)
G%/$-./& E. T. (+..7)! 3ocusing2oriented psychotherapy. A manual of the e/periential method. Ne2 8or',
G%/$-./& E. T. (+..9)! Dein ?orper2dein Traumdeuter. ?alB$ur&- Ger#any, Atto MEller! (Translation)
G%/$-./& E. T. (+../)! 3ocusing. Selbsthilfe bei der -osung personlicher Probleme. Rein$e'- Ger#any,
Ro2ohlt! (Translation)
G%/$-./& E. T. (+../)! 3ocusing2orientierte Psychotherapie. %in "andbuch der erlebensbezogenen
0ethode. MEnchen- Ger#any, *feiffer $ei =lett-Cotta! (Translation)
G%/$-./& E. T. (+...)! %l 3ocusing como orientacion psicoterapeutica. 0anual del metodo e/periencial.
0arcelona- ?pain, *aidos! (Translation)
G%/$-./& E. T.& ( 8.-5)7<1#& '. (+...)! 3ocusing in der Pra/is. %ine schulenubergreifende 0ethode fMr
Psychotherapie und Alltag. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, *feiffer $ei =lett-Cotta!
G.#4$9/.& B. (+..9)! -a 4elaciPn de Ayuda De 4ogers a 1ar&huff. 0il$ao- CiBcaya- EspaRa, 4escIJe!
G#==.& S. L.& ( 6.))%-& S. T. (Eds!)! (+../)! Abordagem 1entrada na Pessoa #ocabulQrio e nocoes
bQsicas. Tu$arao- ?anta Catarina- 0rasil, Universidade do ?uI de ?anta Catarina (Editora UniversitSria)!
G#4$#/& T. (+../)! Das ,ordon20odell. Anleitungen fMr ein harmonisches -eben. %ine %infuhrung
(=arlpeter 0reuer- Ed!)! MEnchen- Ger#any, "eyne!
G#4$#/& T.& ( E$>94$)&8 S. (+..;)! 0a&ing the patient your partner. 1ommunication s&ills for doctors
and other caregivers. London, Au$orn "ouse!
G#4$#/& T.& ( E$>94$)& 8. S. (+..9)! Patienten&onferenz. Arzte und Patienten als Partner. MEnchen-
Ger#any, "eyne! (Translation)
G49<9"& K. 6.& S90/$%4)& S. '.& F-#>%4& 6. C.& T."/%+& C. B.& 8<.5%-C9"*=%--&
6.& ( P.%54#*9#-#& A. 2! (+..;)! Addictions treatment for older adults %valuation of an innovative client2
centered approach. Ne2 8or', "a2orth!
G4%%/=%4:& L. S.& ( P9.3.#& S. C. (+..9)! =or&ing with emotions in psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
G4%%/=%4:& L. S.& R.7%& L. N.& ( E--.#55& R (+..%)! 3acilitating emotional change. The moment2by2moment
process. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
G4%%/=%4:& L. S.& R.7%& L. N.& ( E--.#55& R (+..7)! 3acilitando el cambio emocional %l proceso
terapeutico punto a punto. 0arcelona- EspaRa, =airTs! (Translation)
G4%%/=%4:& L. S.& R.7%& L. N.& ( E--.#55& R (1555)! $ processi del cambiamento emozionale. Ro#a- Italy,
Las! (Translation)
G4%%/=%4:& L. S.& 895)#/& '. C.& ( L.%59%4& G. (Eds!)! (+../)! "andboo& of e/periential psychotherapy.
Ne2 8or', Guilford!
G40=%4& H.& ( H9""%4& A. (1555)! $ch sehe anders. >urB$ur&- Ger#any, Edition 0enthei#!
H90:<& S.& ( 6%44+& T. (Eds!)! (155+)! %mpathy. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's!
H.--& '. (+..:)! Person2centred approaches in schools. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's!
H./5%41#*;& E. (+../)! $ntegrating spirituality in counseling. A manual for using the e/periential focusing
method. Aleandria- CA, A#erican Counselin& Association!
H.49+9"9& E. (+../)! The process of personal growth in encounter groups. @apan!
H#71%-& C. 6. (+...)! ,espriichspsychotherapie2ein wissenschaftlich aner&anntes #erfahren. Die
beharrliche Bloc&ierung einer bewiihrten psychotherapeutischen ,rundorientierung und ihre
?onseEuenzen fMr die Aus2, 3ort2 und =eiterbildung. 0onn- Ger#any, 4eutscher *sycholo&en Cerla&!
H9$%4& '. (+..1)! ,espriichspsychotherapie. =as sie &ann, wie sie wir&t und wem sie hilft. Mannhei#-
Ger#any, *AL!
H0:<%)& R& ( B07<9/9/& L. (1555)! %/periences of person2centred counseling training. Ross-on->ye-
U=, *CC? 0oo's!
H0.?./:9& E. '. (+..;)! =at reumapatienten bezighoudt. %en onderzoe& naar de zie&tebeleving van
reumatische arthritis2 en Bechterewpatienten. Utrecht- the Netherlands, ?>*!
H055%4& A. (+..+)! Psychotherapie und psychosoziale #ersorgung. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
H055%4%4& R. (+../)! Das Paradigma der "umanistischen Psychologie. %ntwic&lung, $deengeschichte und
Produ&tivitat. >ien, ?prin&er!
H055%4%4& R& P9>-#>)1+& G.& S7<".$& P. F.& ( S5.*).5)& R (Eds!)! (+..7)! 1lient2centered and e/periential
psychotherapy. A paradigm in motion. 3ran'furt a# Main- Ger#any, *eter Lan&!
I)%-.-B#--%& C., K%.-& 8.& K#4=%.& L.& N%"%)1%4.& N.& R9)7<-O>9-$& S.& S7<".$& P. F.& %5 9-. (Eds!)! (155+)!
$dentitat2Begegnung2?ooperation. Personzentrierte Therapie an der .ahrhundertwende. =Gln- Ger#any,
'9%$%& 8.& ( P#45%49& A. (Eds!)! (+..%)! Begegnung mit dem 3remden. $nter&ulturelle Beratung, Therapie
und Padagogi& in der Pra/is. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
'9)*%4)& L. (+..5)! "ulp verlenen. Psychosociale begeleiding toegelicht. Leuven- 0el&iu#, Acco!
'%4/%.?.:& R& ( L9/:%/"9+4& A. (+..1)! ?lientenzentrierte Trauertherapie. %ine Pilotstudie zur %rfassung
der therapeutischen =ir&sam&eit. GGttin&en- Ger#any, "o&refe!
'#</)#/& S. 6. (+..7)! The practice of emotionally focused marital therapy. 1reating connection. Ne2
8or', 0runner MaBel!
K9-"5<#05& 6. 39/. (+..9)! Persoonsgerichte psychotherapie. Leusden- the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
K%.-& 8.& ( S50""& G. (Eds!)! (155+)! Die vielen ,esichter der ldientenzentrierten / personzentrierten
Psychotherapie. >ien, ?prin&er!
K%.-& 8. 8.& H.71& P.& K#4=%.& L.& ( P#7<& V (Eds!)! (+..:)! Selbstverstandnis Beitrage zur Theorie der
?lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. 0er&hei#- Ger#any, Mac'in&er!
KB<-%4-8%.)1%4& A.& H#4/& K& ( S7<..-%./& '. A. (+..%)! Aufder Suche nach dem wahren Selbst. %ine
Auseinanderzetzung mit 1arl 4ogers. 3ran'furt- Ger#any, ?uhr'a#p!
KB--/%4& E. (+..7)! Beratung in der sozialen Arbeit. Dbungsbuch zur &lientenzentrierten
,espriichsfiihrung. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
K#40/19& C. (Ed!)! (+..9)! Begegnungen Psychotherapeutische Schulen im ,espr@ch. Dialoge der
Person21entered Association in Austria 'P1A+. >ien, >UC
L9:#& C.& ( 6976.--9/& 6. (Eds!)! (+...)! %/periences in relatedness ,roup wor& and the person2
centred approach. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's!
L9/$4%5<& G. (+..+)! Play therapy The art of the relationship. Muncie- IN, Accelerated 4evelop#ent Inc!
L9/$4%5<& G. L.& H#"%+%4& L.& G-#3%4& G.& ( S>%%/%+& D. (+..7)! Play therapy interventions with
children<s problems. Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
L9/:%4& I. (1555)! Das personliche ,espr@ch als =eg in der psychologische 3orschung. =Gln- Ger#any,
L%.@))%/& 6. (+..;)! ,ids voor gespre&stherapie. Leusden- the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!v
L%"1%& H. (+..%)! Personzentrierte Beratung in der Seelsorge. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
L%3./& D. 6. (+..9)! -anguage beyond postmodernism Saying and thin&ing in ,endlin<s philosophy.
Evanston- IL, North2estern University *ress!
L%3./%& P. (+..9)! =a&ing the tiger. "ealing trauma. 0er'eley- CA, North Atlantic 0oo's!
L.%59%4& G. (+..+- +..:- +..9- 1555)! 1lient2centered / e/periential psychotherapy and counseling.
Bibliographical survey ()**2())96 ())(2(..%/+..:-+..7/+..9-+... N3our $rochures of a$out +55 pa&es
Leuven- 0el&iu#, Counselin& Centru#- 0li6de In'o#ststraat +%- %555 Leuven! (E-#ail,
L.%59%4& G.& R#"=905)& '.& ( V9/ B9-%/& R (Eds!)! (+..5)! 1lient2centered and e/periential psychotherapy
in the nineties. Leuven- 0el&iu#, Leuven University *ress! (E-#ail,
L.%59%4& G.& ( V9/ K9-"5<#05& 6. (Eds!)! (+..;)! Pra&ti;&boe& gespre&stherapie. Psychopathologie en
e/periRntiRle procesbevordering. Leusden- the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
L#=4#5& 6. (+..7)! -Ganti2freud. *aris, *U3!
6976.--9/& 6.& ( C-941& D. (+../)! -earning and writing in counselling. London, ?a&e!
694C0%)-T%.,%.49& '.& ( A/50/%)& S. (Eds!)! (1555)! 1lient2centered and e/periential psychotherapy. Linda
a Celha- *ortu&al, Cale < Cale!
6944#C0./& 6.& ( V.--9& A. (+..;)! -a comunicaciPn interpersonal 0ediciPn y estrategias para su
desarrollo. 0il$ao- CiBcaya- EspaRa, Mensa6ero!
6945./ $%- C9"*#& '. L. (+..1)! -a promociPn moral no directiva DiQlogo interdisciplinary 1on la
Psicologia de C! 4ogers, con la Sociologia de Peter -. Berger, con la Teologia 0oral actual. MJico-
4istrito 3ederal- MJico, Universidad *ontificia de MJico!
6955<+)& F. (+..+)! "et &ind centraal. 7pvoeden vanuit een client2centered visie. Leuven- 0el&iu#, Garant!
69?%5& 6. (1555)! Des mots pour vivre. Accompagner par l<Fcoute. *aris, 4escIJe de 0rou2er!
McIlduff- E!- < Co&hlan- 4! (+..+- +..%)! The person2centered approach and cross2cultural
communication An international review (Cols! + < 1)! LinB- Austria, ?and'orn!
67L%#$& '. (+..9)! 5arrative and psychotherapy. London, ?a&e!
67L%#$& '. (155+)! !ualitative research in counselling and psychotherapy. London, ?a&e!
6%94/)& D. (+..:)! Developing person2centred counselling. London, ?a&e!
6%94/)& D. (+..9)! Person2centred counselling training. London, ?a&e!
6%94/)& D.& ( T<#4/%& B. (+...)! Person2centred counselling in action (Rev! ed!)! London, ?a&e!
6%94/)& D.& ( T<#4/%& B. (1555)! Person2centered therapy today. 5ew frontiers in theory and practice.
London, ?a&e!
6%44+& T. (+..;)! $nvitation to person2centred psychology. London, >hurr!
6%44+& T. (+...)! -earning and being in person2centred counselling. Ross-on->ye- U=,*CC? 0oo's!
6%44+& T. (Ed!)! (+...)! Person2centred practice. The BAP1A reader. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's!
6%+%4-C#4$./:& G.& ( S*%.%4%4& G.-8. (Eds!)! (+..5)! ,esundheit und ?ran&heit. Theorie, 3orschung und
Pra/is der &lientenzentrierten ,espr@chspsychotherapie "eute. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
6#495#& H.T.P. (Ed!)! (+...)! Aconselhamento PsicolLgico 1entrado na Pessoa 5ovos desafios. ?ao
*aulo- 0rasil, Casado *sicolo&o!
6#4%/#& S! (+..%)! ,uia del aprendiza;e participativo 7rientaciPn para estudiantes y maestros. MJico-
4istrito 3ederal- MJico, Trillas!
6#45#/& '. (Ed!)! (+...)! Person2centred approaches to dementia care. 0icester- U=, >inslo2 *ress!
6#)<9:%/& D. H. (Ed!)! (+..9)! ?lientenzentrierte Therapie bei Depression, Schizophrenie und
psychosomatischen St7rungen. "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
6071)7<& N. (+..+)! ?lientenzentrierte Trauerbegleitung als Ttitig&eitsfeld sozialer Arbeit. Munster-
Ger#any, Lit!
60--%4& 8. (+..+)! %mpathie. Der Seele eine Stimme geben. MainB- Ger#any, Grune2ald!
N%0"9//& 8. (+...)! Spurensuche als psychologische %rinnerungsarbeit. Tu$in&en- Ger#any, d&vt!
ODL%94+& C. '. (+...)! 1ounselling couples and families. A person2centred approach. London, ?a&e!
P9:%& R. C.& ( B%41#>& D. N. (+..;)! 1reating contact, choosing relationship The dynamics of
unstructured group therapy. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
P9:A)& P. (+..7)! -e travail d<e/ister. 4oman FpistemologiEue. *aris, 4esclJe de 0rou2er!
P955%4)#/& C. H. (1555)! Dnderstanding psychotherapy. 3ifty years of clientcentered theory and practice.
Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's!
P955%4)#/& C. H.& ( H.$#4%& S. C. (+..9)! Successful psychotherapy A caring, loving relationship.
Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
P90-0)& P. (Ed!)! (+..1)! Pr@vention und ,esundheitsfBrderung. Perspe&tiven fMr die psychosoziale Pra/is.
=Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
P90-0)& P.& ( D%5%4& D. (Eds!)! (+../)! ,esundheidsfBrderung. Awischen Selbstverwir&lichung und
empowerment. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
P%5%4)& H. (+..1)! Psychotherapie bi; geesteli;& gehandicapten. A#sterda#, ?2ets < Meitlin&er!
P%5%4)& H. (155+)! Psychotherapeutische Augange zu 0enschen mit geistiger Behinderung. ?tutt&art-
Ger#any, =lett-Cotta!
P;%.;;%4& 8. 6. (+..;)! Trans&ulturelle Psychiatrie. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, Thie#e!
P#%-"9/& '. (+..%)! 7 homem a caminho de si mesmo. 0elo "oriBonte- Minas Geraes- 0rasil, *aulinas!
P#45%-9/7%& C. (+..1)! 4elation d<aide et amour de soi. -Gapproche nondirective crFatrice en
psychothFrapie et en pFdagogie. MontrJal- Canada, Editions du Cra#!
PB45/%4& 6. (+..:)! Pra/is der ,espr@chspsychotherapie. $nterviews mit Therapeuten. ?tutt&art- Ger#any,
=lett-Cotta! (Translation in En&lish availa$le throu&h author)
PB45/%4& 6. (+..7)! %rnstnehmen, Autrauen, #erstehen. Personzentrierte "altung im Dmgang mit geistig
behinderten und pflegebediirftigen 0enschen. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =lett-Cotta!
PB45/%4& 6. (+../)! Serieus nemen, vertrouwen, begri;pen. 1lientgerichte zorg voor mensen met een
verstandeli;&e handicap. Maarssen- the Netherlands, Elsevier/4e Ti6dstroo#! (Translation)
PB45/%4& 6. (1555)! Trust and understanding The person2centred approach in everyday care for people
with special needs. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's! (Translation)
P4.%-)& '. 6.& ( D%"94%5& C. (+...)! -Gapproche centrFe2sur2la2personne. %sEuisse d<une bibliographie
3rancophone +.;+-+../! 0russels, A3*C! (Avenue ?ainte-Ali 75- ++;5 0ruelles)
P4#05+& G. (+..:)! Theoretical evolutions in person2centered6e/periential therapy. Applications to
schizophrenic and retarded psychoses. Ne2 8or', *rae&er!
P4#05+& G.& PB45/%4& 6.& ( V9/ 8%4$%& D. (+../)! Pratherapie. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =lett-Cotta!
P4#05+& G.& V9/ 8%4$%& D.& ( PB45/%4& 6. (155+)! Pre2therapie. Maarssen- the Netherlands, Elsevier!
R%.)7<& E. (+..:)! #erletzbare 5ahe. %in &lientenzentrierter =eg zum psychosomatischen Patienten.
MEnchen- Ger#any, *feiffer!
R%//.%& D. L. (+../)! Person2centred counselling. An e/periential approach. London, ?a&e!
R%+/#-$)& 8. '. (1555)! The measurement and development of empathy in nursing. A$in&don- U=,
R.*1%& T. (+..:)! Patient und Arzt im Dialog. Pra/is der arztlichen ,espr@chsfuhrung. ?tutt&art- Ger#any,
R#:%4)& C. R. (155+)! -Gapproche centree sur la personne. Lausanne- ?2itBerland, Randin!
R#:%4)& N. (+..%)! The creative connection %/pressive arts as healing. *alo Alto- CA, ?cience and
0ehavior 0oo's!
R+9/& V.& ( 8.-)#/& K. (+..7)! 1ase studies in non2directive play therapy. London, 0ailliere Tindall!
R+=971& D. (+../)! Putting emotional intelligence to wor&. >o$urn- MA, 0utter2orth-"eine#ann!
R+=971& D. (1555)! %motionale $ntelligenz im 0anagement. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G-Cerla&! (Translation)
S97<)%& R. (+..1)! Aielorientierte ,espr@chspsychotherapie. GGttin&en- Ger#any, "o&refe!
S97<)%& R. (+..;)! Der Psychosomatische ?lient in der Pra/is. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
S97<)%& R. (+..7)! Pra/is der Aielorientierten ,espr@chspsychotherapie. GGttin&en- Ger#any, "o&refe!
S97<)%& R. (+..9)! Personlich&eitsstorungen. $ntera&tionsst7rungen im Therapieprozef.. GGttin&en-
Ger#any, "o&refe!
S97<)%& R. '()))+.-ehrbuch der ,espr@chspsychotherapie. GGttin&en- Ger#any, "o&refe!
S97<)%& R.& A54#*)& A.& 8.-1%& F.& ( 690)& C. (+..1)! ?laren und #erandern eigener 0otive, Aiele und
affe&tiver Schemata. 3ocusing als psychologisch fundiertes Therapieverfahren. 0ern- ?2itBerland, "u$er!
S97<)%& R& ( H#>%& '. (Eds!)! (+..5)! Aur Au&unft der &lientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. "eidel$er&-
Ger#any, Asan&er!
S97<)%& R.& L.%59%4& G.& ( S5.-%)& 8. B. (Eds!)! (+..1)! 5eue "andlungs&onzepte der &lientenzentrierten
Psychotherapie. "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
S97<)%& R& ( 690)& C. (+..+)! Aielorientiertes "andeln in der ,espriichspsychotherapie. ?tutt&art-
Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
S9-#"%& '. 4elation d<aide et formation S l<entretien. Lille- 3rance, *resse Universitaire!
SE/7<%? B#$9)& A R (Ed!)! (+..%)! T1rear salud o curar enfermedad> 0uenos Aires- Capital 3ederal-
Ar&entina, "olos!
SE/7<%? B#$9)& A R (+..9)! %star presente Desde 1arl 4ogers al %nfoEue "olistico 1entrado en la
Persona. 0uenos Aires- Capital 3ederal- Ar&entina, "olos!
S9/$%4& K. (+...)! Personenzentrierte Beratung. %in Arbeitsbuch fMr Ausbildung und Pra/is. =Gln-
Ger#any, G2G < 0eltB!
S9/$%4)& P. (+..7)! An incomplete guide to using counselling s&ills on the telephone. Ross-on->ye- U=,
*CC? 0oo's!
S7<".$& P. F. (+..:)! Personzentrierte ,ruppenpsychotherapie. %in "andbuch. Band $. Solidaritiit und
Autonomie. =Gln- Ger#any, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
S7<".$& P. F. (+..;)! Personale Begegnung. Der personzentrierte Ansatz in Psychotherapie, Beratung,
,ruppenarbeit und Seelsorge (1nd rev! ed!)! >urB$ur&- Ger#any, Echter!
S7<".$& P. F. (+..7)! Personzentrierte ,ruppenpsychotherapie in der Pra/is. %in "andbuch. Band $$. Die
?unst der Begegnung. *ader$orn- Ger#any, @unfer#ann!
S7<".$& P. F. (+../)! (m Anfang ist ,emeinschaft. Personzentrierte ,ruppenarbeit in Seelsorge und
Pra&tischer Theologie. Band $$$. Beitrage zu einer Theologie der ,ruppe. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =ohlha##er!
S7<".$& P. F. (+...-1555)! Bibliography 1arl 4ogers +.11-+./9 (.th ed!)! >ien, I*? of A*G! Availa$le
fro# 222!pfs-online!at
S7<".$& P. F. (+...-1555)! The person2centered approach bibliography ()J92())) (/th ed!)! >ien, I*? of
A*G! Availa$le fro# 222!pfs-online!at
S7<".$& P. F.& ( R#:%4)& C. R. (+../)! Person2zentriert. ,rundlagen von Theorie und Pra/is. 0it einem
&ommentierten Beratungsgespriich von 1arl 4ogers (%rd! rev! ed!)! MainB- Ger#any, Grune2ald!
S7<".$& P. F.& ( 89)7<%4& 8. (Eds!)! (+..:)! Towards creativity. %in personzentriertes -ese2 <
Bilderbuch. LinB- Austria, ?and'orn!
S7<".$& P. F.& ( 89)7<%4& 8. (Eds!)! (+..:)! Towards creativity. A person centered reading < picture
boo&. LinB- Austria, ?and'orn! (Translation)
S7<".$57<%/& S. (+..7)! ?lientenzentrierte Spiel2 und 3amilientherapie (:th rev! ed!)! >einhei#- Ger#any,
S7<".$57<%/& S.& S*%.%4%4& G.-8.& ( L./)5%4& H. (Eds!)! (+..;)! Die %ntwic&lung der Person und ihre
Storung. Band 1, Theonen und %rgebnisse zur ,rundlegung einer &lientenzentrierten ?ran&heitslehre. =Gln-
Ger#any, G2G!
S7<>%.$5"9//& 8. (+..+)! Sterbebegleitung. 0enschliche 5iihe am ?ran&enbett. ?tutt&art- Ger#any,
S%:4%49& A S.& ( A-%"9/+& C. (+..9)! %nfoEue 1entrado en la Persona Bibliografia en %spanol, +..9!
MJico- 4istrito 3ederal- MJico, Universidad I$eroa#ericana! Availa$le fro#
S%:4%49& A S.& ( 69/7.--9)& C. (Eds! Invs!)! (+../)! 4esarrollo "u#ano ?ocial Centrado en la *ersona
(nu#ero especial)! Psicologia $beroamericana, 7(+)-+-77!
S.%")& 6. (+..+)! Tu cuerpo sabe la respuesta 3ocusing como metoda de autoconocimiento Dna guia
practica. 0il$ao- CiBcaya- EspaRa, Mensa6ero! (Translation)
S.%")& 6. (+..:)! Dein ?orper weisz die Antwort. 3ocusing als 0ethode der Selbsthilfe. Rein$e'-
Ger#any, Ro2ohlt!
S.-3%4)5#/%& L. (+..9)! Art therapy. The person2centred way (1nd ed!)! London, @essica =in&sley!
S#""%4& N.& ( B#""%45& C. (+..;)! %ine anstiindige 3amilie. 3ran'furt a# Main- Ger#any, 3ischer!
S*%.%4%4& G.-8. (+..:)! Das Differentielle $n&ongruenzmodell 'D$0+. "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
S*%.%4%4& G.-8. (Ed!)! (1555)! 5eue %rgebnisse der ambulanten und stationiiren ,espriichspsychotherapie.
=Gln- Ger#any, G2G-Cerla&!
S5.-->%--& 8. (+../)! !uesting voices. La @olla- CA, Center for ?tudies of the *erson!
S5.-->%--& 8. (1555)! Three voices. $nterviews into person2centered approaches with %rnie 0eadows, 0aria
Bowen, Bob -ee. La @olla- CA, Center for the ?tudies of the *erson!
S5.*).5)& R (+...)! ,egenlicht. Studien zum =er& von 1arl 4. 4ogers '()9U2()*:+. >ien, >UC!
S5.*).5)& R (155+)! Auszeit. #erweilen bei sich selbst. >ien, 0oo's on de#and G#$tt!
S5.*).5)& R& ( H055%4%4& R (+..1)! (Eds!)! Perspe&tiven 4ogerianischer Psychotherapie. >ien, >UC!
S5490"9//& U. E. (Ed!)! (+..1)! Beratung und ?risenintervention. 0aterialien zu theoretischem =issen im
interdiszipliniiren Bezug. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
S5490"9//& U. E.& ( S7<49$5%4& 8. (Eds!)! (+../)! #erstehen und ,estalten. Beratung und Supervision im
,espriich. =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
S0<$& 6. (Ed!)! (+..;)! Positive regard. 1arl 4ogers and other notables he inspired. *alo Alto- CA,
?cience and 0ehavior 0oo's!
S>.-$%/)& '. (+..+)! Prozef.orientierte ,espriichspsychotherapie. %infuhrung in die differentielle
Anwendung &lientenzentrierter Prinzipien bei der Behandlung psychischer Storungen (>olf&an& M!
*feiffer- Trans!)! =Gln- Ger#any, G2G!
S>.-$%/)& '. (+..9)! Procesgerichte gespre&stherapie (Rev! ed!)! Leusden- the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
S>.-$%/)& '.C.A.G.& H99)& O. $%& L.%59%4& G.& ( V9/ B9-%/& R (Eds!)! (+..+)! -eerboe& gespre&stherapie.
De clientgerichte benadering. Leusden- theNetherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
T9"=949& N.& ( F4%.4%& K (+...)! Terapia 1entrada no 1liente Teoria e PrQtica Dm caminho sem volta.
*orto Ale&re- Rio Grande do ?uI- 0rasil, 4elphos!
T90)7<& R (+..7)! "ilfen bei Stress und Belastung. Rein$ec' $ei "a#$ur&- Ger#any, Ro2ohlt!
T90)7<& R& ( T90)7<& A. (+..5)! ,espriichspsychotherapie (Rev! ed!)! Rein$e' $ei "a#$ur&- Ger#any,
T90)7<-F-9""%4& D. (+..%)! Sterbenden nahe sein. =as &onnen wir noch tun> 3rei$ur&- Ger#any, "erder!
T%.7<& N. (+..1)! 4ogerian perspectives 1ollaborative rhetoric for oral and written communication.
Nor2ood- N@, A$le!
T%0)7<& L.& ( F./1%& '. (+..%)! ?ran&heitslehre der ,espriichspsychotherapie. "eidel$er&- Ger#any,
T%0)7<& L.& F./1%& '.& ( G9)5*94& 6. (Eds!)! (+..:)! ,espriichspsychotherapie bei schweren
psychiatrischen Storungen neue ?onzepte und Anwendungsfelder. "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
T<#4/%& B. (+..+)! Person2centred counselling. Therapeutic and spiritual dimensions. London, >hurr!
T<#4/%& B. (+..1)! 1arl 4ogers. London, ?a&e!
T<#4/%& B. (+..:)! 1omprendre 1arl 4ogers. Toulouse- 3rance, *rivat! (Translation)
T<#4/%& B. (+..9)! 1ounselling and the spiritual ;ourney. 0ir'enhead- U=, Ti#eV?pace!
T<#4/%& B. (+../)! Person2centred counselling and 1hristian spirituality The secular and the holy.
London, >hurr!
T<#4/%& B.& ( L9"=%4)& K (Eds!)! (+../)! Person2centred therapy A %uropean perspective. London, ?a&e!
T<#4/%& B. '. (+..+)! Behold the man. London, 4arton- Lon&#an < Todd!
TB//.%)& S. (+..:)! Selbst&ommuni&ation. "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
TB//.%)& S.& P-B</& S.& ( K4.**%/$#4;& U. (+..7)! S&alen zur psychischen ,esundheit. "eidel$er&-
Ger#any, Asan&er!
T#01"9/.9/& S. G.& ( R%//.%& D. L. (Eds!)! (+..1)! Psychotherapy process research. Paradigmatic and
narrative approaches. Ne2$ury *ar'- CA, ?a&e!
T4#/7#)#& K& ( R%*%55#& A. (+...)! 1urriculum centrado en la persona %l milagro de creer en las
capacidades del nino. ?antia&o- Chile, Cole&io The An&elHs ?chool!
T4#0>& C. (+../)! Depression und Dependente PersBnlich&eitsstBrung ProzeVanalyse der Therapeutischen
Beziehung im 4ahmen station@rer ,ruppenpsychotherapie. GGtin&en- Ger#any, Cuvillier Cerla&!
T)7<%0-./& D. (+..1)! =ir&fa&toren psychotherapeutischer $ntervention. GGttin&en- Ger#any, "o&refe!
Carios Autores! (+...)! #$$$ %ncuentro Argentino del %nfoEue 1entrado en la Persona N4ogers despuFs de
4ogersN. CaRuelas- 0uenos Aires, AsociaciTn Ar&entina de Counselors- Casa$ierta- CE*AR- "olos-
V%4$0-5& R. (+..%)! Dement worden een &inderti;d in beeld. Belevingsgerichte begeleiding van
dementerende ouderen. Ni6'er'- the Netherlands, Intro!
V#:%-& A.-L. (+..5)! Das Politische bei 1arl 4. 4ogers. 3ran'furt a!M!- Ger#any, *eter Lan&!
V#/ S7<%.$5& '. (+../)! Beitriige zur Theorie und Pra/is einer personzentrierten Dida&ti&. %in 0odell zur
Stru&turierung personzentrierter -ernprozesse. 0ad "eil$runn- Ger#any, =lin'hardt!
V#/ 8%4$%4& L. (+..%)! Dbungen zur &lientenzentrierten ,espr@chsfMhrung. 0erlin- Ger#any, ?chi$ri!
89)7<%4& 8.& ( F4%/?%-& P. (Eds!)! (+..:)! Der Personzentrierte Ansatz und multi&ulturelle
?ommuni&ation. %in internationale Dberblic& (Col! %)! LinB- Austria, ?and'orn!
8%=%4& 8. (1555)! =ege zum helfenden ,espriich. ,espr@chspsychotherapie in der Pra/is (+1th! ed@!
MEnchen/0asel- Ger#any, Ernst Reinhardt Cerla&!
8%./=%4:%4& S. (+..1)! ?lientenzentrierte ,espr@chsfilhrung. %ine -ernund Pra/isanleitung filr helfende
Berufe (;th ed!)! >einhei#- Ger#any, 0eltB!
8%.)%4& A. (+..7)! The power of focusing. A practical guide to emotional self healing. Aa'land- CA, Ne2
"ar$in&er *u$lications!
8%.)%4& A. (+..9)! 3ocusing2Der Stimme des ?orpers folgen. Anleitungen und Dbungen zur
Selbsterfahrung. Rein$e'- Ger#any, Ro2ohlt! (Translation)
8%.)%4& A. (+../)! De &racht van focussen. "aarle#- the Netherlands, 4e Toorts! (Translation)
8%.)%4& A. (+...)! %l poder der focusing. 0arcelona- ?pain, Ed! o$elisco! (Translation)
8%)5& '. (+..1/+..:)! Terapia de .uego 1entrada en el 5ino. MJico- 4istrito 3ederal- MJico, Manual
8%)5& '. (+..7)! 1hild2centered play therapy. London, Ed2ard Arnold!
8.%$%41%<4& K. (+..9)! =er losl@Vt, hat die "@nde frei. %in Buch fMr 3rauen, die noch viel vorhaben. 0ern-
?2itBerland, ?cherB!
8.-$-6.))#/:& A. (+..%)! 0it focusing im -eben. 3ocusing und Selbstentfaltung, 3eminismus, Spiritualitat,
Schamanismus u.a. >urB$ur&- Ger#any, 4A3!
8.-1./)& P. (+..7)! Personal and professional development for counsellors. London, ?a&e!
8.-)#/& K.& K%/$4.71& P.& ( R+9/& V. (+..1)! Play therapy A non2directive approach for children and
adolescents. London, 0ailliere Tindall!
8.-5)7<1#& '. (+..+)! Anfiinger2,eist. "infilhrungen zur 3ocusingTherapie $! >urB$ur&- Ger#any,
4eutschen Aus$ildun&sinstitut fEr 3ocusin&-Therapie (4A3)!
8.-5)7<1#& '. (+..+)! #on der Sprache zum ?orper. "infiihrungen zur 3ocusing2Therapie $$. >urB$ur&-
Ger#any, 4A3!
8.-5)7<1#& '. (+..;)! 3ocusing2Therapie. %inige Splitter, in denen das ,anze sichtbar werden &ann.
>urB$ur&- Ger#any, 4A3!
8#4)-%+& R (155+)! Process2wor& in person2centred therapy. Phenomenological and e/istential
perspectives. "ound#ills 0asin&sto'e- U=, *al&rave!
8#)1%5& V. (+...)! The therapeutic use of self. 1ounseling practice, research and supervision. London,
807</%4& 6. (+..9)! Behandlungsergebnisse von Borderline2Patienten nach &lientenzentrierter
Psychotherapie. Munster- Ger#any, >a#ann!
8+955& G. (Ed!)! (155+)! 1ongruence. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's!
2. RELATE4 A**RAAC"E?, +..5-1555
Mainly, eistential- Gestalt- interpersonal-psychodyna#ic- narrative constructivistic- fe#inist- and
inte&rative 2ith #a6or client centered input!
A=4#")& E. 6. (+..%)! The freedom of the self The bio2e/istential treatment of character problems. Ne2
8or', *lenu#!
A/$%4)#/& H. (+..9)! 1onversation, language and possibilities. A postmodern approach to therapy. Ne2
8or', 0asic 0oo's!
A**%-=90"& S. (1555)! %vocativeness. 0oving and persuasive interventions in psychotherapy. Northvale-
N@, @ason Aronson!
A45.-%)& 6. F.& ( 6945./& O. R. (Eds!)! (+..;)! Psicologia "umanista Aportes y orientaciones. 0uenos
Aires- Capital 3ederal- Ar&entina, 3undaciTn Universidad a 4istancia "ernandarias!
B979-& H. A. (Ed!)! (+../)! 7ptimal responsiveness "ow therapists heal their patients. Northvale- N@,
@ason Aronson!
B91%4 6.--%4& '. (+..1)! "et zelf2in2relatie. 5ieuwe psychologie voor vrouwenhulpverlening. Eindhoven-
the Netherlands, 4e Els!
B9C0%4#& V. (+..;)! Psicoterapia centrada no corpo. ?ao *aulo- 0raBil, Ed! Loyola!
B945#/& E. III& F. (+..7)! "arry Stac& Sullivan, interpersonal theory and psychotherapy. London,
B%4:"9/& 8. (+..;)! 3ocusing. Selbsthilfe durch ?orpererfahrung.
B-955& S. '.& ( F#4$& R. F. (+..:)! Therapeutic change. An ob;ect relations perspective. Ne2 8or'/London,
B#)"9& 6. (+..%)! =er&boe& empathie. 0aarn- the Netherlands, Nelissen!
B#0>19"*& R. (+...)! "elen door delen. %/perientiele interpersoonli;&e therapie. Theorie, methodie&,
onderzoe&. Maarssen- the Netherlands, Elsevier/4e Ti6dstroo#!
B#0>19"*& R.& ( B#0>19"*& S. (+..;)! Psychosociale therapie voor &ind en gezin. Bouwstenen voor
een geiNntegreerde &ind2en gezinsgerichte e/perientiele methodie& in de;eugdhulpverlening. Utrecht- the
Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
B#0>19"*& R.& ( V4.%)& S. $%. (+..1)! "andboe& psychosociale therapie. Theorie en pra&ti;&. Utrecht- the
Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
B4%::./& P. R. (+..9)! The heart of being helpful %mpathy and the creation of a healing presence. Ne2
8or', ?prin&er!
B0=%4 A:9)).& '. (Ed!)! (+...)! 0artin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy. %ssays, letters, and
dialogue. ?yracuse- N8, ?yracuse University *ress!
B0:%/59-& '.F.T. (+...)! Psychotherapy isn<t what you thin& Bringing the psychotherapeutic engagement
into the living moment. *hoeni- AM, Mei&- Tuc'er and Co!
B04)5#/& D. (1555)! The crucible of e/perience 4. D. -aing and the crisis of psychotherapy. Ca#$rid&e-
MA, "arvard University *ress!
B05-%4& C., ( '#+7%& V. (+../)! 1ounselling couples in relationships An introduction to the 4%-AT%
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C9-$>%--& C. (+..9)! ,etting in touch A guide to body2centered therapies. >heaton- IL, Theosophical
*u$lishin& "ouse!
C9-<#0/& L. G.& ( T%$%)7<& R. G. (+...)! 3acilitating posttraumatic growth. A clinician<s guide. London,
La2rence Erl$au#!
C9*0??.& D.& ( G4#))& D. R. (+...)! 1ounseling and psychotherapy. Theories and interventions (1nd ed!)!
Ne2 8or', *rentice "all!
C<9*-./& '. '()))+.3eminist counselling in action (1nd ed!)! London, ?a&e!
C<94/+& I. 8. (+..1)! %/istential6 dialectical marital therapy Brea&ing the secret code of marriage. Ne2
8or', 0runner/MaBel!
C.949".7#-.& A. P.& ( K%57<9"& K. (1555)! The power of empathy A practical guide to creating intimacy,
self2understanding, and lasting love in your life. Ne2 8or', 4utton/*en&uin!
C-941)#/& P. (+..;)! The therapeutic relationship. London, >hurr!
C-941)#/& P. (+...)! ,estalt counselling in action (1nd ed!)! London, ?a&e!
C-%""%/)& 6. C. (+..9)! ,etting beyond sobriety 1linical approaches to long2term recovery. ?an
3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
C#</& H. 8. (+..9)! %/istential thought and therapeutic practice. An introduction to e/istential
psychotherapy. London, ?a&e!
C#//%--& G.& 6.55%/& T.& ( B0"=%44+& 8. (+...)! 4eshaping family relationships The symbolic therapy of
1arl =hita&er. *hiladelphia, 0runner/ MaBel!
C#//#4& 6. (+..:)! Training the counsellor, an integrative model. London, Routled&e!
C#4%+& G. (1555)! Theory and practice of group counseling (;th ed!)! 0el#ont- CA, >ads2orth!
C#4%+& G.& ( C#4%+-S7</%.$%4& 6. (+..%)! $ never &new $ had a choice (;
ed!)! *acific Grove- CA,
C#4".%4& 8. H.& ( C#4".%4& L. S. (+..+)! $nterviewing strategies for helpers. 0el#ont- 1A 0roo's/Cole!
C4#71%4& S. F. '()))+.A well2lived life %ssays in ,estalt therapy. Cleveland- A", Gestalt Institute of
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C4#"*5#/& 6. (+..1)! 1hildren and counselling. London, Ed2ard Arnold!
C0--%+& S. (+..+)! $ntegrative counselling s&ills in action. London, ?a&e!
D9>)#/& D.& ( 6976.--9/& H. L. (+..%)! 4elationship management of theborderline patient. Ne2 8or',
$% A/$9& '. '.& L#3%4./:& A.& ( 6#4%/#& S. (Eds!)! (+...)! -a promociPn del desarrollo humano en un
continente en crisis. A&uascalientes- MJico, Universidad AutTno#a de A&uascalientes!
D%=95)& D. (+..7)! 0eaning in life. Psychometric, clinical and phenomenological aspects. Unpu$lished
doctoral dissertation- Ri6'suniversiteit Gronin&en- the Netherlands!
D%C9439-<#& R. '. (+..+)! The founders of humanistic psychology. Ne2 8or', *rae&er!
D%C9439-<#& R. '. (+..+)! The growth hypothesis in psychology. The humanistic psychologies of Abraham
0aslow and 1arl 4ogers. La#peter- U=, Mellen!
$% G0)"9#& S.6.L. (+...)! 7usando ser feliz Temas de Psicologia "umanista. @oao *essoa- *arai$a-
0rasil, Universidade 3ederal da *arai$a (Editora Universitaria)!
D%-#04"%& A. (+..9)! -a distance intime. Tendresse et relation d<aide. 0ruelles- 0el&iu#, 4esclJe de
D%4-%:9& V. '. (+..+)! The therapy relationship as a personal relationship. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
D4%.5?%-& H. E. (+..%)! 4efle/ive Sinnlich&eit. 0ensch und Dmwelt in gestalttherapeutischer Perspe&tive.
=Gln- Ger#any, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
D0/79/& B. L.& ( 6.--%4& S. O. (1555)! The heroic client. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
D0/79/& B. L.& 6.--%4& S. O.& ( H0==-%& 6. A. (+...)! The heart and soul of change =hat wor&s in
therapy. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
D0/79/& B. L.& S#-#3%+& A. D.& ( R0)1& G. S. (+..1)! 1hanging the rules A client2directed approach to
therapy. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
$0 P-#71& S. (Ed!)! (+..9)! 1ase studies in e/istential psychotherapy and counselling. Chichester- U=,
E94-%+& '. (1555)! $nteractive group therapy $ntegrating interpersonal, action2oriented, and
psychodynamic approaches. Ne2 8or', 0runner/MaBel!
E:9/& G. (+../)! The s&illed helper. A problem2management approach to helping (7th! ed!)! *acific Grove-
CA, 0roo's/Cole!
E.)%/=%4:& N.& ( S549+%4& '. (Eds!)! (+..5)! %mpathy and its development. Ne2 8or', Ca#$rid&e
University *ress!
E*)5%./& 6. (+..;)! Thoughts without a thin&er. Psychotherapy from a Buddhist perspective. Ne2 8or',
0asic 0oo's!
E4)1./%& R. G.& 6#04)0/$& '. E.& ( T4905"9//& R L. (+...)! Beyond empathy A therapy of contact2in2
relationship. *hiladelphia, 0runner/MaBel!
F%$%4& B.& ( R#/9--& R (Eds!)! (+..:)! Beyond the hot seat. ,estalt approaches to group. "i&hland- N8,
Gestalt @ournal *ress!
F%.-& N. (+..%)! The validation brea&through. Simple techniEues for communicating with people with
NAlzheimer<s type dementionN. 0alti#ore, "ealth *rofessions *ress!
F.%4"9/& L. B. (+..9)! The therapist is the therapy. Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
F.4%)5#/%& R. 8. (+..9)! 1ombating destructive thought processes. #oice therapy and separation theory.
London, ?a&e!
F.4%)5#/%& R. 8. (+...)! 3ear of intimacy. >ashin&ton- 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!
F.40)& C!(+..1)! Der Sinnbegriff der -ogotherapie und %/istenzanalyse und seine BedeutungfMr die
0edizin. *faffen2eiler- Ger#any, Centaurus!
F.)<"9/& D. B. (+...)! The case for pragmatic psychology. Ne2 8or', Ne2 8or' University *ress!
F#)<9& D. (1555)! The transforming power of affect. A model for accelerated change. Ne2 8or', 0asic
F49/)%--9& F.& ( D9-5#/& P. Personal construct counseling in action. London, ?a&e!
F4%%$"9/& '.& ( C#"=)& G. (+..7)! 5arrative therapy. The social construction of preferred realities. Ne2
8or'/London, Norton!
F4.%$"9/& 6. (+..1)! Dialogue and the human image. Beyond humanistic psychology. Ne2$ury *ar'- CA,
F4.%$"9/& 6. D. (+...)! The affirmative flame. A poetics of meaning. La @olla- CA!
F4.%$"9/& 6. D. (+...)! The partnership of e/istence. Toward genuine community. La @olla- CA!
F4.%-./:)$#4;& K. '()))+.Aggression stiftet Beziehung. =ie aus destru&tiven ?r@ften lebensfBrdernde
werden &Bnnen. MainB- Ger#any, Grune2ald!
F0<4& R& ( G4%""-%4-F0<4& 6. (+..;)! ,estalt2ansatz. ,rund&onzepte und 2modelle aus neuer
Perspe&tive. =Gln- Ger#any, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
F0<4& R& S4%71#3.7& 6.& ( G4%""-%4-F0<4& 6. (Eds!)! (+...)! "andbuch der ,estalttherapie. GGttin&en
-0ern- Ger#any, "o&refe!
G9)5*94& 6.& F./1%& '.& ( T%0)7<& L. (+..7)! Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. =Gln- Ger#any,
4eutscher ArBteverla&!
G%-)#& C. '.& ( H9+%)& '. A. (+../)! The psychotherapy relationship Theory, research, and practice. Ne2
8or', @ohn >iley!
G%4)5%./& '. S. (+...)! Stic&ing together %/periential activities for family counseling. *hiladelphia,
Accelerated 4evelop#ent!
G.-=%45& 6. C.& ( E39/)& K. (1555)! Psychotherapy supervision. An integrative relational approach to
psychotherapy supervision. 0uc'in&ha#- U=, Apen University *ress!
G./)=%4:& B. G. (+..9)! 4elationship enhancement family therapy. Ne2 8or', @ohn >iley!
G-9$$./:& S. (+...)! ,roup wor&. A counseling specialty (%rd ed!)! Upper ?addle River- N@, *rentice "all!
G-9))"9/& N.& ( K95%)& L. (+..5)! ,roup wor&. A humanistic approach. London, ?a&e!
G#/?9-%?& A. 6. (+..;)! De la sombra a la luz Desarrollo "umanoTranspersonal. MJico- 4istrito
3ederal- MJico, @us- Universidad I$eroa#ericana!
G#0-$./:& 6. (+..7)! A time to say good2bye. 0oving beyond loss. >atsonville- CA, *apier-Marche *ress!
G4%%/<9-:<& P. (+..:)! %motional growth and learning. London, Routled&e!
G0.$9/#& V. F. (+..%)! The self in process. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
G0/?=04:& '. C. (+..9)! "ealing through meeting 0artin Buber<s conversational approach to
psychotherapy. London, @essica =in&sley!
HG/-% '. (+..9)! "eilende #er&Mndigung. ?erygmatische "erausforderungen im Dialog mit der
"umanistischen Psychologie. Astfildern- Ger#any, ?ch2a$enverla&!
H944%& R! (+..9)! The singular self. An introduction to the psychology of personhood. London, ?a&e!
H94>##$& I.N.H.& ( P./%)& 6. (Eds!)! (+../)! Self e/periences in group $ntersub;ective and self
psychological pathways to human understanding. London, @essica =in&sley!
H957<%4& C.& ( H.""%-)5%./& P. (Eds!)! (+..5)! "andboo& of ,estalt therapy. Northvale- N@, @ason
H9+%)& S. C.& S54#)9<-& K. D.& ( 8.-)#/& K. D. (+...)! Acceptance and commitment therapy. An
e/periential approach to behaviour change. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
H9?-%4& R. '.& ( B94>.71& N. (155+)! The therapeutic environment. 1ore conditions for facilitating therapy.
0uc'in&ha#- U=, Apen University *ress!
H%94$& 8. G. (+..%)! The healing between. A clinical guide to dialogic psychotherapy. ?an 3rancisco,
H%$:%)& L. (+..+)! -istening perspectives in psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', @ason Aronson!
H%4"9/)& H.'.6.& ( H%4"9/)-'9/)%/& E. (+..;)! ?elf-narratives! The construction of #eanin& in
psychotherapy! Ne2 8or', Guilford!
H%4#/& '. (+../)! Sacred science. Person2centred inEuiry into the spiritual and the subtle. Ross-on->ye-
U=, *CC? 0oo's!
"ersen- M!- < Can "asselt- C! 0! (Eds!)! (+../)! Basic interviewing. A practical guide for counselors and
clinicians. Mah2ah- N@, La2rence Erl$au#!
H.--& C.& ( ODB4.%/& K. 6. (+...)! "elping s&ills 3acilitating e/ploration, insight, and action.
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H#==)& T. (Ed!)! (+..1)! %/periential training. Practical guidelines. London/Ne2 8or',
H#-$)5#71& T. L. (1555)! 4e2e/amining psychology. 1ritical perspectives and African insights. London,
H#0)%& R& ( T#55#/& N. (Eds!)! (+..9)! $mplausible professions. Arguments for pluralism and autonomy in
psychotherapy and counselling. Ross-on->ye- U=, *CC? 0oo's!
H#0)5#/& G. (+..%)! Being and belonging. ,roup, intergroup and ,estalt. Ne2 8or', @ohn >iley!
H#>%& D. (+..%)! 7n being a client. Dnderstanding the process of counseling and psychotherapy. London,
H#>%& '. (Ed!)! (+..+)! -ehrbuch der psychologischen und sozialen Alternswissenschaft, Bd. %, "ilfe und
Dnterstiitzung fMr altere 0enschen (pp! +:5-+7:)! "eidel$er&- Ger#any, Asan&er!
H#+5& 6. F. (Ed!)! (+../)! The handboo& of constructive therapies $nnovative approaches from leading
practitioners. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
H0==-%& 6. A.& %5 9-. (+...)! The heart and soul of change. =hat wor&s in therapy> >ashin&ton- 4C,
A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!
H+7/%4& R. (+..+)! Between person to person. Toward a dialogical psychotherapy. "i&hland- N8, Gestalt
@ournal *ress!
H+7/%4& R. (+..1)! Awischen 0enschen. Ansatze zu einer Dialogischen Psychotherapie. =Gln- Ger#any,
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H+7/%4& R& ( '97#=)& L. 6. (+..;)! The healing relationship in ,estalt therapy. A dialogic / self
psychology approach. "i&hland- N8, Gestalt @ournal *ress!
I71%)& 8 (Ed!)! (+..9)! %mpathic accuracy. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
I3%+& A E.& B49$;#4$ I3%+& 6.& ( S."%1-6#4:9/& L. (+..7)! 1ounseling and psychotherapy. A
multicultural perspective (:th ed!)! 0oston, Allyn < 0acon!
'%//./:)& S. (+...)! $ntroduction to developmental play therapy Playing and health. London, @essica
'#</)#/& S. 6.& ( G4%%/=%4:& L. S. (Eds!)! (+..;)! The heart of the matter. Perspectives on emotion in
marital therapy. Ne2 8or', 0runner/MaBeI!
'#/%)& A& ( C49/$9--& R (Eds!)! (+..+)! "and$oo' of self-actualiBation N?pecial issueO! .ournal of Social
Behavior and Personality, L'8+.
'#4$9/& '. V. (Ed!)! (+..9)! =omen<s growth in diversity. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
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connection =ritings from the Stone 1enter. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
K9</& 6. (+..9)! Between therapist and client The new relationship (Rev! ed!)! Ne2 8or', 3ree#an!
K949)0& T. B. (+..7)! Deconstruction of psychotherapy. Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
K90;"9//& B. (+..%)! Dber den inneren Dialog. Aur e/istentiellen Bedeutung der Selbst2?ommuni&ation.
0ern- ?2itBerland, *eter Lan&!
K%--%4"9/& P. F.& ( H0$:./)& 6. K. (1555)! Psychodrama with trauma survivors. Acting out your pain.
London/*hiladelphia, @essica =in&sley!
K%--+& E. 8.& '4. (+..:)! 4elationship2centered counseling An integration of art and science. Ne2 8or',
K%//%$+-6##4%& E.& ( 895)#/& '. C. (+...)! %/pressing emotion. 0yths, realities, and therapeutic
strategies. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
K%*/%4& '. (+..1)! ?orperprozesse. %ingestalttherapeutischerAnsatz. =oIn- Ger#any, Edition
"u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
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K.%)-%4& D. '. (+..7)! 1ontemporary interpersonal theory and research. Personality, psychopathology and
psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', @ohn >iley!
K./:& 6. E.& ( C.54%/=90"& C. 6. (+..%)! %/istential hypnotherapy. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
K.%4"9/& G. L.& 8%.))"9/& 6. 6.& R#0/)93.--%& B. '.& ( C<%34#/& E. S. '())*+. $nterpersonal
psychotherapy of depression. Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
K#**& R. (+..;)! 0etaphor therapy. Dsing client2generated metaphors in psychotherapy. Ne2 8or',
KB4/%4& 8& ( G49;& H. (+../)! Se/ueller 0iVbrauch. %in &ritisches "andbuch. GGttin&en- Ger#any,
K#55"9/& T.& ( S7<9%;%4& C. (+..%)! Play therapy in action A caseboo& for practitioners. Northvale- N@,
@ason Aronson!
K#>9-)1.& R. (+..%)! Discovering your self. Brea&ing walls, building bridges. London, Routled&e!
K49"%4& S. 2. (+..;)! Transforming the inner and outer family "umanistic and spiritual approaches to
mind2body systems therapy. Ne2 8or', "a2orth!
K490& E. (+..9)! The realization of life aspirations through vocational careers. Ne2 8or', *rae&er!
K4%/?& A. (+..9)! =as ?inderzeichnungen erz@hlen. ?inder in ihrer Bildersprache verstehen. 3rei$ur&-
Ger#any, "erder!
K4.)7<& R.& ( U-=./:& 6. (+..1)! Aum -eben finden. Beitriige zur angewandten. ,estalttherapie. =Gln-
Ger#any, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
K4.?& '. (+../)! 1haos, Angst und 7rdnung. =ie wir unsere -ebenswelt gestalten (Rev! ed!)! Gattin&en-
Ger#any, Candenhoec'!
K0=& N. (+..+)! ,estalt therapy. Applications and perspectives. Ne2 8or', Gardner *ress!
L9;94:9& '.& ( G#"%? $%- C9"*#& '. (Eds!)! (+..1)! Desarrollo del potencial humano Aportaciones de
una Psicologia "umanista, #ol. :! MJico- 4istrito 3ederal- MJico, Trillas!
L9:#& C.& ( K.57<./& D. (+../)! The management of counseling and psychotherapy agencies. London,
L9:#& C.& ( T<#"*)#/& '. (+..7)! 4ace, culture and counselling. 0uc'in&ha# U=, Apen University *ress!
L9.$-9>& T. A& ( 69-"#& C. (Eds!)! (+..5)! "ealing voices 3eminist approaches to therapy with women.
?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
L9.4& G. S. (+..7)! 1ounseling the terminally ill Sharing the ;oumey. >ashin&ton- 4C, Taylor < 3rancis!
L9"=4%7<5)& G. H+..:)! "et eigen gezicht van de gestalttherapie. =ortri6'- 0el&iu#, ICC!
L9"=4%7<5)& G. (155+)! De ,estalttherapie tussen toen en stra&s. 0erche#- the Netherlands, Epo!
L9/5?& '. E. (+..%)! %/istential family therapy Dsing the concepts of #i&tor 3ran&l. Northvale- N@, @ason
L9>4%/7%& '. (+..;)! Balancing empathy and interpretation 4elational character analysis. Northvale- N@,
@ason Aronson!
L%%& R.& ( 8<%%-%4& G. (+..7)! The voice of shame. Silence and connection in psychotherapy. ?an
3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
L019)& E. (+..+)! Die magische 3rage Nwozu.N -ogotherapeutische Antworten aufe/istentielle 3ragen.
3rei$ur& i! 0r!- Ger#any, "erder!
L+9--& D. (+..:)! 1ounselling in the pastoral and spiritual conte/t. London, Apen University *ress!
6971%>/& '. (+..9)! Developing ,estalt counselling. A field theoretical and relational model of
contemporary ,estalt counselling and psychotherapy. London, ?a&e!
69<4%4& A R (+..5)! Dream wor& in psychotherapy and self2change. Ne2 8or', Norton!
69<4%4& A R (+..7)! The complete guide to e/periential psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', @ohn >iley!
67C-./5#71& E. (+...)! 4oom for change. %mpowering possibilities for therapists and clients. 0oston,
Allyn < 0acon!
67C#/3.--%& 6. (+..;)! Adolescence. Psychotherapy and the emergent self ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
67C0--#0:< V9.--9/5& L. (+..9)! 1hanging character. Short2term an/iety regulating psychotherapy for
restructuring defenses, affects and attachments. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
6%94/)& D.& R#>-9/$& N.& ( G#))& S. (Eds!)! (+...)! %vidence based health care in the psychological
therapies. London, Routled&e!
6.--%4& R. 8.& ( R#--/.71& S. (+..+)! 0otivational interviewing. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
6.-/%4& P.& ( C94#-./& B. (Eds!)! (+...)! Time to listen to children Personal and professional
communication. Ne2 8or', Routled&e!
6.-/%4& P.& ( P9-"%4& S. (+../)! $ntegrative stress counselling. A humanistic problem2focused approach.
London, Cassell Acade#ic!
6#/1& G.& 8./)-9$%& '.& C4#71%5& K& ( E*)5#/& D. (Eds!)! (+..9)! 5arrative therapy in practice The
archaeology of hope. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
6##/& B. L. (+..;)! %/istential art therapy The canvas mirror (1nd ed!)! ?prin&field- IL, Charles C
6#)%4& T.& ( P%))#& A (+..+)! Stru&turen des Dnbewussten. ?tutt&art- Ger#any, =lett-Cotta!
6#))& D. (Ed!)! (+...)! "umanistic and transpersonal psychology A historical and biographical
sourceboo&. >estport- CT, Green2ood!
6#0)5919)& C. E. (+..:)! %/istential psychotherapy and the interpretation of dreams. Northvale- N@, @ason
6#0)5919)& C. E. (+..;)! Being2in, being2for, being2with. Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
6#0)5919)& C. E. (+..9)! 4elationship play therapy. Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
N9$%90& '. 8. (+../)! 3amilies ma&ing sense of death. Thousand Aa's- CA, ?a&e!
N%."%+%4& R. A& ( 69<#/%+& 6. '. (Eds!)! (1555)! 1onstructivism in psychotherapy. >ashin&ton- 4C,
A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!
N%."%+%4& R. A.& ( R9)1./& '. D. (Eds!)! (1555)! 1onstructions of disorder 0eaning2ma&ing framewor&s
for psychotherapy. >ashin&ton- 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!
N%-)#/-'#/%)& R (+...)! $ntroduction to counseling s&ills. Te/t and activities. London, ?a&e!
N%3.)& E. (Ed!)! (+..1)! ,estalt therapy Perspectives and applications. Ne2 8or', Gardner!
N.7<#-)& 6. P. (+..7)! The lost art of listening. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
ODL%94+& E. (+..:)! ,estalt therapy. Theory, practice and research. London, Chap#an < "all!
O"$9<-& B. L. (+..;)! 1ognitive appraisal, emotion, and empathy. Mah2ah- N@, La2rence Erl$au#!
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P9:I)& 6. (+../)! -e phFnomOne rFvolutionnaire. Dne rFgression crFatrice. *aris, 4esclJe de 0rou2er!
P9-"%4& S.& ( 8##-;%& R. (Eds!)! (1555)! $ntegrative and eclectic counseling and psychotherapy. London,
P955%4)#/& C. H.& ( 8951./)& C. E.& '4. (+..7)! Theories of psychotherapy (Rev! ;th ed!)! Ne2 8or',
"arperCollins Colle&e!
P9+/%& 6. (+...)! 5arrative therapy. London, ?a&e!
P%//%=91%4& '. 8. (+..9)! 7pening up. Ne2 8or', Guilford!
P%))#& A.& ( C49/$%--& '. S. (Eds!)! (+..+)! 0oving psychotherapy Theory and application of Pesso system
/psychomotor therapy. Ca#$rid&e- MA, 0roo'line 0oo's!
P%5%4"9//& F.& ( P%5%4"9//& U. (+..5)! Training mit aggressiven ?indem. Munchen- Ger#any,
*sycholo&ie Cerla&s Union!
P#-)5%4& E. (+..;)! A population of selves. A therapeutic e/ploration of personal diversity. ?an 3rancisco,
P#-)5%4& E.& ( P#-)5%4& 6. (Eds!)! (+...)! 3rom the radical center. The heart of ,estalt therapy. London,
Analytic *ress!
P#45%-%& G. H. (+..1)! Der 0ensch ist &ein =agelchen. ,estaltpsychologie2,estalttherapie2
Selbstorganisation2?onstru&tivismus. =Gln- Ger#any, Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
P#59)<& H. 6. (+..:)! Pragmatic2e/istential psychotherapy with personality disorders. Madison- N@,
Gordon "and2er' *u$lishers!
P499:& D. 39/. (+../)! ,estalttherapie. #eld en e/istentie. Leusden- the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
P499:-39/ A)*%4%/& H. 6. 39/& ( P499:& P<. H. 39/. (Eds!)! (1555)! "andboe& superuisie en interuisie in
de psychotherapie (Rev! ed!)! Leusden- the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
P4%)5#/& '. (+../)! $ntegrative brief therapy 1ognitive, psychodynamic, humanistic, and neurobehavioral
approaches. ?an Luis A$ispo- CA, I#pact *u$lishers!
R97<"9/& A.8 (+..9)! Sandor 3erenczi The psychotherapist of tenderness and passion. Northvale- N@,
@ason Aronson!
R%."%4)& S.& ( T4%97<%4& A. (+..;)! $ntroducing user2friendly family therapy. London, Routled&e!
R%1%4& G. T& ( C<9"=%4-9./& K! (Eds!)! (+...)! %/ploring e/istential meaning. 7ptimizing human
development across the life span. London, ?a&e!
R.7<94$)& P. S.& ( B%4:./& A. E. (+..9)! A spiritual strategy for counseling and psychotherapy.
>ashin&ton- 4C, A#erican *sycholo&ical Association!
R#==./)& A. (Ed!)! (+../)! Therapeutic presence. Bridging e/pression and form. London, @essica =in&sley!
R#)%/& H.& ( K0%<->%./& K. T (+..7)! 1onstructing realities. 0eaning ma&ing perspectives for
psychotherapists. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
R#>9/& '. (+..%)! The reality game A guide to humanistic counselling and psychotherapy (1nd ed!)! Ne2
8or', Routled&e!
R#>9/& '. (+..%)! The transpersonal. Psychotherapy and counselling. London, Routled&e!
R#>9/& '.& ( C##*%4& 6. (Eds!)! (+...)! The plural self 0ultiplicity in everyday life. London, ?a&e!
R0:%-& R P. (+..;)! Dealing with the problem of low self2esteem 1ommon characteristics and treatment in
individual, marital6family and group psychotherapy. ?prin&field- IL, Charles C Tho#as!
S9=-%& P. (1555)! Attachment and adult psychotherapy. London, @ason Aronson!
S9;49/& '. D.& ( G4%%/=%4:& L. S. (Eds!)! (+..+)! %motion, psychotherapy and change. Ne2 8or'/London,
S9;49/& '. D.& ( 6049/& '. C. (1555)! 5egotiating the therapeutic alliance. A relational treatment guide.
Ne2 8or', Guilford!
S7</%.$%4& K. (+..1)! ,renzerlebnisse. Aur Pra/is der ,estalttherapie. =Gln- Ger#any, Edition
"u#anistische *sycholo&ie!
S7</%.$%4& K. '.& B0:%/59-& '.F.T& ( P.%4)#/& '. F. (155+)! The handboo& of humanistic psychology.
Thousand Aa's- CA, ?a&e!
S7</%.$%4& K. '.& ( 69+& R (Eds!)! (+..;)! The psychology of e/istence An integrative, clinical
perspective. Ne2 8or', McGra2-"ill!
S%491& S. (1555)! $nnovative applications of ,estalt therapy. Mel$ourne- 3L, =rie&er!
S%40+9& B. B. (+..9)! %mpathic brief psychotherapy. Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
S<9$$#71& D. (1555)! 1onte/t and connections. An intersub;ective approach to couples therapy. Ne2 8or',
0asic 0oo's!
S<94"9& R. 6. (+..:)! Dnderstanding the concept of empathy and its foundations in psychoanalysis.
La#peter- U=, Mellen! !
S.-3%4"9/& D. (+...)! Doing Eualitative research. A practical handboo&. London, ?a&e!
S-0/%71#& T. (+..9)! =issenschaftstheone und Psychotherapze. %m &onstru&tiv2realistischer Dialog.
S".5<& E. L. (Ed!)! (+..1)! ,estalt voices. Nor2ood- N@, A$le!
S*.%:%-& D.& ( C-9))%/& C. (+...)! Supportive group therapy with cancer patients. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
S*./%--.& E. (+..:)! Demystifying therapy. London, Consta$le!
S*./%--.& E. (+..9)! Tales of un2&nowing %ight stories of e/istential therapy. Ne2 8or', Ne2 8or'
University *ress!
S59%""-%4& F.-6. (+..%)! Therapeutische Beziehung undo Diagnose. ,estalttherapeutische Antworten.
MEnchen- Ger#any, *feIffer!
S59%""-%4& F.-6. (+..;)! Der -eere Stuhl. %in Beitrag zur Techm& der ,estalttherapie. MEnchen-
Ger#any, *feiffer!
S5G""-%4& F.-6.& ( B#71& 8. (+..+)! ,anzheitliche #eranderung in der ,estalttherapie. MEnchen-
Ger#any, *feiffer!
S5%;;%/<9:%/& R A. (+..5)! Self2esteem therapy. Ne2 8or', *rae&er
S5#-#4#>& R& ( A5>##$& G. (+..1)! 1onte/ts of being The intersub;ective foundations of psychological
life. "illsdale- N@, Analytic *ress!
S5#-#4#>& R D.& A5>##$& G. E.& ( B49/$7<9;5& B. (Eds!)! (+..:)! The intersub;ective perspective.
Northvale- N@, @ason Aronson!
S549))%4& F.& ( S549))%4& A. H+..9)! %/istential time2limited therapy. The wheel of e/istence. Chichester-
U=, >iley!
S54.%/& A.P.6. 39/. (+...)! %mpathie. %en &waliteitsaspect van de psychoanalytische
pra&ti;&> A#sterda#, NUGI!
T9+-#4& C. (+..1)! The ethics of authenticity. Ca#$rid&e- MA, "arvard University *ress!
T%/:-9/$& P. (+../)! 0ental health. A philosophical analysis. Lin'Gpin&- ?2eden, Lin'iipin& University-
4epart#ent of "ealth and ?ociety! !
T%+=%4& E. (+..9)! $nterpersonal process in psychotherapy (%rd ed!)! *acific Grove- CA, 0roo's/Cole!
T4.@)=04:& 8& C#-.@/& S.& L.%59%4& G., ( C#--0"=.%/& E. (Eds!)! (+../-155%)! "andboe& integratieve
psychotherapze (% vols!)! Leusden- the Netherlands, 4e Ti6dstroo#!
V9--%& R (Ed!)! (+../)! Phenomenological inEuiry in psychology %/istential and transpersonal dimensions.
Ne2 8or', *lenu#!
V9/ A55%10"& 6. (+..9)! Aan den li;ve. Lichaa#s&erichte psychotherapze volgens Pesso. Lisse- the
Netherlands, ?2ets < Meitlin&er!
V9/ D%04?%/-S".5<& E. (+..7)! %veryday mysteries. %/istential dimensions 7f psychotherapy. London,
V9/ D%04?%/-S".5<& E. (+../)! Parado/ and passion in psychotherapy. An e/istential approach to therapy
and counseling. Ne2 8or', @ohn >iley!
V9/ H93%4& 8.& ( P%))#& A. (+..5)! "et ge&wetste zelf. Pesso2psychotherapie als terugweg naar zichzelf
Leuven- 0el&iu#, Acco!
V9//%))%& A. (+..5)! De binnen&ant van het gespre&. -uisteren naar mensen. Tielt- the Netherlands,
Lannoo! (Translation)
V9//%))%& A. (+..5)! %couter l<autre. Lyon, ChroniKue ?ociale de 3rance!
V%$;%-5& O.& ( T./$9--& K. (+...)! The dimensions of dreams The nature function, and interpretation of
dreams. Ne2 8or', 3ro## International *u$lishin& Corporation!
V%-:%& P-B. (+...)! 3lic ou voyou. Transformer les delinEuants en guerriers pacifiEues. La$or!
V%4<#;)59$5-D%/%3%& L. (+...)! Theory and practice of action and drama techniEues. Developmental
psychotherapy from an e/istential2dialectical viewpoint. London, @essica =in&sley! (Translation)
V%4<#;)59$5-D%/%3%& L. (Ed!)! (155+)! Aelfreflectie en persoonsontwi&&eling. %en handbooe& voor
ontwi&&elingsgerichte psychotherapie (Rev! ed!)! Leuven- 0el&iu#, Acco!
V./%+& L. L. (+..7)! Personal construct therapy A handboo&. Nor2ood- N@, A$le!
3#/ B4#%"=)%/& F. (+...)! The sovereign self. Toward a phenomenology of self e/perience. Northvale- N@,
@ason Aronson!
89-5%4& H.-'. (+..7)! Angewandte ,estalttheorie in Psychotherapie und Psychohygiene. Apladen-
Ger#any, >estdeutscher Cerla&!
8%$:%& 6. (+..7)! $n the therapist<s mirror 4eality in the ma&ing. Ne2 8or', Norton!
8%.))"9/& 6.& 6941#>.5?& '. C.& ( K-%4"9/& G. (1555)! 1omprehensive guide to interpersonal
psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
8%->##$& '. (1555)! Toward a psychology of awa&ening Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path of
personal and spiritual transformation. 0oston, ?ha#$hala *u$lications!
8%)5& 8. (1555)! Spirituality and psychotherapy. 1rossing the line between therapy and religion. London,
8%)549& 6. '())L+.Active communication. *acific Grove- CA, 0roo's/Cole!
8<%%-%4& G. (+..+)! ,estalt reconsidered A new approach to contact and resistance. Ne2 8or', Gardner
8<%%-%4& G. (+..%)! ?onta&t und =iderstand. %in neuer Augang zur ,estalttheraple. =Gln- Ger#any,
Edition "u#anistische *sycholo&ie (Translation) !
8<%%-%4& G.& ( B971"9/& S. (Eds!)! (+..:)! 7n intimate ground A ,estalt approach to wor&ing with
couples. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
8<.5"#4%& D. (+..+)!Psychosynthesis counselling in action. London, ?a&e!
8.-;-%+& D. E.& 697K%/?.%& K. R& 8%-7<& R R.& A+4%)& V. E.& ( 8%.))"9/& 6. 6. (1555)! $nterpersonal
psychotherapy for group. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
8.-1./)& P. (+...)! Psychodrama. London, ?a&e!
8.--.)& R '. (+..:)! Transcendence in relationship %/istentialism and psychotherapy.
5orwood, 5. Able/.
8./5%4& D. (+..:)! Personal construct psychology in clinical practice. Theory, research and applications.
London, Routled&e!
8#/:& P.TP.& F4+& P. S.& %5 9-. (Eds!)! (+../)! The human Euest for meaning A handboo& of psychological
research and clinical applications. Mah2ah- N@, La2rence Erl$au#!
8##-;#-1& L. (+../)! The cure of souls. Science, values and psychotherapy. ?an 3rancisco, @ossey-0ass!
Y9-#"& I. D. (+..1)! =hen 5ietzche weptC a novel of obsession. Ne2 8or', "arper *erennial!
Y9-#"& I. D. (+..;)! The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (Rev! ed!)! Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
Y9-#"& I. D. (+..7)! -ying on the couch. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
Y9-#"& I. D. (+..9)!De therapeut. A#sterda#, Uit&everi6 0alans! (Translation)
Y9-#"& I. D. (+..9)! 5ietzsches tranen. A#sterda#, 0alans! (Translation)
Y9-#"& I. D. (+...)!0omma and the meaning of life. Tales of psychotherapy. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
Y9-#"& I. D. (1555)! 0ama en de lessen van de ziel. A#sterda#, 0alans! (Translation)
Y9-#"& I. D.& ( Y9-#"& B. (Eds!)! (+...)! The Walom reader Selections from the wor& of a master therapist
and storyteller. Ne2 8or', 0asic 0oo's!
Y%40)<9-".& H. (+../)! Psychobiographic approach to psychotherapy A study of the power structure of
psychotherapy. Madison- CT, *sychosocial *ress/International Universities *ress!
Y#/5%;& G. (+..%)! Awareness, dialogue and process. %ssays on ,estalt therapy. "i&hland- N8, Gestalt
@ournal *ress!
2./1%4& '. C. (+...)! $n search of good form. ,estalt therapy with couples and families. London, Analytic
Reprint reKuests, Ger#ain Lietaer- Counselin& Centru#- 0li6de In'o#ststraat +%-
%555 Leuven- 0el&iu#I e-#ail, &er#ain!lietaerUpsy!'uleuven!ac!$e

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