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here are guys a sum of all the Question in the Topic ,, please ADD more Question and I will add it
to the list ...


(( IF you remember the Details of the Question or You can Write it in a better way ( a more clearer
way please Do Writing the Question Number before it and I will Modify it )

(( IF there is any double Questions inform me please ))

** My ADD :: (( From 1-32 ))
A ) Correct Answer ( sure ) ::
1- Homocystinuria decreased cystathionine B synthase
2- Young patient with New AF : Flecanaide
3- patient with Renal impairment and neuro Sgin : TTP
4- Loss of Dorsiextion : L5
5- Medial aspect of the leg : L4
6- patient Deattach from self : Deporsonlization disorder

B) Qesution Need to Be Answered ( Please ) ::
7-Irradiated PRBC : ?
8 -PCP nding :: Normal CXR or Crakles all over the chest ?
9- Poor Sign of alzhamir : Poor Identication of Time ?
10- How To know NPPC : Compare Geniume map ?
11-morphine Toxcicity : Dcrease lean body Mass ?
12-HIV pt with Red cell Aplasia : CMV or EBV ??
13- Hematemsis with Bledding in the scope form Duodenal cap :: ??
14- case Of AF 79 y old on warfarin , what to add : Bisoprolol ??
15-Time of Elemnation of a drug to 1/8 , half life 2 h , Elimination rate 0.4/h : 6 ??
16-Highest risk for Alzhaimer : Family HX ??
17- Poor Prognosis after stroke : visual spatial neglect ??
18- Patient with Transit loss of Vision , Carotied 50% Opletrated : Aspirin or Endarectomy
19-After Chemo , antibiotics must cover : PCP ??
20- Buproin contraindicated in : Seziure ??
21- Analysis : IgE or mast cell Trypase ??
22- amaurosis fugax :: MCA or Carotid ??
23- Bitemporal Heminopia : Cabergoline or Surgery
24- Rhbdomylysis : Myoglobin in urine
25- patient with nasal blockage , SOB :: Asprin
26- Occipital Headach : Bailar Migraine or ??
27- why we randomise people on study : ??
28- Pokilo cell : mylobrosis ???
29- after internal Jugluar line : Heaomothroax ??
30- after Gastric Bypass : Iron ??
31- gastroparesis : insluin ??
32- patient with K 7.9 : IV ca gluconate or temporary pace maker ??

** Your all Answers collected in ONE POST :::

33. Rifampicin induces Warfarin
34. Warfarin metabolise by CYPC29
35. aLLUPURINOL Xanthine oxidase
36. HRT Main indication- Postmenopausal symptoms control
37. Rash on MCP+Joint pain- Dermatomyositis
38- Marginally raised CK- lady unable to stand from chair- no muscle weakness- I did PMR
39- years with low back pain- ?Ankylosing spondylitis
40- Dec dlco and dec tlco- Pulmonary brosis
41- Imitanib- Tyrosine kinase
42- Ciclosporin- IL2
43- Ciclosporin toxicity sec to Fluconazole
44- Weakness in big toe dorsiexsion -----> L5.
45. ECG features of VT - AV dissociation
46- Parietal lobe - inferior quadrantopia,acalculia
47- Nephrocalcinosis- medullary sponge
48- AF elderly - bisoprolol
49- SLE - low c3
50- ciclosporin induce >>> hypertrichosis
51- THiazide site of action>>> proximal DCT
52- sarcoidosis inves>>> do CXR
53- pt. present e only high bilirubin >> Gilberts
54- Hypochondrosis
55- medial epicondylitis
56- primary biliary cirhosis >>> antimitochondirial
57- pyloric stenosis >>> hypokalamic alkalosis
58- pt e HTN DM colon CA and sweating>>> acromegaly
59- in Gulian B >>> FVC
29. Male with Gynaecomastia, Low testosterone and raised FSH and LH - Klinefelter
61- Histology from renal biospy, neutrophils, eosinophils with normal renal capsule- AIN
62- Repolarization : k channels
63- paracetamol overdose- creatinine
64- serum electrophoresis for myelom
65- diagnosis of peritonitis: high neutrophils
66- dysphaia of food and drinks: achalasia
67- hepatitis A
68- medication in diabetic renal pt-losartan
69. Pain on walking relieved on sitting - Spinal stenosis
70- b/l 6 nerve and papilloedema :: BIH
71- post natal blues
72- HUS IN adults?ecoli?
73- pregnant with Asthma steroid+laba then : high dose inhaled steroids ( beclomethasone)
74- Patient with cholestatic LFT : amoxaclin
73- well controlled Crohn's disease - PSC
74- Korsakoff syndrome - Short term memory loss
75- Patient with ataxia and nystagmus - Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
76- Pneumococcal meningitis prophylaxis- Not required
77- radial nerve
78-Infective endocarditis , indication for Urgent Surgery : prolongation of PR interval


79- Monday morning SOB FEV!/FVC 71% = Occupational asthma 0r Hypersensitiity
pneumonitits ?
80-Young female with menorrhagia (family history present) - Von willibrand or other ?
81- Man with Dactylitis- of hand and toe- Psoriatic arthiritis Or RA
82- old woman with Left wrist swelling- Pseudogout OR Ostomylitits ?
83- Herbenden and bouchards node + dip pain - Osteoarthritis Or Psoraitic Artharitis ?
84- 45 years old with large joint involvement- RA ?
85- Fever, myalgia, headache,- Metal fume fever ?
86- COPD patient with reduced Sats 86% - Venturi mask or Nasal Canula ?
87- RA on methotrexate- Bronchiolitis obliterans Or Methotraxate Toxicitiy Or Pulmonary
vasculitits ?
88- Man with hypopigmented/desensitise lesion- Tuberculoid epilepsy ?
89- Severe aortic stenosis - Quiet second heart sound OR S4 ?
90-.hemochromatosis vene section monitring>> ferrtin or Transferin Saturatiom ?
91-.umblicated papule>>> mollascum contagusom ??
92- Down syndrome 47 XY +21 - aneuploidy, or Diploid ?
93- Intraepidermal IgG- phemphigus or Dermatitis Herpitcium ?
94- liver capsule pain in metastatic malignancy- steroid dexamethasone or amytriptiline ?
95. Nutrition for Patient with acute abdominal pain (severe pancreatitis due to gall stone) - TPN or
96- NG feed nutrition - half of the energy
97- The genetic of DM and sensorineural hearing loss, mother had mild symptoms, sister had mild
symptoms, but the brother had severe symptoms - Mitochondrial disorder Or X-linked
Dominatant ?
98- Long standing coeliac disease - Lymphoma , or adeno ca ?
99- levels do not increase in heart failure - endothelin ?
100- Beer and polyuria - decreased aquaporin channels ?
101- Origin point of AF - pulmonary veins ? Or Left Atrial Apenddage ?
102- Gential warts denitive investigations - HPV PCR ?
103- Paitent with well demarcated reduced sensation lesion - Tuberculoid Leprosy
104- Patient with board complex regular tachycardia after PCI - no treatment required ?
105- mALE NO sti HX- BUT 2-3 weeks of gastroenteritis- Shigella Or Campylobacter ?
106- Childhood pneumonia, productive cough and recurrent infection- Bronchiectasis ?
107- Obese man BMI 40 and eps 9/10- ?CPAP or Loss weight ?
108- Man from spain and 2 new sexual partner and red cell agglutination : Mycoplasma ?
109- Neissaria Meningitis- Pophylaxis- Ciprooxacin or Ceftrixone ?
110- Cat bite ?Bartonella henslae ?
111- Lithium and metronidazole- Renal clearance OR Decrease Binding ?
112-Antibodies in SLE ----> IgG (?).
113- Rt lung lesion and hyponatraemia (115) and urine Na 65 : uid Restrcition or Dexa ?
114- Minimal change- prednisolone Or Ramipril ?
115- acanthoysis nigrcans in obese ass e >> DM? or GI Malgianncy ?
116- pt recurrent headache HTN ,, high urinary catecholamine ,,, CA ass ?>>>>> medullary ?
117- post.dudenal cap ulcer the artery affected?? splenic or gastrododenual Artery ??
118- ulcer in cheeks in elder man ass e pigmentation>>> basal Cell ca Or lintgo something
119- Ehler Danlos e angioid present e sudden visual loss the cause???
120- marfan secnario ,, eye feature?? ectopia lentis
121- premature mature ovrian failure
122- latex allergy mediated by>>>>IgE or typer 4 reaction ??
123- post MI pulse 60 BP 90/60 high JVP the coronary affected ??? RCA ??
124- elder female e UTI ,, allegic to pen : TMP/SMX Or Cipro ???
125- Paitent with raised calcium and PTH, taking calcium and vitamin D - Tertiary
hyperparathyroidism ?
126- Tonic clonic seziure , Alcholic and blood sugar 3.1 >>> idiopathic epilpsy or alcohol releated
seizure ?
127. nurse e recuurent rash angioedma>>> latex allergy ?? or herditary angioedema ??
128- Elderly man, had microscopic haematuria, kidneys were normal- exible cystoscopy Or CT
abdomen ??
129- Turner syndrome associated - gonadol malignancy
130- Diagnosis of Giardia if not seen in stool ova and cysts -wet stool sample or Microscpe with
duodenal Aspirate ??
131- A young male with breathlessness and had a systolic murmur at the base of the heart- VSD or
PS ?
132- A girl with negative anti-TTG but presented with coeliac symptoms- Gastroscope with
duodenal Biopsy ?
133- A young girl with history of paracetamol overdose who had rashes at the exor surface,
previously had self medicated - Dermatitis Artefacta
134- A young male since child hood had grunting, abnormal movement and occationally falls-
Tourrete syndrome
135- A person who had lesion at the suprapubic which was umbilicated with pearly papules- ?
molluscum contagiusum
136- dipyradmole : adenosine uptake ?
137- post PCI : Cholestrol embolism ???
138- Ascites+ early diastolic murmur + x and y descent ? : constrictive pericarditis ?
139- gall stones in hereditary spherocytosis ? pigment
140- tick bite- ? ricketsia
141- what is the chance that the Test will be post ice :: Positive predictive value or Sensitivity ??
142-chiquard study
143-Strongyloids- ? wearing foot wear or albadozole ??
144- Polycythemia rubra vera - JAK2 mutation
145- trigeminal neuralgia : Carbamezepin ?
146- Epilepsy and malaria prophylaxis- meoquine ??
147- splenomegally and bleeds- AML
148-carcinod syndrome intial symptome: facial ushing ??
149- gonorrhea ttt UTI : ceftriaxone ??
150- post op patient known parkinson disease old pt wit psychosos: haloperidol ??
151-cotton wool spots and hrrge - Hypertensive Hg
152- RA eye manifestation-episcleritis ??
153- epistaxis stopped,ITP-predinsolone ??
154- Female with fatigue and splenomegaly - Myelobrosis
155- tonsils weren't coated but had exudates ??? :: diptheria
156- pneumothorax risk : smoking ??
157- central scotoma : Optic nerve ??
158- the commenst factor for chrons?? smoking ??
159- PE e DVT : CTPA ??
160- CPR who decide to stop - Resuscitation team leader ??
161-history of lumpectomy, now backache ?? next investigation
162- a study has alot of confounding factors....??? analysis of confouctor ?
163- decrease prostate size: Finastride or tamsulosin ??
164- Howell Jolly bodies with past history of RTA - Asplenism
164- abbreviated mental test score (AMTS) 7/10- Prognostic sign- Confusion
165- Narrow pulse pressure- reduce aortic compliance ??
166- pt. e HTN ,raynad , SOB and cough >>> systemic sclrosi
167- complete heart block : variable intensity of S1
168- Lipaemic serum - Chylomicrons ??
169- pt. on ch. hemodyalsis ,,invest ??
170- Embryonic stem cell for DM management : protect itself from destruction ??


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