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You need to execute the executive summary for the orani!ation to summaries the "ey
#oints contained $ithin the re#ort. This $i%% inc%ude an overvie$ of a%% sections and $i%% &e
com#%eted in '(($ords.
)art * +
The rationale of this current research is to examine the critical review of the tourism industry of
the Maldives. The role of human resource practices and its influenced while adopting HRM in
local resorts and international hotels in the Maldives are also analyzed through this study.
Tourism plays a major role in Maldives, were assorted human resource professionals endorse
plan, develop and come across with human resource policy reuirements at the whole. The study
enclose that homogeneity of HRM practices is mostly determined !y the institutional factors.
There are some of the compara!le factors contri!uting while HRM practices are enforced such
as, how they affect HRM, what is the role of HR manager, framing o!jectives of resorts, process
of selection, training, recruitment and development of resorts, etc all these reveals for the
reuirement of framing policies to achieve targeted o!jective and goal.
Tourism in the Maldives was evaluated with an assortment of hotels such as local resorts and
international resorts. HRM practices are implemented and performed in higher level in local
resorts more than compared to the international resorts. The international resorts are not up to the
level since all the hotel chains are fascinated !y uniue resort concepts. Maldives is located
within "ndian ocean. #or the past five years it !ecame a tourist place as huge num!er of tourist
visit Maldives and day !y day it is augmented. There is $%& hoist of tourism in Maldives. The
most important reason for the hoist of tourism in Maldives as majority of the tourist visit 'astern
countries and in Maldives the tourism industry invested enormous amount as their investment so
the growth of the industry was hi(ed and large num!er of tourist it !ecame a tourist spot. )o it
contri!uted *%& to its +,-. .ut at the present there is sluggish of tourism due to awful climatic
condition which is !ecause of growing up of sea level spoiled the visitors attraction.
,uman Resource Manaement-
"n Maldives most excellent HRM practices are pursued within local and international hotel
manacles. The four main practices such as performance management, reward schemes,
recruitment, selection, training and development are mainly utilized in HRM. The resorts in
Maldives use high degree of HRM practices. /nderstanding the HRM managers recruits and
endow with training to employees utmost. HR department plays a major role in retaining,
advising and training the employees and it is supposed to maintain it. The institutionalism
facilitates the organization to !ecome uniue among many num!er of factors. HRM practices are
mainly pursued due to the institutional factors such as government, association for employees,
la!or characteristics, laws, rules and regulation of administration
The new institutionalism was flourished which directed for the adoption of new HRM practices.
0 The majority of the resorts implemented with advanced HRM -ractices !y overcoming an
assortment of experiences.
0 Resorts exclusive in adopting HRM practices !y facilitating new institutionalism
0 Resorts are distinctive in practicing HRM among others
0 "t trac(s one resort in one island concept.
0 /sing of HRM -ractices !y resorts are amplified
0 HRM for the most part encouraged !y "nstitutional factors.
0 "t is recommended that laws and regulations encouraged resorts to espouse sophisticated HRM
0 Resorts implemented additional HRM practices greater than hospitality industry
"n this study only HRM practices and institutional factors are considered effectively !ut there is
reuirement for further research in considering other factors such as culture, climate, wor(place
environment, performance, etc for studying overall organization to improve HRM practices and
to formulate an enhanced HRM.
)ART * /
The rationale of this study is to scrutinize the design and implementation of HRM practices.
HRM is inclusive of four main areas such as recruitment and selection, training and
development, performance appraisal, compensation and reward management1 these all explore
the use HRM practices in resorts and ena!le why and how institutional factors affect HRM
practices. The report examines channel of communication stuc( !etween HR practices in tourist
resorts of Maldives. The foremost endower is to recognize issue related to HR !y elucidating the
importance of following strategic human resources management 2)HRM3 approach within
S,RM 0Strateic ,uman Resource Manaement1 is defined as an interated method for
the deve%o#ment of ,R tactics to achieve the tareted o&2ectives.
)HRM is mostly introduced in every organization for its long term growth and sta!ility of the
!usiness for the longer period. )HRM is progression of com!inations such as human resource,
strategic goals and o!jectives, which formulate !usiness with !etter performance and enlarge
organizational cultures through )trategic human resource management, is (nown as proactive
management. )HRM !e appropriate for !oth small and large companies.
+rowth of the resorts in Maldives is mainly depends on the vital role of )HRM, as it engross
development and collection of programs, policies to achieve the strategic o!jectives. )HRM
assist to sustain the success of the resorts intended for extensive period. -resently Resorts are
mounting and !ecame aware of importance of human resource practices towards strategy that
lead to greater performance. )HRM focuses on different varia!les such as performance of HR
and HRM practices.
)trategic HRM focuses profoundly and composes the lin( !etween HRM and !usiness
strategies which reuires HR department and the participation of HR managers in strategic
planning and decision ma(ing processes.
"n Maldives the contri!ution of )HRM is ta(en place mainly to progress !usiness
performance on the !asis of mission statement endowing with right people for right jo! at right
time. #or accomplishing o!jectives there ought to !e improvement in cultural environment of
Maldives, which will !e capa!le and supportive to employees and afford accurate information
through the support of communication channels.
To achieve the o!jectives if resorts in Maldives highly s(illed professional are employed
in the jo! this will promote the resort with growth. Tourism is !eing encouraged in Maldives !y
government. HRM strategies spotlight on activities that discriminate the resorts from its direct
and indirect competitors.
$3 )trategic human resource management creates enhanced competitive advantages
%3 "t facilitates resorts within Maldives toward compete with others
*3 )trategic human resource management helps to improve performance through HR
43 "t promotes the managers to implement innovative and creative ideas and thoughts in
53 "t focus and enlarge wor(place culture and also give confidence to all employees in
63 "t assists to amplify each individual performance.
$3 Most 'ffective 7aw and regulations reuired to !e developed and implemented in
%3 To determine the implementation of HR strategy, and development of HR
*3 "t necessitate to develop polices, plans, practices and culture
43 The planning and implementing )HRM !y the government are to !e promoted to HR
professional which will !e !enefit for functioning of the resorts in Maldives.
53 There must !e increased ,evelopment towards the Maldives tourism.
R35E 3. S,RM
$3 )HRM in Maldives reuires gaining additional initiative and ideas as there is lot of
competition prevailing in Maldives
%3 /sing of )HRM !usiness environment is analyzed as it is due to impact of natural factors
found in Maldives.
*3 Resorts -ersons who encompasses )HRM role reuire to recognize a!out the current and
social trends and also gather information a!out other organizations in Maldives.
43 "t comprises analysis of domestic human resources.
53 The HR professionals must constantly stum!le on and analyze the strategy and identify
Tourist ma(es a contri!ution with their foreign currencies in improving local areas,
children education, health and other services in Maldives. .ut these earnings are proclaimed and
!enefited only !y the hotel chain tour operators than supporting or progressing the narrow
"n Maldives Tourism is the major industry which generates massive employment
opportunities and uplift the standard of living. "t also facilitates in improving transport facilities
li(e roads and airports which will increase tourist to visit and there may !e development. There is
!oth advantage and draw!ac( in Maldives. The main environmental pro!lem in this place is )oil
erosion 2Rise in )ea 7evel3 which ma(es it suffers a lot. The main advantages in organization
managers follow )HRM and analyze !etter opportunities of others !y framing new strategies and
overcome the draw!ac(s. "n Maldives the employees are motivated !y practicing )HRM and
perform eually !etter. )HRM is generally constructive as it concentrates for development of
employees and it identifies deficient wor(ers and provides training in resorts. )HRM helps to
recognize the strength and wea(ness of resorts in Maldives which facilitate them to ma(e proper
)ur#ose of S,RM
)HRM plays a significant role to generate growth of the resorts. Resort activities are fully
managed and controlled since it comes under general management practice.
Staff #%annin- "t is the process of analyzing organization future reuirements in terms of
num!er, s(ills and locations. "t assents for planning in favor of the future employees and wor(
force in Maldives resorts.
6or" ana%ysis- 8or( analysis is rewarding and gratifying to the individual and ma(ing
profita!ility. "n Maldives )HRM ma(e use of a wor(force planning to esta!lish the demand for
The mission is to develop the most innovative and profita!le experiences for the tourist people.
"nnovation and profita!ility are two main (ey words of the mission statement pursued in
Maldives were resorts should reflect on their plans relating to !usiness as well as other factors.
,uman recourse deve%o#ment
.y ma(ing use of )HRM, resorts endeavor to achieve their o!jectives. "t instigates all
employees to !e part of wor( and it fetch out the !est of employees, these lead to the
employment opportunities to the people in Maldives. 'mployees are trained to !e cleared a!out
the roles and responsi!ilities. 9nd mainly training and development are provided for the
employees for specific jo! for !etter performance. #inally the employees in organization develop
into experienced and )(illful.
,uman Resource #%an
Human Resource plan is the process of analyzing and identifying the need for manpower
resources and utilize it at the maximum level !y using all other factors effectively and efficiently.
The HR plan is short term since it often changes according to the circumstances and situation
prevailing in and outside organization.
"n Maldives, the resorts use tactics to ensure a right person who is capa!le to complete
the wor( and achieve the o!jectives. 'mployees growth and their inspiration are the two (ey
tools used for the measurement of an organization approach of human resource.
The most important purpose of HR strategic plans in Maldives organization, as it afford
enhanced employee development, reduces cost and provides employment opportunities to the
woman since in Maldives organization woman wor( force are higher than men wor(force.
The importance of HR planning is as it deals with revolutionizing in technological and
social factors.
The resource plans finds people from and within the resorts or it recruits externally.
EM)53YER 3. 4,3I4E )5AN
This plan magnetizes excellent candidates !y ensuring that the resorts will !ecome an employer
in future. "t -rovides opportunities for development and increase the growth of resorts and
maintain sta!ility.
.5E8I9I5ITY )5AN
"t ma(es use of HR and ena!les resorts to construct the !est out of its people and adapt according
to the changing circumstances.
This plan mainly concentrates on improving productivity and reducing employment costs in
resorts. )o that it can increase its profita!ility with low cost !earing without wastage.
:o$nsi!in #%an
The downsizing plan is implemented in preceding resort. The downsizing plan means for
some reasons reducing num!er of employees who are wor(ing in the resorts.
The term .usiness factors means earning profit and developing the organization. Most of
the resorts in Maldives are small at preliminary stage su!seuent to it grow in large dimension.
There are many factors which contri!ute for HR planning in Maldives. )ome of them are:
Resorts in Maldives will not survive for longer time period since still they continue to !e the
similar size organizations. ,ay !y day human wants are changing1 accordingly the small resorts
need to o!tain a change in organization !y developing and grow sta!ly !y achieving targets and
meeting competitions using strategies.
9usiness ro$th of the orani!ation ; The Maldivian economy in large degree !ased and
focuses on tourism sector. .usiness growths are escalating day !y day to achieve the o!jectives
!y various resorts in Maldives.
9usiness chane ; Resorts plans to invest in new and pioneering type of !usiness such as theme
par(s or other new !usiness which will !e changing and enthusiastic for tourist !ut it reuires
employees to !e on continuous training cycle according to changes.
5a&or cost contro% * "ncrease in medical and other employee health and welfare !enefits may
trim down the profita!ility of Maldives. 9nd also when demand for jo! increases la!or will !e
5ocation of o#erations ; Maldives is planning to expand their glo!al presence and it also
comprised with an idea to expand their transport facilities for tourist people.
Im#act of techno%oy ; .y using an assortment of new technologies in resorts or in other areas
will lead to train employees further according to new technology who need to on it.
5a&or mar"et com#etition ; "n view of the fact that Maldives has esta!lished a strong
reputation in the tourism industry as one of the innovative leaders and developing their
employees, which will ma(e a situation were these employees would !e rated high in the current
la!or mar(et.
8hen resorts need to improve its productivity it reuires to improve the performance of HR
practices and develop employees s(ills.
Socia% o##ortunities of tourism in the Ma%dives
"n Maldives there is only one hospital which is !uild mainly for safety purpose. "t created jo!
opportunities for people and also concentrated more in health and safety. There is also -lan to
use internet facilities with the help of su!marine internet ca!les.
"nternal factors means analyzing the reuirement of wor(force and hiring num!er of people
within organization and generate promotion, training and also focus to meet future reuirements.
Through this analyzes of resorts in Maldives it helps to identify the uns(illed employees and
provide them opportunity !y training and development.
Em#%oyees= deve%o#ment
"n Maldives, employees development is extremely important so that we can o!tain advantage
over competitors...
S"i%% re>uirements-
'ndow with high s(ills employees to organization and develop different approaches so that
employees can achieve o!jectives at the earliest.
Externa% factors-
The impact of external factors of resorts in Maldives is revolving around for the demand of
wor(force. 'xternal factors in Maldives help to find out the shortage of employees for
employment and fulfill gaps in organization.
Government #o%icies-
+overnment policies are varying with the passage of time and so highly s(illed people must !e
hired, so they can contri!ute for the success of Maldives. Maldives provides employment
opportunities to many unemployed and uns(illed people !y providing various policies and
Reiona% deve%o#ment-
To stimulate growth, the government also provides compensation to the firms for starting the
company or !usiness in environment within Maldives.
#or the HR reuirements, short term and long term courses need to !e provided to employees
from different top ran(ing institutions of M97,"<'). )o that, employees personal s(ills and
professional development can !e achieve and there resolve with many chances of competency
advantage over competitors in future.
)ea 8orld Maldives was one of the leading recruitment company in Maldives. "n Maldives they
recruit employees according to their s(ills, educational !ac(ground, wor( experience, (nowledge
and communication in languages etc. The uality and s(illed people are the reuirement of the
resorts 8ith the help of the recruitment procedures the HR manger recruit people conseuently.
Training is given to employees who are lac( in wor(, reuire guidance further and !uild them as
a !etter performer and achieve the o!jectives. "n Maldives more plans should !e promoted for
increasing employees training and for !est results !y utilizing different methods for example li(e
customer feed!ac( approaches, analyzing mar(eting strategy, etc are also supportive for
)erformance a##raisa% ? RE6AR:S-
-erformance appraisal in Maldives organization is defined as evaluating an employees current
or past performance relative to his or her performance standard. The -erformance 9ppraisal and
Reward systems are followed in the resorts at the maximum. "n Maldives the government
introduced the performance appraisal and reward system. .ased on the performance of
employees such as jo! (nowledge, wor( and their performance rewards are provided. "n that
reward was also afforded through increments of salary and growth of position of the employees
in the organization.
Training is provided to the employees to amplify the awareness and performance appraisal. 9nd
it also improves the employees who are lac( in wor(. Reward systems in Maldives are promoted
at specific period of time and it done through feed!ac( given !y tourist and it also inclusive of
organization suggestion. )imilarly the rewards will create awareness for employees.
Rewards systems are !ased on performance. There are different types of rewards in Maldives
resorts such as 9chievement award, Truth 9ward etc. Relationship of employees with
organization facilitates to ma(e the employees !est practices. Resorts provide rewards to the
employees when they achieve the targeted o!jectives.
There are different types of reward systems in which the resorts dis!urse to employees.
"n Maldives 'mployees compensation refers to all forms of payments or rewards availa!le to
employee and it mostly arise from their employment, and it has two main components direct and
indirect payments. ,irect financial payments include wages, salaries, incentives, commissions,
and !onus and indirect payment are availed in the form of financial !enefits li(e employer= paid
insurance and vacations.
Retention planning provides the chance to remain s(illed personnel in the organization for long
period. "n Maldives more num!er of employees are wor(ing for the longer duration period
.,eveloping a promotion and career plan aspect must !e underta(en in order to avoid potential
recruitment in the organization.
5ocation of o#eration
"n Maldives, in some areas !usiness activities are not carried out. "n those vast areas must !e
identified and employers should open new !ranches for customers and provide !est services to
9usiness 4om#etition
Maldives hire people who are more s(illful, !est educational !ac(ground and (nowledge to
achieve reuirements and o!jectives of organization !y performing !etter carrier. )trategic
decisions should !e implemented to develop and promote employees s(ills according to the
nature and change of wor(.
"n order to achieve the success of resorts it needs to recruit highly ualified employees. 8hen the
resorts encompass with s(illed la!ors existing in organization it lead to the achievement of the
o!jectives. The o!jectives can !e achieved through the help of employees li(e
$3 'mployees in resorts must !e adapted with nature and climate
%3 'mployees in resorts should give their !est for the organization.
*3 'mployees must !e Honest
43 Resorts reuire to conducts Training programs to amplify the s(ill of employees.
9ll the a!ove mentioned reuired and must !e followed !y managers in resorts if not there exist
collapse in resorts.
0 -roduct li(e spa , diving, weddings , surfing, honeymoon , etc are provided in Maldives to the
tourists. Tourist people mainly go to Maldives for their relaxation.
Maldives offers high class resorts to the Tourist people. 9nd it is popular among richer peoples.
,ifferent types of resorts in Maldives offers uniue factors li(e privacy, safety etc. "n last 5 years
many new resorts in Maldives are started and it shows that increase in competitors and also
illustrated that the economy also developing li(ewise.
Maldives are the !est place for relaxation of tourist. There are many resorts which provide
uniue activities. Most of the tourists are wealthy and they prefer high class resorts. >ne resort
one island is the famous policy that has !een maintained in Maldives. 9ll of the resorts appear
pleasant and create surprises to the tourist.
+overnment of Maldives ta(e care the promotional activities of the spot !ecause it is the major
source of income to them so the government itself done promotional facilities. The government
called Maldives as Tourism .rand.
9t the present every country and every !usiness have some competitor li(ewise Maldives have
some competitors around their islands. They are considered as competitors of Maldives in terms
of distance and to the main source of mar(ets.
Tourism in Maldives earns highest in the mar(et !y 'urope accounting for 6? &. .ut it started
declining in the year %@$@. 9lthough they acuire some increment in shares through tourist visit
from Russia and some others countries li(ewise /A, "taly , +ermany created highest mar(et for
Maldives tourism industry. 9rrival of Total tourist to the country decreased !y 4 & rather than
increase in 9sian sector however in %@$@, total tourist arrivals increased !y %$ &.
Em#%oyees= #erformance
Human Resource plan can contri!ute to o!jectives !y improving employees performance.
4ustomers= feed&ac"
"t promotes !est services to the tourist and focus on customersB satisfaction. Customer feed!ac(s
are received from the c from the tourist to improve the strength and to (now the draw !ac(s for
"n management practices the organization culture is imperative.
>rganizational culture is the way were wor( is !een performed whether it is accepta!le or not
accepta!le and the !ehavior or actions are encouraged or discouraged. >rganizational culture is
clear cut attention of people thoughts a!out resorts The -erson who needs to understand the
organization culture need to develop, practice and perform in organization.
Managing the organizational culture is important. "t can !e understood and can develop the
cultural practice and the performance !y analyzing internal environment within resorts.
HRM focuses on achieving these features through its efforts on maintaining a positive and solid
.oth HRM and organizational culture are inter=lin(ed with each other. HRM means
development, resources, performance management, and pay for employees. .oth HRM and
culture develops )HRM in organization in Maldives resorts. Resorts in Maldives practice !oth
culture and HRM functions to ma(e efficient resource in resorts.
The a!ove chart demonstrates the structure of an organization and the relationships !etween
various departments and also relation !etween employees within organization. The
organizational chart illustrates a!out organization of Maldives resorts. This type of
organizational charts is called as ,ierarchica% mode% which represent the instruction passes
from Top level people to lower level people. 9nd it mainly helps to understand the o!jectives and
structure of the organization !riefly. This chart explains a!out the organization resorts in
Maldives at Top level +eneral Manager which are followed !y Two Managers ."n the middle
level there are various departments li(e room and service department, HR, #ood and !everage,
and 9ccounts department. The middle level departments go !ehind orders given !y the top level
people and they have rights to give suggestion to the top level people. The lower level
management consists of the employees and the )upervisors. They are selected through the
middle level management. "t is also called >perative Management.
9n important aspect of Maldives focus the direction towards achieving elevated levels of human
resource management practices which contri!ute effectively towards profita!ility, uality, and
other goals li(e )taffing, training, compensation and performance management which are
!asically important tools in the human resources practices in Maldives. HR )trategy will also
support other specific strategic o!jectives underta(en !y the mar(eting, financial, operational
and technology departments in Maldives. 9ll the employees are scrutinized !y various tools li(e
performance appraisal.
Change is the only word that never changes. 7i(ewise HR needs to change according to the
changing conditions. HR needs to develop team !uilding activities which help to implement
changes without difficulty. Resorts in Maldives should plan through HR that facilitate internal
uniformity of various HR polices D -ractices. HR managers must evaluate and measure the
impacts of new activities in Maldives resorts to attract more tourists. 'mployees reuire specific
s(ills to enhance and 9uditing must !e conducted freuently to identify the pro!lems in
organization which helps to fasten its growth.
#rom the a!ove recommendations, it is examined that HR managers of the resorts reuire
focusing on changing needs of the employees along with the changing climatic condition.
Resorts HR managers !e supposed to ta(e into consideration some of the thing to manage the
disorder. 9t the present the resorts in Maldives starts increasing day !y day and new resorts
enters into the Maldives at the larger scale. "t is also one of the reasons for its affection towards
greater competition in the Maldives. )o that emerging and new resorts affects a lot to get success
towards competitors in the Maldives. )o HR manager encompasses with various ris( !ut the
employees did not face such (ind of ris(. Ris( of HR manager reuired to hire s(illed employees
!ecause there is lac( of attracting s(ills for tourist of employees in resorts. )o it confirms that
HR -ractices must !e followed in !oth international hotel and local resorts in Maldives.
#rom the research report it is concluded that HR plays a major role in Maldives Resorts. HR
-ractices li(ewise )election, training and development, performance appraisal and rewards are
trac(ed in Maldives Resorts. "nternational hotels espouse more HR practices than the local
resorts in Maldives. Through the development of new institutionalism HRM practices were
found in many aspects and also attracted more tourists in resorts. .oth "nternational hotels and
local resorts are utilizing different HR practice in Maldives. 9nd mainly HR practices were
promoted and considered as important aspects of Maldives resorts. #inally HR constructs the
organization and enhance !etter. +rowth of the tourism industry in Maldives was increased with
the help of HRM practices and polices in the organization. This document is concluded with the
homogeneity of HRM practices and it is largely driven !y institutional factors !oth in local and
international resorts. >rganization culture seen in every organization is uniue and it decides the
practices and implements !etter performance. Hence all these promote and enhance resorts in
Maldives at the enormous extend.

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