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in Gods Word
Emphasis on
Help for
How To Raise a Brat
September 1
Bible Reading: Judges 17
Key Verse: Verse 2 - And he said unto his mother,
The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken
from thee, about which thou cursedst, and spakest of
also in mine ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took
it. And his mother said, Blessed be thou of the LO!,
m" son.#
Key Words: Blessed be thou of the Lord, m" son
Mica is a tie!" but te moter tin#s simply because e
con!esses to being a tie! e is blessed by te $ord% Wic
raises te &uestion" 'o( can (e raise our cildren to be
brats) 'ere are 1* (ays%
1% Begin in in!ancy to gi+e te cild all e (ants% ,is
(ay te cild (ill ne+er respect te property o!
2% Wen tis cild uses a slang (ord" laug at im as
toug it (as cute% -t (ill encourage im to e.pand
is language and +ocabulary s#ills%
/% 0+oid te (ord 1(rong2% -t (ill gi+e im a comple.%
3% 4on5t elp im to decide bet(een rigt and (rong%
6% 7e+er correct and discipline te cild a!ter te
autority as in!ormed you o! misbea+ior%
8% 7e+er re&uire your cild to clean up a!ter imsel!%
4o it !or im% 'e (ill al(ays li#e you !or tat but
(ill ne+er respect you%
7% 0l(ays put do(n and &uestion autority in !ront o!
your cild%
9% 7e+er gi+e your cild any cores around te ouse%
'ea+en !orbid tat e learn responsibility at suc a
young age%
:% $et te babysitter raise your cild; tere!ore" (en
e goes astray you can blame te babysitter%

1*% 0+oid raising your cild in <od5s ouse and under
te Word o! <od% ,at (ay e (ill be !ree to coose
(itout te curc in!luencing is decision%
Wat to do:
0l(ays belie+e your cild o+er autority but
remember you are teacing tem not to belie+e you%
The Surrendered Child
September 2
Bible Reading: -- >orintians 12:1-1*
Key Verse: Verse 1*$ Therefore I take pleasure in
infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in
persecutions, in distresses for %hrist&s sake' for when
I am weak, then am I stron(.#
Key Words: for when I am weak, then am I stron(
,ose (o deal (it cildren !rom a 1>ristian2
perspecti+e tell us tat one o! te most common (ays in
(ic one deals (it teir !eelings o! inade&uacy and sel!-
doubt is by surrendering% ,e indi+idual (o cooses tis
approac as concluded tat e is a !ailure%
'a+ing accepted is (ortlessness" e attempts to
guard is (ounded ego !rom !urter damage by dra(ing into
a sell o! silence and loneliness% ,is person ne+er initiates a
con+ersation; e ne+er enters contests or campaigns; is a!raid
to as# a young lady out on a 1date%2 ,is person (ill ne+er
de!end is onor (en trampled on by oters% 'e as indeed
?+ery scool classroom is populated (it cildren (o
a+e admitted de!eat to temsel+es% ,ey &uietly sit in
silence% ,eir peers simply tin# tey are sy% ,e cild (o
li+es a li!e o! surrender is usually mis@udged in t(o (ays%
Since e is &uiet and unresponsi+e" some assume e is
1snobbis2% -magine tatA ,e cild (o tin#s so little o!

imsel! is assumed by is peers to tin# too muc o! imsel!%
Secondly" because te surrendered cild seldom spea#s" it is
assumed e is not a 1tin#er"2 tat e li+es in a (orld o! is
o(n" (ic is not true% ,e cild (it !eelings o! inade&uacy
and sel!-doubt as !ound sa!ety in 1being &uiet%2
Wen te surrendered cild reaces adultood" e or
se (ill !ind is !riend in 1a bottle2 BalcoolC% -! tey do meet
someone o! te opposite se." tey become controlling because
o! teir lac# o! con!idence in teir ability to 1#eep tem2 so
tey turn to intimidation to #eep !rom losing tem%
,e ans(er !or te 1surrenderer2 is !ound in te (or#
o! Daul in -- >orintians 12:1*" )or when I am weak, then
am I stron(. Dray !or our #ids" especially our surrenderers
tat tey understand tat teir real strengt is !ound in >rist
i! tey surrender to 'imA
Wat to do:
Dray !or te cild tat is te surrenderer%
Ill Fight
September /
Bible Reading: Dro+erbs 22:17-2:
Key Verse: Verses 23 $ *ake no friendship with an
an(r" man; and with a furious man thou shalt not
Key Words: *ake no friendship with an an(r"
,e !eelings (ic moti+ate one cild to (itdra(
!rom is peers (ill urge a more aggressi+e young person to
respond by !igting%
-nstead o! surrendering to teir !eelings o!
inade&uacies" te !igter is angered by (at tey see; and as a
result tey (al# around (it a cip on teir soulder" daring
anyone to 1#noc# it o!!%2

Wen is !amily !irst came to 0merica" tis young man
(as botered by te !act tat e (as a !oreigner% 'is !ater
(ould beat bot e and is siblings (it stic#s and is !ist%
Ence (en e disobeyed" is !ater eld a ot iron to is
0!ter is ig scool graduation" e began a desperate
searc to resol+e is !eelings o! gro(ing anger (it no
success% 'e attempted to be a success!ul orse racing @oc#ey%
'e applied !or a @ob at te Santa 0nita Race ,rac#" but
o!!icials tougt e lac#ed te proper re! to be a
pro!essional @oc#ey% -nstead" e (as gi+en te @ob o! a 1ot
(al#er2 F someone (o (al#ed te orses around te trac#
a!ter teir races so tey can 1cool do(n%2 ,is (as te most
disrespected @ob in te pro!ession% 'is anger gre( e+en more%
Sortly terea!ter e @oined (it te 0rabs to !igt
against -srael% 'e no( became a !igter letting is
!rustration" !ear" and !ailure out on oters ,us is li!e o!
getting e+en (it oters began and continued !or se+eral
years until June te 6
" 1:89% -n $os 0ngeles" >0%"
presidential candidate Robert Kennedy" te broter o! slain
Dresident Jon G% Kennedy" (as lea+ing a political rally at te
0mbassador 'otel% Wal#ing troug te bac# #itcen area"
Kennedy (as sot by an angry young Siran Siran (o
decided tat e (as tired o! people running o+er im" and
rater tan surrendering e said" 1-5ll !igt%2 Wat a tragedyA
,oday (e a+e many young ru!!ians (al#ing around
(it a cip on teir soulder !igting anger because o! teir
!eelings o! inade&uacy% ,ese young people need lo+e" but
most o! all tey need Jesus%
Dray !or our yout and remember te young ones you
are dealing (it may not be as bad as you tin#% ,ey may
simply be crying out !or someone to please lo+e tem%
Wat to do:
We all deal (it anger% ,e #ey is turning our anger
to(ard te ungodly tings in our society% 7otice" - said
things not people%
Ill Be A Clown
September 3
Bible Reading: ?pesians 6:1-1*
Key Verse: Verse 3 + ,either filthiness, nor foolish
talkin(, nor -estin(, which are not convenient' but
rather (ivin( of thanks. #
Key Words: nor -estin(
,e !eelings o! inade&uacies (ic cause one cild to
surrender and anoter to !igt (ill cause still e+en oters to
become te class clo(n%
- remember reading years ago about comedienne"
Dyllis 4iller" (o made a !ortune by po#ing !un at ersel! in
regard to er pysical appearance% By er o(n account se
(as sy" inade&uate and (itdra(n% Se said" 1- (as
constantly a(are o! my unattracti+eness" so - coped by
becoming a clo(n%2
Jonatan Winters admits tat is umor (as a
de!ense against cildood urts% 'is parents (ere di+orced
(en e (as se+en% 'e said" 1Eter #ids (ould tease me
because - ad no dad at ome% - spent many lonely nigts
crying mysel! to sleep until umor replaced my tears% -
became te class clo(n because it brougt me acceptance%2
,e class clo(n" in all li#eliood" is dealing (it one or
more o! te !ollo(ing !eelings o! inade&uacies according to
4r% James 4obson%
1% $oo#s F ,ey see temsel+es as unattracti+e%
-t may be tey a+e been told tis by parents
or peers: so tey resort to being te class
clo(n to compensate !or teir loo#s%
2% 0cademics F E!ten te class clo(n is slo( to
catc on to ne( mat problems or ?nglis
terms" science may not 1stic#"2 and as a
result o! teir academic 1slo(ness"2 tey turn
to umor to ta#e te !ocus o!! teir !ailing

/% -nabilities F Many cildren (it inabilities
suc as sigt (ear tose big" tic#" ugly
glasses a+e to be (orn" and teir peers
ma#e ligt o! teir 1ugly glasses"2 (ill resort
to becoming te class clo(n to compensate%
Woody 0llen is a great e.ample in tis area%
,e inability o! speec impediments
cause some to become class clo(n" and still e+en
oters (o lac# in atletic pro(ess" (ill resort to
umor% B- tin# you get te idea%C 'umor is
o!ten a co+er-up !or teir !eelings o!
inade&uacies in loo#s" academics" and inabilities%
?+ery scool teacer is (ell ac&uainted (it te clo(n
or clo(ns in teir class% But" (at most teacers !ail to
understand is (ile te clo(n is a problem to tem" a good
laug to te class" tey are in deep pain in teir eart and are
simply battling !or acceptance% Wile te clo(n may be ard
to lo+e and e+en arder to tolerate at times" tey are not as
bad as you tin#% 'elp tem troug teir turbulent years and
tey may turn out to be producti+e adults !or >rist%
Wat to do:
Remember (e all need te !ruits o! te spirit
B<al% 6:22-2/C to deal (it te clo(n .

Denying Reality
September 6
Bible Reading: $u#e 12:1/-21
Key Verse: Verse 1: - And I will sa" to m" soul, .oul,
thou hast much (oods laid up for man" "ears; take
thine ease, eat, drink, and be merr".#
Key Words: And, I will sa" to m" soul

- realiHe tat tis ric !armer (as not a cild" but e is
a great e.ample o! denying reality% ,ere are t(o primary
(ays young people deny reality%
Girst tey attempt to co+er it up% $et me e.plain% Je!! is
a 1* year Fold (o (ears leater glo+es to scool e+ery day"
e+en on te (armest o! days% Iou ne+er see Je!! (itout is
glo+es% 'e also (ears long slee+es% ,e teacer insists tat
Je!! remo+e is glo+es" (ic e does; but te moment e
goes to recess or lunc" te glo+es are bac# on% Ene more
point" Je!! is te only blac# cild in te scool% 7o( do you
(ant to guess (y e (ears glo+es and long-slee+e sirts) Iou
guessed it" to co+er up tat (ic ma#es im di!!erent% Je!! is
denying reality% Many cildren attempt to co+er up teir
!eelings o! inade&uacies (it a coat or a s(eater or yes" e+en
glo+es% -! - can5t see it" ten it doesn5t
,e second (ay young people deny reality is to escape
into a dream (orld% ,e young person simply pulls do(n a
sade and creates is or er o(n (orld% ,is cild ne+er sees
imsel! as a problem% -t is al(ays mom" dad or te teacer
because in teir (orld poor grades" being unpopular and
unaccepted by teir peers is not teir !ault: it is e+eryone else
because in teir (orld 1tey are rigt%2 -n e!!ect" tey are
denying reality%
So (at can be done (it te cild or yout (o
denies reality)
1% Dray !er+ently !or tem%
2% 'elp tem troug te trying years by
pointing out (o tey are in >rist%
/% 'a+e tem in+est time and energy on oters%
Gor e.ample: 1ma#ing tings !or te elderly%2
Most older people a+e a (ay o! bringing out
te best in tis type o! #ids%
But no matter (at" lo+e tem and let tem #no( you
lo+e tem%
Wat to do:
Wat to do: -! your cild is one tat is denying reality
it (ould elp to apply te tree elps listed abo+e%
Ill Conform
September 8
Bible Reading Romans 12:1-9
Key Verse: Verse 2 $ And be not conformed to this
world' but be "e transformed b" the renewin( of
"our mind, that "e ma" prove what is that (ood, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of /od.#
Key Words: And be not conformed
-t5s not easy being a parent; dealing (it your o(n
issues plus dealing (it tose o! your cildren%
1% >ildren tat become te class clo(n%
2% >ildren tat !igt%
/% >ildren tat deny reality%
But out o! all o! tese - belie+e te number one issue (e as
parents a+e to deal (it is te desire o! our yout to con!orm
in order to be 1accepted%2
Ene o! te great 0merican myts is tat (e are a
nation o! rugged indi+idualists% We li#e to tin# o! oursel+es
as 0braam $incoln5s" Datric# 'enry5s" and many oter great
eroes (o stood against social ills and sins% -n trut toug"
(e are a nation o! social co(ards% Wy" (e spend more o! our
time on e.pending our energy and resources attempting to be
accepted and li#ed by oters% ,e a+erage 0merican is
moti+ated by !ear- !ear o! ridicule and re@ection%
Since (e !ear tis ridicule and re@ection" (e !ind (ays
to be accepted" con!orming to te (ims and (ises o! oters"
a!raid to stand !or (at (e #no( to be trut and
rigteousness% ,e a+erage person see#s to be li#ed by
e+eryone" normally at te e.pense o! teir con+ictions and
belie!s% Gor adolescents te urge to con!orm dictates most o!
teir acti+ity !or a period o! about ten years%
0t a 3
o! July celebration in 7e( Ior# >ity" a popular
area teen-aged coir (as to sing te Battle 0"mn of the
epublic. Ene o! te teens Ba group leaderC said" 1-5m going to
pretend to !aint% Wo5ll @oin me)2 So" in a li+e per!ormance
be!ore tousands" e (ent do(n pretending to !aint% By te
time te song (as o+er" more tan t(o-tirds o! te coir (as
1pretending2 (it im% ,is is con!orming at its eigt% Kids

!ear being 1re@ected2 and ridiculed so tey con!orm% -5ll (ear
(at oters (ear" and listen to (at oters listen to" and use
language tat oters use% -5ll con!orm% <oing against
e+eryting tey a+e been taugt and e+ery +alue tey belie+e
Ene young teen-aged girl (as as#ed (y se (as
in+ol+ed (it pre-marital se.% 'er response (as" 1?+eryone
else is; it5s (at you do%2
Eur cildren cope (it teir !eelings o! inade&uacies
by surrendering" !igting" being te class clo(n" denying
reality" and con!orming%
- close (it te (ords o! te 0postle Daul !ound in
Romans 12:1: And be not conformed to this world' but be "e
transformed b" the renewin( of "our mind, that "e ma"
prove what is that (ood, and acceptable, and perfect, will of
Wat to do:
0pply 0cts 12:6% Dray !or (isdom% Dray !or our yout
to be !reed !rom tat (ic olds tem capti+e%
Ill Compensate
September 7
Bible Reading: ?pesians 1:1-12
Key Verse: Verse 8 F To the praise of the (lor" of his
(race, wherein he hath made us accepted in the
Key Words: made us accepted in the beloved
May (e do a(ay (it all te preliminary stu!! and get
rigt do(n to te nitty-gritty) Some cildren may a+e muc
greater andicaps tan oters and tese young ones are
destined !or emotional turmoil in li!e% Iou can see it coming
li#e a storm bre(ing in te Western s#y% ,ey are not as

attracti+e as te oter #ids% ,ey are not as atletically
inclined as are oters% Wy" early in li!e tey are branded by
teir peers as a 1re@ect%2
,oug tis may be ard to accept as a parent" it can
be a positi+e i! (e" as parents" andle it correctly% Remember a
tree planted in te rain !orest is ne+er !orced to e.tend its
roots do(n; tus" any moderate storm can topple te (ea#-
rooted tree% 0d+ersity can cause a cild5s roots to go deep i! (e
learn to compensate% ,at means (e a+e to counter-balance
our cild5s (ea#nesses by capitaliHing on teir strengts; and
it is our @ob" as parents" to !ind tese strengts%
Bobby Giscer" arguably te (orld5s greatest cess
player" (as as#ed by Mer+ <ri!!in (at caused is desire to
play cess% Bobby Giscer5s response (as one o!
1compensation%2 'e said" 10s a cild" - (as not attracti+e" not
+ery brigt academically" and certainly not atletic% My dad
taugt me to play cess% Wy" - could beat anyone at cess% -t
became te means by (ic - (as 1accepted2 by my peers%2
'e (ent on to say" 1Iou (in a scool or state campionsip at
anyting and you become an instant ero%2 Wile - certainly
do not tin# our god is eroism" te point is to compensate%
,omas Wol!e" te autor o! suc best-selling boo#s
as 1ou %an2t /o 0ome and Look 0omeward, An(el (as te
result o! compensation% ,omas could (rite; but e" by
today5s standards" (ould be te scool nerd% 'o(e+er" is
parents" early in is li!e" learned to compensate !or teir son5s
(ea# areas by !ocusing on is strengt and ability to (rite%
0s parents" !ind your cild5s strengts" (eter it is
music" (riting" poetry" arts and cra!ts" mecanical or
(ood(or#% 7ot all o! li!e is built around beauty" brains and
atletics% $earn to >EMD?7S0,?% 0l(ays teac your cildren
tat no matter (at teir abilities or inabilities may be" Jesus
(ill accept tem (ere tey are and !or (at tey areA
Wat to do:
0pply ?pesians 1:8 and let your cildren #no( tat
you accept tem but most o! all te $ord accepts tem
and not based upon ability but 'is lo+e%
The Fear of the Lord
September 9
Bible Reading: Dsalms 11
Key Verse: Verse 1* - The fear of the LO! is the
be(innin( of wisdom' a (ood understandin( have all
the" that do his commandments' his praise endureth
for ever.#
Key Words: The fear of the LO! is the be(innin(
of wisdom
Ene o! te greatest needs today in te li+es o! <od5s
people is a genuine !ear o! te $ord% ,ere are tree types o!
!ear !ound in te Word o! <od% ,ere is a startling !ear-
Dro+erbs /:26% ,ere is a trembling !ear- - Jon 3:19% 0nd last
o! all" tere is a re+erential !ear% ,is is te !ear (ic is
al(ays mentioned (it <od; tis is te fear of the LO!. Iou
read o! tis !ear in Dsalm 111:1*" Dro+erbs 1:7" and ::1*: the
fearof the LO! is the be(innin( of wisdom. Wen one as
no re+erence !or <od or te tings o! <od in teir li!e" tey do
not !ear <od% -t is easy to identi!y tese people% ,ey are te
ones (o are al(ays ma#ing te un(ise decisions (ic lead
to un(ise actions%
,e one area (ere parents are !ailing in te training
o! teir cildren is in teacing tem to !ear te $ord% ,ere
are tree tings tat must be done to accomplis tis%
1% Teah your hildren that !od is a
righteous !od" <od told 0braam in <enesis 19
tat 'e (as going to destroy Sodom !or te sins tey
(ere committing" (ic prompted 0braam to as#
te &uestion in +erse 26" .hall not the 3ud(e of all
the earth do ri(ht4 ,e ans(er" o! course" is yes%
<od (ill al(ays do rigt- 'e is a rigteous <od%
,ere!ore" i! (e do (rong ten a rigteous <od must
allo( us to reap (at (e5+e so(n% B<alatians 8:7C%
,ere is a payday someday !or our actions% Just as#
>ain" ?sau" Jacob" Josep5s broters " Darao" etc%"
etc%" etc% We must teac our cildren tat <od is a
rigteous <od% Gear <odAA

2% Teah your hildren that !od is a
lo#ing !od" <od is not out to get e+en (it us or to
get bac# at us% <od is a lo+ing <od and (e are told in
Romans 1/:1*b tat love is the fulfillin( of the law.
,e purpose o! te la( is to protect tose (o do
rigt and punis tose (o do (rong% BRomans
1/:3C% - am con+inced tat muc o! te turmoil and
agony in te li+es o! people is simply <od !ul!illing
te la(% -s tat not (at appened to 0can) 'is sin
resulted in te deat o! is !ello( soldiers% <od5s la(
says an e"e for an e"e so 0can5s li!e (as ta#en% ,e
la( (as !ul!illed in te li+es o! JHHia" Jona"
Samson" 0nanias and Sappira" and te list goes on
and on% We must teac our cildren tat <od is a
lo+ing <od" and tat 'e castens tose 'e lo+es
B'ebre(s 12:8C%
/% Teah your hildren that !od is a
meriful !od" <od so(s 'is mercy to te
innocent (o are (ronged% Wen (e mistreat oters
<od5s mercy says" 1- protect te innocent%2 Man may
say 1Gorgi+e te one (o did te (rong%2 <od5s
mercy says" 1- must protect tose (o a+e been
(ronged%2 ,at is (y 0can (as stoned" JHHia ad
leprosy" 4aniel5s enemies (ere consumed by lions"
So it is important tat (e teac our cildren to !ear <od"
because a rigteous <od must do rigt- a lo+ing <od must
carry out te la(- and a merci!ul <od must protect te
innocent% The fear of the LO! is the be(innin( of wisdom.
,eac it to your cildrenA $i+e it be!ore your cildrenA
Wat to do:
Be an e.ample !or your cildren not an ob@ect lesson%
!i#e Them Responsi$ility
September :
Bible Reading: Dro+erbs 22:1-13
Key Verse: Verse 8 $ Train up a child in the wa" he
should (o' and when he is old, he will not depart
from it#
Key Words: Train up a child in the wa" he should
,ere is an old saying tat goes li#e tis" 10n idle mind
is te de+il5s (or#sop%2 Muc o! our discipline as parents
(ould not e+en be needed i! parents simply (ould gi+e out
some responsibilities%
Eur cildren need to !eel tat tey are contributing
someting (ort(ile% Responsibility elps to de+elop
maturity% -t teaces our cildren tat tey are e.pected to ta#e
a @ob and do it (ell% So don5t be a!raid to place a reasonable
amount o! responsibility on your son or daugter% -t not only
!ills up idle time" it also #eeps tem 1out o! trouble%2
-n !amilies (ere tere is a desirable emotional
climate" cildren a+e @obs to do suc as cleaning" (asing
dises" baby care" yard (or#" etc% ,ese cildren usually are
easier to (or# (it and are muc more obedient tan tose
(it little or no responsibility%
-n gi+ing out a cild5s responsibility" a+oid undue
pressure% Remember our cildren a+e our genes and are not
per!ect% Wen you (eig a cild do(n (it per!ection" ill
e!!ects so( up% Some o! tese e!!ects are anger" !atigue"
ner+ous abits" and !orget!ulness% ,e strain o! 1per!ection2
(ill also so( up in your cild5s conduct% -t raises bea+ior
problems rater tat diminises tem% Remember your cild
may not do e+eryting @ust te (ay you do it and tey may not
do it as (ell as you (ould do it; but tat is not te ob@ect% ,e
ob@ect is to teac tem responsibility and ma#e tem !eel a
part o! te !amily% May <od gi+e you (isdom as you train up
your cild !or <od5s glory%

Wat to do:
<i+e your cildren responsibility% Wen tey are
adults you5ll be glad tat you did%
Little Human
September 1*
Bible Reading: Dro+erbs 22:16-2:
Key Verse: Verse 16 F )oolishness is bound in the
heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it
far from him.
Key Words: )oolishness is bound in the heart of a
>ildren" li#e all o! us" come into te (orld (it a sin
nature% ,e Dsalmist 4a+id said" 1-n sin did my moter
concei+e me%2 -n tis scripture (e do not !ind a contrast
bet(een 1innocent cildren2 and 1sin!ul adults%2
- a+e ne+er seen a cild (o needed instruction on
o( to sin; it comes &uite naturally% - doubt tat any o! you
sat your cild do(n and taugt tem o( to lie% -t @ust comes
-n is boo#% ecoverin( the Lost Tools of Learnin("
4ouglas Wilson (rites" 1- ad to con!ront my !i+e year-old
daugter because o! bitterness to(ard er broter% -t seems
e ad clobbered er earlier in te day; altoug e (as
disciplined !or is action" se (as un(illing to !orgi+e% So -
&uoted Matte( 8:13-16" K)or if "ou for(ive men their
trespasses, "our heavenl" father will also for(ive "ou; but if
"ou for(ive not men their trespasses, neither will "our father
for(ive "our trespasses%5 $oo#ing at me se said" 1Wo is tis
Matte( guy any(ay)2 7o( er &uestioning o! te scripture
(as not due to liberal teologians" but rater it (as a result o!
er un!orgi+ing spirit and er sin nature%

Eur cildren are sinners and education alone is not
te ans(er% 0ll you get (en you educate a sinner is a 1cle+er
sinner%2 Kno(ledge by itsel! does not ma#e people better" but
rater ma#es tem (orse% ?ducation is not te ans(er to our
problem" but Jesus isAA BRomans /:2*" 6:2*C
- tin# all o! you (ould agree (it me tat (e (ant
our cildren to recei+e a &uality education; but i! all (e do is
educate te mind and ne+er attempt to regenerate te eart"
(e all a+e !ailed" bot curc and parents%
Wat to do:
0im !or te eartA or out o! it are te issues o! li!e%
Clashes of the %ill
September 11
Bible Reading: <enesis 1:23-/1
Key Verse: Verse 27 F .o /od created man in his
own ima(e, in the ima(e of /od created he him; male
and female created he them#
Key Words: .o /od created man in his own ima(e
'a+e you e+er gi+en muc tougt to te (orld in
(ic our cildren li+e) ,ey are under autority all day longA
4o tisA 4on5t do tatA ,ey are constantly to be in sub@ection
to Mom and 4ad and on occasion tey are not only going to
disagree (it you" tey are going to disobey you; tus te
stage is no( set !or te clas o! te (ills% ,ese clases are not
al(ays necessary% Some o! tem" i! not most o! tem" could
easily be a+oided by applying a !e( simple principles% ,ese
principles also apply to an adult and teir relationsip (it
oter adults%
1% Be pleasable% >ildren automatically put up
teir de!enses (en tey #no( te parents
or a parent is seldom pleased (it (at

tey do% $et your cildren #no( (en tey
please you% Mar# 1:11%
2% Be non-argumentati+e% 4E 7E, put
yoursel! in a position (ere you are
arguing (it your cild% -! tey #no( you
(ill argue (it tem" you a+e set te stage
!or a clas o! (ills% ?cclesiastes 1*:12%
/% Ma@or on te ma@ors" minor on te minors%
Keep tings in perspecti+e% 4o not ma#e
ma@or issues out o! non-essentials%
Matte( 2/:23%
3% 0+oid criticism% Wen correcting your
cild" criticism is certainly not necessary%
Wen you criticiHe your cild" you are
building resentment in tem- not respectL
and again" you are setting te stage !or a
clas o! (ills% ?pesians 8:3%
6% Set te rigt e.ample% -! you a+e a
tendency to a+e a clas o! (ills (it tose
o+er you" ten you set te (rong e.ample
!or your cildren% <alatians 8:7
7o( i! it is necessary to discipline your cild; do so"
but do a+oid te unnecessary clases o! te (ill%
Remember" as parents" our goal is to elp mold tem into
te image o! <od" not 1our image%2
Wat to do:
Eur goal sould be to be 1li#e2 >rist and to teac
our cildren te same%
Family Altar
September 12
Bible Reading: -- ,imoty /:1-16
Key Verse: Verse 16 F 1And that from a child thou
hast known the hol" scriptures, which are able to

make thee wise unto salvation throu(h faith which is
in %hrist 3esus.#
Key Words: And that from a child thou hast
known the hol" scriptures
Some o! te best maintenance is pre+entati+e% -! you
can pre+ent a problem !rom occurring" you are muc better
o!! pysically" !inancially" and emotionally% ,e same is true
in dealing (it your cildren% Ene o! te most important
tings a moter or !ater can do to elp pre+ent bea+ior
problems is to a+e a nigtly or daily !amily altar Bor !amily
de+otionsC% 0 !amily altar elps in at least se+en areas%
1% -t is means by (ic te Word o! <od can
be e.alted in te ome% -5+e ne+er #no(n o!
a young person (o lo+ed and e.alted
<od5s Word to be a discipline problem%
$o+e and e.alt te Word o! <od BDsalm
11::11" 1:" 1*6C%
2% -t is a means by (ic te !amily can pray
and communicate togeter% ,ere is
noting li#e a !ater praying openly !or is
(i!e and cildren" a moter !or er
usband" sons and daugters" and cildren
praying !or mom and dad and eac oter%
7ote: Jesus ne+er taugt te disciples to
preac but e did teac tem to pray
BMatte( 8::-1/C%
/% -t sets te rigt e.ample% Wen parents
ta#e time to so( teir lo+e !or <od5s Word
and a desire to so( it to teir cildren" it
sets te rigt e.ample !or our cildren to go
3% -t is an opportunity to train your cildren
(ile tey are trainable% B?cclesiastes 12:1C%
6% -t is an opportunity to teac your cildren
te importance o! obedience to you as
parents B- ,imoty 6:3C%
8% -t is a means by (ic your cildren can be
(on to >rist BMar# 1*:1/-18C% Wat a
pri+ilege to see tat your cildren
understand te plan o! sal+ation and a+e
te opportunity to play a +ital part in teir
7% -t is a means by (ic your cildren can
mature spiritually B-- Deter /:19C% -! your
cildren attend e+ery curc ser+ice your
local curc as" tey still get less tan
eigt ours o! Bible per (ee#% 0 !amily altar
o!!ers more time !or !amily gro(t
Very !e( cildren a+e bea+ior problems (en mom and
dad sit do(n (it tem e+ery day !or @ust a !e( minutes to
learn <od5s Word%
May <od bless you as you raise your cildren !or <od5s
onor and glory%
Wat to do:
,oday (ould be a good day to start a+ing a !amily
altar time%
Beauty and the Beast
September 1/
Bible Reading: Matte( 2/:26-/:
Key Verse: Verse 27 $ 5oe unto "ou, scribes and
6harisees, h"pocrites7 for "e are like unto whited
sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward,
but are within full of dead men&s bones, and of all
Key Words: which indeed appear beautiful
Very early in li!e a cild begins to learn te importance
o! pysical beauty% ,e +alues o! our society cannot be #ept
!rom teir little ears% -t is a dull cild (o !ails to notice tat
te ugly do not (in Miss 0merica contests; te ugly are not

your ig scool ceerleaders; tey seldom star in mo+ies;
and usually te ugly a+e !e(er !riends tat do te beauti!ul%
-t is amaHingly surprising @ust o( e!!ecti+ely (e teac
our cildren to appreciate te beauty cult% Wy it is e+en
taugt in our age-old cildren5s stories% Ies" you read tis
rigt" our age-old cildren5s stories !ocus on beauty% 'o(
1% The 8(l" !ucklin( is a !amiliar story about
an unappy duc# (o (as re@ected by
better-loo#ing duc#s" symboliHing te
pligt o! e+ery unattracti+e cild%
Gortunately" !or im" o(e+er" e ad a
beauti!ul s(an inside (ic sur!aced
during adultood% Eops" tere it is" e (as
only acceptable a!ter becoming beauti!ul%
2% .leepin( Beaut" Wy (asn5t te story
entitled .leepin( 8(l") Because ugly
doesn5t sell unless" o! course" in te end
tey become beauti!ul (ic ma#es tem
acceptable" li#e >inderella" (ic is
anoter story based on pysical beauty%
/% udolph Iou #no( im" don5t you) 'e
(asn5t accepted because o! is ugly siny
nose until is siny nose could sa+e Santa5s
@ourney o! deli+ering toys to all te good
little boys and girls%
3% 0nd" o! course" tere is !umbo, the
9lephant" ridiculed !or is !loppy ears until
e could use tem to !ly%
6% 0nd (at about .now 5hite and the .even
!warfs) Iou #no(" 1Mirror" mirror" on te
(all" (o is te !airest Bnot ugliestC o! tem
$et5s !ace it" our cildren are taugt daily te
importance o! pysical beauty% -t5s e+ery(ere tey go% Wen
(as te last time you sa( an ugly (oman on a reality ,V
series trying to be te one cosen to be te possible !uture
bride o! a 1prince carming)2
Wat a distorted +alue system (e propagateA Wat
irreparable damage is done to tose (o do not meet up to
our 1beauty2 standardsA Darents" our cildren are learning
and o!ten (e are te teacers o! it" outer beauty is !ar more
important tan inner beauty% Maybe te title o! tis article
sould not be 1Beauty and te Beast"2 but rater 1Beauty -s
te Beast%2
Wat to do:
Stress te importance o! inner beauty not @ust outer
Teahing 'ur Children
September 13
Bible Reading: ?pesians 3:28-/2
Key Verse: Verse /2 F And be "e kind one to another,
tenderhearted, for(ivin( one another, even as /od for
%hrist&s sake hath for(iven "ou.#
Key Words: And be "e kind one to another
$et me as# you parents a &uestion; in all o! our
teacing standards: dressing properly" mo+ies" music" etc-
(ic - belie+e is important F do you also teac tem
#indness) -! our cildren are lac#ing in te spirit o! #indness"
tey may ma#e a li+ing but tey5ll miss out on li!e%
Ene ting missing in our !amily altar time is teacing
our cildren o( to treat teir !ello( peers and !ello( man% -
read te !ollo(ing and @ust (ondered o( many o! our
cildren could or (ould (in a gold medal in #indness%
14o you #no( te story o! 'enry Dearce o! 0ustralia"
(o (as competing in te single scull ro(ing e+ent at te
1:29 Elympics) 'e (as leading (en a duc# and er string o!
duc#lings came into +ie( up aead% ,ey (ere on a collision
course and Dearce rec#oned tat is scull (ould cut te string
in t(o and sin# a !e( duc#lings in te process" so e pulled in
is oars% Wen te duc#s passed" Dearce again bent is bac#

to te tas#% ,ere5s a appy ending to te story% Dearce (on%
Jsually" acts o! sportsmansip result in de!eat% Remember
$eo 4urocer5s pronouncement" K7ice guys !inis last)5 -t
appened a couple o! years ago in te maraton tandem
#aya# racing e+ent at te (orld campionsips in
>openagen% 4anis paddlers (ere leading (en teir rudder
(as damaged in a portage% Britis paddlers" (o (ere in
second place" stopped to elp te 4anes !i. it% ,e 4anes (ent
on to de!eat te Britis by one second in an e+ent tat lasted
nearly tree ours% But tere5s a appy ending to tis story"
too% 0ccording to The 5all .treet 3ournal" te Britis
#aya#ers (on at many people regard as te igest onor in
sports% ,ey became te (inner o! te Dierre de >oubertin
-nternational Gair Dlay ,ropy% ,e tropy is named !or te
!ounder o! te modern Elympic <ames" and it as been
a(arded annually !or te past 29 years to people in sports
(o a+e demonstrated nobility o! spirit% -t is big ne(s in
?urope" but it as not been gi+en muc recognition in te
Jnited States% -n te past" te tropy as gone to a 'ungarian
tennis player (o pleaded (it o!!icials to gi+e is opponent
more time to reco+er !rom a cramp" and to a ig scool
bas#etball coac (o !or!eited te <eorgia BJSC state
campionsip a!ter e !ound out tat one o! is players (as
scolastically ineligible% ,e !irst tropy (ent to an -talian
bobsledder named ?ugenio Monti !or a gesture tat e.ibited
a touc o! class% -n te t(o-man bobsled e+ent at te 1:83
-nnsbruc# Elympics" Monti (as te leader a!ter is !inal run%
,e only one gi+en a cance to beat im (as ,ony 7as o!
<reat Britain% 0s 7as and is teammate got ready !or teir
!inal run" tey disco+ered tat a critical bolt on teir sled ad
snapped at te last moment% Monti (as in!ormed o! te
problem and immediately too# te corresponding bolt !rom
is o(n sled and sent it up to 7as% 7as !i.ed is sled" came
urtling do(n te course to set a record and (on te gold
Remember tat our cildren sould a+e ig
>ristian standards" and #indness sould be one o! tem%
Wat to do:
,eac your cildren to be #ind to oters%
September 16
Bible Reading: Dilippians 3:1-11
Key Verse: Verse 11F ,ot that I speak in respect of
want' for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am,
therewith to be content.#
Key Words: to be content
Someday (en te #ids are gro(n" tings (ill be
di!!erent around te ouse% ,e garage (on5t be !illed (it
bi#es" s#ateboards" dolls" and dollouses% Iou (ill be able to
par# bot cars in te garage%
Someday (en te #ids are gro(n" te #itcen (ill be
incredibly neat% ,e sin# (ill be !ree !rom le!t-o+er dirty
dises tat no one seemingly dirties%
Someday (en te #ids are gro(n" tere (ill actually
be !ood le!t in te cabinet and re!rigerator%
Someday (en te #ids are gro(n" te instrument
called a 1telepone2 (ill actually be a+ailable and it (ill be
!ree !rom lipstic#" mustard and corn cips%
Someday (en te #ids are gro(n" you (ill be able to
see troug te car (indo(s (itout seeing and prints"
snea#er prints and !og mar#s% ,e bac# seat (on5t loo# li#e a
urricane as come troug to(n%
Someday (en te #ids are gro(n" you (ill be able to
return to normal con+ersation (itout suc (ords as 1yuc#"
gross" and o" manA2
Someday (en te #ids are gro(n" you (ill be able to
get a ot so(er in te morning%
Ies" someday (en te #ids are gro(n" tings are
going to be di!!erent% Ene by one tey (ill lea+e te nest: no
more clin# o! cina" no more panic#ed pace o! #ids getting
ready !or scool; calm" peace" memories" and lonelinessL and
(e (ill be as#ing" 1- (onder (en te #ids are coming bac#
!or a +isit)2
- guess 0postle Daul ad it rigt a!ter all" Dilippians
3:11- ,ot that I speak in respect of want' for I have learned,

in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

Wat to do:
?n@oy your cildren (ile tey are young% Remember
tey (on5t be !or long%
%or) Toward Self*Disipline
September 18
Bible Reading: 4aniel /:9-1:
Key Verse: Verse 12 F There are certain 3ews whom
thou hast set over the affairs of the province of
Bab"lon, .hadrach, *eshach, and Abedne(o; these
men, O kin(, have not re(arded thee' the" serve not
th" (ods, nor worship the (olden ima(e which thou
hast set up#
Key Words: the" serve not th" (ods
Sel!-discipline is te in(ard strengt to discipline or
control one5s bea+ior and tougt li!e% Wen (e are sel!-
disciplined (e are better able to control our emotions and
pysical appetites (ic ensla+e us%
-n training our cildren" sel!-discipline sould be at
te !ore!ront o! our goals; !or e.ample" teacing our cildren
to a+e enoug sel!-discipline to clean teir rooms and carry
on in daily li!e (itout a+ing to constantly be corrected and
told (at to do% 'o( can tis be accomplised) ,e !ollo(ing
(ill elp%
1% Jnderstanding rules and regulations%
Wen te cild understands te reason !or
rules and o( brea#ing tem can a!!ect
imsel! and oters" it elps in te area o!

2% 4iscussing tings (it parents% $istening to
your cildren5s side o! te story
Bremembering tat tey (ill slant te story
to is or er bene!itC and elping im to see
(ere e (as at !ault (ill elp in te area
o! sel!-discipline% Wen a cild sees @ustice"
e (ill be inclined to discipline imsel! in
te !uture%
/% 4iscussing te conse&uence o! bea+ior% 0s
parents (e sould let our cildren #no(
tat misbea+ior not only urts imsel!"
but oters as (ell%
3% Draise te cild !or accomplisments and
acceptable bea+ior% So( appreciation !or
&uic# and ceer!ul obedience and acts o!
6% $et your cild #no( tat you a+e
con!idence in im or er% 0 simple put-
do(n accomplises noting% <i+e your
cildren tas#s tat you #no( tey can carry
8% Sel!-discipline comes troug te po(er o!
<od% ,eac your cildren to rely on te
po(er o! <od !or sel!-discipline% B4aniel"
Sadrac" Mesac" and 0bednego are
certainly e.amples o! tat%C
Sel! discipline is a +ital part o! your cild5s bea+ior%
,eac it and e.ample it be!ore your cild%
Wat to do:
Remember te best o! all disciplines is sel!
discipline% ,eac it and li+e it%
The Impat of Christ*Centered
Li#ing +pon Disipline
September 17
Bible Reading: <enesis 3:1-9
Key Verse: Verse 7 F If thou doest well, shalt thou not
be accepted4 and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the
door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt
rule over him.#
Key Words: If thou doest well, shalt thou not be
'o( you e+er gi+en any tougt to te !act tat >ain
really lac#ed in te area o! sel!-discipline)
4iscipline is not a list o! 1do5s2 and 1do not5s%2
4iscipline is control% ,e reason (e discipline our cildren is
because tey re!use to control teir o(n bea+ior; so (e
attempt to bring teir bea+ior under control% But years o!
e.perience a+e taugt me tat proper discipline in our
cildren is not @ust taugt" it is also caugt" by cildren !rom
parents (o li+e a >rist-centered li!e% We as parents cannot
lead beyond our o(n e.ample% We o!ten ear te motto"
1>rist is te 'ead o! tis ouse%2 But as >ristian parents
tis sould also be te motto o! our earts% 0s parents our
1sel!-control2 sould be to let >rist rule in our earts" ten
(e can lead our cildren to a proper code o! conduct !or teir
li+es% ,e !ollo(ing are (ays (ic (e can in!luence cildren
!or >rist%
1% Be onest% -! (e are not onest in our daily
tas#s" o( can (e e.pect our cildren to be
onest) Iou sould not e.pect your
cildren to be onest (it you and oters i!
you lie and co+er !or your cildren5s
absences or i! you attempt to co+er !or
tem (en tey misbea+e% Be onest% Iou
cannot e.pect your cildren to be onest
unless you lead te (ay% B?pesians 3:26C%

2% Be consistent% Iou cannot e.pect your
cildren to put <od !irst in teir li+es i! you
do not put <od !irst in your li!e% $ead te
(ay BMatt% 8://C%
/% Be respect!ul% Eur 13 mont-old
granddaugter (as in a room
Bunbe#no(nst to meC (en - (as (or#ing%
- (as admiring my (or# and simply let out
a loud 1oo-(ee"2 !rom te corner o! te
room - eard tis loud cry" 1oo-(ee"
Dapa%2 >ildren repeat (at tey ear% Iou
can5t e.pect your cildren to gi+e proper
respect unless you lead te (ay in it B'eb%
3% Be realistic% 4on5t e.pect per!ection !rom
your cildren% Belie+e me" tey see your
mista#es" and (en you re&uire tem to be
(at you are not" it leads to misbea+ior%
,e #ey is not per!ection" but a 1**M e!!ort
on bot te parent5s and te cild5s part%
4o unto oters as you (ould a+e tem do
unto you%
Remember" discipline is not @ust taugt" it is also caugtA
<od bless you as your cildren catc (at you a+e got%
Wat to do:
,eac discipline but let your cildren catc it !rom
you as (ell%
For ,arents 'nly
September 19
Bible Reading: Dro+erbs :
Key Verse: Verse 1 F 1Wisdom at builded er ouse"
se at e(n out er se+en pillars:2
Key Words: 5isdom hath builded her house

'ere are my ten commandments !or spoiling your
cild% - guarantee complete success i! you apply tese ten
1% 0l(ays ma#e e.cuses !or your cild5s
actions and bea+ior% >o+er !or tem and
ne+er ma#e tem accountable !or teir
2% Begin (it birt al(ays gi+ing te cild
e+eryting eNse (ants%
/% Wen e pic#s up a bad abit and !usses"
al(ays laug and tin# it is cute%
3% 7e+er let your cild ear you say 1tat5s
(rong%2 Iou may ruin is caracter%
6% $et your cild ma#e te !inal decisions (it
no guidance !rom you at all%
8% >lean up a!ter your cild% ,ey (ill lo+e
you !or tat%
7% 0l(ays &uarrel in !ront o! your cildren%
,ey gain plenty o! e.perience tat (ay%
9% Spend a lot o! time a(ay !rom ome
(or#ing so your cild can learn sel!-
:% 0l(ays ta#e your cild5s side against
autority% ,ey (ill tin# you5re great !or
1*% 0l(ays remember tat your cild sould
ne+er a+e it as ard as you did as a cild
!or (e #no( o( it ruined you%
-! you (ant your cild to be spoiled" !ollo( tis ad+ice% -!
not" be care!ul" eNse may turn out too goodA
Wat to do:
Be (iseA
Reasons For Failure
September 1:
Bible Reading: : Matte( 17::-2/
Key Verse: Verse 17 F Then 3esus answered and said,
O faithless and perverse (eneration, how lon( shall I
be with "ou4 how lon( shall I suffer "ou4 brin( him
hither to me.#
Key Words: O faithless and perverse (eneration
-n Matte(" >apter 17" te disciples !ailed to eal a
boy (o (as a lunatic% ,e reason tey !ailed is !ound in +erse
17" 1Then 3esus answered and said, O faithless and perverse
(eneration, how lon( shall I be with "ou4 0ow lon( shall I
suffer "ou4 Brin( him hither to me.#
,e disciples !ailed because tey (ere !aitless but did
not realiHe tey (ere !aitless% ,ey (ere per+erse but did not
realiHe tey (ere per+erse%
- a+e !ound tat many parents are muc li#e te
disciples: tey are !ailing" but tey !ail to see tey are !ailing%
Dlease allo( me to sare (it you ten areas (ere parents are
!ailing to see tey are !ailing%
1% We !ail (en our cildren con!ess
out(ardly but are ne+er canged in(ardly%
2% We !ail i! our cildren5s spiritual #no(ledge
gets to teir ead but not teir eart%
/% We !ail i! (e re&uire our cildren to attend
a >ristian scool on Monday troug
Griday but not to curc on Sunday%
3% We !ail i! our cildren are not learning at
ome (at tey are learning at scool and
6% We !ail i! our cildren are not learning at
curc (at tey are learning at ome and
8% We !ail i! our cildren are not learning at
scool (at tey are learning at ome and

7% We !ail i! (e belie+e (e can ma#e a
di!!erence spiritually (itout being
9% We !ail i! (e do not see 'olly(ood and te
modern-day music industry as our enemy"
not our !riend%
:% We !ail i! te Bible is not te 1primary2
boo# in our ome%
1*% $astly" (e !ail i! (e teac our cildren to
!ind te $ord" but !ail to teac tem to !ear
te $ord BDro+erbs 1:7C%
- pray" as parents" tat you (ill be success!ul"
genuinely Biblically success!ul" in te training o! te cildren
<od as gi+en to us%
Wat to do:
Dray to <od !or not @ust te (orld5s success" but !or
1!amily2 success%
For -our Children. Honoring
-our ,arents
September 2*
Bible Reading: <alatians 8:1-1*
Key Verse: Verse 7 F Be not deceived; /od is not
mocked' for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap.#
Key Words: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap
We are taugt in <alatians 8:7 tat (e reap (at (e
so(; te +erse reads as !ollo(s" Be not deceived; /od is not

mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
reap. ,is is a simple !act o! li!e" (eter good or bad"
(ate+er you plant in your garden tat is (at you (ill
ar+est% ,e same principle applies to your relationsip and
attitude to(ard your parents% ,is morning - (ould li#e !or
you to see (it me (at <od says about onoring and
disobeying your parents% Gour simple pointsL
1% 'onoring your parents produces a re(ard%
?.odus 2*:12" 0onor th" father and mother: 7o(
notice te re(ard" that th" da"s ma" be lon( upon
the land which the Lord th" /od (iveth thee. ,e #ey
to li+ing a long li!e is onoring your parents" but i!
you (ant to die young" li+e a li!e o! disonoring your
parents% 0bsalom" te son o! King 4a+id" (ould
certainly be a great e.ample o! bre+ity o! li!e because
o! te disonoring o! is !ater% BIou can read te
story in -- Samuel 16%C
2% 4isonoring your parents classi!ies you as
a reprobate% 7o( be!ore you get upset (it me" let
me so( you BRomans 1:29-/*C% ,e (ord reprobate
means (ortless" not @ust to <od" but to society% 7o(
- belie+e e+ery one o! you (ould agree (it me tat
people suc as !ornicators" murderers" and in+entors
o! e+il tings are a menace to our society% Well" so are
tose (o are disobedient to teir parents%
/% 'onoring your parents re+eals your
rigteousness% ?pesians 8:1" %hildren, obe" "our
parents in the Lord, for this is ri(ht. - am 86 years
old and - a+e ne+er #no(n o! a person (o truly
and sincerely obeyed teir parents (o (asn5t rigt
in oter areas o! teir li!e% -saac (ould certainly be a
good e.ample o! tis principle% 'e certainly obeyed
is parents and as you read about is li!e !rom <od5s
Word" you !ind e (as obedient (it all (o ad
autority o+er im" including <od B<enesis 28: 1-8C%
3% 4isonoring o! parents is re+ealing o! te
day in (ic (e li+e% Read -- ,imoty /:1-2% Wen
our yout" as a (ole" are disobedient to teir
parents" it re+eals tat (e are li+ing in te last days"
tat te $ord is coming soon- (ic raises te
&uestion" are you ready i! te $ord sould come
today) >an you gi+e a scriptural reason (y you
#no( you are sa+ed and bound !or 'ea+en)
My prayer !or eac o! you is tat you (ill li+e !or <od"
onor your parents and li+e a long" appy and
prosperous li!e% May <od bless you as you are a
blessing to <od%
Wat to do:
0 good reminder !or teens is to remember one day
(en tey are a parent tey (on5t #no( anyting
The Standard
September 21
Bible Reading: $e+iticus 11:2:-37
Key Verse: Verse 36 $ )or I am the LO! that
brin(eth "ou up out of the land of 9("pt, to be "our
/od' "e shall therefore be hol", for I am hol".#
Key Words: "e shall therefore be hol"
Man5s standards !or oliness canges" but <od5s
standard !or oliness ne+er canges%
,ony ?+ans (rites:
1My SE7 came to me one day and as#ed meto
accompany im to te gym% 'e told me tat e (anted to
so( me someting% 'e (as about ele+en years old and barely
!i+e !eet tall% 'e (anted to so( me tat e could dun#A - ad
to see tisA
1- too# im o+er to te gym and e bounced te ball"
approaced te goal" and cupped te ball under is and in
preparation% My ele+en-year old son" not e+en barely !i+e !eet
tall" (ent up and dun#ed te bas#etball% -t (as an amaHing
sigtL% until - realiHed o( e did it%
1Be!ore (e (ent o+er to te gym" e called and as#ed
te maintenance to lo(er te goal% ,e standard ad been

lo(ered% - ad te guy to raise te standard bac# to its correct
eigt% - e.plained to my son tat te goal sould not be
lo(ered so tat e could meet it" but tat e sould continue
to (or# ard to rise to te standard%
1Sometimes" (e lo(er te standard and ten get all
e.cited because (e meet it and tin# (e5+e done someting%
<od is a!ter us meeting 'is standard% 'e (ants us to rise !rom
(ere+er (e are and rise to 'is le+el o! e.cellence%2
7ot our o(nAA
Wat to do:
,eac your cildren tat oliness is based on <od5s
standards not our o(n%
Raising -our Children
September 22
Bible Reading: Dro+erbs 2:1-:
Key Verse: Verse 1 F *" son, if thou wilt receive m"
words, and hide m" commandments with thee;#
Key Words: *" son, if thou wilt receive m" words
-t is our <od-gi+en responsibility as parents to train
our cildren; not te scools" nor te curc5s" but ours%
>ertainly te scool and curc (e coose !or our cildren to
attend are +ital in te training process" but te responsibility
is still ours%
,ere is muc tat our cildren sould be taugt" but
tere are tree primary tings tat - bring to your attention:
Girst o! all" (e sould teac tem to be diligent% Dlease
read te !ollo(ing +erses: Dro+erbs 1*:3" 12:23" 27" 1/:3" 21:6"
and 22:2:%
Secondly" (e sould teac tem to be obedient% -
Samuel 16:22" >olossians /:2*" ?pesians 8:2" and 'ebre(s

,irdly" (e sould teac tem re+erence% ?pesians
-t is said tat upon te 0mbassador5s return to Grance
!rom 0merica" e (as greeted by a mob o! reporters (o
as#ed" 1Wat one ting stands out in your mind about
0merica) Was it te great buildings)2 17o"2 (as is reply%
1Was it teir industry)2 0gain" 17o"2 e replied% ,en anoter
as#ed" 1Was it te beauti!ul mountains and oceans)2 10"2 e
said" 1o( beauti!ul tey (ere" but tat (as not te one ting
(ic stands out te most%2 ,en" te &uestion (as as#ed"
1Wat does stand out te most in your mind about 0merica)2
'e loo#ed at te cro(d o! reporters and stated" 1,e (ay te
parents obey te cildren%2
Wat to do:
0pply te tree principles abo+e%
Ha#e -ou Hugged -our Child
September 2/
Bible Reading: Dsalm 1*/
Key Verse: Verse 1/ F Like as a father pitieth is
children, so the LO! pitieth them that fear him.#
Key Words: pitieth
Mar# tat (ord 1pitiet2 it means to K!ondle5 or Kto ug5
Wic raises te &uestion - 'a+e you ugged your cildren
'e began is li!e (it all te classic andicaps and
disad+antages% 'is moter (as a po(er!ul" strong-(illed
(oman% 'is !ater (as a (ea#-(illed" passi+e" uncaring man
(o spent no time (it is small cild% 7eiter mom nor dad
so(ed im a!!ection" nor did tey discipline im% 'e (as" to
say te least" re@ected !rom is earliest cildood% 4uring is
adolescent years" te girls (ould a+e noting to do (it im
and e !ougt continually (it te boys%

4espite a ig -O e !ailed academically and !inally
dropped out o! scool during is tird year o! ig scool% 'e
@oined te Marines" but un!ortunately" is problems !ollo(ed
im% ,e oter Marines lauged at im and ridiculed im% 'e
!ougt bac#" resisted autority" and (as e+entually court-
martialed and discarged as a disonorable soldier% So no("
ere e is a young man in is early t(enties" absolutely
!riendless" is li!e sip(rec#ed and opeless%
Ence again" e tougt e could run !rom is
problems" so e (ent to li+e in a !oreign country; but e (as
re@ected tere as (ell% Wile in tis !oreign country e
married a young lady muc li#e imsel! (o ad been
re@ected all er li!e% ,e couple mo+ed bac# to 0merica but te
marriage (as doomed !or !ailure% 7eiter one o! tem #ne(
o( to gi+e or recei+e lo+e% ?+entually" e le!t and tried to
ma#e it on is o(n" but again (it no success% 'e (ent bac#
to is (i!e and begged er !orgi+eness (ic (as a mista#e;
se made im beg !or e+eryting !rom tat point on%
Ginally" in silence e could beg no more% 7o one
(anted im% 'e (as arguably te most re@ected man o! our
time% 'is ego sot" is li!e (itout ope and cra+ing attention"
e got up one morning and (ent to is garage" too# do(n a
ri!le e ad idden tere" (ent to (or# at is ne(ly-ac&uired
@ob at a boo# storage building% En te a!ternoon o! 7o+ember
22" 1:8/" e (ent to te 8
!loor o! tat building" loaded is
ri!le" aimed and pulled te trigger and sent t(o sells crasing
into te ead o! Dresident Jon GitHgerald Kennedy% $ee
'ar+ey Es(ald no( (as te center o! attention tat e ad
al(ays longed !or" but it all began (en is parents ad no
time to so( lo+e and attention% 7o(" tis by no means
e.cuses $ee 'ar+ey Es(ald !rom is actions but it does
demonstrate !or us tat all cildren need lo+e and attention
and your correction% Mom" dad" a+e you ugged your cild
Wat to do:
<o on rigt no( and gi+e your
cildren tat ugA Bot you and tey (ill be glad tat
you did%

September 23
Bible Reading: Mar# 1*:1-12
Key Verse: Verse 6 F Be not deceived; /od is not
mocked' for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap.#
Key Words: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap
-n 197*" B% '% >arroll" !ounder o! Sout(estern
Seminary and a stal(art among , Baptists began is
pastorate at te Girst Baptist >urc o! Waco" , 4uring
tis time" >arroll told is +isiting broter" J% M%" about is
concern regarding is sons5 tendency to !igt% ,e
con+ersation (as !ocused on >arroll5s boys (en te t(o
older >arrolls boarded a street car% B% '% placed is tic#et in
te bo." but it (as immediately co+ered by anoter tic#et% ,e
dri+er ten accused >arroll o! not paying% 0n argument
ensued" and te dri+er tried to !lee !rom te car% ,e large
pastor (as a !ormer , Ranger% 'e grabbed te dri+er and
re!used to let im go until e apologiHed% 0!ter te incident"
te t(o >arroll broters sat do(n% J% M% could ardly contain
is laugter% B% '% >arroll ten bro#e te a(#(ard silence by
con!essing" 1- tin# - can see (ere my boys got some o! teir
!igting procli+ities%2
,in# about itA
Wat to do:
Wile it5s important !or us to be a good e.ample in
te curc" it sould start in our ome%
Child A$use
September 26

Bible Reading: -- >ronicles //:1-1/
Key Verse: Verse 8 F And he caused his children to
pass throu(h the fire in the valle" of the son of
0innom' also he observed times, and used
enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a
familiar spirit, and with wi;ards' he wrou(ht much
evil in the si(ht of the LO!, to provoke him to
Key Words: And he caused his children to pass
throu(h the fire

>ild abuse is not a ne( ting% -t5s gone on !or years
o!ten in te name o! a 1god%2 >ild abuse still continues today%
More cildren are abused today by teir parents tan by
Eur nation cringed in orror (en it learned 4ebora
,urner" age tirty-!i+e" ad urled er si.teen-mont old son
,yler out te (indo( o! er sister5s eigt !loor apartment in
>icago% Ms% ,urner became distraugt on 0pril 12" 1::6"
(en er son (ould not stop crying% Se ten grabbed te
toddler and tre( im troug a closed (indo( to is deat%
Jn!ortunately" tis is not an isolated incident% Deople !ear !or
teir cildren5s sa!ety !rom strangers" but a recent report !rom
te J%S 0d+isory Board on >ild 0buse and 7eglect re+ealed
te stunning statistic tat an estimated 2"*** cildren die
eac year at te ands o! parents or careta#ers% ,e 239-page
report said neglect and cild abuse #ill more cildren under
!i+e years o! age tan do tra!!ic accidents" dro(ning" or !alls%
-n 1::3" tere (ere more tan one million con!irmed cases o!
cild abuse or neglect in te Jnited States% >ongress enacted
te Gamily Dreser+ation and Support Ser+ices Drogram in
1::/ tat (ill !unnel P:** million o+er !i+e years to !igt
cild abuse in our country%
,e problem toug is not a 1political2 one but a
spiritual one% - can do all tings troug >rist (ic
strengtens me" but (itout 'im -5m bound !or !ailure%
Wat to do:
-t5s lo+e tat ne+er !ails; not screaming))
!odly ,arenting
September 28
Bible Reading: 4euteronomy 8:1-16
Key Verse: Verse 8 F And these words, which I
command thee this da", shall be in thine heart'
Key Words: And these words, which I command
thee this da", shall be in thine heart
-n tese days o! a permissi+e li!estyle; (e must as#
oursel+es (at (e can do to elp our cildren stay on course
!or >rist% - belie+e te ans(er is !ound in 4euteronomy 8:1-
16% ,e ans(er is <odly parenting%
,rougout te Word o! <od (e as parents are
commanded to teac our cildren <od5s Word% - can tin# o!
no better metod o! doing tat tan a time o! !amily
de+otions% ,ere are a number o! reasons (y you sould
a+e a time o! !amily de+otions% $et me sare tree o! tose
reasons (it you%
Girst o! all" !amily de+otions are important% ,ey are
important because it is a time !or <od to spea# to te !amily
troug 'is Word% -t is important because it pro+ides te
!amily an opportunity to discuss <od5s Word togeter%
Secondly" as a parent it so(s our cildren our lo+e !or
<od5s Word and tem tat (e (ould ta#e te time# to sit
do(n as a !amily and sare in <od5s Word togeter% -! - tell
my cildren o( muc - lo+e <od5s Word and o( important
it is in my li!e but ne+er sare it (it tem" my (ords (ill
come up empty in teir li+es%
,irdly" it is important because as parents (e only
a+e one opportunity to train and reac our cildren !or

>rist% 0 time o! !amily de+otions is a (ay to elp accomplis
tat end%
May <od grant you (isdom as you raise your cildren
!or <od5s onor and glory%
Wat to do:
'a+e a !amily 1altar2 time%
1emory 1a)ing Days
September 27
Bible Reading: ?cclesiastes 12:1-1/
Key Verse: Verse 12 F emember now th" %reator in
the da"s of th" "outh, while the evil da"s come not,
nor the "ears draw ni(h, when thou shalt sa", I have
no pleasure in them'#
Key Words: in the da"s of th" "outh
-t seems as toug it (ere yesterday tat my cildren
(ere noting but mere babes% 7o(" tey all a+e cildren o!
teir o(n% ,ime does !lyA
- must mo+e so!tly" - must #eep
0 (atc upon my (ords and (ays"
My cildren are so small" but tese
0re te dear memory-ma#ing days-
,e days (en teir young minds (ill ta#e
0 clear Fcut picture o! my !ace;
Some little (ord - say (ill ma#e
0n imprint time (ill not erase%
My ands" s(i!t-mo+ing troug te ours;
My !eet tat tread teir daily round;
My tougts B<od elp meC in teir earts%
,roug a!ter years (ill still be !ound%

- must (al# so!tly" - must #eep
0 (atc on all - do or say%
Deraps" tus guarded" - sall ma#e
Some lo+ely memory today%
- <race 7oll >ro(e
What to do:
Remember te (ords o! te 'onorable Burton
,ur#us" !ormer assistant 4istrict 0ttorney !or te State o! 7e(
Ior#" 1,e place to begin training your cild is te ig cair;
te electric cair is too late%2
Tips For Dad
September 29
Bible Reading: Malaci 3
Key Verse: Verse 8 $ And he shall turn the heart of
the fathers to the children, and the heart of the
children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the
earth with a curse.#
Key Words: heart of the children to their father
J% D% 0llen" a Baptist minister" once as#ed a cild
psycologist" 1-! you ad one rule !or !aters" (at (ould it
be)2 -n reply" te psycologist ga+e im (at e called te
AB%2s o! discipline%
A" e said" stands !or al(ays% 10l(ays be consistent%
Maintain a reasonable le+el o! discipline (it your cild% -!
you blo( your stac# because e lea+es te cap o!! te
tootpaste today and ten say noting (en e damages te
neigbor5s property tomorro(" you con!use im%2
B" e said" stands !or busy% 1But not too busy% Some o!
te (orst @obs o! !aterood are by men o! good reputation
(o copped out under te guise o! Ktoo busy%5 -! you5re not too
busy to a+e a #id" ten don5t alibi out o! gi+ing im te time

and !riendsip e rigtly e.pects% -t5s not a matter o! being
busy" but o! being disorganiHed or not caring% -! you allo(
yoursel! to be too preoccupied" your youngster (ill read it as
%, e said" stands !or caring% 1Men are e&ual partners
in parentood% -t5s not (oman5s (or# to rear te young% Se
may a+e to super+ise tem during (or# ours" but not
e+enings" (ee#ends" olidays" and +acations (en you can
so( you care% 0 ma@or peril to cildren in 0merica is te bad
parentood o! good men%2
Wat to do:
Being a godly !ater is not @ust in supplying te
pysical needs o! your cildren" but te spiritual and
emotional needs as (ell%
September 2:
Bible Reading: <enesis 23:1-17
Key Verse: Verse 1 F And Abraham was old, and well
stricken in a(e' and the LO! had blessed Abraham
in all thin(s.#
Key Words: And Abraham was old, and well
stricken in a(e
We can5t lea+e tis de+otional (itout a de+otion on
,e Je(s di+ided old age into tree stages% Grom si.ty
to se+enty (as #no(n as te commencement o! old age% Grom
se+enty to eigty (as #no(n as te oary ead Bgray airC age%
,en !rom eigty on" tey (ere #no(n as tose (ell-stric#en
in age B<enesis 23:1C% By te time you ad reaced any o! te
ages abo+e" you in all li#eliood ad grandcildren" (ic
made you a proud grandparent% ,e !ollo(ing story is so

10 !ast-paced e.ecuti+e (as oping to get some (or#
done on a cross-country !ligt% 'e ad is laptop computer
running (en te lady ne.t to im struc# up a con+ersation%
0ltoug e ad a great deal o! (or# to attend" e (elcomed
te brie! intercange (it tis pleasant older (oman% 0!ter
se+eral minutes o! en@oyable con+ersation" te e.ecuti+e
politely e.cused imsel! and said e must get bac# to is
(or#% ,e (oman (as apparently obli+ious to te man5s need
to (or# and continued to tal#% Se (ent !rom one sub@ect to
te ne.t% ,e businessman tried to remain polite" so e
al!(ay listened (ile continuing is (or#% 0!ter nearly an
our o! constant tal#" te (oman started digging in er purse%
Wen se !ound (at se (as loo#ing !or" se turned to te
no( stressed-out e.ecuti+e and as#ed" K4id - tell you about my
grandcildren)5 e &uic#ly replied" K7o ma5am% 0nd - really
appreciate itA2
,e older you get te more you (ill !ind tat outside
your relationsip (it te $ord" your !amily in particular"
your spouse and grandcildren" are te most important ting
in your li!e% -! you5+e ne+er ad grandcildren you may not
understand tis" but i! you a+e" you understand%
Wat to do:
Gor all o! you tat are no( grandparents" remember"
grandparents may be te only people in te (orld (o
truly lo+e teir grandcildren unconditionally%
Some ,astor Ad#ie for ,arents
September /*
Bible Reading: -- >orintians 12:1-13
Key Verse: Verse 13 F Behold, the third time I am
read" to come to "ou; and I will not be burdensome
to "ou' for I seek not "ours, but "ou' for the children

ou(ht not to la" up for the parents, but the parents
for the children.#
Key Words: but the parents for the children
,e !ollo(ing are pieces o! ad+ice - a+e gi+en to
prospecti+e parents%
1% Iou (ill ne+er truly #no( te lo+e o! your
parents until you are one%
2% Ene o! te greatest tings (e can teac our
cildren is o( to li+e (it us%
/% 4on5t become so busy gi+ing your cildren
(at you didn5t a+e tat you !orget to gi+e tem
(at you did a+e%
3% Ene (ay to curb delin&uency is to ta#e
parents o!! te street at nigt%
6% ,e best (ay to get your teenager to ta#e
bac# distaste!ul clotes tey a+e purcased is not to
argue (it tem% Simply say 1- li#e it%2 ,ey5ll ta#e it
bac# te ne.t day%
8% Sound really does tra+el slo(er tan ligt%
,e ad+ice parents gi+e to teir eigteen year old
doesn5t reac tem until tey are !orty%
7% ,e trouble (it being a parent is tat by
te time you are e.perienced at it" you5re
9% Eutside o! >rist te best ting you can
gi+e your cildren is time%
:% ,e best teacer !or your cild is a good
1*% Bet(een te cild and <od stands te
parent: a separating (all or a connecting line%
Wat to do:
Darenting is loo#ing bac# a!ter eigteen years to
t(enty years and seeing (at #ind o! @ob you did% So"
be a <odly e.ample dailyA
I deeply appreciate
the help of
Mary Parsons
Glenda Myrick
And my lovely wife, Linda
Without God using these
people to help, this
devotional would not
have been possible.
Dr. Mike Rouse
is a ministry of
2234 Chal)#ille 1ountain Road
Birmingham5 AL" 62762
8792: 42;*7<;=

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