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Paper 2

01. When load is removed ___ motor will run at the highest speed
a!. shunt ". #umulative$#ompound #. di%%erential #ompound d. series
02. The power %a#tor o% a parallel resonan#e #ir#uit is
a. one ". &ero #. 0.' d. 0.(0(
03. )ire prote#tion installation #ontinuous loop is supported "* atta#hment or #lamps ever*
a. + , - in#hes ". - , 10 in#hes #. 10 , 12 in#hes d. 4 , + in#hes
04. Thermistor #onsists o% semi$#ondu#tor material whose resistan#e #hanges as
a. in#rease o% pressure ". in#rease o% temperature
#. in#rease o% velo#it* d. an* o% the a"ove
0'. The total no. o% allowa"le ni#.ed and "ro.en strands in aluminium #a"les is
a. 2 ni#.ed! none "ro.en ". 4 ni#.ed! none "ro.en
#. none ni#.ed! none "ro.en d. data in su%%i#ient
0+. What is true a"out aluminium wires used in air#ra%t
a. an aluminium #ondu#tor having same resistan#e as #opper #ondu#tor! has onl* two ,thirds o% the weight
"ut twi#e the #ross se#tional area o% #opper #ondu#tor
". aluminium wire smaller than /W0 si&e + is not a##epta"le
#. aluminium wires #annot "e soldered. 1n man* #ases aluminium wire re2uires a spe#ial wire$stripping tool to
ensure that the strands are not ni#.ed or "ro.en
d. all the a"ove
0(. )or the voltage "uilt up o% a sel% e3#ited D.4. generator whi#h o% the %ollowing is 56T an essential
a. There must "e some residual %lu3 ". )ield winding mm% must aid the residual %lu3
#. Total %ield #ir#uit resistan#e must "e less than the #riti#al value
d. /armature speed must "e ver* high
0-. 1nterlopes are #onne#ted $
a. in series with armature winding onl* ". in series with armature winding and #ompensating winding
#. in series with au3iliar* internal d. ea#h statement is true
07. 8ulphation in a lead$a#id "atter* o##urs due to $
a. Tri#.le #harging ". 1n#omplete #harging #. 9eav* dis#harging d. )ast #harging
10. The main propose o% using #ore in a trans%ormer is to $ :/4 +'$7/! Page$3'-;
a. de#rease iron losses ". prevent edd* #urrent loss
#. eliminate magneti# h*steresis d. de#rease relu#tan#e o% the #ommon magneti# #ir#uit
11. Permanent magnets in <rushless /.4 generator are $
a. =o#ated on rotor sha%t o% alternator ". =o#ated in inter , polar gaps o% /.4 e3#iter
#. >sed %or providing initial magnetism d. <oth :1; ? :3; are #orre#t
12. The thermal prote#tor
a. is prote#tive devi#e ". a#ts as automati# 4<
#. is "ased on di%%erent e3pansion o% two metals d. all o% the a"ove
13. / standard logi# gate is a t*pi#al e3ample o%
:a; an 881 devi#e :"; an =81 devi#e :#; a @=81 devi#e.
14. The three "eams in a #olour 4AT are asso#iated with the #olours
:a; red! *ellow and "lue :"; red! green and "lue :#; green! "lue and *ellow.
1'. The power %a#tor in an /4 #ir#uit is the same as
:a; the sine o% the phase angle :"; the #osine o% the phase angle :#; the tangent o% the phase angle.
1+. 1n a volatile memor*
:a; the memor* is lost as soon as power is removed
:"; the memor* is retained inde%initel*
:#; the memor* needs to "e re%reshed #onstantl*! even when power is on.
1(. De#reasing the #urrent in the %ield #oil o% a D4 generator will
:a; de#rease the output voltage :"; in#rease the output voltage :#; in#rease the output %re2uen#*.
1-. / three$phase indu#tion motor has three pairs o% poles and is operated %rom a +0 9& suppl*. Whi#h one o%
the %ollowing gives the motorBs s*n#hronous speedC
:a; 1200 r.p.m. :"; 1-00 r.p.m. :#; 3+00 r.p.m.
17. The a##ura#* o% the vi"rating #onta#t regulator depends on the
:a; input voltage :"; generator output #urrent :#; resistor value and spring tension.
20. What gives the #olour o% an =DDC.
:/;The a#tive element. :<;The plasti# it is en#ased in. :4;The t*pe o% gas used inside it.
21. Whi#h o% the %ollowing des#ri"es the #hara#teristi#s o% a Th*ristorC.
:/;9igh voltage handling. :<;9igh power handling. :4;9igh #urrent handling
22. /n atom with ' ele#trons in its outer shell is part o%.
:/;a P5 t*pe material. :<;a P t*pe material. :4;an 5 t*pe material.
23. The ele#trodes o% an 84A are.
:/;gate! #athode! anode. :<;sour#e! drain! gate. :4;anode! #athode! sour#e.
24. / pie#e o% pure 0ermanium.
:/;is ele#tri#all* sta"le. :<;has a de%i#it o% ele#trons. :4;has an e3#ess o% ele#trons.
2'. What #omponent is used to turn /4 to D4C.
:/;Th*ristor. :<;Diode. :4;Transistor.
2+. What is an intrinsi# materialC.
:/;6ne with added elements. :<;6ne with removed elements. :4;/ pure material
2(. 1n a %orward "iased diode! #urrent is #arried "*.
:/;maEorit* #arriers. :<;minorit* #arriers. :4;<oth / ? < :D; either o% / ? <
2-. Tunnel diodes have the %ollowing #hara#teristi#s.
:/;9eavil* doped P$5 Eun#tion with an e3tremel* narrow depletion region.
:<;=ightl* doped P and 5 regions and a high reverse "rea.down voltage.
:4;=ightl* doped P region! heavil* doped 5 region and has a %ast response time.
27. P15 diodes are used mainl* %or.
:/;linear re#ti%iers. :<;%ast swit#hing devi#es. :4;voltage operated re#ti%iers.
30. /valan#he "rea.down o##urs when.
:/;reverse "ias e3#eeds a #ertain value. :<;%orward "ias e3#eeds a #ertain value.
:4;%orward #urrent "e#omes e3#essive.
31. /5 10 D9'/ where 9 indi#ate
a; '/-F diameter head drilled "; '/-F diameter head and shan. drilled
#; '/-F diameter ? shan. drilled d; 5one
32. 6$rings #an "e dete#ted "*
a; 4 , power magni%*ing glass
"; 8mall #ra#.s! parti#les o% %oreign material or other irregularities are #he#.ed "* rolling
#; 8light stret#hing o% the ring #he#.ed "* dowel d; /ll
33. 8olid rivet o% 1/-F diameter is repla#ed "*
a; Two rivet o% 1/1+F diameter "; Three rivet o% 1/1+F diameter
#; )our rivet o% 1/1+F diameter d; 4annot "e repla#ed
34. 4olour #ode %or o$rings
a; Aed dot %or h*drauli# %luid "; 0reen dot %or %uel #; Gellow dot %or s.*drol %luid d; 5one
3'. )or sa%et*ing turn"u#.les! wire is used in
a; 8ingle wrap "; Dou"le wrap #; Dou"le wrap spiral d; /ll are #orre#t
3+. D&us pastners #onsist o% a stud! grommet and re#epta#le! stud length is measured in
a; Tenth o% an in#h "; 8i3teenth o% an in#h #; 9undredth o% an in#h d; Thousandth o% an
3(. / gru" s#rew is a
a; 9eadless t*pe set s#rew "; 4ap s#rew with %ine threads
#; Ha#hine s#rew with %lat #ountersun. head
d; 4*lindri#al pie#e threaded at "oth ends and is plain in the middle
3-. Whi#h one o% the %ollowing rivet is read* %or use as re#eived ? need no %urther heat treatment.
a; 211( "; 201($T #; 2024 d; 1100
37. I1#e$<o3F rivets are
a;201($T "; 211($T #; 2024$T d; a; ? #; are #orre#t
40. /luminium allo*s 201( ? 2024 must "e trans%ormed %rom the heat treatment medium to 2uen#h tan.
within 10 se#onds or so. / dela* results in
a; Aetarded age hardening "; Aedu#ed #orrosion resistan#e
#; Dull/8trained sur%a#e d; 9ard/"rittle sur%a#e
41. Power and wor. are measured in
a; Watt and %or#e "; Watt and Eoule #; /mpere hour and Eoule d; )arad and Eoule
42. 6ne mi#ron is
a; 10$3 meter "; 10$+ meter #; 10$7 meter d; 5one o% these
43. The #hange in resistan#e depends upon
a; Temperature "; Haterial and length #; 4ross se#tional area d; <oth "; and #; are #orre#t
44. The method o% mounting air#ra%t instruments in their respe#tive panels depends on
a; 1nstrument manu%a#turer "; Design o% the instrument #ase
#; Design o% the air#ra%t %uselage d; Design o% the instrument panel
4'. 9ow is a %lange less instrument #ase mounted in an instrument panelC
a; <* %our s#rews whi#h e3tend through the instrument panel
"; <* an e3panding t*pe #lamp se#ured to the "a#. o% the panel and tightened "* a s#rew %rom the %ront o% the
instrument panel
#; <* a metal shel% separate %rom and lo#ated "ehind the instrument panel
d; <* press %it into the instrument panel and held in pla#e "* %ri#tion
4+. /ngular momentum is
a; Homent o% inertia "; /ngular velo#it* #; Produ#t o% a; ? "; d; 8um o% a; ? ";
4(. Har. the in#orre#t statement
a; Pre#ession is inversel* proportional to the strength ? dire#tion o% applied %or#e.
"; Pre#ession is inversel* proportional to the moment o% inertia o% the rotor.
#; Pre#ession is inversel* proportional to the angular velo#it* o% the rotor.
d; 5one o% the a"ove
4-. The stresses to whi#h /ir#ra%t are su"Ee#ted are
a; Tension "; Torsion #; <ending d; /ll o% these
47. The internal %or#e o% a su"stan#e whi#h opposes the de%ormation is #alled
a; 8train "; 8tress #; Tension d; Torsion
'0. The angle "etween the #hord o% the tail plane and the #hord o% the main plane is .nown as
a; =ateral dihedral "; =ongitudinal dihedral #; 5ormal dihedral d; @erti#al dihedral
'1. The longitudinal sta"ilit* o% aeroplane is dependent on
a; Position o% 4 o% 0 "; Hovement o% 4 o% P on the main plane and %uselage
#; /rea o% the tale plane! its aspe#t ratio! distan#e %rom 4 o% 0 d; /ll o% these
'2. Har. the #orre#t statement %or hori&ontal sta"ili&er
a; 1t alwa*s produ#es nose up pit#hing moment "; 1t alwa*s produ#es nose down pit#hing moment
#; Dither a; or "; depending upon the design d; Provides no pit#hing moment
'3. 9ow man* 0P8 satellites are re2uired to lo#ate an air#ra%tC
a; 1 "; 2 #; Hinimum 3 d; Hinimum 4
'4. 1n magnet steel! the allo*ing elements are
a; 5i#.el! 4o"alt "; 8ili#on! 5i#.el
#; Hol*"denum! 4opper d; Tungsten! 4o"alt
''. The s*m"ol is %or
a; Wood "; 4ast iron
#; 8teel d; Au""er
'+. )irst usa"le %errous produ#t o"tained "* smelting ores in a "last %urna#e is
a; Pig 1ron "; Wrought 1ron #; 4ast 1ron d; 8teel
'(. Whi#h element is responsi"le %or JAed hardness propert*C
a; Ti "; Ta #; Ho d; W
'-. To generate a 1 H9& signal the most suita"le #ir#uit is
a; Wein$"ridge 6s#illator "; Phase shi%t 6s#illator #; 4olpits 6s#illator d; 9artle* 6s#illator
'7. The purpose o% DD/8 is
a; Hodernise the various /ir#ra%t s*stem and their displa* s*stem "; To redu#e the wor. load o% the pilot
#; To redu#e the spa#e in the /ir#ra%t d; /ll o% these
+0. The #ontent o% 462 %ire e3tinguisher or 52 pressuri&ed e3tinguisher is #he#.ed "*
a; Weight and pressure gauge "; on ne#.
#; <* operating the e3tinguisher d; /ll o% these
+1. 1n 5$t*pe semi#ondu#tors! the #on#entration o% minorit* #arriers mainl* depends upon
a; Doping te#hni2ue "; 5um"er o% donor atoms
#; Temperature o% material d; 2ualit* o% intrinsi# material
+2. Whi#h gate is .nown as universal gate
a; 6A gate "; 56A gate #; /5D gate d; K6A gate
+3. The t*pe o% drag whi#h is produ#ed "* non li%ting sur%a#es is .nown as
a; Parasite drag "; Wing drag #; %ri#tion d; 1ndu#ed drag
+4. 4ra&ing appears on the plasti# sur%a#e in %orms o%
a; 8traight line #ra#. "; Lig&ag #ra#. #; / networ. o% #ra#. running in all dire#tion d; 5ot visi"le
+'. Hagnesium parts are prote#ted %or temporar* storage with
a; 4ladding "; /nodi&ing #; Plating d; 4hrome pi#.le treatment
++. The multiple dis. "rea. assem"l* #onsist o%
a; 3 stators "; 4 rotators #; 1 "earing #areer d; /ll a"ove
+(. 1n anodi&ing o% /l allo*s a thin la*er o% %ilm on the sur%a#e is %ormed o%
a; /l o3ide "; 8odium o3ide #; Potassium o3ide d; 4al#ium o3ide
+-. Di#hromate treatment is given to
a; /l parts "; 8teel parts #; Hagnesium parts d; 4opper parts
+7. /l. /llo* "ell #ran.s emplo*ing pressed in taper pins are suspe#ted to
a; )atigue #orrosion "; )retting #orrosion #; 8tress #orrosion d; 5one o% these
(0. )le3i"le %uel tan.s are tested %or %uel lea. with the air pressure o%
a; 0.2' P81 "; 1.' P81 #; 2.' P81 d; 0.' P81
(1. To #he#. the rudder hinge alignment the instrument used is
a; 8#ale "; Plum "o" #; straight edge d; 8teel tape
(2. Taper on a sha%t is indi#ated along the
a; 4entre line "; <ase line #; Dimension line
(3. 8et s2uares #an "e used %or drawing
a; @erti#al line "; 1n#lined line #; Parallel line d; /ll o% the a"ove
(4. 8plined sha%ts are used to
a; Transmit larger power than .e*ed sha%t "; 6"tain a3ial movement
#; 6"tain rotar* movement d; /ll o% these
('. 0ear se#tor gives
a; 4ontinuous motion "; 1ntermittent motion
#; Ae#ipro#ating motion d; 5one o% these
(+. 9eli#al gears are
a; Hore 2uiet than spur gear "; 9aving more num"er o% teeth in #onta#t
#; 8mooth in operation d; /ll o% these
((. 4hain :thi#. line o% 0.(mm; indi#ates
a. @isi"le outlines and edges ". 9idden outlines and edges
#. 8ur%a#e whi#h have to meet spe#ial re2uirements. d. 4utting planes.
The <ristol modi%ied method is an adoption o%
:a; hot %luid method :"; #old %luid method
:#; oil ? #hal. pro#ess :d; "oth :a; ? :";
(7. D*e$penetrant method is not appli#a"le on
:/;#erami#s :"; moulded ni""er :#; ple3i$glass :d; all o% these
-0. To avoid the ris. o% #orrosion! d*e$penetrant test o% magnesium allo*s are done a%ter
:a; anodising :"; #hromati&ing :#; #ar"uri&ing :d; par#olu"ri&ing
Paper 2
01 D 02 / 03 4 04 < 0' 4
0+ D 0( D 0- < 07 < 10 D
11 D 12 D 13 / 14 < 1' <
1+ / 1( / 1- / 17 4 20 /
21 4 22 4 23 / 24 / 2' <
2+ 4 2( 4 2- / 27 < 30 /
31 D 32 D 33 4 34 4 3' D
3+ 4 3( / 3- / 37 D 40 <
41 < 42 D 43 < 44 < 4' <
4+ 4 4( / 4- D 47 < '0 <
'1 D '2 4 '3 4 '4 D '' <
'+ / '( D '- 4 '7 D +0 /
+1 4 +2 < +3 / +4 4 +' D
++ D +( / +- 4 +7 4 (0 /
(1 < (2 / (3 D (4 / (' <
(+ D (( 4 (- / (7 4 -0 <
-1 -2 -3 -4 -'
-+ -( -- -7 70
71 72 73 74 7'
7+ 7( 7- 77 100

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