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Gary Snyder

Preface to the Poems of Hanshan
!y L" Ch#$"y$n, Go%ernor of T#a$ Prefect"re

No one &no's 'hat sort of man Hanshan 'as. There are o(d )eo)(e 'ho &ne' h$m* they say he
'as a )oor man, a cra+y character. He ($%ed a(one se%enty L$ ,-. m$(es/ 'est of the T#an0hs$n0
d$str$ct of T#$ent#a$ at a )(ace ca((ed Co(d Mo"nta$n. He often 'ent do'n to the 1"och#$n0 Tem)(e.
At the tem)(e ($%ed Sh$h#te, 'ho ran the d$n$n0 ha((. He somet$mes sa%ed (efto%ers for Hanshan,
h$d$n0 them $n a !am!oo t"!e. Hanshan 'o"(d come and carry $t a'ay2 'a(&$n0 the (on0 %eranda,
ca(($n0 and sho"t$n0 ha))$(y, ta(&$n0 and (a"0h$n0 to h$mse(f. Once the mon&s fo((o'ed h$m, ca"0ht
h$m, and made f"n of h$m. He sto))ed, c(a))ed h$s hands, and (a"0hed 0reat(y Ha Ha3 for a
s)e((, then (eft.

He (oo&ed ($&e a tram). H$s !ody and face 'ere o(d and !eat. 4et $n e%ery 'ord he !reathed 'as a
mean$n0 $n ($ne '$th the s"!t(e )r$nc$)(es of th$n0s, $f on(y yo" tho"0ht of $t dee)(y. E%eryth$n0 he
sa$d had a fee($n0 of Tao $n $t, )rofo"nd and arcane secrets. H$s hat 'as made of !$rch !ar&, h$s
c(othes 'ere ra00ed and 'orn o"t, and h$s shoes 'ere 'ood. Th"s men 'ho ha%e made $t h$de the$r
trac&s* "n$fy$n0 cate0or$es and $nter)enetrat$n0 th$n0s. On that (on0 %eranda ca(($n0 and s$n0$n0, $n
h$s 'ords of re)(y Ha Ha3 the three 'or(ds re%o(%e. Somet$mes at the %$((a0es and farms he
(a"0hed and san0 '$th co'herds. Somet$mes $ntracta!(e, somet$mes a0reea!(e, h$s nat"re 'as
ha))y of $tse(f. 5"t ho' co"(d a )erson '$tho"t '$sdom reco0n$+e h$m6

I once rece$%ed a )os$t$on as a )etty off$c$a( at Tanch#$". The day I 'as to de)art, I had a !ad
headache. I ca((ed a doctor, !"t he co"(dn#t c"re me and $t t"rned 'orse. Then I met a 5"ddh$st
Master named 7en0&an, 'ho sa$d he came from the 1"och#$n0 Tem)(e of T#$ent#a$ es)ec$a((y to
%$s$t me. I as&ed h$m to resc"e me from my $((ness. He sm$(ed and sa$d, 8The fo"r rea(ms are '$th$n
the !ody2 s$c&ness comes from $(("s$on. If yo" 'ant to do a'ay '$th $t, yo" need )"re 'ater.8
Someone !ro"0ht 'ater to the Master, 'ho s)at $t on me. In a moment the d$sease 'as rooted o"t.
He then sa$d, 8There are m$asmas $n T#a$ )refect"re, 'hen yo" 0et there ta&e care of yo"rse(f.8 I
as&ed h$m, 8Are there any '$se men $n yo"r area I co"(d (oo& on as Master68 He re)($ed, 89hen
yo" see h$m yo" don#t reco0n$+e h$m, 'hen yo" reco0n$+e h$m yo" don#t see h$m. If yo" 'ant to see
h$m, yo" can#t re(y on a))earances. Then yo" can see h$m. Hanshan $s a Man:"sr$ ,one 'ho has
atta$ned en($0htenment and, $n a f"t"re $ncarnat$on, '$(( !ecome 5"ddha/ h$d$n0 at 1"osh#$n0.
Sh$hte $s a Samanta!!hadra ,5odh$satt%a of (o%e/. They (oo& ($&e )oor fe((o's and act ($&e
madmen. Somet$mes they 0o and somet$mes they come. They 'or& $n the &$tchen of the 1"och#$n0
d$n$n0 ha((, tend$n0 the f$re.8 9hen he 'as done ta(&$n0 he (eft.

I )roceeded on my :o"rney to my :o! at T#a$cho", not for0ett$n0 th$s affa$r. I arr$%ed three days
(ater, $mmed$ate(y 'ent to a tem)(e, and ;"est$oned an o(d mon&. It seemed the Master had !een
tr"thf"(, so I 0a%e orders to see $f T#an0hs$n0 rea((y conta$ned a Hanshan and Sh$hte. The D$str$ct
Ma0$strate re)orted to me* 8In th$s d$str$ct, se%enty ($ 'est, $s a mo"nta$n. Peo)(e "sed to see a )oor
man head$n0 from the c($ffs to stay a'h$(e at 1"och#$n0. At the tem)(e d$n$n0 ha(( $s a s$m$(ar man
named Sh$hte.8 I made a !o', and 'ent to 1"och#$n0. I as&ed some )eo)(e aro"nd the tem)(e,
8There "sed to !e a Master named 7en0&an here, 9here $s h$s )(ace6 And 'here can Hanshan and
Sh$hte !e seen68 A mon& named T#aoch#$ao s)o&e ")* 87en0&an the Master ($%ed $n !ac& of the
($!rary. No'adays no!ody ($%es there2 a t$0er often comes and roars. Hanshan and Sh$hte are $n
the &$tchen.8 The mon& (ed me to 7en0&an#s yard. Then he o)ened the 0ate* a(( 'e sa' 'as t$0er
trac&s. I as&ed the mon&s Taoch#$ao and Paote, 89hen 7en0&an 'as here, 'hat 'as h$s :o!68 The
mon&s sa$d, *He )o"nded and h"((ed r$ce. At n$0ht he san0 son0s to am"se h$mse(f.8 Then 'e 'ent
to the &$tchen, !efore the sto%es. T'o men 'ere fac$n0 the f$re, (a"0h$n0 (o"d(y. I made a !o'. The
t'o sho"ted Ho3 at me. They str"c& the$r hands to0ether Ha Ha3 0reat (a"0hter. They sho"ted.
Then they sa$d, 87en0&an (ooseto"n0ed, (ooseto"n0ed. 4o" don#t reco0n$+e Am$ta!ha, ,the
5odh$satt%a of mercy/ 'hy !e co"rteo"s to "s68 The mon&s 0athered ro"nd, s"r)r$se 0o$n0 thro"0h
them. 889hy has a !$0 off$c$a( !o'ed to a )a$r of c(o'ns68 The t'o men 0ra!!ed hands and ran o"t
of the tem)(e. I cr$ed, 8Catch them8 !"t they ;"$c&(y ran a'ay. Hanshan ret"rned to Co(d
Mo"nta$n. I as&ed the mon&s, 89o"(d those t'o men !e '$(($n0 to sett(e do'n at th$s tem)(e68 I
ordered them to f$nd a ho"se, and to as& Hanshan and Sh$hte to ret"rn and ($%e at the tem)(e.

I ret"rned to my d$str$ct and had t'o sets of c(ean c(othes made, 0ot some $ncense and s"ch, and
sent $t to the tem)(e !"t the t'o men d$dn#t ret"rn. So I had $t carr$ed ") to Co(d Mo"nta$n. The
)ac&er sa' Hanshan, 'ho ca((ed $n a (o"d %o$ce, 8Th$ef3 Th$ef38 and retreated $nto a mo"nta$n
ca%e. He sho"ted, 8I te(( yo" man, str$%e hard8 entered the ca%e and 'as 0one. The ca%e c(osed of
$tse(f and they 'eren#t a!(e to fo((o'. Sh$hte#s trac&s d$sa))eared com)(ete(y..

I ordered Taoch#$ao and the other mon&s to f$nd o"t ho' they had ($%ed, to h"nt ") the )oems
'r$tten on !am!oo, 'ood, stones, and c($ffs and a(so to co((ect those 'r$tten on the 'a((s of
)eo)(e#s ho"ses. There 'ere more than three h"ndred. On the 'a(( of the Earthshr$ne Sh$hte had
'r$tten some 0atha ,5"ddh$st %erse or son0/. It 'as a(( !ro"0ht to0ether and made $nto a !oo&.

I ho(d to the )r$nc$)(e of the 5"ddham$nd. It $s fort"nate to meet '$th men of Tao, so I ha%e made
th$s e"(o0y.



The )ath to Hanshan#s )(ace $s (a"0ha!(e,
A )ath, !"t no s$0n of cart or horse.
Con%er0$n0 0or0es hard to trace the$r t'$sts
="m!(ed c($ffs "n!e($e%a!(y r"00ed.
A tho"sand 0rasses !end '$th de',
A h$(( of )$nes h"ms $n the '$nd.
And no' I#%e (ost the shortc"t home,
5ody as&$n0 shado', ho' do yo" &ee) ")6


In a tan0(e of c($ffs, I chose a )(ace
5$rd )aths, !"t no tra$(s for me.
9hat#s !eyond the yard6
9h$te c(o"ds c($n0$n0 to %a0"e roc&s.
No' I#%e ($%ed here ho' many years
A0a$n and a0a$n, s)r$n0 and '$nter )ass.
Go te(( fam$($es '$th s$(%er'are and cars
89hat#s the "se of a(( that no$se and money68


In the mo"nta$ns $t#s co(d.
A('ays !een co(d, not :"st th$s year.
=a00ed scar)s fore%er sno'ed $n
9oods $n the dar& ra%$nes s)$tt$n0 m$st.
Grass $s st$(( s)ro"t$n0 at the end of ="ne,
Lea%es !e0$n to fa(( $n ear(y A"0"st.
And here I am, h$0h on mo"nta$ns,
Peer$n0 and )eer$n0, !"t I can#t e%en see the s&y.


I s)"r my horse thro"0h the 'rec&ed to'n,
The 'rec&ed to'n s$n&s my s)$r$t.
H$0h, (o', o(d )ara)et 'a((s
5$0, sma((, the a0$n0 tom!s.
I 'a00(e my shado', a(( a(one2
Not e%en the crac& of a shr$n&$n0 coff$n $s heard.
I )$ty a(( those ord$nary !ones,
In the !oo&s of the Immorta(s they are name(ess.


I 'anted a 0ood )(ace to sett(e*
Co(d Mo"nta$n 'o"(d !e safe.
L$0ht '$nd $n a h$dden )$ne
L$sten c(ose the so"nd 0ets !etter.
Under $t a 0ray ha$red man
M"m!(es a(on0 read$n0 H"an0 and Lao.
7or ten years I ha%en#t 0one !ac& home
I#%e e%en for0otten the 'ay !y 'h$ch I came.


Men as& the 'ay to Co(d Mo"nta$n
Co(d Mo"nta$n* there#s no thro"0h tra$(.
In s"mmer, $ce doesn#t me(t
The r$s$n0 s"n !("rs $n s'$r($n0 fo0.
Ho' d$d I ma&e $t6
My heart#s not the same as yo"rs.
If yo"r heart 'as ($&e m$ne
4o"#d 0et $t and !e r$0ht here.


I sett(ed at Co(d Mo"nta$n (on0 a0o,
A(ready $t seems ($&e years and years.
7ree(y dr$ft$n0, I )ro'( the 'oods and streams
And ($n0er 'atch$n0 th$n0s themse(%es.
Men don#t 0et th$s far $nto the mo"nta$ns,
9h$te c(o"ds 0ather and !$((o'.
Th$n 0rass does for a mattress,
The !("e s&y ma&es a 0ood ;"$(t.
Ha))y '$th a stone "nder head
Let hea%en and earth 0o a!o"t the$r chan0es.


C(am!er$n0 ") the Co(d Mo"nta$n )ath,
The Co(d Mo"nta$n tra$( 0oes on and on*
The (on0 0or0e cho&ed '$th scree and !o"(ders,
The '$de cree&, the m$st !("rred 0rass.
The moss $s s($))ery, tho"0h there#s !een no ra$n
The )$ne s$n0s, !"t there#s no '$nd.
9ho can (ea) the 'ord#s t$es
And s$t '$th me amon0 the 'h$te c(o"ds6


Do"0h and dar& the Co(d Mo"nta$n tra$(,
Shar) co!!(es the $cy cree& !an&.
4ammer$n0, ch$r)$n0 a('ays !$rds
5(ea&, a(one, not e%en a (one h$&er.
9h$), 'h$) the '$nd s(a)s my face
9h$r(ed and t"m!(ed sno' )$(es on my !ac&.
Morn$n0 after morn$n0 I don#t see the s"n
4ear after year, not a s$0n of s)r$n0.


I ha%e ($%ed at Co(d Mo"nta$n
These th$rty (on0 years.
4esterday I ca((ed on fr$ends and fam$(y*
More than ha(f had 0one to the 4e((o' S)r$n0s.
S(o'(y cons"med, ($&e f$re do'n a cand(e2
7ore%er f(o'$n0, ($&e a )ass$n0 r$%er.
No', morn$n0, I face my (one shado'*
S"dden(y my eyes are !(eared '$th tears.


S)r$n0 'ater $n the 0reen cree& $s c(ear
Moon($0ht on Co(d Mo"nta$n $s 'h$te
S$(ent &no'(ed0e the s)$r$t $s en($0htened of $tse(f
Contem)(ate the %o$d* th$s 'or(d eFceeds st$((ness.


In my f$rst th$rty years of ($fe
I roamed h"ndreds and tho"sands of m$(es.
9a(&ed !y r$%ers thro"0h dee) 0reen 0rass
Entered c$t$es of !o$($n0 red d"st.
Tr$ed dr"0s, !"t co"(dn#t ma&e Immorta(2
Dead !oo&s and 'rote )oems on h$story.
Today I#m !ac& at Co(d Mo"nta$n*
I#(( s(ee) !y the cree& and )"r$fy my ears.


I can#t stand these !$rd son0s
No' I#(( 0o rest $n my stra' shac&.
The cherry f(o'ers are scar(et
The '$((o' shoots ") feathery.
Morn$n0 s"n dr$%es o%er !("e )ea&s
5r$0ht c(o"ds 'ash 0reen )onds.
9ho &no's that I#m o"t of the d"sty 'or(d
C($m!$n0 the so"thern s(o)e of Co(d Mo"nta$n6


Co(d Mo"nta$n has many h$dden 'onders,
Peo)(e 'ho c($m! here are a('ays 0ett$n0 scared.
9hen the moon sh$nes, 'ater s)ar&(es c(ear
9hen the '$nd !(o's, 0rass s'$shes and ratt(es.
On the !are )("m, f(o'ers of sno'
On the dead st"m), (ea%es of m$st.
At the to"ch of ra$n $t a(( t"rns fresh and ($%e
At the 'ron0 season yo" can#t ford the cree&s.


There#s a na&ed !"0 at Co(d Mo"nta$n
9$th a 'h$te !ody and a !(ac& head.
H$s hand ho(ds t'o !oo& scro((s,
One the 9ay and one $ts Po'er.
H$s shac&#s 0ot no )ots or o%en,
He 0oes for a (on0 'a(& '$th h$s sh$rt and )ants as&e'.
5"t he a('ays carr$es the s'ord of '$sdom*
He means to c"t do'n sens(ess cra%$n0.


Co(d Mo"nta$n $s a ho"se
9$tho"t !eans or 'a((s.
The s$F doors (eft and r$0ht are o)en
The ha(( $s s&y !("e.
The rooms a(( %acant and %a0"e
The east 'a(( !eats on the 'est 'a((
At the center noth$n0.

5orro'ers don#t !other me
In the co(d I !"$(d a ($tt(e f$re
9hen I#m h"n0ry I !o$( ") some 0reens.
I#%e 0ot no "se for the &"(a&
9$th hs !$0 !arn and )ast"re
He :"st sets "o a )r$son for h$mse(f.
Once $n he can#t 0et o"t.
Th$n& $t o%er
4o" &no' $t m$0ht ha))en to yo".


If I h$de o"t at Co(d Mo"nta$n
L$%$n0 off mo"nta$n )(ants and !err$es
A(( my ($fet$me, 'hy 'orry6
One fo((o's h$s &arma thro"0h.
Days and months s($) !y ($&e 'ater,
T$me $s ($&e s)ar&s &noc&ed off f($nt.
Go ahead and (et the 'or(d chan0e
I#m ha))y to s$t amon0 these c($ffs.


Most T#$ent#a$ men
Don#t &no' Hanshan
Don#t &no' h$s rea( tho"0ht
And ca(( $t s$((y ta(&.


Once at Co(d Mo"nta$n, tro"!(es cease
No more tan0(ed, h"n0 ") m$nd.
I $d(y scr$!!(e )oems on the roc& c($ff,
Ta&$n0 'hate%er comes, ($&e a dr$ft$n0 !oat.


Some cr$t$c tr$ed to )"t me do'n
84o"r )oems (ac& the 5as$c Tr"th of Tao.8
And I reca(( the o(d t$mers
9ho 'ere )oor and d$dn#t care.
I ha%e to (a"0h at h$m,
He m$sses the )o$nt ent$re(y,
Men ($&e that
O"0ht to st$c& to ma&$n0 money.


I#%e ($%ed at Co(d Mo"nta$n ho' many a"t"mns.
A(one, I h"m a son0 "tter(y '$tho"t re0ret.
H"n0ry, I eat one 0ra$n of Immorta( med$c$ne
M$nd so($d and shar)2 (ean$n0 on a stone.


On to) of Co(d Mo"nta$n the (one ro"nd moon
L$0hts the 'ho(e c(ear c(o"d(ess s&y.
Honor th$s )r$ce(ess nat"ra( treas"re
Concea(ed $n f$%e shado's, s"n& dee) $n the f(esh.


My home 'as at Co(d Mo"nta$n from the start,
Dam!($n0 amon0 the h$((s, far from tro"!(e.

Gone, and a m$(($on th$n0s (ea%e no trace
Loosed, and $t f(o's thro"0h 0a(aF$es
A fo"nta$n of ($0ht, $nto the %ery m$nd
Not a th$n0, and yet $t a))ears !efore me*
No' I &no' the )ear( of the 5"ddha nat"re
1no' $ts "se* a !o"nd(ess )erfect s)here.


9hen men see Hanshan
They a(( say he#s cra+y
And not m"ch to (oo& at
Dressed $n ra0s and h$des.
They don#t 0et 'hat I say
And I don#t ta(& the$r (an0"a0e.
A(( I can say to those I meet*
8Try and ma&e $t to Co(d Mo"nta$n.8

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