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Sample Paper 2013

Class IX
Subject Biology

a) i) Match the items of column I with the items in column II : [6]
Column I Column II
i) m!lase a) Suc"ose
ii) #e#sin $) li#i%
iii) &i#ase c) #"otein
i') Suc"ase %) sta"ch
') month e) (ast"ic )uice
'i) stomach f) *illi
ii) +ill in the $lan,s with suita$le wo"%s:- [.]
i) The la"(est (lan% in the $o%! of humans is the//////00
ii) the//////00teeth a"e well %e'elo#e% in Ca"ni'o"ous animals
iii) ) Coccus [$acte"ia] occu""in( in chains a"e calle%/an% those occu""in( in cluste"s
a"e calle%////// iii) The $est wa! to 1(ht 'i"al %isease is
$!///////0to #"e'ent infection
$) nswe" the followin( [2]
i) nae"o$ic "es#i"ation in !east #lace in the///////00of O30
ii) In #lant "es#i"ation #e"s#i"ation ta,es #lace in///////00
iii) The soun% #"o%ucin( o"(an///////
i') lcohol o" lactic aci% is #"o%uce% %u"in(//////0
') +"o( $"eath with the hel# of//////an%////////
c) Name the o"(anelle that is conce"ne% with [.]
i) 4"otein s!nthesis ii) S!nthesis of "es#i"ato"! en5!mes
iii)S!nthesis of %i(esti'e en5!mes i') 4hotos!nthesis in #lants
%) Answer the following:- [5]
e) +ill in the $lan,s with [2]
i) On the $asis of mo%e of nut"ition $acte"ia a"e ("ou#e% into//////00cate(o"ies
ii) *ol'o6 occu"s in/////////0
iii) 7o$a" (as is #"o%uce% f"om the/////////
i') The e!es#ot in a chlam!%omnoas is sensiti'e to////////0
') The t!#es of $acte"ia a"e//////0an%////////0
1) 9"ite the functions of s,in [1]
30 9hat %o !ou un%e"stan% $! :(oose ;esh<= how is it $"ou(ht a$out= [8]
80 9"ite a sho"t note on >heat st"o,e? [3]
.0 9"ite a sho"t note on >sweet (lan%s [8]
i) %i@e"entiate $etween inhalation an% e6halation [3]
ii) Aow is ai" %"awn "es#i"ation in insects [3]
iii) 9hat is the #e"centa(e of o6!(en in the ins#i"e% ai" an% e6#i"e% ai"= [1]
i) 9"ite a note on teeth of ca"ni'o"es B he"$i'o"es [.]
ii) 9hat is Colus= [1]
iii) 9hat is a *illi= [1]
i') 9hat is E(estion= [1]
') Name the %i@e"ent t!#es of teeth in mammals [3]
'i) 9"ite the %ental fo"mula of man [1]

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