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Dated Lahore the
Mar!h" #$
No% SO (Ca&'I)#'()#$. In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 139 of the
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, o!ernment of the Pun"ab is pleased
to make the followin# Rules$
% Short t*t+e a,d !o--e,!e-e,t%' %1& 'hese rules ma( be cited as the Pun"ab
o!ernment Rules of )usiness *+11.
%*& 'he( shall come into force at once.
#% De.*,*t*o,/%' In these rules, unless the context otherwise re,uires0
%a& -Assembl(. means the Pro!incial Assembl( of the Pun"ab/
%b& -Attached 0epartment. means a department mentioned in column 3 of
the 1irst 2chedule.
%c& -Autonomous )od(. means a )od( mentioned in column 3 of the 1irst
%d& -)usiness. means the work done b( the o!ernment/
%e& -Cabinet. means the Cabinet of 4inisters, with the Chief 4inister at its
head as mentioned in Article 13+ of the Constitution.
%f& -Case. means a particular matter under consideration and includes all
papers pertainin# to it and necessar( for its disposal, such as
correspondence and notes and an( pre!ious papers connected with the
%#& -Chief 2ecretar(. means the officer notified as such in the a5ette, and
includes Additional Chief 2ecretar( in 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment/
%h& -Compan(. means a compan( created in public sector as mentioned in
the 1irst 2chedule.
%i& -Constitution. means Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan/
%"& -0epartment. means a self6contained administrati!e unit in the
2ecretariat responsible for the conduct of business of the o!ernment in
a distinct and specified sphere, and declared or constituted as such
under the rules/
%k& -0istrict Coordination 7fficer., -0istrict o!ernment. and 89xecuti!e
0istrict 7fficer8 shall ha!e the same meanin#s as are respecti!el(
assi#ned to them under the Pun"ab :ocal o!ernment 7rdinance, *++1
(XIII of 2001)/
%l& -a5ette. means the 7fficial a5ette of the Pro!ince of the Pun"ab/
%m& -o!ernment -means o!ernment of the Pun"ab/
%n& -o!ernor. means o!ernor of the Pun"ab/
%o& -;ead of an Attached 0epartment. means an officer shown in column 3
of the 1irst 2chedule.
%p& -4ember. means a 4ember of the Assembl(/
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%,& -4inister.< means a 4inister appointed under Article 13* of the
%r& -4inister6in6Char#e. means the 4inister holdin# the char#e of the
0epartment to which a particular case pertains/
%s& -Parliamentar( 2ecretar(. means a Parliamentar( 2ecretar( appointed
b( the Chief 4inister for a 0epartment or 0epartments.
%t& -Pro!ince. means Pro!ince of the Pun"ab/
%u& -Re#ional 7ffice. means an office declared as such b( the o!ernment/
%!& -rules. mean the Pun"ab o!ernment Rules of )usiness *+11/
%w& -2chedule. means a schedule appended to these rules/
%x& -2ecretariat. means the 0epartments of the o!ernment when referred
to collecti!el(/
%(& -2ecretar(. means the 2ecretar( or Actin# 2ecretar( to o!ernment in6
char#e of a 0epartment or part of a 0epartment and includes the Chief
2ecretar(, the Additional Chief 2ecretar(, the 2pecial 2ecretar( and the
Additional 2ecretar( in6char#e of a 0epartment/
%5& -2ection. means a basic workin# unit in a 0epartment as determined b(
the o!ernment/ and
%aa& -2pecial Institution. means an institution mentioned as such in the 1irst
(% A++o!at*o, o. B1/*,e//%' %1& 'he 2ecretariat shall consist of the 0epartments
specified in column * of the 1irst 2chedule.
%*& 'he Chief 4inister ma( constitute new 0epartments or !ar( the
composition or number of the 0epartments.
%3& 'he business of the o!ernment shall be distributed amon#st se!eral
0epartments in the manner indicated in the 2econd 2chedule.
%3& =otwithstandin# an(thin# in sub6rule %3&, the Chief 4inister ma( transfer
an( sub"ect or matter from the 0epartment to which it stands assi#ned in accordance
with the 2econd 2chedule to an( other 0epartment.
%>& 'he Chief 4inister ma( assi#n to a 4inister a 0epartment, or part of a
0epartment, or parts of different 0epartments, or more than one 0epartment.
%?& A 0epartment or part of a 0epartment not assi#ned under sub6rule %>&
shall be in the char#e of the Chief 4inister.
%@& 'he Chief 4inister ma( assi#n an( function, sub"ect or matter, in whole
or in part, to a 0istrict o!ernment to be dischar#ed b( its offices set up under the
Pun"ab :ocal o!ernment 7rdinance, *++1(XIII of 2001).
2% Or3a,*4at*o, o. De5art-e,t/%' %1& A 0epartment shall consist of a 4inister, a
2ecretar( and such other officials as the o!ernment ma( determine, pro!ided that the
same person ma( be the 4inister or the 2ecretar( for more than one 0epartment.
%*& 'he 2ecretar( shall, b( a 2tandin# 7rder, distribute the work of the
0epartment amon# the officials, branches or sections of the 0epartment.
6% F1,!t*o,/ o. the Ch*e. M*,*/ter%' %1& 'he Chief 4inister shall 6
%a& be the head of the Cabinet/
%b& coordinate all polic( matters/
%c& perform functions assi#ned to him under the Constitution, an( law or
rules, includin# these rules/
%d& keep the o!ernor informed on matters relatin# to Pro!incial
administration and on all le#islati!e proposals the o!ernment intends
to brin# before the Assembl( as re,uired under Article 131 of the
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%e& communicate to the o!ernor the decisions of the Cabinet relatin# to
the administration of the Pro!ince and proposals for le#islation/ and
%f& submit for the reconsideration b( the Cabinet an( matter which the
o!ernor re,uires to be so reconsidered in terms of Article 1+> of the
%*& 'he Chief 4inister ma( call for an( case or information from an(
0epartment, Attached 0epartment or Re#ional 7ffice.
7% F1,!t*o,/ o. the M*,*/ter%' %1& A 4inister shall$
%a& be responsible for the polic( matters and for the conduct of business of
the 0epartment/
%b& submit cases to the Chief 4inister under these rules/
%c& keep the Chief 4inister informed of important cases disposed of b( him
without reference to the Chief 4inister/ and
%d& conduct the Assembl( business relatin# to his 0epartment.
%*& =otwithstandin# an(thin# in sub6rule %1&, the 4inister shall consult the
Chief 4inister in important political, economic or administrati!e matters.
8% Ad9*/or/ a,d S5e!*a+ A//*/ta,t/%' 'here shall be Ad!isors and 2pecial
Assistants to the Chief 4inister to be appointed b( him, for the performance of such
duties and functions as ma( be specified from time to time.
:% F1,!t*o,/ o. the Par+*a-e,tar; Se!retar;%' %1& 2ub"ect to an( #eneral or
special order issued b( the Chief 4inister, a Parliamentar( 2ecretar( for a 0epartment
shall deal with such parliamentar( business or related functions concernin# the
0epartment as ma( be entrusted to him b( the 4inister.
%*& =otwithstandin# an(thin# in sub6rule %1&, a Parliamentar( 2ecretar( shall
not be re,uired to undertake an( functions in!ol!in# interference in the internal workin#
or administration of the 0epartment, its Attached 0epartment or Re#ional 7ffice.
<% F1,!t*o,/ o. the Ch*e. Se!retar;%' %1& 2ub"ect to the rules, the Chief
2ecretar( shall$
%a& be the head of the 2ecretariat/
%b& be the 2ecretar( of the Cabinet/
%c& be #enerall( responsible for all matters affectin# public tran,uilit(/
%d& co6ordinate and super!ise the acti!ities of all the 0epartments/
%e& ha!e the powers to call for an( case or information from an(
0epartment, Attached 0epartment, Re#ional 7ffice, or a 0istrict
%*& All the cases submitted to the Chief 4inister shall be routed back
throu#h the Chief 2ecretar(.
$% F1,!t*o,/ o. the Se!retar;%' %1& A 2ecretar( shall$
%a& be the official head of the 0epartment and be responsible for its efficient
administration and discipline, for the conduct of business assi#ned to
the 0epartment and for the obser!ance of laws and rules, includin#
these rules, in the 0epartment/
%b& be responsible to the 4inister for the business of the 0epartment and
keep him informed about the workin# of the 0epartment, and of
important cases disposed of without reference to the 4inister/
%c& assist the 4inister in the formulation of polic( and brin# to the notice of
the 4inister cases re,uired to be submitted to the Chief 4inister under
the rules/
%d& execute the sanctioned polic(/
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%e& submit, with the appro!al of the 4inister, proposals for le#islation to the
%f& keep the Chief 2ecretar( informed of important cases disposed of in the
%#& issue, sub"ect to an( #eneral or special orders of the o!ernment$
i& standin# orders specif(in# the cases or class of cases which
ma( be disposed of b( an officer subordinate to the 2ecretar(/
ii& specific orders and instructions to its officers for the conduct of
the business assi#ned to a 0istrict o!ernment.
%*& Ahile submittin# a case for the orders of the 4inister, the 2ecretar(
shall su##est a definite line of action.
%3& Ahere the 4inister<s orders appear to contra!ene an( law, rules,
re#ulations or o!ernment polic(, the 2ecretar( shall resubmit the case to the 4inister
in!itin# his attention to the rele!ant law, rules, re#ulations or o!ernment polic(, and if
the 4inister disa#rees with the 2ecretar(, the 4inister ma( refer the case to the Chief
4inister for orders.
% Ge,era+ Pro!ed1re .or D*/5o/a+ o. B1/*,e//%' %1& 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment shall issue 2ecretariat Instructions about the manner of
disposal of the business of the 2ecretariat.
%*& If an( doubt arises as to the department to which a case properl(
pertains, the matter shall be referred to the Chief 2ecretar(, who shall obtain the orders
of the Chief 4inister if necessar(, and the orders thus passed shall be final.
%3& All orders shall be in writin#/ howe!er, in case of a !erbal order, the
officer recei!in# the order shall reduce it in writin# and, as soon as ma( be, submit it to
the authorit( makin# the order for confirmation.
%3& If an order contra!enes an( law, rules, re#ulations or o!ernment
polic(, the authorit( next below the authorit( makin# such order shall point it out to the
authorit( makin# the order and if the latter does not a#ree, it shall refer the case to the
next hi#her authorit( for appropriate decision.
#% Order/" I,/tr1-e,t/" A3ree-e,t/ a,d Co,tra!t/%' %1& All executi!e actions
of the o!ernment shall be expressed to be taken in the name of the o!ernor.
%*& 2a!e in cases where an officer has been specificall( empowered b( the
Chief 4inister to si#n an order or instrument on behalf of the o!ernment, e!er( order
or instrument shall be si#ned b( the 2ecretar(, 2pecial 2ecretar(, Additional 2ecretar(,
0eput( 2ecretar(, 2ection 7fficer, 7fficer on 2pecial 0ut( or an( other officer notified
b( the 0epartment concerned, and such si#nature shall be deemed to be proper
authentication of such order or instrument.
%3& :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment ma( issue Instructions for
makin# and execution of contracts and assurances of propert(.
(% Re.ere,!e to the Go9er,or%' %1& =o order shall be issued without the appro!al
of the o!ernor in cases mentioned in Part6A of 'hird 2chedule.
%*& Aith respect to a case mentioned in sub6rule %1&, the 0epartment
concerned shall incorporate a para#raph to this effect in the summar( titled as
B2ummar( for the Chief 4inisterB, and the Chief 4inister shall submit the case to the
o!ernor with appropriate ad!ice.
%3& 'he 2ummar( containin# the orders of the o!ernor shall be returned to
the Chief 4inister.
%3& 'he cases enumerated in Part6) of 'hird 2chedule shall be submitted
throu#h the Chief 4inister to the o!ernor for information.
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2% Re.ere,!e to the Ch*e. M*,*/ter%' %1& =o order shall be issued without the
appro!al of the Chief 4inister in a case in!ol!in# polic( decision or departure from a
polic( decision or in a case mentioned in Part6A of 2e!enth 2chedule.
E=5+a,at*o,%' 'he Cdeparture from a polic( decision< includes departure from a
pre!ious decision of the Cabinet or the Chief 4inister.
%*& A case submitted to the Chief 4inister for his orders shall include a self
contained, concise and ob"ecti!e summar( statin# the rele!ant facts and the points for
discussion and the specific recommendations of the 4inister6in6Char#e. It shall also
carr( a draft communication, where!er appropriate.
%3& 'he cases mentioned in Part6) of 2e!enth 2chedule shall be submitted
to the Chief 4inister for information.
%3& 'he Chief 4inister ma(, b( #eneral or special order, re,uire an( other
case to be submitted to him or he ma( call for an( case or information from an(
0epartment, Attached 0epartment, Re#ional 7ffice, or a 0istrict o!ernment.
6% Co,/1+tat*o, a-o,3 De5art-e,t/%' %1& Ahen the sub"ect of a case concerns
more than one 0epartment$
%a& the 0epartment in6char#e shall be responsible for consultin# the other
concerned 0epartments/ and
%b& no orders shall issue and no case shall be submitted to the Chief
4inister or the Cabinet, until it has been considered b( all the concerned
%*& In cases of ur#enc(, the Chief 4inister ma( dispense with the
re,uirement of sub6rule %1&, but the case shall, at the earliest opportunit( thereafter, be
brou#ht to the notice of the concerned 0epartments.
%3& In the e!ent of difference of opinion between the 0epartments, the
4inister primaril( concerned with the case shall submit it to the Chief 4inister$
Pro!ided that in a matter of ur#enc(, the 4inister primaril( concerned ma(
submit the case to the Chief 4inister at an( sta#e.
%3& Ahen a case is referred b( one 0epartment to another for consultation,
all rele!ant facts and the points necessitatin# the reference shall be clearl( brou#ht out.
%>& 9!en where consultation is not re,uired, a 0epartment ma(, for
purposes of information, transmit copies of communication recei!ed b( it or show a
case to such other 0epartments as ma( be interested in, or benefit from, it.
%?& 'he copies of C(pher tele#rams recei!ed or dispatched b( the C(pher
)ureau shall be distributed in accordance with the standin# orders issued b( the Chief
%@& A 4inister ma( ask to see a case of another 0epartment if it is re,uired
for the disposal of a case in his 0epartment.
%D& 'he 4inister for 1inance ma( ask to see a case of an( 0epartment in
which a financial consideration is in!ol!ed.
%9& 'he re,uest made under sub6rule %@& or sub6rule %D& shall contain the
reasons for which the case is re,uired and shall be dealt with under the #eneral or
special orders of the 4inister6in6char#e. If, for an( reason, the case, or rele!ant extract
from it, cannot be made a!ailable, the 4inister6in6char#e shall explain the position to
the 4inister makin# the re,uest or brin# the matter to the notice of the Chief 4inister, if
%1+& If a 4inister desires an( further action to be taken on the case of
another 0epartment, he ma( take up the matter with the 4inister6in6char#e of that
7% Ser9*!e/ a,d Ge,era+ Ad-*,*/trat*o, De5art-e,t%' %1& 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment shall$
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%a& determine the principles of control of the o!ernment ser!ants,
includin# recruitment, conditions of ser!ice and discipline/
%b& co6ordinate the polic( of all 0epartments with respect to the ser!ices
under their control for purposes of consistenc( of treatment/
%c& secure the ri#hts and pri!ile#es conferred on the o!ernment ser!ants
under an( law/
%d& determine the number and the terms and conditions of ser!ice of the
personal staff of the 4inisters/
%e& deal with the petitions from the members of All Pakistan 2er!ices
addressed to the 1ederal o!ernment/
%f& select officers, other than to the rank of 2ecretar( and abo!e, for
appointment under the 1ederal o!ernment/
%#& ser!e as 2ecretariat of the Chief 4inister and his Cabinet/ and
%h& deal with the matters relatin# to Council of Common Interests and Inter
Pro!incial Coordination.
%*& =o 0epartment shall, without the concurrence of 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment, authori5e an( orders, other than an order in pursuance of
an( #eneral or special dele#ation made b( 2er!ices and eneral Administration
0epartment, which in!ol!e 6
%a& reduction or extension in the scope of functions of a 0epartment as
specified in 2econd 2chedule or the transfer of such functions from one
0epartment to another/
%b& re6or#ani5ation or chan#e in the status of 0epartments, Attached
0epartments and Re#ional 7ffices directl( administered b( a
%c& interpretation of rules and orders relatin# to ser!ice matters other than
rules and orders issued b( the 1inance 0epartment/ and
%d& an( chan#e in the terms and conditions of ser!ice or the statutor( ri#hts
and pri!ile#es of the o!ernment ser!ants.
%3& =o orders in respect of emoluments, promotion or conditions of ser!ice
of an( officer emplo(ed in the 1inance 0epartment shall be made and no proposal of
expenditure relatin# to that 0epartment shall be sanctioned without prior concurrence
of 2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment.
%3& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall perform, in respect of the matters mentioned
in sub6rule %3&, the functions of the 2ecretar( of 1inance 0epartment.
8% Ch*e. M*,*/ter>/ I,/5e!t*o, Tea-%' %1& =otwithstandin# an(thin# to the
contrar( contained in these rules, the Chairman of Chief 4inister<s Inspection 'eam
shall be directl( responsible to the Chief 4inister and shall conduct business under his
%*& 'he Chief 4inister<s Inspection 'eam shall be deemed to be a
0epartment and its Chairman, the 2ecretar( of the 0epartment.
:% Ho-e De5art-e,t%' %1& 'he ;ome 2ecretar( shall keep the Chief 2ecretar(
#enerall( informed of all matters affectin# public tran,uilit(.
%*& 'he 4inister6in6char#e shall submit to the Chief 4inister, all cases likel(
to ha!e ma"or political repercussions.
<% Co,/1+tat*o, ?*th F*,a,!e De5art-e,t%' %1& =o 0epartment shall, without
pre!ious consultation with 1inance 0epartment, authori5e an( orders other than orders
in pursuance of an( #eneral or special dele#ation made b( 1inance 0epartment, which
directl( or indirectl( affect the finances of the Pro!ince, or which, in particular, in!ol!e$
%a& relin,uishment, remission or assi#nment of re!enue, actual or potential
or #rant of #uarantee a#ainst it or #rant of lease of land or mineral,
forest or water6power ri#hts/
%b& expenditure for which no pro!ision exists/
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%c& a chan#e in the number or nomenclature or basic scale of a post or in
the terms and conditions of ser!ice of the o!ernment ser!ants or their
statutor( ri#hts and pri!ile#es which ha!e financial implications/
%d& le!( of taxes, duties, fees or cesses/
%e& floatation of loans/
%f& re6appropriation within the bud#et #rants/
%#& alteration in financial procedure or in the method of compilation of
accounts or of the bud#et estimates/ or
%h& interpretation of rules made b( 1inance 0epartment.
%*& =o amendment in, or interpretation of, such ci!il ser!ices rules as ha!e
no financial implication shall be made b( 1inance 0epartment without the prior
concurrence of 2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment.
%3& =o proposal, which re,uires pre!ious consultation with 1inance
0epartment under the rules but in which that 0epartment has not concurred, shall be
proceeded with unless a decision to that effect has been taken b( the Cabinet.
1ormal orders shall, ne!ertheless, issue onl( after 1inance 0epartment has exercised
scrutin( o!er the details of the proposal.
%3& 9xcept to the extent that powers ma( ha!e been dele#ated to the
0epartments under the rules framed b( 1inance 0epartment, e!er( order of an
Administrati!e 0epartment con!e(in# a sanction to be enforced in audit shall be
communicated to the audit authorities throu#h 1inance 0epartment.
#$% Co,/1+tat*o, ?*th La? a,d Par+*a-e,tar; A..a*r/ De5art-e,t%' %1& :aw and
Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment shall be consulted b( other 0epartments$
%a& on matters pertainin# to substanti!e le#islation/
(b) on matters concernin# dele#ated le#islation, such as rules, re#ulations,
b(e6laws, a#reements and 4emoranda of Enderstandin# %4oEs&/
%c& on the interpretation of substanti!e or dele#ated le#islation/
%d& on le#al ,uestions arisin# out of an( case/
%e& before institutin# ci!il proceedin#s in a court of law in which the
o!ernment is in!ol!ed/ and
%f& whene!er ci!il proceedin#s are instituted a#ainst the o!ernment.
%*& 1or an( proposed le#islation, substanti!e or dele#ated, :aw and
Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment shall be consulted in accordance with the pro!isions
contained in Part61 of these rules.
%3& 9xcept as pro!ided in sub6rule %3&, :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs
0epartment is not, in respect of le#islation, substanti!e or dele#ated, an ori#inatin#
office, and its proper function is to put into correct le#al form the proposed le#islation.
%3& Codification of substanti!e laws or le#islation for the consolidation of
existin# enactments, or le#islation of a purel( formal character, such as repealin# and
amendin# )ills and short title )ills, ma( be initiated b( :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs
0epartment. 'hat 0epartment shall, howe!er, consult the concerned 0epartment,
which shall consider the draft le#islation in its bearin# on administration, make such
in,uiries and consultations as ma( be necessar( and tender ad!ice to :aw and
Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment accordin#l(.
F%>& =o department shall consult Ad!ocate eneral Pun"ab, except throu#h
:aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment, and in accordance with the procedure laid
down b( that 0epartment.G
%>& 'he 0epartment interested in consultin# the Ad!ocate eneral shall
draw up specific points on which the opinion of the Ad!ocate eneral is desired and
shall send a self6contained reference to :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment for
consultin# the Ad!ocate eneral.
FPro!ided that in cases in!ol!in# ur#enc(, or where public interest so
Deleted by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
Added by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
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demand, the 0epartment concerned ma(, after recordin# the reasons for the ur#enc(
or, as the case ma( be, public interest in!ol!ed, forward such specific points directl( to
the Ad!ocate eneral for le#al opinion.G
F%?& In cases where the 0epartment desires to consult the Ad!ocate eneral
Pun"ab throu#h :aw HParliamentar( Affairs 0epartment, the :aw H Parliamentar(
0epartment shall first record its comprehensi!e opinion on the points of law on which
opinion is sou#ht before forwardin# the reference to the Ad!ocate eneral for his
%@& If there is disa#reement between the !iews of the Ad!ocate eneral and
:aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment, their !iews shall be con!e(ed !erbatim to
the concerned 0epartment, and if that 0epartment does not accept the !iew of :aw and
Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment, the case shall be submitted to 4inister for :aw and
Parliamentar( Affairs for submission to the Cabinet for decision.
F%D& =o 0epartment shall en#a#e a pri!ate counsel for representin# it in an(
case before the ;i#h Court, 1ederal 2hairat Court or the 2upreme Court of Pakistan,
except with the prior permission of the :aw H Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment and its
appro!al b( the Ad!ocate eneral.G
#% Re.ere,!e .ro- the Head/ o. Re3*o,a+ O..*!e/" Head/ o. Atta!hed
De5art-e,t/ a,d D*/tr*!t Go9er,-e,t/ to the De5art-e,t/%' %1& 'he ;eads of
Re#ional 7ffices, the ;eads of Attached 0epartments or 0istrict o!ernments, as the
case ma( be, shall submit cases for appro!al of the o!ernment throu#h a self6
contained reference #i!in# all the information and details necessar( for an appropriate
%*& 'he cases referred to the Administrati!e 0epartment b( the Attached
0epartment shall ordinaril( be settled throu#h personal discussion between the ;ead of
the Attached 0epartment and the 2ecretariat 7fficers dealin# with the case.
##% Se!retar*e/ Co--*ttee%' %1& 'here shall be a 2ecretaries Committee with the
Chief 2ecretar( as its Chairman, to discuss matters referred to it b( a 0epartment, a
4inister or the Chief 4inister, in which the experience and collecti!e wisdom of the
senior officers need to be consulted, to the benefit of the sub"ect under consideration.
%*& A 2ecretar(, who wishes a particular matter to be discussed in a
meetin# of the 2ecretaries Committee, shall apprise 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment of his intention of doin# so and forward a brief note which
would form the basis of discussion.
%3& 2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment shall issue notice of a
meetin# to#ether with the a#enda, well in ad!ance of the meetin#, pro!ided that ur#ent
items ma( be considered at short notice.
%3& 'he 2ecretaries shall attend the meetin#s of the 2ecretaries Committee.
%>& 'he minutes of the meetin# shall be recorded, except in those cases
where a record ma( not be considered necessar(, and shall be circulated after
appro!al b( the Chief 2ecretar(.
%?& 'he concerned 0epartment shall process the recommendations of the
2ecretaries Committee in accordance with these rules.
#(% A55o*,t-e,t/" Po/t*,3/" Pro-ot*o,/ a,d Tra,/.er/%' %1& Appro!al of the
Chief 4inister will be obtained before issue of orders in cases relatin# to appointments,
promotions, postin#s and transfers to posts mentioned in 1ourth 2chedule.
%*& 'ransfers of o!ernment ser!ants shown in column * of 1ifth 2chedule
shall be made b( the Authorit( shown a#ainst each in column 3 thereof.
%3& 2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment shall be consulted, if it
is proposed to$
%a& transfer the holder of a tenure post before the completion of tenure or
%e-&'(be)ed a&d Added by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
Added by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
Page 9 of 72
extend the period of his tenure/ and
%b& re,uire an officer to hold char#e of more than one post for a period
exceedin# four months.
%3& 'he normal tenure of posts specified in column * of 2ixth 2chedule shall
be as shown a#ainst such posts in column 3 thereof.
#2% Ca/e/ to &e &ro13ht &e.ore the Ca&*,et%' %1& 'he followin# cases shall be
brou#ht before the Cabinet$
%a& proposals for substanti!e le#islation, official or non6official, includin#
4one( )ills/
%b& promul#ation or withdrawal of 7rdinances/
%c& the bud#et position and proposals before the presentation of the Annual
)ud#et and other financial statements/
%d& proposals for the le!( of new taxes/
%e& cases in!ol!in# !ital political, economic and administrati!e policies/
%f& cases which a 4inister considers important enou#h for reference to the
%#& important reports and documents re,uired to be laid before the
%h& other cases re,uired to be referred to the Cabinet under the pro!ision of
these rules/
%i& an( case desired b( the Chief 4inister to be referred to the Cabinet/ and
%"& the cases re,uired b( the o!ernor to be reconsidered b( the Cabinet in
terms of Article 1+> of the Constitution.
%*& =otwithstandin# the pro!isions of sub6rule %1&, the Chief 4inister ma(, in
cases of ur#enc( or other exceptional circumstances, #i!e directions as to the manner
of disposal of a case, without prior reference to the Cabinet.
%3& 'he cases disposed of in terms of sub6rule %*& shall be reported to the
Cabinet at the earliest opportunit( thereafter.
#6. Method/ o. d*/5o/a+ &; the Ca&*,et%' %1& 'he cases referred to the Cabinet
shall be disposed of$
%a& b( discussion at a meetin# of the Cabinet/
%b& b( circulation amon#st the 4inisters/ and
%c& b( discussion at a meetin# of a Committee of the Cabinet.
%*& Enless the Cabinet authori5es otherwise, the decisions of a Committee
of the Cabinet shall be ratified b( the Cabinet.
%3& 'he Cabinet ma( constitute 2tandin# or 2pecial Committees of the
Cabinet and ma( assi#n to each a class of cases or a particular case.
#7% Ma,,er o. /1&-*//*o, o. !a/e/ to the Ca&*,et%' %1& 1or submission of a case
to the Cabinet, the 2ecretar( of the concerned 0epartment shall transmit to the Chief
2ecretar( a concise and lucid memorandum of the case %hereinafter referred to as the
C2ummar(<&, #i!in# the back#round and rele!ant facts, the points for decision and the
recommendations of the 4inister.
%*& A 2ummar( shall be self6contained and ma( include as appendices
such rele!ant papers as ma( be necessar( for the proper appreciation of the case.
%3& A 2ummar( for appro!al in principle of the proposed le#islation or for
appro!al of a )ill or an 7rdinance shall also contain the salient features of such
Page 10 of 72
%3& Ahere a case concerns more than one 0epartment, the 2ummar( shall
not be forwarded to the Cabinet unless the case has been considered b( all the
concerned 0epartments. In the e!ent of a difference of opinion, the points of difference
between them shall be clearl( stated in the 2ummar(, a cop( of which shall be sent b(
the sponsorin# 0epartment to the concerned 0epartments simultaneousl( with the
transmission of the 2ummar( to the Cabinet.
%>& A 2ummar( containin# a proposal in!ol!in# financial implications shall
not be submitted to the Cabinet unless 1inance 0epartment has been consulted and its
!iews incorporated in the 2ummar(.
%?& All 0rafts, )ills, 7rdinances or 7rders ha!in# the force of law shall be
submitted to the Cabinet after the( ha!e been !etted b( :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs
0epartment and no chan#e shall be made therein without brin#in# it to the notice of
that 0epartment.
%@& 2ub"ect to sub6rule %D&, no case for inclusion in the a#enda shall be
accepted unless it reaches the Chief 2ecretar( at least four clear da(s in ad!ance of
the meetin#.
%D& If the case is ur#ent, the 2ecretar( concerned ma( re,uest the Chief
2ecretar( for its inclusion in the a#enda, and if he a#rees, a note shall be sent for
circulation to the Cabinet showin# how the case is ur#ent and wh( it could not be
submitted on time.
%9& 2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment shall satisf( itself that
the papers submitted b( a 0epartment are complete in all respects and are in the
appropriate form, and shall ordinaril( return the case which does not meet the
re,uirements of these rules or instructions on the sub"ect.
#8% Pro!ed1re re3ard*,3 Ca&*,et de!*/*o, &; C*r!1+at*o,%' %1& Ahen a case is
circulated to the Cabinet for recordin# opinion, the Chief 2ecretar( shall specif( the
time b( which the opinion should be communicated to him. If a 4inister does not
communicate his opinion b( that time, it shall be deemed that he accepts the
recommendations contained in the 2ummar(.
%*& After all opinions ha!e been recei!ed, or the time specified has expired,
the Chief 2ecretar( shall$
%a& in the e!ent of full a#reement to the recommendation in the 2ummar(,
treat it as a Cabinet decision and proceed further in terms of rule *D%1*&/
%b& in the e!ent of a difference of opinion, obtain the direction of the Chief
4inister whether the case shall be discussed at a meetin# of the
Cabinet or the recommendations of the ma"orit( of the 4inisters be
accepted and communicated as a Cabinet decision.
%3& If the Chief 4inister directs that the recommendations of ma"orit( of
4inisters be accepted as a Cabinet 0ecision, the Chief 2ecretar( shall act in terms of
rule *D%1*& and if the Chief 4inister directs that the case shall be discussed at a
meetin# of the Cabinet, the Chief 2ecretar( shall circulate the opinions recorded b( the
4inisters in the form of a supplementar( 2ummar(.
%3& 'he Reports made to the Cabinet and the other cases submitted onl( for
information of the Cabinet shall ordinaril( be disposed of b( circulation.
#:% Pro!ed1re o. Ca&*,et -eet*,3/%' %1& 2ub"ect to sub6rule %*&, a meetin# of the
Cabinet to discuss ordinar( business shall normall( be held once a week, on a da( and
time to be fixed b( the Chief 4inister.
%*& 'he Chief 4inister ma( call a special meetin# of the Cabinet on an( da(
to discuss ur#ent business or !ar( the time or date on which a meetin# is to be held.
%3& A 4inister shall so arran#e his tour that he is able to attend the weekl(
Cabinet meetin#s, unless he has obtained the Chief 4inister<s permission to absent
himself in which case the 2ecretar( of his 0epartment should in!ariabl( be in
attendance at the Cabinet meetin#, if an( item relatin# to his 0epartment is on the
a#enda of the meetin#.
%3& 'he Chief 4inister shall preside at the meetin#s of the Cabinet.
Page 11 of 72
%>& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall ordinaril( issue to the 4inisters, three da(s in
ad!ance of the meetin#, the a#enda of the meetin#, to#ether with the 2ummaries
relatin# to the items on the a#enda but in case of a special meetin#, a shorter notice
ma( issue.
%?& 2ub"ect to sub6rule %@&, a case shall not be discussed in the Cabinet
unless the summar( relatin# to it has first been circulated.
%@& 'he Chief 4inister ma( dispense with the re,uirement of sub6rule %?& if
he is satisfied that there were sufficient reasons on account of which the summar(
could not be circulated.
%D& 'he 2ecretar( shall be informed of the items on the a#enda of the
Cabinet meetin# pertainin# to his 0epartment and shall, unless otherwise directed,
attend the meetin# of the Cabinet, in which the case is under consideration.
%9& If, in the absence of the 4inister from head,uarters, the 2ecretar(
concerned considers that the discussion on a case should await the 4inister<s return,
he ma( re,uest the Chief 2ecretar( for its postponement.
%1+& A 4inister ma(, if he deems it fit, re,uest for the withdrawal of a case
pertainin# to his 0epartment from the a#enda of the Cabinet.
%11& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall attend all meetin#s of the Cabinet and
%a& a brief record of the discussion which in the absence of a special
direction b( the Cabinet shall be of an impersonal nature/ and
%b& a record of the decisions, without an( statement or reasons thereof.
%1*& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall circulate to the 4inisters, a cop( of the record
prepared under sub6rule %11& as appro!ed b( the Chief 4inister.
%13& If a 4inister considers that there has been a mistake or omission in
recordin# of the minutes, he shall point it out to the Chief 2ecretar( within twent(6four
hours of the receipt of the minutes. 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall obtain orders of the Chief
4inister and thereafter modif( the minutes, if necessar(.
%13& Ahere a 2ecretar( attended a Cabinet meetin# in the absence of his
4inister, the record of the items concernin# the 2ecretar( shall be sent to him to be
dealt with in the manner pro!ided in sub6rules %1*& and %13&.
%1>& A cop( of the decision of the Cabinet, and where!er considered
necessar(, of the points made durin# the discussions shall be supplied b( the Chief
2ecretar( to the 2ecretar( of the 0epartment concerned for action under rule 3+.
%1?& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall forward a cop( of the a#enda alon# with the
summaries and the minutes of the Cabinet meetin#s to the o!ernor.
#<% Pro!ed1re re3ard*,3 Co--*ttee/ o. Ca&*,et%' %1& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall,
under the direction of the Chairman of the Committee, con!ene a meetin# of the
Committee of the Cabinet.
%*& 'he Chairman of the Committee shall preside at a meetin# of the
%3& As and when necessar(, officers of the concerned 0epartment ma( be
associated with the deliberations of the Committee.
%3& 'he pro!isions of rules *? and *D shall mutatis mutandis appl( to the
manner of submission of cases to, and the procedure for the meetin#s of, the
($% A!t*o, o, Ca&*,et De!*/*o,%' %1& Ahen the decision of the Cabinet on a case
is recei!ed b( the concerned 0epartment, it shall acknowled#e the receipt of the
decision and take prompt action to #i!e effect to the decision.
%*& 2ub"ect to sub6rule %3&, to ensure implementation of the Cabinet
decisions, the 2ecretar( of each 0epartment shall keep a separate record of all the
decisions con!e(ed to him and shall watch pro#ress of action until it is completed. It
shall be the responsibilit( of the 2ecretar( of the 0epartment sponsorin# the case, to
consult or inform an( other concerned 0epartment in order to ensure full
Page 12 of 72
implementation of the Cabinet decisions.
%3& 'he record of the discussion before a decision is taken shall not be
passed down b( the 2ecretar( to the other 0epartment or to the other officers of his
0epartment unless it contains points which re,uire consideration or action in the other
0epartment or b( the officers, as the case ma( be.
%3& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall watch implementation of each decision of the
Cabinet and the 2ecretar( of the concerned 0epartment shall suppl( to the Chief
2ecretar( such documents as the latter ma(, b( #eneral or special re,uest, re,uire for
the completion of his record of the case.
%>& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall maintain the record of each case submitted to
the Cabinet, consistin# of$
%a& a cop( of all papers issued under rules *@%1&, *D%>& and *9/
%b& a cop( of the record prepared under rules *@, *D%11& and *9/ and
%c& all documents recei!ed under rule 3+%3&.
(% Se!re!; o. Ca&*,et Pro!eed*,3/%' %1& All proceedin#s of the Cabinet and the
record of the discussion in the Cabinet shall be secret.
%*& All papers submitted to the Cabinet are secret until the Cabinet decision
has taken place, where after the 2ecretar( concerned shall, sub"ect to an( #eneral or
special order of the Chief 2ecretar( in this behalf, determine whether or not the papers
shall continue to be classified as secret.
(#% C1/tod; o. Ca&*,et Pa5er/%' 'he 4inisters shall return to the Chief 2ecretar($
%a& the papers issued to them for decision b( circulation immediatel( after
recordin# their opinion/
%b& the a#enda issued to them for a meetin# of the Cabinet, immediatel(
after the meetin# has taken place/
%c& the copies of the record of the discussion and of the decisions,
immediatel( after the( ha!e perused them/ and
%d& the reports of the action taken on Cabinet decisions or other papers
circulated for information immediatel( after perusal, except where
indicated otherwise.
((% O..*!*a+ B*++/ a,d a-e,d-e,t/%' %1& 2ub"ect to sub6rule %*&, the 0epartment
administrati!el( concerned shall be responsible for determinin# the contents of the
proposed le#islation, for consultin# the concerned 0epartments includin# 1inance
0epartment where necessar( and for obtainin# the appro!al in principle of the Cabinet
to the issue in!ol!ed, before askin# :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment to #i!e
le#al shape to the )ill.
%*& Ahere the proposed le#islation in!ol!es onl( a !erbal or formal
amendment of an existin# law, it shall not be necessar( to obtain the Cabinet<s
appro!al before askin# :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment to #i!e le#al shape
to the )ill.
%3& Ahile referrin# the le#islation, appro!ed in principle b( the Cabinet, to
:aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment, the concerned 0epartment shall send a
memorandum indicatin# precisel( the lines on which it is proposed to le#islate, which
shall include$
%a& a statement in the form of a series of propositions detailin# the
pro!isions re,uired to be made or preferabl( a draft )ill/ and
%b& a statement #i!in# the ob"ects and reasons for each pro!ision.
%3& Ahen a proposal for le#islation is referred to :aw and Parliamentar(
Affairs 0epartment, that 0epartment$
%a& shall, apart from #i!in# shape to the draft le#islation, ad!ise the
Page 13 of 72
0epartment concerned whether an( le#al re,uirements are to be
complied with before the )ill is introduced in the Assembl(/ and
%b& shall also ad!ise whether the proposed law disre#ards or !iolates, or is
not in accordance with the 1undamental Ri#hts conferred b( the
Constitution and whether a reference should be made to Council of
Islamic Ideolo#( for ad!ice, if not alread( done, and if so, what shall be
the terms of that reference.
%>& 'he concerned 0epartment shall then submit the case, includin# the
ad!ice of :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment, to the Cabinet$
%a& for appro!al of the draft )ill !etted b( :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs
%b& for decidin# an( issue that ma( still be outstandin#/
%c& for orders as to which of the followin# motions should be made in the
i& the )ill should be taken into consideration at once/ or
ii& it should be taken up at a specified date in future/ or
iii& it should be referred to a 2elect Committee or an( other
Committee of the Assembl(/ or
i!& it should be circulated for purposes of elicitin# public opinion
%?& 'he concerned 0epartment shall thereafter prepare a brief for the use of
the 4inister which shall include the directions #i!en b( the Cabinet re#ardin# the line of
action to be adopted with re#ard to the )ill.
%@& 'he concerned 0epartment shall forward to :aw and Parliamentar(
Affairs 0epartment, throu#h the Chief 4inister, the draft )ill as appro!ed b( the
%D& :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment shall arran#e to include the
)ill in the official business of the Assembl(.
%9& 'he )ill shall be introduced in the Assembl( b( a 4inister or a
Parliamentar( 2ecretar(.
%1+& If the )ill is of #reat ur#enc(, :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment
ma( re,uest the Assembl( 2ecretariat to publish it in the a5ette before its
%11& Ahen the o!ernor returns a )ill to the Assembl( for reconsideration or
for consideration of an amendment specified in the messa#e, the concerned
0epartment shall place the matter before the Cabinet for appropriate decision. 1urther
steps, in the li#ht of the decision of the Cabinet, shall be taken in accordance with the
Rules of Procedure of the Pro!incial Assembl( of the Pun"ab 199@.
%1*& 'he procedure prescribed for official )ills shall mutatis mutandis appl( to
a proposal for the amendment of a law.
(2. No,'o..*!*a+ B*++/ a,d A-e,d-e,t/%' %1& As soon as a 0epartment recei!es
from the Assembl( 2ecretariat a notice re#ardin# the introduction of a non6official )ill, it
%a& assess the administrati!e implications of the proposed le#islation/
%b& consult the concerned 0epartments, includin# 1inance 0epartment,
where necessar(/ and
%c& obtain the ad!ice of :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment,
i& the bill can be introduced in the Assembl( and is otherwise in
order/ and
ii& pre!ious sanction of the o!ernment to its introduction is
Page 14 of 72
%*& After the ad!ice of :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment has been
obtained, and where necessar(, consultation with the concerned 0epartments has
been made, the department concerned shall obtain$
%a& the instructions of the Cabinet re#ardin# the pro!isions of the )ill/ and
%b& the decision of the Cabinet as to which of the followin# motions in the
Assembl( is to be supported that$
i& the )ill be taken into consideration b( the Assembl( either at
once or at some future date to be specified/ or
ii& it be referred to a 2elect Committee or an( other Committee of
the Assembl(/ or
iii& it be circulated for purposes of elicitin# opinion thereon/ or
i!& it be opposed.
%3& If the consent of the o!ernment for the introduction of the )ill in the
Assembl( is necessar(, such consent shall be obtained b( the concerned 0epartment,
where it is decided to support the )ill.
%3& 'he concerned 0epartment shall prepare a brief, which shall include the
direction of the o!ernment re#ardin# the line of action to be adopted with re#ard to
the )ill, for the use of the 4inister or the Parliamentar( 2ecretar(.
%>& 'he procedure prescribed for non6official )ills shall mutatis mutandis
appl( to a proposal for the amendment of a law.
(6% Ord*,a,!e/%' %1& 'he pro!isions of rule 33 shall mutatis mutandis appl( where
the proposed le#islation is an 7rdinance.
%*& 'he :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment shall promul#ate an
7rdinance, arran#e to la( it before the Assembl(, and seek, if necessar(, its extension
from the Assembl( in terms of Article 1*D of the Constitution.
(7% R1+e/ o. Pro!ed1re o. the A//e-&+;%' 'he 0epartments, in the conduct of
Assembl( business, shall compl( with the rules of procedure and standin# orders of the
(8% S1--o,*,3 o. the A//e-&+;%' %1& :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs
0epartment shall obtain orders of the o!ernor for con!enin# a session of the
Assembl(, and shall communicate such orders to the 2ecretar( of the Assembl( for
further necessar( action in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Pro!incial
Assembl( of the Pun"ab 199@.
%*& 9ach 0epartment shall keep under re!iew the official business intended
to be brou#ht before the Assembl( and shall, not later than fi!e da(s before the
commencement of the session, forward to :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment a
detailed list of such business.
%3& 4inister for :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs shall prepare a pro!isional
forecast of the official business to be brou#ht before the Assembl( and shall make
appropriate proposal to the 2peaker for the allotment of da(s for the transaction of such
(:% Proro3at*o, o. the A//e-&+;%' In case a session of the Assembl( is
summoned b( the o!ernor, :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment shall, at an
appropriate time, obtain orders of the o!ernor for the proro#ation of the Assembl(,
and shall communicate such orders to the 2ecretar( of the Assembl( for further
necessar( action in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Pro!incial Assembl(
of the Pun"ab 199@.
(<% Ge,era+ Pro9*/*o,/ re3ard*,3 A//e-&+; B1/*,e//%'%1& 1or purposes of
smooth conduct of the Assembl( business and liaison with the Assembl( and :aw and
Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment, each 0epartment shall nominate a focal person %not
below the rank of a 0eput( 2ecretar(& and intimate his particulars to the 2ecretar( of
Page 15 of 72
the Assembl(, 2ecretar( %IHC& of 2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment and
:aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment. An( chan#e of the focal person shall
immediatel( be intimated likewise.
%*& 'he concerned 0epartment shall take prompt action on receipt of copies
of the bills, resolutions, motions, ,uestions, call attention notices and other business to
be brou#ht before the Assembl(.
%3& Ahene!er there is doubt as to the correct allocation of the business of
the Assembl( amon#st the 0epartments, the Assembl( 2ecretariat ma( refer the matter
to the Chief 2ecretar( for appropriate decision.
%3& In case a bill, resolution, motion, ,uestion, call attention notice or an(
other communication has wron#l( been addressed to a 0epartment b( the Assembl(
2ecretariat, the 0epartment recei!in# it, in consultation with the Chief 2ecretar( if
necessar(, shall promptl( transfer it to the concerned 0epartment under intimation to
the Assembl( 2ecretariat and :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment.
%>& As soon as an( communication is recei!ed from the Assembl(
2ecretariat or an( other authorit( re#ardin# the business or affairs of the Assembl(, the
person recei!in# the communication shall at once brin# it to the notice of the focal
person, the 2ecretar( and the 4inister.
2$% Re/o+1t*o,/ a,d Mot*o,/%' %1& Ahen an official resolution or motion is to be
mo!ed in the Assembl(, the concerned 0epartment shall forward it to#ether with a
formal notice dul( si#ned b( the 4inister to :aw and Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment
for takin# it to the Assembl(.
%*& 7n receipt of a non6official resolution or motion from the Assembl(
2ecretariat, the 0epartment concerned shall examine it and obtain orders of the
Cabinet, if time permits.
%3& In examinin# the resolution or the motion, the concerned 0epartment
shall examine whether discussion of the resolution or motion, or an( part of the same,
would be detrimental to the public interest. If so, it should point this out, with reasons, in
its comments on the resolution or the motion, as the case ma( be.
%3& 'he concerned 0epartment shall prepare a brief re#ardin# each
resolution or motion, official or non6official, for the use of the 4inister or the
Parliamentar( 2ecretar(.
%>& 7n receipt of a resolution passed b( the Assembl(, the 0epartment
concerned shall immediatel( take appropriate necessar( action and shall, within three
months from the date of the receipt of the resolution, apprise the Assembl( 2ecretariat
of the action taken on the resolution.
2% A1e/t*o,/%' %1& 7n receipt of each ,uestion %starred, un6starred or short notice&
from the Assembl( 2ecretariat, the concerned 0epartment shall prepare an appropriate
repl( and, sub"ect to the appro!al of the 4inister, forward the re,uired number of copies
to the Assembl( 2ecretariat in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Pro!incial
Assembl( of the Pun"ab 199@.
%*& In case of a starred or a short notice ,uestion, the concerned
0epartment shall also prepare a brief for purposes of supplementar( ,uestions for use
b( the 4inister or the Parliamentar( 2ecretar(.
2#% Ca++ Atte,t*o, Not*!e/%' 7n receipt of a Call Attention =otice from the
Assembl( 2ecretariat, the 0epartment concerned shall prepare an appropriate repl(
and a brief for purposes of supplementar( ,uestions, for use b( the Chief 4inister or,
as the case ma( be, the 4inister.
2(% Ge,era+ D*/!1//*o,%' Ahene!er a da( is fixed for #eneral discussion on an(
issue, the 2ecretar( of the concerned 0epartment shall remain present in the official
#aller( durin# the discussion, shall take notes, and shall prepare a brief for use b( the
22% B1d3et/%' %1& 'he 1inance 0epartment shall forward proposals re#ardin# the
date for the presentation of the annual and the supplementar( bud#ets to :aw and
Parliamentar( Affairs 0epartment which shall obtain orders of the o!ernor and
communicate such orders to the 2ecretar( of the Assembl( for appropriate action in
accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Pro!incial Assembl( of the Pun"ab 199@.
Page 16 of 72
%*& 7n receipt of a motion proposin# a cut in the demand %or supplementar(
demand& for #rant of funds, the concerned 0epartment shall examine the points raised
in the motion, or an( further points likel( to be raised, and prepare a brief for the use of
the 4inister.
26% U,dertaB*,3/ a,d A//1ra,!e/.6 'he concerned 0epartment shall be
responsible for #i!in# effect to an( undertakin# or assurance #i!en b( the 4inister or
the Parliamentar( 2ecretar( in the Assembl(.
27% Prote!t*o, a,d Co--1,*!at*o, o. O..*!*a+ I,.or-at*o,%' %1& A o!ernment
ser!ant shall not communicate an( information ac,uired directl( or indirectl( from
official documents or otherwise to the 4edia, to non6officials, or to officials belon#in# to
other o!ernment offices, unless he has been, #enerall( or speciall(, empowered to do
%*& 'he Chief 2ecretar( shall issue detailed Instructions about the treatment
and custod( of official documents and information of a confidential character.
%3& 7rdinaril(, all official news and information shall be con!e(ed to the
4edia throu#h the Information, Culture and Iouth Affairs 0epartment, in the manner,
#enerall( or speciall(, prescribed b( that 0epartment.
%3& 'he 4inisters, 2ecretaries and such other officers as ma( be
authori5ed, shall act as official spokesmen of the o!ernment.
28% Cha,,e+ o. Corre/5o,de,!e%' %1& 2ub"ect to the pro!isions of rule 1>, all
correspondence with the 1ederal o!ernment or another Pro!incial o!ernment shall
be conducted direct b( the concerned 0epartment and it shall ordinaril( be addressed
to the 2ecretar( of the 4inistr( or the 0epartment concerned.
%*& All correspondence with the o!ernment of a forei#n countr( or a
Pakistan 0iplomatic 4ission abroad or a 1orei#n 4ission in Pakistan or an International
7r#ani5ation shall normall( be conducted throu#h the 4inistr( of 1orei#n Affairs of the
1ederal o!ernment$
Pro!ided that the 4inistr( of 1orei#n Affairs ma(, b( #eneral or special order,
and sub"ect to such conditions and circumstances as it ma( specif(, allow direct
Pro!ided further that the pro!isions of this sub6rule shall not affect normal
communications between a 2er!ice Commander and the ci!il authorities in his area, or
inter6departmental discussions in which representati!es of 2er!ices are re,uired to take
%3& All correspondence between o!ernment and the ;eads of Attached
0epartments, Re#ional 7ffices, Autonomous )odies and 0istrict
o!ernments shall be conducted throu#h the 2ecretar( of the concerned
FAll correspondence b( the o!ernment with the Ad!ocate eneral shall be
conducted throu#h the 2ecretar( of the concerned department and all
correspondence b( the Ad!ocate eneral shall be responded to b( the !er(
same official to whom it is addressed.G
2:% Ge,era+%' %1& 'he business of the o!ernment shall be transacted in
accordance with the channels of communication laid down in these rules and
%*& If oral discussions are held with a 4inister b( an official of the
0epartment, he shall communicate the points made durin# the discussion to his
2ecretar( at the earliest.
%3& 2ub"ect to sub6rule %3&, the ;ead of an Attached 0epartment, a Re#ional
7ffice or of a 0istrict o!ernment whose cases are held up in the 0epartment
concerned, or who disa#rees with an( decision taken b( the 0epartment, ma( seek an
inter!iew with the 4inister.
Added by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
Page 17 of 72
%3& 'he 2ecretar( concerned shall be informed of the proposed inter!iew so
that he can be present to enable the 4inister to ha!e full picture of the case before
passin# orders.
2<% A-e,d-e,t o. the R1+e/0 'hese rules ma( be amended with the appro!al of
the Cabinet$
Pro!ided that the 2chedules ma( be amended with the appro!al of the Chief
6$% Re5ea+%' %1& 'he Pun"ab o!ernment Rules of )usiness, 19@3 are hereb(
%*& =otwithstandin# the repeal of the rules, an( instructions issued and
orders made under the repealed rules shall continue to remain in force until altered,
amended or withdrawn b( the competent authorit(.
F2ee Rule * H 3G
Head o. Atta!hed
Bod*e/ C Co-5a,*e/
%i& 0irector eneral
A#riculture %9xtension H
AR&, Pun"ab.
%ii& 0irector eneral,
A#riculture %1ield&, Pun"ab.
%iii& 0irector eneral,
A#riculture %Research&,
%i!& 0irector eneral,
A#riculture %Aater
4ana#ement&, Pun"ab.
%!& 0irector eneral Pest
Aarnin# H Jualit( Control
of Pesticides, Pun"ab.
%!i& 0irector of A#ricultural
Information, Pun"ab.
%!ii& 0irector of A#riculture
Crop Reportin# 2er!ice,
%!iii& Chief, Plannin# H
9!aluation Cell
%ix& Chief, A'7 Cell
%x& 0irector of A#riculture
%9conomic and 4arketin#&,
%xi& Chief Coordinator,
Re#ional A#riculture
9conomic 0e!elopment
%xii& 0irector 1loriculture %'HR&.
%xiii& 0irector Pun"ab Institute of
A#riculture 4arketin#.
F%xi!& 0irector eneral, 2oil
2ur!e( of Pun"ab.G
%i& Pun"ab 2eed Corporation.
%ii& Eni!ersit( of A#riculture,
%iii& Pun"ab A#ricultural Research
%!i& Pir 4ehr Ali 2hah Eni!ersit(
Arid A#riculture, Rawalpindi.
%!& 4arket Committees
1und )oard.
Pun"ab A#riculture
4arketin# Compan(
* Au,af and Reli#ious Affairs
6 Pun"ab Au,af 7r#ani5ation.
3 Chief 4inister<s Inspection
6 6
3 Colonies 0epartment
F 0irector eneral of Kachi %i& Pun"ab Pri!ati5ation )oard
I&+e)ted by NO.SO.(CAB-I)2-2*2$11# Dated 13
O-tobe)# 2$11
Page 18 of 72
%ii& Killa ift 1und 'rust,
%iii& Killa ift 1und 'rust, 'oba
'ek 2in#h.
> Communications and
Aorks 0epartment
%i& Chief Architect, Pun"ab.
%ii& Chief 9n#ineer, )uildin#s,
=orth Lone.
%iii& Chief 9n#ineer, )uildin#s,
2outh Lone.
%i!& Chief 9n#ineer, ;i#hwa(s,
=orth Lone.
%!& Chief 9n#ineer, ;i#hwa(s,
2outh Lone.
%!i& Chief 9n#ineer, 0istrict
2upport H 4onitorin#.

F:ahore Rin# Road Authorit(G
? Consolidation of ;oldin#s
6 6
@ Cooperati!es 0epartment Re#istrar, Co6operati!e
2ocieties, Pun"ab.
Pun"ab Cooperati!e )oard for
:i,uidation %PC):&.
D 9ner#( 0epartment Chief 9n#ineer, Power Lone,
Pun"ab Power 0e!elopment
)oard %PP0)&.
Pun"ab Power 0e!elopment
Compan( %PP0C&.
9 9n!ironment Protection
0irector eneral 9n!ironmental
Protection A#enc(, Pun"ab.
1+ 9xcise and 'axation
0irector eneral 9xcise and
'axation, Pun"ab.
11 1inance 0epartment %i& Pro!incial 0irector, :ocal
1und Audit.
%ii& Chief Inspector of
'reasuries and Accounts.
FPun"ab Re!enue Authorit(G 6
S5e!*a+ I,/t*t1t*o,/
%i& Pun"ab Pension 1und
%ii& )ank of Pun"ab
1* 1ood 0epartment
%i& 0irector 1ood, Pun"ab.
%ii& Cane Commissioner,
I&+e)ted by No.SO (CAB-I)2-22$$5# Dated 11
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
I&+e)ted by No.SO (CAB-I)2-32$12# Dated 27
/a)-,# 2$12
I&+e)ted by Not0f0-at0o& No.SO(CAB-I) 2-1!2$12# dated 2!-$!-2$12
Page 19 of 72
1orestr(, Aildlife and
1isheries 0epartment
%i& Chief Conser!ator
of 1orests %Plannin#,
4onitorin# H 9!aluation&,
Pun"ab, :ahore.
%ii& Chief Conser!ator
of 1orests %Central Lone&,
%iii& Chief Conser!ator
of 1orests %=orthern
Lone&, Rawalpindi.
%i!& Chief Conser!ator
of 1orests %2outhern
Lone&, 4ultan.
%!& 0irector eneral
%Aildlife and Parks&,
%!i& 0irector eneral
1isheries, Pun"ab.
13 o!ernor<s 2ecretariat 6 6
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15.11.2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15.11.2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15.11.2$11
Page 20 of 72
1> ;ealth 0epartment
%i& 0irector eneral
;ealth 2er!ices, Pun"ab.
%ii& 0irector eneral
=ursin#, Pun"ab.
%iii& 0irector, )lood
'ransfusion 2er!ices,
(0) =ursin# 9xamination
%ii& Kin# 9dward 4edical
Eni!ersit(, :ahore.
(000) Eni!ersit( of ;ealth
2ciences, :ahore.
%i!& Pun"ab Pharmac( Council.
%!& Pun"ab 4edical 1acult(.
%!i& Allama I,bal 4edical
Colle#e :ahore N Oinnah
;ospital :ahore.
%!ii& 2er!ices Institute of
4edical 2ciences N
2er!ices ;ospital, :ahore.
(3000) 1atima Oinnah 4edical
Colle#eN 2ir an#a Ram
;ospital, :ahore.
(04) Post#raduate 4edical
InstituteN :ahore eneral
;ospital, :ahore.
%x& Pun"ab 4edical
Colle#eNAllied ;ospitals,
(40) Rawalpindi 4edical
Colle#eN Allied ;ospitals,
(400) =ishtar 4edical Colle#eN
;ospital, 4ultan.
(4000) Juaid6e6A5am 4edical,
Colle#e N ).P ;ospital,
(403)2heik La(ed 4edical
Colle#e N ;ospital, Rahim
Iar Khan.
(43) Pun"ab Institute of
Cardiolo#(, :ahore.
(430)=ishtar Institute of
0entistr(, 4ultan.
%x!ii& 1aisalabad Institute of
%x!iii&4ultan Institute of
(404)Pun"ab ;ealth 1oundation.
%xx& Pro!incial Jualit( Control
Page 21 of 72
1? ;i#her 9ducation
%i& 0irector Public
Instructions %Colle#es&,
%ii& 0irector
eneral Public :ibraries,
(0) )oards of Intermediate and
2econdar( 9ducation,
:ahore, u"ranwala,
Rawalpindi, 2ar#odha,
4ultan, )ahawalpur,
1aisalabad and 0era ha5i
(00) )aha6ud60in Likar(ia
Eni!ersit(, 4ultan.
%iii& Institute of 9ducation and
Research, Eni!ersit( of
the Pun"ab.
%i!& Islamia Eni!ersit(,
%!& Eni!ersit( of 9n#ineerin#
and 'echnolo#(, :ahore.
%!i& Eni!ersit( of u"rat,
%!ii& 1atima Oinnah Aomen
Eni!ersit(, Rawalpindi
%!iii& Eni!ersit( of the Pun"ab,
%ix& Eni!ersit( of 9ducation
%x& Eni!ersit( of 9n## H
'echnolo#(, 'axila
%xi& Eni!ersit( of 2ar#odha,
%xii& o!ernment Colle#e
Eni!ersit(, :ahore
%xiii& :ahore Colle#e for
Aomen Eni!ersit(,
(403) o!ernment Colle#e
Eni!ersit(, 1aisalabad.
%x!& o!ernment 1atima
Oinnah Colle#e for
Aomen, Chuna 4andi,
%x!i& Jueen 4ar( Colle#e,
%x!ii& o!ernment Colle#e,
%x!iii& 'he Juaid6e6A5am
:ibrar(, )a#h6e6Oinnah,
%xix& Pun"ab Public :ibrar(,
%xx& Pun"ab :ibrar( 1oundation,
%xxi& o!t. 2adi, 0e#ree
Colle#e %A&, Colle#e Road,
%xxii& o!t. Post raduate
Colle#e, 0.. Khan
%xxiii& o!t. 29 Colle#e,
%xxi!& o!t. Colle#e for Aomen,
%xx!& o!t. Post raduate
Colle#e, 2amanabad,
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15.11.2$11
Page 22 of 72
%xx!i& o!t. Colle#e for Aomen,
4adina 'own, 1aisalabad.
%xx!ii& o!t. Colle#e for Aomen,
2atellite 'own,
%xx!iii&o!t. Colle#e for )o(s,
2atellite 'own,
%xxix& o!t. 4urra( Colle#e,
%xxx& o!t. Post raduate
Colle#e for Aomen,
%xxxi& o!t. Colle#e of 2cience,
Aahdat Road, :ahore
%xxxii& o!t. Islamia Colle#e Ci!il
:ines, :ahore
%xxxiii&o!t. 4A7 Colle#e,
%xxxi!&o!t. Post raduate
Colle#e for Aomen,
2amanabad, :ahore
%xxx!& o!t. Post raduate
Islamia Colle#e for
Aomen, Cooper Road,
%xxx!i&o!t. Colle#e for Aomen,
ulber#, :ahore
%xxx!ii& o!t. 9merson Colle#e
)osan Road, 4ultan
%xxx!iii& o!t. Colle#e for
Aomen, Katcher( Road,
%xxxix&o!t. ordon Colle#e,
%xl& o!t. Post#raduate
Colle#e for Aomen,
2atellite 'own,
%xli& o!t. Post#raduate
%xlii& o!t. Post#raduate
Colle#e, 'ehsil Chowk,
%xliii& o!t. Colle#e, 1arid
'own, 2ahiwal.
%xli!& o!t. Post#raduate
Colle#e for Aomen,
%xl!& o!t. Ambala 4uslim
Colle#e, 2ar#odha
%xl!i& o!t. Colle#e for Aomen,
Chandi Chowk, 2ar#odha
%xl!ii& :awrence Colle#e, hora
ali, 4urree.
(4l3000) 2chool of 4athematical
2ciences, :ahore%CE&
S5e!*a+ I,/t*t1t*o,
Aitchison Colle#e, :ahore
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15.11.2$11
Page 23 of 72
1@ ;ome 0epartment %i& Inspector eneral of
Police, Pun"ab, :ahore
%ii& Inspector eneral of
Prisons, Pun"ab
%iii& 0irector, Ci!il 0efence,
%i!& 0irector Reclamation and
Probation, Pun"ab
%!& Commissioner Af#han
Refu#ees Pun"ab
%!i& )order 4ilitar( Police,
0.. Khan.
%!ii& )order 4ilitar( Police,
%!iii& )aloch :e!( 0.. Khan.
%i&Child Protection and
Aelfare )ureau, Pun"ab
%ii& Pun"ab 1orensic
2cience A#enc(
%iii& Pun"ab
9mer#enc( 2er!ice
%Rescue 11**&
1D ;ousin#, Erban
0e!elopment and Public
;ealth 9n#ineerin#
%i& Chief 9n#ineer, Public
;ealth 9n#ineerin#
Pun"ab, =orth Lone.

%ii& Chief 9n#ineer, Public
;ealth 9n#ineerin#
Pun"ab, 2outh Lone.
%i& :ahore 0e!elopment
%ii& 1aisalabad 0e!elopment
%iii& 4ultan 0e!elopment
%i!& u"ranwala 0e!elopment
%!& Rawalpindi 0e!elopment
%!i& Parks H ;orticulture
Authorit(, :ahore.
%!ii& Impro!ement 'rust,
%!iii& Impro!ement 'rust,
%ix& Pun"ab ;ousin# H 'own
Plannin# A#enc( %P;A'A&
Pun"ab :and 0e!elopment
Compan( %P:0C&.
19 ;uman Ri#hts and
4inorities Affairs
0irector of ;uman Ri#hts 6
*+ Industries, Commerce and
In!estment 0epartment
%i& 0irector of Industries,
%ii& Controller, Printin# and
2tationer(, Pun"ab
%iii& 0irector, Consumer
Protection Council %CPC&
%i& Pun"ab 2mall Industries
Corporation %P2IC&
F)oard of 'echnical
9ducation, Pun"abG
F2asti Roti Authorit(G
%i& Pun"ab Industrial 9states
0e!elopment and
4ana#ement Compan(
%ii& 1aisalabad Industrial
9state 0e!elopment and
4ana#ement Compan(
FPun"ab )oard of
In!estment and 'rade
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-262$11# Dated 6
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
O(0tted by No. SO(CAB-I) 2-22$1$# Dated 13-$7-2$11
S'b+t0t'ted by No.SO(CAB-I)2-53!!("ol-I) Dated 13
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
I&+e)ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-53!!("ol-I) Dated 13
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
Page 24 of 72
S5e!*a+ I,/t*t1t*o,
'echnical 9ducation and Pocational 'rainin# Authorit( %'9P'A&
*1 Irri#ation 0epartment
%i& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
:ahore Lone, :ahore
%ii& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
0e!elopment Lone,
%iii& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
Research Lone, :ahore
%i!& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
0raina#e H 1lood Lone,
%!& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
reater 'hal, Canal, Kot
Adhi Kot.
%!i& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
Plannin# H Re!iew Lone,
%!ii& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
1aisalabad Lone,
%!iii& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
2ar#odha Lone,
%ix& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
4ultan Lone, 4ultan.
%x& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
0.. Khan Lone, 0..
%xi& Chief 9n#ineer Irri#ation,
)ahawalpur Lone,
%i& Pun"ab Irri#ation H
0raina#e Authorit( %PI0A&
%ii& Pun"ab 9n#ineerin#
Academ(, =ia5 )e#, :ahore
FInformation and Culture
%i& 0irector eneral of Public
Relations, Pun"ab.
%i& Pun"ab Council of Arts.
%ii& :ahore 4useum.
%iii& )ahawalpur 4useum.
%i!& )ab6e6Pakistan 'rust.
%!& 'he Pun"ab Oournalists
;ousin# 1oundation.
%!i& 'he Pun"ab Institute of
:an#ua#e, Art and Culture.
%!ii& :ahore Arts Council, :ahore
*3 :abour and ;uman
F0irector eneral of :abour
Aelfare, Pun"ab.G
%ii& Chairman, 4inimum Aa#es
)oard, Pun"ab.
%i& Pun"ab 9mplo(ees 2ocial
2ecurit( Institution.
%ii& Pun"ab Aorkers Aelfare
*3 :aw and Parliamentar(
Affairs 0epartment.
%i& 2olicitor to o!ernment,

%ii& Administrator eneral and
7fficial 'rustee, Pun"ab.
%i!& Chief, Public 0efender,
Pun"ab Oudicial Academ(
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-262$11# Dated 6
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
S'b+t0t'ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15.11.2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15.11.2$11
S'b+t0t'ted by No.SO(CAB-I) 2-2$2$12# Dated 2.11.2$12.
O(0tted a&d %e- &'(be) by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
Page 25 of 72
S5e!*a+ I,/t*t1t*o,
%i&Pro!incial Assembl( of the Pun"ab
F%ii& 7ffice of the Ad!ocate eneral, Pun"abG
:iterac( and =on 1ormal
)asic 9ducation
6 6
*? :i!estock H 0air(
0e!elopment 0epartment
%i& 0irector eneral
%9xtension&, Pun"ab.
%ii& 0irector eneral
%Research&, Pun"ab.
%i& Eni!ersit( of Peterinar( and
Animal 2ciences, :ahore.
%ii& Peterinar( 1acult(, )aha
Eddin Lakaria Eni!ersit(,
%iii& Peterinar( 1acult(, Pir 4ehr
Ali 2hah Eni!ersit( of Arid
A#riculture, Rawalpindi.
%i!& Eni!ersit( Colle#e of
Peterinar( and Animal
2ciences, Islamia Eni!ersit(,
%!& Peterinar( Colle#e, Ohan#.
%!i& Pun"ab :i!estock H 0air(
0e!elopment )oard.
%!ii& Pun"ab Poultr( Research and
0e!elopment )oard.
%!iii&2ociet( for the Pre!ention to
Cruelt( to Animals %2PCA&.
%ix& :ahore 4eat Compan(.
*@ :ocal o!ernment and
Communit( 0e!elopment
%i& 0irector eneral :ocal
o!ernment H Communit(
0e!elopment, Pun"ab.
%i& Pun"ab :ocal o!ernment
%ii& )ahawalpur 0e!elopment
%iii& Pun"ab :ocal
I. Pun"ab Rural 2upport
Pro#ramme %PR2P&
II. Pun"ab 4unicipal fund
0e!elopment Compan(
*D 4ana#ement and
Professional 0e!elopment
Chief Instructor,
Pun"ab Institute of
4ana#ement and Professional
*9 4ines and 4inerals
%i& 0irector eneral of 4ines
and 4inerals, Pun"ab.
%ii& Chief Inspector of 4ines,
Pun"ab 4ineral 0e!elopment
Corporation %PE=O4I=&.
Pun"ab Coal 4inin# Compan(
3+ Plannin# and 0e!elopment
%i& 0irector eneral, A#enc(
for )arani Area
%ii& 0irector eneral )ureau of
2tatistics, Pun"ab.
%iii& 0irector eneral
4onitorin# and 9!aluation.
%i& Pun"ab 9conomic Research
Institute %P9RI&
%ii& Cholistan 0e!elopment
Authorit(, )ahawalpur
%iii& Pun"ab Information
'echnolo#( )oard %PI')&.
31 Population Aelfare
0irector eneral Population
Aelfare, Pun"ab.
%e-&'(be)ed a&d I&-o)5o)ated by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
O(0tted by NO.SO.(CAB-I)2-22$$5# Dated 11
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
I&+e)ted by NO.SO.(CAB-I)2-232$11# Dated 12
O-tobe)# 2$11
Page 26 of 72
3* Public Prosecution
FProsecutor eneral,
%ii& 0irector eneral
Inspection, Pun"ab
Criminal Prosecution
F0isaster 4ana#ement
0epartment %040&G
F0irector eneral, Relief
and Crisis 4ana#ement.G
%ii& 0irector eneral, Pro!incial
0isaster 4ana#ement
Authorit( %P04A&
33 Re!enue 0epartment 0irector, :and Records, Pun"ab )oard of Re!enue 9ndowment
1und for Rural 9ducation 'rust.
S5e!*a+ I,/t*t1t*o,
Pun"ab :and Commission
3> 2chool 9ducation
%i& 0irector Public
Instruction %29&
%ii& 0irector Public
Instruction %99&
%iii& Pro#ram 0irector,
0irectorate of 2taff
%i!& Pro"ect 0irector,
Children :ibrar( Complex
%!& 0irector, Pun"ab
9ducation Assessment
F0irector, =ational
9ducation 9,uipment
Centre, Pun"ab.
%!ii& 0irector, =ational
4useum of 2cience H
'echnolo#(, :ahore.G
%i& Pun"ab 'ext )ooks
%ii& Pun"ab 9xamination
%iii& Pun"ab 9ducation
%i!& Pun"ab 'eachers<
%!& 'he Pun"ab 0anish
2chools and Centers of
9xcellence Authorit(
%!i& Cadet Colle#e
;assan Abdal
%!ii& o!ernment Central
4odel 2chool, :ower 4all
F'he Pun"ab
Curriculum Authorit(.G
S5e!*a+ I,/t*t1t*o,
2adi, Public 2chool, )ahawalpur
3? 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment
%includin# 2er!ices,
Implementation H
Coordination, Re#ulations
and Archi!es Ain#s&
%i& 0irector eneral Anti6
Corruption 9stablishment,
%ii& 0irector eneral Protocol,
%i& Pun"ab o!ernment
2er!ants )ene!olent 1und
%ii& Pun"ab o!ernment
9mplo(ees Aelfare 1und
%iii& 'he Pun"ab o!ernment
2er!ants ;ousin#
%i!& 'he Pun"ab Procurement
Re#ulator( Authorit(
I&+e)ted by No.SO (CAB-I) 2-22$$5 Dated 6
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
O(0tted by No.SO (CAB-I) 2-22$$5 Dated 6
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
S'b+t0t'ted by NO.SO.(CAB-I)2-2*2$11# Dated 13
O-tobe)# 2$11
O(0tted by NO.SO.(CAB-I)2-2*2$11# Dated 13
O-tobe)# 2$11
I&+e)ted by No.SO(CAB-I) 2-242$12# Dated 2.11.2$12.
I&+e)ted by No.SO(CAB-I) 2-242$12# Dated2.11.2$12.
Page 27 of 72
S5e!*a+ I,/t*t1t*o,/
%i& :ahore ;i#h Court
(00) 7ffice of the Pro!incial 7mbudsman
(000) Pun"ab 2er!ice 'ribunal
(03) Pun"ab Public 2er!ice Commission
F2ocial Aelfare and
)ait6ul64aal 0epartment G
F0irector eneral, 2ocial
Aelfare and )ait6ul64aal,
%i& Pun"ab 2ocial 2er!ices
%ii& Pun"ab )ait6ul64aal Council.
%iii& Pun"ab Aelfare 'rust for the
3D 2pecial 9ducation
0irector, 2pecial 9ducation,
'he Pun"ab 1und for
Rehabilitation of 2pecial
39 'ransport 0epartment %i& Chairman, Pro!incial
'ransport Authorit(.
%ii& Chairmen, Re#ional
'ransport Authorities.
Pun"ab Road 'ransport
Corporation %0efunct&
:ahore 'ransport Compan(
396A Iouth Affairs, 2ports,
Archeolo#( and 'ourism
%i& 0irector eneral,
Archeolo#(, Pun"ab
%ii& 0irector eneral, 2ports,
%iii& 0eput( Controller,
0epartment of 'ourist
%i& Pun"ab 2ports )oard.
%ii& 'ourism 0e!elopment
Corporation of Pun"ab
FAomen 0e!elopment
F0irector eneral,
Aomen 0e!elopment
3+ Lakat and Eshr
Administrator, Lakat and Eshr
(See R1+e ((())
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin# re#ardin#$
%a& A#ricultural 9ducation, 'rainin# and Research includin# A#riculture
Eni!ersit(, 1aisalabad and Pir 4ehar Ali 2hah Eni!ersit( of Arid
A#riculture Rawalpindi and pre6ser!ice N in6ser!ice trainin# at A#riculture
'rainin# Institutes.
%b& Adapti!e Research and Research 1arms
%c& Impro!ement of a#ricultural and water mana#ement methods.
%d& Protection a#ainst insects, pests, pre!ention of plants diseases and
,ualit( control of pesticides.
%e& 2oil 1ertilit( and 2oil Conser!ation
%f& 4echani5ation, reclamation of land, use of a#riculture machiner(,
plou#hin#, tube6wells and installation and research A#ricultural
9n#ineerin# %A#ricultural 4achiner( and Implements&, Aater
4ana#ement 'rainin# and Research Institute, :ahore.
%#& A#ricultural Information and publications N trainin#.
S'b+t0t'ted by No.SO (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
S'b+t0t'ted by No.SO (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
I&+e)ted by No.SO (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
I&+e)ted by No.SO (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
I&+e)ted by No.SO (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
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%h& A#ricultural 2tatistics
%i& Preparation and re!iew of a#ricultural production strate#( in
coordination with district a#riculture extension.
*. Arboricultural 7perations.
3. 4onitorin# of A#riculture inputs like fertili5er, pesticides, irri#ation throu#h field
extension staff.
3. Promotion of modern a#riculture technolo#ies and other extension acti!ities throu#h
method N result demonstration, farmers #atherin#s, print and electronic media, etc.
>. 'rainin# and Research on 1loriculture 2eed 1arms N reen )elts.
?. 4arket Information H Intelli#ence 2(stem and matters common to all 4arket
@. A#ricultural :oans N subsidies
D. Aater 4ana#ement 7perations, Plannin#, Research and Coordination.
9. Production, multiplication and marketin# of certified seed throu#h Pun"ab 2eed
1+. Coordination and 2tren#thenin# of Research acti!ities in A#riculture, :i!estock,
Irri#ation, Aater 4ana#ement, 1orest and 1isheries 2ector throu#h Pun"ab A#ricultural
Research )oard.
11. 9conomic Plannin# and polic(6makin# in respect of a#riculture in the pro!ince.
12. Plant Protection$
%a& 2tandardi5ation of local and imported pesticides
%b& Plant ,uarantine
13. 9conomic studies for framin# a#ricultural polic(
13. 1arm mana#ement research for plannin# pro"ect formulatin# and e!aluation in the
1>. 2eed testin# and seed certification/ crops forecast and estimation/ crop insurance in the
1?. radin# of A#ricultural commodities other than food #rains, for exports.
1@. A#ricultural commodit( research %marketin# research and laborator( research for l(in#
down district, re#ional and pro!incial #rades&
1D. 2oil sur!e(, comprehensi!e in!entor( of soil resources of pro!ince and their proper
19. 2tandardi5ation of fertili5ers for meetin# pro!incial re,uirements
*+. Introduction of special crops like "ute, tea, oli!e etc.
*1. Ender6de!eloped areas$
%a& Identification of under6de!elopment areas.
%b& Identification of the fields in which an area is under6de!eloped.
%c& 4easures necessar( to remo!e the causes of under6de!elopment in
different areas
**. 2ocio6economic studies for framin# a#ricultural research policies.
*3. Research for the introduction of impro!ed #erms plasm, relatin# to a#riculture
*3. Collection of statistics on a#ricultural research
*>. ;i#h le!el manpower trainin# for a#ricultural research and on farm mana#ement.
*?. Pest 2coutin#, Pest 2ur!e(, Pest Aarnin#, Jualit( Control of Pesticides, Research on
Plant Protection, 'rainin# of Pesticide 0ealers, 1armers H 9xtension Aorkers in Plant
*@. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
*D. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
*9. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices H eneral Administration
3+. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Cotton innin# and Pressin# 1actories Act, 19*>
ii. 'he Cotton Industr( %2tatistics& Act, 19*?
iii. 'he Pun"ab 2oil Reclamation Act, 19>*
03. 'he Pun"ab A#ricultural 0e!elopment 1inance Corporation%Reco!er( of
Arrears& Act, 19>D.
!. 'he Pun"ab 'obacco Pend Act, 19>D
!i. 'he Aest Pakistan A#ricultural )ank %Reco!er( of 0ues& 7rdinance,
!ii. 'he Pun"ab Rice %Restrictions on culti!ation& 7rdinance, 19>9.
!iii. 'he Pun"ab Institute of 'extile 'echnolo#( Cess Act, 19?*
Page 29 of 72
ix. 'he Pun"ab Pe#etable 4arket %:ahore&7rdinance, 19?3
x. 2eed H 1ruit Plant 7rdinance, 19?>
xi. 'he Aest Pakistan 2eeds H 1ruit Plants 7rdinance, 19?>
xii. 'he Pun"ab Cotton Control 7rdinance, 19??
xiii. A#ricultural Pesticides 7rdinance, 19@1
xi!. A#ricultural Pesticides 7rdinance, 19@1 %II of 19@1&
x!. 'he Pun"ab Cotton Control %Palidation of :e!( of 1ees& 7rdinance, 19@1
x!i. 'he Pun"ab 2ilkworms %Re#ulation H Control& 7rdinance, 19@*
x!ii. 'he Pun"ab 9ssential Articles %Control& Act, 19@3
x!iii. 'he Pun"ab 1ertili5ers %Control& 7rder, 19@3
xix. 'he Eni!ersit( of A#riculture 1aisalabad Act, 19@3
xx. 'he Pun"ab A#ricultural 0e!elopment and 2upplies Corporation Act,
xxi. 'he Pun"ab Cotton Control %Palidation of 'ransportation 1ee& Act, 19@3
xxii. 'he Pun"ab 2eed Corporation Act, 19@?
xxiii. 2eed Act, 19@?
xxi!. 'he 1oodstuffs 1ertili5ers %Cancellation of Authori5ations and
0ealerships& 7rdinance, 19@D
xx!. 'he Pun"ab A#ricultural produce markets 7rdinance %QQIII of 19@D&
xx!i. A#ricultural Pesticides %Amendment& Act, 199*
xx!ii. 'he Pir 4ehr Ali 2hah Arid A#riculture Eni!ersit( Rawalpindi Act, 199>.
xx!iii. A#ricultural Pesticides %Amendment& Act, 199@
xxix. 'he Pun"ab A#ricultural Research )oard Act, 199@
xxx. Patents 7rdinance, *+++
xxxi. Aater Esers Association 7rdinance Act, 19D1.
31. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#
*. Administration of Au,af laws H rules.
3. Administration of 4odel 0eeni 4adaris and 4adrasah 9ducation
3. Central Au,af 1und.
>. 0ata 0arbar ;ospital, :ahore H other dispensaries.
?. Islamic studies H research and propa#ation of Islamic ideolo#( includin# holdin# of
seminars, conferences etc. on related sub"ects.
@. 4ana#ement of wa,f properties.
D. 4ana#ement of mos,ues, shrines, #ra!e(ards and other similar reli#ious institutions
9. 4ana#ement H administration of$
%a& Ittehad )ain6ul64uslimeen Committee
%b& 4uttehida Elema )oard
%c& Pun"ab Juran )oard
%d& Juran )oard H 2eerat Academ(
1+. Pil#rims and ;a"".
11. Printin# and publication of the ;ol( Juran.
1*. Publication of books on Juran, 2eerat and Islamic 9ducation
13. Pun"ab Au,af Elema Academ(, Oamia ;a"!eria, 4arka5 4aaraf6e6Aulia and Aiwan6e6
13. Reli#ious charities and endowments.
1>. Reli#ious trainin# and education.
1?. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
1@. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
1D. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
19. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 4usic in 4uslim 2hrine Act, 193*.
ii. 'he Pun"ab Publication of ;ol( Juran %9limination of Printin# H
Recordin# 9rrors& Act, *+1+.
iii. Aa,af Properties 7rdinance, 19@9.
*+. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects
Page 30 of 72
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#.
*. 0isposal before 3+6+?619@3 of surrendered e!acuee land.
3. rant N transfer of land ac,uired for 'hal 0e!elopment.
3. rant N transfer of state land and na5ul land %escheat propert(&.
>. Oinnah Abadis for non6proprietors in rural areas.
?. 4ana#ement and disposal of state land in Cholistan Area.
@. 4ana#ement of the Killa ift 1und, 1aisalabad and 'oba 'ek 2in#h.
D. Pun"ab Pri!ati5ation )oard N 2ale of o!ernment properties.
9. 'ransfer of state land from one department to another and to the 1ederal
F4atters relatin# to Kachi Abadies G
1$. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
11. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
1*. Administration of the followin# laws and rules framed there6under$
i. 'he o!ernment rants Act, 1D9> %QP of 1D9>&.
ii. 'he Coloni5ation of o!ernment :ands %Pun"ab& Act, 191* %P of 191*&.
iii. 'he 'hal 0e!elopment Act, 1939 %QP of 1939&.
i!. 'he Pun"ab o!ernment :ands %Resumption of rants and
9xtin#uishment of Ri#hts& Act, 19>+ %QPI of 19>+&.
!. 'he 'hal 0e!elopment %Palidation& 7rdinance, 19@1 %QP of 19@1&.
!i. 'he Cholishtan 0e!elopment Authorit( Act, 19@?%QIP of 19@?&.
!ii. 'he Pun"ab Oinnah Abadis for =on6proprietors in Rural Areas Act, 19D?
%III of 19D?&.
!iii. 'he Pun"ab Pri!ati5ation )oard Act, *+1+ %IP of *+1+&.
F'he Pun"ab Kachi Abadies Act, 199* %PIII of 199*&.G
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#.
*. Consolidation of holdin#s.
3. Preparation of record of ri#hts in accordance with consolidation of holdin#s.
3. Administration of the Pun"ab Consolidation of ;oldin#s 7rdinance, 19?+ %A.P.
7rdinance PI of 19?+& and the rules framed there6under.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#.
*. Assessment and !aluation of losses durin# calamities for pro!idin# relief
to the affectees.
3. 1amine Relief 1und and funds for calamities.
3. 4aintenance and distribution of Chief 4inister<s Relief 1und.
5. Pun"ab 1lood Commission N Plannin# for pre!enti!e and protecti!e
measures a#ainst floods and rains.
?. Relief and rehabilitation of war displaced persons.
@. 2ettlement and rehabilitation of non6)en#alies repatriated form
D. 2tren#thenin# of disaster and crisis mana#ement capacit(.
9. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1+. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
11. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment.
12. Administration of the Pun"ab =ational Calamities %Pre!ention of Relief&
Act, 19>D %A.P.Act QQQIII of 19>D& and the rules framed there6under.
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
I&+e)ted by No.SO(CAB-I)2-22$$5 Dated 21
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
I&+e)ted by No.SO(CAB-I)2-22$$5 Dated 21
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
S'b+t0t'ted by NO.SO.(CAB-I)2-2*2$11# Dated 13
O-tobe)# 2$11
Page 31 of 72
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#.
*. Abolition of Ala 4ilkiat and other similar intermediar( interests.
3. Abolition of "a#irs.
3. Alienation of land.
>. Appointment of !illa#e headmen %:ambardars& and their duties.
?. )ankruptc( and insol!enc(.
@. )enami transactions of immo!able propert(.
D. )oard of Re!enue 9ndowment 1und for Rural 9ducation 'rust.
9. Capital Palue 'ax.
1+. Cattle census.
11. Chan#e of names of !illa#es, tehsils and districts.
1*. Compulsor( ac,uisition of land.
13. Computeri5ation of land records.
13. Conferment of powers under re!enue laws on officers.
1>. Cop(in# a#enc( N issue of certified copies of record.
1?. Crop reports.
1@. Court fees.
1D. Court of Aards.
19. 0ebt Conciliation )oards.
*+. 0ele#ation of administrati!e and financial powers.
*1. 0emarcation of Indo6Pak boundar(, boundar( between the Pun"ab and an(
other Pro!ince, boundar( between districts of the Pun"ab and boundar(
between estates.
**. 0istribution of business of the )oard of Re!enue between its 4embers,
2ecretaries and other officers.
*3. 0uties in respect of succession to propert(.
*3. 9mbankment and draina#e works.
*>. 9ncumbered and attached estates.
*?. 9scheats.
*@. 9state dut( in respect of propert(.
*D. 9!acuee propert(, includin# e!acuee trust propert(.
*9. 9!iction of out#oin# lessees or licensees from o!ernment land or buildin#
where the period of lease or license has expired.
3+. 9!iction of unauthori5ed occupants of o!ernment estates.
31. 9xamination fees for examination of =aib 'ehsildars, Kanun#os and
3*. Ille#al dispossession from immo!able propert(.
33. Inheritance.
33. Katcher( compounds in 0i!isional and 0istrict offices.
3>. :and laws.
3?. :and sur!e(s N preparation and maintenance of re!enue record.
3@. :and re!enue, includin# fees, fines and forfeitures.
3D. :and tenure, includin# ri#hts and obli#ations of landlords and tenants.
39. 4aintenance of buildin#s of the )oard of Re!enue and office e,uipment etc.
3+. 4aintenance of :ibrar( of the )oard of Re!enue.
31. 4alba Cess 1und.
3*. 4atters relatin# ot 0i!isional, 0istrict and 'ehsil N 'own 7ffice buildin#s
except actual construction, maintenances and repairs.
33. 4inor canals, hill torrents, alienation of ri#hts in water.
33. 4one( lendin#.
3>. Patwar 2chools.
3?. Pre6emption ri#hts.
3@. Printin# and re!ision of a5etteers.
3D. Printin#, re!ision, publication and distribution of Re!enue 4anuals.
39. Properties abandoned in the Pun"ab b( 9ast Pakistanis due to war of 19@1.
>+. Pun"ab :and Commission N :and Reforms.
>1. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for Consolidation of ;oldin#s
department and Re!enue department.
>*. Reco!er( of o!ernment dues as arrears of land re!enue.
>3. Redemption and restitution of mort#a#ed lands.
>3. Re#istration of deeds and documents and re#istration fee.
>>. Reli#ious endowment of land.
Page 32 of 72
>?. Re!enue 'ribunals.
>@. 2er!ice matters of district and di!isional establishment %4inisterial& and
Re!enue 1ield 2taff, other than those entrusted to the 2er!ices and eneral
Administration department.
>D. 2er!ice matters of officials of Colonies department, Consolidation of
;oldin#s department and Re!enue department, other than those entrusted to
the 2er!ices and eneral Administration department.
>9. 2hamilat 0eh.
?+. 2tamp dut(.
?1. 2uspension and remission of land re!enue and water rate.
?*. 'ax on a#ricultural income.
?3. 'ax on transfer of immo!able propert(.
?3. 'ax on capital #ains on immo!able propert(.
?>. 'reasure6tro!e.
??. 'erritorial ad"ustments and chan#es.
?@. 'ransfer of propert(.
?D. 'rusts and 'rustees, except appointment of 7fficial 'rustee and
Administrator eneral entrusted to the :aw department.
?9. Aater6:o##in# and salinit( other than schemes relatin# thereto.
@+. Aills and intestac(.
@1. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
@*. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Court 1ees Act, 1D@+ %PII of 1D@+&.
ii. 'he Pun"ab :aws Act, 1D@* %IP of 1D@*&.
iii. 'he 'reasure6tro!e Act, 1D@D %QPI of 1D@D&.
i!. 'he 'rusts Act, 1DD* %II of 1DD*&.
!. 'he 'ransfer of Propert( Act, 1DD* %IP of 1DD*&.
!i. 'he :and Impro!ement :oans Act, 1DD3 %QIQ of 1DD3&.
!ii. 'he :and Ac,uisition %4ines& Act, 1DD> %QPII of 1DD>&.
!iii. 'he Pun"ab 'enanc( Act, 1DD@ %QPI of 1DD@&.
ix. 'he Re!enue Reco!er( Act, 1D9+ %I of 1D9+&.
x. 'he Partition Act, 1D93 %IP of 1D93&.
xi. 'he :and Ac,uisition Act, 1D93 %I of 1D93&.
xii. 'he 2tamp Act, 1D99 %II of 1D99&.
xiii. 'he Pun"ab Alienation of :and Act, 19++ %QIII of 19++&.
xi!. 'he Pun"ab Court of Aards Act, 19+3 %II of 19+3&.
x!. 'he Pun"ab 4inor Canals Act, 19+> %III of 19+>&.
x!i. 'he Re#istration Act, 19+D %QPI of 19+D&.
x!ii. 'he ;indu 0isposition of Propert( Act, 191? %QP of 191?&.
x!iii. 'he Pro!incial Insol!enc( Act, 19*+ %P of 19*+&.
xix. 'he Charitable and Reli#ious 'rusts Act, 19*+ %QIP of 19*+&.
xx. 'he Repealin# %Pun"ab :oans :imitation& Act, 19*3 %III of 19*3&.
xxi. 'he 2uccession Act, 19*> %QQQIQ of 19*>&.
xxii. 'he ;indu :aw of Inheritance %Remo!al of 0isabilities& Act, 19*D %QII of
xxiii. 'he ;indu :aw of Inheritance %Amendment& Act, 19*9 %II of 19*9&.
xxi!. 'he Pun"ab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1933 %PII of 1933&.
xx!. 'he Pun"ab 0ebtors< Protection Act, 193? %II of 193?&.
xx!i. 'he Pun"ab Cop(in# 1ee Act, 193? %P of 193?&.
xx!ii. 'he )ahawalpur Court of Aards Act, 193*.
xx!iii. 'he Pun"ab Protection and Restoration of 'enanc( Ri#hts Act, 19>+ %QII
of 19>+&.
xxix. 'he Pun"ab Abolition of Oa#irs Act, 19>* %Q:P of 19>*&.
xxx. 'he 'ransfer of 9!acuee 0eposits Act, 19>? %Q:P of 19>?&.
xxxi. 'he Pun"ab )oard of Re!enue Act, 19>@ %A.P.Act QI of 19>@&.
xxxii. 'he Pun"ab A#riculturists :oans Act, 19>D %A.P.Act QPII of 19>D&.
xxxiii. 'he Pun"ab Re,uisitioned :and %Continuance& Act, 19>D %A.P.Act QQQ
of 19>D&.
xxxi!. 'he Pun"ab :and 0isposition %2a!in# of 2hamilat& 7rdinance 19>9
%A.P. 7rdinance I of 19>9&.
xxx!. 'he Pun"ab ;indu Aomen<s Ri#ht to A#ricultural :and 7rdinance, 19>9
%A.P. 7rdinance QI of 19>9&.
xxx!i. 'he Pun"ab Esurious :oans 7rdinance, 19>9 %A.P. 7rdinance QPIII of
Page 33 of 72
xxx!ii. 'he Pun"ab 2ur!e( H Rectan#ulation of :and 7rdinance, 19>9 %A.P.
7rdinance QQQIP of 19>9&.
xxx!iii. 'he Aest Pakistan )order Area Re#ulation, 19>9 %4:R =o.9 of 19>9&.
xxxix. 'he Pun"ab Relief of Indebtedness 7rdinance, 19?+ %A.P. 7rdinance
QP of 19?+&.
xl. 'he Pun"ab 0istricts %Reconstitution& 7rdinance, 19?+ %A.P. 7rdinance
QQQII of 19?+&.
xli. 'he 4uslim 1amil( :aws 7rdinance, 19?1 %PIII of 19?1& N section 3
relatin# to succession.
xlii. 'he Aest Pakistan 4uslim Personal :aw %2hariat& Application Act, 19?*
%A.P.Act P of 19?*&.
xliii. 'he Pun"ab o!ernment 0ues Reco!er( 7rdinance, 19?* %A.P.
7rdinance QQII of 19?*&.
xli!. 'he Pun"ab Reco!er( of Cost %Copies of 9ssential Re!enue Records&
7rdinance, 19?3 %A.P. 7rdinance QPI of 19?3&.
xl!. 'he Pun"ab Redemption and Restitution of 4ort#a#ed :ands Act, 19?3
%A.P. Act QPII of 19?3&.
xl!i. 'he Pun"ab Autonomous )odies Immo!able Propert( %9"ectment of
Enauthori5ed 7ccupants& 7rdinance, 19?> %A.P. 7rdinance QQQPII of
xl!ii. 'he Pun"ab o!ernment :ands and )uildin#s %Reco!er( of Possession&
7rdinance, 19?? %A.P. 7rdinance IQ of 19??&.
xl!iii. 'he Pun"ab :and Re!enue Act, 19?@ %A.P.Act QPII of 19?@&.
xlix. 'he Pun"ab Pri!( Purses %Char#ed 9xpenditure& 7rdinance, 19?9 %A.P.
7rdinance Q:I of 19?9&.
l. 'he Pun"ab 'enanc( %Palidation and 9xtension of Period for Pa(ment of
Compensation& 7rdinance, 19?9 %A.P. 7rdinance QQQI of 19?9&.
li. 'he 'hal %Increase in Palue& %Palidation of :e!( of 'ax& 7rdinance,
19@1 %II of 19@1&.
lii. 'he :and Reforms Re#ulation, 19@* %4:R =o.11> of 19@*& N Abolition of
Ala 4ilkiat, Abolition of Oa#irs and ri#hts of tenants.
liii. 'he Pun"ab 4uslim Personal :aw %2hariat& Application %Remo!al of
0oubts& 7rdinance, 19@* %IQ of 19@*&.
li!. 'he Pun"ab Pre69mption %Remo!al of 0oubts& 7rdinance, 19@* %QI of
l!. 'he 2ettlement Commissioners %Palidation of 7rders& Act, 19@* %PI of
l!i. 'he 'ransfer of 9!acuee :and %Katchi Abadi& Act, 19@* %QII of 19@*&.
l!ii. 'he 9!acuee Propert( and 0isplaced Persons :aws %Repeal& Act, 19@>
%QIP of 19@>&.
l!iii. 'he Pun"ab 4uslim Personal :aw %2hariat& Application %Remo!al of
0ifficulties& Act, 19@> %QQP of 19@>&.
lix. 'he 9!acuee 'rust Properties %4ana#ement and 0isposal& Act, 19@>
%QII of 19@>&.
lx. 'he Abandoned Properties %'akin# 7!er and 4ana#ement& Act, 19@>
%QQIP of 19@>&.
lxi. 'he :and Reforms Act, 19@@ %1ederal Act II of 19@@&.
lxii. 'he Pun"ab 'hal %Increase in Palue& 7rdinance, 19@D %Q of 19@D&.
lxiii. 'he Pun"ab Court 1ees %Abolition& 7rdinance, 19D3 %Q of 19D3&.
lxi!. 'he Pun"ab Ac,uisition of :and %;ousin#& Repeal& Act, 19D> %QII of
lx!. 'he Pun"ab Pre6emption Act, 1991 %IQ of 1991&.
lx!i. 'he Pun"ab Conferment of Proprietar( Ri#hts on =on6proprietors in
Abadi 0eh Act, 199> %I of 199>&.
lx!ii. 'he Pun"ab A#ricultural Income 'ax Act, 199@ %I of 199@&.
lx!iii. 'he Pun"ab :and Re!enue %Abolition& Act, 199D %II of 199D&.
lxix. 'he Protection of Communal Properties of 4inorities 7rdinance, *++1
%7rdinance P of *++*&.
lxx. 'he Ille#al 0ispossession Act, *++> %QI of *++>&.
lxxi. 'he Pun"ab Prohibition of Pri!ate 4one( :endin# Act, *++@ %PI of *++@&.
lxxii. 'he Pun"ab 1inance Act, *+1+ %PI of *+1+& N section ? relatin# to Capital
Palue 'ax.
lxxiii. 'he Cholistan 0e!elopment Authorit( Act, 19@? %QIP of 19@?&.
Page 34 of 72
lxxi!. 'he Pun"ab Oinnah Abadis for =on6proprietors in Rural Areas Act, 19D?
%III of 19D?&.
@3. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects
1. Inspect sample de!elopment pro"ects throu#hout the pro!ince with the followin#
ob"ecti!es R
%a& 'hat de!elopment pro"ects are properl( planned and are executed
efficientl(, expeditiousl( and economicall( with effecti!e ,ualit( controls
and to recommend appropriate action a#ainst the defaultin#
%b& 'hat directi!esNorders of the o!ernment re#ardin# de!elopment
pro"ects are bein# full( implemented/ and
%c& 'hat officials of =ation )uildin# departments and contractors are
carr(in# out their duties, responsibilities and tasks properl( and
*. Inspect or cause to be inspected all o!ernment departments includin# Police,
Autonomous N2emi6Autonomous )odiesN Corporations, Institutions and :ocal
)odies to see whether or not these departmentsNA#encies dischar#e their
dutiesNfunctions efficientl( and expeditiousl( and to brin# serious obser!ations
to the notice of the o!ernment to#ether with recommendations for
3. 'ake co#ni5ance of an( important matter affectin# o!ernmentNpublic interest
and draw attention of the authorities concerned for appropriate action and place
it before the Chief 4inister for his considerationNorder.
3. 9ntertain complaints of seriousNur#ent nature and pass these on to the
concerned ,uarters for expeditious disposal or carr( out in!esti#ationNprobe
directl( as ma( be appropriate.
>. Endertake special assi#nments which ma( be entrusted to it under orders of the
Chief 4inister on an( matter not specified in this Charter.
?. An( re,uisition made or assistance re,uired b( the Inspection 'eam in these
re#ards shall be complied with promptl( b( all concerned.
@. 7ther departments ma( assi#n specific important tasks to the Inspection 'eam
with prior permission of the Chief 4inister.
D. 'he Chairman, Chief 4inisterBs Inspection 'eam shall submit his reports to the
Chief 4inister directl(. Copies ma( be endorsed to the concerned departmentsN
officials except those which ma( be of confidential nature.
9. 'he Chief 4inisterBs Inspection 'eam shall maintain close liaison with Anti6
Corruption department and pass on cases which ma( be appropriate to be dealt
with b( them.
1+. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
11. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
1*. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#.
*. Administration of roads, brid#es and boat brid#es, toll
collection, rent for use of R7A and leases of land for approaches N access
roads to 1ilin#N2er!ice 2tations under the control of ;i#hwa(s department.
3. 0eposit work on behalf of other a#encies N departments N
1ederal o!ernment.
3. %a& Polic( formulation, plannin# H desi#nin#, construction, e,uipment
maintenance H repair of #o!ernment buildin#s assi#ned to the
%b& 9!aluation and fixation of rent of #o!ernment buildin#s.
%c& Aater suppl( and sanitar( work of #o!ernment buildin#s H estates,
except those assi#ned under main headin# 2HA0 under 2r. =o.*3.
>. Plannin# and desi#nin# roads and allied works financed from Pro!incial N 1ederal funds
or throu#h other sources.
Page 35 of 72
?. Preparation of architectural plans N drawin#s of #o!ernment buildin#s
@. Research and material testin# pertainin# to roads H buildin#s includin#
coordination with 1ederal a#encies.
D. 2ponsorin#, Construction, maintenance, repair and impro!ement of roads,
brid#es, cul!erts, causewa(s, boat brid#es, motori5ed launches and ancillar(
brid#es for the ;i#hwa(s department financed from Pro!incial N 1ederal 1unds
or other sources.
9. 2tandardi5ation H la( down specification for roads, brid#es and buildin#s.
1+. 'rainin#s for human resource de!elopment.
11. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1*. Procurement of works, #oods and ser!ices.
13. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices H eneral Administration
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab ;i#hwa(s 7rdinance, 19>9
ii. 'he Pun"ab 'olls on Roads and )rid#es 7rdinance, 19?*
Fiii. 'he :ahore Rin# Road Authorit( Act, *+11G
1>. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, Polic( 1ormulation and 2ectoral Plannin#$
%a& 1unctions assi#ned under the Cooperati!e 2ocieties Act, 19*> and
Rules framed there6under
%b& Polic( 1ormulation and Plannin# for Cooperati!e 2ocieties and Cooperati!e
%c& 7r#ani5ation and re#ulation of Cooperati!e 2ocieties
*. Cooperati!e 2ocieties 9ntrepreneurship includin#$
%a& Pun"ab Pro!incial Cooperati!e )ank :td.
%b& Cooperati!e 1armin#.
%c& Pun"ab Cooperati!e Enion.
%d& Cooperati!e Consumer 2ociet(.
%e& Pun"ab Pro!incial Cooperati!e 2uppl( and 4arketin# 1ederation.
3. o!ernment functions$
%a& Cooperati!e 'rainin# Colle#e, 1aisalabad
%b& Re#ional Cooperati!e 'rainin# Institute, )ahawalpur.
%c& Administration and mana#ement of Cooperati!e 0e!elopment 1und H
%d& 4atters of Pun"ab Cooperati!e )oard for :i,uidation.
3. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
>. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
?. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices H eneral Administration
@. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Cooperati!e 2ocieties Act, 19*> %2indh Act PII of 19*>&.
ii. 'he 4ulti6Enit Cooperati!e 2ocieties Act, 193* %Act PI of 193*&
iii. 'he Cooperati!e 2ocieties %Repa(ment of :oans 7rdinance&,19?+
%7rdinance QQQIP of 19?+&
i!. 'he Pun"ab Cooperati!es 2ocieties and Cooperati!e )anks %Repa(ment
of :oans& 7rdinance, 19?? %A.P. 7rd. QIP of 19??&
!. 'he Pun"ab Cooperati!e )oard %0issolution& Act, 19??.
!i. 'he Cooperati!e 2ocieties %Reforms& 7rdinance, 19D+ %Pb. 7rd. QPII of
!ii. 'he Pun"ab Endesirable Cooperati!e 2ocieties %0issolution& Act, 1993
%Act I of 1993&.
D. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
I&+e)ted by No.SO (CAB-I)2-32$12# Dated 27
/a)-,# 2$12
Page 36 of 72
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#
*. Administrati!e control and check on the work of 9lectric
Inspectors :ahore and 4ultan. All technical matters includin# court cases
relatin# to the offices of 9lectric Inspectors.
3. 9lectrical accidents in connection with #eneration, transmission,
distribution and use of electric ener#(.
3. 2tandardi5ation of specifications in respect of electric
appliances, machiner( H installations.
>. 4atters connected with distribution of Power and Area 9lectricit(
?. Ac,uisition, re!ocation or amendment of :icenses of 9lectric
2uppl( Endertakin# and appro!al of loads.
@. Re#ulation controllin# and #rantin# 9lectrical Contractor
:icenses and 2uper!isors Competenc( Certificate and other matters connected
with :icensin# )oard :ahore and 4ultan.
D. 4atters connected with !illa#e electrification includin#
formulation and de!isin# criterion for selection of !illa#es.
9. 4atters connected with 'ube6well electrification.
1+. 4atters relatin# to the Pun"ab Power 0e!elopment )oard
%PP0)& and Pun"ab Power 0e!elopment Compan( %PP0C&.
11. All rele!ant matters under Articles 1>@, 1>D H 1?1 of the
Constitution and polic( makin# for the Pro!ince in respect thereof.
1*. 0e!elopment of power #eneration b( exploitin# h(del, thermal
and renewable ener#( resources.
13. 4onitorin# of electricit( tariff in Pun"ab.
13. All matters pertainin# and auxiliar( to h(del power stations of
AAP0A or an( other publicNpri!ate sector a#enc( located in Pun"ab.
1>. Close coordination with the 1ederal o!ernment in respect of
#rant of licenses for oil and #as exploration in Pun"ab and cooperation with such
companies and or#ani5ations undertakin# such !entures in Pun"ab.
1?. Conser!ation of ener#(
1@. 4arket se#mentation based on purchasin# power and electricit(
1D. 7ff6#rid distributed power #eneration
19. Promotion of ener#( efficienc( throu#h appliance re#ulation,
buildin# codes, urban desi#n and other means
*+. 9ner#( inno!ations
*1. Public pri!ate partnerships for ener#( production, conser!ation,
efficienc( H audit.
**. Coordination and reconciliation with 1ederal o!ernment on
electricit( char#es.
*3. 0istribution network authori5ation for new housin# societies
*3. 0e!elopment of a power polic( for Pun"ab
*>. Award of power pro"ects in Pun"ab to Pakistani and 1orei#n
Pri!ate sector companies
*?. Re!iew and updation of re#ulator( framework to promote fast6
track in!estment in ener#( pro"ects.
F*?6A 9stablishment of Petrol PumpsNC= 2tations, :P bulk stora#e, decantin# and
incidental matters and matters relatin# to ille#al sale or stora#e of petroleum
*@. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
*D. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
*9. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment
3+. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6
i. 9lectricit( Act, 191+
ii. 'he Petroleum Act, 1933
iii. 9lectricit( Rules, 193@.
i!. 'he Pun"ab 9lectricit( Act, 1939
!. 'he Pun"ab 9lectricit( %9mer#enc( Powers& Act, 1931
!i. 'he Pun"ab 9lectricit( 9mer#enc( Powers %Conduct of 2uppl(& Act, 1939
I&+e)ted by No.S.O. (CAB-I) 2-1 2$1$# Dated 24-$3-2$12
Page 37 of 72
!ii. 'he AAP0A Act, 19>D
!iii. 'he 9lectricit( Control 7rdinance, 19?>
ix. 'he 9lectricit( Act %Pun"ab Amendment& 7rdinance, 19@1
x. 4otion Picture 7rdinance, 19@9
xi. 'he 9lectricit( %Amendment& 7rdinance, 19@9
xii. Pakistan 2tandards and Jualit( Control Authorit( Act, 199?.
xiii. Re#ulation of eneration, 'ransmission and 0istribution of 9lectricit(
Power Act, 199@
xi!. 7ffences In Respect of 9lectricit( %9mer#enc( Pro!isions& 7rdinance,
43. 7il and as Re#ulator( Authorit( 7rdinance, *++*
31. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Plannin# and polic( makin# in the disciplines of en!ironment and ecolo#(.
*. Administration of 9n!ironmental Protection A#enc( Pun"ab.
3. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
3. Purchase of stores, laborator( instruments, capital #oods for the department and their
>. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to the 2er!ices H eneral Administration
?. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. Pakistan 9n!ironmental Protection Act, 199@.
ii. Pun"ab Prohibition on 4anufacture, 2ale, Ese and Import of Pol(thene
)a#s %)lack or an( other Pol(thene )a# below fifteen micron thickness&
7rdinance, *++*.
@. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#
*. Assessment and Collection of taxes and duties on$
%a& Cotton innin#
%b& 4otor Pehicle
%c& Professions, trades, callin#s, emplo(ments
%d& ;otels
%e& 4anufacturin#, import, export of li,uor, !end fee on retail sale of
li,uor and fees on #rant and renewal of licenses N permits for li,uor.
3. Control of opium, hemp, narcotics, li,uor and intoxicatin# preparation, import
3. Control of poisonous and dan#erous dru#s
>. )ud#et and accounts relatin# to the followin# heads$
i. 7pium
ii. PI67pium
iii. D6Pro!incial 9xcise
i!. PIII Pro!incial 9xcise
!. 1*6Char#es on Account of 4otor Pehicles Acts
!i. QII6Receipts under 4otor Pehicles Acts
!ii. 1367ther 'axes and 0uties
!iii. QIII67ther 'axes and 0uties
?. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
@. 2er!ices matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment
D. Re#istration of 4otor Pehicles as pro!ided under Chapter III of the Pro!incial
4otor Pehicles 7rdinance, 19?> and the Rules framed there6under.
9. Polic( matters relatin# to propert( tax.
1+. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab 9xcise Act, 1913
ii. 'he Pun"ab Erban Immo!able propert( 'ax Act, 19>D.
iii. 'he Pun"ab 9ntertainments 0ut( Act, 19>D
Page 38 of 72
i!. 'he Pun"ab 'obacco Pend Act, 19>D
!. 'he Pun"ab 4otor Pehicles 'axation Act, 19>D
!i. 'he Pun"ab ;orse Race )ettin# 'ax Act 19>D %Aest Pakistan
Act IP of 19>D&
!ii. 'he Pun"ab Pro!incial 4otor Pehicles 7rdinance, 19?>
!iii. 'he Pun"ab Cotton Control 7rdinance, 19??
ix. 'he Pun"ab 0ut( on 9xcessi!e Aasta#e of 2pirits in 0istilleries
%Palidation& 7rdinance, 19?9
x. 'he Pun"ab Erban Immo!able Propert( %Palidation of 'ax& Act
xi. 'he Pun"ab 1inance Act, 19@@
xii. 'he Pun"ab 1inance 7rdinance 19@D
xiii. 'he Prohibition %9nforcement of ;add& 7rder, 19@9.
xi!. 'he Pun"ab Real 9state A#ents and 4otor Pehicles 0ealers %Re#ulation
of )usiness& 7rdinance, 19D+
x!. 'he Pun"ab :ocal 7ption %Repeal& 7rdinance 19D>
11. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
A) Le3*/+at*9e ) .*,a,!*a+ -a,a3e-e,t
1. 4ana#ement, super!ision and control of the Pro!incial Consolidated 1und and
Public Accounts of the Pro!ince and matters connected therewith or ancillar(
thereto includin# but not limited to$
%a& All Pro!incial re!enues
%b& All loans raised and mone(s recei!ed as repa(ment of loans/
%c& All mone(s in the Public Account owed to the Pro!ince
%d& 4atters relatin# to 1unds includin# Pension 1und, Pro!ident 1und, local
funds and such other funds as ma( be specified
%e& 'akin# necessar( steps for mobili5ation of Pro!incial resources and
measures to increase the re!enue of the pro!ince and matters relatin#
to taxes, duties, fees, char#es etc.
%f& 9xamination of and ad!ice on proposals affectin# directl( or indirectl(
the finances of the Pro!ince/
%#& 1ormulation of 1inancial laws, rules, re#ulations and instructions and
interpretations thereof for the custod(, pa(ment of mone(s into the
Pro!incial Consolidated 1und and Public Account and withdrawal of
mone(s there from/
%h& 1ormulation of laws, rules, policies and instructions relatin# to pa(
allowances, pension, pro!ident fund, lea!e etc and interpretations
*. 4ana#ement, super!ision and control of Pro!incial 'reasures, wa(s H means
and public debt includin# but not limited to the followin#$
%a& )orrowin#, lendin#, #uarantees/
%b& In!estments/
%c& 2ubsidies/
%d& Control o!er securities and stamps/
%e& )ankin#, non6bankin# financial institutions/
%f& Composite 2chedule of Rates, market rate s(stem and 2chedule of
Aa#e Rates
%#& Internal financial mana#ement and control/
%h& Assets and :iabilities Committees/
%i& 4onitorin# risk areas for promotion of public pri!ate partnership, "oint
Pentures etc, alon# with measures to miti#ate risks in these initiati!es/
%"& Constitution of committees for studies on issues ha!in# financial implications.
%k& 1unds includin# Pro!ident 1und, Pension 1und, :ocal 1unds of public
entities e.#. autonomous N local N corporate bodies and such other funds
as ma( be specified.
B) Po+*!; .or-1+at*o," 5+a,,*,3" a55ro9a+ a,d -a,a3e-e,t o. 51&+*! .1,d/
3. Preparation and submission of Annual )ud#et 2tatement, 9xcess )ud#et
2tatement, Re!ised )ud#et 2tatement, and 2upplementar( )ud#et 2tatement
Page 39 of 72
to Pro!incial Assembl($
%b& Preparation and submission of Annual )ud#et 2tatement with 9xplanator(
%c& Preparation of 9xcess )ud#et 2tatement with 9xplanator( 4emorandum/
%d& Preparation of Re!ised )ud#et 9stimates with 9xplanator( 4emorandum/
%e& Preparation of supplementar( )ud#et 2tatement with 9xplanator( 4emorandum/
%f& Preparation and submission of 1inance )ill
%#& Issuin# instructions re#ardin# bud#et, monitorin# and execution of bud#et includin#
expenditure mana#ement,
%h& Access to records of and directions for submission of information to public entities
which recei!e bud#etar( allocations and #rants6in6aid.
3. )usiness relatin# to =ational 1inance Commission and Pro!incial 1inance
Commission includin#$
%a& 1ormulation, preparation and placement of the case of the Pro!ince before =ational
1inance Commission/
%b& 4onitorin# the implementation of the Award biannuall( and la( the report before the
Pro!incial Assembl(.
%c& 4atter ha!in# financial implications for the Pro!ince relatin# to the 1ederation N
federatin# units and other entities/
%d& Pro!incial 1inance Commission, 1inancial matters of local #o!ernments.
C) O9er/*3ht ) S155ort
>. )usiness pertainin# to audit and accounts includin# the matters of$
%a& Public Accounts Committee of the Pro!incial Assembl(, 0epartmental Accounts
Committees of the Administrati!e departments, special institutions, Autonomous bodies
and institutions, monitorin# the compliance of recommendations of these accounts
committees, re#ulari5ation of audit obser!ations H paras in pursuance of the
resolutions of the accounts committees and on the directions of the audit, other matters
relatin# to audit, Appropriation Accounts, 1inance Accounts and audit reports etc/
%b& Accounts and maintenance of accounts of the administrati!e departments, special
institutions, autonomous bodies and institutions.
D) Ro+e ) a1thor*t; &e;o,d the do-a*, o. ad-*,*/trat*9e de5art-e,t/)/5e!*a+
?. rant sanctions be(ond the powers dele#ated to the administrati!e
departments, subordinate offices and special institutions for the$
%a& Creation of posts
%b& 0own6#radation N up6#radation of posts
%c& 9xamination of schemes of new expenditure %2=9&
%d& Aritin# off losses and wai!in# of reco!eries etc.
E) Ad-*,*/trat*9e a,d other a,!*++ar; -atter/
@. 0epartmental functions in respect of its attached departments, and special
%a& Pun"ab :ocal 1und Audit department
%b& Pun"ab 'reasuries and Accounts department
%c& Pun"ab Pension 1und
%d& Pun"ab eneral Pro!ident 1und
%e& )ank of Pun"ab
FPun"ab Re!enue Authorit(G
D. :ook after ser!ice matters of line departments and its attached departments,
Fautonomous bodiesG and special institutions except those entrusted to the
2er!ices and eneral Administration department
9. Perform 'reasur( functions of the 1ederation in the pro!ince in terms of Article
13? of the Constitution and matters related thereto/
1+. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
11. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
1*. 2er!ices matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral
I&+e)ted by Not0f0-at0o& No.SO(CAB-I) 2-1!2$12 dated 2!-$!-2$12
I&+e)ted by Not0f0-at0o& No.SO(CAB-I) 2-1!2$12 dated 2!-$!-2$12
Page 40 of 72
Administration 0epartment.
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he )ank of Pun"ab Act, 19D9
ii. 'he Pun"ab 2ales 'ax 7rdinance, *+++
iii. 'he Pun"ab Ad6hoc Public Accounts Committee composition and
functions 7rdinance, *++*
i!. Pun"ab Pension 1und Act, *++@
!. Re!ised )ud#et 4anual, *++D
!i. Pun"ab .P 1unds Act, *++9
!ii. Ci!il 2er!ice Rules Pol6I H Pol6II
!iii. 0epartmental 1inancial Rules
ix. 0eputation Polic(
x. Pa( Re!ision Rules
xi. Pun"ab Ci!il 2er!ices Pension Rules
xii. Pun"ab 1inancial Rules Pol6I H Pol6II
xiii. Pun"ab 'ra!elin# Allowance Rules
xi!. 2tud( :ea!e H 4edical :ea!e Rules
x!. 'he Pun"ab 1inance Acts.
x!i. 'reasur( and subsidiar( 'reasur( Rules
x!ii. 'he Pun"ab 1inance 7rdinances.
F'he Pun"ab Re!enue Authorit( Act, *+1*
404. 'he Pun"ab 2ales 'ax on 2er!ices Act, *+1*G
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and plannin# as a measure of food securit( throu#h$
%a& Aheat procurement
%b& Construction and maintenance of stora#e accommodation
%c& 2tora#e of wheat
%d& 1inancial arran#ements with the banks
%e& 'ransportation of wheat
%f& Release of wheat and its o!erall monitorin#
*. Administration of food laws except those assi#ned to other departments.
3. Re#ulation of flour mills and su#ar mills
3. %a& Re#istration of contractors
%b& 'enderin# and award of contract
>. Inter6pro!incial trade matters
?. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
@. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
D. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
9. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab 2u#ar 1actories Control Act, 19>+.
ii. 'he 1oodstuffs %Control& Act, 19>D.
iii. 'he Pun"ab 1inance Act, 19?3.
1+. 4atter incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and plannin# re#ardin# 1orestr(, Aildlife and
*. Research and trainin# in forestr(, wildlife, fisheries and extension.
3. %a& 4ana#ement of forests includin#$
i. 1orest lands
ii. Aatershed lands
iii. Ran#e lands
I&+e)ted by Not0f0-at0o& No.SO(CAB-I) 2-1!2$12 dated 2!-$!-2$12
Page 41 of 72
i!. :inear plantation
!. 1orest N recreational parks
!i. 2ericulture and sil!icultural acti!ities
!ii. 2ocial N a#ro forestr(
%b& 4ana#ement of fisheries includin#$
i. 2eed production
ii. =atural fisheries resources
iii. 2anctuaries
i!. 2port fish N an#lin#
%c& 4ana#ement of wildlife includin#$
i. Aildlife protection, preser!ation H conser!ation
ii. Aildlife parks
iii. )reedin# centers
i!. Loolo#ical #ardens
!. Re6introduction of wildlife species
!i. Pri!ate #ame reser!es
!ii. ame sanctuaries
!iii. :icense of shootin# H troph( huntin#
3. %a& 9stablishment of forests includin#$
i. 1orest N recreational parks
ii. Arboretum
iii. Amenit( forests
i!. A#ro6forestr(
!. 1orest throu#h public pri!ate partnership
!i. Erban forestr(
%b& 9stablishment of fisheries includin#$
i. 0emonstration fish farms
ii. 1ish disease dia#nostic and ,ualit( control labs
iii. 1ish hatcher( and nursin# units
%c& 9stablishment of wildlife includin#$
i. Aildlife parks N 5oolo#ical #ardens
ii. Pri!ate N #o!ernments breedin# centers
iii. Pri!ate N #o!ernment #ame reser!es
i!. =ational Park N #ame sanctuaries
!. Communit( )ased 7r#ani5ations
>. 9xtension ser!ices$
i. Publicit(
ii. Public awareness throu#h mass media
iii. ;oldin# of exhibitions, seminars, workshops, s(mposia, melas, and
walks etc.
i!. In ser!ice trainin# N refresher courses
!. 'rainin# N refresher courses for communities.
?. Protection, promotion and conser!ation of$
i. 1orestr(
ii. Aildlife
iii. 1isheries
@. Ac,uisition of land for$
i. 1orestr(
ii. Aildlife
iii. 1isheries
D. 2ur!e(s, data collection, mappin# of satellite ima#es, remote sensin# and
aerial photo#raph( etc. for anal(sis and future plannin#.
9. Plannin#, monitorin# and e!aluation
1+. Conser!ation, promotion and mana#ement of bio di!ersit(.
11. 0e!elopment marketin# strate#( for ma"or and minor forest produce
Page 42 of 72
F1* to 13AG
1>. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
16. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
17. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to the 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment.
1D. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. Pun"ab 1orest Act, 19*@ %Amended *+1+&
ii. 1isheries Act, 19*@
iii. Pun"ab 1orest %2ale of 'imber& Act, 19?3
i!. Pun"ab 1irewood and Charcoal %Restriction& Act, 19?3
!. Pun"ab 1isheries 7rdinance, 19?+
!i. Pun"ab Aildlife Act %Amended&, *++@.
!ii. Pun"ab Plantation and 4aintenance of 'rees Act, 19@3
!iii. 4urree Kahuta ;ill( Areas 0e!elopment Authorit( %Repeal& 7rdinance,
ix. 4urree Kahuta 0e!elopment Authorit( Act, 19D?
x. 'he Pun"ab Aerial Ropewa(s Act 19*?
xi. 'he =ew 4urree 0e!elopment Act *++3
xii. 'he Companies 7rdinance 19D3
Fxiii to x! omittedG
19. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Remuneration and pri!ile#es of the o!ernor.
*. Affairs of the o!ernor<s ;ouse.
3. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
3. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
>. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
?. Appointment of officials in the ;ouse staff of the o!ernor.
1. ;ealth mana#ement, plannin# and polic(
*. Polic( matters relatin# to #uidelines re#ardin#$
%a& Pre!ention and control of infectious and conta#ious diseases
%b& 'uberculosis
%c& 9radication N control of malaria
%d& :epers Act
%e& 'reatment of patients bitten b( rabid animals
%f& Adulteration of food stuff throu#h administration of Pure 1ood
7rdinance, 19?+ and the rules framed there6under$
%#& =utrition sur!e(s
%h& =utrition and publicit( in re#ard to food
%i& Paccination and inoculation
%"& 4aternit( and child welfare
%k& Port ,uarantine
3. 4edical profession$
%a& Re#ulation of medical and other professional ,ualifications and standards
%b& 4edical practitioners % =ational 2er!ice& Act, 19>+
%c& 4edical re#istration includin# 4edical Council
%d& Indi#enous s(stem of medicine
%e& 4edical attendance of #o!ernment ser!ants
%f& uidelines re#ardin# le!( of fee b( medical officers
3. 4edical and =ursin# Council
>. 4edical education includin# 4edical 2chools and Colle#es and institution of
1,e e&t)0e+ at S).12 to 14A o(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
Page 43 of 72
?. Control of medicinal dru#s, poisons and dan#erous dru#s %0ru#s Act and
@. 4edical institutions, chemical examination laboratories and )lood 'ransfusion
ser!ices in the pro!ince includin# )lood )ank
D. Collection, compilation, re#istration and anal(sis of !ital health statistics and
estimation of population for future pro"ections
9. 4atters relatin# to =ursin#$
%a& Administrati!e control of the entire nursin# cadre in the Pro!ince in
respect of those workin# under the pro!incial ;ealth department or in the
teachin# hospitals
%b& 9ducation %local and forei#n& ser!ice and pa( structure of nursin# cadre
1+. Preparation of de!elopment schemes, bud#et, schedule of new expenditure and
A0P proposals
11. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
1*. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
13. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Public ;ealth %9mer#enc( Pro!isions& 7rdinance, 1933
ii. 9pidemic 0iseases Act, 19>D
iii. Pun"ab Paccination 7rdinance, 19>D %A.P 7rdinance QQPII of 19>D&
i!. Pun"ab Ou!enile smokin# 7rdinance, 19>9 %A.P. 7rdinance QII of
!. Pun"ab Prohibition of 2mokin# in Cinema ;ouses 7rdinance, 19?+
%A.P. 7rdinance IP of 19?+&
!i. 9(e 2ur#er( %Restriction& 7rdinance 19?+
!ii. Pun"ab Pure 1ood 7rdinance, 19?+ %A.P 7rdinance PII of 19?+&
!iii. Allopathic 2(stem %pre!ention of misuse& 7rdinance, 19?*
ix. Pakistan 4edical and 0ental Council 7rdinance, 19?*
x. Enani, A(ur!edic and ;omoeopathic Practitioners Act, 19?>
xi. Pharmac( Act, 19?@
xii. 'he Pakistan =ursin# Council Act, 19@3
xiii. 0ru#s Act, 19@?
xi!. 4edical H 0ental 0e#ree 7rdinance 19D*
x!. Pun"ab ;ealth 1oundation Act, 199*
x!i. Pun"ab 'ransfusion of 2afe )lood 7rdinance 1999
x!ii. 4ental ;ealth 7rdinance for Pakistan *++1
x!iii. Protection of )reast 1eedin# and Child =utrition 7rdinance, *++*
xix. Prohibition of 2mokin# and Protection of =on6smokers ;ealth
7rdinance, *++*.
xx. Pun"ab 4edical and ;ealth Institutions Act *++3
xxi. In"ured Persons %4edical Aid Act& *++3
xxii. Kin# 9dward 4edical Eni!ersit(, :ahore Act, *++>.
xxiii. ;uman 7r#an 'ransplant 7rdinance, *++@.
xxi!. Pakistan Colle#e of Ph(sicians and 2ur#eons 7rdinance, 19?*.
xx!. 'he Eni!ersit( of ;ealth 2ciences :ahore 7rdinance, *++*.
1>. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#
*. Colle#e education includin# commerce education
3. Eni!ersit( education excludin# uni!ersities attached to other administrati!e
departments i.e. ;ealth, :i!estock and A#riculture
3. Coordination of schemes for hi#her studies abroad
>. rant of scholarships
?. Promotion of scientific research
@. Production and distribution of education and scientific films
D. 7r#ani5ation of all public libraries includin# municipal and other libraries and to
keep liaison with uni!ersities, colle#es and special libraries for impro!in# the
standard of research and scholarship and further de!elopment of librar( science
9. Ancient manuscripts and historical records
Page 44 of 72
1+. Impro!ement of scientific, technolo#( and professional education
11. 'eachers trainin#
1*. 9!aluation of the performance of Institutions/
13. 0e!elopment and fundin# of hi#her education in public and pri!ate sector/
13. Re#ulation of hi#her education in public and pri!ate sector/
1>. rant of charter to award de#rees in both public and pri!ate sector/
1?. :inka#es between Institutions and industr( as well as national and international
1@. Introduction of educational pro#rammes that meet the needs of the emplo(ment
market and promote the stud( of basic and applied sciences in e!er( field of
national and international importance in the Institutions/
1D. 9xamination and assessment
19. 9,ui!alence and reco#nition of de#rees, diplomas and certificates awarded b(
Institutions within the countr( and aboard/
*+. Performance e!aluation and #uidelines as re#ards minimum criteria and
,ualifications for appointment, promotion, salar( structure and other terms and
conditions of ser!ice of facult(
*1. 9ndowment fund for hi#her education
**. :an#ua#e and medium of instruction
*3. 1inancial assistance to educationists and men of letters and their berea!ed
*3. Curriculum and s(llabus
*>. Polic( and plannin#
*?. Centers of excellence
*@. 2tandards in institutions for hi#her education and research, scientific and
technical institutions.
F*D to 33 omittedG
33. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
3>. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
3?. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
3@. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab Eni!ersities and )oards of Intermediate and 2econdar(
9ducation 4alpractices Act, 19>+.
ii. 'he Pun"ab o!ernment 9ducational and 'rainin# Institutions
7rdinance 19?+.
iii. 'he Pun"ab )oards of Intermediate and 2econdar( 9ducation Act, 19@?.
i!. Pun"ab Pri!ate 9ducational Institutions %Promotions H Re#ulations&
7rdinance 19D3.
!. Eni!ersit( of the Pun"ab, :ahore Act. IQ of 19@3.
!i. Eni!ersit( of 9n#ineerin# H 'echnolo#(, :ahore Act P of 19@3.
!ii. Eni!ersit( of 9n#ineerin# H 'echnolo#(, 'axila Act QII of 1993.
!iii. )ahauddin Lakari(a Eni!ersit(, 4ultan Act III of 19@>.
ix. Islamia Eni!ersit(, )ahawalpur, Act IP of 19@>.
x. 1atima Oinnah Aomen Eni!ersit(, Rawalpindi, Pun"ab 7rdinance Q:III
of 1999.
xi. o!ernment Colle#e Eni!ersit( :ahore 7rdinance Q:PIII of *++*.
xii. :ahore Colle#e for Aomen Eni!ersit(, :ahore 7rdinance Q:IQ of *++*.
xiii. Eni!ersit( of 9ducation, :ahore, 7rdinance : of *++*.
xi!. o!ernment Colle#e Eni!ersit(, 1aisalabad 7rdinance :QQ of *++*.
x!. Eni!ersit( of 2ar#odha, 7rdinance :QQQ of *++*.
x!i. Eni!ersit( of u"rat, u"rat, Act. IQ of *++3.
x!ii. 'he Aomen Eni!ersit(, 4ultan Act QP of *+1+.
x!iii. :ahore 2chool of 9conomics, :ahore Act. II of 199@.
xix. Institute of 4ana#ement 2ciences, :ahore Act QQIII of *++*.
xx. =ational Colle#e of )usiness Administration H 9conomics, :ahore Act
QQ of *++*.
xxi. Imperial Colle#e of )usiness 2tudies, :ahore Act QIQ of *++*.
xxii. 2uperior Colle#e, :ahore Act QPI of *++3.
xxiii. Eni!ersit( of 2outh Asia, :ahore Act IQ of *++>.
xxi!. Eni!ersit( of the Central Pun"ab, :ahore Act QQIP of *++*.
xx!. Eni!ersit( of :ahore Act :QI of *++*.
xx!i. 'he ;a"!er( Eni!ersit(, :ahore :QI of *++*.
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
Page 45 of 72
xx!ii. 'he Eni!ersit( of 1aisalabad, Act :Q of *++*.
xx!iii. Eni!ersit( of 4ana#ement H 'echnolo#(, :ahore Act QP of *++3.
xxix. I1' Eni!ersit(, u"ranwala, Act QIP of *++3.
xxx. 1orman Christian Colle#e, :ahore, Act QQIII of *++3.
xxxi. )eaconhouse =ational Eni!ersit(, :ahore Act PIII of *++>.
xxxii. 4inha" Eni!ersit(, :ahore, Act QII of *++>.
xxxiii. Eni!ersit( of Aah, Aah Cantt, Act IP of *++9.
xxxi!. ;I'9C Eni!ersit(, 'axila, Act QII of *++9.
xxx!. Ali Institute of 9ducation, :ahore Act II of *+1+.
xxx!i. 'he Pun"ab Kinnaird Colle#e for Aomen, :ahore 7rdinance =o. :QQP
of *++*.
xxx!ii. 'he Institute of 2outhern Pun"ab, 4ultan Act QIP of *+1+.
3D. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#
*. Public order and internal securit(
3. Re#ulation of press in relation to maintenance of public order and internal
3. Censorship includin# matters related to production, censorship and exhibition of
cinemato#raphic films
>. 7fficial secrets
?. Prohibited maps
@. Pre!enti!e detention
D. Intelli#ence includin# intelli#ence a#encies and their operations
9. Administration of criminal "ustice includin# constitution and or#ani5ation of
courts except the ;i#h court
1+. Criminal law and criminal procedure
11. 9!idence and 7aths
1*. Crime reports
13. All matters connected to policin# includin#$
%a& Police establishments and their administration
%b& Police rules, and
%c& Police works
13. 2pecial police establishments for tribal areas.
1>. 7ffences committed in connection with matters concernin# 1ederal and
Pro!incial o!ernment and establishment of police force for this purpose.
1?. Pri!ate securit( companies
1@. Reco!er( of missin# persons
1D. Re,uisitionin# of propert(
19. Prisons and prison establishments
*+. Oudicial lock6up
*1. All matters relatin# to prisoners includin# their classification, welfare and
**. Probation and parole
*3. 9xecution of sentences includin# reprie!e, commutation and remission of
*3. Remo!al of prisoners and accused persons from federal territor( or from one
pro!ince to another
*>. All matters connected with the defence forces includin# =a!(, Arm(, Air 1orce
or an( other defence, home #uard, territorial or auxiliar( force includin# the
followin# matters$
%a& :iaison with defence authorities
%b& Recruitment, includin# admissions of cadets to militar( institutions and
appointment of honorar( recruitin# officers/
%c& Recommendations for the #rant of temporar(, honorar( and permanent
%d& 0efence works/
%e& 2ailors, 2oldiers and Airmen<s )oards/
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
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%f& 1orfeiture and restorations of militar( pensions/
%#& Perifications of antecedents of persons emplo(ed in defence ser!ices
%h& Campin# #rounds, and
%i& Compensation of persons in"ured in war or similar conditions.
*?. Ci!il 0efence includin# ci!il defence establishment and its administration
*@. Air raid protection
*D. 0efence plannin# includin#$
%a& 4aintenance of war book.
%b& 4aintenance of defence plannin# schemes.
%c& Protection of ke( points and !ital Installations.
*9. 4atters relatin# to control of enemies includin# those relatin# to$
%a& 2chedule of persons and firms specified as enem(/
%b& 9nem( propert(/ and
%c& 9nem( a#ents.
3+. Incidents of breach of international borders includin# incidents where diplomatic
action is re,uired.
31. Pil#rims and pil#rima#es except affairs connected with ;a"".
3*. 4atters relatin# to domicile.
33. 4atters relatin# citi5enship, naturali5ation and immi#ration.
33. 4atters relatin# to forei#ners includin#$
%a& Re#istration of aliens/
%b& 9xtension of permissions to sta( in Pakistan/
%c& Road permits to tra!el to India/ and
%d& Issuance of "ail certificates.
3>. Refu#ees includin# refu#ee allowance
3?. 9xtradition and deportation
3@. Control of traffic and inspection of motor !ehicles for the purpose of traffic
3D. Arms ammunition and militar( stores
39. Control of petroleum and explosi!es
3+. Public amusement includin# control o!er places, performances and exhibitions
31. Rent control
3*. Control o!er ille#al inter6pro!incial mo!ement of #oods
33. ;oardin# and black marketin#
33. Clubs except such matters as are assi#ned to an( other department
3>. 4inors and wards
3?. Protection of destitute and ne#lected children
3@. Control of Pa#rants
3D. Criminal :unatics
39. 9mer#enc( and rescue ser!ices
>+. allantr( awards
>1. rant of stipends and a#ricultural land as reward for distin#uished ser!ices
>*. 'ribunals of in,uir(
>3. Compensation for loss of propert( or life due to ci!il commotion, enem( action,
terrorism and similar circumstances or while on dut(
>3. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
>>. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
>?. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
>@. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pakistan Penal Code 1D?+
ii. 'he Pun"ab 4urderous 7utra#es Act, 1D?@
iii. 'he 7aths Act ,1D@3
i!. 'he 0ramatic Performance Act, 1D@?
!. 9xplosi!es Act, 1DD3
!i. 'he Pro!incial of 2mall Cause Courts Act,1DD@
300. 'he Prisons Act, 1D93.
!iii. 'he Reformator( 2chool Act, 1D9@
ix. 'he Code of Criminal Procedure, 1D9D
x. 'he Prisoners Act, 19++
Page 47 of 72
40. 'he Pun"ab Court of Aards Act, 19+3
xii. 'he Pun"ab )order 4ilitar( Police Act, 19+3
xiii. 'he 9xplosi!e 2ubstances Act, 19+D
xi!. 'he Ahippin# Act, 19+9
x!. 'he Pun"ab 4ilitar( 'ransport Act, 191?
x!i. 'he Identification of Prisoners Act, 19*+
x!ii. 'he Restriction of ;abitual 7ffenders %Pun"ab& Act, 191D
x!iii. 'he Pun"ab )orstal Act,19*?
xix. =aturali5ation Act, 19*?
xx. 'he ood Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, 19*?
xxi. 'he Petroleum Act, 1933
xxii. Re#istration of 1orei#ners Act, 1939
xxiii. 'he Commercial 0ocuments 9!idence Act, 1939
xxi!. 'he 4otor Pehicles %0ri!ers& 7rdinance,193*
xx!. 'he 1orei#ners Act, 193?
xx!i. 'he Pakistan<s Citi5enship Act,19>1
xx!ii. 'he Ci!il 0efence Act, 19>*
443000. 'he Pun"ab Pa#ranc( 7rdinance, 19>D.
4404. 'he Pun"ab 1ood 2tuffs Control Act, 19>D
xxx. 'he Pun"ab 'ribunals of In,uir( 7rdinance, 19>D
xxxi. 'he Pun"ab Ou!enile 2mokin# 7rdinance, 19>9
xxxii. 'he Pakistan Ran#er 7rdinance 19>9
xxxiii. 'he Pun"ab Control of oondas 7rdinance, 19>9
xxxi!. 'he Aest Pakistan )order Area Re#ulation 19>9
xxx!. 'he Probation of 7ffenders 7rdinance,19?+
xxx!i. 'he Pun"ab 4aintenance of Public 7rder 7rdinance, 19?+
xxx!ii. 'he Pun"ab Prohibition of 2mokin# in Cinema ;ouses 7rdinance,19?+
4443000. 'he Aest Pakistan Prohibition of 7pium 2mokin# 7rdinance, 19?+
xxxix. 'he Pun"ab 2uppression of Prostitution 7rdinance, 19?1
xl. 'he Pun"ab Ci!il Courts 7rdinance, 19?*
xli. 'he Pun"ab )us 2tands and 'raffic Control %:ahore& 7rdinance, 19?3
xlii. 'he Pun"ab )us 2tands and 'raffic Control %u"ranwala& 7rdinance,
xliii. 'he Indecent Ad!ertisements Prohibition Act, 19?3
xli!. 'he Aest Pakistan 1amil( Courts Act 19?3
4l3. 'he Pro!incial 4otor Pehicles 7rdinance, 19?>.
xl!i. Pakistan Arms 7rdinance, 19?>
xl!ii. 'he Pun"ab Re#ulation and Control of :oudspeakers and 2ound
Amplifiers 7rdinance, 19?>
xl!iii. 9xit from Pakistan %Control& 7rdinance, 19?>
xlix. 'he Pun"ab Jaumi Ra5akars 7rdinance,19?>
l. 'he =otaries %Aest Pakistan Amendment& 7rdinance, 19??
li. 'he Criminal :aw %2pecial Pro!isions& 7rdinance 19?D
lii. 'he Pun"ab Re,uisition of 4otor Pehicles %'emporar(& 7rdinance 19@+
l000. 'he 9xtradition Act, 19@*.
l03. 'he Pun"ab Control of oondas %Remo!al of 0oubts& 7rdinance, 19@*.
l!. 'he Pre!ention of Anti6=ational Acti!ities Act, 19@3
l!i. 'he Pun"ab 'endoo :ea!es %Prohibition on Possession and use in
)order )elt& Act, 19@3.
l!ii. 'he Price Control and Pre!ention of Profiteerin# and ;oardin# Act, 19@@
l!iii. 'he Pun"ab Pre!ention of amblin# 7rdinance, 19@D
lix. 4otion Pictures 7rdinance, 19@9
lx. 9htram6e6Ram5an 7rdinance, 19D1
lxi. 'he Public amblin# %Repeal& Act, 19D>
lxii. 'he 2urrender of Illicit Arms Act, 1991
lxiii. )onded :abour %Abolition& Act,199*
lxi!. 'he Anti6'errorism Act, 199@
lx!. 'he Control of =arcotic 2ubstances Act, 199@
lx!i. 'he Pun"ab 2hops and 9stablishment %2ecurit(& Act, 1999
lx!ii. Ou!enile Oustice 2(stem 7rdinance, *+++
lx!iii. Pun"ab Prohibition of 0an#erous Kite 1l(in# Acti!ities 7rdinance, *++1
lxix. 'he Pri!ate 2ecurit( Companies 7rdinance, *++1
lxx. 'he Police 7rder, *++*
Page 48 of 72
l440. 'ransfer of 7ffenders 7rdinance, *++*.
l4400. 4arria#e 1unctions %Prohibition of 7stentatious 0ispla(s and Aasteful
9xpenses& Act, *+++.
lxxiii. 'he Pun"ab 0estitute and =e#lected Children Act *++3
lxxi!. 'he Pun"ab 9mer#enc( 2er!ice Act, *++?
lxx!. 'he Pun"ab 1orensic 2cience A#enc( Act, *++@
lxx!i. 'he Pun"ab Rented Premises Act, *++9
>D. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Erban and re#ional spatial plannin#.
*. Classification and reclassification of land use b( de!elopment authorities.
3. 0e!elopment of low cost housin# schemes
3. Re#ulate pri!ate housin# schemes fallin# in the "urisdiction of de!elopment
>. Plannin#, desi#nin#, constructions, maintenance, annual N special repair of all
office N residential buildin# relatin# to ;E0HP;9 department.
?. ;ousin# loans and in!estments.
@. 4atters relatin# to de!elopment authorities N a#enc( N compan( as reflected in
D. Pro!ision of drinkin# water, draina#e H sanitation facilities and le#islation N
polic( matters related thereto.
9. 4atters relatin# to public health en#ineerin# includin# its establishment.
1+. 4aintenance and de!elopment of parks, #reen belts, other open spaces and to
re#ulate outdoor ad!ertisement sector where!er assi#ned.
11. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1*. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
13. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he 'own Impro!ement Act 19**
ii. 'he :ahore 0e!elopment Authorit( Act 19@>
iii. 'he Pun"ab 0e!elopment of Cities Act 19@?
i!. 'he 0isposal of :and b( 0e!elopment Authorities %Re#ulation& Act 199D
!. 'he Pun"ab ;ousin# and 'own Plannin# A#enc( 7rdinance *++*
1>. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Polic( formulation and plannin# for public awareness re#ardin#$
(a) ;uman Ri#hts and its abuses.
(b) 4inorities Ri#hts
*. Coordination with public and pri!ate sector, bodies and institutions $
(a) ;uman ri#hts
(b) ;uman ri#hts =7s
%c& 7btainin# information documents and reports on complaints and
alle#ations of human ri#hts !iolations.
3. Pisit of Police 2tations, Prisons and )ostal Oails, Aoman and Ou!enile Refu#e
Centers, ;ospitals, 1actories, )rick Kilns and other Institutions and place for
pro!idin# public ser!ice and to report to the competent authorities for necessar( action
a#ainst !iolation of human ri#hts.
3. 1unctions assi#ned under the Christian 4arria#e Act 1D@* and rules framed there6
>. 4inorities affairs includin#$
%a& 2afe#uardin# the ri#hts and interests.
%b& Promotion and welfare.
%c& Protection a#ainst discrimination.
%d& 4inorit( Ad!isor( Council Pun"ab.
Page 49 of 72
%e& Coordination with the 1ederal o!ernment re#ardin# de!elopment
schemes proposed b( the minorit( members and matters relatin# to
welfare of minorities< and
%f& All other matters relatin# to minorities.
?. ;armoni5ation of laws, le#islation and practices with the international human ri#hts
co!enants and a#reements.
@. Refer and recommend in!esti#ation and in,uiries in respect of an( incident of
!iolations of human ri#hts.
D. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
9. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
1+. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ice and eneral Administration
11. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Christian 4arria#e Act, 1D@*
ii. 'he ;indu ains of :earnin# Act 193+
1*. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation, and sectoral plannin# in respect of$
%a& Industries includin# Industrial estates, small industries and handicrafts
%b& Promotion of domestic, commerce and forei#n and domestic in!estment.
*. Ad!ocac( !is6S6!is federal policies that impact pro!incial econom(Ncommerce
and industr(.
3. Inter6pro!incial trade polic(
3. Coordination and facilitation of Chambers of Commerce H Industries and 'rade
7r#ani5ations in the pro!ince with respect to capacit( buildin# and business
promotion throu#h RH0.
F:iaison with respecti!e 1ederal o!ernment a#encies in matters pertainin# to
Intellectual Propert( Ri#hts.G
?. Coordination with federal #o!ernment in matters relatin# to industrial
de!elopment, commerce and in!estment.
@. Promotion of commerce H in!estment in the pro!ince throu#h$
%a& 'rade exhibitions
%b& 2eminars
%c& 9ncoura#ement of forei#n and domestic in!estment.
D. 1acilitation of forei#n business dele#ations and in!estment.
9. Promotion of domestic commerce and trade within and outside the countr(
F1acilitation of local exporters abroad.G
%b& Representation of local industries in Industrial fairs and exhibitions
%c& 1acilitation of exports from the pro!ince, includin# pro#rammes to
enhance competiti!eness.
1+. Promotion of industries throu#h$
%a& :oans N Public Pri!ate Partnership
%b& Industrial sur!e(s
%c& Pre6in!estment studies
%d& 'echnical and business support for cluster de!elopment
%e& Industrial fairs H exhibitions
11. :and ac,uisition for industries and industrial estates.
1*. Re#ulation of industrial location polic(
13. Consumers< ri#hts protection throu#h$
%a& Consumer Protection Councils
S'b+t0t'ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-53!!("ol-I)# Dated 13t, .eb)'a)y# 2$12.
S'b+t0t'ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-53!!("ol-I)# Dated 13
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
Page 50 of 72
%b& Consumer Courts
13 9ssential Commodities$
%a& 4onitorin# of prices
%b& =ecessar( sub!ention for disad!anta#ed #roups and areas
1>. 4atters relatin# to boilers and pressure !essels excludin# those used in
nuclear ener#(
1?. Re#istration and re#ulation of companies, firms, societies and 0eeni 4adaris
1@. Printin# and stationer($
%a& 9stablishment and bud#et of Pro!incial Printin#
Presses %:ahore H )ahawalpur&
%b& 4onthl( income and expenditure statements
%c& Printin# and bindin#
%d& Printin# and 2tationer( 4anual
%e& :ocal purchase of stationer(
1D. 4atters relatin# to 'echnical 9ducation and Pocational 'rainin# Authorit(
19. Polic( formulation and administrati!e matters related to Attached 0epartments,
Autonomous )odies and 2pecial Institutions of the 0epartment.
*+. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
*1. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
**. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
*3. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he 2ocieties Re#istration Act, 1D?+
ii. 'he :and Ac,uisition Act, 1D93.
iii. 'he )oiler Act, 19*3.
i!. 'he Partnership Act, 193*.
!. 'he Pun"ab Partnership Rules, 193*
!i. 'he Pun"ab 2tate Aid to Industries Act, 193>
!ii. 'he Industrial 2tatistics Act, 193*
!iii. 'he Pun"ab Endesirable Companies 7rdinance, 19>9
ix. 'he Printin# H 2tationer( 4anual, 19?+
x. 1orei#n 0irect In!estment %Promotion and Protection& Act, 19?*
xi. Act =o.QII of 19?* %to Pro!ide for furtherance and protection of
9conomic Reforms&
xii. 'he Pun"ab Industries %Control on 9stablishment and 9nlar#ement& Act,
xiii. Pun"ab 9ssential Article %Control& Act, 19@3
xi!. 'he Pun"ab 2mall Industries Corporation Act, 19@3
x!. Pun"ab Industrial 0e!elopment )oard Act, 19@3
x!i. 'he eneral 2tatistics Act, 19@>
x!ii. 'he Price Control and pre!ention of profiteerin# and ;oardin# Act,
F'he Pun"ab 2mall industries Corporation %Aorks& Rules, 19D3G
xix. 'he Companies 7rdinance, 19D3
xx. 'he )oilers and Pressure Pessels 7rdinance, *++*.
xxi. 'he Pun"ab Consumer Protection Act, *++>
xxii. 'he 2asti Roti Authorit( Act, *+1+.
F'he Pun"ab 'echnical 9ducation and Pocational 'rainin# Authorit( Act
*3. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Polic( formulation and plannin# re#ardin#$
%a& Information
%b& Culture.
S'b+t0t'ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-53!!("ol-I)# Dated 13
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
I&+e)ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-53!!("ol-I)# Dated 13
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
S'b+t0t'ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
Page 51 of 72
%d& 7fficial and semi6official ad!ertisements throu#h press.
%e& 0e!elopment schemes
*. Promotional Acti!ities of$
%a& Art H culture
%b& :an#ua#e H literature
%c& =ational inte#ration
%d& Print H electronic media
3. 4ana#ement of and le#islation relatin# to$
%a& 0PR
%c& Arts Councils
%d& 4useums
%e& PI:AC
%f& )ab6e6Pakistan
3. Coordination with$
%a& 1ederal o!ernment on all matters relatin# to press H publicit(.
%c& =ewspapers, news a#encies, radio H tele!ision, pri!ate 'P channels,
forei#n media.
>. Administration of press laws relatin# to newspapers, books, ma#a5ines,
pamphlets, posters, etc, and printin# presses, exceptin# the functions entrusted
to the ;ome department.
?. Control on the reproduction %publicationNprintin#& of books and literar( works of
forei#n ori#in.
@. Pro!ision of official address s(stem.
D. 1acilities for the "ournalistic profession includin# accreditation of press
correspondent and press photo#raphers, etc.
9. 1inancial Aid to need( "ournalists, artists and the berea!ed families of the same
and eminent -4en of :etters..
1+. rant6in6Aid to cultural and literar( bodies.
1*. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
13. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
13. 2er!ices matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment.
1>. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab Council of the Arts, 19@>
ii. 'he Pun"ab 2pecial Premises %Preser!ation& 7rdinance, 19D>
iii. Press, =ewspapers, =ews A#encies H )ooks Re#istration
7rdinance, *++*.
i!. 'he :ahore Arts Council 7rdinance, *++*
!. 'he Pun"ab Institute of :an#ua#e, Art H Culture Act, *++3
!i. 'he Pun"ab Oournalists ;ousin# 1oundation Act, *++3
1?. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and plannin# for irri#ation and
*. Construction and maintenance of$
%a& )arra#es, ri!ers
%b& Canals
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
O(0tted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
Page 52 of 72
%c& 'ube6wells
%d& 0raina#e schemes
%e& 2tora#e of water and construction of reser!oirs.
%f& 1lood control and flood protection schemes
3. )asic and applied research in$
%a& Irri#ation h(draulics
%b& round water and land reclamation
3. 2ur!e( of water bodies for data collection and anal(sis for future plannin#
>. 0istribution of canal water and assessment of water rates.
?. 'rainin#
@. ;uman resources de!elopment includin# 9n#ineerin# 'rainin# Academ(.
D. 'olls on barra#es H waterwa(s.
9. 2trate#ic plannin# units.
F9A. Plannin#, desi#nin#, construction, maintenance and repair of all the buildin#s
and related infrastructure under the administrati!e control of the department.G
1+. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
11. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
1*. 2er!ice matters except these entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Canal H 0raina#e Act 1D@3
ii. 2oil Reclamation Act 19>*
iii. :and Impro!ement 'ax Act, 19@>
i!. 7n 1orm Aater 4ana#ement 7rdinance 19D1
!. 'he Pun"ab Irri#ation H 0raina#e Authorit( Act 199@
!i. 'he Pun"ab 4inor Canal Act
!ii. Aater Eser H Aater 4ana#ement Act
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin#
*. Aelfare of labour
3. 4aintenance of industrial peace and settlement of industrial disputes
3. Implementation of labour laws
>. Administration of labour courts and :abour Appellate 'ribunals
?. Implementation of wei#hts and measures laws
@. Administration of$
%a& Pun"ab 9mplo(ees 2ocial 2ecurit( Institution
%b& Pun"ab 4inimum Aa#es )oard
%c& Pun"ab Aorkers Aelfare )oard
D. Re#istration of essential personnel
9. 9ducation and trainin# of emplo(ers, emplo(ees and labour officials re#ardin#
administration of labour laws.
1+. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
11. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
1*. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Aorkmen<s Compensation Act 19*3
ii. 'he 1actories Act 1933
iii. 'he Pa(ment of Aa#es Act 193?
i!. Industrial 2tatistics Act 193*
!. 9ssential Personnel %Re#istration& 7rdinance 193D
!i. 9mplo(ment %Record of 2er!ices& Act 19>1
!ii. 'he Aest Pakistan 4aternit( )enefit 7rdinance 19>D
3000. 'he 4otor 'ransport Aorkers Act, 19?1
04. 'he 4inimum Aa#es 7rdinance 19?1
4. 'he Pro!incial 9mplo(ees 2ocial 2ecurit( 7rdinance, 19?>
I&+e)ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-262$11# DA12D 22-$7-2$11
Page 53 of 72
xi. 'he Aest Pakistan Industrial H Commercial 9mplo(ment %2tandin#
7rders& 7rdinance 19?D
xii. Companies Profits %Aorkers< Participation& Act, 19?D
xiii. 'he Aest Pakistan 2hops H 9stablishments 7rdinance 19?9
xi!. 4inimum Aa#es for Enskilled Aorkers 7rdinance 19?9
x!. Pun"ab 1air Price 2hops %1actories& 7rdinance 19@1
x!i. 'he Aorkers Aelfare 1und 7rdinance 19@1
x!ii. Aorkers< Children %9ducation& 7rdinance 19@*
x!iii. 9mplo(ees< Cost of :i!in# %Relief& Act 19@3
xix. 'he Pun"ab Aei#hts H 4easures %International 2(stem& 9nforcement
Act 19@>
xx. 0isabled Persons %9mplo(ment H Rehabilitation& 7rdinance 19D1
xxi. 'he Pun"ab 9mplo(ees 2pecial Allowance %Pa(ment& Act 19DD
xxii. 9mplo(ment of Children Act 1991
xxiii. )onded :abour 2(stem %Abolition& Act 199*
xxi!. 'he Pun"ab Industrial Relations 7rdinance *+1+
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Ci!il law and ci!il procedure, includin# laws of limitation, arbitration, contract,
partnership, a#enc(, suret(, #uarantee, bailment, torts and other actionable
wron#s, commercial arbitration and alternate dispute resolution.
*. Constitutional le#islation.
3. 2ubstanti!e le#islation$ %a& scrutin( and draftin# of bills and 7rdinances/ and %b&
scrutin( of non6official dele#ated le#islation$ scrutin( and draftin# of
notifications, rules, re#ulations, statutor( orders and b(e6laws.
3. A#reements, contracts, 4oEs and other le#al instruments$ scrutin( and draftin#.
>. Codification of laws$ printin# and publication of Acts and 7rdinances, and
computeri5ation of laws.
?. :e#al ad!ice to departments on all le#al matters, includin# interpretation of laws,
rules and orders ha!in# the force of law.
@. 4atters relatin# to the Pro!incial Assembl( of the Pun"ab , includin# summonin#
and proro#ation of sessions and salaries, allowances and pri!ile#es of the
speaker, 0eput( 2peaker and 4embers of the Pro!incial assembl(.
D. 4atters relation to Parliamentar( 2ecretaries, includin# appointment salar(,
allowances and pri!ile#es.
9. Conduct of #o!ernment liti#ation$ filin# and defendin# of ci!il suits petitions and
appeals on behalf of the #o!ernment or a person holdin# an( post or office in
connection with the affairs of the Pro!ince.
FAdministrati!e matters relatin# to the office of the Ad!ocate #eneral.G
11. 4atters relatin# to 0istrict :aw 7fficers, o!ernment :aw 7fficers, 2pecial
Counsels and :e#al Ad!isors for :ocal o!ernment, 2tatutor( )odies,
Autonomous or 2emi6Autonomous Institutions.
1*. 4atters relatin# to le#al practitioners, includin# scale of fees.
F1*6A 1ramin# of Rules, with the consent of the Ad!ocate eneral, stipulatin# fee6
structureN scale of fee and procedure for obtainin# his prior appro!al in cases
where a :ocal o!ernment, 2tatutor( )od(, Autonomous )od( of 2emi6
Autonomous )od( desire to en#a#e an( Additional Ad!ocate eneral for
representation on its behalf in an( court of lawG
13. 4atters relatin# to the 2olicitor<s department, Administrator6eneral, 7fficial trustee
and Pun"ab Oudicial Academ(.
14. 4atters relatin# to Pun"ab Public 0efender 2er!ice.
1>. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1?. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
1@. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
1D. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. :e#al Representati!e 2uits Act %QII of 1D>>&
ii. 'he Pun"ab :aws Act 1D@*
iii. Contract Act %IQ of 1D@*&
S'b+t0t'ted by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
I&-o)5o)ated by No. SO (CAB-I) 2-47!5("ol. I)# Dated $!-$7-2$11
Page 54 of 72
i!. 2pecific Relief Act %I of 1D@@&
!. Power of Attorne( Act %PII of 1DD*&
!i. 'he 2uits Paluation Act 1DD@
!ii. :imitation Act %IQ of 19+D&
!iii. Ci!il Procedure Code %P of 19+D&
ix. 7fficial 'rustees Act 1913
x. 'he Administrator eneral<s Act 1913
xi. 2ale of oods Act %III of 193+&
xii. Arbitration Act %Q of 193+&
xiii. 'he Aest Pakistan %Adaptation and Repeal of :aws& Act 19>@
xi!. Pun"ab Ci!il Courts 7rdinance 19?* %II of 19?*&
x!. 'he Aest Pakistan :aws %Adaptation& 7rder 19?3
x!i. 'he Aest Pakistan Repealin# 7rdinance 19@+
x!ii. Pro!incial Assembl( of the Pun"ab Pri!ile#es Act 19@*
x!iii. 'he Pun"ab Pro!incial Assembl( %2alaries, Allowance H Pri!ile#es of
4embers& Act 19@3
xix. 'he Pun"ab Pro!incial Assembl( 0eput( 2peaker %2alar(, Allowances H
Pri!ile#es& Act 19@>
xx. 'he Pun"ab Pro!incial Assembl( 2peaker %2alar(, Allowances H Pri!ile#es&
Act 19@>.
xxi. 'he Pun"ab Parliamentar( 2ecretaries %2alar(, Allowances H Pri!ile#es&
7rdinance *++*
xxii. 0efamation 7rdinance %:PI of *++*&
xxiii. 'he Pun"ab Oudicial Academ( Act *++@
xxi!. 'he Pun"ab Public 0efender 2er!ice Act, *++@
19. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Polic( and Plannin#
%a& 1ormulation and re!iew of policies and plannin# for
promotion of non6formal education
%b& 9stablish :iterac( Resource Centers, 0irectorate of
:iterac(, :iterac( Council and other institutional support for the
%c& 9stablish linka#e with pro!incial, national and
international bodies and pro!ide a forum for exchan#e of ideas.
%d& Promote adult literac( coupled with !ocational
trainin#s, life6lon# skills and social education.
%e& Promote literac( throu#h Public6Pri!ate Partnership.
*. Research and 0e!elopment
%a& 0e!elopment of accreditation s(stem.
%b& 0e!elopment of assessment s(stem for =19 learners.
%c& 0e!elopment of curriculum, prepare s(llabi and text books for non6
formal education.
%d& 0e!elopment of 9,ui!alenc( 2(stem and issuance of e,ui!alence
certificates to literac( learners.
%e& 0e!elopment of readin# material for non6formal education.
%f& 2tandards for =19 and de!elop e,ui!alenc( s(stem.
3. 4ana#ement information s(stem
%a& Collection and updation of data re#ardin# illiterates and educational
facilities alon# with 91A 4appin#.
%b& =eed assessment sur!e(s.
3. 4onitorin# and e!aluation60e!elop 4H9 s(stem for sustainabilit(.
>. 'rainin#s
%a& 'rainin# of departmental N pro"ects, staff and teachers workin# in
non6formal education set up.
%b& 7r#ani5e workshops, seminars, s(mposia and panel discussions
for capacit( buildin# and promotion of =19.
?. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
Page 55 of 72
@. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
D. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
9. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin# relatin# to$
%a& 0e!elopment of li!estock farms and semen production
%b& 0e!elopment of poultr( farms
%c& Polic( matter re#ardin# pre!ention of cruelt( to animals
%d& Peterinar( education, trainin# and research includin# Eni!ersit( of
Peterinar( and Animal 2ciences, :ahore and other !eterinar( faculties N
colle#es of the pro!ince
*. )reed impro!ement N #enetic up#radation of animals
3. Communication and extension
3. 0ia#nosis of animals diseases
>. 0isease sur!eillance and control
?. Impro!ements of cattle markets
@. 4ilk and meat safet( measures N inspection
D. 4oderni5ation of public sector slau#hter houses
9. Polic( and re#ulator( framework
1+. Production of biolo#ics
11. Research in !arious disciplines of li!estock production and health
1*. 2upport ser!ices for small li!estock farmers
13. 'echnical support to pri!ate enterprises in!estin# in li!estock.
13. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
1>. Purchase of store and capital #oods for the department
16. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral
Administration department
1@. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab oats %Restriction& 7rdinance, 19>9
ii. 'he Pun"ab 4ilk )oards 7rdinance, 19?3
iii. 'he Pun"ab :i!estock, 0air( H Poultr( 0e!elopment )oard Act, 19@3
i!. 'he Pun"ab :i!estock Associations and :i!estock Association Enions %Re#istration H
Control& 7rdinance, 19@9
!. 'he Pun"ab Animals Compound 1eed H 1eed 2tuff 7rdinance, *++*
!i. 'he Eni!ersit( of Peterinar( and Animal 2ciences :ahore 7rdinance,
1D. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ect
1. All matters relatin# to the local council ser!ices H
super!ision of local #o!ernments
*. Coordination of population census.
3. 0e!elopment funds and de!elopment schemes of
local #o!ernments pertainin# to local funds.
3. 1ramin# of rules, re#ulations and policies under
the Pun"ab :ocal o!t. :aws
>. rant6in6Aid for local #o!ernments.
?. 4atters relatin# to$
%a& :ocal o!ernments N :ocal Councils.
%b& 9lections, elections petitions N writ petitions, ci!il
suits in re#ard to local councils.
%c& 0irectorate eneral :ocal o!ernment H
Communit( 0e!elopment department and its subordinate offices.
%d& :ocal taxation and local rates.
%e& Pun"ab :ocal o!ernment Commission.
%f& 0efunct :ocal Councils dissol!ed under the
Pun"ab :ocal o!ernment 7rdinance, *++1.
%#& 9stablishment and )ud#et of :ocal
Page 56 of 72
F4atters relatin# to urban impro!ement,
renewable and re6de!elopment.G
D. Polic( matters re#ardin# re#istration of births,
deaths and marria#es b( local #o!ernments.
9. 2eminars, con!entions and publications.
1+. 'rainin#, research, e!aluation and establishment
of Resource Center N Cell, :e#al Cell, P4Es and Reform Pro#rammes.
11. Rural N communit( de!elopment.
1*. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
13. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the
13. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to the
2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment
1>. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules
framed there6under$
i. Cattle 'respass Act, 1D@1.
ii. ;ackne( Carria#e Act, 1D@9
iii. 'he Pun"ab ra!e(ards %Preser!ation and 4aintenance& Act, 19>D
i!. 2ta#e Carria#e Act, 19?1.
!. 'he 4iani 2ahib ra!e(ard 7rdinance, 19?* %A.P. 7rdinance Q:IP of
!i. 'he Pun"ab :ocal o!ernment Institutions %0issolution& %9xtension of
:imitation& 7rdinance 19@1.
!ii. 'he Pun"ab :ocal 7ption %Repeal& 7rdinance, 19D>
!iii. )ahawalpur 0e!elopment Authorit( Act, 1991
ix. 0era ha5i Khan 0e!elopment Authorit( Act, 1991.
xi. 'he Pun"ab Prohibition of 9xpressin# 4atters on Aalls Act, 199>
xii. 'he Pun"ab 2uspension of :ocal Councils 7rdinance, 1999
xiii. 'he Pun"ab :ocal o!ernment 7rdinance, *++1
xi!. 'he Pun"ab Kite 1l(in# Acti!ities 7rdinance, *++1
1?. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e
1. :e#islation and polic( formulation relatin# to the trainin# of public sector emplo(ees.
*. Preparation of the trainin# strate#(.
3. 1acilitation, monitorin# and Implementation of trainin# polic(Nplans.
3. 'o act as o!erarchin# trainin# pro!ider and coordinator.
>. Promotion of learnin# and trainin# culture within the ci!il ser!ices of Pun"ab.
?. 'rainin# =eed Assessment and preparation of trainin# modules in coordination with the
@. Pro!ision of assistance to all departmentsNdistrict #o!ernmentNtrainin# institutions in
de!elopment of trainin# processes.
D. 0e!elopment and monitorin# of a comprehensi!e trainin# mana#ement information
9. 1acilitation, monitorin# and e!aluation of trainin# acti!ities of trainin# institutions in the
1+. Resource #eneration b( extendin# facilit( of trainin# to public and pri!ate or#ani5ations.
11. Processin#, examination and finali5ation of recommendations for forei#n
trainin#Nscholarship facilities.
1*. Collaboration with national and international trainin# institutions and or#ani5ations
13. Conduct of the followin# trainin# courses$
a) Post6Induction Courses for officers %)261@& of Pro!incial 4ana#ement 2er!ice %P42&
and other departments.
b) Promotion Related Courses for promotion of P42 officers from )261@ to )261D, from
)261D to )2619, 'ehsildars %)261?&, 4inisterial 2taff of 2HA0 %)261?&, =aib
'ehsildars and officers of other departments.
S'b+0t'ted by No.SO(CAB-I)2-22$$5 Dated 21
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
O(0tted by No.SO(CAB-I)2-22$$5 Dated 21
.eb)'a)y# 2$12
Page 57 of 72
-) 2hort Courses for officers and officials of the pro!ince in the areas of mana#ement,
office procedure, financial mana#ement, plannin# and de!elopment, information
technolo#( skills, etc.
d) Customi5ed N 0emand 0ri!en 'rainin# Courses accordin# to trainin# needs and
re,uirements of concerned department.
13. 0e!elopment of trainin# linka#es with other trainin# institutions.
1>. Promotion of Public Pri!ate Partnership relatin# to trainin#.
1?. 1ocusin# on capacit( buildin# of emplo(ee in 4P00 and other trainin# institutions.
1@. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1D. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
19. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
*+. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and plannin# for$
%a& rant, sur!e(s, prospectin# exploration and de!elopment of mineral resources.
%b& Collection of rents, ro(alties and fees from the concessionaires.
%c& Rehabilitation of affected minin# areasNsites, implementation, monitorin# and control of
en!ironment standards, infrastructure de!elopment in minin# areas.
%d& Collect, store H dissemination of mineral data, di#iti5ation of mineralNminin# data.
%e& 4ines H minerals de!elopment.
%f& Aelfare of mine workers.
%#& 4arketin# of minerals.
*. 2afet( of mines, oil and #as fields and their workers
3. 'rainin# and skill de!elopment.
3. :abour laws and rules for mine workers.
>. o!ernmental functions of$6
%a& Pun"ab 4ineral 0e!elopment Corporation.
%b& 4ines :abour Aelfare 7r#ani5ation.
%c& Pun"ab Coal 4inin# Compan(.
?. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
@. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
D. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
9. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he 4ines Act, 19*3.
ii. 'he Pa(ment of Aa#es Act, 193?.
iii. 'he Re#ulation of 4ines H 7il6fields and 4ineral 0e!elopment
%o!ernment Control& Act, 193D %Act =o.xxi! of 193D&.
i!. 'he Consolidated 4ines Rules, 19>*.
!. 'he Coal 4ines %1ixation of Rates of Aa#es& 7rdinance, 19?+.
!i. 'he 9xcise 0ut( on 4inerals %:abour Aelfare& Act, 19?@.
!ii. 'he Industrial H Commercial 9mplo(ment %2tandin# 7rders& 7rdinance
!iii. 'he 9xcise dut( on 4inerals %:abour Aelfare& %Pun"ab& Rules, 19@1.
ix. 'he Pun"ab 4ineral 0e!elopment Corporation Act, 19@>.
x. 'he Pun"ab 4inor 4inerals %cancellation of leases& 7rdinance, 19@@.
xi. 'he Pun"ab 4ineral %Cancellation of sand leases in Restricted Area&
7rdinance, 19D3.
1+. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. 1ormulation of pro!incial #o!ernment !ision, policies H strate#ies for economic
plannin# and de!elopment in consultation with all stakeholders in the li#ht of
=9C<s #uidelines.
*. Annual 0e!elopment Pro#ramme %A0P& N 4edium 'erm 0e!elopment 1ramework
Page 58 of 72
%a& Preparation in co6ordination with all departments of the #o!ernment.
%b& 4onitorin# implementation.
%c& 9!aluation of de!elopment pro"ects H pro#rammes.
3. 9conomic Issue%s&$
%a& Conductin# researchNsur!e(s.
%b& Re!iewin#Nanal(sis of socio economic data.
3. Public 2ector 0e!elopment Pro#rammes %P20P&$
%a& Preparin# short terms and lon# terms pro!incial de!elopment plans.
%b& Coordination with federal #o!ernment.
>. Polic( for the appro!al of de!elopment schemes.
?. Catal(st for different departmentsNsectors to impro!e the pace and ,ualit( of
economic de!elopment.
@. Resource allocation, re6appropriation of de!elopment funds, appropriations from
block allocations H disbursement of supplementar( #rants.
D. 2ecretariat for the Pro!incial 0e!elopment Aorkin# Part( %P0AP& and clearin#
house for de!elopment schemes within the competence of C0AP and 9C=9C.
9. 1orei#n Assistance$
%a& 0etermination of ke( areas for forei#n assistance and preparation of sector6
wise portfolio for forei#n assistance.
%b& :oan ne#otiations and securin# federal financial #uarantees, where!er
%c& Re!iew of forei#n aided pro"ects.
1+. Coordination of nominations for forei#n trainin#, seminars, conferences and
workshops for all officials ser!in# with the pro!incial #o!ernment.
11. Capacit( buildin# of #o!ernment departments, a#encies and functionaries for #ood
1*. 1ocusin# accelerated de!elopment of rain fed %barani& and less de!eloped areas.
13. 1ramin# #uidelines for procurement of consultanc( ser!ices.
13. Polic( formulation with respect to pri!ate sector de!elopment and promotion of
Public6Pri!ate Partnership%s& %PPP&.
1>. Implementation, de!elopment and administration in respect of forei#n
assistedNfunded and me#a A0P pro"ects.
1?. 4atters relatin# to attached departments, autonomous bodies and special
institutions of PH0 department.
1@. Information 'echnolo#($
a& I.'. Polic(.
b& 9lectronic 0ata 4ana#ement.
c& Control of and liaison with district I' departments.
d& 96o!ernance and 962er!ice 0eli!er(.
e& Aeb Content 4ana#ement.
f& Pre6,ualification of firms to pro!ide I' consultanc(, software
de!elopment and I' products to the o!ernment.
#& Coordination with both public sector departments and pri!ate sector
a#encies in the field of I.'.
h& 2er!ice matters of I' cadre both at Pro!incial and 0istrict le!el.
1D. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
19. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
*+. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
*1. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Cholistan 0e!elopment Authorit( Act, 19@?.
ii. 'he Pun"ab 9conomic Research Institute 7rdinance, 19D+.
iii. 'he Pun"ab Public6Pri!ate Partnership for Infrastructure Act, *+1+.
**. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Population polic( formulation, implementation, monitorin# and e!aluation.
*. 0emo#raphic statistics and anal(sis.
Page 59 of 72
3. 4ainstreamin# population factor in de!elopment plannin# process.
3. Pro!ision of famil( welfare ser!ices includin# famil( plannin# and #eneral medical
>. Preparation of bud#et and de!elopment schemes.
?. Coordination with federal #o!ernment, international a#encies, =7s and donors.
@. Procurement and distribution of contracepti!es.
D. 'rainin#, research and de!elopment of professional standards.
9. Information, education and communication ser!ices.
1+. Promotion of population plannin# acti!ities throu#h pri!ate and other public sector
11. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1*. Purchase of stores and capital #oods.
13. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. Population Aelfare Plannin# Pro#ramme %Appointment H 'ermination&
7rdinance 19D1
ii. 'he 'ransfer of Population Aelfare Pro#ramme %1ield Acti!ities&
7rdinance 19D3
iii. 'ransfer of Population Aelfare Pro#ramme %1ield Acti!ities&
%Amendment& 7rdinance *++1.
15. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and plannin# for Public Prosecution 2er!ice.
*. Inspection and monitorin# of the workin# and the ser!ice deli!er( of Public
Prosecution ser!ice.
3. Ad!ice to other administrati!e departments as a re#ulator( function for
implementation of polic(, on the sub"ect, in$
%a& Cases of criminal proceedin#s a#ainst #o!ernment or an( ci!il ser!ant
for an act or omission in his official dut(, and
%b& Cases relatin# to criminal liti#ation.
Frant of sanction of prosecution in such criminal cases where sanction of
Pro!incial o!ernment is re,uired.G
>. rant of sanction for filin# appeals a#ainst ac,uittals N petitions for
enhancement of sentence N Arit Petitions in criminal misc. matters N petitions for
cancellation of bails and criminal petitions for lea!e to appeal in the appellate
?. 9n#a#ement of pri!ate prosecutor and determination of his fees, in rare and
special criminal cases where no suitable departmental prosecutor is a!ailable.
@. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
D. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
9. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment.
1+. Administration of the TPun"ab Criminal Prosecution 2er!ice %Constitution,
1unctions and Powers& Act, *++?< and the rules framed there6under.
11. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and plannin# for$
%a& Primar( education
%b& 9lementar( education
%c& 2econdar( and ;i#her 2econdar( education
*. Re#ulator( polic( concernin# pri!ate sector schools
3. 0e!elopment and super!ision of curricula, s(llabi, textbooks and maintenance of
standards of education$
%a& Curricula and s(llabi up to class QII.
O(0tted by No.SO(CAB-I)2-22$1$ Dated 7
Se5te(be)# 2$11
Page 60 of 72
%b& Production and publication of text books for class I to QII.
3. 2taff de!elopment includin#$
%a& Pre6ser!ice and in6ser!ice teachers trainin#
%b& Continuous professional de!elopment %CP0&
>. 4onitorin# H e!aluation s(stem$
%a& 0istribution of free textbooks
%b& 0e!elopment schemes
%c& Presence of teachin# H non6teachin# staff
%d& Epdation of online6access information
%e& Redressal of public complaints
?. Promotion of ,ualit( education throu#h$
%a& Pun"ab education assessment s(stem
%b& 2tudent assessment and terminal examination of rade6P and PIII
elementar( education throu#h Pun"ab 9xamination Commission.
%c& rant of scholarships
%d& Production and distribution of educational and scientific films
@. Children libraries and libraries affiliated with Children :ibrar( Complex
D. Promotion of sports in schools
9. Pro!ision of compulsor( and free education to all of a#e >61? (ears
1+. 'he matters relatin# to the Pun"ab 0aanish 2chools and Centers of 9xcellence
11. 'o promote ,ualit( education throu#h publicRpri!ate partnership throu#h Pun"ab
9ducation 1oundation.
1*. 'he matters relatin# the Pun"ab 'eachers< 1oundation.
13. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
13. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
1>. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
1?. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. Charitable 9ndowments Act 1D9+ %PI of 1D9+&
ii. 'he Pun"ab Eni!ersities and )oards of Intermediate and 2econdar(
9ducation 4alpractices Act, 19>+
iii. 'he Charitable 1unds %Re#ulation of Collections&, 19>3
i!. 'he Pun"ab 0epartmental In,uiries %Powers& Act, 19>D
!. 'he Pun"ab o!ernment 9ducational and 'rainin# Institutions
7rdinance 19?+
!i. 'he Pun"ab 'extbook )oard 7rdinance, 19?*
!ii. 'he Aest Pakistan Publication of 'extbooks %Re#ulations and Control&
7rdinance, 19@+.
!iii. 'he Pun"ab :ocal Councils ;i#h 2chools %'akin# 7!er& 7rdinance 19@+
ix. 'he Pri!atel( 4ana#ed 2chools and Colle#es %'akin# 7!er& Re#ulation
x. 'he Pun"ab )oards of Intermediate and 2econdar( 9ducation Act, 19@?
xi. Pun"ab Pri!ate 9ducational Institutions %Promotions H Re#ulations&
7rdinance 19D3
xii. Pun"ab Compulsor( Primar( 9ducation Act 1993
xiii. Pun"ab 9ducation 1oundation Act *++3
xi!. Pun"ab 0aanish 2chools H Centre of 9xcellence Authorit( Act *+1+
F'he Pun"ab Curriculum Authorit( Act *+1*.G
1@. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects
1. Cabinet work, includin#$
%a& Cabinet appointments, salaries and pri!ile#es of 4inisters/ and
%b& All 2ecretarial work of the Cabinet includin# con!enin# of meetin#s.
I&+e)ted by No.SO(CAB-I) 2-242$12# Dated 2
No3e(be)# 2$12.
Page 61 of 72
*. 1ramin# and alteration of Rules of )usiness for pro!incial #o!ernment and
allocation of business amon# 4inisters.
3. 4atters relatin# to the Council of Common Interests %CCI& and Inter6Pro!incial
Coordination %IPC&.
3. eneral Coordination.
>. ;onors, Awards and 2anads for public ser!ices.
?. C(pher and other Codes.
@. Ceremonials includin#$
%a& Aarrant of Precedence, 'able of Precedence and Protocol/
%b& Pakistan 1la# Rules/
%c& Ci!il Eniforms/
%d& Court mournin#/ and
%e& :i!eries and Clothin# Rules.
D. 4aintenance of the Re#ister of 4emorials addressed to the President, withheld
b( the Pro!incial o!ernment.
9. 7ffice mana#ement, includin#$
%a& Ci!il 2ecretariat and o!ernment 7ffices #enerall(/
%b& 2ecretariat standin# orders/ and
%c& 4emorials and petitions standin# orders.
1+. Preparation of Ci!il :ist and 7fficial a5ette.
11. Ri#hts and interests of members of 2er!ices.
1*. 4atters connected with All Pakistan 2er!ices and other 1ederal 2er!ices.
13. 2er!ice Rules %other than Ci!il 2er!ice Rules& relatin# to !arious 2er!ices and
posts and interpretation thereof.
13. Re6emplo(ment of retired officers.
1>. Appointment of Commissions of In,uir( or panel of officers in cases of
misconduct of o!ernment ser!ants.
1?. Absorption of surplus staff and allied matters.
1@. 9xpeditious finali5ation of dela(ed pension and . P. 1und cases.
1D. 9mplo(ees< welfare schemes.
19. 2er!ice Associations.
*+. ;i#h 7fficers Reser!ation.
*1. Identit( cards for Ci!il 7fficers.
**. Compilation of the list of persons dismissedNdebarred from future emplo(ment
under the Pro!incial o!ernment for submission to the o!ernment of Pakistan.
*3. 4atters connected with the recruitment, trainin#, pa(, allowances, promotion,
lea!e, postin# H transfer of$
%a& Pro!incial 4ana#ement 2er!ice %P42&
%b& 4inisterial establishment of the Pro!incial 2ecretariat.
*3. Administrati!e matters relatin# to :ahore ;i#h Court.
*>. Administrati!e matters relatin# to the office of the Pro!incial 7mbudsman.
*?. Administrati!e matters relatin# to Pun"ab 2er!ice 'ribunal.
*@. Administrati!e matters relatin# to Pun"ab Public 2er!ice Commission.
*D. PIP 1li#ht, o!ernment of the Pun"ab
*9. 4atters relatin# to Anti6Corruption 9stablishment and 0irectorate eneral of
3+. ;olida(s.
31. 7r#ani5ation and methods includin#$
%a& Periodic re!iew of the or#ani5ation, staff, functions and
procedure of the departments, attached departments and subordinate
offices and su##estions for impro!ement thereof/
%b& Impro!ement of #eneral efficienc( and economic execution of
#o!ernment business/
%c& Ad!ice re#ardin# proper utili5ation of stationer( and printin# resources
of the #o!ernment/
%d& 'rainin# in or#ani5ation and method/
%e& 2u##estions scheme/
%f& Preparation of manuals/
%#& Career pattern of #o!ernment emplo(ees/
%h& Re!iew of the staffin# pattern of #o!ernment departments/
%i& 2implification of forms and procedures/
Page 62 of 72
%"& 0epartmental examinations/
%k& 4atters connected with 'rainin# at the trainin# institutions of the federal
and pro!incial #o!ernments.
%l& Ci!il ser!ice reforms R Public polic( and chan#e mana#ement.
3*. o!ernment archi!es.
33. Pro!ision of residential accommodation to #o!ernment ser!ants$
%a& 2ponsorin# and coordination of schemes relatin# to the construction of
pooled #o!ernment accommodation for residences as well as offices in
the Pun"ab/
N%B% 4aintenance, additions, alternation and impro!ements in respect of
such schemes shall continue to rest with Communications and Aorks
%b& 4atters relatin# to the sponsorin# and coordination of schemes in
respect of construction of new court rooms for 4a#istrates in Pun"ab/
N%B% )oard of Re!enue would continue to maintain court rooms of the
4a#istrates situated in the buildin#Npremises of re!enue office at all le!els.
%c& Allotment of residential accommodation includin# re,uisitionin# of
pri!ate houses for residential purposes and assessment of rent at
%d& Ci!il 2ecretariat Complex/ and
%e& eneral coordination in the abo!e matters.
33. 4onitorin# and implementation of #o!ernment policies.
3>. Personal ri#hts, pri!ile#es and di#nities of ex6Rulers of former 2tates %excludin#
1rontier 2tates&.
3?. Affairs relatin# to the tribes of the former excluded area of 0era ha5i Khan
3@. 7fficial :an#ua#e Committee.
3D. Partition work.
39. %a& 2tandardi5ation of stores N e,uipment etc. of common use of all
%b& 9xamination and appro!al of the recommendations of the departmental
standardi5ation of storesNe,uipment etc. of speciali5ed nature to be
used b( a particular department/
%c& Appro!al of amendmentsNdeletions etc. in the list of standardi5ed storesN
e,uipment etc., proposed b( the 0epartmental 2tandardi5ation
%d& Control of :iaison 7ffice %2uppl(& KarachiN:ahore/ and
%e& Re#ulatin# procurement of #oods, ser!ices and works in the public sector
and the matters connected therewith.
3+. Act as 1inance department in respect of the financial re,uirements of the
1inance department
31. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
3*. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
33. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab 9ssential 2er!ices %4aintenance& Act, 19>D
ii. 'he Pun"ab 0epartmental In,uiries %Powers& Act, 19>D
iii. Pun"ab o!ernment 2er!ants )ene!olent 1und 7rdinance, 19?+
i!. 'he Pun"ab Anti Corruption 9stablishment 7rdinance, 19?1
!. Pun"ab o!ernment 9mplo(ees Aelfare 1und 7rdinance, 19?9
!i. Pun"ab 2er!ice 'ribunals Act, 19@3
!ii. 'he Pun"ab Ci!il 2er!ants Act, 19@3
!iii. 'he Pun"ab 4inisters %2alaries, Allowances and Pri!ile#es& Act, 19@>
ix. 'he Pun"ab Public 2er!ice Commission 9xamination Reforms Act, 19@@
x. Pun"ab Public 2er!ice Commission 7rdinance, 19@D
xi. 'he Pun"ab 2ubordinate Oudiciar( 2er!ice 'ribunal Act, 1991
xii. 'he Pun"ab 7ffice of 7mbudsman Act, 199@
xiii. 'he Pun"ab Ad!isors %2alar(, Allowances H Pri!ile#es& 7rdinance, *++*
xi!. 'he Pun"ab 2pecial Assistants %2alar(, Allowances and Pri!ile#es&
7rdinance, *++*
x!. 'he Pun"ab Parliamentar( 2ecretaries %2alaries, Allowances and
Pri!ile#es& 7rdinance, *++*.
Page 63 of 72
x!i. 'he Pun"ab o!ernment 2er!ants ;ousin# 1oundation Act, *++3
x!ii. Pun"ab 9mplo(ees 9fficienc(, 0iscipline and Accountabilit( Act, *++?.
x!iii. 'he Pun"ab Procurement Re#ulator( Authorit( Act, *++9
33. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. Re#istration, 'echnical Assistance and 4onitorin# of 2ocial Aelfare A#encies
*. 2ocial Protection includin# Institutional Care, 2kill 0e!elopment and
3. Re#istration, Assessment, 'rainin#, 9mplo(ment, and Rehabilitation of
0isabled Persons.
3. 9radication of 2ocial 9!ils.
>. Relief durin# calamities and emer#encies.
?. 7ther incidental assi#nments.
F@ G
D. )ait ul 4all$
%a& 1inancial assistance to poor and need(
%b& o!ernmental functions under Pun"ab )ait ul 4all, Act, 1991
9. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1+. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
11. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ice and eneral Administration
F1* G
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 'he Pun"ab Pa#ranc( 7rdinance, 19>D
ii. Poluntar( 2ocial Aelfare A#encies %Re#istration H Control& 7rdinance,
iii. 'he Pun"ab 2ocial 2er!ices )oard 7rdinance, 19@+
i!. 0isabled Persons %9mplo(ment H Rehabilitation& 7rdinance, 19@+
!. 'he Pun"ab )ait6ul64aal Act, 1991
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation and polic( formulation for special education.
2. 4atters relatin# to education and !ocational trainin# of special children.
3. 'eachers< trainin# in special education.
3. Printin# of )raille books and other readin# material.
>. 0e!elopment of curriculum for special education.
?. 2ports of special children and other related matters.
@. Campai#n for public awareness, social inte#ration and friendl( en!ironment for special
children includin# their economic rehabilitation.
D. Centers of 9xcellence, Research Centers and )uildin# of 0atabase for 2pecial
9. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
1+. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
11. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
1*. Administration of the TPun"ab Pri!ate 9ducational Institutions %Promotion H
Re#ulations& 7rdinance, 19D3< and the rules framed there6under
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
S'b+t0t'ted by No.SO. (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
O(0tted by No.SO. (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
O(0tted by No.SO. (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
Page 64 of 72
1. :e#islation, transport polic( and plannin#.
*. Pun"ab Pro!incial 'ransport Authorit( and Re#ional 'ransport Authorities in the
Pro!ince, Pun"ab Road 'ransport Corporation and Erban 'ransport Companies
established under Chapter P6A of the 4otor Pehicles 7rdinance, 19?>.
3. 2hippin# and =a!i#ation on inland water wa(s as re#ards mechanicall(
propelled !essels, and the rules of the road on such waterwa(s/ carria#e of
passen#ers and #oods on inland waterwa(s.
3. Route Permits, fare N frei#hts, matters relatin# to traffic speeds, loadin#, parkin#
and haltin# places, exemption cases of !ehicles under 4otor Pehicles
7rdinance and Rules roupin# of sta#e carria#es.
>. Inspection and checkin# of Public 2er!ice Pehicles.
?. Pa(ment of compensation in accident cases of Pri!ate N Public sectors and
allied matters.
@. Polic( re#ardin# student<s concession and =ationali5ation of Road 'ransport.
D. Inspection and certification of roads worth( !ehicles.
9. 4aintenance N mana#ement of Public )us 2tands throu#hout the Pro!ince.
1+. Administration of 4otor Pehicles 9xaminers.
11. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
1*. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department
13. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
13. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under$
i. 4otor Pehicles Act, 1939
ii. Pro!incial 4otor Pehicles 7rdinance, 19?>
iii. Pun"ab Re,uisitionin# of 2ta#e Carria#e %'emporar( Powers& 7rdinance,
19@+ %7rdinance =o. QIII of 19@+&
i!. Pun"ab )us 2tand and 'raffic Control %:ahore& 7rdinance, 19?3
!. Pun"ab )us 2tand and 'raffic Control %u"ranwala& 7rdinance, 19?3
!i. 2ta#e Carria#es %Cancellation of Absentees& Re#ulation %4artial :aw
Re#ulation =o. >? of 19?9&
13. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1& :e#islation, Polic( formulation and sectoral plannin# for women de!elopment.
*& 'ransformation of the o!ernment into an or#ani5ation that acti!el( practices
and promotes #ender e,ualit( and women empowerment.
3& Implementation of administrati!e and institutional reforms and departmental
restructurin# for promotin# #ender e,ualit(.
3& 4ainstreamin# #ender e,ualit( perspecti!e across public policies, laws,
pro#rams, and pro"ects b( departments and a#encies of the o!ernment with a
focus on women empowerment.
>& Promotion, co6ordination and monitorin# of execution of national and pro!incial
policies and commitments on #ender reforms and women de!elopment.
?& Pro!ision of technical support and expertise for #ender mainstreamin# in all
departments of the o!ernment and its a#encies.
@& 9xpansion of in!estment in women<s socio6political and economic de!elopment
to achie!e the #oal of #ender e,uit(.
D& Collection of ,uantitati!e and ,ualitati!e data and conductin# of research on the
status of women in the Pun"ab to hi#hli#ht issues at appropriate fora.
9& )uildin# of partnership with line departments, non6#o!ernmental and Ci!il
2ociet( 7r#ani5ations to deli!er on the ri#hts and entitlements of women.
1+& Pursuance of means and measures to increase participation of women in
political process and encoura#ement of effecti!e representation of women in
political and administrati!e spheres.
11)Collaboration with le#al, "udicial law enforcement and other rele!ant
#o!ernmental and non6#o!ernment a#encies to facilitate women<s access to
formal le#al and "ustice s(stem.
1*& )ud#et, account and audit matters.
13& Purchase of store and capital #oods for the department.
13& 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices H eneral Administration
I&+e)ted by No.SO. (CAB-1) 2-122$12# Dated 2
A5)0l# 2$12
Page 65 of 72
1>& 4atters incidental to an( of the abo!e sub"ects.G
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and sectoral plannin# re#ardin# Iouth Affairs,
2ports, Archeolo#( and 'ourism.
*. 4ana#ement of and re#ulations relatin# to Archeolo#(.
3. Coordination with$
%a& 1ederal o!ernment on all matters relatin# to (outh or#ani5ations/ and
%b& 1ederal and other Pro!incial o!ernments for arran#in# !isits of the
(outh dele#ations.
3. Conser!ation of all ancient and historical monuments, archaeolo#ical sites and
remains in the Pro!ince.
>. Promotion of sports throu#h/
%a& Infrastructure de!elopment/
%b& 'alent scoutin#, sports competitions etc/
%c& Production of films and literatureN readin# material/ and
%d& 'echnolo#(.
?. 2ports facilities includin# stadia, #(mnasia, pla(6fields and sports hostels.
@. 'rainin# coachin# pro#rams and sports workshops.
D. Coordination with$
%a& Pakistan 2ports )oard
%b& 2ports )oards of other pro!inces and federal territories
%c& 2ports federations, associations, or#ani5ations and clubs.
*. 2ports e!ent mana#ement.
1$. Aelfare of the sportsmen.
11. Promotion of tourism and hotel industr( in the pro!ince of the Pun"ab.
1*. Research and trainin# in !arious disciplines of tourism.
13. Re#ulation and control of tourist industr( and allied ser!ices, includin# hotels,
restaurants, tra!el #uides and tra!el a#ents.
13. 7r#ani5ation of inland and forei#n tours.
1>. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters.
16. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
17. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to the 2er!ices and eneral
Administration 0epartment.
1!. Administration of the followin# laws and the rules framed there6under.
0. 'he 2ports %0e!elopment H Control& 7rdinance 19?* %7rdinance
=o.QPI of 19?*&.
ii. 'he Pun"ab special Premises %Preser!ation& 7rdinance, 19D>.
iii. 'he Pun"ab ;erita#e 1oundation Act, *++>.
03. 'he Pakistan ;otels and Restaurants Act, 19@?.
3. 'he Pakistan 'ourist uide Act, 19@?.
!i. 'he 'ra!el A#encies Act, 19@?G
1*. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
1. :e#islation, polic( formulation and plannin# for$
%a& Pro!incial Lakat Council, 0istrict Lakat Committees and :ocal
Lakat Committees.
%b& Assessment, collection, disbursement and utili5ation of Lakat
funds and maintenance of their accounts.
%c& Coordination with 2tate )ank of Pakistan, 2cheduled )anks and
financial Institutions for collection of 5akat and maintenance of )ank
%d& )ankin# procedures, 5akat deductions and refund rules.
%e& 4onitorin# of cash balance under Pro!incial Lakat 1und %Account
=o. III&
I&+e)ted by No. SO (CAB-1) 2-72$11# DA12D 15-11-2$11
Page 66 of 72
*. 7r#ani5ation and administration of$
%a& Chief Administrator, Lakat H Eshr.
%b& Administrator, Lakat H Eshr.
%c& 0eput( Administrator, Lakat H Eshr
%d& 0istrict Lakat 7fficers.
%e& 0istrict Lakat H Eshr Committees.
%f& :ocal Lakat H Eshr Committees.
%#& 9stablishment and notification of Pro!incial Lakat Council with
the appro!al of the Chief 4inister.
%h& =otification of 0istrict Lakat Committees on the recommendation
of Pro!incial Lakat Council.
3. Preparation of Annual and supplementar( bud#et for disbursement of Lakat
1unds b( the Pro!incial Lakat Council and its appro!al.
3. Allocation of administrati!e expenditure for 0istrict and :ocal Lakat
>. 0isbursement of 5akat funs to 'eachin# ;ospitals.
?. 4onitorin# of the collection, disbursement and utili5ation of Lakat 1unds and
arran#ement for their periodical and annual inspection and audit.
@. Preparation of accounts of Pro!incial Lakat 1und, 0istrict Lakat 1und and :ocal
Lakat 1und throu#h the Chief AdministratorN 2ecretar(, Lakat H Eshr, the
0istrict Lakat Committees and :ocal Lakat Committees in accordance with the
prescribed forms and procedure.
D. Coordination with Auditor eneral of Pakistan for carr(in# out the audit of
Pro!incial Lakat 1und, 0istrict Lakat 1und annuall( or at shorter inter!als.
9. uidelines to 0istrict Lakat Committees for carr(in# out the audit of :ocal Lakat
1und within the district annuall( or at shorter inter!als.
1+. Placin# Accounts and Audit Reports of Pro!incial Lakat 1und and 0istrict Lakat
1und before Pro!incial Assembl(.
11. 4onitorin# and e!aluation of Lakat s(stem in Pakistan as well as stud( of these
s(stems in other 4uslim countries with a !iew to impro!e the s(stem in the
1*. Administration of such or#ani5ations performin# social securit( and other
complementar( functions in relation to Lakat s(stem.
13. Performance of all other functions re,uired under the Lakat and Eshr
7rdinance, 19D+ and the rules made there under.
13. Pro!ision of #uidelines to Pro!incial Lakat H Eshr Council, 0istrict Lakat H Eshr
Committees and :ocal Lakat H Eshr Committees.
1>. 0isbursement of Lakat funds amon#st :ocal Lakat Committees, deeni madaris
or educational, !ocational or social institutions, public hospitals, charitable
institutions and other institutions pro!idin# health care.
1?. Compilation and collection of date re#ardin# number of beneficiaries and the
amount utili5ed.
1@. Arran#ements for trainin# of Chairmen, 4embers of 0istrict Lakat Committees
and officials associated with 5akat work.
1D. 4obili5ation of public opinion about !oluntar( contribution of 5akat.
19. Placin# of Audit and Accounts reports relatin# to current expenditure before
Public Accounts Committee.
*+. =otification b( Chief Administrator N 2ecretar(, Lakat H Eshr re#ardin# currenc(
e,ui!alence of fi!e was,s of wheat in !alue for each 5akat (ear
*1. 2uper!ision of assessment and collection of Eshr b( the )oard of Re!enue.
**. 2uper!ision and #uidance of :ocal, 'ehsil and 0istrict Lakat Committees about
disbursement and utili5ation of Eshr.
*3. Compilation and collection of data re#ardin# departmental schemes carried out
with the "urisdiction of Lakat H Eshr Committees of Eshr collected b( Re!enue
*3. uidelines to 0istrict Lakat Committees about deposit of proceeds of Eshr.
*>. 4onitorin# and e!aluation of Eshr 2(stem in Pakistan as well as stud( of these
s(stems in other 4uslims countries with a !iew to impro!e the s(stem in the
*?. 1ormulation of policies of assessment, collection, disbursement and utili5ation
of Eshr funds and maintenance of their accounts.
*@. )ud#et, accounts and audit matters
*D. Purchase of stores and capital #oods for the department.
Page 67 of 72
*9. 2er!ice matters except those entrusted to 2er!ices and eneral Administration
3+ 'he Administration of the TLakat H Eshr 7rdinance, 19D+< and the rules framed
31. 4atters incidental and ancillar( to the abo!e sub"ects.
[see rule 13(1)]
Ca/e/ reK1*r*,3 order/ o. the Go9er,or o, the ad9*!e o. the Ch*e. M*,*/ter
1. Appointment, resi#nation and remo!al of 4inisters.
*. 2ummonin#, proro#ation and dissolution of the Assembl(.
3. Promul#ation of 7rdinances.
3. Ad!ocate eneral$ appointment, remo!al, resi#nation and terms and
conditions of ser!ice.
>. 1ramin# of rules for the custod( of the Pro!incial Consolidated 1und and
other matters as pro!ided.
?. Reports relatin# to the Accounts of the Pro!ince.
@. Reference to Council of Islamic Ideolo#(.
D. Appointment of officers on the 2ecretariat staff of the o!ernor.
9. Cases relatin# to the personal ri#hts, pri!ile#es etc of ex6Rulers of
former states.
1+. Cases under the ;i#h Court Oud#es %:ea!e, Pension and Pri!ile#es&
7rder, 199@.
11. Cases relatin# to the Eni!ersities N Institutes re,uirin# orders of the
o!ernor as ChancellorNPatron.
1*. Cases re,uirin# orders of the o!ernor under an( law.
Page 68 of 72
[see rule 13(4)]
Ca/e/ to &e /1&-*tted to the Go9er,or .or *,.or-at*o,
1. Periodical reports, b( Administrati!e and 9xecuti!e 7fficers, of a political nature
or relatin# to :aw and 7rder such as the fortni#htl( reports submitted b( the
Commissioners and 2ituation Reports submitted b( the Police.
*. Intelli#ence Reports.
3. 2ummaries for the Cabinet and minutes and decisions of its meetin#s.
3. Annual Reports re,uired to be submitted to the o!ernor for information under
an( law.
>. All documents issued b( the 1inance 4inister pertainin# to the Annual )ud#et.
[see rule 23(1)]
Ca/e/ re+at*,3 to a55o*,t-e,t/" 5ro-ot*o,/" 5o/t*,3/ a,d tra,/.er/ reK1*r*,3
a55ro9a+ o. the Ch*e. M*,*/ter
Sr% No% Na-e o. De5art-e,t Na-e o. Po/t
1. Communications and Aorks 0epartment. Chief 9n#ineers.
*. Cooperati!es 0epartment. %a& Re#istrar, Cooperati!e 2ocieties.
%b& Chief Auditor, Audit Cell, Cooperati!e
2ocieties 0epartment.
3. 9ner#( 0epartment. Chief 9n#ineer, Power Lone, :ahore.
3. 1orest 0epartment. Posts abo!e the rank of Conser!ator.
>. ;ealth 0epartment. Principals of 4edical Colle#es.
?. ;i#her 9ducation 0epartment Additional 0irectors, Public Instructions and
Principals of 0e#ree Colle#es if re,uired to
be filled b( officers abo!e the rank of 0eput(
@. Industries, Commerce and In!estment
Additional 0irector, Industries.
D. Irri#ation 0epartment. Chief 9n#ineers.
9. :abour and ;uman Resource 0epartment. Ooint 0irectors, :abour Aelfare.
1+. ;ome 0epartment. %a& Additional Inspectors eneral of
%b& 0eput( Inspectors eneral of
%c& 2enior 2uperintendents of
FInformation and Culture 0epartment.G Posts of and abo!e the rank of 0irector
1*. 2chool 9ducation 0epartment. Additional 0irectors, Public Instructions
S'b+t0t'ted by No.SO. (CAB-1) 2-1$2$11# Dated 15.1$. 2$11.
Page 69 of 72
13. 2er!ices and eneral Administration
%a& 4embers )oard of Re!enue.
%b& 0irector eneral, Anti Corruption
%c& Commissioners.
%d& 0istrict Coordination 7fficers.
%e& Posts in the Pro!incial 2ecretariat of
and abo!e the rank of Additional
%f& 0irector eneral, Protocol.
13. eneral$
%a& 0epartment concerned throu#h
2er!ices and eneral Administrations
%a& ;eads of Attached 0epartments.
%b& ;eads of Re#ional 7ffices.
%c& 7ther appointments of the rank,
status and emoluments of 0istrict
Coordination 7fficers and abo!e.
%d& Chairpersons and 4embers of
2tatutor( )odiesNCorporations under
the control of the o!ernment.
%e& Appointments of 9xecuti!e 0istrict
7fficers except 9xecuti!e 0istrict
7fficers %9ducation& and 9xecuti!e
0istrict 7fficer %;ealth& in the 0istrict
%b& 0epartment concerned. %a& Appointments under 2tatutor(
)odiesNCorporations, re,uired to be
made or appro!ed b( the
%b& 7ther posts in )P2619 and abo!e
%except transfers to posts under the
;i#h Court&.
[see rule 23(2)]
A1thor*t*e/ !o-5ete,t to -aBe tra,/.er/ to a,d .ro- the Se!retar*at
1. %a& 7fficers of all Pakistan 2er!ice.
%b& ;eads of Attached 0epartments
and e,ui!alent posts.
%c& ;eads of Re#ional 7ffices.
2er!ices and eneral Administration
0epartment in consultation with the concerned
*. %a& 9xecuti!e 0istrict 7fficers
%b& 0eput( 2ecretariesG
Chief 2ecretar(.
3. 2ecretaries. 2er!ices and eneral Administration
3. 2ection 7fficers and other officers of
e,ui!alent rank$
%a& within the same 0epartment.
%b& to and from an Attached
%c& within the 2ecretariat from one
0epartment to another.
2er!ices and eneral Administration
2er!ices and eneral Administration
>. 7fficials below the rank of 2ection
Page 70 of 72
%a& within the same 0epartment.
%b& to and from an Attached
0epartmentNRe#ional 7ffice.
%c& within the 2ecretariat from one
0epartment to another.
2er!ices and eneral Administration
2er!ices and eneral Administration
[see rule 23(4)]
Te,1re Po/t/
1. Chief 2ecretar( and Additional Chief 2ecretar(. 3 (ears
*. 2ecretaries, 2pecial 2ecretaries, Additional 2ecretaries,
0eput( 2ecretaries and 2ection 7fficers.
3 (ears
3. ;eads of Attached 0epartments. 3 (ears
3. Principals of 4edical Colle#esNColle#e of Communit(
4edicinesNde 4ontmorenc( Colle#e of 0entistr(N0ean
Post raduate 4edical Institute.
> (ears
>. Commissioners, 0istrict Coordination 7fficers,
9xecuti!e 0istrict 7fficers and the ;eads of Re#ional
3 (ears
Note0 'he Chief 4inister ma( extend or curtail the tenure mentioned abo!e.
[see rule 14(1)]
Ca/e/ reK1*r*,3 a55ro9a+ o. the Ch*e. M*,*/ter
Sr% No% Ca/e/
1. Annual )ud#et 2tatement under Article 1** of the Constitution.
*. Authentication of the 2chedule of authori5ed expenditure under Article 1*3 of the
3. :a(in# of 2upplementar( 2tatement of 9xpenditure before the Assembl( under Article 1*3
of the Constitution.
3. Cases in which 1ederal o!ernment issues directions under Article 139 of the
>. Complaint under Article 1>> of the Constitution, to the Council of Common interests, about
an( executi!e action or le#islation taken or passed or proposed to be taken or passed or
the failure of an( authorit( to exercise an( of their powers with respect to the use,
distribution or control of water from an( natural source of suppl(.
?. A )ill or an amendment in respect of matters for which the Assembl( has power to enact
to be introduced or mo!ed in the Assembl( durin# the state of emer#enc( under Article
*3* of the Constitution.
@. Proposals in!ol!in# ma"or chan#e in the functions or powers of 2ecretaries, )oard of
Re!enue and ;eads of Attached 0epartments.
D. Cases which are liable to in!ol!e o!ernment into contro!ers( with the 1ederal
o!ernment or with another Pro!incial o!ernment.
9. Cases which ma( ha!e a bearin# on relations with a 1orei#n o!ernment.
1+. Cases re#ardin# the conditions of ser!ice or promotion of or disciplinar( action a#ainst
members of all Pakistan 2er!ices or holders of appointments normall( held b( them.
Cases to be referred to the 1ederal o!ernment shall be shown to Chief 4inister both
Page 71 of 72
before a reference is made to the 1ederal o!ernment as well as before final orders are
11. Recommendations for the #rant of honours and awards.
1*. 2election of officers of the rank of 2ecretaries to the o!ernment and abo!e for
appointment under the 1ederal o!ernment.
13. 4atters of polic( in which a 4inister proposes to rescind an order passed b( his
predecessor in office.
13. 2tatutor( appointments of the status of Additional 2ecretar( and abo!e under
Corporations and )odies to be made or appro!ed b( the o!ernment.
1>. %a& Cases relatin# to appointment and promotion of officers in )2619 or abo!e and of
officers of e,ui!alent rank and status.
%b& Cases relatin# to disciplinar( action a#ainst officers in )26*+ and abo!e, at the
sta#e of initiation of disciplinar( proceedin#s and imposition of a ma"or penalt(,
with or without reference to the 1ederal o!ernment, under an( lawNrules for the
time bein# in force.
1?. Additional Ad!ocates eneral and Assistant Ad!ocates eneral$ appointment, remo!al,
resi#nation and terms and conditions of ser!ice.
1@. Parliamentar( 2ecretaries$ appointment, determination of their pa( and allowances and
allocation of departments to them.
1D. Ad!isers and 2pecial Assistants to the Chief 4inister$ appointment, determination of their
pa( and allowances, and allocation of business to them.
19. Cases pertainin# to dele#ated le#islation.
*+. Cases in!ol!in# relaxation of ser!ice rules.
[see rule 14(3)]
Ca/e/ to &e /1&-*tted to the Ch*e. M*,*/ter .or *,.or-at*o,
1. Periodical reports of ;eads of 0epartments and proposed resolutions
and such other reports.
*. Press notes issued b( 2er!ices and eneral Administration 0epartment.
3. Periodical and special reports b( administration and executi!e officers of
a political nature or relatin# to :aw and 7rder such as the fortni#htl(
reports submitted b( the Commissioners and 2ituation Reports
submitted b( the Police.
3. Intelli#ence Reports.
>. Reports of Committees of in,uir( appointed b( the o!ernment.
No% C date e9e,
A !o5; */ .or?arded .or *,.or-at*o, a,d ,e!e//ar; a!t*o, to0
1. All the Pro!incial 4inisters N 2pecial Assistants N Ad!isors to
Chief 4inister, Pun"ab.
2. 'he Chief 2ecretar(, Pun"ab.
3. 'he 2ecretar(, o!ernment of Pakistan, Cabinet 0i!ision,
4. 'he Additional Chief 2ecretar(, Pun"ab.
>. 'he 2enior 4ember, )oard of Re!enue, Pun"ab
?. 'he Chairman, Plannin# H 0e!elopment )oard, Pun"ab
@. 'he Principal 2ecretar( to o!ernor, Pun"ab.
D. 'he 2ecretar( to Chief 4inister, Pun"ab.
Page 72 of 72
9. 'he Pro!incial Police 7fficer N IP, Pun"ab.
1+. 'he Accountant eneral, Pun"ab.
11. 'he 2ecretar(, 7ffice of the Pro!incial 7mbudsman, Pun"ab
1*. 'he 2ecretar(, Pro!incial Assembl(, Pun"ab.
13. All Administrati!e 2ecretaries, o!ernment of the Pun"ab.
14. 'he 2ecretar( %2er!ices& N 2ecretar( %Re#ulations& N2ecretar(
%Archi!es&, 2HA0.
1>. All ;eads of Attached 0epartments N Autonomous )odies N
2pecial Institutions in Pun"ab
1?. All 0i!isional Commissioners N RP7s N 0C7s N 0P7s in the
1@. 'he 0irector eneral, Public Relations, Pun"ab.
1!. 'he 2uperintendent, o!ernment Printin# Press, Pun"ab, for
publication in the extraordinar( #a5ette.

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