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Vo l. XXVII, Issu e 6 “Th at’ll h ap p e n o n a n u ty ard p ass.

” No v e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 0 5
Kansas Board of Education Redefines Science.
That’s Dumb.
By Alex Walsh
The Kansas state Board of Education Proponents of intelligent design are so far from If Intelligent Design is based in science,
recently voted to approve a new set of science the mainstream of science that, for the most as the school boards in Kansas and Dover seem
education standards, requiring teachers to tell part, they don’t even try to convince their col- to feel, why won’t its supporters work through
students that evolution is not a fact, and that leagues. Alan Leshner, the head of the American normal scientific channels? The movement
d e s i g n b y a n i n t e l l i g e n t c r e a t o r i s a n a l t e r n a- Association for the Advancement of Science, one seems to feel that publicity is more important
tive to the theory. The standards also officially o f t h e l e ading organizations in the scientific t h a n c r e d i b i l i t y . B y e x a g g e r a t i n g t h e i m p o r-
redefine the word “science” itself, such that it community, says that intelligent design is “not tance of a few cases, manipulating the contro-
is no longer limited to natural explanations of even a theory.” Even Rev. George Coyne, the v e r s y - h u n g r y m e d i a , a n d f o c u s i n g o n t h e l a r g e-
phenomena. At the same time, the D over, d i r e c t o r of the Vatican Observatory told the ly uninformed public rather than scientists,
Pennsylvania Board of Education is involved in ANSA news agency that “Intelligent design isn’t they have established their position in the
a l a w s u i t c o n c e r n i n g i t s r e q u i r e m e n t f o r t e a c h- American consc iousness. The CSC’s “Teach the
ers to read a prepared statement concerning Controversy” campaign seeks to portray evolu-
evolution and to discuss Intelligent Design in tion as a theory in crisis, even though a vast
class. The Dover statement reads as follows: m a j o r i t y o f s c i e n t i s t s s u p p o r t e v o l u t i o n a r y t h e-
“Because Darwin’s Theory is a theory, it contin- ory. The CSC produced a list of 100 scientists
ues to be tested as new evidence is discovered. who agreed to the statement “We are skeptical of
The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory claims for the ability of random mutation and
exist for which there is no evidence. A theory is natural selection to account for the complexity
d e f i n e d a s a w e l l - t e s t e d e x p l a n a t i o n t h a t u n i- of life. Careful examination of the evidence for
fies a broad range of observations. Intelligent Darwinian theory should be encouraged.” The
Design is an explanation of the origin of life American Association for the Advancement of
that differs from Darwin’s view.” Science passed a resolution that “to date, the ID
I n t e l l i g e n t D e s i g n i s t h e i d e a t h a t c e r- movement has failed to offer credible scientific
tain features of organisms are too complex to e v i d e n c e t o s u p p o r t t h e i r c l a i m t h a t I D u n d e r-
have been generated by random mutations. m i n e s t h e c u r r e n t s c i e n t i f i c a l l y a c c e p t e d t h e o-
According to supporters of ID, there had to have ry of evolution.” The AAAS represents approx-
b e e n a d e s i g n e r b e h i n d t h e s e s t r u c t ur e s . T h e y imately 120,000 scientists.
s a y t h a t I n t e l l i g e n t D e s i g n i s a s c i e n t i f i c e x p l a- Quite a crisis.
nation of the origin of life, and can account for Intelligent Design is not science, and
the state of nature just as well as Darwin’s the- should not be taught in scien c e c l a s s r o o m s .
ory of evolution. This view is being fought by Science is a rational process based on the scien-
people who are concerned that it is an attempt to tific method, which uses evidence to formulate
bring teaching of religious beliefs into public conclusions. ID theory starts w i t h a c o n c l u s i o n
schools. Intelligent Design is nothing but and manipulates evidence to support it. Divine
Courtesy of God’s loins
Creationism masked with a thin coat of scientif- creation has as much place in a biology class as
ic language to slip past the people who are sup- science even though it pretends to be.” British history, regardless of any claims of
posed to catch that sort of thing. After all, what According to the Associated Press, the high- f i r s t - a m e n d m e n t r i g h t s o r o p e n n e s s t o a l t e r n a-
could the Designer referred to by ID be, apart r a n k i n g C a t h o l i c o f f i c i a l s a i d p l a c i n g i n t e l l i- tive ideas. If ID is allowed into public schools,
from God? Teaching this idea in public schools gent design theory alongside that of evolution in how long will it be before other pseudo-scien-
w o u l d u l t i mat el y amo u n t t o g o v er n men t -s p o n- school programs was wrong and was akin to mix- tific religious theories started to slip in on its
sored religious education, unless mention was ing apples with oranges. Members of the Center precedent? Meaningful and accurate science
made that life on Earth could be the result of for Science and Culture (CSC), a group which education is absolutely necessary to maintain
careful design by aliens, super-intelligent c o n t a i n s n e a r l y a l l t h e “ b i g n a m e s ” i n i n t e l l i- the leading position America holds in science
robots, or perhaps leprechauns. One must be gent design, are often referred to as Wedge sci- and technology development. Acceptance of
w illing to accommodate “alternate points of en t i st s b e cause of their Wedge strategy, which I n t e l l i g e n t D e s i g n i s a s t e p b a c k f r o m t h i s s t a n-
view.” a i m s t o s e p a r a t e s c i e n c e f r o m a t h e i s t i c n a t u r a l- dard. Kansas Board of Education member Janet
Regardless of the ID supporters’ claims, ism. According to Dr. Barbara Foster, a writer Waugh said the B oard’s decision made the state
t h e r e i s n o s c i e n t i f i c b a s i s b e h i n d t h i s e x p l a- for Natural History magazine, “Wedge scientists “a laughingstock of not only the nation, but of
nation. This is evident when one looks at their have no empirical research program and, conse- the world.” Without opposition to the spread of
strategy for advancing their cause. Most efforts quently, have published no data in peer- ID, the same could eventually be said for the
to expand ID’s influence are targeted at politics r e v i e w e d journals (or elsewhere) to support whole nation.
and education, not the scientific community. their intelligent-design claims.”

LIPA’s Hypocrisy
By Brian Wasser
P o l i t i c i a n s a n d c o m p a n i e s a r e i n c r e a s- nation’s largest renewable energy producers. the offense on initiatives that produce solid
ingly talking the talk when it comes to renew- The issues, events and decisions the public results in the best interest of the people of Long
able energy, using refined PR tactics and trite tends not to hear about, at least, until it’s too Island (and not just their bottom line), it’s
“eco-friendly” jargon here and there to appear late to do anything about it, comprise that which probably too late to galvanize any effective
to be steadily advancing something the vast will actually impact us, and therefore, that opposition. And, if it comes as a s u r p r i s e t h a t a
majority of us fully support. You’d think that, which these companies would rather not have us large fossil-fuel power plant is scheduled to be
maybe, long-past-due progress in this area is see. That is, until it can be spun in a way that built in January in the middle of Brookhaven
beginning to take hold, that institutional change people will begin to say “well, of course we need Town, it seems they’ve done their job.
is finally beginning to reflect popular demand. energy,” even when that’s not the issue. This But why would the construction of a
But, that’s not what evidence suggests when you disconnect is an extremely serious issue with facility that would generate “ m u c h n e e d e d ”
look at the changes that are happening on a day- dire consequences, especially on the local level. electricity to Long Island need to procee d with
to-day basis, here on Long Island and every- Unfortunately for LIPA and Caithness, minimal public outreach on the part of LIPA,
where. It’s not news that the rosy scenario por- the proposal to build the Island’s largest fossil- and why would consent need to be largely man-
trayed by ads and public statements is meant fuel power plant in decades, in Yaphank, isn’t ufactured?
primarily to pacify and mold opinion, not to exactly being met with the public opinion that First and foremost are the obvious envi-
reflect reality. LIPA and its affiliates are no was their strategic aim (partly because there r o n m e n t a l r e a s o n s , e s p e c i a l l y f o r t h e n e i g h b o r-
exception. Just take a look at LIPA’s website, isn’t much public knowledge on which to b a s e ing communities, who will see around 450 tons There’s a lot about any opinion). Unfortunately for the rest of us, of various chemical oxides, 15 tons of Sulfuric
“green choices,” conservation, “clean” energy, and for the continued hope that the institutions Acid, and 63 tons of VOC emitted annually, to
and so on. Or Caithness Energy, LLC, whose w i t h t h e s w ay w i ll , by t he i r very nat u re, ever be
main PR claim is that they are one of the significantly, genuinely interested in taking
Continued on page 5
Page 2 Current Events
No Pat On the Back
By Rachel Eagle Reiter
If Pat Robertson has a problem with rain- f a l s e p r e s u p p o s i t i o n s a r e l i k e l y t o r e a p p e a r i n Pardon me, all fundamental right-wingers, but
bows, he should talk to his God, the one who gave h i g h s c h o o l a n d c o l l e g e c u r r i c u l u m s . this is not the sort of God that America wants to
the rainbow to Noah as a sign that He will never It frightens me to recall that Robertson recognize – especially not Liberal America!
destroy the earth by flood w a s o n c e a p r e s i d e n t i a l c a n d i- According to an article by Alan Elsner,
again. What a joke: right- d a t e . This is a person who televangelist Robertson warns towns of God’s
wing religious threats are puts fear into people using w rath (accessible via “In
b e i n g m a d e b e c a u s e i n t e l l e c- m e t h o d s o f r e l i g i o u s i n t i m i- 1998,
t u a l s p r e f e r s c i e n t i f i c e v i- dation: “If there is a disaster Robertson warned the city of Orlando, Florida
d e n c e t o r e l i g i o u s s u p e r s t i- in your area, don ’t turn to God, t h a t i t r i s k e d h u r r i c a n e s , e a r t h q u a k e s a n d t e r-
tion. The intelligent design you just rejected Him from rorist bombs after it allowed homosexual organ-
theory has been rejected in your city,” warns Robertson. izations to put up rainbow flag s i n s u p p o r t o f
Dover, Pennsylvania – reject- “Don’t wonder why He hasn’t sexual diversity.” If Robertson has difficulty
ed, perhaps due to lack of helped you when problems accepting a diverse and colorful United States of
evidence. B e l i e f i n a n i n t e l- begin...Don’t ask for help A meri ca, one w hi c h i ncl udes r a c i a l , g e n d e r ,
l i g e n t d e s i g n e r o f t h e u n i- because he might not be religious and sexual differences, he has no
verse, even belief in any there.” business attempting to represent, in his run for
supernatural deity, requires Robertson’s statements presidential candidacy, a nation whose people
faith, and faith is a force that make me wonder what sort of are a fusion of such contrasting lifestyles.
exists without evidence. higher connections he thinks These differences are what make America beau-
Intellectuals, and especially that he has; he apparently tiful, just like the rainbow to which Robertson
scientists, like evidence. presumes to know the mind of is so opposed.
Courtesy of his mom’s virgin vag
J u s t h a v i n g f a i t h i n s o m e- God. Robertson has given the The homosexual community seems to
thing does not make it true. good people of America, as embrace the signs from God, like the rainbow, a
For example, I can have all the faith in the world wel l a s citizens of other nations (since these bit more than Robertson does. S i n c e t h e s e
t h a t t h e e a r t h i s f l a t , s o m e t h i n g o u r r e l i g i o u s s t a t e m e n t s w e r e a i r e d o n T h e 7 0 0 C l u b) , a n organizations, who show their rainbows proud-
predecessors belie ved, but there has since been image of an uncaring, heartless, ruthless, ly, frighten and intimidate Robertson, he should
revealed evidence to oppose this narrow view- u n c o m p a s s i o n a t e h i g h e r d e i t y , w h o p u n i s h e s take the issue up with his intelligent designer.
point. If science is controlled by religion, innocent human beings for thinking rationally.

We Will Not Walk In Fear Of One Another

By Pizda Huyova
It’s funny how something you see con- sions, is considered to be an violation of human Bush and Cheney’s torture fetish harms
nects in your brain to something else that’s rights by all but the most violent warlords and America much more than it help s i t . U s i n g t o r-
seemingly so very different from what you say. dictators, and there are treaties upon treaties ture no longer allows the United States to claim
Our brain makes interesting analogies, I guess. on file that pledge that prisoners of war would the moral high ground, meaning it harms foreign
Last week I went to see Good Night, and not be tortured. It’s also unreliable, as people policy initiatives (such as China recently
Good Luck, the movie detailing Edward R. w i l l s o m e times say anything to stop the pain (in telling us that we aren’t in any position to lec-
Murrow’s standoff with Commie-obsessed a recent article, John McCain recalled that, to ture them on human rights violations), and gives
Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s. As I was stop the torture inflicted on him by his o t h e r n a t i o n s c a r t e b l a n c h e to torture U.S.
going home, you would think I was thinking Vietnamese captors, he tol d them the names of Armed Forces men that they capture in this war
about how great a ne wsman Murrow was, or how the Green Bay Packers’ offensive line, knowing or any future wars. Not to mention the psycho-
different journalism was in those days (Murrow that would be enough to get them to stop). It is logical harm that is often inflicted not just on
smoked cigarettes on the air!), or how much of a sick and inhumane and wrong by any standard. those who receive torture, but those who deliv-
schmuck McCarthy was. And yet, Bush administration officials er it. And, to top it all off, news of the torture
But no, I was thinking about torture. h a v e n o t o n l y j u s t i f i e d t o r t u r e a s a n i n t e r r o g a- of enemy combatants harms the ability of the
Many people have interpreted the movie tion tactic, but have, over the past several United States to present itself as the good guys
in terms of Murrow’s profession – an ode to a months, fought harder to allow torture than they to the millions of Middle Eastern men and
time when journalism wasn’t about flashing have fought for any other policy initiative of women debating whether or not they should
graphics and rising decibel levels – and to the any kind. strap on some dynamite and walk to a crowded
extent that director George Clooney wished to It says v olumes about our leaders that square – or worse. All this, again, for an inter-
a c c e n t u a t e t h e s e p o i n t s b y t h e a l m o s t c l a u s t r o- they are so hell-bent on finding ways to make rogation tactic of debatable usefulness and
phobic on-air environment and Murrow’s steely the use of an interrogation technique they k n o w undeniable immorality.
delivery, they would be right. But a deeper con- to be immoral and unreliable palatable to An apologist might say that, because
text lies within the battle between McCarthy Americans. They have consistently attempted their hearts are in the right place and they want
and Murrow itself. to use loopholes and semantics (oh, they’re not to keep us safe, they shouldn’t be looked upon
Senator Joseph McCarthy believed that prisoners of war, they’re enemy combatants) to as being evil people. Funny; McCarthy’s heart
safety and strength were this country’s most make torture seem okay. They have consistent- was also in the right place and p e o p l e t h i n k h e
i m p o r t a n t a t t r i b u t e s . H e t h o u g h t t h a t t o p r e- ly attempted to justify their actions to was evil. A fearful person mig h t s a y t h a t t h e i r
serve American ideals, he had to break a few Americans by sa ying “well, if it was your fam- a c t i o n s a r e n e c e s s a r y b e c a u s e t h e y f e a r a s i t u-
eggs, and intrude on a few people’s freedoms. ily in danger, wouldn’t you do it?” which is not ation like one that happened around this time of
He believed that anything, a n y t h i n g was okay as only shamelessly manipulative but attempts to year four years ago. I hope that I have demon-
long as it kept America safe from Communism. apply moral relativism to an idea whose s t r a t e d t o y o u t h a t t h e u s e o f t o r t u r e e x a c e r-
Murrow rejected that. He felt that immorality is absolute – yeah, I might torture bates that situation more than it prevents it.
A m e r ic a n i d e a l s w e r e n o t t h i n g s t o b e a b a n- someone to save my family, but that doesn’t So don’t give the Bush administration the luxu-
doned in times of convenience or beliefs that make it morally right, and America is supposed ry of a free pass. Do as Murrow did: take a
could be ignored in the name of prosperity, to ascribe to ideals which are far above and s t a n d , a n d m a k e i t p u b l i c . T h i s i s m o r e i m p o r-
safety or strength. beyond that of a 25-year old Brooklyn journal- tant than the Patriot Act, more important than
Of course, using this as a foundation, ist. Perhaps most heinously, they have taken Valerie Plame, secondary only to the war itself,
you could probably talk about anything from perhaps the greatest achievement in the history and even those who believe the war is just
the Patriot Act to the ris e of multi-global soul- of the United Nations and attempted to put in s h o u l d t a k e a s t a n d a g a i n s t w h a t i s w i t h q u e s-
sucking corporations and everything in t h e t r a s h t h r o u g h t h e c o n t i n u e d h i r i n g o f a t t o r- tion a trashing of the American ideal that
between. But I wish to focus on torture, because neys who spend days and nights trying to figure everyone, no matter how depraved or sociopath-
it is as blatant a violation of American ideals of out how to make the Geneva Convention treaty ic, will never be treated as nothing l ess than a
human rights as it is disturbing and harmful to not apply to us. And why? Because, just like human being. To quote Murrow, the continued
this country. McCarthy, anything, a n y t h i n g is okay as long as efforts by George Bush to condone torture “have
Torture, which for these purposes will it keeps us safe and strong. caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies
be defined as the infliction of severe physical Just like McCart hy’s Commie fetish did abroad, and given considerable comfort to our
or psychological pain as a tool for (among other irreparable harm to so many in his crosshairs enemies.”
things) the extraction of information or confes- and made the country a laughingstock abroad,

Current Events Page 3

America Outsources The Terror
By Michael Prazak
According to a W a s h i n g t o n P o s t n e w s tion from the people. power and base of its mandate. We hear every
report the existence of CIA internment camps This is t he world we live in now; torture day of the increased measures our country is
within the European Union nation of Poland, and a n d f e a r are us ed b y each s i de agai n st each willing to undertake in its crusade against its
possibly in the EU potentiate Romania, was other, nearly indiscriminately. If our nation “enemy.” But they battle the att i t u d e o f t h e t e r-
revealed. Subsequent investigation has rorist and the zealot, in essence t h e m i n d o f t h e
revealed that other nations such as Spain and oppositional. This war can not be won, ever. No
Sweden, although not specifically housing amount of t ort ure, des ecrat i on o f r i g h t s a n d
internment camps of their own, have been bodies, or white phosphorous can ever change.
nonetheless utilized as stopover and extrication These incidents only fan the flames o f in t o l er-
points for delivery of prisoners to said camps. ance, and spread the image of an impending
The housing of these camps violates Article 6 of Empire, bent on destroying the ways of life peo-
the European Rulebook, which states that no EU ple cling to in order to survive.
member can willfully allow for the existence of There were mistakes made. This has
any organization that allows for the violation of become the apologetic mantra of the wealthy and
human rights. The penalty for violating this p o w e r f u l A m e r i c a n s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r p a s t t e r-
entails revocation of voting rights on the EU rors and injustices allayed. The history of our
council, as well as stiff economic fines. country is riddled with such situations, stone
As tempestuous a political storm as this j e t t i e s o f i n d e c e n c y a m i d s t a s u p e r f i c i a l l y tr i-
situation creates in Europe, its relative impact umphant landscape. But what can be done about
of the American psyche has been virtually nil. these historical inequities, are they forever
No forward moving investigation has been called relegated to apocryphal dramas impossible to
for, no examination into the factual information change? After all, the childhood maxim of cry-
provided by both the Washington Post and ing over spilled milk seems to reverberate
Human Rights Watch has been engaged. Instead, throughout the life of peoples, as well as nation.
the people’s reaction has been apathy, and the We are forced, by no choice of our own, to look
governmental reaction has been blame. Blame, forward to a time when social, political and yes
not at the nations harboring these camps, nor a t TORTURE OF THE PAST SHOULD BE REMEMBERED, even racial tensions are all but a memory, or so
t h e b ra n c h o f t h e g o v e rn m e n t e n d o r s i n g i t , b u t Courtesy of Tyranny, and Fear we are told. This, however, is a practice in
at the fourth estate itself. The media has been futility, when the victims of national mistakes
called to task for doing its duty of delivering relies on deception and pain as a means to an are ignored, and laid to the wayside, when, in
t h e t r u t h t o t h e p eo p l e, an d t h e g o v er n m en t i s end, are they not in danger of becoming that the march toward safety, our step is stiffened,
enraged because they have a leak in their which they fight. This is not intended in the and we notice too late our boots and uniform are
bureaucratic wall. No, to them the true task at o v e r l y r e ductive manner that it may seem. It is made from the flesh of others, and our neigh-
hand isn’t correcting their policy of torture and meant in the fundamental way that our nation bors’ bones are grinded into the pavement upon
d e c e p t i o n , b u t i n s t e a d , k e e p i n g t h i s i n f o r m a- relates to its people, the presumed source of its which we march.

Controversial Terrorism Bill in Britain

Defeated By Parliment
By Joe Safdia
O n N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 0 5 , t h e B r i t i s h lation without fear of the whip system designed the 90-day rule, hoping it would h av e mad e t h e
P a r l i a m e n t s t r u c k d o w n t h e c o n t r o v e r- t o k eep the parties in line. The Labour country safer. But how safe is a country where
sial Terrorism Bill proposed by Party would no longer be Blair’s “poo- a n y c i t i z e n c a n a r b i t r a r i l y b e p i c k e d u p of f t h e
Prime Minister Tony Blair. The dle”, as Labour Party backbencher street and imprisoned, without any charges or
bill called for an increase in Paul Flynn put it. It will now be probable cause, without even telling family and
the amount of time a person h a r d e r f o r B l a i r t o p u s h h i s p r o- friends of the whereabouts of the detainees, for
c o u l d b e h e l d b y t h e a u t h o r i- p o s a l s t h r o u g h P a r l i a m e n t , e s p e- three months? Opinions about the Terrorism
ties, without probable cause or c i a l l y t h e o n e s c o n c e r n i n g e d u c a- Bill are greatly split as many people become
a t r i a l , u n d e r s u s p i c i o n o f t e r- tion and health care. more willing to sacrifice civil liberties for the
rorist activities. Along with the Others, however, believe the s a k e o f n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y a f t e r t h e t r a i n b o m b-
new “90-day rule”, the defeat means nothing but a piece of ings of July 7, 2005. While many want to see
Terrorism Bill would have given legislation that just didn’t make it. potential terrorists stopped before they can
the British Government power to According to Charles Clarke, who commit an act of terror, others are not willing to
shut down mosques as well as to attempted to take the blame for the give the British Government and police forces
d i s b a n d c e r t a i n M u s l i m o r g a n i z a- failed proposal away from Blair that much power. As a citizen writing a letter to
tions it deems as a danger to socie- b y c l a i m i n g p e r s o n a l r e s p o n s i- the editor of the London Times put it,
ty. While this legislation was bility, “I think this was a very “Deprivation of liberty without transparent
defeated in the House of Commons, particular case, where cause or charge is punishment and contrary to
an amendment was passed that you had a combination of our civilized traditions and law.”
would allow the Government to g e n u i n e c i v i l l i b e r t a r i- Great Britain, as well as the United
hold terrorist suspects for 28 ans of the likes of David States and France, have to take a step back and
days without trial, twice as Winnick and Chris think about not just what must be done to keep
long as it had been previously Mullin, who are not their people safe from terrorism, but also what
allowed to do. serial rebels but were must be done to keep their people safe from
The vote also brought opposed on this issue, their respective governments. A country that
about very unprecedented combined with a group s e n d s i t s c i t i z e n s o f f t o a w a r t h a t c r e a t e s t e r-
r e s u l t s . I t w a s t h e f i r s t l e g i s- of ne’er-do-wells, r o r i s m r a t h e r t h a n f i g h t s i t i s n o t a s a f e c o u n-
lation proposed by Blair that people like Bob try to live in. A country that giv es i t s p o l i ce th e
has been shot down by Marshall-Andrews, power to enter the homes of its citizens or place
P a r l i a m e n t s i n c e 1 9 9 7 . B u t THE RIGHT GOOD SIR FROM FUNKYSTONIA, Ian Gibson, who will t h e m i n p r i s o n o n l y u n d e r “ s u s p i c i o n o f t e r r o r-
m o r e i m p o r t a n t l y , 4 9 o f h i s Courtesy of any good iTunes playlist vote against the ism” is not a safe country to live in. A country
own Labour Party members Government on any that treats terrorism as a war that can be fought
v o t e d a g a i n s t t h e T e r r o r i s m B i l l i n t h e 3 2 3 - 2 9 0 issue when it comes along.” via conventional military tactics rather than
decision. The provisions of the would-be-law also addressing the root causes of terrorism will
Many believe that as a result of this, r a i s e q u e s t i o n s a b o u t t h e b a l a n c e o f s e c u r i t y continue to be a target for terrorist activity for
Prime Minister Blair will be seen as a weak a n d f r e e d om in Great Britain and around the years to come.
leader, basically giving the go-ahead for mem- world. A sizable amount of the British people
bers of his own party to vote against his legis- are actually in favor of the Terrorism Bill and

Page 4 Current Events

LIPA’s Hypocrisy (cont’d)
By Brian Wasser
Continued from page 2 towards public participation and community operate with “combined-cycle” technology. In
s u p p o r t , which are minimal at best. In fact, contrast, almost all other power plants on Long
name a few. But this story has a twist. In 1994, a f t e r t h e personal experience of going door-to- Island use older steam-cycle tec h n o l o g y , w h i c h
an Executive Order was issued, committing all door, in the immediate area and beyond, public is less efficient. Upgrading those plants with
federal agencies to the concept of Environmental opinion is almost entirely in opposition. In the new technology would almost double the
J u s t i c e f o r a l l m i n o r i t i es , o f t e n l o c a t e d i n p o o r LIPA’s own page for community advocacy, the Island’s 5000 MW generation, and would actual-
neighborhoods. The Order was designed to ener- only reason for the support that does exist l y de c r e a s e e m i s s i o n s . T h e C a i t h n e s s f a c i l i t y
gize low-income communities to be as tough as seems to be the creation of “a few jobs,” an over- would only generate 275 MW for us. It would be
other, more affluent communities, in organizing statement at best. a temporary, short-sighted, exploitative,
and galvanizing opposition to exploitation and In fact, the facility would employ only destructive solution to a long-term problem,
public health concerns. The issue is still very 25 skilled individuals, almost none of which are and is proving itself to be a project that is
much alive today, since low-income communi- l i k e l y t o come from the surrounding area. This e x t r e m e l y i r r e v e r e n t o f t h e c o n c e r n s o f c i t i-
ties are still almost always the ones who suffer is perhaps the most troubling component of the zens, a project that veils its irresponsibility
m o s t f r o m p u b l i c h e a l t h a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l h a z- issue as a whole, and cause for the most with makeshift arguments of meeting almighty
ards, from power plants and landfills to water poignant opposition. This is because the plant is demand. Although it may take a l i t t l e m o r e
quality and consumption trends. The proposed to be built in a 96-acre Empire Zone, one of 72 e f f o r t i n t h e s h o r t - t e r m , a n d r e q u i r e t h e r e l i n-
area for the energy facility is between Yaphank in the State. Empire Zones we re created by New quishment of the opportunity fo r t h e o n e o f t h e
and North Bellport, both of which are low York State to encourage economic and communi- largest energy-generating companies in the U.S.
income, and the latter of which is heavily ty development and job creation in low income to be e x e m p t from taxes here, it’s time for both
minority. The area is thus definitely an and struggling communities, by making the LIPA and Caithness to take the initiative, so
Environmental Justice community. But for sev- zones tax free for businesses. Unfortunately, a that Long Island’s economy and environment can
er al co mp l ex r easo n s, LI PA h as b een su ccessf u l flourish, sustainably. After all, for LIPA (or
in overcoming the added hurdles established to any political or economic entity) to portray
protect such populations, in an area that is i t s e l f t o t h e p u b l i c i n a w a y t h a t s h a r p l y c o n-
already disproportionately stressed by
Brookhaven Landfill, whose expansion went
“...non-minority South trasts to what it does behind our backs, only
serves to undermine and cheapen the facets of
through due to strategic inclusion of higher-
income, non-minority South Bellport as part of
Bellport...‘would be the progress they’re so quick to take up as their
own, thereby spoiling the hope that such
the area that “would be affecte d.” Fortunately
for LIPA, the increased awareness in the issue
affected’” progress will ever significantly manifest.
What’s more, in an age of scare-tactics on the
of Environmental Justice since the Executive national level, as a way of fabricating support
Order wasn’t enough to create so much as a peep for everything from more oil refineries, to
from these communities. The plant would affect massive power plant employing only 25 workers deregulation of environmental and consumer
Yaphank, Medford, Coram, Bellport, East almost entirely defeats the purpose of this protection laws, diminishing civil liberties, and
Patchogue, Gordon Heights, Brookhaven and much-needed Empire Zone, one of only three on even preemptive war, we see the same tactics
other areas, but even the neighborhoods within Long Island. But again, in these areas, awareness being used locally, convincing many people that
a mile radius of the plant, the communities is low and opposition is unorganized. Not only we need more new facilities, and that we’re
whose air quality even LIPA admits will be would a significant portion of the economic always “on the verge” of more blackouts, thus
affected, received notifications that were sparse potential for this “distressed” area be taken creating, and feeding, a culture of resource
at best, just enough so that LIPA and Caithness away, ensuring less potential for opposition to recklessness.
could cover themselves. This was the first many future proposals, but the communities would get As it stands now, as far as can be ascer-
of these residents even heard of the plant. That the air quality degradation as well. This tained from a Brookhaven Town Council that
is not to say people shouldn’t make a greater stealthily carried-out injustice validates hasn’t been able to give direct a n s w e r s t h i s p a s t
effort to stay informed (some people have known claims that racial and economic inequality is week, the final hurdle before approval is a vote
about the plant for a while), but it’s not really still very firmly institutionalized, especially by the Council at a date they haven’t been able
the responsibility of citizens to know the when in the shadow o f profit-based paradigms. to provide. It seems ironic that, one, the major-
details of projects proposed in a complicated That said, for the rest of us, we need ity of residents are only starting to learn of this
legal jargon, especially low-income citizens, power, right? Aren’t LIPA and Caithness only proposal now, at the tail end of LIPA’s sched-
who rarely have the means or time to be trying to do what’s best for us and the contin- uled “permitting period,” and two, that this
informed in the first place, hence the entire ued progress of our communities? It doesn’t final obstacle for LIPA and Caithness is timed
concept of Environmental Justice. In fact, the t a k e a c y nic to see the truth. First and foremost, to be shrouded in the chaos of a changing guard
s h e e r i r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o n t h e p a r t o f L I P A , e v i- the new energy facility would do nothing for in Brookhaven Town government. If you would
d e n c e d b y t h e r e a l - w o r l d e v e n t s o f t h e p a s t s e v- electricity costs on the Island, according to a like further information on the status of the
eral months, stands in sharp contrast to the representative at the town meeting last week. It decision, or to tell the Council how you feel
glowing portrayal in the Environmental Justice would only gi ve us more to use, which can be about this surprise, please call the office of
section of LIPA’s Environmental Impact a r g u e d a s beneficial. But there are other, less James Tullo, who represents District 4 (where
Statement, as well as to their portrayal of efforts exploitative ways to do so. The new plant would the plant will be built), at 451-6968.

Current Events Page 5

Editorial Board
The Man Behind the Curtain
Rob Pearsall In The Center Ring
The Man Behind The Man
Jowy Romano
“You Can Do It, We Can Help” made us at the that if they met certain criteria they could be entitled
Associate Editor office happy last week. It was an act that placed two to more funding. Boatloads of clubs applied. Noah
Joan Leong voting stations in the SAC, Melville Library, and the would have needed a second ark.
Student Union. This would have a positive effect on The stupidity set in when the USG Budget
Business Manager voter turnout. Committee, made up of Senators, hadn’t spoken to USG
Melanie Donovan Why don’t you vote in USG Elections? It’s Treasurer, Jackey Wu. Jared Gross made a motion to
because you’re a lazy fuck. What happens when you’re reassign the committees in the Senate. This would, in
Production Manager told to vote? You go home, eat something, watch TV, and theory, put all new committee members in all the com-
Michael Prazak
forget to vote in the election. Imagine, when you’re on mittees. Amy Wisnoski immediately objected to the
News Editors your way to class; you brush past a person standing at motion citing that it was Jackey who was lagging in get-
Claudia Toloza a computer. There’s a line waiting for something; you ting in touch with the Budget Committee, not the
David “Knockout” Ginn can’t quite see what just yet. It’s a voting station. All Senators involved, herself being one of them. During
you have to do is take five seconds out of your day and the twenty minutes of debate, Senator Levenburg and
Features Editor vote on your way to class. Senator al-Shareffi stated that reassigni n g t h e c o m m i t-
Nicole L Barry People say that you can vote in between classes tee was futile because the Senate does not determine the
by going into the SINC sites. That’s bullshit. I don’t committee members. It is left up to the Chair, Sam
Arts Editor mean voting in the SINC si tes; I mean people won’t go out Darguin, and the President Pro-Tempore, Amy
Adina Silverbush of their way to another room (Gasp, I have to go 25 feet Wisnoski.
down the hall!?) to vote for an election they don’t have They can reassign the committees to be the same
Photo Editor
Matt Willemain much interest in. people that are already there. The motion failed when
Vincent Michael Festa Anyway, the act passed, we were going to have put to a vote but if it had passed, there’s nothing saying
voting stations and better voter turnout (more than that the committees be made of new members. After the
Copy Editors likely). Were. The executive council, after receiving a motion failed, Michael Cohan made a motion to reassign
Stephanie Hayes price quote from the Elections Board, decided to veto just the Budget Committee. Did you not hear the argu-
Laura Positano the act. At the last USG Senate M eeting, the Senate tried ment the Senate had minutes before Senator Cohan? Go
Andrew Pernick to override the veto. They needed a two-thirds vote to back to your keg, Mike.
override the veto and it didn’t happen. How does that This motion passed because of a couple key
Web Master happen when the bill passed unanimously? Everyone votes. Senator Levenburg voted for the motion this time.
Chris Williams
voted “yea” a week earlier- why not now? When asked why, he responded that nothing was going
Ombudsman No one asked for an answer to that question to change. He wanted the Senate to realize that the
Amberly Timperio because it was overshadowed by the rampant stupidity debate and motions in this case were fu t i l e .
that took up half an hour earlier in the meeting. After the meeting Sam Darguin and Amy
Minister of Archives USG has more money than they thought. An Wisnoski reassigned the budget committee…with the
Joe Rios email was sent out to all clubs and organizations saying same people. Thank you Senate, for wasting our time.

Distribution Manager
Joe Filippazzo
Jacquie Bachman Jamie Mignone
Bryan Barash Ali Nazir
Melissa Bernardez Mike Nevradakis
James Blonde Jason Ng
Philip Camacho Irv Novoa
Sarah Cassone John O’Dell
Tom Clark Rachel Eagle Reiter
Jimmy Del Carr Kristine Renigan
Juliet DiFrenza Justin Rowe
Joe Donato Tiffany Russo
Mike “Bublz” Fabbri “Joey Batz”
Rob Gilheany Safdia
Sam Goldman Madeline Scheckter
Tara Lynn Groth Natalie Schultz
Paula Guy Tom Senkus
Jackie Hayes Karen Shidlo
Trevor Hirst Christine Tanaka
Mo Ibrahim Lena Tumasyan
Olga Kaplun Marcel Votlucka
Adam Kearney Alex Walsh
Yve Koon Brian Wasser
“The Count” LeComte Meri Wayne
Antony Lin Ricky Whitcomb
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James Messina Jessica Worthington
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Page 6 Editorials
Co m p i l e d By Cl a u d i a To l o z a & Ro b Fu c k i n g P e a r s a l l
International Rape within a Marriage Declared Illegal in
France Trying to Diversify its Media M e x i c o r e c e n t l y d e c l a r e d t h a t r a p e w i t h i n a m a r-
A state-run French television station recently riage was a crime. This decision marks the conclusion
made Audrey Pulvar, a black woman, a news anchor. of a more than 10-year battle over the i s s u e . I n 1 9 9 4 ,
This makes Ms. Pulvar one of first black television a majority of justices claimed that, because the pur-
anchors in France. French television is not really pose of marriage was procreation, rape within a mar-
known for having a diversified media, most television riage was not a crime. This is a landmark decision
anchors are Caucasian. By making Ms. Pulvar a because it gives married Mexican women a more equal
primetime anchor, French television is trying to be role in their relationship. Furthermore, this decision ensures to all
m o r e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f i t s v e r y d i v e r s e society. This Mexican women that just because they get married, it does not mean that
decision comes at an especially important time in France because, sever- they lose their rights.
al weeks earlier, many French minority groups took to the streets and
partook in some of the biggest protests France has seen since 1968. HIV Case Postponed
In Libya, the decision on an HIV case has been
Troops to Remain in Iraq postponed until January of 2006. In 2004, five
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, while B u l g a r i a n n u r s e s a n d a P a l e s t i n i a n d o c t o r w e r e s e n-
appearing on many television news shows, defended tenced to de ath by a firing squad after they had been
his position that troops will continue t o remain in found guilty of infecting 400 children with HIV when
Iraq. Recently, John P. Murtha, Democratic conducting an experiment. The families of the chil-
Representative from Pennsylvania and also a Vietnam dren were outraged when the postpon e m e n t d e c i s i o n
veteran, called for the removal of troops form Iraq w as announ ced. A l ot of i s s ues s urr o u n d t h i s c a s e .
w i t h i n s i x m o n t h s . M r . M u r t h a a r g u e s t h a t t h e p r e s- There have been reports of torture from the accused. The international
ence of U.S. troops has only facilitated insurgent community, the EU and the United States in particular, have also criti-
groups in getting more unified. He also added that continued presence of cized the trial for not following international protocols.
the U.S. would hinder Iraqi troops by not letting them have more control
of their security. Donald Rumsfeld did not give a specific plan as to when Campus
troops will begin to be removed from Iraq. He did explain that the pres-
ence of U.S. troops at this time was necessary because of the upcoming USG Senate
Iraqi elections which are to be held in December. The Senate has a new arrival, Esam al-Shareffi.
Esam was appointed to the Senate by USG President
Ex-Salvadorian Colonel Ordered to pay $6 Diana Acosta and by President Pro-Tempore Amy
million in Damages Wisnoski. Esam was up for appointment to the USG
Nicolas Carranza, a Salvadorian military Judiciary in the meeting before last. His appointment
colonel, was found guilty for having committed crimes was met with a vote of ten in favor and eight against.
against humanity in the 1980’s during El Salvador’s He needed two thirds of the vote in the room to con-
civil war. A Federal District Court in Memphis firm the nomination. After being appoin ted to USG
o r d e r e d h i m t o p a y $ 6 m i l l i o n i n d a m a g e s. During the Senate, there was a resolution in the meeting that was never brought up.
trial, Mr. Carranza revealed that he had been a paid The resolution was against al-Shareffi being appointed, citing that it was
informant of the CIA for two decades. This verdict not the will of the students. He was not voted in but rather appointed.
proved to be a victory for human rights groups who have been seeking to Presumably, this resolution is brought by the same senators who voted
prosecute military officials involved in the wars in Central America, who against him a week earlier. The resolution never came up for discussion
have later settled in the United States. in the meeting and it is likely to show up during the nex t m e e t i n g .

Kansas Board of Ed! Redefines Science Page $
Parliament Strikes Down Terrorism Bill Page %
Iraq: The Story You’ll Never Hear Page &
Get Down with the AA"EZine Page '(
Reviews (shit# there’s a lot here) Pages '' " $'
Sports Pages $$ " $%
We Need More Comics! Page $)
Ask Amberly Jane Page $*
Back Cover Back Cover
Letters Page 7
Why I’m Vegan
By Matthew Rammelkamp
I have been living vegetarian for 7 years thing that I do without questioning. I go down actually found an alternative to working eight
and vegan – one who excludes all animal prod- the health food aisle or to the health food store hours a day in order to make a living. Just
ucts from one’s life – for 4 years. After becom- (when it is open), rather than go to the butcher think, instead of going to school AND working to
ing aware of the cruelty involved in factory or the steakhouse. When I eat out, I usually go to pay for school, we could all just quit now and
farming, this seemed like the only lifestyle to an Indian, Mexican, Chinese, or Thai restaurant live off of e verything that is being wasted by
which my conscience could lead me; however, I rather than to McDonald’s or KFC. If I’ve ever o t h e r careless and overly-consumptive
was concerned found myself, on a rare A m e r i c a n s .
about getting occasion, at the steak- I am not a freegan because I admit that I
the proper house for a family event, like some of the luxuries that come along with
nutrition. I I’ve ordered the vegetar- owning a car, eating out at nice restaurants,
looked to see if i a n i t e m f r o m o n t h e going to concerts, and purchasing new clothes
o n e c o u l d p o s s i- menu, or have asked for a and other goods. However, I am vegan, since I
bly maintain a plate of steamed vegeta- feel that, although it is impossible to avoid con-
h e a l t h y b l e s , l e n t i l o r t o m a t o tributing to animal suffering, it i s n o t t o o m u c h
lifestyle while soup, or a veggie-burger, to ask of me to avoid directly eating animal flesh
excluding two if they have one. If there and dairy. I also have no need to purchase any-
entire parts of was nothing on the menu, thing with leather, fur, suede, or wool, as it is
the American I just asked for some- easier for me to avoid these pr o d u c t s t h a t i t i s
food pyramid t h i n g v e g e t a r i a n . I ’ d for the animals to escape from slaughter. I go out
that has been r a t h e r s p e a k u p t h a n of my way to purchase cosmetics, toothpaste,
shoved down my o r d e r a n a n i m a l ’ s r i b s o r household products, and deodorant that are NOT
t h r o a t i n e l e- b u t t o c k s . I c a n n o t p i c- tested on and poisoning innocen t , d e fe n sel ess,
mentary school, t u r e m y s e l f p a y i n g f o r and hopeless animal s. It is easier for me to boy-
and I found that then swallowing meat ( I cott those companies than it is f o r t h e a n i m a l s
it was possible, c o n s i d e r t h i s m u r d e r ) to escape from their cages.
a n d t h a t m i l- and dairy (which is, in Each day, more and more people of this
lions of others a l l i t s e s s e n c e , o b t a i n e d generation are choosing to avoid animal prod-
do so. So, I had through rape). Yes, dairy u c t s a n d a r e p u r s u i n g v e g e t a r i a n o r v e g a n
no excuses. cows are RAPED in order lifestyles. Each day, it becomes le ss an d le ss
After seeing to get them pregnant so inconvenient to be one of these people. The veg-
footage i n VEGGIE FOOD PYRAMID, that another species, etarian food industry is growing dramatically
v i d e o s , o n l i n e , Courtesy of Matt Rammelkamp humans, can drink their each year, and if you walk into any restaurant,
in person, or milk. The calves that are marketplace, college dining place, and, espe-
even just pictures of the way that over 30 billion b o r n a s a r e s u l t a r e t a k e n a w a y f r o m t h e i r m o t h- cially, supermarket, you may n o t i c e a h u g e
animals are treated each year, I was touched e r s a t b i r t h a n d n e v e r g e t t o d r i n k t h e i r m o t h- increase in the variety and amount of vegan and
personally by the animals’ cries of pain. They ers’ milk. They are instead fed an iron-deficient vegetarian products as the truth about factory
seemed to be saying, “How could this possibly d i e t s o t h a t t h e i r m u s c l e s w i l l b e c o m e t e n d e r : farm cruelty gets out to more and more people. I
be happening to me?” This is why I’m vegan: I am this is what we call “veal.” have fun with my friends ed u c a t i n g p e o p l e
o p p o s e d t o t h e i n h e r e n t c r u e l t y o f t h e s e p r a c- Veganism is not a doctrine of perfection a r o u n d c a m p u s a b o u t f a c t o r y f a r m c r u e l t y ( a n d
tices and am against condemning a living being or a list of ingredients to avoid. It is a way to t h e t a s t y h e a l t h y a l t e r n a t i v e s t o m e a t a n d d a i r y
to a lifetime of suffering. The animals are not decrease the suffering to which we each con- consumption), and I see the rewards as my fel-
able to have the sunlight warm their delicate tribute on a daily basis so low students
skin or have the grass tickle their precious feet: t h a t i t i s c l o s e r t o a r e a- demand more veg-
they are only exposed to dim lights or darkness, sonable, negligible etarian food on
and concrete. Above that, it was the helpless- amount. We all contribute campus. Here on
ness of the animals that motivated me to take to suffering just by being campus, we now
action. Once again, as I looked into the eyes of alive, unless we live in the not only have veg-
an animal that had blood dripping down its woods and eat dirt. etarian versions
neck, it seemed to be saying, “How could this Animal products of hamburgers,
possibly be happening to me?” are in everything because b u t a l s o v e g e t a r i-
All animals are unique and special, and, of the massive number of an chicken, beef,
yes, they have their own languages. They are so animals butchered each jerky, ice cream,
special that they have languages and ways of day. Those of us who are and even cheese
communication that we cannot understand, even drivers have probably doodles. You not
the ones that don’t so much as squeal, such as accidentally run over an need sacrifice
fish, or dolphins. We do not face the gas cham- a n i m a l o r have driven into your favorite
ber, electrocution, or a lifetime of torture for a moth or butterfly. Even foods, you need
speaking up for the animals. However, the ani- the tires that we use on not i n c o n v e n i e n c e
mals do face this, so we must speak up for them. our cars contain animal yourself to the
The sheer number of animals killed every year fat, as do the tires on the point where you
for humans’ demand for meat is uncomprehend- public transportation go hungry, and
able: 30 billion, or over three times the amount system’s buses. The paper you need not
of people on the planet today (about half of the we use when we buy books memorize a long
number of humans who have EVER existed on o r n e w s p a p e r s h a s p r o b a- list of ingredients
earth throughout history). Imagine taking half bly come at a price to the THE REAL FOOD PYRAMID, to avoid. Veganism
of the people who EVER lived (including those a n i m a l s t h a t c a l l e d t h e Courtesy of The Man is about reducing
alive now), putting them into cages in which once-forest their home. By your part in the
t h e y ca n b a r e l y l i v e ( o n e s i n w h i c h t h e y c a n n o t eating any food that is not suffering to which
ev en t u r n ar o u n d) , an d t h en , b y t h e en d o f t h e o r g a n i c , we are supporting pesticide companies we all unavoidably contribute and about joining
day, slaughtering a few ten million of them. By t h a t t o r t u r e a n i m a l s i n l a b s i n o r d e r t o t e s t t h e a larger movement to end factory-farming com-
the end of the year, they would all be killed. t o x i c i t y o f t h e i r c a r c i n o g e n i c p r o d u c t s . M a n y p l e t e l y b y d e m a n d i n g w i t h o u r c o n s u m e r m u s-
Within 2 years, we would kill everyone who ever animals are shot by farmers who eat their veg- c l e t h a t m o r e c r u e l t y - f r e e a n d v e g e t a r i a n a l t e r-
e x i s t e d . I s t h e r e a n e n d i n s i g h t f o r t h e s e a n i- e t a b l e c r o p s . J u s t b y e x i s t i n g , h u m a n s a r e t a k- natives be made available everywhere, so that
mals? ing a huge environmental toll on the planet and they will one day take over the marketplace
The end will be when we no longer breed all of the life on it, including ourselves, through more than they do today. Once faced with the
animals by the billions, or even by the millions, sprawl, pollution, water shortage, starvation, c r u e l t y o f f a c t o r y f a r m i n g a n d t h e p o p u l a r ,
in order to satisfy our taste buds. As a vegan, I deforestation, mining, etc. Also, so much of our h e a l t h y a l t e r n a t i v e s t h a t e x i s t , t h e g e n e r a l p u b-
can honestly say that I do not deprive myself, or food and other consumer goods are wasted each lic will have no need to continue to eat anything
my health. It may be inconvenient at times, but day that many people actually live off of the that walks, screams, blinks, or has a mother.
after the first month of getting used to it, it has trash of others. These “freegans” try to only eat
now become no less convenient than answering or collect goods that would otherwise go to See:, for more
my phone or stopping at a stoplight. It’s some- waste. By digging through dumpsters, they have i n f o .

Page 8 Op-Ed
Iraq: The Story You’ll Never Hear
By Lena Tumaysan
On Monday November 7t h, Stony Brook’s e q u i p p e d w i t h s h o w e r s , b e d s , a n d d e s k s i n t e n d- 150,000 troops there in the last 22 months, only
Student Activity Board (SAB) sponsored one of ed for one person only, as compared to large 60 were killed per 100,000 by firearm whereas
its first lectures in a series that will continue bunkers. He specifically pointed out how well- in Washington DC 80.6 per 100, 0 0 0 w e r e k i l l e d
through this and next semester. Advertisements nutritioned all of the soldiers are and what a by firearm.” I guess if you want to be safe, you
for the event stated that Rusty Wilson would tell f r i e n d l y a t m o s p h e r e t h e y k e e p i n t h e c a f e t e r i a . need to get out of the ghetto and ship yourself
“a unique story and give a sense of life in a war B u t t o m ake sure the people there remember over to a war zone. At least there you’ll have air
z o n e u n l i k e a n y y o u ’ v e h e a r d . ” M y i n i t i a l they’re still in a war zone, he pointed out the c o n d i t i o n i n g , s h o p p i n g , a n d f r i e n dl y I r a q i ’ s . A s
thought? “Violence, brutality, horror – I must go n u m e r o u s c o n c r e t e s h e l l s t h a t t h e y c a n r u n a side note, I found that there were 1,475 US
s e e t h i s l e c t u r e . ” I t e n d e d u p b e i n g v e r y d i f f e r- u n d e r i n c a s e b o m b s s t a r t f a l l i n g o n t h e i r soldier deaths (not just from firearm reasons)
ent from what I anticipated it to be. heads. per 100,000.
Rusty Wilson is not your average jour- The women in his camp, he claimed, were What remains to be done concerns the
nalist, in fact he isn’t one at all. He is a regular t r e a t e d q u i t e w a r m l y , e s p e c i a l l y c o n s i d e r i n g government of Iraq. I agree with him when he
civilian whose past jobs include working as a that 20% of the army was women. From his said that according to what he’s seen and people
cruise line director, a psychology teacher, and interviews with some female soldiers, he he’s spoken to, “Iraq is not ready to be a democ-
director of activities at a university. His story learned that sometimes their guy friends might racy. George Bush wants to set up democracy
b e g i n s w i t h a n a d v e r t i s e m e n t o n l i n e f o r a become overly protective, but not mean, because there so he can show off and others would copy
Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) position they all know how to kick butt. To give them- and u s e i t , but m os t peopl e a r o u n d t h e w o r l d
that was sponsored by Kellogg, Brown and Root selves a sense of normalcy, some female soldiers can’t and shouldn’t be a democracy – they are
(KBR), a subsidiary of Halliburton. will even get together NOT READY.” So for now, rebuilding infra-
H a l l i b u r t o n i s a m u l t i n a t i o n a l c o r- bright and early on their structure (schools, roads, hospitals, etc) would
poration based in Houston, Texas only day off to get several be of greater benefit then to hurrah at elections.
with revenues exceeding $20.46 computers next to each As Rusty summarized, “I am not unhap-
billion (in 2004) and over 95,000 other to go shopping py that I went, neither did any soldier I talked
employees. It delivers and builds online. What better way is to regret their experience.” His only regret is
engineering, construction and there for female bonding how grossly over-indulgently KBR is charging
maintenance projects such as a 7 than shopping? (I have a the US gover nment with its prices. For now at
billion dollar no-bid contract few ideas that are way less least, his experience paves the way as a visiting
(with the US government) for stereotypical.) lecturer in college campuses across the US and
restoring the oil fields. Rusty warned us of the for a publication. Rusty’s previously published
KBR was looking for an “image” the media throws journal articles as well as new information will
individual to create recreational at us – especially that “the be in a book called “Letters From Iraq: The
and morale-boosting activities entire country is NOT on Story You’ll Never Get From The Media.”
(MWR) for the soldiers we have flames.” If people watching As I reflect upon this lecture I wonder if
s t a t i o n e d i n I r a q . B e c a u s e o f MUSLIM FLAG, the news would realize that this story of Iraq is one you won’t only not get
R u s t y ’ s ( a s h e p r e f e r s b e i n g Courtesy of Islam the country is a desert, I do from the media but also not get from your
called) previous jobs, he fit the not think they would school. I only found out about this event because
bill. He was warned of the dangers assume it is in flames – I was bored and browsing through
and conditions of living in such a place for a what would there be to burn (oil is too pre- “parties” section Sunday
y e a r – m a i n l y s c o r p i o n s , s n a k e s , s a n d f i n d i n g cious)? However, he does remind us that the night. The lecture was the following day in SAC
i t s p l a c e e v e r y w h e r e , e x t r e m e h e a t , a n d g e n e r a l country is one huge ammunition dump. Special Ballroom B 8-10pm. That day I saw only one
l a c k o f c l e a n l i n e s s . A f t e r a b a t t e r y o f t e s t s a n d military Chevy SUV’s (only the Chevrolet kind) small poster near Javitz of this event. Then,
further warning, he decided to go for it anyway, a r e e q u i p p e d w i t h a n t e n n a s t h a t b l a s t o f f r a d i o later on, the SAC lobby had another larger
with a proper salary, of course. waves in all directions hopefully detonating poster advertising it - a shitty job by SAB if you
Rusty arrived to live in a tent with 20- bombs known as “Improvised Explosive ask me. So many political science, history, and
3 0 o t h e r m e n , a n d b a r e l y a n a i r c o n d i t i o n e r i f Devices” (IED’s) before one drives or steps onto pre-law students (as well as any other curious
one was available at all. He went on to design t h e m . I t j us t s o hap pens t ha t t h e number o ne souls) would have wanted to go to this lecture if
activities such as games, contests, and athletic m i l i t a r y t a r g e t i n I r a q i s a g o o d o l d A m e r i c a n it was better advertised, if students had known
e v e n t s t o k e e p t h e s o l d i e r s e n t e r t a i n e d a n d made Chevy IED detonator. Whereas, the number about it ahead of time. Yes it was up on the uni-
busy. All the while, he kept regular journal one non-military target in Iraq is civilians. versity’s main calendar website, but not enough
entries of his progress in the Orange County Here are some things we should know: was done about giving people notice before the
Register of Southern Califo rnia. 75% of Iraqi people hate Saddam. The American weekend. I just hope SAB does a better job of
T h e r e a r e s o m e i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s t h a t I m i l i t a r y b a s e s p r o v i d e p a i d j o b s t o I r a q i c i v i l- announcing its events if it anti c i p a t e s to m a k e
w a s i n t e r e s t e d i n l e a r n i n g a b o u t f r o m t h e l e c- ians to keep their morale up and to show we’re the lecture series a success. I and the other 10
t u r e . R u s t y m e n t i o n e d t h r e e t h i n g s t o r e m e m b e r not just there to tear the place up, but that we do or so students (plus additional 5-10 members of
about Iraq: One, it is a war zone (although not r e a l l y c a r e a n d w a n t t o h e l p t h e m s t a n d o n t h e i r the SAB) appreciate him coming out here and
“your father’s” war zone), Two, the US will be feet. Those same Iraqi’s feel much safer on a g i v i n g u s a f r i e n d l i e r a n d m o r e o p t i m i s t i c s i t u-
there for a really long time, Three, life is more m i l i t a r y b a s e t h e n i n t h e i r o w n c o u n t r y b e c a u s e ation of the war that is going on in Iraq.
normal than you think. He did a good job of on the base they won’t be shot for barely a rea- To contact Rusty send an email to:
d e s c r i b i n g a l l t h e a i r c o n d i t i o n e r s t h a t w e r e s o n , a n d t h e i r b o d i e s w o n ’ t b e t o r t u r e d s a d i s t i-
being donated to keep the civilians and the sol- cally and killed anyway for one’s pleasure. For more information:
ders on the military base cool. He described We should also not freak out at the num- KBR
some of the better living quarters that are ber of American soldiers that died, because Army’s MWR
according to Rusty’s data, “even though we had

Current Events Page 9

Anna Yiu: Inspiration to Find a Career You Love
By John Cordero Anna continues to play a vital role in commerce jewelry store, is a reality. We jewelry and arts & crafts is how we came up
her community and encourages others to both worked in the corporate world for over with the idea of a jewelry arts & crafts
ave you questioned yourself time get involved within theirs. She believes that four years and gradually, as the politics store. As we focused more on starting this

H and again, what do you truly want

to do with your life? After working
for a few years many post-graduates often
there are no limits to what you can accom-
plish. She proves this through her own
story. You can 'visit' Anna’s
involved unveiled itself, realized we were
not entirely content with what we were
business, we realized that it was important
to be as realistic as possible.
The first step was to minimize our
pose that question to themselves. After four and her partners’ 'dream' at But as easy as it was to start-up costs so we did not deplete our
years in the corporate world Anna Yiu, their online store website complain about being part funds. The idea of selling our handmade
Stony Brook Class of 2000, was one of of the rat race and remaining jewelry online instead of instantly opening
them. She chose to follow her dreams. Some words from Anna: in our comfort zones, we felt a retail outlet made sense. This would also
Her words are good food for thought Not many people have that if we were to be happy give customers a general idea of what they
for all students and alumni struggling with the courage to follow their with our careers and our can eventually create themselves. Our e-
the 'what I want v. what my parents want' or dreams. I, however, was for- lives, we had to make a commerce store does not compromise our
the 'I thought I liked this but classes and the tunate enough to be able to change. It certainly was not dreams but is actually a smarter stepping
real world do not match' scenarios. Both embark on a journey of an easy decision. It required stone towards it.
struggles can grow even deeper in the man- entrepreneurship to pursue serious thought, sacrifice, This is still a learning experience for
agement world of 10 to 12-hour grinding mine. A dream can be as and risk. It meant giving up us. And one thing we have learned so far is
work days. simple as doing something a steady income and invest- that it is imperative to stay focused on our
Anna graduated with a double major you have a passion for. For ing time and effort on some- mission: to welcome creativity and individ-
in Business Management and Economics. me, that passion is jewelry design and arts thing that might not come through. uality through jewelry designs while we
She was one of the founders of the first rec- & crafts. But arts & crafts is considered a We began by dissecting the pros and maintain a flexible and realistic approach to
ognized Asian sororities on campus, KPL, hobby and people rarely make a living from cons. We realized that in every situation, reaching our goal. Entrepreneurship
Kappa Phi Lambda, and was actively hobbies. whether you succeed or fail, you gain valu- requires hard work, but when it is some-
involved with CASB, ASA, and various Well, my partner and I thought other- able experience that you can only get thing you enjoy, that difference makes it all
local community service projects. wise and now Let's Beadazzle NYC, an e- through taking that chance. Our love for the more fun and worthwhile.

When SBU Gets It Right… It Really Gets It Right! Network

By Joy Dutta and Ja Young manufacture of equipment for the photo- this award should not be Kedar Gupta but [AA]2 - ASIAN AMERICAN
voltaic and semi-conductor industries. Renu Gupta, my wife. It is her choice for NETWORKING - SOCIALIZING
he 23rd Annual Distinguished On the trip from India to SBU in the staying with me for so long, from day one. VOLUNTEERING

T Alumni Awards Dinner was held

November 17th and for only the sec-
ond time an Asian American was honored.
summer of 1968, Kedar met Chandra
Khattak, another grad student on his way
here. They began as strangers but from that
She pushed me to do the right things.
Supported me when things were getting
tough, when the kids were getting big... she
Monthly events from singles socializing
to career networking, family outings,
Dr. Kedar Gupta, founder of GT Equipment meeting they would have the same advisor took care of the family by herself while I and cultural and sporting events.
Technologies (GTi), was chosen for the and become roommates in Roth and life- was shuttling all over the world, trying to
Distinguished Benefactor Award - for all long friends. Chandra was at the dinner to find some more business. I could not have [AA]2 was formed by Stony Brook
that he has given back to Stony Brook! celebrate too. Kedar said Chandra was a survived without her." University alumni, former student leaders
By the time the evening was over, in a meaningful part of his success; that Kedar's idea of "simple living" is an in Asian interest clubs. Now they have
beautiful setting with great food, other wor- Chandra's work and ideas were incorporat- achievement few attain but it is the classic ‘special others', co-workers, and friends
thy award winners, and a large crowd of ed into GTi's products. immigrant success story that defines who were not from the Brook - but all
supporters, you knew that for all America, and as the SUNY cen- want to be involved with each other and
her never ending growing pains, ter closest to the classic gateway the Asian American community.
you are proud to be a part of city for immigrants, defines our
Stony Brook. Asian American community as So beginning December 8, 2005 there will
And Kedar Gupta is a per- well. be something each month for everyone.
fect example of why. He said he But Kedar took it a step First up for the city 21-34ish crowd is
was humbled to have been cho- further. He joined in the great Happy Hour at Bar 515
sen. "I could have never American tradition of philan- in Murray Hill - the ultimate sports bar
dreamt… what I thought was a thropy. Currently working with with wide screen TV's in front and a
simple living of every person Dean Yacov Shamash, he has waterfall wall and music in the rear.
and a $5.50 journey to a dream- given huge donations, created a Check it out on the AA E-Zine calendar at
land almost 37 years ago will scholarship, gives internships,
result into this celebration." and hires alumni!
When he finished his accept- Thank you Kedar Gupta Besides monthly happy hours planned
ance speech, everyone was Courtesy of Joy Dutta for showing the best of what a events include dim sum in Chinatown
humbled by his words. person can be - achieving suc- for the Lunar New Year, ski trip,
In a humorous story describing the As a student in CEAS' Department of cess but giving back to help others once like Philharmonic in the Parks (Big Apple
chances one takes, Gupta talked of his trip Materials Science, Prof. Frank Wang was you - and reminding us that success is more and LI), apple picking upstate, wine
here. On a stopover in Europe with only $8 their advisor. He continued to be that long than what you achieve by title and wealth. tasting on the North Fork, and lots more!
in his pocket, he was faced with the oppor- after Kedar graduated and until Wang's It is also the value of family and friends.
tunity to eat his first chocolate bar, but at a death. Unfortunately an opportunity that You are an inspiration to everyone! Enjoy the rivalry second only to Mets v.
cost of $2.50. "I bought it," he said. "If you undergraduates rarely get to experience, the As for the Awards Dinner, it was an Yankees - the Islanders v. Rangers!
can make that kind of journey with only $8, passing of the 'torch of knowledge' often excellent affair. There are many who [AA]2 block booked seats at MSG on
you can make it with five and half dollars." creates lifelong partners between Ph.D. stu- deserve credit but two without a doubt did April 11 at 7pm. First come, first served.
Gupta made that same kind of deci- dents and their faculty mentors. the lion's share of the work. They are Preeti $45 for tix that would cost $48 and $5 is
sion when he founded GTi. Already a VP of But it was to his true lifelong partner Priya, Alumni Board member and Chair of a tax deductible contribution. [AA]2 is a
Ferrofluidics Corp and with a family to sup- that Kedar finished his thank-you speech to. this year's dinner, and Sandra Skinner, 501(c)3 charity too! Not only for fun
port, with a mere $1000 he and partner In touching words that the following speak- Alumni Association Interim Director. things, but giving students internships,
Jonathan Talbot began in the basements of ers referred to as being unable to match, he Kudos to all! putting on workshops and events, and lots
their homes. Today GTi is a recognized melted the heartstrings of every woman Photos by Joy Dutta of the celebration of other good stuff. Reserve your tix by
world leader in materials processing and there. "And finally, the truest recipient of are at e-mail to in SB Press Vol 1 No 5 November 2005 Weekly meetings Sunday nights at 7PM in our office Student Union 071.

Page 10 AA-EZine, Now with more fiber!

Lost? Not
By David K. Ginn
Actress Maggie Grace, who played
Shannon Rutherford on ABC’s hit drama L o s t, i s
optimistic about her future. This comes just

Jackson’s King Kong Remake

days after her final appearance as a regular on
the show.
Towards the end of last season, we saw

a Heavy Risk for Universal

Shannon’s step-brother, Boone Carlyle (Ian
Somerhalder) perish after being crushed by a
Beechcraft plane he was investigating. For the
rest of the season we saw a different side of the
c haracter, as she learned how to deal with loss, By Dr. Albus Fistfuck
love, and maturity. Peter Jackson’s remake of the classic film budget) will
But then she died. Some people are sad. King Kong i s a p p r o a c h i n g i t s D e c e m b e r 1 4 draw crowds
Some people are happy. But what about Maggie? opening date. Universal Studios has invested to theaters.
Grace has said in interviews that her future heavily in this movie. The budget for the movie,
looks bright, and that she’s happy that she has a starring Naomi Watts, Jack Black, and Adrien
chance to explore a career in film, which she Brody, was originally set at $175 million, but
wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. h a s r u n u p t o $ 2 0 7 m i l l i o n , i n c l u d i n g $ 2 0 m i l-
lion for Jackson. The 1933 original, by compar-
ison, cost about $8.8 million in today’s dollars.
THERE SHE IS. THOSE ARE, APPARENTLY, REAL. Major merchandising and tie-in partners
SHE’S GONE, BUT HER BODY WILL NOT BE FOR- include Volkswagen, Toshiba, Burger King,
GOTTEN. ...FOR THE BURIAL, PERVERTS. FOR Nestle, Kellogg’s, Chase bank, the City of
New York, Pringles, and the New
Courtesy of
Zealand Post.
Although signs point to this film
performing very well, some people
are concerned about being able to
make back the cost of such an expen-
sive film after a summer that saw
several big-budget flops. Others are
more optimistic, saying that the
strong lineup of holiday movies,
i n c l u d i n g King Kong, H a r r y P o t t e r
and the Goblet of Fire ( w h i c h c o s t
about $150 million to make), and T h e
Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
(with an approximately $170 million

Desperate Housewives Actor

Fired for “Improper Conduct”
By David K. Ginn
Random and questionable with silence.
shit going on in TV land, as Page Kennedy is an actor who’s had a few
Kennedy, a guest star on ABC’s roles in the past few years, but nothing
h i t s h o w Desperate Housewives major. He’s claimed that Desperate
was fired two weeks ago. Housewives is the biggest role he’s ever
Kennedy played Caleb, a fugi- h a d , a n d t h a t i t w o u l d b e t h e r ol e t h a t
tive either hiding or being held would make him famous. That was, of
captive in Betty Applewhite’s course, before he was fired.
( A l f r e Woodard) basement. The producers have said that the role
The reason given for the will be recast. Ugg.
firing was “improper conduct”.
Although no further details
were provided, an anony-
mous source has said In the next
that no other actor was Entertainment News,
involved in the alleged we find out why Finland
misconduct. Even with loves Conan O’Brien so
that bit of information damn much. Melanie
it’s difficult to know Donovan gives us the
exactly what happened. exclusive report.
Any attempts to get Exclusive.
m o r e i n f ormation from And in the next EN
Editorial Space, we talk
the producers or
about what happens in
spokespersons has
the issue after that.
been returned only

Entertainment News Page 11

Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
M o v i e s

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

By Lena Tumasyan
Wal-Marts are popping up everywhere, Wal-Mart’s low prices and high profits. There these. In the end, rich or poor, people who join
from the eleven we have on Long Island (Nassau is also the problem that individuals working together to fight against the movement of these
and Suffolk Counties) to the remaining 3,232 full-time can barely feed their families (their giant corporations into their community get
stores across the Unites States. There are three p a y c h e c k sometimes cycles back into the Wal- results. In the U.S. alone, hundreds of success-
types of Wal-Marts: Discount Stores, which are Mart coffers, since their meager earnings can ful local campaigns have prevented even more
very large (100,000sq ft) and do not contain a only afford shopping there). In addition to this, Wal-Marts from springing up.
s u p e r m a r k e t ; S u p e r c e n t e r s , w h i c h a r e r i d i c u- the workers have no health insurance and are in I was surprised to learn that Queens
lously huge (187,000sq ft) and do contain a fact encouraged to apply for government health County (NYC) has also fought and won a battle to
supermarket; and Neighborhood Markets care (Medicaid). Sometimes they must choose keep out a Wal-Mart. Legislation was passed in
(43,000sq ft), which are kind of like a King between health insurance and food, and, all too Suffolk County to limit the amount of square
Kullen or Shop & Stop (grocery plus pharmacy). often, despite working full-time, they may still feet that any single company may own at a time.
The regular Wal-Mart commercial fea- need to be on welfare. Wal-Mart takes in enough Similar legislation was brought to Nassau
tures a smiling associate claiming how happy he r e v e n u e t o b e c o n s i d e r e d t h e 3 3 r d h i g h e s t e c o n- C o u n t y , w h e r e r e s u l t s a r e y e t t o b e d e t er m i n e d .
or she is to be working there, how much Wal- omy in the world, and its GDP would be between The film leaves the viewer to wonder
Mart does for families and communities, and those of Ukraine and Colombia. So, what is going whether founder Sam Walton (1918-1992)
h o w t h e b o u n ci n g , h ap p y , smi l ey - f ace c o n ti n u es on? intended an all-encompassing corporation. The
t o “ c ut b a c k p r i c e s e v e ry d a y . ” The managers who work at Wal-Mart documentary is an effective one, shot and edit-
A film presented at the Huntington illegally change the time workers put in per ed very well. The hall in which the showing was
Cinema Arts Center this Monday, Novemb er week so that the company is not obligated to pay held (it had seats for at least 200 people) was
t h
1 4 , revealed the truth about the highest- overtime wages. Wal-Mart refuses to put video full, with many people standing. I wish I had
grossing company in the world this past fiscal cameras onto the exteriors of stores that have seen more youths there, but, alas, the elderly
y e a r . WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price i s incidences of crime, even though customers are (65+) made up a large percentage of the audi-
a s h o c k i n g d o c u m e n t a r y o f t h e h i d e o u s p r a c- raped, shot, and carjacked in the parking lots ence.
t i c e s t h a t t a k e p l a c e i n t h i s s l a v e - l a b o r c o r p o- while there are more cameras than necessary You can join the fight against Wal-Mart
ration. inside the stores themselves. Some Wal-Marts or find out about other local actions by:
I found out about this movie through a have bags of chemicals (pesticides, fertilizer, 1. Contacting Jim directly:
friend of mine who is working for Jobs With e t c . ) s i t t i ng in the rain, leaking into the local (preferred method) or
J u s t i c e , a Long Island-based coalition of unions town’s water supply. When environmental 2. Joining Stony Brook’s Social Justice
and community organizations that campaign for agencies confront Wal-Mart, no one responds to Alliance.
worker’s rights. Jobs With Justice sponsored these phone calls or inquiries. To visit the Jobs With Justice website go
the release of this film at the Cinema Arts I n s u m m a r y , W a l - M a r t p e r f o r m s r e p e t i- to
Center. Jobs With Justice is also sponsoring tive, widespread, blatan tly illegal and immoral Everyone should visit Cinema Art
events in the region to protest against Wal-Mart activities, greedily cheating its way into sky- C e n t e r ’ s w e b s i t e h t t p : / / w w w . c i n e m a a r t s c e n-
by mobilizing many other organizations. You high profits at the cost of people’s lives. Then (or call 631-423-3456) to see locations
can find out more about this organization and again, maybe we can’t be too surprised, since and calendar of lectures, events, festivals, inde-
their various campaigns on their website (see t h i s i s h o w m a n y h i g h - g r o s s i n g c o m p a n i e s p r o f- pendent films and popular features.
below). it. So far, I have not mentioned the conditions of
The event started out with the director workers overseas, especially those in countries
of Jobs With Justice, Jim McAsey, who gave a like China and Bangladesh, which is another
short, yet effective, speech as an introduction to long discourse. In addition to the examples I
the film. Jim has been with the organization mentioned here, the movie gives many more. As
since 2003. He listed some stunning facts, one campaign against Wal-Mart states, “Wal-
informing the audience, “there are 36 million Mart: Low Wages, Low Morals, Always.”
people in the US who live below poverty (which So what about other franchises,
is considered to be $19,350 for a family of corporations like CVS and Target?
four).” He mentioned how many grassroots Do those get wiped out too? In
organizations (more than eighteen) are getting rural America, yes, they are
together to protest Wal-Mar t’s practices. He b e i n g t a k en over, but
stated, “This week, the campaigns against Wal- in many other places
Mart mark the biggest week of action by all they still have their
grassroots organizations combined. Grassroots share of customers.
empower local community members by inform- People are
ing them about issues which otherwise might fighting against
have gone unnoticed.” Finally, he requested Wal-Mart moving
that people to sign up for listed events. One into their towns.
such event was a mock “Bake Sale” where cook- The film featured
ies would be sold and the pr otesters would act an interview of
out one of Wal-Mart’s nasty practices: hiring one such woman
only healthy people so that they didn’t have to (the scene was
give workers health insurance. shot inside her
The movie started with the CEO of Wal- large, affluent
Mart, H. Lee Scott, lecturing on a platform in home). It seems
front of thousands of cheering people in a stadi- like you need to
um or concert venue. He was saying bright, be rich in order
h a p p y t h i n g s , t h e s a m e q u o t e s h e a r d o n t h e t e l e- t o s t a r t a c a m-
vision’s Wal-Mart commercials. These happy paign to rally
clips were interspersed with longer scenes against a corpo-
about stories of families struggling. They are ration. The poor
struggling for many reasons. For example, can’t afford to sit
there is a ghost-like absence of family-run at home planning
businesses because they are being edged out by activities like

Page 12 Reviews
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
M o v i e s

The International Film Series: More Than Just

Free Food
By Stephanie Hayes
A few weeks ago, ravaged by hunger, I Oh yes – this movie is about murder but it’s International Film Series on December 2n d t o
dredged up an announcement that Perry h i l a r i o u s a n d , p e r s o n a l l y , I a l w a y s f o u n d watch the Bruce Beresford film Breaker Morant.
Goldstein, director of Stony Brook’s Arts and Ferdinando to be a sympathetic character. Who This one’s in English so you needn’t even worry
Humanities Department, had made to my LIA cares if he’s going to murder his wife? She’s a b o u t c r a n i ng y o u r n e c k a r o u n d t h e t a l l g u y i n
class. He’d started up the International Film annoying him so she clearly has it coming. front of you to read subtitles.
Series at the Tabler Café which airs a foreign Afterwards, Professor Jacqueline Reich
film each Friday at 7. Well, lemme just say that went over key points in the movie and brought How do you spell Pedro? P. E. D. R.
I was won over when he mentioned that a f t e r t h e up some neato fun facts. Did you know Oooooohhhhhhhh!
movie, the audience is invited to discuss what Mastroianni was really
they’ve just seen over free pizza. “You should against showing his legs
start going to these screenings,” growled my on footage? That’s right;
stomach, an organ that more or less dictates my Mastroianni had skinny
life. legs he did not want to
Not expecting much, I finally dragged flash around. The things
myself and a friend (who rules) to the November y o u l e a r n o n a n o t h e r-
t h
1 1 s c r e e n i n g o f F r e d e r i c o F e l l i n i ’ s A m a r c o r d. wise wasted Friday
What a fool I was to go into this event with only evening…
food on the brain! This movie kicked ass. I P r i o r t o a t t e n d-
l a u g h e d a n d l a u g h e d a n d t h e n f e l t d i s c o mf i t e d ing, I’d read a few unin-
that I was still trying to breathe through stifled spired reviews of the
giggles, the joke having long since passed. It series, of which I’ll
was funny and sad and lovely. This was a film refrain from citing the
rich with indelible characters and images. source. Seriously
The last screening, Pietro Germi’s though, do n o t p a s s t h i s
Divorce – Italian Style, was (I couldn’t believe opportunity over. I’ve
it) even better. In between snickering about the missed all of September
goofy protagonist, Ferdinando Cefalú (Marcello a n d O c t o b e r ’ s s c r e e n-
Mastroianni), the audience is exposed to a sharp ings. Why? Because I’m
critique of Sicilian culture. Under the Italian lazy and I wasn‘t expect-
law, in which divorce is illegal, Ferdinando ing much. Don’t make
plots to kill his wife so that he may be with the the same mistake. Go THIS WAY TO PROFOUND CINEMA,
doe-eyed teenager, Angela (Stefania Sandrelli). check out t h e Courtesy of Matt Willemain

Reviews Page 13
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
T h e a t e r

Escape from Happiness: A Happy Review

By Adina Silverbush
O h y e s ! A p l a y l i k e t h i s i s t h e r e a s o n I seen! To Jaclyn Bouton, Katelyn Gleason, Kim all paid off; they truly came together and made
enjoy going to the theater. E s c a p e F r o m F u r a n o , Megha Nabe, Kevin Villaran, Alex t h e a t e r h a p p e n . Escape From Happiness w a s
H a p p i n e s s by George F. Walker, let me escape G e i s s b u h l e r , M i c h a e l H e m s w o r t h , R o b e r t o awesome, a really fun play.
f r o m r e a l i t y i n t o h a p p i n e s s . T h e p l a y w a s p u t Tibureio, Rob Walsh, Odal is Hernandez, Louisa Unfortunately, the run of this play is
on by the Long Island Play projects Nov 10-11, Johnson and their director Deborah Mayo, I felt over but there’ll be much more in the line of
1 7 - 2 0 . A d y s f u n c t i o n a l f a m i l y , c o r r u p t c o p s , the acting was phenomenal. The choices that great theater to look forward to from students in
lesbians, were made were clear and consis- the Theater Department. The next show that
criminals, tent. I was close to the stage, and there is no way you should m i s s w i l l b e i n
porn, drugs never saw a moment of anyone slip- Staller’s Theater III. Pocket Theater presents
a n d a n o v e r- ping out of character which let me The Shape of Things Dec 2-4 and it’s only a $3
all c o m- really be drawn into the story. suggested donation!
pelling story The set was a kitchen and it was
left me in incredibly realistic – so detailed
hysterics. that I never got bored looking at it
This show for the two-hour d uration of the
was not only play. The lighting aided the set
r e a l l y e n t e r- and the costumes were well-
taining, it designed. All the scene changes
also had a were done quickly and quietly,
good message accompanied by pleasant classical
about one’s music.
p e r s o n a l I sat in the audience wishing I
Courtesy of Steve Marsh
r e s p o n s i b i l- could be a part of that play. The
ity to create a c t o r s s e e m e d l i k e t h e y w e r e r e a l-
their own good fortune. ly enjoying themselves, which helped me, as an
I’d like to give a personal congratula- audience member, enjoy myself. Being involved WE’VE GOT GUNS AND WE’RE JUST SLIGHTLY
tions to everyone involved in this production in a play takes a lot of work, many long hours AFRAID TO USE THEM !
because they truly gave me something worth s p e n t e v e r y d a y a f t e r f i n i s h i n g h o u r s o f c l a s s- Courtesy of Steve Marsh
while. This show was one of the best I’ve ever e s . T h a n k f u l l y f o r t h e f o l k s i n t h i s p l a y i t h a s

Boy Gets Girl: Let’s Clear Things Up

By Adina Silverbush
I t w a s y o u r t y p i c a l s t o r y : A b l i n d d a t e c a n ’ t r e w ind them! This particular play had a who specializes in stalkers. It was a good
t u r n s i n t o a l i f e t h r e a t e n i n g s t a l k e r s i t u a t i o n . v e r y i m p o r t a n t f i r s t s c e n e t h a t t h e y , u n f o r t u- choice by Gilman to mak e this character a
Ok, well maybe not that typical. Boy Gets Girl n a t e l y , m i s s e d ! female because we see the bond this creates
by Rebecca Gilman, directed by Lauren Rosen The play is about a New York reporter between her and Theresa. She’s very procedur-
was presented in Staller’s Thearter II on Nov. 3- Theresa (Sophie Vanier) who goes on a blind al in the way she handles the situation, which
6,12,13. I attended the show’s date with Tony (Eric C. Webb). adds to the eeriness of the play, that stalking of
last performance as an Usher. I Things seem great and the two this nature is far too common to even raise an
can’t say this is a show for hit it off. However, after a sec- eye. Theresa was played extr emel y wel l b y
everyone as it left me with a ond date and flowers and Sophie, who gave her a realistic character pair-
feeling of eeriness. Not what I phone calls in-between, things ing strength with fear and power w i t h m e e k n e s s .
typically go to the theater for no longer seem so great. We The stalking progresses so much
but definitely memorable. only see Tony one more time throughout the play that Theresa can’t go home,
Let me start by clearing b u t h i s p r e s e n c e , t h r o u g h l e t- has to change her phone number, can’t ever be
things up… in the last issue of ters and phone messages, are alone, and eventually has to change her name
The Press two articles were scary to say the least. Tony and leave the state! Scarier though is the fact
written reviewing this play and was really good at being that Gilman based the story on reality. Gilman
they were valid reviews except creepy. I was on the edge of wrote the play because “as a society we tend to
that they made one major error; my seat just like Theresa, d e h u m a n i z e e a c h o t h e r t h r o u g h p r e j u d i c e , s e x-
Gilman has made three versions afraid of his presence. ism, economics, or the Internet. At some point
of Boy Gets Girl s o , t h e v e r s i o n Theresa’s co-workers Howard we need to stop…”. The play seemed like some-
t h o s e r e v i e w e r s r e a d w a s a c t u- Siegel (Robert Colpitts), thing that maybe would be shown in one of those
ally not the play preformed. Harriet (Ashley Straw), and high school life classes to show people the
All that stuff about lines being Mercer Stevens (Brian Avery) severity of stalking. It was scary and, although
added and such is, in fact, not a d d e d v e r y u n i q u e a n d d i f f e r- very well acted and produced, left me with a bad
true. ent perspectives to Theresa’s feeling, which is of course what it was striving
Another point before I stalker situation. Each, I felt, for. The message of the play was quite loud and
get into my opinions of the were very well-suited for received.
play… I was ushering for the their roles. Les Kennkat, The play ran smoothly and I’m sorry to
first time and excited about it (I CONSUMATION TIME! played by Jonah Rosenberg, the cast for some louder audience members.
had to for my THR 115 class) Courtesy of Horny Newlyweds was an elderly adult video When you are going to see live theater it’s not
and you wouldn’t believe how director specializing in recommended to shout out how you feel about
many people came late to the show. At least 20 “enormous breast”. I got that he was a sweet, the play to the rest of the audience. I heard “bad
people came well after the show started. This is lovable, pervert, but it was hard to imagine this acting” yelled by this one girl, and “Oh My God
pretty rude to the actors and disturbs other full, brown-haired man as someone in their 70s. he’s 70!” by her friend. Save your opinions for
a u d i e n c e m e m b e r s . A f t e r a l l , t h i s i s l i v e t h e- If they’d said 40, I wouldn’t have questioned it. after the show. Hey! Why not write a review
ater. There are real people on stage and you Kat Sarfas played Madeline Beck, a female cop a b o u t i t f o r T h e P r e s s?

Page 14 Reviews
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
F i n e A r t

SBU Faculty Exhibition

By Adina Silverbush
It’s nice to know that the professors, who
are teaching you and critiquing your artwork
are very much accomplished in their own work.
Every two years the Stony Brook’s art depart-
ment’s faculty puts their artwork on exhibit.
The SBU Faculty art show is currently running
in the Staller Art Gallery through December
1 4t h. There are a wide variety of artwork medi-
ums, as there are many different types of a rt
o f f e r e d f o r s t u d y . P a i n t i n g s , s c u l p t u r e s , e l e c-
tronic mixed media installations, and other
works on paper. Every piece won’t be your
f a v o r it e b u t t h e s h o w i s e x c i t i n g i n i t s v a r i e t y .
Here’s a chance for everyone to see what Stony
Brook’s faculty really has to offer. From robot-
ic butterflies, traditional landscapes, colorful WHERE’S WALDO?, COME TO THE GALLERY TO SEE
sculptures, and a skeleton filled net- there is Courtesy of Jowy Romano THE OTHER 20% OF THIS PIECE
something for all to enjoy. It’s awesome because BY CHRIS SEMERGIEFF,
if you see something you really like, you may be Courtesy of Jowy Romano
able to learn how to do it. It’s free and it’s
something to do on campus! Gallery hours are
Tues-Fri. 12pm-4pm, and Sat. 7pm-9pm. All Images Poorly Cropped By
CERAMICS BY Matt Willemain
Courtesy of Jowy Romano

B o o k s

Brookhaven Voices
By Laura Positano
If you ever wondered what it would be like served as a microcosm of the rest of America, as Capone took advantage of the bays of the North
if you were to step back two centuries in time n a t i o n a l e v e n t s o c c u r r e d i n B r o o k h a v e n Shore to conduct illegal bootlegging operations:
into 1800’s Brookhaven, this book is for you. t h r o u g h o u t t h e t o w n ’ s h i s t o r y . T h e w i t c h - h u n t s a safe hideaway for him indeed.
The editors of this book have covered a massive associated with Salem, Massachusetts didn’t The 1930s saw not just a worldwide
amount of sociological and historical ground, just happen there, they happened here, too – in Depression, but al so the emergence of the Nazi
i n c l u d i n g m a n i f o l d p h o t o g r a p h s a n d f i r s t - p e r- Setauket, to be exact. The Revolutionary War party. Though it had more power in Europe, the
son accounts dating back hundreds of years. was fought all over Brookhaven; the first Nazis did have a foothold in Long Island. In
N a t i v e A m e r i c a n s w e r e t h e o r i g i n a l American commando raid was launched from Yaphank there was Camp Siegfried, led by a man
inhabitants of Brookhaven, who, according to the Mount Sinai on the North Shore to take over a supported by Hitler himself, which became a
book, liked to call Long Island P a u m a n o k, m e a n- British fort in Shirley on the South Sh ore. playground of sorts for pro-Nazi Americans.
ing “fish-shaped,” noting the shape of the land. George Washington journeyed through The camp was closed down because the members
Long Island was part of Brookhaven, thank- of Camp Siegfried refused to admit they were
the territory given to ing its residents treasonous (they had allegiance not to America
the brother of the for their support in but to Germany ). Their support for Germany
English King Charles II the Revolutionary was so strong that in 1941, when there was an
i n t h e s e v e n t e e n t h c e n- War; he stayed for a attempt by German saboteurs to attack New York
tury, during England’s while in Coram and City factories making munitions for World War
rush for colonies in its enjoyed a Patchogue II, three of the four saboteurs were Camp
early imperialist days. tavern. Siegfried members.
People from New One of the signers The book notes that culturally significant
England colonies, such of the Declaration Americans, such as the artists William Sydney
as Massachusetts, of Independence, Mount and Alonzo Chappel, as well as actress
moved to towns like William Floyd, who Maude Adams, lived in Brookhaven. William
Setauket and there was also a member Syd ney Mount, an artist who was among the
i m p l e m e n t e d t h e a g r i- of the first prominent realistic painters of the nineteenth
cultural practices and Congress, resided century, resided in Stony Brook. One wonders
cultural norms learned in Mastic. In the how many art history students attending local
in both Britain and New 1900s, before radio colleges, particularly Stony Brook University,
England. Even the was fully developed are aware of this. Alonzo Chappel, another
Courtesy of The Flux Capacitor
architectural styles of as a technology, important nineteenth century artist, made his
early Setauket houses N i k o l a T e s l a t i n- home along Artist’s Lake in Middle Island.
mimicked the architecture of New England. kered with it in Sho reham. As radio was emerg- Maude Adams, a famous actress of the 1900s
Settlers of Brookhaven at the time were farmers, ing in the 1920s, Gugliemo Marconi improved who was the first to portray Peter Pan, lived in
a n d t h e p o p u l a t i o n c o n t i n u e d t o m a i n l y c o m- upon it in Rocky Point. Lake Ronkonkoma.
prise farmers until the twentieth century. The Great South Bay was used during the Brookhaven Voices: 1655-2005 is being
Though Brookhaven may appear to be a Prohibition to transport bootlegged alcohol to r e l e a s e d o n t h e 3 5 0 t h a n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e f o u n d-
r e l a t i v e l y m u n d a n e t o w n , t h e f a c t i s t h a t i t h a s people in Port Jefferson and Stony Brook. Al ing of Brookhaven.

Reviews Page 15
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
C o m i c s

Great Comic Books # 3 - Maus

By Thomas Mets
Maus close to Spiegelman’s reasons as the cat & mouse when the Germans begin rounding up the Jewish
Writer/ Illustrator- Art Speigelman analogy provides a variety of visual references, people, Auschwitz and trying to fi n d h is wi fe
including George Herriman’s early twentieth afterwards. The Auschwitz chapters may just be
Pretty much any list of “Great comic century comic strip Krazy Kat (which used a the most famous of the book, and they do not
books” includes Maus somewhere near the top similar art style to tell the story of a mouse disappoint. Spiegelman perfectly portrayed the
(if not at the Number 1 spot) and this column is named Ignatz, who enjoys throwing bricks at the horrific conditions his father survived with a
no exception. To begin with, it is the best lovesick Krazy), Mickey Mouse (probably the combination of luck, skill, and ingenuity. When
regarded comic book ever, with the normally most beloved cartoon character ever, and there necessary, the comic book format allows
s u p e r h e r o - c e n t r i c W i z a r d magazine deeming it i s a s c e n e in which Vladek ass ociates Art with Spiegelman to seamlessly add visual aids such
the best graphic novel ever, and T h e as diagrams & maps (whi ch may ex p l ai n
Comics Journal ( w h i c h g e n e r a l l y f a v o r s why excerpts of it were used to teach the
Golden Age newspaper strips, autobio- Holocaust in my high school.) Vladek’s
graphical comics, and more experimental experiences reve al an intensely harsh
work, while M a u s fits two of those criteria) reality, where a Jewish man in hiding who
deemed it the fourth best work ever in the suggested an intruder (another Jewish
medium (this made it the best single story man) be killed may have h a d t h e r i g h t i d e a
on their list of the 100 greatest works in (when it seems that the intruder may have
the medium, as the top three choices were informed on him) a mother who kills her-
the classic, and decades-spanning comic self and her children rather than go with
s t r i p s K r a z y K a t, P e a n u t s, a n d Pogo. ) I t them to Auschwitz may have done the right
also has the curious distinction of being thing, the decision to trust a nephew’s let-
the first book about the Holocaust to make ter leads to a trap, and C o n c e n t r a t i o n
The New York Times b e s t s e l l e r s l i s t , a n d Camp survivors still die horrible deaths
is the only comic book to have won a after they are released from the camps.
Pulitzer Prize (a Special Award and Critics have said that Art Spiegelman’s
Citation- Letters in 1992). Google it, and favorite subject is himself, and anyone
you will quickly find links to scholarly who enjoys that idea will not be disap-
articles (in case you’re interested in its pointed with Maus. The rest will be
symbolism or information on the postmod- pleased to know that his experiences are
ernist structure as I can’t get into any c o n s i s t e n t l y e n t e r t a i n i n g , a n d i l l u m i n a t-
serious detail regarding those without i n g f r o m h i s p r o b l e m s w i t h a n e x c e p t i o n-
committing serious plagiarism.) Finally a l l y a g g r a v a t i n g f a t h e r t o a r t i s t i c d i l e m-
(and this should go without saying) it is a nas such as the ques tion of how he should
pretty damn good read. portray his wife Francoise, a French
Maus is difficult to summarize, as woman who converted to Judaism, and
it primarily tells two stories at once. The c o m p l i c a t i o n s s u c h a s t h e s e a r c h f o r p r i-
first features cartoonist Art Spiegelman mary material, and the realization that his
while he interviews his father Vladek, a father really doesn’t like thinking about
Holocaust survivor, and tries to convey his h i s H o l o c a u s t e x p e r i e n c e s . I t d e m o n-
father’s horrific experiences in the comic strates how Art was affected by the
book medium. The rest of the book reveals Holocaust especially a child, including
what Vladek went through in late nightmares in which he had to choose
30s/early 40s Poland and Auschwitz. The which of his parents would be allowed to
material becomes visually distinctive live (he always picked his mother) and a
thanks to Spiegelman’s curious artistic strange case of sibling rivalry, which
decision to portray the Jews as mice, the results in a subtle, awkwa r d , a n d m e m o-
Germans as cats, the Americans as dogs, rable ending for the book. If you’ve read it
the Poles as Pigs, etc. It certainly serves and don’t know what I’m taking about, it
the intended effect of shocking the reader may be time to read it again more careful-
out of any familiarity with the events of ly.
the Holocaust, and allows for great visuals While the Vladek sections of M a u s h a v e
such as mice wearing pig masks when gotten the most attention, the Art
Vladek pretends to not be Jewish, or an Spiegelman chapters do not bring down the
TIT-maus... t’heehee,
A u s c h w i t z s c e n e i n w h i c h V l a d e k s t e p s Courtesy of Penguin Book Ltd. quality of the book. There are many wor th-
over the corpses of mice, pigs, and cats, the while scenes in Art’s story, including
ultimate method of demonstrating the great visuals when he & his father become
diversity of concentration camp victims. the only cartoonist he knows – Walt Disney, and overwhelmed & surrounded by photographs,
This approach has led to some com- the book contains an excerpt from a German edi- while discussing the fate of Vladek’s family,
plaints, beginning with those who believe it t o r i a l c r i t i c i z i n g t h e p o p u l a r i t y o f M i c k e y and friends, and a funnier scene in which Art
t r i v i a l i z e s t h e h o r r o r s o f t h e H o l o c a u s t . M o u s e ) a n d t h e A n t i s e m i t i c p r o p a g a n d a p o r- reveals the liberties he takes in the creation of
Professor Stephen Spector will not use the text traying the Jewish people as Vermin (Google the comic book by telling his wife, “In real life,
i n h i s C h r i s t i a n i t y & J e w s c l a s s ( I s h o u l d n o t e Jews & vermin to find examples of that associa- you’d never have let me talk this long without
t h a t i t i s u s e d i n a n o t h e r H o l o c a u s t c l a s s ) tion being made today.) interrupting.” Brief interludes include
because he believes the cat and mouse allegory Vladek Spiegelman’s flashbacks begin “ P r is o n e r s o f t h e H e l l P l a n e t , ” a n i n t e n s e l y p e r-
h a s t h e f u n d a m e n t a l e r r o r o f i n s i n u a t i n g t h a t with the story of how he met his future wife sonal comic Spiegelman created for an under-
the Holocaust was natural as it is normal for A n j a , a n d t hi s r o m a n c e p r o v i d e s a s t r u c t u r e t o ground comics magazine about his reactions to
cats to attack mice, when the Holocaust was any- h i s e x p e r i e n c e s . T h e s e i n c l u d e g e t t i n g d r a f t e d his mother’s suicide (causing complications
thing but ordinary. A relative of mine (who has into the Polish Army, becoming a Prisoner of when his father found and read a copy), and a
never read the book) has argued that it demeans War under the Germans, returning home under scene in Volume 2 in which Art works on later
J e w s b y p o r t r a y i n g t h e m a s v e r m i n , w h i l e t h e restrictive new laws, being forced to hide with a c h a p t e r s o f M a u s, a f t e r h i s f a t h e r h a d p a s s e d o n ,
Germans were portrayed by nice cats. She may s l o w l y d w i n d l i n g g r o u p o f f r i e n d s a n d r e l a t i v e s while dealing with the succes s o f t h e e a r l y

Page 16 Reviews
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
C o m i c s

Great Comic Books # 3 - Maus

By Thomas Mets
Continued from previous page i n g h i s o u t b u r s t s a g a i n s t h i s f a t h e r ) . H i s m o t h- paperbacks, or a single 35 dollar hardcover, all
er Anja is portrayed as a nervous and frail of which are published by Pantheon books.
chapters, his inability to answer some of the woman in Vladek’s flashbacks, and the book Before he worked on M a u s, Spiegelman was
questions the book has raised, and writer’s d o e s n o t i g n o r e h e r s e v e r e p o s t p a r t u m d e p r e s- instrumental innovator of underground comix
block. sion after the birth of her first son, or her later (his word, not mine), such as R A W , a magazine
One of the problems which has confused violent suicide. Even with this honesty there are which he founded and where numerous talent
librarians, and book-store owners is how to ambig uities as we never know what anyone is such as Mark Newgarden, and Charles Burns
c l a s s i f y M a u s. T h e o f t - u s e d t e r m “ G r a p h i c thinking, just what they tell other people, just (Black Hole) f i r s t a p p e a r e d , a l o n g s i d e c h a p t e r s
Novel” describes the medium, and not the genre, l i k e i n l i fe. An example is the question of why of Maus (because of R A W, some people belie ve
and the book really doesn’t belong in the Vladek’s second wife leaves him. We can infer he is the best editor the industry has ever seen).
Science Fiction/Fantasy, or humor sections f r o m t h e t e x t t h a t s h e w a n t e d s o m e i n d e p e n d- He has worked on everything from N e w Y o r k e r
other comic books are placed, as it is not a work ence, but there’s nothing to disprove Vladek’s covers (his best known images include a black
of sc ience fiction or fantasy, and it would dis- belief that she was after his money. The book on black Twin Towers shadow cover commemo-
appoint, and/or depress someone who buys it m a k e s i t c l e a r t h a t V l a d e k i s a l s o n o t a n e n t i r e- rating the September 11 tragedy, and a
expecting a charming anthropomorphic animals Valentines Day Cover with a Hassidic Jew kiss-
story. It’s not really an allegory because there ing a black woman) to children’s books (exam-
is no attempt to hide what the mice and cats sig- p l e s i n c l u d e Open Me I’m a Dog) a n d o t h e r s t u f f
nify (I doubt anyone wonders if the mouse (he did a lot of commercial work for The Garbage
named Art Spiegelman somehow represents the P a i l K i d s series of trading cards . ) H i s m o s t s i g-
author.) This definition would hardly help as nificant recent comics work was In the Shadow
the book stores I’ve been to don’t really have o f N o T o w e r s, a b o u t h i s e m o t i o n s a f t e r
allegory sections. It’s not historical fiction, September 11. He’s the only man I know of who
because the individuals (I hesitate to call them can make a 20 dollar book with a dozen or so
characters as that would imply that the author pages of reprints of vintage newspaper comics,
m a d e t h e m u p ) a n d e v e nt s p o r t r a y e d i n t h e b o o k and 20 pages (they’re on fairly expensive over-
were real. If you say it’s nonfiction, people will sized cardboard but it’s still three dozen pages
argue that it doesn’t belong on the list, as the of content for 20 dollars) of a liberal New
individuals portrayed don’t really look like Yorker’s musings post-9/11 into a bestseller.
mice (I’ve gotten into surprisingly vicious argu- M a u s’s influence may seem minor, as it’s such a
ments over this.) The best two genres I can find distinctive (and difficult to imitate) work, but
for it are memoir (differs from an autobiogra- can be felt in autobiographical comics such as
phy as the focus is on Art’s relationship with Marjane Satrapi’s P e r s e o p o l i s, a n d i n s t r a n g e
his father, and his father’s concentration camp places (such as the German UNICEF’s antiwar ad
experiences rather than his entire life) and the showing a village of Smurfs getting bombed.) He
nonfiction novel (a different genre than regular has had a tremendous impact upon modern
Nonfiction, and M a u s f i t s a l l t h e c r i t e r i a , e x c e p t comics creators such as Chip Kidd & Chris
it’s not pure prose.) TIT-maus... t’heehee, Ware, and had a well publicized feud with car-
Maus is brutally honest, even with the Courtesy of The Beauty of Nature toonist Ted Rall, which began with Rall’s V i l l a g e
portrayals of the key characters. Vladek V o i c e article “The King of Comix” (which was a
Spiegelman is a racist, a suffocating husband to l y t r u s t w o r t h y s o u r c e . T h e r e a r e t i m es w h e n h i s cover story, and can easily be found on-line.)
his second wife, and a miser who tells a store experiences contradict well-documented events Spiegelman has received numerous offers to
owner about his experiences in Auschwitz in (for example – he doesn’t remember an orches- adapt the work into other mediums (notably
order to get a discount on groceries. He wasn’t tra playing during the forced marches in movies) but has rejected them all (and he got
perfect before he went into Auschwitz, and Auschwitz), and his sense of time regarding s t o r y m a t e r i a l d u r i n g t h e p r o c e s s , a s h e p a r o-
flashbacks include several examples – such as Auschwitz turns out to be flawed when Art died the offers in a chapter of M a u s.) There have
his explaining that he wouldn’t marry the first counts the number of months he said he spent b e e n e x h i b i t s o n M a u s in the Museum of Modern
girl he slept with because her family couldn’t there, and realizes that it doesn’t add up Art, and the National Museum of American
afford a dowry. Narrator Art Speigelman admits (Vladek responds by telling his son “We didn’t Jewish History.
to spending time in a mental hospital, and often make watches.”).
p o r t r a y s h i m s e l f u n f a v o r a b l y ( e s p e c i a l l y d u r- Maus is available as two 14 dollar trade Next Great Comic Book (Probably): Marvels

Reviews Page 17
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
M u s i c

Into the VAST

By Alison Schwartz
When peering into the kaleidoscope of ate vocals, VAST defies musical labels. ceeding record. VAST’s sophomore release in
p r e s e n t - d a y m a i n s t r e a m m u s i c , t h e c o l o r g a z i n g V i s u a l A u d i o S e n s o r y T h e a t e r (1998), VAST’s 2 0 0 0 , Music For People, i s n o t i c e a b l y m o r e p o l-
back is predominantly monochromatic. At any debut album, experiments heavily with fusion i s h e d t h a n t h e p r e v i o u s a l b u m , r e l y i n g o n p r o-
given time in the music world, a trend will between melodies and various sound samples. found lyrics and catchy melodies rather than
s t r i k e , r e s u l t i n g i n a n o v e r a l l w a v e o f s i m i l i- “Touched,” for example, is a hypnotic melody the novelty of sampling. Against the advice of
tude. Such circumstances cannot be avoided, I record label execs, the samplings are toned
s u p p o s e . T h e A m e r i c a n m u s i c a l p a l a t e i s s i m- down, with Crosby fitting them into the back-
ply accustomed to consistency; if a certain for- ground framework of his songs r at h er th an f o r c-
mula is successful, musicians and record labels ing them to serve as the centerpiece. This is the
alike will capitalize on it. This is why it is beauty of VAST: every album is a new journey, a
called the “music business.” new experience, as Crosby’s work never gets
Like a bully in a schoolyard, music redundant. One senses Crosby’s sense of deso-
coinciding with current trends dominates the lation in “I Don’t Have Anything,” as he sings,
m a r k e t , t h r o w i n g c a r e l e s s p u n c h e s i n t h e d i r e c- “Show me the places where I can forget your
tion of any musician who ventures forth with name. I can’t find anything except the void
novel elements. This is why there are artists inside.”
who, although mainstream music’s fickle arms VAST’s most recent release, N u d e, came
have not yet embraced them, have blossomed and out in 2004. Crosby’s array of expressed emo-
thrived on an underground level. Jumping now tions coincides with the album title. We get to
to the main point: you should feel truly experience Crosby’s ominous tone, completely
deprived if you’ve never listened to VAST. unrestricted and articulated quite vividly in
“VAST is one man and one man only,” unforgettable lyrics. “I can’t get any lower. I, the official site for all things can’t find all the pieces of my broken life,”
VAST, states emphatically. Visual Audio Crosby laments in the beautiful, sorrowful
Sensory Theater, or VAST, features one multi- landscape of “Winter In My Heart.”
talented individual: singer/songwriter/multi- The balance of superior lyrics and
instrumentalist/producer Jon Crosby. While remarkable musicianship is enhanced with each
there have been additions and dele tions to his album, making VAST breathtaking. Every VAST
accompanying band, Crosby is the creator and TO BED, BATH... AND BEYOND! album is bursting with enchanting tunes that
center of VAST. Stylistically, the music of Courtesy of Saturated Television are consistently good yet thorou g h l y v a r i e d , a n d
VAST is particularly hard to pinpoint due to an the songs will hold the attention of even the
eclectic meld of influences, which could explain transformed into a new creation with a sample of most finicky listener. The music of VAST is
why VAST appeals to such a diverse audience. monks chanting. This song serves as a prime meaningful, audacious, and striking without
While Crosby has been suspected of being Trent example of how Crosby’s interjection of distinc- sacrificing musical integrity. After diving into
Reznor’s musical successor, his voice bears a t i v e e l e m e n t s c r e a t e s a h a u n t i n g l y u n i q u e VAST, one wonders why this group’s music has
likeness to that of U2’s Bono. Such comparisons ef f ect . Crosby also repeatedly implements the not gained more recognition. Regardless, VAST
testify to VAST’s mult iplicity. With a template t e c h n i q u e o f l a y e r i n g r a n d o m s a m p l e - s e g m e n t s remains one of the most popular underground
o f v a r i o u s b r e e d s o f r o c k , c l a s s i c a l o r c h e s t r a- in VAST’s debut. acts to date. I highly recommend experiencing
t i o n s , m e t a l r i f f s , s y n t h m i x e s , e l e c t r o n i c a e l e- While admirable effort is demonstrated VAST if you want something new and different.
m e n t s a n d s o u n d s a m p l i n g s t h a t a c c o m p a n y in the pivotal debut, VAST’s sound evolves as Prepare to be blown away.
C r o s b y ’ s d a r k l y r e f l e c t i v e l y r i c s a n d p a s s i o n- C r o s b y e x p a n d s h i s h o r i z o n s w i t h e v e r y s u c-

The Blur Division Has an Edge...

And That’s a Good Thing
By Blake Wind
Although The Blur Division performance ary in their tradition of contemporary jazz. ed a jazz trio to cover Stone Temple Pilots, but
t h a t I a t t e n d e d w a s o n O c t o b e r 1 9t h, y o u That’s not to say the University Café was a poor what surprised me most was that when it was
shouldn’t let the time lag between then and now setting for a debut performance. In fact, having over, I wanted to listen to it more than once. The
fool you: their performance was among the best b e e n s o close to the band itself highlights feeling that I came away with more than any-
live music I’ve yet seen at Stony Brook, and you exactly what differentiates them. thing else was a great respect for musicians who
can look forward to their upcom- All three of the musicians are were able to manifest so much versatility. The
ing exposure on WUSB, which I excellent in their own right: James group slid easily back and forth between cool
sincerely hope I can cover just a Bennett, on bass, gives an excellent Miles Davis-style pieces, extended excursions
little more quickly. sonic foundation to the group, into salsa and merengue, and even some tunes
The Blur Division is, by Chris Cuvier, on piano, is the ever so slightly reminiscent of an earlier, more
definition, an improvisational “[A]t the group’s primary composer and an swinging generation of jazz, which has always
jazz trio, but that label is more excellent soloist. What I find most been my personal favorite.
than a little misleading. James mall...” interesting about The Blur If, on the other hand, you know nothing
Bennett, Chris Cuvier, and Chris Division, however, is the style of about jazz, and you just skimmed through the
Howard don’t play the kind of its third member, Chris Howard, on past couple paragraphs, I’d just like to let you
music you’re used to hearing as d r u m s . H i s a t t i t u d e t o w a r d s p e r- know you’d probably like these guys anyway. If
background noise at the mall: cussion takes its lead not only from your regular playlist only gets about as soft as
their versatile sound has a rock-inflected edge the usual array of smooth jazz and Latin influ- Nirvana’s “Bleach”, you might want to look else-
which lends them to a wider audience, and ences, but often veers into much more sonically where, but for a general SBU audience, The Blur
should gain them greater recognition outside of forceful territory, which all three performers Division has an edge to offer just about every-
the kind of cozy, intimate performances custom- seem perfectly comfortable in. I never expect- body.
Page 18 Reviews
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
M u s i c

Can You Hear Me Up Here? Cecilia’s At Scenic

By Andrew Pernick
Matt Nathanson once said, “New York for all things musical was “All Right,” another scrap of energy into this performance, into this
City has the most violently attractive women.” example of the vocal harmonic decathlon this song, and it showed. The audience was bopping
Matt is not the focus of this story, although he b a n d h a s m a d e o n e o f t h e i r h a l l m a r k s, t h i s t i m e around, people were dancing, people were
was right; nor led by Laura. The shouting, chords and harmonies were flying.
are the women of song, which Like all good things, it ended, but it ended with
New York City, became a nine- the audience feeling alive and happy. There are,
although they minute jam, in truth, few things more beautiful than when a
are beautiful. segued into a band has successfully performed this well.
Unless, of r e f r e s h i n g l y o r i g- The night also featured a juicy tidbit of
course, you are inal take on “No extremely good news: Cecilia guitarist Drew
talking about Woman, No Cry” Veltz is going to be a father! The Stony Brook
Laura and for several P r e s s congratulates Drew and his wife and
Alison Veltz, the refrains before it would like to extend a special welcome to the
voices behind segued back into world to the newest member of the Veltz clan.
New York’s best- itself. In the end, Special thanks also go out to Drew for giving me
kept musical the crowd felt a set list. You rock!
secret, Cecilia. refreshed and For those of you who haven’t heard
Making music energized, and Cecilia before, do your eardrums and heart and
a n d m e r r y w h e r- t h e i r l o u d a p p r e- soul a favor. For those of you who haven’t heard
ever they go, ciation showed it. of Cecilia, what planet have you been hiding on?
their latest stop Another example Go to Go now. If you
was an intimate of the spoken- can’t make it to their shows, or if you want to
venue that is word/vocal mix, hear them before you invest the time and (neg-
also one of New “ E u r e k a ligible!) cover charge, pick up a copy of T a k e
York’s l i t t l e FROM LEFT TO RIGHT,KEVIN, LAURA, DREW, KEN AND ALISON W a g o n t r a i n ” , w a s T o n i g h t H o m e, a r e c o r d i n g o f t h i s y e a r ’ s
m u s i c a l s e c r e t s , Courtesy of next, and it made Memorial Day concert. It’s almost as good as
Scenic, a bar and A l i s o n ’ s p e r f o r m- being there. What are you doi n g st i l l r ea d i n g
concert hall on ance of the spoken this? GO! GO BUY! GO LISTEN!
Avenue B in Alphabet City. parts of “Are You
Opening the set was the fan-favorite, With Me” look easy
made-for-jamming-out song “Stay”, an eight- b y c o m p a r i s o n . T h i s
m i n u t e f e s t i v a l o f m u s i c a l s t y l i n g s , i m p r o v i s a- p i e c e , a n a b s o l u t e
tions, and three-part harmonic crooning led by nightmare for lesser
the siren’s call that is Laura’s voice. p e r f o r m e r s ,
If “Stay” was designed to bring the r e q u i r e d a n d s h o w e d
crowd to its feet, the next song on the set list, A l i s o n ’ s O l y m p i a n
“Everyday Dream,” was designed to go straight l e v e l s of vocal
to the crowd’s hearts. And if Laura’s voice is a skills. The crowd,
siren’s call, Alison’s is a siren’s phone bank - a f u l l y enthralled,
rockin’ heavenly choir. The love song is a veri- b e g a n m o v i n g a n d
table workout for three-part harmony, courtesy dancing like morons
of Alison on lead vocals, with sister Laura and due to the level of
mother Jeannie providing backup. thrills they were
Next up was “Dreaming of You”, followed w r a p p e d u p i n .
by “Red Bird”, which will be on Cecilia ’s newest Closing out
r e c o r d , T h i s, due out later this year. I live in t h e s e t w a s a n o t h e r
anxious anticipation of that day. The song is p e r s o n a l favorite,
another marathon for the vocalists, and was “Hey,” a song about
delivered with expertise, as was evident in the life in New York.
fans’ overwhelming reaction. Like “Stay,” it was
Following “Red Bird” was a personal p e r f o r m e d b y L a u r a ,
favorite, “Come On, Love,” written by Laura. and it also evolved
The song was performed beautifully and it was i n t o a jam-fest,
clear that Cecilia was playing the crowd just as c l o c k i n g i n a t a h a i r
well as they were playing their instruments – over 15 minutes.
perfectly. This song, the set’s
Moving away from the expected and last, had it all – a
s t a n d a r d c o n s t r a i n t s o f r o c k , t h e b a n d m o v e d o n drum solo by Ken, a
to “SNL”, Laura’s love song to S a t u r d a y N i g h t b a s s g u i t a r w o r k o u t
L i v e star Jimmy Fallon, on whom she had a b y Kevin, scat
crush. The song, witty and whimsical, was s i n g i n g b y Laura, a
delivered with all of the charm it requires. segue into a three-
Keeping in the theme of pushing the p a r t r e n d i t i o n o f
boundaries, the next song on the set list, “Are “ S t a r l i g h t ,
You With Me”, a quick-tempo blend of the spo- S t a r b r i g h t ” , scat
ken word and vocalism. It delivered a healthy s i n g i n g b y A l i s o n ,
dose of fresh air and a Thanksgiving dinner- and a final, frenetic
sized feast of talent, as Alison’s skill with the a n d e n e r g e t i c s e g u e
insanely fast lyrics that verge on being a tongue back into “Hey”. It
twister shone through. was as if the band
Further showcasing the band’s talents was pouring every

Reviews Page 19
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
M u s i c

The Worst Albums by

Great Artists - Vol. 1

The Police Cake Chains of Extinction The Cure

Outlandos d’Amour Pressure Chief Green Mountain Boys Wild Mood Swings
By Nicole L Barry By James Messina By “Nutrient” Rich Deltortuga By Stephanie Hayes
First things first, all of the It’s like a wedding? No four-piece slash This really cool person was
Police albums are fantastic, but I love Cake. They’re awe- metal/funkadellic/slip-hopabilly talking to me about W i l d M o o d
that’s speaking as a rabid Police some. They have a song for just outfit rocks the most like the all- Swings this past summer. They
fan. If you’re not a huge Police fan, about every mood, and they’re good Vermont-native power popsters consider it to be a favorite album
there’s not going to be much for for both background music and Chains of Extinction rock the most. b e c a u s e T h e C u r e s u r p r i s e d e v e r y-
you to enjoy here besides the fan- rocking the fuck out. But I don’t Devoted ‘Stinction Stallions won’t one with a lot of new arrangements
tastic “Roxanne” and the almost as like their newest album, Pressure hesitate to boast of celebrating and and happy songs. Unexpected and
great “Cant Stand Losing You.” But C h i e f, as much as I did the two pre- accumulating the quartet’s entire wonderful? Well… no. I always
that aside, Outlandos d’Amour is ceding. I think the reason for this catalog, but probe up and deeper think I’m going to pop this into my
the Police at their not so great is their lack of a real single, and a n d y o u w i l l f i n d o n e s o l i t a r y f e s- CD player and finally get it but I
punk roots. In the category of their more synthetic feel. There’s tering sore on the woven tapestry never do. Was the band trying to
punk, the Police falls short, a v e r y c l e a r s y n th e s i z e r e l e m e n t t o of sonic foundations patterned by accommoda te all of their fans with
although musically, you can see many of the songs that’s discordant t h e r a p i d - f i r e r e l e a s e d o f a l b u- this mess of “wild mood(s)”?
where the alt rockers would even- with the trumpets. Perhaps my minal messages. Not all is well in Because there’s nothing on here
tually emerge from. It’s just too biggest gripe is there’s no rocking the oeuvre. that I would classify as wild
b a d t h a t h a l f o f t h e a lb u m i s n o t the fuck out… Where’d it go? Each 2003’s dollar-dollar-bill- and/or moody. Songs like “Mint
enjoyable. If you’re going to buy an previous CD has one song you could y ’ a l l i n ’ r o c k / r a p o f f e r i n g Green Car” and “Return” are fantastic,
album for it’s collective and cohe- rock the fuck out to; “Sheep Go to Mountain Boys f e l l f l a t t e r t h a n catchy tunes of joy but there seems
sive whole, buy Zenyatta Mondata, Heaven”, “Comfort Eagle”, “The Lara Flynn Boyle if you left her out to be something, something very
which goes beautifully alternative Distance”. I swear one time I saw a all night with the cap off. A whim- central in other gre a t C u r e s o n g s ,
without feeling weak. What you coma patient rocking out to Cake. s i c a l a t t e m p t t o c o m b i n e m a t e r i a l- missing from the rest of the tracks.
expect from the Police you wont But while I enjoy their placid songs ist gangster rap with a George There are a few dreamy, beautiful
find in Outlandos d’Amour, I know very much, i.e. “Friend is a Four Clinton-style mysticization of New moments in “This Is A Lie” and
I bought it because I wanted to have Letter Word” , sometimes you just England colonial history produced “Jupiter Crash” but most of them
the whole collection. It’s not to say need to go nuts, and this album left a soupy mess of misanthropic loops feel more like the first draft of an
the album is bad- in fact, there’s a me in the lurch. and less-than-dope dropkickers. incredible song than something
refreshing honesty and brutality Adopting the pseudonyms Ethan that’s complete and astonishing.
in the way they execute their Allstar, Ira Allanwrench, Deth Sometimes, and it pains me to say
songs; before Sting went all preten- Warner and Superfly it, songs are so near the line of
tious and tantric sex on the world. Funqtrophenia, the old gang boast touching and cheesy but come clos-
Roxanne is one of the best songs in of their drive-by hits on British er t o t he l at t er . Ly r i c s a r e , f o r t h e
existence, so I figure that it’s troops with General Benedict most part, unmemorable; apart
worth the cost of buying the whole Arnold, their philandering ways from “Mint Car”, I can only remem-
album. Actually, maybe that’s why and, most of all, their piles and b e r w o r d s f r o m p a i n f u l l y r e p e t i-
I think this album is the worst piles of cash monies. RunDMC tive choruses. Of course, nothing
album by a great artist, since meet s A eros mi t h t hi s i s not . It ’s s o u n d s t e r r i b l e when it’s be ing
Roxanne is so brilliant and while not even Eminem meets Dido. sung by Robert Smith, but W i l d
most of the album is good, (exclud- Inexplicably, like a fish Mood Swings is a collection of emo-
i n g P e a n u t s , w h i c h i s f r e a k i n g h o r- out of water, midway through the tional songs that are ineffective in
rible, and the last four tracks of album is the brazenly commercial moving one emotionally. Quite
the album) you expect more. This “Me and my IV Part III”, a “Let’s do frankly, this is a bland album.
is the first of five albums by a the Twist Again” style attempt to
g r eat b an d , so I g u ess sl i p u p s o n cash in on the wild popularity of
their first effort are forgivable. I that ubiquitous hit single about
wonder what he was like as an the saline drip.
English teacher?
Page 20 Worst by the Best
Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
T e l e v i s i o n

Lost - The Best Damn Show The Press’

on T.V. - Vol. 3
Alright, Lost fans. It’s here. The arti-
cle that recaps what’s been going on, and let’s
By David K. Ginn
creepiness. Season one’s finale was explosive
a n d b r e a t h t a k i n g , b u t t h i s w a s j u s t p l a i n m e s-
Official Lost
you know what I think of it all. Are you ready? merizing. Things are looking very promising

Drinking Game
Good. for the show’s future.
Alright, non-Lost fans. It’s here. The Here we go, episode by episode:
article that recaps what’s been going on, and
let’s you know what I think of it all. Are you No, I don’t want to do it episode by
ready? Good. episode. It’s good. Watch it. I’m tired of try-
ing to explain it to people. If you want to talk
This season started out with pure about it, come find me. Everytime Locke Drink
says “destiny” Twice

Everytime Kate Drink

stares in a moment Once
of inward thought


Everytime Sun Drink
Courtesy of Courtesy of stares without Once

Everytime Jin
seems to think Drink
people understand Once


Courtesy of (she’s really not)
Courtesy of
body hits the roof Drink
of the plane (in Once
episode $# you’re

Everytime Hurley Drink

says “dude” Once

Everytime Charlie Drink

says a uniquely Bloody
British slang word Twice

Everytime Sawyer Drink

calls somebody a Twice

Time for 11 drinks in five minutes! Page 21

Seawolves Men’s Soccer, First America East
Championship, First NCAA Tournament Berth!!
By Antony Lin
I n j u s t h i s s e c o n d s e a s o n s i n c e t a k i n g m i d f i e l d e r Danilo’s shot from 24 yards out fell final minute of regulation. Fro m 2 6 y ar d s o u t ,
over for Scott Dean, Seawolves head coach Cesar r i g h t into the hands of Xikis. Segueglia’s low shot bounced off the left post
Markovic led the Stony Brook Seawolves to cap- Stony Brook’s best chance in the half would and trickled along the goal line towards the
ture the school’s first ever America East league come five minutes later. With the Bearcats right post.
title over the Binghamton Bearcats. With a unable to clear the ball, right winger Rob The momentum would begin to swing
record Seawolves soccer crowd of over 1,050 F u c c i ’ s p o i n t b l a n k s h o t h i t t h e c r o s s b a r a n d towards the way of the Seawolves in the first
present at Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium, the sai l ed o u t of play. overtime.
match would be decided by penalty kicks after The second half would pretty much be Only two minutes in, the home side
a 1-1 draw. identical to the first as the Seawolves would threatened. Scarpati laid one off to Megaloudis
“It was a tough game. They (Binghamto n) come out strong, before the Bearcats took con- just outside the box. As Megaloudis took the
completely took our rhythm away. They play a t r o l . shot, he was taken down from behind.
tough style,” said Markovic. The home side would get its first chance Nevertheless, play continued.
Stony Brook stayed at their usual 3-5-2 of the second half from striker Chris In the 96th minute midfielder Douglas
formation and Binghamton Megaloudis. His Narvaez on the left wing made a cut to his right.
used the 4-4-2. The home low shot from 23 His shot from 22 yards went right to Bertoni.
side was in control for the yards out was The second ov ertime would see the
beginning portion of the s a v e d b y g o a l- Bearcats with the majority of possession, but to
first half, while keeper Ryan no avail as the match would then be decided by
Binghamton looked to Bertoni. Stony the shootout.
counter. Brook’s next For the Bearcats, Antos’ penalty kick
T h e f i r s t o p p o r t u- chance would sailed high while midfielder Yusif Ibrahim’s
nity of the match would come in the 62nd low shot to the right was denied by Xikis. As for
come for the Seawolves in minute. From the the Seawolves, Palacio, defender Yahaya Musa,
the 6th minute off a cross left wing, Palacio and midfielder Erion Qoku all buried their
from midfielder Michael took on two penalties, while Scarpati would net the game-
Palacio on the left wing. defenders and winner giv ing the Seawolves a 4-2 victory in
His outswinging cross made a cut to his p e n a l t y k i c k s , a s f a n s s t o r m e d t h e f i e l d i n c e l-
found forward Chris right. His shot ebration.
Scarpati, whose header sailed wide of the “It was very challenging. Both teams
sai l ed h i g h o f t h e far post. played well. We believed in ourselves and we
crossbar. T h e did it,” said Seawolves assistant coach Jack
Binghamton would Bearcats nearly Stefanowski.
g e t i t s f i r s t g o l d e n o p p o r- FUCK THOSE IVY LEAGUE MOTHERFUCKERS, a d d e d a n i n s u r- Narvaez, Fucci, Palacio, and Megaloudis
t u n i t y c o m i n g i n t h e 1 7 t h Courtesy of Matt Willemain ance goal off a were named to the All-Championship Team.
minute. Collecting a counter attack in Narvaez would also end up taking home the
through ball, forward Peter Sgueglia’s shot from t h e 7 3 r d m i n u t e . M i d f i e l d e r K y l e A n t o s ’ s h o t tournament’s Most Outstanding Performer.
1 4 y a r d s o u t t o t h e n e a r p o s t w a s p a r r i e d a w a y f r o m 2 3 y ards out was denied by the left post. “Winning the Most Oustanding Player
by goalkeeper E.J. Xikis. Binghamton would threaten once again Award was something I worked hard for,” said
The Bearcats would get on board four i n t h e 8 2 n d m i n u t e . O f f a 2 - o n - 1 b r e a k a w a y , Narvaez. “It will help me work harder.”
m i n u t e s l a t e r o f f a s e t p i e c e f r o m m i d f i e l d e r forward Peter Sgueglia’s shot from 17 yards out Stony Brook became the eighth different
Adam Chavez. His set piece from 40 yards out s a i l e d h i g h o f t h e c r o s s b a r team to win the America East Championship in
found an unmarked midfielder Kyle Antos. . The Seawolves would finally find a way t h e p a s t e i g h t y e a r s . W i t h t h e t o u r n a m e n t c h a m-
Antos’ header found the lower right 90 for the to penetrate the Bearcats’ back four in the 87th pionship, the Seawolves have earned themselves
1-0 lead. minute off a free kick by Palacio from 35 yards an automatic bid for the NCAA College Cup
“We knew it was going to be tough o u t . H i s f r e e k i c k r e s u l t e d i n a s c r a m b l e . tournament, which is also the first ever for
because of Binghamton’s style,” said Seawolves Megal oudis was able to pounce on it and put the Stony Brook.
assistant coach Dariel Collazo. They play lots of b a l l h o m e f r o m 1 1 y a r d s o u t f o r t h e e q u a l i z e r . “Just fantastic,” said Markovic. “It was
fancy football. We knew they were dangerous on “It was a tough game. They (Binghamton) everything we were trying to do. I am so proud
set pieces.” are a great team. Fortunately we tied the game,” of our team. It was incredible.”
I n t h e 3 8 t h m i n u t e , t h e v i s i t o r s w o u l d stated Narvaez.
gather another opportunity. Off a short corner, The visitors provided a huge scare in the

Page 22 Sports
Stony Brook Rugby Dominates By Ali Nazir
At the end of the regular season, Stony They are also going to be playing to become a
Brook Men’s Rugby found itself on top of the nationally ranked team in Division III. The
D i v i s io n u n d e f e a t e d . A l t h o u g h a 4 - 0 s e a s o n credit for success has to go to the coaches and
might seem to be a very short regular season, the players, because even though sometimes
SBU dominated each of the teams that they shunned by the school when it came to funding Men’s Div. III W-L-T
played throughout the match. Blowouts such as a n d f a c i l ities, they overcame these drawbacks,
a 35-0 defeat of Drew University, in which SBU putting on a showcase type season together. Pts For Pts Against Bonus Pts Pts
was unable to convert 5 free Coach Danny Yarusso and Jeff
kicks but still blew out the Krabel practiced with the team SBU Men 4-0-0
visiting team, are now com- day and night, devoting much of
monplace. their time to bring the Club to
O n O c t o b e r t h e 3 0t h Super Power status. Long time 67 17 1 17
SBU faced a playoff game in players such as Daniel
which it yet again flexed its Holzhauer, John Feminella, Jeff Maritime Men 2-1-1
muscle, consisting of a high- Carey and Mike Barnett made
powered offense and a cut- s u r e e v e r y o n e k e p t t h e i r c o m p o-
throat defense, defeating sure and tenacity during the 83 13 3 13
Bard College 20-0. In the many excruciating practices and
Championship, after a brutal during the heat of battle in
battle in which it seemed games. SBU is also sparked by
Montclair State 1-1-1
that the team had finally met many Rookies who have come into
its match, SBU scored in the their own, such as John Gemma 54 25 2 8
last minute to take the lead and Jon Isles.
a n d w i n a g a i n s t a v e r y d e t e r- CLOTHESLINE, BITCHES! Stony Brook’s stats basi-
mined team of SUNY Courtesy of Ali Nazir cally speak for themselves and Bard Men 1-2-0
Maritime Merchant Marines. look for them to be the deciding
Finishing the Championship takeover of the f a c t o r i n t h e N R U C h a m p i o n s h i p i n N e w 51 56 2 6
Division with an undefeated season, another feat England. Winning would mean that SBU would
that they accomplished was allowing only two have to go on to spring and play for the National
goals by the opposition. Title, which is where the players and coaches Drew Men 0-4-0
Now the Wolf Pack is headed to the a s p i r e t o b e , b e c a u s e t h e y b e l i e v e t h a t t h e q u a l-
U n i v e r s i t y o f M a s s a c h u s e t t s a t A m h e r s t w h e r e ity of Rugby being played here is something that
they will be battling for the Northeastern crown should be put in the national limelight. 10 154 0 0
against other juggernaut teams from the North.

Men’s Div. III Playoff games

Maritime Men 30 – v. Montclair State 0

SBU Men 20 - v. Bard Men 0

Men’s Div. III Championship Game

SBU Men 5 – v. Maritime Men 3

*Stony Brook ends regular season with an

Undefeated 6-0 season and the Division
Championship and a berth to the National
Northeastern Championship Tournament

For the latest Info log on to STONY-


Sports Page 23
Golden Goal Puts Seawolves Men’s Soccer Into
America East Final
By Antony Lin
Over 520 loyal fans saw striker Chris the save, as the Great Danes’ defense cleared the score twice in the 69th minute. Forward/left
Megaloudis’ golden goal in the 97th minute send ball. winger Yan Gbolo’s free kick from 22 yards out
the Stony Brook Seawolves past the Albany Great The visitors would get one final chance from the left was knocked over the bar by
Danes 2-1 on a rainy night at Kenneth P. with seconds remaining in the first half. Moschella.
LaValle Stadium. The Seawolves move on to the Midfielder Vadim Ivanyushchenko sent in a On the ensuing corner, the Seawolves
America East Final for the first time in school l o n g b a l l into the box from the right. Perhaps defense cleared the ball right to forward Gaby
history. due to the wet surface, the pass took an awkward Seguin-Gauthier. His shot from 26 yards out
“Unbelievable feeling,” said Seawolves bounce towards goal forcing Moschella to make a would be denied by Moschella once again.
head coach Cesar Markovic. “Great crowd and an diving stop to the far post The Great Danes would level the game at
emotional night. We got it done.” . The second half saw the Great Danes 1-1 in the 77th minute. Midfielder Stephen sent
T h e r a i n co n t i n u e d t o f a l l t h r o u g h o u t t h e applying a bit more pressure. a cross finding an unmarked Gbolo from the
entire match up until the end of regulation. Two minutes in, midfielder Michael right wing. His header found the back of the net
Stony Brook would be in control throughout the McNamara’s low shot from 24 yards out sent to put the game into overtime.
first half. The Seawolves used the 3-5-2 forma- Moschella diving to his right for a splendid fin- Gbolo’s goal celebration would earn him
tion, while the Great Danes used a 4-4-2. gertip save. a yellow card after removing his jersey and cel-
“We handled it (the rain) well. We lost a ebrating in front of the Stony B rook bench.
bit of possession late in the second half. But “I saw that my defender was not there. I
overall we had control of the ball, ” said decided to come out as fast as I could,”
Markovic. stated Moschella. “The ball hit me in the
The home side’s first opportunity would chest and it just trickled in.”
come just thr ee minutes in. Midfielder Douglas The home side would be more in control
Narvaez dribbled through the length of the in overtime. The first chance came in the
field. His shot from 22 yards out was saved by 94th minute. Narvaez’s crack from 27
goalkeeper Steward Ceus. yards out sailed right into the hands of
In the 5th minute, the Seawolves would Ceus.
threaten again off a free kick from midfielder Two minutes later, Palacio’s shot from
Michael Palacio. His direct shot from the right 32 yards out from the right was tapped
side sailed inches wide of the far post. over the bar by Ceus.
Megaloudis nearly scored off a fantastic The well-deserved golden goal would
bicycle kick in the 17th minute. Left back Mark come in the 97th minute. With possession
Zajkowski sent the ball into the box. As the ball of the ball, Mohamed sent a fantastic
was miscleared and popped into the air, inswinging cross into the box finding
Megaloudis’ attempted bicycle sailed just wide Megaloudis’. Megaloudis’ one time effort
of the left post. went past Ceus for the game-winner,
Seco n d s l at er , A l b an y wo u l d g et t h ei r erupting the crowd.
first chance of the match. Forward Eric THE CITY OF ALBANY CRIES A SINGLE TEAR IN UNISON, “I saw Tamer [Mohamed] get the ball on
Zekiroski shot to the near post from the left Courtesy of Interstate 787 the left. I made a run that coach told me to
wing was parried away by goalkeeper John take, and Tamer just gave me a great ball,”
Moschella. I n t h e 5 3 r d m i n u t e Z e k i r o s k i a t t e m p t e d mentioned Megaloudis.
With the rain continuing to pour, it to chip an onrushing Moschella to no avail, as The win matched the school record of 12
looked as if Stony Brook would get i ts break in Moschella stuck his hands up to make the stop. wins for Stony Brook.. With Binghamton winning
the 29th minute. Collecting a long ball, left D e s p i t e t h e A l b a n y p r e s s u r e , t h e the other semifinal, the Seawolves will host the
winger Tamer Mohamed decided to cut to his Seawolves moment would come in the 63rd Binghamton Bearcats on Saturday at 7PM in
right off his first touch. On the cutback, minute off a set piece on the left wing. Palacio LaValle Stadium.
Mohamed was taken down in the box. Referee laid it on the ground for a sprinting Narvaez. “Binghamton is a great team. They are
Lou Labbadia immediately pointed to the spot Narvaez sent a low cross to forward/midfielder the only team that beat us in the c o n f e r e n c e a n d
for a penalty kick. Right winger/defender Rob Adam Ciklic. Ciklic’s one-timer found the lower we wanted to face them,” mentioned Markovic.
Fucci stepped up to take the kick.. His low shot right 90 for the 1-0 lead. “We are playing on Saturday for everyone.”
to the left had Ceus guessing correctly to make The visitors would threaten to level the

Page 24 Sports
Mooble, or: The Rise and Fall of Modern Logic By David K. Ginn

COMCIS!!! Page 25
Ask Amberly Jane
Sunrise. Sunset. Another day, dollar, set c a r e f u l l y whisper the words of fate and eupho- full moon, my friend brought a male cockatoo
of circumstances. ria in my ear. Stories of secret rendezvous, around, with green mohawk - a long erectile
Time blasts its vapor at us. We sprint to c r u s h es , a n d s e x u a l h a r a s s m e n t . B u t t h e n t h e y crest, if you will, and bright orange cheeks. I
Kelly at 2:48 a.m. with all the other bleary-eyed tell me, “OK, but you can’t print that...” If I were met a Russian girl (those crazy Russians. You
miscreants. (Yeah, I mean you.) a b l e t o r e c o u n t a l l o f f - t h e - r e c o r d j u i c e a n d feel me.) Lucy in the sky with diamonds, who
H e l l o t h e r e . I t i s y o u r f r i e n d l y n e i g h- slippery gossip, this would be a much better, takes copious amounts of drugs, parties until
borhood Amberly Jane with a message for you more lubricated column. But I can’t divulge. she believes she has urinated herself, delights
all. There are many people I would love to speak In any case, people often ask why I don’t in brownies stuffed with marijuan a, an d d o wn ed
to. After many moons of promising to write, I believe in monogamy. I tell them there’s a rea- straight opium tea in .3 seconds. Long drives
have decided to drive the gravy train down th e s o n t h e y call marriage an institution. I don’t a h e a d , p e r h a p s ?
route of efficiency. Therefore, please circle the want to have to call someone and tell the m where And thank you to a spec i a l r e j u v e n a t i n g
following word or combination of words that I am, or be chained or balled to anything. And influence, who does not go to school here any-
best suits you! It’s like personalizing your very guilt is a wasted emotion. more – you are my guiding star. My touchstone.
own letter. One time, I was with my old boyfriend at Thanks for being you...
his family function. Everybody
rushed up to him, to tell him to On to letters, which take the form of con-
marry me at once. This scared fessions this week...
both of us. Hello? (wave) We
were together for only one Amberly Jane,
month! No rushy rushy! When I pee in a toilet already containing
M y g r a n d m a , G o d - r e s t - pee, I always imagine the piss mixing together,
e r - s o u l , u s e d t o s a y , “ W h y b u y making some sort of noxious concoction, with a
the cow, when you can get the m u s h r o o m c l o u d t h a t w a f t s o u t a n d c a r r i e s
sex for free.” She was wise. But s m a l l c h i l d r e n t o h e l l .
h on e s t l y , a n d t o m y c o n t i n u a l Betelgeux
chagrin, when I talk to you
guys on campus, a lot of you are
concerned with being alone. No Miss Jane,
one wants to be alone. We all Here’s a confession for you. Today I ate
want to have people who care all my roommates cookies and used her towel to
about our stupid bullshit, will dry my astroglide covered nether regions after
l i s t e n t o u s w h i n e a b o u t o u r sex with my boyfriend. And I don’t feel bad
idiot professors, and rub our about it.
backs, do our comp sci home- -KrownAngel
work, and run to Kelly for us at
2:48 a.m. You don’t usually Amberly Jane,
have to worry about STD’s with Loved the last column. I have a confes-
a monogamous partner, but I sion: I feel guilty when I sing “Smack my bitch
t h i n k t h a t h a s l e s s t o d o w i t h Up” by Prodigy. I’m a girl.
monogamy, and more with not Eponymous
screwing dirty motherfuckers.
EIFFEL TOWER POSITION, In any event, my friend
Loving conceived by Shawn, the Man, the Legend... C e s a r u p s t a i r s c o u l d s l e e p *Truth is subjective.
with the variety of girls who
Hi (friend/neighbor/relative/mortal throw themselves at him, yet he said that he just Does anyone read this shit at the bottom. If so,
enemy who I’ve sworn to defeat). How are you? wants a girlfriend ... bottom line because when fucking e-mail me at
H o w ( i s / a r e ) y o u r a n d y o u r ( f a m i l y / p o s s e / g o i- he’s old, he wants someone to hold his hand.
ter)? I’m (happy/sorry) to hear it. Are you still It’s sweet,
with (him/her/them/it/the dark side of the dammit, and why
f o r c e ) ? G e e , t h a t i s ( g r e a t / t er r i b l e / t h e w o r s t not, we all want
news I have ever received since the Mets lost the to be loved. One
2000 World Series). Well, they always were (a guy, one girl,
great partner/ somebody to look up to/ a total right?
hee-hore of a cock-teasing simpleton). B u t “I Know You Get The Government
In any event I hope that (you/you all/ h e r e ’ s t he t h i n g . You Deserve, But I Don’t
some of you more than others) are (well/excel- Society wants Remember Knife-Raping
l e n t / b u r n i n g i n t h e p i t o f B e e l z e b u b ’ s i n t e s- me to get married. any Nuns.”
tines) and that we can get together (real soon/ To settle down.
really, really soon/ never, I ’ve never liked you, Take care of a hus-
you think you’re hot snit, but you are nothing band and 2.5 kids. The system is
more than bubble gum stuck at the bottom of a designed to perpetuate this oiled
fat lady’s leather pants) so we can machine, with me as a greasy cog. Well,
(hang/chill/write/fight to the PAIN). you know what, fuck that. I’ve turned down
Be (well/excellent/ trodden under foot), several marriage proposals because I started
Your (friend/partner/ally/very doom, feeling like a trapped animal ready to gnaw off
beware!) Amberly Jane its own anus.
A settled down woman is settling for the
On to other concerns: Vagina. conventional life. It is another wom an who will
Just a lovely thing to put out there. devote her time not to the revolution of changing
Vagina. a flawed system, but to a time-honored path
When was your last whistle in the d o w n a w ell-traveled (and already overpopulat-
weeds? ed) road.
But we want someone to hold our hand
I’ll tell you some things people have when we are old, right?
asked me in person. Always the same inquiries. Who’s to say ... for now variety is the
I promise, I do indeed exist, this i s my real spice of life. Everyone has something to share
name, everything is *true*, and that was n o t m e and teach you. Am I too fickle for just one?
in the porn pic (I got me 100% god-given tits). Don’t know. I do know vagina. Have I
I get a lot of people who pull me aside, mentioned it? Not nearly enough. YOU GOTTA LICK IT, BEFORE WE KICK IT,
give that furtive look back and forth, and then A l s o h a p p e n i n g i n m y l i f e . . . d u r i n g t h e Pre-Game Courtesy of Ms. Amberly Jane

Page 26 Amberly Jane

The Reformation in Central Kentucky
By James Messina
In the last article I stated I would focus below were gleaned off wikipedia, and in truth, lysts haven’t cracked a 50-year old code
on the role of cryptography with relation to I wouldn’t put too much stock in them, as any or dependent on something that small, but there
treasure hunting/ prize seeking, etc. Here I am all of the detail s could be false. It’s said that in you have it.
with some follow-through for your ass. 1795, a boy named Donald Daniel McInnis dis- This next cipher was solved, and is one
We are conditioned from an early age to covered a strange depression in the ground of of the most famous ciphertexts ever produced.
think if someone is hiding something, they have the island. He and a few friends of his, under I n a 1 9 7 7 i s s u e o f S c i e n t i f i c A m e r i c a n, a staff
something worth hiding. In the classic novel the glamour of rumors about buried treasure, writer named Martin Gardner published a code
T r e a s u r e I s l a n d, a map with an ‘X’ is the impe- managed to dig into the pit some thirty feet, created by three guys at MIT, whose initials
tus to find hidden treasure. The short story discovering reinforcing beams at every ten foot spelled the name of the algorithm, RSA. Due to
“The Gold Bug” by Edgar Allan Poe, is another interval along the way. Subsequent attempts at the fact that the message’s method of encrypti on
classic; I can’t divulge many details about how excavation by more professional treasure was known, so too was its method of decryption.
code is featured without ruining it, however. hunte rs revealed more of these beams, as well as T h e o n l y d i f f i c u l t y w a s t h e s h e e r c o m p u t a t i o n-
It’s considered one of the best pieces of fiction c o c o n u t f i b e r s , c h a r c o a l , p u t t y , a n d o t h e r m i s- al power required to break the code. The power
to feature cryptography, and well-deserved of cellanea going down more than a hundred feet. was finally mustered in a six-month period
the acclaim. (Side note: If you want a novel that A t r o u g h l y 9 0 f e e t , a s t o n e b e a r i n g a n i n s c r i p- between 1993-4 when over 1600 computers’
features crypto and rocks your socks, look no tion was recovered. As far as I could ascertain, were networked together so that they searched
further than Cryptonomicon by Neil the stone isn’t around any longer, but here’s for potential solutions during idle time. The
Stephenson.) A character coming across some- what it said: gynormous $100 prize? It went to charity.
thing hidden and the $100 you ask? If you
subsequent changes that didn’t, you should. I seem
occur is a ubiquitous to be including prizes so
plotline for a good rea- small the main prize is
son; it’s exciting stuff. the cracking itself. But I
People like puzzles, and have good news. In a 1999
the thought that if one book called The Code Book
were to devote enough by Simon Singh, there was
time to one, great a prize of ?10,000. It
rewards could be reaped would go out to whomsoev-
is one that keeps many er cracked ten encrypted
up at night. messages included in the
Proof of this book first. The code was
statement can be found in the fact that puzzles The code is a simple substitution cracked a year later, after conce r t e d a n d d e v o t-
a r e e v e r y w h e r e . S u d o k u , c r o s s w o r d , b l a c k- cipher, which when decrypted reads, “Forty ed effort. The author on his website noted that
smith’s puzzles, word games, and many others feet below two million pounds are bur ied.” That t h e 5t h stage seemed the hardest to many,
e x is t t o a m u s e u s a n d s t i m u l a t e u s . I n m y o p i n- hole’s been dug and re-dug, and flooded more despite his intent for the codes to progress in
ion, it is again useful to use a dichotomy to than a few times – it’s anyone’s guess what was difficulty. Difficult codes ain’t no thang, how-
illustrate two broad categories with regards to o r i g i n a l l y dow n t here. D es pi t e t he s haky ev i- ever, as cryptanalysts can usually perform
cryptography’s position in treasure hunting. dence, treasure hunters are optimistic. They’re insanely well. Most of the unsolved ciphers I’ve
There are those who create ciphers in order to a very glass-half-full bunch. mentioned are the exception, not the rule.
hide what they have: if the cipher is cracked, A l r i g h t , b a c k t o m y e a r l i e r p o i n t . I m e n- As my last example, and perhaps the
the prize can be found. There is also a second tioned that there were also puzzles whose cre- best one I have about the relative facility with
type, who uses the puzzle as the prize: if the ation was intentional, the solution of which will which the dedicated mind can apply itself to
cipher/puzzle is solved, then the solver of that g a r n e r a p r i z e . W h e t h e r t h e c r e a t o r o f t h i s p u z- cryptography and conquer challenges, I use T h e
puzzle will receive an amount of money in z l e i s m o t i v a t e d b y h u b r i s , t h e d e s i r e f o r p u b- DaVinci Code. The DaVinci Code, w r i t t e n b y D a n
remuneration. Examples of both are given licity, an interest in testing their work, or Brown, is a famous thriller chock full of con-
below. something else, the prize money draws people in spiracy theories. I’m going to flat out tell you I
Among those ciphers whose solution was droves. Think of the Sword in the Stone – if didn’t read it and I consider it the poor man’s
meant to be kept a secret, three stand out to me there’s a prize in sight you can rest assured Umberto Eco, but it’s still worthy of note
as the most interesting; the Beale Ciphers, the everyone will give it the ole college try. because of its relation to cryptography. In the
O a k I s l a n d s t o n e a n d t h e c i p h e r i n t h e a f o r e- I n a 1 9 3 9 b o o k e n t i t l e d Codes and book were four codes. If they could be solved,
mentioned story “The Gold Bug”. Again, a com- C i p h e r s, written by Alexander d’Apageyeff, a then a trip to Paris could be had. Dan Brown’s
bination of laziness and not wishing to reveal c h a l l e n g e c i p h e r w a s i n c l u d e d . T h i s p a r t i c u l ar one cocky bastard, isn’t h e? Well, I think he is.
the work prevent me from going into detail c r y p t o g r a m is unique among the others I men- I think this because a few th o u s a n d p e o p l e
about the story, but the other two I can describe tion in that there was no prize for its solution, ended up solving his code, so he copped out and
in ample detail. and that d’Apageyeff himself didn’t remember only one person was chosen at random for the
The Beale Ciphers are famous among the solution, which has considerably hindered Paris trip. Alright, it’s just about puzzle time,
cryptographers as a matter of hot debate. its decryption. Professional cryptographers but before I begin, one last thing.
Sometime in the nineteenth century, a set of w h o h a v e analyzed it think that the author, I forgot to include three notes before. I
three ciphertexts was given to an innkeeper being no professional himself, may have made blame ignorance. The first is this. When work-
named Robert Morriss, on the condition that he an error in the code’s encryption, and that this ing with cryptography, it is often convenient to
deliver it to someone else. The other party never has stopped its elucidation. The reason it has substitute a little-used letter, like Z or J, to be
surfaced, and Morriss attempted to solve the c o n t i n u e d t o r e m a i n a p o i n t o f i n t e r e s t i s m o s t- space. Even if you know how to decrypt the mes-
ciphers on his own. He failed, and passed it on l y a c a d e m i c c u r i o s i t y , b u t I f e l t i t w o r t h m e n- sage and you’re familiar with the language, it’s
to a friend. This friend cracked one of the t i o n i n g d ue to its relative fame in the crypto not easy to interpret where words begin and end
ciphers after guessing it to be a book cipher (I’ll community. without any indicator. Also, most every code
describe what that is next time, perhaps). In In another book, this one a memoir pub- works on the premise that A = 0, B = 1, etc,
1 8 8 5 , a p a m p h l e t c a l l e d The Beale Papers b e g a n l i s h e d i n 1 9 5 3 a n d e n t i t l e d S i l e n t Y e a r s, J.F. rather than the A = 1, B = 2 system I’ve intro-
circulating, detailing the nature of the ciphers Byrne published 23 full pages of ciphertext, duced. If you ever happen to need to cryptana-
and the solved plaintext, in an effort to solve the and challenged anyone to solve it. He did offer a lyze something, be sure to rem e m b e r t h i s c o n-
remaining ciphers. Skilled cryptographers prize, unlike d’Apageyeff, of $5,000. Not in the vention. And lastly: My code will have to be
have investigated the remaining ciphers, and book, but in other formats, he also included revised. I probably won’t get around to it for
they ’re largely regarded today as nothing but a numerous chosen plaintexts – meaning that some time, but I can still prov i d e p l a i n t e x t t o
hoax, but the promise of over $20 million in there are multiple instances in which he would ciphertext under the old system upon request. I
today’s money has prompted many to investigate translate a given plaintext to a ciphertext. assure you there’s no fault in the method, I’m
anyway. Anyone want to road-trip it with me to Despite this, no one’s discovered his method to merely changing so as not to inconvenience
New Mexico? Bring a shovel. date. The secret rests with Byrne’s son, but the myself.
real secret rests in a mechanism the size of a
Oak Island is a small island in Nova cigar box, the device which is used to encrypt Continued on next page
Scotia with an interesting history. The facts messages. It boggles me to think that cryptana-

kizz oding Page 27

The Reformation in Central Kentucky
Scintillates (cont’d)
By James Messina
Continued from previous page
P U Z Z L E T H E 6T H:
You have an eccentric uncle. It looks like
P U Z Z L E T H E 5T H: he’s well on his way to being gripped by death’s
The hat is a sissy, the moan ululatd. Am icy hand. He’s accumulated a fair amount of
newt to see to Bullmopp. Or yam on wealth over the course of his life, however, so
mutt? you’re willing to accept his idiosyncratic
behavior on the hope that he dies and
What the leaves it all to you. Fat chance. You visit
hell is that? Have I h i s p o o r l y d e s i g n e d h o u s e , a n d h e i m m e d i-
gone crazy? Am I ately launches into a tirade, which goes as
s u d d e n l y e x p e r i- follows:
menting with “The shift is three, man! The shift is three!
stream of c o n- That’s the key…. Keys. Hmm, yes. We’re
sciousness? The going to the lake today? ‘Fraid I
answers are it’s a can’t, see m s a s t h o u g h
message, nope, and I’ve lost my keys. Here,
nope. It’s merely help me look! Avanti!”
another code. This one’s called the stencil The crazy bastard throws on
cipher; it’s been used by spies. I was goggles, and runs. He goes to these places,
unaware of its existence prior to making this shouting obscenities along the way.
code, so I was pretty prou d of my originality SE corner (C) Hallway. SW C Hallway. NW
for all of thirty seconds. It works thusly. C Garage. SE C Kitchen. SW C Dining. SW C
Every third letter is meant to be read, the Hallway. NW C Hallway. SW C Hallway. SE
r e s t i s j u s t f i l l e r . O n e o t h e r t h i n g I d i s c o v- C Living. SE C Garage. SW C Hallway. NW
e r e d i s t h a t t h e r e a r e m u c h m o r e e l e g a n t v e r- C Kitchen. NW C Dining. NE C Kitchen. SE
sions of the stencil cipher, which can quote C Dining. SW C Garage. Checks, then double-
Shakespeare and innocuous neighborhood checks SE C Kitchen. NE C Kitchen. SW C Bath.
events and such to obfuscate the message’s NE C Dining. SE C Living. SW C Hall. NE C
purpose. And now, here’s this issue’s puzzle. Garage. NE C Dining. NE C Bath. SW C Hall. SW C
This one’s super cool, because I wrote it as Living.
though this were some puzzle book for retarded Good luck finding out the secret meaning. Bet
k i d s . S e r i o u s l y , i t ’ s t h a t condescending – you’ll you’re interested.
love it.

What Was Good

By Vincent Michael Festa
When I have money to burn for new makes me feel special amongst everyone else part in the hip-hop culture in the 70’s.
shirts I usually look to the magazine ads that wearing Metallica, Pearl Jam, or Che Guevara. V e r y r a r e l y d o e s a n y o n e w h o a p p r e c i-
help me be me. While reading the latest issue of More important than everything else, I’m ates old-school like me hear of W a t t s t a x, W i l d
YRB (a hip-hop, street, fashion, and celebrity r e p r e s e n t ing what’s good: the birth and inno- S t y l e, S t y l e W a r s, Electric Boogaloo, or K r u s h
magazine) I came across an ad for a place called cence of hip-hop. 1520 Sedgwick Ave. and Cedar Groove anymore. Anyone? You’ll hardly hear
Sedgwick and Cedar in the Bronx. In 1973, it Park in the Bronx. DJ Kool Herc. 1973. Kold Krush, Sugarhill Gang, Scorpio, Liquid
happened to be the birth place of hip-hop music Back then, Herc was the first one to take Liquid, Sequence, Whodini, or even
as most of us not know it. two turntables and spin them together. He also G r a n d m a s t e r F l a s h m e n t i o n e d a n y mo r e b e c a u s e
Seemed interesting. I love vintage hip- w a s t h e f irst one to repeatedly loop the break unlike Lil’ Jon, Nelly, or Shyne, they don’t have
hop and all things 197 0’s. So I looked it up on beats of those records, as well as the first DJ to e n e r g y d r i n k s , c r i m i n a l r e c o r d s , a b l a t a n t d i s-
the net and decided to take a look at their cloth- shout-out over the records and create the b-boy regard for what it’s about, or a golden jewelry
ing line. I was taken aback at what I saw. dance movement. Herc was to hip-hop like God lifestyle to offer. Ain’t that a shame. Authentic
Two t-shirt lines that I saw and ordered was to Earth. Before them there was nothing, films and styles are being pushed away for
from were vintage flyer tees and the pioneer after them? The rest is history. flashy riches and risky, yet ‘promising’
tees. Now, the flyer tees had the original adver- Back then, hip-hop music was never lifestyle.
tisements for the early hip-hop shows dating about how flashy your cars should be, how much We have Jay-Z, Nas, KRS-One, A Tribe
from 1982 and back to the very first flyer from m o n e y a nd champagne the record labels and Called Quest, Jungle Brothers, Company Flow,
1973. One flyer that caught my attention was today’s artists would throw to entice the average Eric B and Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, Quasimoto,
one from 1979: it had a very pretty woman in a fan, or how many women in thongs you could fit Gang Starr, Kool G Rap, and even some West
striped dress dancing against a well-dressed in for three minutes of video. It also was never Coast heads such as Hieroglyphics. I know
man. Authentic 1970’s artwork, the way I like about bullet holes, warning labels, rap sheets, there’s more but it’s not enough space for me to
it. So I placed an order for shirt number one. recording albums behind a jail cell, and shoot- mention. Sure, only a couple here and there
The other type of shirt I also ordered outs. might have flashed their money or guns and
was one of the pioneer tees. There were shirts Which is why right now as I’m typing broken the rules, but they never forgot where
that had Grandmaster Caz, Melle Mell, Sha Rock, this, I’m listening to what’s good: 70’s jazz and they came from, nor failed to give credit where
and Afrika Bambaata, mostly the firsts of hip- soul, Ronnie Laws’ “Tidal Wave”, Hubert Laws’ credit is due, and maybe that’s what separates
hop. And then there was that one shirt I ordered “Family”, Lonnie Liston Smith’s “Sunset”, Gil the legends from the one-album wonders. Yes, I
that I co uldn’t possibly pass up: the one with Scott-Heron’s “A Very Precious Time”, Roberta do listen to the above listed. And that’s all good,
“The Father”, DJ Kool Herc. F l a c k ’ s “ K i l l in g M e S o f t l y , L e s M c C a n n ’ s too.
“Valantra”, the list goes on. Because I can’t be If only more people who listen to hip-
********* bothered with what the industry considers hip- hop and rap music were more aware of the true
hop anymore. That’s just a façade to hide and elements of what made the music memorable,
With these shirts, I’m going to kill two d i s t r a c t peopl e l i ke m ys el f from w h at it wa s then we’d still have an appreciation of what was
birds with one stone. One, I’m going to show all s u p p o s e d to be. What I’m currently listening to supposed to be good in the first place. It’s never
these kids who are wearing 2-Pac, Notorious has more soul, emotion, and realness than what too late to start appreciating it while you can.
B.I.G., or any other cash-money idols on their is considered ‘music’ nowadays. All those In the meantime, I’m waiting for my
shirts that they probably got on a street corner artists I just mentioned are genuine 1970’s, shirts in the mail. You’ll know who wrote this
for five dollars what’s up. Two, either a DJ Kool possibly what Herc was spinning. Listening to when you see me wear the Herc shirt.
Herc shirt or that flyer shirt most definitely them, I could understand what it felt like to take
Page 28 Not Sports
Never too late to quit you decided you wanted to “be your own unique but how can I say no to drugs? Only they know
self,” (just like everyone else, ironically) and me better than anyone else.”
The end of the semester is rapidly decided to get 10 new body piercings at $50 a The other day I was on the phone with my
approaching with less than a month left of pop at some seedy looking hole-in-the-wall on mother and she surprised me with something
school, which means less than a month left of St. Marks place in the East Village. You went she said. You see, she was talking to me about
agony. This is that time of year where term with your close friend so someone could comfort ho w stores tell you things are free with a
papers are due, studying has begun for final you and sit there watching while you got new coupon, except they really aren’t free: even if
exams and this might just be the last chance to h o l e s i n y o u r n i p p l e s , g e n i t a l s , a n d o t h e r e x o t- you have a coupon you still have to pay the tax.
fuck that TA. For any normal person, these are ic places all over your body to express yourself Well, she perceived the tax as a significant
the first few things that immediately pop into (I’m still trying to figure out what they mean, expense. She saw 34 cents as something pre-
one’s head when thinking of this painful time. but hey). cious she lost, and it bothered her – because it
H o w e v e r , t h e r e i s s t i l l a n o t h e r f a c t o r t h a t s e l-I know what you’re thinking. You’re wasn’t free. I told her, “That was just 34 cents
dom comes to mind but can still affect those of saying, “Well, you’re wrong Mo, I have a job.” Of mom, I can find 34 cents on the street. Heck (you
us who are residents: the dwindling and course you have a job, but seriously, how many don’t say ‘Hell’ to your mother, you have to be
inevitable decline of meal plan points. times have you said to yourself, “Where did all respectful: “We do not say ‘Hell’ in this house-
This is the time of year where dieting is of the money I made go?” It’s like you went to hold!”), I can loan you 34 cents anytime you
mandatory, because if you don’t conserve your work, you saw your check, and that was it. It want. Don’t worry, I won’t ask for it back. It’s
meal plan points, you will be forced into never seems to stay with you. You’re either fine, it’s OK…you can keep it.” She didn’t find
anorexia. I’ve been in the situation where there buying beer so you can party every chance you that very funny; in fact, she le c t u r e d m e , a n d
were maybe three weeks left in the semester and get or you spend it all on some extravagant pur- told me, “If you think like that, you’re never
I only had about seventeen dollars on my card. chase, such as a PowerBook, when you know that going to have a lot of money.” However, you, the
We all know that there is no way in Hell seven- the Dell laptop you have is good for now (yes, reader, must agree with me: dude, it’s only 34
I’m guilty too). Sometimes you just have a needy
t e e n d o l l a r s c a n l a s t t h r e e w e e k s a t a n y u n i v e r- cents.
sity. Seventeen dollars isn’t even enough to buy girlfriend who demands that you buy her nice I n the end, you’re happy the semester is
a bottle of water every day for three weeks on things all the time to make her feel happy. By over. No more money to worry about, no more
campus. Seventeen dollars is the fee the school t h e w a y , i f you ever find yourself in that situa- studying for tests (I doubt the drug habit will
would charge you for using their online service tion, get out fast. She’s not in love; she wants end, though). No more waking up early in the
that lets you know you have sev- morning to finish some last-
enteen dollars left on your card. minute homework that your
In this case, what do you do? The bitchy teacher decided to assign
rule is simple: anything goes. during the previous class, the
When you’re low on meal assignment you couldn’t do
p o i n t s , y o u a c t u a l l y s t a r t r e a d- because you were working on
ing the flyers around campus – twenty other things for all your
you know, the ones that read, other classes. Think of it, no more
“Come listen to this boring lec- staying up until five or six in the
ture on microbiology of yeast morning, studying and finishing
yadda, yadda…free food!” Or the papers, finally feeling the calm
ones sponsored by the Chabad or r e l i e f o f c o m p l e t e n e s s , t h e n d i s-
Hillel houses that usually offer covering two seconds later that
some sort of edible reward for tiny assignment you forgot to do…
attending an event. Eventu ally, that assignment from Hell your
you may end up going to those teacher so last-minutely assigned
Chabad house events so much at the worst time possible… the
that people will actually think assignment to which you say,
you’re Jewish (not that it’s a bad “Fuck this.”
thing, don’t fret). Hell, I even That is exactly how the
knew people who frequently end of the semester feels, knowing
went to Waldbaum’s for several tha t in the spring, you’re coming
hours a day, eating as many free SHE JUST READ THE LATEST COMIC UPDATE, “GIMME YO CASH B!” back to do it all over again.
s a m p l e s a s p o s s i b l e i n o r d e r t o Courtesy of Mo Ibrahim’s Antics
have at least a hint of what food Thought Bytes
tastes like. You’re probably thinking, “What? - If you happen to be an RA and
No, you’re exaggerating.” I kid you not my what you can give her. Oh yeah, buddy, it’s you take pleasure out of looking for things you
friend: they go to Waldbaum’s, and, like vul- true: she’s having an affair with good ol’ can use to write-up people, then screw you to
t u r e s , e y e a n y f r e e m o r s e l o f f e r e d t h a t d a y , t h e n Benjamin and all of his clones with the cash that Hell. We don’t need the likes of you here: we
take as many as they can over and over again. I you’ve earned by slaving at some minimum-wage need RA’s that aren’t concerned with our party-
know that’s sad – I had to share a suite with one. job that makes you want to bring a gun in and ing habits and don’t mind walking into a room
I’ve also seen people go into other people’s shoot everybody. That’s right, the job where you among microwave ovens, a bonfire and three
fridges and steal food right before my very eyes, are out there working your ASS off trying t o kegs clearly labeled “Bud.”
all due to the driving force of starvation. If your s c r a p e a f e w p e n n i e s t o g e t h e r a s y o u r b o s s s i t s
fridge has a lock, I advise you to use it, at least i n h i s p l u s h o f f i c e p l a y i n g w i t h t h e p a p e r- -Here’s an event I’d rather not experience:
towards the end of the semester. weights on his desk. Oh, but they’re lovely walking in on your roommate …who is naked,
Even if you don’t live on campus, even if p a p e r w e i ght s , o nes w hi ch hi s bud di es g ot h im watching porn, and, yes…jerking it.
you don’t have a meal plan, the end-of-semester as “congratulations” gifts for making it up the
famine will get you in one way or another. c o r p o r a t e l a d d e r t o t h e p o i n t w h e r e h e h a s t i m e -No matter how cold it is outside – it could be
You’ll find yourself regretting the purchase of to sit and play with the lovely paperweights. twenty degrees below zero – if you’re thirsty,
t h a t $1 , 5 0 0 s t a t u e o f H e n d r i x f o r y o u r r o o m . Look at that bobble head go! Or maybe you were you demand cold water, none of that lukewarm
Sure, it’s cool now, but towards the end of the t r y i n g t o s u p p o r t y o u r d r u g h a b i t . T h a t ’ s a v e r y stuff. You demand ice in your glass.
semester when you find yourself looking for expensive pastime, you know. You know you
pennies under your bed so you can buy a cook- have a drug habit when you have a hard time -Are your friends on Facebook really your
ie from the school’s bak e sale for sick children, deciding on whether to buy food or drugs: “Well friends? Or are a lot of them acquaintances that
I doubt the statue will do much for you. Maybe I know I’m hungry and haven’t eaten in two days, you met through a friend’s sister’s friend?

Not Sports Page 29

The Internet Is Rotting My Brain!
By Joe Safdia
According to one song in the Broadway for a viral infection in my laptop, praises him as all, in that game you can use machine guns,
p l a y , A v e n u e Q, t h e I n t e r n e t i s f o r p o r n . W h i l e if he were the next messiah, “fighting the good tanks and even Harrier jets. So, of course, any-
many people “grab their dick and double click” fight” for the hearts and minds of our children. one who plays it will be able to use military
for porn, there are also a good number of others Bullshit. technology with the proficiency of those who’ve
w h o s e e c y b e r s m u t a s v i l e , d i s g u s t i n g a n d p r e t- I’ve already written about how he went had years of training. And apparently, the
ty much the worst the Internet has to offer. back on his word to donate $10,000 to a chil- soon-to-be-released game B u l l y (in which you
Well, I have news for these pseudo-Puritans. d r e n ’ s c h arity, but now you, loyal readers, can take over your school with weapons and tactics
I’ve seen worse on the Net. Much worse. sit back and enjoy more examples of gushy, such as slingshots, “swirlies” and your bare
Much, much worse. a n t i - g a m i n g p r o p a g a n d a q u o t e s , c o u r- fists) is a “Columbine simulator”. Gee, I didn’t
You wouldn’t believe how mind- tesy of Thompson’s religious know Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were mur-
bogglingly stupid some of the web- C h r i s t i a n f r i e n d s , i n c l u d- dering their classmates with weapons used by
sites I’ve found on the Internet are, ing a Jesus quote Dennis the Menace and Bart Simpson. Could
nor would you believe how taken entirely out that mean that The Simpsons television program
mind-bogglingly retarded of context. is just a series of training videos for would-be
their creators are. I’m not and killers?
talking about bestiality J a c k Again, that website is called
p o r n o r s c a t s i t e s o r a n y- T h o m p s o n, and if you want to contact Jack
thing else that would make want “you to Thompson and tell him what a moron he is, his
you cry tears of blood, I’m get up out of p h o n e n u m b e r i s ( 3 0 5 ) 6 6 6 - 4 3 6 6 ( I f i n d i t f i t-
talking about websites your chair ting that “666” is in his number).
that were put up for a because you’re Unfortunately there is no email address. Just
purpose, to make some as mad as Hell beware, he may threaten to sue your ass if you
sort of difference in about the video disagree with him on anything. Ever.
our world, but were game industry’s Another website that should be wiped
made by people lacking assault on our o u t b y N o r t o n A n t i - V i r u s i s c i t i z e n s a g a i n s t-
a minimum IQ and/or any children and Its creator, Michael Crook, who
basic moral values—you would lit- you’re not going also ran the now defunct
erally think that these are joke sites. t o t a k e i t a n y- and, seems to have a major
That’s what I thought about each more.” They warn vendetta against our men and women in uniform.
one. Without further ado, here is that the video game Crock—I mean Crook, actually celebrates the
a v e r y s h o r t l i s t , a n d d e s c r i p- industry “mentally deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, claiming them all
tion, of some of the worst web- molests minors for money,” to be morons who go to war to abuse taxpayer
sites to ever infect the web, and and that video games like money. He also states, “All of the extra
you will see why the Internet is Grand Theft Auto are “murder simulators”. allowances must be eliminated. Soldiers should
rotting my brain. If video games teach kids how to effec- be made to pay all of their expenses (food, rent,
In the last issue, I wrote about anti- tively and proficiently kill people, then why uniforms, etc.) from base salary, just as it is in
video game Nazi (oops, I meant “activist”) Jack even send the U.S. Marines through boot camp? the real world. The soldiers should be made to
Thompson. What I didn’t cover then was a ter- A p p a r e n t l y , w e c a n j u s t l e t t h e m p l a y Grand pay 100% of the cost of medical insurance, and
rible one-page website called T h e f t A u t o for a few months, and they’ll have all
This little masterpiece, which I first mistook the skills needed to defend our country. After Continued on Next Page

Allez Cuisine
By Vincent Michael Festa
When I found out that world-renowned o t h e r v e g e t a b l e s a n d J a p a n e s e d e l i c a c i e s . dish twice; as always, works of art. Students and
“Iron” Chef Masaharu Morimoto was invited to Joining it was a lobster, cleaned out from the faculty who were lucky enough to be picked
Stony Brook University to demonstrate his leg- i n s i d e . T h a t d i s h w a s a p u r e e x a m p l e o f enjoyed the fish and lobster f o r m a t i o n w i t h
endary cooking skills, I couldn’t believe it. Morimoto’s talent of never creating the same square plates, sauces, and chopsticks. Morimoto
It used to be that every also cooked rice bowls, enjoyed again
Sunday in the living room I’d sit by a lucky few.
down and watch Iron Chef r e l i g i o u s- His translator was there to
ly, always very interested in and help with on-coming questions from
eating Asian cooking culture. The the students. Yes, he is a Yankees
appeal was that two chefs, one invit- fan, gets along with Bobby Flay, and
ed and one chosen, dueled each oth er also travels back an d f o r t h b e t w e e n
in an hour-long cook-off, using a New York and Philadelphia to over-
main ingredient (could be rice, salt, see his restaurant progress. He also
tofu, bell peppers, or l i v e squid) that works with custom knifes ranging in
was the focus of each chef’s dishes. price from $4,000 to $15,000 a
Ingredients were remixed, cut-up piece, a s m a l l step ahead of Ginsu.
live, strewn, boiled, and carefully He wasn’t nervous at all as he
crafted for voiced-over judges to wasn’t televised and in competition.
score the winning chefs and their In fact, M orimoto was in great spir-
dishes. its, laughing, chuckling, and sharing
Chef Morimoto’s cooking jokes with the crowd, always garner-
experience, now seen on Iron Chef ing a laugh.
A m e r i c a, came here November 9t h a t His demonstration came to a
the SAC, when mostly stu dents and close after two and a half hours and
faculty showed up to see Morimoto do had a meet and greet, signing auto-
his work. Above the action of the graphs and happily took pictures
cooking area busy with Morimoto with the students. I was very excited
himself, his sous chefs, student to meet him and it was worth it. He
helpers, and constant scrambling had that same energy and smile all
and cooking was a huge projection along and was very kind and gra-
screen showing his meticulous hands cious. Hell’s Kitchen star chef
at work. Gordon Ramsay he isn’t!
He sliced, he diced – he slit In the end, Morimoto’s
open a fish, inverted it, staked it arrival was well-received by all.
t h r o u g h i t s h e a d a n d t a i l i n c r e s c e n t ME AND MORIMOTO, HE’S GOT FAST HANDS, Clearly he was the w i n n e r t h a t d a y .
moon fashion, and decorated it with Courtesy of Vincent Michael Festa

Page 30 Fear
The Internet Is Rotting My Brain! (cont’d)
By Joe Safdia
Continued from Prior Page tions regarding all the problems faced by is harmless but is rejected by the Roman
A m e r i c a n society today. Unfortunately, every Catholic Church is regarded as a sin and not
co-pays should be doubled from their current
single one of them was figured ou t using the something God wants in this world. Meanwhile,
rate.” Mmm-hmm, food and uniforms are extra
B i b l e , t h e r e b y d e s t r o y i n g a n y s h r e d o f c r e d i- war is justified by the website. Gender dis-
allowances now, are they Criminal—I mean
bility the site could have had. It’s an example crimination is endorsed, as Miller writes that,
Crook? These people work in the most high-risk
o f t r a d i t i onal Christian dogma where everything “A necessary ingredient for a compatible union,
workplace of all, the battlefield, and we should-
and anything is a sin. I swear, the only way to in spite of the abuses that occu r wh en men ar e
n’t even give them food?
go through a day without sinning is to not get up wrongly taught about their headship, is that
This guy is as much of a prick as
in the morning, and I’m sure would women submit to their husbands.” I kid you
President George W. Bush, and it is obvious (at
find a way to argue that that, too, is evil. not, and Miller also writes that one of the most
least to me) that something is wrong with his
According to the site, which would have prominent dangers to modern-day American
mind. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support
been the number one site on the web, had there m a r r i a g e s i s t h e f e m a l e - h e a d e d ho u s e h o l d ( t h i s
Bush’s war against Third World countries in
b e e n c o m puters during the Dark Ages, the Bible last piece of information can be found in her
any way, but it’s not the soldiers who decided to
has something to say about everything. Not just article “Duties of a Christian Wife”, which is
go to Iraq and murder countless civilians. This
about the roles of men and women, or the moral- found on the site). She’s obviously a stranger to
depraved douchebag (and that’s the nicest term
i t y o f p r e - m a r i t a l s e x , o r h o m o s e x u a l i t y , a b o r- the Women’s Rights movement in America that
I can think of to describe him) shifts the blame
tion, euthanasia and masturbation, but even the began in the Seneca Falls Convention over a cen-
of the Iraqi people’s deaths to where it isn’t due.
stock market, Yoga, and Pokémon. Apparently, tury ago. Every problem in America in regards
I don’t advocate murder, but I personally would
Pokémon is a biblical issue that God denounced to our youth seems to stem from the Supreme
feel better about the world around me if Cock—
in the Bible. The site continuously demonizes Court’s decision to remove prayer from our pub-
damnit I meant Crook, were to die in a head-on
o t h e r n o n -Christian religions. For example, one lic schools. Why do school shootings occur?
car collision with Charlie Rangel, the New York
of the dangers of the “Pokémon fascination” is Lack of prayer in public schools, that’s why (as
Democrat who proposed a draft for the current
that “children are subtly being indoctrinated a corollary, rebellious children are a sign of the
Iraq War in 2003.
into the theory of evolution and mysticism of Apocalypse).
Again, that computer virus, I mean web-
the eastern religions.” Now, I used to watch That’s only some of the medieval reli-
site, is You can go
Pokémon religiously in junior high school, and I gious propaganda you will find at
to the site to send him a scathing email, call his
must say that Pokémon evolution has nothing to There is just so much that I can’t even touch on
number at (315) 295-2602, or visit him at his
do with Darwinian evolution. Besides, we would everything. Be sure to log onto the website and
home in Syracuse, NY. The address is 420
just hate to have our children learn any other send them a polite email requesting that they
Berwick Road South. Tell him to stop advocating
viewpoint that’s not Christian and creationist. j o i n u s i n t h e w o n d e r f u l w o r l d t h a t i s t he 2 1 s t
and celebrating murder! And while you’re at it,
Tolerance towards other cultures is obviously century, or if you are pressed fo r t i m e , y o u c a n
if anyone wants to do me a personal favor and
not something we want to teach our children. pray to God to smite this site.
send a very nasty letter to Charlie Rangel
Betty Miller actually writes, “Pokémon This is only a very short l i s t o f t h e w o r s t
t e l l i n g h i m t h a t h e s h o u l d b e j a i l e d f o r a t t e m p t-
is short for “Pocket Monsters”. When I was of the World Wide Web. There are obviously
ed murder for introducing a bill that would
growing up, we were taught monsters were evil, many more sites out there that try to push some
bind men and women ages 18-26 into state slav-
not something to play with. When I was a little sort of wacky belief or value upon Internet
ery, I would be very gracious. The phone num-
girl, the “boogie m a n ” o r m o n s t e r s c a u s e d u s surfers (I’m waiting for the day a Neo-Nazi web-
ber for his office in New York is (212) 663-
fear and we did not want to be around them.” site finds me). Apparently, pornography is one
3900 and the address is 163 W.125th Street
Yeah, like that’s not a system of thought that’s of the classier genres of websites on the Net
#737, ?New York, NY 10027.
not going to transfer over to how we view people today, which shows the sorry state humanity is
The next website is brought to you from
o f o t h er religions and nationalities, for exam- in. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to return
the Lord Almighty himself, which explains why
ple, Muslims and Arabs in a post-9/11 world. to downloading tasteful video clips off of
my atheist brain feels like it’s going to force its
That’s only the tip of the iceberg in (not actually
way out of my skull., brought to you
regards to this unholy website. Everything that a real website…I hope).
by Bud and Betty Miller, has answers and solu-

& Loathing Page 31
death egg zone

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