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Submitted i t!e "#$ti#% &u%&i%met &'$ t!e
#(#$d '& de)$ee '&
M#*te$ '& Bu*ie** Admii*t$#ti' +MBA,
Submitted b12 Submitted T'2
A3#1 4$5 "#% M$5 A3eet Kum#$ T!#4u$
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AKS M##)emet C'%%e)e
De;$#i K#%#< B#4*!i04#0T#%#b< Lu=4'(5
+A&&i%i#ted t' G#ut#m Budd! Te=!i=#% Ui;e$*it1 Lu=4'(
C'%%e)e ='de0678,
-Cover Page
-Certifcate of the College (Along with Signature of the Guide for
-Acknowledgement (with signature of the student)
-Tale of content! (Along with page number)
Cha"ter # $ %ntrod&ction
Industry profle
About the research topic
Objectives of the research
Cha"ter # ' (iterat&re Review )Com"an* "rofle+
he bac!ground
he promoters
Its product line
"ar!eting strategies
"ajor problems
$uture prospects
S%O Analysis
Cha"ter # , Re!earch Methodolog*
&esearch Objective
&esearch 'esign
Sampling (lan
Sampling echni)ues
Sample *nit + Area
&esearch Instruments
Cha"ter # , -ata Anal*!i! . Finding
Cha"ter # / Recommendation . !&gge!tion
Cha"ter # 0 (imitation! of Re!earch
Cha"ter # 1 Concl&!ion!
- 2iliogra"h*
- Anne3&re (ables if any, secondary data tables + information and

%4TRO-5CT%O4 TO THE %4-5STR6
Idi# Ret#i% Idu*t$1
The Indian retail industry is the fifth largest in the world. Comprising of organized
and unorganized sectors, India retail industry is one of the fastest growing industries
in India, especially over the last few years. Though initially, the retail industry in India
was mostly unorganized, however with the change of tastes and preferences of the
consumers, the industry is getting more popular these days and getting organized as
well. With growing market demand, the industry is expected to grow at a pace of 2!
"#$ annually. The India retail industry is expected to grow from %s. ",### crore in
2##&!# to %s. '#(,### crore )y the year 2#'#.
G$'(t! '& Idi# Ret#i%
*ccording to the +th *nnual ,lo)al %etail -evelopment Index .,%-I/ of *T
0earney, India retail industry is the most promising emerging market for investment.
In 2##1, the retail trade in India had a share of +!'#$ in the ,-2 .,ross -omestic
2roduct/ of the country. In 2##(, it rose to '2$. It is also expected to reach 22$ )y
*ccording to a report )y 3orth)ride Capita, the India retail industry is expected to
grow to 456 1## )illion )y 2#'#. 7y the same time, the organized sector will )e 2#$
of the total market share. It can )e mentioned here that, the share of organized sector
in 2##1 was 1.$ of the total retail market.
M#3'$ Ret#i%e$* i Idi#
2antaloon is one of the )iggest retailers in India with more than &# stores across the
country. 8ead9uartered in :um)ai, it has more than million s9. ft retail space
located across the country. It;s growing at an envia)le pace and is expected to reach "#
million s9. ft )y the year 2#'#. In 2##', 2antaloon launched country;s first
hypermarket <7ig 7azaar=. It has the following retail segments>
?ood @ ,rocery> 7ig 7azaar, ?ood 7azaar
8ome 5olutions> 8ometown, ?urniture 7azaar, Collection!i
Consumer Alectronics> e!zone
5hoes> 5hoe ?actory
7ooks, :usic @ ,ifts> -epot
8ealth @ 7eauty Care> 5tar, 5itara
A!tailing> ?uture)
Antertainment> 7owling Co.
T#t# G$'u"
Tata group is another maBor player in Indian retail industry with its su)sidiary Trent,
which operates Westside and 5tar India 7azaar. Asta)lished in '((+, it also ac9uired
the largest )ook and music retailer in India <Candmark= in 2##. Trent owns over &
lakh s9. ft retail space across the country.
RPG G$'u"
%2, ,roup is one of the earlier entrants in the Indian retail market, when it came into
food @ grocery retailing in '((D with its retail ?ood world stores. Cater it also opened
the pharmacy and )eauty care outlets <8ealth @ ,low=.
%eliance is one of the )iggest players in Indian retail industry. :ore than "##
%eliance ?resh stores and %eliance :art are 9uite popular in the Indian retail market.
It;s expecting its sales to reach %s. (#,### crores )y 2#'#.
A> Bi$%# G$'u"
*E 7irla ,roup has a strong presence in Indian apparel retailing. The )rands like
Couis 2hillipe, *llen 5olly, Ean 8eusen, 2eter Angland are 9uite popular. It;s also
investing in other segments of retail. It will invest %s. +###!(### crores )y 2#'#.
K'ut'* Ret#i% Idi# Ltd5
0outons %etail India Ctd. is the leading retailer of readymade and fashion wear )rand
in the country today. With more than '&## outlets across India, it has a wide range of
apparel designs suited for all segments including corporate, formal and casual
dressings. 0outons aptly creates the conducive environment for a family outing,
making family shopping the )est experience at an afforda)le price ! all at one place.
0outons was )orn in '((' as Charlie Creations and are now 0outons %etail India Ctd.
0outons started primarily as a denim )rand )ut are today manufacturing and selling
complete men, women and kids wardro)e under the )rand name 0outons, Ces ?emme
and 0outons Funior respectively. *nother )rand from the sta)le of 0outons is Charlie
Gutlaw, which caters to the teens of the country with apparels including Beans, T!
shirts, Backets etc. 0outons 7rand is catering to the 4pper @ 4pper :iddle Class of
5ociety with a vast target age group )etween '+!D# years.
Ret#i% &'$m#t* i Idi#
8ypermartsHsupermarkets> large self!servicing outlets offering products from a variety
of categories.
:om!and!pop stores> they are family owned )usiness catering to small
sectionsI they are individually handled retail outlets and have a personal touch.
-epartmental stores> are general retail merchandisers offering 9uality products
and services.
Convenience stores> are located in residential areas with slightly higher prices
goods due to the convenience offered.
5hopping malls> the )iggest form of retail in India, malls offers customers a
mix of all types of products and services including entertainment and food
under a single roof.
A!trailers> are retailers providing online )uying and selling of products and
-iscount stores> these are factory outlets that give discount on the :%2.
Eending> it is a relatively new entry, in the retail sector. 8ere )everages,
snacks and other small items can )e )ought via vending machine.
Category killers> small specialty stores that offer a variety of categories. They
are known as category killers as they focus on specific categories, such as
electronics and sporting goods. This is also known as :ulti 7rand Gutlets or
5pecialty stores> are retail chains dealing in specific categories and provide
deep assortment. :um)ai;s Crossword 7ook 5tore and %2,;s :usic World
are a couple of examples.
C!#%%e)e* &#=i) Idi# $et#i% idu*t$1
The tax structure in India favors small retail )usiness
Cack of ade9uate infrastructure facilities
8igh cost of real estate
-issimilarity in consumer groups
%estrictions in ?oreign -irect Investment
5hortage of retail study options
5hortage of trained manpower
Cow retail management skill
T!e Futu$e
The retail industry in India is currently growing at a great pace and is expected to go
up to 456 +"" )illion )y the year 2#'". It is further expected to reach 456 '." trillion
)y the year 2#'+ at a C*,% of '#$. *s the country has got a high growth rates, the
consumer spending has also gone up and is also expected to go up further in the
future. In the last four year, the consumer spending in India clim)ed up to 1$. *s a
result, the India retail industry is expected to grow further in the future days. 7y the
year 2#'", the organized sector is also expected to grow at a C*,% of &#$.
The retail industry is one of the fastest growing industry in the world and so as well in
India, the tremendous rate of growth and attractive outlook has resulted in large
num)er of players in Indian market as well, although Indian retail market is still at
nascent stage and the scope of growth is immense it is yet aprotected market as
govt.of indian has strict guidelines and a num)er of restrictions for foreign and
multinational giants in retail who are yet to enter into market in full swing, the
situation is dynamic and it is going through a constant change as the govt. is
li)eralizing the stringent norms year after another, the indian retail industry is
expected to see a sea change the govt. would allow '##$ foreign direct investment in
retail sector, the market will turn more comptitive and -arwin=s Jsurvival of the
fittestK theory will hold good in a market which is alreadycompetitive enough.
The study was carried out for %eliance Industries Ctd, Faipur.The focus of the proBect
is on the %etail )usiness of %IC which is )etter known as J%eliance ?reshK. %eliance
?resh is one of the largest retail chains in Baipur having 2D stores well dispersed across
the city,still reliance industries retail format i.e. %eliance ?resh is not the leader and it
faces a lot of pro)lem as well, the purpose of the report was to pool in information
a)out all the retail formats operating in the city,draw up their strengths and weakness
and compare it with %elince ?resh.
The first pro)lem was to select the stores which were to )e considered as
competitors,the task was comlicated )ecause of the presence of unorganized retail
stores owned )y private individuals,although the num)er of such stores were huge and
it was )eyond the scope to include all such stores in our study so decided upon few
who had a siza)le consumer )ase and was popular shopping destination of the people
of Baipur, apart from them we included all the players in organized retail format under
the preview of our studies.
5o finally the following names were decided for the *nalysis>
'. 7ig 7azarH?ood 7azaar
2. Aasy -ay
". 8yper City
&. :ore
. 3ational 8andloom Corporation
D. 5ix Ten
1. Eishal :ega :art
The research is more of a exploratory research as we use a lot of secondary data to
compare the different retail formats, the study was carried out with the help of some
primary data as well which helped to find out where competitors lie on a perceptual
The study re9uired to rate different retail formats on different papameters decided
which were indicative of a retail store=s performance on aspects such as>
'.*)out store like location, am)ience, hygiene and parking facility
2.2roduct availa)ility
".2roduct 9ualityHfreshness of vegata)les, staples, processed food, dairy
products and
3on food fast moving consumer goods.
&.2romotion measures
.5taff )ehavior or response
D.7illing facilities
The proBect also tried it=s )est to analyze from a customer point of view the shopping
)enefits he get, for this a hypothetical )ucket of goods was taken into consideration
and the entire )ucket price of different stores were compared.
The study also scrutinizes the promotion measures adopted )y different retail
- 0 Ab'ut t!e $e*e#$=! t'"i=
Retailing is the interface )etween the producer and the individual consumer )uying
for personal consumption. This excludes direct interface )etween the manufacturer
and institutional )uyers such as the government and other )ulk customers.
* retailer is one who stocks the producer=s goods and is involved in the act of selling
it to the individual consumer, at a margin of profit. *s such, retailing is the last link
that connects the individual consumer with the manufacturing and distri)ution chain.
The retail industry in India is of late often )eing hailed as one of the sunrise sectors in
the economy. *T 0earney, the well!known international management consultancy,
recently identified India as the <first most attractive retail destination= glo)ally from
among thirty emergent markets. It has made India the cause of a good deal of
excitement and the cynosure of many foreign and domestic eyes. The entry of foreign
and Indian retail giants like Wal!:art, :etro, %eliance, 7irla, Tata etc. made Indian
market more competitive which is at cut throat level. 5o how retailers can reach to
their end customers, to win the mind share and increase the )asket size of each
shopping trip.India retail industry is the largest industry in India, with an employment
of around +$ and contri)uting to over '#$ of the country;s ,-2. %etail industry in
India is expected to rise 2$ yearly )eing driven )y strong income growth,changing
lifestyles,and favoura)le demographi patterns.
It is expected that )y 2#'D modern retail industry in India will )e worth 456 '1! 2##
)illion. India retail industry is one of the fastest growing industries with revenue
expected in 2##1 to amount 456 "2# )illion and is increasing at a rate of $ yearly.
* further increase of 1!+$ is expected in the industry of retail in India )y growth in
consumerism in ur)an areas, rising incomes, and a steep rise in rural consumption. It
has further )een predicted that the retailing industry in India will amount to 456 2'.
)illion )y 2#'# from the current size of 456 1. )illion.
The growth of scope in the Indian retail market is mainly due to the change in the
consumer=s )ehaviour. ?or the new generation have preference towards luxury
commodities which have )een due to the strong increase in income, changing
lifestyle, and demographic patterns which are favoura)le.
*s the twentieth century has come to and we have moved in to third millennium , we
can see many development and changes taking place around us with all the industries
and firms within each industry trying to keep pace with all the industries and firm
within each industries trying to keep pace with the changes and diverse need of
people . :arketer have regarded JcustomerK as the king and evolved all activities to
satisfy him or her, this concept gaining more momentum and importance today.
The main o)Bective of the proBect is to understand the recruitment and selection of
5ales Axecutive more effectively and efficiently, )ecause 5ales AxecutiveHCustomer
5ervice Axecutive play most important role in )usiness of %etail. :arket in Faipur city
was targeted. Earious areas in city were selected. The data gave knowledge a)out
customer satisfaction, loyalty @ their feel a)out the %etail.
5urvey of the proBect J%ecruitmentK was conducted using 9uestionnaire. The
information a)out various attri)utes @ factors was collected a)out the 5ales
AxecutiveHCustomer 5ervice Axecutive. *ll the data collected, primary data was
filtered @ analyzed, represented in the form of graphs @ charts. 5econdary data was
also used in report such as company profile, on the )asis of analysis of data,
conclusions were drawn. Gn the )asis of findings @ conclusions, suggestions were
%etailing sector of India can )e split into two segments. They are the informal and the
formal retailing sector. The informal retailing sector is comprised of small retailers.
?or this sector, it is very difficult to implement the tax laws. There is widespread tax
evasion. It is also cum)ersome to regulate the la)our laws in this sector. *s far as the
formal retailing sector is concerned, it is comprised of large retailers. 5tringent tax
and la)our laws are implemented in this sector.
If the retail industry is divided on the )asis of retail formats then it can )e split into
the modern format retailers and the traditional format retailers. The modern format
retailers comprise of the supermarkets, 8ypermarkets, -epartmental 5tores, 5pecialty
Chains and company owned and operated retail stores
The traditional format retailers comprise of 0iranas, 0iosks, 5treet :arkets and the
multiple )rand outlets. The retail industry can also )e su)divided into the organized
and the unorganized sector. The organized retail sector occupies a)out "$ of the
aggregate retail industry in India.
India=s ,arment Industry is a well!organized, and is among the )est in the world. It
constitutes of designers, manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, stockiest, and
wholesalers. Indian ,arment Industry has carved out a niche in the glo)al markets and
earned a reputation for its dura)ility, 9uality and )eauty. Today=s changing consumer
preferences L )uying )randed apparel and fashion accessories, maBor )oom in retail
industry, people shopping at department and discount stores, shopping malls, with
rising disposa)le incomes, government policy focused on fast!track textile export
growth, and am)itious goals have created several investment opportunities in India. .
?rom all over the world the %etailers also increasingly come to India attracted )y low
production costs. The large )rands are>
2antaloon %etail India Ctd
5hopper=s 5top
Tata L Trent
,lo)us stores 2vt Ctd
2irmayd %etail Ctd
*rvind 7rands Ctd
2rovogue India Ctd
The %aymond ,roup
:adura ,arment
%eliance %etial Ctd
Wills lifestyle
:urBani ,roup
Candmark ,roup
,okalda ,roup
To find out factor affecting purchasing )ehavior of the customer of )randed
garments in Cucknow.
* comparative study of different )rand garments with 0outons in Cucknow
Impact of )randing on consumer )uying )ehavior of koutons and other )rand
in Cucknow market.
*nalysis of consumer preference for )randed and non!)randed garments.
-emographic survey of )randed garments market in Cucknow.
Citerature survey is the documentation of a comprehensive review of
the pu)lished and unpu)lished work from secondary sources data in
the areas of specific interest to the researcher. The li)rary is a rich
storage )ase for secondary data and we used to spend many days
and going through )ooks, Bournals, newspapers, magazines,
conference proceedings, doctoral dissertations, master=s theses,
government pu)lications and financial reports to find information on
their research topic. With computerized data)ases now readily
availa)le and accessi)le the literature search is much speedier and
easier and can )e done without entering the portals of a li)rary
)uilding. We had used internet to a great extent in finding out
different research topics related to the topic.
We started the literature survey even as the information from the
unstructured and structured 9uestionnaire is )eing gathered.
%eviewing the literature on the topic area at this time helped us to
focus further more meaningfully on certain aspects found to )e
important is the pu)lished studies even if these had not surfaced
during the earlier 9uestioning. 5o the literature survey is important
for gathering the secondary data for the research which might )e
proved very helpful in the research.
2ast studies have investigated the relationships )etween actual price
and 9uality. 2rice and )rand name have )een shown to have a
moderately significant effect on )uyers; perceptions of 9uality while
store name had minimal effect .%ao, 5eptem)er, '(++/.The
adaptation!level for Budging the price of an item is called the internal
reference price and can )e considered the average market price, or a
range of average prices for a product class. *daptation!level theory
predicts that the price discount .and the advertised reference price in
the price promotion or comparative price advertisements/ shifts
consumers; internal reference prices. The results of many research
also showed that the negative effects of price discounts may)e
counter!)alanced )y the positive effects of )rand name and a )rand;s
perceived 9uality. This may suggest that the adverse effects of price
discounting on consumer evaluation found )y other researchers may
not hold for high 9uality products, at least in the short term.
8owever, many researchers )elieve that carefully managed price
discounts will positively influence perceived value without any
adverse effect on )rand;s perceived 9uality, thus ena)ling retailers
and manufacturers to successfully deliver high value.
The price parameter influences directly and strongly profit margin as
well as market share. It has )een shown that modifying the price )y
'$ results in the change of at least '#$ in everyday consumption
.*lexandre -olgui, ?e) 2#'#/. In luxury industry, high price is more
of a selling point than draw)ack. The success of a low price strategy
depends on the num)er of clients attracted )y the product since the
low margin should )e compensated )y a higher num)er of items
sold .Consumers generally hold positive attitudes and purchase
intentions toward these )rands and only consider these )rands when
making a purchase decision. Whereas, the hold set includes the
)rands which consumers do not consider when making a purchase
decision )ut still hold either a negative, neutral or positive attitude
or purchase intention towards these )rands. The 9uestion in the
marketers; interest is whether the discounts can influence consumers;
attitudes and purchase intentions, in turn, move a )rand from the
hold set to the consideration setM.0 ?raccastoro, '(("/ suggest that
price discounts may work )y enhancing customers; perceptions of
savings and value, and )y improving attitudes towards the )rand
relative to competitors; )rands. *lthough price discounts are
efficient in terms of influencing consumers; attitudes and purchase
intentions, they are very costly and may have detrimental effects,
such as reducing consumers; reference prices and reducing company
profita)ility .5ometimes, consumers may )e fond of certain
characteristics of the )rand, such as its 9uality, )ut may )e less fond
of other characteristics, such as its price )eing outside of their
purchasing range. *pplying a price discount offers a solution to this
pro)lem, )y allowing the )rand to )e more availa)le to a )roader
consumer )ase. This moves the )rand from the hold set to the
consideration set. 2rice discounts remove financial )arriers, which
may prevent consumers from purchasing a certain product )ased on
pecuniary factors, and allow them to make a purchase )ased on
9uality and other services .Teng, 2##(/. The )rand;s movement from
the hold set to the consideration set also indicates that consumers are
price sensitive. In spite of the fact that price discounts increase
consumers; motivation to purchase a )rand, marketers must improve
the 9uality of their offering while promoting their )rand .Teng ,
2##(/.There are studies that indicate that @9uot aIthe influence of
price discounts on a )rand;s perceived 9uality was minimal @9uotaI
.-hruv ,rewal, '((+/, whereas it is cited in some literature that
@Nuot aI customers )elieve that high price is often associated with
high 9uality @9uotaI .Chetan 7aBaB, 2##/. 8ence it cannot )e stated
with accuracy depending on the availa)le literature whether
consumers do or do not associate price discounts with low 9uality
products. Three important components that appear to )e a key to
store patronage decisions are the retailer;s store image, 9uality of the
merchandise sold and priceHpromotions. Consumers use certain cues
as signals for these componentsI store name, )rand name and price
discounts. Clearly, store image is an important input in the consumer
decision!making process as it encompasses characteristics such as
the physical environment of the store, service levels, and
merchandise 9uality .7aker, '((&/. 2rice and special promotions
have )een used to attract consumers to a retail store .i.e., providing
greater value via the discount/ and generate an increased level of
store traffic. *dditionally, while price discounting may generate
traffic in a retail store, such discounting may have negative effects
on the )rand;s 9uality and internal reference prices. 2rice
discounting may even hurt a store;s overall image. The need to
simultaneously examine the effects of store name, )rand name, and
discount is supported )y congruity theory. Congruity theory states
that consumers try to )ring disparate information together and make
sense of it .-hruv ,rewal, '((+/. :anufacturing, distri)ution and
marketing issues that ena)le a more ro)ust analysis of the sector are
investigated. * review of )usiness models used )y companies in the
fashion industry is conducted to gain insights into the way that
fashion firms manage demand. *n extensive review of the literature
reveals that the fashion industry is market orientated and
characterised )y short life cycle products and low demand
predicta)ility. Cead time reduction ena)les the development of
flexi)le manufacturing and logistics systems. 5hort lead times
ena)le reduction of forecast errors and improvement of supply chain
responsiveness towards volatile market conditions. The main supply
chain solutions in the fashion industry are )ased on 9uick response,
fast fashion, agile, lean and leagile concepts. 4se of information
technology, automated manufacturing systems, production and
distri)ution planning )ased on real!time demand and transparency of
information across the whole supply chain are some of the primary
characteristics of the fashion supply chains. In.. The purpose of this
study is to examine the relationship )etween the variance of two
)rand images and dimensions of )rand e9uity after , especially
when the ac9uirer!dominant is affiliated to a weak )rand image and
the ac9uired one has a stronger )rand image. In total, &#( responses
were collected through random sampling from an internet survey
platform in Taiwan .weak image differences were gathered from 2#(
respondents and strong image differences were gathered from 2##
respondents/. This study uses an experimental design to discuss how
the variance of two )rand images .this study uses two kinds of
:@*> a company with an inferior )rand image ac9uires one with a
superior or average )rand image/ affects the ac9uirer;s )rand e9uity
.perceived 9uality, )rand association, and )rand loyalty/. This study
also examines how )rand e9uity of an ac9uired )rand changes after .
%esults from the :*3GE* and paired!sample t!test methods show
that the greater the perceived differences )etween ac9uirers and
ac9uired )rands, the more the )rand e9uity of the ac9uirer will
increase5In addition, all the dimensions of )rand e9uity for the )rand
with a superior image decrease significantly. ?ew studies have
evaluated the )rand image effect of an :@* from a marketing
perspective. The contri)ution is to help managers understand
whether the ac9uirer should preserve the o)tained )rand and focus
on increasing )rand e9uity of the ac9 Counterfeiting has )ecome a
significant economic phenomenon. Increased demand for counterfeit
)randed products .C72s/ makes the study of determinants of
consumers C72s purchase )ehaviour more worthwhile than ever
)efore. Axisting studies have largely neglected )rand influence on
consumer purchase )ehaviour of C72s. This research seeks to
examine the impact of perceived )rand image, direct and indirect
effects .mediator and moderator effects/ of product involvement and
product knowledge on consumer purchase intention of counterfeits
in the context of non!deceptive counterfeiting. The current study
tests the conceptual model and hypotheses developed )ased on the
existing literature. ?our focus groups .ranging from six to eight
participants in each group/ are used to construct the research
instrument. The conceptual model and hypothesis are tested using
hierarchical regression analyses with survey data This research is
the first in the literature on counterfeits to esta)lish that perceived
)rand personality plays a more dominant role in explaining
consumers; purchase intention of C72 than other influential factors
.e.g. )enefit and product attri)ute/. InvolvementHknowledge has no
significant influence on counterfeit purchase intention. Avidence of
involvement as a moderator does not exist. 7rand image is not a
mediator of the effects of involvementHknowledge on purchase
intention.India has approximately "#,### readymade garment
manufacturing units and around three million people are working in
the industry. * gamut of attires and outfits are created )y these
apparel and fashion manufacturers India which are later on
circulated and sold in different corners of the country )y apparel and
fashion distri)utors in India. There has )een significant increase in
customer spending in this segment, reflecting the changing
consumer )ehavior. 2er capita ,-2 spending on apparel increased
to .+$ in 2##D from &.($ in 2##".Indian *pparel Industry
constitutes )oth )randed and un)randed garments. 7randed ready to
wear clothing presently have a 2&$ share in the garment market in
India, while un)randed market have around #$ market share. The
remaining is catered )y tailor made garments.*lso of the total
market size &D$ )elongs to men=s, "1$ to women=s and remaining
'1$ to children=s apparel.
The men=s apparel industry is expected to increase at a C*,% of
'&.+D $ during the period from 2##+!2#'#.5egment wise men=s
apparel Industry classification includes> ?ormal wear, casual wear,
night wear woolens and others.The maBor players in )randed men=s
apparel includes :adura ,arments, 2rovogue India Ctd., %aymond
*pparel Ctd., 2antaloon %etail .India/ Ctd., Cevi 5trauss @ Co. etc
The )randed apparel Industry for men is increasing at a C*,% of
2&$ and is expected to cross 2### crore )y 2#'# as per a research
)y Bust style. In 2##1, men=s apparel industry was mainly dominated
)y shirts .in value terms/ accounting for "D.$ of total men=s
)7o&ton! Retail %ndia (td9+
0outons %etail India Ctd. is the leading retailer of readymade and fashion
wear )rand in the country today. With more than '&## outlets across
India, it has a wide range of apparel designs suited for all segments
including corporate, formal and casual dressings. 0outons aptly creates
the conducive environment for a family outing, making family shopping
the )est experience at an afforda)le price ! all at one place.
0outons was )orn in '((' as Charlie Creations and are now 0outons
%etail India Ctd. 0outons started primarily as a denim )rand )ut are today
manufacturing and selling complete men, women and kids wardro)e
under the )rand name 0outons, Ces ?emme and 0outons Funior
respectively. *nother )rand from the sta)le of 0outons is Charlie Gutlaw,
which caters to the teens of the country with apparels including Beans, T!
shirts, Backets etc. 0outons 7rand is catering to the 4pper @ 4pper
:iddle Class of 5ociety with a vast target age group )etween '+!D#
OEalue for :oney and 8igh on ?ashionO )eing their 452, 0outons has
given the )rand an extension delving into specific consumer segments.
The garments are made keeping in view the overall need of the niche The garments are made keeping in view the overall need of the niche
market and the )asicHfashion demand of the Indian masses. Gur product market and the )asicHfashion demand of the Indian masses. Gur product
range also caters to the tastes of all segments. Gur 7rand is placed as the range also caters to the tastes of all segments. Gur 7rand is placed as the
most dynamic )rand of India. most dynamic )rand of India.
M##)emet M##)emet
M$5 D5P5S K'!%i, Chairman, 0outons %etail is one of the founding pillar
of 0outons. 8e heads :arketing, ?inance, Information Technology,
*dministration and 8uman %esource.
:r. 0ohli had a vision of providing fashion at an afforda)le price. This
vision has taken 0outons from a relatively small )eginning to a dominant
player in the menswear )randed garments. 8e is a remarka)le leader who
can visualize an opportunity and implement it efficiently which has
resulted in the success of the )rand.
2rior to the )irth of 0outons, :r. 0ohli was involved with the family
)usiness of retailing )icycles, electrical and electronic goods in Grissa. In
'(+2 he shifted to the electronics industry and started manufacturing his
own television under the )rand name O*polloO. 8e lost everything in 5ikh
riots in '(+&, )ut he never gave up and later on teamed up with his
)rother in law :r. 7.5 5awhney and launched Charlie Creations. The
focus was on providing fashion and 9uality at an afforda)le price.
In '((1, :r. 0ohli launched 0outons with a focus on complete mens=
wardro)e. 4nderstanding the consumer )ehaviour, he decided to create
his own )rand outlets. 8e desgined a franchisee model that turns small
)usiness men into entrepreneurs. 8e realized the potential of the domestic
market and worked hard for a win!win relation )etween the company and
his franchisees.
:r. -25 0ohli graduated in '(+# as a :echanical Angineer with a
7.Tech. -egree from 5am)alpur 4niversity in Grissa.
8e has )een honoured with num)er of recognitions.

8e was awarded the title of OUDYOG >IBHUSHAN for

Axcellence in Industrial 2erformanceO )y the Institute of Trade and
Industrial -evelopment.

8e was awarded the title of OEt$e"$eue$ '& t!e Ye#$O )y the

Institute of Trade and Industrial -evelopment in 2##".

8e has )een awarded the title of O-..8 T'" M#$4eti) M#

A(#$dO )y I::, -elhi.

8e was also awarded the title of OM'*t Admi$ed F#*!i' F#=eO at

Images Cycra ?ashion *wards #+ :um)ai.
:r. 0ohli is a man of thinking considers himself a servant of ,od. 8e
)elieves that ,od has made him in charge of a )usiness which he has to
run to the )est of his a)ility. In return, he has given him a good life and a
good family. 8e has also given him the opportunity to help others, which
he will continue doing to the )est of his a)ility.
B5S5 S#(!e1
.:anaging -irector/
The other founding promoter of the company, he looks after 5ampling,
:erchandsing, 5ourcing and 5ales. 8e is instrumental in company;s
G5S5 S#(!e1
.-eputy :anaging -irector/
The youngest of the company, he looks after the
Warehouse,Cogistics,2roduction and 2ersonnel. 8e is instrumental in
making the growth of the company possi)le.
Mi**i' Ad >i*i' Mi**i' Ad >i*i'
>i*i' >i*i'

To emerge as the most profita)le retailer in India )y )eing the most


To provide contemporary fashion at afforda)le prices.

To cut away all areas of distri)ution and value chain that do not
)enefit the consumer.

We aim to lead through innovation @ improve through

introspection to serve our customers and stakeholders e9ually and
)ecome an efficient and low cost operator with a commitment to

We aim to )e world leader yet remain firmly rooted to our local


?ashion @ Nuality P *fforda)le 2rices

%espect for the customers views

4se our vast experience and insights for improved products.

5tay a)reast with international developments

*chieve volume and sale to )e glo)ally competitive.

,rowth through leadership.


0outons received the *ward of AEme$)i) C'$"'$#teA at the

Corp Axcel *ward 2##+ for 3ational m5:A Axcellence on "#th
-ec, 2##(, organized )y Corporation 7ank.

0outons received AT!e >#%ue Ret#i%e$ '& t!e Ye#$A *ward of 5tar
%etailer on 21th 3ovem)er, 2##( organized )y ?ranchise India.

0outons received the ABe*t C%'t!i) C'm"#1 '& t!e Ye#$A of

C:*IMs *pex *wards on 2'st -ecem)er, 2##(.

0outons was also nominated for the O7est *dvertising Campaign

of the QearO and AB$#d '& t!e Ye#$A for C:*I;s *pex *ward.

:r. -.2.5 0ohli was awarded for ARet#i% EB=e%%e=eA award )y

*sia %etail Congress in Fanuary, 2##(

:r. -.2.5. 0ohli, Chairman, 0outons %etail India Ctd. was

awarded the title of J:ost *dmired ?ashion ?aceK at Images
?ashion *wards <#+ :um)ai

0outons %etail India Ctd was award J:ost *dmired ?ashion

,roupK at Images ?ashion *wards =#+ :um)ai.

:r. -25 0ohli was awarded the title of J2##+ Top :arketing :an
*wardK )y I::, -elhi

*warded the J7rand of the Qear Casual .5:A/ > Charlie GutlawK
)y C:*I.

*ward of 7est -isplay at India International ,arment ?air

0outons %etail India Ctd has won the prestigious J7rand of the
Qear :ens Casual Wear .Carge/K *ward at the 3ational *wards for
the excellence in *pparel )usiness organized )y C:*I.

?ranchise *ward for Axcellence in ?ranchising @ 7usiness

-evelopment! %etail.

3ominated for the Clothing Company of the Qear! -omestic )y


3ominated for the 7est *dvertising Campaign of the Qear L %etail

)y C:*I.

0outons was nominated in Textile @ *pparel Category in

Amerging India *wards )y ICICI.

:r. -25 0ohli was awarded the title of J4-QG, EI78458*3

for Axcellence in Industrial 2erformanceK )y the Institute of Trade
and Industrial -evelopment in 2##1.

0outons %etail India Ctd has won the prestigious JChain 5tore of
the QearK *ward at the 3ational *wards for the excellence in
*pparel )usiness organized )y C:*I.

0outons is also credited with another award of J7rand

Antrepreneur of the QearK *ward at the *2AR *W*%-5 2##1
organized )y C:*I.

3ominated for the 7est *dvertising Campaign of the Qear! %etail

)y C:*I

*warded the J:ost -ynamic 7rand of the QearK )y Cycra Images

?ashion *wards

*warded the title of JEalue %etailer of the QearK )y 5tar %etailer!

The Consumer Way.

0outons %etail India Ctd nominated for JChain 5tore of the QearK
*ward at the 3ational *wards for the excellence in *pparel
)usiness organized )y C:*I.

3ominated for the J7rand of the Qear *ward L :en=s Casual Wear
.Carge/ at *pex *ward, )y the Clothing :anufacturers *ssociation
of India ,roupK at Images ?ashion *wards =#+ :um)ai.
-..60 0outons was nominated for the 7rand of the Qear *ward! :en=s
Casual Wear .Carge/ )y the Clothing :anufacturers *ssociation of India.
-..70 :r. -.2.5. 0ohli was awarded the title of JAntrepreneur of the
QearK )y the Institute of Trade and Industrial -evelopment
-...0 The Company received an award for outstanding -omestic 5ales
from Clothing :anufacturers *ssociation of India.
/@@80 The Company received an award for )est display of denim clothing
from C:*I! *shima ,roup.
/@@90 The Company was awarded the title of J7est :enswear .Casual/
CollectionK )y *pparel Axporters and :anufacturers association.
L#dm#$4* L#dm#$4*
The well known apparel house, 0outons %etail India Ctd. has unveiled
their latest collection of menswear. This collection offers a wide range of
formal and informal clothing for men for the age group of '+ years and
a)ove. 0nown for their comfort and dura)ility the )rand has )ecome
synonymous with ;fashion and 9uality; at afforda)le price;. The collection
caters to men which includes the working professionals.
The collection includes the shirts, T!shirts, pull overs, sweat shirts ,denim
and non!denim trousers, cargo and shorts for men in trendy yet formal
shades the collection also offers a variety of fa)rics to choose from. The
)asic formal shirts are availa)le in linen and cotton fa)rics. The range is
also availa)le in )lended fa)rics. The special product range wrinkle
resistant flaunts ten to twelve colors to choose from. 4sing wrinkle!
resistant technology the company has sought to introduce a new )reed of
weaved hundred percent cotton fa)ric and )lended cotton.
The latest collection of 0outons menswear is a range created for today;s
generation of men who wear what they like and firmly )elieve in
themselves. The collection is for those who like to )lend comfort with
K'ut'* Ret#i% %#u=!e* DLe* FemmeD
0outons %etail India Ctd. has unveiled its women wear collection named
OCes ?emmeO. Ces ?emme collection offers a wide range of formal and
casual wear for women. The collection Ces femme caters to young
women in the age group of 'D!"& yrs of age and includes apparels like t!
shirts, party wear, lycra, semi formal shirts, denims, capris , tunics, cargos
denims. The collection makes a fashion statement with 0nits T!5hirt,
shirts for formal and casual attire availa)le in full, half and "H&th sleeves
Ces ?emme offers the new high fashion range which has lot of se9uence
and )edded work done on the apparels. 5atin and lycra are presented in
dazzling colors and reminiscent patterns. The collection makes a fashion
statement in itself at afforda)le prices.
The range is in sync with the changing moods of the youth and working
class, which go in for care free and relaxed lifestyle, Ces ?emme provides
them with comforta)le )ut classy wear. Ces ?emme is a )rand created for
a generation of women who wear what they like and firmly )elieves in
individual personality. *lmost every piece designed and created for ;Ces
?emme; collection depicts timeless creation )lended with sophisticated
simplistic detail.
K'ut'* Ret#i% %#u=!e* K'ut'* ?ui'$ &'$ 4id*
*ll set to redefine the kids wear market in the country, 0outons %etail
India Ctd. has unveiled the 0outons Funior collection exclusively meant
for the fashion conscious kids of 2'st century. The collection offers a
wide range of trendy and playful apparels for kids. 0nown for their
comfort and dura)ility, the )rand has )ecome synonymous with ;fashion
and 9uality at afforda)le prices;. 0outons Funior offers a wide range of
apparels t!shirts, shirts, night wear, capris, cargos, denims, dangris to
denim skirts for )oys and girls in the age group of 2!'yrs.
%ight from providing formals and casual for )oys and girls, 0outons Fr.
offers a youthful and trendy )lend of )right shades and wintery hues
along with playful cuts and patterns for kids. The yarn used in 0outons Fr.
'##$ cotton,'##$ acrylic, lam)s wool )lend. The all new kids range is
made from superior 9uality fa)rics keeping in mind the delicate and
sensitive skin of children so the natural fi)ers used in the apparels are soft
in feel for young kids.
0outons 7esides the normal range of apparels a special range of
accessories is also availa)le which includes )ags, sun glasses, swim
glasses, pencil )oxes, )ottles, caps, )elts ties and many more.
Chapter "> Industry H Company profile
%etailing sector of India can )e split into two segments. They are the
informal and the formal retailing sector. The informal retailing sector is
comprised of small retailers. ?or this sector, it is very difficult to
implement the tax laws. There is widespread tax evasion. It is also
cum)ersome to regulate the la)our laws in this sector. *s far as the formal
retailing sector is concerned, it is comprised of large retailers. 5tringent
tax and la)our laws are implemented in this sector.
If the retail industry is divided on the )asis of retail formats then it can )e
split into the modern format retailers and the traditional format retailers.
The modern format retailers comprise of the supermarkets,
8ypermarkets, -epartmental 5tores, 5pecialty Chains and company
owned and operated retail stores
The traditional format retailers comprise of 0iranas, 0iosks, 5treet
:arkets and the multiple )rand outlets. The retail industry can also )e
su)divided into the organized and the unorganized sector. The organized
retail sector occupies a)out "$ of the aggregate retail industry in India.
SiEe #d ='t$ibuti' '& t!e $et#i% idu*t$1 i Idi#
In terms of value, the Indian %etail industry is worth 6"## )illion. India
retail industry is the largest industry in India, with an employment of
around +$. Its contri)ution to the ,ross -omestic 2roduct is a)out '#$,
the highest compared to all other Indian Industries. The retail sector has
also contri)uted to +$ of the employment of the country. The organized
retail sector is expected to triple its size )y 2#'#. The food and grocery
retail sector is expected to multiply five times in the same time frame.
The maBor reason )ehind the low participation in the Indian retail sector is
the need for lumpy investments that cannot match up their )reak even
points. The government policies are )eing revised from time to time to
attract investments in this sector.
%esearch design is the strategy, the plan, and the structure of conducting a research
proBect. It is the common sense and clear thinking necessary for the management of
the entire research endeavor.
P$im#$1 D#t#
The 2rimary data is collected )y a survey )ased on a 9uestionnaire. It is formulated on
the )asis of information carefully gathered )y me a)out various :indsets of the
people. This 9uestionnaire is mainly formulated to target the Common man to see his
perception and awareness of various financial services Gptions availa)le. The
num)ers of respondents targeted are around '## and the 5urvey was confined to
Cucknow market. -ata are collected without any )ias people are free to give their
view for the services. 2rimary data were collected through a well structured
9uestionnaire designed separately for consumers.
Se='d#$1 D#t#2
The secondary data will )e collected directly from the companies and their we)sites
and internet surveys.
The various sources of collecting data are mentioned here under @ details of which
are given afterwards> !
Cife *dvisor :anual
* sample design is a definite plan for o)taining a sample from a given population. It
refers to the techni9ues or the procedure the researcher would adopt in the 5electing
items for the sample. The sample design may as well )e drawn from the 2opulation to
)e included in the sample i.e. the size of the sample. 5ample design is determined
)efore data are collected. -uring my study I have taken '## consultants as the size of
Sample Size
Since the targeted population were individuals it was not possible to
segregate the population and take the specific sample from it, hence random
sampling was done and then the collected data was regrouped as per
requirements. The data was collected from the random sample of 100 people.
I*t$umet U*ed
Instruments to )e used for the data collection are 9uestionnaire and schedule.
For c&!tomer! #
'/ ?rom where do you purchase your garments usuallyM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' 2antaloon '"
2 Cotton Country 2
" ?ashion 7ig 7azaar 22
& 0outons "#
%eliance %etail '#
2/ Which )rand you prefer mostM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' 2antaloon '"
2 Cotton Country 22
" ?ashion 7ig 7azaar "#
& 0outons 2#
%eliance %etail '

(/. 8ow often you go for shopping of garmentsM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Gn festivalHoccasion "#
2 :onthly 2#
" Nuarterly '
& 3o restriction "

"/ *re you aware of different )rands of garment in CucknowM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Qes &#
2 3o D#
&/ Which of following factor influence your )uyingM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' 2rice "
2 Cook +
" Nuality '
& -esign '#
5tyle '+
D Eariety &
1 7rand 3ame '#
/ Which marketing strategy attracts youM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Aasy availa)ility "#
2 Eariety 2#
" *dvertisement 2#
& Gffers "#
D/ *re you satisfied with the price of the 0outons garmentsM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Qes &
2 3o
1/ Which extra feature do you want in 0outons garments M
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' :ore variety 2+
2 Comfort '+
" Cow price &#
& Gffers '&
'#/ -o you wait for off season sale or other schemes in )randed garmentsM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Qes &#
2 3o D#
''/ Which product you prefer in koutons M
Contents T!5hirts Feans 2arty wear ?ormal Gther
:ale 2# "# '# "
?emale '# 2# " 2# '
0ids &# 2 '# ' '#
+/ *re you )rand consciousM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Qes &#
2 3o D#
'/.*ccording to you which )rand garments are most prefera)le )y customer M
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' 7randed "
2 3on!)randed #
" in 8ouse 7rands '
2/ -o you think, promotion and discount increase sales of garmentsM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Qes D
2 3o "
"/. 8ow often do you give discounts on your store M
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Gnce a month '#
2 Gnce in three month "#
" Gnce in six month &#
& 3o criteria 2#

&/.What is the reason for giving sales and discounts M
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Gver stock +
2 -emand from customer 2
" Induce customer to )uy
more company )rand
& *dvertising and promotion
of company
/ What is the )asis of customer product preferences M
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Colour
2 2rice
" 7rand 3ame
& -esign
D/.What marketing strategies adopted )y companies M
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' ,ood advertisement
2 2romotion
" 5ales @ 5chemes
1/ What is the effect in advertising in the customer preferencesM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Increase in sales
2 :ore customer visit
" ,ood Image formation
+/ -o you feel )ig )rands have more market shareM
5.3o. Topic 2ercentage .$/
' Qes '"
2 3o 2

C'*ume$ bu1i) "$e&e$e=e* '& b$#ded )#$met* i
Lu=4'( (it! *"e=i#% $e&e$e=e t' K'ut'*
Fue*ti'#i$e &'$ C'*ume$
Personal Details:
Address /
(hone .o1 /
Age Group 23/345 34/64 5
64/78 5 78/above
Annual Income group (per annum)
below 9 2:84:444
2/ ?rom where do you purchase your garments usuallyM
a/ 2antaloon )/ Cotton County c/ ?ashion 7ig 7azaar d/
0outons e/ %eliance retail
(/ Which )rand you prefer mostM
a/ 2antaloon )/ Cotton County c/ ?ashion 7ig 7azaar
d/ 0outons e/ %eliance retail
(/. 8ow often you go for shopping of garmentsM
a/ Gn festivalHoccasion c/ :onthly
)/ Nuarterly d/ 3o restriction
'#/ *re you aware of different )rands of garment in CucknowM
a/ Qes )/ 3o
''/ Which of following factor influence your )uyingM
a/ 2rice c/ Nuality
)/ Cook d/ -esign
e/ 5tyle f/ Eariety
g/ 7rand 3ame
'2/ Which marketing strategy attracts youM
a/ Aasy availa)ility c/ Eariety
)/ *dvertisement d/ Gffers
'"/ *re you satisfied with the price of the 0outons garmentsM
a/ Qes )/ 3o
'&/ Which extra feature do you want in 0outons garments M
a/ :ore variety c/ Comfort
)/ Cow price d/ Gffers
'#/ -o you wait for off season sale or other schemes in )randed garmentsM
a/Qes )/ 3o
''/ Which product you prefer in koutons M
Contents T!5hirts Feans 2arty wear ?ormal Gther
'/ *re you )rand consciousM
a/ Qes )/ 3o
Thank You!
C'*ume$ bu1i) "$e&e$e=e* '& b$#ded )#$met* i
Lu=4'( (it! *"e=i#% $e&e$e=e t' K'ut'*Fue*ti'#i$e
&'$ Rt#i%e$*
Address /
(hone .o1 /
'/.*ccording to you which )rand garments are most prefera)le )y customer M
a/ 7randed )/3on!)randed c/In house )rands
2/ -o you think, promotionand discount increase sales of garmentsM
a/Qes )/3o
"/. 8ow often do you give discounts on your store M
a/ Gnce a month )/ Gnce in three month c/Gnce in six month d/3o

&/.What is the reason for giving sales and discounts M
a/Gver stock )/ - emand from customer
c/ Induce custome to )uy more d/*dvertising and promotion of
/ What is the )asis of customer product preferences M
a/ Colour )/ 2rice
c/ 7rand name d/ -esign
D/.What marketing strategies adopted )y companies M
a/ ,ood advertisement )/2romotion c/5ales @ schemes
1/ What is the effect in advertising in the customer preferencesM
a/Increase in sales )/:ore customer visit c/,ood image
+/ -o you feel )ig )rands have more market shareM
a/ Qes )/ 3o
(/ 8ow do you compete with )igger )rands in terms of advertisingM

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