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Following are the characteristics of management:

Organized Activities: Management is a process of organized activities. Groups of

people cannot be involved in the performance of activities without organized activities.
Management comes into existence where a group of people are involved in achieving a
common objective. The organized activities may tae a variety of forms ranging from a
tightly structured organization to a loosely!nit organization.
Existence of Objectives: The existence of objectives is a basic criterion of every
human organization. The organizational objectives are the desired state of affairs which
an organization attempts to realize. This realization of objectives is sought through the
coordinated efforts of the people constituting an organization.
Decision-making: Management process involves decision maing at all levels.
"ecision!maing describes the process by which a course of action is selected as the
way to deal with a specific problem. #f there is only one alternative$ the %uestion of
decision maing does not arise. The %uality of alternatives which a manger selects
determines the organization&s performance$ and the future of the organization.
Relationship among resources: The essence of management is integration of various
organizational resources. 'esources include money$ machine$ materials$ and people.
Management is concerned with the proper utilization of human resources which$ in turn$
utilize other resources.
orking !ith and through people: Management involves woring with people and
getting organizational objectives achieved through them. (oring through people is
interpreted in terms of assigning activities to subordinates.
Sheldon's Body Personality

Sheldon noted three personalities based on their physical make-up.
The Endomorph is physically quite 'round', and is typified as the 'barrel of fun'
person. They tend to have:
Wide hips and narro shoulders, hich makes them rather pear-shaped.
!uite a lot of fat spread across the body, includin" upper arms and thi"hs.
They have quite slim ankles and rists, hich only serves to accentuate the
fatter other parts.
#sycholo"ically, the endomorph is:
%ove of food
&ood humored
With a love of comfort
)nd has a need for affection
The Ectomorph is a form of opposite of the Endomorph. #hysically, they tend to
*arro shoulders and hips
) thin and narro face, ith a hi"h forehead
) thin and narro chest and abdomen
Thin le"s and arms
+ery little body fat
Even thou"h they may eat as much as the endomorph, they never seem to put on
ei"ht ,much to the endomorph's cha"rin-. #sycholo"ically they are:
Socially an(ious
Emotionally restrained
The mesomorph is somehere beteen the round endomorph and the thin
ectomorph. #hysically, they have the more 'desirable' body, and have:
%ar"e head, broad shoulders and narro aist ,ed"e-shaped-.
/uscular body, ith stron" forearms and and thi"hs
+ery little body fat
They are "enerally considered as 'ell-proportioned'. #sycholo"ically, they are:
.ndifferent to hat others think or ant
2est for physical activity
With a desire for poer1dominance
)nd a love of risk1chance
The leaders of the orga!"at!o ha#e the res$os!%!l!t& for 'reat!g a h!gh le#el of (o%
sat!sfa't!o) Dr) Ed*ards De+!g sa!d, -The a!+ of leadersh!$ sho.ld %e to !+$ro#e the
$erfor+a'e of +a ad +a'h!e, to !+$ro#e /.al!t&, to !'rease o.t$.t, ad
s! to %r!g $r!de of *or0+ash!$ to $eo$le)1 A +ot!#at!g e#!ro+et !s
oe that g!#es *or0ers a sese of $r!de ! *hat the& do) To sho* s.$er#!sors ad
+aagers ho* to %.!ld a +ore $rod.'t!#e *or0 e#!ro+et, I2#e 'reated a f!#e3ste$
$ro'ess 'alled the PRIDE s&ste+) 4eaders 'a !+$ro#e +ot!#at!o *!th! the!r
orga!"at!os %& follo*!g th!s $ro'ess5
Pro#!de a $os!t!#e *or0!g e#!ro+et
Re*ard ad re'og!t!o
I#ol#e ad !'rease e+$lo&ee egage+et
De#elo$ the s0!lls ad $otet!al of &o.r *or0for'e
E#al.ate ad (o% sat!sfa't!o
Jo% sat!sfa't!o %eg!s %& f!rst $ro#!d!g a $os!t!#e *or0 e#!ro+et) Fra Tar0eto
sa&s, to f!d *hat +ot!#ates $eo$le, -&o. ha#e to f!d *hat $eo$le o)1 Th!s !s the
+ost !+$ortat fa'tor ! the $ro'ess) A +ot!#at!g *or0!g e#!ro+et re/.!res go!g
o#er ad %e&od the 'all of d.t& ad $ro#!d!g for the eeds of the *or0er)
Walt D!se& World Co+$a& $ro#!des a e:'ellet *or0 e#!ro+et for the!r
e+$lo&ees or -'ast +e+%ers)1 E+$lo&ee ass!sta'e 'eters are s$read strateg!'all&
a'ross the the+e $ar0) So+e of the ser#!'es !'l.ded e+$lo&ee d!s'o.t $rogra+s,
'h!ld'are !for+at!o, +oe& orders, $ostage sta+$s, 'he'0 'ash!g, ad %.s $asses) The
Walt D!se& Co+$a& real!"es that ta0!g 'are of the!r e+$lo&ee2s eeds 0ee$ the+
+ot!#ated, o the (o% ad lo&al to the 'o+$a&)
Mar0 T*a! o'e sa!d, -I 'a l!#e for t*o +oths o a good 'o+$l!+et)1 Persoal
re'og!t!o !s a $o*erf.l tool ! %.!ld!g +orale ad +ot!#at!o) A $at o the %a'0, a
$ersoal ote fro+ a $eer or a s.$er#!sor does *oders) S+all, !for+al 'ele%rat!os are
+a& t!+es +ore effe't!#e tha a o'e a /.arter or o'e a &ear for+al e#et)
9raha+ Westo, 'o3fo.der ad CEO of Ra'0s$a'e Maaged Host!g, g!#es the 0e&s to
h!s BMW M< 'o#ert!%le for a *ee0 to h!s to$ $erfor+!g e+$lo&ees) Th!s 'reat!#e *a&
to re*ard e+$lo&ees has a %!gger !+$a't tha 'ash) He sa&s, -If &o. ga#e so+e%od& a
=;>> %o.s, !t *o.ld2t +ea #er& +.'h) Whe so+eoe gets to dr!#e +& 'ar for a
*ee0, the& e#er forget !t)1
Peo$le +a& sho* .$ for *or0, %.t are the& egaged ad $rod.'t!#e? Peo$le are +ore
'o++!tted ad egaged *he there !s a $ro'ess for the+ to 'otr!%.te the!r !deas ad
e+$lo&ee s.ggest!os) Th!s g!#es the+ a sese of o*ersh!$ ad $r!de ! the!r *or0)
The So& Cor$orat!o fosters the e:'hage of !deas *!th! de$art+ets %& s$osor!g a Idea E:$os!t!o) D.r!g the e:$os!t!o, s'!et!sts ad eg!eers d!s$la& $ro(e'ts
ad !deas the& are *or0!g o) O$e ol& to So&2s e+$lo&ees, th!s $ro'ess 'reates a
health& 'l!+ate of !o#at!o ad egages all those *ho $art!'!$ate)
Tra!!g ad ed.'at!o +ot!#ates $eo$le ad +a0es the+ +ore $rod.'t!#e ad
!o#at!#e) At Federal E:$ress, all '.sto+er 'ota't $eo$le are g!#e s!: *ee0s of
tra!!g %efore the& e#er as*er the f!rst $hoe 'all) 4ear!g e#er sto$s ad test!g
'ot!.es thro.gho.t the!r e+$lo&+et E#er& s!: +oths '.sto+er ser#!'e
$eo$le are tested .s!g a o3l!e 'o+$.ter s&ste+) PassAfa!l res.lts are set to ea'h
e+$lo&ee *!th! ;@ The& re'e!#e a $ersoal!"ed -$res'r!$t!o1 o areas that eed
re#!e*!g *!th a l!st of reso.r'es ad lessos that *!ll hel$) Federal E:$ress2 !tes!#e
tra!!g ad de#elo$+et $rogra+ has res.lted ! h!gher +ot!#at!o ad lo*er
There are +a& reasos tra!!g ad de#elo$+et +a0es sese) Well3tra!ed e+$lo&ees
are +ore 'a$a%le ad *!ll!g to ass.+e +ore 'otrol o#er the!r (o%s) The& eed less
s.$er#!s!o, *h!'h frees +aage+et for other tas0s) E+$lo&ees are +ore 'a$a%le to
as*er the /.est!os of '.sto+ers *h!'h %.!lds %etter '.sto+er lo&alt&) E+$lo&ees *ho
.derstad the %.s!ess, 'o+$la! less, are +ore sat!sf!ed, ad are +ore +ot!#ated) All
th!s leads to %etter +aage+et3e+$lo&ee relat!osh!$s)
Cot!.o.s!o ad e#er ed!g !+$ro#e+et !s the f!al ste$ of the PRIDE
s&ste+)!o !s a osto$ a't!#!t& that !'l.des a s$e'!f!' '&'le of ste$s fo'.s!g
o (o% sat!sfa't!o ad e+$lo&ee egage+et) The $r!+ar& $.r$ose of!o !s to $rogress ad deter+!e *hat eeds !+$ro#!g) Cot!.o.s!o !'l.des,
%.t !s ot l!+!ted to, the of att!t.des, +orale, ad +ot!#at!o of the
*or0for'e) It !'l.des the !det!f!'at!o of $ro%le+ areas eed!g !+$ro#e+et ad the
des!g ad !+$le+etat!o of a !+$ro#e+et $la) 9ood orga!"at!os 'od.'t a (o%
sat!sfa't!o s.r#e& at least o'e a &ear)
B.s!esses ha#e sear'hed far ad *!de for the 'o+$et!t!#e ad#atage, the %est e/.!$+et,
ro%ot!'s, or the latest %.s!ess te'h!/.e) These de#!'es $ro#!de ol& te+$orar&
sol.t!os) The tr.e 'o+$et!t!#e ad#atage !s tra!ed ad +ot!#ated $eo$le $ro.dl&
*or0!g together, 'otr!%.t!g the!r #!tal!t& ad eerg& to*ard the goals of the
9reg S+!th !s a at!oall& re'og!"ed s$ea0er, a.thor, ad %.s!ess $erfor+a'e
'os.ltat) He has *r!tte .+ero.s %oo0s !'l.d!g h!s latest, @>6 Pro#e Wa&s to
Reta! Yo.r Best E+$lo&ees) He has %ee o tele#!s!o $rogra+s s.'h as
Bloo+%erg Ne*s, PBS tele#!s!o, ad ! $.%l!'at!os !'l.d!g B.s!ess Wee0, CSA
Toda&, 8!$l!ger2s, Pres!det ad CEO, ad the Chr!st!a S'!e'e Mo!tor) He !s the
Pres!det ad -Ca$ta! of the Sh!$1 of a +aage+et3'!g f!r+, Chart Yo.r Co.rse
Iterat!oal, lo'ated ! Atlata, 9eorg!a) Phoe h!+ at DD>3EF>3G@F@)
#ntellectual ability is what you are able to do with brain$ your intelligence$ granted we all
vary$ but # say it all evens out in the end as someone may be strong in math$ someone
else in litterature or communications$ etc. (e are all e%ual$ just different

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