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NEC Launches NGN-Compatible TDM/RPR Hybrid Multipleer !

Hi"h-#peed$ Hi"hly Reliable %& Gbps Net'or(s
- )ase model in use by Rostelecom *Russia+ and ,-#
*****For immediate use December 1, 2006
Hybrid multiplexerSpectralWave UN5000
NEC Corporation today announced the development and launch of pectral!ave "N#000, a hybrid
multiple$er that provides simultaneous %ime Division &ultiple$in' ()%D&)* and +esilient ,ac-et
+in' ()+,+) note 1 * transport, in the .apanese mar-et /
%he ne0 product combines %D& and pac-et transmissions to build a hi'h1speed net0or- (20
3bps* capable of transmittin' data at a ma$imum speed of 20 'i'abits per second/ 4t also
features +,+ and 3enerali5ed &ulti1,rotocol 6abel 0itchin' ()3&,6) note 2 * functions to build a
hi'hly reliable ne$t1'eneration net0or- ()N3N)*/ 4n addition, it offers various transmission
services and meets inter1prefecture or inter1municipal transmission needs due to its many
potential applications in under'round areas as it can serve as a hi'h1capacity D7 s0itch,
providin' multi1access line capacity, ed'e and bac-bone domains/
%he pectral!ave "N#000 0as released for overseas telecommunications carriers in 8u'ust 2006/
%hey have been shipped to +ostelecom in +ussia and at 84 in %hailand, and are no0 in the final
sta'e to put into commercial operation for their use/ 9ased on this solid record in unit shipments,
NEC is actively promotin' sales of the e:uipment to domestic telecommunications carriers for
buildin' safe and reliable N3N net0or-s/
%his product 0ill be sho0n in operation at %elecom 2006, bein' held in 7on' ;on' from December
2 1 </
Fle$ible and hi'hly reliable systems that handle system failure efficiently and assist buildin' of a
net0or- that utili5es limited net0or- resources are re:uired in order to enable buildin' of N3Ns
that are safe and reliable for different types of access e:uipment based on 4nternet ,rotocol
()4,)*, and 0hich also provide hi'h1speed data transmission, video distribution and hi'h value1
added information/ 4n addition, a unit 0ith hybrid multiple$in' that can fle$ibly set band0idth to
enable smooth and efficient mi'ration from an e$istin' net0or- to a ne0 net0or- is essential/
NEC=s ne0 product meets all of these needs/
&ain Features of the pectral!ave "N#000
(1) Compatible with a 40 bp! i"ter#ace
Ha! a built$i" hi%h$!peed 40 bp! i"ter#ace to ha"dle NN "eed! #or hi%h$capacity data tra"!mi!!io"&

(') ( hybrid )*+,-' !witch co"#i%uratio" ma.e! mi%ratio" #rom a" exi!ti"% "etwor. ea!y
/##er! mixed proce!!i"% with both a )*+ !witch that #eature! low delay a"d #ull ba"dwidth %uara"tee a"d a -ayer '
!witch that ma.e! it po!!ible to !hare multiple i"ter#ace ba"dwidth!& 0" additio"1 it ca" ha"dle "etwor. volume i"crea!e!1
ma.i"% it eco"omical a"d ea!y to mi%rate #rom a '&4 bp! ri"% to a 10 bp! ri"%1 or to a 10 bp! x N multi$ri"% or 40
bp! ri"%&

(2) 34uipped with 10 bp! 565 #u"ctio"
34uipped with a" 033370'&18$complia"t 565 #u"ctio"& 10$%i%abit ba"dwidth ca" be !hared amo"% multiple ba!e!1 with
tra##ic priority co"trol available by u!er a"d,or !ervice&

(4) 34uipped with +6-S #or a hi%hly reliable "etwor.
+6-S ma.e! it po!!ible to !et up a" i"depe"de"t di!tributed co"trol optical "etwor.& )hi! provide! #or a hi%hly reliable
"etwor. with a bypa!! #u"ctio" that activate! at time o# #ailure1 a"d !ave! o" e4uipme"t co!t!&

(5) 2'0 bp! cro!!$co""ect #u"ctio"
34uipped with a hi%h$capacity 2'0 bp! cro!!$co""ect #u"ctio" to ma"a%e hi%h volume! o# tra##ic&

(9) Save! !pace a"d e"er%y
N3C:! hi%h$preci!io" mou"ti"% tech"olo%ie! have reduced the !i;e o# the u"it by three$4uarter!1 while reduci"% power
co"!umptio" to "early o"e hal#& (Compared to previou! N3C model!)
9y combinin' the pectral!ave "N#000 0ith the pectral!ave D!2200 +>8D& series
(+econfi'urable >ptical 8dd Drop &ultiple$er*, an inte'rated optical net0or- can be built, for
safe, reliable, and hi'h1speed, hi'h1capacity transmissions of N3N/
NEC at -T. Telecom /orld 0&&1 *NEC #tand at Hall 1$ #tand N&21&&0+
8t 4%" telecom !orld 2006 in 7on' ;on' from December 2th to <th, 2006, NEC 0ill be
presentin' NEC=s Ne$t 3eneration Net0or- (N3N*, 0hich is reali5ed throu'h the utili5ation
of the 0orld=s hi'hest level of technolo'ical capabilities in both the 4% and net0or- field/
!ith NEC=s N3N, NEC 0ill open the door to a )ubi:uitous society) in 0hich information is
easily and safely accessible to anyone, any0here, anytime, empo0erin' enterprises,
societies and individuals/>ur e$hibits consist of eamless Community (%heme ta'e*, %riple
,lay, ervice Delivery Net0or-, 7etero'eneous 8ccess, ecure Net0or-in', 9roadband
8ccess, &obile Net0or- 8pplication, Enterprise F&C olution and others/
,bout NEC Corporation
NEC Corporation (N8D8?@ N4,NA* is one of the 0orld=s leadin' providers of 4nternet,
broadband net0or- and enterprise business solutions dedicated to meetin' the speciali5ed
needs of its diverse and 'lobal base of customers/ NEC delivers tailored solutions in the -ey
fields of computer, net0or-in' and electron devices, by inte'ratin' its technical stren'ths in
4% and Net0or-s, and by providin' advanced semiconductor solutions throu'h NEC
Electronics Corporation/ %he NEC 3roup employs more than 1#0,000 people 0orld0ide/
For additional information, please visit the NEC home pa'e at@ http@BB000/nec/com
* Ne0sroom@ http@BB000/nec/co/CpBpressBenB

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