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School Management System

Topics: Page No.
Introduction 2
Preface 3
Purpose of our Software 4
Documentation 6
Preliminary System Analysis
Ientification of Nee
Feasibility Study
Tec!nical Feasi"ility
Economical Feasi"ility
Operational Feasi"ility
Nee of New System
Flow in Present System
ard!are and So"t!are Speci"ication
System #nalysis
So"t!are $ngineering Paradigm #pplied
System Design
#ataflow #ia$ram
E%& #ia$ram
De%elopment Phase
#ata"ase #esi$n
&alidation 'hec(s
)antt 'hart
Implementation * Maintenance
'ost $stimation +" Pro,ect
Future Scope
School Management System
School Management System
T!e $rowt! of computer software urin$ t!e last few years !as "een p!enomenal) Emer$e as
t!e nee of e*ery ne+t oor, ue to t!e spee, pro"a"ility, an compactness of ieas) It !as now
"een implemente on *irtually e*ery s!ort of acti*ity) From micro to mainframe) In one sense
t!e software is construction manual) It escri"es t!e tools t!e user nee for t!e success of !is
action, an offers "lue print !elp to "uilt an mana$e successful ata"ase an to fulfill !is ot!er
emans) In secon sense, it is a coo- "oo-, it lists t!e in$reients% t!e principal you nee to
follow to "ecome a $oo software user) It $i*es t!e recipe for mi+in$ t!em in correct
School Management System
P.-P+S$ +F +.- P-+0$'T
One of t!e purpose of t!is pro.ect is to pro*ie you t!e information t!at t!e Sc!ool #etails
wor-s wit! Stuent #etail an t!eir pro.ect maintenance, an many ot!er too) It creates an
action plan t!at can ma-e you operate any -in of ata"ase software) As you $o t!rou$! t!is
pro.ect, -eep a note"oo- !any, i*ie into t!ree section $oal of pro.ect, t!e sta$es of operate
t!e software an your ata"ase for input) T!e principles in t!is pro.ect are uni*ersal) T!ey are
applica"le in any situation, or$ani/ation or country) T!e main purpose of t!is pro.ect is to test
t!is pro.ect from t!e user point of *iew so t!at we can $et t!e upates amenments for t!is
pro.ect) w!ile su"orinate purpose is to create a new *ersion of School Management System
software w!ic! is !any to !anle an con*enient for cost efficiency)
School Management System
)oals o" School Management System
Promote continuous e1cellence in #dmine 2uality.
Continue to e*elop co*era$e plans an facility plans to meet stuent nees an accommoate
*olume $rowt!) E+pan t!e roll out t!e stuent recor an t!eir maintenance tools to two
aitional !i$! *olume epartments0 i*isions) #e*elop an implement recors safety
initiati*es in t!e simulation an s-ills center incluin$ trainin$ in t!e placement of center
*enous lines an in tri$$ers0 crisis mana$ement) Ac!ie*e !i$!er rate of onor con*ersion an
or$ans0 onors t!e national $oals for or$an onation)
$nsure outstanding patient3 physician and employee satis"action and loyalty
Complete t!e roll of out of stuent satisfaction trainin$) Implement -ey reformation formal
referrin$ p!ysician sur*ey incluin$ formal outreac! to first time refers an ientifyin$ selecte
en!ancement to isc!ar$e fa+ for referrin$ p!ysician) #e*elop an implement a plan for
assessment of core resiency pro$ram performance in attraction an trainin$ resient) Continue
foster open communication "etween employee mana$ement t!rou$! town !alls)
Sustain Financial strength trough achie%ement o" our Inpatient and
outpatient %olume goals and increased "ocused on producti%ity targets.
Support $rowt! to ac!ie*e "u$ete inpatient an am"ulate *olumes) Completin$ t!e facility
master plan an e*elopin$ list of recommene multi 1 year facility action re2uire to ensure
ae2uate capacity for am"ulatory *isits, sur$ical cases, an inpatient amission continuin$ to
inentify a carry out pro.ects to reuce ener$y utili/ation) 3ealt!care or$ani/ations are
currently face wit! *erity of ecisions re$arin$ computer system an information)
School Management System
Materials School Management System
One of t!e Sc!ool system $reatest resource s is its information) T!e School Management
System, w!et!er computeri/e or manual, is t!e means "y w!ic! ata is collection, inte$rate,
an retrie*e) 3owe*er, "ecause optimal patient treatment, financial mana$ement, an Sc!ool
4ana$ement System operation re2uire t!at ecision "e "est on current, accurate, complete
an well or$ani/e ata, a computeri/e School Management System, w!en correctly
implemente, can "e t!e most effecti*e means of isseminatin$ *alua"le information to
ecision mar-et)
The School Management System as a source "or the planning and "eed4bac(
o" speciali5ed health care.
In uni*ersity Sc!ool, c!oices are mae to w!ic! e+tens speciali/e !ealt! care will "e supporte) It is
t!e c!aracteristic, for t!is type of care, t!at it ta-es place in a process of t!e continuer a*ance of
meical tec!nolo$y an t!e $rowin$ awareness "y consumers an payers) Speciali/e !ealt! care
contri"utes to t!e School Management System 2ualifiers !a*in$ a political an strate$ic impact) T!e
Sc!ool mana$ement "oar nees information for plannin$ an "u$etin$ t!is new tas-) 4uc! of t!e
information will "e "ase on ata store in t!e Schoool Management System.
+ther Ne! Feature
Support for we" ser*ice 5Professional an Enterprise Eition only6
Impact we" pa$e $eneration from we" moule 5Professional an Enterprise Eition
only6 1 78e" Ser*er Pro$rammin$ 8it! 8e" Snap)9
SOAP support for multi tier ata"ase application 5Enterprise eition only6 1 7SOAO
an 8e" Ser*er 8it! Bi/,9 an 7#istri"ute application wit! ata snap9)
A non%B#E ata"ase component set calle " E+press, ata"ase application 5Interface,
#B(, Oracle, 4:S;L, Informi+6 1 7#ata access wit! " E+press)9
En!ancement to t!e I#E 1 7<isual Basic Pro.ect an more on t!e I#E)9
School Management System
School Management System
P-$6IMIN#-7 S7ST$M #N#67SIS
T!e analysis in*ol*es a etaile analysis of t!e ifferent function to "e carrie out "y t!e
system an ientification of ata flow amon$ t!e ifferent function) Eac! function re2uire "y
t!e user is stuie carefully an t!en recursi*ely ecompose into t!e *arious su" function 5i)e)
processin$ acti*ity6) T!e aition to ientify ataflow ia$rams tec!ni2ues 5#F#6 is use)
Structure analysis usually stic-s itself at nee to "e one care fully a*oie functional
re2uirement specifies in t!e ocument are ecompose into su" function an t!e ataflow
"etween t!ese su" function are analyses)
After structure analysis arc!itectural esi$n 5or t!e !i$! le*el esi$n6 an etaile
esi$n are carrie out) T!e *arious etaile steps are to "e ta-en for t!e esi$n of t!e system,
out of t!em some are as?%
ientification of nee
preliminary in*esti$ation
feasi"ility stuy
nee of new system
flaws in present system
In t!is p!ase t!e etermination of re2uirement nee "y t!e system are analy/e) At t!e en of
t!e system a set of re2uirement an t!eir priorities are e*aluate) In t!is p!ase we raw
unerstana"le plan of w!at t!e system will pro*ie as output) 8e also etermine t!e nee an
priorities of t!e tas- neee "y t!e en use) #etaile specification of t!e information neee "y
t!e en user are planne)
School Management System
School Management System
F$#SI/6IT7 ST.D7
T!e feasi"ility stuy is a $eneral e+amination of t!e potential of an iea to "e con*erte into a
"usiness) T!is stuy focuse lar$ely on t!e a"ility of t!e entrepreneur to con*ert t!e iea into
"usiness enterprise) T!e feasi"ility stuy iffers from t!e *ia"ility stuy as t!e *ia"ility of t!e
To be con%erted into a business enterprise.
A feasi"ility stuy is a preliminary stuy unerta-en to etermine an ocument a pro.ectBs
*ia"ility or t!e iscipline of plannin$ or$ani/in$, All or apart also -nown as feasi"ility
analysis) T!e term is also use to refer to t!e resultin$ ocument) T!e result of t!e stuy are
use to ma-e a ecision w!et!er or not to procee wit! t!e pro.ect) If it is inee leas to a
pro.ect "ein$ appro*e, it will 1 "efore t!e real wor- of t!e propose start an "e use to
ascertain t!e li-eli!oo of t!e pro.ectBs success) It is an analysis of possi"le alternati*e solution
to t!e pro"lem an a recommenation on t!e "est alternati*e) it can ecie, for e+ample,
w!et!er orer processin$ can "e carrie out "y new system more efficiently t!an t!e pre*ious
Types o" Feasibility Studies
T!e followin$ sections escri"e *arious types of feasi"ility stuies)
i. Mar(eting #nd -eal $stimation Feasibility
4ar-et feasi"ility stuy typical in*ol*es testin$ $eo$rap!ic location for a real estate
e*elopment pro.ect, an usually in*ol*es parcels of real estate lan) #e*elopers often
conuct mar-et stuies to etermine t!e "est location wit!in .urisictions, an to test
alternati*e lan users for $i*en parcels)
ii. Technology #nd System Feasibility
T!is in*ol*es 2uestion suc! as w!et!er t!e tec!nolo$y nee for t!e system e+ists, !ow
ifficult it will "e to "uil, an w!et!er t!e firm !as enou$! e+perience usin$ t!e
tec!nolo$y) T!e assessment is "ase on outline esi$n of system re2uirements in terms
of input, processes, output, fiels, pro$rams, an proceure)
iii. -esources Feasibility
T!is in*ol*es 2uestion suc! as !ow muc! time is a*aila"le to "uil t!e new system,
w!en it can "e "uil, w!et!er it interface wit! normal "usiness operations, type an
amount of resources re2uire, epenencies, etc)
i%. +perational Feasibility
#o t!e current wor practices an proceures support a new system) Also social factor
i)e) !ow t!e or$ani/ation c!an$es wit! affect t!e wor-in$ li*es of t!ose affecte "y t!e
%. 6egal Feasibility
#etermines w!et!er t!e propose system conflicts wit! le$al re2uirements, e)$) a ata
processin$ system must comply wit! t!e local ata protections acts) 8!en an
or$ani/ations !as eit!er internal or e+ternal le$al counsel, suc! re*iews are typically
School Management System
%i. Schedule Feasibility
Pro.ect will fail if it ta-es to lon$ to "e complete "efore it is useful) Typically t!is
means estimates !ow lon$ t!e system will ta-e to e*elop an if it can "e complete in
a $i*en time perio usin$ some met!o li-e pay"ac- perio)
%ii. $conomic Feasibility
Economic analysis is t!e most fre2uently met!o for e*aluatin$ t!e effecti*eness of a
caniate system) 4ore commonly -nown as cost0Benefit analysis, t!e proceure is to
etermine t!e "enefit an sa*in$ t!at are e+cepte from a caniate system an t!em
wit! costs) If "enefit outwei$!s costs, t!em t!e ecision is mae to esi$n an
implement t!e system)
N$$D +F N$8 S7ST$M
In sta$e t!e salesperson ta-es 2ualifie prospects t!rou$! a series of 2uestion an answer
session in orer to ientify re2uirements of t!e prospect) #urin$ t!is step, t!e salesperson will
attempt to !elp t!e "uyer ientify an 2uantify a "usiness nee or a 7$ap9 "etween w!ere t!e
client is t!at $ap, oes can "e clarifie to etermine if t!e solution will fill all, part of t!e
o*erall $ap) From t!is proceure t!e salesperson is a"le to come up wit! a proposal su$$est in
*arious proucts0ser*ices t!at will suffice t!e nee as presente "y t!e prospect)
8e foun t!e followin$ flaws in present system?%
'6 T!ey were muc! tou$!er to operators) As well to unerstan for ot!ers)
(6 T!ey were not a"le to maintain proper recors customers transactions employee
informationBs in a structure manner) T!e "i$$est flaws was t!at t!ey coulnBt a*oi ata
36 T!ey were muc! slower to "rin$ out t!e neee information)
If a new person wante to learn t!e functionin$ an operatin$ t!ose pro$rams, it too-
lon$ time to learn t!em !ence t!ey $ot tire of it an sometimes a"anone t!e iea of
School Management System
School Management System
So"t!are and ard!are
-e2uirements speci"ication
') A mac!ine 5#ual Core6, w!ic! !as at least ='( EB !ar is- wit! ( EB &A4)
() Printer
3) <isual Basic >)D F 4s%Access
4) 4s%Office for ocumentation
Plat"orm * Tools used
T!e system is e*elope to run uner 8inows platform) It also uses *arious tools, Compile
an li"raries, w!ic! are a*aila"le wit! 8inows for t!e e*elopment an implementation of
t!is pro.ect) A "rief escription a"out t!e platform an tools use are $i*en "elow)
Plat"orm 8indo!s
8inows is a fast e*elopin$, free, multi%user, multitas-in$ an multi processin$ operatin$
system) Since it is free software anyone can wor- on it, ma-e c!an$es an en!ance it) T!e
winow comman controls t!e isplay winow) :ou can use t!is comman to c!an$e t!e
isplay c!aracteristics of t!e winow or pro*ie a estination winow for t!e ri*er to use in
place of t!e efault isplay winow) #i$ital%*ieo an *ieo%o*erlay e*ices reco$ni/e t!e
comman) Some of t!e features, w!ic! .ustify t!e selection of winows as a platform for my
pro.ect, are $i*en "elow)
Open source
A*aila"ility of wie ran$e of compiler an utilities
#ata"ase ser*er support
EGI supports an #esi$ners, tools an li"raries to "uil EGI
Support for a *ariety of !arware
8orlwie user $roup support
3i$!ly relia"le an secure
'hoice o" the Tools
For efficient implementation of t!e plan I !a*e c!oose two tools) 4icrosoft <isual Basic >)D
front en tool F 4icrosoft Access (DD3 "ac- en tool for !anlin$ t!e ata)
So"t!are -e2uirements
For efficient implementation of t!e plan we !a*e c!oose two tools) <isual Basic Lan$ua$e as a
School Management System
front en tool F 4S%Access as "ac- en tool for !anlin$ t!e ata)
&isual /asic
<isual Basic e*ol*e from BASIC) BASIC was e*elope in t!e mi%'C>Ds) BASICBs primary
purpose was to !elp people learn !ow to pro$ram) It is t!e en!ance *ersion of BASIC lan$ua$e
e*elope "y 4icrosoft Corporation) T!e wiesprea use of BASIC wit! types of computers
le to many en!ancements to t!e lan$ua$e) 8it! t!e e*elopment of 4icrosoft 8inows EGI
in t!e late 'CADs, t!e natural e*olution of BASIC was <isual Basic, w!ic! was create "y
4icrosoft Corporation in 'CC') Gntil <isual Basic appeare, e*elopin$ 4icrosoft 8inows
"ase application was a ifficult, cum"ersome process <isual Basic $reatly simplifies
8inows application e*elopment) Since 'CC' si+ *ersions !a*e "een release, wit! t!e latest
<isual Basic >)D, appearin$ in Septem"er 'CCA)
Alt!ou$! <isual Basic is eri*e from t!e BASIC pro$rammin$ lan$ua$e, it is a istinctly
ifferent lan$ua$e) Pro*iin$ powerful features suc! as $rap!ical user interfaces, e*ent
!anlin$, access to 8in 3( API, O".ect%oriente features, error !anlin$, structure
pro$rammin$ an muc! more) 4icrosoft pro*ies se*eral *ersions of <isual Basic, t!e
learnin$ eition, t!e professional eition, an t!e Enterprise eition) T!e learnin$ eition
pro*ies funamental pro$rammin$ capa"ilities) T!e Professional Eition pro*ies a muc!
ric!er set of pro$rammin$ capa"ilities t!en t!e learnin$ eition an is t!e c!oice of many
pro$rammers w!en Basic "ase applications) T!e Enterprise eition is use for e*elopin$
lar$e%scale, multi%user, commercial applications t!at meet t!e pro$rammin$ nees of lar$e
or$ani/ations) <isual Basic is an interprete lan$ua$e) 3owe*er, t!e professional an
Enterprise eition allow <isual Basic coe o "e nati*e coe)
$%ent Dri%en Programming
From t!e pro$rammers point of *iews t!e principle ifferent foun in EGI is t!e nee to
employ e*ent ri*en pro$rammin$ tec!ni2ue) T!at is at any instant t!e pro$ram must "e reay
to respon to a wie *ariety of user actions at t!e interface) In a traitional pro$rammin$
en*ironment, t!e pro$ram performs t!e runtime proceein$ re2uestin$ t!e user input) An at
any instance t!e pro$ram !as only one point of interactions) 8!ile usin$ EGI t!e user can
mo*e to any point of screen, select a menu item, select menu item from rop own list, an
mo*e t!e w!ole winow) T!us t!e pro$ram !as to respon to *ast num"er of user actions at
any instant) T!e style an structure of e*ent ri*en pro$ram is t!erefore ifferent from
traitional pro$ram) In traitional pro$rams, t!e application itself controls w!ic! portion of
coe to "e e+ecutes an in w!at se2uence) E+ecution starts wit! first line of coe an follows a
preefine pat! t!rou$! t!e application) Callin$ proceures as neee) In an e*en ri*en
application t!e coe oes not follow a preetermine pat!) It e+ecutes ifferent coe section in
response to e*ents) E*ents can "e tri$$ere "y t!e userBs actions, "y messa$e from t!e system
or ot!er applications of e*en from t!e application itself) T!e traitional application
e*elopment process can "rea- into t!ree istinct steps, writin$, compilin$ an testin$ coe)
8it! t!is application, if we ma-e a mista-e in writin$ our coe, t!e error is cau$!t "y t!e
compiler w!en we start compile our application) 8e must t!en fin an fi+ t!e errors an "e$in
t!e compile cycle a$ain) E*ent ri*en application use interacti*e approac!) It interprets t!e
coe as we enter it catc!in$ an !i$!li$!tin$ most synta+ or spellin$ errors on t!e fly) It is
almost li-e !a*in$ an e+pert watc!in$ as we enter our coe) In aition to catc!in$ error on t!e
fly, it also partially compiles t!e coes as it is entere) 8!en t!e pro$ram is reay to run)
School Management System
T!ere is only sli$!t elay to finis! compilin$) If compiler fins error, it as !i$!li$!te in t!e
coe) 8e can fi+ t!e error an continue compilin$ wit!out !a*in$ to start o*er)
The major advantages of GUI system are?
4ore natural metap!or of unerlyin$ operation)
4ore 2uic-ly learne "y users)
Consistent interface for winin$ ran$e of software prouct)
Con*enience in winow an pointin$ tec!ni2ues)
Eoo inter pro$ram communication)
Proper inte$ration wit! istri"ute system)
Inte$rates "ot! te+tual an $rap!ical ata)
Preefine pro$rammin$ tools li-e menu, winows, icons, etc)
Pro*ies "uilt in functionality li-e winows resi/in$, mo*ement etc)
Inter%pro$ram communication facilities application
E+pansion an inte$ration)
Types o" e%ents:
In e*ent ri*en pro$rammin$ tec!ni2ue t!e e*ents are $enerates "y ifferent means) An t!ese
e*ents "asically area classifie on t!e "asis of t!eir source of $eneration) E*ents are "roaly
classifie into four cate$ories?
System $%ents : System e*ents are t!e e*ents $enerates "y t!e operatin$ system)
T!ese e*ents create communication "etween t!e system an pro$rams) T!ese e*ents
tri$$ere w!ene*er somet!in$ !appens in a system an system con*eys t!e
corresponin$ information to t!e pro$ram) T!e information is sent in t!e form of
messa$es to t!e pro$ram an respons to t!at if neee)
'ontrol $%ents : Control e*ent are t!e e*ents $enerates "y t!e ifferent controls) As
t!e controls li-e te+t "o+es, "uttons li-e "o+es menus as also t!e winows t!ey also
$enerates messa$es) T!ese messa$es are specific to eac! control) T!e control e*ent is
*ery important aspect of e*ent ri*en pro$rammin$ tec!ni2ue an it create user%
frienly user interface)
.ser $%ents : T!ese e*ents are t!e actions performe "y t!e users) T!ese are
$enerate "y t!e users) But t!e user e*ents are system epenent) If t!e system is
wor-in$ properly t!en only t!e user can e*ents) Gsers e*ents can "e of *arie type suc!
as clic-in$ a ri$!t mouse "utton, mo*in$ an resi/in$ t!e winow etc)
School Management System
+ther $%ents : T!ese e*ents are miscellaneous e*ents, w!ic! are efine "y t!e
users or more often "y pro$rammers) T!ese are t!e e*ents, w!ic! pro$rammers
specifically efine for t!eir pro$ram)
&/ Pro,ect Structure
1 Eac! application is sin$le Pro.ect)
2 Pro.ects consist of forms an0or 4oules)
3 Forms contain Controls, Su"routines an Functions)
4 4oules contain $lo"al *aria"le #eclaration, Su"routines an function)
5 Su"routines an function are !anle in a similar manner to ot!er lan$ua$es)
6 Forms an 4oules 5an Classes6 may "e inclue in ot!er Pro.ects)
7 <aria"les !a*e scope t!at is $lo"al or wit!in a form or wit!in a Su"routines Function)
&/ 'ontrols:
1 E*ents 5e)$) clic-6 Hpasse to t!e control "y winows) T!ese are locate in a com"o "o+ in
t!e coe winow)
2 4et!os 5e)$) Set Focus6 Hactions t!at t!e control can initiates) T!ere are typically
$enerate "y pro$rammer writin$ coe)
3 Properties 5e)$) Font Italic6 H*alues associate wit! a control t!at can effect its operations)
T!ese are accesse in t!e Properties winows 5press t!e f4 -ey6 or from t!e tool "ar w!en
a o".ect is selecte)
Su"routines F Functions are eit!er pri*ate or pu"lic) 4oules usually contain any re2uire
Pu"lic <aria"les or Su"routines) Classes contain user%efine o".ects)
Functions an Su"routines !a*e t!e form?
Public Function F 9N #s integer: as integer
$nd "unction
Pri%ate Function Find name 9this name as string:
$nd sub
Data $n%ironment and Data -eport:
<isual Basic can connect to many -ins of ata sources incluin$ Access ata"ase, an e*en
non%relational ata sources) T!e "ri$e "etween t!e ata sources an <isual Basic is t!rou$!
t!e ata en*ironment ser*ice) T!e #ata en*ironment is a $rap!ical esi$ner t!at allows you to
2uic-ly create A#O Connection an Commans to access your ata) T!e #ata En*ironment
School Management System
esi$ner pro*ies a ynamic pro$rammin$ interface to t!e ata access o".ect in your pro.ect)
In aition, t!e #ata En*ironment pro*ie a*ance ata s!apin$ ser*ice% t!e a"ility to create
!ierarc!ies if relate ata, a$$re$ates an automatin$ $roupin$s, all wit!out coe) T!e #ata
En*ironment is esi$ne for Acti*e ata O".ects 5A#O6) For "ac-war compati"ility an
pro.ect maintenance, &emote #ata O".ect 5&#O6 an #ata Access O".ects 5#AO6 are still
supporte, t!rou$! wit! sli$!tly less power)
#dding a Data $n%ironment To a &/ Pro,ect :
1 From t!e menu select Pro.ect A #ata en*ironment)
2 If you want to c!an$e t!e name of t!e #ata En*ironment, clic- on #ataen*ironment')
T!en c!an$e t!e Name property in t!e properties winow)
Set the 'onnection
A ata en*ironment is mae up of one or more connection) To set t!e connections information,
clic- on connection')
1 C!an$e t!e name of connection' wit! t!e Name property In t!e Properties winow)
:ouB I pro"a"ly wants to name of t!e ata"ase you are connectin$ to) T!e name
cannot contain spaces)
2 To set t!e connection information, clic- on t!e properties "utton in t!e #ata
en*ironment tool"ar or ri$!t clic- on t!e connection an select properties)
3 In t!e pro*ier ta", select type of ata source) For access as ata"ase, select 4icrosoft
Iet3)=' OLE#B Pro*ier)
4 In t!e connection ta", clic- on t!e Buil "utton "esie 7Select or enter a ata"ase
name9 an "rowse to fin your ata"ase)
5 Also in t!e connection ta", clic- on Test connection)
6 Clic- OJ
7 :ou can a aitional connection "y ri$!t clic-in$ on t!e connections)
Set Data Source 'ommand
After a connection to a ata"ase is set up, you can set up commans) Eac! Comman specifies
a recor set to "e use for a report) A Comman can "e a?
1 Ta"le
2 ;uery sa*e in t!e ata"ase)
3 S;L Comman
To create a 'ommand ob,ect:
1 &i$!t clic- on Connection or an e+istin$ comman an select A comman)
2 &i$!t clic- on t!e new Comman an select properties)
School Management System
3 Set t!e Comman name to somet!in$ escripti*e if t!e ta"le or 2uery you are
connectin$ to)
4 Set connection to t!e name of connection)
5 If you are connectin$ to a ta"le, c!oose ta"le for t!e ata"ase o".ect) For t!e o".ect
name, select t!e ta"le from t!e rop own list)
6 If you are creatin$ a 2uery usin$ S;L, clic- on S;L statement an type t!e S;L coe
into t!e winow) T!e S;L "uiler $i*es you a $rap!ics interface)
7 To set selection parameters, sortin$ option, or ta"le relations!ips, you eit!er type t!em
into t!e S;L coe or use t!e ot!er ta"s)
8 Clic- OJ sa*e t!e comman)
#dding a Data -eport to a &/ Pro,ect:
1 From t!e 4enu select pro.ect A #ata &eport)
2 :ou will see a "ane report structure)
3 Anyt!in$ place in t!e report will print once at t!e top of t!e report)
4 Anyt!in$ place in t!e pa$e !eaer will print at t!e top of eac! pa$e)
5 Anyt!in$ place in etaile will print once for eac! recor reporte)
6 Anyt!in$ place in pa$e footer will print at t!e "ottom of t!e eac! pa$e)
7 Anyt!in$ place in t!e report footer will print once immeiately followin$ t!e last line
of #etail an a"o*e t!e final pa$e footer)
8 In t!e properties winow set t!e #ata source to t!e name of your #ata en*ironment) Set
t!e ata 4em"er to t!e name of t!e comman you want to use)
9 Clic- into t!e report) T!en ri$!t clic- an select retrie*e structure) 8!en as-e if you
want to replace t!e current report structure, clic- :es)
10 8it! "ot! your #ata En*ironment an #ata &eport winows open, you can simply ra$
fiels from t!e appropriate comman into your report)
11 Position t!e fiels as you in t!e *arious "ans)
12 A lines, la"els, pictures, or s!ape to t!e report usin$ t!e *arious tools in t!e tool"ar)
13 To a a total, a*era$e, or ot!er a$$re$ate calculation, use t!e rpt function tool, placin$
it in t!e appropriate "an) Set its #ata Fiels property to t!e fiel t!at is t!e source of
t!e calculation, t!e #ata Format property to t!e proper numeric formattin$, t!e #ata
4em"er property to t!e comman name, t!e Function Type property to t!e appropriate
a$$re$ate calculation, an t!e ali$nment property)
School Management System
14Database Technology: #D+
A#O is w!at you will use from *isual Basic to $et at ata) :ou, as a <isual Basic pro$rammer,
cannot pro$ram t!e OLE#B layer irectly 5nor woul you want to6) T!is layer is reser*e for
CKK pro$rammers) Instea you will use A#O for all your ata manipulation) Ao is interface
to t!e OLE#B layer t!at utili/es a pro*ier to retrie*e an upate ata in a ata source) T!ere
are a couple of nati*e pro*iers t!at allow irect access to S;L Ser*er, Oracle an 4icrosoft
access 4#Bs) T!ere is also t!e 4icrosoft O#BC for t!e OLE#B) T!is pro*ier allows us to
esta"lis! a Connection to a ata source *ia O#BC) Because O#BC supplies ri*er for many
ifferent ata sources, you can use A#O to manipulate a wie *ariety of ata"ases) A#OBs
primary a*anta$e o*er ot!er ata"ase access met!os is its ease of use, !i$! spee, low
memory o*er!ea, an small footprint) Also, "ecause itBs an o".ect%"ase access met!o, itBs
easy to learn) T!e learnin$ cur*e for .et pro$rammers will "e low since A#O uses an o".ect
moel .ust li-e .et oes) 8!ile t!e moel is ifferent, it is still easy to learn)
#D+ Features
A#O !as se*eral features t!at ma-e it an ieal o".ect moel for "uilin$ client0ser*er an
8e"%Base applications) 3ereBs a list of some of t!is features?
1 Small o".ect moel, w!ic! ma-e easy to learn)
2 Low memory footprint, so more memory is Fre up for your application)
3 Fast access to a ata source)
4 Connection can "e esta"lis!e on%t!e%fly, w!ic! is $reat for 8e"%"ase application)
5 #ifferent cursor types are supporte, incluin$ ser*er%sies an client%sie cursors)
6 Support for store proceures, incluin$ input an output parameters an return
7 4ultiple recor sets can "e returne)
8 A*ance recor set cac!e mana$ement, incluin$ num"er of rows to return an !ow
many rows to cac!e on t!e client)
9 Async!ronous 2ueries can "e use for t!ose 2uires t!at ta-e a lon$ time to complete)
T!is allows your user to continue wor-in$ your application w!ile t!e ata"ase ser*er
is processin$ t!e ata)
10 E*ents will "e call to si$nifies t!at processin$ is a"out to !appen) :ouBll use t!ese
2uite a "it "ecause <isual Basic is well esi$ne to interact wit! e*ents)
Alt!ou$! A#O supports t!ese liste features, youBll nee to ma-e sure t!e unerlyin$ OLE#B
pro*ier supports eac! of t!em as well) Not all pro*iers are create e2ual, an w!at may
support, anot!er may not)
School Management System
School Management System
MI'-+S+FT #''$SS 2;;<
A ata"ase is a collection of information relate to a particular su".ect or purpose, suc! as
trac-in$ customer orer or maintainin$ a music collection) If your ata"ase isnBt store on a
computer or only parts of it are, you may "e trac-in$ information from of *ariety of sources
t!at you are !a*in$ to co%orinate an or$ani/e yourself)
Gsin$ 4icrosoft access, you can mana$e all your information from a sin$le ata"ase file)
8it!in t!e file, i*ie your ata into separate container calle ta"les? *iew, a, an upate
ta"le ata usin$ online firms? fin an retrie*e .ust t!e ata you want usin$ 2ueries? an
analysis or print ata in specific layout usin$ reports) To store your ata create one ta"le for
eac! types of information you trac-) To fin an retrie*e .ust t!e ata t!e ata"ase meets
conitions you specify incluin$ ata multiple ta"les, create a 2uery) A 2uery can also upate
or elete multiple recors at t!e same time, an perform "uilt%in or custom calculations on your
ata) To easily *iew, enter an c!an$e ata irectly in a ta"le create a form) 8!en you open a
form, 4icrosoft access retrie*e t!e ata form one or more ta"les an isplays it on screen usin$
t!e layout you c!oose in form wi/ar or usin$ a layout t!at you create from scratc!) To
analy/e your ata or present it in print, create a report for e+ample, you mi$!t print one report
t!at $roupBs ata an calculates totals an anot!er report wit! ifferent ata formatte for
printin$ mailin$ la"els)
Features o" Microso"t #ccess 2;;<
4icrosoft access (DDD offers many new an impro*e features to !elp you to create powerful
ata"ase application)
New o".ects, properties, met!os an ot!er lan$ua$e elements
4icrosoft accesses pro*ie new features esi$ne to !elp you easily use t!e Internet
Gse recor%le*el loc-in$
<iew relate ata in a su" atas!eet
Automatically fi+ errors cause "y renamin$ fiels
Ta-e a*anta$e of Gnicoe support
8or- wit! t!e euro)
Creatin$ custom o".ects wit! class moules
Customi/in$ menus an tool"ar in your application)
.S$ Microso"t Data $ngine 9MSD$:
4S#E is a new tec!nolo$y t!at pro*ies local ata stora$e compati"le wit! 4icrosoft S;L
se*ers @)D T!in- of 4S#E as a client0ser*er ata en$ine alternati*e t!e file ser*er 4icrosoft
Iet ata"ase en$ine) It is esi$ne an optimi/e for use on smaller computer system, suc! as a
sin$le user computer or small wor-$roup se*er)
&eplacin$ only a specifie part of a ata"ase)
School Management System
Easily create a client0ser*er application)
A 4icrosoft Access pro.ect 5 )ap 6 is a new type of Access file t!at pro*ie efficient,
nati*e moe Access to a 4icrosoft S;L Ser*er ata"ase t!rou$! t!e OLE#B
component arc!itecture) Gsin$ an access pro.ect, you can easily create ser*er
MS4#ccess elps .ser Stored Their Data In 'omputer
In computer system ata store in t!e way of fiels, recors, files in t!e computer memory) A
fiel is a collection of entities an collection of fiels are calle as recor an collection of
recor are calle as files) T!e ata item are of ifferent types) So ifferent types of ata items
mainly efine as = ata type cate$ories) T!e ata types t!at are use commonly in "uilin$
application t!at we !a*e consiere as
'6 Numeric
(6 Alp!anumeric
36 #ate
46 Lo$ical
=6 4emo
=: Numeric
T!is ata type is use to specify t!at t!e fiels is to contain num"ers, t!e num"er can
"e w!ole num"er ofLr real num"er) Numeric fiel can contain
% Only t!e numeric c!aracters of D to C
% T!e ecimal point
=: #lphanumeric?
8!en a com"ination of alp!a"ets, numeric, an special c!aracters li-e !yp!en is to
"e store in a fiel, t!e ata type s!oul "e alp!anumeric) Alp!anumeric ata can "e
mae up of t!e followin$ c!aracters)
% Num"ers D to C
% Alp!a"ets A to M or a to /
% Special C!aracter N, 0, L, F, O, %, K etc)
2: Date?
T!is ata type is use to specify t!at t!e fiel is to contain ates) Some tools !a*e
ata type t!at !anles ate an time *alues, T!e 4S Access ate ata tpe t!at
!anles ate an time *alues, t!e specification of t!is ata type as follows)
For ate *alue % #ay%4ont! 1:ear
For time *alue 13our% 4inute% Secon
<: 6ogical?
8!en t!e ata in a fiel is to "e of t!e type true0false 5or6 yes0no t!en t!e ata type
s!oul "e lo$ical, t!is ata type is also calle as Boolean)
>: Memo?
If t!e amount of alp!anumeric ata to "e store in a fiel is lar$e t!an t!e ata type
s!oul "e memo) 8e also specify t!e fiel si/e of ata type) It means t!e ma+imum
School Management System
ata of particular ata type t!at can "e store in a fiel) It is *ery essential to
e*aluate t!e fiels re2uire an c!oose t!e appropriate ata type for eac! fiels)
One important reason for t!is is t!at operation wor- on fiel epenin$ on t!eir
ata type) T!e same operation of aition will wor- ifferently wit! numeric ata
type rat!er t!an alp!anumeric ata type)
ard!are -e2uirements
Minimum Pre"erred
Processor PentiumI< #ual Core
&am ' EB ( EB
3## (=DEB =DD EB
Printer '3( column '3( column
GPS (D min Bac-%up ' 3our "ac- up
School Management System
School Management System
System #nalysis
+b,ecti%es o" Pro,ect 8or(:
8e are familiar t!at toay computers !ow popular in e*ery fiel) 8!et!er t!e application may
"e small scale or$ani/ation or lar$e scale or$ani/ation) Computers also !a*e si$nificant role in
Sales Management ue to t!e reason of num"er of maintain t!e customer etails, is"ursement
etails) Installment etails) 4ention all t!ese etails are a *ery comple+ wor-) T!erefore
computeri/ation is possi"le to ma-e t!is tas- simple an easy) It also increases t!e spee an
accuracy of all t!ese acti*ities an at t!e same time reuces t!e error an impro*es t!e ser*ice
to customers)
8hy computeri5ation is needed:
Nowaays competitions increase in e*ery fiel of life) In t!e same way, In "usiness fiel also
competitions increases) Num"er of customer $oes for purc!asin$ to ifferent s!ops) Because of
pri*ati/ation for ifferent types of sellin$ t!ere are ifferent s!ops F itBs too muc! ifficult for
a customer) So in t!is competition worl 7Time9 plays an important role) If any "usiness oes
not use its time properly it may "e looses some profits) So for earnin$ more profit in accuracy
of "usiness transactions one must aaptin$ computeri/ation to t!eir or$ani/ations) T!e
customer etail an t!e transaction process incluin$ is"ursement an installment easily) So
all t!ese acti*ities s!oul "e one carefully wit! attention of min) For fulfillin$ all t!ese
o".ecti*es "y s!op an $i*in$ t!e "est ser*ice to customers computeri/ation is t!e "est option
for School management System) Computeri/ation increases t!e spee an accuracy of
processin$ an mentionin$ t!e information an recors *ery carefully an correctly)
Initial In%estigation:
8!en I steppe into t!e mo"ile s!op wit! my frien for Purc!ase F Sellin$ Eoos) I o"ser*e
t!at one person $i*es all t!e information a"out t!e Sellin$ to t!e customer an ot!er is "usy in
maintainin$ t!e installment etail an t!e is"ursement etails are maintain "y ot!er)
8!ile t!e s!ops !as limite num"er of staff mem"ers, t!ey !a not !anlin$ t!ese tas-s
perfectly an efficiently, in my primary in*esti$ation "y irectly interaction wit! staff
mem"ersP I -new t!at t!ey are facin$ some pro"lem in t!eir wor-) T!e staff mem"ers are *ery
frienly an supporte us to $at!erin$ t!e re2uire ata a"out s!ops) T!e main t!in$ is t!at, t!e
s!ops are ifferent for ifferent Sellin$ )So itBs too muc! ifficult for customer as well as s!op
staff alt!ou$! all t!e types of Sellin$ are sanctione from same stores)
Problem Solution
For oin$ all .o"s efficiently an perfectly computeri/ation is neee) T!is software pac-a$e
sol*e t!e ma+imum re2uirement of s!ops wit! t!e !elp of t!is pac-a$e) One person can
!anle t!e entire School Management System efficiently an at t!e minimum time) 8it! t!e
!elp of t!is pac-a$e t!e s!ops $i*e t!e "est ser*ice to t!e customer an increasin$ t!eir
"usiness wit! t!e !elp of t!is pac-a$e School Management System $enerate *ery type of
reports in a few secon)

School Management System

School Management System
So"t!are $ngineering Paradigm #pplied
T!rou$!out t!e life cycle of t!e pro.ect, I aopte structure system analysis an esi$n,
structure analysis is a set of tec!ni2ues an $rap!ical tools t!at allow t!e analyst to e*elop a
new -in of t!e system specification t!at are easily unerstana"le to t!e user) I use t!e
followin$ structure tools in t!e analysis p!ase of t!e pro.ect)
#ata Flow #ia$ram 5#F#6
#ata #ictionary
#ecision Tree
Structure esi$n is a ata flow "ase met!oolo$y) T!e approac! "e$ins wit! a system
specification t!at ientifies input an output of t!e system) Eeneral features suc! as reports an
inputs are ientifie first an are stuie ini*iually in etail) Structure esi$n is an attempt to
minimi/e t!e comple+ity an ma-e a pro"lem mana$ea"le "y su"i*iin$ into small moules)
Software en$ineers !a*e "een tryin$ *arious tools, met!os an proceures to control t!e
process of software e*elopment in orer to "uil !i$!%2uality software wit! impro*e
proucti*ity) T!e met!os pro*ie 7!ow toQs9 for "uilin$ t!e software w!ile t!e tools pro*ie
automate or semi% automate support for t!e met!os) T!ey are use in all t!e sta$es of
software e*elopment process, namely, plannin$, analysis, esi$n e*elopment an
maintenance) T!e software e*elopment proceurals inte$rate t!e met!os an tools to$et!er
an ena"le relational an timely e*elopment of software system) T!e acti*ities inclue
pro"lem efinition, re2uirement analysis, esi$nP coin$, testin$ an maintenance, furt!er
refinements to t!is moel inclue iteration "ac- to t!e pre*ious sta$es in orer to incorporate
any c!an$es or missin$ lin-s)

School Management System
So"t!are $ngineering Paradigm
School Management System
Problem De"inition
T!is acti*ity re2uires a precious efinition of t!e pro"lem in user terms) A clear statement of
t!e pro"lem is crucial to t!e success of t!e software) It !elps not only t!e e*eloper "ut also t!e
user to unerstan t!e pro"lem "etter)
T!is co*ers a etaile stuy of t!e re2uirements of "ot! t!e user an t!e software) T!is
acti*ity is "asically concerne wit! w!at of t!e system suc! as?
8!at are t!e inputs to t!e systemR
8!at are t!e processes re2uireR
8!at are t!e outputs e+pecteR
8!at are t!e constraintsR

T!e esi$n p!ase eals wit! *arious concepts of system esi$n suc! as ata structure, software
arc!itecture an al$orit!ms) T!is p!ase translates t!e re2uirements into a representation of t!e
software) T!is sta$e answers t!e 2uestions of !ow)
Coin$ refers to t!e translation of t!e esi$n into mac!ine reaa"le form) T!e more etails t!e
esi$n, t!e easier is t!e coin$, an "etter it is relia"ility)
Once t!e coe is written, it s!oul "e teste ri$orously for correctness of t!e coe an results)
Testin$ may in*ol*e t!e ini*iual units an t!e w!ole system, It re2uires a etaile plan as to
w!at, w!en an !ow to test)
After t!e software !as "een installe, it may uner$o some c!an$es) T!is may occur ue to a
c!an$e in t!e userBs re2uirement, a c!an$e in t!e operatin$ en*ironment, or an error in t!e
software t!at !as not "een fi+e urin$ t!e testin$, 4aintenance ensures t!at t!ese c!an$es are
incorporate w!ere*er necessary)
School Management System
School Management System
System Design
T!e most creati*e an c!allen$in$ p!ase of t!e system life cycle is system esi$n) T!e term
esi$n escri"es a final system an t!e process "y w!ic! it is e*elope) It refers t!e tec!nical
specifications t!at will "e applie in implementin$ t!e caniate system) It also inclues t!e
construction of pro$ram an pro$ram testin$)
T!e primary o".ecti*es of system esi$n are to eli*er t!e re2uirement specification in
feasi"ility report) T!e main esi$n o".ecti*e $i*e si$nificances are?%
Practicality ?% T!is system will "e user frienly so user wit! a*era$es -ills can easily
$""iciency :4T!is system will prouce output in time wit! accuracy)
'ost :4T!e system is to esi$n wit! a minimum cost to satisfy t!e re2uirements)
Fle1ibility : 4T!e system will "e a moifia"le one epenin$ on future nees)
Security : 4T!e system s!oul relia"le, secure one)
4ainly followin$ parts !a*e "een inclue in t!e system esi$n process?
i. +utput Design :
T!e startin$ point of esi$n process is t!e proper -nowle$e of system, re2uirements,
w!ic! will normally "e con*erte into terms of output)
ii. Input Design : Once
t!e output re2uirements !a*e "een finali/e, t!e ne+t step is to fin out w!at ata to "e
mae a*aila"le to t!e system to prouce t!e esire outputs) T!e "asic ocuments in
w!ic! t!ese ata are a*aila"le nee to "e ientifie)
i. Database Design :
Once t!e ata is capture in t!e system t!ese !a*e to "e preser*e for lon$ perio) T!e
ata is $enerally store in files in a lo$ical manner)
ii. Procedure Design : T!is step in*ol*es specifications of !ow processin$ will "e
iii. 'ontrol Design : It
inicates necessary proceure w!ic! will ensure correctness of processin$, accuracy of
ata, timely output etc)
School Management System
Input Design
T!e $oals of esi$nin$ ma-e ata entry easy an error free) T!e input screens of t!e system
clearly $i*e t!e len$t! of ata fiels) It allows t!e same fiel se2uence of t!e sources
ocuments0 forms of t!e ori$ination) T!e system follows t!e same ate formats as t!e user
follows) E+ample? mm00yyyy for ate *alues)
E*ery input screen is esi$ne for t!is system re2uires only limite amount of input ata) So it
a*ois elay an impro*es t!e ata entry spee as well as t!e o*erall spee of t!e system)
Necessary input *aliation c!ec-s are pro*ie at e*ery ata entry screens, so it reuces t!e
possi"ility of erroneous input) T!e input screens are mae as simple as possi"le "y a*oiin$
e+tra steps to ma-e it comforta"le to t!e users)
T!is system uses t!e menu con*ention to isplay t!e options t!e user can c!oose form, All
input screen are pro*ie wit! !elp to retrie*e pre*ious recors of -ey fiels)
+utput Design
T!e output esi$n s!oul "e in an attracti*e an useful from "ecause success mae accepta"le
of a system to some e+tent epens on $oo presentation) T!ere are main reasons, w!y outputs
from computer are re2uire) T!ey are?%
1) For communicatin$ to
t!e persons concerne)
2) For re%input to t!e
computer for "ein$ connecte wit! ot!er ata an furt!er processin$)
3) For permanent stora$e)
4) In t!is system, t!ere
are reports, isplay in screen an printe forms comes as outputs) Outputs e*ice use
in t!is system are monitor an printer) T!e main esi$n consierin$ t!is system are?
5) No ata e+clue in
6) T!e format of output is
similar to t!e presently e+istin$ one)
7) T!e se2uence of
reports printe is in a useful way w!ic! is similar to t!at of present system)
8) T!e outputs $eneratin$
are !a*in$ $oo 2uality in appearance, contents an accuracy)
9) T!e outputs sources
School Management System
are pro*ie wit! necessary screen !eain$ an la"els for *arious fiels) Buttons are
pro*ie for actions li-e isplayin$, printin$, etc)
School Management System
Menu Design
T!e menu of t!is system is esi$ne in a !ierarc!ical manner) Acti*ity of similar nature is
$roupe uner one menu) Li-e all entry forms of ser*er sie !as uner 7Entry forms9 menu
an all reports uner 7&eport 4enu 7) 4enus are esi$ne in t!e form t!at t!e user can wor-
wit! more t!an one form at a time)
Form Design
Form is a tool wit! messa$eP it is t!e p!ysical carrier of ata) It pro*ies information for
ma-in$ ecision an impro*in$ operations) T!e si/e of t!is form is con*enient for easy
!anlin$ an easy to ientify an filin$ up) T!e software co*ers t!e "asic processes startin$
from t!e re$istration of new customer an also pro*iin$ facility t!at alreay re$istere)
Data Flo! Diagram
A #ata Flow #ia$ram 5#F#6 is a $rap!ical tec!ni2ues t!at epict information flow an
transformations t!at are applie as ata mo*es from input to output) T!e #F# is also -nown as
a ata flow $rap! or a "u""le c!art)
T!e ata flow ia$ram may "e use to represent a system or software at any le*el of
a"straction) In fact #F#s may "e partitione into le*els t!at represent increasin$ information
flow an etails) T!erefore t!e #F# pro*ies a mec!anism for functional moelin$ as well as
information flow moelin$)
School Management System
D#T# F6+8 DI#)-#M
Student Pro,ect
6ist 6ist
School Management System
Stuent Amission #ata"ase Stuent Pro.ect Entry Stuent Pro.ect #etail
School Management System
$4- DI#)-#MS

Student in"o

Parents in"o
6ast School Details
School Management System
Enter Class
Enter Class Section
Class Su".ect
School Management System
D#T#/#S$ D$SI)N
=: T/6@MST@'6#SS
2: T/6@MST@'6#SS@F$$S@$#D
<: T/6@MST@M$DI.M
>: T/6@MST@+''.P#TI+N
School Management System
A: T/6@Mst@Pro,ects
6: T/6@MST@S$'TI+N
C: T/6@MST@Sub,ect
School Management System
D: T/6@mst@teacher
=;: T/6@-eciept@Master
School Management System
School Management System
Source coe for t!is pro.ect !as "een written in <isual Basic Lan$ua$e) Coe for inclue as
an w!en re2uire to ensure ma+imum moularity an reusa"ility) Source coe to "uil t!e
EGI interface is store in a file name QInterfaceB an it inclue separate function for eac!
winows or ialo$ "o+ use in t!is pac-a$e) Eac! form is calle w!en t!e winow !as "een
create an s!own) Since t!is pro.ect is e*ent ri*en one, all t!e re2uire e*ents !a*e to "e
!anle) 3ere ETJ li"rary pro*ies a si$nal an slot mec!anism for !anlin$ e*ents) All of
t!e e*ent functions or slots are efine in a file name Q"ac-B)
6+)IN F+-M
Pri%ate Sub 'ommand=@'lic(9:
If GCase5t+tui)Te+t6 ST US4SU T!en
4s$Bo+ UEnter <ali Gser NameU, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If

If GCase5t+tpw)Te+t6 ST US4SU T!en
4s$Bo+ UEnter <ali PassworU, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"

En If

4s$Bo+ U:our Passwor AccepteU, *"Information
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Student Pro,ect Details
Pri%ate Sub mnuabaut@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnuchangeclass@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnuclass@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnue1it@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnumedium@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
School Management System
Pri%ate Sub mnune!admission@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnuoccupation@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnuPro,ectdetails@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnupro,ectentry@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnupro,ectlist@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnurptatd@'lic(9:
W &ptVStuentVList)S!ow
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnusection@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnuSub,ects@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub mnuteacher@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pro,ect 6ist details
Pri%ate Sub 'ommand=@'lic(9:
If t+tmeium)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U Select 4eiumU, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tsection)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USelect SectionU, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tsession)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USelect sessionU, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
$rilist)&ows X '
#im r As Inte$er
r X '
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4stVPro.ects w!ere trim5stanar6 X WU F
Trim5t+tclass)Te+t6 F UWU6
School Management System
8it! $rilist
8!ile Not rs)EOF
)&ows X )&ows K '
)Te+t4atri+5r, D6 X rs)Fiels5D6
)Te+t4atri+5r, '6 X rs)Fiels5'6
)Te+t4atri+5r, (6 X rs)Fiels5A6
r X r K '
En 8it!
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STVCLASS U6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tclass)AItem rs)Fiels5'6
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STV4E#IG4 U6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tmeium)AItem rs)Fiels5'6
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STVSESSION U6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tsession)AItem rs)Fiels5'6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tclass@'lic(9:
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STVSECTION w!ere classXWU F
Trim5t+tclass)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tsection)AItem rs)Fiels5(6
$nd Sub
Pro,ects $ntry Details
+ption $1plicit
Dim "lag #s String3 ans #s /oolean
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
School Management System
cmA)Ena"le X False
W t+tSection)SetFocus
fla$ X UNU
t+tI)Te+t X $etNewStuentI#
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd'ancel@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X False
cmCancel)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X True
cmE+it)Ena"le X True
fla$ X UNU
t+tI X Empty
t+tPName X Empty
t+tesc X Empty
t+t$uie"y X Empty
t+tStanar X Empty
t+tsection X Empty
t+t4eium X Empty
t+tsession X Empty
t+tnoofmeme"er X Empty
t+tmem"ers X Empty
t+tI)<isi"le X False
l"li)<isi"le X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
fla$ X UEU
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
t+tI)<isi"le X True
l"li)<isi"le X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
WOn Error EoTo EC
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you 8ant to Sa*eU, *":esNo K *";uestion6 X *":es T!en
If Trim5fla$6 X UNU T!en
W%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%c!ec- class e+ist or not%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
W Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from t"lV4stVClassU6
W 8!ile Not rs)EOF
W If rs)Fiels5UclassU6 X Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6 T!en
W 4s$Bo+ 5UClass Alreay E+istU6, *"E+clamation, Pro.V!ea
W E+it Su"
W En If
W rs)4o*eNe+t
W 8en
School Management System
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptSa*e
Call cmCancelVClic-
En If
ElseIf Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptGpate
Call cmCancelVClic-
En If
En If
E+it Su"
En If
WE+it Su"
W 4s$Bo+ Err)Num"er F U U F Err)#escription
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en JeyAscii X D
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X Pro.V!ea
4e)Top X D
4e)Left X D
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STVSESSIONU6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
t+tsession)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5'66
W 4E#IG4
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STV4E#IG4U6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
t+t4eium)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5'66
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STVCLASSU6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
t+tStanar)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5'66
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STVTEAC3E&U6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
School Management System
t+t$uie"y)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5'66
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t%alidate9:
ans X False
If t+tPName)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UPro.ect Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tesc)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UPro.ect #escription EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+t$uie"y)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UEuie Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tStanar)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStanar EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tsection)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USection Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+t4eium)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4eium Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tsession)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USession Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tnoofmeme"er)Te+t X UU T!en
School Management System
4s$Bo+ UNo of 4em"er EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If t+tmem"ers)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4em"er Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
ans X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub DeptSa%e9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4stVPro.ectsU6
rs)Fiels5UiU6 X <al5t+tI)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UpnameU6 X Trim5t+tPName6
rs)Fiels5UescU6 X Trim5t+tesc6
rs)Fiels5U$uie"yU6 X Trim5t+tesc6
rs)Fiels5UstanarU6 X Trim5t+tStanar6
rs)Fiels5UsectionU6 X Trim5t+tsection6
rs)Fiels5UmeiumU6 X Trim5t+t4eium6
rs)Fiels5USessionU6 X Trim5t+tsession6
rs)Fiels5Unoofmem"erU6 X <al5t+tnoofmeme"er6
rs)Fiels5Unameofmem"erU6 X Trim5t+tmem"ers6
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Dept.pdate9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4stVPro.ects w!ere iXU F <al5t+tI)Te+t66
rs)Fiels5UpnameU6 X Trim5t+tPName6
rs)Fiels5UpnameU6 X Trim5t+tPName6
rs)Fiels5UescU6 X Trim5t+tesc6
rs)Fiels5U$uie"yU6 X Trim5t+tesc6
rs)Fiels5UstanarU6 X Trim5t+tStanar6
rs)Fiels5UsectionU6 X Trim5t+tsection6
rs)Fiels5UmeiumU6 X Trim5t+t4eium6
rs)Fiels5USessionU6 X Trim5t+tsession6
rs)Fiels5Unoofmem"erU6 X <al5t+tnoofmeme"er6
rs)Fiels5Unameofmem"erU6 X Trim5t+tmem"ers6
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tId@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X '3 T!en
If Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
If Len5t+tI)Te+t6 ST D T!en
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4stVPro.ects w!ere iXU F <al5t+tI)Te+t66
School Management System
If Not rs)EOF T!en
t+tPName X rs)Fiels5UpnameU6
t+tesc X rs)Fiels5UescU6
t+t$uie"y X rs)Fiels5U$uie"yU6
t+tStanar X rs)Fiels5UstanarU6
t+tsection X rs)Fiels5UsectionU6
t+t4eium X rs)Fiels5UmeiumU6
t+tsession X rs)Fiels5USessionU6
t+tnoofmeme"er X rs)Fiels5Unoofmem"erU6
t+tmem"ers X rs)Fiels5Unameofmem"erU6
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Not FounU, *"E+clamation
En If
E+it Su"
4s$Bo+ 5UEnter Pro.ect IU6, *"E+clamation
En If
4s$Bo+ U:ou are not in Eit 4oeU, *"E+clamation K *"OJCancel
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tnoo"memeber@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If Not IsNumeric5C!r5JeyAscii66 An JeyAscii ST *"JeyBac- T!en
JeyAscii X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Function getNe!StudentID9: #s 6ong
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect 4AY5i6 From TBLV4stVPro.ectsU6
If IsNull5rs)Fiels5D66 T!en
$etNewStuentI# X '
$etNewStuentI# X <al5rs)Fiels5D66 K '
En If
$nd Function
Pri%ate Sub t1tStandard@'lic(9:
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4STVSECTION 83E&E T&I45CLASS6XWU F
Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tsection)AItem rs)Fiels5USECTIONU6
rs)Close W
$nd Sub
School Management System
Ne! #ddmission
+ption $1plicit
Dim editFlag #s /oolean
Dim pop.pFlag #s /oolean
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
Call c!an$eComman4oe5UENT&:V4O#EU, 4e6
eitFla$ X False
t+tStuentI#)Te+t X $etNewStuentI#
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd'ancel@'lic(9:
#im ct As Control
For Eac! ct In Controls
If TypeOf ct Is Te+tBo+ T!en
ct X Empty
ElseIf TypeOf ct Is Com"oBo+ T!en
ct X Empty
En If
t+tStuentI#)Loc-e X True
t+tStuentI#)Bac-Color X F3EDEDED
t+tPre*4eium)Te+t X UNOU
t+tPre*Sc!oolName)Te+t X UNOU
t+tPre*Stanar)Te+t X UNOU
t+tStanar)Ena"le X True
t+tSection)Ena"le X True
t+t4eium)Ena"le X True
t+tSession)Ena"le X True
SSTa"')Ta" X D
Call c!an$eComman4oe5UNO&4ALV4O#EU, 4e6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
Call c!an$eComman4oe5UE#ITV4O#EU, 4e6
eitFla$ X True
t+tStuentI#)Loc-e X False
t+tStuentI#)Bac-Color X *"8!ite
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
#im ms$Ans As Byte
If <aliate#ata X False T!en E+it Su"
If eitFla$ X False T!en
WC!ec- for uplicate enrollment no
If Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 ST Empty T!en
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect StuentI From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
EnrollmentNoXWU F Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 F UWU6
If Not rs)EOF T!en
4s$Bo+ UEnrollment no) WU F Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 F UW is use "y WU F
rs)Fiels5UStuentI#U6 F UWU, *"E+clamation
School Management System
E+it Su"
En If
En If
ms$Ans X 4s$Bo+5U#o you want to sa*e t!is recorRU, *";uestion K *":esNo6
If ms$Ans X *"No T!en E+it Su"
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect O From TBLVStuentVInfoU6
rs)Fiels5UStuentIU6 X <al5t+tStuentI#)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UAmission#ateU6 X tpAmission#ate)<alue
rs)Fiels5USessionU6 X Trim5t+tSession)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEnrollmentNoU6 X Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStanarU6 X Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5USectionU6 X Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4eiumU6 X Trim5t+t4eium)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentFirstNameU6 X Trim5t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuent4ileNameU6 X Trim5t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentLastNameU6 X Trim5t+tStuentLastName)Te+t6
If opt4ale)<alue X True T!en
rs)Fiels5USe+U6 X U4ALEU
rs)Fiels5USe+U6 X UFE4ALEU
En If
rs)Fiels5U#OBU6 X tp#OB)<alue
rs)Fiels5U#OB8orsU6 X Trim5t+t#OB8ors)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPlaceOfBirt!U6 X Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianFirstNameU6 X Trim5t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarian4ileNameU6 X Trim5t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianLastNameU6 X Trim5t+tEarianLastName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianEucationU6 X Trim5t+tEarianEucation)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianOccupationU6 X Trim5t+tEarianOccupation)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!erFirstNameU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!er4ileNameU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!erLastNameU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!erEucationU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentAressU6 X Trim5t+tAress)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentCityU6 X Trim5t+tCity)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentMIPU6 X Trim5t+tMIP)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentStateU6 X Trim5t+tState)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UContactP!oneU6 X Trim5t+tP!one)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UContact4o"ileU6 X Trim5t+t4o"ile)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UCasteU6 X Trim5t+tCaste)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5USu"CasteU6 X Trim5t+tSu"Caste)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U&eli$ionU6 X Trim5t+t&eli$ion)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UNationalityU6 X Trim5t+tNationality)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*Sc!oolNameU6 X Trim5t+tPre*Sc!oolName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*StanarU6 X Trim5t+tPre*Stanar)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*4eiumU6 X Trim5t+tPre*4eium)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*SessionU6 X Trim5t+tPre*Session)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UAmiteU6 X True
School Management System
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
Call cmCancelVClic-
WC!ec- for uplicate enrollment no
If Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 ST Empty T!en
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect StuentI From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
EnrollmentNoXWU F Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 F UWU6
If Not rs)EOF T!en
If <al5rs)Fiels5UStuentI#U66 ST <al5t+tStuentI#)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ UEnrollment no) WU F Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 F UW is use "y WU F
rs)Fiels5UStuentI#U6 F UWU, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
En If
En If
ms$Ans X 4s$Bo+5U#o you want to eit t!is recorRU, *";uestion K *":esNo6
If ms$Ans X *"No T!en E+it Su"
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect O From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere StuentI# X U F
If Not rs)EOF T!en
rs)Fiels5UAmission#ateU6 X tpAmission#ate)<alue
rs)Fiels5USessionU6 X t+tSession)Te+t
rs)Fiels5UEnrollmentNoU6 X Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStanarU6 X Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5USectionU6 X Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentFirstNameU6 X Trim5t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuent4ileNameU6 X Trim5t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentLastNameU6 X Trim5t+tStuentLastName)Te+t6
If opt4ale)<alue X True T!en
rs)Fiels5USe+U6 X U4ALEU
rs)Fiels5USe+U6 X UFE4ALEU
En If
rs)Fiels5U#OBU6 X tp#OB)<alue
rs)Fiels5U#OB8orsU6 X Trim5t+t#OB8ors)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPlaceOfBirt!U6 X Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianFirstNameU6 X Trim5t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarian4ileNameU6 X Trim5t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianLastNameU6 X Trim5t+tEarianLastName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianEucationU6 X Trim5t+tEarianEucation)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UEarianOccupationU6 X Trim5t+tEarianOccupation)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!erFirstNameU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!er4ileNameU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!erLastNameU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4ot!erEucationU6 X Trim5t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentAressU6 X Trim5t+tAress)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentCityU6 X Trim5t+tCity)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentMIPU6 X Trim5t+tMIP)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStuentStateU6 X Trim5t+tState)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UContactP!oneU6 X Trim5t+tP!one)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UContact4o"ileU6 X Trim5t+t4o"ile)Te+t6
School Management System
rs)Fiels5UCasteU6 X Trim5t+tCaste)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5USu"CasteU6 X Trim5t+tSu"Caste)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U&eli$ionU6 X Trim5t+t&eli$ion)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UNationalityU6 X Trim5t+tNationality)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*Sc!oolNameU6 X Trim5t+tPre*Sc!oolName)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*StanarU6 X Trim5t+tPre*Stanar)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*4eiumU6 X Trim5t+tPre*4eium)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UPre*SessionU6 X Trim5t+tPre*Session)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UAmiteU6 X rs)Fiels5UAmiteU6
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
Call cmCancelVClic-
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdTab=Ne1t@'lic(9Inde1 #s Integer:
SSTa"')Ta" X Ine+ K '
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdTab=Pre%@'lic(9Inde1 #s Integer:
SSTa"')Ta" X Ine+ % '
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub dtpD+/@6ostFocus9:
WCon*ert ate in wors
WFin ate
t+t#OB8ors)Te+t X $etTwo#i$itCon*ersion5#ay5tp#OB)<alue66
WFin mont!
t+t#OB8ors)Te+t X t+t#OB8ors)Te+t F U U F 4ont!Name54ont!5tp#OB)<alue66
WFin year
t+t#OB8ors)Te+t X StrCon*5t+t#OB8ors)Te+t F U U F
:earCon*ertTo8ors5:ear5tp#OB)<alue66, *"GpperCase6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en
JeyAscii X D
ElseIf JeyAscii TX C@ An JeyAscii SX '(( T!en
JeyAscii X JeyAscii % 3(
ElseIf JeyAscii X (@ T!en
W lstPopGpList)<isi"le X False
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
tpAmission#ate)<alue X #ate
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect CLASS From TBLV4STVCLASSU, t+tStanar6
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect CLASS From TBLV4STVCLASSU, t+tPre*Stanar6
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect 4E#IG4 From TBLV4STV4E#IG4U, t+t4eium6
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect 4E#IG4 From TBLV4STV4E#IG4U, t+tPre*4eium6
W Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect SESSION From TBLV4STVSESSIONU, t+tSession6
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STVSESSIONU6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
t+tSession)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5'66
School Management System
WA Caste
t+tCaste)AItem UOPENU
t+tCaste)AItem UOBCU
t+tCaste)AItem USCU
t+tCaste)AItem USTU
t+tCaste)AItem UNTU
t+tCaste)AItem U<I0NTU
WA reli$ion
t+t&eli$ion)AItem U3IN#GU
t+t&eli$ion)AItem U4GSLI4U
t+t&eli$ion)AItem USIJ3U
t+t&eli$ion)AItem UISAIU
t+t&eli$ion)AItem UBG##3AU
t+t&eli$ion)AItem UPA&SIU
Call cmCancelVClic-
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub lstPopupName@Dbl'lic(9:
Call s!owSelecteListItem
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub lstPopupName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X '3 T!en Call s!owSelecteListItem
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMobile@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If Not IsNumeric5C!r5JeyAscii66 An JeyAscii ST *"JeyBac- T!en
JeyAscii X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStandard@'lic(9:
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STVSECTION 8!ere CLASSXWU F
Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
t+tSection)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5(66
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t#ddress@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tAress)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct StuentAress From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere StuentAress Li-e WU F Trim5t+tAress)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tAress)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tAress)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
School Management System
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tAress)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UStuentAressU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t#ddress@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t#ddress@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t#ddress@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t'ity@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tCity)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct StuentCity From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
StuentCity Li-e WU F Trim5t+tCity)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tCity)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tCity)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tCity)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UStuentCityU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t'ity@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t'ity@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t'ity@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian$ducation@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tEarianEucation)Te+t66 T D T!en
School Management System
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct EarianEucation From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere EarianEucation Li-e WU F Trim5t+tEarianEucation)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tEarianEucation)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tEarianEucation)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tEarianEucation)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UEarianEucationU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian$ducation@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian$ducation@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian$ducation@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianFirstName@'hange9:
l"lEarianFullName)Caption X t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t F U U F
t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t F U U F t+tEarianLastName)Te+t
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct EarianFirstName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere EarianFirstName Li-e WU F Trim5t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tEarianFirstName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tEarianFirstName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tEarianFirstName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UEarianFirstNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianFirstName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianFirstName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
School Management System
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianFirstName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian6astName@'hange9:
l"lEarianFullName)Caption X t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t F U U F
t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t F U U F t+tEarianLastName)Te+t
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tEarianLastName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct EarianLastName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere EarianLastName Li-e WU F Trim5t+tEarianLastName)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tEarianLastName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tEarianLastName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tEarianLastName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UEarianLastNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian6astName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian6astName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardian6astName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianMiddleName@'hange9:
l"lEarianFullName)Caption X t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t F U U F
t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t F U U F t+tEarianLastName)Te+t
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct Earian4ileName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere Earian4ileName Li-e WU F Trim5t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t6 F UZWU,
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tEarian4ileName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tEarian4ileName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tEarian4ileName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UEarian4ileNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
School Management System
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianMiddleName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianMiddleName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t)ardianMiddleName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
t+tEarianLastName)Te+t X t+tStuentLastName)Te+t
t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t X t+tStuentLastName)Te+t
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMobile@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+t4o"ile)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct Contact4o"ile From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
Contact4o"ile Li-e WU F Trim5t+t4o"ile)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+t4o"ile)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+t4o"ile)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+t4o"ile)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UContact4o"ileU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMobile@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMobile@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMobile@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother$ducation@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct 4ot!erEucation From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere 4ot!erEucation Li-e WU F Trim5t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+t4ot!erEucation)Left K SSTa"')Left
School Management System
lstPopupName)Top X t+t4ot!erEucation)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+t4ot!erEucation)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X U4ot!erEucationU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother$ducation@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother$ducation@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother$ducation@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherFirstName@'hange9:
l"l4ot!erFullName)Caption X t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t F U U F
t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t F U U F t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct 4ot!erFirstName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere 4ot!erFirstName Li-e WU F Trim5t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+t4ot!erFirstName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+t4ot!erFirstName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+t4ot!erFirstName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X U4ot!erFirstNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherFirstName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherFirstName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherFirstName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
School Management System
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother6astName@'hange9:
l"l4ot!erFullName)Caption X t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t F U U F
t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t F U U F t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct 4ot!erLastName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere 4ot!erLastName Li-e WU F Trim5t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+t4ot!erLastName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+t4ot!erLastName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+t4ot!erLastName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X U4ot!erLastNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother6astName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother6astName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMother6astName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherMiddleName@'hange9:
l"l4ot!erFullName)Caption X t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t F U U F
t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t F U U F t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct 4ot!er4ileName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere 4ot!er4ileName Li-e WU F Trim5t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t6 F UZWU,
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+t4ot!er4ileName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+t4ot!er4ileName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+t4ot!er4ileName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X U4ot!er4ileNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherMiddleName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
School Management System
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherMiddleName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tMotherMiddleName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPhone@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tP!one)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct ContactP!one From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
ContactP!one Li-e WU F Trim5t+tP!one)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tP!one)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tP!one)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tP!one)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UContactP!oneU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPhone@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPhone@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPhone@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPlaceo"/irth@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct PlaceOfBirt! From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
PlaceOfBirt! Li-e WU F Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tPlaceofBirt!)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tPlaceofBirt!)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tPlaceofBirt!)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UPlaceOfBirt!U
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
School Management System
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPlaceo"/irth@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPlaceo"/irth@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPlaceo"/irth@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPre%SchoolName@'hange9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPre%SchoolName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPre%SchoolName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tPre%SchoolName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tState@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tState)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct StuentState From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
StuentState Li-e WU F Trim5t+tState)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tState)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tState)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tState)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UStuentStateU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tState@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tState@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
School Management System
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tState@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentFirstName@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct StuentFirstName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere StuentFirstName Li-e WU F Trim5t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tStuentFirstName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tStuentFirstName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tStuentFirstName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UStuentFirstNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentFirstName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentFirstName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentFirstName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudent6astName@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tStuentLastName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct StuentLastName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere StuentLastName Li-e WU F Trim5t+tStuentLastName)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tStuentLastName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tStuentLastName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tStuentLastName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UStuentLastNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If

En If
En If
$nd Sub
School Management System
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudent6astName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudent6astName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudent6astName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
t+tEarianLastName)Te+t X t+tStuentLastName)Te+t
t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t X t+tStuentLastName)Te+t
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentMiddleName@'hange9:
I" pop.pFlag F True Then
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct Stuent4ileName From TBLVStuentVInfo
8!ere Stuent4ileName Li-e WU F Trim5t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t6 F UZWU,
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tStuent4ileName)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tStuent4ileName)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tStuent4ileName)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UStuent4ileNameU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentMiddleName@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentMiddleName@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentMiddleName@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t X t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t
t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t X t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tSub'aste@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tSu"Caste)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct Su"Caste From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
School Management System
Su"Caste Li-e WU F Trim5t+tSu"Caste)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6
If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tSu"Caste)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tSu"Caste)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tSu"Caste)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X USu"CasteU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tSub'aste@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tSub'aste@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tSub'aste@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tGIP@'hange9:
If popGpFla$ X True T!en
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
If Len5Trim5t+tMIP)Te+t66 T D T!en
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect #istinct StuentMIP From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
StuentMIP Li-e WU F Trim5t+tMIP)Te+t6 F UZWU, lstPopupName6

If lstPopupName)ListCount T D T!en
lstPopupName)Left X t+tMIP)Left K SSTa"')Left
lstPopupName)Top X t+tMIP)Top K SSTa"')Top K 3>D
lstPopupName)8it! X t+tMIP)8it!
lstPopupName)Ta$ X UStuentMIPU
lstPopupName)<isi"le X True
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tGIP@)otFocus9:
popGpFla$ X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tGIP@EeyDo!n9Eey'ode #s Integer3 Shi"t #s Integer:
If JeyCoe X *"Jey#own An lstPopupName)<isi"le X True T!en
lstPopupName)ListIne+ X D
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tGIP@6ostFocus9:
popGpFla$ X False
School Management System
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentID@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X '3 T!en
If t+tStuentI#)Te+t ST Empty T!en
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect O From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere StuentI# X U F
If Not rs)EOF T!en
tpAmission#ate)<alue X rs)Fiels5UAmission#ateU6
t+tSession)Te+t X rs)Fiels5USessionU6
t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEnrollmentNoU6
t+tStanar)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStanarU6
t+t4eium)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4eiumU6
t+tSection)Te+t X rs)Fiels5USectionU6
t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentFirstNameU6
t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuent4ileNameU6
If rs)Fiels5USe+U6 X U4ALEU T!en
t+tStuentTitle)Te+t X U4r)U
opt4ale)<alue X True
t+tStuentTitle)Te+t X U4s)U
optFemale)<alue X True
En If
t+tStuentLastName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentLastNameU6
tp#OB)<alue X rs)Fiels5U#OBU6
t+t#OB8ors)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U#OB8orsU6
t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPlaceOfBirt!U6
t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianFirstNameU6
t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarian4ileNameU6
t+tEarianLastName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianLastNameU6
t+tEarianEucation)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianEucationU6
t+tEarianOccupation)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianOccupationU6
t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!erFirstNameU6
t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!er4ileNameU6
t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!erLastNameU6
t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!erEucationU6
t+tAress)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentAressU6
t+tCity)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentCityU6
t+tMIP)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentMIPU6
t+tState)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentStateU6
t+tP!one)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UContactP!oneU6
t+t4o"ile)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UContact4o"ileU6
t+tCaste)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UCasteU6
t+tSu"Caste)Te+t X rs)Fiels5USu"CasteU6
t+t&eli$ion)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U&eli$ionU6
t+tNationality)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UNationalityU6
t+tPre*Sc!oolName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*Sc!oolNameU6 F UU
t+tPre*Stanar)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*StanarU6
t+tPre*4eium)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*4eiumU6
t+tPre*Session)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*SessionU6
W#isa"le unc!an$a"le fiels
t+tStanar)Ena"le X False
School Management System
t+tSection)Ena"le X False
t+t4eium)Ena"le X False
t+tSession)Ena"le X False
4s$Bo+ UStuent I# WU F t+tStuentI#)Te+t F UW not foun[U, *"E+clamation
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentTitle@'lic(9:
If t+tStuentTitle)Te+t X U4r)U T!en
opt4ale)<alue X True
ElseIf t+tStuentTitle)Te+t X U4s)U T!en
optFemale)<alue X True
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub addDataIn'ombo9s2lHuery #s String3 ob, #s +b,ect:
Call Connect#ataBase5s2l;uery6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
o".)AItem rs)Fiels5D6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Function getNe!StudentID9: #s 6ong
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect 4AY5StuentI#6 From TBLVStuentVInfoU6
If IsNull5rs)Fiels5D66 T!en
$etNewStuentI# X '
$etNewStuentI# X <al5rs)Fiels5D66 K '
En If
$nd Function
Pri%ate Function &alidateData9: #s /oolean
If Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStanar is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USection is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4eium)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4eium is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tSession)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USession is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuentTitle)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UGna"le to etermine stuent se+[U, *"E+clamation
School Management System
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent First name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent 4ile name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuentLastName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent Last name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent "irt! place is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent "irt! place is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian first name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian mile name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianLastName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian last name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianEucation)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian eucation is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianOccupation)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian occupation is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er first name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er mile name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er last name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er eucation is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tAress)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStreet0Area aress is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tCity)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UCity is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tMIP)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UMIP is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
School Management System
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tState)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UState is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tNationality)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UNationality is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tCaste)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UCaste is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tSu"Caste)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USu"%Caste is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t&eli$ion)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U&eli$ion is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
<aliate#ata X True
En If
$nd Function
Pri%ate Sub sho!Selected6istItem9:
Select Case lstPopupName)Ta$
Case UStuentFirstNameU
t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tStuentFirstName)SelStart X Len5t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t6
Case UStuent4ileNameU
t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tStuent4ileName)SelStart X Len5t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t6
Case UStuentLastNameU
t+tStuentLastName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tStuentLastName)SelStart X Len5t+tStuentLastName)Te+t6
Case UPlaceOfBirt!U
t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tPlaceofBirt!)SelStart X Len5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6
Case UEarianFirstNameU
t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tEarianFirstName)SelStart X Len5t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t6
Case UEarian4ileNameU
t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tEarian4ileName)SelStart X Len5t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t6
Case UEarianLastNameU
t+tEarianLastName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tEarianLastName)SelStart X Len5t+tEarianLastName)Te+t6
Case UEarianEucationU
School Management System
t+tEarianEucation)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tEarianEucation)SelStart X Len5t+tEarianEucation)Te+t6
Case U4ot!erFirstNameU
t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+t4ot!erFirstName)SelStart X Len5t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t6
Case U4ot!er4ileNameU
t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+t4ot!er4ileName)SelStart X Len5t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t6
Case U4ot!erLastNameU
t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+t4ot!erLastName)SelStart X Len5t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t6
Case U4ot!erEucationU
t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+t4ot!erEucation)SelStart X Len5t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t6
Case UStuentAressU
t+tAress)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tAress)SelStart X Len5t+tAress)Te+t6
Case UStuentStateU
t+tState)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tState)SelStart X Len5t+tState)Te+t6
Case UStuentCityU
t+tCity)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tCity)SelStart X Len5t+tCity)Te+t6
Case UStuentMIPU
t+tMIP)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tMIP)SelStart X Len5t+tMIP)Te+t6
Case UContact4o"ileU
t+t4o"ile)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+t4o"ile)SelStart X Len5t+t4o"ile)Te+t6
Case UContactP!oneU
t+tP!one)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tP!one)SelStart X Len5t+tP!one)Te+t6
Case USu"CasteU
t+tSu"Caste)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tSu"Caste)SelStart X Len5t+tSu"Caste)Te+t6
Case UPre*Sc!oolNameU
t+tPre*Sc!oolName)Te+t X lstPopupName)List5lstPopupName)ListIne+6
t+tPre*Sc!oolName)SelStart X Len5t+tPre*Sc!oolName)Te+t6
School Management System
En Select
lstPopupName)<isi"le X False
$nd Sub
'lass 'hange
+ption $1plicit
Dim tempsession #s String
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd.pdate@'lic(9:
If <aliate#ata X False T!en E+it Su"
If Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 ST Empty T!en
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect StuentI From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
EnrollmentNoXWU F Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 F UWU6
If Not rs)EOF T!en
If <al5rs)Fiels5UStuentI#U66 ST <al5t+tStuentI#)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ UEnrollment no) WU F Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6 F UW is use "y WU F
rs)Fiels5UStuentI#U6 F UWU, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
En If
En If
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect amissionate From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere
stuentiXU F <al5t+tStuentI#)Te+t6 F UU6
If Not rs)EOF T!en
If rs)Fiels5UamissionateU6 X tpAmission#ate)<alue T!en
4s$Bo+ UAmission #ate Not C!an$e,CanWt Procee Ne+t Class)U, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
En If
Wc!ec- Stanar c!an$e or not
If Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 ST Empty T!en
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect stanar From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere stuentiXU F
<al5t+tStuentI#)Te+t6 F UU6
If Not rs)EOF T!en
If Trim5rs)Fiels5UstanarU66 X Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ UStanar Not C!an$e,CanWt Procee Ne+t Class)U, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
En If
En If
Wc!ec- session c!an$e or not
If Trim5t+tSession)Te+t6 ST Empty T!en
If Trim5tempsession6 X Trim5t+tSession)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ USession Not C!an$e, CanWt Procee Ne+t Class)U, *"E+clamation
E+it Su"
En If
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you want to eit t!is recorRU, *";uestion K *":esNo6 X *"No T!en E+it
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect O From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere StuentI# X U F
School Management System
If Not rs)EOF T!en
rs)Fiels5UAmission#ateU6 X tpAmission#ate)<alue
rs)Fiels5USessionU6 X t+tSession)Te+t
rs)Fiels5UEnrollmentNoU6 X Trim5t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UStanarU6 X Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5USectionU6 X Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5U4eiumU6 X Trim5t+t4eium)Te+t6
En If
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub 'ommand=@'lic(9:
If SSTa"')Ta" X D T!en
E+it Su"
SSTa"')Ta" X SSTa"')Ta" % '
En If

$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub 'ommand2@'lic(9:
If SSTa"')Ta" X 4 T!en
E+it Su"
SSTa"')Ta" X SSTa"')Ta" K '
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en
JeyAscii X D
ElseIf JeyAscii TX C@ An JeyAscii SX '(( T!en
JeyAscii X JeyAscii % 3(
ElseIf JeyAscii X (@ T!en
W lstPopGpList)<isi"le X False
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
tpAmission#ate)<alue X #ate
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect CLASS From TBLV4STVCLASSU, t+tStanar6
Call a#ataInCom"o5USelect 4E#IG4 From TBLV4STV4E#IG4U, t+t4eium6
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STVSESSIONU6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
t+tSession)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5'66
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub addDataIn'ombo9s2lHuery #s String3 ob, #s +b,ect:
Call Connect#ataBase5s2l;uery6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
School Management System
o".)AItem rs)Fiels5D6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStandard@'lic(9:
W If Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 ST Empty T!en
Connect#ataBase' 5USelect O From TBLV4STVSECTION 8!ere CLASSXWU F
Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs')EOF
t+tSection)AItem Trim5rs')Fiels5(66
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tStudentID@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X '3 T!en
If t+tStuentI#)Te+t ST Empty T!en
Call Connect#ataBase5USelect O From TBLVStuentVInfo 8!ere StuentI# X U F
If Not rs)EOF T!en
tpAmission#ate)<alue X rs)Fiels5UAmission#ateU6
t+tSession)Te+t X rs)Fiels5USessionU6
t+tEnrollmentNo)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEnrollmentNoU6
t+tStanar)Te+t X Trim5rs)Fiels5UStanarU66
t+t4eium)Te+t X Trim5rs)Fiels5U4eiumU66
t+tSection)Te+t X Trim5rs)Fiels5USectionU66
t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentFirstNameU6
t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuent4ileNameU6
If rs)Fiels5USe+U6 X U4ALEU T!en
t+tStuentTitle)Te+t X U4r)U
opt4ale)<alue X True
t+tStuentTitle)Te+t X U4s)U
optFemale)<alue X True
En If
t+tStuentLastName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentLastNameU6
tp#OB)<alue X rs)Fiels5U#OBU6
t+t#OB8ors)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U#OB8orsU6
t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPlaceOfBirt!U6
t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianFirstNameU6
t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarian4ileNameU6
t+tEarianLastName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianLastNameU6
t+tEarianEucation)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianEucationU6
t+tEarianOccupation)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UEarianOccupationU6
t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!erFirstNameU6
t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!er4ileNameU6
t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!erLastNameU6
t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U4ot!erEucationU6
t+tAress)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentAressU6
t+tCity)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentCityU6
School Management System
t+tMIP)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentMIPU6
t+tState)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UStuentStateU6
t+tP!one)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UContactP!oneU6
t+t4o"ile)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UContact4o"ileU6
t+tCaste)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UCasteU6
t+tSu"Caste)Te+t X rs)Fiels5USu"CasteU6
t+t&eli$ion)Te+t X rs)Fiels5U&eli$ionU6
t+tNationality)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UNationalityU6
t+tPre*Sc!oolName)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*Sc!oolNameU6
t+tPre*Stanar)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*StanarU6
t+tPre*4eium)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*4eiumU6
t+tPre*Session)Te+t X rs)Fiels5UPre*SessionU6
tempsession X Trim5t+tSession)Te+t6

4s$Bo+ UStuent I# WU F t+tStuentI#)Te+t F UW not foun[U, *"E+clamation
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Function &alidateData9: #s /oolean
If Trim5t+tStanar)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStanar is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USection is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4eium)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4eium is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tSession)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USession is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuentTitle)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UGna"le to etermine stuent se+[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuentFirstName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent First name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuent4ileName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent 4ile name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tStuentLastName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent Last name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent "irt! place is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
School Management System
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tPlaceofBirt!)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStuent "irt! place is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianFirstName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian first name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarian4ileName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian mile name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianLastName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian last name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianEucation)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian eucation is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tEarianOccupation)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UFat!er0Earian occupation is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!erFirstName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er first name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!er4ileName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er mile name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!erLastName)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er last name is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t4ot!erEucation)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U4ot!er eucation is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tAress)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UStreet0Area aress is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tCity)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UCity is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tMIP)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UMIP is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tState)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UState is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tNationality)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UNationality is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tCaste)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UCaste is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+tSu"Caste)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USu"%Caste is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
School Management System
<aliate#ata X False
ElseIf Trim5t+t&eli$ion)Te+t6 X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U&eli$ion is not $i*en[U, *"E+clamation
<aliate#ata X False
<aliate#ata X True
En If
$nd Function
+ption $1plicit
Dim "lag #s String3 ans #s /oolean
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
fla$ X UNU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd'ancel@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X False
cmCancel)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X True
cmE+it)Ena"le X True
fla$ X UNU
t+tsection)Te+t X Empty
TYTI#)Te+t X Empty
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
fla$ X UEU
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
WOn Error EoTo EC
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you 8ant to Sa*eU, *":esNo K *";uestion6 X *":es T!en
If Trim5fla$6 X UNU T!en
W%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%c!ec- class e+ist or not%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from t"lV4stVClassU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
If rs)Fiels5UclassU6 X Trim5t+tsection)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ 5UClass Alreay E+istU6, *"E+clamation, Pro.V!ea
School Management System
E+it Su"
En If
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptSa*e
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
ElseIf Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptGpate
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
En If
E+it Su"
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t%alidate9:
ans X False
If t+tsection)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USection Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
ans X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub DeptSa%e9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4STVCLASSU6
rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6 X t+tsection
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Dept.pdate9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLVmstVCLASS w!ere I#XU F <al5TYTI#)Te+t66
rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6 X t+tsection
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "g=@Dbl'lic(9:
If Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
#im r As Inte$er
r X f$')&ow
School Management System
TYTI#)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6
t+tsection)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6
4s$Bo+ U:ou are not in Eit 4oeU, *"E+clamation K *"OJCancel
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "illgrid9:
#im r As Inte$er
f$')&ows X '
r X '
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLVmstVclassU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
f$')&ows X f$')&ows K '
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6 X rs)Fiels5D6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6 X rs)Fiels5'6
r X r K '
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en JeyAscii X D
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X Pro.V!ea
4e)Top X D
4e)Left X D
$nd Sub
Dim ans #s /oolean
Dim "lag #s String
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd'ancel@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X False
cmCancel)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X True
cmE+it)Ena"le X True
fla$ X UNU
t+tI)Te+t X UU
t+tSection)Te+t X UU
c"oclass)Te+t X UU
School Management System
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
fla$ X UEU
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
On Error EoTo EC
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you 8ant to Sa*eU, *":esNo K *"E+clamation6 X *":es T!en
If Trim5fla$6 X UNU T!en
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4STVSECTION w!ere ClassXWU F
Trim5c"oclass)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
If rs)Fiels5USectionU6 X Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ 5USection Alreay E+istU6, *"E+clamation, Pro.V!ea
E+it Su"
En If
Call t+t*aliate

If ans X True T!en
Call #eptSa*e
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
ElseIf Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptGpate
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
En If
E+it Su"
En If
E+it Su"
4s$Bo+ Err)Num"er F U U F Err)#escription, *"E+clamation
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Dept.pdate9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4STVSECTION w!ere I#XU F
rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6 X c"oclass
School Management System
rs)Fiels5USECTIONU6 X t+tSection
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub DeptSa%e9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4STVSECTIONU6
rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6 X Trim5c"oclass)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5USECTIONU6 X Trim5t+tSection)Te+t6
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t%alidate9:
ans X False
If t+tSection)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U Enter t!e sectionU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
ans X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "illgrid9:
#im r As Inte$er
f$')&ows X '
r X '
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLVmstVsectionU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
f$')&ows X f$')&ows K '
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6 X rs)Fiels5D6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6 X rs)Fiels5'6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6 X rs)Fiels5(6
r X r K '
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "g=@Dbl'lic(9:
If Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
#im r As Inte$er
r X f$')&ow
t+tI)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6
c"oclass)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6
t+tSection)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6
Wt+tstanar)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6
4s$Bo+ U:ou are not in Eit 4oeU, *"E+clamation K *"OJCancel, ms$!ea
En If
$nd Sub
School Management System
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en JeyAscii X D
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X Pro.V!ea
4e)Top X D
4e)Left X D
Call fill$ri
ans X True
fla$ X UNU
W%%%%%%%%% for ain$ class in cam"o class from t"lVmstVclass
Connect#ataBase 5U select O from t"lVmstVclassU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
c"oclass)AItem rs)Fiels5UclassU6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tSection@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
JeyAscii X Asc5GCase5C!r5JeyAscii666
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tSection@6ostFocus9:
W cmsa*e)SetFocus
$nd Sub
Dim "lag #s String
Dim ans #s /oolean
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
fla$ X UNU
W t+tmeium)Te+t X UU
$nd Sub
Pri*ate Su" cmCancelVClic-56
cmsa*e)Ena"le X False
cmCancel)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X True
cmE+it)Ena"le X True
t+tmeium)Te+t X UU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
fla$ X UEU
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
School Management System
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you 8ant to Sa*eU, *":esNo K *";uestion6 X *":es T!en
If Trim5fla$6 X UNU T!en
W%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%c!ec- class e+ist or not%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4STV4E#IG4U6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
If rs)Fiels5U4E#IG4U6 X Trim5t+tmeium)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ 5U4eium Alreay E+istU6, *"E+clamation, Pro.V!ea
E+it Su"
En If
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptSa*e
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
ElseIf Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptGpate
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t%alidate9:
ans X False
If t+tmeium)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USelect 4eiumU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
ans X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub DeptSa%e9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4STV4E#IG4U6
rs)Fiels5U4E#IG4U6 X Trim5t+tmeium)Te+t6
School Management System
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "illgrid9:
#im r As Inte$er
f$')&ows X '
r X '
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLVmstVmeiumU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
f$')&ows X f$')&ows K '
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6 X rs)Fiels5D6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6 X rs)Fiels5'6
r X r K '
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Dept.pdate9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLVmstV4E#IG4 w!ere I#XU F <al5t+ti)Te+t66
rs)Fiels5U4E#IG4U6 X t+tmeium
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "g=@Dbl'lic(9:
If Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
#im r As Inte$er
r X f$')&ow
t+ti)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6
t+tmeium)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6
4s$Bo+ U:ou are not in Eit 4oeU, *"E+clamation K *"OJCancel
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en JeyAscii X D
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X Pro.V!ea
4e)Top X D
4e)Left X D
Call fill$ri
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tmedium@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
JeyAscii X Asc5GCase5C!r5JeyAscii666
$nd Sub
Dim "lag #s String
Dim ans #s /oolean
School Management System
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
fla$ X UNU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd'ancel@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X False
cmCancel)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X True
cmE+it)Ena"le X True
fla$ X UNU
t+ti)Te+t X UU
c"oclass)Te+t X UU
t+tsu".ect)Te+t X UU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
fla$ X UEU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
On Error EoTo EC
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you 8ant to Sa*eU, *":esNo K *";uestion6 X *":es T!en
If Trim5fla$6 X UNU T!en
W%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%c!ec- Su".ect e+ist or not%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLVmstVsu".ect w!ere ClassXWU F
Trim5c"oclass)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
If rs)Fiels5USu".ectU6 X Trim5t+tsu".ect)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ 5USu".ect Alreay E+istU6, *"E+clamation, Pro.V!ea
E+it Su"
En If
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptSa*e
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
School Management System
ElseIf Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptGpate
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
En If
En If
E+it Su"
4s$Bo+ Err)Num"er F U U F Err)#escription, *"E+clamation
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "illgrid9:
#im r As Inte$er
f$')&ows X '
r X '
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLVmstVsu".ectU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
f$')&ows X f$')&ows K '
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6 X rs)Fiels5D6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6 X rs)Fiels5'6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6 X rs)Fiels5(6 F UU
r X r K '
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Dept.pdate9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLVmstVsu".ect w!ere I#XU F <al5t+ti)Te+t66
rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6 X c"oclass
rs)Fiels5USGBIECTU6 X t+tsu".ect
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub DeptSa%e9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4STVSu".ectU6
rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6 X c"oclass
rs)Fiels5USu".ectU6 X t+tsu".ect)Te+t
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t%alidate9:
ans X False
If c"oclass)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USelect classU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
School Management System
E+it Su"
En If
ans X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "g=@Dbl'lic(9:
If Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
#im r As Inte$er
r X f$')&ow
t+ti)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6
c"oclass)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6
t+tsu".ect)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6
Wt+tstanar)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6
4s$Bo+ U:ou are not in Eit 4oeU, *"E+clamation K *"OJCancel, ms$!ea
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en JeyAscii X D
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X Pro.V!ea
4e)Top X D
4e)Left X D
Call fill$ri
ans X False
fla$ X UNU
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect istinct5class6 from t"lVmstVsectionU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
c"oclass)AItem rs)Fiels5UclassU6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tsub,ect@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
JeyAscii X Asc5GCase5C!r5JeyAscii666
$nd Sub
+ption $1plicit
Dim "lag #s String
Dim ans #s /oolean
Pri%ate Sub cboclass@'lic(9:
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4STVSECTION 83E&E T&I45CLASS6XWU F
Trim5c"oclass)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
c"osection)AItem rs)Fiels5USECTIONU6
School Management System
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4STVSGBIECT 83E&E T&I45CLASS6XWU F
Trim5c"oclass)Te+t6 F UWU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
c"osu".ect)AItem rs)Fiels5USGBIECTU6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "g=@Dbl'lic(9:
If Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
#im r As Inte$er
r X f$')&ow
t+ti)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6
t+tTName)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6
c"oclass)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6
c"osection)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, 36
c"osu".ect)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, 46

4s$Bo+ U:ou are not in Eit 4oeU, *"E+clamation K *"OJCancel, ms$!ea
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en JeyAscii X D
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X Pro.V!ea
4e)Top X D
4e)Left X D
Call fill$ri
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4STVCLASSU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
c"oclass)AItem rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
fla$ X UNU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd'ancel@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X False
cmCancel)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X True
School Management System
cmEit)Ena"le X True
cmE+it)Ena"le X True
t+ti)Te+t X UU
t+tTName)Te+t X UU
c"osection)Te+t X UU
c"oclass)Te+t X UU
c"osu".ect)Te+t X UU
fla$ X UNU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
fla$ X UEU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t%alidate9:
ans X False
If t+tTName)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UENTE& TEAC3E& NA4EU, *"E+clamation, ms$!ea
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If c"osection)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ USection Name EmptyU, *"E+clamation, ms$!ea
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If c"oclass)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ UClass EmptyU, *"E+clamation, ms$!ea
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
If c"osu".ect)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U Su".ect EmptyU, *"E+clamation, ms$!ea
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
ans X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
On Error EoTo EC
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you 8ant to Sa*eU, *":esNo K *"E+clamation, ms$!ea6 X *":es T!en
School Management System
If Trim5fla$6 X UNU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call &ECSa*e
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
ElseIf Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptGpate
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
En If
En If
E+it Su"
4s$Bo+ Err)Num"er F U U F Err)#escription, *"E+clamation
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Dept.pdate9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLVmstVteac!er w!ere I#XU F <al5t+ti)Te+t66
rs)Fiels5UTnameU6 X t+tTName
rs)Fiels5UClassU6 X c"oclass
rs)Fiels5USectionU6 X c"osection
rs)Fiels5USu".ectU6 X c"osu".ect
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "illgrid9:
#im r As Inte$er
f$')&ows X '
r X '
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLVmstVteac!erU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
f$')&ows X f$')&ows K '
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6 X rs)Fiels5D6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6 X rs)Fiels5'6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, (6 X rs)Fiels5(6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, 36 X rs)Fiels536
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, 46 X rs)Fiels546
r X r K '
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub -$'Sa%e9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4STVTeac!erU6
rs)Fiels5UTNA4EU6 X Trim5t+tTName)Te+t6
School Management System
rs)Fiels5USECTIONU6 X Trim5c"osection)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5UCLASSU6 X Trim5c"oclass)Te+t6
rs)Fiels5USGBIECTU6 X Trim5c"osu".ect)Te+t6
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1tTName@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
JeyAscii X Asc5GCase5C!r5JeyAscii666
$nd Sub
Dim "lag #s String
Dim ans #s /oolean
Pri%ate Sub cmd#dd@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
fla$ X UNU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd'ancel@'lic(9:
cmsa*e)Ena"le X False
cmCancel)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X True
cmE+it)Ena"le X True
t+toccupation)Te+t X UU
fla$ X UNU
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$dit@'lic(9:
fla$ X UEU
cmsa*e)Ena"le X True
cmCancel)Ena"le X True
cmEit)Ena"le X False
cmE+it)Ena"le X False
cmA)Ena"le X False
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd$1it@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmdsa%e@'lic(9:
If 4s$Bo+5U#o you 8ant to Sa*eU, *":esNo K *";uestion6 X *":es T!en
If Trim5fla$6 X UNU T!en
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLV4STVOCCGPATIONU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
If rs)Fiels5UoccupationU6 X Trim5t+toccupation)Te+t6 T!en
4s$Bo+ 5UOccupation Alreay E+istU6, *"E+clamation, Pro.V!ea
E+it Su"
School Management System
En If
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptSa*e
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
ElseIf Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
Call t+t*aliate
If ans X True T!en
Call #eptGpate
Call cmCancelVClic-
Call fill$ri
En If
En If
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t%alidate9:
ans X False
If t+toccupation)Te+t X UU T!en
4s$Bo+ U Select Percenta$eU, *"E+clamation
ans X False
E+it Su"
En If
ans X True
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub DeptSa%e9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLV4STVOCCGPATIONU6
rs)Fiels5UOCCGPATIONU6 X t+toccupation
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "illgrid9:
#im r As Inte$er
f$')&ows X '
r X '
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect O from TBLVmstVoccupationU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
f$')&ows X f$')&ows K '
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6 X rs)Fiels5D6
f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6 X rs)Fiels5'6
r X r K '
$nd Sub
School Management System
Pri%ate Sub Dept.pdate9:
Connect#ataBase 5USelect O from TBLVmstVOCCGPATION w!ere I#XU F
rs)Fiels5UOCCGPATIONU6 X t+toccupation
4s$Bo+ U&ecor Sa*e SuccessfullyU, *"Information
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub "g=@Dbl'lic(9:
If Trim5fla$6 X UEU T!en
#im r As Inte$er
r X f$')&ow
t+ti)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, D6
t+toccupation)Te+t X f$')Te+t4atri+5r, '6

4s$Bo+ U:ou are not in Eit 4oeU, *"E+clamation K *"OJCancel
En If
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
If JeyAscii X 3C T!en JeyAscii X D
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X Pro.V!ea
4e)Top X D
4e)Left X D
Call fill$ri
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub t1t+ccupation@EeyPress9Eey#scii #s Integer:
JeyAscii X Asc5GCase5C!r5JeyAscii666
$nd Sub
Pro,ect 6ist
+ption $1plicit
Pri%ate Sub 'ommand=@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STVCLASS U6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tclass)AItem rs)Fiels5'6
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STVSESSIONU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tsession)AItem rs)Fiels5'6
$nd Sub
School Management System
Student 6ist
+ption $1plicit
Pri%ate Sub 'ommand=@'lic(9:
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STVCLASS U6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tclass)AItem rs)Fiels5'6
Connect#ataBase 5Uselect Ofrom TBLV4STVSESSIONU6
8!ile Not rs)EOF
t+tsession)AItem rs)Fiels5'6
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub cmd+E@'lic(9:
Gnloa 4e
$nd Sub
Pri%ate Sub Form@6oad9:
4e)Caption X UA"out U F App)Title
$nd Sub
School Management System
School Management System
Pro,ect -eport
Pro,ect ID
School Management System
Student 6ist
School Management System
School Management System
6ogin Form
Student Pro,ect Details
School Management System
Student Pro,ect $ntry
Ne! #dmission
School Management System
'hange 'lass
School Management System
School Management System
School Management System
School Management System
Pro,ect 6ist
Student 6ist
School Management System
School Management System
School Management System
'+D$ $FFI'I$N'7
T!e o*erall performance of system to a $rater e+tens epens on t!e coin$ proceures
followe "y t!e pro$rammer) So t!e efficiency of t!e coe is so important in system
e*elopment) A lot of factor li-e pro$rammin$ lan$ua$e selection, memory allocation, memory
mana$ement, pro$rammin$ style, use of *aria"le, reusa"ility of coe, etc etermine t!e
efficiency of coe) T!e coin$ proceures followe in t!e pro$rammers of t!is system are as
T!e software is a ro"ust one as it is completely coe in a <isual Basic Lan$ua$e) All memory
allocation an e%allocation are one e+plicitly usin$ <isual Basic pro$ram an met!os) It is
$uarantees t!at no memory space is waste) I followe moular pro$rammin$ "y i*iin$ t!e
w!ole system into su" moules) Only ata"ase connection is mae t!rou$! O#BC ri*er for
OLE#B) 4emory mana$ement of pro$rams are !anle t!rou$! ynamic memory allocation)
+F '+D$
School Management System
School Management System
All t!e moules an functions in t!is pro.ect are optimi/e to $et t!e intene result wit! less
lines of coe)
In an ieal worl, software woul esi$n itself to your specification, automatically reuce itself
to t!e smallest possi"le memory point, compile instantly, an always run as t!e fastest possi"le
spee) In t!e real wor, e*elops still of pro$rammin$ lan$ua$e) To $et t!e a"solutely smallest,
fastest coe, a pro$rammer can wor- in assem"ly lan$ua$e, "ut t!at can "e pro!i"iti*ely la"or%
intensi*e for all "ut t!e most time%critical coe)
4ost pro$rammer o most of t!eir coin$ in a !i$!%le*el lan$ua$e, w!ic! is t!en compile to
an assem"le lan$ua$e an lin-e into an e+ecuta"le pro$ram ima$e) #urin$ t!e e*elopment
process, pro$rammers are 2uite sensiti*e to "uil spee an easy of e"u$$in$P w!en it comes
times to release t!e coe for prouction, run time spee an si/e "ecomes a paramount
importance) T!rou$!out t!is pro.ect, we will "e concernin$ on prouction coe runtime si/e an
spee concerns)
T!ere are many ways, to ma-e coe run 2uic-ly) Often, t!e controllin$ factor for t!e spee of a
pro$ram is t!e al$orit!ms use, rat!er t!an any optimi/ation one "y t!e compiler) Sometime it
is .ust not important to ma-e run 2uic-ly) For e+ample , user interface coe t!at respons to a
-eystro-e in a tent! of a secon is inistin$uis!a"le from user interface coe t!at respon to a
-eystro-e in a millisecons % t!e t!rou$!put is still limite "y t!e user typin$
spee)AS8ATSS5All System 8ait At T!e Same spee6)
Speed +ptimi5ation:
A num"er of ways e+ist for optimi/in$ coe for spee) :ou can fin in any "oo- on writin$
compiler, an it is wort! w!ile to $o into some of t!em "efore we i*e into t!e etails of <isual
CKK) Some of t!ese spee optimi/ations also minimi/e t!e pro$ramBs si/e, an ot!ers trae
si/e for spee) Often, $lo"al compiler optimi/ations c!an$e t!e orer of t!e e+ecution of t!e
$enerate instruction, ma-in$ it ifficult to e"u$ optimi/e complie pro$rams at t!e source
coe le*el) 4ost li-ely t!e optimi/e coe will "e smaller t!an t!e un%optimi/e coe, as well
as faster) Copy propa$ation an ea store elimination wor- to remo*e unuse intermeiate
*aria"les from t!e calculation stream, impro*in$ "ot! si/e an spee
Often, some coe insie a loop, w!ic! is repeate many time, oes not c!an$e *alues urin$
t!e loops e+ecution) T!is loop in*ariants can "e calculate once "efore t!e loop runs,
&emo*in$ or !oistin$ loop in*ariants $enerally impro*es spee wit!out affectin$ si/e *ary
muc!) T!is sa*es CCC aition operations at t!e cost of one temporary *aria"le, w!ic! is li-ely
to $o into a re$ister) On t!e moern pipeline processors, instruction orer can ma-e a !u$e
ifference in e+ecution spee "ecause aress can "e perfecte if t!e orer is ri$!t an cannot
School Management System
"e if t!e orer is unfa*ora"le) 4ic!ael A"react, in !is Men of coe optimi/ation, iscusses !ow
a simple t!ree instruction inner loop written in seemly lan$ua$e is spee up "y a factor of two
on AD4A> processor)
:ou may woner w!y we -eep emp!asi/in$ coe si/e alon$ wit! coe spee) 8it! (=>
4e$a"yte 54B6 of &A4) A Common Confi$uration w!o caresR In fact, coe si/e can ma-e a
!u$e ifference in e+ecution spee, especially on a multitas-in$ OS suc! as 8inows) T!ere
are two e*ents t!at can irectly slow coe own "ecause of si/e? a cac!e miss an a pa$e fault)
A cac!e miss causes a minor elay w!en a memory location is not in t!e CPG cac!e) A pa$e
fault causes a ma.or elay w!en a *irtual memory location is not p!ysical memory an !as to
"e fetc!e from is-) A lar$e wor-in$ set t!e sum of coe an ata t!at !as to "e in memory
for pro$ram to run%ma-es "ot! cac!e miss an pa$e faults more li-ely) On an AD4A> mac!ine,
reain$ a "yte from primary CPG memory cac!e ta-es one cycle, w!ile reain$ t!e "yte from
&A4 t!at is not t!e cac!e % a cac!e mines ta-e more li-e '3 cycle) If a seconary cac!e is
present an !as t!e re2uest "yte, t!e limitin$ will "e intermeiate "etween t!ese two e+tremes)
T!e AD4A> !as one A -ilo"yte 5JB6 cac!e for "ot! coe an ata) If t!e coe an ata for an
inner loop all fit into cac!e, t!e loop can run at !is ma+imum spee, if t!ey onWt it canWt) On
t!e Pentium, Pentium wit! 44Y, Pentium Pro, Pentium II , Celeron, Yeon, Pentium III an
Pentium I<, t!ere are separate an ata cac!e on t!e CPG c!ip) If t!e coe for loop can all into
t!e CPGWs instruction cac!e, it will run muc! faster t!an if it cans not, "ecause t!ere will "e no
elay for fetc!in$ coe) Li-ewise, if all t!e wor-in$ memory can fetc! it into seconary cac!e)
T!e pro$ram will run muc! faster, "ecause t!ere will no "e elay for fetc!in$ ata)
In aition, t!e seconary cac!e, of w!ile t!ere is often ='( JB on a Pentium II mot!er"oar,
is usually s!are "etween coe an ata) Assumin$ t!e primary cac!e are not "i$ enou$!, a
situation e*elops w!ere if t!e total of t!e wor-in$ coe an ata can if into seconary cac!e,
t!e pro$ram runs muc! faster t!an if t!ey can not)
A pa$e faults !appens w!en a part of a pro$ram is not in &A4 *irtual memory pa$e file on t!e
!ea is-P "ecause is- is *ery muc! slower t!an &A4 , one pa$e fault can represent a !u$e
slow own)
School Management System
School Management System
&#6ID#TI+N '$'ES
<aliation c!ec- is neee at e*ery p!ase of t!e system e*elopment) Improper *aliation of
re2uests will result in t!e e*elopment of useless system) T!e first *aliation c!ec- carrie out
in t!e esi$n p!ase of t!e system) #ata *aliation c!ec-s are *ery important for t!e proper
functionin$ of t!e system) Errors can !appen w!ile user input ata an usually result in
malfunctionin$ or e*en termination of t!e software) So it is *ery important to pre*ent
erroneous or in*ali ata) Errors are $enerally comes w!ile user try to enter ata t!at t!e
system is not e+pectin$) In orer to pre*ent user from enterin$ in*ali ata, necessary
*aliation c!ec-s are to "e pro*ie) Followin$ are some of t!e *aliation c!ec-s in t!is
&eri"ication or data type? Input c!ec-s are pro*ie to ma-e sure t!at only ri$!t type
of ata is entere in an input fiel)
&eri"ication o" length o" data? T!ere is restriction in len$t! of ata t!at t!e user can
enter epenin$ on t!e ata"ase fiel)
'hec(ing bet!een ranges o" %alues? C!ec-in$ is pro*ie to c!ec- t!e *aliity of
input ata) For e+ample QEoos Amount Qmust "e a on ne$ati*e *alue $reater t!an /ero)
<aliation c!ec- is also $i*en to c!ec- *iolation of ata"ase constraints li-e primary
-ey *iolation etc)
<isual #isplay of coes wit! its escription, li-e mem"er coe is pro*ie for !elpin$
t!e user in easy ata entry) T!is will !elp in reucin$ in*ali entry of coes)
School Management System
School Management System
A crucial p!ase in t!e system life cycle is t!e successful implementation of t!e new system
esi$n) Implementation inclues all t!ose acti*ities t!at ta-e place to con*ert from t!e ol
system to t!e new one)
T!e implementation tas-s can "e summari/e as follows
Trainin$ 4ana$ement
Post Implementation &e*iew
Training to Sta""
E*en well esi$ne system can succee or fail "ecause of t!e way t!ey are operate an use)
T!erefore I aopte $oo trainin$ proceure in my system) Operators of t!e system are
familiar wit! t!e computer "ut not wit! winow platform, I $a*e essential winow trainin$
suc! as t!e "asic usa$e of YP winow system) Gsin$ wor processors an printers an some
"asic selections) 8!en t!ey are confient in winow platform I introuce t!e system) A
printe copy of user manual is istri"ute to t!e system trainin$)
+F P-+0$'T
School Management System
School Management System
'+ST $STIM#TI+N +F P-+0$'T
A"o*e cost is a total estimate cost, "ut my pro.ect is e*elope for Eonia Critical 3ospital,
Eanes! Na$ar, Eonia) 8!ere alreay !a*e a computer an printer) Since t!ere s no nee to o
t!e initial e+penses for t!e computer an printer purc!asin$) T!ey co%operate me an
e*elope t!is pac-a$e at minimum cost)
But if t!e new S!op -eeper woul li-e to use t!is pac-a$e t!ey
!a*e to perform at least =D,DDD0% e+panses initially)
= Dual 'ore 'omputer 2;3;;;?4
2 6aser Printer A3;;;?4
< So"t!are 'ost =A3;;;?4
Total 'ost >;3;;;?4
School Management System
)#NTT '#-T
School Management System
)#NTT '#-T
Sr.No. 8+-E +F
') Information Eat!erin$ D'%'(%(D'3 DC%'(%(D'3 C #ays
() Feasi"ility Stuy 'D%'(%(D'3 '=%'(%(D'3 = #ays
3) System Analysis '>%'(%(D'3 ((%'(%(D'3 @ #ays
4) System #esi$nin$ (3%'(%(D'3 (=%'(%(D'3 3 #ays
=) &eport #esi$nin$ (>%'(%(D'3 3D%'(%(D'3 = #ays
>) #ocumentation 3'%'(%(D'( D4%D'%(D'4 = #ays
Total !or(ing Days o" Pro,ect <> Days
School Management System
1) Mastering &isual /asic 6
School Management System
By E*an$els Petroutsos BPB Pu"lications)
2: &isual /asic 6 Programming
By Ste*en 3ol/ner #reamtec! Press)
< : &isual /asic
By 3imalaya Pu"lications)
PC ;uest
Computer Toay

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