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The role of chlorine in high temperature

corrosion in waste-to-energy plants

G. Sorell
G. Sorell Consulting Services, North Caldwell, New Jersey, USA
H igh tem perature corrosion has been a serious problem in m unicipal solid w aste (M SW ) incinerators since
the em ergence of w aste-to-energy (W TE) plants in the 1960s. Early researchers conjectured that corrosion
w as caused by sulfur com pounds, but it soon becam e evident that the dom inant corrosive species are
chlorides, typically in com bination w ith alkali m etals (N a, K) and heavy m etals (Pb, Zn). Yet, m any
uncertainties rem ain w ith respect to the com plex interactions betw een m etallic m aterials of construction and
their corrosion products w ith aggressive species in the com bustion atm osphere and in fireside deposits.
Follow ing a review of historical background, M SW incineration technology and refuse boiler
m aterials/corrosion, this paper w ill exam ine the causes and m echanism s of high tem perature corrosion in
W TE plants, as w ell as the environm ental and alloy-related factors affecting m etal w astage. Attention w ill be
called to rem aining uncertainties regarding corrosion m echanism s, and to apparent incongruities and
conflicting data on m aterials perform ance to help identify areas for further R& D .
(Keywords: waste incineration; chloride corrosion; alloy performance)
O ver a quarter century ago, British researchers in the field of
fossil fuel fired boiler corrosion concluded that there is "a
diversity of opinion concerning the role of chlorides in the
corrosion process, and at the present tim e the picture is
som ew hat confused"
. Although the state of know ledge has been
greatly expanded since then, the role of chlorides in fireside
corrosion is by no m eans fully understood. Several unresolved
issues rem ain and need to be clarified according to a recent
overview of British research and experience w ith burning high-
chloride coals
This situation is m irrored in the incineration of m unicipal
solid w aste, often referred to as refuse or garbage, perform ed in
so-called w aste-to-energy plants. As w ith coal-fired com bustion,
corrosion in refuse boilers has been intensively studied over
m any decades. Yet, m ajor uncertainties rem ain as to the com plex
interactions betw een gaseous and condensed species w ith fireside
m etallic surfaces. There is, how ever, universal agreem ent that
chlorine com pounds are the principal corrosive agents in M SW
incineration, in contrast to corrosion in coal-fired pow er
generation w here sulfur com pounds are the m ain culprits. This
distinction is not surprising, considering that M SW usually
contains higher concentrations of chlorine (0.5-2.0% ) than sulfur
(0.1-0.4% ). The principal sources of chlorine in dom estic refuse
are sodium chloride and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic. As
show n in Figure 1, the am ount of PV C-derived chlorides is
projected to keep on rising, portending that refuse boiler
corrosion m ay becom e an even greater concern in future years.
1997 Science and Technology Letters
Figure 1 Estim ated chlorine content of M SW derived from PVC
(ref. 3).
European boiler m anufacturers w ho pioneered the developm ent
of W TE plants in the 1960s m odeled their designs on coal-fired
boiler technology. Proceeding on the assum ption that
com parable therm al efficiencies could be attained, these early
units w ere designed w ith high steam conditions ranging from
450-540C (840-1000F) and 36.2-187.0 kg cm
. In m any cases, failures of carbon steel boiler tubes due
to corrosion w ere experienced during the firstyear of operation.
The m ost severe attack reported occurred in a G erm an
incinerator, w here a w astage rate of 40.6 m m yr
(1.6 in yr
) w as
experienced in the superheater
N um erous corrosion failures in these first-generation W TE
plants clearly indicated that corrosion w as a tar m ore serious
problem than in coal-fired plants operating at com parable
conditions. To achieve satisfactory tube life, designers of
refuse-fired boilers w ere forced to accept substantial reductions
in steam tem peratures/ pressures. The adverse experience in the
European plants w as not lost on U S boiler m anufacturers, w ho
accordingly opted for very conservative steam conditions, rang-
ing from 190-323C (375-613F) and 13.3-33.4 kg cm
psig). Even these m odest steam conditions required tube m etal
tem peratures above 260C (500F), w hich w as the upper lim it
recom m ended by leading researchers of M SW corrosion during
these early years.
The large disparity betw een early European and U S plants is
illustrated in Figure 2. Betw een 1960 and 1972, the 11 European
W TE plants put into service w ere designed w ith steam
tem peratures averaging 497C (926F), as com pared to 235C
(456F) for the six U S facilities that started up betw een 1965 and
1974. Respective differences in average steam pressure w ere
even larger, w ith the European plants topping U S installations
m ore than three-fold.
Several of these early U S plants experienced unexpectedly
severe corrosion, notw ithstanding their low steam conditions.
This w as attributed to a variety of factors, am ong them excessive
boiler tube m etal tem peratures and locally reducing atm ospheres.
Since then, im provem ents in furnace and boiler design, m aterials
upgrading, and better controlled operation have perm itted a
progressive increase in steam conditions. This is reflected in the
design of 15 large W TE plants, utilizing boilers from 10 different
m anufacturers, that started up in the U S in 1990-1992. Steam
conditions in these m odern U S plants range from 399-463C
(750-865F) and 46.6-64.3 kg cm
(650-900 psig), w hich is com -
parable to m odern European facilities.
The historic trend in W TE plant design in Europe and the U S
differs m arkedly from the path taken in Japan. D uring the sam e
1990-1992 tim e fram e, the 24 W TE
plants that w ent into operation in Japan had com paratively m ild
steam conditions ranging Iron, ZU 6-300 C, (406-527F) and
18.6-32.0 kg cm
(250-440 psig)
. The greater conservatism
reflected by the Japanese plants apparently signals a greater
em phasis on plant reliability and availability than on m axim izing
pow er production. The therm al efficiency of m ost Japanese
W TE plants is 10-15% , com pared to about 20% for U S facilities.
These figures are far below the typical 33% efficiency attained in
coal-fired pow er stations, w hich routinely operate at 538C
(1000F) superheat/reheat cycles, and in supercritical units, up to
245 kg cm
(3500 psig).
The situation in Japan is expected to change m arkedly w ith the
com pletion in 1999 of an 8-year program to develop high
efficiency w aste-fired pow er generation
. This cooperative
governm ent/private sector initiative is being conducted under
the auspices of the N ew Energy D evelopm ent O rganization
(N ED O ), w ith the objective to design and dem onstrate W TE
plants having a therm al efficiency of 30% . A key com ponent of
this landm ark project is developm ent of new corrosion-resistant
alloys and com posites, notably for superheaters, that can w ith-
stand the high tem peratures necessary to attain this high
efficiency level. This alloy developm ent effort, carried out by
m ajor Japanese alloy producers and boiler vendors, is directed by
the Japan Research and D evelopm ent Center for M etals.
The tw o com peting concepts in com m on use for M SW
incineration are m ass-burn and refuse-derived fuel (RD F),
described in greater detail elsew here
. M assburn incinerators
burn as-received unprepared refuse, w hile in RD F facilities the
raw refuse is first separated, classified, and shredded into
fist-sized chunks. In recent years, several fluidized bed
incinerators have been put into service for com busting and
co-com busting M SW .
M ass-burn and RD F plants both em ploy grates through
w hich prim ary air is introduced, and w hich transport the
Figure 2 Steam conditions in European and US WTE plants (ref. 8).
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
burning refuse through the furnace toward an ash dump.
Mass-burn grates come in a large variety of proprietary stoker
designs, most of which use sloped and stepped metal grates
consisting of reciprocating or other moving action grate bars
that churn the refuse to facilitate combustion. RDF plants
employ traveling grate stokers, with part of the combustion
taking place in suspension firing above the grate. All MSW
incinerator designs introduce copious amounts of secondary
air to complete the combustion process.
A schematic of a typical mass-burn MSW incinerator is
shown in Figure 3. Except for the feed system and the lower
furnace area, the basic design is similar to that employed in
fossil fuel fired power plants. The radiant boiler consists of a
membrane waterwall combustion chamber, followed by
convective heat extraction in superheaters and economizers.
Air pollution control systems in US WTE plants
predominantly utilize semi-dry scrubbers (spray dryers) and
either fabric filters or electrostatic precipitators. In Europe and
Japan, many WTE plants continue to rely on wet scrubbers to
control particulate, acid gas emissions and volatile metals.
Corrosion protection and control is a critical aspect of WTE
plant technology and is closely governed by cost
considerations. Following the traditional approach taken with
fossil fuel fired boilers, designers of WTE plants strive to limit
the use of alloy materials by resorting to
Figure 3 Schem atic of m ass-burn refuse incinerator.
favorable design configurations and refractory linings to
reduce metal wastage. Such linings, in the form of silicon
carbide monolithics
and fired shapes
, are used to good
advantage for protecting the lower waterwall in mass-burn
units, but have proved unsuitable for RDF installations
because of excessive risk of slagging. On the debit side,
refractory linings reduce heat transfer and add to the
maintenance burden. For added protection against
abrasion-corrosion close to the grate, this zone is often fitted
with wear-resistant blocks made of cast alloys or ceramics.
An effective method for protecting and restoring carbon
steel waterwall tubing is by means of alloy 625 weld overlay
An estimated 16,000 m
(170,000 ft
) of alloy 625 weld
overlay has been applied in over 100 US refuse boilers. The
most corrosion-prone location in mass-burn incinerators is the
high heat flux zone directly above the refractory-lined portion,
which is often subject to flame impingement. A typical
corrosion failure of a steam generation waterwall tube is
illustrated in Figure 4. Corrosion of unprotected carbon steel
tubing in this vulnerable location has led to numerous
in-service failures within the first year of operation in several
US WTE plants.
Superheater tubing is customarily made of carbon or low
Cr-Mo steel, and fitted with high alloy tube shields for added
protection against erosion-corrosion. This approach has met
with only limited success in high temperature superheaters
because of short shield life and resultant corrosion of the
exposed tube. Moreover, shields
Figure 4 W aterw all tube failure in M SW incinerator.
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
m ay becom e dislodged, w hich can lead to corrosionexacerbating
flow blockages. Several prom inent U S refuse boiler vendors
routinely specify alloy 825 for hot sections of superheaters.
Experience has generally been favorable, as gauged from one
plant's reported experience of a 10-year survival rate of 95% of
their alloy 825 superheater tubes
. As another option, som e
W TE plant operators are now utilizing alloy 625
full-circum ference w eld overlayed superheater and screen tubes.
An alternative or supplem ental approach to alloy upgrading
for controlling corrosion/erosion is by m eans of conservative
design features
. This strategy is favored particularly by
European boiler vendors, as an outgrow th of the disastrous
corrosion experience in their first-generation W TE plants. The
prim ary design-related stratagem for corrosion m itigation is
reducing tube m etal and gas tem peratures. This can be
accom plished by accepting low er steam conditions and by
decreasing the tem perature of the com bustion gases entering the
convection section. O ther beneficial design features include
em pty and/or w ater-screened gas passes, parallel-flow finishing
superheaters, low gas velocities in convection banks, and
m echanical tube rappers (instead of sootblow ers). O n the debit
side, som e of these design features reduce energy efficiency and
increase furnace size. Boiler vendors and W TE plant operators
rem ain divided as to w hether the initial cost prem ium for alloy
construction is com pensated by the boiler's m ore com pact
configuration and greater energy production.
An im portant design consideration for reducing corrosion is
the use of m easures to im prove com bustion characteristics. H igh
on the list are provisions for a generous supply and good
distribution of overfire air, and prom otion of strong turbulence
in the furnace. In that regard, it should be recognized that
controlling and stabilizing com bustion conditions in M SW
incinerators is inherently m uch m ore difficult than in
fossil-fueled plants. The difficulty arises from the
non-hom ogeneity and variability of refuse w ith respect to
com position, heat content and m oisture.
The use of alkaline additives used by som e plants for curbing
em issions has not proven effective for corrosion control. To the
contrary, addition of calcium com pounds (lim e) m ay actually
aggravate corrosion
. Co-com bustion of M SW w ith sulfur or
high-sulfur coal has been reported as a m ethod for suppressing
corrosion, as w ill be discussed later. To the best know ledge, this
m easure is not being pursued, probably because of concern that
introducing large quantities of sulfur w ould overtax the em ission
control system .
Corrosion in refuse boilers has been intensively studied dating
back to the em ergence of W TE facilities in the 1960s. The
largest body of w ork has been conducted by a Battelle team led
by K rause
, m ostly through grants from the U S
Environm ental Protection Agency (EPA). M ore recent studies
conducted by Battelle researchers w ere funded by the Electric
Pow er Research Institute (EPRI)
and jointly by the
Am erican Society of M echanical Engineers (ASM E) and the U S
D epartm ent of Energy (D O E)
M ajor studies have also been carried out by the
prom inent U S refuse boiler vendors Babcock & W ilcox
Foster W heele
and AB B Com bustion Engineering
Im portant contributions tow ard advancing the state of
know ledge on incinerator corrosion have recently com e out of
, m ost of them associated w ith the aforem entioned
N ED O project. Valuable insights into the fundam ental aspects
of incinerator corrosion have been contributed by researchers in
universities and research institutess
. Also notew orthy is the
strong continuing w ork effort focused on m aterials developm ent,
testing and perform ance carried out by m ajor alloy producers,
prom inently including H aynes, Inco, K rupp VD M , M itsubishi,
Sandvik and Sum itom o.
Recognition that chlorine in the refuse is the prim ary source
of corrosion problem s cam e slow ly to the M SW incinerator
com m unity
. W hen the pioneer W TE plants ran into severe
corrosion problem s, these w ere attributed to the fluxing action
of m olten sulfates, pyrosulfates and alkali iron trisulfates, the
corrosive species responsible for corrosion in high tem perature
coal com bustion environm ents
. This view has been largely
discredited as an explanation for refuse boiler corrosion.
Although sulfur com pounds are still recognized as playing a con-
tributory role, it is now accepted that corrosion in M SW
incinerators is strongly chloride dom inated. The aggressive
species m ost responsible are chlorides of alkali m etals (N a, K)
and heavy m etals (Zn, Pb, Sn). Chloride-rich ash deposits tend to
have far low er m elting points than sulfatic deposits, w hich
dictates the low er steam conditions in W TE plants com pared to
coal-fired pow er stations.
The influential role of chlorides on corrosion becam e
increasingly evident as study after study detected chlorides at the
m etal/scale interface, usually at higher concentrations than in the
gas-side layer. Chloride corrosion in M SW incinerators proceeds
via gas phase attack and, far m ore im portantly, underneath
deposits containing solid and/or m olten chlorine com pounds.
Essentially all chlorine com pounds in M SW are converted to
hydrogen chloride in the com bustion environm ent. The am ount
of H Cl in refuse incinerator flue gases ranges from about 400 to
1500 ppm , based on the rule of thum b that each 0.1 % Cl in the
w aste generates around 80 ppm H Cl. D irect gas-phase
chloridation of steels to iron chloride is not considered a
significant factor. In fact, therm odynam ic analysis predicts that
this reaction is unlikely to proceed in M SW com bustion atm os-
. Experim ents w ith iron- and nickel-base alloys in a
synthesized incinerator gas atm osphere show ed a sharp increase
of attack w ith progressive am ounts of H Cl up to 10%
H ow ever, the actual corrosion rate w as negligible at the low H Cl
concentrations likely to be encountered in refuse boilers. It can
thus be concluded that direct gas-phase chloridation is a m inor
concern in M SW incineration, except possibly under localized
strongly reducing conditions or at exceptionally high
tem peratures.
It is interesting to note that H Cl m ay actually act as a
corrosion inhibitor in som e reducing-sulfidizing gas m ixtures. In
laboratory exposures sim ulating utility boiler substoichiom etric
com bustion gases containing 500 ppm H 2S, the addition of 350
ppm H CI w as found to substantially reduce corrosion rates of
carbon and low alloy
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
. Similar observations were made with simulated coal
gasification atmospheres containing 1% H
S, where additions
of 600 ppm HCl sharply reduced the corrosion rate of low
alloy steel
. The inhibitive effect was ascribed to chlorine in
the sulfide scale acting to slow the outward diffusion of Fe to
form the sulfide.
Deposit-induced corrosion
Corrosion in refuse boilers takes place primarily beneath
deposits consisting of corrosive salts, usually admixed with a
large fraction of ash constituents. In the lower furnace area
where local reducing conditions are common, deposits are
characteristically rich in chlorides. At higher elevations and in
the convection section, deposits contain progressively larger
amounts of sulfates, which are more stable than chlorides
under oxidizing conditions. Consequently, a sizable fraction of
chloride corrosion products is converted to sulfates. Deposition
processes are varied, but generally include vapor condensation,
physical deposition of flyash, and reaction of gaseous species
with previously formed deposits. The cohesion of deposits
may be promoted by fusion or sintering of molten or
semi-solid alkali, alkaline earth, and heavy metal sulfates,
chlorides, phosphates and carbonates
Corrosion by condensed species is especially severe when
these consist of molten salt eutectics, due to their fluxing
action on protective scales. Significantly, deposit induced
corrosion can be severe even in the absence of molten species.
The proposed reaction sequences and mechanisms explaining
such "dry" deposit attack will be examined in the section on
corrosion mechanisms.
Mechanically-assisted corrosion
The simultaneous action of abrasion and erosion on com-
ponents exposed in corrosive WTE plant environments
synergistically accelerates metal wastage
. Rates of attack
caused by such conjoint action can easily be an order of
magnitude greater than corrosion alone. Abrasion-corrosion is
encountered on the waterwall along the grate line in mass-burn
plants, caused by the wearing action of the churning refuse.
Erosion-corrosion is confined largely to the convection bank,
where gas velocities are higher than in the radiant furnace
zone. The erosion component results from impingement by
flyash particles, and by high-velocity steam blast in sootblower
lanes. Mechanically-assisted corrosion is best controlled by
appropriate design features and protective barriers, as noted
Corrosion in chloride-contaminated combustion environments
is governed by competing oxidation-chloridation reactions,
which in turn are closely dependent on the type of metal and
adjacent micro-environment. The specific factors influencing
the relative dominance of oxidation vs chloridation are
thermodynamic factors (rates of formation, relative stability of
products, vapor pressures, etc.) as well as kinetics which, in
turn, relate to physico-chemical properties of the product
(density, volume, diffusivity, expansion coefficients, etc.) and
also to the product integrity, i.e. its adhesion and cohesion
. In
oxidizing-chloridizing environments, it is of crucial
importance which attack mode predominates because, unlike
oxides, chlorides are ineffective corrosion barriers.
Thermodynamic analysis
Researchers exploring the mechanisms of corrosion in MSW
incineration environments rely heavily on thermodynamic
analyses, largely by means of thermochemical stability
diagrams exemplified in Figure 5. While useful for
determining equilibrium phases of metallic elements, such
diagrams often fail to accurately predict corrosion products
and scales that may actually form in complex multi-component
environments because these depend on the specific reaction
path and alloy composition. The shortcomings of stability
diagrams are of even greater consequence with volatile species
because stability diagrams do not take into account the vapor
pressure of volatile species that may be in equilibrium with
condensed phases
. Thus, in chloride-contaminated com-
bustion environments, chlorides are often found at the
metal-scale interface even though oxide corrosion products are
thermodynamically stable in the gas phase. Notwithstanding
these limitations, thermodynamic analysis is used to good
advantage by corrosion researchers. For that purpose,
thermodynamics-based computer programs can provide a
valuable tool for predicting species in the flue gas and flyash
based on fuel chemistry and boiler operating conditions
Reaction kinetics
In mechanistic studies of chloride corrosion, it is essential to
factor in reaction kinetics, since these determine the rate of
transport of gaseous chloride species by diffusion through
pores and cracks in otherwise protective oxide scales.
Depending on the relative amounts oxides and chlorides
formed, corrosion can obey either a paralinear rate law (a
combination of weight gain due to oxidation and weight loss
due to volatile chloride formation) or a linear law due to
chloridation alone
. One of the effects of chlorine is that it
changes the morphology of the oxide scale to create porosity,
leading to more rapid attack even if the amount of chlorides
formed is negligible
. Such voids at the metal/oxide interface
promote scale spallation as well as internal attack by
subsurface penetration of chlorides. An astute analysis of
reaction kinetics operative in oxidation-chloridation, including
schematics describing different cases, has been developed by
Figure 5 Therm ochem ical stability diagram for m etal-oxygen-chlorine system at
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
Corrosion under solid deposits
To account for the presence of chlorides and sulfates in refuse
boiler deposits and associated "dry" deposit attack, Battelle
researchers proposed a number of chemical reactions
involving chlorine and sulfur species
. Those involving
principally chlorine compounds are shown below. Similar
reactions can take place with sodium and potassium, since
O and K
O are both refuse combustion products.
O + 2HC1 2NaC1 + H
O (1)
4NaCl + 2S0
+ O
+ 2H
O 2Na
+ 4HC1 (2)
4HC1 + O
O + 2O
+ Fe FeC1
+ 3O
+ 4O
The release of HCl and particularly C1
(reaction (5)) was
conjectured to take place directly adjacent to the metal surface,
and therefore play a critical role in the corrosion mechanism.
In that connection, it is noted that Cl
is far more corrosive
than HCI. As suggested by earlier studies
, the chloridation of
iron by highly corrosive elemental chlorine (reaction (4)) is
selfperpetuating, since fresh C1
continues to be generated by
reaction (5). The presence of a FeCl
corrosion product layer
in contact with the metal is judged to be particularly damaging
because it promotes scale disruption or spallation as a
consequence of massive growth stresses generated by the
six-fold volume expansion relative to the consumed metal
More recent studies by Battelle
indicate that a similar
chlorine corrosion/regeneration cycle may proceed via FeC1
formation. As shown in reactions (6) and (7), it is possible for
the ferrous iron corrosion product to be oxidized to the ferric
state which, when oxidized, liberates chlorine.
+ 4HC1 + O
+ 2H
O (6)
+ 30
+ 4O
Additional routes for chlorine release during the corrosion
process entail direct oxidation of FeC1
(reaction (8)) or via
ferrite formation (reaction (9))
. A further refinement of the
self-sustaining chloride corrosion cycle was made by Grabke,
who terms this corrosion mechanism "active oxidation"
+ 2O
+ 3O
+ 4NaC1 + O
+ 2O
Chlorine liberation at the metal surface can similarly take
place with alloy and stainless steels, whereby chromia is
converted to alkali chromate (reaction (10)).
8NaC1 + 2Cr
+ 50
+ 4C1
Chemical interactions between metals, corrosion products,
deposits and the combustion atmosphere are, of course, not
restricted to chlorine compounds, but also involve other
chemical species contained in MSW. Among these, sulfur
compounds are the most influential, although they themselves
are not primary corrosive agents. As shown in reaction (2),
through its chlorine liberating action, S0
plays an indirect
though important role in promoting corrosion. The limits of
this paper do
not permit a closer examination of the sulfur chemistry in
refuse combustion. An indication of the complexity of some of
these possible interactions between chlorine and sulfur
compounds is depicted in Figure 6.
Corrosion by molten species
Attack by molten ash-salt mixtures in MSW combustors is
essentially a form of hot corrosion
, wherein chlorine rather
than sulfur compounds are the primary aggressive species. The
term 'hot corrosion' was originally restricted largely to
sulfidation-oxidation attack of superalloys encountered in gas
turbines, but has been broadened in current usage to
encompass other manifestations of accelerated oxidation of
metal surfaces exposed in a high temperature gaseous
environment and coated by a thin fused salt film. As an
extension of Rapp's fluxing model of hot corrosion, an
'apparent' acid-base chemistry has been postulated to account
for fused chloride attack of austenitic stainless steels and
Ni-base alloys in simulated waste incineration environments
The corrosiveness of chlorides stems to a large degree from
their low melting points, especially eutectic mixtures of alkali
and heavy metal chlorides associated with waste incinerators.
A listing of possible molten chloride salt mixtures in MSW
incinerator deposits is given in Table 1. While it is unlikely
that these exact mixtures will be encountered in practice, the
tabulated values give a good indication of the low melting
points of fused deposits on corroded refuse boiler tubes.
Compounding the aggressiveness of chlorides is their low
vapor pressure. It is generally accepted that high rates of attack
can be anticipated at temperatures where the vapor pressure
attains or exceeds a value of 10
atmospheres, designated as
. A plot of T
. temperatures of several metal chlorides,
together with their melting point (T
), is shown in Figure 7.
Significantly, T
's tend to be appreciably lower than T
reinforcing the observation that chlorides can cause high rates
of attack even in the absence of fusion. The proposed
mechanism whereby this occurs holds that high vapor pressure
chloride corrosion products cause volatilization of molecules
from the scale to the vapor, while there is simultaneous scale
growth by diffusional transport
Other species that may potentially form in oxidizing-
chloridizing environments are metal oxychlorides. These are
conjectured to have an even greater corrosion-
Figure 6 Possible chem ical reactions on corroding refuse boiler tube (ref. 7).
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
Table 1 Possible m olten chloride m ixtures in M SW incinerator deposits (w eight % )
Figure 7 M etal chloride m elting points and tem peratures w here chloride vapor
pressure equals 10

atm ospheres (ref. 73).
exacerbating effect than chlorides because oxychlorides are far
m ore unstable and volatile than respective m etal chlorides60,69.
This applies particularly to refractory m etals at elevated
tem peratures. For exam ple, m olybdenum oxychlorides have
vapor pressures 10-20 orders of m agnitude greater than
m olybdenum chlorides in equilibrium w ith oxides and the test
environm ent. This extrem ely high volatility explains the poor
corrosion resistance of alloys having high m olybdenum contents
exposed in an atm osphere containing 20% O 2 and 2% C12 at
900C (1652F)
. Fortunately such severe conditions are not
encountered in M SW incinerators.
The principal environm ental factors influencing the severity of
chloride corrosion are chloride concentration,
gas and m etal tem peratures, and the presence of oxidants in the
atm osphere.
Chloride concentration
Battelle w as the first to conduct a system atic study on the
corrosion effects of chlorine content in M SW 8. Probe tests w ith
PV C-spiked refuse at tem peratures from 204C (400F) to
538C (1000F) show ed that additions of 2% PV C increased
corrosion rates of carbon steel by 40-150% and that there w as
also a steep rise in chloride concentration of probe deposits.
O ther researchers have observed a positive correlation betw een
corrosion and the chloride content in deposits
, as
exem plified in Figure 8.
Gas and metal
Both m etal and flue gas tem peratures are im portant param eters
affecting corrosion in w aste-fired boilers. Flue gas tem peratures
determ ine the types of volatile species that can be transported in
the gas, as w ell as the m axim um tem perature of any deposits.
Tube m etal tem peratures determ ine the location and m inim um
tem perature of such deposits, and thus have a decisive influence
on corrosion
. As show n in Figure 9, gas tem peratures m ay
exert a stronger corrosion-accelerating influence than m etal
tem peratures. A sim ilar trend w as discerned from m ore recent
test data from three M SW incinerators, plotted in Figure 10.
G enerally speaking, a corrosion accelerating influence w ith
increasing tem peratures has been discerned in nearly all refuse
boiler corrosion studies
. A notable exception
w as revealed by
Figure 8 Effect of chloride content in deposits on corrosion of carbon steel in
M SW incinerators (ref. 10).
Figure 9 Effect of tem perature on corrosion of carbon steel in M SW incinerator
(ref. 31).
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
a laboratory study using chloride-rich ash, in which generally
higher weight losses of steels and alloys were observed at
450C (842F) than at 550C (1022F)
. This was especially
surprising considering that 550C is above the ash melting
point. This reverse temperature effect was rationalized on the
basis that lead oxide in the ash may have catalyzed the release
of chlorine from the dry ash via the Deacon reaction (reaction
Another temperature-related variable influencing boiler
tube corrosion is heat flux. The importance of this factor was
revealed by a field study investigating a serious waterwall
failure in a RDF boiler
. Maximum tube wastage occurred in
the overfire air region where heat fluxes calculated from
thermocouple readings ranged from 46,000 to
67,000 Btu/h
, about 2-3 higher than in other furnace
zones. In mass-burn units, the highest heat flux and also the
most corrosion vulnerable area is the bare waterwall zone just
above the refractory-lined area.
Oxidants in furnace atmosphere
Accelerated waterwall tube wastage in coal-fired boilers has
long been closely associated with the presence of carbon
monoxide in localized reducing zones, brought on by
incomplete combustion due to an inadequate supply or poor
mixing of combustion air. When WTE plants first ran into
severe corrosion problems, it was naturally assumed that
MSW incinerator corrosion would be similarly governed, and
that substoichiometric CO-containing atmospheres are
detrimental. While this remains the consensus to this day, the
picture is clouded by some seemingly contradictory findings,
as explained below. However, in general, oxidizing conditions
characterized by ample excess oxygen tend to suppress corro-
sion. The positive effect of oxygen in retarding corrosion
has been demonstrated in simulated incineration atmos-
. Water vapor content in the combustion atmosphere
can exert a similar corrosion-suppressing effect, as shown in
Figure 11.
In several laboratory studies, the unexpected discovery was
made that corrosion of steels coated with or immersed in
chloride-containing salt deposits was greater under oxidizing
than under reducing conditions
. The results from two
laboratory tests, presented in Figures 12 and 13, appear to
negate the long-held position that reducing conditions are
more damaging. This paradox can be explained by the fact that
reducing conditions raise the vapor pressure of alkali chlorides
and thus enhance their formation and deposition but, that once
formed, these deposits are more corrosive under oxidizing
conditions. This finding suggests that alternating
Figure 11 Effect of O 2 or H 20 on corrosion in M SW incineration environm ents
(ref. 75).
0.1 1 10 100
Figure 12 Corrosion of salt-coated carbon steel coupons in sim ulated M SW
incinerator flue gases (ref. 66).
Figure 13 Corrosion of salt-em bedded steel coupons in sim ulated M SW
incineration flue gas at 316C (ref. 40).
Figure 10 Effect of tem perature on corrosion of Fe-base and N i-base alloys (ref. 11).
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
oxidizing/reducing conditions characteristic of unstable
com bustion conditions in the low er furnace area m ay prom ote
especially rapid attack.
Heavy metalsin wastestream
Intensive laboratory studies of refuse boiler deposit chem istries,
conducted by Foster W heeler during the early days of M SW
incineration, concluded that Pb and Zn w ere im portant
contributors to corrosion
. Since then, m any other
researchers have confirm ed the detrim ental effect of Pb, Zn and
Sri in exacerbating corrosion by chloride-containing
. H eavy m etal chlorides significantly depress
the m elting point of ash deposits; for exam ple, raising the Pb0 +
ZnO content from 2% to 8% has been show n to low er the
m elting point by 50C (90F)
. Som e studies suggest that Zn is
m ore detrim ental than Pb, w hile others find the opposite. Lead
appears to be particularly harm ful to stainless steels; in one series
of tests, Type 304 S.S. corroded m ore rapidly than carbon steel
Indicative of the detrim ental role of zinc is the close resem blance
betw een the corrosion responses of a w ide range of alloys tested
in condensing ZnCl2 vapor and in an incinerator burning refuse
containing significant am ounts of zinc
It has recently been discovered that copper m ay yet be
another corrosion-aggravating heavy m etal contained in M SW
Laboratory studies w ith m ixtures of alkali chlorides and heavy
m etal oxides in oxidizing-chloridizing atm ospheres have revealed
that CuO m ay actually be m ore harm ful than Zn0
. To account
for the corrosion-stim ulating role of CuO , it w as postulated that
it m ay catalyze the form ation of elem ental chlorine via the
D eacon reaction. The detrim ental effect of CuO in deposits
leads to the speculation that copper alloying additions m ight
sim ilarly im pair corrosion resistance. If this speculation is
substantiated by further studies, it m ay help explain the variable
perform ance of alloy 825 (2.3% Cu), discussed later.
Corrosion inhibition by sulfur
D uring Battelle's test program to discern the effects of chlorine
and sulfur com pounds on M SW incinerator corrosion, the
discovery w as m ade that additions of elem ental sulfur
unexpectedly caused a substantial reduction of corrosions. This
finding gave rise to a com prehensive series of tests to investigate
this inhibitive effect further, first by controlled additions of
and later by co-firing w ith sulfur-containing coals
The positive results achieved w ith sulfur additions to M SW
plotted as a function of S02/H CI ratios, are presented in Figure
14. These studies led to the conclusion that corrosion in refuse
boilers can be effectively reduced by providing sufficient sulfur
to exceed an approxim ate S/Cl ratio of 4
The explanation for the corrosion-inhibiting effect of sulfur
postulates that the m ost serious corrosion-prom oting reactions
are caused to occur harm lessly in the gas stream rather than
inside or underneath deposits. Specifically, in the presence of
sufficient SO 2 in the furnace atm osphere, m etal chlorides (M CI)
in the com bustion products are converted to sulfates in the gas
stream , according to the reaction (11), w hich is a generalized
version of reaction (2).
M CI + SO 2 + O 2 + H 2O M SO 4 + H Cl (11)
Figure 14 Effect of sulfur additions to raw refuse on corrosion of steels (ref. 31).
Because the H Cl is released in the gas stream rather than w ithin
deposits, it does not have the opportunity to react w ith the tube
m etal and participate in the cyclic corrosion sequence described
The encouraging results from these series of tests led to a
longer-term test program utilizing probes and integral tube
sections located in the furnace and superheater areas of a
coal-fired boiler. The objective w as to determ ine w hether
co-firing w ith up to 22% RD F could be achieved w ithout any
negative corrosion consequences33. The high sulfur coal in these
tests produced a S/Cl ratio of about 11, w hich w as expected to
be am ple for vapor phase conversion of chlorides to sulfates and
hence suppression of chloride attack.
W hile co-firing M SW did not affect corrosion in the furnace
area, a 6-10 fold increase in corrosion of low alloy steels w as
experienced in the superheater area. This increased corrosion
w as attributed to sulfide attack, on the rationale that the deposits
had a higher sulfur content during the co-firing period than
during coal firing alone. This explanation appears flaw ed since
superheater deposits in refuse boilers typically are fairly high in
sulfur because chlorides tend to convert to m ore stable sulfates.
Consequently, the presence of sulfur-rich corrosion products per
se does not disprove that the corrosion w as chloride dom inated.
To the contrary, one w ould expect to see less, not m ore, sulfur in
deposits during cofiring, since the M SW /coal m ix had a 20%
low er sulfur content than the coal. O n these considerations, the
results from this field test are judged inconclusive for assessing
the efficacy of sulfur in curbing chloride attack.
The relatively high chlorine content of M SW profoundly
influences m aterials selection for refuse boilers because carbon
and low alloy steels, the w orkhorses in regular utility boilers,
possess inadequate resistance to chloride attack at elevated
tem peratures. As w ill be show n, this applies also to a large
m easure to conventional austenitic stainless steels. The m aterials
of choice are high nickel-containing austenitics and especially
nickel-base alloys. Som e com m on Fe-base and N i-base alloys
em ployed in w aste incinerators are listed in Table 2.
M ore recently developed alloys targeted prim arily at the
incineration sector, listed in Table 3, are alloys H R160
A C 66
, 45 TM
, H R11N
, H R30M
and JH N 24
. All of
these contain m ajor fractions of nickel for providing prim ary
chloride resistance, together w ith
substantial chrom ium content for protective scale form ation.
Alloy 65
and look-alike alloy 625M
are m odified versions of
alloy 625 (m inus refractory m etal additions) optim ized for w eld
overlay applications.
Effect of alloy composition
The w ell-established role of nickel for providing outstanding
corrosion resistance in reducing-chloridizing environm ents
applies equally to oxidation-chloridation. The beneficial effect of
N i and Cr in retarding corrosion in incineration environm ents
w as quantified in recent Japanese studies
. Correlations
from these investigations are show n in Figures 15, 16 and 17.
The results plotted in Figure 17 are of special interest because
they are based on long-term , in situ exposures in three M SW
incinerators. Chrom ium is im portant for the form ation of
protective oxides on iron- and nickel-base alloys, w hich requires
a m inim um content of about 20% Cr. Although higher Cr levels
m ay further enhance corrosion resistance, 30% Cr is a judged to
be a practical m axim um for engineering alloys to assure good
ductility and w eldability.
M olybdenum appears to be highly beneficial in im proving
corrosion resistance in M SW incineration environm ents. The
strongest evidence is the outstanding perform ance of alloy 625
w eld overlay in refuse boiler w aterw all applications. Alloy 625
(9% M o) w as found to be even m ore resistant than
55N i-14Cr-1M o alloy in long-term field exposures
, lending
strong support for the corrosion-suppressing effect of M o. The
beneficial role of M o has been further verified by other field and
laboratory data
. H ow ever, high M o contents
Figure 16 Effect of Cr + M o content on corrosion in sim ulated M SW incineration
environm ent (ref. 54).
Figure 15 Effect of N i content on corrosion in sim ulated M SW incineration
environm ent (ref. 5-1).
H aynes International, Inc.
M annesm ann Edelstahlrohr G m bH .
K rupp VD M G m bH ;
Sum itom o M etal Industries, Ltd.
M itsubishi M aterials Corp.
Sandvik AB.
D aido Steel Com pany, Ltd.
Avesta Sheffield AB;
Rolled Alloys, Inc;
H aynes International, Inc.;
M inim um ;
M axim um .
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
Table 2 W rought alloys for high tem perature applications in M SW incinerators
Table 3 Recently developed alloys for high tem perature applications in M SW incinerators
operating M SW incinerators
. Alloy 625 excels not only for
refuse boiler w aterw all protection but also for superheater
tubing. For that application, the corrosion rate of alloy 625 w as
estim ated to be 10 to 20 tim es low er than for carbon steel86. A
com parable im provem ent factor over a low alloy steel (T-22) is
show n in Figure 18.
Seem ingly at variance w ith the excellent perform ance of alloy
625 is the reported m etal loss of 0.35 m m (14 m ils) on a test
section of alloy 625 overlayed screen tubing after a 15 m onth
exposure in a U S W TE plant
. N otw ithstanding these m ediocre
test results, the plant w ent ahead w ith w eld overlaying the entire
screen section. Significantly, after 30 m onthsservice, the alloy
625 overlay show ed no discernible attack. The m arked disparity
betw een the earlier test results and the follow -on full-scale
installation probably stem s from uncertainties regarding m etal
loss determ inations on the original test section. These w ere
based on ultrasonic thickness m easurem ents, w hich are very
difficult to perform accurately on rippled w eld deposit surfaces.
Alloy 825 is another long-established alloy in U S W TE plants,
used prim arily for high tem perature superheater tubing, as noted
. This M o-enhanced N i-Fe-Cr alloy has generally
perform ed w ell, but there are scattered instances w here it failed
to provide satisfactory life. M ost notew orthy is the unfavorable
corrosion experience w ith alloy 825/carbon steel com posite
w aterw all tubing in a RD F incinerator
. After as little as tw o
years, corrosion of the alloy 825 O .D . necessitated progressive
repairs by piecem eal w eld overlaying w ith alloy 625. The restored
w aterw all has now been in service for up to six years and show s
no signs of corrosion
. As w ould be expected from its low er N i
and higher Fe content, alloy 825 is less resistant than alloy 625, as
exem plified in Figure 18. Another exam ple of the superiority of
alloy 625 w as provided by side-by-side tube shield installations of
these m aterials in a M SW incinerator, w hich show ed substantially
shorter life of the alloy 825 shields
Austenitic stainlesssteels
Austenitic stainless steels gave fairly good service in early W TE
plants, m any of w hich operated w ith relatively m ild conditions.
W ith accum ulating plant experience, it becam e increasingly clear
that the perform ance of stainless steels proved unreliable, and
that stainlesses m ay offer only little, if any, im provem ent over
ordinary boiler tube steels
. In several instances, Type
304 S.S. com posite tube test panels had to be taken
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
Figure 17 Effect of alloy com position on corrosion in operating M SW
incinerators (ref. 11).
(over about 15% ) can be counterproductive in oxidizing-
chloridizing environm ents, especially at elevated tem per-
. The concern is form ation of m olybdenum chlorides
or oxychlorides and consequent risk of form ing m olten
corrosion products.
An interesting and unexplained M o effect w as discovered
during the developm ent of alloy H R11N
. It w as found that
developm ental alloys w ith M o contents of 3% or higher suffered
from a new ly discovered form of high tem perature stress
corrosion cracking, w hile com positions w ith very sm all or no
M o content sustained intergranular attack. These findings
account for Sum itom o optim izing the M o content of alloys
H R11N and H R30M at 1% M o
. Effective suppression of
intergranular attack in both of these alloys is achieved by
additions of about 0.15% nitrogen.
The effect of silicon appears to be variable. W hile Si additions
enhance the protectiveness of oxide scales and decrease the
form ation of volatile m etal chlorides
, Si is reported to be
detrim ental in reducing-chloridizing environm ents
. Cobalt is
considered beneficial for im proving chloridation resistance, but
to a far lesser extent than N i. Cobalt m ay possibly be detrim ental
at tem peratures above 740C (1364F) w hich is the m elting point
of CoC12
Alum inum , sim ilar to silicon, enhances the
effectiveness of protective oxides, and has been show n to
im prove corrosion resistance in reducing chloridizing
environm ents
Figure 18 Corrosion of test tubes in an RD F incinerator (ref 45).
High-nickel alloys
Based on extensive test data and service experience, alloys
containing large fractions of nickel have dem onstrated
outstanding corrosion resistance in M SW incineration
environm ents. Am ong these, N i-Cr-M o alloy 625 has established
itself by far as the m ost w idely used m aterial for effective
corrosion protection in refuse boilers, prim arily in the form of
w eld overlay on w aterw alls. There is broad consensus that
w astage rate of alloy 625 is less than 0.25 m m yr

(10 m py) and
that it outperform s carbon and low alloy steels by at least a factor
of 10. For instance, in an exceptionally severe RD F boiler
exposure w here the carbon steel corrosion rate w as 180 m py,
alloy 625 corroded at less than 3 m py
. The outstanding
perform ance of alloy 625 w as verified in an extensive field
evaluation encom passing several
The role of chlorine in high temperature corrosion in waste-to-energy plants: G. Sorell
out of service due to excessive corrosion. Even m ore highly
alloyed stainless grades m ay fare badly. In one instance, a
niobium -enhanced version of 25Cr-20N i S.S. (H R-3C) corroded
faster than Type 304 S.S., as show n in Figure 18. It is
conjectured that the poor show ing of the H R-3C m ay possibly
be related to the very high volatility of niobium chloride.
The presence of FeC12 appears to be especially detrim ental to
stainless steels. In laboratory tests w ith chloride-rich salt
m ixtures, com positions containing FeC12 or PbC12 proved to be
extrem ely aggressive
. Salt m ixtures containing either one of
these m etal chlorides attacked Type 304L S.S. m ore severely than
carbon steel. These experim ents led to the conclusion that
m ixtures of N aCI + K CI, previously thought to be noncorrosive
to refuse boiler steam generating tubes, can becom e highly
corrosive w hen m ixed w ith FeC12 present as a corrosion prod-
uct. The aggressiveness of FeC12 is apparent also from Figure 13,
w hich sim ilarly show s higher corrosion rates of Type 304L S.S.
than for carbon steel in iron chloride containing salt m ixtures.
An additional shortcom ing of 300 Series stainless steels is
their susceptibility to chloride-induced pitting and stress
corrosion cracking during dow ntim e. The risk of such attack by
m oist tube deposits w as identified as a potential problem area
w hen W TE plants first cam e onto the scene. The W TE sector is
slow in accepting that the perform ance of stainless steels in
refuse boilers varies w idely and therefore are a questionable
choice for dependable corrosion resistance. N onetheless, m any
M SW incinerator operators continue to em ploy stainless steels,
partly on the basis that they do perform fairly w ell in som e
plants, and partly on reluctance to upgrade to costlier
corrosion-resistant alloys.
Composites and coatings
Co-extruded com posite Type 304 S.S./C.S. w aterw all tubing
perform ed w ell in several Sw edish W TE plants
, but these
operated w ith quite m ild steam conditions unrepresentative of
m odern higher tem perature units. In the U S, the single
large-scale com m ercial application of com posite tubing w as in
the aforem entioned RD F plant w here co-extruded alloy 825/C.S.
w aterw all tubing failed to provide adequate life
. The superior
perform ance of Alloy 625 prom pted several attem pts to produce
coextruded Alloy 625/C.S. com posite tubing on a com m ercial
scale, but this effort proved unsuccessful due to the large
strength differential. D ifficulties in m anufacturing alloy 625
com posite tubing by co-extrusion have fostered the developm ent
of novel techniques for producing N i-Cr-M o alloy com posites
that offer alternatives to conventional overlay deposition by G as
M etal Arc W elding (G M AW ). Recent developm ents aim ed
largely at the W TE sector include liquid atom ized m etal deposi-
tion of alloy 65
, plasm a pow der w eld deposition of alloys C-276
and alloy 625M
, and helical rolling of alloy C-22
Boiler vendor and plant operators have experim ented w ith a
w ide range of m etallic coatings in the hope of finding a
cost-effective m ethod for extending the life of refuse boiler
tubing, prim arily for w aterw all panels
. The success
of these test installations has varied greatly. Som e field trials
indicated unsatisfactory coating perform ance and life, w hile
others produced fair to good results. In general, coatings need to
be renew ed on an
There are several areas w here further R& D could be
productively focused to attain a fuller understanding of
chloride-induced corrosion in M SW incineration, and to advance
the developm ent of corrosion-resistant m aterials.
Corrosion-related issues m eriting further elucidation are listed
below .
M echanism by w hich chlorides perm eate protective
oxide scales.
Characterization of the corrosive environm ent and ash
Corrosion inhibitive effect of sulfur species.
M echanism of high tem perature stress corrosion
cracking and intergranular attack.
Effect alloying additions of m olybdenum and copper
on corrosion behavior.
Synergism betw een corrosion and abrasive/erosive w ear.
To gain further insights into corrosion m echanism s and
m anifestations, various novel approaches are being exploited.
Am ong these are electrochem ical techniques based on A.C.
im pedance
and potentiodynam ic polarization
, electron
m icroscopy
and calorim etry
Continuing w ork effort should additionally be directed at
developing new and im proved corrosion-resistant m aterials. This
includes not only alloys optim ized for refuse boiler applications,
but also cost-effective com posites and coatings. To support the
corrosion research and m aterials developm ent effort, m ore
intensive m onitoring and data collection/dissem ination is needed
to precisely characterize the corrosive environm ents and to
evaluate m aterials perform ance. All of these endeavors are being
system atically pursued in the aforem entioned N ED O Program
on developing high-efficiency W TE technology
. Further
progress tow ard that objective could be achieved if a sim ilar
collaborative developm ent program w ould be instituted in the
W estern hem isphere.
Support from the N ickel D evelopm ent Institute for preparation
of this paper is gratefully acknow ledged. The author also w ishes
to express his appreciation to D r. I.G . W right for his review and
helpful com m ents.
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