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own all tonal fuel
feuding over one's own infnite resources
where's your opponent do you have one
thin!ing what is thin!ing what is what"
#ells whistles and progra$$ed engineered
ignorance and disconnection try it out you
$ight li!e it unplugged disconnected shorted
tangential for$ulae
for$ you into a lie separate fro$ the
inspiration or %ash in an instant eternity&
'%ash"' there it was said" done" not" then too
$any unsaid things glaring in the $ind thus
ta!en over overtly ta!en o( derailed
de%ected intercepted cut o( at the pass
#loc!ed defocused di$$ed out di$inished in
faculty collage could no longer function out
of the o)ce until late *utu$n afternoon
inching up on the #ig delay #efore
fro$ +athryn ,u$e's -oice in +athy *c!er's
/// a voice rever#erates through +athy
*c!er's novels their
$ost o#vious characteristic0 1 assu$ed0 until
read the criticis$ they have generated0 as
well as her
interviews and o#ituaries. *c!er denies
having any
voice at all and e2plains her so3called
plagiaris$s as a solution to
that pro#le$.1'4444
air3raiding a video of avid river her#s eyely
radiated heartless artful vocal ice discussed
overtly cursing the course through coerce
with heart
airing out our grievances chill

Other te2ts gave her a starting point for
without her frst having to do$inate her
$aterial. 1ndeed0 she ca$e
to a)r$ her lac! of voice as ideologically
desira#le. Our cultural
de$ands for originality and creativity0 she
decided0 derive fro$
capitalist and phallic values 5'.ew 6otes'
107. Or0 as she $a!es
her point 5elliptically and ungra$$atically70
'8he writer too! a
certain a$ount of language0 ver#al $aterial0
forced that language
to stop radiating in $ultiple0 even
unnu$era#le directions0 to radiate
in only one direction so there could #e his
$eaning'9 ':ant
to play.... 1f had to force language to #e uni3
directional0 1'd #e
helping $y own prison to #e constructed'
5',u$ility' 11;7. <ecause
*c!er's stance gratifes a variety of fe$inist
and poststructuralist
predilections0 $ost wor! done on *c!er
assu$es no voice
1. =ee *c!er's interview with >arry ?c@a(ery
5'Aath' BC70 where she descri#es her
frustration over Do#ert @reeley's assertion
that a poet could only #eco$e a real writer
after fnding his voice. *c!er studied the
<lac! ?ountain poets with Eavid *ntin
37 and would have learned0 a$ong other
things0 the @reeley3Olson e$phasis on
'the individual and his wor!s0' and 'the
'natural' authority of so$e $en over others
5and al$ost all $en over al$ost all wo$en7'
5.oster F7. *c!er retells the @reeley anecdote
in #oth interviews with ?c@a(ery0 and in her
essay '* .ew 6otes on 8wo of ?y
<oo!s' 597.
+*8,DG6 ,H?I
-oice in +athy *c!er's .iction
@onte$porar>y iteratureJ >1103 00103CKFK/
01 / 000330KFL
B001 #y the <oard of Degents of the
Hniversity of :isconsin =yste$
KF; M @ O 6 8I ? A O D * D G > 1 8 I D * 8 H D
or the $any voices of her decentered
protagonists who change gender
or identity at the drop of a hat.
?y tal!ing a#out a recurring voice $ay see$
li!e a $isguided
atte$pt to foist a $odernist reading on
*c!er.B 8he i$pulse grows
out of reading all her fction0 and reading
each wor! fro$ #eginning
to end3a perverse act. *c!er 'didn't e2pect
anyone to read
any of her #oo!s all the way through fro$
#eginning to end.'3 1f
scores of voices spea! out in a doNen novels0
and every fourth one
or so has the sa$e tone and tal!s of si$ilar
$aterial0 then a coherent
and recurrent0 if not constant0 voice
e$erges. * reader can focus
on the disruptive0 centrifugal e(ect of the
$any0 the e(ect we
are conditioned #y current theory to notice in
post$odern te2ts.
,owever0 the $any voices0 #ecause they are
one3o(s0 do not
achieve $uch $e$ora#ility0 while what 1 call
the voice gradually
coheres out of the #ac!ground #a##le.
Deading two *c!er novels
$ay call attention to a pair of si$ilar
characters0 and little $eaning
attaches to that. Deading all the novels0
though0 $a!es this persona
see$ $uch $ore pro$inent0 and it stays in
the $ind when the
post$odern pastiche characters #ased on
,eathcli(0 Aip0 and Oane
Iyre have #eco$e indistinct or are
the$selves ta!en over and
$ade to sound li!e that voice.

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