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SoIid freeform fabrication by eIectrophotographic printing

Ashok V. Kumar, Anirban Dutta and James E. Fay

Department oI Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University oI Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-6300

A solid IreeIorm Iabrication technique is described where powder is deposited layer by
layer using electrophotographic printing. In this process, powder is picked up and
deposited using a charged photoconducting surIace and deposited on a build platIorm.
The paper describes a test bed that was designed and constructed to study the application
oI electrophotography to solid IreeIorm Iabrication. It can precisely deposit powder in the
desired shape on each layer. The electric Iield required to transIer the powder on to the
platIorm (or onto previously printed layers) was studied. A polymer toner powder was
used to build small components by Iusing each layer oI printer powder using a hot
compaction plate.
1. Introduction
Solid FreeIorm Fabrication (SFF) technologies are manuIacturing / prototyping
technologies that are characterized by layer-by-layer addition oI material to Iabricate
components. These techniques are also known as layered manuIacturing and rapid
prototyping |1|. The layer-by-layer building approach allows signiIicantly more complex
parts to be built in one Iabrication step than was previously possible thus simpliIying
process planning. SFF technology thereIore can automate the process planning and
Iabrication oI a part under computer control so that the only input needed is a solid model
oI the part.
Over the last decade many diIIerent technologies Ior Solid FreeIorm Fabrication have
evolved. Broadly, the SFF techniques available currently can be classiIied as
stereolithography, solid Iusion and solidiIication, laminated object manuIacturing, and
powder based techniques. The stereolithography technique |2| selectively solidiIies a
liquid photopolymer while solid Iusion and solidiIication |3|, |4| Iuses/melts the material
and deposits it layer by layer. The laminated object manuIacturing technology |5| cuts
out laminates Irom sheets oI part material and glues or Iuses them together. In all these
methods oI SFF, special support structures are needed to support overhanging Ieatures oI
the part. The two main powder-based techniques that have been commercialized are
Selective Laser Sintering and 3D printing. For powder based methods no support
structures are typically required to create complex shapes. Powder is selectively
consolidated into a part and the remaining powder can be removed. In the SLS process
|6|, a thin layer oI powder is deposited in a workspace container and the powder is then
Iused together using a laser beam that traces the shape oI the desired cross-section. The
process is repeated by depositing layers oI powder thus building the part layer by layer.
In the 3D printing process |7|, a binder material selectively binds powder deposited in
layers. Ink-jet printing technology is used to print the binder in the shape oI the cross-
section oI the part on each layer oI powder.
Electrophotographic Solid FreeIorm Fabrication (ESFF) |8|, |9|, |10| is also a powder
based IreeIorm Iabrication technology that builds parts by printing powder layer-by-layer
using electrophotography process |11|. The electrophotography process is used in
photocopiers and printers to print toner powder on paper. This technology is capable oI
printing powder with high accuracy and resolution. Each layer oI powder is printed in the
shape oI the cross-section. Two diIIerent processes Ior using electrophotography Ior SFF
are described in this paper. In the Iirst approach the part powder is printed layer by layer
in the shape oI the cross-sections oI the part and thermally Iused to previous layers. In the
second approach, a part powder is Iirst deposited uniIormly by spreading a thin layer oI
powder using a roller and then a binder powder is electrophotographically printed in the
cross-sectional image. This process is similar to 3D printing except that the binder is in
powder Iorm and printed using electrophotography. The binder is then thermal Iused so
that it diIIuses into and binds the part powder. The challenges associated with printing
powder Ior these two approaches were studied experimentally on a test bed. This test bed
was designed as a Ilexible experimental platIorm to study layer by layer
electrophotographic printing.
The design and working principle oI the ESFF testbed is described in section 2. Using
this test bed powder, parts can be built directly by printing part powder layer by layer as
described in section 3. A technique Ior printing binder powder on a bed oI part powder is
described in section 4.
2. Description of the test-bed
An ESFF test bed was built that enables layer-by-layer deposition oI powder using
electrophotography technology. This test bed consists oI an electrophotographic printing
system, an automated two axes deposition/build platIorm and control system as well as a
thermal fusing and compacting system, all mounted on a structural frame. A model of the
system is shown below in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Model of the ESFF machine
A belt driven linear actuator moves the build platform in the horizontal (or x-)
direction while a lead screw driven linear actuator moves the platform vertically (z-
direction). Both the actuators are driven by servo-motors controlled by a digital control
system. The printing system prints powder on the build platform as it passes below the
printer. The cross-sectional images to be printed are computed by software that runs on a
PC and can read in the solid model of the part to be fabricated in the STL format. The
powder that is printed on the build platform is compacted and fused by the compacting
system which is a heated non-stick plate mounted on a rigid frame.
Heating system
Motion System
Printing system
Automated Build Platform
Compacting system
The most important sub-system oI the test bed is the electrophotographic printing
system. Figure 2 shows the schematic diagram oI the electrophotography engine used in a
desktop laser printer Irom which components were taken to build the printing system Ior
the test bed. The photoconducting drum is an aluminum drum that has a coating oI
photoreceptive material which is non-conductive in the dark and conductive when
exposed to certain wavelength oI light. When the drum rotates its surIace is cleaned by
the cleaner blade and then charged by the charging roller that is made oI a conducting
polyurethane on which a DC biased AC voltage is applied. The uniIormly charged
surIace oI the drum is selectively discharged by the laser image scanner that projects a
UV laser on the drum surIace. The region on the surIace oI the drum that is exposed to
the laser beam becomes conductive and thereIore gets discharged. A latent image is thus
Iormed on the surIace oI the drum consisting oI the discharged areas.

Figure 2: Schematic of the electrophotographic printing system
The latent image is converted into a real image when powder is electrostatically
attracted (or developed) on to the discharged regions oI the drum Irom the image
developer. The image developer consists oI the powder cartridge and the developing
roller shown in Fig. 2. The developing roller is a hollow metallic roller which encases a
cylinder magnet. The powder is magnetized so that it sticks to the developing roller. As
this roller rotates a thin layer oI powder squeezes out between the doctor blade and the
roller. A DC biased AC voltage is applied to the roller to print this powder on to the
Developing roller
Cylinder magnet
Laser Image Scanner
AC bias
DC bias
Photoconductor drum
Charging roller
Powder cartridge
Cleaner blade
AC bias
DC bias
Build platIorm
Doctor blade
Image Developer
photoconductor drum. The powder is electrically charged to the same polarity
(negatively) as the surIace oI the drum so that the powder is only printed on to the
discharged areas due the electric Iield between the developing roller and the
photoconductor drum.
The image developed on to the photoconductor surIace is transIerred to the printing
surIace or the build platIorm oI the test bed. A positive charge is applied to the surIace oI
the platIorm. The Iield generated by this charge attracts the negatively charged powder on
the surIace oI the drum to the surIace oI platIorm, and thus the real image on the drum
surIace is transIerred to the platIorm surIace. The control system synchronizes the
printing with the platIorm motion. The platIorm is moved at a velocity equal to the
tangential velocity oI the drum so that there is no relative velocity between the two
surIaces as the image is transIerred Irom the drum to the platIorm.
3. Direct part printing
The test bed described above has shown the Ieasibility oI printing powder layer by
layer using the electrophotography method. As mentioned earlier, one method Ior
implementing solid IreeIorm Iabrication is to print part powder layer by layer in the shape
oI the cross-section and then Iusing the printed powder to previous layers. This approach
has been reIerred to here as direct part printing. A polymer powder consisting oI styrene
with various additives, including Ierrous oxide to magnetize the powder, was used Ior
printing. The particles in the powder were approximately 5 microns in size. The surIace
to be printed on was charged using a corona charging device and a constant DC voltage
oI 1000V was applied to the aluminum build platIorm to enable transIer oI the image
Irom the photoconductor drum to the build platIorm. The layer thickness is dependent on
particle size as well as parameters such as charge per unit mass oI powder, speed ratio
between photoconductor drum and developer roller etc.
The electric Iield between the photoconductor drum and the print surIace was
computed using Gauss`s law as Iollows |12|:
( )
( )
2 2 2
3 2
DC 1 2 3 s 2 2
1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0
3 2
1 2 3
d d p p
V d
2K 2K 2K K
E p,
d d p
+ + + +


+ +

In the above equation, V
is the potential applied to the build platIorm, p is the height
oI the part (or previously printed layers), d
is the thickness oI the Iresh powder layer, d

is the thickness oI the photo-conducting layer. K
, K
and K
are the relative permittivity
oI the Iused powder layer, Iresh powder layer and photoconductor material respectively.
are charge per unit volume in the Iused powder, Iresh powder layer and the
photoconductor layer respectively and
is the permittivity oI the air.
is the charge
per unit area deposited on the print surIace. The equation shows that the Iield strength
decreases with part height p, iI the surIace is not charged (
0). Residual negative
charge on the Iused layers oI powder (
0) also can signiIicantly decrease the electric
Iield strength available Ior image transIer.
Figure 3 shows small parts built using the test bed. The parts were built simultaneously
by printing powder over a thin layer oI polymer sheet covering the aluminum platIorm.
The parts are approximately 1 mm tall and took about 200 prints oI polystyrene based
powder. The print thickness is larger Ior the Iirst Iew prints and then decreases to an
average rate oI approximately 5 microns per print. This low rate oI printing can be
improved by more eIIicient removal oI residual charge Irom the previously printed layers
and by increasing the charge density deposited by the corona charging device.

Figure 3: Parts made by the test bed
The printing system used in the test bed is capable oI achieving up to 600 dpi.
However, the accuracy and Iinish oI the parts made using the process also depends up on
the accuracy with which subsequent layers can be aligned over each other. Another Iactor
that aIIects the part accuracy is the distortion that occurs during the Iusing and
compaction aIter each layer is printed.

4. Binder printing on part powder
An alternative way to build parts using electrophotography is to print a binder powder
on uniIormly deposited part powder as is done Ior 3D printing. The binder powder can
then be Iused thermally so that it diIIuses into the part powder and binds the part powder
together up on subsequent cooling and solidiIication. The success oI this concept depends
on the ability to deposit thin uniIorm layers oI part powder and the eIIiciency with which
the binder powder can be transIerred on to the part powder bed. It is not Ieasible to
transIer powder directly Irom the photoconducting drum on to previously deposited part
powder bed because the charged regions oI the drum will pick up some part powder. In
other words, during the transIer process the part powder will get picked up by the
photoconductor drum instead oI the binder powder being printed Irom the drum to the
powder bed. This can quickly damage the photoconductor especially iI the part powder is
abrasive. To protect the photoconductor drum and to minimize part powder reverse
printing it is necessary to use either a transIer roller or a transIer belt. The ideas is that the
binder can be Iirst printed on to an intermediate transIer device and then subsequently
transIerred Irom this device to the part powder bed. Figure 4 shows the concept
schematically where a transIer roller is shown between the photoconductor and the build
platIorm. On the right an equivalent parallel plate model Ior the interIace between
photoconductor drum and transIer roller as well as the interIace between the transIer
roller and the print surIace.

Figure 4: Parallel plate analogy for transfer device arrangement
Electric Iield is required at both interIaces to enable transIer oI powder. A conductive
(aluminum) drum was used as the transIer roller. The electric Iield Ior transIer can be
created by applying a voltage to the build platIorm or by charging the top layer oI the
powder bed. Since the transIer roller is conductive its voltage is constant and the electric
Iield created at one interIace is transmitted to the other interIace. The transIer roller
rotates such that it has the same tangential velocity as the photoconductor drum so that
the image can transIer Irom the photoconductor to the transIer roller. Similarly the build
platIorm moves at the same velocity as the tangential velocity oI the transIer roller to
enable undistorted transIer oI the image Irom the transIer roller to the platIorm.
II the part powder is metallic (conductive), it tends to get charged by the electric Iield
and jumps back and Iorth between the transIer roller and the powder bed creating a
powder cloud as shown in Fig. 5. The reason Ior this powder oscillation is that the
powder particles are conductive and thereIore loose their charge and get reversely
charged due to the Iield as soon as they contact the transIer roller or the drum. This
oscillation causes many problems including poor transIer oI binder powder as well as
distortion oI the image. II the drum is covered with a thin insulator layer then the
particles cannot loose charge to this layer and sticks to it resulting in reverse printing.
ThereIore this approach appears to be inIeasible Ior conductive part powders unless some
other means is used to hold down the part powder, such magnetic Iorce iI the part powder
is magnetic.

Figure 5: Transfer roller system with conducting part powder bed
For non-conductive part powders, the top surIace oI the powder bed must be charged
to Iacilitate (or create the necessary Iield Ior) transIer oI the binder powder. The charged
particles on the surIace need to be held down so that they do not get picked up by the
transIer roller. Figure 6 shows a polystyrene binder powder printed on a ceramic
(alumina) powder bed. The powder bed was created by spreading a layer oI the ceramic
powder uniIormly and then it was compacted to impart green strength in order to
minimize reverse printing. A thin polymer (insulator) cover was glued over the transIer
roller to minimize chances oI sparking between the photoconductor drum and the roller.

Figure 6: Toner powder on insulating alumina powder bed
In Fig. 6, the black binder powder is printed on alumina (white) powder bed. The
white spots within the printed image were caused by reverse printing where the alumina
powder was picked up by the transIer roller instead oI the binder getting printed on the
alumina powder bed. Another problem with this approach is that iI the binder is too
viscous aIter melting it may not diIIuse into the part powder deep enough to ensure
proper bonding between layers.
5. ConcIusions
A test bed Ior studying electrophotographic solid IreeIorm Iabrication was built and
used to show the Ieasibility oI printing powder layer by layer in the shape oI the cross-
sectional images oI a part to be Iabricated. The test bed was Iully automated and
controlled Irom a program that reads in a solid model oI the part, computes the cross-
sectional images and prints them layer by layer on to a build platIorm. This approach
appears to be a Ieasible method Ior rapid prototyping small polymer components. 3D
printing was also attempted by printing polymer binder electrophotographically on a
ceramic powder bed. It was necessary to use a transIer roller to print the binder powder.
The transIer roller can not prevent reverse printing but it protects the photoconductor
drum Irom damage. Printing binder powder Ior 3D printing has other disadvantages that
traditional 3D printing does not have including the need Ior melting the binder and poor
bonding between layers. Direct part printing on the other hand appears to be a promising
approach Ior building tiny components as well as Ior constructing heterogeneous parts iI
multiple powders can be printed layer by layer. However, Iurther research is required to
develop technology Ior reliably charging and printing a variety oI powders including
ceramic and metallic powders. This work is currently in progress and initial results have
been encouraging.
6. AcknowIedgement
Funding Ior this research Irom NSF grant number DMI-9875445 and ONR grant
N00014-98-1-0694 is grateIully acknowledged.
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