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Telarix Services

iXTools - Genband S3 Adaptor

Version Custom
Last Update: 2014-09-11
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Telarix, Inc. 2009
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iXTools Genband S3 Adator
R'V((O) *(!OR+
ate Versio
Aut!or Comment
2014,01,0$ 0,1 Ga-ra. Gosain (nitial dra/t
Telarix Inc. !rivileged "#on$idential !age 2 o$ ' Sete&ber ((, 20()
iXTools Genband S3 Adator
!A0L' OF 1O)!')!
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 About Genband S3 SBC Session Border Controller.................................................................................................. 5
3 About RSM Real-Time Session Manaer..................................................................................................................... 5
! RSM-S3 Communication "#er#ie$................................................................................................................................. %
5 &e$ S3 Ada'tor................................................................................................................................................................. (
% Ad#antaes o) ne$ ada'tor............................................................................................................................................. *
Telarix Inc. !rivileged "#on$idential !age 3 o$ ' Sete&ber ((, 20()
iXTools Genband S3 Adator
1 Introduction
This document is used to define approach followed in new Genband S3 adaptor.
2 About Genband S3 SBC Session Border Controller
Genband's S3 SBC (Session Border Controller Core Switch) delivers secure carrier class, realtime
communications for mobile and fi!ed line service providers enablin" service offerin"s# $ith securit%,
polic% enforcement, session routin" and session mana"ement capacities, the S3 brin"s operators
advanced levels of functionalit% and performance at &' networ( borders#
Toda%)s SBCs are often standalone platforms but as networ(s become more comple!, inte"ration
issues will become important when deplo%in" new services# The G*+B,+- S3 SBC provides
complete fle!ibilit% in architectin" networ( b% deplo%in" the same SBC software either as a standalone
solution or as a module in full% inte"rated multiapplication platforms#-elivered on a common off the
shelf platform (C.TS), the S3 SBC provides substantial and measurable deplo%ment benefits# This
ensures that G*+B,+- can rapidl% adopt new computin" and networ(in" technolo"ies, providin" a
price/performance ratio that leads the industr%# Combinin" the benefits of C.TS hardware, a software
centric architecture, and deplo%ment fle!ibilit%, the G*+B,+- S3 SBC addresses a wideran"e of
performance needs critical to carriers and wireless operators, of all si0es# The S3 is available as a best
ofbreed carrier"rade, standalone SBC on a famil% of rac( mount serers or as part of the inte"rated,
,TC,based G*+B,+- &' 1nified Services (G*+i1S) 'latform# The S3 SBC levera"es common
software across all versions of tar"et hardware options, offerin" deplo%ment fle!ibilit% and the abilit%
to seamlessl% "row their networ(s as needed#
3 About RSM Real-Time Session Manaer
G*+2iew 3S4 is an advanced, 3ealtime Session 4ana"er for G*+B,+-)s famil% of Session
Border Controllers# $ith G*+2iew 3S4, service providers can e!tract realtime performance metrics
based on the anal%sis of Session -etail 3ecords (S-3s), providin" operators with the intelli"ence to
address each session)s behavior in the networ( comprehensivel%# G*+2iew 3S4 also includes
standard element mana"ement functionalit% for carrier"rade 5C,'S capabilities, with robust session
data, S+4', C-3 anal%tics, performance metrics, and reportin" tools#
&# &ntelli"ent anal%tics and *4S with full 5C,'S support for G*+B,+-)s famil% of SBCs
&&# ,ccelerates services rollouts, ensures profitabilit%
&&&# Scales easil% as additional G*+B,+- SBCs are deplo%ed in the networ(
&2# S.,'/647based, inte"rates easil% with .SS, BSS, and web services
2# Session anal%tics, 8oS and S7, 4ana"ement
2&# 7east Cost 3outin" *n"ine (7C3), 7ossless 7C3, and ,daptive 3outin" to 9 million routes
2&&# 'erformance, cost, and profit policies to handle session routin" at call establishment
2&&&# 'artitionin" of the G*+B,+- SBC for shared subscriber mana"ement
&6# :i"havailabilit% architecture with paired active/standb% 3S4 servers
Telarix Inc. !rivileged "#on$idential !age ) o$ ' Sete&ber ((, 20()
iXTools Genband S3 Adator
! RSM-S3 Communication "#er#ie$
3S4 and SBC have two saperate servers with their seprate databases# 3S4 is application which
controls S3 SBC, as describe above 3S4 ma(e the provision on switch based on rate data loaded b%
users# 3S4 then convert it into 7C3 and ma(e Callin" 'lan, Call 3outes and Call bindin"s which then
pushed to S3 SBC for provision#
Telari! i6Tools current adaptor uses 3S4 web service# i6Tools calls e!posed S.,' method of 3S4
web service which Genband created for Telari!# This S.,' service then update routin" on 3S4# .nce
1ser verified provisionin" on 3S4 G1&, user manuall% push data to SBC# ,s of now Genband have
not provided an% ,'& or web service to push provisionin" to SBC#
Telarix Inc. !rivileged "#on$idential !age * o$ ' Sete&ber ((, 20()
iXTools Genband S3 Adator
5 &e$ S3 Ada'tor
There are two wa%s to provitionin" routin" on S3 switch or SBC, 5irst one is 3S4 and second one is
C7& commands# This is confirmed b% Genband in their SBC opertional document under section 33# &n
both approaches followin" steps needs to be followed;
I. #reate one or &ore call ro+tes that re$lect ,o+r intended ro+ting olicies
II. #reate a calling lan
III. -ind ro+te.s/ to the calling lan
I0. -ind one or &ore endoints .regid1+orts/ to the calling lan
2sing c+rrent adator %e send rovisioning data via %eb service then %eb service create call ro+tes,
calling lans and bindings.
In o+r 3e% aroach %e %ill be creating #4I co&&ands and $iring the& directl, on S-# via
6e %ill be +sing $ollo%ing #4I co&&ands7
#li cr add
#li c add
#li c edit
#li iedge edit
Telarix Inc. !rivileged "#on$idential !age 8 o$ ' Sete&ber ((, 20()
iXTools Genband S3 Adator
Once CLI command provisioned data on SBC, RSM can sync that data to its database, so that users can still view the
provisioned data and if required they can make the changes using RSM.
% Ad#antaes o) ne$ ada'tor
This new approach is as safe as callin" web service, its simple and reliable# ,nd as of now no none
Telarix Inc. !rivileged "#on$idential !age ' o$ ' Sete&ber ((, 20()
CLI commands

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