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AMENDMENT Definition: eliminate slavery, up to state
Significance: major step in federal
authority over the states
Freedmens bureau Definition:help slaves make transition to
Significance: convinced them to make a
life on the plantation, used the free slaves
to recharge cotton economy
Provide schools, and medical clinics,
reunite with family members, minister to
marry couples, free food and clothing
Black Codes Definition: state laws put in place in 1865-
Significance: prohibit African American
from excercising freedom, almost
everything makes you a criminal, African
Americans were not considered citizens of
their respective state of the United sates
1790: naturalization act: white apply to be
1857: fred scott vs. sanfred: punished for
leaving plantation even if free land, federal
government determine where slavery
can/can not go
continue the process of slavery without the
name slavery
amednment Definition: no state shall deprive any
person within jusitdiction of equal
protection laws
Significance: continues to shape US history
(gay marriage)
Ensure equal tratment of American
Americans and provide citizenship, federal
government set rules for states
amendment Definition: state cant use three catergories
to deny right to vote 1) race 2) color 3)
previous condition of servitude
Significance: does not guarantee anyone,
allow discimination still absed on literacy,
sex, age etc.
Classical liberalism Defintion: threat to liberty is the
Significance: made of white wealthy elite,
government is by and for the people (social
contract), foundation of American political
Amendments (1-10) start with what
government is NOT allowed to do to us,
human beings all endowed with certain
rights (locke)
Violations of peoples rights, power
Modern liberalism Definition: government not most evil, only
government form caretaker state: care fr
and address poor, greedy etc.
Significance: protect the defenseless,
incrase government power, against
Grantism Defintion: corruption in grants political
Significance: government was known for
corruption, not based on good public policy
but who had the money
Kansas Exodus (Exodus of 1879) The Exodus of 1879 (also known as the
Kansas Exodus and the Exoduster
Movement) refers to the mass movement of
African Americans from states along the
Mississippi River to Kansas in the late
nineteenth century,[1] and was the first
general migration of blacks following the
Civil War.[2]
Redemption of the South After Rescontruction ends, south whites
continue with their terror and lynching of
African americans
Compromise of 1877 Definition: Democrats stop pressing voting
Significance: guarentee Republicans hat
Reconstruction end, federal troops leave
the south, no more protection of African
American Civil rights
Southern whites are back in charge
Social Darwinism Defintion: adcancement in groups of
humans (white people)
Signficance: considered to be scientific,
just as there is biological evolution, easier
to say that reconstruction was a waste of
-new immigrants face discimination, seen
as survival of the fittest
Trans-mississippi west Indians move from tradiational to modern
-lewis and clark sent by Jefferson to
understand the indiands but after civil war
white settlers crowd into their land and
force them off making them sign over their
land and relocate to reservations,
-pursuit of land and profit threaten native
Americans but encironment and settlers
themselves, exploit laborers and salguhter
animals and plow up soil for farms, depend
on federal government, to subjugate
Indians, promote acquisiton of farmlan
through homestead act and subsidize
constrction of rail lines, banks and
capitalists provide investment capital,
chose to view destruction of Indians as
necessary for progression
Custers last stand -non treaty siou found leader in sitting bull,
custer start war wanted to ectreact
concesscions from siouc, negotiations fail
and sought to drive them out of the black
hills, custer was wiped out, Americans reel
from Indian victory and question federal
policy toward indiands, most endorce
federal governmet determination to quash
native American rebellion
-defeat at little bighorn made army more
determined, troops harass Sioux bands fo
rmore than 5 years, attack indinan camps in
dead of winter, destroy all supplies, sitting
bull had to surrender slaughtering of
buffalo wipe out tribes food source
-similar measures used against other tribues
Dawes severalty act humanitarians conclude Indian interest
serve break up reservations and incorpate
in society, supported DAWES
SEVERALTy ACT, turn Indian into
landowners and farmers, emphrasize
severalty: treatment of indiands as
individuals rather than members of tribes
and call for land plots to each head of indin
family, remainting resevatin land sold to
settlers and income go to farm tools, after
25 years consider citizens of US
-by 1934 act slash Indian acerage by 65%,
much of what remianined was too dry,
some native ameriacsn receive land
propsoert to expand others struggle to
survive, alcoholism was a continual
-intended to civilize Indians
Ghost dance Defintion: N. Plain Indians converge and
began ghost dance
Significance: dancea way change sin
American life, resistence to American
assimilation, see as potential threat
Sioux life worsened in 1880s, turn to
wovoka who forsaw return of dead
relatives, restore buson, renew traditional
life, need to produce the ghost dance:
movement spread along Sioux restore
indiands control of their land
Wounded Knee Defintion: within minutes gernation of
Indian white conflict on the great plains
shudder to a close, last chapter of battle for
the great plains 1890
-white believe sitting bull head of it and
arrested, and he was shit at, dec 28 7

calvary rounded up Sioux at wounded knee
when someone fire a gun, soliders relatliate
with cannon fire
The grange Defintion: work together as farmers
Significance: midwest farmers form the
grange: offer education support etc,
organize dinners
-try to cut out the middle man, implment
interstae commerce commission in munn
vs. illo look over rail and their rates
-grange movement falter
Munn vs. Illinois Defintion: Set max. rates in illnois,
Significance: law that even if railroate is
private, the state has authority because it is
built with public funds and is a public
utility, serve public interest
Wabash vs. ILlnois Defintion: states may not regulate interstate
Significance: corporation is a legal person
and should not be disciminated by the state
of California, violation of equal protection ,
farmers only have power on rail rates in
states not in federal
Interstate Commerce Act Defintion: creates interstate commerce
commission: 5 person group to look into
rail problems 1887
Oaklahoma Land Rush -reserve land (worthless) for 5 cilvized
tribes since 183s, tribes side with
confederacy, Washington punish by settle
indiands on lands in the west, nonindiands
deman more land, in 1889, native
American protest ongres transfer federally
own domain in aklahoma never specifically
assigned before, in 1889 men women and
children stampede to stake omsetads, later
6K homestead claims filed, DAWES
SEVERALYTY ACT: broke up Indian
reservations into allotments and open
surplus to non Indian settlement, curtis act
in 1898: dissolve indan territory and
abolish tribal governments
-demonstrate power of frontie rmyth tie
free land to ideal of economic opportunity,
within 2 generations poor land
management, exploitative farming and
drough place Oklahoma at deslate center of
dust bowl
Frederick Jackson Turner -1894 federick jaskon turner assert frontier
closed inaccurate (most land would be
settler later on), linking of economic
opporuniy with transfomarion of
transmississipi west augh imagiation
0schoalrs recognize parts of turner frontier
these: ethnocentric omission of native
American lacim to the land, idealized view
of west reflect ideas popular among is
contemporaries, mythic west product of
novels songs and paintings, in 20
perpetuated by movies, etc
John Muir -1894 federick jaskon turner assert frontier
closed inaccurate (most land would be
settler later on), linking of economic
opporuniy with transfomarion of
transmississipi west augh imagiation
0schoalrs recognize parts of turner frontier
these: ethnocentric omission of native
American lacim to the land, idealized view
of west reflect ideas popular among is
contemporaries, mythic west product of
novels songs and paintings, in 20
perpetuated by movies, etc
Interstate Commerce Commission Defintion: founded by the interstate
commerce act
Significance: none, other that interstate
regulation by federal government
Andrew Carnegie --connections between rail expansion and
growth of corporate organization and
management in career of anrew Carnegie:
immgirate to America at 12, tom scott big
break promote him to chief and cut costs
while double road mileage and quadruple
traffic of rail road, in 70s Carnegie build
own steel mill, using rigorous cost
accounting an dlimiting wage increases to
workers, lower production costs and price
below those of competitors, use production
technique after henry Bessemer
-discover vertical integration: control all
aspects of manufacturing, became worlds
largest industrial corporation, J morgan buy
out nearlf 1/2 billion dollars and
consolidate with federal steel to form US
steel corp capaitalize more than 1 billion
-carnegie portray success as self discipline
and hard work, cultivate reputation and
give away more than 300 million, also
came from opportunistic temperament and
callousness in keep wages for workers low,
success leant credence to rags to riches
--defenders of capitalism preach laissez
faireargument, gospel of wealth by
Carnegie justif by apply evolutionary
theories of Herbert specer, law of
cometption is best
Carnegie Steel -in the east homestead strike in Carnegie
steel , to dstry union, managers cut wages
and lock out workers,
-fire on pikerton detective agency who ame
to protect the plant
Vertical integration Manufacture to end product, monopolize
the system
John D. Rockefeller --between 1870-1900 competitoin stimulate
rail and steel swept oil, sugar, salt and
abacco and meat after drake drill first
successful petroleum competitors rush into
business replace animal tallow as librica
and became leading fueld for house and
public lighting
-1870s Rockefeller achieve dominance
open first refinery, purchase own tanker
cars and obstain rebate from rail, set up
own interregional pipeline network
-force out competitors, rival firms team up
against him, set up a pool: agreement
among several companies, that establish
production quotas and fixed priced, control
almost 90% of oil capaticity
-rockfeller in 1882 eliminate competition
establish standard oil trust, create umbrella
coporation ran eerthing, standard oiltrust
consolidate crude oil buying through out
member firms, Rockefeller integrate
petroleum industry vertically and
horizonally making one giant system
-companies in copper, sugar, whiskey, etc.
estbalsih own arrangements, both major
political parties denounce them in
presidential elections
-fearful of trusts congress pass Sherman
anti-trust act in 1890: oulaw trust and
monopolies that fix prices in trade, act fail
to define trust or retraint of trade and
lawyer reorganize trust as holding
-court interpret act in ways sumpathic to
big business, US vs. EC Knight company
lost, corporate mergers and consolidateions
continue, first account for 2/5 of capital
invest in nation manufacturing
-donate to U of Chicago, and Mckinley
campaign of 1896
Horizontal Integration Monopolizing one sector of manufacturing
Horizontal integration occurs when a firm
is being taken over by, or merged with,
another firm which is in the same industry
and in the same stage of production as the
merged firm, e.g. a car manufacturer
merging with another car manufacturer. In
this case both the companies are in the
same stage of production and also in the
same industry.
Thomas A. Edison -new inventions cause consuers to demand
new products. (ie. electricity household
appliance sna lighting systems)
-most used in factories but 1) sewing
machinese by singer in 60s, 2) telephone by
bell in 1876 and 3) lightbulb by Edison in
1879 ease houshold drudergy, inexpensive
mass production of clothing led to
expansion in personal wardrobes, spread of
telephone transform communication whilt
he light bulb made it possible to shop after
-edison epiotomoze inventive impulse, little
education, share vision of large
interconnected indtrual system, first
imvention stock priner set up invention
factory in NJ,
-phonograph in 1877, evelop dilament for
incandesecent light bulbs, electricity had to
be apart of design contain generators and
regulators, in 1882 eduson illuminating
company open power plan in NYC
financial district
-eduson and researchers pump invention
patent 1093 inventinos by his eath that
amass over 6 million
New South -south enter slower than north, civil war
devatastaoin racism etc, cripply efforts fo
business leaders to idnstrulie
De-skilling of production -create assembly lines so no waste of time,
taylor: no waste of time, perfect one way to
do each task, ford reward those who kept in
time with the tasks paid more that
minimum wage spike luxuary era
Horatio Alger Introduce rags to riches
Knights of labor -only skilled workers and only white men
American federation of labor See lecture notes and text book
American railway union ?
Old/new immigrants Old: north and west Europe, protestant
chrsitians, irish, british
New: south and east Europe, Russian, poles
How th eother half lives Jacob riis took photos documenting
enements of NY (1890)
Commissioned photographer?
Tammany Hall Nickname of democratic party in NY, very
Boss politics Urban corruption durin the guilded age,
person who haed the machine,
Machine politics City level corruptin, (or simply machine) is
a disciplined political organization in which
an authoritative boss or small group
commands the support of a corps of
supporters and businesses (usually
campaign workers), who receive rewards
for their efforts. The power of the machine
is based on the ability of the workers to get
out the vote for their candidates on election
YMCA Place for kids to get out their energy and
not go cause ruckus in the cities
Jane aadams Leader in settlement house movement, see
lecture notes
Settlement houses hicago's Hull House was the best-known
settlement in the United States. Most were
large buildings in crowded immigrant
neighborhoods of industrial cities, where
settlement workers provided services for
neighbors and sought to remedy poverty.
The prototype, Toynbee Hall, opened in
1884 in an

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