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Residual Hauntings

17 October 2013

Unfamiliar with the term, I asked for background, supplied in good detail, as some of you might have
read in Comments to the post "Quartet of Life":

The background:

In the terminology of ghost hunting, residual hauntings, also known as restligeists (German loan word
from restlich meaning "residual" and geist meaning "ghost"), are repeated playbacks of auditory, visual,
olfactory, and other sensory phenomena that are attributed to a traumatic event, life-altering event, or a
routine event of a person or place, like an echo or a replay of a videotape of past events. Ghost hunters
and related paranormal television programs say that a residual haunting, unlike an intelligent haunting,
does not directly involve a spiritual entity aware of the living world and interacting with or responding to

One of the first to promulgate the hypothesis of residual haunting was Thomas Charles Lethbridge in
books such as Ghost and Ghoul, written in 1961. The subject was explored in Peter Sasdy's 1972
television play The Stone Tape, written by Nigel Kneale. The explanation offered in the play is that light
waves are recorded in the walls of a building when they interact with brain waves associated with fear,
and the recorded images are reproduced when triggered by brain waves from a fearful observer. The
popularity of the programme has led to residual haunting becoming known colloquially as the "Stone
Tape theory."

Cyril Smith and Simon Best in their book Electromagnetic Man (1989) wrote:

At death, the whole entity of a person's "acquired" information field must become separated from the
body which is about to commence decay, if it is to retain any objective existence in the material world ...
There is the possibility that information could be "written" into environmental water, such as that
retained in the stone or brick of a building. The necrotic radiation, if this is indeed an electromagnetic
phenomenon, could be the origin of such memories in locations for events which happen there ... This
information might also be holographic in nature and be interpreted as an actual presence at that point in
space and time, that is the person might "see a ghost"

RQ: What are the opinions of The Committee on this subject?

C: "We suggest we have no opinion and beg you forgive the disappointment; we intend none. We
offer but information, opinions to be formed as each pleases and refers. We digress briefly into the word,
'opinion' something rare, unique and fascinating, as are many things on your Earth. Any subject,
circumstance, place and thing of Earth that penetrates your awareness does this with partial information;
one of the great benefits of limitation Earth supplies. Thus ideas and impressions are formed, from the
partial offerings placed against the database of understanding, itself likewise limited from having been
compiled by similar process. The sum, the total, the result and the outcome form opinions, differences and
ideas which generate great opportunity for development, experience and interactions. We turn to your
questions, and apologize for dissatisfaction, if there has been, for our digression.

All spiritual entities affecting your world are aware of it and interact, if only through observation.

The descriptions in this definition attempt to attribute memories and the mind to physical objects and
materials of the dimensionality you occupy. The effects described are good; the causes more basic and
above them; the hauntings are no more than what is called 'channeling' the haunted perceiver of memories
is understanding information supplied by experience, crossing over the event as the timeline illusion of
Earth, which does not apply away from Earth, is presented.

In the absence of time, events are location; returning to the location offers opportunity for a return to the
event; which fades never and remains forever. This does not mean any and all returnees or visitors to a
place shall perceive past events in a vivid detail as would be recalled an event in which one participated.
Where need and benefit are necessary, this happens and the perception, the detection of the events, the
sounds and sights and noises, can be heard if this will be instrumental to a person visiting.

We suggest the person who shall dislike a place, a house or a building where others will adore it; one who
finds the places unpleasant in some way perceives events there to her or his dislike; others will not
perceive these and would enjoy the location.

The last line of the description is accurate and a good clue into the process."

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