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Eleven months after its acquisition of Diversey, Sealed Air has developed

a comprehensive spectrum of unique new farm to fork, combined

packaging and hygiene solutions. Its food and beverage value proposition
pledges to bring unrivalled operational effciency to processors, retailers
and food service operators, an enhanced customer experience and
increased sustainability all-round. The A to Z approach begins with
facilitating hygienic conditions for livestock and extends right through to
the provision of safe, healthy and convenient food for the consumer.
The new Sealed Air food and beverage offering has its roots in extensive
consumer research and market insights. The emergent business drivers
are food safety, shelf life extension, operational effciency, sustainability
and brand building. Food safety and shelf life extension contributors
include hygienic procedures, safe and sustainable packaging solutions,
dedicated risk management training and antimicrobial processes.
Ambitious customer effciency and sustainability objectives are being
successfully met by such factors as minimized water and energy
usage and optimised total packaging and cleaning costs. And to enable
products to win a fought-over place on the customers fork, the integrated
Sealed Air food and beverage solutions directly support brand building
by effectively exploiting packagings ability to positively impact the
entire product experience. This embraces a wide range of attributes
including differentiating visual appeal, freshness, taste, easy opening,
convenient portioning, storage and even cooking in the package, as well
as increasingly important environmental responsibility.
Sealed Air is a global leader in food safety and security, facility hygiene
and product protection.
Customer-driven road map
Sealed Air adds 360 value
to the food and beverage market
Food protection
from farm to fork
Fccb PAckAces Fnee Pness - www.rccbrAckAces.Ne1
I Preface
very product has its own packaging: this is a must for
food packaging. On the one hand the trend to generalise
and reason in broad categories is a real need for industrial
productions. On the other hand there has been the need of desi-
gning, producing and checking packages depending on specific
use conditions. That is why to design either a package, a system
or a technology without considering the food it has to contain and
the type of consumption and distribution it has to face is increa-
singly difficult. Lets not forget that food packaging is a multidi-
sciplinary topic capable of grouping a community of experts with
very different skills: scientists, designers, food producers, testing
laboratories that show the need of dealing with a common ground
with a same language. Hence the new Packages and foods
manual originates from this need and is a reference document for
all of the insiders, in which the information that is usually avai-
lable sparsely is summed up simply, in an accessible and struc-
tured way. Updates and references to free consultation texts have
been added to this framework whose reporting thus belongs to a
context that is suitable to enhance them. In the following text, we
have decided to analyse the packages in contact with the main
categories of solid foods, leaving the door open for a following
manual focusing on the packaging types for liquid foods. It must
be stressed that this contents organisation work as well as the
real publication for a free use, has been made possible by the
following companies: Goglio, Huber Italia, PBI Dansensor, Sealed-
Air Cryovac. The thanks of the authors, of the publisher and I am
sure, of all of our readers go to these qualifed companies that
have always stood out for their commitment in producing innova-
tive and safe packaging solutions.
by Maria Rosa Baroni
F P F P - ..
II Packages and foods
1 Cereals and cereal products 1
1.1 PreservaIion-reIaIed probIems .................................... 1
1.1.1 WeI baRery producIs ............................................ 1
1.1.2 Dry baRery producIs ............................................. 5
1.1. FresL pasIa ........................................................... 5
1.1.4 Dry pasIa .............................................................. 7
1.2 PacRaging IecLnoIogies ............................................... 8
1.2.1 Air pacRaging ........................................................ 8
1.2.2 Vacuum pacRaging ................................................ 8
1.2. Modihed aImospLere ............................................. 9
1.2.4 AcIive pacRages ................................................... 10
1. PacRaging maIeriaIs ................................................. 12
1..1 PIasIics ............................................................... 12
1..2 CeIIuIosic maIeriaIs ............................................. 14
1.. SIeeI and aIuminium ........................................... 18
2 Fruits and vegetables 20
2.1 PreservaIion-reIaIed probIems .................................. 20
2.2 PacRaging IecLnoIogies ............................................. 22
2.2.1 Modihed aImospLere ........................................... 22
2.2.2 AcIive pacRages ................................................... 2
2.2. SmarI pacRages .................................................. 24
2.2.4 Use oI addiIives .................................................. 25
2. PacRaging maIeriaIs ................................................. 26
2..1 OIass .................................................................. 26
2..2 TinpIaIe .............................................................. 26
2.. FIexibIe pacRaging ............................................... 27
2..4 PacRages Ior very IresL producIs ......................... 0
2..5 Secondary and IerIiary pacRaging ....................... 0
3 Meat and Fish 32
.1 PreservaIion-reIaIed probIems .................................. 2
.1.1 MeaI ................................................................... 2
.1.2 CoId CuIs ............................................................ 4
.1. FisL .................................................................... 6
F P F P - ..
III Contents
.2 PacRaging IecLnoIogies ............................................. 6
.2.1 Vacuum PacRaging .............................................. 7
.2.2 Modihed AImospLere ........................................... 8
.2. AcIive PacRages ................................................... 40
.2.4 SmarI PacRages .................................................. 41
. PacRaging MaIeriaIs ................................................. 4
..1 PIasIic ................................................................. 4
..2 OIass and aIuminium .......................................... 44
.. MuIIiIayered Doxes .............................................. 44
4 Milk and dairy products 45
4.1 PreservaIion-reIaIed probIems .................................. 45
4.1.1 MiIR .................................................................... 45
4.1.2 YogLurI and IermenIed miIR ................................ 46
4.1. CLeese ................................................................ 46
4.2 PacRaging IecLnoIogies ............................................. 47
4.2.1 Modihed aImospLere ........................................... 49
4.2.2 Vacuum .............................................................. 50
4. PacRaging maIeriaIs ................................................. 51
4..1 SIreIcL hIms ....................................................... 51
4..2 TLermoIormed pIasIics ........................................ 52
4.. SIeeI and aIuminium ........................................... 5
4..4 OIass .................................................................. 5
5 The major themes 55
5.1 LegisIaIion ................................................................ 55
5.2 Food saIeIy ............................................................... 57
5. TecLnoIogicaI innovaIion ......................................... 62
5.4 SusIainabiIiIy ........................................................... 62
6 Appendix 64
6.1 OIossary ................................................................... 64
6.2 ScienIihc arIicIes abouI acIive and smarI pacRages . 64
6. ScienIihc arIicIes abouI ILe proIecIive aImospLere ... 65
6.4 TLe Free Press Food PacRages series ........................ 65
F P F P - ..
1 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
Fuov fnc viLL fo fnc sncLr
Cereals and cereal
Vacuum packaging and modified atmosphere are the most
exploited solutions starting from rice, caryopsis cereals and flour,
until including the sophisticated filled pastas, bakery and
confectionery products and savoury snacks. Equipped with a
considerable specificity, the many wheat derivatives need quite a
careful packaging, in tune with their particular features, to
prevent them from loosing fragrance, from changing consistency
or from getting old precociously. A careful choice of packaging
materials, the sealing of the welds and the use of customised
production lines for every product are all necessary steps to
achieve optimum shelf lives
1.1 Preservation-related problems
1.1.1 Wet bakery products
HigL LumidiIy baRery producI indusIry is parIicuIarIy inIere-
sIed in exIending producI sLeII-IiIe: ILese producIs ILaI are soId
IresL and in buIR, in wLoIesaIe and reIaiI saIe, IeaIure a Iew days
sLeII IiIe aI room IemperaIure, wLiIe ILe pacRaged ones reacL
preservaIion Iimes even oI monILs. TLeir deIerioraIion mainIy
depends on microbiaI deveIopmenI. However iI is essenIiaI Io Li-
gLIigLI ILaI LumidiIy Ioss and sIaIe condiIion represenI Rey aI-
IernaIive pLenomena. In parIicuIar, ILe deveIopmenI oI mouIds
represenIs ILe main reason Ior quaIiIy Ioss in sandwicL Ioaves,
pizzas, croissanIs, pasIries as weII as caRes hIIed wiIL creams or
IruiIs. HygroscopiciIy-reIaIed probIems are noI Iess imporIanI.
Dy absorbing waIer vapour ILaI is presenI in ILe aImospLe-
re, producIs geI sIaIe, cLanging ILeir consisIency wLicL maRes
ILem Iess IriabIe and crisp and ILus Iess paIaIabIe. Dy conIrasI,
F P F P - ..
2 Packages and foods
Ior ILe soIIesI producIs sucL as Ieavened producIs, bread, ca-
Res, paneIIone and oILer anniversary caRes, ILe opposiIe Lazard
exisIs, i.e. ILe Ioss oI LumidiIy due Io a Ioo proIonged sIay in
conIacI wiIL dry air. TLe growing musIy-pLenomenon mainIy de-
pends on ILe end producI conIaminaIion or on ILe use oI a raw
maIeriaI ILaI is aIready conIaminaIed by microorganisms capa-
bIe oI surviving ILe cooRing IemperaIure. During cooRing, parI
oI ILe IungaI popuIaIion ILaI is originaIIy presenI is eIiminaIed:
in generaI ILis is ILe IracIion ILaI is presenI on ILe producIs
surIace - wLere IemperaIures oI abouI 200C are reacLed - ILaI
can desIroy any viIaI sLape, boIL vegeIaIive and sporogenous,
ILaI can be deveIoped during preservaIion, aIso due Io ILe LigL
residuaI LumidiIy. II is imporIanI Io pay aIIenIion Io ILe cooIing
pLase: ILese producIs are oIIen pacRaged LoI (aI IemperaIures
LigLer ILan 25-0C). In ILese condiIions a condensaIion oI sIe-
am may occur and subsequenIIy, on ILe producIs surIace, Lu-
midiIy vaIues are acLieved ILaI migLI Iavour ILe deveIopmenI
oI mouIds. DacIeria poisoning ILaI direcIIy depends on baRery
producIs are mucL rarer; conIaminaIions brougLI by ingredienIs
ILaI are parI oI some producIs hIIing are mucL more possibIe:
an exampIe is ILe creams ILaI can convey ILe Staphilococcus
OILer bacIeria ILaI can be responsibIe Ior Iood poisoning in ba-
Rery producIs are Bacillus cereus and Salmonella. TLe main re-
sponsibIe Ior ILe presence oI ILese microorganisms depends on
inappropriaIe saniIaIion IreaImenIs oI raw maIeriaIs on heId, an
inappropriaIe cIeaning oI worR surIaces and sIas IacR oI aIIen-
Iion. TLis means ILaI by improving ILe sIas and raw maIeriaIs
Lygiene sIandards as weII as inspecIions during ILe manuIac-
Iuring processes, ILe probIem can be considerabIy reduced: an
exampIe Iies in ILe inIroducIion oI synILesis ingredienIs sucL
as simuIanIs oI creams or Iess conIaminaIed ingredienIs IiLe
ILose pasIeurised and Irozen or even dried eggs, as weII as miIR
F P F P - ..
Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
Material Description
Polypropylene (PP)
Widely used in fow-pack. Average thickness of 0.91 g/cm
, it can
reach 0.6 if cavitated
Bioriented polypropylene
It does not seal and it is generally used as external layer of
laminates, it features a good thermal resistance (150C); it is
very bright and very stable. It is often printed on the back and it
is bended as a release element in applications with cold seal.
In fexible packages, it is used with a 12 to 40 micron thickness
Cast polypropylene
(non orientated)
It seals and thus it is used as an internal layer. Widely used in
Asia as a laminated internal layer with OPP
The central section is a co-extruded OPP with heat-sealing skins
(ofering the material welding properties). Heat-sealing tempe-
rature varies depending on flms performances. Highly used as
single-flm or internal layer laminated with other materials
OPP is processed to ofer a special opalescence. It is very
widespread in snack and ice-cream wraps, where high levels
of opaqueness are required. The material features an excellent
quality/price ratio
As well as the opalescent or pearly efect, a white pigment is
added. This product is interesting, it can be easily printed. Dif-
ferent shades of white and opaqueness can be got depending
on the polypropylene thickness and white pigments
Central OPP is processed with silica, to give a natural paper
look to the wrapping. It is used to wrap organic and diet
products. It can also be metallised
Metallisation is the last operation and consists in the deposit
of a very thin layer of aluminium sprayed on the material.
Metallisation does not infuence the sealing quality. Metallised
PPCoex is commonly used in fow-packs
Very little used; it remains as an application in the pharma
industry and for special market niches (bread sticks) It is
always coupled with heat-sealing materials
Table 1: Wrapping materials that are most commonly used for dry products and snacks, with an
eye on fowpack
F P F P - ..
4 Packages and foods
Material Description
Lacquered polypropylene
The central section is always made from OPP, that is covered
with coating to ensure heat-sealing, thus adding more
characteristics. Mainly 4 coating families are available:
Acrylic: for their versatility;
PVDC: for global protection;
LTS (Low temperature sealing): to improve performances
during the sealing steps;
PVOH: not-sealable and for gas barrier.
Its use in fow-pack is being gradually replaced by metallisation.
Still quite common in the pharma industry, laminated with
other materials. It features an average thickness of 2.7 g/cm
the range of weights that are used spans from 18 grams (6.5
microns) to 33 grams (12 microns). It features the following
excellent qualities:
tolerance to temperature changes;
barrier against light, that becomes total after 12 microns (in
the absence of microholes);
bending (it can be easily re-bended and it keeps the fold).
It is quite uncommon in fow-pack applications. Average
thickness 1.4 g/cm
. It can be used at temperatures ranging
from -70C to +180C and therefore this flm is ideal for
those wraps that are subject to hot sterilisation and for frozen
products. It is almost always used as external material. The
main features are:
Hot dimensional stability (it restricts a little and it provides
stability in cutting);
Barrier to gases. Metallisation improves barriers towards
oxygen and steam.
It has an excellent weldability and thus it is ft for internal layers.
It perfectly suits temperature variations, it is cheap and can be
metallised. The manifacturing industry generally divides polythene
into two families:
Low/Medium thickness: LDPE-MDPE from 0.915 to 0.939 g/cm
High thickness: HDPE> 0.940 g/cm3 (less popular in fow-pack).
Table 1: Wrapping materials that are most commonly used for dry products and snacks, with an
eye on fowpack
F P F P - ..
5 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
1.1.2 Dry bakery products
Air pacRaging combined wiIL a sIraIegic and accuraIe maIeriaI
cLoice is ILe mosI IradiIionaIIy consoIidaIed soIuIion Ior dry bi-
scuiIs, cracRers, savoury snacRs, breaRIasI cereaIs and more pro-
ducIs wiIL Iow waIer acIiviIy. For ILese producIs ILe mosI impor-
IanI quaIiIy aIIribuIes are IexIure properIies sucL as crispiness,
consisIency and IriabiIiIy. In order Io Reep ILese cLaracIerisIics
during preservaIion, LumidiIy absorpIion pLenomena musI be
avoided. TLus producIs musI be insuIaIed by means oI a pacRa-
ging soIuIion IeaIuring a barrier Io waIer vapour. Moreover a good
barrier Io oxygen and Io IigLI is aIso needed Io IimiI oxidaIive
rancidiIy pLenomena ILaI mainIy aecI baRery producIs in wLicL
IaI ingredienIs Lave been used (sucL as in ILe case oI cracRers,
bread sIicRs, savoury snacRs and so on). For ILis purpose, muI-
IiIayer maIeriaIs can be used, wLose composiIion incIudes paper,
aIuminium, PE, PVDC and EVOH.
1.1.3 Fresh pasta
For IresL pasIa hIIed or unhIIed pacRaging pIays a Rey roIe.
OnIy a good pacRaging can acIuaIIy enabIe ILe disIribuIion and
duraIion in Iime oI sucL deIicaIe and easiIy perisLabIe Ioods. TLe
IresL pasIa secIor acIuaIIy generaIes a varied producI range ILaI
needs dierenI pacRaging meILods depending on ILe end pro-
ducIs specihc naIure. TLe IIaIian IresL pasIa marReI IeaIures Iwo
main caIegories: nexI Io IresL pasIa Io be soId Ioose, wLose sLeII
IiIe is noI esIabIisLed by Iaw buI amounIs Io a Iew days, ILere
are ready-made IresL pasIas, wLose sLeII-IiIe ranges Irom 60 Io
120 days. SIabiIised pasIas are aIso avaiIabIe on ILe marReI, and
ILey can IasI more ILan 150 days ouIside ILe reIrigeraIor. SmaII-
medium-sized manuIacIurers are quiIe popuIar: ILey produce and
seII LigL quaIiIy IresL pasIas (ILaI in Ierms oI producIion IypoIogy
are simiIar Io Ioose pasIas), wiIL a hrsI-raIe sensoriaI quaIiIy, ge-
neraIIy pasIeurised and pacRaged in modihed aImospLere (MAP),
wiIL a 20-0 day sLeII-IiIe. TLe producI is in-beIween Ioose pasIas
and ready-made ones. OeneraIIy cIassihed LigL quaIiIy pasIas
Most friable
products fear
shocks, which they
must be protected
from to keep them
F P F P - ..
6 Packages and foods
are ILe IresL-ones Io be soId in buIR. A deserved recogniIion Ior
ILree reasons: ILese pasIas are noI pasIeurised and are generaI-
Iy produced sIarIing Irom nobIer raw maIeriaIs compared wiIL
ILe ones used Ior ready-made pasIas. TLe IaIIer can be pacRaged
in Iarge-sized Iood carIons (up Io 2 or Rg), as weII as in MAP.
TLis pacRaging mode represenIs a beIIer cLoice, since iI Iorese-
es a pasIeurisaIion wiIL direcI sIeam ILaI aIIows Io geI a 20-0
day sLeII-IiIe. Ready-made pasIas are usuaIIy pasIeurised Iwice:
ILe hrsI one wiIL direcI sIeam and ILe second aIIer pacRaging,
in IigLIIy cIosed pacR. In sucL condiIions some manuIacIurers
reacL 120 days sLeII-IiIe. Someone uses ILe singIe pasIeurisaIion
IecLnique and subsequenI pacRaging in cIean rooms, as weII as
obviousIy MAP. WiIL sucL a meILod producIs IasI up Io 40 days.
For IresL pasIa pacRaging as weII, Iow oxygen concenIraIions are
indispensabIe. TLis Iype oI producI is easiIy subjecI Io microbiaI
deveIopmenI and carbon dioxide concenIraIions ranging Irom 10
Io 0 percenI prevenI aII possibIe conIaminaIing microorganisms
Irom muIIipIying, ILus avoiding ILe deveIopmenI oI mouIds. TLaI
is wLy sIabiIisaIion IreaImenIs can be avoided since ILey invoIve
ILe Ioss oI producIs genuineness and IresLness. WLen Ioose pro-
ducI is pacRaged in MAP, LeaI-seaIing deIecIs are IiReIy Io be pre-
senI. TLis depends on ILe sprinRIing oI rice our ILaI is usuaIIy
empIoyed Io prevenI producIs wiIL LigL LumidiIy Irom sIicRing Io
eacL oILer. SeveraI cLecRs are perIormed as a sIandard procedure
Io conIroI ILe seaIing oI seaIs (immersion in waIer, IesIs oI mecLa-
nicaI sIrengIL Ior LeaI seaIs, O
residue deIecIion and so on),
yeI Io be sure ILere are no micro-Iosses, speciaI insIrumenIs can
be used. PacRages are equipped wiIL preIormed and LeaI-seaIed
IanRs (250 grams up Io 2 Rg). In ILe pacRaging secIor, conIinuous
or disconIinuous pacRaging macLines can be used. As Iar as Iong-
Ierm ready-made producIs are concerned, ILermo-pacRaging
macLines are generaIIy used. MuIIiIayer maIeriaIs wiIL dierenI
ILicRness and sIiness are used. In generaI ILe Iop is pre-prinIed.
TLese macLines do noI cause any greaI probIem, ILougL in order
Io worR aI besI, ILey musI be used by a LigLIy quaIihed operaIor.
To solve the
micro-leak problem,
it is necessary to
invest on quality
assurance, by
monitoring the
packaging process
through a preventive
approach and by
testing weld sealing
F P F P - ..
7 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
SomeIimes producIs deIaminaIe. Many manuIacIurers Lave Iri-
ed Io propose easy-opening pacRages, buI wiIL IiIIIe success: in
ILese cases, LeaI-seaIing occurs aI Iow IemperaIures. TLereIore,
iI ILe producI is subjecI Io doubIe pasIeurisaIion, LeaI-seaIs can
open. A Ionger sLeII-IiIe is noI a prioriIy among manuIacIurers
because ready-made producIs aIready IasI enougL ILanRs Io ILe
presenI IecLnoIogies. II wouId be inIeresIing Io ensure aI IeasI
20 days oI sLeII IiIe Io non pasIeurised Ioose producIs. QuiIe a
compIex operaIion, considering ILe LigL IeveIs oI acIiviIy oI waIer
acLieved by ILese producIions. During ILe marReIing pLase, Ior
Ioose producIs, a Rey criIicaI poinI is ILe preservaIion IemperaIu-
re ILaI musI noI exceed 4C.
In sucL a secIor, an inIeresIing assumpIion may regard ILe use
oI Iime-IemperaIure gauge, so ILaI Io enabIe ILe cusIomer Io eva-
IuaIe producIs preservaIion condiIions ILrougLouI ILe various
IransporIaIion and marReIing sIeps buI Io daIe sucL soIuIions,
aIILougL IesIed and sIudied Ior years, seem Ioo expensive and
IiIIIe IesIed on heId.
1.1.4 Dry pasta
Dry pasIa IeaIures a Iow waIer conIenIs (maximum 12.5%), as
weII as a Iipid IracIion ranging Irom abouI 2 Io 5%. TLe aIIeraIions
oI ILese Iwo componenIs are responsibIe Ior ILe producIs LigLer
quaIiIy gradaIion. In parIicuIar LumidiIys absorpIion can Iavour
sIarcL reIrogradaIion pLenomena, as weII as mouId deveIopmenI.
WLiIe LumidiIy Ioss may maRe pasIa very IragiIe, up Io IeveIs ILaI
are unaccepIabIe Ior ILe consumer. TLe reducIion oI pasIa quaIiIy
during preservaIion aIso depends on ILe Ioss oI nuIrienIs sucL
as viIamins (caroIenoids) and essenIiaI amino acids (Iysine), on
coIour variaIion and on ILe appearance oI o avours mainIy cau-
sed by oxidising reacIions dependenI on Iipids. In order Io Reep
pasIa quaIiIy Ior a Iong Iime, barrier maIeriaIs againsI LumidiIy
and oxygen musI be used, preIerring opaque pIasIic pacRs, as
weII as carIon pacRs, ILaI can IimiI or avoid ILe Iransmission oI
Iuminous radiaIions.
Only the
conscious use
of packaging
combined with
material and
shape selection
can determine the
success in pursuing
the goal of extending
the product shelf life
The susceptibility
of attack by pests is
a topic that is being
studied by fexible
flm manufacturers
for dry pasta packs
F P F P - ..
8 Packages and foods
1.2 Packaging technologies
1.2.1 Air packaging
One oI ILe IecLnoIogies ILaI Lave been mosI wideIy used Ior cere-
aIs and by-producIs air pacRaging is ILe one based on ow-pacR
macLinery caIIed Form FiII SeaI. TLey enabIe ILe U-seaIing oI
reeI-Ied pIasIic hIms in ILe pacRaging pIanI. FIow-pacR macLi-
nes, ILaI can be boIL LorizonIaI and verIicaI, are increasingIy
buiII IoIIowing a IaiIor-made approacL, so ILaI Io be inIegraIed
in ILe producIion Iine. SysIems Io picR up ILe producIs aI ILe
ovens or cooIing IunneIs exiI enabIe ILeir auIomaIic Ioading and
aIignmenI, ILus aIIowing Ior a considerabIe Iabour Iorce saving.
A beII sysIem inserIs ILe producI inIo ILe hIm Iube (in case oI se-
condary pacRaging, aIso corrugaIed cardboard can be inserIed, Io
give sIiness, Io absorb sLocRs and Io proIecI aI besI ILe producI
Irom breaRs), ILaI IaIer on is LeaI-seaIed and cuI.
TLe IaIesI soIuIions aIIow Io Ieed ILe reeI Irom ILe boIIom, wiIL
LeaI-seaIing in ILe upper secIion. PacRaging macLinery can
acLieve LigLer and LigLer IeveIs oI producIiviIy, buI ILeir speed
can meeI ILe needs and sizes oI producIion pIanIs, spanning
Irom Iew Iens Io some Lundreds oI pieces pacRaged per minuIe.
In Iower-sized pIanIs, moreover, pacRaging macLinerys versaIiIiIy
is empLasised, so ILaI a singIe macLine can easiIy sLiII Irom a
IormaI Io anoILer. In Iarge, as weII as in smaII-sized pIanIs, oILer
Rey sIandards are ergonomics, an easy saniIaIion and a simpIe
mainIenance oI pacRaging macLines, as weII as ILeir cosI, increa-
singIy inIended noI onIy as a mere purcLase price, buI as a seI oI
managemenI cosIs. FIow pacR macLines can be combined wiIL a
gas usLing sysIem Io enabIe pacRaging in modihed aImospLere
wiIL niIrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in dierenI proporIions,
depending on ILe producI.
1.2.2 Vacuum packaging
AnoILer possibIe Iype oI pacRaging is vacuum, ILaI improves pro-
ducIs sIorabiIiIy by removing oxygen and sIeam ILaI is presenI in
ILe pacRages aImospLere. YeI posiIive aspecIs oI vacuum pacRa-
The reduced
overall size of a
fow-pack machine
and the possibility
of achieving
speeds of over one
thousand pieces
per minute ensure a
production eficiency
that enables to get
an excellent cost per
unit of sale
F P F P - ..
9 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
ging can be canceIIed by an inappropriaIe cLoice oI ILe pacRaging
maIeriaI. In ILese cases cooperaIion wiIL hIm providers is even
more imporIanI, Ior insIance Io oer LigLer guaranIees in Ierms
oI seaIing oI ILe weIds.
Vacuum combined wiIL Iow IemperaIures conIribuIes Io exIend
ILe sLeII IiIe oI pIenIy oI processed producIs, jusI ILinR abouI hI-
Ied pasIas. In ILe case oI Ireezing, ILe Ireezer burn can be preven-
Ied by avoiding deLydraIion, aIIeraIion oI avour, coIour, IexIure
and oILer side eecIs. TLis IecLnoIogy invoIves cerIain IogisIicaI
advanIages. Dy removing air in order Io sIabiIise ILe producI, a
considerabIe reducIion oI ILe pacRages overaII size can be goI.
ProducIs sLape and naIure can be an obsIacIe Ior ILis IecLno-
Iogys appIicaIion: granuIar or porous producIs can acIuaIIy re-
Iain IiIIIe amounIs oI air beIween an air parIicIe and anoILer and
inside ILem. In ILese cases iI wiII be indispensabIe Io Iocus on
ILe pacRaging pLase, adopIing ILe appropriaIe precauIions. TLis
IecLnoIogy aIIows Io inLibiI noI onIy ILe microbiaI degradaIion
in cereaIs, buI aIso ILe deveIopmenI oI bioIogicaI pesIs sucL as
Iarvae and insecIs ILaI eaI caryopses (corn, rice, minor cereaIs),
ours and pasIa. TLe mosI noxious insecIs Ior ILese Ioods ILaI
can be easiIy inLibiIed by using vacuum incIude severaI moILs
(Plodia interpunctella, Ephestia kuerhniella, Sitotroga cereallela),
cereaIs caps (Rhyzopertha dominica), awIs (Sitophilus granarius,
Sitophilus oryzael), ILe cereaI Irogoderma (Trogoderma granarium)
and our beeIIe.
1.2.3 Modifed atmosphere
To increase ILe sLeII-IiIe oI baRery producIs wiIL a LigL weI con-
IenIs, ILe use oI modihed aImospLere Las been widespread Ior
a Iong Iime: iI Ioresees ILe use oI LigL concenIraIions oI carbon
dioxide; iI is usuaIIy empIoyed in associaIion wiIL anIimicrobiaI
agenIs sucL as benzoaIes and sorbaIes, or wiIL Iow amounIs oI
eILanoI. One oI ILe ILorniesI poinIs oI baRery producIs pacRaging
concerns ILe IransIer oI LumidiIy Irom Iood Io ILe ouIside envi-
ronmenI aIIer cooRing. UnconIroIIed microbiaI growIL can be as-
The freezer burn
occurs when frozen
foods loose their
humidity on the
susceptibility of
attack by food pests
in fexible packs
is very diversifed
depending on
thicknesses, sealing
eficiency and,
above all, on the
barrier ofered to
favour difusion
F P F P - ..
10 Packages and foods
sociaIed Io pLenomena sucL as drying or moisIurizing. TLe main
bacIeria responsibIe
Ior decay pLenomena are DaciIIus IicLeniIormis, LeuconosIoc me-
senIeroides and DaciIIusspp. TLe use oI carbon dioxide inLibiIs
ILese pLenomena. II is possibIe Io IimiI ILe growIL oI opIionaI
anaerobic bacIeria by sIoring producIs under 20C. In ILis way
an increase in CO
soIubiIiIy (in inverse proporIion Io Iempera-
Iure) is IaciIiIaIed, ILus causing a pH decrease and a consequenI
sIowdown oI microorganisms proIiIeraIion. TLe mosI popuIar
bIends Ioresee ILe presence oI residuaI oxygen in sLares Iower
ILan 2% and 20/80 Io 100/0 CO
/N raIios. Low oxygen parIiaI
pressures, ILaI depend on an inappropriaIe evacuaIion during
ILe pacRaging pLase or on an excessive permeabiIiIy oI ILe pacRa-
ging maIeriaI, are enougL Io IaciIiIaIe ILe deveIopmenI oI mouIds
on baRery producIs surIace, even in ILe presence oI LigL parIiaI
pressures oI CO
. In ILe case oI baRery producIs, CO
is noI onIy
IimiIed Io pIay an anIimicrobiaI roIe as iI occurs Ior ILe oILer
Ioods, buI iI aIso acIs as an anIi-sIaIing agenI, i.e. iI deIays ILe
sIaIing pLenomenon, ILus Reeping soIIness Ior a Ionger Iime com-
pared wiIL air pacRaging (IabIe 2). TLe presence oI a very LigL
number oI recipes and variabIes maRes iI necessary Io deIermine
ILe bIend Irom case Io case.
1.2.4 Active packages
TradiIionaIIy eILanoI is sprayed onIo ILe producIs surIace in ILe
pLase ILaI precedes pacRaging, yeI ILis way ILe producI Las, in a
sLorI Iime, a considerabIe impacI wiIL ILe acIive principIe, wiIL
negaIive consequences on iIs sensoriaI acIiviIy. A new and innova-
Iive meILod Io generaIe eILanoI vapours consisIs in using bags or
sIrips, capabIe oI reIeasing eILanoI in ILe Iorm oI sIeam graduaIIy,
ILus ensuring a consIanI and proIonged anIimicrobiaI eicacy.
TLese devices, creaIed and deveIoped by ILe Japanese indusIry,
are made up oI microincapsuIaIed eILanoI on siIica geI conIained
in smaII maIeriaI bags cLaracIerized by conIroIIed permeabiIiIy
Io eILanoI. TLe reIease oI smaII quanIiIies oI eILanoI, resuIIing
Active packages
are materials
and objects that
interact with the
food, releasing or
absorbing from it
some substances in
order to improve the
products life
F P F P - ..
11 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
Irom ILis, oers ILe greaI advanIage oI a consIanI and proIonged
inLibiIing eecI on microorganisms during sLeII IiIe. TLere are
advanIages in ILe use oI emiIIers as againsI ILe use oI eILanoI
and oILer preservaIives ILaI are direcIIy disIribuIed on producIs:
eILanoI vapours can be generaIed by ILe bag graduaIIy, wiILouI
spraying eILanoI direcIIy and vioIenIIy onIo ILe producIs surIace
beIore pacRaging; bags can be appropriaIeIy removed Irom ILe
pacRage and eIiminaIed aI ILe end oI ILe producIs sIorage; emiI-
Iers eIiminaIe ILe need oI preserving agenIs sucL as benzoic acid
and sorbic acid so ILaI Io cLecR ILe yeasI growIL. DisadvanIages
in using eILanoI vapours as preservaIive agenIs incIude ILe ab-
sorpIion oI vapours by ILe producI; yeI iI Las been proved ILaI
usuaIIy ILe amounI ILaI can be Iound ouI inside bread or sweeI
baRery producIs accounIs Ior abouI 1.5% on ILe producI weigLI,
Iower amounIs ILan ILe maximum IeveI aIIowed by Iaw (2% on
producI weigLI). In some baRery producIs, sucL as parIiaIIy coo-
Red pizza or conIecIionery producIs, ILe eILanoI absorbed by ILe
producI is reduced Io 1% during producIs LeaIing in ILe oven
beIore consumpIion.
AnoILer disadvanIage in using ILe emiIIers Iies in ILeir cosI, ILaI
resIricIs ILeir use Io producIs wiIL ILe LigLesI prohI margin. TLe
growing inIeresI Iowards acIive pacRaging soIuIions and in par-
Gas (% v/v)
Shelf life at room temperature
Sliced bread 80-100 20-0 1-6 weeks
Cakes 100 0 3-9 months
Croissants 100 0 15-25 days
Confectionery 50 50 Up to 45 days
Pizza 30 70 Up to 30 days
Table 2: Gas mixtures that are commonly used for the MAP packaging of bakery products (adap-
ted from Lee, Piergiovanni, Yam, Food Packaging Science and Technology, CRC Press, 2008)
F P F P - ..
12 Packages and foods
IicuIar Iowards ILe ones ILaI Ioresee ILe reIease oI anIimicrobiaI
subsIances, Ieads Io deepIy anaIyse ILe eecIs oI sucL devices
wLen combined wiIL ILe mosI IradiIionaI modihed aImospLeres.
WLiIe ILe modihed aImospLere seems Io be eecIive mainIy in
inLibiIing ILe growIL oI aerobiaI mouIds and bacIeria, ILe use oI
devices IeaIuring an anIimicrobiaI agenI reIease IuncIion migLI
permiI Io inLibiI aIso anaerobic yeasI and bacIeria.
1.3 Packaging materials
1.3.1 Plastics
On examining ILe maIeriaIs avaiIabIe on ILe marReI, Ioday ILe
commonesI cLoice in ILe heId oI baRery producIs boIL sweeI and
savoury producIs goes Iowards pIasIic, rigid or exibIe hIms.
TLe Iormer oer ILe producI a LigLer mecLanicaI sLocR proIec-
Iion and ILey are ILermo-Iormed Io deveIop recIosabIe pacRages
Ior caRes and conIecIionery iIems or sLaped Irays Io receive bi-
scuiIs inside cardboard or meIaI conIainers, ILaI are oIIen used
in giII boxes. FIexibIe hIms ensure ILe besI perIormances in Ierms
oI versaIiIiIy since ILey can adapI Io any producI or IormaI, ILus
ensuring pacRaging speed as weII as a cerIain aordabiIiIy ILaI
is noI cerIainIy a negIigibIe eIemenI worRing on a Iarge scaIe. TLe
possibiIiIy oI using exibIe hIms in advanced pacRaging IecLnoIo-
gies, sucL as modihed aImospLeres or vacuum, maRes sure ILey
can be used Io exIend producIs sIorabiIiIy. TLe range oI exibIe
hIms Io be used Ior baRery producIs is very wide, ranging Irom
simpIesI sIrucIures Io ILe mosI compIex ones, depending on ILe
cLaracIerisIics you wisL Io geI (IabIe 1, page -4). TLe simpIesI
pacRaging maIeriaI consisIs in a singIe poIypropyIene hIm. TLis
moIecuIe is wideIy used Ior iIs good Iransparency and LeaI-se-
aIing IeaIures; iI IeaIures a good waIer permeabiIiIy as weII as
a LigL oxygen permeabiIiIy, iI ensures eIecIric insuIaIion and iI
resisIs Io acids, oiIs and aIcoLoIs. PoIypropyIenes end uses in-
cIude ILe deveIopmenI oI bread bags, as weII as bags Ior oILer
producIs ILaI Lave ILe need Io Iranspire. SmaII or Iarge LoIes,
in ILis case, are Iormed on ILe poIypropyIene hIm Io ensure ILe
For a few
products, such as
for instance frozen
pizzas, the use of
edible flms has
been consolidated to
preserve at best the
sensorial features
for consumers
F P F P - ..
1 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
passage oI moisIure, wiILouI precIuding worRabiIiIy and resisIan-
ce Io hIms. Micro-perIoraIed poIypropyIene hIm can be aIso used
Io creaIe Iranspiring windows in ILe mosI cIassicaI KraII bread
paper bags, combining ILe respecI Ior IradiIion wiIL an improved
pacRaging perIormance and enabIing, aI ILe same Iime, Io see ILe
producI inside ILe pacR. PoIypropyIene hIms IeaIures can be Iur-
ILer improved by maIcLing poIypropyIene wiIL Iayers oI dierenI
maIeriaI, ILus geIIing poIyIaminaIe hIms wLose properIies cLange
depending on ILe maIeriaIs ILaI are used. Oas and waIer vapour,
in IacI, cross pIasIic hIms wiIL a speed ILaI cLanges depending on
ILe poIymer ILaI is used.
Dy combining ILe barrier properIies oI some maIeriaIs wiIL ILe
besI macLinabiIiIy, seaIabiIiIy and mecLanicaI resisIance oI
oILers, ILe properIies oI every maIeriaIs can be opIimised, acLie-
ving ILe ideaI resuII Ior eacL producI. PoIyeILyIene, PET, EVOH,
PoIyammide and poIyoIehn are jusI a Iew oI ILe pIasIic poIymers
presenIIy avaiIabIe on ILe marReI. MaIcLing possibiIiIies Lowever
do noI resIricI Io pIasIic maIeriaIs, in IacI aIso paper and aIu-
minium can be maIcLed wiIL ILese hIms Io geI a LigLer sLocR-
resisIance or proIecIion Irom uIIra-vioIeI rays or, aI IasI, a more
pIeasanI and eye-caIcLing IooR. AesILeIics is a Rey componenI in
Ierms oI pacRaging wLicL, in ILis heId more ILan in oILers, repre-
senIs, wiIL iIs roIe oI siIenI seIIer, a Rey eIemenI Ior ILe marReIing
A separaIe discussion musI be reserved Io ILe IasI generaIion oI
biopoIymers ILaI are parIIy sIiII on a deveIoping pLase and ILaI
can be appIied aIso in baRery producI pacRaging. PresenIIy more
expensive ILan ILe correspondenI ones oI IossiI origin, ILey meeI
ILe need, IeII by ILe civiI socieIy Io reduce ILe pacRaging envi-
ronmenIaI impacI. In IacI, as weII as deriving Irom renewabIe
sources, ILese maIeriaIs are aIso biodegradabIe. WLiIe concerning
Io maIeriaI seIecIion ILe cLoice is wide, iI is even wider as regards
pacRaging sLape: piIIow bag, aI-boIIomed bags and a IasI-evoI-
ving range oI sIandup poucLes. OpIions are pracIicaIIy endIess
and ILey are oIIen cusIomisabIe. In ILe primary pacRaging heId,
F P F P - ..
14 Packages and foods
singIe-serve pacRs Lave gained a Rey roIe. TLey are IurILer pacRa-
ged in a secondary pacRaging Ior boIL sweeI and savoury pro-
ducIs. TLey acIuaIIy meeI consumers ever-cLanging needs, in
Ierms oI convenience and beIIer producI preservaIion. SingIe-
serve pacRages can be used on-ILe-go and enabIe Io eaI ILe pro-
ducI ouI. Moreover, iI you ILinR ILaI Ioday ILe IamiIys componenI
number Las been reduced and ILere is a LigLer aIIenIion Ior ca-
Iorie inIaRe, singIe serves enabIe Io prevenI producIs Irom geIIing
sIaIe. TLis condiIion, on ILe conIrary, is common in IamiIy pacRs
wiIL Ioose producI aIIer ILey Lave been opened. MuIIipacRs are
noI jusI used in ILe domesIic heId: in resIauranIs ILey enabIe Io
cLecR porIions more accuraIeIy, ILus oering cIienIs a IresL and
IragranI producI. As Io secondary pacRaging, on ILe oILer Land,
pracIicaI, easiIy sIacRabIe and sIorabIe sLapes prevaiI: ILey en-
sure ILe besI visibiIiIy, ILus opIimising ILe space avaiIabIe oI mo-
dern disIribuIion buI aIso oI Lome panIries. In generaI secondary
pacRs are equipped wiIL IaciIiIaIed opening sysIems ILaI reduce
ILe risR oI breaRing ILe hIm, wLiIe ILe appIicaIion oI open-cIose
IabeIs Io pacRages ILaI are noI singIe serve aIIows Io repeaIedIy
recIose and open ILe pacRage, Reeping iIs IuncIionaIiIy as mucL
as possibIe and enabIing a beIIer preservaIion oI producIs ILaI, in
generaI, are eaIen every day, sucL as rusRs or breaRIasI biscuiIs.
1.3.2 Cellulosic materials
AIILougL ILey represenI a Iarge sLare oI baRery producIs, exibIe
hIms are noI cerIainIy ILe onIy soIuIion avaiIabIe. CeIIuIosic hIms
as weII are used in baRery producI pacRaging, Ior boIL primary and
secondary pacRaging. TLe use oI ceIIuIosic maIeriaIs empIoyed as
ILey are in primary pacRages is IypicaI oI LandicraII producIions,
sucL as bread and conIecIionery producIs, ILaI are consumed in
a very sLorI Iime aIIer ILey Lave been purcLased. II poIypropyIene
is ILe commonesI soIuIion Ior indusIriaI bread, Ior arIisan bre-
ad ILe more IypicaI pacRaging Iype is ILe RraII paper bag. TLis
maIeriaI, ILaI is ILe mosI cIassicaI and widespread-one among
ceIIuIose-based pacRages, IeaIures a considerabIe resisIance and
The Bio-based
food packaging
materials (BBM)
expression is
reserved to the
packaging materials
produced starting
from renewable
organic raw
F P F P - ..
15 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
IougLness and is goI sIarIing Irom ceIIuIose wiIL Iong hbre, pro-
cessed wiIL soda and suIpLaIe. TradiIionaIIy iI is IigLI brown, buI
iI can be bIeacLed Io geI a producI ILaI is more good-IooRing. TLe
RraII paper is used Io produce muIIiIayer bags, since iI is very re-
sisIanI Io IracIion and Io Iear and represenIs an exceIIenI barrier
Io LumidiIy. Remaining in ILe arIisanaI and in ILe smaII indu-
sIriaI producIion heId, papers and cardboards simpIe or coaIed
wiIL poIymeric hIms are used as Irays aIso maIcLed wiIL sLeeIs
oI paper, ILaI is more or Iess ricLIy decoraIed, Io pacRage conIec-
Iionery producIs. Even in ILis case, soIuIions Lave been adopIed
in Iime, sucL as seII-erecIing cardboard pacRages, Io IaciIiIaIe ILe
operaIors worR aI ILe counIer and aI ILe same Iime Io enabIe
Iray recIosing once iI Las been opened. CeIIuIosic maIeriaIs can
be used during cooRing as weII. An exampIe are paper cups ILaI
represenI someILing indispensabIe in ILe producIion oI anniver-
sary caRes sucL as paneIIone and coIomba (EasIer caRe). TLey
are generaIIy deveIoped in corrugaIed micro-wave pure ceIIuIose
paper and ILey are prinIed and gIued wiIL inRs and gIues resi-
sIing againsI cooRing IemperaIures. In oILer cases, sucL as wiIL
pIum caRes, muins or donuIs, paper cups can be made in a
simpIe baRing paper. AI IasI in arIisanaI conIecIionery or in indu-
sIriaI conIecIionery giII boxes, paper cups are used Io wrap every
singIe biscuiI, Io proIecI iI Irom ILe sLocRs wiIL ILe oILers con-
Iained in ILe same pacRage or Iray. AnoILer exampIe oI primary
pacRaging in ceIIuIosic maIeriaI is corrugaIed cardboard, wLicL is
wideIy used Ior IaReaway pizza conIainers, buI iI oIIen represenIs
a base Ior Irozen indusIriaI baRery producIs. II ILese are some oI
ILe possibIe end-uses oI ceIIuIosic maIeriaIs as primary pacRages,
ILey are wideIy used, in ILis case above aII on an indusIriaI IeveI,
as secondary pacRaging Ior ILe producIion oI IoIding cases, ILaI
are sIiII used Ior numerous baRery producIs, Irom Irozen pizzas Io
biscuiIs, passing ILrougL anniversary caRes. TLe roIe oI cardbo-
ard secondary pacRaging is noI negIigibIe. In IacI aIILougL iI does
noI aIIow Io adopI advanced pacRaging IecLnoIogies, iI represenIs
an exceIIenI mecLanicaI proIecIion Ior exibIe primary pacRaging
F P F P - ..
16 Packages and foods
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
Rice, caryopsis
four and semolina
The use of MAP and vacuum favours lipids
stability and kills pests eggs and larvae
Cardboard box,
laminate pouches with
PA, paper bags

- 100% N
or CO
Dry pasta
The use of materials forming a barrier
against humidity, oxygen and light keep
pasta quality unaltered, reducing carotenoid
oxidation and the loss of lysine and ribofavin
OPP/PP pouch,
cardboard box, also with

- - -
UV radiation
Fresh pasta
The use of MAP associated with refrigeration
can double fresh pastas shelf life
Plastic laminate pouch,
thermo-formed tray

Pastas flled with meat or
30-70% CO
70-30% N
Bakery products
The use of water vapour barrier materials
prevents humidity from being lost, which
would cause an alternation of products
texture. Humidity migration from a layer to
another of a multicomponent product can be
avoided by interposing edible barrier flms.
Active packages disadvantage the growth of
Laminated plastic flm
bags, mainly OPP/PP,
micro-perforated PP
bags, paper bags with

- -
Sliced bread:
20% N
, 80% CO
70% N
, 30% CO
100% N
agents (ethanol
Savoury snacks
Materials must provide a barrier against
humidity, oxygen and light to prevent
crispiness from being lost, as well as fat
oxidation and the development of of-four.
Moreover a mechanical resistance must be
ensured to avoid products breakage
Metallised plastic flm
pouch, jar in laminated
cardboard with
- -

emitters, oxygen
UV radiation
Table 3: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages that are present on cereals and by product market.
F P F P - ..
17 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
Rice, caryopsis
four and semolina
The use of MAP and vacuum favours lipids
stability and kills pests eggs and larvae
Cardboard box,
laminate pouches with
PA, paper bags

- 100% N
or CO
Dry pasta
The use of materials forming a barrier
against humidity, oxygen and light keep
pasta quality unaltered, reducing carotenoid
oxidation and the loss of lysine and ribofavin
OPP/PP pouch,
cardboard box, also with

- - -
UV radiation
Fresh pasta
The use of MAP associated with refrigeration
can double fresh pastas shelf life
Plastic laminate pouch,
thermo-formed tray

Pastas flled with meat or
30-70% CO
70-30% N
Bakery products
The use of water vapour barrier materials
prevents humidity from being lost, which
would cause an alternation of products
texture. Humidity migration from a layer to
another of a multicomponent product can be
avoided by interposing edible barrier flms.
Active packages disadvantage the growth of
Laminated plastic flm
bags, mainly OPP/PP,
micro-perforated PP
bags, paper bags with

- -
Sliced bread:
20% N
, 80% CO
70% N
, 30% CO
100% N
agents (ethanol
Savoury snacks
Materials must provide a barrier against
humidity, oxygen and light to prevent
crispiness from being lost, as well as fat
oxidation and the development of of-four.
Moreover a mechanical resistance must be
ensured to avoid products breakage
Metallised plastic flm
pouch, jar in laminated
cardboard with
- -

emitters, oxygen
UV radiation
Table 3: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages that are present on cereals and by product market.
F P F P - ..
18 Packages and foods
ILaI proIecIs ILe producI, someIimes aIso in modihed aImospLere
or vacuum. To LigLIigLI ILe pacRaging appeaI, ILe cardboard is
oIIen coaIed wiIL poIymeric hIms sucL as LDPE, HDPE, PP as weII
as Iayers oI aIuminium ILaI improve ILe pacRage barrier eecI
and give a beIIer brigLIness Io ILe prinI-ouI. On ILe oILer Land,
as menIioned beIore, paper iIseII can be used Ior ILe deveIopmenI
oI exibIe poIyIaminaIe hIms Io geI, in ILe primary pacRaging,
maIeriaIs wiIL a LigLer mecLanicaI resisIance. From a pacRaging
IecLnoIogy poinI oI view, carIoning macLines as weII as ow pacR
macLines Lave adapIed Io ILe needs oI ILe modern baRery in-
dusIry and ILey can be inIegraIed wiIL dierenI producI Ieeding
sysIems. MacLines can worR conIinuousIy, Ied wiIL aI puncLed
cardboard as weII as wiIL aIIernaIed movemenI Ior mouIding, hI-
Iing and LoI-meII seaIing or inIerIocRing seaIing oI pregIued Irays
in soIid or microwave board.
Once again, Io increase pracIicaI use, Iear o opening sysIems
and soIuIions Io maRe pacRages recIosabIe are wideIy used. AI IasI
ceIIuIosic maIeriaIs are aIso used Ior ILe deveIopmenI oI seconda-
ry pacRages ILaI may be used as a dispIay in ILe poinIs oI saIe. In
ILis case, robusI corrugaIed cardboard is used Io geI seII-bearing
sIrucIures ILaI ensure ILe IuncIionaIiIy wiILouI penaIising ILe
aesILeIics, ILus geIIing a LigL visibiIiIy and impacI on ILe poinI
oI saIe.
1.3.3 Steel and aluminium
TLe oILer big caIegory oI pacRaging maIeriaIs is represenIed by
meIaI ones. AIuminium is acIuaIIy widespread in poIyIaminaIe
hIms Io improve ILeir brigLIness, ILus ILe hIms aesILeIics, buI
above aII ILe barrier eecI Iowards uIIravioIeI rays. PoIyIamina-
Ie hIms wiIL aIuminium are used in primary pacRages (oI singIe
serves, buI aIso oI bags conIaining ILe Ioose producI), buI aIso
in muIIipacRs iI singIe porIions are pacRaged in IransparenI hIm.
Moreover aIuminium Irays and mouIds can be used Io cooR ca-
Res and can accompany ILe producI in ILe secondary pacRaging
pLase in cardboard Irays, rigid hIm pacRs or exibIe hIm bags.
Shelf Ready
Packaging, i.e.
secondary packages
and packaging
solutions ready
to be loaded onto
the shelf are very
widespread in
large scale retail
trade. They are
all focused on a
common purpose:
a more efective
management of
reduced spaces on
the shelves
F P F P - ..
19 Cap. 1 - Cereals and cereal products
YeI aIuminium is noI ILe onIy meIaI used in ILe baRery producI
indusIry. Tin, as IinpIaIe is commonIy dehned, i.e. a sIeeI sLeeI
coaIed wiIL Iin, maybe is ILe mosI IradiIionaI IypoIogy Ior biscu-
iI pacRaging. Abandoned on Iarge scaIe producIions in Iavour oI
more perIorming soIuIions, buI Ioday sIiII used Ior giII boxes, iI
Iends iIseII Io be prinIed aIso wiIL LigLIy deIaiIed decoraIions.
F P F P - ..
20 Packages and foods
Fucsn ANu iucscuvcu iuouucfs
Fruits and vegetables
Accustomed to think about them on a tree or in fields that stretch
as far as the eye, fruits and vegetables seem to be light years
away from the most innovative research projects that see
packaging analysis to be first in line. Yet lets just reflect on these
products mode of supply by the modern consumer to realise how
in reality the scientific research needs to make continuous efforts
to ensure that fruits and vegetables get fresh and unaltered to our
tables. Crucial goals a fruit and vegetable package must aim at
are so many: protection during transportation; chain traceability;
product innovation and shelf diversification; shelf life extension.
By the way, lets point out there is really a considerable difficulty
in controlling natural phenomena that are responsible for the
quality decay of this product typology, which the natural
production specificity and variability must be added. The
researchs answers are found in the results of studies on the
modulation of materials permeability; on the application of radio-
frequency on secondary and tertiary packages; on the
performance of maturation sensors as well as on the performance
of active packaging
2.1 Preservation-related problems
VegeIabIe producIs IeaIure a LigL meIaboIic acIiviIy ILaI goes on
in ILe posI-LarvesI pLase. Moreover ILey are composed oI a very
LigL waIer sLare and ILis maRes ILem vuInerabIe Io IungaI and
bacIeriaI aIIacRs. FruiIs & vegeIabIes are subjecI Io an endoge-
nous and degeneraIive sponIaneous process caIIed senescence.
TLis pLenomenon ILaI cannoI be sIopped buI jusI sIowed down,
IeaIures a range oI caIaboIic and degradaIion reacIions ILaI cause
biocLemicaI cLanges, some oI ILem wisLed (coIour and avour de-
veIopmenI), some oILers deIeIerious and Ieared since ILey cause
F P F P - ..
21 Cap. 2 - Fruits and vegetables
Ioss oI weigLI, IresLness and nuIriIionaI vaIue. TLe pacRage musI,
depending on cases, IaciIiIaIe or resIricI aII oI ILese pLenomena:
iI musI adapI Io ILe producIs meIaboIism in order noI Io obsIacIe
common breaILing noI Io provoRe ILe Ioods deaIL, buI aI ILe
same Iime, iI musI preserve iI Irom aII oI ILose reacIions or cLan-
ges ILaI migLI cause a quaIiIy decay. A careIuI pIanning oI pIasIic
hIms wiIL opIimum permeabiIiIy Ior dierenI appIicaIions is one
oI ILe pacRages soIuIion Io ILese probIems. PermeabiIiIy musI be
sucL Io enabIe ILe creaIion oI a parIicuIar aImospLere: oxygen,
carbon dioxide and eILyIene concenIraIions musI noI exceed or
be Iower ILan cerIain IeveIs noI Io cause condiIions oI aspLyxia,
deaIL or deveIopmenI oI paILogens.
In generaI breaILing, senescence and eILyIene producIion speeds
decrease aI Iow concenIraIion oI oxygen and aI LigL concenIra-
Iions oI carbon dioxide. TLe roIe oI pacRaging ILereIore sLouId be
Io enabIe Io acLieve sucL IeveIs oI gas Io posiIiveIy inIerIere on ILe
meIaboIic acIiviIy in order Io exIend ILe pacRaged producIs sLeII-
IiIe. AnoILer properIy oI ILe pacRage ILaI is essenIiaI Io preserve
vegeIabIes IresLness is permeabiIiIy Io waIer vapour. In IacI ILe
Ioss oI LumidiIy ILrougL ILe pacRaging maIeriaI, ILaI is propor-
IionaI Io ILe dierence oI sIeams parIiaI pressure beIween ILe
producI surIace and ILe preservaIion environmenI, can negaIi-
veIy inuence ILe main quaIiIy cLaracIerisIics oI IruiIs&vegeIabIe
producIs sucL as ILeir IooR, IexIure and avour. In IacI even a
5% weigLI Ioss is enougL Io cause a decrease oI IresLness and Io
give a sapIess IooR Io vegeIabIes, especiaIIy broadIeaI ones. WLen
IruiIs are RepI in cardboard boxes, a Iew IricRs Io Reep a LigL Lu-
midiIy inside ILe pacRs and Io reduce waIer Ioss Irom ILe producI
can be used. For insIance, dierenI soIuIions can be empIoyed
sucL as micro-perIoraIed poIyeILyIene Iiners as weII as pIasIic
hIms ILaI wrap ILe box, Ieaving a Iew side openings. SingIe IruiI
in ILe boxes can be wrapped wiIL pIasIic hIms (generaIIy 10 mi-
cron ILicR HDPE), capabIe oI reducing ILe Ioss oI LumidiIy and aI
ILe same Iime Io prevenI microbiaI conIaminaIion in-beIween ILe
IruiIs, ILus promoIing a LeaIing process Io cure possibIe wounds
F P F P - ..
22 Packages and foods
ILaI are presenI on ILe sRin. AIIernaIiveIy, Io adjusI ILe weigLI
Ioss and deIay senescence, wax-based edibIe coaIings are appIied
on IruiIs and vegeIabIes surIace, in parIicuIar oI ciIrus IruiIs, ripe
IomaIoes and cucumbers.
2.2 Packaging technologies
2.2.1 Modifed atmosphere
One oI ILe mosI widespread pacRaging IecLnoIogies Ior IruiIs and
vegeIabIes is modihed aImospLere. OeneraIIy, ILe use oI modihed
aImospLeres cLaracIerized by a Iow concenIraIion oI oxygen and
a LigL presence oI carbon dioxide aIIows exIending ILe IresLness
oI vegeIabIes in comparison wiIL IradiIionaI air pacRaging, as
iI reduces ILe respiraIion speed oI producIs, ILe producIion oI
eILyIene (responsibIe Ior ready Io eaI producIs ageing) and con-
sisIency variaIions. Anyway undesirabIe eecIs couId be caused
by pIanning ILe pacRaging wiILouI considering ILe IoIerance Ii-
miIs oI IruiI and vegeIabIe Io gases. Anaerobic respiraIion wouId
be encouraged in case oI O
concenIraIions Iower ILan ILe IoIe-
rance IimiI wiIL consequenI IormaIion oI aIcoLoI and aIdeLyde,
compounds wLicL couId be o-odour and o-avour. II insIead
concenIraIion is greaIer ILan ILe IoIerance IimiI ILere
wouId be pLysioIogicaI unbaIances Ieading Io ILe breaRup oI ceI-
IuIar and vegeIabIe Iissues. II is Lowever imporIanI Io underIine
ILaI ILe opIimaI pacRaging soIuIion depends on many variabIes
connecIed Io ILe producI (vegeIabIe species, cuIIivar, agricuIIuraI
meILods, growIL IeveI, LarvesIing processes and posI-LarvesIing
IreaImenIs), sIorage room (IemperaIure and LumidiIy) and cLa-
racIerisIics oI ILe pacRaging maIeriaI. TLe inIeracIion among ILe-
se ILree componenIs creaIes and Reeps ILe expecIed aImospLere
condiIions. II is noI enougL Io repIace air inside pacRaging Ior a
breaILing producI since ILe consumpIion oI O
and ILe produc-
Iion oI CO
cLanges ILe proporIion among ILe presenI gases; ILe
speed depends on ILe respiraIory quoIienI oI vegeIabIe and on
ILe permeabiIiIy oI ILe pacRaging maIeriaI. TLe roIe oI pacRaging
is Io LeIp acLieving a sIaIionary sIaIe (consIanI concenIraIion oI
PacRaging Ior
FresL-CuI IruiIs
and vegeIabIes
is a voIume
wLoIIy dedicaIed
Io vegeIabIes
and modihed
aImospLere (Drody,
Hong ZLuang,
Jung H.Han WiIey
DaIcRweII 2001)
F P F P - ..
2 Cap. 2 - Fruits and vegetables
and CO
) ILaI wiII occur onIy wLen ILe consumpIion speed oI
and ILe producIion oI CO
are equaI Io ILeir respecIive perme-
aIion speeds ILrougL ILe pIasIic hIm (ILis condiIion is possibIe
onIy wLen respiraIion speed is consIanI).
2.2.2 Active packages
For some years ILe eecIiveness oI modihed aImospLere in exIen-
ding sLeII IiIe oI Iood can be expanded ILanRs Io ILe possibiIiIy Io
combine iI wiIL acIive pacRaging. AcIive pacRages consisI oI ma-
IeriaIs and objecIs ILaI inIeracI wiIL ILe Iood, reIeasing or absor-
bing Irom iI some subsIances in order Io improve ILe producI IiIe.
TLe use oI sucL pacRaging sysIems is discipIined by ILe EC reg.
195/2004 and more recenIIy by EC reg. 450/2009 ILaI aIIow Io
incorporaIe inIo ILe pacRaging maIeriaI or Io inserI inIo pacRaging
dierenI IypoIogies oI absorbers or emiIIers. ParIicuIarIy recom-
mended Ior ILe sLeII-IiIe exIension oI IruiIs&vegeIabIe producIs
are acIive pacRages capabIe oI reguIaIing eILyIene concenIraIion in
ILe pacRage. EILyIene is a naIuraI Lormone ILaI LugeIy inuences
growIL, ILe deveIopmenI and even ILe senescence oI vegeIabIes iI
is sensiIive Io. ProducIs sensiIiveness Io ILese subsIances depends
on ILe sIage oI maIuraIion, on ILe cuIIivar, on preservaIion con-
diIions. NegaIive eecIs oI ILis moIecuIe depend boIL on iIs bio-
synILesis and on iIs acIion; iIs producIion is sIimuIaIed by LigL
IemperaIures, mecLanicaI damages and bacIeriaI inIecIions and is
reduced by Iow oxygen concenIraIion and LigL carbon dioxide con-
cenIraIions. TLe presence oI eILyIene promoIes ILe acIivaIion oI
degradaIive enzymaIic reacIions inside ILe Iissues: negaIive subse-
quences oI ILese reacIions can be soIInening, discoIoraIion and
red puncIuaIion. Moreover eILyIene can aIso promoIe iIs synILe-
sis and ILus iI is imporIanI Io remove iI Io avoid ILaI ILe process
becomes auIocaIaIyIic. Senescence and IruiIs&vegeIabIes quaIiIy
Ioss can be sIowed down by expIoiIing ILe acIion, Ior insIance oI
eILyIene absorbers ILaI seize ILe vegeIabIe Lormone ILaI accu-
muIaIes in ILe pacR and is responsibIe Ior cIimaIeric IruiIs over-
ripening. PacRaging can aIso be equipped wiIL eILyIene inLibiIors
Little oxygen
and a lot of CO
this mixture is able
to keep vegetables
fresh for longer time
F P F P - ..
24 Packages and foods
sucL as ILe ones based on 1-meILyIcycIopropene, a gas ILaI can
be absorbed on soIid supporIs Irom wLicL iI is reIeased due Io ILe
Ioods LumidiIy. On ILe conIrary, in a Iew cases, ILe purpose is Io
Iavour vegeIabIes maIuraIion and ILus eILyIene emiIIers can be
used. WLeILer you cLoose Io use emiIIers or absorbers in boIL
cases iI is essenIiaI Io pIan ILe pacRage Reeping inIo accounI ILe
need oI idenIiIying a pIasIic hIm wiIL eILanoI permeabiIiIy ILaI is
Rnown and appropriaIe Ior ILe purpose. AI IasI ILe use oI oxygen
scavengers in combinaIion wiIL proIecIive aImospLere represenIs
an eecIive synergy in inLibiIing ILe growIL oI aerobiaI microorga-
nisms and in reducing oxidaIion pLenomena ILaI are responsibIe
Ior ILe quaIiIy Ioss oI IruiIs and vegeIabIe producIs.
2.2.3 Smart packages
TracRing and Iracing are a duIy and a resource Ior Iood manu-
IacIurers and disIribuIors. TLe appIicaIion oI RFId radioIre-
quency Iags on reusabIe asseIs or on secondary pacRaging Las
aroused ILe aIIenIion oI IruiIs and vegeIabIe indusIry. For ILis
purpose Indicod-Ecrs EPCIab Las made specihc evaIuaIions ILaI
Lave sLown ILaI IooRing aI ILe suppIy cLain in ILe wLoIe, ILe
invesImenI in EPC/RFId IecLnoIogy is prohIabIe iI appIied Io reu-
sabIe asseIs. AIready ILe name RFId (iniIiaIs Ior Radio Frequency
IdenIihcaIion) reveaIs ILe main purpose: ILe idenIihcaIion ILrou-
gL radio waves oI every singIe producI.
TLe sIrucIure is very simpIe: a reading/wriIing sIaIion, equipped
wiIL a IransmiIIer/receiver wiIL anIenna, communicaIes wiIL
ILe RF Iag, a microcLip equipped wiIL microanIenna and memo-
ry ILaI is accessibIe remoIeIy in radio-Irequency. EmiIIed on a
specihc Irequency, ILe radio signaI ILaI sIarIs Irom ILe IransmiI-
Ier reacLes ILe RF Tag Io record daIa or Io anaIyse iIs conIenIs:
wLiIe ILe response signaI emiIIed by ILe Iag jusI conIains ILe
daIa ILaI are presenI in ILe memory. Passive-Iype RF Tag are
wiILouI inIernaI energy source and ILey geI ILe required energy
Io worR Irom ILe signaI ILey receive Irom ILe IransmiIIer. For
ILis reason RF Tags are Iow-cosI devices, wiIL a duraIion ILaI is
Only the
most modern,
sophisticated and
high performance
materials and
technologies can
meet market
needs and suit
the specifcity of
fresh fruits and
F P F P - ..
25 Cap. 2 - Fruits and vegetables
virIuaIIy unIimiIed in Iime. TLe anaIysis oI ILe impacI ILaI RFId
IecLnoIogy Las on corporaIe processes and on ILe suppIy cLain
is essenIiaI Io evaIuaIe ILe economic and operaIionaI IeasibiIiIy oI
sucL projecIs. OILer smarI pacRages on ILe marReI, specihcaIIy
dedicaIed Io vegeIabIes, are IabeIs sLowing microbiaI conIamina-
Iion. TLey consisI oI a barcode prinIed wiIL an anIibody-based
inR. TLe presence oI bacIeria sIarIs a reacIion and ILe barcode
ILaI idenIihes ILe producI becomes unreadabIe, and ILis means
ILaI ILe producI cannoI be marReIed any Ionger. AI IasI maIu-
raIion indicaIors Lave been deveIoped, i.e. IabeIs wLose coIour
progressiveIy varies Irom red Io yeIIow, responding Io ILe sIimu-
Ius provided by ILe aromaIic moIecuIes reIeased by IruiIs during
disIribuIion. WLen ILey purcLase iI, consumers can seIecI ILe
IeveI oI maIuraIion ILey preIer.
2.2.4 Use of additives
In ILe use oI IV range producIs, iI is cIear ILaI cLemicaI addiIives
can inLibiI paILogen growIL and preserve vegeIabIes Irom coIour
Ioss. CaIcium Las proven Io be eecIive in deIaying aging, in
reducing breaILing and synILesis oI eILyIene and in prevenIing
browning acIions. Sodium benzoaIe and poIassium sorbaIe Lave
been used as anIimicrobiaI agenIs.
TLey are eecIive wLen ILe vegeIabIe is preserved aI 0C or aI a
Iower pH aI 5. CiIric acid, ascorbic bisuIhIe and cisIern resIricI
ILe oxidaIions ILaI are responsibIe Ior coIour excLanges and
sensoriaI quaIiIies. Ozone Las proved Io be eecIive againsI
IungaI bacIeriaI overgrowIL wiIL a beIIer acIion compared wiIL
ILe use oI cLIorinaIed waIers added Io wasLing waIers. II aIso
removes unpIeasanI odours and eIiminaIes eILyIene. AI IasI ILe
eecIiveness oI bacIeriaI sIrains producing bacIeriocins Las been
a success Ior ILis secIor. LacIic cuIIures are used since ILey Lave
a proIecIive eecI againsI aIIeraIion and paILogen bacIeria. As
weII as IacIic acid, sIrains aIso produce aceIic acid IogeILer wiIL
various compounds wiIL inLibiIing acIiviIy sucL as anIibioIics,
bacIeriocins or subsIances ILaI are simiIar Io bacIeriocins.
F P F P - ..
26 Packages and foods
2.3 Packaging materials
FresL and processed IruiIs&vegeIabIes give rise Io very dierenI
producI IypoIogies due Io a Luge sLeII-IiIe dierence: we pass
Irom canned vegeIabIes wiIL Iong sLeII Iives Io IourIL range pro-
ducIs Io be eaIen in Iew days. TLe big diusion oI pIasIic maIeriaIs
Ior IresL and very IresL producIs, is counIerbaIanced by ILe e-
xibIe Iube, ILaI is useIuI Io conIain IomaIo sauces and pasIe, ILe
gIass boIIIe, creaIed Io conIain puIps, pasIes and vegeIabIes in oiI,
Iins Ior IruiIs in syrup, griIIed vegeIabIes and peeIed IomaIoes and
aI IasI poIyIaminaIe cardboard ILaI Las revoIuIionised Iarge-scaIe
disIribuIion sLeIves. MaIeriaIs and soIuIions ILaI are so dierenI
Irom one anoILer Io sLow in Iime many innovaIions.
2.3.1 Glass
A marReI sLare is covered by gIass pacRages, mainIy used Ior Io-
maIo puIps, IomaIo sauces, vegeIabIes in oiI: in sLorI a reaI musI
Ior canned producIs. TLe IaIesI 20 years IecLnoIogicaI progress
in ILe gIassworRs heId Las enabIed Io increasingIy improve and
opIimise ILe producIion oI gIass conIainers.
TLe mosI imporIanI progress Las been meI in ILe heId oI boIIIes,
viaIs, jars and vases manuIacIured wiIL ILe so-caIIed press-bre-
aIL IecLnoIogy, ILaI enabIes Io prepare 10-20% IigLIer conIai-
ners ILaI Lowever are as sIurdy as ILe IradiIionaI ones. TLe resuII
is a LigLer Landiness, a more comIorIabIe LandIing and more
appreciabIe opIic eecIs.
2.3.2 Tinplate
FuIIy gas-prooI and sIeam-prooI, IinpIaIe enabIes, aIIer iIs boIIom
seaming, a perIecI seaI Io pressure increases depending on pa-
sIeurisaIion and LigL sIeriIisaIion. AparI Irom accidenIaI breaRa-
ges, iI ensures a perIecI Iood insuIaIion againsI exIernaI aIIacRs.
Moreover ILis pacRaging mode ensures a Ionger sLeII-IiIe. Since
ILe SevenIies, wLen ILe Iead-Iin weIding oI ILe boxes was repIa-
ced wiIL eIecIric seaIing, ILis pacR Las been IurILer improved,
wiIL ILe eecI Io eIiminaIe ILe conIacI oI Iead wiIL Ioods. PresenI
F P F P - ..
27 Cap. 2 - Fruits and vegetables
sIudies aim aI reducing ILe box bodies ILicRness (in ILe ILree or
Iwo-piece varianIs) and aI deveIoping easy-opening Iids Io incre-
ase pracIicaI use.
2.3.3 Flexible packaging
TLe use oI pIasIic pacRaging in ILe IruiIs and vegeIabIe worId spans
Irom Iong sLeII-IiIe producIs Io ILe IresL and very IresL ones. In
ILe worId oI vegeIabIe preserves pIasIic poIyIaminaIe maIeriaIs
Lave been used recenIIy, expressIy designed Io resisI againsI LeaI
saniIaIion processes aIIer pacRaging hIIing and Iorming. TomaIo-
based producIs wiIL a 24-monIL sLeII IiIe Lave been ILe hrsI Io
appear on ILe sLeIves in exibIe sIand-up poucLes. YeI IresL Iru-
iIs and vegeIabIes ready Ior consumpIion are ILe reaI revoIuIion
on ILe IIaIians IabIes ILaI Las been gaining ground over ILe IasI
Iew years. AIso in ILis case modihed aImospLere Las pIayed a Rey
roIe in enLancing ILis Iype oI consumpIion. For ILese producIs,
hIms wiIL specihc cLaracIerisIics are used: permeabiIiIy Io die-
renI gases, seIecIiviIy, good Iransparency and brigLIness; good
anIi-Iog properIies; reduced cosI; LigL sIreIcLabiIiIy, sLrinRage or
LeaI-seaIabiIiIy; good macLinabiIiIy, Iow LeaI-seaIing IemperaIu-
re; inerIia Iowards Iood; no IoxiciIy, easy prinIabiIiIy and Landi-
ness. AII ILese properIies are required.
Deing examined by ILe researcL aIso ILe use oI biodegradabIe
hIms ILaI Lave proved perIormances ILaI are simiIar Io ILe ones
oI poIyoIehn-based hIms used in Irade in Ierms oI senescence
and coIour variaIion. TLe mosI innovaIive hIms ILaI are being
examined by researcLers are ILe ones wLose permeabiIiIy varies
as IemperaIure cLanges. In pracIice ILese hIms IeaIure a swiIcL
IemperaIure, in wLicL ILe hIms permeabiIiIy cLanges dramaIicaI-
Iy. TLey IeaIure speciaI Iong-cLain poIymers ILaI beIow a specihc
IemperaIure are aI a crysIaIIine sIaIe and ILus Lave gas barrier
properIies. Deyond ILe swiIcL IemperaIure, on ILe oILer Land,
ILese poIymeric cLains meII and ILey pass Io ILe amorpLous sIa-
Ie ILaI is gas-prooI. FiIms consisIing oI Iwo Iayers oI dierenI ma-
IeriaIs or oI Iwo ILicRnesses oI ILe same maIeriaI. In boIL cases
F P F P - ..
28 Packages and foods
ILe presence oI smaII cracRs is Ioreseen. As IemperaIure varies,
ILe dierenI Iayers expand wiIL dierenI speeds, meaningIuIIy
cLanging hIm permeabiIiIy. For a Iew years perIoraIed maIeriaIs
Lave been avaiIabIe.
TLey IeaIure smaII openings ILaI aIIow Ior an appropriaIe gas
excLange and ILey provide ILe venIiIaIion required Io reduce wa-
Ier Iosses and ILus ILe producI weigLI. TLe maIeriaIs IeveI oI
perIoraIion (driIIing densiIy, diameIer oI microLoIes and so on) is
seIecIed depending on ILe respiraIion raIe and on ILe Ioods Lu-
midiIy conIenIs and according Io ILe hIms permeabiIiIy vaIue.
For insIance ceIIopLane is IiIIIe permeabIe Io oxygen and so iI
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
Canned food
Glass jar or tin plate,
block in the fexible tube,

- - -
IV range
Permeability must permit the creation
of a particular atmosphere in which
concentrations of O
, CO
and ethylene
must not exceed or drop below certain
levels not to cause asphyxia conditions,
death or development of pathogens.
Selected packaging materials must restrict
mechanical damages
Laminated plastic bag
with high permeability,
PS tray, polyolfn flms,
plastic materials with
variable permeability
depending on
temperature, corrugated
carton, extensible flm,
absorbent pads

- -
Fruits & vegetables:
1-10% O
0-20% CO
complement N
agents, absorbers,
ethylene emitters,
Fruit-based snacks
Materials must be a barrier against
humidity, oxygen, light to prevent the loss
of crispiness, enzymatic oxidation and
the development of of-favour. Moreover
mechanical resistance must be ensured to
avoid products breakage
Metallised plastic pouch,
thermoforming aluminium
- -

Table 4: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically the preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages available on the fruits & vegetable market
F P F P - ..
29 Cap. 2 - Fruits and vegetables
musI be perIoraIed in order Io ensure an appropriaIe breaILing.
II used Io pacRage producIs wiIL a raILer LigL respiraIion raIe;
ceIIuIose aceIaIe Las a quiIe LigL permeabiIiIy Io oxygen and
carbon dioxide and subsequenIIy perIoraIions are noI necessary
Ior producIs wLose respiraIion raIe is Iow; poIysIyrenes perme-
abiIiIy is simiIar Io ceIIuIose aceIaIe, in IacI iI is wideIy used Io
pacRage IaIIuce and IomaIoes. An inIeresIing maIeriaI given up
by modern pacRaging, buI ILaI sLouId be revaIued is vegeIabIe
parcLemenI: insensiIive Io IemperaIure, iI IeaIures a seIecIiviIy
and O
permeabiIiIy raIio) nexI Io 1, and is recommended
Ior vegeIabIe species.
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
Canned food
Glass jar or tin plate,
block in the fexible tube,

- - -
IV range
Permeability must permit the creation
of a particular atmosphere in which
concentrations of O
, CO
and ethylene
must not exceed or drop below certain
levels not to cause asphyxia conditions,
death or development of pathogens.
Selected packaging materials must restrict
mechanical damages
Laminated plastic bag
with high permeability,
PS tray, polyolfn flms,
plastic materials with
variable permeability
depending on
temperature, corrugated
carton, extensible flm,
absorbent pads

- -
Fruits & vegetables:
1-10% O
0-20% CO
complement N
agents, absorbers,
ethylene emitters,
Fruit-based snacks
Materials must be a barrier against
humidity, oxygen, light to prevent the loss
of crispiness, enzymatic oxidation and
the development of of-favour. Moreover
mechanical resistance must be ensured to
avoid products breakage
Metallised plastic pouch,
thermoforming aluminium
- -

Table 4: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically the preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages available on the fruits & vegetable market
F P F P - ..
0 Packages and foods
2.3.4 Packages for very fresh products
Trays, juices and neIIing are ILe mosI used pacRages Ior IruiIs
and vegeIabIe secIor iI we consider IruiIs and vegeIabIes proposed
as ILey are by Iarge scaIe reIaiI Irade. In parIicuIar, over ILe IasI
Iew years, ILe demand oI cIamsLeII, i.e. Linged Irays ILaI are pre-
Ierred Io Irays wiIL Iids Las increased. Many disIribuIion cLains,
on ILe conIrary, use pIasIic Irays wrapped in exibIe hIms, dedi-
caIing ILe cIamsLeIIs onIy Io ILe mosI deIicaIe IruiIs. In IIaIy ILe
demand Ior aIveoIus remains LigL, wLiIe ILe IradiIionaI wooden
box, ILougL sIiII presenI, Las been aIso repIaced by cardboard.
Wood is sIiII wideIy used Ior wLoIesaIe. An emerging noveIIy corre-
sponds Io ILe eorI oI manuIacIurers oI meeIing ILe requiremenIs
oI recycIed PET pacRages (R-PET) ILaI Io daIe are sIiII expensive
due Io ILe Iew cerIihed companies ILaI can produce ILem.
2.3.5 Secondary and tertiary packaging
TLe exisIence oI supermarReIs and sLops wiIL no IresL IruiIs and
vegeIabIes in Europe is LardIy imaginabIe. TLeir suppIy during ILe
wLoIe year requires a compIex IogisIic sysIem. For IruiIs and vege-
IabIe IransporIaIion, wooden boxes, carIon pacRs and pIasIic boxes
are mainIy used. WLiIe pIasIic craIes are empIoyed as a reusabIe
pacRage, wooden boxes and carIon pacRs are empIoyed as a non-re-
IurnabIe soIuIion (or singIe-serve). In IruiIs and vegeIabIes LandIing
ILe aspecI associaIed wiIL sucL deIicaIe producIs is noI Iess im-
porIanI. MecLanicaI damages, sucL as impacIs, vibraIions, denIs,
cuIIings and compressions may seriousIy compromise a IourIL ran-
ge producIs commerciaI IiIe. Consequences can be an increase oI
respiraIory acIiviIy, ILe accumuIaIion oI Ioxic secondary meIaboIics,
producIion oI eILyIene. Moreover, due Io ILe rupIure oI membranes
and/or waIIs, ILere is a ceIIuIar decomparIimenIaIisaIion ILaI Ieads
Io ILe acceIeraIion oI unwisLed biocLemicaI reacIions, ILus Iavou-
ring ILe peneIraIion oI microorganisms. AII ILis means a quaIiIy de-
IerioraIion oI ILe vegeIabIe: visuaIIy you can see IocaIised browings,
sLreddings and exIernaI abrasions ILaI maRe ILe producI no more
marRaIabIe. WLen a denI is noI immediaIeIy visibIe, we can speaR
A Korean Food
Research Institutes
research highlights
the preservation
properties of
fresh fruits and
vegetables of their
nutritional values if
they are packaged
in sintered
expanded polyester
F P F P - ..
1 Cap. 2 - Fruits and vegetables
abouI a IaIenI damage: degeneraIive and inIecIive pLenomena sIarI
inside ILe producI and consequences can become evidenI onIy in ILe
marReIing pLase: in ILis case ILe Lazard Iies in ILe conIaminaIion
and Ioss oI ILe wLoIe IoI. TLus IeIs Iocus on LarvesIing, LandIing,
pacRaging, IransporIaIion and preservaIion sIeps; so aII oI ILe pre-
cauIions ILaI minimise any possibIe mecLanicaI damages are essen-
IiaI: ILe use oI appropriaIe proIecIive pacRages is ILe besI soIuIion.
An exampIe are aIveoIar Irays in EPS or cardboard conIainers.
F P F P - ..
2 Packages and foods

HvoicNc ANu FucsnNcss

Meat and Fish
Along with more simple and traditional technology, such as
standard air packaging of the product, the most successful proven
technologies take advantage from the principle of atmosphere
modification. In fact, by means of the application of vacuum
packing and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), generally
associated with the choice of multi-layer plastic films that can
guarantee the hermetic seal of the package and perform as a gas
barrier, the goal of extended shelf life of meat and fish is reached
3.1 Preservation-related problems
3.1.1 Meat
TLe sIorabiIiIy oI meaI and meaI producIs depends in Iarge mea-
sure on ILe Lygienic quaIiIy oI ILe raw maIeriaIs. In meaI and coo-
Red meaI-based producIs, and/or IreaIed meaI producIs, ILe me-
sopLiIic microbiaI Ioad is approximaIeIy equaI Io 102-10 UFC/g,
and incIudes a wide varieIy oI species. However, onIy 10% oI ILe
microorganisms iniIiaIIy presenI are abIe Io grow aI reIrigeraIion
IemperaIures. In ILe case oI producIs based on cooRed and/or
processed meaIs, ILey are LeaIed Io 65-70C by wLicL ILe majori-
Iy oI Iiving ceIIs are desIroyed, and sLeII IiIe can be compromised
by subsequenI reconIaminaIion. In addiIion, during sIorage, en-
vironmenIaI IacIors sucL as ILe IemperaIure, ILe gas aImospLe-
re, ILe pH and sodium cLIoride (NaCI) inuence ILe seIecIion oI
microbes, growIL raIe and meIaboIic acIion. TLus, ILe sLeII IiIe oI
reIrigeraIed meaI and reIrigeraIed meaI producIs can vary Irom
a Iew days Io many monILs. WiIL regards Io ILe composiIion oI
ILe microbiaI Ioad in meaI RepI in sIandard air, ILe predominan-
ce oI Pseudomonas spp. is generaIIy reporIed, wLicL due Io iIs
F P F P - ..
Cap. 3 - Meat and Fish
cLaracIerisIicaIIy LigL growIL raIe, resuIIs in a sLeII IiIe oI onIy a
Iew days. In meaI pacRaged in a modihed aImospLere conIaining
a LigL percenIage oI oxygen, a greaI number oI species are abIe
Io deveIop, sucL as B. termosphacta, Pseudomonas spp., Leuco-
nostoc spp. and Lactobacillus spp. NeverILeIess, many microbes
are inLibiIed by ILe presence oI CO
, by wLicL ILe growIL raIe
decreases and ILe sLeII IiIe increases. In ILe case oI pacRaging in
100% CO
, very Iong sLeII Iives can be obIained. TLe inLibiIing
eecI oI CO
is aIso increased by ILe LigL soIubiIiIy oI ILe gas aI
Iow IemperaIures. In addiIion, in ILese pacRaging condiIions wiIL
a pacRaging IemperaIure oI +4C ILere is a prevaIence oI LomoIer-
menIaIive Lactobacillus spp. NoneILeIess, ILe Iower IemperaIure
seems Io Lave a greaIer inLibiIing eecI on Enterobacteriaceae
and B. termosphacta. TLe pH oI ILe meaI and ILe avaiIabiIiIy oI
nuIrienIs aecI ILe seIecIion and microbiaI growIL. OeneraIIy
muscIe Iissue Las a pH oI around 6 wLiIe adipose Iissue Las a
sIigLIIy LigLer pH. II is aIso imporIanI Io consider ILe inIeracIions
among dierenI microorganisms. In IacI, in addiIion Io compeIing
Ior nuIrienIs, some microbes are abIe Io produce anIimicrobiaI
subsIances, sucL as Lydrogen peroxide, IacIic acid and bacIe-
riocins, wLicL IurILer inuence ILe seIecIion oI microbe species.
TLe predominanI microorganisms ILaI Lave been associaIed wiIL
proIiIeraIion in reIrigeraIed porR and beeI are B. termosphacta,
Pseudomonas spp., Leuconostoc spp., Lactobacillus spp., Carno-
bacterium spp., Enterobacteriaceae and Sh. Putrefaciens. SIiII,
even iI coIour cLanges and gas producIion are Io be Iound, ILe
mosI serious deIecI deriving Irom ILe deIerioraIion oI ILe meaI is
represenIed by ILe producIion oI aromas and unpIeasanI odours.
UnsigLIIy odours sucL as puIrid, suIpLuric and cLeesy smeIIs
are cLaracIerisIic oI sIandard air pacRaged meaI and aIso Iound
in meaI pacRaged in modihed aImospLere due Io ILe meIaboIic
producIs oI ILe microorganisms (Pseudomonas spp. produces
eILyI esIers, wLiIe suIpLuric compounds are produced by Ente-
robacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp.; ILe compounds IypicaI oI
ILe cLeesy smeII, sucL as aceIoin, diaceIyI and -meILyIbuIanoI,
F P F P - ..
4 Packages and foods
are IraceabIe Io ILe meIaboIism oI Enterobacteriaceae, B. termo-
sphacta and LomoIermenIaIive Lactobacillus spp.). In ILe case oI
anaerobic condiIions, sucL as vacuum pacRing or modihed aImo-
spLere wiILouI oxygen, ILe dominanI microbe species are repre-
senIed by IacIic bacIeria, wiIL consequenI producIion oI aceIic
and IacIic acid.
3.1.2 Cold Cuts
TLe microbiaI sIabiIiIy oI meaI-based producIs depends on boIL
ILe exIrinsic IacIors, principaIIy pacRaging meILods and sIorage
IemperaIures, and inIrinsic IacIors sucL as ILe cLemicaI compo-
siIion oI ILe producI. Among ILe inIrinsic IacIors ILaI aecI ILe
microbiaI sIabiIiIy oI ILese producIs, iI is especiaIIy necessary Io
consider ILe saII conIenI, waIer acIiviIy (a
) and ILe concenIra-
Iion oI niIriIes. TLe saII concenIraIion, caIcuIaIed on ILe conIenI
in waIer, is -5%, wLiIe ILe pH vaIues are around 6.0-6.5 and
ILe waIer acIiviIy 0.96-0.99. OIIen oILer addiIives are aIso ad-
ded (sucL as sodium cLIoride, pLospLaIes and oILers) ILaI Iead
Io IurILer decrease in ILe waIer acIiviIy, wiIL consequenI inLibi-
Iion oI ILe deveIopmenI oI microbiaI species sucL as Pseudomo-
nas spp. and Enterobacteriaceae, wLiIe ILe microora ILaI is abIe
Io deveIop is IimiIed Io IacIobacIeria and yeasIs. TLe iniIiaI pH
vaIues do noI aIIow seIecIion wiILin ILe microbiaI deveIopmenI,
even iI a decrease, Irom 6.0-6.5 pH Io 5.0-5. pH during sIorage,
can be Iound due Io ILe meIaboIic acIiviIy oI IacIic bacIeria. TLis
decrease does noI inuence ILe deveIopmenI oI IacIic bacIeria,
buI can inLibiI ILe deveIopmenI oI oILer microbe species sucL as
B. termosphacta. In many sIudies IacIic bacIeria are indicaIed as
ILe principaI groups oI microbes associaIed wiIL meaI-based pro-
ducIs pacRaged in modihed aImospLere or vacuum pacRed. TLis
group oI microbes does noI Iead Io ILe producIion oI Ioxins, even
iI ILeir meIaboIic acIiviIy causes cLanges sucL as o-avours, gas
producIion and a viscous surIace paIina, discoIouraIion and a de-
crease in pH. Some IacIic bacIeria can co-meIaboIise gIucose and
ciIric acid. TLis co-meIaboIism Ieads Io ILe producIion oI various
Cold cuts require
very little oxygen,
plus carbon dioxide
and nitrogen in
variable proportions
F P F P - ..
5 Cap. 3 - Meat and Fish
compounds, among wLicL diaceIyI, IypicaI oI a buIIery aroma,
and aceIoin, wLicL Las no cLaracIerisIic odour. One oI ILe criIicaI
IacIors in ILe purcLase oI coId cuIs is ILe coIour. For ILis reason iI
is one oI ILe sensory parameIers ILaI is RepI in LigL consideraIion
wLen new pacRaging sysIems are sIudied and wLen evaIuaIing
ILe sLeII IiIe oI ILis Iype oI producI. DiscoIouraIion in coIds cuIs is
caused by a wide series oI exIernaI IacIors, pLysicaI, cLemicaI and
microbiaI, noI Io menIion IacIors inIrinsic Io ILe producI iIseII or
reIaIed Io ILe process. TLe quaIiIy oI ILe coIour varies depending
on ILe producI, wLicL can be more or Iess suscepIibIe Io some or
aII oI ILe IacIors menIioned above. Among ILe main IacIors, aI-
IenIion musI be paid Io: producI cLaracIerisIics (Iipid and proIein
composiIion, degree oI unsaIuraIion, presence oI meIaIs, presence
oI preservaIives, moisIure, pH, eIc.); cLaracIerisIics oI ILe pro-
cess; sIorage IemperaIure; producI iIIuminaIion; residuaI oxygen
in ILe pacRage (parIiaI pressure oI O
). TLese IacIors give rise Io
degradaIion pLenomena oI various Iypes, among wLicL, Ior exam-
pIe, pLoIo-oxidaIion ILaI Ieads Io proIeoIyIic and/or IipoIyIic de-
IerioraIion and ILus Io discoIouraIion ILaI damages ILe producI.
TLe cLange in coIour is noI Io be associaIed wiIL Lygienic decIine
oI ILe producI, buI maRes ILe coId cuIs unmarReIabIe because
ILe consumers do noI appreciaIe iI.
TLe composiIion oI every producI Las a signihcanI inuence on
iIs recepIiviIy Io discoIouraIion sIarIing Irom ILe degree oI unsa-
IuraIion oI ILe IaIIy maIeriaI. For exampIe in ILe case oI coppa,
a LigL percenIage oI unsaIuraIed Iipids is more sensiIive Io oxi-
daIion. Even in ILe case oI saIame, oxidaIion is one oI ILe main
mecLanisms ILaI Ieads Io darRening oI ILe cured meaI and ILis is
wLy ILe presence oI anIioxidanIs sucL as ascorbic acid (E01) Las
a posiIive eecI on ILe coIour. AnoILer meILod Ior proIecIing ILe
coIour is ILe use oI niIraIes (E251, E252): by means oI a series oI
reacIions an oxide is Iormed ILaI creaIes a sIabIe bond wiIL ILe
iron ILaI causes ILe red pigmenI oI many cured meaIs, bIocRing
oxidaIion in ILe presence oI O
. TLis process is IaciIiIaIed by a Iow
pH, Ior wLicL reason iI is imporIanI Io Lave cured meaIs wiIL ILe
F P F P - ..
6 Packages and foods
rigLI degree oI acidiIy. TLe addiIion oI organic acids Io ILe meaI
can LeIp, as weII as using ILe proper buIcLering IecLniques and
curing IecLniques. II is aIso imporIanI Io mainIain Iow IeveIs oI
meIaIs possibIy presenI in ILe meaI because ILey acI as caIaIysIs,
ILus acceIeraIing ILe oxidaIion reacIions and discoIouraIion. To
Reep ILe meIaI conIenI under conIroI, especiaIIy iron, ILe Ieeding
oI ILe animaI is imporIanI: oIIen Ieeds are used ILaI conIain sup-
pIemenIs ILaI musI be adminisIered in ILe correcI meILod and
dosage. TLe seIecIion oI suppIiers on ILe basis oI ILe cLemicaI
and pLysicaI cLaracIerisIics oI ILe producI, buIcLering IecLni-
ques, producIion and sIocRing becomes IundamenIaI Io guaran-
Iee a IasIing sLeII IiIe oI ILe pacRage.
3.1.3 Fish
WiIL regards Io ILe hsL indusIry, ILe principIe spoiIage mecLani-
sms associaIed wiIL quaIiIy decIine in hsL are ILe resuII oI micro-
biaI and oxidaIion acIiviIy. TLis producI caIegory is very perisLa-
bIe due Io ILe LigL waIer acIiviIy, neuIraI pH and ILe presence oI
seII-digesIing enzymes ILaI Irigger a rapid deveIopmenI oI unde-
sirabIe odours and avours. FisL normaIIy Las a LigL microbiaI
Ioad due Io iIs provenience Irom coId waIers, hsLing meILods and
IransporI Io Iand, evisceraIion and ILe mainIenance oI ILe sRin
unIiI iI is soId. TLe microbiaI acIiviIy causes ILe proIeins in ILe
hsL Io decay Ieading Io ILe IypicaI odour. TLe rancidiIying oxida-
Iion oI ILe unsaIuraIed IaIs in hsL oiI Ieads Io IurILer unpIeasanI
aromas and avours, IurILer damaging iIs overaII organoIepIic
3.2 Packaging technologies
WiIL regards Io meaI, ILere are ILree dierenI Iypes oI pacRaging
in use: sIandard air, vacuum pacRaging and modihed aImospLe-
re. TLe sLeII IiIe oI meaI increases, in order, based on ILe IoIIowing
Iypes oI pacRaging: sIandard air, modihed aImospLere wiIL LigL
percenIage oI oxygen, vacuum pacRaging, modihed aImospLere
wiILouI oxygen. TLe greaIesI deIecI deriving Irom ILe deIeriora-
The sensory
shelf life of a
product is defned
as the time at which
50% of consumers
are able to perceive
a sensory diference
between the
preserved product
and the fresh
F P F P - ..
7 Cap. 3 - Meat and Fish
Iion oI meaI is represenIed by ILe producIion oI unpIeasanI aro-
mas and odours. UnpIeasanI odours IiRe puIridiIy, suIpLuric and
cLeesy aromas are cLaracIerisIic oI meaI pacRaged in sIandard
air and aIso in modihed aImospLere due Io ILe meIaboIic by-pro-
ducIs oI microbiaI acIiviIy. In ILe case oI anaerobic condiIions,
sucL as vacuum pacRaging or in modihed aImospLere wiILouI
oxygen, ILe dominanI microbe species are represenIed by IacIic
bacIeria, wiIL consequenI producIion oI aceIic and IacIic acid.
TLe microbiaI sIabiIiIy oI meaI-based producIs depends boIL on
exIrinsic IacIors, especiaIIy ILe pacRaging meILods and sIorage
IemperaIures, and inIrinsic IacIors sucL as ILe cLemicaI compo-
siIion oI ILe producI. In ILe majoriIy oI cases, processing combi-
ned wiIL reIrigeraIion aIIows a sLeII IiIe oI ILe producI ILaI meeIs
ILe needs oI boIL disIribuIor and cIienI; ILis is wLy ILe use oI
inIegraIed indicaIors oI Iime and IemperaIure are desirabIe boIL
on primary as weII as secondary and IerIiary pacRaging.
WiIL regards Io hsL, iI pacRaging in Iarge pIasIic boxes wiIL
meIIing ice in conIacI wiIL ILe LauI is excIuded, iI musI be Li-
gLIigLIed ILaI modihed aImospLere remains one oI ILe mosI su-
iIabIe IecLnoIogies Ior sucL a deIicaIe producI. TLis IecLnique,
coupIed wiIL acIive pacRaging soIuIions, can saIeguard ILe quaIi-
Iy oI producIs wiIL LigL commerciaI vaIue, and aIso conIribuIe Io
ILe enLancemenI oI LigLIy nuIriIious processed producIs. FinaIIy,
processed producIs based on hsL ILaI IaRe advanIage oI Ireezing
IecLnoIogies are increasingIy common and are ILereIore pacRaged
in sIandard air in exibIe bags or IoIdabIe cardboard cases, or
vacuum pacRaged in pIasIic maIeriaIs.
3.2.1 Vacuum Packaging
From a microbiaI poinI oI view vacuum pacRaging Las an inLi-
biIing and seIecIing eecI. TLe absence oI oxygen in IacI IimiIs
ILe deveIopmenI oI aerobic microbes. TLe anaerobic environmenI
Ieads Io an aImosI IoIaI suppression oI Pseudomonas and aI ILe
same Iime ILe presence oI IacIic bacIeria can be observed, ILaI
in Iurn inLibiI EnIerobacIeriaceae. AI ILe sensory IeveI, vacuum
F P F P - ..
8 Packages and foods
pacRed meaI presenIs a darR red coIor due Io ILe presence oI deo-
ximyogIobin. In some cases vacuum pacRaging precedes pacRa-
ging in modihed aImospLere (maIuraIion and IurILer processing
oI ILe meaI Ior ILe hnaI preparaIion in MAP).
3.2.2 Modifed Atmosphere
TLe Iwo main spoiIage mecLanisms ILaI aecI ILe sLeII IiIe oI
red meaIs, oaI or organ meaIs are microbiaI growIL and ILe oxi-
daIion oI ILe red pigmenI, oximyogIobin. WLen ILese Ioods are
mainIained in reIrigeraIed condiIions, sLeII IiIe verihcaIion can
be moniIored by means oI ILe raIe aI wLicL ILe pigmenI oxidi-
zes inIo iIs oxidized Iorm, meIamyogIobin, a brownisL coIor. For
ILis reason ILe MAP IecLnoIogy reIaIive Io red meaI caIIs Ior ILe
use oI LigL concenIraIions oI oxygen Ior ILe purpose oI mainIai-
ning ILe desirabIe brigLI red coIour Ior as Iong as possibIe. Very
red-coIoured red meaIs, sucL as, Ior exampIe, wiId game, require
LigLer IeveIs oI oxygen wLen compared wiIL meaIs ILaI Lave a
Iower oximyogIobin conIenI, sucL as porR. TLe aerobic bacIeria
ILaI cause spoiIage, sucL as Pseudomonas spp., are normaIIy
predominanI in red meaIs and are inLibiIed by carbon dioxide.
TLereIore, Io acLieve ILe doubIe eecI oI a sIabIe red coIour and
microbe inLibiIion, usuaIIy gas mixIures wiIL 20-40% CO
60-80% O
are uIiIized.
WiIL regards Io meaI oaI, ILe mixIures used are simiIar Io ILose
used Ior meaI, excepI Ior ILe IacI ILaI carbon dioxide IeveIs are
RepI Iower Io avoid excessive Iiquid producIion (drip). MainIaining
ILe recommended reIrigeraIion IemperaIures, associaIed wiIL
good IeveIs oI Lygiene during buIcLering, is oI viIaI imporIance
Io guaranIee ILe sLeII IiIe goaI oI ILe meaI producIs, wLicL is
usuaIIy evaIuaIed aI 10 days Ior wLoIe meaI and 7 days Ior oaI.
MeaIs and oaI are in IacI an ideaI medium Ior ILe growIL oI a
wide varieIy oI microbes ILaI cause spoiIage and in some cases
even paILogens. However iI musI be noIed ILaI meaIs are usuaIIy
cooRed beIore consumpIion and ILaI ILe LeaI oI cooRing is aIready
enougL Io anniLiIaIe ILe growing paILogenic bacIeria; because oI
F P F P - ..
9 Cap. 3 - Meat and Fish
ILis ILe risR oI Iood poisoning is sIrongIy minimized by ILis simpIe
For reIrigeraIed cLicRen meaI, as Ior oILer pouIIry meaI (Iarm-
raised birds), ILe main spoiIage mecLanism is microbiaI growIL,
especiaIIy Pseudomonas spp. and Achromobacter spp. As wiIL red
meaIs, ILese aerobic bacIeria are eicaciousIy inLibiIed by ILe
presence oI carbon dioxide in ILe gas mixIure. For ILe purposes oI
signihcanIIy exIending ILe sLeII IiIe oI pouIIry meaIs a concenIra-
Iion oI 20% CO
is required. For pacRages desIined Io be soId ILe
percenIage oI ILis gas sLouId noI exceed 5% Io avoid excessive
exudaIes. TLe sLeII IiIe goaI oI pouIIry meaI depends on many
IacIors: species; IaI conIenI; iniIiaI microbiaI Ioad; proporIions in
ILe gas mixIure; sIorage IemperaIure. EvenIuaI paILogen conIa-
minaIion risRs can be minimized by mainIaining ILe correcI reIri-
geraIion IemperaIures, good IeveIs oI Lygiene during buIcLering,
adequaIe cooRing beIore consumpIion.
WiIL regards Io cured meaIs, an oxygen residue as cIose as possi-
bIe Io zero is useIuI Io avoid ILe sIarI oI a wide series oI decompo-
siIion pLenomena, among wLicL ILe IormaIion oI Iree radicaIs and
oxidaIion damage Io IaIs and myogIobin. ObviousIy ILe absence oI
oxygen aIso conIribuIes Io sIow ILe microbiaI growIL, wLicL Las
as a consequence ILe expiraIion oI ILe producI. For pacRaging oI
coId cuIs, a binary mixIure oI 70/0 N
or 100% niIrogen or
oILer inerI gas is recommended. FinaIIy, IemperaIure is aIways a
criIicaI IacIor in ILe preservaIion oI coId cuIs because iI Iavours
microbiaI growIL, rancidiIy, ILe yeIIowing oI IaIs, ILe appearance
oI wLiIe microgranuIes oI Iyrosine on ILe sIiced surIace. In ad-
diIion, LigL IemperaIures acceIeraIe oxidaIion and ILereIore can
IaciIiIaIe discoIouraIion. However iI is diicuII Io inIervene on ILis
IacIor Ior various reasons ILaI can be inIuiIed; ILe onIy precau-
Iion is Io Ieave ILe prepared pacRages in ILe coId room in ILe darR
unIiI iI is necessary Io hII ILe reIrigeraIed counIer. In ILis way ILe
negaIive eecIs oI IemperaIure and iIIuminaIion can be IimiIed.
WiIL regards Io hsL, modihed aImospLere is sLown Io be very eI-
IecIive aI posIponing ILe sIarI oI microbiaI spoiIage and oxidaIion
F P F P - ..
40 Packages and foods
rancidiIy; in parIicuIar good resuIIs are obIained in ILe exIension
oI sLeII IiIe in wLiIe hsL. For wLiIe hsL, crusIaceans and moI-
IusRs, ILe recommended gas mixIure is 5-45% CO
, 25-5% O

and 25-5% N
; Ior oiIy hsL ILe recommended mixIure is 5-45%
and 55-65% N
TLe presence oI carbon dioxide is essenIiaI Ior inLibiIing ILe deve-
IopmenI oI common aerobic bacIeria sucL as Pseudomonas spp.
and AcineIobacIer/MoraxeIIa spp. In any case excessive IeveIs oI
ILis gas can Iead Io ILe coIIapse oI ILe pacRage, excessive drip
and, in ILe case oI hsL producIs ILaI are consumed raw, sucL as
crab, producIion oI IruiIy avours. Oxygen is necessary Io prevenI
ILe growIL oI Clostridium botulinum Iype E, discoIouraIion and ILe
deveIopmenI oI bIoIcLes; noneILeIess oxygen is usuaIIy excIuded
Irom ILe mixIure Ior oiIy hsL in order Io avoid oxidaIion rancidiIy.
TLe recommended gas/producI raIio is :1. OnIy hsL producIs
oI ILe very LigLesI quaIiIy sLouId be uIiIized in order Io benehI
by exIending ILe sLeII IiIe wiIL MAP. TLe reacLabIe goaI Ior ILis
parameIer depends on various IacIors: species, IaI conIenI, iniIiaI
microbiaI Ioad, gas mixIure used, preservaIion IemperaIure. Even
Ior hsL ILe mainIenance oI correcI reIrigeraIion IemperaIures and
a good Lygienic pracIice aII ILe way down ILe producIion Iine,
Irom caIcL Io consumer, are IundamenIaI.

3.2.3 Active Packages
Among ILe various Iypes oI acIive pacRaging avaiIabIe, ILose ILaI
besI saIisIy ILe preservaIion needs oI meaI and hsL are oxygen
scavengers, especiaIIy iI used in conjuncIion wiIL modihed aImo-
spLere. AIready presenI on ILe Asian marReI Ior decades, ILey
aIIow ILe reducIion oI oxygen inside a MAP pacRage Io vaIues Iess
ILan 0.1% wiIL signihcanI advanIages in ILe inLibiIion oI oxida-
Iion reacIions ILaI can IaRe pIace in IaIIy Iissues, especiaIIy in
coId cuIs. RecenIIy a synergeIic combinaIion oI acIive pacRaging
and MAP was proposed noI onIy Ior singIe saIes uniI pacRages buI
aIso Io sIore IresL meaI in sacRs conIaining muIIipIe saIes uniIs
Ior disIribuIors. Many eIemenIs oI ILe suppIy cLain wouId bene-
On pages 31,
32 and 34 of the
volume Modihed
AImospLere - Food
Packages Free
Press, summary
charts with
guidelines for red
meats-ofal, poultry
and fsh in MAP
The guidelines
for intelligent and
active packaging
F P F P - ..
41 Cap. 3 - Meat and Fish
hI Irom ILis soIuIion: producers, Iarge disIribuIors, consumers
and, IasI buI noI IeasI, ILe environmenI. TLe pacRaging consisIs
oI singIe saIes uniIs inserIed inIo pIasIic barrier sacRs (masIer-
bags) inIo wLicL a modihed aImospLere mixIure, conIaining Iow
oxygen concenIraIions and speciaI oxygen absorbers, is inserIed.
TLe sacRs, once seaIed, are pIaced in a carIon. TLe anoxic en-
vironmenI, acLieved ILanRs Io ILe oxygen absorbers, aIIows ILe
preservaIion oI ILe microbiaI quaIiIy oI ILe meaI and guaranIe-
es an adequaIe reoxygenaIion oI surIace myogIobin pigmenI. In
addiIion, ILe sysIem proIongs ILe disIribuIion IiIe oI ILe meaI.
TLe possibiIiIy oI surviving Iong IransporIaIion periods aIIows ILe
disIribuIion oI IresL producIs even in areas Iar Irom ILe produc-
Iion zone, aIIowing ILe expansion oI ILe disIribuIion range oI IocaI
IypicaI producIs. II we consider ILe IacI ILaI ILis sysIem avoids
ILe use oI exibIe hIms ILaI are very ILicR or LigLIy IuncIiona-
Iised (meIaIIized or wiIL coaIings) as an oxygen barrier, we un-
dersIand aI once ILe environmenIaI advanIage ILaI comes Irom
using Iesser quanIiIies oI raw maIeriaIs. In Ierms oI susIainabiIiIy,
ILe exIension oI sLeII IiIe and ILe improved proIecIion oI ILe pro-
ducI aIso guaranIee a reducIion in Iood wasIe, a parameIer ILaI
conIribuIes signihcanIIy Io any LCA (LiIe-CycIe AssessmenI) sIudy
on pacRaged Ioods. ReaIizing ILis Iype oI pacRaging is acIuaIIy
simpIe since dedicaIed macLinery is noI needed: any Iine end ILaI
incIudes ILe inserIion oI gas mixIures and can seaI ILe pacRages
may be adapIed Io ILis purpose.
3.2.4 Smart Packages
For producIs ILaI Lave LigL microbe IeveIs sucL as meaI and hsL,
in ILe majoriIy oI cases ILe processing is combined wiIL reIrigera-
Iion Io guaranIee a sLeII IiIe oI ILe producI ILaI is adequaIe Io ILe
needs oI disIribuIor and cIienI. In IacI, ILe sIorage IemperaIure
represenIs a IundamenIaI variabIe in ILe mainIenance oI qua-
IiIy, noI onIy Ior ILe sensory aspecIs buI especiaIIy Ior Lygienic
aspecIs. TLe IacR oI eiILer one oI ILese condiIions, Ior exampIe a
broRen pacRage or an unconIroIIed sIorage IemperaIure, can Iead
F P F P - ..
42 Packages and foods
Io a quaIiIy or sensory decIine in ILe producI. Even iI in mosI ca-
ses ILese spoiIage pLenomena are accompanied by an eecI ILaI
can be perceived by ILe cIienI, sucL as o-odours, ILe appearance
oI moId or coIour cLange, iI can aIso Lappen ILaI ILe eecIs are
visibIe onIy aI an advanced sIage oI decay, or ILis one does noI
cause eecIs ILaI can be perceived by ILe senses. TLe LigL de-
pendence on sIorage IemperaIure oI ILe sLeII IiIe oI IresL producIs
is cIearIy sLown by ILe specihc sIicRer on ILe IabeI: ILe sIorage
condiIions and expiraIion daIe are usuaIIy IisIed. SIiII, onIy ILe
sIorage in producers wareLouses, ILe sLipping and ILe disIribu-
Iion are subjecI Io norms ILaI impIy ILe use oI conIroIIed sysIems
and IemperaIure regisIraIion, wLiIe in privaIe consumer reIrigera-
Iors iI is LigLIy probabIe ILaI opIimaI IemperaIures are noI main-
Iained, and ILaI wide IemperaIure ucIuaIions are presenI. One
can say ILaI ILe evoIuIion oI ILe quaIiIy oI IresL producIs is oIIen
unpredicIabIe. For ILis reason, recenIIy, Iime-IemperaIure indi-
caIors (TTI) Lave been deveIoped, ILaI can moniIor ILe ILermaI
LisIory oI Iood producIs. TLese insIrumenIs are aIready in use in
various counIries, many Lave been paIenIed and oILers are sIiII
being deveIoped. TLeir IuncIioning is based on ILe capaciIy oI ILe
indicaIor Io memorize ILe Iime aI wLicL a pacRage sIays aI a LigL
IemperaIure, wiIL respecI Io ILe IemperaIure required Ior correcI
sIorage: wLen a cerIain IimiI is reacLed iI wiII be abIe Io indicaIe
ILaI ILe pacRage Las been exposed Io improper condiIions and
ILus ILe saIes, purcLase and/or consumpIion are inadvisabIe.
TLe secIor in wLicL ILese insIrumenIs can be used is very broad,
since ILey are noI sIricIIy IinRed Io ILe Iype oI Iood producI. TLe
uIiIizaIion can be reserved Ior singIe saIes pacRages inIended Ior
ILe consumers, or aIso Ior secondary or IerIiary pacRaging as a
moniIoring sysIem Ior producers or Iarge disIribuIors. OILer Iypes
oI indicaIors Lave been researcLed Ior years, Ior exampIe oxygen
and carbon dioxide indicaIors ILaI can moniIor ILe inIegriIy oI a
pacRage. Even ILese are aIready on ILe marReI in cerIain counIri-
es (Japan and ILe UniIed Kingdom).
For meaI and hsL, one Iype oI smarI pacRaging under considera-
F P F P - ..
4 Cap. 3 - Meat and Fish
Iion Las indicaIors Ior Lygienic quaIiIy. TLey IuncIion according
Io ILe coIour cLange oI a compound ILaI reacIs wiIL a voIaIiIe
meIaboIiIe IypicaI oI microbiaI acIiviIy, ILaI accumuIaIes in ILe
Lead space inside ILe pacRage and wLose raIe oI accumuIaIion is
weII-correIaIed wiIL ILe deveIopmenI oI ILe microbiaI Ioad.
3.3 Packaging Materials
3.3.1 Plastic
For sIandard air pacRaging oI meaI and hsL, oxygen-permeabIe
Irays are generaIIy used, made oI PS Ioam, equipped wiIL sysIems
ILaI can Irap ILe exudaIes ILaI can accumuIaIe inside ILe pacRa-
ge. TLere are severaI soIuIions, sIarIing Irom ILe mosI simpIe ones
sucL as simpIe absorbenI pads, Io mosI modern draining Irays
wiIL open ceIIs in wLose poIymer maIrix subsIances ILaI aIIracI
and Irap Iiquids can be incorporaIed. In boIL cases, pacRages
sLouId be seaIed using hIms wiIL Iow waIer-vapor permeabiIiIy
and LigL oxygen permeabiIiIy in order Io mainIain ILe oxidized
Iorm oI myogIobin (oximyogIobin) ILaI gives IresL meaI a brigLI
red coIour.
For vacuum pacRaging, ILe opIions incIude LeaI-sLrinRabIe and
non LeaI-sLrinRabIe hIms, used in conjuncIion wiIL ILermo-
Iormed Irays. Some producers Lave recenIIy proposed vacuum
pacRaging in ILin exibIe hIms ILaI Iorm a pacRage composed oI
Iwo secIions: one Ior ILe meaI and one in wLicL ILe exudaIes are
Irapped. TLis second secIion is aIso IurnisLed wiIL oxygen absor-
bers in order Io preserve producI coIour and oxidaIion.
WiIL regards Io coId cuIs, reIrigeraIed counIers generaIIy use
vacuum pacRed bags, PET Linged Irays and XPS (exIruded
poIysIyrene Ioam) Irays wiIL sIreIcL hIm. EacL oI ILese meILods
Las advanIages and disadvanIages. Vacuum-pacRed bags are ILe
soIuIion ILaI ensures ILe IongesI sLeII IiIe, up Io 15 days. None-
ILeIess, ILe sIices oI cured meaIs end up sIicRing IogeILer. TLe
abiIiIy Io reseaI ILe Linged Irays is greaIIy appreciaIed, in addiIion
Io ILe IacI ILaI ILey presenI ILe producI in an appeaIing IasLion,
Lowever coIour cLanges and pLoIo-oxidaIion IaRe pIace rapidIy,
F P F P - ..
44 Packages and foods
Ieading Io sRyrocReIing amounIs oI discarded Iood. TLe same
disadvanIages are presenI in ILe case oI coId cuIs pacRaged in
poIysIyrene Irays wiIL sIreIcL hIm. NoneILeIess ILis sysIem aIIows
ILe producIion oI LigL numbers oI pacRages. Nowadays modihed
aImospLere pacRaging is a vaIid aIIernaIive ILaI can maximize ILe
advanIages and eIiminaIe ILe disadvanIages.
3.3.2 Glass and aluminium
TLe Iype oI pacRaging ILaI permiIs Ionger sLeII IiIe Ior meaI and
hsL, as Ior IresL IruiIs and vegeIabIe produce, consisIs oI gIass
jars or Iin pIaIe cans. EndIessIy varied in sLape and size, wiIL
easy-opening Iids and increasingIy appeaIing prinIed decora-
Iions, ILese maIeriaIs are used Ior processed Ioods and conser-
ves cLaracIerized by sLeII Iives oI monILs and years, depending
on ILe producI. As an aIIernaIive, Ior producIs based on cooRed
porR meaI sucL as coIecLino (cooRed porR sausage) or zampo-
ne (sIued pigs IroIIer), sIeriIe pacRaging in muIIiIayered reIorI
poucLes conIaining boIL pIasIics and aIuminium as an exceIIenI
IigLI, LumidiIy and gas barrier, is used.
3.3.3 Multilayered Boxes
TLe IradiIionaI pacRaging Ior hsL consisIs oI muIIiIayered bo-
xes made up oI cardboard on ILe exIerior, an inIermediaIe Iayer
oI poIysIyrene Ioam, and an inIernaI Iayer oI poIyeILyIene. TLis
sIrucIure, caIIed a masIer carIon, is uIiIized Ior pacRaging Iarge
quanIiIies (4.5-9 Rg) oI hsL ILaI is in direcI conIacI wiIL ILe ice
ILaI is used Io hII ILe boxes, resuIIing in a preservaIion Iempe-
raIure cIose Io 0C. NoneILeIess, some parIicuIarIy deIicaIe pro-
ducIs, sucL as hsL hIIeIs, are hrsI pacRaged in pIasIic sacRs and
onIy proIecIed in ILis way are ILey immerged in ILe ice. For saIes
pacRages inIended Ior ILe consumer, iI is possibIe Io pacRage ILe
singIe hsL in individuaI pacRages, consisIing oI pIasIic hIms in
wLicL moisIure absorbers can be incorporaIed, Io avoid ILe pre-
sence oI waIer on ILe surIace oI ILe producI.
F P F P - ..
45 Cap. 4 - Milk and dairy products
Fuov niufn oNwAuus
Milk and dairy products
Milk fresh or dehydrated milk and its by-products, such as
cheeses, butter and the other fermented milks, represent quite a
numerous food family. Every products physical-chemical and
microbiological features have influenced the development of
diversified process and packaging solutions
4.1 Preservation-related problems
4.1.1 Milk
As Iar as miIR is concerned, pacRaging, combined wiIL saniIa-
Iion processes sucL as pasIeurisaIion and sIeriIisaIion, musI
acLieve hrsI oI aII ILe goaI oI minimising ILe pacRs Lead space
Io reduce ILe presence oI air ILaI Iavours microbiaI deveIopmenI.
Moreover pacRaged miIR musI be appropriaIeIy proIecIed Irom
Iuminous radiaIions ILaI may cause oxidaIive degradaIions
againsI ILe ascorbic acid and riboavin, as weII as Iavour ILe
appearance oI o-avour. In iIs powdered version, miIR requires
IurILer IricRs in pacRaging deveIopmenI Io oer a LigL barrier
Io oxygen, LumidiIy and IigLI Io avoid anIioxidanI pLenomena Io
ILe Iipid IracIion.
TLe mosI widespread pacRaging IypoIogies on ILe sLeIves are
PET and poIyIaminaIe boIIIes, aIuminium poIyIaminaIe and
cardboard cans. In order Io prevenI pLoIo-oxidaIion-reIaIed da-
mages, maII pacRages musI be preIerred Io IransparenI ones,
sucL as PET boIIIes or poIyIaminaIe conIainers. TLe IaIesI no-
veIIies inIroduced by ILe researcL regard ILe use oI oxygen sca-
vengers and UV radiaIions as weII as oxygen indicaIors and Iime-
IemperaIure indicaIors-inIegraIors.
F P F P - ..
46 Packages and foods
4.1.2 Yoghurt and fermented milk
In IermenIed miIR ILe Iow pH (4.0-4.6) depending on IermenIaIion
caused by dierenI microorganisms (Lactobacillus lactis, Lactoba-
cillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acido-
philus, Bifdobacterium bifdus and so on) and ILe dominanI pre-
sence oI IacIic bacIeria maRe end producIs raILer sIabIe. YeI some
microbioIogicaI, pLysicaI and cLemicaI aIIeraIions may aecI ILe
yogLurI and ILe oILer IermenIed miIRs during ILeir sIorage and
IransporIaIion period. For insIance mouIds and yeasI can deveIop
in yogLurI and cause ILe appearance oI o-avours. SensoriaI
IauIIs may be caused aIso by ILe acIion oI bacIeriaI enzymes ILaI
in exIended sIorage condiIions aI LigL IemperaIures Iavour ILe
IormaIion oI biIIer compounds, acid compounds and unwisLed
cLeese aIIer-IasIes. TLe presence oI meIaIs sucL as copper and
iron can negaIiveIy inuence yogLurIs avour, wLiIe producIs
iIIuminaIion can induce oxidaIion pLenomena oI ILe IaI compo-
nenI. In order Io IimiI oxidaIion degradaIion, iI is essenIiaI Io use
pacRaging maIeriaI wiIL a Iow permeabiIiIy Io O
. Moreover, Iow
parIiaI oxygen concenIraIions Iavour ILe preservaIion oI a good vi-
IaIiIy oI probioIic bacIeria. YogLurIs air pacRaging migLI be sub-
sIiIuIed by MAP pacRaging. In IacI scienIihc sIudies Lave proved
ILe eecIiveness oI niIrogen in proIonging yogLurIs sLeII IiIe.
4.1.3 Cheese
WiIL ILe diusion oI supermarReIs, pacRaging Las been given
new roIes Io ensure ILe Lygienic-saniIary saIeIy Io cLeeses, Io im-
prove ILeir presenIaIion and Io reduce pacRaging environmenIaI
impacI during ILeir disposaI, as weII as Io inIroduce communi-
caIion eIemenIs capabIe oI appeaIing and inIorming consumers.
Nowadays cLeese pacRaging scenario sLows more compIex needs,
associaIed wiIL ILe disIribuIion requiremenI oI producIs on a na-
IionaI and inIernaIionaI scaIe. TLe exporI Io 25 Ioreign counIries
oI abouI 220,000 annuaI Ions oI naIionaI cLeeses (in parIicuIar
Parmigiano Reggiano, Orana Padano, mozzareIIa and meIIed cLe-
ese) expIains very weII Low modern pacRaging can oer perIor-
F P F P - ..
47 Cap. 4 - Milk and dairy products
mances ILaI are suiIabIe Io sLeII IiIe exIension, ILaI is indispen-
sabIe Io ILe marReIing over Iong disIances. AIIer producIion, ILe
quaIiIy oI a dairy producI decIines raILer quicRIy depending on
iIs composiIion, on producIion IecLnoIogy, pacRaging IecLnoIogy
and preservaIion condiIions. In IacI IacIors sucL as IemperaIure,
LumidiIy, IigLI or oxygen presence pIay a Rey roIe in inuencing
ILe speed wiIL wLicL singIe reacIive evenIs occur reIaIing wiIL
cLeeses ILaI invoIve modihcaIions on a sensoriaI, nuIriIionaI and
saIeIy scaIe. DuI wLicL are cLeeses aIIeraIions ILaI may negaIi-
veIy inuence iIs preservaIion? Among deIerioraIion pLenomena
ILaI may invoIve pacRaged cLeeses wLoIe or porIioned, ILe mosI
IrequenI ones regard ILe Ioss oI LumidiIy, IaI rancidiIy, proIein
degradaIion and microbiaI proIiIeraIion. TLe reducIion oI Lumid
conIenIs does noI jusI sIand Ior a sensiIive and disadvanIageous
reducIion oI ILe producIs weigLI, buI above aII Ior a modihca-
Iion, ILaI is someIimes unaccepIabIe by ILe consumer, oI senso-
riaI properIies. LeIs jusI ILinR abouI IexIure variaIion and abouI
ILe decrease oI IresLness sensaIion ILaI are perceived by IasIing
non ripened cLeeses, wLen ILey Lave IosI ILeir LumidiIy or abouI
IasIe modihcaIions ILaI can be Iound in medium and Iong aged
cLeeses wLen ILey reacL a Ioo LigL dry subsIance sLare. In ge-
neraI dairy producIs duraIion is resIricIed by a group oI degra-
daIion reacIions depending on ILe bioIogic naIure oI ILe main
consIiIuenIs, in parIicuIar on ILe presence oI consIiIuenI oI miIR
enzymes (pIasmin Iipase, IacIase) or added enzymes Ior IecLnoIo-
gicaI goaIs (cLymosin, pepsyne) or deriving Irom microbiaI acIiviIy.
LipoIyIic and proIeoIyIic acIion oI many bacIeria dairy or con-
IaminanI bacIeria is responsibIe Ior ILe sensoriaI or rLeoIogic
quaIiIy decay oI many cLeese IypoIogies in wLicL ILe appearance
oI avour and anomaIous aromas can be observed as weII as soI-
Ienings, uidihcaIions, roIIenness.
4.2 Packaging technologies
In order Io inLibiI ILe growIL oI unwisLed micro-ora, pacRa-
ging IecLnoIogies oer soIuIions capabIe oI reducing or eIimina-
F P F P - ..
48 Packages and foods
Iing oxygen in conIacI wiIL ILe producI ILaI is indispensibIe Ior
mouIds and mosI bacIerias aerobic meIaboIism. TLis is ILe case
oI vacuum pacRaging, oI ILe use oI modihed aImospLeres and ILe
IaIesI oxygen scavengers.
Vacuum is IradiIionaIIy preIerred Ior Lard cLeeses, pacRaged
boIL as wLoIe cLeeses and as consumpIion uniIs Ior reIaiI saIe
(sIice, segmenIs, cubes). YeI ILe IaIesI IecLnoIogicaI innovaIions
promoIe ILe eicienI use oI vacuum aIso Ior semi-Lard cLeeses,
boIL in sIices and cuIs. For ILis producI caIegory and Ior soII
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
Shelf life depends on the speed of the mi-
crobial growth and on the state of oxidation
of myoglobin, which infuences the colour
of meat and thus consumers acceptability
PS or EPS trays,
extensible plastic flms,
cardboard boxes,
laminated plastic flm

Red meat:
20-40% CO
- 60-80% O
Entrails: 0-20% CO
60-80% O
, 0-20% N
White meat:
25-35% CO
, 65-75% N
Whitefsh: 35-45% CO
25-35% O
, 25-35 N
Fatty fsh:
35-45 CO
, 55-65 N
Crustaceans: 35-45% CO
25-35 O
, 25-35 N
Humidity regulators
(oxygen scavengers)
Canned foods Jar, metallic containers

- - -
Oxygen scavengers
built in the closure
Cold cuts
Oxygen-barrier packages are necessary
to ensure lipid stability. Matt materials
must be preferred to avoid products colour
changes. In case of transparent packages,
UV flters can be used
Laminated plastic bags,

Cured raw ham:
10-30% CO
, 90-70% N

Cooked ham:
50% CO
, 50% N
Oxygen scavengers,
UV radiation
TTI oxygen
Table 5: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages that are present on fsh and meat market
F P F P - ..
49 Cap. 4 - Milk and dairy products
cLeeses, modihed aImospLere pacRaging is mucL more wide-

4.2.1 Modifed atmosphere
TLe cLoice oI gaseous mixIure undoubIedIy represenIs a Rey eIe-
menI Ior ILe exIension (up Io -4 Iimes) oI cLeese sLeII IiIe in
modihed aImospLere, provided iI is associaIed wiIL an accuraIe
seIecIion oI pacRaging maIeriaIs. MaIeriaIs wiIL a middIe barrier
Io oxygen are hI Ior cLeeses producing LigL amounIs oI CO
, ILey
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
Shelf life depends on the speed of the mi-
crobial growth and on the state of oxidation
of myoglobin, which infuences the colour
of meat and thus consumers acceptability
PS or EPS trays,
extensible plastic flms,
cardboard boxes,
laminated plastic flm

Red meat:
20-40% CO
- 60-80% O
Entrails: 0-20% CO
60-80% O
, 0-20% N
White meat:
25-35% CO
, 65-75% N
Whitefsh: 35-45% CO
25-35% O
, 25-35 N
Fatty fsh:
35-45 CO
, 55-65 N
Crustaceans: 35-45% CO
25-35 O
, 25-35 N
Humidity regulators
(oxygen scavengers)
Canned foods Jar, metallic containers

- - -
Oxygen scavengers
built in the closure
Cold cuts
Oxygen-barrier packages are necessary
to ensure lipid stability. Matt materials
must be preferred to avoid products colour
changes. In case of transparent packages,
UV flters can be used
Laminated plastic bags,

Cured raw ham:
10-30% CO
, 90-70% N

Cooked ham:
50% CO
, 50% N
Oxygen scavengers,
UV radiation
TTI oxygen
Table 5: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages that are present on fsh and meat market
F P F P - ..
50 Packages and foods
are aIso LigLIy deaeraIing, since ILey enabIe a graduaI gas spiIIa-
ge ILus prevenIing ILe pacR Irom sweIIing Ioo mucL. For producIs
ILaI do noI emiI any gas during preservaIion, LigL barrier maIe-
riaIs are recommended so ILaI Io resIricI gaseous excLanges wiIL
ILe ouIside and Io Reep ILe aImospLere enIered inIo ILe pacRage
Ior a Iong Iime. In generaI we can say ILaI ILe oxygen concenIra-
Iion musI be Iower ILan 1% excepI Ior bIue cLeeses wLicL need
Io Reep aIive ILeir IypicaI moIds (anyway, iI is necessary Io avoid
passing 0%, in order Io oppose rancidiIy due Io oxidaIion). Car-
bon dioxide concenIraIion is even more diicuII Io caIibraIe as gas
pIays ILe acIive parI Io inLibiI ILe growIL oI Oram-negaIive bacIe-
ria and Io prevenI ILe deveIopmenI oI many aIIeraIions. In IresL
cLeeses iI sLouIdnI be more ILan 20-0% Io avoid ILe growIL oI
acid avours, consisIency aIIeraIions and pacRaging impIosion.
In IacI iIs soIubiIiIy in cLeeses aI reIrigeraIion IemperaIures can
cause imporIanI avour cLanges iI iIs concenIraIions are equaI Io
or greaIer ILan 40-50%. In maIured cLeese ILe amounI can incre-
ase considering ILeir Iess soIubiIisaIion power oI CO
vaIues expressed as cm

aI 7C): SoII bIue cLeese 1.262,
Creamy wLiIe cLeese 0.756, EmmenILaI 0.66, OraIed Parmesan
0.114). NiIrogen is used as 100% compIemenI on ILe base oI ILe
cLosen mixIure oI O
and CO
. In creamy cLeeses ILe use oI ni-
Irogen assures ILe inerIia oI gas Ioward cLeese, Iow soIubiIiIy and
Iow permeaIion ILrougL pacRaging maIeriaIs.

4.2.2 Vacuum
Vacuum pacRaging perIorms a seIecIive acIion on microorgani-
sms. In parIicuIar iI inLibiIs ILe aerobiaI micro-ora ILaI, Ior in-
sIance, is responsibIe Ior surIace moIdy. Moreover iI can prevenI
surIace Irom geIIing dry, as weII as oxidaIion reacIions ILaI com-
promise iIs sensoriaI prohIe. CLeeses can be pacRaged in wLoIe
or porIioned sLapes. Advanced vacuum is usuaIIy used in Lard
cLeeses, wLereas Iower IeveIs oI vacuum are dedicaIed Io soII cLe-
eses. For some cLeese IypoIogies vacuum Iends iIseII Io seasoning
in ILe bag. CLeeses are pacRaged in sLrinR bags wiIL conIroIIed
The right mixture
can increase the
shelf life by 3-4
times compared to
air packaging
values of shrink
bags range from 25
and 1000 and from
85 and 3700 cm
F P F P - ..
51 Cap. 4 - Milk and dairy products
permeabiIiIy in a precocious sIage oI seasoning, Io go on during
preservaIion. AdvanIages ILaI are goI: LigL yieIds since ILe Ioss
oI weigLI is minimised and rind IormaIion is avoided; reduced
grooming-reIaIed probIems in ILe seasoning pLase. In ILis case
as weII, iI is indispensabIe Io seIecI ILe pacRaging maIeriaI wiIL
appropriaIe permeabiIiIy IeaIures depending on cLeese IypoIogy
and seasoning sIyIe.
4.3 Packaging materials
As weII as ILe LigL avaiIabiIiIy oI pIasIic maIeriaIs Io produce
Iray, hIm and poucLes wiIL opIimum properIies oI gas and waIer
vapour permeabiIiIy depending on ILe cLaracIerisIics oI ILe nu-
merous cLeese IypoIogies on saIe and generaIIy desIined Io MAP
pacRaging, Ior dairy producIs aIso oILer pacRaging soIuIions are
avaiIabIe consisIing oI dierenI maIeriaIs used aIone or combined.
4.3.1 Stretch flms
As regards ILe marReIing oI IresL cLeeses, Iarge scaIe disIribu-
Iion Las progressiveIy sIarIed seIIing, nexI Io indusIriaI producIs
pacRaged aI ILe origin (hxed weigLI) and presenIed aI Iree service,
cLeeses ILaI are porIioned, weigLIed and pacRaged on purcLa-
sers demand aI direcI saIes counIers, wLen ILey are avaiIabIe.
More recenIIy, ILe saIe oI cLeese porIions previousIy prepared
aI ILe poinI oI saIe and proposed aIready pacRaged and IabeIIed
in singIe uniIs aI variabIe weigLI - Las become popuIar and wide-
spread in aII oI ILe supermarReI cLains. In ILis conIexI, sIreIcL
hIms pIay ILe Iions sLare. In IIaIy ILey are wideIy used (abouI
15,000 Ions per year), Ior boIL auIomaIic pacRaging in ILe poinIs
oI saIe oI Iarge scaIe disIribuIion (abouI 70%) and Ior domesIic use
Io wrap and preserve dierenI Ioods (abouI 0%). SucL hIms Lave
enabIed, over ILe IasI 0-40 years, Io deveIop and use on a Iarge
scaIe new pacRaging Iorms ILaI are very useIuI Ior many Ioods,
boIL IresL and processed, acIuaIIy conIribuIing Io raIionaIise and
modernise disIribuIion and Io improve ILe Iood quaIiIy sIandard.
Up Io some years ago sIreIcL hIms were excIusiveIy manuIacIured
During vacuum
preservation bulges
depending on CO

production in cheese
are possible
F P F P - ..
52 Packages and foods
in pIasIicised PVC. In recenI years aIIernaIives Io pIasIicised PVC
hIms Lave been proposed, consisIing oI poIyoIehn hIms wLose
cLaracIerisIics oI composiIion, suiIabiIiIy wiIL Iood conIacI and
IuncIionaI perIormances are dierenI Irom ILe ones oI PVC hIm
due Io ILe dierenI naIures and cLemicaI sIrucIure oI ILe basic
maIeriaI. ExIensibIe hIm Iypes ILus are very diversihed as weII
as ILe opIions avaiIabIe Ior ILe users associaIed wiIL price, Iun-
cIionaI properIies and inerIia in conIacI wiIL Ioods. FuncIionaI
properIies oI ILese maIeriaIs (sIreIcLabiIiIy, adLesion, Iranspa-
rency, gas and vapour Iransmission) are in cIose reIaIionsLip wiIL
ILe preservaIion oI pacRaged Ioods Lygienic and sensoriaI quaIiIy
mainIenance, buI aIso wiIL ILe so caIIed macLinabiIiIy, i.e. ILe
aIIiIude Io auIomaIic pacRaging sIyIes. MaIeriaIs inerIia oI course
musI be reIaIed wiIL ILe risRs oI possibIe cLemicaI conIaminaIion
oI ILe producIs in conIacI. LeIs noI underesIimaIe ILe IacI ILaI
ILese maIeriaIs are desIined, in mosI cases, Io wrap porIioned
producIs, ILus ILey IeaIure a wide conIacI surIace beIween Iood
and pIasIic maIeriaI. Depending on IemperaIure, preservaIion
Iime and above aII on ILe Ioods cLemicaI and pLysicaI cLaracIe-
risIics, ILis conIacI condiIion may Iavour and speed up ILe mass
IransIer pLenomena Io ILe inIerIace, ILus ILe migraIion oI pIasIic
hIm componenIs inIo ILe Ioods.
4.3.2 Thermoformed plastics
YogLurI pacRaging, as weII as soII cLeese, ricoIIa and spreadabIe
cream pacRaging is carried ouI in mosI cases in pIasIic LeaI-seaIed
ILermoIormed poIs wiIL an aIuminium and pIasIic Iid. CLeaper
and more comIorIabIe, yogLurI pacRaging in pIasIic poIs can be
carried ouI by means oI Land-operaIed or auIomaIic LeaI seaIers
and dosing macLines. AuIomaIic pacRaging macLines are roIary
and incIude dierenI processing sIaIions. In a hrsI sIaIion ILe jar
or ILe Iray is unsIacRed, in ILe sIaIion as weII as in ILe IoIIowing
sIaIions yogLurI and oILer producIs Io be pacRaged are dosed. In
ILis case more ILan one dosing uniI can be used Ior insIance Io
cover ILe yogLurI wiIL jam or Loney. LaIer on ILe conIainer pas-
F P F P - ..
5 Cap. 4 - Milk and dairy products
ses Io ILe LoI LeaI-seaIing sIaIion oI ILe capsuIe or oI ILe hIm and
ILus iI is sIamped wiIL ILe IoI number and ILe expiry daIe. Dy
using ILese auIomaIic pacRaging macLines, Irom 800 up Io 6,000
yogLurI poIs per Lour can be pacRaged. ObviousIy pacRaging
speed depends, as weII as pacRaging IecLnoIogy aIso on yogLurI
ILicRness and conIainer speed. ManuIacIurers in cooperaIion
wiIL pacRaging providers Lave proposed new pacRages Ior ILis
producI ILaI IaciIiIaIe exIra-domesIic consumpIion aIso ILrougL
ILe vending cLanneI. Hence ILe aIIempI, oIIen successIuI, Io pro-
pose a good service conIenIs by maIcLing ILe cIassic pIasIic poI
wiIL a coee spoon. WLiIe on ILe IecLnoIogy IronI, aparI Irom ILe
idea oI Iurning ILis producI inIo an on-ILe-go consumpIion, ILe-
re are no greaI cLanges, ILe main noveIIies mainIy depend on ILe
innovaIion oI recipes (successIuI maIcLes wiIL oILer ingredienIs
sucL as cereaIs, cLocoIaIe, IruiIs in pieces, specihc probioIics cuI-
Iures) and in pacRaging design.
4.3.3 Steel and aluminium
MeIaI pacRages used in ILe dairy secIor are aImosI excIusiveIy
composed oI cans. TLese are mainIy desIined Io Iew producIs, in-
cIuding miIR powder, graIed seasoned cLeese sucL as Parmigiano
Reggiano or Orana Padano. MeIaI pacRages resisI commerciaIIy
aImosI excIusiveIy Ior Iood preserve pacRaging, among wLicL con-
densed miIR is ILe onIy represenIaIive on ILe dairy marReI. TLin
aIuminium is used singIy or combined wiIL ceIIuIose-based ma-
IeriaIs or pIasIic hIms Ior air pacRaging oI buIIer and IaI cLeeses
since, as iI oers a IoIaI barrier Io IigLI, iI avoids ILe pLoIooxida-
Iion pLenomena oI ILe Iipid componenI.
4.3.4 Glass
OIass conIainers are Iess and Iess widespread in ILe dairy sec-
Ior. OIass is presenI on ILe yogLurI marReI (generaIIy as 125 gr.
singIe-serve jars) and on ILe IresL miIR marReI (usuaIIy as 0.5
and 1 IiIre boIIIes). Over ILe IasI Iew years some manuIacIurers
Lave cLosen Io reserve ILe gIass boIIIe Io organicaIIy produced
F P F P - ..
54 Packages and foods
miIR onIy. ProbabIy ILe cLoice oI dedicaIing a more precious and
expensive pacRaging (compared wiIL poIyIaminaIe conIainer) Io
organic pacRaging is derived Irom consumers Irend Io associaIe
ILe Ierm organic wiIL ILe concepI oI quaIiIy, since ILe gIass-
quaIiIy combinaIion seems Io be considered reIiabIe.
F P F P - ..
55 Cap. 5 - The major themes
The major themes
Large macro areas where all of the themes can be grouped are at
least four, always interconnected, that combine planning,
production and marketing of food packages: binding legislation,
food safety and HACCP, technological innovation, environmental
5.1 Legislation
LegisIaIion is conIinuousIy evoIving Io adapI Io ILe IecLnoIogicaI
sIaIe oI ILe arI oI ILis secIor. Now, synILeIicaIIy, iI we consider
EU reguIaIions, IeIs poinI ouI some oI ILe mosI remarRabIe re-
(EC) reguIaIion n. 195/2004 oI ILe European ParIiamenI da-
Ied OcIober 27IL 2004, regarding ILe maIeriaIs and objecIs
bound Io geI in conIacI wiIL IoodsIu and ILaI repeaIs 80/590/
EC and 89/109/EC direcIives;
(EC) reguIaIion n. 202/2006 oI ILe commiIIee daIed Decem-
ber 22nd 2006 abouI ILe good manuIacIuring pracIices oI ma-
IeriaIs and objecIs geIIing in conIacI wiIL IoodsIus;
(EC) reguIaIion n. 450/2009 oI ILe commiIIee daIed May 29IL
2009 concerning acIive and smarI maIeriaIs geIIing in conIacI
wiIL IoodsIu;
(EC) reguIaIion n. 10/2011 (EC) oI ILe commiIIee daIed Janua-
ry 14IL 2011 regarding pIasIic maIeriaIs and objecIs geIIing in
conIacI wiIL IoodsIus (PIM);
(Eu) reguIaIion n. 1169/2011 oI ILe European ParIiamenI da-
Ied OcIober 25IL 2011 reIaIing wiIL ILe suppIy oI inIormaIion
abouI Ioods Io consumers.
On line you can
fnd The label, a
50-page ebook writ-
ten by Dario Dongo
and published by
it that analyses
all of the aspects
related with regu-
lation 1169/2011,
commenting such a
regulation with plen-
ty of examples
F P F P - ..
56 Packages and foods
WiILouI going inIo ILe IisI oI ILe oILer reguIaIions in Iorce (Ior
insIance abouI recycIed pIasIics Ior Iood conIacI, regeneraIed ceI-
IuIose hIms) we hnd iI useIuI Io open a window on ILe worRs
ILaI are presenIIy in progress. AIIer years spenI on IegisIaIing on
pIasIics in conIacI wiIL Ioods, DrusseIs is sIarIing IaRing inIo ac-
counI oILer maIeriaIs as weII. TLe European AuILoriIy Ior Food
SaIeIy (EFSA) Las acIuaIIy given birIL Io an ESCO (EIsa ScienIihc
CooperaIion) IeamworR dedicaIed Io MCA (MaIeriaIs in conIacI
wiIL Ioods) ILaI are noI yeI reguIaIed in a specihc way. TLe goaI is
Io coIIecI ILe daIa reIaIing wiIL risR assessmenI oI ILe subsIances
avaiIabIe in ILe member sIaIes, Io dehne prioriIies in ILe evaIua-
Iion oI sucL subsIances and Io esIabIisL a neIworR oI reIerence
experIs in case oI urgencies. So Iar ILe group Las prepared a IisI
oI aII oI ILe subsIances used in ILe singIe member sIaIes Ior ILe
producIion oI paper and cardboard, prinIing inRs, coaIing, rub-
bers and so on. AII in aII, ILere are abouI ILree ILousand subsIan-
ces divided inIo Iwo IisIs depending on wLen ILeir esIimaIe Las
occurred: aIIer (A IisI) or prior Io (D IisI) ILe pubIicaIion oI ILe SCF
(ScienIihc CommiIIee on Food) guideIines daIed 1991. TLe prioriIy
Io perIorm assessmenIs is esIabIisLed according Io ILe cLemi-
caI sIrucIure and ILe exposiIion. TLe recommended approacL is
sLown by ILe TLresLoId oI ToxicoIogicaI Concern (TTC), i.e. ILe
ILresLoId oI concenIraIion beIow wLicL ILe subsIance in quesIion
is noI considered dangerous Ior consumers LeaIIL. YeI sucL an
approacL musI noI repIace a IuII risR assessmenI. OILer worRs
in progress in ILe communiIy heId are: upgrading oI direcIives on
ceramics, wiIL a modihcaIion oI ILeir IimiIs and ILe exIension oI
ILe appIicaIion heId Io gIasses, varnisLes, Rnives and poIs; deve-
IopmenI oI a guideIine abouI ILe DecIaraIions oI ConIormiIy Ior
pIasIic MCA; draIIing oI PIM ILird and IourIL amendmenI. LeIs
noI IorgeI ILaI ILe hrsI Iwo amendmenIs Lave been issued recen-
IIy: reguIaIion 21/2011 abouI ILe resIricIion oI bispLenoI A in
ILe Ieeding boIIIe and reguIaIion 1282/2011 ILaI inIroduces 15
subsIances esIimaIed by EFSA, modihes ILe resIricIions and/or
specihcaIions oI a Iew aIready IisIed subsIances and brings ILe
F P F P - ..
57 Cap. 5 - The major themes
LMS Ior meIamine Io 2.5 mg/Rg. On a naIionaI scaIe, ILe IoIaI
revision oI Decree 21//197 is in progress, aimed aI creaIing
specihc secIion Ior every maIeriaI caIegory, Living o ILe anaIyIic
meILods in a separaIed documenI.
5.2 Food safety
TLe Iood-pacRage-environmenI sysIem gives birIL Io a web oI in-
IeracIions ILaI Lave Io be Ioreseen and conIroIIed. TLe probIem
wiIL ILe saIeIy oI maIeriaIs in conIacI wiIL Ioods sees boIL ILe
scienIihc communiIy and manuIacIuring and user companies and
ILe IegisIaIor consIanIIy commiIIed. TLe common goaI is Io ensu-
re ILe Iood suiIabiIiIy oI every pacRage and maIeriaI, i.e. iIs saIeIy
in conIacI wiIL Ioods ILaI musI noI be subjecI Io modihcaIions or
conIaminaIions, be ILey oI cLemicaI, microbioIogicaI and senso-
riaI naIure. SynILeIicaIIy, ILis means Ioreseeing, cLecRing, mea-
suring migraIion pLenomena. A consIanI researcL worR spanning
Irom ILe sIudy oI maIeriaIs up Io ILe revision and impIemenIaIion
oI anaIysis meILods. SubsIances ILaI can migraIe Irom pacRage
Io ILe Iood incIude addiIives, residues Irom producIion processes
and newIy-Iormed producIs, i.e. subsIances ILaI originaIe Irom
ILe sponIaneous decomposiIion oI maIeriaIs in Iime or during
processing operaIions in ILe arIeIacI or ILaI are derived Irom re-
acIions among maIeriaIs consIiIuenIs or addiIives. TLis caIegory
oI poIenIiaI migranIs incIudes Iess Rnown subsIances, ILus giving
birIL Io conIaminaIion-reIaIed probIems ILaI are mosI diicuII Io
be soIved and prevenIed. For ILem, ILe NoI InIernaIionaIIy Ad-
ded SubsIances NIAS expression is increasingIy used. However:
is iI possibIe Io Ioresee ILeir migraIion? TLere are dierenI expe-
rimenIaI procedures Io assess ILe risR and Io measure ILe enIiIy
oI a migraIion pLenomenon Irom ILe pacR Io ILe Iood. A quesIion
ILaI is more and more common, Lowever, regards ILe possibiIi-
Iy oI Ioreseeing ILe migraIion pLenomenon and ILus Io describe
iI accuraIeIy ILrougL maILemaIicaI modeIs ILaI aIso enabIe Io
esIimaIe ILe eecI oI possibIe variaIions. SIocLasIic modeIs are
avaiIabIe, i.e. capabIe oI evaIuaIing aIso ILe eecIs oI casuaI or
F P F P - ..
58 Packages and foods
deIerminisIic componenIs, ILaI describe pLenomena in wLicL ILe
accidenIaI componenI is noI presenI or is noI evaIuaIed. TLe ones
ILaI are used mosI commonIy Lowever are deIerminisIic modeIs
ILaI enabIe Io geI prudenIiaIIy an overesIimaIion oI ILe possibIe
conIaminaIion (worsI case approacL). II ILis is a possibIe appro-
acL during ILe pIanning pLase oI new pacRaging soIuIions, wLicL
are ILe ruIes Io be IoIIowed Ior aII oI ILe maIeriaIs aIready pIaced
on ILe marReI? TLaI is, wLaI Io cLecR and Low Io cLecR iI? Migra-
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
The packages headspace must be mini-
mum to reduce the presence of air that
favours microbial development in liquid milk.
Milk powder packs must ofer a high barrier
to oxygen, humidity and light to avoid self-
oxidising phenomena in charge of the lipid
Glass or PET
bottle, polylaminate
parallelepiped, hardcover
aluminium cans

- -
Milk powder:
100% N
Liquid milk:
UV radiation
Milk powder:
UV radiation
TTI oxygen
Films with a high barrier to gas are useful
to avoid oxidation reactions and to restrict
the amount of O
dissolved in the yoghurt,
a condition that is required to keep the vital
lactic fora
Jar or PS pot with
aluminium lid

- - 100% CO
UV radiation
Oxygen barrier materials are essential
to prevent colour modifcations and lipid
oxidations. High barrier materials are ft for
high degassing cheeses, since they enable
a gradual gas spillage, preventing an
excessive pack swelling. For products that
do not emit any gas during preservation,
high barrier materials are recommended in
order to restrict gaseous exchanges with
the outside
Extensible plastic flm,
plastic laminate bag,
thermoformed tray

Fresh produce:
10-30% CO
, 70-90% N
Seasoned products:
100% CO
20% CO
, 80% N
Oxygen scavengers,
UV radiation
Table 6: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages that are present on the dairy market
F P F P - ..
59 Cap. 5 - The major themes
Iion IesIs, boIL gIobaI and specihc are weII dehned and described
in ILe EN or UNI EN reguIaIions. TLere are dierenI exampIes oI
anaIyIic procedures vaIidaIed Io cLecR ILe conIormiIy Io expIiciI
IegisIaIive requiremenIs. ConIroIs musI be Iocused according Io
Iwo aspecIs: ILe LisIory oI ILe presence oI compounds (records
and conIroI cLarIs) and ILeir imporIance. TLen iI is necessary Io
cLecR ILe compIiance wiIL expIiciI IegisIaIive requiremenIs, ILaI
are noI sIandardised. LegisIaIion specihes ILaI ILe pacRage musI
Supply Chain Remarks
Containers shape and
Packaging Technology Functional Packaging
Air Vacuum Hyperbaric MAP Active Smart
The packages headspace must be mini-
mum to reduce the presence of air that
favours microbial development in liquid milk.
Milk powder packs must ofer a high barrier
to oxygen, humidity and light to avoid self-
oxidising phenomena in charge of the lipid
Glass or PET
bottle, polylaminate
parallelepiped, hardcover
aluminium cans

- -
Milk powder:
100% N
Liquid milk:
UV radiation
Milk powder:
UV radiation
TTI oxygen
Films with a high barrier to gas are useful
to avoid oxidation reactions and to restrict
the amount of O
dissolved in the yoghurt,
a condition that is required to keep the vital
lactic fora
Jar or PS pot with
aluminium lid

- - 100% CO
UV radiation
Oxygen barrier materials are essential
to prevent colour modifcations and lipid
oxidations. High barrier materials are ft for
high degassing cheeses, since they enable
a gradual gas spillage, preventing an
excessive pack swelling. For products that
do not emit any gas during preservation,
high barrier materials are recommended in
order to restrict gaseous exchanges with
the outside
Extensible plastic flm,
plastic laminate bag,
thermoformed tray

Fresh produce:
10-30% CO
, 70-90% N
Seasoned products:
100% CO
20% CO
, 80% N
Oxygen scavengers,
UV radiation
Table 6: the synoptic table that sums up synthetically preservation-related problems, packaging technologies and packages that are present on the dairy market
F P F P - ..
60 Packages and foods
noI represenI a danger Ior Luman LeaIIL, invoIving an unaccepIa-
bIe aIIeraIion oI ILe composiIion oI IoodsIus, and invoIving a de-
IerioraIion oI ILeir organoIepIic cLaracIerisIics. II we examine ILe
IaIIer requiremenI, ILe IegisIaIion acIuaIIy does noI provide any
expIiciI procedure Ior ILe evaIuaIion oI sensoriaI quaIiIy reducIion.
However we Lave a suicienI number oI IecLnicaI sIandards (UNI,
EN, DS, DIN, AFNOR) Io conIroI ILe sensoriaI inerIia oI pacRaging
maIeriaIs, so Ioday ILe verihcaIion oI ILe requiremenI compIiance
or an evaIuaIion oI ILe Iood deIerioraIion risR is no more avoida-
bIe. TLe reIerence sIandard is UNI 10192:2000 IormaIIy born Ior
pIasIic maIeriaIs ILaI can be appIied aIso Io oILer pacRaging ma-
IeriaIs. For papers and cardboards reIerence reguIaIions are UNI
EN 120-1 (oIIacIory) and UNI EN 120-2 (gusIaIory). As Iar as
ILe second requiremenI is concerned, i.e. noI Io invoIve an unac-
cepIabIe aIIeraIion oI Iood producIs composiIion, as weII as ILe
verihcaIions menIioned beIore, above aII Ior maIeriaIs ILaI are noI
cIearIy sIandardised (meIaI aIIoys, wood, corR, dierenI mineraIs,
ceIIuIose puIps, biobased maIeriaIs and so on), we are obIiged Io
assume iI ILere migLI be unwisLed subsIances migraIion in ILe
specihc use condiIions. SucL a conIroI Las been oIIen avoided by
ILe dierenI subjecIs oI ILe suppIy cLain. Here we Lave Io consi-
der aIso ILe subsIances ILaI Lave been inIenIionaIIy added, Ior-
goIIen, negIecIed or noI decIared. AI IasI Ior ILe hrsI requiremenI,
i.e. noI represenIing a danger Ior Luman LeaIIL, a paIL musI be
opened ILaI is onIy apparenIIy new and unRnown, in a way ILaI
musI pass ILrougL screening anaIysis. TLese anaIysis aim aI esIi-
maIing migraIing voIaIiIe compounds, migraIing or removabIe non
voIaIiIe or IiIIIe voIaIiIe compounds, cLarges or saIIs, NIAS and so
on. Dy using ILe screening anaIysis iI is possibIe Io map ILe po-
IenIiaI conIaminanIs, Io esIimaIe ILeir concenIraIion, variabiIiIy
among IoIs, ILeir Lazard and ILe sensoriaI or IoxicoIogicaI Lazard
ILaI derives Irom ILem. A company musI absoIuIeIy approacL ILe
cLoice oI enquiring ILe presence oI subsIances ILaI are noI yeI
sIandardised since pacRaging is sIraIegic and ILey are responsi-
bIe Ior iI. TLis can be done onIy by means oI an appropriaIe risR
F P F P - ..
61 Cap. 5 - The major themes
assessmenI. As weII as ILe risR oI Iood cLemicaI conIaminaIion
IoIIowing ILe migraIion, aIso Lygienic Lazards sLouId be cLecRed,
ILaI are exIended by a conIenIs, ILe Iood ILaI is so sensiIive Irom
a microbioIogicaI poinI oI view. TLaI is wLy pacRaging users re-
quire Io pacRaging providers Io sIricIIy appIy prevenIive conIroI
sysIems sucL as HACCP, wLicL sIand Ior Hazard AnaIysis and
CriIicaI ConIroI PoinIs, a sysIem wLose principIes can be appIied
Io any producIion secIor. In a HACCP sysIem, iI is necessary Io
idenIiIy wLicL are ILe Lazards Ior consumers LeaIIL and cIassiIy
ILem depending on ILeir seriousness and on ILe possibiIiIy ILey
Lappen or noI. So ILey wiII acI mainIy on serious and possibIe
risRs in a decisive manner, by using sIricI and sysIemaIic conIroI
IecLniques, seIIing ILe IargeIs Io be acLieved and consIanIIy cLe-
cRing ILe resuIIs goI Ior a conIinuous improvemenI oI ILe wLoIe
sysIem. TLe deveIopmenI oI a seII-conIroI pIan is never regardIess
oI ILe specihc anaIysis oI ILe process iI reIers Io. WLen ILe goaI
is Io provide LygienicaIIy saIe Ioods in LygienicaIIy saIe pacRages,
iI is obvious ILaI an appropriaIe risR assessmenI and anaIysis
sLouId be appIied Io aII oI ILe suppIy cLains rings. TLus aIso ILe
manuIacIurers oI maIeriaIs, pacRages beIore hIIing raILer ILan
accessories (IabeIs Ior insIance) sLouId anaIyse ILeir manuIacIu-
ring process and cLecR iI risRs are presenI ILaI migLI compromise
boIL Lygiene and ILe conIormiIy oI an eIemenI ILaI is going Io
compIeIe an end pacRage ILaI direcIIy geIs in conIacI wiIL Iood.
In sLorI iI is essenIiaI Io maRe a risR assessmenI ILaI every singIe
company wiII Lave Io appIy appropriaIeIy Io iIs producIion accor-
ding Io a seII-conIroI pIan. TLe esIimaIe musI invoIve boIL ILe
pIanning-indusIriaI pLase (Io prevenI risRs) and ILe marReIing
pLase (Io remedy any error). UndoubIedIy sucL an approacL goes
a sIep beyond ILe sIandard operaIionaI procedures dicIaIed by
OMP sysIems, buI iI migLI bring benehIs Io ILe pacRaging compa-
nies sucL as esIabIisLing a prevenIive approacL Io Iood pacRaging
saIeIy, LeIping Io idenIiIy any possibIe improvemenI areas, redu-
cing compIainIs and producI wiILdrawaIs and ILus, in generaI
increasing cusIomer saIisIacIion.
F P F P - ..
62 Packages and foods
5.3 Technological innovation
TecLnoIogicaI innovaIion inIended as an indusIriaI appIicaIion
deriving Irom ILe resuIIs oI scienIihc researcL, cLaracIerises ILe
Iood pacRaging science in various heIds ILaI span Irom ILe sIu-
dy oI maIeriaIs Io ILe pacRaging sysIems, Io conIroI meILodoIo-
gies oI boIL pacRaging compIiance and IuncIionaI IeaIures. AII
ILis is exIended Io any singIe pacRaging suppIy cLain IinR and
Io any specihc pacRaging maIeriaI. Very synILeIicaIIy we can say
ILaI, Io daIe, scienIihc researcL is IargeIing ILe sIudy oI nano-
IecLnoIogies and bio-based maIeriaIs. As Io pacRaging sysIems,
we aIso consider reguIaIions ILaI are being deveIoped Ior IuncIio-
naI pacRages (smarI and acIive). AI IasI iI we anaIyse ILe com-
pIeIe, ready Ior consumpIion Iood-pacRage sysIem, researcL and
indusIry are Iocusing on aII oI ILose soIuIions generaIIy grouped
in ILe Ierm convenience, decIined in aII oI iIs Iorms. TLaI is wLy
a pIanning based on consumers needs is increasingIy gaining
ground in wLicL, as weII as ILe ease oI use, oILer design insIances
are IaRen inIo accounI, spanning Irom ergonomics Io ILe anaIysis
and innovaIion oI consumpIion modeIs. WiIL ILe advenI oI a more
conscious consumpIion, pacRages are a more and more imporIanI
IooI ILrougL wLicL Io provide an increasing number oI inIorma-
Iion. TLe combinaIion oI pacRaging and mobiIe communicaIion
is Ieading Io ILe inserIion oI QR codes on a growing number oI
pacRages. NexI Io ILis, coIIaboraIion projecIs beIween pacRaging
manuIacIurers, Iood producers and designers are reinIorcing Io
exIend ILe possibiIiIies oI ILe pacRage as a marReIing IooI ILaI is
indispensabIe Io sIrengLIen ILe companys idenIiIy and iIs bran-
ds. SmaII or greaI, buI reIevanI innovaIions avaiIabIe on ILe mar-
ReI are puncIuaIIy LigLIigLIed by ILe Food PacRages magazine.
5.4 Sustainability
EnvironmenIaI-reIaIed probIems associaIed wiIL ILe Iood secIor
maRe more and more urgenI and necessary a reconsideraIion oI
ILe wLoIe suppIy cLain by virIue oI an evoIuIion Iowards more
susIainabIe producIion and consumpIion modeIs. Today ILemes
Every two years
SLIM, the Shelf
Life International
Meeting organised
by GSICA browses
the experimental
evidences of
food packaging
researched from the
world over
F P F P - ..
6 Cap. 5 - The major themes
sucL as environmenI susIainabiIiIy, susIainabIe deveIopmenI,
eco-IriendIiness are LigLIy IopicaI Ior boIL insiders and consu-
mers. TLese migLI seem aImosI evidenI or even IriviaI concepIs,
buI acIuaIIy iI is noI equaIIy cIear wLaI Io design a producI/ser-
vice ILaI meeIs ILese needs means and invoIves. A booR Irom ILe
Food PacRages Free Press series enIiIIed SusIainabIe pacRaging
Las been IuIIy dedicaIed Io ILis Iopic and iI can be accessed Iree
oI cLarge on-Iine (Ireepress-IoodpacRages.neI).
Fccb PAckAces Fnee Pness - www.rccbrAckAces.Ne1
64 Packages and foods
Hereafter you can find a few free resources available on the web
dealing with specific subjects focusing on food packaging. It is
just a starter of what you can find out on the web, of which Food
Packages media provide every day an annotated report through
different media: the paper magazine, the web site, the newsletter,
the Food Packages Wiki and the public forum to be accessed free
of charge by the whole packaging community
6.1 Glossary
A list of lemmas and relating defnitions of the most widespread
terms in the world of food packaging. A common resource, free of
charge and in progress. To be growing it needs the active partici-
pation of everybody.
6.2 Scientifc articles about active and smart packages
Active and intelligent packaging for food: is it the future?
Intelligent Packaging: concepts and applications
http://l i l text/Journal /Journal %20of%20
Past, current and potential utilisation of active and intelligent
packaging systems for meat and muscle-based products: a review
F P F P - ..
65 Cap. 6 - Appendix
AcIive pacRaging IecLnoIogies wiIL an empLasis on anIimicrobiaI
pacRaging and iIs appIicaIions
DeveIopmenI oI a smarI pacRaging Ior ILe moniIoring oI hsL spoiIage
6.3 Scientifc articles about the protective atmosphere
Modihed AImospLere PacRaging
Modihed AImospLere PacRaging-Toward 2000 and Deyond
Low-Oxygen pacRaging oI IresL meaI wiIL carbon monoxide
WLere is MAP Ooing?
IndusIriaI pacRaging deveIopmenIs Ior ILe gIobaI meaI marReI
6.4 The Free Press Food Packages series
As weII as ILe presenI voIume ILe series incIudes ILe IoIIowing IiI-
Ies: LaImosIera proIeIIiva, Modihed aImospLere, ImbaIIaggio
sosIenibiIe and ImbaIIaggi e aIimenIi
Packages and foods
CopyrigLI 2012 ArIeR Snc
ArIeR S.n.c.
via DeIvedere 1
21050 PorIo Ceresio (VA) - IIaIy
PL. +9 02 28625
Fax +9 02 80457
PrinIed in November 2012
ArIeR Snc
Editor in chief
Maria Rosa Daroni
M.R. Daroni, L. Torri
Art director
Moreno Monga
EIena MarzoraIi
AII rigLIs reserved Io ArIeR
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Irom ArIeR snc.
ISDN 978-88-907159-1-4
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