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Yall have suffered-thru lengthy Blast e-mails due, in part, to the desire to circulate unique and/or

well-written input that isnt hyperlinked on the Internet and, thus, must be conveyed via cut/paste
[particularly summaries by Jonah Goldberg, Jim Geraghty, and Charlie Shipp (of Rush)]; thus, because Im
all caught-up from the 100+ backlog extant on Friday [except for x-ruffing what has been provided with
a weeks worth of daily alerts], I aspire to distribute this one before informational-overload supervenes.

I received a fresh list of philosophically-correct e-mail addresses which was tested
overnight, and nothing bounced *proving theyd been vetted+ and the only reactions
were from a CEO of a major corporation *Robert, way to goquite excellent suggested
they had been well-received] and a populist *BHO will not refuse to fight any war at this
point. He desperately needs to distract us from the world collapse of the FRN *floating
rate note+. As I see it, China, India and Russia now have nearly all the gold and silver,
projecting completion of that before 2015. If there is no major distraction, false flag, etc.
the people will rise up, and elections will not be necessary to replace him.+; thus, it is
hoped that receipt of these data will help others disseminate alarum as to what BHO is
continuing to do to America.

Finally, although the focus is often on non-local issues, the capacity to influence the course of events
would seemat first blushto be somewhat limited; nevertheless, everyone has pathways to others
who are in power-positions so [particularly in light of the existential threats entailed] it is necessary to
arm decision-makers with [stubborn] facts, and then to allow the chips to fall wherever.

Regarding the mid-terms, Charlie Cook cited two factors that Could Go Wrong for the
GOP [money and the Democratic ground-game]; the former is under the control of $-
raisers and the latter is only going to be favorably affected by improvement in the GOPs
ground-game. This latter consideration is worrisome when one recalls BOTH the failure
of Orca [2012-Romney+ because it hadnt even been -tested AND glitches that have
been encountered in the interim. In my own instance, corrections were needed last year
in the listing maintained by the national-GOP *the phone-# consisted of seven random
digits of which Id never heard, as accessed via the Philly GOPs HQ on Cottman St.+ and
the county-GOP [the ZIP-code had been copied incorrectly from the list of newly-elected
committee-people, as accessed via the Norristown Election Bureau]. In any case, there
was a shift in the tabulation by realclearpolitics, recognizing the new poll in N.H.; thus,
conclusions drawn in my earlier analysis have only been amplified during recent days;
indeed, if BHO continues to plummet, one could anticipate a widening of margins in the
other battleground states [particularly noting how issues-based polling markedly favors
the GOP+. ,Wouldnt it be just-fine if Franken were flushed-out in Minnesota???}

Its not negative campaigning to point-out negative-info that cannot be denied and that can be
perceived as revelatory; for example, note that Bill Clinton Got Caught On Camera Trashing Netanyahu
*who graduated from Cheltenham High in 67 (two years before I did) and who is pictured in the
yearbook with me as having attended the Chess Club (I was first-board on the team, two years hence]:

At the end of Sunday's Tom Harkin Iowa Steak Fry, Bill Clinton was recorded bashing Bibi
Netanyahu, agreeing that the prime minister was not the man to make peace with
Palestinians. At the very end of the 3 Hour 15 minute C-Span coverage, the former
President had an impromptu conversation with pro-Palestinian activists.

If we dont force him to have peace, we wont have peace.Netanyahu is not the guy,
the activist told the ex-president. I agree with that, Bubba clearly replied, apparently
unaware his remarks were being recorded. Then he bragged about getting Ehud Barack
to give Arafat everything he wanted including Jerusalem.

Bill Clinton's anti-Bibi comments were in line with his wife's actions as Secretary of
State; she presided over the foreign policy of the most anti-Israel administration in
history. With the possible exception of the time from her first campaign New Yorks
Senate seat in 2000 to her resignation from the Senate to become Secretary of State in
January 2009 [when she needed New Yorks Jewish voting bloc], Hillary Clinton has
never been pro-Israel. It seems that after years of getting rich from Arab
money...husband Bill agrees.

Pamela Geller, overnight, amplified on lotsa stuff that otherwise is buried [inserting pungent points]:

o Frances New Anti-Jihad Law
o Muslim Brotherhood DHS Advisor Mohammed Elibiary was Fired
o Iran Supreme Leader Mocks Obama
o Erdoans new Turkey requires all students to study the Quran
o Pamela Geller, WND Column: Lie of moderate Muslims and Islamic jihad
o US creating programs to counter extremists no mention of Jihad or Islam
o British Sports Store Guard Tells Children No Jews Allowed
o The American Intelligence Agency: ISIS has 3 Times More Fighters than Previously Estimated
o Benghazi Bombshell: State Dept Official Says He Was Ordered To Purge Benghazi Documents
Damaging To Hillary
o Boko Haram Seek to Imitate Inspirational Islamic State and Establish a African Caliphate
o Obama sending aid to devout Islamic schools
o China detains dozens after raids on Islamic schools in Xinjiang
o Muslims Slice off the Breasts of Kidnapped Christian Girls in Syria and Iraq
o CBS VIDEO: Muslim says he joined Islamic State because theyre fighting for Islam
o Islamic State urges Muslims to attack Times Square with bombs
o Berlin Imam: Despite ISIS Atrocities, Muslims Should Not Incite the West to Wage War against It
o Report: 40% of Europes Jews hide their Jewishness For Fear of Attack
o VIDEO: Bosnian Muslim Children in Syria with the Islamic State
o Two American troops among dead in Afghanistan suicide bombing
o U.N. to dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S.
o VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Claims its Fair To Compare Israel and the Nazis listen and weep!
o Islamic State forces women to watch their children being thrashed until they convert to Islam
o Treason: GAO Says Five Enemy Combatants Obama Swapped for Bergdahl Was Illegal Deal

The ongoing controversy regarding the Cruz walk-out prompted a probe into the-truth-about-israel-and-
christians, ted-cruz, and-middle-east-persecution; the bottom-line point, here, is that this is the type of
behavior that galvanizes support, for it transcends lip-service and exposes the baser motives of both
anti-Semites [specifically, noting that many Republicans are neo-isolationists] and demagogues
[generally, noting that many Republicans would prefer an independent thinker/doer not be the POTUS-
16 nominee+. {Also noted that CRUZ said DEMPSEY and HAGEL SOUND LIKE 'SOCIAL WORKERS.'}

Regarding Valarie Jarrett [Iran-born and Farsi-speaking], some claim Valerie Jarretts
Father-in-Law was Linked to OPEC-Funded Islamic Plot to Fund Obama and Takeover
the Presidency [citing a 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals
Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency] and that Valerie Jarrett reportedly is
dating a Muslim [Quranist Ahmad Rashad]; others fear he is Obamas Iran-handler. None
these stand-alone articles is incriminating, as opposed to suggestions she issued the
stand-down order that is @ the heart of BenghaziGate [note myriad renditions here and
here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here] while
BHO was chatting with BB and engaging in debate-prep.

Redneck Ice Water challenge [subtitled: "You might be a Redneck if...."] is brief/hysterical.

It has been suggested by a friend that, to avoid angina, Iggles-fans should simply resolve
to watch only the second-half of the remaining 14 regular-season games; my mini-quote
on the 6ABC blog [that they played all 60 minutes+ was mirrored today by the coach,
and this portends achievement based upon solid preparation and cogent leadership
*surely a welcome combination, noting prior problems+. To those who dont much care
about sports, it should be noted that the citys mood is enhanced the day after wins
[this truism having been corroborated repeatedly during the decades, personally,
particularly when the conversedoldrums after losseshas also been experienced].
And those who wish a cogent grading-system of their performance can scroll-through a
disinterested, alphabetized summary of all 32 teams]

A backlog accumulates, but these bullet-points conflate to reveal, again, how dangerous BHO is.

CONFLICTING STRATEGY? Top official opens door to ground troops in ISIS fight
Hamas struggling to maintain control over Gaza Strip in wake of Israeli military campaign
'INCREDIBLY SERIOUS': Cover-up claims foreshadow Benghazi hearing
Ex-official claims Clinton allies scrubbed Benghazi documents in secret session
ObamaCare website still plagued by security issues, watchdog claims
U.S. Confirms ISIL Planning Infiltration of U.S. Southern Border

Obama's Lonely Climate Summit: World leaders staying home

Rush Limbaugh Echo for 9/16/14

Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'

Opening: Our cat is like Russia with new freedom.
Segment#1: Obama people pressure him to delay Amnesty
We opened up the *mansion+ to her, not just the pet room and my den, and she still
stays in those two rooms, with just an occasional excursion out.

Obama sends more soldiers to fight Ebola than to fight ISIS.

American citizens never wanted millions of illegals given amnesty over night! Reason
Obama didnt do it in the first two years was and is there is no credit for doing it.
Obama/Democrats try to rope Republicans in so they can blame it on them if it
happens. Obama was never going to do Amnesty on his own.

Washington has been inundated by phone calls and letters,
You had better not do this if you want to keep your job!

Would Obama do this as a lame duck? He may because it his Agenda to remake
America. Obama is not doing it to help business and the country.

Some in the public are furious (article in W-Post by Ed Rogers) he backed off.
>>> Some say there are a few adults in the WH to correct Obama.

Seg#2: To not recognize the truth about Obama leads to confusion
It was a LIE and a TRICK and never true that the only hope Republicans had was to step
along with Amnesty. Ed Rogers is a Republican strategist.

((Reading: Is there a revolt in the WH and in the Democrat Party?)) He is just openly
speculating. Obama is behaving in ways that befuddle people. Inside-the-Beltway
pundits, some of them, cant believe who Obama really is
>>> They want to see him as a traditional US president.

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Paying the Price"
What a mess. According to the Washington Post, "terrorism experts" are questioning
Obama's decision to launch a military campaign against ISIS. These experts say that
America isn't really facing a significant peril from ISIS. The threat especially after the
beheading videos is more psychological.

There's disagreement over how many fighters ISIS has. The day before his big speech, an
Obama counter-terrorism expert told a congressional hearing there were 10,000. The
next day, the CIA said 30,000.

Intel agencies are anxious because, according to the Post, they worry that terrorists will
use Iraq or Syria as an incubator the way they used Afghanistan before 9/11. John Kerry
-- who served in Vietnam, by the way -- warns that if we leave any of them standing, ISIS
will be a "cancer" that would "ultimately come back to haunt us." Obama, on the other,
wants to "contain" ISIS.

It takes me back to 2007, seven years ago. George Bush warned that if we left Iraq too
soon, the terrorists would reorganize and re-emerge as a threat we'd have to deal with.
We had these people on the ropes. We could have wiped them out then. But Democrats
were howling every day demanding that we limit the rules of engagement and get out of
Iraq because of torture and all that, which Obama did. Democrats like Kerry, Reid,
Pelosi, and Obama got their way. And now we're paying the price for it.

What did we do? We elected a community organizer, best community organizer ever
and the guy can't even put together a coalition of allies to help us fight this bunch of
ragtags? What was it all worth, folks? Tell me.

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
WP: US Intelligence Agencies Remain Uncertain About Danger Posed by Islamic State [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"The Antarctic ice sheet has reached record levels in the midst of so-called climate
change and global warming. It's the same thing at the North Pole. Arctic ice sheet levels
are at record levels. The North Pole is supposed to have been melted by now, according
to Algore."
"You got to let 'em go at some point, right? It's like a kid, turning 'em loose, letting 'em
go at age 18. You got to let 'em go. Same thing with a cat."
"My brother David has a new book out. It's Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of
the Gospel. This is probably the book that he was intended to write his whole life. This is
the one he's been building up to."
"You can't tell a cat 'get off of that.' She won't listen. I mean, it's impossible."
"When you've got millions of iPhones already manufactured while your operating
system is still in beta, how does Apple get the new operating system on millions of new
phones that are already finished (the manufacturing process) and are boxed up in a
warehouse and all shrink-wrapped?"
"The Bible claims it has the power of converting people if they'll just give it a chance. If
you study the Bible and open your heart and mind to the Bible, I think you will see, like I
did, that it is the true, inspired, inerrant Word of God." -- David Limbaugh
"I got a great idea for a new either cable TV show or syndicated TV show called NFL
Court. We take on Judge Judy but we only deal with crimes in the NFL. I'll be the judge.
Judge Rush, NFL Court. I'll be happy to do it."
"One year ago, our beloved Punkin the cat passed away. Our new kitten, Allie, has a
completely different personality. Folks, she's a lunatic. We tried confining her to two
rooms, but we finally gave her run of the whole house. Now we see what happens."
"I've got the biggest collection of Americans at my disposal that anybody has."
"Everybody knows men don't think with their brains. Not the one in their heads,
"Seduction used to be an art. Now of course it's brutish and it's predatory and it's bad."
"If you study theology, your faith will be enhanced. You may even become transformed
from a nonbeliever to a believer. The Bible's the Word of God, give it a chance, it will
shock your socks off. It will knock your pants off. I'm so excited about the Bible. I know I
sound like a nerd. I'm not one of these charismatic type of Christians, but I firmly believe
the Bible is the Word of God, and I'm excited about it and I want to be contagious in my
enthusiasm." -- David Limbaugh
"The Democrats are facing electoral disaster in November. In their minds they've got
two things they can do that might mitigate the size of their upcoming defeat and maybe
even turn it into a victory in terms of keeping the Senate, and that is the race card and,
believe it or not, the War on Women."
"I can't believe that a guy who ran for president on the premise that he was the best
community organizer out there can't put together a coalition. I mean, what good is it
electing a community organizer if the guy can't organize a bunch of allies to join us
fighting evil? What a waste! What an absolute waste."

When Will Europe Awaken?

From a friend: Everyone needs to see this video. Note remarks below of the person who sent it to me.
What he or I feel is unimportant. What you feel is. At least see this video before solidifying your own
position. Perhaps youre not concerned about Islamic militancy. Perhaps you feel its still remote. It
doesnt seem remote to me. I feel its the greatest threat to western civilization, Christians and Jews.

This is a bit long. 15 minutes. You can watch a part and get the idea or watch the entire
video which is mainly short clips of Islam Imams and Sheiks telling the world how Islam
will overcome all and bring the world to Islam and Sharia law. Christians will be at best
second class citizens, Jews are to be exterminated (not in those exact words but the
meaning is clear). ANY land, e.g. Andalusia in Spain, or the Balkans in Europe or Israel,
which was once ruled by Islamic rule is land to be reconquered and brought back to

Europe is targeted, with clear reference to certain cities and countries, as is America and
the countries of North and South America. In effect, this video shows a declaration of
war against the Catholic Church which in one clip is called the Crusaders (BTW: Does the
Pope and other Christian leaders understand this?).

Effectively we are being told HOW WE WILL BE CONQURED AND RULED WHILE WE IN

If you think this is not WAR then think again. There are, as is said in this video, different
ways and means of waging war: Bullets, Bombs and Births. Europe has a declining birth
rate (other than the Muslims) and America barely holds its own at 2 children per family.

I believe that the Muslims will win. Why? Because they are determined and committed
to win. Muslim youth have a, pardon the expression, a Messianic fervor to succeed by
ANY means, including sacrificing their lives in one way or another. The majority (not all)
of Christians and Jews do not have this resolve or commitment, to their religion or to
their country any longer. WE live in a relativistic, ego-centric, secular society that not
only allows, but praises the most profane while condemning and shunning any aspect of
religion or G-d. I dont care how strong we are militarily, our military alone will not save
us. Eventually we will fall because we lost the grace of G-d by our societal actions. The
further we move away from the Torahs teachings (The Bible for Christians) the more we
go to the unholy; the other side from G-d. Eventually G-d will have his due. I really dont
meant to sound like a preacher from the Bima or the pulpit, but if you look at the rise
and fall of nation states and empires the lack of a moral compass and fortitude plays a
large part in their demise.

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