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Platelets also known as thrombocytes; life span is 8 to 10 days and it has dense

granules (ADP & calcium) and alpha granules (vWf & fibrinogen).
Decreased platelets lead to petechiae.
vWf recptor has gpIb.
Fibrinogen has gpIIb / gpIIIA.
Eosinophilia causes are NAA CP.
Neoplasia Asthma Allergy - Connective tissue disease Parasites.
CD 14 is a cell marker of.
CD 19 and CD 20 are for B macrophages lymphocytes and exhibit humoral
immune response.
CD 4 and CD 8 are markers for cellular immune response.
Vitamin K deficiency leads to decrease in factors II, VII, IX, X and protein C &
Pathologic RBC forms:-
*Spur cells are found in liver disease.
*Basophilic stippling is found in anemia of chronic disease, alcohol abuse, lead
poisoning and thalassemia.
*Bite cells & Heinz bodies are seen in G6PD deficiency.
*Ringed sideroblasts occur in sideroblastic anemia; excess iron in mitochondria.
*Schistocyte / Helmet cells in DIC, TTP, HUS, and traumatic hemolysis (valve
*Tear drop cells in myleofibrosis.
*Target cells in asplenia, liver disease and thalassemia.
*Howel jolly bodies in hyposplenia or asplenia.
Alpha methyl dopa causes chronic anemia IgG related warm agglutinins.
Acute anemia triggered by cold or infectious mononucleosis is related to IgM
cold agglutinins.
PT test function: Common & Extrinsic pathway (factor I, II, V, VII and X).
PTT test function: Common & Intrinsic pathway all factors except VII & XIII.
Von Willi brand disease has increased bleeding time and it can also have
increased PTT because vWf protects factor VIII, otherwise rest of the test is
normal and it is autosomal dominant.
Reed Sternberg cells have owl eye appearance and are CD 15 & CD 30 positive.
Burkitts lymphoma has t(8:14 ) translocation and has starry sky appearance
associated with EBV.
Mantle cell lymphoma occurs in older men and has t(11:14) translocation.
Multiple myeloma should be differentiated from Waldenstrom
macroglobulinemia; both have M spike on spectrum but in myeloma it is IgG
and in the WM it is IgM.
ALL is present in < 15 years of age and associated with Downs syndrome.
CLL is present in > 60 years of age and is related to CD20.
Hairy cell leukemia is found in adults and is a mature B cell tumor in elderly
and stains TRAP.
Hematopoiesis occurs:-
- At 4 weeks in yolk sac.
- At 9 weeks in liver.
- At 12 weeks in spleen.
- At 28 weeks and onwards in the bone marrow.
PNH is a disease of myeloid stem cells; results in decrease of all the three
blood cells (pancytopenia); reason in PNH is the PIGA gene which is mutated
and it causes defective GPI proteins that protect RBCs from lysis. GPI causes
attachment of CD 55 and CD 59, C8 that is (DAF) which protects RBCs from
auto lysis. When there is no GPI, the DAF wont attach to RBC, leukocyte and
platelet which results in decrease of all the three blood cells.
Aplastic crisis in sickle cell disease is aggravated by Parvovirus 18.
Hairy cell leukemia present with splenomegaly and pancytopenia.
Anti-dote for heparin is protamine sulphate and for warfarin is vitamin K, but
in severe vitamin over dose give FFPs and measure PTT for heparin and PT &
INR for warfarin.
Clopidogrel irreversibly inhibits platelets by blocking dense granules of
platelets; it causes neutropenia.
Doxorubicin causes cardio toxicity and treat with dexrazoxane.
ALL is most common type of leukemia with predominance of lymphoblasts in
children and is most responsive to treatment.
Nitrosourea causes CNS toxicity.
Characteristic of CLL --> Smudge cells.
Vincristine causes neurotoxicity.
Polycythemia vera can mimic CML; it can have increased platelets and
granulocytes and has low erythropoietin.
All factors except vWF are produced by the liver.

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