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1here are loLs of ways Lo be boys and glrls. lsn'L lL greaL?!?!
1here are loLs of dlfferenL Lypes of cloLhes for glrls 1%) boys. klds geL Lo wear whaL feels
comforLable Lo Lhem makes Lhem feel good.
1oys are Loys, halr ls halr, colors are colors, and cloLhes are cloLhes
Who declded whaL Lhlngs are for boys and whaL Lhlngs are for glrls?
ls Lhere only one way Lo be a boy or glrl? Can boys and glrls llke Lhe same Lhlngs? uo all boys llke
Lhe same Lhlngs? All glrls?
no one geLs Lo Lell anoLher person how Lo feel on Lhe lnslde.
SomeLlmes Lhls sLuff ls confuslng. We geL messages abouL some Lhlngs belng for boys and some
Lhlngs belng for glrls. 8uL Lhese messages are [usL some people's ldeas. 1hey may noL be rlghL for
you. Lach of us geLs Lo declde whaL we llke and don'L llke. We [usL can'L be unklnd Lo oLhers abouL
Lhe Lhlngs Lhey llke.
klds can do or be or llke or wanL anyLhlng because Lhey are lndlvlduals wlLh hopes and llkes and
dreams. 1hls ls noL 6(,1.#( Lhey are boys or glrls. lL ls because Lhey are people.
Cender ls a loL more Lhan our bodles. lL ls abouL how we show oLher people Lhlngs abouL our
gender (maybe our cloLhes, or our halr, or Lhe Loys we llke) and how we feel on Lhe lnslde.
Who you are ls noL abouL whaL oLhers Lell you, buL someLhlng you deLermlne for yourself (even
when you geL messages LhaL say oLherwlse).
CerLaln Lypes of bodles are LhoughL of as boy and cerLaln Lypes as glrl, buL LhaL's noL Lrue for
Who we are (or who oLhers Lhlnk we are) on Lhe ouLslde ls noL always who we are on Lhe lnslde,
Lhlnk of all Lhe wonderful Lhlngs abouL yourself LhaL no one else knows abouL by [usL looklng aL
Someone's feellngs abouL Lhelr gender come from Lhelr hearLs and Lhelr mlnds.
8elng a boy or a glrl or someLhlng else ls noL abouL whaL you llke, or whaL you wear, or your body.
lL ls someLhlng LhaL each of us flgures ouL for ourselves.
Cender expresslon ls abouL Lhe Lhlngs we llke or make us comforLable. 1here may be some
paLLerns we noLlce, buL Lhese are noL rules. More glrls mlghL wear dresses Lhan boys, buL does LhaL
mean all glrls wear dresses? Cr LhaL boys can'L wear dresses?
klds can be boys, glrls, boLh, or nelLher.
PlsLory ls full of examples of gender dlverslLy!
1here have been gender dlverse people ln every culLure, every rellglon, all over Lhe world and
LhroughouL Llme.
Pave you ever been Leased? Pow does lL feel when you are Leased or LreaLed as an ouLslder?
no one llkes Lo be polnLed ouL by oLher klds. uoes lL feel good when you Lhlnk someone ls Lalklng
abouL you?
Pow do you Lhlnk you would feel lf people were always asklng you abouL your own gender?

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