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Shaloma McDonald Comparative Essay 9/16/14

No matter where a person is from or what type of lifestyle they live, it is certain that
they follow some kind of belief system. In China during the 5
century B.C.E., Confucianism
and Daoism were among the beliefs of the Chinese people. The purpose of this essay is to
compare the basic beliefs and rituals of these belief systems then find what characteristics are
Confucianism, founded by Confucius, is a belief based on a system of ethics that request
the loyalty of the community. In Confucianism there are five basic virtues that people should
have which are: kindness, righteousness, sobriety, wisdom and trustworthiness. Confucianism
also placed much emphasis on hierarchy and established a system of five relationships. These
relationships: ruler- subject, father- son, husband- wife, elder brother- younger brother, and
friend- friend to solidify the idea that everyone had a place. Lao Tzu was the founder of
Daoism. Daoism is the belief that nature has a set course for everyone and that followers should
go with the flow of nature known as Dao or the Way. Daoism stressed the idea of
individualism and following your own way. If one would accept the world as it is and not
change it, then he or she would avoid violence and the struggles of society and find their own
path to righteousness. Daoism did not believe in education because they felt it was unnecessary
and that the world of the past was a happier place before the existence of civilization and
knowledge. In sum, Confucianism and Daoism are complete opposite when you consider that
Confucianism emphasized social involvement, while the latter emphasized withdrawal from it.
The rituals of Confucianism were considered as everyday life routine. Ancestors were a
very important part of Confucianism, especially since family is the most fundamental part of
society. They took part in ancestor worship, a way to communicate, dedicate, and sacrifice in
honor of family ancestors. For Daoism, there were few rituals they did such as charm making,
alchemy, and fortune telling. If a Daoist was not doing those things, they were probably
meditating, a popular pass time, in order to focus on cultivating the te or virtue of the Dao.
Participating in these rituals provided both beliefs with another way to distinguish themselves
from each other.
Among the ample differences that Confucianism and Daoism have there are several
characteristics that there are several characteristics they share. Both these beliefs were used as
a way to end the political unrest happening at the time in China and had continued to exist for
about 2,000 years. Instead of having practices leaning more to the religious side, they focused
more on living an ethical way of life. There was also no main god that they worshiped. Women
were subordinate to men and they believed that Yin-yang symbolized how opposites work in

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