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Executive Summary

PACKAGES LIMITED was established i n 1957 and is the oldest

compositePackaging unit of Pakistan packaging consumer products. Backed
by theorganizational expertise of Syed Babar Ali leading Industrial and
commercialcompany i n Paki st an now sur gi ng ahead of i t s compet i t or s
i n t he f i el d of Packaging.This report is split into various portions, 1st section
consists of Introductionsand History, second consists of Packages Management
System, third for fieldof activates, four of work done by student... I analyzed this project
in the lightof Financial Analysis.This report also consists of a comprehensive
financial anal ysi s of
packagesregarding i ts profitability, l iquidity position, management
performance, etcindicating its market strength and position.I discussed special l y
Funds & Sales Tax Section of finance department indetail because I spend six
weeks in these departments as an internee. So thisr epor t i s an amal gam of t he
speci f i c i nf or mat i on as wel l as my per sonal experience about the

Training Program
Starting from 1970 Packages Limited also extended the expertise acquired toother
Third World countri es Management and technology were exported
toIndonesia, Tanzania, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Zambia, Somalia and
Ni geriawhere packaging concerns were helped to successfully run
their operation.Today, packages Limited i s considered among the leading full y
integratedpackaging complexes in Indonesia.

Training Program
Pa c k a g e s L i mi t e d wa s b o r n o u t d r e a m t o s e t i n Pa k i s t a n a n
i n d u s t r y o f excellence based on local raw material and talent. In July 1954 while on
a visitto Sweden, Syed Babar Ali the first Managing Di rector and now Advi sor
toPackages Li mi t ed negot i at ed wi t h t he set t i ng up of a packagi ng
pl ant i nLahore with the collaboration of AB Akerlund and Pausing (Sweden).
Thisproject was established with paid up capital of Rs. 4.49
Millions.Wi t h f or ei gn r equi r ement and exper t i se and Paki st ani capi t al a
nd l abor , Packages Li mi t ed was i n busi ness by May 1957. Ar ound
each of t he 22Swedish experts set-to run the plant and train Pakistani personnel a
group of young educat ed t r ai nees was set up ( 6 , - l ear n t he new
t echnol ogi es andworking methods.Over the years, the Company continued to
enhance these facili ties to meetthe growing demands of packaging products.
It was spread over 105 acres.Additional capital was raised from sponsors
International Finance Corporationand from the public in making the total paid up
capital to Rs. 31 mil lions in1965.Packages Limited in the beginning helped
consumer industry by
providingpacki ng sol ut i ons i n t he f or m of car t ons f or ci gar et t e, t ea, co
nf ect i oner y, pharmaceutical and soap i ndustry. However paper and board
supplied bylocal mills did not meet the quality requirements of their customers. In 1965
itwas decided that backward integration was necessary for Packages
Limitedto sustain continuous production of quality packaging and
commissioned itsown paper mill in 1968 for self-sufficiency and quality
product developmentwi t h an i nst al l ed capaci t y of 24000 t ons of paper
and paper boar d. Wast epaper and agricultural raw materi als such as wheat
straw, and ri ver grassesare used together with imported wood pulp in the paper
mill.Cont i nuous expansi on i n r esponse t o gr owi ng demand had
i ncr eased t hei nst al l ed capaci t y t o 50000 t ons of paper and paper
boar d by 1994. Wi t hgrowing demand theCapacity was increased periodically and
in January 2007 was nearly 100,000tons per year.

Starting from 1970 Packages Limited also extended the expertise acquired toother
Third World countri es Management and technology were exported
toIndonesia, Tanzania, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Zambia, Somalia and
Ni geriawhere packaging concerns were helped to successfully run
their operation.Today, packages Limited i s considered among the leading full y
integratedpackaging complexes in Indonesia

To be a market leader by providing qual ity products and superior service
toour cust omer s, whi l e l ear ni ng f r om t hei r f eedback t o set even
hi gher standards for our
products.To be a company t hat cont i nuousl y enhances i t s super i or t ec
hnol ogi cal compet ence t o pr ovi de i nnovat i ve sol ut i ons t o cat er t o cus
t omer needs. To be a company that attracts and retains outstanding people
by creating aculture that fosters openness and innovation, promotes individual growth,
andrewards initiative and
performance.To be a company whi ch combi nes i t s peopl e, t echnol ogy,
management s y s t e ms , a n d ma r k e t o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o a c h i e v e p r o f i
t a b l e g r o wt h wh i l e p r o v i d i n g f a i r r
e t u r n s t o i t s s h a r e h o l d
e r s . To be a company that endeavors to set the hi ghest standards in
corporateethics in serving the society.

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