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Marking Guide - BUS223 - Research Case Study

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BUS223 Organisational Theory and
Research Case Study (RCS) Assignment
ecturer! "r Richard Chua
Session! #ull$%ime
Due date! &0
"ay '01(
)re*ared by ! ee Chin %eng Royce (&'('0'+,)
As defined by -ood et al ('01&). Cor*orate social res*onsibility (CSR) is the
res*onsibility that cor*orations have to the society that sustains them/ %his res*onsibility may
include *roviding em*loyment. environmental sustainability and charitable deeds/ 0t is the
balance bet1een achieving *rofit and behaving in ethical and moral 1ays/ CSR can im*act
various as*ects of organisational behaviour such as 2m*loyee Relations/ 3read%alk *roved
this 1ith the creation of the 43read%alk Academy5 1hich *rovides staff members 1ith
com*rehensive training and career develo*ment su**ort. most notably. it6s training *rograms
tailored for senior staff (3read%alk '01()/ 0n a *a*er by Steven 3rammer (3rammer et al
'00,). the results sho1 a *ositive relationshi* bet1een em*loyee commitment to an
organisation and CSR 1hen it is involved in causes that align 1ith an em*loyees values/ %his
results in conse7uences in 1ork behaviour such as turnover. *erformance and absenteeism/
0t is also suggested that a strong CSR culture has significant influence on attracting motivated
and loyal recruits 1ho can then be trained and develo*ed to greatly increase 8ob *erformance
(Chaing '010)/ 0n addition. it is suggested that a com*any 1hich does not have ethical
*ractices can motivate em*loyees to behave in counter*roductive and antisocial manners in
order to *unish a com*any they *erceive to be harmful to society (9ictor : Cullen 1;<<)/ CSR
can also have a *ositive effect on an em*loyees =rganisational Citi>enshi* 3ehaviour 1hich
have significant im*act on 1ork *erformance (S1aen : "aignan '00&)/
0n order for organisations to e?tract the most from a diverse 1orkforce. managers have
to understand the cultural differences that govern an em*loyee6s behaviour (-ood et/ Al
'010)/ %his is very relevant to a multinational com*any such as 3read%alk 1here differences
in culture can often result in conflict or uno*timised *erformance (@iggs 1;;A)/ "anagers
need to be a1are of the im*lications of national cultural differences 1ithin the organisation
and establish a basis for building understanding and a1areness of such differences/Beert
@ofstede (@ofstede 1;;&) identified five dimensions of national culture 1hich consists of!
0ndividualism. )o1er$distance. Cncertainty Avoidance. "asculinity and ong$%erm
=rientation/ As 3read%alk is looking to e?*and from the lo1$individualism region of Asia to
high$individualism regions such as Australia and the Cnited States. managers must be a1are
of the need to recognise em*loyees as individuals and ada*t to their 1orking style/ "anagers
must also be a1are of the 1ay they address em*loyees in a lo1$masculine culture 1here it
might be misunderstood as insensitivity/
0n a book 1ritten by "ilton D/ 3ennett. develo*ing cultural a1areness consists of si?
stagesE denial. defense. minimisation. acce*tance. ada*tation and integration (3ennett '00()/
%he first three stages are considered to be ethnocentric. meaning the *erson6s o1n culture is
vie1ed as central to reality in some 1ay/ )eo*le in this stage often do not acce*t or are
disinterested in the cultural differences of others/ Alternatively. they may also feel that their
culture is e?*erienced as the only viable culture and that other cultures are 4less evolved5/
3ennett suggests that the main issues to be resolved at this stage are the tendencies to
confront cultural differences. correct the behaviour of others and to avoid vie1ing *eo*le from
other cultures as hostile/ %he final three stages are vie1ed as ethnorelative and suggests that
one6s o1n culture is e?*erienced in the conte?t on other cultures and that ones behaviour and
*erce*tion is ada*ted a**ro*riately to a culture/ 3ennett suggests that e?*osing ne1
em*loyees to a culture is more im*ortant and effective than trying to sim*ly train ne1
behaviour/ "anagers should also see integration into a ne1 culture as a necessary and
*ositive e?*erience as o**osed to an obligation that needs to be fulfilled/ 3ennett also
suggests that *eo*le must train themselves to make finer distinctions in the behaviours and
norms of other cultures as much communication can be subtle and non$verbal/
A'< -ords for discussion
3ennett. "ilton D/ '00( Becoming Interculturally Competent. Fe1ton. "A! 0ntercultural
Resource Cor*oration/
3read%alk/ ('01()/ Our Company: Message to Shareholders by George Quek/ 3read%alk
Cor*orate -ebsite/ 2?tracted 1A "ay '01(/ 3read%alk Brou* imited/
3rammer. Steven/ "illington. Andre1/ Rayton. 3ruce/ '00,/ The contribution o Corporate
Social !esponsibility to Organisational Commitment. Cniversity of 3ath. School of
"anagement/ -orking )a*er Series '00,/'0
Chiang. Chia$Chun Sa*rina/ ('010) "o# corporate social responsibility inluences employee
$ob satisaction in the hotel industry. Cniversity of Fevada. as 9egas/ CF9
%hesesGDissertationsG)rofessional )a*ersGCa*stones/ )a*er ,;</
@iggs. "alcom (1;;A) O%ercoming the problems o cultural dierences to establish success
or international management teams. %eam )erformance "anagement 9ol/ '
@ofstede. Beert/ 1;;&/ Cultural constraints in management theories. Academy of
"anagement 2?ecutive. volume + (#ebruary 1;;&). *g <1$;(/
S1aen. 9/ "aignan. 0/ '00&/ Organi&ational citi&enship and corporate citi&enship: t#o
constructs' one research theme(/ "ichael D/ Coles College of 3usiness. CSA/ **/10+$
9ictor. 3/ Cullen. D/3G 1;<</ The Organi&ational Bases o )thical *ork Climates.
Administrative Science Huarterly. &&(1)! 101$1'A
-ood. Dack/ Ieffane. Rachid/ #romholt>. "ichele/ -eisner. Retha/ "orrison. Rachel/ Seet.
)i$Shen/ Schermerhorn. Dohn/ @unt. Dames/ =sborn. Richard/ ('01&) Organisational
Beha%iour: Core Concepts and +pplications/ Dohn -iley : Sons Australia. td/
-ood. D/. Ieffane. R/. #romholt>. "/. -eisner. R/. Creed. A/. Shermerhorn. D/. @unt. D/. :
=sborn. R/ ('010)/ *hat is Organisational Beha%iour( Organisational beha%iour: Core
concepts and applications ! 'nd 2dition/ 3risbane . Hueensland. Australia/ Dohn -iley
: Sons/

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