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Roseville The Twitter CP

Matt Lauer

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The Twitter CP - Note


Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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1NC Counter-Plan Text

Counter-Plan: Do the plan with the addition of hashtags to the 1AC, and with cards with a
maximum of 140 words each, essentially utilizing Twitter as a model.

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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1NC Contention One

Contention One Hashtags.

Contention One works to improve education within the debate round.

And is overused and shouldnt be used to separate cards while spreading, instead
Hashtag is more effective and appropriate. Word Count: 62., 12 (Fluent English-Speaking Community Member, How many times can you use the word
and in a sentence, 12/2/13,
There's no problem with the grammar. You may use 'and' as many times as you want. Compositionally,
using more than two or three gets to be too wordy and cumbersome, and even those uses
should be reserved for cases where you want to provide some specific emphasis on the
individual items or for some literary effect. As a grammatical point, there's no limit to hw many you can use.
Asker's rating & comment That is exactly what i wanted to know thank you :) Rate Comment Other Answers (6) Oldest
gt456 answered 1 year ago No. You should replace "and" with a comma because "and" is a conjunction
used a lot. 1.) Sarah went to the store and bought milk, juice, chocolate, chips, gum, and lettuce. 2.) Sarah went to
Disneyland and called Jim, Kevin, Lucy, Julie, and Lauren to see if they wanted to come too. An exception is when you use
a phrase with "and" in it. Ex. I ordered macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, and red beans and rice. When
using a list, use commas in between each word. Ex. I went to an amusement park and rode, Verbolten, Griffon, Alpengeist,
Loch Ness Monster, and Apollo's Chariot. Source(s): Fluent English speaker

Hashtags are a means of organization. Word Count: 23.
Dhar, 13 (Stock Writer, Michael, What Is a Hashtag?, 12/2/2013,
Twitter has elevated the humble pound sign, or #, into apowerful social networking tool. The symbol is the basis of a
hashtag, a way for users to organize Twitter messages (tweets) around certain topics and potentially increase
a topic's popularity. You make a hashtag simply by adding # to the start of a word or phrase. To hashtag this article, for
example, you could write "#whatisahashtag." Hashtags act as labels, and Twitter users can search with hashtags to
find people talking about a particular subject. Entering a hashtag into the search window on Twitter produces a
live feed of all tweets containing that hashtag. You can also just click on an instance of a hashtag, since Twitter
automatically makes each one a hyperlink. The first suggestion of # labeling in Twitter appeared in an August 2007 tweet by
Chris Messina, an open-source software advocate. However, the tagging method actually dates back to Internet Relay
Chat, a chatting protocol created in 1988. Widely used hashtags can earn a spot on Twitter's "Trending Topics" board,
which appears on the lower left of a Twitter screen in an Internet browser potentially earning those topics even
more attention. Hashtags also appear on Instagram, Flickr, Google+ and other social networks. Facebook added
hashtags in early 2013.

Organization is key to education. Word Count: 36., 13 (Get and stay organized with these study skills, 12/2/13,
Encourage your student to take the time before school starts or during the first few weeks to adopt good
organizational habits. Time to get organized Organization is the key to academic success: good students
manage their time well and are on top of their assignments, notes, projects and test preparation.
Being organized makes learning more efficient and reduces stress and anxiety. A student who knows he's put
in the right amount of time and used it well is a student who is confident when it's time to turn in a paper, take a test or give a presentation. The good news is your
child can be taught these skills. "Mom, have you seen my [fill in the blank]"? If your child can't keep track of his papers and of what's due when, help him develop a
system. Purchase a binder and put a folder in the front for completed work to be turned in and a folder in the back for papers returned by the teacher. Or work with
him to develop a system of his own to keep track of important papers. Once the system has been formalized, monitor him for a few weeks to make sure he's following
through on all the steps. "Yikes, it's due today!" Make sure your student has and uses a planner to keep track of assignments. Some schools provide these to
students, and if not, you might want to work with your PTA or parent organization to provide planners at your school. Help your child get in the habit of writing down
each daily assignment in each subject and checking it off when it's complete. Skills that improve school performance Time management. Educators start teaching
time-management skills in fifth grade, but your child will likely need reinforcement to make the process a habit. First, make sure your student refers to her day
planner/calendar on a regular basis. Teach her to divide up her work over the number of days allotted for the assignment. Thi s will create small, manageable
subtasks out of bigger, more daunting tasks. Large projects can create anxiety for students who are new to the process, and you will be helping your child by walking
her through it the first few times and by enforcing the schedule you have devised together. A research project will be less l ikely to be left until the last minute if it's
done in chunks, each with its own deadline. Suzanne Owen, English teacher, literacy coach and mother of four in Antioch, CA, suggests these tips: Subscribe to a
newspaper and encourage your children to read it. Newspapers provide more detail and background than the Web or sound bites on TV. Newspapers also help
make connections between what appear to be disparate bits of information. Talk to your kids about what they are learning; not about grades, but actual content.

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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1NC Contention Two

Contention Two Card Lengths of less than 140 Words

Contention Two works to improve education within the debate round.

The brain digests information incrementally, and so shorter cards are more palatable and
easily understood, allowing for a better and more educational debate round. Word Count: 31.
Kate, 09 (Writer, Annie, Learning Skills: Little by Little and Day by Day, 12/2/13,
I suppose it applies to life in general, but I find it applies especially to homeschooling certain subjects. You cant get
away with a marathon learning session in phonics, foreign languages, math concepts, writing skills, typing, or any
skill-based learning. It just doesnt work. Learning these sorts of skills is like eating, exercising, dieting, or
sleeping. Each of these must be done everyday, whether you want to or not. If you save them up for the weekend, or for a
rainy day, or for when it suits you, youll get nowhere. If you are disciplined to learn little by little, day by day, you will
learn a bit everyday, youll be finished for the day before you really even realize you started, youll progress with
minimal effort, youll be able to look back at the end of the week with satisfaction, youll get a lot done without
even realizing it, you wont be stressed about neglecting things you think you should be doing, and you wont feel guilty
when you decide to take a holiday. But it is hard to be disciplined, and if a mom wants her kids to learn a bit everyday, she has to commit to help them,
or at least remind them, everyday. This is where Ive often had difficulties, but it is very helpful to distinguish between learning skills and learning content. Content
such as history and literature can be learned in marathon sessions if the presentation is interesting enough. For example, a huge amount of history can be absorbed
in a rainy afternoon of novel reading. This summer we are taking three months off, but were still doing regular but very minimal work in certain areas: phonics,
French review, subtraction review, some music, and Dutch. A little bit every dayor every second day since its summerwill save weeks and weeks of review and
catching up in the fall. I must discipline myself to insist on this, but since it will save me so much time in the long run, I now consciously decide, every day, to put in
those few minutes here and there. None of this is crucial for anyone except Miss 6 year old and her phonics, and Miss 16 year old, who has to catch up after
spending 5 school weeks working on a dairy farm and for her it really matters. When there are only two years left of high school, you cannot afford to get
behind! So now she and I are trying to catch up, doing a little bit every day. And when there is a rainy day, or we really feel like doing a marathon session of
something, we can settle down with our novels, games, music, crafts, or other hobbies because no one is behind in anything that needs to be done. No stress. No
guilt. Just relaxation and freedom. Now, I do not wish to stress anyone out. If you decide that you need the entire summer to relax, remember that relaxation is
crucial, and enjoy the free time. If you prefer to unschool, my hats off to you. If youre learning full-time year-round, with no breaks ever, examine yourself and your
family for signs of burn outand if there are none, more power to you. But my family and I needed this encouragement at this time, and thats why I ended up writing
about it. Wishing you much joy and wisdom if you reconsider what works best for you and your family at this time.

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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1NC Contention Three

Contention Three Freedom

Contention Three works to add solvency to the plan.

The hashtag has become a symbol of freedom and revolutionary spirit and its emanation through a
plan legitimizes it to the oppressed. Also, hashtags have been found to facilitate the organizing of
an advocacy or action. Word Count: 124.
The Washington Times, 09 (Editorial, Irans Twitter Revolution, 12/2/13,
The spirit of liberty finally arrived at Tehrans Freedom Square. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians
demonstrated Monday against Fridays election, which handed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad an improbably lopsided
victory. The mass protests followed a weekend of street demonstrations, rioting and other
expressions of discontent. These events were brought to the world in real time through social-
media networks and online video. Tehrans authoritarian leaders clearly were caught off-guard.
They had managed to take down the telephone system opposition supporters used for texting
but for some reason were slow to eliminate other social media. As open defiance of the election results broke
out, citizen journalists used new media to spread the word. And the whole Web was watching. Iran is a highly computer-
literate society with a large number of bloggers and hackers. The hackers in particular were active in helping keep channels
open as the regime blocked them, and they spread the word about functioning proxy portals. Hackers also reportedly took
down Mr. Ahmadinejads Web site in an act of cyberdisobedience. The immediacy of the reports was gripping. Well-
developed Twitter lists showed a constant stream of situation updates and links to photos and
videos, all of which painted a portrait of the developing turmoil. Digital photos and videos proliferated and
were picked up and reported in countless external sources safe from the regimes Net crackdown. Eventually the regime
started taking down these sources, and the e-dissidents shifted to e-mail. The only way to completely block the flow of
Internet information would have been to take the entire country offline, a move the regime apparently has resisted thus far.
There seems to be no shortage of video cameras in Iran. The footage that has emerged is raw, unedited and dramatic. It is
a revolution in cinema verite courtesy of YouTube, showing young people throwing rocks, scenes of burning tires and
vehicles and riot police delivering savage beatings. By contrast, the videos from early Monday of the Freedom Square
demonstration show police standing by as the crowd peacefully flows into the square, chanting and singing, festooned in
green scarves and shirts, with banners flying. The message is distinctive: Marg bar dictator! they chant. Death to the
dictator! The scene turned violent as paramilitary Basij and police rooftop snipers opened fire. Reports of deaths tweeted
out, and within minutes, a gruesome picture circulated of a man lying face-up in the street, blood covering his face and
pooled around his head. Other photos followed of other people bloodied or dead. Soon there were reports of nonstop
shooting and opposition leaders arrested. A crackdown was under way. What we are seeing is the flickering flame
of freedom. People are willing to risk their lives to protest a system that oppresses them and denies them fundamental
human dignity. Those who say none of this matters - that it is a feud between factions of the ruling class, that it has no
chance of bringing about real change - are missing the point. The people of Iran are exercising their sovereign
right as a people to stand before their rulers and say No more. They are commanding the
attention of a world that seeks to make deals with their oppressors. Iranians are telling us that they yearn to be free.

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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1NC Contention Four

Contention Four Selfies

Contention Four works to retain and improve value to life through the plan.

Following the Twitter model with the previous contentions endorses the art of the selfie.

The selfie is the epitome of individualism. Word Count: 139.
Zak, 13 (Stock Writer, Dan, Selfie-reliance: The word of the year is the story of our individualism,
There is a time in every mans day when his Facebook feed spits out a photo of a friend who has turned a smartphone camera on him or herself. There is the
practiced tilt of the head, to avoid additional chins. There is the palm tree or infinity pool in the background, to record momentary privilege. There is the artfully
arranged cleavage, or the casually flexed triceps, to establish oneself as fit, desirable, deserving of exhibition in the carousel museum of social media. We click like,
or we narrow our eyes in dislike, and then remember our Emerson. Envy is ignorance, he wrote in his essay Self-Reliance, and imitation is suicide. Regardless,
selfie is the Oxford Dictionaries word of the year, chosen partly because its usage spiked 17,000 percentsince this time last year. We have become selfie-reliant,
and now the lexicon has wholly absorbed the modern way to label the ancient fascination with self. But are modern selfies, uploaded onto Instagram by the millions,
corrosive in a way that finer self-portraits are not the oil-on-canvas selfies of Frida Kahlo, say, or Australian gunner Thomas Bakers 1917 Kodak portrait of his
mirror image in uniform? The practice of self-portraiture has never been cheaper or wider. The #selfie hashtag on
Instagram summons a torrent of self-portraits, ranging in style from glamour shot to mugshot. Now we are a
mob of self-portraitists. The total democratization of an art form either destroys it or ennobles it, and
the selfie is either a pure expression of self or the surrender to conformity. Depends on your
artistic standards, and your tolerance for psychobabble. Selfies are a form of vernacular
photography, like amateur daguerreotype or Polaroid, says Alicia Eler, who writes routinely about selfies on the arts
Web site Hyperallergic, and the prevalence of the artistic tool (the smartphone) doesnt diminish the
value of the work. I think the self-portrait and the selfie are for anyone whos continuously
documenting the act of becoming, she says. Its not self-obsession, though. Its a way to connect.
Such portraiture on social media is as good for self-empowerment as it is for self-objectification,
psychologist Sarah J. Gervais writes in Psychology Today. Though its possible for people to take an unhealthy outsiders
perspective of their bodies, Gervais says, she suggests that Instagram offers a quiet resistance to the barrage of perfect
images that we face in the traditional media. Parse them any which way, and realize that we have come to rely on selfies.
Selfies say I was here, in this state, at this point in time. Selfies say Im not alone because I
can share my aloneness. Were not narcissists, as the curmudgeonry claims. We are
transcendentalists with iPhones. Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose marquee essay is titled Self-Reliance,
would have been a habitual selfie-taker. The transcendentalists meticulously journaled about
themselves and shared passages with each other. They prized the notion of the individual and his or her
capacity for self-definition. Emerson says the mark of wisdom is seeing the miraculous in the commonplace, and
showing ourselves to each other because we find something of worth in ourselves, says Philip F. Gura, professor of
American literature and culture at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In this way, each selfie is one more breath
blown into the Oversoul, which Emerson defined as the common heart, as individuals knit together in the ether. He could
have been writing about the Internet and social media, in which case he would have cautioned against modeling yourself on
others, which loses your time and blurs the impression of your character. But do your work, and I shall know you,
Emerson wrote. Do your work, and you shall reinforce yourself. If Emerson were writing Self-Reliance today, he might
have added this instruction to his essay: If you do take a selfie, dont look at the image of yourself on the screen as you
snap the photo. Your eyes will be looking in the wrong direction. Instead, look into the lens itself, into the other soul who will
soon be looking back at you.

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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1NC Contention Four

Individualism is key to value to life. Word Count: 139., 09 (Western Culture Knowledge Center, 12/2/13,
Individualism means emphasis on the individual person. Western cultures embrace of individualism stems from its embrace
of reason because, as we shall see, the individual and only the individual has the ability to reason. Hero
of Humanity is the Individual A group of people does not have the ability to reason, strictly speaking. Only the individuals
comprising the group do because all perception and thought takes place within the individual mind. There is no group brain.
A group of people, for example, may create something new. However, since a group is merely a sum of
individuals, what the group produces is ultimately the result of individual reason and judgment. For
example, the television is considered a group invention. And it is true that no single person invented it, but this does not
change the fact that it resulted from the contributions of individuals, not a faceless collective. Also, when a person uses
ideas and achievements of others to create something new, something above and beyond what already exists, the creation
is the persons own individual accomplishment, a result of his or her own initiative, effort, ingenuity and reasonnot that of
his or her predecessors. The light bulb, for example, is Thomas Edisons achievement, and his alone, because he brought it
into existence, even though others before him invented glass, a screw base, etc. Everything that makes human life secure
and enjoyablefrom achievements in medicine, music and engineering to breakthroughs in transportation, literature and
governmentwas ultimately the creation or discovery of one: the individual using his or her power of reason. The individual,
therefore, is the hero of humanity. Independent The individual, with his or her power of reason, can gain
knowledge, competency, self-reliance and self-respect through his or her own effort and self-
development. In other words, the individual can achieve independence; he or she need not have a
fundamental dependence on others, including God, for survival and well-being. Achieving
independence does not require that one live alone, say, on a self-sustaining farm. A person has much to gain, such as
knowledge and trade, from living in society. Rather, being independent requires that one think for oneself and pay ones
own way through life by working productively. By definition, being independent rules out acting as a parasite, such as
engaging in crime or, as a normal course of living, relying on private charity or government welfare. Self-responsible
Sovereign To have the faculty of reason implies that one has free will. Thinking is an act of
choice; it is not automatic or instinctive. It is initiated and sustained by ones own volition. A
person has the choice to think, to question, to judge, to fully focus on reality or to coast mindlessly and then, by default,
become a mere product of his or her genes and social influences.
For example, a person can be raised by racist parents
and come to personally adopt their irrational views. This person, however, especially by the time he reaches adulthood, can
choose to think about and question the truthfulness of his bigoted views and reject these views, even if this process is
difficult. If he does not question his views and remains a racist then this, too, is his choice. The individual, therefore, is not
just capable of being independent. The individual isindependent in the sense that what he believes and doesin other
words, who he isis ultimately a product of his own choice. As a result, the individual is self-responsible, the master of his
own destiny and, in a word, sovereign. Individualism Rejected Non-Western culture rejects individualism. It holds that all
achievement is ultimately a gift from God or/and a product of the groupnot a result of the individual and his or her
reason, volition and initiative. In other words, nonwestern culture may hold that God controls, and is responsible for,
everythingincluding the individual and whatever he or she may achieve. It may also hold that the individual is merely a
feeble, dependent and expendable fragment or cell of the group. And the group (such as society, the state, the class, the
tribe) is regarded as a super-organism that is somehow apart from and superior to the sum of its individual members.
Consequently, according to this view, any and all achievement is the achievement of the group, that is, of a faceless
collective. Therefore, God or/and the group, not the individual, is considered sovereign and the primary
value in nonwestern culture. Consequently, the individual in nonwestern culture is viewed as
having relevance and value only insofar as he knows his placethat is, only insofar as he submits to,
depends on and serves the will of God or/and the group. Islam, for example, literally means to submit. And communism
and socialism, with commune and social meaning "group," are based on the primacy of the group and the subjugation of the
individual to it. Reason or Submission In nonwestern culture, submitting and surrendering oneself to the will of God
or/and the group has nearly irresistible appeal because reason is devalued in the culture. This causes the individual to
believe that reasonhis own independent ability to grasp knowledge and truthis inadequate to provide the guidance that
his life and well-being require. This leaves the individual feeling helpless, like a bird without wings, and desperate for
anyone to tell him what to believe and do. As a result, the individual freely subjugates himself to the will of God or/and the
group since they, not the individual, are viewed as powerful and efficacious. It is unnatural for the individual to be
weak, submissive and dependent. Now is the time for the world to embrace the ideal of individualism by recognizing that it is
proper for the individual to be rational, strong, independent, heroic and, in essence, the source of all achievement and

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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1NC Contention Five

Contention Five - The number 140 has been renown as magical throughout history, partly because
of its unexplainable prevalence in worldly phenomena. By abiding by a 140 word limit for cards,
Luck grants us an unbound number of unknown benefits. This is because of the following:

A. 140 is the age at which Job of the bible dies. Word Count: 20.
Christian God, circa 1 BCE (Supposed Deity, Job 42:16, 12/2/13, KJV Bible)
After this lived Job an hundred and forty years, and saw his sons, and his sons sons, even four

B. 140 is the atomic number of Unbibium, a mysterious and currently experimentally
unknown element
C. 140 is the number for telephone directory assistance in the historically unique and
imperative region of Egypt
D. 140 is a harmonic divisor number, a positive integer whose divisors have a harmonic
mean that is an integer, in mathematics. Those who abide by the ancient science of
numerology know this to be a big deal.
E. 140 is an abundant number, a number for which the sum of its proper divisors is greater
than the number itself, in mathematics. Those familiar with numerology know this to also
be a big deal.
F. PRO 140 is a humanized monoclonal antibody that could act as a potential therapy in the
treatment of HIV infection. Word Count: 36., 12 (CytoDyn Announces Acquisition of Pro 140, 12/2/13,
Portland, Oregon, October 17, 2012CytoDyn Inc. (CytoDyn) (OTC QB: CYDY), a biotechnology company
focused on the development of new therapies for combating infection with immune deficiency
viruses, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of PRO 140, an experimental
humanized monoclonal antibody (mAb) targeting the CCR5 receptor for the treatment and prevention of
HIV, from Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of Tarrytown, NY. PRO 140 is a late Stage II clinical development mAb with demonstrated anti-viral
activity in HIV- infected subjects. Todays payment of $3.5 million transfers ownership of the technology and associated intellectual property from Progenics to
CytoDyn, as well as approximately 25 million mg of bulk drug substance. The agreement with Progenics calls for two future mil estone payments upon
commencement of a Phase III clinical trial ($1.5 million) and the first new drug application approval ($5 million), as well as royalty payments of 5 percent of net sales
upon commercialization. CytoDyn is a company focused on the development of monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of immune deficiency viruses. PRO 140 is
the most advanced cell-specific monoclonal antibody to date being tested for the treatment of HIV. This makes it a perfect fit for our company. We believe that PRO
140 represents an entirely new approach to treating HIV. We are excited about taking it forward through the next stages of clinical development, said Dr. Nader
Pourhassan, CytoDyns interim President and CEO. Dr. Richard Trauger, CytoDyns Chief Scientific Officer, commented, PRO 140 is part of an exciting new class
of HIV therapies known as entry inhibitors. It has been reported to produce the largest single-dose HIV RNA reductions reported to date. Future studies are planned
to explore its activity in HIV-infected people either in combination with the current HAART regimens or as a monotherapy in those who cannot tolerate antiviral drugs.
In addition, due to its unique mechanism of action, PRO 140 may be useful as a pre-exposure (PrEP) and/or post-exposure (PEP) prophylaxis agent. We are looking
forward to re-initiating clinical development in FDA approved clinical studies to explore all of the potential uses of PRO 140.
G. 140 is an odious number because it has an odd number of ones in its binary number.
H. The sum of Eulers totient function over the first twenty-one integers is 140.
I. 140 is a square pyramidal number, or it is the sum of the squares of its first seven
J. 140 is a Harshad number, as in base 10 it is divisible by the sum of its digits.
K. According to numerology, 140 has a value of 5 because 1 + 4 = 5. May is the fifth
month of the year. May is a beautiful month.
HAS A VALUE OF 5 AS MENTIONED UNDER POINT K. Endorsing Cinco de Mayo through the
number 140 is multicultural and thats good for the community.

The mentioned reasons prove the incredible length of 140s untold bounty. It is magical
and involving it in the structuring of the plan could only make it better. We gain countless
unknown and unbound benefits.

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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2NC AT - Perms

Your perm doesnt utilize hashtags correctly, you use them to much: we retain net-benefit
solvency. Word Count: 32., 13 (Using hashtags on Twitter, 12/2/13,
Using hashtags correctly: If you Tweet with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that
hashtag may find your Tweet Don't #spam #with #hashtags. Don't over-tag a single Tweet. (Best
practices recommend using no more than 2 hashtags per Tweet.) Use hashtags only on Tweets
relevant to the topic. Definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It
was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages.

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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2NC Perms Bad Theory

A. Interpretation: Aff cannot advocate both doing the plan and all or part of one of the neg

B. Fairness:

1) Steals neg ground as our cases our limited to things the aff cannot do.
2) Ruins predictability: aff should only advocate the plan, nothing else as that is
what we are prepared to respond to.
3) Neg ends up debating theirselves.
4) Makes aff untopical as not advocating only the aff makes them extra topical.
5) Error neg on theory: aff gets first and last speeches plus unlimited prep.

C. Education:

1) Limits research aff needs to do: very just to read perm, much harder to actually
have response
2) Hard debate is good debate. Perm is easy way out, short changing aff of
learning expierences.

D. Voters on fairness and education.

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Matt Lauer

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2NC Severence & Intrinsicness Bad Theory
The perm is severance, intrinsic, or both. Its severance if it severs out of specific parts of the plan to be net-better,
which is a voting issue because it makes the aff a moving target and makes it impossible to be neg because they can
spike out of links. Its intrinsic if it adds some action not in the original plan text. This is a voting issue because it allows
the aff to be a moving target by adding positive action to the plan to always appear net better than the k/cp. It makes it
impossible for the neg to debate if the aff is free to add to their plan to spike out of links or add advantages. Both are a
voter on fairness and on education because we cant learn from the debate if its not fair.

A. Interpretation: The aff cannot sever from its plan
B. Violation: The aff majorly severs from the plan by making 1AC altering perms
C. Standards:

1. Ground: the perm is a check of the competitiveness not an advocacy. So we can slightly
change the plan to check the competitiveness.

2. Strat skew: Prevents the neg from ever winning da, cp, or k links since they will always
sever out, and avoids clash in policy comparisons because there is no clash or cost benefit
analysis if the aff can sever out of the argument the neg tries to confront them on.

3. Education: in real world politics politicians make amendments to their plan to help gain
support or fix problems. We will be the future policy makers so we should practice working
like them.

4. Fairness: The negative can read Ks and CPs that have nothing to do with the plan except
a similar funding or an advantage. The severance perm is key to checking any abusive
negative CP, PIC or Vague alt.

D. Voters on Fairness and Education

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2NC Severence & Intrinsicness Bad Theory

A. Interpretation: The aff cannot be intrinsic, advocating things not specified in its plan text
B. Violation: They advocate a perm, and none of it is mentioned in their plan text.
C. Standards:

1. Moving target The neg has no idea how the case will change with the permutation
destroys block strategy making it impossible to be neg. Voter for Fairness.

2. Predictability They could run an unthinkable number of intrinsic permutations neg
cant predict the thousands of minute perms making them impossible to respond to. Voter for

3. Unfair Net Benefits They can add any net benefit to the permutation making it impossible
to respond to - We could read a process CP and they could respond with a perm with a net
benefit totally unrelated to the case that we werent prepared to respond to. Voter for

4. Steals Neg Ground The perm can solve all neg offense, making it impossible to be neg

5. Killing of Topic-specific Education The part that the perm adds doesnt relate to the
D. Voters on fairness and education

Roseville The Twitter CP
Matt Lauer

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2NC Reject the Team Theory (To Top It Off)

Reject the aff team not the argument for reasons of:

1. Precedence Not voting on our theory argument means that theyll have a further incentive to
continue butchering the negs fairness and education, voting them down gives them a higher
incentive to stop being abusive.

2. Whats done is done all of our voters are reasons you should reject the team the abuse has
already occurred. Theyve already hindered our education and made it impossible to be the neg in
this debate. The damage has been done.

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