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FORWARDING AGENT: 202 Simabo^ Blnu

NaXatiz JohMon 5-39, 2-cJkomQ,, Izuz He^aka JUN
R.R. 1, Box 65 tiCgadki-ku, HZ^o^fuma 730
OAZeans, IW 47452 JAPAN
Dear Friends,
Praise the Lord, we have been able to move on from Jeremiah to Isaiah: "They
that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, and shall mount up with wings
as eagles." Thanks to God's great grace and your faithful prayers. His workings
among us here in Hiroshima have become evident, and our strength has been renewed.
Perhaps you saw news in the Christian Standard or the Turners' newsletter
about our evengelistic meeting last November, and of the baptism of a fine young
couple. Preparations for the meeting were entered into over the objections of
Sachiko and myselfwe were already too busy for that kind of extra efforti But
we felt the need, and so when the Ono church staff drew up plans for us, we just
prayed for the extra energy and resources to follow them. We prayed together with
our Bible classes and set goals for finances, attendance, and decisionsand God
supplied what, for us, was impossible. We had an attendance averaging 30 for the
three nights; 12 made decisions to learn more about Jesus or to become disciples.
ReZko and Kimltaka Mlgamoto hadn't even been able to come Friday night, but
called on Saturday afternoon saying, "We want to be baptized; what do we do?"
So we told them, and on Sunday, Dec.l, in the large bath of the dormitory of the
school where I taught, they were born again into New Life in Jesus 1 After our
last service on Sunday evening, 10 of us who had worked hard for the meeting
shared together in praise and prayer. As I prayed, truly I felt as if I had at
last been released from a tiny cage, and was free to run and dance, even to flyl
I wanted to write to you right away about all those blessings, but we had to
start right away on Christmas activities. This year we rented a meeting hall, and
our Jr. High Bible class did a puppet play on the nativity.. The ladies' Bible
class helped bake cookies; High School and college kids helped with decorations
and clean-up. We were able to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus' birth to 75 grade-
school kids, and 25 of assorted other ages. On Christmas night we had a quiet
candle service for the adults, and praised God for the Light He has given us.
Most of the holidays Sachiko and I spent trying to throw off colds and sore
throats, at which we were largely unsuccessful. I had had post-card greetings
printed so I could send them to the States for Christmas and in Japan for New
Years; finally got some off in Japan, but most of you will have to wait until
next year for yours (Sorry about that). And, the winter holidays ended with
the now-famous refrain, "Well, I can do all that during Spring vacation....'"
Now spring vacation has come and gone, but at last some accomplishments
have been made. Our colds seem to be gone. I had an zyz cAecfe-up Zn Jaywavvy,
no pAobZms, 6o now ja&Z a yojoJity c/iecfe-up. The first of the year, we started
a Sr. Hi Bible class (me teaching); during the first two months I had three
studentsbut never more than one at a time. Last week, finally, I had three
students all at oncel I quZt teaching EngZUh cZa&-6&6 at the gZiZs' 6choot at
the end oi Ma/ich; now I hope to be able to p^epaae bettea ioA, BZbte cZait6e6 and
and to be able to get Keaxiy to come home Zn Auga&t, ^Ihile I'm on
furlough, Sachiko will remain here to continue the work we have started;
she will need lots of strength, energy, and help, so please pray as we make
plans, that she can carry on with joy and faith. Thank you aJU ^ofi yovJi
continued pnayeJUi, and j{o/t youa 6uppoAt Zn many loay^i.
With much love.
(t^J. l^e.\ ko Miya-vo')~o.
Abayg^ V".; f*^ir. Ki><v
'{?'l^l\f.'. Sictt. evening, fke rt>o >n was "fit'
And So uiere aar Jrie.Ajr'i'^ i
n^ve. .* Mr. Naka^aiK<!j
'toJje.ii "t* HS.^kikvro SKimpo
MaMu-rti* ^da, a^i.jCT'^runu htcu
^i-tLo ySAcJuA^^^AW'^^ a
Mr'. k-tL.ica,ujaL.,
Dear ones.
I wish yru a blessed
full of the love and
Furlough .Address;
(until Feb. 19bl)
435 S. Mulberry
Rising Sun, IN i|70i^.0
joy of Jesus
Japan Address;
202 Sunabori Biru
5-39,2-chome,Izue Hesakr
Hlgashi-ku,Hiroshima 730
December, 1980
I haven*t written for so long, I got so ashamed, it just got
harder and harder to write. Of course, the big news is that I'M
at home in Riang Sun. I arrived at the Cincinnati airport at
7 AM on August 8th, and my sweet Mama and Papa were there to
welcome me. But my plane had arrived early, and while I was
downstairs collecting my baggage, they were upstairs waiting for
me to come out the gate. After about 20 minutes, I started
up the escalator just as Papa was coming down. It was a funny
start to a good day, I was determined not to go to bed until it-
was bed time in this part of the country, but made the mistake
of sitting in Pop's reclining chair, V/as out like a light, but
then the phone rang. I jumped up, grabbed the phone, and said,
"Moshi moshi,"j The only trouble was, the fellow on the other
end wasn't Japaneseboy, did I feel silly.
Is that culture shock? I think I've done real well; I've
been able to keep my shoes on in the house, and have only pulled
out onto the wrong side of the street twice (I wonder if I
looked as startled as the Butternut Bread mani).
It's good to be home. It was good to ride my bike around
Rising Sun, enjoying the summer's lush green, and autumn's
opulent gold. I've enjoyed my Daddy's fresh vegetables and my
Mama's fresh fruit cobblers, I've also enjoyed getting to know
the folks around here all over again.
I've done a lot since I've been home, too. A lot of
visiting with friends and relatives; a lot of speaking in
churches, schools and such; a lot of reading and watching TV;
and a lot of nothing. Now I hear that postage is going up in
January, so it sounds like I've got to do a lot of packing
in a hurry, .'^'eems like I only got unpacked last week.
Now let me share with you s: me really super things that
Godhas done in Hlroshiiria, Motoko Kajiyama, a college girl, was
baptized in June. She had wanted to'become a Christian since
High School, but delayed because of family opposition. Please
pray that she will grow into a strong and faithful Chci.stian.
Again, as last summer, college kids from the ONO Church of
Christ came to pass out tracts and meet with our young peoole.
This year, tracts want into 75OOO homesl Our Jr. Hi, and Illgh
School kids had a picnic and a campfire; lots of work, but a.ots
of fun, and a blessing as well,
' ' -A ' U *> " "" "h I" UVir. r- t
norc - .-T
Before I left Hiroshima, all my classes wanted to have
farewell parties. The Japanese are great gift givers, so I
received a lot; folks wanted me to have beautiful things to
show and give to people here in America, One of the nicest
gifts was a kimono, and all the trappings that went with it,
Mrs, 3himpo, a Bible class member, took about three days to
teach me how to wear it; but the more I wear it, the more I
discover I need to learn about it.
Prom Hiroshima, I went to the All-Japan Christian Convention
in HOKKAIDO. The Japanese section was held at a lake surrounding
Mt. TJsui, a volcano which did a Mt, 3t. Helens act about two
years ago. The English section was in part of the former Winter
Olympic village in Sapporo^ Kost folks flew there, but being a
hardy soul and wishing to "See Japan," I opted for a three-day
drive with Martin and Evelyn Clark from Osaka, and our guest
speaker, Dallas Meserve, What we saw more than anything else
was FOG and flAIN, But it was a good convention,
I got back to Tokyo in time to see the new house Bill and
Betty Turner were moving into, and to hear about the great work
going on at the Faith Land Bible Camp, and the new congregation
they've been able to start in the Tokyo area,
Sachiko and the folks in Hesaka have written regularly.
They're still waiting for me to come back, so I guess I'm not
out of a job yet. I know it's been hard for ?5achiko to carry
on, but I think the Christians there have pulled together and
worked hard. The Ono church has helped out by sending someone
to preach every other week. The other Sundays, the Christians
have been taking turns leading a Bible study.
On December 20&21, they are going to have an Evangelistic
Meeting, coinciding with Christmas activities. They are
passing out a lot of handbills, working and praying that $0
people will come to each meeting. Please continue to pray
for that small, beautiful body of Christ in Hesaka,
I will be at home in Rising Sun until the middle of
February; following the Preaching and Teaching Convention at
Ozark Bible College, I'll be heading for the West Coast, Then
I hope I'll have a couple of weeks in Japan to "catch up"
before starting in on a new spring schedule. Please pray with
me that the Lord will provide enough added support that I won't
have to teach so much English this next term. Until we can
find a preacher, I feel like I will need to spend a lot more
time in visiting people and teaching Bible rather than English,
VJell, it's about as hard to catch up 8 months in 2 pages
asit is to catch up i|. years in 8 months (which is how long
I'll be home), I'll try not to wait so Jong before writing again.
In Jesus' precious name,
Carolyn Bai^icklow

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