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For All Russell Stutely Internet Audio Course

Its Praised By Other Martial Artists
Its Taking The Fighting Press By Stor
And Its Turning !Ordinary "oes Into Flat Out Sel#$Protection
%&perts Alost O'ernight(elcoe To
Simple strikes, with incredible
power correctly placed
(hat Theyre Saying A)out Russell Stutely*
+Russell can sho, anyone ho, to turn on so uch po,er that they can de'astate any
street punk or attacker- Russell can change the ,ay you train and ho, you de#end
yoursel# #ore'er-.
# Herol !raham / $ time %ritish, E&ropean and 'ommonwealth 'hampion and
(ormer World Title Holder at S&per )iddle * A%A 'hampion+
0strikes are aa1ingly po,er#ul 2 I ha'e ne'er )een hit so hard0 $ Master Mark
Adlington 4th Degree Tang Soo Do
0Russell akes pressure points so easy to use- 3e has trans(ormed my )artial
Arts0 2 Bob Sykes 6th Dan Karate ~ Editor of Martial Arts Illstrated!
4ear Reader/
I ,riting to you today regarding soe rearka)le de'elopents in the ,orld o# real$li#e sel#$
4ont tell/ )ut its highly likely that ,ith the arri'al o# this letter today/ you can )egin to forget artial
arts #ro no, on,ards-
Forget )elts/ long hours o# !training and endless learning o# )oring/ ine##ecti'e and o'erly$cople&
o'es- Really5 A)solutely
Yo& see, what -m writin. abo&t today is
a whole new way to (,,,
Its soething that siply blows away !traditional artial artsits soething that blows away e'en
so$called !ilitary systes- And oh/ its soething thats praised )y the press/ )y World Champion
boxers/ and )y scores o# the )est and )rightest here in the 67-
Theyre calling it the new way to ( Theyre saying it trups anything thats coe )e#ore 8 no
atter ,hos putting it together/ and no atter ho, long its )een around-
So pull up a chair- 9oure a)out to learn ho, the (orld o# artial arts is )eing shaken up )y this
astonishing !ne, ,ay to #ight-
%&t be(ore talk more abo&t that let me
introd&ce mysel(/
But #irst o# all let e introduce ysel#- My nae is Ian :oehler/ and our copany is NA0 8 New
Approach Publishing Ltd, also kno,n as 1The 23 4ab-- Our goal here at 1The 4ab- is to )ring
#or,ard the !)est$o#$the$)est in the 67s (orld o# real$li#e sel#$de#ence $ guys purely )ased here in the
U/ guys ,ho are !uietly and secretly "under the radar# $i# youre )ased in the 6SA 8 ,ere your !key
to the 'ault to getting access to these guys;-
n (act, this is how we know 23#based 1le.end- 5&ssell St&tely
9ou ight ne'er ha'e heard o# Russell/ )ut hes )ecoe soething o# a legend in real$,orld sel#$
de#ence circles- In #act/ such is the po,er o# his ,ork that hes )een #eatured on the #ront$co'er o# the
67s <= aga1ine in the (orld o# Martial Arts- 3es also soeone ,hos )een coended )y our o,n
Police %orce a guy thats endorsed )y the )est in the )usiness-and hes e'en soeone ,ho gets the
!thu)s up #ro World Champion )o&ers-
9ou see/ Russell had coe to realise ,hat ost people realise a)out the (orld o# artial arts- That
although artial arts ay )e part o# ost peoples training regie 8 they are sadly lacking in todays
>%( #ighting arena,here uggers and )ullies ,ouldnt think t,ice a)out taking ,hat you'e got
and then lea'ing you #or dead-
What-s more/
(hats ore/ Russell ,as sharp enough to recognise ,here artial arts #ail so any people- See/ so
uch o# the !stu## in artial arts is not only ill$designed #or todays odern$streets/ )ut ost o# the
o'es and #oundations theyre )ased on ,ere !in'ented in a tie pasta tie that siply doesnt
irror todays odern$day street scenarios- And that eans that theyre o#ten constrained )y the
archaic and cople&- Sure they ay look good/ )ut they o#ten fall apart in reality 8 a reality ,here
attackers can )e high on drugs/ in a gang/ or ared to the )ack teeth- Theres no honour out there
Thats ,hy Russell took up the reins to de'elop a ,hole 1new way to
( soething that ,ould )lo, a,ay the artial arts o# the past 8
and harness science and the latest in #ighting technology to s?uare up to
the new street scenario o# the (orld ,e no, li'e in-
Fact is/ Russell has )ecoe T3% !an in todays (orld o# artial arts who-s dra..ed sel(#protection
*kickin. and screamin.+ into the 67 st 'ent&ry,
And that#s great news for &'U(
Because i# youre like ost people 8 and you'e tried artial arts yoursel# $ then you'e pro)a)ly
e&perienced the sae kind o# problems that ost people #ace-
They insist on endless, comple8 mo9es and re:&ire far too "#h ti"e to $ra#ti#e%
9ou'e pro)a)ly #ound this out #or yoursel#- And thats ,hy Russells spent the last )* years o# his li#e
de'eloping/ per#ecting and honing his !>e, (ay To Fightsoething that #inally atches up ,ith
todays odern$day street scenarios 8 and gi'es a'erage !"oes ,hat they ,ant@ a real#world, :&ick#to#
learn 1system- to take o&t practically any assailant re.ardless o( yo&r si;e and,
I kno,-
It sounds like hype- It sounds like B-S- But i# youre like e/ once you hear and see this yoursel#/ youll
)ecoe a true con+ert-
So allo, no distraction- Take a seat- :et ready- And lets start #ro the )eginning-
A new approach towards (i.htin./
Russell calls his ne, approach to,ards #ighting ,he -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem( Its systeatic-
Its scienti#ic- And its deli)erately addresses the problem most people face/ wanting to learn a super0
effecti+e real0world self defence system 1 bt not ha&ing the ti"e to learn!
3eres the )otto$line@ you siply dont >%%4 endless o'es and such like 8 and you can#t insist on
this either i# you ,ant to sur'i'e out there today- 9ou ,ant soething that ,orks in the real$,orld and
,orks SIMPA9- And you ,ant soething that can )e picked up and learned B6IC7A9- One/ t,o/
#inish the #ight 8 and you#re done-
So let e introduce you to the iportant #oundation that Russells -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem
$-%%.2 is )ased around-
9ou see/ there are #our #oundations that ake up Russells )reakthrough
!ne, ,ay to #ight odel $ and that #or the )asis #or ena)ling you to
take our real$,orld street threats 8 and its the #oundation on ,hich the
-ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem is )ased-
Simplicity, Speed, 0lacementand 0ower *SS00+,
,his is the ..PP model-
And its the )asis #or ,he -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem(
Aets look at the #irst #oundation in this8 the !S in the ..PP model-
Firstly/ lets get soething straight@ you and I )oth kno, that artial arts are/ generally speaking/
cople&- There are endless o'es/ all sorts o# ,rist o'eents in soe arts/ o'er$coplication that
looks good )ut #alls apart in reality $ and e'erything else you can think o# it-
Russell takes a di##erent approach 8 one that sees to it that this o'er$coplication siply goes out of the
window- Theres no need #or it 8 especially ,hen you are on the street and the you$kno,$,hat is hitting
the #an-
Aet e put it ore concretely@ you don#t need *,333 different mo+es, if you are only going to use 'N4
when it comes down to a street fight-
Think a)out it- I# youre like ost o# us/ you dont ,ant to learn and eorise a hundred di##erent
o'es i# you are going to siply forget the on the street- >o good-
Instead/ you ,ant soething thats simple and ,orks SIMPA9- (hats ore/ you ,ant soething that
can )e easily practiced and easily ree)ered ,hen push coes to sho'e-
And thats the )asis thats )een esta)lished in the de'elopent o# Russells odel-
Simplicity- Buick/ easy/ siple 8 5ust de+astate your opponent cleanly, then walk away( I# youre like
e/ you outright 7>O( that siplicity is one o# the !keys to learning a #ighting syste that you can
pick up ?uickly/ ,ith inial eori1ation/ and then go out and use tomorrow 8 and its an integral
part o# Russells odel-
And what-s more/
Soething else/ too
I# you'e e'er seen a street$#ight/ then youll kno, this@ it happens 6U7CL&( Its like a blur/ and then
its done and dusted- And heres Russells take on that@
7n and out(
In short/ you need to )e in and out ,ith a ?uick/ decisi'e )lo, that siply ends the #ight !ASAP- And
thats the second #oundation or pillar o# Russells ..PP -odel@ Speed, >ot necessarily in ,hat 9O6
need to ha'e 8 )ut your approachthe #oundation you need to ,ork #roneeds to )e one o# !I in/
then I out- 9ou need to ,ork #ro a core grounding o# ending the atter ?uickly-
I# youre anything like e/ then you kno, that ,ith real speed you can end practically any encounter
rapidly/ then ,alk a,ay near$unscathed- This is ,hy speed is also an integral part o# Russells #ight
More/ too
Aets #ace it@ i# you hit soeone hard then you can do soe serious daage- Fe, people ,ould deny
that power is uniportant on the street- "ust one pro)le@ not e'eryone is )lessed ,ith a great degree o#
po,er that they can then apply to protect thesel'es- And thats ,hy Russells aterial is so )ang$on
#or so any o# us-
In short/ Russells de'eloped a rearka)le )asis #or striking ,ith incredi)le po,er- So uch so/ in #act/
that soe o# the 'ery )est in the !#ight gae ha'e praised hi #or his ,ork in this area Ccheck out ,hat
8erol 9raham, ex0World boxing champion says a)out Russ on the enclosed sheet*;-
Once again/ the a)ility to do serious/ de'astating daage ,ith a )lo, is another iportant key to
sur'i'ing a street scenario-
And the (inal part o( 5&ssell-s core,
(o&ndational NEW Way To )odel/
Aisten@ the correct placeent o# a strike is an integral part o# ,alking a,ay #ro any street encounter-
n short, 0lacement 0oints are the 3EY that &nlocks
the 'ault ,ith Russells M''S
Because ,hen you learn ho, to R%AAA9 hit soeone 8 ,ith e&tree po,er 8 and couple that ,ith the
correct placeent 8 using Russ Placement Point ,echnology $ then the a)ility youll ha'e to de#end
yoursel# is Dust beyond belief-
No matter what -
An e&aple@ i# you poke a EF$stone guy in the eye/ no atter i# youre a ,eak and #rail old ,oan/ you
can still cause a lot o# pain- And strikes to tons o# other points CRussell ,ill sho, you; ha'e de+astating
ipact ,hen it coes to the street-
Russells ,ork in placeent/ pressure points and take$out strikes is siple unmatched-
%ottom#line< the correct placeent o# a strike is siply de'astating
%&t 'O)%NE it with power/simplicity/and speed
and it-s simply in#redible%
Thats ,hy Russells odel is so po,er#ul-
Because you'e got siple strikes/ ,orking together ,ith incredi)le po,er/ all placed in de'astating
#ashionand )ecause its siple on top
Yo&-9e created what co&ld be the World-s
most 0E5FE'T Fi.htin. System"
Its near$scientific in its approach to taking out any street #oe-
And )ecause its )ased on a core #oundation o# SIMPAICIT9its as near easy to use Cand ree)er;
as anything youll #ind out there today-
Its this combination and copound o# po,er ,ith speed and placeent that is siply mind0blowing-
And ,ere aking e'erything as siple as possi)le/ so its easily e&ecuted in a high$pressure street
And it-s why i( yo& adhere to this yo #an end any
street fight(&ery )i#kly(as si"$ly as shoo*ing a+ay
an alley #at(regardless of +ho yo are and +hat yo,&e
trained in before%
And its ,hy ,e )elie'e ,e'e #inally #ound the solution #or anyone and e'eryone to get
/,9ery .ood at sel(#de(ence/9ery :&ickly indeed"
Seriously5 9ep- And it gets better too-
9ou see/ )ecause Russ -%%. is )ased on siplicity its not only siple to use ITS AASO %AS9
And thats ,hat akes it so )ang on- 9ou can learn it/ use it in de'astating #ashion/ and )ecause o# its
siplicity can call on it as and when re!uired-
Once we saw the M''S in action we
immediately realised the implications, And we
knew it was somethin. we had to p&blish to
the wider sel(#de(ence market/ hence this
letter today,
(e )asically locked oursel+es away #or se'eral days ,orth o# #iling/ until ,e captured e'ery last
essence o# Russells )reakthrough -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem( (e'e spent ,eeks preparing this
aterial #or release- (e pored o'er e'ery last part o# thise'ery aspect o# this ..PP Modelho, the
SSPP odel integrates into the -%..: Placement Point ,echnologythe MFFS Backup Support
Syste-%%. Application0.pecific .cenariosin short/ e'erything a)out ho, they integrate together
to #or a true !take$out syste #or the street 8 one thats a)le to )e picked up/ used siplyand has
de+astating results;
(e captured e'erything on #i'e/ tie$coded/ tightly edited 4G4s- And ,e'e )o&ed the up into a
coplete Set that )lo,s e'ery last secret o# this re+olution in the fight game(
Here-s a small sample o( what yo&-re abo&t to learn<
=4i9e> e8amples *with two trainin. partners+ on the and wron. ways to per(orm
5&ssell-s M''S/cementin. the learnin. e8perience and ens&rin. yo& pick this material
&p as :&ickly as possible"
Why too m&ch tension in strikes is the 1startin. point- o( what most people do wron. with
their martial arts trainin./and how 5&ssell-s secret o( 1controlled pliability- will chan.e
the way yo& look at hittin. an opponent (ore9er"
Application#speci(ic e8amples o( applyin. 5&ssell-s $o+er strikes to ?oints and locks/
drawin. on ener.y (or s&per pain, 4i(t yo&r opponent o(( his (eet in pain"
Why and how to apply this material so it-s like the di((erence between hittin. someone
with a da((odil or a sledgeha""er% Why yo& can de9astate one or m&ltiple opponents with
simple strikes with a power in?ection that only 5&ssell can .i9e yo& *yo& can &se the M''S
a.ainst m&ltiple opponents too, or armed opponents"+
How small shi(ts in strikin. strate.y can .arner h&.e in yo&r res&lts/and what to
do to apply this to yo&r own style/do&blin. yo&r power with hal( the e((ort, Take o&t any
opponent with ease,
Why hittin. someone in the (ace with 5&ssell-s M''S is likely too dangeros/and where
to hit instead (or ma8im&m impact with minim&m chance o( total wipeo&t,
How to &se the )FFS in di((erent $lanes of "o&e"ent, 2sin. these planes, yo&-ll be able to
apply this material in nearly all sitations, NE@E5 be o&t#s&rprised a.ain, 4earn how to
take o&t an opponent in any scenario,
THE bi..est mistake martial artists make with their (eet/and most o( them don-t realise
this" Yo& will and when yo& do, yo&-ll e8ponentially increase the power yo& .enerate
when strikin. opponents,
How to short#circ&it the body, ens&rin. a near -rag*doll, state in yo&r attacker, 2se and
co&ple this with power and it-s astonishin., This is .la#e"ent .oint Te#hnology at its &ery
best and an integral $art of the M''S!
How to &se M''S meridians to know how to hit in parts o( the body that will #r"ble e9en
6A#stoners with ease, A.ain, co&plin. this with power *and simplicity+ makes (or a h&.ely
power(&l approach towards sel(#protection,
How to &se the 1trian.le- abo9e the eye to really knock an attacker sideways/and why .a.
re(le8 points can be so power(&l in street de(ences,
Why yo& don,t need to be a##rate to .et 5&ss- 0lacement 0oint Technolo.y 1o((-, With
most material yo&-ll (ind, yo& need to strike somethin. small, Not so with 5&ssell-s
material and it-s another reason why we like it so m&ch,
Why 0lacement 0oints are all o9er the body too/ meanin. that it-s a simple matter to take
an opponent o&t in 9irt&ally any s#enario/ whether yo& can or can-t hit their le.s, arm or
(ace it won-t matter, There are eno&.h points to mean anyone can .et o(( a s&per#
e((ecti9e placement area that will b&ckle yo&r (oe,
mportant point< these placement points A5E power(&l, Bo NOT mis&se them, This is
serio&s st&((, They-re not to be mis&sed,
How to &se )FFS .all bladder and li9er meridians, The correct application o( these points
is incredibly power(&l, WA5NN!< do NOT &se these e8cessi9ely,
'4'3 HE5E TO O5BE5
And oretons oreincluding MFFS training drills to use why <ussell#s "spiral# is so
importantho, to use a !Bad %l'is to help you ingrain and in#use this aterial into e'erything you do
in sel#$de#encehow to hammerfist and do "haymakers# with <ussell#s approach Cultra po,er#ul; 8 and
tons ore-
I# youre anything like e/ youre pro)a)ly starting to understand the PO(%R o# Russells approach 8
and ,hy ,ere so e&cited a)out it-
<ussell#s broken down the ability to fight and win to something .7-PL4( 3es 'irtually thro,n out
artial arts/ )ut still used the as a #oundation 8 dragging the arena o# sel#$de#ence into the E=st
The result is a true #ighting !systeH one that doesnt re?uire endless o'es/ or #ancy stu## or tiresoe
practice- "ust siple strikes/ ,ith ra, po,er and speed 8 and alost scientifically placed on the huan
/,makin. it incredibly straightfor+ard to walk away
(rom +irtually any street scenario-
Super e##ecti'e sel#$de#ence can )e as siple as that- Minial things to eorise- Siple techni?ues
,ith incredible impact-
And that#s the essence of the -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem(
Best o# all its #irly grounded in reality 8 not nonsense that looks #lash )ut gets you no,here in the
real ,orld- (hats ore there are >O #ancy o'esstu## thats hard to ree)er and re?uires hours o#
practiceand nothing hard to think a)out- And 9O6 can pick this aterial up ,ith Dust a hand#ul o#
Hold &p there-s more/
I'e got soe ore good stu## #or you/ too
In short/ I thought it ,ould )e instructi'e to see this )reakthrough #ight technology applied in real$
,orld scenarios 8 actually seeing it in real$li#e action-
Thats ,hy ,e'e included soe )onus #ootage- This rearka)le aterial sho,s the -ultiplied %orce
%ighting .ystem in action C,e had to deli)erately tone it do,n in parts/ )ecause it ,ould ha'e )een !too
e&tree on participants ,ho ,ere kind enough to )e #iled #or this;-
'4'3 HE5E TO O5BE5
It sho,s =E de+astating knockouts )ased on -%%. ,echnology 1 illustrating Dust ho, easy this can )e to
take out an attacker on the street ,ith siple )lo,sit sho,s real$,orld scenarios o# using -%%. in
concei'a)le/ real$,orld situationsand it )rings hoe the practical eleents o# ,he -ultiplied %orce
%ighting .ystemright into your #ront roo-
We will incl&de this critical bon&s (oota.e with yo&r packa.e/to show yo& ?&st how The M''S
all ties to.ether in real#li(e, real#world scenarios"
And (inally/
Finally/ ,e ,ent through a the -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem#s %ack&p S&pport System- This
)ackup syste ,as per#ored and e&panded upon )y ,ony =ailey/ one o# the 67s great trainers in the
(orld o# cage #ighting/ Diu$Ditsu and MMA-
(hy is this included5
Because as good as the -%%. is 8 ,e also recognise that it cant co'er e'ery e'entuality- Russell ,ould
)e the #irst to adit that- So this )ackup support syste is there should the #ight turn to the ground/
should you take longer than e&pected to take out an attacker/ or should you need it in a tight spot-
9oull learn the ,riangulation ,heory, and the %igure of 4ight %ormula that ,ill act as )ackup systes
should you need the/ and that ceent the core aterial youll learn ,ith the -%%.(
Thats #i'e 4G4s o# red$hot/ )reakthrough #ighting technology 8 a special/ )reakthrough release-
One last word/
As you pro)a)ly kno,/ too uch o# ,hats out there today is siply out$dated and anti?uated- =ut
<ussell#s stuff is the %U,U<4( And youll see ,hy ,hen you catch up ,ith these 4G4s yoursel#-
There-s no learnin. endless mo9es/?&st simple strikes with so m&ch power that yo& can take o&t
*and de9astate+ whate9er the street throws at yo&/,with S)04'TY and S0EEB
And rather than )eing sceptical a)out -%.. like ,e ,ere ,hen ,e #irst got in contact ,ith Russell
,ere no, belie+ersand that eans ,e are intent on pu)lishing this to as any serious artial artists
as ,e can possi)ly reach-
In short/ ,e )elie'e ,e'e finally found soething that says !P#ui to the traditional opinion that you
need to spend years learning/ practicing and you need to )e super$po,er#ul to take out any attacker-
'4'3 HE5E TO O5BE5
The ingrained #oundations o# speedpo,erplaceentake #or a systeatic approach to de#ence
thats ?uick/ easy/ iensely po,er#ul 8 and )ecause its siple 8 can be picked up and used +ery
!uickly indeed(
%ottom#line< what 5&ssell knows can chan.e the way yo& train fore&er"
I# you'e recei'ed this o##er today then it eans the !deal is on right no,/
today/ to pick up this )reakthrough ne, (i9e B@B series on Russell
Stutelys -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem 1 a !syste that can change
the ,ay you protect yoursel# #ore'er-
Seriously/ i# youre appealed to )y the thought o# ,iping out )ullies like a kni#e going through )utter
i# you ,ant to learn all Russells secrets #or doing this #or yourselfthen you need to get your hands on
,hat ,e'e prepared #or you today-
That stated/ let e tell you ho, to get hold o# this package #or yoursel# 8 at our risk not yours- But
)e#ore I tell you ore a)out that/ let e tell you ore a)out
Yo&r (&ll two month .&arantee"
Aisten- I realise ,e'e ade soe clais in this letter 8 so I going to thro, in a #ull t,o$onth CIF
day; guarantee o# satis#action ,ith your package today- Thats right-
I# you dont kno, us/ you should kno, that ,e stand )ehind all our products =FFJ/ and this Bo&$Set o#
,he -ultiplied %orce %ighting .ystem is certainly no e&ception-
Here-s the deal<
Order today/ and check e'erything out 8 )ut dont think #or one inute youre under any o)ligation to
keep the package- In short/ i# youre not happy ,ith the 4G4sand ,hat Russell sho,s yousiply
send the )ack to us- Theres no conditions ,ith this/ no stupid get$out clauses- 9ou ,ant your oney
)ack/ youll get it )ack/ and thats no pro)le ,ith us- 9oull )e re#unded in #ull(
What#s more, you#+e got a full 6/*days to "ake $ yor "ind - Fair enough5
At )estand as I e&pectyoull ha'e your real$,orld skill$set ade o'er- At ,orst/ youll learn
soething ne, and get all your oney )ack any,ay- I hope you realise I cantcouldnt-o##er this
guarantee i# this ,asnt the !real deal-
Check e'erything out- 6se the 4G4s- Put the aterial into action 8 test it out- And only i# youre
satis#ied do you need to keep the- Other,ise/ siply ship the )ack to us and youll )e re#unded in
#ull- Fair enough5
'4'3 HE5E TO O5BE5
9our price 8 as soeone ,hos ne'er ordered #ro us )e#ore 8 is Dust C7DE F SGH #or the coplete
Syste- Thats a #ull #i'e 4G4s/ e&panding upon e'ery last shred o# thisdeli'ered to your door/ and
#ully guaranteed #or IF days- That ay see out o# soe peoples )udget)ut ,hen you consider it
can gi'e you all the tools #or annihilating street opponents ,ith Russells principles/ its a 'ery sall
price to pay-
And that#s especially so gi+en the time it takes to ingrain <ussell#s methods into your life( Seriously/ I'e
seen !7arate courses cost ore than this- And you hardly %G%R get an opportunity to in'ite soeone
like this into your #ront$roosoeone thats praised )y World Champions)y the )est in the (orld
in this )usinessand ,hos causing soe serious wa+es in this gae- That stated/ this price is a literal
)argain #or this )reakthrough #ighting technology-
So here-s how to order<
Siply hit the !Buy >o, )utton on this page and youre on your ,ay- 9oure totally protected )y our
super$strong guarantee/ so you can check this all out #or yoursel# ,ithout any risk at all-
Seriously/ you are going to lo'e this stu##- 9ou are going to learn these cutting$edge tactics #or taking
out 'irtually any assailant out there today- >o atter ,hat- And youll do so !uickly toousing
Russells ethods that are siply changing the artial arts counity-
4ont iss out* :et your order to us ,ithin se'en days to secure your )onus-- Best o# all/ its all risk$
#ree to you/ and you'e got a #ull IF$days to ipleent this and see the shocking results in your o,n
Order today- And any thanks #or reading-
Best Regards/
Ian :oehler
67 Fight Aa)K>e, Approach Pu)lishing Atd-
0,S, One #inal thing@ ,e thought it ,ould )e use#ul to you to get a handy chart o# Placement Point
,echnology/ ena)ling you to see Dust ho, to apply ,hat you'e learned- ,his chartoutlines T3% )est
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