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Siti Nur Jariyah (125110501111006)

4. Is the procedure face valid and !iased for !est"

# test $ill !e face valid if% the directions are clear& the structure of the
test is or'ani(ed lo'ically& its di)culty level is appropriately pitched& the test
has no surprises& and the ti*in' is appropriate. +hose points are fro*
student,s perspective. So& face valid relates $ith the student,s perspective
a!out the test that the student,s opinion can !e *ade as a !ase to *a-e
strate'y to *a-e the students can do the test easily. It is not only a!out the
student& it also a!out $hat the teachers have to do $hen he or she $ill 'ive
an assess*ent. +here are so*e steps of preparation to 'ive an assess*ent&
this procedure called !iased for !est. (S$ain& 1/04). 1esides a preparation&
there is also an evaluation in a test. In evaluatin' classroo* test the
teachers have to consider the e2tent to $hich !efore3& durin'3& and after3test
options are ful4lled. 5ace validity also can in6uence !y $hat co*es !efore
and after the test.
5. #re the test tas-s as authentic as possi!le"
+o -no$ a test is authentic or not& it can !e -no$n !y as-in' so*e
Is the lan'ua'e in the test as natural as possi!le"
#re ite*s as conte2tuali(ed as possi!le rather than isolated"
#re topics and situations interestin'& en8oya!le& and 9or
Is so*e the*atic or'ani(ation provided& such as throu'h a story
line or episode"
:o tas- represent& or closely appro2i*ate& real3$orld tas-s"
+he authenticity also can !e seen fro* the se7uence of the ite* in the
test. Is it 'ood or 8ust fair" ;hen the se7uence of ite*s in the tas- is
conte2tuali(ed& it can !e authentic tas-. 1ecause all of the ite*s in the tas-
in a story line& it can *a-e students easier to do the tas-. 1ut& $hen the tas-
is deconte2tuali(ed& it also authentic& !ut it is 8ust fair not 'ood. ;hy"
1ecause the ite*s in the tas- are not in a story line& each of ite*s has their
o$n topic.
6. :oes the test o<er !ene4cial $ash!ac- to the learner"
+he desi'n of an e<ective test should point the $ay to !ene4cial
$ash!ac-. =reparation ti*e !efore the test can contri!ute to $ash!ac-. 1y
spendin' classroo* ti*e after the test revie$in' the content& students can
discover their stren'th and $ea-ness areas. +eachers can raise the
$ash!ac- potential !y as-in' students to use test result as a 'uide to settin'
'oals for their future e<ort. +he other $ay to raise $ash!ac- is !y doin' self
>assess*ent. Self3assess*ent so*eti*es can !e appropriate $ay to
challen'e students to discover their o$n *ista-e.

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