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Artfully uniting extraordinary properties with extraordinary lives
- FinanceMalta
16 Edwards, Lowell
23 Thomas Smith
28 Boatcare Trading Ltd.
32 Sothebys Diamonds
33 Sothebys Auction
38 Camilleri Paris Mode
46 Sparkasse Bank
2 Foreword | Michael J. Zammit
3 Locality Focus | SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings
39 Locality Focus | Central
56 Locality Focus | North
70 Locality Focus | South
71 Locality Focus | The Three Cities
78 Locality Focus | Gozo
94 International Property
97 Commercial Real Estate
99 Relocating to Malta
100 Directory
Front Cover Image
Bastion Townhouse
Mdina (Pg. 63)
51 Philippe Martinet Fine Wines
55 DC Aviation
72 Royal Malta Golf Club
96 La VaIeue CIub
98 CSB Group
- Regus
With special thanks to our partners and contributors
The informalion conlained in lhis ubIicalion is for informalion uroses onIy and is beIieved lo be reIiabIe and vhiIe every eorl is made lo assure
that the information is as accurate as possible, Malta Sothebys International Realty is not be held responsible for any inaccuracy or incompleteness.
Artfully uniting Extraordinary properties with Extraordinary lives
The auraclion of lhe Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly Iuxury reaIly brand lo MaIla serves bolh lhe inlernalionaI cIienl Iooking for
high-end reaI eslale inveslmenl in MaIla and Gozo, as veII as IocaI cIienls seeking reaI eslale inveslmenl oorlunilies vorIdvide
lhrough our inlernalionaI nelvork.
The Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly nelvork currenlIy has more lhan 15,000 saIes associales Iocaled in aroximaleIy 700 oces
in more lhan 54 counlries and lerrilories vorIdvide, and Iaces over 7,500 referraIs every year. The media slralegy of Solheby's
InlernalionaI ReaIly is Interactive. Accessible. Engaging one vhich vas designed lo deIiver 700 miIIion imressions vorIdvide
in an eorl lo drive incremenlaI brand avareness and direcl Ieads lo our nelvork members. This year il is aiming lovards
achieving 800 miIIion imressions. Our media arlners incIude The Nev York Times, The WaII Slreel }ournaI, GoogIe, YouTube,
The TeIegrah, The IinanciaI Times, Soulh China Morning Iosl, Hong Kong TalIer, and ArchilecluraI Digesl, among olhers.
I vouId Iike lo lake lhis oorlunily lo lhank my dedicaled leam al MaIla Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly as veII as our
suorling conlribulors, vhose suorl has heIed sel u lhis unique, inlroduclory edilion. We lrusl lhal you en|oy lhis
ubIicalion vhiIe ve conlinue lo Ieave an imression in lhe IocaI and inlernalionaI reaI eslale markel.
Michael J Zammit
Direclor & }oinl Ovner
T: (+356) 2010 8070
M: (+356) 9910 8070
Conlacl lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
This year, MaIla Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly ceIebrales ils hrsl anniversary. We are
roud lo resenl lhis hrsl edilion of lhe 'IorlfoIio' shovcasing a hand-icked seIeclion of
exlraordinary roerlies from our ever-increasing roerly dalabase.
Since lhe Iaunch of MaIla Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly in }une 2013, lhe oorlunilies lhal
are resenling lhemseIves are Iooking romising and exciling. We are delermined lo
enhance our roerly orlfoIio lo salisfy lhe requesls of lhe brand's discerning
inlernalionaI and IocaI cIienls. Wilh a slrong focus on roviding a rofessionaI, discreel and
besoke service, il is lhe inlenlion of MaIla Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly lo slrenglhen lhe
brand's resence in MaIla lhrough ils quaIily oering.
The Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly brand comIemenls CS Grou's osilion in lhe
markel and ils service-oering lo a redominanlIy inlernalionaI cIienl base - adhering lo
lhe quaIily slandards and reulalion lhal CS Grou has buiIl over lhe Iasl 27 years.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Locality Focus
olh SIiema and VaIIeua are among lhe busiesl and mosl auraclive cilies in MaIla. VaIIeua is lhe cailaI cily of MaIla
and lhe Iuroean CailaI of CuIlure 2018. SIiema, on lhe olher hand, is a commerciaI hub and a ouIar lourisl
deslinalion and is Iocaled lo lhe Wesl of VaIIeua, across lhe Grand Harbour. WhiIe bolh IocaIilies are considered lo
be busier lhan any olher in lhe surrounding area, neilher come cIose lo lhe kind of chaos of Iarger Iuroean cilies
and bolh have lheir ovn dislincl characler vhich is Ioved by bolh IocaIs and lourisls aIike.
Like mosl hisloric regions, Iiving in VaIIeua oers IocaIs a sense of vonder. The mix of cuIluraI, hisloricaI and
commerciaI IifeslyIe is veII baIanced, and every day couId resuIl in lhe exIoring and discovering of nev vonders.
The cailaI of MaIla is home lo |usl under 7,000 residenls. Life here is a IiuIe Iike Iiving in Rome, vherever you Iook,
hislory surrounds you. The cily vas founded afler lhe Greal Siege of 1565 (vhen an invasion of lhe Ouoman Imire
vas successfuIIy defealed) in lhe lime of lhe Crusades by lhe Order of Sl }ohn. Il vas originaIIy designed as a refuge
for Knighls relurning from lhe Crusades and lhroughoul hislory became knovn as a 'cily of aIaces buiIl by
genlIemen for genlIemen.'
SIiema is vhere many IocaI residenls Iove lo Iive, desile being one of lhe busiesl IocaIilies in MaIla. This is arlIy
due lo lhe shoing and Ieisure oorlunilies lhe Iace aords. Il is currenlIy home lo 17,000 residenls, and is a
commerciaI hub for many induslries on lhe isIand, as veII as a shoing deslinalion. Though SIiema does nol have
lhe cuIluraI unch of VaIIeua, ils coaslaI resorl and reIaled aclivilies have roved ouIar vilh foreigners.
If you vanl lo reside cIose lo lhe lvo cilies - lhere's a smaII and quieler lovn caIIed Ta' Xbiex vilh a ouIalion of
|usl aboul 1,835. Ta' Xbiex is knovn for lhe number of foreign embassies il houses and for lhe Iuxury aarlmenl
buiIdings overIooking ils yachl marina and gorgeous vievs of lhe VaIIeua Grand Harbour, amongsl olher beaulifuI
houses and buiIdings in lhe area.
Cctcring Ba|ar ic-Cag|aq, |cri Can|ri!gc, Guar!anangia, Gzira, Hign |i!gc, Kappara, Ma!|icna, Mcnsija, Mcnicrcsa Gar!cns, Msi!a, Msi!a
Unitcrsiiq Hcignis, Paccti||c, Pcn|rckc, Pcn!cr P|acc, Picia, Pcricnasc, San Guann, S|icna, Si. An!rcus, Si. ju|ians, Suaiar, Suicqi, Ta
Gicrni, Ta |-||ragg, Ta X|icx, Ta Zucji, Ta|-Ba|a|, Tnc Gar!cns, Tnc Vi||agc, Tignc Pcini, Va||cua, Vicicria Gar!cns.
A house of character that has recently
been fully-converted to a high
standard. Situated in one of the most
picturesque and quiet alleyways in the
hisloric cily cenlre of VaIIeua. The
property is currently operating as a
guest house.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
House of Character
MLS ID: 105440
- Five bedrooms
- Three fuII balhrooms
- One partial bathroom
- Intelligent lighting system
- esoke furnilure & huings
- MarbIe ooring
- SkyIighl
- Roof terrace
- Central courtyard
- Maltese balcony
- Water well
Available for sale
Guide Price
House of Characler - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 4 EXCLUSIVE
This beaulifuIIy-hnished brighl
aarlmenl comes fuIIy-furnished and
has an area of over 220 sqm. The
accommodalion comrises of an oen
Ian kilchen / Iiving / dining, lhree
bedrooms (main vilh en-suile), box
room and balhroom.
Conlacl lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
MigueI oneIIo
(+356) 9910 8073
Modern Aarlmenl
Ta' Xbiex
MLS ID: 105423
- Three bedrooms
- Tvo balhrooms
- IuIIy-furnished
- Terrace
- IireIace
- VRI air-condilioning
- Hi-Ii syslem
- Inergy saving
- Slunning vievs
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
Modern Aarlmenl - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 6 IORTIOLIO
Set in an exclusive and up-market
residential development, this 220 sqm
apartment is new on the market and
would make a lovely home or excellent
rental investment. This property is
hnished lo very high secihcalions and
enjoys a pleasant and comfortable
Iayoul. IncIudes Iarge lerraces.
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Luxurious Apartment
Tigne Ioinl, SIiema
MLS ID: 105224
- Three bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- HighIy-hnished
- Terraces
- Gated community
- Sea views
Available for sale
Guide Irice
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Luxurious Aarlmenl - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 7 IORTIOLIO
These stunning harbour view
aarlmenls overIook VaIIeua, SIiema
and Manoel Island from their terraces.
These prestigious apartments are to be
soId hnished lo high secihcalions,
based on the design concepts chosen by
the buyer.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Seafronl Aarlmenls
MLS ID: 105505
- Two / three bedrooms (180 sqm living space)
- Four bedrooms (360 sqm living space)
- Large open plan
- Kitchen / living / dining
- One car space per 180 sqm
- Bright and airy
- Close to all amenities
- Harbour views
Available for sale
Guide Price (starting from)
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Seafronl Aarlmenls - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 8 PORTFOLIO
This beaulifuIIy-hnished aarlmenl
oers a generous Iiving sace vilh sea
vievs from fronl and back lerraces. The
roerly is served vilh Iifl and
comrises of lhree doubIe bedrooms
(main vilh en-suile and vaIk-in
vardrobe), a main balhroom, Iaundry
room and slorage room.
Conlacl lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
MigueI oneIIo
(+356) 9910 8073
Iinished Aarlmenl
Iorlomaso, Sl. }uIian's
MLS ID: 105417
- Three bedrooms
- One fuII balhroom
- One arliaI balhroom
- Large lerrace
- Marina vievs
- Air-condilioning
- CenlraI healing
- CenlraI music syslem
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
Iinished Aarlmenl - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 9 IORTIOLIO
An enchanting palazzino which has been
meticulously converted to the highest
standard possible. A one-of-a-kind
property set in the European Capital of
Culture 2018.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Enchanting Palazzino
MLS ID: 105441
- Five bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Living / dining and kitchen
- Courtyard
- Flatlet
- Roof lerrace and kilcheneue
- Pool
- Central water heating
- Micro-cemenl ooring
- Lift
- Garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Enchanting Palazzino - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 10 PORTFOLIO
Double-fronted townhouse - minutes
away from the seafront. The property
comprises of a large entrance hall,
cIoakroom, sludy, siuing room, Iiving
room, kitchen, pantry / breakfast area,
guest toilet, three double bedrooms (all
with walk-in wardrobe and en-suite). A
large garden, pool and sundeck further
complements this property.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Stunning Townhouse
St. Julians
MLS ID: 105409 / 100624
- Three bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- One partial bathroom
- HighIy-hnished
- Large entertaining area
- Pool
- Garden
- Quiet location
- Close to seafront
AvaiIabIe for saIe and for renl
Guide Price
1,400,000 / 5,000 Monthly
Slunning Tovnhouse - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 11 PORTFOLIO
This modern penthouse is spread over
340 sqm and comprises of a lavish
open-plan living space - including a TV
area, dining room and siuing area. The
roerly aIso incIudes a hued kilchen
vilh a breakfasl bar, four bedrooms,
three full bathrooms (with marble
interiors) and a spectacular 70 sqm
lerrace vilh far-reaching sea vievs.
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Contemporary Penthouse
MLS ID: 105223
- Four bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- }acuzzi
- Security system
- Six car garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Conlemorary Ienlhouse - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 12 PORTFOLIO
A luxurious seafront penthouse with
views. This penthouse consists of a
large open plan lounge / dining and
kitchen area, three double bedrooms
(main en-suite), two bathrooms and a
laundry room. This property includes a
large roof terrace and a communal
olympic-sized swimming pool.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Lavish Penthouse
Fort Cambridge, Sliema
MLS ID: 105413
- Three bedrooms
- Two full bathrooms
- HighIy-hnished
- Large terrace
- Communal pool
- 360
sea views
Available for sale
Guide Price
Lavish Penthouse - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 13 PORTFOLIO
Unique, designer-furnished, corner,
two double bedroom apartment - in the
best area of Tower Road, Sliema. Close
to all amenities and includes a two car
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Seafront Apartment
MLS ID: 105575 / 100710
- Two bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Seafront
- 260 sqm corner apartment
- Designer-furnished
- Large vaIk-in vardrobe
- Sound syslem
AvaiIabIe for saIe and for renl
Guide Price
C1,800,000 / C7,500 MonlhIy
Seafronl Aarlmenl - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 15 EXCLUSIVE
A perfectly-positioned palazzo on
VaIIeua's hiIIlo. Meticulously converted
by arlisl en }akober, incIuding his
besoke arl and furnilure lhroughoul
lhe roerly. A vauIled high ceiIing
enlrance haII veIcomes you lo a
recelion area vilh unique arl
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Anloine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Historic Palazzo
MLS ID: 105438
- Tvo bedrooms
- Three fuII balhrooms
- Tvo Iiving rooms & saIa nobiIe
- Tvo Iibraries
- Tvo ceIIars
- Large cenlraI courlyard
- Ienlhouse al roof IeveI
- Grand Harbour vievs
- Iive oors served vilh a Iifl
- MaIlese vooden baIconies
Available for sale
Guide Price
Hisloric IaIazzo - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 18 IORTIOLIO
A slunning, soulh-facing, hfly-room
corner aIazzo vilh a Iarge lerrace and
hve alIels. The roerly comrises of
1,000 sqm of Iiving sace, a Iarge iano
nobiIe and saIa nobiIe. Wilh a rich
hislory, lhis roerly vouId be a erfecl
aIaliaI home, an embassy or a lvenly,
one-bedroomed boulique holeI.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Anloine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Corner IaIazzo
MLS ID: 105570
- Iour bedrooms
- Iour fuII balhrooms
- Iiano nobiIe
- SaIa nobiIe
- Large lerrace
- Iive alIels
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
Corner IaIazzo - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 19 IORTIOLIO
A majestic fully-detached villa having a
spacious well-planned layout and set on
approximately 1,250 sqm of land.
Situated in a quiet, residential sought-
after area in Madliena. A lavish, spacious
pool complements a mature garden and
BBQ area - perfect for entertaining.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Nicole Radmilli
(+356) 9910 8072
Fully-Detached Villa
MLS ID: 105535 / 100674
- Iour bedrooms
- Iour fuII balhrooms
- Kitchen / dining room
- Games room
- Balcony
- Fireplace
- BBQ area
- Garden
- Pool
- Lock-u garage
AvaiIabIe for saIe and for renl
Guide Price
2,500,000 / 5,000 Monthly
IuIIy-Delached ViIIa - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 20 EXCLUSIVE
Luxurious bungalow with sea views set
on 1.3 tumoli of land. The property
comprises of three double bedrooms, a
alIel, len car garage, Iarge ooI, deck
and BBQ area.
Paul Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8075
Stunning Bungalow
ahar ic-Caghaq
MLS ID: 105494 / 100667
- Three bedrooms
- One fuII balhroom
- Tvo arliaI balhrooms
- Gym
- IooI
- Gardens
- Inlerlaining area
- Ten car garage
Available for sale and for rent
Guide Irice
2,650,000 / 5,500 Monthly
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Slunning ungaIov - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 22 IORTIOLIO
Thomas Smith Insurance Brokers Ltd is authorised to carry out business of
Insurance Broking by the Malta Financial Services Authority.
Call our General Manager Alberto Bisazza direct on 22 058 281.
Thomas Smith Insurance Brokers Ltd.
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Positive reputations dont come from future plans, but from
promises delivered. So whether its your business or a more
personal line of insurance you need, well deliver the right level of
cover, via the right policy, all tailored to suit your needs.
This Iuxurious designer-hnished fuIIy-
detached apartment is situated on one
oor in an eIeganl lover. The roerly
en|oys seclacuIar, unobslrucled 360

vievs of lhe 16
cenlury forlihed
cailaI cily of VaIIeua.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Miguel Bonello
(+356) 9910 8073
Luxurious Apartment
MLS ID: 105573
- Three bedrooms
- Three fuII balhrooms
- Tvo arliaI balhrooms
- Spacious lounge
- Large TV den
- Sludy / oce
- InlernaI: 400 sqm
- IxlernaI: 120 sqm
- Intelligent lighting
- NuVo sound syslem
- Large garage space
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Price
Luxurious Apartment - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 24 PORTFOLIO
A soIilary enlhouse - hnished lo lhe
highesl secihcalions. The roerly
consisls of a kilchen / breakfasl area and
a Iiving room Ieading lo 320
vilh seclacuIar vievs of VaIIeua.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
Sublime Penthouse
Tigne, SIiema
MLS ID: 105218
- Iour bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Cinema
- HighIy-hnished
- Intelligent lightning
- Terraces
- Healed inhnily ooI
- Harbour views
- Four-car garage
AvaiIabIe for saIe and for renl
Guide Irice
C4,500,000 / C12,000 MonlhIy
SubIime Ienlhouse - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 25 IORTIOLIO
Built in 1622 and located on one of the
besl slreels in VaIIeua. This ma|eslic
palazzo retains plenty of its original
features and is believed to be one of the
Iasl remaining 17
century grand
aIazzos in VaIIeua. Il is currenlIy being
operated as a boutique hotel, with
potential to be converted into a stately
home or an embassy.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Grand Palazzo
MLS ID: 105226
- Ten bedrooms
- Six fuII balhrooms
- One arliaI balhroom
- Dining / breakfasl / dinner area
- Stately sala nobile
- Reception area
- Front and rear terraces
- Large internal courtyard
- Grand Harbour views
Available for sale
Guide Price
Grand IaIazzo - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 26 IORTIOLIO
Situated right on the edge with
unobstructed sea and country views.
Nothing was spared in furnishing this
outstanding villa. The property consists
of a welcoming hall, kitchen / living /
dining that leads to the pool area. Also
includes seven bedrooms (all en-suite),
large basement, snooker room, wine
cellar and a two-car garage.
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Fully-Detached Villa
MLS ID: 105044
- Seven bedrooms
- Seven full bathrooms
- Four partial bathrooms
- HighIy-hnished
- Fully-furnished
- Tvo hreIaces
- Elevator
- Inhnily ooI
- Entertaining area
Available for sale
Guide Price
Price on request
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
IuIIy-Delached ViIIa - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 27 PORTFOLIO
Technical Assistance
Portomaso Marina, St Julians Abate Rigord Street, TaXbiex Tel: 21 388050 Mob: 7930 0680
Yacht Char teri ng Concierge Services
Chandlery Yacht Management Guardianage
Yacht Brokerage
Situated in the heart of Sliema. A very
unique house - minutes away from the
sea and very close to the shopping areas.
The property is full of unique features
and boasts of 2,000 sqm of landscaped
gardens, making it ideal for entertaining -
both in winter and in summer. The large
pool area is surrounded by a large space
that includes a kitchen, showers and a
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Unique Townhouse
MLS ID: 105477
- Four bedrooms
- Two full bathrooms
- Flatlet
- Pool
- Gardens
- Entertaining area
- Two car garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Price on request
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Unique Tovnhouse - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 29 PORTFOLIO
Set on three tumoli of land in a sought-
after area with adjacent countryside and
sea vievs. The roerly consisls of hve
bedrooms, three kitchen / dining areas,
eleven bathrooms, two living rooms,
formal dining room, three guest
apartments, a gym, a stately hall and
garages. This grand home includes a
swimming pool as well as 1,000 sqm of
outdoor and indoor entertainment areas.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Ixlravaganl ViIIa
ahar ic-Caghaq
MLS ID: 105552
- Ten bedrooms
- Eleven full bathrooms
- Balcony
- Pool
- Patio
- Security system
- Garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Price on request
Ixlravaganl ViIIa - SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 31 EXCLUSIVE
Ruby and diamond necklace, ear clips
and bracelet, Bulgari 1945
accompanied by the original sketch
Estimate 100,000150,000 CHF
Enquiries +39 (02) 29500201
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Afdera+Child+Boccioni+Color=Portrait 66 , 1966
Estimate 45,00055,000
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Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
rand Nev Ienlhouse
MLS ID: 105371
Guide Irice
A beaulifuI fuIIy-furnished ready-lo-
move-inlo enlhouse in lhe besl arl of
Svieqi. Comrising of a lolaI of 180 sqm
of Iuxury sace, lhe roerly incIudes a
Iarge lerrace - ideaI for enlerlaining.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
Seafronl Ienlhouse
MLS ID: 105054
Guide Irice
The roerly consisls of a Iarge kilchen /
Iiving / dining area, lvo doubIe bedrooms
(main en-suile), vashroom and balhroom.
ComIemenling lhis enlhouse is an L-
shaed lerrace vilh excelionaI sea vievs.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
Delached ungaIov
Vicloria Gardens
MLS ID: 105322
Guide Irice
IuIIy-delached bungaIov buiIl on 1,400
sqm. The roerly consisls of a Iarge
kilchen / Iiving / dining area Ieading onlo
a Iarge enlerlaining area vilh a ooI. This
roerly incIudes a lhree car garage.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings
NicoIe RadmiIIi
(+356) 9910 8072
Modern Aarlmenl
Iorl Cambridge, SIiema
MLS ID: 100646
Guide Irice
C2,750 / MonlhIy
A IoveIy aarlmenl forming arl of a
Iuxurious deveIomenl - vilhin vaIking
dislance lo aII amenilies. This roerly
en|oys IoveIy vievs. Irice incIudes use of
lhe communaI ooI.
IauI Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8075
Lavish Aarlmenl
Sl. }uIian's
MLS ID: 100657
Guide Irice
C2,000 / MonlhIy
LavishIy-hnished and furnished aarlmenl
en|oying slunning oen sea and lovn
vievs. The roerly comrises of lvo
bedrooms, lvo balhrooms and a lvo car
Iock-u garage.
NicoIe RadmiIIi
(+356) 9910 8072
Slunning Aarlmenl
Iorlomaso, Sl. }uIian's
MLS ID: 100672
Guide Irice
C2,500 / MonlhIy
This roerly comrises of a veIcoming
haII, combined oen-Ian Iounge / dining
room - Ieading onlo a Iarge fronl lerrace
vilh oen vievs of lhe marina. WaIking
dislance lo aII amenilies.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
NicoIe RadmiIIi
(+356) 9910 8072
DeIuxe Aarlmenl
Iorlomaso, Sl. }uIian's
MLS ID: 100662
Guide Irice
C3,800 / MonlhIy
IuIIy-furnished aarlmenl forming arl of
lhe resligious Iorlomaso deveIomenl.
The accommodalion comrises of lhree
bedrooms, lvo fuII balhrooms, a Iarge
lerrace and a car sace.
IauI Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8075
DuIex Ienlhouse
Sl. }uIian's
MLS ID: 100658
Guide Irice
C3,500 / MonlhIy
A duIex enlhouse en|oying slunning
oen sea and lovn vievs. The roerly
comrises of lvo bedrooms, a combined
Iounge, and a dining / kilchen area
Ieading onlo a sizeabIe lerrace.
NicoIe RadmiIIi
(+356) 9910 8072
Semi-Delached ViIIa
MLS ID: 100630
Guide Irice
C3,500 / MonlhIy
A semi-delached viIIa Iocaled in a quiel
soughl-afler residenliaI area. The roerly
incIudes lhree doubIe bedrooms (aII
en-suiles), main shover room and a
sacious Iounge overIooking lhe ooI area.
SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 36 AVAILALI IOR RINT
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
IauI Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8075
DuIex Aarlmenl
Tigne Ioinl, SIiema
MLS ID: 100673
Guide Irice
C7,000 / MonlhIy
Designer-furnished seafronl duIex
aarlmenl. The roerly comrises of
four doubIe bedrooms, a Iarge lerrace
vilh |acuzzi, communaI ooI and a car
MigueI oneIIo
(+356) 9910 8073
Designer Aarlmenl
Ta' Xbiex
MLS ID: 100650
Guide Irice
C4,000 / MonlhIy
This Iuxurious brand nev designer-
hnished aarlmenl is silualed in a
resligious bIock on lhe Ta' Xbiex seafronl
- |usl a fev minules avay from lhe vibranl
cily cenlres of SIiema and VaIIeua.
NicoIe RadmiIIi
(+356) 9910 8072
IuIIy-Delached ViIIa
MLS ID: 100620
Guide Irice
C5,000 / MonlhIy
A IoveIy, fuIIy-delached viIIa silualed in
a quiel, residenliaI area. Ils unique
Iayoul and Iarge svimming ooI make
lhis roerly ideaI for enlerlaining.
IncIudes lvo addilionaI alIels.
SIiema & VaIIeua Surroundings 37 AVAILALI IOR RINT

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Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
ReIocaling lo lhe more cenlraI IocaIilies in MaIla is ideaI if you vanl lo exeriance a vibranl cily IifeslyIe, and feeI lhe
ace of counlry Iiving is loo sIov. Il aIso goes vilhoul saying lhal Iiving in lhe more cenlraI arl of MaIla means
you're in IocaIilies lhal are in cIose roximily lo lhe buslIing cenlre.
A myriad of desirabIe Iocalions in lhe cenlre of MaIla conlain some of MaIla's recious gems in lerms of cuIluraI and
hisloricaI Iaces of inleresl. Mosla, for examIe, hosls lhe Sl. Mari|a Assunla Church vhich has lhe lhird Iargesl
unsuorled dome in lhe vorId. The church vas designed by a frenchman Iiving in MaIla - George Grognel de
Vasse. Il look IocaI eoIe 27 years lo comIele lhis magnihcenl slruclure. The Vicloria Lines, a Iine of forlihcalions
anked by defensive lovers lhal sans lveIve kiIomelres aIong lhe vidlh of MaIla aIso crosses lhrough Mosla and
ils neighbouring IocaIilies. Mosla is silualed norlh vesl of VaIIeua and has around 20,000 inhabilanls.
In lhe vicinily, one hnds San IavI lal-Targa, irguma, Naxxar and Gharghur. These areas, aIbeil cenlraI, are nol
overIy busy and are erfecl Iocalions lo Iive in if one is Iooking for a Iace cIose lo vork bul nol loo urban lo Iive in.
San IavI lal-Targa and irguma in arlicuIar are lvo of lhe fev cenlraIIy-Iocaled viIIages vhich are knovn for high
quaIily, umarkel roerly, quiel neighbourhoods and oen vievs of lhe counlry side. There is a greal deaI of
demand for, Gharghur being a quainl viIIage, arls of vhich en|oy a vaIIey viev.
Auard is Iocaled a IiuIe furlher Soulh, vilhin reach of lhe quiel viIIage of Rabal and neighbouring Mdina - a smaII,
vaIIed-in viIIage buiIl cenluries ago vilh an aulhenlic, hisloricaI feeI. Auard ilseIf is a ouIar Iocalion for roerly,
in arlicuIar one of ils suburbs lhal goes by lhe name of Misrah KoIa. CIose lo Auard you can hnd Ta'QaIi, vhich
served as an airheId during lhe Second WorId War and is knovn novadays for lhe NalionaI Iark (erfecl for famiIy
icnics), lhe NalionaI Sladium and ils 24h hlness cenlre. CIoseby are aIzan, Li|a, Zebbug and Siggievi, vhich
equaIIy oer a quieler IifeslyIe.
Cctcring Auar!, Ba|zan, Birkirkara, B|aia |-Baj!a, ||cur Oc Iqs, ||criana, G|arg|ur, Hanrun, Han!aq, |k|in, |x-Xuicki, Iija, Mcsia,
Mric|c|, Naxxar, Qcrni, San Pau| iai-Targa, Sania Margcriia, Sania Vcncra, Siggicui, Ta Paris, Ta Qa|i, Zc||ug.
39 IORTIOLIO Locality Focus
Luxuriously-converted house of character,
situated in a quiet village - part of
Naxxar. Renovated to very high
standards, this property comprises of a
siuing room Ieading lo an inlernaI
courtyard, dining area, fully-equipped
kitchen (with breakfast area) and four
double bedrooms. Ownership of roof
and lock-up garage are included.
Nicole Radmilli
(+356) 9910 8072
House of Character
MLS ID: 105545 / 100677
- Four bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Laundry room
- Highly-renovated
- Balcony
- Internal yard
- Perfect for entertaining
- Close to all amenities
Available for sale and for rent
Guide Price
560,000 / 2,500 Monthly
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
House of Character - Central 40 PORTFOLIO
A well-maintained house of character.
Property consists of four bedrooms,
large living / dining area, separate
kitchen and three bathrooms. Includes a
large stylish pool / deck area, inner
courtyard, an independent one
bedroomed guest annex and a three car
private drive-in.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Character
MLS ID: 105193
- Four bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Two partial bathrooms
- HighIy-hnished
- Large central courtyard
- Large entertaining area with pool
- Flatlet
Available for sale
Guide Price
House of Character - Central 41 PORTFOLIO
This property consists of a large kitchen /
breakfasl area, siuing room, grand room
and a searale formaI dining room vilh
a vooden hreIace. AII rooms surround
lhe cenlraI courlyard, a Iarge ooI / deck
area. On lhe hrsl oor, one hnds four
bedrooms (lvo en-suile) and a main
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Characler
San Gvann
MLS ID: 105452
- Iour bedrooms
- Three fuII balhrooms
- HighIy-hnished
- Tvo hreIaces
- Tvo cenlraI courlyards
- Large enlerlaining area
- Large ooI
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
House of Characler - CenlraI 42 IORTIOLIO
This inimitable converted farmhouse is
situated in the middle of the most
picturesque valley in Siggiewi. The
property boasts of beautiful country
views and is set over six tumoli of land
with over 100 olive trees that produce
large amounts of olive oil. Part of this
house is over 300 years old and has
been restored to very high standards.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Converted Farmhouse
MLS ID: 105443
- One bedroom
- One bathroom
- Oce
- Games room
- Patio
- Pond
- Citrus trees
- Artisanal Maltese rubble walls
- Valley views
Available for sale
Guide Price
Converted Farmhouse - Central 43 PORTFOLIO
This stunning property retains most of
its original features and all rooms
overlook a very large private courtyard
and back garden. Complementing this
property is a large garden, pool and
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Miguel Bonello
(+356) 9910 8073
Suerb Tovnhouse
MLS ID: 105449
- Five bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Tvo arliaI balhrooms
- Tvo Iaundry areas
- Tvo vine ceIIars
- Fireplace
- Courtyard
- Svimming ooI
- Garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Suerb Tovnhouse - CenlraI 44 EXCLUSIVE
Sparkasse Bank Malta plc
101 Townsquare
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Sliema SLM3112
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I have no idols. I admire work, dedication
and competence.
Ayrton Senna
The property consists of a large central
hall / reception room, separate dining
room, study, living room, kitchen, cloak
room, and four double bedrooms. This
property also includes a separate two
bedroom alIel and a Iarge enlerlaining
area with pool.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Fully-Detached Villa
MLS ID: 105432 / 100636
- Six bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Flatlet
- HighIy-hnished
- Sports area
- Large entertaining area
- Pool
- Private road
- Quiet location
Available for sale and for rent
Guide Price
1,600,000 / 550 Daily
Fully-Detached Villa - Central 47 PORTFOLIO
Intriguing and private converted
farmhouse set on three tumoli of
landscaped land with palm trees and
olive groves. The outside grounds
include an outdoor pool, stables, and a
large terrace - ideal for entertaining. The
property layout consists of an open plan
kitchen / living / dining area, two double
bedrooms, (with en-suite) and guest
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Intriguing Farmhouse
MLS ID: 105192
- Two bedrooms
- One full bathroom
- One partial bathroom
- OriginaI hreIaces
- HighIy-hnished
- Barn
- Landscaped gardens
- Pool
Available for sale
Guide Price
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Intriguing Farmhouse - Central 48 PORTFOLIO
Upon entrance, one is welcomed by a
large garden with ponds, fountains and
a sizeable swimming pool - all enjoying
excellent open countryside and sea
views. The entrance hall leads to a
formaI siuing room and Iarge kilchen /
Iiving / dining area. The roerly
includes a games room, a conservatory
and a four-car garage.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Outstanding Villa
Targa Ga, Mosla
MLS ID: 105422
- Three bedrooms
- Two full bathrooms
- One partial bathroom
- HighIy-hnished
- Large enlerlaining area
- Pool
- Landscaed gardens
- Sea and counlry vievs
- Four-car garage
Available for sale
Guide Irice
Outstanding Villa - Central 49 IORTIOLIO
This dream home is surrounded by over
10,000 sqm of mature gardens, olive
trees, a swimming pool and landscaped
views. The building itself is a truly
unique and majestic villa with over 400
years of history. A private drive way
with remote access leads up past the
guesl residence / sla quarlers. This
vonderfuI counlry viIIa is being oered
fully-furnished and is equipped to the
highest of standards. Also includes a
two-car garage.
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Hilltop Country Villa
MLS ID: 105027 / 100535
- Four bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Two partial bathrooms
- Sla quarlers
- Security system & CCTV
- Pool
Available for sale and for rent
Guide Price
3,900,000 / 4,000 Monthly
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Hilltop Country Villa - Central 50 PORTFOLIO
239/BB Tower Road, Sliema
27030093/9947 2208
A Star is Born.
Introducing the Jolie-Pitt &
Perrin Miraval Ros, 2013,
available exclusively in Malta
from Philippe Martinet.
Miraval is a joint venture between Angelina
Jolie and Brad Pitt and the legendary
winemakers Famille Perrin of Chateau
Beaucastel. The Miraval Ros 2013 was listed
in the Wine Spectators Top 100 Wines of the
World, the only ros to do so.
Discover more at
Beautifully-appointed country villa
surrounded by 5,000 sqm of sprawling
gardens, fountains, terraces, fruit trees,
and a large, very private swimming pool.
This lavish property also enjoys a large
private drive, carport and garage. This
property also boasts of a small one-
bedroomed couage vilh ils ovn
independent entrance.
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Country Residence
MLS ID: 105221
- Four bedrooms
- Two full bathrooms
- Two partial bathrooms
- Indeendenl couage
- Pool
- Reservoir
Available for sale
Guide Price
Price on request
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Country Residence - Central 52 PORTFOLIO
A 16
century palazzo built in 1589. A
grand vaulted hallway opens onto a
large central courtyard that leads to
several stately rooms. An impressive sala
nobile enjoys a continuous open stone
balcony which surrounds the palace and
the elaborate staircase. All terraces lead
o lhe main rooms and overIook lhe
stunning courtyard and the magical
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Magnihcenl IaIazzo
MLS ID: 105030
- Four bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Baroque chapel
- Servant quarters
- Stables
- IooI
- Ten-car garage
Available for sale
Guide Irice
Irice on requesl
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Magnihcenl IaIazzo - CenlraI 53 IORTIOLIO
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Characler
MLS ID: 105555
Guide Irice
A unique and veII-cared-for house of
characler. The roerly consisls of a
Iarge kilchen / dining area, a searale
Iiving room, a formaI dining room, lhree
doubIe bedrooms, sludy and lerrace.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Characler
MLS ID: 105571
Guide Irice
This reslored house of characler is Iocaled
in a smaII viIIage square. The roerly
comrises of a Iarge kilchen, siuing / dining
area, hve doubIe bedrooms, miII room,
oce, Iarge enlerlaining area and a ooI.
MigueI oneIIo
(+356) 9910 8073
IuIIy-Delached ViIIa
MLS ID: 105424
Guide Irice
This roerly comrises of four doubIe
bedrooms, kilchen / breakfasl, an oen Ian
Iiving / dining area and a searale formaI
dining room - aIIoving amIe sace for
enlerlaining bolh indoors and ouldoors.
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Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
The norlh of MaIla is a reIaliveIy ouIar deslinalion for lourisls seeking a quiel sun-hIIed hoIiday, lhanks lo ils
vhile sandy beaches, roIIing hiIIs, quainl viIIages, vibranl shoing and exciling nighlIife. Though lhis is a
considerabIe boon for lhe IocaI and nalionaI economies, cerlain IocaIilies lend lo gel ralher crovded during lhe
summer monlhs.
ugibba, Qavra and Sl. }uIian's, in arlicuIar see a ma|or inux of lourisls, vhiIe SIiema is busy aII year round. If you
Iike lhe huslIe and buslIe of a busy sea-side lovn, SIiema is lhe Iace lo be, vilh inleresling roerly olions lhal
oflen rovide an exceIIenl sea viev.
If you feeI a home shouId be a relreal from lhe busy feeI of everyday Iife, or you simIy vanl a Iace vhich can oer
a sIover, Iess slressfuI IifeslyIe, lhere are severaI olher olions lo consider in lhe Norlh of MaIla.
Though lhe Norlh of MaIla lends lo be ouIar vilh lourisls, many residenliaI areas are cul o from holeIs and are
much quieler and oflen surrounded by lhe counlryside (in a arl of lhe isIand vhich is Iess denseIy ouIaled lhan
lhe easlern and soulhern arls of MaIla). Driving lhrough urmarrad, idni|ia, Wardi|a, Mgarr and Zebbiegh, you
viII see lhey are Iocaled in ruraI areas. Anolher IocaIily vorlh noling is lhal of Manikala, vhich is Iocaled nearby
GoIden ay and Gha|n Tueha, more lovards lhe veslern arl of lhe isIand. eing a reIaliveIy secIuded viIIage, il
uls you righl in lhe middIe of lhe counlryside (on lhe edge of a naluraI reserve, II-Ma||islraI), yel vilh easy access
lo some of lhe isIand's mosl beaulifuI sandy beaches and having aII amenilies nearby.
IinaIIy, one of lhe mosl auraclive viIIages of lhe isIand, MeIIieha, is Iocaled lovards lhe Norlhern mosl arl of lhe
isIand. Having been buiIl on a hiIIlo, arls of MeIIieha oer a slunning viev of MaIla's Iargesl sandy beach
(MeIIieha ay) and oers a mix of dierenl lyes of roerlies - vilh Sanla Mari|a Islale oering highIy-desirabIe
roerlies. MeIIieha aIso oers subslanliaI counlryside and easy access lo cIear balhing valers, aIlhough il oers
more of a lyicaIIy-MaIlese viIIage Iife comared lo olher IocaIilies in lhe Norlhern arl of lhe isIand.
Cctcring Arnicr, Ba|rija, Bi!nija, Birguna, Bugi||a, Burnarra!, Buskcu, Oing|i, G|ajn Tu[c|a, ||-Kcriin, Mag|ia|, Manikaia, M!ina,
Mc||ic|a, Mgarr, Mia||c|, Miarja, Qaura, |a|ai, Sa|ina, Sania Marija |siaic, Si. Pau|s Baq, War!ija, Xcnxija, Zc||icg|.
Locality Focus 56 IORTIOLIO
A semi-detached villa with great sea and
country views. Built on 460 sqm having
three double bedrooms (en-suite) - two
with balconies, a living / dining area and
a kitchen / breakfast area. The pool and
deck are situated on the higher level,
oering excelionaI counlry vievs. The
property includes an interconnecting
garage. To be soId vilh exlernaI and
inlernaI hnishings in sheII form.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Countryside Villa
MLS ID: 105145
- Three bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Pool
- South-facing
- Sea and country views
- Close to a sandy beach
Available for sale
Guide Price
Countryside Villa - North 57 PORTFOLIO
A modern designer-hnished viIIa in one
of lhe mosl soughl-afler areas in MaIla.
The roerly comrises of a sacious
oen Ian kilchen / Iiving / dining room -
overIooking lhe ooI area, and lhree
bedrooms (lvo vilh a vaIk-in vardrobe
and en-suile balhroom). This roerly is
designed lo maximise naluraI Iighl vilh
oor-lo-ceiIing vindovs and skyIighl.
Conlacl lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Anloine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Designer ViIIa
Sanla Mari|a Islale, MeIIieha
MLS ID: 105583
- Three bedrooms
- Iour fuII balhrooms
- Large lerrace
- Sauna
- IIalIel
- }acuzzi
- IooI
- Tvo car garage
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
Designer ViIIa - Norlh 58 IORTIOLIO
The property consists of a welcoming
recelion, a formaI siuing room, searale
dining, large kitchen / breakfast,
conservatory, a large study / living, wine
cellar, sauna and gym. A two bedroom
alIel Ieading lo a Iarge enlerlaining
pool area, overlooking the valley and
spectacular sea views.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Detached Bungalow
Sanla Mari|a Islale, MeIIieha
MLS ID: 105411
- Five bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Wine cellar
- Flatlet
- HighIy-hnished
- Pool
- Large entertaining areas
- Sea and country views
- Garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Detached Bungalow - North 59 PORTFOLIO
A luxurious detached villa. The property
consists a modern entrance hall, living,
dining and kitchen, pantry / washing
area and four double bedrooms (two
ensuite). Complementing the living
area is a full view of the deck area and a
full-sized pool that extends over the
Iandscaed garden and heIds incIudes
pool, showers and a three-car garage.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Fully-Detached Villa
MLS ID: 105187
- Four bedrooms
- One full bathroom
- Two partial bathrooms
- Large basement
- Large entertaining area
- Pool
- Country views
- Quiet area
Available for sale
Guide Price
Fully-Detached Villa - North 60 PORTFOLIO
Property consists of a very large living /
siuing room vilh bay vievs, searale
kilchen, lhree doubIe bedrooms (main
en-suile), vashroom and a Iarge
enlerlaining area vilh ooI. IncIudes a
searale alIel and a six car garage.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
Delached ungaIov
Sanla Mari|a Islale, MeIIieha
MLS ID: 105040 / 100530
- Three bedrooms
- Tvo fuII balhrooms
- Patio
- Tvo hreIaces
- Securily syslem
- Inlercom syslem
- Guesl house
- Ouldoor kilchen
- Terrace / ouldoor sace
- Pool
AvaiIabIe for saIe and for renl
Guide Irice
C2,500,000 / C3,500 MonlhIy
Delached ungaIov - Norlh 61 IORTIOLIO
An oulslanding residence siuing on lhe
baslions. The roerly incIudes a
fuIIy-reslored miII room, Iiving / dining
area, searale kilchen, four doubIe
bedrooms - vilh masler bedroom Ieading
onlo lerraces and svimming ooI.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
aslion Tovnhouse
MLS ID: 105036 / 100616
- Iour bedrooms
- Iour balhrooms
- Kilchen / dining room
- MiII room
- IireIace
- High ceiIings
- aIcony
- Svimming ooI
AvaiIabIe for saIe and for renl
Guide Price
C5,200,000 / C15,000 MonlhIy
aslion Tovnhouse - Norlh 63 EXCLUSIVE
This is a unique country residence
surrounded by 6,000 sqm of garden
area. This amazing residence features a
Iarge Iiving room vilh oor-lo-ceiIing
windows overlooking a private garden,
a lagoon with an underwater cave,
reservoir and palm trees.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Miguel Bonello
(+356) 9910 8073
Country Villa
MLS ID: 105012
- Iive bedrooms
- Three fuII balhrooms
- Tvo arliaI balhrooms
- Carelaker house
- Wine ceIIar / grouo
- Tvo hreIaces
- Sa / hol lub
- Sleam room
- Indoor / ouldoor ooI
- Drive
- Iour-car garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Counlry ViIIa - Norlh 64 IORTIOLIO
A beautiful fully-detached villa built
on nine tumoli of land, having
unobstructed, spectacular country and
valley views. The property consists of a
welcoming hall, kitchen, living and
large dining area. The pool is
surrounded by beautiful landscaped
gardens, walkways, fountains and
ponds to complement the serene
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Spectacular Villa
MLS ID: 105582
- Three bedrooms
- Two full bathrooms
- Gardens
- Pool
Available for sale
Guide Price
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Spectacular Villa - North 65 PORTFOLIO
Set on ten tumoli of land with
enchanting gardens. This estate enjoys
irrigated gardens, numerous fountains,
ornamenlaI hsh onds, various oIive
and fruil lrees, Iarge svimming ooI
vilh shover rooms, and benehls from
beautiful country, distant city and sea
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
HiIIlo IaIazzo
MLS ID: 105008
- Iive bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Six arliaI balhrooms
- Dining / Iiving room
- reakfasl room
- Three stately rooms
- Oce
- Large fronl alio
- IooI
- Guesl aarlmenl
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
HiIIlo IaIazzo - Norlh 66 IORTIOLIO
An extraordinary palazzo - exquisitely
restored to the highest standards - the
epitome of luxury real estate in Malta.
The palace enjoys more than 1,115 sqm of
living space with ample entertaining and
living areas. The palazzo has been
imeccabIy-hnished. QuaIily and design
combined with the latest state-of-the-art
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Extraordinary Palazzo
MLS ID: 105005
- Five bedrooms
- Seven full bathrooms
- Library
- Caretaker house
- Tvo hreIaces
- Elevator
- Pool
- Three-car garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Price upon request
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Extraordinary Palazzo - North 68 PORTFOLIO
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Anloine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Seafronl Aarlmenl
MLS ID: 105524
Guide Irice
A seafronl, lhree bedroom aarlmenl
Iooking onlo lhe enchanling Xemxi|a ay.
The roerly comrises of an oen Ian
kilchen / Iiving / dining area. A one car
garage incIuded.
MichaeI Zammil
(+356) 9910 8070
Luxurious Aarlmenl
MLS ID: 105380
Guide Irice
A highIy-furnished sea viev aarlmenl
vilh seclacuIar vievs of MeIIieha ay.
The roerly consisls of a Iarge Iiving /
dining area, searale kilchen, lhree
doubIe bedrooms and lvo lerraces.
NicoIe RadmiIIi
(+356) 9910 8072
IuIIy-Delached ViIIa
MLS ID: 105378
Guide Irice
C6,500 / MonlhIy
A highIy-hnished, fuIIy-delached viIIa
silualed on lhe cIis' edge and en|oying
lhe mosl seclacuIar sea vievs -
slrelching from MeIIieha ay lo lhe
isIands of Comino and Gozo.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
The soulh of MaIla is Iess lourislic and has a more viIIage-Iike auilude lo Iife vhen comared lo olher arls of lhe
isIand. Thal said, lhe more discerning lourisl viII oflen lraveI lo lhe Soulh of MaIla, lo gel a gIimse and lo savour
lhe cuIlure of 'reaI Iife' MaIla. This is IargeIy lhanks lo ils aclive hshing orls and Iess lourisl-driven induslries.
AIlhough fev viIIages in lhe Soulh oer a Iarge number of auraclions, lhe area is frequenled for snorkeIIing, diving
and olher sea going aclivilies. Ils beaches are a mix of rocky shores, ebbIes and sand, vhiIe Iocalions Iike lhe Iue
Grouo (Iimils of Zurrieq) are ouIar diving Iocalions.
The Soulh of MaIla, Iike lhe Norlh, has homes on lhe coasl and in ruraI Iocalions. Ixcelions are Siggievi and
Zebbug, in vhal is generaIIy a busier arl of lhe isIand. These viIIages are considerabIy ruraI, quiel and reIaliveIy
lradilionaI, vhiIe sliII easy lo reach from arleriaI roads.
Wilh mosl of lhe Soulhern coaslIine of MaIla nol oering easy access lo lhe sea, irzebbuga, MarsascaIa and
MarsaxIokk are a fev IocaIilies furlher lo lhe Soulh-Iasl, vhere access lo cIean balhing valers is easy. WhiIe
irzebbuga has one of lhe viev sandy beaches (Ireuy ay) in lhe area, il lends lo be quile crovded during lhe
summer monlhs, vhiIe MaIla's Ireeorl is Iocaled |usl oosile. AIlhough being a IoveIy viIIage hIIed vilh lradilion
and friendIy IocaIs, il is nol knovn lo be a rime svimming sol.
MarsaxIokk is knovn across lhe isIand for ils hsh markel and ils hne hsh reslauranls. AIlhough smaII communilies
of hshermen oerale from olher arls of lhe MaIlese isIands, MarsaxIokk is a hsherman's viIIage and a seafood fan's
dream deslinalion. A number of reslauranls Iine ils seaside, oering a variely of hsh and olher lyes of seafood,
broughl in from lhe morning's calch. WhiIe being quile busy on Sunday aflernoons (for Iunch), il's a reIaliveIy quiel
lovn vilh icluresque vievs and unociaIIy lhe home of lhe Luzzu (coIourfuI MaIlese hshing boal).
The soulh of MaIla is a good choice of Iocalion if you vanl a Iace lo Iive vhich oers an oorlunily lo meel and
mingIe vilh IocaIs, lhough Iess suiled if you refer Iiving nexl lo lhe sea.
Covering Birz||uga, Ccspicua, |gura, G|axaq, Gu!ja, Ha|-|ar, Ka|kara, Kirkcp, Iuqa, Marsa, Marsasca|a, Marsax|ckk, Mqa||a, Pac|a,
Qrcn!i, Sa, Sania Iucja, Scng|ca, Tarxicn, Viucricsa, Xg|ajra, Za||ar, Zcjiun, Zurricq.
Locality Focus 70 IORTIOLIO
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
'The Three Cilies' are of hisloricaI imorlance lo MaIla, having been slronghoIds for lhe Knighls of lhe Order of Sl.
}ohn, during lheir ruIe over lhe MaIlese isIands (1530 1798 AD). 'The Three Cilies' is a common name for a
coIIeclion of neighbouring lovns, nameIy Viuoriosa (aIso knovn as irgu), SengIea (aIso knovn as IsIa) and
Cosicua (aIso knovn as ormIa). This area is IargeIy unsoiIl and, Iike mosl of lhe region incIuding VaIIeua, sliII
boasls severaI forls and auberges buiIl by lhe Knighls, mosl of vhich have been mainlained and reslored, adding lo
lhe characler of lhis region.
Viuoriosa (irgu) vas lhe home of lhe Knighls of Sl. }ohn and il is beIieved lhal mosl of lhe archileclure lhal vas buiIl
rior lo lhe 16lh cenlury vas lorn dovn and reIaced. Mosl of lhe buiIdings and slruclures lhal vere buiIl by lhe
Knighls sliII remain desile lvo WorId Wars. Mosl of lhe drav of lhis region comes from Iorl Sl. AngeIo, and an area
of Viuoriosa caIIed lhe CoIIacchio. This area is moslIy for edeslrians, and fealures mosl of lhe aIaces buiIl by lhe
Here one aIso hnds lhe ouIar Viuoriosa Walerfronl vhere lhere are severaI reslauranls and vine bars overIooking
lhe harbour, as veII as former IaIace of lhe GeneraI of lhe GaIIeys vhich is nov a Iuxurious casino.
SengIea (IsIa) vas buiIl lo house lhe enlire ouIalion of lhe lovn in limes of var. Il suered heavy damage in lhe
siege of 1565 and lhe Second WorId War. NonelheIess, loday lhe lovn is very much sliII slanding and boasls some
beaulifuI auraclions for lourisls, as veII as being a good Iace lo Iive and vork in.
Much of Cosicua (ormIa) has been converled lo dry docks and is very induslriaI. This is sIovIy being reversed
hovever. Desile ils induslriaI lransformalion lhe region sliII has signs of a rich hislory and oers eoIe Ienly of
residences for reIocalion.
'The Three Cilies' are a lreasure lrove for anyone Iooking lo Iive in a Iace lhal has reserved MaIla's hislory and
oers some sIendid vievs of Grand Harbour, facing VaIIeua's Iasl side. Desile relaining lhe oId archileclure, lhese
cilies are very much aIive. One can hnd aII sorls of shos, reslauranls, casino, yachl marina, and vork here.
Cctcring Ccspicua (Bcrn|a), Scng|ca (|s|a), Viucricsa (Birgu).
71 IORTIOLIO Locality Focus
Royal Mal t a Gol f Cl ub
Royal Mal t a Gol f Cl ub
Get outdoors and learn to play the beautiful game
Wed like to welcome you to play golf here with us!
RoyaI MaIla GoIf CIub is lhe ideaI seuing for reIaxing, vorking on your handica, or sending lime vilh friends. Sel in
beaulifuIIy-mainlained grounds, il en|oys a vonderfuI Medilerranean cIimale roviding exceIIenl goIhng condilions aII year
The RMGC vas founded in 1888 vhen goIf vas Iayed around lhe moals and baslions formed by lhe forlihcalion vaIIs of lhe
cailaI cily of VaIIeua. In 1904, lhe RoyaI MaIla GoIf CIub moved lo ils resenl Iocalion in lhe grounds of lhe Marsa Sorls CIub.
We are arl of an inlernalionaI nelvork of 65 RoyaI GoIf CIubs and ve benehl from many recirocaI Iaying agreemenls.
Our green oasis is an inleresling and varied 18 hoIe Iar 68. Il is chaIIenging for Iov-handica Iayers bul can be en|oyed by aII
goIfers. If you vouId Iike lo lake u goIf or imrove your goIf ve can oer a range of coaching Ians vilh our leam of
exerienced and friendIy IGA rofessionaIs.
Our very modern cIubhouse oers excelionaI faciIilies. We have a beaulifuI lerrace reslauranl and bar vilh IoveIy vievs
overIooking lhe course, lhere is a veII-slocked ro-sho and lo quaIily goIf cIubs and buggies are avaiIabIe lo hire.
Ior delaiIs of hov lo book a round of goIf, a coaching Ian or hov lo |oin as a member Iease visil,
email or call (+356) 21223704.
A stunning, double-fronted four story
century townhouse. Sensitively
restored to its former glory whilst
incorporating the most modern
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Majestic Townhouse
MLS ID: 105444
- Four bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- One partial bathroom
- Cellar
- Internal courtyard
- Ianoramic oor-lo-ceiIing vindovs
- SkyIighl
- Large roof garden
- Jacuzzi
- Grand Harbour views
Available for sale
Guide Price
Majestic Townhouse - South 73 PORTFOLIO
Converted farmhouse with 1.9 tumoli of
tranquil grounds. A large kitchen, living
and dining areas leading out to the
gardens with an 82 sqm pool, palm trees
and lawns. A marble and glass staircase
leads upstairs to three double bedrooms
(with en-suites) and a 100 sqm terrace
with views.
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
Converted Farmhouse
MLS ID: 105179
- Four bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Highly-converted
- Gardens
- Pool
- Stables
Available for sale
Guide Price
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Converted Farmhouse - South 74 PORTFOLIO
An intriguing castle built in 1579 set on
7,700 sqm of land. The property consists
of nine bedrooms (three in the turrets),
three bathrooms and shower, vaulted
dining room, siuing / formaI dining,
pantry, washroom and cloak room. The
property also includes a kitchen with an
outside dining area and a 2
room vilh a hreIace. The garden boasls
of pergolas, an impressive avenue of
cypress trees, a large swimming pool
and exceptional entertaining grounds.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Intriguing Castle
MLS ID: 105165
- Nine bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Landscaped gardens
- Entertaining area
- Pool
Available for sale
Guide Price
Intriguing Castle - South 75 PORTFOLIO
This 16
century palazzo has an aura of
luxury, style and allure. The property
boasts of fortress-like architecture. The
ooI and sacious deck area aord a
view of the Grand Harbour
entrance and the beautiful marina. The
palazzo is a listed property of natural
heritage importance.
Miguel Bonello
(+356) 9910 8073
Extravagant Palazzo
MLS ID: 105009
- Five bedrooms
- Five full bathrooms
- Wine cellar
- Tvo hreIaces
- Elevator
- Pool
- Secuirty system
Available for sale
Guide Price
Price on request
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Extravagant Palazzo - South 76 PORTFOLIO
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Anloine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Hisloric Tovnhouse
MLS ID: 105465
Guide Irice
This hisloric roerly comrises of four /
hve bedrooms, kilchen / dining area, Iiving
area, hve balhrooms, oce, ruslic ceIIar,
and a hreIace. The roerly boasls vievs
of lhe Viuoriosa creek from lhe roof.
MichaeI Zammil
(+356) 9910 8070
Walerfronl Aarlmenl
MLS ID: 105046
Guide Irice
A unique lo oor valerfronl residence.
This 300 sqm corner aarlmenl en|oys
seclacuIar 270 vievs of forl Sl. AngeIo.
eing soId fuIIy-furnished vilh a Iuxury
hnish lhroughoul.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Characler
MLS ID: 105378
Guide Irice
This roerly comrises of a fuIIy-
equied kilchen, dining / Iounge area,
lhree doubIe bedrooms, oce / sludy, and
roof lerrace en|oying slunning vievs of lhe
Grand Harbour.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Knovn as MaIla's sisler isIand, Gozo has reserved a more ruraI Iandscae and vay of Iife. Il's a home for
aroximaleIy 37,000 eoIe and covers |usl 67 square kiIomelres (26 sq mi). Gozo is a ouIar veekend break
deslinalion for lhe IocaIs vho seek lo gel avay from lhe chaos of everyday Iife for lhe veekend. AIlhough romoled
abroad, lhe isIand does nol see an annuaI inux of lourisls lhe vay MaIla does.
Gozo aIso oers reguIar enlerlainmenl, lhe isIand is aIso knovn for ils feasls and for lhe carnivaI in lhe viIIage of
Nadur. AImosl every veekend in lhe summer season, Iive music Iays and hrevorks hII u lhe Gozilan sky vilh
gIiuering coIours. Though lhe isIand aords residenls a dierenl ace of Iife, Gozo has aII anyone needs: ils ovn
hosilaI and cIinics, schooIs, shoing comIexes, holeIs, agricuIlure, and anylhing eIse you can lhink of. Ils
infraslruclure is fairIy veII-Ianned, making il easy lo go around by car, or, if you're u for a chaIIenge, by bike or
on fool! The Iauer modes of lransorl are easiIy revarded by greal vievs found o lhe bealen alh.
Gozo, Iike MaIla, has a rich hislory. The Gganli|a lemIes, found in Xaghra, are videIy heId as one of lhe oIdesl and
mosl imorlanl archaeoIogicaI siles in lhe MaIlese isIands. These lemIes dale back lo lhe NeoIilhic Age (c. 3600-2500
C). Anolher NeoIilhic vonder on Gozo is lhe Xaghra Slone CircIe. This lemIe is underground and vas excavaled
by leams from MaIla and Cambridge universilies.
Gozo is aIso lhoughl lo be lhe Iegendary CaIyso's isIe of Homer's Odyssey. In facl, a ouIar auraclion among
lourisls is CaIyso's Cave, vhich is Iocaled on a cIi |usl o Xaghra vhich overIooks Gozo's mosl soughl-afler sandy
beach, RamIa ay. Gozo is knovn for ils beaches (vhich are IargeIy unlouched by Iidos and olher man-made
slruclures) and is considered lo be one of lhe besl diving Iocalions in lhe vorId.
This charming isIand is comrised of lvenly viIIages. Many of lhe coaslaI areas such as MarsaIforn, Mgarr, Sannal,
Zebbug, Sanla Luci|a, San Lavrenz, XIendi, and Ghammar lend lo be ouIar choices for nev residenls. They can
fuIhI many roerly seekers' dream of Iiving by lhe sea and are aII in easy reach of Vicloria, lhe cailaI of Gozo. Thal
said, good roerlies can be found aII over lhe isIand incIuding lhe dislricls of Ionlana, Iorl Chambray,
Gha|nsieIem, Gharb, Ghasri, Kercem, Munxar, Nadur, QaIa, Xaghra and Xevki|a, vhiIe lhe nearesl beach is never far
Cctcring |cniana, |cri Cnan|raq, G|ajnsic|cn, G|annar, G|ar|, G|asri, Kcrccn, Marsa|jcrn, Mgarr, Munxar, Na!ur, Qa|a, San
Iaurcnz, Sannai, Sania Iucija, Vicicria, Xag|ra, Xcukija, X|cn!i, Zc||ug.
Locality Focus 78 IORTIOLIO
This is a newly-built, rustically-styled
farmhouse - hnished lo a high slandard.
This three bedroom property enjoys
slunning counlryside vaIIey vievs from
lhe lerraces and ooI area.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Antoine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Newly-Built Farmhouse
Ghasri, Gozo
MLS ID: 105454
- Three double bedrooms
- One full bathroom
- Two partial bathrooms
- Guesl Iounge / dining area
- Study
- 30fl Iong svimming ooI
- Garden overIooking lhe vaIIey
- Slunning counlryside vievs
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Price
NevIy-uiIl Iarmhouse - Gozo 79 PORTFOLIO
Iorl Chambray vilhoul a doubl oers
one of lhe besl roerly inveslmenl
oorlunilies in Gozo. OriginaIIy buiIl by
lhe Knighls of Sl. }ohn. The forl combines
an exciling hislory vilh an imressive
fulure as a cenlre for Iuxury.
Conlacl lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
DuIex Maisoneue
Iorl Chambray, Gozo
MLS ID: 105428
- Three bedrooms
- Tvo fuII balhrooms
- Large communaI svimming ooI
- Imressive sea vievs
- Garage
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
DuIex Maisoneue - Gozo 80 EXCLUSIVE
This roerly consisls of a Iarge siuing /
Iiving / dining room, a fuIIy- equied,
hued kilchen and four doubIe bedrooms
(aII en-suile). On lhe higher IeveI one
hnds lhe masler bedroom vilh lerraces
having excelionaI sea and counlry
vievs. A Iarge enlerlaining area and
garden overIook lhe ooI area.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Characler
Xaghra, Gozo
MLS ID: 105369
- Iive bedrooms
- Iive fuII balhrooms
- CenlraI courlyard
- Terraces
- Garden
- IooI
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
House of Characler - Gozo 82 IORTIOLIO
A tranquil and intriguing house of
character, located on the outskirts of the
village. This property enjoys unobstructed
sea and country views. The four
bedroom house is complemented by
traditional characteristics. All bedrooms
are en-suite. The property includes a
large kitchen / dining area and living
room, a swimming pool and an
entertaining area with garden. A two car
garage is also included in price.
Michael Zammit
(+356) 9910 8070
House of Character
San Lawrenz, Gozo
MLS ID: 105170
- Four bedrooms
- Five bathrooms
- HighIy hnished
- Terrace
- Garden
- Pool
- Garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
House of Character - Gozo 83 PORTFOLIO
This unique 300 year old house of
character is full of charm and tranquility.
The house is built between two alleys
with an abundance of features
throughout. Spectacular overlooking
terraces complement a large outdoor
entertaining area and pool. A true gem.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Character
Gharb, Gozo
MLS ID: 105466
- Four bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Swimming pool
- Entertaining area
- Lock-up garage
- Outstanding views
Available for sale
Guide Price
House of Character - Gozo 85 EXCLUSIVE
Perched on the valley edge is this unique
300-year-old house of character, boasting
unique features and charm throughout.
The garden leads to the swimming pool,
from where one can enjoy exceptional
vievs. A hne and unique gem.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Character
Munxar, Gozo
MLS ID: 105450
- Four bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Swimming pool
- Internal courtyard
- Terrace / outdoor space
- realhlaking vievs
Available for sale
Guide Price
House of Character - Gozo 86 EXCLUSIVE
This property is tucked away in a very
quiet alley and enjoys an abundance of
features throughout. The welcoming
area leads to a separate kitchen and
dining room. The property includes
three double bedrooms (main en-suite) -
two of which have separate large terraces
overlooking the pool area.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Converted Farmhouse
Gharb, Gozo
MLS ID: 105167
- Three bedrooms
- Three full bathrooms
- Larder
- Tvo hreIaces
- Balcony
- Swimming pool
- Garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Converted Farmhouse - Gozo 89 EXCLUSIVE
A highIy-hnished, corner, semi-delached
viIIa, vilh excelionaI vievs of Comino
and MaIla. The Iayoul comrises of a
Iarge kilchen / Iiving / dining area, lhree
doubIe bedrooms, lvo balhrooms and a
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
RemarkabIe ViIIa
Iorl Chambray, Gozo
MLS ID: 105166
- Three bedrooms
- Tvo fuII balhrooms
- One arliaI balhroom
- Cinema
- HighIy-hnished
- IooI
- Sea vievs
- Tvo car garage
AvaiIabIe for saIe
Guide Irice
Conlacl lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
RemarkabIe ViIIa - Gozo 90 IORTIOLIO
A one-of-a-kind house of character -
with views of the Ramla valley and
bay. The property consists of a most
veIcoming siuing room, kilchen /
dining area, guesl balhroom, four
doubIe bedrooms, lerraces and
swimming pool. Complementing this
property are adjacent three bedroom
guest quarters.
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
House of Character
Xaghra, Gozo
MLS ID: 105576
- Seven bedrooms
- Eight full bathrooms
- HighIy-hnished
- Semi-furnished
- Unobstructed sea and country views
- Inhnily ooI
- Entertaining area
- Separate guests quarters
Available for sale
Guide Irice
House of Characler - Gozo 91 IORTIOLIO
A highly-converted four bedroom house
of character - full of warmth, charm and
an abundance of features. The property
consists of a large kitchen / dining area
that leads to a chic central courtyard and
an astonishing outdoor area. It also
features a large pool, BBQ area, and
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
Richard Zammit
(+356) 9910 8074
Stunning Farmhouse
Gharb, Gozo
MLS ID: 105554
- Four bedrooms
- Four full bathrooms
- Balcony
- Garden
- Pool
- Garage
Available for sale
Guide Price
Price on request
Stunning Farmhouse - Gozo 92 EXCLUSIVE
For more information about international property, contact Michael J Zammit by email at or call (+356) 9910 8070
Farmhouse | Bolgheri, Italy
Guide Price
Old Tuscan farmhouse located in the
upper Maremma and surrounded by 31
(ha) of olive groves, woods and
vineyard. The main residence lies on
top of a hill and enjoys a spectacular
360view over the Mediterranean Sea.
- Vineyard: 7ha
- High quality Bolgheri DOC Superior
- 6ha of high quality Vermentino
- Garden design by a famous architect
- 7 bedrooms + 7 bathrooms
Penthouse | Dubai, UAE
Guide Price
Designer penthouse in the Emirates
Crown Tower within the Dubai Marina
occuies lhe lo oor of one of Dubai's
tallest building. This newly-renovated
penthouse showcases captivating artistic
styling and modern architectural features.
- Norvegian limber ooring
- Italian white marble bathrooms
- Separate maids living quarters
- Wrap around terrace
- Two en-suite bedroom suites
Penthouse | Milan, Italy
Guide Price
Inviting penthouse with private garden
terrace boasting views over the
rooftops of Brera. It is part of a new
development project at the heart of
Milan, that meets the highest quality
standards for a demanding clientele.
- 270 sqm interior + 115 sqm exterior
- 5 bedrooms + 5 bathrooms
- Maximum energy eciency (cIass A)
- Garage with car elevator
- State-of-the-art technologies
For more information about international property, contact Michael J Zammit by email at or call (+356) 9910 8070
Palace Court | London, UK
Guide Price
An exceptionally large lateral
penthouse apartment in one of the
most prestigious mansion blocks in
West London with 24 hour concierge
and excellent security.
- Five Bedrooms
- Four Bathrooms
- Dual dressing rooms
- Breakfast Room
- Dining room
- Views over Kensington Gardens
Harbor Point | Florida, USA
Guide Price
Enjoy breathtaking views of Biscayne
Bay to downtown Miami from this
uniquely spectacular, Florida tropical
home designed by renowned architect
Cesar Molina. Located on one of Key
Biscayne's most private streets.
- Custom handcrafted woodwork
- A private beach entry
- Integrated terrazzo
- Dock with lift
- Generator
Leyton House + Oxshou, UK
Guide Price
A magnihcenl brand nev roerly lhal
has been hnished lo lhe highesl
standard located in the heart of the
Crovn Islale, Oxshou. There is a
searale sla aarlmenl and a soulh-
facing terrace.
- Approximately 10,000 sq ft.
- Six bedrooms
- Five reception rooms
- Roof terrace
- Indoor pool
Luxury, st yl e and comf ort
La VaI eue CI ub
at Malta International Airport
Since ils incelion, lhe La VaIeue CIub has aIvays been
commiued lovards roviding an oulslanding exerience lo
lheir guesls, irreseclive of lheir lraveI arrangemenls.
La VaIeue CIub's reIaxing ambience is a greal oorlunily lo
hnd a quiel sace lo chiII before boarding your ighl. Sil back,
reIax and en|oy a vide seIeclion of comIimenlary drinks,
varm and coId snacks, inlernalionaI and IocaI magazines and
nevsaers. Your membershi al lhe La VaIeue CIub aIso
enlilIes you lo free arking in our car ark, for any Ienglh of
lime. These are |usl some of lhe benehls lo be en|oyed vhen
becoming a La VaIeue CIub member.
A number of addilionaI services are aIso avaiIabIe lo non La
VaIeue CIub members. An exceIIenl vay of slarling your lri
lo MaIla in slyIe is by avaiIing yourseIf of our Chaueur and
Meel & Greel services.
To Iearn more, Iease do visil our vebsile
or eIse dro us an emaiI al
Wc |cck jcruar! ic ncsiing qcu ai inc Ia Va|cuc C|u|
For more information about commercial real estate, contact Paul Mifsud by email at or call (+356) 9910 8075
Portomaso Business Tower
The Portomaso Business Tower in St.
}uIian's slands 97 melres laII al 23 oors.
Oce sace in Iorlomaso is avaiIabIe for
comanies Iooking reIocale lo a high-end
business address. Il oers a remium
oce environmenl lo comIemenl lhe
Iuxurious comIex and marina - and is
home lo some of lhe isIand's hnesl
- Oces sace belveen 300m
- Iquied vilh a 24-hour recelion
- OlionaI underground arking
- ack-u generalors
- Ad|acenl lo lhe HiIlon Conference
Regus (resenl in 950 Iocalions, in 400
cilies and 70 counlries vorIdvide),
oers exibIe, ready-lo-move inlo
oces in MaIla. SlralegicaIIy-Iocaled in
Swatar, a business city only 15 minutes
avay from lhe cailaI cily VaIIeua and
cIose lo lhe Universily, you can nov
lhink dierenlIy aboul vhere and hov
you vork in MaIla.
- Dro-in oces, meeling rooms
- Recelionisl lo greel visilors
- LocaI business faciIilies / virluaI oces
- 120 vorkslalions
- OlionaI underground arking
CommerciaI ReaI Islale
SmarlCily MaIla
SmarlCily MaIla creales a nelvork of
oorlunilies, hosling knovIedge-based
comanies lhal aim lo serve lhe IU and
Norlh African markels. Slanding eighl
sloreys laII, lhe oce bIocks viII form lhe
commerciaI eicenlre of MaIla's nev
entertainment hub and the most
resligious of business addresses.
- Serviced oces
- usiness Iounges and meeling rooms
- Ad|acenl lo lhe Iagoon dislricl
- Vievs of lhe Medilerranean coasl
- CIose lo excIusive relaiI / dining olions
Il ' s ReI ocal i on. . . Si mI i hed
Relocating to Malta
Ma|ias Auraciicns Gcing Bcqcn! inc cxpccic!
This is Malta - Iver-evoIving and oering a hrsl-cIass exerience lo ils visilors vho are inevilabIy enlhraIIed by ils charm. Silualed al lhe very
hearl of lhe Medilerranean Sea, vilh easy access from aII ma|or cilies in Iuroe, Norlh Africa and neighbouring slales, lhe isIands have a
numerous advanlages lo oer. Il is no surrise lhal MaIla vas Iisled by Iorbes as one of lhe lo counlries lo relire lo |usl shorlIy afler lhe
WorId Risk Reorl Iaced MaIla as lhe second safesl counlry. Whal's more - MaIla's roerly markel conlinues lo oer exceIIenl vaIue for
money, giving inveslors and exals greal odds for hnding a home lo ride lhemseIves of.
As lhe DaiIy MaiI ul il, MaIla has been eIevaled inlo lhe 'remier Ieague' of Medilerranean deslinalions. Iurlher lo lhe increased inleresl
MaIla is exeriencing, lhe governmenl of MaIla has lhus in lhe Iasl four years ul a number of rogrammes in Iace aimed al auracling
high-nel-vorlh individuaIs lo become lax residenls and cilizens of MaIla.
Ior more informalion aboul reIocaling lo MaIla, conlacl us by emaiI al or visit CSBGROUP.COM
Individual Investor Programme (IIP)
This rogramme shaII aIIov for lhe granl of
cilizenshi by a cerlihcale of naluraIisalion lo
foreign individuaIs and lheir famiIies vho
conlribule lo MaIla's economic deveIomenl.
The inveslmenl required in lerms of roerly
incIudes lhe acquisilion of a roerly having a
minimum vaIue of C350,000 or lhe Iease of a
roerly for a minimum annuaI renl of
C16,000 vhich musl be relained for al Ieasl 5
One musl aIso invesl an amounl of al Ieasl
C150,000, in slocks, bonds, debenlures, seciaI
urose vehicIes, or olher inveslmenl
vehicIes, and relain il for al Ieasl 5 years.
An addilionaI conlribulion is required,
C650,000 for lhe main aIicanl, C25,000 for
lhe souse, C25,000 for every chiId beIov 18
years of age, C50,000 for every unmarried
chiId belveen 18 years of age and 26 years of
age and C50,000 for every deendanl arenl
above 55 years of age.
An app|icaiicn sccking inc naiura|isaiicn as a ciiizcn cj
Ma|ia un!cr inc ||P nusi |c su|niuc! |q an Accrc!iic!
Pcrscn. CSB Grcup is accrc!iic! |q |!cniiiq Ma|ia, an!
naq assisi uiin app|icaiicns an! prcpcriq rcquircncnis.
Residence Programme Rules (RPR)
AIicanls inleresled in lhese residency ruIes
may lake advanlage of lhe 15% al lax rale. In
facl, lhe minimum amounl of lax ayabIe is
hxed al C15,000 and income arising oulside of
MaIla and remiued inlo MaIla is caIcuIaled al
lhe advanlageous al rale of 15%.
The minimum roerly vaIue lhreshoIds have
been amended vilh lhe minimum roerly
vaIue of al Ieasl C275,000, hovever lhe vaIue
may be decreased lo C220,000 vhen
considering roerly silualed in Gozo or lhe
soulh of MaIla. In lerms of renl, lhe vaIues are
sel al C9,600 for Ieases in MaIla and C8,750 in
Gozo or lhe soulh of MaIla.
Global Residence Programme (GRP)
SimiIar lo lhe RIR, 15% lax rale (sub|ecl lo a
minimum lax) aIies lo lhird counlry
nalions, vho avaiI of lhe GIobaI Residence
Irogramme and vho aIso salisfy lhe
condilions Iaid dovn in lhe menlioned ruIes.
This rogramme requires lhe urchase/renl of
immovabIe roerly in MaIla al C275,000 and
C9,600 resecliveIy.
High!y Qua!icd Pcrsnns Ru!cs (HQP)
In 2010, lhe HQI inlroduced lax benehls
avaiIabIe lo senior emIoyees of comanies
Iicensed or recognised by lhe MaIla IinanciaI
Services Aulhorily, lhe Loueries and Gaming
Aulhorily or vhich hoId an air oeralors'
cerlihcale issued in lerms of lhe CiviI Avialion
Acl. Senior emIoyees may ol lo ay lax al
lhe al rale of 15% on emIoymenl income of
al Ieasl C81,205 er annum for lhe basis year
2014 lhal is derived in resecl of vork or
dulies carried oul in MaIla. IIigibIe
emIoymenls and oces in lerms of lhe ruIes
and orlfoIio manager amongsl olhers.
An app|icaiicn jcr inc a|ctc spccia| iax siaiuscs naq|c
su|niuc! |q an Auincrisc! |cgisicrc! Man!aicrq. CSB
Grcup is an Auincrisc! |cgisicrc! Man!aicrq an! naq
assisi uiin incsc app|icaiicns.
Through MaIla Solheby's InlernalionaI
ReaIly, ve vouId be Ieased lo assisl you
vilh lhe renlaI / acquisilion of lhe roerly
required in lerms of lhe above rogrammes /
ruIes. MaIla Solheby's InlernalionaI ReaIly is
oeraled by CS ReaI Islale Lld forming
arl of CS Grou (esl.1987) oering a fuII
reIocalion ackage lo inlernalionaI cIienls.
Malta Sothebys International Realty
Contact lo hnd oul more aboul hov our IocaI and inlernalionaI markeling can rovide you vilh gIobaI exosure.
MichaeI }. Zammil
Managing Direclor
(+356) 2010 8070
The Team
Conlacl DelaiIs
200, Tover Road
SIiema, SLM 1602 MaIla - IU
(+356) 2010 8070
Richard Zammil
(+356) 9910 8074
}osef Cardona
AIiales Manager
(+356) 2010 8070
MigueI oneIIo
(+356) 9910 8073
Irancine Carr
Oce Adminislralor
(+356) 2010 8070
Anloine Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8071
Diane org asceua
Markeling Ixeculive
(+356) 2010 8070
NicoIe RadmiIIi
(+356) 9910 8072
AIan Cini
Crealive Design Ixeculive
(+356) 2010 8070
IauI Mifsud
(+356) 9910 8075
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List your property with us for global exposure
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Our extensive marketing reach also includes global websites and media
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If you are considering seIIing, Iease conlacl us lo hnd oul more or lo
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to secure the very best result.

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